SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

51 tablesERP 6.0 

Basis Components :: Upgrade - General :: Upgrade Tools
1ERP EHP76.0CRR4TABLES52Metadata for table based CRRUpgrade Tools
2ERP EHP76.0CRRERROR231CRR Error MessagesUpgrade Tools
3ERP EHP76.0CRRPARAMETERS31CRR ParametersUpgrade Tools
4ERP EHP76.0CRRPARATEST111Test table for CRR parallelisation testUpgrade Tools
5ERP EHP76.0CRRRTI81CRR runtime informationUpgrade Tools
6ERP EHP76.0CRRRTIT101CRR runtime informationUpgrade Tools
7ERP EHP76.0CRRSCENARIOS51Supported CRR scenarios with corresponding factoriesUpgrade Tools
8ERP EHP76.0CRRTASKCOUNT91CRR Runtime Information of transfered linesUpgrade Tools
9ERP EHP76.0CRRTASKHIST71CRR Runtime Information of processed tasksUpgrade Tools
10ERP EHP76.0CRRTASKINFO181CRR task informationUpgrade Tools
11ERP EHP76.0CRR_ACCESS_PLAN71Package delimitation for initial transferUpgrade Tools
12ERP EHP76.0CRR_DELIM_FIELD21assignment of delimitation fields to tablesUpgrade Tools
13ERP EHP76.0CRR_MDS_SOBJK143CRR IUU: dyn maint event saving of e071k for logical w/o aimUpgrade Tools
14ERP EHP76.0CRR_MDS_TRANSP21All trkorr belonging to a maintenance event - no mainimp.bufUpgrade Tools
15ERP EHP76.0CRR_TFW_CONF_DT141CRR, Test Framework, LogUpgrade Tools
16ERP EHP76.0CRR_TFW_CONF_DTN41CRR, Test Framework, LogUpgrade Tools
17ERP EHP76.0CRR_TFW_CONF_ID31CRR, Test Framework, LogUpgrade Tools
18ERP EHP76.0CRR_TFW_CONF_ST41CRR, Test Framework, LogUpgrade Tools
20ERP EHP76.0CRR_TFW_CSWITCH41CRR, Test Framework, Continue CheckUpgrade Tools
21ERP EHP76.0CRR_TFW_LOG141CRR, Test Framework, LogUpgrade Tools
22ERP EHP76.0DDALIAS21DD: Second name for accessing tablesUpgrade Tools
23ERP EHP76.0DDCDIM51DD: Conversion, number of table linesUpgrade Tools
24ERP EHP76.0DDCNVEXIT251DD: External conversion methodsUpgrade Tools
25ERP EHP76.0DDCNVSTAT173DD: Statistical Data for ConversionUpgrade Tools
26ERP EHP76.0DDCNVTABL51DD: Contains incr. conv. tables depend. on release/componentUpgrade Tools
27ERP EHP76.0DDCNVTIMES281DD: Exclusion times for conversionUpgrade Tools
28ERP EHP76.0DDCNVUSR71DD: Exception table of converterUpgrade Tools
29ERP EHP76.0DDCPRO81DD: Conversion projectsUpgrade Tools
30ERP EHP76.0DDCPROT41DD: Text on conversion projectsUpgrade Tools
31ERP EHP76.0DDCPROTAB61DD: Table for conversion projectsUpgrade Tools
32ERP EHP76.0DDCQUEUE61DD: Queue for CNV OperationsUpgrade Tools
33ERP EHP76.0DDCSTA61DD: Conversion, number of table linesUpgrade Tools
34ERP EHP76.0DDCSTAT91DD: Statistics table for conversionsUpgrade Tools
35ERP EHP76.0DDICNVCTRL31Control String for Transaction ICNVUpgrade Tools
36ERP EHP76.0DDICNVDAYS21DD: Days of WeekUpgrade Tools
37ERP EHP76.0DDICNVDIST51Distribution of data records of base tablesUpgrade Tools
38ERP EHP76.0DDICNVLST41Contains information on converter exitsUpgrade Tools
39ERP EHP76.0DDSTATHIST172DD: Statistical Data for ConversionUpgrade Tools
40ERP EHP76.0ICNV30L301Nametabs for Incremental ConversionUpgrade Tools
41ERP EHP76.0ICNV31L301Nametab for Incremental ConversionUpgrade Tools
42ERP EHP76.0ICNVCANDY51DD: Contains incr. conv. tables depend. on release/componentUpgrade Tools
43ERP EHP76.0STPSQL_USER41Default directory for specific userUpgrade Tools
44ERP EHP76.0TICNV541DD: Status of Incremental ConversionsUpgrade Tools
45ERP EHP76.0TICNVDB471AS/400: Defined Trigger for TablesUpgrade Tools
46ERP EHP76.0TICNVPTABS91UMIG Tables and their Problem TablesUpgrade Tools
47ERP EHP76.0TPSQL_DB_SID41Table for SQL Template TestUpgrade Tools
48ERP EHP76.0TPSQL_DB_SID_LOG61Logtable Template for SQL Template TestUpgrade Tools
49ERP EHP76.0TPSQL_IMPORT31Imported classesUpgrade Tools
50ERP EHP76.0UPG_DD12L181ICNV: Secondary Indexes - HeaderUpgrade Tools
51ERP EHP76.0UPG_DD17S71ICNV: Secondary Indexes - FieldsUpgrade Tools