SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

152 tablesERP 6.0 

Service :: ASAP AcceleratedSAP
1ERP EHP76.0IALINKS21Assignment IA Link - LOIOASAP AcceleratedSAP
2ERP EHP76.0IALINKST31Texts for URL assignmentsASAP AcceleratedSAP
3ERP EHP76.0IALINKTRAN21Links with TransactionsASAP AcceleratedSAP
4ERP EHP76.0IALINKURLS31Links with Web AddressesASAP AcceleratedSAP
5ERP EHP76.0IATNODE01376Node Table for Implementation AssistantASAP AcceleratedSAP
6ERP EHP76.0IATNODE01R172General Structure Storage ReferencesASAP AcceleratedSAP
7ERP EHP76.0IATNODE01T72Node Names for Implementation AssistantASAP AcceleratedSAP
8ERP EHP76.0MERGEUSERS21Templates: Silly usersASAP AcceleratedSAP
9ERP EHP76.0SAPHASFILT31Solution Architect/IA: Assign Filter to PhaseASAP AcceleratedSAP
10ERP EHP76.0SASACONT161ASAP: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)ASAP AcceleratedSAP
11ERP EHP76.0SASAPBCSET71BC Sets in Q&AdbASAP AcceleratedSAP
12ERP EHP76.0SASAPCUDOC31ASAP Tools: Customer DocumentsASAP AcceleratedSAP
13ERP EHP76.0SASAPCUURL51ASAP Tools: Customer-Specific URLsASAP AcceleratedSAP
14ERP EHP76.0SASAPDOM41Dominant/Subordinate Flag for ProcessesASAP AcceleratedSAP
15ERP EHP76.0SASAPIAKW31IA: Assignment Table: Subject for Roadmap/KW Technical NameASAP AcceleratedSAP
16ERP EHP76.0SASAPIALP41User Parameters for ASAP TransactionsASAP AcceleratedSAP
17ERP EHP76.0SASAPIAPD21Implementation Assistant: Project DurationASAP AcceleratedSAP
18ERP EHP76.0SASAPIAPP21Implementation Assistant: Project PrecursorsASAP AcceleratedSAP
19ERP EHP76.0SATRELEASE11Release for Attribute ArchiveASAP AcceleratedSAP
20ERP EHP76.0SATTEXIT41Exit Modules for the General Attribute StoreASAP AcceleratedSAP
21ERP EHP76.0SATTUSE101Attribute Types Included in Object TypesASAP AcceleratedSAP
22ERP EHP76.0SBRANCHEEX42Attribute Repository for Ref. Objects: Invalid Ind. ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
23ERP EHP76.0SBRANCHEIN42Attribute Store for Reference Objects: Valid Industry ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
24ERP EHP76.0SCOUNTRYEX42Attribute Rep. for Reference Objects: Invalid Country ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
25ERP EHP76.0SCOUNTRYIN42Attribute Store for Reference Objects: Valid Country ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
26ERP EHP76.0SFLAVOR21IA: Roadmap FlavorASAP AcceleratedSAP
27ERP EHP76.0SFLAVOREX42Attribute Repository: Invalid Flavor ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
28ERP EHP76.0SFLAVORIN42Attribute Repository: Valid Flavor ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
29ERP EHP76.0SFLAVORT31IA: Texttable for flavor of roadmapASAP AcceleratedSAP
30ERP EHP76.0SIAROLE41IA: Role for RoadmapASAP AcceleratedSAP
31ERP EHP76.0SIAROLEEX42Attribute Repository for Ref. Objects: Invalid Role ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
32ERP EHP76.0SIAROLEIN42Attribute Rep. for Reference Objects: Valid Role ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
33ERP EHP76.0SIAROLET31IA: Texttable for role of roadmapASAP AcceleratedSAP
34ERP EHP76.0SIAROLEWP21IA: Role for RoadmapASAP AcceleratedSAP
35ERP EHP76.0SIAROLR41ASAP Role for SAP Review ProgramASAP AcceleratedSAP
36ERP EHP76.0SIAROLRT31IA: Text Table for Roadmap RoleASAP AcceleratedSAP
37ERP EHP76.0SPERSFCAT141Personalization Table for ALV Tree Field CatalogASAP AcceleratedSAP
38ERP EHP76.0SPERSFLTR41Personalization Table for Filter Values in Review ProgramASAP AcceleratedSAP
39ERP EHP76.0SPERSQADB161Personalization Table for Review Question Filter ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
40ERP EHP76.0SPERSSORT131Personalization Table for ALV Tree Sort Order TablesASAP AcceleratedSAP
41ERP EHP76.0SQABRANCH31Industry sector values tableASAP AcceleratedSAP
42ERP EHP76.0SQABRANCHT31Industry sector table tableASAP AcceleratedSAP
43ERP EHP76.0SQACITF21CI template project to filter assignmentASAP AcceleratedSAP
44ERP EHP76.0SQACITOT21CI template object type assignmentASAP AcceleratedSAP
45ERP EHP76.0SQACYCLE91Cycles in Q&AdbASAP AcceleratedSAP
46ERP EHP76.0SQADB01121QuestionsASAP AcceleratedSAP
47ERP EHP76.0SQADB01A21Assignment of R/3 Question ID to ASAP IDASAP AcceleratedSAP
48ERP EHP76.0SQADB01CAT21Assignment of Categories to QuestionsASAP AcceleratedSAP
49ERP EHP76.0SQADB01CON31Validity of Questions: +/- signASAP AcceleratedSAP
50ERP EHP76.0SQADB01COV31Validity of Questions: Single valuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
51ERP EHP76.0SQADB01DOC21Documents for Review QuestionsASAP AcceleratedSAP
52ERP EHP76.0SQADB01REV81Additional Attributes for SAP Review Program QuestionsASAP AcceleratedSAP
53ERP EHP76.0SQADB01S21Glossary Search Terms for QuestionsASAP AcceleratedSAP
54ERP EHP76.0SQADB01T41Question short textASAP AcceleratedSAP
55ERP EHP76.0SQADB02CH51Decision selectionsASAP AcceleratedSAP
56ERP EHP76.0SQADB02CHT51Selection short textASAP AcceleratedSAP
57ERP EHP76.0SQADB03CH51Decision Question AnswersASAP AcceleratedSAP
58ERP EHP76.0SQADB04131ReplyASAP AcceleratedSAP
59ERP EHP76.0SQADB04CH51Decision question answersASAP AcceleratedSAP
60ERP EHP76.0SQADB04PRO31Project - Answer set assignmentASAP AcceleratedSAP
61ERP EHP76.0SQADBCAT71Question CategoriesASAP AcceleratedSAP
62ERP EHP76.0SQADBCATT31Category Short TextsASAP AcceleratedSAP
63ERP EHP76.0SQADBCON111Question ContextsASAP AcceleratedSAP
64ERP EHP76.0SQADBCONT31Context Short TextsASAP AcceleratedSAP
65ERP EHP76.0SQAKONF71Question Repository Configuration GroupsASAP AcceleratedSAP
66ERP EHP76.0SQAKONFC61Configuration Group ContentsASAP AcceleratedSAP
67ERP EHP76.0SQAKONFG51Configuration SubgroupsASAP AcceleratedSAP
68ERP EHP76.0SQAKONFT31Configuration Group TextsASAP AcceleratedSAP
69ERP EHP76.0SRELEASEEX42Attrib. Repository for Ref. Objects: Invalid Release ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
70ERP EHP76.0SRELEASEIN42Attribute Repository for Ref. Objects: Valid Release ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
71ERP EHP76.0SREVDOC11Document Classes for SAP Review ProgramASAP AcceleratedSAP
72ERP EHP76.0SREVDOCT31Text Table for Document Classes for the SAP Review ProgramASAP AcceleratedSAP
73ERP EHP76.0SREVSUBC11Focus Elements (Subcategories) for SAP Review ProgramASAP AcceleratedSAP
74ERP EHP76.0SREVSUBCT31Text Table for SAP Review Program Focus ElementsASAP AcceleratedSAP
75ERP EHP76.0SREVTOP11Topic (Category) for SAP Review ProgramASAP AcceleratedSAP
76ERP EHP76.0SREVTOPT31Text Table for SAP Review Program Topic (Category)ASAP AcceleratedSAP
77ERP EHP76.0SROADMAP42IA: Roadmap With Type and FlavorASAP AcceleratedSAP
78ERP EHP76.0SROADMAPEX42Attribute Rep. for Reference Objects: Valid Role ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
79ERP EHP76.0SROADMAPIN42Attribute Rep. for Reference Objects: Valid Role ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
80ERP EHP76.0SROADMAPT31IA: Texttable for roadmap from typ and flavorASAP AcceleratedSAP
81ERP EHP76.0SROADROLE21IA: Valid Roles for RoadmapASAP AcceleratedSAP
82ERP EHP76.0SROADSUBJ21IA: Valid Roles for RoadmapASAP AcceleratedSAP
83ERP EHP76.0SROADTYP31IA: Roadmap TypesASAP AcceleratedSAP
84ERP EHP76.0SROADTYPT31IA: Texttable for roadmaptypASAP AcceleratedSAP
85ERP EHP76.0SSUBJECT31IA: Subject Areas for RoadmapASAP AcceleratedSAP
86ERP EHP76.0SSUBJECTEX42Attribute Rep. for Ref. Objects: Invalid Subj. Areas ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
87ERP EHP76.0SSUBJECTIN42Attribute Rep. for Ref. Objects: Valid Subject Area ValuesASAP AcceleratedSAP
88ERP EHP76.0SSUBJECTT31IA: Texttable for subject of roadmapASAP AcceleratedSAP
89ERP EHP76.0STPCYCLE21Assignment of Test Plan to CycleASAP AcceleratedSAP
90ERP EHP76.0TCUSTEMP121Customizing templates entity tableASAP AcceleratedSAP
91ERP EHP76.0TCUSTEMPC41Template country assignmentASAP AcceleratedSAP
92ERP EHP76.0TCUSTEMPT31Template textASAP AcceleratedSAP
93ERP EHP76.0TNODEREV376Structure Item Table for Review StructuresASAP AcceleratedSAP
94ERP EHP76.0TNODEREVR172References for Review StructuresASAP AcceleratedSAP
95ERP EHP76.0TNODEREVT72Structure Item Descriptions for Review StructuresASAP AcceleratedSAP
96ERP EHP76.0TOBJECTT31Objects assigned to a templateASAP AcceleratedSAP
97ERP EHP76.0TTREEBRAEX72Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Invalid IndustryASAP AcceleratedSAP
98ERP EHP76.0TTREEBRAIN72Attribute Repository for Sturcture Nodes: Valid IndustryASAP AcceleratedSAP
99ERP EHP76.0TTREECOUEX72Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Invalid CountriesASAP AcceleratedSAP
100ERP EHP76.0TTREECOUIN72Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Valid CountriesASAP AcceleratedSAP
101ERP EHP76.0TTREEFLAEX72Attribute Repository for Hierarchy Nodes: Invalid FlavorsASAP AcceleratedSAP
102ERP EHP76.0TTREEFLAIN72Attribute Repository for Hierarchy Nodes: Valid FlavorsASAP AcceleratedSAP
103ERP EHP76.0TTREERELEX72Attribute Repository for Hierarchy Nodes: Invalid ReleaseASAP AcceleratedSAP
104ERP EHP76.0TTREERELIN72Attribute Repository for Hierarchy Nodes: Valid ReleaseASAP AcceleratedSAP
105ERP EHP76.0TTREEROAEX72Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Invalid RoadmapASAP AcceleratedSAP
106ERP EHP76.0TTREEROAIN72Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Valid RoadmapASAP AcceleratedSAP
107ERP EHP76.0TTREEROLEX72Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Invalid RoleASAP AcceleratedSAP
108ERP EHP76.0TTREEROLIN72Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Valid RoleASAP AcceleratedSAP
109ERP EHP76.0TTREESUBEX72Attribute Rep. for Structure Nodes: Invalid Subject AreaASAP AcceleratedSAP
110ERP EHP76.0TTREESUBIN72Attribute Repository for Structure Nodes: Valid Subject AreaASAP AcceleratedSAP
Service :: ASAP AcceleratedSAP :: ASAP Tools and Contents
111ERP EHP76.0SMAPBP0131Solution Map: Best PracticeASAP Tools and Contents
112ERP EHP76.0SMAPBP0APP31Solution Map: Best Practice - ApplicabilityASAP Tools and Contents
113ERP EHP76.0SMAPBP0T51Solution Map: Best Practice (Text)ASAP Tools and Contents
114ERP EHP76.0SMAPCOMP0152Solution Map: ComponentASAP Tools and Contents
115ERP EHP76.0SMAPCOMP0T51Solution Map: Component (Text)ASAP Tools and Contents
116ERP EHP76.0SMAPDOCNO21Solution Map: Doc. ID number statusASAP Tools and Contents
117ERP EHP76.0SMAPPA0183Solution Map: Partner productASAP Tools and Contents
118ERP EHP76.0SMAPPA0T52Solution Map: Partner product (text)ASAP Tools and Contents
119ERP EHP76.0SMAPPD0163Solution Map: Product informationASAP Tools and Contents
120ERP EHP76.0SMAPPD0T52Solution Map: Product information (text)ASAP Tools and Contents
121ERP EHP76.0SMAPPI0111Solution Map: Performance Indicator (Header)ASAP Tools and Contents
122ERP EHP76.0SMAPPI0T51Solution Map: Performance Indicator (Text)ASAP Tools and Contents
123ERP EHP76.0SMAPPR0262Solution Map: Process category, main process, processASAP Tools and Contents
124ERP EHP76.0SMAPPR0COV42Solution Map: Process - % coverage (SAP/Partner)ASAP Tools and Contents
125ERP EHP76.0SMAPPR0T52Solution Map: Process category, main process, process (txt)ASAP Tools and Contents
126ERP EHP76.0SMAPTNODE376Solution Map: Node tableASAP Tools and Contents
127ERP EHP76.0SMAPTNODER172Solution Map: Node referencesASAP Tools and Contents
128ERP EHP76.0SMAPTNODET73Solution Map: Node textsASAP Tools and Contents
Service :: ASAP AcceleratedSAP :: Preconfigured Systems
129ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_ARANT41Preconfigured Systems
130ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_CALDL91Preconfigured Systems
131ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_CDPAGE61Preconfigured Systems
132ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_CLASS41Preconfigured Systems
133ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_COMPE71Preconfigured Systems
134ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_ITLOG381Preconfigured Systems
135ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_ITSET21Preconfigured Systems
136ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_JOBBN21Preconfigured Systems
137ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_JOBBNT61Preconfigured Systems
138ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_JOBCD71Preconfigured Systems
139ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_JOBCJ31Preconfigured Systems
140ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_JOBCJT61Preconfigured Systems
141ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_JOBCR21Preconfigured Systems
142ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_JOBCRT61Preconfigured Systems
143ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_JOBGR61Preconfigured Systems
144ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_PRMCK41Preconfigured Systems
145ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_SIIID91Preconfigured Systems
146ERP EHP76.0ZHRBPJPT_VANCD51Preconfigured Systems
Service :: ASAP AcceleratedSAP :: Question Answer Database
147ERP EHP76.0QADB_SCOPE21Scope from ASAP QADBQuestion Answer Database
148ERP EHP76.0SCQADB151Questionnaire Header EntryQuestion Answer Database
149ERP EHP76.0SCQADBAPP71Confirmation of AnswersQuestion Answer Database
150ERP EHP76.0SCQADBHIER91Hierarchy for questionaireQuestion Answer Database
151ERP EHP76.0SCQADBNODE21Assignment of questionaires to nodesQuestion Answer Database
152ERP EHP76.0SCQADBRECV31Recipient of Q&Adb QuestionnaireQuestion Answer Database