SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

101 tablesERP 6.0 

Basis Components :: ABAP Workbench, Java IDE and Infrastructure :: Use Subcomponent BC-DWB-WD-ABA or -JAV :: Web Screen Tools - ABAP
1ERP EHP76.0WDY_APPLICATION141Web Dynpro: ApplicationWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
2ERP EHP76.0WDY_APPLICATIONT31Web Dynpro : Short Text of an ApplicationWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
3ERP EHP76.0WDY_APP_PROPERTY31Web Dynpro: Application PropertiesWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
4ERP EHP76.0WDY_APP_PROP_DEF131Web Dynpro: Application Property DefinitionWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
5ERP EHP76.0WDY_APP_PROP_DFT41Web Dynpro: Application Property DefinitionWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
6ERP EHP76.0WDY_CHIP_DEF181CHIP DefinitionWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
7ERP EHP76.0WDY_CHIP_DEFT41CHIP TextsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
8ERP EHP76.0WDY_CHIP_PARAM51Parameters of CHIP PortWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
9ERP EHP76.0WDY_CHIP_PARAMT61Texts for Parameters of CHIP PortsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
10ERP EHP76.0WDY_CHIP_PORT61Ports of a CHIPWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
11ERP EHP76.0WDY_CHIP_PORTT51Texts for Ports of a CHIPWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
12ERP EHP76.0WDY_CHIP_TAG51Tags of CHIP ParameterWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
13ERP EHP76.0WDY_COMPONENT242Web Dynpro: ComponentWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
14ERP EHP76.0WDY_COMPONENTT31Web Dynpro : Short Text of a ComponentWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
15ERP EHP76.0WDY_COMPO_USAGE81Web Dynpro : Component UsagesWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
16ERP EHP76.0WDY_CONTROLLER111Web Dynpro: ControllerWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
17ERP EHP76.0WDY_CONTROLLERT41Web Dynpro : Short Text of a ControllerWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
18ERP EHP76.0WDY_CTLR_COMPO211Web Dynpro: Methods/Events of a ControllerWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
19ERP EHP76.0WDY_CTLR_COMPOT51Web Dynpro : Short Description Methods/EventsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
20ERP EHP76.0WDY_CTLR_EXC51Web Dynpro: Custom Exceptions for Controller MethodsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
21ERP EHP76.0WDY_CTLR_EXCT61Web Dynpro: Texts for Custom ExceptionsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
22ERP EHP76.0WDY_CTLR_PARAM132Web Dynpro: Parameter of a ControllerWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
23ERP EHP76.0WDY_CTLR_PARAMT61Web Dynpro : Short Texts of ParametersWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
24ERP EHP76.0WDY_CTLR_TEXT81Web Dynpro : Text Repository for ControllerWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
25ERP EHP76.0WDY_CTLR_USAGE61Web Dynpro : Controller UsagesWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
26ERP EHP76.0WDY_CTX_ATTRIB201Web Dynpro: Context Attributes of ControllersWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
27ERP EHP76.0WDY_CTX_ATT_USE51Web Dynpro: Use of Context AttributesWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
28ERP EHP76.0WDY_CTX_CHANGED41Web Dynpro: Table to Make Context Changes PersistentWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
29ERP EHP76.0WDY_CTX_MAPPING101Web Dynpro: Context Mapping of ControllersWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
30ERP EHP76.0WDY_CTX_NODE201Web Dynpro: Context Nodes of ControllersWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
31ERP EHP76.0WDY_DEPR_OBJ_TXT81Web Dynpro: Deprecated Object DescriptionWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
32ERP EHP76.0WDY_EXT_CTLR_USE71Web Dynpro: Controller Usages for External Context MappingWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
33ERP EHP76.0WDY_EXT_CTX_MAP101Web Dynpro: External Context Mapping of Component UsageWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
34ERP EHP76.0WDY_FIELDGROUP41Web Dynpro: Field Groups of ControllersWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
35ERP EHP76.0WDY_INTF_IMPLEM32Web Dynpro : Component Interface ImplementationWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
36ERP EHP76.0WDY_IOBOUND_PLGT51Web Dynpro : Short Description of Inbound/Outbound PlugsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
37ERP EHP76.0WDY_IOBOUND_PLUG91Web Dynpro: Inbound/Outbound Plugs of ViewsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
38ERP EHP76.0WDY_LIBRARY_USE31Web Dynpro : UI Library UsagesWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
39ERP EHP76.0WDY_MODEL11Web Dynpro: ModelWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
40ERP EHP76.0WDY_MODEL_CLASS31Web Dynpro: Model ClassWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
41ERP EHP76.0WDY_MODEL_REL41Web Dynpro: Relations of a ModelWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
42ERP EHP76.0WDY_MODEL_RELROL71Web Dynpro: Role of a Model RelationWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
43ERP EHP76.0WDY_NAV_LINK81Web Dynpro: Navigation LinkWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
44ERP EHP76.0WDY_NAV_TARGREF91Web Dynpro: Navigation TargetsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
45ERP EHP76.0WDY_NEW_LS_OBJ81Web Dynpro: New Lightspeed UI ObjectsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
46ERP EHP76.0WDY_PLUG_PARAM131Web Dynpro : Plug ParameterWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
47ERP EHP76.0WDY_PLUG_PARAMT61Web Dynpro : Short Texts of the Plug ParametersWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
48ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_AGGR_DEF151Web Dynpro: Definition of View Element AggregationsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
49ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_AGGR_LD51Web Dynpro: Layout Data Definitions of AggregationWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
50ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_AP13N_DEF51Web Dynpro: Definition of View Element AggregationsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
51ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_CTX_BIND101Web Dynpro: Context Binding of UI ElementsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
52ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_DDIC_BIND81Web Dynpro : Dictionary Binding of View ElementsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
53ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_ELEMENT111Web Dynpro: UI ElementWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
54ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_ELEM_DEF181Web Dynpro: UI Element DefinitionWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
55ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_ELEM_DOC81Web Dynpro : Documentation of UI ElementsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
56ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_ENUM_DEF42Enumerations of View ElementsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
57ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_ENUM_VAL71Enumerations of View ElementsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
58ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_EVENT_DEF71Web Dynpro: Event DefinitionsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
59ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_EVPAR_DEF81Web Dynpro: Event Parameter DefinitionsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
60ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_EVT_BIND71Web Dynpro: Event Binding of UI ElementsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
61ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_INTERFACE51Web Dynpro: Marker InterfaceWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
62ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_INTF_IMPL41Web Dynpro : Marker Interface ImplementationWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
63ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_LIBRARY91Web Dynpro: UI Element Library DefinitionWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
64ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_LIB_USAGE21Web Dynpro: UI Element Library UsageWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
65ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_PP13N_DEF71Web Dynpro: UI Element Property DefinitionWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
66ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_PP13N_TVA61Descriptions for PersonalizationWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
67ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_PROPERTY61Web Dynpro: UI ElementWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
68ERP EHP76.0WDY_UI_PROP_DEF221Web Dynpro : UI Element Property DefinitionWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
69ERP EHP76.0WDY_VAREA_DEF51Web Dynpro : View Area DefinitionWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
70ERP EHP76.0WDY_VD_CONTEXT31Table of Context Entries in the Painting AreaWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
71ERP EHP76.0WDY_VD_CTX_NEW31Table of Context Entries in the Painting AreaWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
72ERP EHP76.0WDY_VD_DESDEFT41Web Dynpro Tools: View Designer Control Tab.: TextsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
73ERP EHP76.0WDY_VD_DESIGNDEF191WebDynpro ViewDesigner: Description of View ElementsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
74ERP EHP76.0WDY_VD_GUIDDELTA51Table for Delta HTML PagesWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
75ERP EHP76.0WDY_VD_HTML21Web Dynpro: Buffer for HTML PreviewWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
76ERP EHP76.0WDY_VIEW201Web Dynpro: ViewWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
77ERP EHP76.0WDY_VIEWT41Web Dynpro : Short Description of a ViewWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
78ERP EHP76.0WDY_VIEW_CNTR61Web Dynpro: View ContainerWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
79ERP EHP76.0WDY_VIEW_CNTRT51Web Dynpro : Short Descriptions of View ContainersWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
80ERP EHP76.0WDY_VIEW_TEXT91Web Dynpro : Text Repository for ViewsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
81ERP EHP76.0WDY_VSET_DEF11Web Dynpro : View Set DefinitionWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
82ERP EHP76.0WDY_VSH_NODE131Web Dynpro: Node in the View Set HierarchyWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
83ERP EHP76.0WDY_VSH_PHOLDER121Web Dynpro: Placeholder in the View Set HierarchyWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
84ERP EHP76.0WDY_VS_PROPERTY101Web Dynpro : View Set PropertyWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
85ERP EHP76.0WDY_VS_PROP_DEF81Web Dynpro : View Set DefinitionWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
86ERP EHP76.0WDY_WB_C_TEMPL31Web Dynpro: Table of All Custom TemplatesWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
87ERP EHP76.0WDY_WB_GENINFO42WebDynpro: Generation InformationWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
88ERP EHP76.0WDY_WB_GENINF_VS41WebDynpro: Generation Information for ViewsetsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
89ERP EHP76.0WDY_WB_SOURCEMAP81WebDynpro: Mapping WebDynpro Source <-> Gen. ABAP CodeWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
90ERP EHP76.0WDY_WB_VD_ACCCHK71Web Dynpro: Tab for UI Element-Based Accessibility ChecksWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
91ERP EHP76.0WDY_WB_VD_ADD_F61Contains Special Functions for UI ElementsWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
92ERP EHP76.0WDY_WB_VD_CD31Web Dynpro: Chart Designer CustomizingWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
93ERP EHP76.0WDY_WB_VD_CHECK201Contains UI Element Info and Error Info for View CheckerWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
94ERP EHP76.0WDY_WB_VD_CTX41Contains Language-Dependent Texts for VD Function CodeWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
95ERP EHP76.0WDY_WB_VD_CTXPRO31Web Dynpro Viewdesigner: Mapping UI Property -> Ctx PropertyWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
96ERP EHP76.0WDY_WB_VD_FAV41Contains User-Specific Favorites for VD ToolbarWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
97ERP EHP76.0WDY_WB_VD_IDE31Defines Relation Between UI Element Def. and IDE ClassWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
98ERP EHP76.0WDY_WB_VD_IMPLIC71Web Dynpro Tools View Designer: Implications During CreationWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
99ERP EHP76.0WDY_WB_VD_TXT71Contains Language-Dependent Texts for VD Function CodeWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
100ERP EHP76.0WDY_WINDOW71Web Dynpro: Window of a ComponentWeb Screen Tools - ABAP
101ERP EHP76.0WDY_WINDOWT41Web Dynpro : Short Description of a WindowWeb Screen Tools - ABAP