SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

72 tablesERP 6.0 

Basis Components :: ABAP Workbench, Java IDE and Infrastructure :: Workbench Tools Editors, Painters, Modelers :: Switch Framework Tools
1ERP EHP76.0SFW5_HISTORY71History of Transaction SFW5Switch Framework Tools
2ERP EHP76.0SFWPARAM21Switch Framework ParameterSwitch Framework Tools
3ERP EHP76.0SFW_ACTIVE_B121Active Business Function SetSwitch Framework Tools
4ERP EHP76.0SFW_ACTIVE_B241Active Business FunctionsSwitch Framework Tools
5ERP EHP76.0SFW_ACTIVE_BFUNC51Active Business FunctionsSwitch Framework Tools
6ERP EHP76.0SFW_ACTIVE_BSET31Active Business Function SetSwitch Framework Tools
7ERP EHP76.0SFW_BCSET41Switch BC sets that are to be activated or deactivatedSwitch Framework Tools
8ERP EHP76.0SFW_BF132Business FunctionSwitch Framework Tools
9ERP EHP76.0SFW_BFC_CTC61Link Business Function - Customer Test CatalogSwitch Framework Tools
10ERP EHP76.0SFW_BFC_CUSTTC61Customer's Test Catalog of Business FunctionsSwitch Framework Tools
11ERP EHP76.0SFW_BFC_KW71BFUNCTION SFKnowledge Warehouse of Business Function ContentSwitch Framework Tools
12ERP EHP76.0SFW_BFC_RN41Release Note of Business Function ContentSwitch Framework Tools
13ERP EHP76.0SFW_BFC_TC31Test Catalog of Business Function ContentSwitch Framework Tools
14ERP EHP76.0SFW_BFSDEP31Dependent Software Components of a Business Function SetSwitch Framework Tools
15ERP EHP76.0SFW_BFSEXT21Exit Modules of Industries - for UpgradeSwitch Framework Tools
16ERP EHP76.0SFW_BFSMAP31Mapping AVERS to SFW_BSET - for UpgradeSwitch Framework Tools
17ERP EHP76.0SFW_BFSSMM21Mapping onto New Business Function Set (Solution Management)Switch Framework Tools
18ERP EHP76.0SFW_BFSUPG11Switched On Business Function Set - for UpgradeSwitch Framework Tools
19ERP EHP76.0SFW_BFT41Text Table for Business FunctionsSwitch Framework Tools
20ERP EHP76.0SFW_BFUPG11Switched Off Business Functions - For UpgradeSwitch Framework Tools
21ERP EHP76.0SFW_BF_BF31Assignment Business Function <-> Business FunctionSwitch Framework Tools
22ERP EHP76.0SFW_BF_BS71Assignment Business Function / Business SetSwitch Framework Tools
23ERP EHP76.0SFW_BF_CHANGE31Switch Framework: Status Changes of Business FunctionsSwitch Framework Tools
24ERP EHP76.0SFW_BF_COMPONENT21Table assigns business function to a componentSwitch Framework Tools
25ERP EHP76.0SFW_BF_DEPEND41Dependencies of Business FunctionsSwitch Framework Tools
26ERP EHP76.0SFW_BF_SW42Assignment Switch / Business FunctionSwitch Framework Tools
27ERP EHP76.0SFW_BF_TMP51Deactivate Temporary Table for BF (Irreversible)Switch Framework Tools
28ERP EHP76.0SFW_BS101Business SetSwitch Framework Tools
29ERP EHP76.0SFW_BST41Business Set Text TableSwitch Framework Tools
30ERP EHP76.0SFW_BS_BF32BF / BFS Parent RelationshipSwitch Framework Tools
31ERP EHP76.0SFW_BS_BS31Assignment Business Set <-> Business SetSwitch Framework Tools
32ERP EHP76.0SFW_BS_BS_PARENT31Nested Business Function SetsSwitch Framework Tools
33ERP EHP76.0SFW_BS_CHANGE21Business Function Set, Allowed ChangeSwitch Framework Tools
34ERP EHP76.0SFW_BS_PARENTBS31BFS / BFS as Parent RelationshipSwitch Framework Tools
35ERP EHP76.0SFW_COMPONENT31Mapping Software Component <-> Business Function SetSwitch Framework Tools
36ERP EHP76.0SFW_DEACTIVE_BF61Table for Deactivated BF (Irreversible)Switch Framework Tools
37ERP EHP76.0SFW_EAFMAP21Mapping AVERS to SFW_BF - for UpgradeSwitch Framework Tools
38ERP EHP76.0SFW_EAFUPG11Switched On Bus. Function of Add-Ons - for UpgradeSwitch Framework Tools
39ERP EHP76.0SFW_ENH21Call after import method for enhancements from the SFWSwitch Framework Tools
40ERP EHP76.0SFW_ENHIMPL31Call after import method for enhancements from the SFWSwitch Framework Tools
41ERP EHP76.0SFW_ENH_CROSS31OBSOLETE (no longer updated ! )Switch Framework Tools
42ERP EHP76.0SFW_ENH_CROSS131Where-Used Packages in EnhancementsSwitch Framework Tools
43ERP EHP76.0SFW_ENH_CROSS241Where-Used Switches in EnhancementsSwitch Framework Tools
44ERP EHP76.0SFW_EXCL_BF21Business functions that do not run in parallelSwitch Framework Tools
45ERP EHP76.0SFW_IA_BF_IV41Changed Portal iView of a Business FunctionSwitch Framework Tools
46ERP EHP76.0SFW_IA_BF_PR21Changed Portal Roles of a Business FunctionSwitch Framework Tools
47ERP EHP76.0SFW_IA_BF_RP21Changed ABAP Report of a Business FunctionSwitch Framework Tools
48ERP EHP76.0SFW_IA_BF_TX21Changed Transactions of a Portal RoleSwitch Framework Tools
49ERP EHP76.0SFW_IA_BF_WDA21Changed Web Dynpro Applicaqtion of a Business FunctionSwitch Framework Tools
50ERP EHP76.0SFW_IA_SW11Impact Analyser: Inital viewSwitch Framework Tools
51ERP EHP76.0SFW_IA_SW_IV41Changed Portal iView of a SwitchSwitch Framework Tools
52ERP EHP76.0SFW_IA_SW_PR21Changed Portal Roles of a SwitchSwitch Framework Tools
53ERP EHP76.0SFW_IA_SW_RP21Changed ABAP Report of a SwitchSwitch Framework Tools
54ERP EHP76.0SFW_IA_SW_TX21Changed Transactions of a SwitchSwitch Framework Tools
55ERP EHP76.0SFW_IA_SW_WDA21Changed Web Dynpro Application of a SwitchSwitch Framework Tools
56ERP EHP76.0SFW_INST_XPRA51Industry Installations XPRAsSwitch Framework Tools
57ERP EHP76.0SFW_INST_XPRA_EX41Industry Installation XPRAs Activation TimeSwitch Framework Tools
58ERP EHP76.0SFW_LOGFILE71Log Files for BC Set ActivationSwitch Framework Tools
59ERP EHP76.0SFW_MOVES41Mappping Addon <-> SFW-AddonSwitch Framework Tools
60ERP EHP76.0SFW_PACKAGE42Assignment Switch / PackageSwitch Framework Tools
61ERP EHP76.0SFW_SAVE_SF0121Switch Framework: Storage Log File (Client-Specific)Switch Framework Tools
62ERP EHP76.0SFW_SAVE_SF0211Switch Framework: Storage Log File (Cross-Client)Switch Framework Tools
63ERP EHP76.0SFW_STATECHANGE21Switch whose status was changed upon activationSwitch Framework Tools
64ERP EHP76.0SFW_SWITCH101Switches / Switch FrameworkSwitch Framework Tools
65ERP EHP76.0SFW_SWITCHT41Text Table for the SwitchesSwitch Framework Tools
66ERP EHP76.0SFW_SW_BF51Assignment Switch / Business FunctionSwitch Framework Tools
67ERP EHP76.0SFW_SW_CHANGE31Switch Framework: Status Changes of SwitchesSwitch Framework Tools
68ERP EHP76.0SFW_SW_PK_REMOVE41request of a switch, where the act. package has been removeSwitch Framework Tools
69ERP EHP76.0SFW_SYSTEM61System Settings for the Switch FrameworkSwitch Framework Tools
70ERP EHP76.0SFW_USER41Business Function for a User (only for test purposes)Switch Framework Tools
71ERP EHP76.0SFW_VIEWFIELD42Assignment Switch / View FieldSwitch Framework Tools
72ERP EHP76.0SFW_XPRA41Non-Executed XPRAsSwitch Framework Tools