SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

534 tablesERP 6.0 

Service :: Solution Manager :: Application-Specific Upgrade
1ERP EHP76.0/ASU/ATTRIB_CUST71ASU Attribute CustomizingApplication-Specific Upgrade
2ERP EHP76.0/ASU/CONTENT321ASU: ContentApplication-Specific Upgrade
3ERP EHP76.0/ASU/CONTENTATTR61ASU Content: generic additional attribute containerApplication-Specific Upgrade
4ERP EHP76.0/ASU/CONTENTNT101New Text Table for ASU ContentApplication-Specific Upgrade
5ERP EHP76.0/ASU/CONTENTNV91ASU: Content Version (new)Application-Specific Upgrade
6ERP EHP76.0/ASU/CONTENTNVT61New text table of ASU Content VersionApplication-Specific Upgrade
7ERP EHP76.0/ASU/CONTENTNVT261ASU Content Version: language-dependent description filesApplication-Specific Upgrade
8ERP EHP76.0/ASU/CONTENTT91Text Table for ASU ContentApplication-Specific Upgrade
9ERP EHP76.0/ASU/CONTENTV71Application Specific Upgrade: Content VersionApplication-Specific Upgrade
10ERP EHP76.0/ASU/CONTENTXML51ASU: XML of the Content VersionApplication-Specific Upgrade
11ERP EHP76.0/ASU/DEPENDENCY41ASU: Dependency of StepsApplication-Specific Upgrade
12ERP EHP76.0/ASU/FLAGS41ASU Toolbox: global switch control flagsApplication-Specific Upgrade
13ERP EHP76.0/ASU/HEADER101ASU Version HeaderApplication-Specific Upgrade
14ERP EHP76.0/ASU/HEADERT51Text table for ASU Version HeaderApplication-Specific Upgrade
15ERP EHP76.0/ASU/HEADERT_V41Text table for ASU Version Header (Version)Application-Specific Upgrade
16ERP EHP76.0/ASU/HEADER_V31ASU Version Header (Version)Application-Specific Upgrade
17ERP EHP76.0/ASU/SCMATASKLST81ASU: Link SchedMan Tasklist - ASU Content VersionApplication-Specific Upgrade
18ERP EHP76.0/ASU/SSMCONTENTP11ASU Content Type (UPGRADE,...)Application-Specific Upgrade
19ERP EHP76.0/ASU/SSMFOLDR61ASU SSM Tree: Folder Hierarchy CustomizingApplication-Specific Upgrade
20ERP EHP76.0/ASU/SSMFOLDRCND41ASU SSM Tree Folder: assigned ASU step conditionsApplication-Specific Upgrade
21ERP EHP76.0/ASU/SSMFOLDR_T41ASU SSM Tree: Folder Hierarchy Customizing - Text TableApplication-Specific Upgrade
22ERP EHP76.0/ASU/SSMOFFICE61ASU Simple Schedule Manager: Office IntegrationApplication-Specific Upgrade
23ERP EHP76.0/ASU/SSMTREE101ASU Simple Schedule Manager: Tree Structure Entries for TaskApplication-Specific Upgrade
24ERP EHP76.0/ASU/SSMTREED102ASU Simple Schedule Manager: Scheduling entriesApplication-Specific Upgrade
25ERP EHP76.0/ASU/SSMTREET51ASU Simple Schedule Manager: Texts in TreeApplication-Specific Upgrade
26ERP EHP76.0/ASU/SSMUSTATUS91ASU Simple SchedMan: User Status Information of an EntryApplication-Specific Upgrade
27ERP EHP76.0/ASU/SSMUSTATUST61ASU Simple SchedMan: User Status Change reason Text TableApplication-Specific Upgrade
28ERP EHP76.0/ASU/STEPS311ASU StepsApplication-Specific Upgrade
29ERP EHP76.0/ASU/STEPST111Text table for ASU StepsApplication-Specific Upgrade
30ERP EHP76.0/ASU/STEPST_V101Text table for ASU Steps (Version)Application-Specific Upgrade
31ERP EHP76.0/ASU/STEPS_V301ASU Steps (Version)Application-Specific Upgrade
32ERP EHP76.0/ASU/TSSM71ASU Simple Schedule Manager: TasklistApplication-Specific Upgrade
33ERP EHP76.0/ASU/TSSMT41ASU Simple Schedule Manager: Tasklist TextsApplication-Specific Upgrade
34ERP EHP76.0/ASU/TSSM_CONTNV81ASU: M:N Link-Table Tasklist - Content VersionApplication-Specific Upgrade
35ERP EHP76.0/ASU/UACC_SCEN11Upgrade Accelerator ScenarioApplication-Specific Upgrade
36ERP EHP76.0/ASU/UACC_STEP151Upgrade Accelerator StepsApplication-Specific Upgrade
37ERP EHP76.0/ASU/UPGRADECOMP61ASU: Considered SW components during /ASU/UPGRADEApplication-Specific Upgrade
38ERP EHP76.0UACC_BATCH161Table to hold the Batch Execution ContentApplication-Specific Upgrade
39ERP EHP76.0UACC_LOG41Table to hold unique log namesApplication-Specific Upgrade
40ERP EHP76.0UACC_RESTART111Table for restart logic of stepsApplication-Specific Upgrade
41ERP EHP76.0UACC_RFC51UACC RFC DestinationsApplication-Specific Upgrade
42ERP EHP76.0UACC_RFCDES31Table to maintain RFC destination to the relavant clientsApplication-Specific Upgrade
43ERP EHP76.0UACC_STEP161Table holding steps with their propertiesApplication-Specific Upgrade
44ERP EHP76.0UACC_STORE51Table to hold configuration data for the checksApplication-Specific Upgrade
Service :: Solution Manager :: Change Request Management
45ERP EHP76.0SI_RQ_APPL_NAME11SI-SODIS deprecatedChange Request Management
46ERP EHP76.0SI_RQ_APPL_NAMET31SODIS deprecatedChange Request Management
47ERP EHP76.0SI_RQ_ATTR_NAME11SODIS deprecatedChange Request Management
48ERP EHP76.0SI_RQ_ATTR_NAMET31SODIS deprecatedChange Request Management
49ERP EHP76.0SI_RQ_ATTR_VAL11Si-SODIS: Possible values for Attribute valuesChange Request Management
50ERP EHP76.0SI_RQ_ATTR_VALT31SODIS deprecatedChange Request Management
51ERP EHP76.0TMW_ADM71Central Cross-System Lock ControlChange Request Management
Service :: Solution Manager :: Custom Development Management Cockpit
52ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_ACTIVE61CDOP - ? ? ? - Not ValidCustom Development Management Cockpit
53ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_BADIS71CDMC : BADIs Implemented in the systemCustom Development Management Cockpit
54ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_BTES81CDMC : Active Customer BTEs in the systemCustom Development Management Cockpit
55ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_COMP91CDMC - Results from Remote comparisionCustom Development Management Cockpit
56ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_DEVC41Tab to store selectd Dev Classes in the Cntrl sys for Prj IDCustom Development Management Cockpit
57ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_ENHS21CDMC: Reports associated with Implemented User ExitsCustom Development Management Cockpit
58ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_EXITS201CDMC : Customer exits Implemented in the systemCustom Development Management Cockpit
59ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_OBJS532CDMC : Customer Objects and SAP Mods for Clearing AnalysisCustom Development Management Cockpit
60ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_OREF91Objects : Where-User listCustom Development Management Cockpit
61ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_RDOM51CDMC:Related DomainsCustom Development Management Cockpit
62ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_SE3071CDMC : Results from Runtime AalysisCustom Development Management Cockpit
63ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_SQLTRA151CDMC : SQL Trace File analysis resultsCustom Development Management Cockpit
64ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_SRC191CDMC: Customer Objects and SAP Mods for Syntax CheckCustom Development Management Cockpit
65ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_STAT101StatisticsCustom Development Management Cockpit
66ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_ST_FLT21Statistics filterCustom Development Management Cockpit
67ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCA_UEXITS191CDMC : User exits Implemented in the system - Not ValidCustom Development Management Cockpit
68ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCTS_ADHOC31CDMC : Adhoc Users for Change and Transport AnalysisCustom Development Management Cockpit
69ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCTS_BADIS81CDMC : CTS Table to store the BADIs identifiedCustom Development Management Cockpit
70ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCTS_BTES91CDMC : CTS Table for BTEsCustom Development Management Cockpit
71ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCTS_EXITS221CDMC : CTS Table to store the User Exits identifiedCustom Development Management Cockpit
72ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCTS_OBJS301CDMC : Customer Objects and SAP Mods for CTS projectCustom Development Management Cockpit
73ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCTS_OREF91CDMC:CTS - Customer and Reffered SAP ObjectsCustom Development Management Cockpit
74ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCTS_REQS141CDMC : CTS Collected requests and ObjectsCustom Development Management Cockpit
75ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCTS_ROBJS101CDMC:CTS : Table to strore the environment objectsCustom Development Management Cockpit
76ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCCTS_USED261CDMC : CTS Used ObjectsCustom Development Management Cockpit
77ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_ADJ31CDMC : UCIA - Adjustment TimesCustom Development Management Cockpit
78ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_BDC131CDMC: UCIA-Collect the BDC Program Comparison dataCustom Development Management Cockpit
79ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_CUST31CDMC : UCIA - Customizing of Severity LevelsCustom Development Management Cockpit
80ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_C_TX41CDMC : UCIA - Texts for Customizing of Severity LevelsCustom Development Management Cockpit
81ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_FORM111CDMC: UCIA: Impact on SAP Subroutines called externallyCustom Development Management Cockpit
82ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_INLD51CDMC : UCIA - Customer Objects copied from SAP ObjectsCustom Development Management Cockpit
83ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_KBSE21CDMC UCIA: Reference Info.Base with filled/unfilled infoCustom Development Management Cockpit
84ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_KSP851CDMC UCIA: Table to store the Obj detail list of RIB in SP8Custom Development Management Cockpit
85ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_KWBS51CDMC:To store the Obj detail list of R.Inf.Base - Not ValidCustom Development Management Cockpit
86ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_LIMU91CDMC : UCIA: Subobject table of used SAP objectsCustom Development Management Cockpit
87ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_OBJS201CDMC : UCIA - Objects in the Customer NamespaceCustom Development Management Cockpit
88ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_OREF132CDMC : UCIA - References to SAP Objects in Custom ObjectsCustom Development Management Cockpit
89ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_PDEF51CDMC: UCIA: Table to define UCIA Proj is from RIB / Ref SysCustom Development Management Cockpit
90ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_PL131CDMC : UCIA - SAP Objects impacted in an Upgrade or PatchCustom Development Management Cockpit
91ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_RES431CDMC : UCIA - Result of Remote Comparison of SAP ObjectsCustom Development Management Cockpit
92ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_RESD151CDMC : UCIA - Table for Reason Categories of Sub ObjectsCustom Development Management Cockpit
93ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMCUCIA_STAT101Statistics data collected from the Statistics systemCustom Development Management Cockpit
94ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_ACT_TEXT31Activity text description (language dependent)Custom Development Management Cockpit
95ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_ADHOC31CDMC : Adhoc UsersCustom Development Management Cockpit
96ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_BGNDWP61CDMC : Background work processes to be used in Anal SystemCustom Development Management Cockpit
97ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_BPCA211CDMC Table for BPCA interface with mapping and TBOM infoCustom Development Management Cockpit
98ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_BPCARSID61CDMC BPCA: Table to store the BPCA results id for CDMC projCustom Development Management Cockpit
99ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_CUST_NAM31CDMC - Customer NamespacesCustom Development Management Cockpit
100ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_IMG131CDMC - Definition of the IMG for CDMC ProjectsCustom Development Management Cockpit
101ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_LOGCOMPS92Logical componentsCustom Development Management Cockpit
102ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_PROJDEF51CDMC - Master table for Definition of CDMC ProjectsCustom Development Management Cockpit
103ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_PROJECTS51CDMC - ProjectsCustom Development Management Cockpit
104ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_PROJHIER131CDMC table to store the Proj Heirarchy info of Sol Man ProjsCustom Development Management Cockpit
105ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_REFOBJS161CDMC table to store the referred objects of Sol man projectsCustom Development Management Cockpit
106ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_RFCDEST61CDMC : RFC DestinationsCustom Development Management Cockpit
107ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_SAPNOTES31CDMC : Table containing the Customer's OSS NotesCustom Development Management Cockpit
108ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_SPLEVELS31SP levelsCustom Development Management Cockpit
109ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_STATE81CDMC : Status of the activities in a ProjectCustom Development Management Cockpit
110ERP EHP76.0CNVCDMC_STAT_PRO41CDMC: Programs for Statistics CollectionCustom Development Management Cockpit
Service :: Solution Manager :: SAP Support Services
111ERP EHP76.0IDEFIX71Cluster Table for Automatic Notes SearchSAP Support Services
Service :: Solution Manager :: Service Data Download
112ERP EHP76.0/BDL/ADDONKEYS81Addonkey sequence numbers for requested AddOn downloadService Data Download
113ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BADHOST61List of host that have not been transferred for certain destService Data Download
114ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BADHOSTS91List of host that have not been transferred for certain destService Data Download
115ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDL2TRANS41Service Definition, TOCService Data Download
116ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLCTEXT51Service Definition, defines the available contextsService Data Download
117ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLCTX2EXE61Service Definition, Map contexts to execution environmentService Data Download
118ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLDIRFUNC61Service Definition, Directory functions for add-on collectService Data Download
119ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLENDFUNC61Service Definition, Fnct to be called after successful traService Data Download
120ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLERRORS61Service Definition, Docu for all SDCC errorsService Data Download
121ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLEXCEPT71Service Definition, Exception docuService Data Download
122ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLFUGRPS61Service Definition, Link between GROUPID and LogfuncService Data Download
123ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLFUNC61Service Definition, Definition of Logical FunctionsService Data Download
124ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLFUNCMAP51Service Definition, map Logfuncs to numbersService Data Download
125ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLFUPDEF101Service Definition, Interface data of functionsService Data Download
126ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLFUPEXP91Service Definition, export parameters for interfaceService Data Download
127ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLFUPIMP151Service Definition, import parameters for interfaceService Data Download
128ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLFUVER2181Service Definition, Extension of BDLFUVERSService Data Download
129ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLFUVER3221Service Definition, FilterService Data Download
130ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLFUVERS281Service Definition, Definition of all versions of a LogfunService Data Download
131ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLGROUPS101Service Definition, Table of group descriptionsService Data Download
132ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLREFSERV71Service Definition, Contract typesService Data Download
133ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLSADATA111Service Definition, Definition of global variablesService Data Download
134ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLSAIF111Service Definition, Interface descriptionService Data Download
135ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLSERGRPS71Service Definition, Link between contract type and GROUPIDService Data Download
136ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLSERTRAN141Service Definition, Important information to functionsService Data Download
137ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLSERVICE111Service Definition, Contract typesService Data Download
138ERP EHP76.0/BDL/BDLST14KEY81Service Definition, Key figure table for ST14 data downloaService Data Download
139ERP EHP76.0/BDL/CLIENTS71Clients where data is to be collected explicitlyService Data Download
140ERP EHP76.0/BDL/COES41Definition of COE names for authority checkService Data Download
141ERP EHP76.0/BDL/CONTAB212Content description for following data transmissionService Data Download
142ERP EHP76.0/BDL/CUST31Customizing information for service data downloadService Data Download
143ERP EHP76.0/BDL/CUSTSE261Management of free sessionnumbers with extensionsService Data Download
144ERP EHP76.0/BDL/CUSTSES51Management of free sessionnumbersService Data Download
145ERP EHP76.0/BDL/CUST_TREE161Control Table of Task ManagerService Data Download
146ERP EHP76.0/BDL/CUST_TREE_T41Control Table of Task Manager descriptionService Data Download
147ERP EHP76.0/BDL/DEST21List of RFC destinations to which data should be sentService Data Download
148ERP EHP76.0/BDL/FUPDAT41Values for data definitionService Data Download
149ERP EHP76.0/BDL/FUPTYP91Parameters or tables for the re-importService Data Download
150ERP EHP76.0/BDL/HEAD121Nachbau: DSVAS: Session data (header)Service Data Download
151ERP EHP76.0/BDL/IBUS51Definition of IBU namesService Data Download
152ERP EHP76.0/BDL/IFCHA161/BDL/SDCC: In/Out-ParameterService Data Download
153ERP EHP76.0/BDL/IFDEF71steering table for interface dataService Data Download
154ERP EHP76.0/BDL/IFEXC51/BDL/SDCC: ExceptionsService Data Download
155ERP EHP76.0/BDL/IFEXP131/bdl/sdcc: export-parameterService Data Download
156ERP EHP76.0/BDL/IFFIELD191/BDL/SDCC: fiels, dataelements and domains of tableService Data Download
157ERP EHP76.0/BDL/IFHEAD131/BDL/SDCC: Headerinfo for Tables/StructuresService Data Download
158ERP EHP76.0/BDL/IFIMP161/BDL/SDCC: Import-ParameterService Data Download
159ERP EHP76.0/BDL/IFTBL131/BDL/SDCC: Export-ParameterService Data Download
160ERP EHP76.0/BDL/INTSESS61Internal service sessions (to be done by customer)Service Data Download
161ERP EHP76.0/BDL/JOBWATCH51table for locks task schedulerService Data Download
162ERP EHP76.0/BDL/LOCK31table for lock objectsService Data Download
163ERP EHP76.0/BDL/LOCKED41table for log entries - when sdcc is locked for transportService Data Download
164ERP EHP76.0/BDL/LOG_VIEW31logical logfuncs for which a other viewer existsService Data Download
165ERP EHP76.0/BDL/MAINTAIN271Control Table: Session refresh / service defintion resfresService Data Download
166ERP EHP76.0/BDL/MSGLOG112Message log for service data collection or transferService Data Download
167ERP EHP76.0/BDL/NOHOSTS11Hosts which are NOT subject to service sessionsService Data Download
168ERP EHP76.0/BDL/OWNSESS81Internal service sessions (to be done on other cust. sys.)Service Data Download
169ERP EHP76.0/BDL/RFCDEST91Multiple RFC-destinationsService Data Download
170ERP EHP76.0/BDL/RTCC_CUST81Customizing for SDCC-specific functionsService Data Download
171ERP EHP76.0/BDL/SAPOSS181information table for OSS-UserService Data Download
172ERP EHP76.0/BDL/SDCCLOG132Message log for service data collection or transferService Data Download
173ERP EHP76.0/BDL/SDCC_CUST81Customizing for SDCC-specific functionsService Data Download
174ERP EHP76.0/BDL/SERVCUST81Contract typesService Data Download
175ERP EHP76.0/BDL/SESDEST111Destinations and RFC block sizes for data transferService Data Download
176ERP EHP76.0/BDL/SESS51Service session schedule for the system the table is inService Data Download
177ERP EHP76.0/BDL/SESSION51Key for Service session download dataService Data Download
178ERP EHP76.0/BDL/SESSMAP292Control table for SDCC sessionsService Data Download
179ERP EHP76.0/BDL/STAB391Copy of structure of table dsvassessadminService Data Download
180ERP EHP76.0/BDL/STAB2391Copy of structure of table dsvassessadminService Data Download
181ERP EHP76.0/BDL/STAMP91Last task runs (service def refresh/session refresh)Service Data Download
182ERP EHP76.0/BDL/STATUS81Overall, collection and transfer status of service sessionsService Data Download
183ERP EHP76.0/BDL/TASKREP71Mapping of Task-Action to called reportService Data Download
184ERP EHP76.0/BDL/TASKS303Control Table of Task ManagerService Data Download
185ERP EHP76.0/BDL/TASK_ATTR121Mapping: Tasktype to Attributes of JobService Data Download
186ERP EHP76.0/BDL/TASK_CUST81Customizing for Taskmanager-specific functionsService Data Download
187ERP EHP76.0/BDL/TASK_CUST291Customizing for Taskmanager-specific functionsService Data Download
188ERP EHP76.0/BDL/TASK_ICONL51Mapping: Tasktype to Attributes of JobService Data Download
189ERP EHP76.0/BDL/TASK_ICONS71Mapping: Tasktype to Attributes of JobService Data Download
190ERP EHP76.0/BDL/TASK_LOG142MessageLog of SDCC task managerService Data Download
191ERP EHP76.0/BDL/TESTSES31Session for which the last download was a test downloadService Data Download
192ERP EHP76.0/BDL/TMPDAT101Data Container for Performance Data (EarlyWatch Alert)Service Data Download
193ERP EHP76.0/BDL/TRHOSTS21Host names changed by the customerService Data Download
194ERP EHP76.0/BDL/VARCON31Service Data Download- Data Declaration of ViewreportsService Data Download
195ERP EHP76.0/BDL/VIEWERS41existing other viewers for logfunc dataService Data Download
196ERP EHP76.0/BDL/VIEWREP51list of download viewer reports for sdccService Data Download
197ERP EHP76.0/BDL/_CLUSTL71data which is to transfer from Sapnet to CustomerService Data Download
198ERP EHP76.0/BDL/_GENER31Timestamp of generated reportService Data Download
199ERP EHP76.0/BDL/_GENER_231Timestamp of generated reimport includesService Data Download
200ERP EHP76.0/SDF/AL_MAP51Mapping table for TransId -> LogHandleService Data Download
201ERP EHP76.0/SDF/AL_OBJECT41Filter Objects for Application LogService Data Download
202ERP EHP76.0/SDF/ANALYSES471Analyses of report /SDF/MONITORINGService Data Download
203ERP EHP76.0/SDF/BDLSERVICE91Contract typesService Data Download
204ERP EHP76.0/SDF/BPM_APPCUST51BPMon Structure of Application RecordsService Data Download
205ERP EHP76.0/SDF/BPM_APPINFO51BPMon Structure of Application RecordsService Data Download
206ERP EHP76.0/SDF/BPM_ASTAD232BPMon Application Statistical RecordsService Data Download
207ERP EHP76.0/SDF/BPM_ASTAD2282BPMon Application Statistical RecordsService Data Download
208ERP EHP76.0/SDF/BPM_TSTAD162BPMon Technical Statistical RecordsService Data Download
209ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CD_CCONNECT131Persistency for /SDF/CD_CUSTOM_CODE_CONNECTService Data Download
210ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CLI_TRC61Table for storing BusinessTransaction.xmlService Data Download
211ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMOJOBS101BDL: Planned Jobs to be analyzedService Data Download
212ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_CWBNTHE71CMO Service: Header Table for Notes in Customer SystemsService Data Download
213ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_ERR_LOG41CMO Service: Error logService Data Download
214ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_IACJSCR151CMO Service: INDX File for MIME Objects (Language-IndepService Data Download
215ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_NSPACE21CMO Service: Namespace exception listService Data Download
216ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_O2APPL121CMO Service: O2: BSP ApplicationsService Data Download
217ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_OBJ_DEV111CMO Service: Selected E071 entries from DEV systemService Data Download
218ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_OBJ_PRD111CMO Service: Selected E071 entries from PRD systemService Data Download
219ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_OBJ_QAS111CMO Service: Selected E071 entries from QAS systemService Data Download
220ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_RELEASE21CMO Service: System Release tableService Data Download
221ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_SYS12_A101Different versions of objects in systems 1 and 2 (DEV-PRD)Service Data Download
222ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_SYS12_B101Different versions of objects in systems 1 and 2 (QAS-PRD)Service Data Download
223ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_SYS1_A61Objects only in system 1 (DEV)Service Data Download
224ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_SYS1_B61Objects only in system 1 (QAS)Service Data Download
225ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_SYS2_A61Objects only in system 2 (PRD)Service Data Download
226ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_SYS2_B61Objects only in system 2 (PRD)Service Data Download
227ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_SYSCOMP131CMO Service: Directory of Repository ObjectsService Data Download
228ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_TR1_A31Transports with inconsistant objects in system 1 (DEV)Service Data Download
229ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_TR1_B31Transports with inconsistant objects in system 1 (QAS)Service Data Download
230ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_TR2_A31Transports with inconsistant objects in system 2 (PRD)Service Data Download
231ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_TR2_B31Transports with inconsistant objects in system 2 (PRD)Service Data Download
232ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_011CMO Service: Initial values for CMO sessionService Data Download
233ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_0541CMO Service: System HistoryService Data Download
234ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_1121CMO Service: System Change Option for Software ComponentsService Data Download
235ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_1291CMO Service: System change option logService Data Download
236ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_13A21CMO Service: Transport commands in PRDService Data Download
237ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_13B61CMO Service: Unconditional modes during importService Data Download
238ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_13C61CMO Service: Usage of U-Modes in PRDService Data Download
239ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_1841CMO Service: Table of different source systemsService Data Download
240ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_19101CMO Service: Requests directly created in productionService Data Download
241ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_2131CMO Service: Transport errorsService Data Download
242ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_21A21CMO Service: Transport Error Resolution TimeService Data Download
243ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_21B31CMO Service: Message ClassesService Data Download
244ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_21C91CMO Service: Most Frequent Transport ErrorsService Data Download
245ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_21D71CMO Service: Transport Errors with resolution timeService Data Download
246ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_2221CMO Service: Transports in PRD SystemService Data Download
247ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_2321CMO Service: Transported objects in PRD SystemService Data Download
248ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_25131SAP Notes list for DEVService Data Download
249ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_26131SAP Notes list for QASService Data Download
250ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_27131SAP Notes list for PRDService Data Download
251ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_2821CMO Service: Time spent in Quality Assurance SystemService Data Download
252ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_28U121CMO Service: outdated transportsService Data Download
253ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_36A21CMO Service: Release of DEV and QASService Data Download
254ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_36B21CMO Service: Patches in DEVService Data Download
255ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_36C21CMO Service: Addons in DEVService Data Download
256ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_36D21CMO Service: Components in DEVService Data Download
257ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_36E21CMO Service: Component patches in DEVService Data Download
258ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_36F21CMO Service: Component patches in DEVService Data Download
259ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_36G21CMO Service: Addons in QASService Data Download
260ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_36H21CMO Service: Components in QASService Data Download
261ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_36I21CMO Service: Component patches in QASService Data Download
262ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_4061CMO Service: Modified objectsService Data Download
263ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_401131CMO Service: Table of Interface table I_MOD_REPService Data Download
264ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_401B131CMO Service: Table of Interface table I_MOD_REPService Data Download
265ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_40B61CMO Service: Modified objects for analysis periodService Data Download
266ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_4121CMO Service: Modified SAP standard objectsService Data Download
267ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_4251CMO Service: Customer objectsService Data Download
268ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_42051CMO Service: Number of Customer Objects by Object TypeService Data Download
269ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_42A61CMO Service: Most frequently changed objectsService Data Download
270ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_42B51CMO Service: Customer objects for analysis periodService Data Download
271ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_42D173Customer Objects in Analysis PeriodService Data Download
272ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_4381EnhancementsService Data Download
273ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_430131CCMC Service: EnhancementService Data Download
274ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_43A81Enhancements in the Analysis PeriodService Data Download
275ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_4461CCMC Service: Summary of Referenced SAP ObjectsService Data Download
276ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_44A71CCMC Service: Customer objects which used SAP ObjectsService Data Download
277ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_44B71CCMC Service: Referenced SAP ObjectsService Data Download
278ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_44C61CCMC Service: Summary of Referenced SAP Objects (Top 3 pkg)Service Data Download
279ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_44D71CCMC Service: Customer obj. which used SAP obj. (Top 3 pkg)Service Data Download
280ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_44E71CCMC Service: Referenced SAP obj. (Top 3 pkg)Service Data Download
281ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_46A21CMO Service: Requests in Development but not in ProductionService Data Download
282ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_46B21CMO Service: Requests in QAS but not in PRDService Data Download
283ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_46P91CMO Service: Requests in QAS and not in PRD bufferService Data Download
284ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_46Q91CMO Service: Requests in DEV and not in QAS bufferService Data Download
285ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_4791CMO Service: Requests in Production but not in DevelopmentService Data Download
286ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_4881CMO Service: Transport Sequence Violations b/w DEV and PRDService Data Download
287ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_48A171CMO Service: Overtaked objects between DEV and PRDService Data Download
288ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_4981CMO Service: Transport Sequence Violations b/w QAS and PRDService Data Download
289ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_49A171CMO Service: Overtaked objects between QAS and PRDService Data Download
290ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_5021CMO Service: Age of open transport requests in DEV BufferService Data Download
291ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_50A21CMO Service: Age of open transport requests in DEVService Data Download
292ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_50B111CMO Service: Biggest transports in DEVService Data Download
293ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_50C111CMO Service: Biggest transports in PRDService Data Download
294ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_5121CMO Service: Age of open transport requests in QAS BufferService Data Download
295ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_5221CMO Service: Age of open transport requests in PRD BufferService Data Download
296ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_53161CMO Service: Clients of DEV systemService Data Download
297ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_54161CMO Service: Clients of QAS systemService Data Download
298ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_5521CMO Service: Different objects in DEV and PRDService Data Download
299ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_5621CMO Service: Different objects in QAS and PRDService Data Download
300ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_5731CMO Service: Requests with inconsistant objects in DEVService Data Download
301ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_5831CMO Service: Requests with inconsistant objects in PRDService Data Download
302ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_5931CMO Service: Requests with inconsistant objects in QASService Data Download
303ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_6031CMO Service: Requests with inconsistant objects in PRDService Data Download
304ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_6121CMO Service: U-Log analyses resultsService Data Download
305ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_62A21CCMC Service: Categories of transactions and reportsService Data Download
306ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_62B21CCMC Service: PeriodService Data Download
307ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_62C31CCMC Service: Application componentService Data Download
308ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_62D61CCMC Service: Transactions and reportsService Data Download
309ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_63A41CMO Service: Activated Business SetService Data Download
310ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_63B21CMO Service: Activated Business Function in Busi. Func. SetService Data Download
311ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_63C21CMO Service: Activated Enterprise ExtensionService Data Download
312ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_63D21CMO Service: Activated Enterprise Business FunctionService Data Download
313ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_63E41CMO Service: Busi. Func. with Inconsistent Activation StateService Data Download
314ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_64A61CCMC Service: CDMC checks clearing analysis - syntax checkService Data Download
315ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_64B61CCMC Service: CDMC checks clearing analysis - Inactive obj.Service Data Download
316ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_64C51CCMC Service: CDMC checks clearing analysis - Duplicate dom.Service Data Download
317ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_64D51CCMC Service: CDMC checks clearing analysis - Empty tablesService Data Download
318ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_BI_131CMO Service: BI Object ChangeabilityService Data Download
319ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_BI_251CMO Service: Number of BI ObjectsService Data Download
320ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_BI_321CMO Service: BI parameters checkService Data Download
321ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_DB51CMO serviee: Database growthService Data Download
322ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_DBACK111TEA self-service: Development BacklogService Data Download
323ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_KPI21CMO Service: Systeme Performance Indicators & SUGEN KPIService Data Download
324ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CMO_T_PBACK161TEA self-service: Production BacklogService Data Download
325ERP EHP76.0/SDF/CUPPARAMS21Parameters for CUP test environmentService Data Download
326ERP EHP76.0/SDF/DB6ALRTCFG191DB2 UDB: Alert Configuration DataService Data Download
327ERP EHP76.0/SDF/DB6PMCD771DB2 Universal Database: Configuration DatabaseService Data Download
328ERP EHP76.0/SDF/DB6PMCN71DB6: Configuration Nodes (Partitions)Service Data Download
329ERP EHP76.0/SDF/DB6PMHT_HD71DB6: summary record of table & index space statisticsService Data Download
330ERP EHP76.0/SDF/DB6PMHXP11DB6: detail record of tablespace & DB space statisticsService Data Download
331ERP EHP76.0/SDF/DB6PMPROT81DB6: Protocol Table for DBA ActionsService Data Download
332ERP EHP76.0/SDF/DBMSGORA121Table for messages from DB system checkService Data Download
333ERP EHP76.0/SDF/DCC_EXT_F421Dummy table for F4 help in DCC External CompareService Data Download
334ERP EHP76.0/SDF/EFWKE_CFG21Configuration for EFWK ExtensionService Data Download
335ERP EHP76.0/SDF/EFWKE_STAT41Status Information for EFWKEService Data Download
336ERP EHP76.0/SDF/FLD_INFO31Fields InformationService Data Download
337ERP EHP76.0/SDF/GRP_INFO21Group infoService Data Download
338ERP EHP76.0/SDF/INDX71INDX tableService Data Download
339ERP EHP76.0/SDF/LAYOUTS61LayoutsService Data Download
340ERP EHP76.0/SDF/LC_DBCON51Description of database connections for liveCacheService Data Download
341ERP EHP76.0/SDF/LDBA31Dynamic nodes in LDBsService Data Download
342ERP EHP76.0/SDF/LTABEXITS21Technical data for object types (translation)Service Data Download
343ERP EHP76.0/SDF/MAIN_HOURS271Main business hours for a full weekService Data Download
344ERP EHP76.0/SDF/MON71Cluster table for monitoring dataService Data Download
345ERP EHP76.0/SDF/MON_DEST31Monitoring destinationsService Data Download
346ERP EHP76.0/SDF/MON_HEADER391Monitoring DataService Data Download
347ERP EHP76.0/SDF/MSS_CUST51SQL Server Monitors in ST-PI Addon - CustomizingService Data Download
348ERP EHP76.0/SDF/O2PAGDIR271CMO Service: Oxygen: Page DirectoryService Data Download
349ERP EHP76.0/SDF/PAT03291Patch DirectoryService Data Download
350ERP EHP76.0/SDF/PERIODICJOB101Planned Periodic Jobs to be analyzedService Data Download
351ERP EHP76.0/SDF/RBE_CONTROL51The controlling data of an analysis run in SDAService Data Download
352ERP EHP76.0/SDF/RBE_CS391SQL Check Steps for SDA AnalysisService Data Download
353ERP EHP76.0/SDF/RBE_CS3_A51Attributes for SQL Check Steps in SDA AnalysisService Data Download
354ERP EHP76.0/SDF/RBE_CS3_ERR111SQL Check Step Errors in SDA AnalysisService Data Download
355ERP EHP76.0/SDF/RBE_CS3_F81Table fields of SQL Check Step in SDA AnalysisService Data Download
356ERP EHP76.0/SDF/RBE_CS3_J71Table Joins of SQL Check Step in SDA AnalysisService Data Download
357ERP EHP76.0/SDF/RBE_CS3_REF161The match of table field against resultService Data Download
358ERP EHP76.0/SDF/RBE_CS3_RES141SQL Check Step Result for SDA AnalysisService Data Download
359ERP EHP76.0/SDF/RBE_CS3_S91SQL Check Step Select Options in SDA AnalysisService Data Download
360ERP EHP76.0/SDF/RBE_CTRL_A91Control Data Set2Service Data Download
361ERP EHP76.0/SDF/RBE_JOB81Jobs for SQL Check Step Execution in SDA AnalysisService Data Download
362ERP EHP76.0/SDF/RBE_SYST31Mapping of logical component sequence to clientService Data Download
363ERP EHP76.0/SDF/RZ20_TMPL_N71Template Table for SDCC Component Download - Negative ListService Data Download
364ERP EHP76.0/SDF/RZ20_TMPL_P151Template Table for SDCC Component Download - Positive ListService Data Download
365ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SDBAD51Detail Table for DBA LogsService Data Download
366ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SDBAH81Header Table for dba LogService Data Download
367ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SERVSTRUC101Contract typesService Data Download
368ERP EHP76.0/SDF/STAD81Statistical RecordsService Data Download
369ERP EHP76.0/SDF/STGLTRAN21Transparent table for STGL testsService Data Download
370ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SWCM_AVERSD121R/3 Add-On Product (DEV) Update InformationService Data Download
371ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SWCM_AVERSP121R/3 Add-On Product (PRD) Update InformationService Data Download
372ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SWCM_AVERSQ121R/3 Add-On Product (QAS) Update InformationService Data Download
373ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SWCM_CVERSD41Release status of software components (CVERS) for DEVService Data Download
374ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SWCM_CVERSP41Release status of software components (CVERS) for PRDService Data Download
375ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SWCM_CVERSQ41Release status of software components (CVERS) for QASService Data Download
376ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SWCM_C_REF31Referenc Table for CVERS Entries for DEV, QAS and PRDService Data Download
377ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SWCM_PAT03D291OCS Package Directory for DEVService Data Download
378ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SWCM_PAT03P291OCS Package Directory for PRDService Data Download
379ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SWCM_PAT03Q291OCS Package Directory for QASService Data Download
380ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SWCM_T000_P161Clients of PRDService Data Download
381ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SWCM_TR_DOM91TMS Transport DomainsService Data Download
382ERP EHP76.0/SDF/SWCM_TR_SYS231TMS SystemsService Data Download
383ERP EHP76.0/SDF/TAB_INFO11Table informationService Data Download
384ERP EHP76.0/SDF/TC_RULE_T31Transactional correctness check rule textsService Data Download
385ERP EHP76.0/SDF/TEMPCOMP121Template Component Table for SDCC DownloadService Data Download
386ERP EHP76.0/SDF/T_CONFFILES171Files to be read for Service DownloadService Data Download
387ERP EHP76.0/SDF/UPL_LOG51Persistency Table for Usage and Procedure LoggingService Data Download
388ERP EHP76.0/SOMO/DOCSTASCH121Scheduling table for document volume statisticsService Data Download
389ERP EHP76.0/SOMO/INPUTTAB171Customizing table for BP monitoring customizingService Data Download
390ERP EHP76.0/SOMO/JOSCHEDL981Job scheduling table for business process monitoringService Data Download
391ERP EHP76.0/SOMO/JOSCHEDLT742Job Schedule Local TemplateService Data Download
392ERP EHP76.0/SOMO/MA_UE_NR241Solution Monitoring: Table with UIDs of nodes (new version)Service Data Download
393ERP EHP76.0/SOMO/MA_UPDERR2101Control Table DataSuppl.for Upd-Errors (new version)Service Data Download
394ERP EHP76.0/SOMO/MA_UPD_ERR91Solution Monitoring: Control Table DataSuppl. for Upd-ErrorsService Data Download
395ERP EHP76.0BDL2TRANS31list of tables for data transfer from Sapnet to CustomerService Data Download
396ERP EHP76.0BDL2TRANS231list of tables for data transfer from Sapnet to CustomerService Data Download
397ERP EHP76.0BDLBADHOST61List of host that have not been transferred for certain destService Data Download
398ERP EHP76.0BDLCOES41Definition of COE names for authority checkService Data Download
399ERP EHP76.0BDLCONTAB212Content description for following data transmissionService Data Download
400ERP EHP76.0BDLCTEXT41Defines the available context for each group IDService Data Download
401ERP EHP76.0BDLCTX2EXE51Map service contexts to execution environmentsService Data Download
402ERP EHP76.0BDLCUST31Customizing information for service data downloadService Data Download
403ERP EHP76.0BDLCUSTSE261Management of free sessionnumbers with extensionsService Data Download
404ERP EHP76.0BDLCUSTSES51Management of free sessionnumbersService Data Download
405ERP EHP76.0BDLDATCOL191Data container for download dataService Data Download
406ERP EHP76.0BDLDEST21List of RFC destinations to which data should be sentService Data Download
407ERP EHP76.0BDLDIRFUNC51Names of directory functions for add-on servicesService Data Download
408ERP EHP76.0BDLDTOC183RFC download -- Data cluster table of contentsService Data Download
409ERP EHP76.0BDLENDFUNC51Function to be called after successful data transferService Data Download
410ERP EHP76.0BDLERRORS51Help texts for error messages in the SDCC message logService Data Download
411ERP EHP76.0BDLEXCEPT62Exception docuService Data Download
412ERP EHP76.0BDLFUGRPS51Link between GROUPID and the logical function nameService Data Download
413ERP EHP76.0BDLFUNC51Definition of Logical FunctionsService Data Download
414ERP EHP76.0BDLFUNCMAP41Tables to project logical function names on numbersService Data Download
415ERP EHP76.0BDLFUPDAT41Values for data definitionService Data Download
416ERP EHP76.0BDLFUPDEF91Interface data of functionsService Data Download
417ERP EHP76.0BDLFUPEXP81Definition of export parameters for one function versionService Data Download
418ERP EHP76.0BDLFUPIMP141Definition of import parameters for one function versionService Data Download
419ERP EHP76.0BDLFUPTYP91Parameters or tables for the re-importService Data Download
420ERP EHP76.0BDLFUVER2171Extension of BDLFUVERSService Data Download
421ERP EHP76.0BDLFUVER3211Extension of BDLFUVERSService Data Download
422ERP EHP76.0BDLFUVERS272Definition of all Versions for one Logical FunctionService Data Download
423ERP EHP76.0BDLGROUPS91Table of group descriptions (reference table)Service Data Download
424ERP EHP76.0BDLHEAD121Nachbau: DSVAS: Session data (header)Service Data Download
425ERP EHP76.0BDLIBUS51Definition of IBU namesService Data Download
426ERP EHP76.0BDLIFCHA161BDL SDCC: Input/Output ParametersService Data Download
427ERP EHP76.0BDLIFDEF71Control table for interface dataService Data Download
428ERP EHP76.0BDLIFEXC51BDL SDCC: ExceptionsService Data Download
429ERP EHP76.0BDLIFEXP131BDLSDCC: Export ParametersService Data Download
430ERP EHP76.0BDLIFFIELD191BDL SDCC: Table's Fields, Data Elements, DomainsService Data Download
431ERP EHP76.0BDLIFHEAD131BDL SDCC: Header Info for Tables/StructuresService Data Download
432ERP EHP76.0BDLIFIMP161BDL SDCC: Import ParametersService Data Download
433ERP EHP76.0BDLIFTBL131BDL SDCC: Export ParametersService Data Download
434ERP EHP76.0BDLINTSESS61Internal service sessions (to be done by customer)Service Data Download
435ERP EHP76.0BDLLOCKED41table for log entries - when sdcc is locked for transportService Data Download
436ERP EHP76.0BDLMSGLOG112Message log for service data collection or transferService Data Download
437ERP EHP76.0BDLNOHOSTS11Hosts which are NOT subject to service sessionsService Data Download
438ERP EHP76.0BDLOWNSESS81Internal service sessions (to be done on other cust. sys.)Service Data Download
439ERP EHP76.0BDLREFSERV61Contract typesService Data Download
440ERP EHP76.0BDLSADATA101Definition of global variables in the Service AssistantService Data Download
441ERP EHP76.0BDLSAIF101Interface description for the service assistantService Data Download
442ERP EHP76.0BDLSERGRPS61Link between contract type and GROUPIDService Data Download
443ERP EHP76.0BDLSERTRAN131Important information to functional modules (download)Service Data Download
444ERP EHP76.0BDLSERVICE101Contract typesService Data Download
445ERP EHP76.0BDLSESDEST111Destinations and RFC block sizes for data transferService Data Download
446ERP EHP76.0BDLSESS51Service session schedule for the system the table is inService Data Download
447ERP EHP76.0BDLSESSIONHEAD121Nachbau: DSVAS: Session data (header)Service Data Download
448ERP EHP76.0BDLST14KEY71Key figure table for ST14 data downloadService Data Download
449ERP EHP76.0BDLSTATUS81Overall, collection and transfer status of service sessionsService Data Download
450ERP EHP76.0BDLTESTSES31Session for which the last download was a test downloadService Data Download
451ERP EHP76.0BDLTMPDAT101Temporary data container for service data transmissionService Data Download
452ERP EHP76.0BDLTRHOSTS21Host names changed by the customerService Data Download
453ERP EHP76.0BDLTYPEDEF61Type pool definitions of Global VariablesService Data Download
454ERP EHP76.0BDLVARCON31Service Data Download- Data Declaration of ViewreportsService Data Download
455ERP EHP76.0BDLVIEWREP51list of download viewer reports for sdccService Data Download
456ERP EHP76.0BDL_CLUSTL71data which is to transfer from Sapnet to CustomerService Data Download
457ERP EHP76.0BDL_GENER31Timestamp of generated reportService Data Download
458ERP EHP76.0CMOJOBS101BDL: Planned Jobs to be analyzedService Data Download
459ERP EHP76.0DSVAS_STAB391Copy of structure of table dsvassessadminService Data Download
460ERP EHP76.0TCUSDAT31Coll. table for system dataService Data Download
461ERP EHP76.0TCUSFUBA31Summary table of FMs to determine system-specific dataService Data Download
462ERP EHP76.0TCUSHIST71Data transfer historyService Data Download
463ERP EHP76.0TCUSSYSL21Summary table of message types read from the system logService Data Download
464ERP EHP76.0TCUSTYPTXT31Texts for value type in tcusdatService Data Download
Service :: Solution Manager :: Solution Directory
465ERP EHP76.0SDTSCLNT21DTS_ DTS Usage Across ClientsSolution Directory
466ERP EHP76.0SDTSCOMP41DTS: Components Referenced by Downtime ScheduleSolution Directory
467ERP EHP76.0SDTSCOMPS31DTS: Components Referenced by Downtime ScheduleSolution Directory
468ERP EHP76.0SDTSCONN51DTS: Connectivity for Distributing Downtime InformationSolution Directory
469ERP EHP76.0SDTSHD224DTS: Downtime Schedule HeaderSolution Directory
470ERP EHP76.0SDTSRULE41DTS: Recurrence Rules for DowntimesSolution Directory
471ERP EHP76.0SMDTSCATEG11DTS Metadata: Categories for Downtime PlanningSolution Directory
472ERP EHP76.0SMDTSCATEG_TXT31DTS Metadata: Categories for Downtime PlanningSolution Directory
473ERP EHP76.0SMDTSCOMPTP21DTS: Supported Component TypesSolution Directory
474ERP EHP76.0SMDTSCOMPTP_TXT31DTS: Supported Component TypesSolution Directory
475ERP EHP76.0SMDTSREASON11DTS Metadata: Categories for Downtime PlanningSolution Directory
476ERP EHP76.0SMDTSREASON_TXT31DTS Metadata: Categories for Downtime PlanningSolution Directory
Service :: Solution Manager :: Solution Manager Diagnostics
477ERP EHP76.0HOTSPOT_DEF51Hot spot definitionsSolution Manager Diagnostics
Service :: Solution Manager :: Solution Manager Implementation
478ERP EHP76.0IALSAPFILE21ia_lutSAPFileTypeSolution Manager Implementation
479ERP EHP76.0IALSAPFILT31ia_lut SAP File Type (Text Table)Solution Manager Implementation
480ERP EHP76.0IWB4CHKF41ASAP: File Name of Last CheckoutSolution Manager Implementation
481ERP EHP76.0IWB4CHKO91ASAP: Check-Out Data for Physical Info ObjectSolution Manager Implementation
482ERP EHP76.0IWB4IDXSTA112ASAP:: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB1Solution Manager Implementation
483ERP EHP76.0IWB4LOIO173ASAP: Instance of Logical Info ObjectSolution Manager Implementation
484ERP EHP76.0IWB4LOIOT41ASAP: Description of Logical Info ObjectSolution Manager Implementation
485ERP EHP76.0IWB4LOPR62ASAP: Attribute Values of Logical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
486ERP EHP76.0IWB4LORE103ASAP: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
487ERP EHP76.0IWB4LORI103ASAP: Ingoing Relationships of Physical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
488ERP EHP76.0IWB4PHF91ASAP: Files of Physical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
489ERP EHP76.0IWB4PHHR113ASAP: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
490ERP EHP76.0IWB4PHIO243ASAP: Instances of Physical Info ObjetcsSolution Manager Implementation
491ERP EHP76.0IWB4PHNM113ASAP: Use of Target Anchors in Physical ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
492ERP EHP76.0IWB4PHPR62ASAP: Attributes of Physical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
493ERP EHP76.0IWB4PHRE103ASAP: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
494ERP EHP76.0IWB4PHRI103ASAP: Ingoing Relationships of Physical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
495ERP EHP76.0SA01CHKF41SOLAR: File Name of Last Check-OutSolution Manager Implementation
496ERP EHP76.0SA01CHKO91SOLAR: Check-Out Data for Physical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
497ERP EHP76.0SA01DOKLOREPR82SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOsSolution Manager Implementation
498ERP EHP76.0SA01DOKLORIPR82SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOsSolution Manager Implementation
499ERP EHP76.0SA01IDXSTA112SOLAR: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB1Solution Manager Implementation
500ERP EHP76.0SA01LOIO173SOLAR: Instances of Logical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
501ERP EHP76.0SA01LOIOT41SOLAR: Descriptions of Logical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
502ERP EHP76.0SA01LOPR62SOLAR: Attribute Values of Logical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
503ERP EHP76.0SA01LORE103SOLAR: Outbound Relationships for Logical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
504ERP EHP76.0SA01LORI103SOLAR: Incoming Relationships for Physical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
505ERP EHP76.0SA01PHF91SOLAR: Physical Info Object FilesSolution Manager Implementation
506ERP EHP76.0SA01PHHR113SOLAR: Outbound Hyperlinks from Physical ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
507ERP EHP76.0SA01PHIO245SOLAR: Instances of Physical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
508ERP EHP76.0SA01PHNM113SOLAR: Use of Target Anchor in Physical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
509ERP EHP76.0SA01PHPR62SOLAR: Attributes of Physical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
510ERP EHP76.0SA01PHRE103SOLAR: Outbound Relationships for Physical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
511ERP EHP76.0SA01PHRI103SOLAR: Incoming Relationships for Physical Info ObjectsSolution Manager Implementation
512ERP EHP76.0SACONT0161SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)Solution Manager Implementation
513ERP EHP76.0SACONTURL61SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)Solution Manager Implementation
514ERP EHP76.0SADOCATTRIBUTES21Solution Manager: Hidden Document AttributesSolution Manager Implementation
515ERP EHP76.0SADOCGENERIC11File Enhancement without Office integration SupportSolution Manager Implementation
516ERP EHP76.0SADOCMANDATORATT21Solution Manager: Obligatory Document AttributesSolution Manager Implementation
517ERP EHP76.0SMDOCDIRE21-Solution Manager Implementation
518ERP EHP76.0SMGENDOC_SET31Solution Manager Document Creation: OptionsSolution Manager Implementation
519ERP EHP76.0SPROSTATKW101Status Values of a Solution Manager DocumentSolution Manager Implementation
520ERP EHP76.0SPROSTATSHEMA11Status Schema for Solution Manager DocumentsSolution Manager Implementation
521ERP EHP76.0SPROSTATSHEMAT31Text Table for Solution Manager Status SchemaSolution Manager Implementation
Service :: Solution Manager :: Service Delivery and Planning :: Service Session Workbench
522ERP EHP76.0DSVASCONTEXTS11DSVAS: ContextsService Session Workbench
523ERP EHP76.0DSVASCONTEXTST31DSVAS: Context descriptionsService Session Workbench
524ERP EHP76.0DSVASHTMLMIME31DSVAS: MIME objects for HTML elementsService Session Workbench
525ERP EHP76.0DSVASREPNODES61DSVAS: Possible objects in reportService Session Workbench
526ERP EHP76.0DSVASREPNODEST31DSVAS: Possible objects in reportService Session Workbench
527ERP EHP76.0DSVASTROBJ41DSVAS: Transport object relationshipsService Session Workbench
Service :: Solution Manager :: Test Management :: Business Process Change Analyzer
528ERP EHP76.0BPCA_MAPPING81Mappings from Transport Objects to Runtime ObjectsBusiness Process Change Analyzer
529ERP EHP76.0BPCA_MAPPING_K122Mappings from Transport Objects to Runtime Objects for KeysBusiness Process Change Analyzer
530ERP EHP76.0E2ET_AT_REC_HEAD132TBOM Recording by eCATT: Header DataBusiness Process Change Analyzer
531ERP EHP76.0E2ET_AT_REC_TRID71TBOM Recording by eCATT: Trace IDsBusiness Process Change Analyzer
Service :: Solution Manager :: Test Management :: Test Plan Management
532ERP EHP76.0E2ET_TRACE_ENQ11BPCA Primary Table for Shared SQL/Buffer Trace LockTest Plan Management
533ERP EHP76.0E2ET_TR_RT_MAPP111E2W Testing Agent: Transport Object-Runtime Object MappingTest Plan Management
534ERP EHP76.0E2ET_TR_RT_MAPPK161BPCA: Transport Object-Runtime Object Mapping KeyTest Plan Management