SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

223 tablesERP 6.0 

Basis Components :: Information Lifecycle Management :: Archiving Connector ABAP
1ERP EHP76.0ARCHLNK_AL_INDEX72Assignment of BOR Key to ArchiveLink Attachment Doc_IDArchiving Connector ABAP
2ERP EHP76.0ARCHLNK_AUDITING31License Audit for ARCHLNK Proxies from AL and DLArchiving Connector ABAP
3ERP EHP76.0ARCHLNK_DL_IND152ILM: Attributes for Finding ArchiveLink Print Lists in RWArchiving Connector ABAP
4ERP EHP76.0ARCHLNK_TOAAR271Copied TOAAR from Legacy Systems to be DecommissionedArchiving Connector ABAP
5ERP EHP76.0ARCHLNK_TOAXY151Link Table for ArchiveLink Stores from EOL SystemsArchiving Connector ABAP
6ERP EHP76.0ARC_CHGR_STRUN71File Conversion: Archive Files for Archiving SessionsArchiving Connector ABAP
7ERP EHP76.0ARC_DESTR_AL91AL Attachments: Candidates for DestructionArchiving Connector ABAP
8ERP EHP76.0ARC_DESTR_ALRES32List of Resources to Be Destroyed (Attachments)Archiving Connector ABAP
9ERP EHP76.0ARC_DESTR_DL91AL Print Lists: Candidates for DestructionArchiving Connector ABAP
10ERP EHP76.0ARC_DESTR_LISTS82ILM Data Destruction: Destruction WorklistArchiving Connector ABAP
11ERP EHP76.0ARC_DESTR_RES42List of Resources to be Destroyed (ADK Files)Archiving Connector ABAP
12ERP EHP76.0ARC_DESTR_RUN91Data Destruc. SessionArchiving Connector ABAP
13ERP EHP76.0ARC_TRANS_ALDOCS191Transfer AttachmentsArchiving Connector ABAP
14ERP EHP76.0ARC_TRANS_COMP81Compare Units of Measurement and CurrenciesArchiving Connector ABAP
15ERP EHP76.0ARC_TRANS_CONN41Transfer Administration Data: Connections to Legacy SystemsArchiving Connector ABAP
16ERP EHP76.0ARC_TRANS_CUST81Customizing: Transfer of Archived Data from Legacy SystemsArchiving Connector ABAP
17ERP EHP76.0ARC_TRANS_RUNS152Transfer Archive Administration: Archiving Session DataArchiving Connector ABAP
18ERP EHP76.0ARC_TRANS_VARIA31Transfer Archive Administration: Standard VariantArchiving Connector ABAP
19ERP EHP76.0LHM_LH_PGATE_AL82Legal Hold Cases for ArchiveLink AttachmentsArchiving Connector ABAP
20ERP EHP76.0LHM_LH_PGATE_DL82Legal Hold Cases for Print ListsArchiving Connector ABAP
21ERP EHP76.0LHM_PGATE_AL_RW82Legal Hold Cases for ArchiveLink Attachments in RWArchiving Connector ABAP
Basis Components :: Information Lifecycle Management :: Checksums
22ERP EHP76.0CSUM_CV_FLDS61Check Sum Variant - FieldsChecksums
23ERP EHP76.0CSUM_CV_HEAD61Check Sum Variant - Header DataChecksums
24ERP EHP76.0CSUM_CV_TEXT51Check Sum Variant - Field DescriptionChecksums
25ERP EHP76.0CSUM_EV_DATA71Executed Analyses - DataChecksums
26ERP EHP76.0CSUM_EV_FLDS121Executed Analyses - FieldsChecksums
27ERP EHP76.0CSUM_EV_HEAD101Executed Analyses - Header DataChecksums
28ERP EHP76.0CSUM_EV_RUNS111Executed Analyses - RunsChecksums
29ERP EHP76.0CSUM_EV_SELE61Executed Analyses - Selection FieldsChecksums
Basis Components :: Information Lifecycle Management :: Context Data Extractor
30ERP EHP76.0SILM_SK_BG_P_DT91Transfer of Parameters for Background Job - Detail TableContext Data Extractor
31ERP EHP76.0SILM_SK_BG_P_HD71Transfer of Parameters for Background Job - Header TableContext Data Extractor
Basis Components :: Information Lifecycle Management :: Information Retention Manager
32ERP EHP76.0IRM_BS_DECOM21IRM Replacement Switch for DecommissioningInformation Retention Manager
33ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_BS_ARC_OBJ21IRM: Mapping of the Object Type to an Archive ObjectInformation Retention Manager
34ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_BS_BOR_OBJ21IRM: Mapping of the Object Type to a BOR Object TypeInformation Retention Manager
35ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_BS_FLD_BVD41IRM: Fields with Value Determination with CallbackInformation Retention Manager
36ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_BS_FLD_DVD41IRM: Fields with Direct Value DeterminationInformation Retention Manager
37ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_BS_KFD_BVD31IRM: Explicit Inheritance - Inst. Determination in CallbackInformation Retention Manager
38ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_BS_KOW_BVD31IRM: Determination of Own Instance Key with CallbackInformation Retention Manager
39ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_BS_STT_BVD41IRM: Start Times with Value Determination in CallbackInformation Retention Manager
40ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_BS_STT_DVD41IRM: Start Times with Direct Value DeterminationInformation Retention Manager
41ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_CON31IRM: ConstantsInformation Retention Manager
42ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_CON_T41IRM: Descriptions for ConstantsInformation Retention Manager
43ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_EXIT_CUST31IRM: Specific CustomizingInformation Retention Manager
44ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_EXIT_POL41IRM: Dummy Table for Branching to Policy MaintenanceInformation Retention Manager
45ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_OBJ_CAT71IRM: Object CategoriesInformation Retention Manager
46ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_OBJ_CAT_MF41IRM: Object Categories - Mandatory Fields for PoliciesInformation Retention Manager
47ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_OBJ_CAT_T31IRM: Descriptions of Object CategoriesInformation Retention Manager
48ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_OBJ_TYPE91IRM: Object TypesInformation Retention Manager
49ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_OBJ_TYPE_T41IRM: Descriptions for Object TypesInformation Retention Manager
50ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_OT_POL_CAT81IRM: Obj. Types - References (Policy-Spec. Specifications)Information Retention Manager
51ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_OT_POL_FLD41IRM: Allowed Fields for Policies of an Object TypeInformation Retention Manager
52ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_OT_POL_STT31IRM: permitted Start Times for Policies of an Object TypeInformation Retention Manager
53ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_POL_CAT11IRM: Policy CategoriesInformation Retention Manager
54ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_POL_CAT_T31IRM: Descriptions for Policy CategoriesInformation Retention Manager
55ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_POL_TYPE21IRM: Policy TypesInformation Retention Manager
56ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_POL_TYPE_T41IRM: Description for Rule TypesInformation Retention Manager
57ERP EHP76.0IRM_T_ROOT_NODE31IRM: Entry Node of the IRMInformation Retention Manager
58ERP EHP76.0IWP_AREA_F71Audit Area FieldsInformation Retention Manager
59ERP EHP76.0IWP_AREA_R31(obsolete) Relations of an Audit AreaInformation Retention Manager
60ERP EHP76.0IWP_AREA_S71Audit Area TablesInformation Retention Manager
61ERP EHP76.0IWP_AREA_V31(obsolete) Views of an Audit AreaInformation Retention Manager
62ERP EHP76.0IWP_REPOS_F51Retention Warehouse: Repository FieldsInformation Retention Manager
63ERP EHP76.0IWP_REPOS_FT61Retention Warehouse: Repository Field DescriptionInformation Retention Manager
64ERP EHP76.0IWP_REPOS_OT_S41Retention Warehouse Repository: Structures ILM ObjectsInformation Retention Manager
65ERP EHP76.0IWP_REPOS_S51Retention Warehouse: Repository StructuresInformation Retention Manager
66ERP EHP76.0IWP_REPOS_ST51Retention Warehouse: Repository Structure DescriptionInformation Retention Manager
67ERP EHP76.0LRM_BS_RST_CONDS121IRM: Conditions for Business Suite and Residence TimesInformation Retention Manager
68ERP EHP76.0LRM_BS_RST_RULES151IRM: Rules for Business Suite and Residence TimesInformation Retention Manager
69ERP EHP76.0LRM_BS_RTP_CONDS121IRM: Conditions for Business Suite and Retention PeriodsInformation Retention Manager
70ERP EHP76.0LRM_BS_RTP_RULES191IRM: Rules for Business Suite and Retention PeriodsInformation Retention Manager
71ERP EHP76.0LRM_PD_RTP_CONDS121IRM: Conditions for Retention Rules for Paper DocumentsInformation Retention Manager
72ERP EHP76.0LRM_PD_RTP_RULES161IRM: Rules for Retention of Paper DocumentsInformation Retention Manager
73ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_RM_MODE11Overwrites an Identified RW Mode as an RM ModeInformation Retention Manager
74ERP EHP76.0SILM_VIEW81View Definition: HeaderInformation Retention Manager
75ERP EHP76.0SILM_VIEWT41View Definition: Header: DescriptionInformation Retention Manager
76ERP EHP76.0SILM_VIEW_EXIT41View Definition: Exit (Specific View Building)Information Retention Manager
77ERP EHP76.0SILM_VIEW_JOIN71View Definition: Join ConditionsInformation Retention Manager
78ERP EHP76.0SILM_VIEW_KEY51View Definition: Unique Key for Result StructureInformation Retention Manager
79ERP EHP76.0SILM_VIEW_TAB51View Definition: Tables (Data Source)Information Retention Manager
Basis Components :: Information Lifecycle Management :: Legal Case Management for ILM
80ERP EHP76.0LHMATTR_LHTYPE31Legal Hold Case: Legal Hold TypeLegal Case Management for ILM
81ERP EHP76.0LHMATTR_LHTYPET51Legal Hold Case: Legal Hold TypeLegal Case Management for ILM
82ERP EHP76.0LHM_CASE_ATTR112Table with Additional Attributes for Legal Hold CasesLegal Case Management for ILM
83ERP EHP76.0LHM_EDIS_REPORTS21E-Discovery Reports (Control Table for F4 Help)Legal Case Management for ILM
84ERP EHP76.0LHM_LEGAL_HOLDS113OBSOLETELegal Case Management for ILM
85ERP EHP76.0LHM_LH_ARCHIVED53Legal Holds in Archive FilesLegal Case Management for ILM
86ERP EHP76.0LHM_METHODS41Registration:Object Types and Corresponding FunctionsLegal Case Management for ILM
87ERP EHP76.0LHM_PROPAGATE41Stores Legal Holds for Archive FilesLegal Case Management for ILM
88ERP EHP76.0SILM_PARAMETERS21ILM: Parameter TableLegal Case Management for ILM
89ERP EHP76.0SLCM_COMMENTS72ILM: Legal Case Management - CommentsLegal Case Management for ILM
90ERP EHP76.0SLCM_EDIS_RUN142ILM: Legal Case Management- Executed E-Discovery ReportsLegal Case Management for ILM
91ERP EHP76.0SLCM_GETS_RW11Document Link: Determine Neighbors (Retention Warehouse)Legal Case Management for ILM
92ERP EHP76.0SLCM_HIS_AL_DEL92ILM: Legal Case Management - History Deleted AL DocsLegal Case Management for ILM
93ERP EHP76.0SLCM_HIS_BOR_DEL102ILM: Legal Case Management - History Deleted BOR ObjectsLegal Case Management for ILM
94ERP EHP76.0SLCM_LH_AL92ILM: Legal Case Management - Legal Hold Table for AL Doc.Legal Case Management for ILM
95ERP EHP76.0SLCM_LH_BOR113ILM: Legal Case Management - Legal Hold Table for BOR Obj.Legal Case Management for ILM
96ERP EHP76.0SLCM_LOGSYS_RW41Mapping of Logical System to Original System/ClientLegal Case Management for ILM
97ERP EHP76.0SLCM_OBJ_CAT41ILM: Legal Case Management - Supported Object CategoriesLegal Case Management for ILM
98ERP EHP76.0SLCM_REP_INFO32ILM: Legal Case Management - Linked E-Disc. Report/LH GUIDLegal Case Management for ILM
99ERP EHP76.0SLCM_RW_DOC71Legal Case Management: Attachments in Retention WarehouseLegal Case Management for ILM
100ERP EHP76.0SLHM_CASE_HEAD151Legal Hold Management - Cases (Header Data)Legal Case Management for ILM
Basis Components :: Information Lifecycle Management :: Retention Warehouse
101ERP EHP76.0IWP_AUTH_IOBJ41Definition of Infoobjects to be used for authorizationRetention Warehouse
102ERP EHP76.0IWP_BI_OBJECTNUM111Numbers of Objects to be created in BIRetention Warehouse
103ERP EHP76.0IWP_CONF_MESSAGE51Adopt Messages in Message LogRetention Warehouse
104ERP EHP76.0IWP_DATA_DELIVER31Metadata from Archive Object SN_METARetention Warehouse
105ERP EHP76.0IWP_DB_AREA51Audit AreasRetention Warehouse
106ERP EHP76.0IWP_DB_AREAT41Description of audit areasRetention Warehouse
107ERP EHP76.0IWP_DB_AREA_ND51Hierachy of the audit areaRetention Warehouse
108ERP EHP76.0IWP_DB_AREA_NDT51Description of a folder in the hierachyRetention Warehouse
109ERP EHP76.0IWP_DB_REPOS51Retention Warehouse: RepositoryRetention Warehouse
110ERP EHP76.0IWP_DB_REPOST41Retention Warehouse: Repository DescriptionRetention Warehouse
111ERP EHP76.0IWP_DB_REPOS_F41Retention Warehouse: Repository FieldsRetention Warehouse
112ERP EHP76.0IWP_DB_REPOS_FT61Retention Warehouse: Repository field descriptionRetention Warehouse
113ERP EHP76.0IWP_DB_REPOS_S31Retention Warehouse: Repository structuresRetention Warehouse
114ERP EHP76.0IWP_DB_REPOS_ST51Retention Warehouse: Repository structure descriptionRetention Warehouse
115ERP EHP76.0IWP_DB_SET61Set of tablesRetention Warehouse
116ERP EHP76.0IWP_DB_SETT41Set descriptionRetention Warehouse
117ERP EHP76.0IWP_DB_SET_F51Fields of the setRetention Warehouse
118ERP EHP76.0IWP_DB_SET_S51Structures of a setRetention Warehouse
119ERP EHP76.0IWP_GEN_CONFIG81Configuration of BI extractionRetention Warehouse
120ERP EHP76.0IWP_GEN_SETTINGS51Define Settings for ParallelizationRetention Warehouse
121ERP EHP76.0IWP_HIER_PROP91Properties of a hierarchyRetention Warehouse
122ERP EHP76.0IWP_IOBJASS41Definition of Audit Area specific InfoobjectsRetention Warehouse
123ERP EHP76.0IWP_IOBJASS_CP51Definition of Audit Area specific Infoobjects (copies)Retention Warehouse
124ERP EHP76.0IWP_IOBJA_APT61Definition of Audit Area Template specific InfoobjectsRetention Warehouse
125ERP EHP76.0IWP_IOBJA_APT_CP71Definition of Audit Area Template specific Infoobj. (copies)Retention Warehouse
126ERP EHP76.0IWP_IOBJA_PT51Definition of Audit Area specific InfoobjectsRetention Warehouse
127ERP EHP76.0IWP_IOBJA_PT_CP61Definition of Audit Area specific Infoobjects (copies)Retention Warehouse
128ERP EHP76.0IWP_IOBJ_CUST31Definition of Customer specific InfoobjectsRetention Warehouse
129ERP EHP76.0IWP_IOBJ_CUST_CP41Definition of Customer specific Infoobjects (copies)Retention Warehouse
130ERP EHP76.0IWP_KEYMOD41Adoption of the key field orderRetention Warehouse
131ERP EHP76.0IWP_NAV_ATTR31Definition of Navigational Attributes for Master DataRetention Warehouse
132ERP EHP76.0IWP_NAV_ATTR_VP31Definition of Navigational Attributes for Virtual ProvidersRetention Warehouse
133ERP EHP76.0IWP_PARA31Application ParametersRetention Warehouse
134ERP EHP76.0IWP_PERIOD_TABLE21Table where keyfigures are period based (example 'GLT0')Retention Warehouse
135ERP EHP76.0IWP_REPOS_BW71Available Tables for BWRetention Warehouse
136ERP EHP76.0IWP_REPOS_BW_C81Available Tables for BW - Customer adoptionsRetention Warehouse
137ERP EHP76.0IWP_REPOS_BW_V51Available Views for BWRetention Warehouse
138ERP EHP76.0IWP_REPOS_BW_V_C61Available Views for BW - Customer adoptionRetention Warehouse
139ERP EHP76.0IWP_SNMETA62Metadata from Archive Object SN_METARetention Warehouse
140ERP EHP76.0IWP_TABLE_DIR71Directory of generated tables for data transferRetention Warehouse
141ERP EHP76.0IWP_TABTYP31Table attributesRetention Warehouse
142ERP EHP76.0IWP_TEXTTAB31Assignment of Texttables to DefinitiontablesRetention Warehouse
143ERP EHP76.0IWP_TRANS_ATTRIB41Transferattributes of a tableRetention Warehouse
144ERP EHP76.0IWP_VP_CUST51Field mapping for Virtual ProvidersRetention Warehouse
145ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP151Audit PackagesRetention Warehouse
146ERP EHP76.0IWP_WPP81Audit Package TemplateRetention Warehouse
147ERP EHP76.0IWP_WPPT41Audit Package TemplateRetention Warehouse
148ERP EHP76.0IWP_WPP_F71Fields of an Audit Package TemplateRetention Warehouse
149ERP EHP76.0IWP_WPP_R41Relations of an Audit Package TemplateRetention Warehouse
150ERP EHP76.0IWP_WPP_S71Structures of an Audit Package TemplateRetention Warehouse
151ERP EHP76.0IWP_WPP_V41Views of an Audit Package TemplateRetention Warehouse
152ERP EHP76.0IWP_WPT41Work Package TextsRetention Warehouse
153ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_AREA31Areas Assigned to Audit PackagesRetention Warehouse
154ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_FILELIST31File List to create a work packageRetention Warehouse
155ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_IOBJ81InfoObjects of an Audit PackageRetention Warehouse
156ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_IOBJT51InfoObjects of an Audit PackageRetention Warehouse
157ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_IOBJ_ST41Definition structures of an InfoobjectRetention Warehouse
158ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_IPRV71InfoProviders of an Audit PackageRetention Warehouse
159ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_IPRVT51Text Table: InfoProviders of an Audit PackageRetention Warehouse
160ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_JOB121Jobs for the BackgroundprocessingRetention Warehouse
161ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_LOG91Log for BackgroundprocessingRetention Warehouse
162ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_METAURI61Audit Package URI for SN_METARetention Warehouse
163ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_PATH81Paths of an Audit PackageRetention Warehouse
164ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_PTH_STRC61Structures of the Pathes of an Audit PackageRetention Warehouse
165ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_RELA41Relations and Domain Values of an Audit PackageRetention Warehouse
166ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_STRUC51Tables of an Audit PackageRetention Warehouse
167ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_STRUCT51Describtion: Tables of an Audit PackageRetention Warehouse
168ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_URI121Audit Package URIRetention Warehouse
169ERP EHP76.0IWP_WP_VIEW51Views of an Audit PackageRetention Warehouse
Basis Components :: Information Lifecycle Management :: Storage and Retention Service
170ERP EHP76.0DAS_COLLECTIONS84ILM SRS: CollectionsStorage and Retention Service
171ERP EHP76.0DAS_COL_INDEX32ILM SRS: Relationship Between Indices and CollectionsStorage and Retention Service
172ERP EHP76.0DAS_COL_PROP52ILM SRS: Collection Properties; ORIGINSStorage and Retention Service
173ERP EHP76.0DAS_COL_STORE31ILM SRS: Relationship Between Collection and StoreStorage and Retention Service
174ERP EHP76.0DAS_ID_LEVELS31ILM SRS: Maximum Assigned IDsStorage and Retention Service
175ERP EHP76.0DAS_INDEX_COLUMN72ILM SRS: Index ColumnsStorage and Retention Service
176ERP EHP76.0DAS_INDEX_DICT42ILM SRS: Directory of Indices and Their DefinitionsStorage and Retention Service
177ERP EHP76.0DAS_INV_REASON52ILM SRS: Reason for Setting a Resource to InvalidStorage and Retention Service
178ERP EHP76.0DAS_RESOURCES102ILM SRS: ResourcesStorage and Retention Service
179ERP EHP76.0DAS_STORES101ILM SRS: Store AdministrationStorage and Retention Service
Basis Components :: Information Lifecycle Management :: Information Retention Manager :: IRM Run Time
180ERP EHP76.0LRM_ADK_SWITCH11Use S_IRM Instead of S_LRM for Users EnteredIRM Run Time
181ERP EHP76.0LRM_RE_NR71IRM: Number Assignment for RulesIRM Run Time
182ERP EHP76.0LRM_RE_RES_STRUC51Registration of Rule Structure for OC and PCIRM Run Time
183ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_BS_ARC_OBJ22Mapping the ILM Object to an Archiving ObjectIRM Run Time
184ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_BS_BOR_OBJ22Mapping the ILM Object to a BOR Object TypeIRM Run Time
185ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_BS_FLD_BVD41Fields with Value Determination with CallbackIRM Run Time
186ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_BS_FLD_DVD41Fields with Direct Value DeterminationIRM Run Time
187ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_BS_JOINS61Join DefinitionsIRM Run Time
188ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_BS_KFD_BVD31Determine Inheriting Instances via CallbackIRM Run Time
189ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_BS_KOW_BVD41Determination of BOR Key with CallbackIRM Run Time
190ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_BS_STT_BVD41Start Times with Value Determination in CallbackIRM Run Time
191ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_BS_STT_DVD41Start Times with Direct Value DeterminationIRM Run Time
192ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_BS_TO41Value Determination for Time OffsetIRM Run Time
193ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_CON21ConstantsIRM Run Time
194ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_CON_T41Constants - DescriptionsIRM Run Time
195ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_EXIT_CUST31Dummy Table for Jump to Object Category Spec. CustomizingIRM Run Time
196ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_EXIT_POL61Dummy Table for Jump to Policy MaintenanceIRM Run Time
197ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OC21Object CategoriesIRM Run Time
198ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OC_MF51Mandatory Condition Fields for PoliciesIRM Run Time
199ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OC_MF_T41Mandatory Condition Fields of Policies - DescriptionIRM Run Time
200ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OC_PC21Policy Category for Result Fields of Object CategoryIRM Run Time
201ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OC_RF51Result Fields of PoliciesIRM Run Time
202ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OC_RF_T51Result Fields of Policies - DescriptionIRM Run Time
203ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OC_SF71Standard Condition Fields for PoliciesIRM Run Time
204ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OC_SF_T41Standard Condition Fields of Policies - DescriptionsIRM Run Time
205ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OC_T31Descriptions of Object CategoriesIRM Run Time
206ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OT51ILM ObjectsIRM Run Time
207ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OT_FLD81Available Condition Fields for PoliciesIRM Run Time
208ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OT_FLD_T51Available Condition Fields of Policies - DescriptionIRM Run Time
209ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OT_PC31Policy Categories Available for Object TypesIRM Run Time
210ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OT_PC_STAT41Available Policy Categories for Object Type - StatusIRM Run Time
211ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OT_POL_FLD81Selected Fields in PolicyIRM Run Time
212ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OT_POL_ORI121Policy (Origin)IRM Run Time
213ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OT_PT81Available Policy Types (Available Audit Areas)IRM Run Time
214ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OT_SF31Available Standard Condition Fields for Object CategoriesIRM Run Time
215ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OT_STT31Available Reference Times for Start Time DeterminationIRM Run Time
216ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OT_STT_TO41Available Time Offsets for Start Time DeterminationIRM Run Time
217ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_OT_T41ILM Objects - DescriptionsIRM Run Time
218ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_PC11Policy CategoriesIRM Run Time
219ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_PC_T31Policy Categories - DescriptionsIRM Run Time
220ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_PT51Policy Types (Audit Areas)IRM Run Time
221ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_PT_T51Policy Types - DescriptionsIRM Run Time
222ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_RE_CON51Switch for Rule EngineIRM Run Time
223ERP EHP76.0LRM_T_SIM41IRM SimulatorIRM Run Time