SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

225 tablesERP 6.0 

Basis Components :: Middleware :: ALE Integration Technology
1ERP EHP76.0BDAUDQUEUE101ALE Audit queue for unprocessed IDocsALE Integration Technology
2ERP EHP76.0BDAUDSTATE121Statistical key figures for the ALE AuditALE Integration Technology
3ERP EHP76.0BDCP123Change pointerALE Integration Technology
4ERP EHP76.0BDCP2142Aggregated Change Pointers (BDCP, BDCPS)ALE Integration Technology
5ERP EHP76.0BDCPS42Change pointer: StatusALE Integration Technology
6ERP EHP76.0BDEOIO_IN81EOIO: Queue Management in IDoc Inbound ProcessingALE Integration Technology
7ERP EHP76.0BDEOIO_OUT101EOIO: Queue Management in IDoc Outbound ProcessingALE Integration Technology
8ERP EHP76.0BDLSCC41ALE Basis Customizing Data: Items to Be CheckedALE Integration Technology
9ERP EHP76.0BDLSCCS131Status of ALE Basis Customizing Data CheckALE Integration Technology
10ERP EHP76.0BDLSCCT31Text for Items to Be CheckedALE Integration Technology
11ERP EHP76.0BDLSCHECK71Analysis of Logical Systems in SystemALE Integration Technology
12ERP EHP76.0BDLSEXT41Handling of Special Objects for Conversion (SAP Objects)ALE Integration Technology
13ERP EHP76.0BDLSEXZ41Handling of Specific Objects for Conversion (Customer Objs)ALE Integration Technology
14ERP EHP76.0BDLSHDR151Header Data for Conversion of Logical System NamesALE Integration Technology
15ERP EHP76.0BDLSLOG121Additional Information for ConversionALE Integration Technology
16ERP EHP76.0BDLSPOS131Item for Conversion of Logical System NamesALE Integration Technology
17ERP EHP76.0BDRGIN91ALE: Inbound Channel RegistryALE Integration Technology
18ERP EHP76.0BDRGOUT91ALE: Outbound Channel RegistryALE Integration Technology
19ERP EHP76.0BDSER101Serialization Time: Last Date at Sender for Each ObjectALE Integration Technology
20ERP EHP76.0CATT_ALE81Table for ALE - CATT SessionALE Integration Technology
21ERP EHP76.0CIMHIS21Predecessors of Extension Types (until Release 3.1)ALE Integration Technology
22ERP EHP76.0CIMSYN121Syntax Description for ExtensionsALE Integration Technology
23ERP EHP76.0EDADM31EDI client-specific system parametersALE Integration Technology
24ERP EHP76.0EDADMDEB121Storage of Debugging SettingsALE Integration Technology
25ERP EHP76.0EDBAS132Basic typesALE Integration Technology
26ERP EHP76.0EDBAST31Short Description of Basic TypeALE Integration Technology
27ERP EHP76.0EDBDMSKY72EDI/ALE: Map CCMS Key to IDoc AttributesALE Integration Technology
28ERP EHP76.0EDCIM131ExtensionsALE Integration Technology
29ERP EHP76.0EDCIMT31Short Description of ExtensionsALE Integration Technology
30ERP EHP76.0EDCNVAPLRL31Mapping of Component Release to Internal NumberALE Integration Technology
31ERP EHP76.0EDCPIC41EDI table of received IDocs from R/2ALE Integration Technology
32ERP EHP76.0EDCRYPTDISPLAY41Assignment: Encrypted Segment Field DisplayALE Integration Technology
33ERP EHP76.0EDE1T41EDI: Text table for outbound process codes (TEDE1)ALE Integration Technology
34ERP EHP76.0EDE2T41EDI: Text table for inbound process codes (TEDE2)ALE Integration Technology
35ERP EHP76.0EDE5T41EDI: Text table for error processing process codesALE Integration Technology
36ERP EHP76.0EDE6T41IDOC: Text table for process codes for inbound statusesALE Integration Technology
37ERP EHP76.0EDFI271EDI: Last processed document in fileALE Integration Technology
38ERP EHP76.0EDFIL41EDI: Last processed document in fileALE Integration Technology
39ERP EHP76.0EDICONFIG61Parameter Table for User-specific ConfigurationALE Integration Technology
40ERP EHP76.0EDID3111IDoc Data Record from 3.0 onwardsALE Integration Technology
41ERP EHP76.0EDIDC495Control record (IDoc)ALE Integration Technology
42ERP EHP76.0EDIDO91Value table for IDoc typesALE Integration Technology
43ERP EHP76.0EDIDOCINDX513Control record (IDoc)ALE Integration Technology
44ERP EHP76.0EDIDOCMAP61Mapping of IDoc TypesALE Integration Technology
45ERP EHP76.0EDIDOT31Short description of IDoc typesALE Integration Technology
46ERP EHP76.0EDIDS263Status Record (IDoc)ALE Integration Technology
47ERP EHP76.0EDIE531Assign logical address to physical destination in SAPALE Integration Technology
48ERP EHP76.0EDIFCT91IDoc: Assignment of FM to log. message and IDoc typeALE Integration Technology
49ERP EHP76.0EDIFM21IDoc: Function modules for creating file namesALE Integration Technology
50ERP EHP76.0EDIFMT31IDoc: Text table for EDIFM (funct. module for file names)ALE Integration Technology
51ERP EHP76.0EDILOGADR41Assign logical address to physical destination (SAP)ALE Integration Technology
52ERP EHP76.0EDIMAP81EDI: Assignment Table Between IDoc and Application FieldsALE Integration Technology
53ERP EHP76.0EDIMSG51Output Types and Assignment to IDoc TypesALE Integration Technology
54ERP EHP76.0EDIMSGT31Short description of SAP message typesALE Integration Technology
55ERP EHP76.0EDIPHONE131Telephony Data for Partner ProfilesALE Integration Technology
56ERP EHP76.0EDIPO261Table for description of ports for EDIALE Integration Technology
57ERP EHP76.0EDIPO2121Table for R/2 Port DefinitionsALE Integration Technology
58ERP EHP76.0EDIPOA71Table for ALE Port DefinitionsALE Integration Technology
59ERP EHP76.0EDIPOACODPAG51Last Used Code Page for tRFC for Non-Unicode SystemALE Integration Technology
60ERP EHP76.0EDIPOD281Table for File Port DefinitionsALE Integration Technology
61ERP EHP76.0EDIPOF41Ports for ABAP programming interfaceALE Integration Technology
62ERP EHP76.0EDIPOI151Table for describing Internet portsALE Integration Technology
63ERP EHP76.0EDIPORT41Summary Table for all Port Types for IDoc ProcessingALE Integration Technology
64ERP EHP76.0EDIPOX171Table for Description of XML PortALE Integration Technology
65ERP EHP76.0EDIPOXH71Table for XML HTTP Port DescriptionALE Integration Technology
66ERP EHP76.0EDIPOXU41Conversion of special characters for XMLALE Integration Technology
67ERP EHP76.0EDIQI92IDoc Inbound Queue TableALE Integration Technology
68ERP EHP76.0EDIQO91IDoc: Outbound Queue for qRFCALE Integration Technology
69ERP EHP76.0EDISDEF121IDoc Development : IDoc Segment DefinitionsALE Integration Technology
70ERP EHP76.0EDISEG92EDI: IDoc Segments with Assignment to Segment TypeALE Integration Technology
71ERP EHP76.0EDISEGMAP21Mapping of IDoc SegmentsALE Integration Technology
72ERP EHP76.0EDISEGMENT101IDoc Development : IDoc SegmentALE Integration Technology
73ERP EHP76.0EDISEGT31EDI: Short Description of IDoc SegmentsALE Integration Technology
74ERP EHP76.0EDISYN121Syntax Description for Extended Basic TypesALE Integration Technology
75ERP EHP76.0EDI_CNVBAS22Conversion Table for Basic TypesALE Integration Technology
76ERP EHP76.0EDI_CNVDOC32Conversion Table for Field DOCTYPALE Integration Technology
77ERP EHP76.0EDI_CNVEXT22Conversion Table for ExtensionsALE Integration Technology
78ERP EHP76.0EDI_CNVMES22Conversion Table for Logical Message TypesALE Integration Technology
79ERP EHP76.0EDI_CPINB_MDMP51Code Pages for Various Languages in MDMP InboxALE Integration Technology
80ERP EHP76.0EDI_CPOUT_MDMP51Code Pages for Various LanguagesALE Integration Technology
81ERP EHP76.0EDI_MSG_MDMP61Message Types with MDMP SegmentsALE Integration Technology
82ERP EHP76.0EDI_SPRAS_MDMP51Lang. Fields for Each Segm. TypeALE Integration Technology
83ERP EHP76.0EDMA11Partner status in partner profilesALE Integration Technology
84ERP EHP76.0EDMAP101Documentation for R/3 <-> IDOC type assignmentsALE Integration Technology
85ERP EHP76.0EDMAT41Texts for Partner Status in Partner ProfilesALE Integration Technology
86ERP EHP76.0EDMSG11Logical message typesALE Integration Technology
87ERP EHP76.0EDP12121Partner Profile: Outbound with Message ControlALE Integration Technology
88ERP EHP76.0EDP13301Partner Profile: Outbound (technical parameters)ALE Integration Technology
89ERP EHP76.0EDP21161Partner Profile: InboundALE Integration Technology
90ERP EHP76.0EDPI1111EDI: Partner profiles (inbound)ALE Integration Technology
91ERP EHP76.0EDPO161EDI table for partner profiles (outbound), level 1ALE Integration Technology
92ERP EHP76.0EDPO3201EDI table for partner profiles (outbound), level 2ALE Integration Technology
93ERP EHP76.0EDPO_QUEUE21IDoc: Rules for Creating Queue Names for qRFC IDocALE Integration Technology
94ERP EHP76.0EDPO_QUEUE_EOIO21IDoc: Rules for Setting Up Queue Names for IDoc EOIOALE Integration Technology
95ERP EHP76.0EDPP1101EDI Partner (general partner profiles - inb. and outb.)ALE Integration Technology
96ERP EHP76.0EDPPV201Proposal Values for Partner Fast EntryALE Integration Technology
97ERP EHP76.0EDSAPPL62EDI: IDoc Segment Application StructureALE Integration Technology
98ERP EHP76.0EDSEA51EDI: Table of all segments of current releaseALE Integration Technology
99ERP EHP76.0EDSEG31EDI: Convert segments to 3.0ALE Integration Technology
100ERP EHP76.0EDSVRS61EDI: Table of all segments of current releaseALE Integration Technology
101ERP EHP76.0EDSYN101IDoc syntax after 3.0ALE Integration Technology
102ERP EHP76.0EDVIEW41View of logical message for IDoc typeALE Integration Technology
103ERP EHP76.0EDVIEWT31Short description of viewsALE Integration Technology
104ERP EHP76.0IDOCHIS21Predecessor of Basic IDoc Types (until Release 3.1)ALE Integration Technology
105ERP EHP76.0IDOCREL65Links between IDoc and application objectALE Integration Technology
106ERP EHP76.0IDOCSTYLE71Table of Style IDs with the Objects to Be LoadedALE Integration Technology
107ERP EHP76.0IDOCSYN101Syntax Description for Basic TypesALE Integration Technology
108ERP EHP76.0IDXEDISDEF71IDoc Adapter Segment Versions for each PortALE Integration Technology
109ERP EHP76.0IDXEDSAPPL71IDoc Adapter Fields in the Segments for each PortALE Integration Technology
110ERP EHP76.0IDXIDOCINB11IDoc Adapter: IDoc types which must not go to the Int. Serv.ALE Integration Technology
111ERP EHP76.0IDXIDOCSYN111IDoc Adapter IDoc Syntax Description for each PortALE Integration Technology
112ERP EHP76.0IDXPORSM5971IDoc Adapter Destination and Partner for Status ConfirmationALE Integration Technology
113ERP EHP76.0IDXSLOAD151IDoc Adapter AdministrationALE Integration Technology
114ERP EHP76.0IDXSTRUCT41IDoc Adapter: IDoc Structure Information ProcurementALE Integration Technology
115ERP EHP76.0SEGEXTCONV22IDoc Basis Conversion of External Segment IDs 3.0-4.0ALE Integration Technology
116ERP EHP76.0STACUST51Customizing for IDoc status (status groups, archive, procg)ALE Integration Technology
117ERP EHP76.0STALIGHT31Traffic Light Assignment to Status Groups for IDoc DisplayALE Integration Technology
118ERP EHP76.0TBD0081Views of customer modelALE Integration Technology
119ERP EHP76.0TBD00T41Short Description of View of Distribution ModelALE Integration Technology
120ERP EHP76.0TBD03101Communication relation between systemsALE Integration Technology
121ERP EHP76.0TBD05111Distribution model for message typesALE Integration Technology
122ERP EHP76.0TBD06161Distribution model for methodsALE Integration Technology
123ERP EHP76.0TBD1071ALE: IDoc fields in ALE objectALE Integration Technology
124ERP EHP76.0TBD1131ALE Object TypeALE Integration Technology
125ERP EHP76.0TBD1231Mapping message type -> serialization and link typeALE Integration Technology
126ERP EHP76.0TBD1361Organizational units to be converted in IDoc fieldsALE Integration Technology
127ERP EHP76.0TBD1421Message type -> object typeALE Integration Technology
128ERP EHP76.0TBD1661Filter objects for methodsALE Integration Technology
129ERP EHP76.0TBD1731Dependencies between message typesALE Integration Technology
130ERP EHP76.0TBD1821Object type: Attributes for receiver determinationALE Integration Technology
131ERP EHP76.0TBD1951Hierarchical dependencies between BAPI tablesALE Integration Technology
132ERP EHP76.0TBD2091ALE: data for IDoc projection filterALE Integration Technology
133ERP EHP76.0TBD2131ALE: IDoc reductionALE Integration Technology
134ERP EHP76.0TBD2261ALE: mapping IDoc fields to change document fieldsALE Integration Technology
135ERP EHP76.0TBD2331ALE: definition of mandatory segments/fieldsALE Integration Technology
136ERP EHP76.0TBD2431ALE: IDOC reduction flagged with positive logicALE Integration Technology
137ERP EHP76.0TBD30101ALE: Conversion rules for IDoc segmentsALE Integration Technology
138ERP EHP76.0TBD3251Dependencies between methodsALE Integration Technology
139ERP EHP76.0TBD3341Dependencies between methods and message typesALE Integration Technology
140ERP EHP76.0TBD4041Assign Message Types to Serialization GroupALE Integration Technology
141ERP EHP76.0TBD4171Inbound processing of serialization groupALE Integration Technology
142ERP EHP76.0TBD5131Attributes of IDoc inbound function modulesALE Integration Technology
143ERP EHP76.0TBD52121Function modules for inbound ALE-EDIALE Integration Technology
144ERP EHP76.0TBD5321ALE: Object Channel Serialization: Message Type of Bus. Obj.ALE Integration Technology
145ERP EHP76.0TBD5411ALE:Object Channel Serializ: Supported Business Object TypesALE Integration Technology
146ERP EHP76.0TBD5561ALE: Object type serialization : Inbound controlALE Integration Technology
147ERP EHP76.0TBD55_EOIO51EOIO Processing: Activation in Inbound ProcessingALE Integration Technology
148ERP EHP76.0TBD5661ALE: Object type serialization : Outbound controlALE Integration Technology
149ERP EHP76.0TBD6181Definition of System for ConversionALE Integration Technology
150ERP EHP76.0TBD61181Definition of Conversion Matrix for SystemALE Integration Technology
151ERP EHP76.0TBD61B161Logging for Conversion DataALE Integration Technology
152ERP EHP76.0TBD6251Assignment of change document field to message typeALE Integration Technology
153ERP EHP76.0TBD7141ALE Customizing Distribution: Distribution GroupsALE Integration Technology
154ERP EHP76.0TBD71T41ALE Customizing Distribution: Distribution Group DescriptionALE Integration Technology
155ERP EHP76.0TBD7261ALE Customizing Distribution: Objects in Distribution GroupALE Integration Technology
156ERP EHP76.0TBD7371ALE Customizing Distribution: Outbound LogALE Integration Technology
157ERP EHP76.0TBD74131ALE Customizing Distribution: Inbound LogALE Integration Technology
158ERP EHP76.0TBDA121ALE activeALE Integration Technology
159ERP EHP76.0TBDA241ALE message activeALE Integration Technology
160ERP EHP76.0TBDBA81Mapping BAPIs to ALEALE Integration Technology
161ERP EHP76.0TBDBDLSAARG31Table for Client-Specific Table Conversion: ARG Fields OnlyALE Integration Technology
162ERP EHP76.0TBDBDLSADMIN51Administration TableALE Integration Technology
163ERP EHP76.0TBDBDLSAKEY31Table for Client-Specific Table Conversion: Key Fields OnlyALE Integration Technology
164ERP EHP76.0TBDBDLSALL31Contains all tables to be convertedALE Integration Technology
165ERP EHP76.0TBDBDLSAMIX41Table for Client-Specific Table Conversion: Key Fields OnlyALE Integration Technology
166ERP EHP76.0TBDBDLSUARG21Table for Cross-Client Table Conversion: ARG Fields OnlyALE Integration Technology
167ERP EHP76.0TBDBDLSUKEY21Table for Cross-Client Table Conversion: Key Fields OnlyALE Integration Technology
168ERP EHP76.0TBDBDLSUMIX31Table for Cross-Client Table Conversion: Mixed FieldsALE Integration Technology
169ERP EHP76.0TBDBE71BAPI-ALE Interface for Inbound ProcessingALE Integration Technology
170ERP EHP76.0TBDBH41Mapping Single BAPI Parameters to Header Segment TypesALE Integration Technology
171ERP EHP76.0TBDBR81Distribution Model: BAPI ReductionALE Integration Technology
172ERP EHP76.0TBDBRF91Distribution Model: Fields in Reduced ParameterALE Integration Technology
173ERP EHP76.0TBDBRMF41BAPI Reduction: Mandatory Fields in ParametersALE Integration Technology
174ERP EHP76.0TBDBS31Mapping BAPI structure to segment typesALE Integration Technology
175ERP EHP76.0TBDFA81Mapping of Application Module to ALE InterfaceALE Integration Technology
176ERP EHP76.0TBDLI51Lists for a logical systemALE Integration Technology
177ERP EHP76.0TBDLS51Logical systemALE Integration Technology
178ERP EHP76.0TBDLST31Text for logical systemALE Integration Technology
179ERP EHP76.0TBDLT51Lists for a logical system for ALE distributionALE Integration Technology
180ERP EHP76.0TBDME111ALE supplement data for EDI message typeALE Integration Technology
181ERP EHP76.0TBDMO31ALE/ CCMS Monitoring Connection: Group DefinitionALE Integration Technology
182ERP EHP76.0TBDMO_DET91ALE/ CCMS Monitoring Connection: Group Definition DetailsALE Integration Technology
183ERP EHP76.0TBDMS31Assignment of message type to IDoc typeALE Integration Technology
184ERP EHP76.0TBDRCSTATE141Objects in recovery environment (ALE)ALE Integration Technology
185ERP EHP76.0TBDSE21Serialization groupsALE Integration Technology
186ERP EHP76.0TBDSET41Text of serialization groupALE Integration Technology
187ERP EHP76.0TBDSS41Mapping of Segments to DDIC StructuresALE Integration Technology
188ERP EHP76.0TBDTP101ALE Template: Model ViewsALE Integration Technology
189ERP EHP76.0TBDTPB51ALE Template: BAPI InterfacesALE Integration Technology
190ERP EHP76.0TBDTPBDF141ALE Template: Parameter Filtering for BAPIsALE Integration Technology
191ERP EHP76.0TBDTPBDR91ALE Template: Reduction for BAPIsALE Integration Technology
192ERP EHP76.0TBDTPBDRF121ALE Template: Fields in Reduced ParameterALE Integration Technology
193ERP EHP76.0TBDTPBR141ALE Template: Receiver Determination for BAPIsALE Integration Technology
194ERP EHP76.0TBDTPM41ALE Template: Message Type InterfacesALE Integration Technology
195ERP EHP76.0TBDTPMD111ALE Template: Data Filters for Message TypesALE Integration Technology
196ERP EHP76.0TBDTPP21ALE Template: Partner SystemsALE Integration Technology
197ERP EHP76.0TBDTPPT41ALE Template: Short Description of Partner SystemsALE Integration Technology
198ERP EHP76.0TBDTPT31ALE Template: Short DescriptionALE Integration Technology
199ERP EHP76.0TBDTPV31ALE Template: VariablesALE Integration Technology
200ERP EHP76.0TBDTPVT41ALE Template: Variable NamesALE Integration Technology
201ERP EHP76.0TBLSYSDEST41RFC Destination of Logical SystemALE Integration Technology
202ERP EHP76.0TBSPECDEST51Special RFC destinations for synchronous callsALE Integration Technology
203ERP EHP76.0TCEDP2191EDI Partner Profile: Help Structure Table Control edp21ALE Integration Technology
204ERP EHP76.0TEDE191EDI process types (outbound)ALE Integration Technology
205ERP EHP76.0TEDE281EDI process types (inbound)ALE Integration Technology
206ERP EHP76.0TEDE591EDI Process codes for error handlingALE Integration Technology
207ERP EHP76.0TEDE651IDOC process codes for inbound statusesALE Integration Technology
208ERP EHP76.0TEDNOLINKS41IDoc: Negative List for IDoc/Application Object LinkALE Integration Technology
209ERP EHP76.0TEDNOLINKSHIST71IDoc: History of Changes in TEDNOLINKSALE Integration Technology
210ERP EHP76.0TEDS151IDoc status valuesALE Integration Technology
211ERP EHP76.0TEDS231Short description of IDoc status valuesALE Integration Technology
212ERP EHP76.0TEDS331EDI Status: Assignment to Sts Grps, Suitability f. ArchivingALE Integration Technology
213ERP EHP76.0TEDST41SAP EDI Form routines for reading master dataALE Integration Technology
214ERP EHP76.0TEDTT31Partner Types - Language-Dependent NameALE Integration Technology
215ERP EHP76.0TMSG181Logical Messages and Process Codes in Outb. ProcgALE Integration Technology
216ERP EHP76.0TMSG281Logical Messages and Process Codes in Inb. ProcgALE Integration Technology
217ERP EHP76.0VIEWSYN31Syntax description for viewsALE Integration Technology
Basis Components :: Middleware :: ALE Integration Technology :: Utilities
218ERP EHP76.0TBICU81Direct Input Customizing: Job Names for Data TransferUtilities
219ERP EHP76.0TBICUT41Texts for TBICU: Job names for data copyingUtilities
220ERP EHP76.0TBIER161Direct Input (DI): Results TableUtilities
221ERP EHP76.0TBILOG201Direct Input: Historical DataUtilities
222ERP EHP76.0TBIST161Direct Input (DI) Control: Restart CapabilityUtilities
223ERP EHP76.0TBIZU52Job ID to job name assignmentsUtilities
224ERP EHP76.0TERRD91DI: INDX-Like Table for Temporary Storage of Error DataUtilities
225ERP EHP76.0TFSAVE91DI: INDX-Like Table for Temporarily Storing the FilesUtilities