Basis Components :: Exchange Infrastructure |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SFLBO | 7 | 1 | Flight Booking Order | Exchange Infrastructure |
2 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SFLBOPOS | 13 | 1 | Flight Booking Order Item | Exchange Infrastructure |
3 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSAEADPMOD | 5 | 1 | XI: Adapter and Module Information | Exchange Infrastructure |
4 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSAEADPMODCHN | 4 | 2 | XI: Adapter Module Chains | Exchange Infrastructure |
5 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSAEAGG | 14 | 2 | XI: Adapter Runtime Data (Aggregated) | Exchange Infrastructure |
6 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSAERAW | 6 | 2 | XI: Adapter Runtime Data (Raw Data) | Exchange Infrastructure |
7 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_AE_AUDITCNF | 6 | 1 | XI: Adapter Runtime Data | Exchange Infrastructure |
Basis Components :: Exchange Infrastructure :: Integration Builder - Configuration |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
8 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SAICACHE | 9 | 1 | XI Runtime: ABAP Cache Event | Integration Builder - Configuration |
9 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SAICACHE_ERROR_H | 6 | 1 | XI Error Header Table | Integration Builder - Configuration |
10 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SAICACHE_ERROR_I | 12 | 1 | Lock Table for Inner Cache Lock | Integration Builder - Configuration |
11 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SAICACHE_ERROR_O | 11 | 1 | XI Error Cache Refresh Objects | Integration Builder - Configuration |
12 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SAICACHE_PERFDAT | 8 | 1 | XI - Collect Cache Refresh Performance Data | Integration Builder - Configuration |
13 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SALERTRULE | 4 | 1 | PI Alerting: Alert Rules | Integration Builder - Configuration |
14 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SALERTRULECON | 3 | 1 | PI Alerting: Alert Rules: Consumer | Integration Builder - Configuration |
15 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SALERTRULEERR | 3 | 1 | PI Alerting: Alert Rules: Status Details | Integration Builder - Configuration |
16 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SALRTHDRRULE | 9 | 1 | PI Alerting: Alert Header Rules | Integration Builder - Configuration |
17 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SRT_SA_APPL_XI | 9 | 1 | SOAP Runtime Framework: SOAP Applications | Integration Builder - Configuration |
18 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SRT_SA_APPL_XI_T | 4 | 1 | SOAP Runtime Framework: SOAP Applications (Text Table) | Integration Builder - Configuration |
19 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SRT_SA_PRF_XI | 6 | 1 | SOAP Runtime Framework: DT Profiles | Integration Builder - Configuration |
20 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SRT_SA_PRF_XI_T | 6 | 1 | SOAP Runtime Framework: DT Profiles (Text Table) | Integration Builder - Configuration |
21 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXICACHE | 10 | 1 | XI Runtime: Cache Status Table | Integration Builder - Configuration |
22 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXISLDAEC | 9 | 1 | XI: Cache for Adapter Engine Data from the SLD | Integration Builder - Configuration |
23 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIVERI_MSGSTORE | 9 | 1 | BPM Table for Test Data | Integration Builder - Configuration |
24 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXI_LINK | 8 | 1 | Reference Between XI Objects | Integration Builder - Configuration |
25 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXI_SWCV_LAYER | 4 | 1 | Layer of Software Component Versions | Integration Builder - Configuration |
26 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TRD_COBJPREFIX | 4 | 1 | Prefix-Namespace Assignment for Context Objects | Integration Builder - Configuration |
27 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TRD_COBJXPATH | 8 | 2 | XPaths in Context Objects | Integration Builder - Configuration |
28 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TRD_EXTRACTOR | 11 | 1 | XI: Extractors | Integration Builder - Configuration |
29 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TRD_NAMESPACE | 4 | 1 | Namespaces for XPath Rules | Integration Builder - Configuration |
Basis Components :: Exchange Infrastructure :: Integration Builder - Design |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
30 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SRAPI_CONFIG | 4 | 1 | Configuration of ESR API package sai_srep_api | Integration Builder - Design |
31 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SRAPI_DEST | 2 | 1 | Assignment of ESR-Destinations to clients | Integration Builder - Design |
32 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SRAPI_MAP_OBJ | 10 | 1 | Stores Mapping of ESR Entity and Corr. TADIR Entry in ABAP | Integration Builder - Design |
33 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SRAPI_PIC_OBJ | 10 | 1 | Store mapping of TADIR Entries - ESR Keys for PIC Checks | Integration Builder - Design |
34 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SRAPI_SWC_DEST | 2 | 1 | Assignment of software components to ESR destinations | Integration Builder - Design |
Basis Components :: Exchange Infrastructure :: Integration Server |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
35 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CONNECT_XI_BS_IS | 7 | 1 | Obsolete: Connections from Business Systems to IS | Integration Server |
36 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CONNECT_XI_IS_BS | 8 | 1 | Obsolete: Connections from IS to Business Systems | Integration Server |
37 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDXALEREQUEST | 6 | 1 | XI IDoc Adapter: Send ALEAUD as Request Message | Integration Server |
38 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDXGUIDDOC | 5 | 1 | IDoc Adapter Link GUID with IDoc Numbers | Integration Server |
39 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDXLNKOBJ | 8 | 1 | IDoc Adapter Link Segment Fields for Port | Integration Server |
40 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDXMDMPLANGU | 6 | 1 | MDMP: IDoc type with language field | Integration Server |
41 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDXMDMPRCV | 5 | 1 | MDMP Support Receiver | Integration Server |
42 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDXNOALE | 5 | 1 | Do not request IDoc Adapter exception list acknowledgement | Integration Server |
43 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDXQUEUE | 4 | 1 | IDoc Adapter Queue | Integration Server |
44 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDXRCVACK | 3 | 1 | IDoc Adapter: Outbound Status Conversion | Integration Server |
45 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDXRCVPOR | 23 | 4 | IDoc Adapter Link GUID with IDoc, Receiver and so on | Integration Server |
46 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDXSERIALOBJ | 7 | 1 | IDoc Adapter: Object Channel Serialization | Integration Server |
47 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDXSNDACK | 3 | 1 | IDoc Adapter: Inbound Status Conversion | Integration Server |
48 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDXSNDBSI | 6 | 1 | Assignment Sender IDoc Partner for Business System Instance | Integration Server |
49 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDXSNDPOR | 22 | 4 | IDoc Adapter Link GUID with IDoc, Sender System and so on | Integration Server |
50 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDXTRCMONI | 3 | 1 | IDoc-Adapter Tracking Destination | Integration Server |
51 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDX_TRCSTATUS | 5 | 1 | IDoc Adapter: Status Conversion XI Message to IDoc | Integration Server |
Basis Components :: Exchange Infrastructure :: Integration Builder - Configuration :: Routing |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
52 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TRD_DYN | 6 | 1 | Operation-Dependent Dynamic Receiver Determination | Routing |
53 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TRD_LINK | 2 | 1 | XI: Receiver Determination Link | Routing |
54 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TRD_LOG | 6 | 1 | Log Entries (For Various Tests) | Routing |
55 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TRD_RELATION | 9 | 2 | XI: Receiver Determination Relation Key | Routing |
56 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TRD_RULE | 10 | 1 | XI: Rcvr Det. Rule (Receiver Extractors & Condition) | Routing |
Basis Components :: Exchange Infrastructure :: Integration Builder - Configuration :: Services |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
57 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SDBINDING2 | 4 | 1 | Service Directory: Table of Service Bindings | Services |
58 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SDCHANNEL2 | 8 | 1 | Service Directory: Table of Service Channels | Services |
59 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SDENDPOINTS | 10 | 1 | XI: Endpoints | Services |
60 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SDSECURITY | 16 | 1 | XI: Security | Services |
61 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SDSERVICE2 | 2 | 1 | Service Directory: Table of Services | Services |
62 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SDURL2 | 2 | 1 | Service Directory: Table of URL Addresses | Services |
63 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVATTRIBUTE | 8 | 1 | XI Services: Attributes According to AMD (Channel & Binding) | Services |
64 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVBINDHDRMAP | 4 | 1 | XI Services: Header Mapping (Field -> Extractor) | Services |
65 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVBINDING | 13 | 1 | XI Services: Bindings | Services |
66 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVBINDINGATT | 3 | 1 | XI Services: Binding Attributes | Services |
67 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVBINDINGUSR | 3 | 1 | XI: Service - Authorized User | Services |
68 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVCHANNEL | 19 | 1 | XI Services: Channels | Services |
69 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVCHANNELATT | 3 | 1 | XI Services: Channel Attributes | Services |
70 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVCHANNELMOD | 6 | 1 | XI Services: Channel Modules | Services |
71 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVPARTY | 6 | 1 | XI: Services, Party Conversion | Services |
72 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVPROCESSCOMP | 5 | 1 | XI Services: Process Components | Services |
73 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVRTASSIGN | 6 | 1 | XI Services: Mapping from Binding to Assignment | Services |
74 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVRTCONFIG | 7 | 1 | XI Services: Mapping XI Config to WS Runtime Config | Services |
75 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVRTDTNAME | 3 | 1 | XI Services: Design Time Object Name (Name + Number) | Services |
76 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVRTWSDL | 6 | 1 | XI Services: Mapping from Interface to WSDL | Services |
77 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVSERVICE | 7 | 2 | XI: Services, Party Identifiers for a Service | Services |
78 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVSERVICEUSR | 3 | 1 | XI: Service - Authorized User | Services |
79 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SSRVSRVINTF | 6 | 1 | XI Services: Service Interfaces Data | Services |
Basis Components :: Exchange Infrastructure :: Integration Builder - Design :: Mapping |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
80 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SMPPAUTO | 8 | 1 | XI Mapping: Results of Automatic Test Cases | Mapping |
81 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SMPPBIND | 6 | 1 | Mapping Parameterization: Binding | Mapping |
82 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SMPPCASE | 16 | 1 | XI Mapping: Automatic Test Cases | Mapping |
83 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SMPPCONT | 9 | 1 | Test for Mapping Parameterization | Mapping |
84 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SMPPIDET | 3 | 1 | Interface Determination | Mapping |
85 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SMPPMAP | 12 | 1 | Mapping Runtime: Mapping | Mapping |
86 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SMPPMAP3 | 24 | 1 | Mapping Runtime: Mapping | Mapping |
87 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SMPPPAR | 5 | 1 | Mapping Runtime: Parameterization | Mapping |
88 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SMPPREL3 | 26 | 2 | Mapping Runtime: Mapping Relation | Mapping |
89 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SMPPSPLIT | 11 | 2 | XI Mapping: Merge and Split | Mapping |
90 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SMPPSTEP | 8 | 1 | Mapping Runtime: Mapping Step | Mapping |
91 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SMPPTYP | 1 | 1 | Filter Value | Mapping |
92 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SMPPTYPT | 3 | 1 | Text Table for SMPPTYP | Mapping |
93 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SMPPXLOG | 3 | 1 | Logging During Multi-Mapping | Mapping |
Basis Components :: Exchange Infrastructure :: Integration Server :: Business Process Engine |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
94 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BRR_ACTIVE | 8 | 1 | Activation Data for a Business Rule | Business Process Engine |
95 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BRR_ACTIVE_C | 9 | 1 | Activation Data for a Client-Dependent Business Rule | Business Process Engine |
96 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BRR_ATTRIB | 8 | 2 | Custom Attribute or Rule | Business Process Engine |
97 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BRR_ATTRIB_C | 9 | 2 | Custom Attribute or Rule | Business Process Engine |
98 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BRR_CONT | 4 | 1 | Container of a Business Rule | Business Process Engine |
99 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BRR_CONT_C | 5 | 1 | Container of a Client-Specific Rule | Business Process Engine |
100 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BRR_HEADER | 27 | 3 | Header Data of a Business Rule (Table Structure) | Business Process Engine |
101 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BRR_HEADER_C | 28 | 3 | Client-Specific Business Rule (Table Structure) | Business Process Engine |
102 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BRR_TEXT | 6 | 1 | Language-Dependent Rule Text | Business Process Engine |
103 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BRR_TEXT_C | 7 | 1 | Text for a Language-Dependent Rule | Business Process Engine |
104 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFBBINDEF | 26 | 1 | BAM Definition: Bindings | Business Process Engine |
105 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFBPROXYOP | 4 | 1 | BAM Definition: Proxy and Operations | Business Process Engine |
106 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFBRULECOM | 18 | 1 | BAM: Client-Specific Conditions | Business Process Engine |
107 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFBRULECOU | 17 | 1 | BAM: Cross-Client Condition | Business Process Engine |
108 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFDCRLDLVMODE | 14 | 1 | Configuration of Inbound Processing | Business Process Engine |
109 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFDCRLDVERS | 15 | 1 | Versioning of Configuration of Inbound Processing | Business Process Engine |
110 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFDXMPCFGCAT | 4 | 1 | XML Message Proxy: Configuration for Categories | Business Process Engine |
111 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFDXMPCNT | 4 | 1 | XML Message Proxy: Container Definition (XML Persistence) | Business Process Engine |
112 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFDXMPCNTT | 5 | 1 | XML Message Proxy: Container Definition (Text) | Business Process Engine |
113 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFDXMPEAC | 5 | 1 | XML Message Proxy: Element Access | Business Process Engine |
114 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFDXMPHDR | 11 | 2 | XML Message Proxy: Header | Business Process Engine |
115 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFDXMPHDRT | 3 | 1 | XML Message Proxy: Header Text | Business Process Engine |
116 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFDXMPINDX | 12 | 1 | XML Message Proxy: INDX table | Business Process Engine |
117 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFDXMPNSP | 4 | 1 | XML Message Proxy: Namespaces of a Proxy | Business Process Engine |
118 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFDXMPXI | 5 | 2 | XML Message Proxy: Relationship to XI Identification | Business Process Engine |
119 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFDXMPXIRT | 3 | 1 | XML Message Proxy: Relationship to Root Tags | Business Process Engine |
120 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFRXIBND | 23 | 1 | XI Adapter: Binding to Parameter Container | Business Process Engine |
121 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFRXICNT | 6 | 1 | XI Adapter: XML Container for a Message Object | Business Process Engine |
122 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFRXIHDR | 13 | 2 | XI Adapter: Header Data for a Message Object | Business Process Engine |
123 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFRXIPCNT | 5 | 1 | XI Adapter: XML-Parameter Container | Business Process Engine |
124 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFRXIPRC | 4 | 1 | XI-Adapter: Process-Dependent Message Data | Business Process Engine |
125 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFRXMPICNT | 5 | 1 | XML Message Proxy: Instance Container | Business Process Engine |
126 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFRXMPIHDR | 4 | 1 | XML Message Proxy: Instance Header Data | Business Process Engine |
127 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIADM_SRH | 6 | 1 | XI: BPE Administration Shutdown/Startup Header | Business Process Engine |
128 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIADM_SRS | 7 | 1 | XI: BPE Administration Shutdown/Startup Steps | Business Process Engine |
129 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIADM_TSK | 3 | 1 | XI: BPE Shutdown/Restart Tasks | Business Process Engine |
130 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIBULKMON | 15 | 3 | BPE: Monitoring Table for Bulks | Business Process Engine |
131 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXICACHE | 14 | 3 | XI: Cache for Process Definitions | Business Process Engine |
132 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXICLOG | 9 | 1 | XI Cache: Message Log | Business Process Engine |
133 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIDISPATCH | 28 | 4 | BPM: Buffer for Inbound Messages | Business Process Engine |
134 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIDISPMONI | 25 | 8 | Monitoring BPE Inbound Processing | Business Process Engine |
135 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIERR | 14 | 1 | XI Adapter: Information About Last qRFC Error | Business Process Engine |
136 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIINBENQ | 2 | 1 | BPE: Dummy Table for Enqueue Arguments | Business Process Engine |
137 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIINBQUEUES | 3 | 1 | Configuration of Inbound Processing; Specified Queues | Business Process Engine |
138 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIINBSWITCH | 24 | 1 | Switch Configuration of Inbound Processing | Business Process Engine |
139 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIINB_TRC_DAT | 16 | 1 | Workflow-Trace: Data Entries | Business Process Engine |
140 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIINB_TRC_SEL | 11 | 2 | Workflow Trace: Selection Conditions for Trace Start | Business Process Engine |
141 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIKEYMAP | 3 | 1 | Conversion Cache Refresh: XI Object + Condition ID -> BRR | Business Process Engine |
142 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIKEYMAPC | 4 | 1 | Conversion (client dep.): XI Object + Condition ID -> BRR | Business Process Engine |
143 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXILOG | 17 | 1 | History of Processing a Message in BPE | Business Process Engine |
144 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIOBJS | 6 | 1 | XI: Cache: Objects of a Process Definition (Proxy, CRL..) | Business Process Engine |
145 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIPROCMSGREL | 7 | 3 | Relationship Between Process Instances in XI Messages | Business Process Engine |
146 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWFXIUSERINFO | 4 | 3 | User Contexts in Integration Processes | Business Process Engine |
147 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWF_BAM_TRC_DAT | 21 | 1 | BAM Trace Data | Business Process Engine |
148 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SWF_BAM_TRC_SEL | 11 | 1 | Selection Data for BAM Tracing | Business Process Engine |
149 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXI_AC_CACHE_IS | 4 | 2 | XI Mapping Table for Alert Category Cache Refresh | Business Process Engine |
Basis Components :: Exchange Infrastructure :: Integration Server :: Integration Engine |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
150 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSARCITF | 6 | 1 | XML Message Archiving | Integration Engine |
151 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSARCITF2 | 6 | 2 | XML Message: Archiving for Interface/NS | Integration Engine |
152 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSBLKAGG | 53 | 4 | XMB: Aggregated Data for Package Statistics | Integration Engine |
153 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSBLKRAW | 52 | 3 | XMB: Raw Data for Package Statistics | Integration Engine |
154 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSBLKRAWDET | 4 | 1 | XMB: Detailed Data for Bulk Statistics | Integration Engine |
155 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSBULK | 11 | 3 | XML Message Broker: Bulk Statistics | Integration Engine |
156 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSCLUP | 8 | 1 | XMB: Property Cluster | Integration Engine |
157 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSCLUP2 | 8 | 1 | XMB: Property Cluster (Switch Table) | Integration Engine |
158 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSCLUR | 9 | 1 | XMB: Resources Cluster | Integration Engine |
159 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSCLUR2 | 9 | 1 | XMB: Resources Cluster (Switch Table) | Integration Engine |
160 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSCONFDF | 9 | 1 | XMS: Integration Engine Configuration Parameters | Integration Engine |
161 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSCONFPP | 5 | 1 | Principal Propagation Configuration for IE | Integration Engine |
162 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSCONFVL | 8 | 1 | XMS: Integration Engine Configuration Data | Integration Engine |
163 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSCXFTESTSEQU | 3 | 1 | CXF Interop Tests | Integration Engine |
164 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSDCONF | 7 | 1 | Integration Engine: Settings for Deletion Concept | Integration Engine |
165 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSEPBUFFER | 9 | 1 | Exchange Profile Value Buffer | Integration Engine |
166 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSFTEST | 4 | 1 | Table for XI Runtime Engine Test | Integration Engine |
167 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSGLOBAL | 7 | 1 | Integration Engine: Obsolete | Integration Engine |
168 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSHELP | 10 | 1 | Help Assistant | Integration Engine |
169 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSHELPT | 5 | 1 | Help Assistant (Short Text) | Integration Engine |
170 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSINTERFACE | 17 | 1 | Sender/Receiver Definition | Integration Engine |
171 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSINTF | 5 | 1 | XMB: Container for Application Monitoring (Template) | Integration Engine |
172 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSINTFT | 6 | 1 | Sender/Receiver Interfaces | Integration Engine |
173 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSITF | 4 | 1 | Search Help for Interface for Archiving (Without Content) | Integration Engine |
174 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSJINFO | 6 | 1 | Integration Engine: Job Information | Integration Engine |
175 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSJOBS | 14 | 1 | Jobs for Time-Controlled Message Processing | Integration Engine |
176 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSLOOKUPENGINE | 4 | 1 | Look Up Table for Engine Type and Engine Name | Integration Engine |
177 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSMETERAGG | 8 | 3 | Service Metering - Aggregated data | Integration Engine |
178 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSMETERAGGDEF | 12 | 2 | Service Metering - Definition of the Aggregation Record | Integration Engine |
179 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSMETERAGGPART | 14 | 2 | Service Metering - partly aggregated records runtime inserts | Integration Engine |
180 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSMONSEL | 7 | 1 | Selection Table for Integ. Engine Application Monitoring | Integration Engine |
181 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSMONSET | 4 | 1 | Selection Table for Integ. Engine Application Monitoring | Integration Engine |
182 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSMSGDEF | 23 | 4 | Message Definition | Integration Engine |
183 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSMSGREF | 27 | 6 | Message Reference Storage | Integration Engine |
184 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPADM | 8 | 1 | XMS Pipeline: Execution Settings | Integration Engine |
185 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPCONF | 4 | 1 | XMB: Administrative Data for Pipeline Configuration | Integration Engine |
186 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPDATA | 7 | 2 | Archive for Message Extract | Integration Engine |
187 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPEMAS | 17 | 1 | Integration Engine: Enhanced Message Queue (Master) | Integration Engine |
188 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPEMAS2 | 17 | 1 | Integration Engine: Extended Message Queue (Switch Table) | Integration Engine |
189 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPERFT | 5 | 1 | XMS: Monitor Table for Runtime Measurement | Integration Engine |
190 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPERRO2 | 10 | 2 | XMB: Message Queue (Entries with Errors) (Switch Table) | Integration Engine |
191 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPERROR | 10 | 2 | XML Message Broker: Message Queue (Incorrect Entries) | Integration Engine |
192 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPHIST | 16 | 2 | XML Message Broker: History | Integration Engine |
193 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPHIST2 | 16 | 2 | XML Message Broker: History (Switch Table) | Integration Engine |
194 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPIPE | 3 | 2 | XML Message Server: Pipeline Definition | Integration Engine |
195 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPIPEEL | 13 | 1 | Pipeline Element Definition | Integration Engine |
196 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPIPET | 3 | 1 | XMS: Pipeline Description | Integration Engine |
197 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPLELT | 4 | 1 | XMS: Description of Pipeline Elements | Integration Engine |
198 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPLSRV | 17 | 1 | XMS: Pipeline Service Specification | Integration Engine |
199 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPLSRVT | 4 | 1 | XMS: Description of Pipeline Services | Integration Engine |
200 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPMAST | 45 | 7 | Integration Engine: Message Queue (Master) | Integration Engine |
201 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPMAST2 | 45 | 7 | XML Message Broker: Message Queue (Master) (Switch Table) | Integration Engine |
202 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPVERS | 18 | 1 | Integration Engine: Message Version | Integration Engine |
203 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPVERS2 | 18 | 1 | Integration Engine: Message Version (Switch Table) | Integration Engine |
204 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSQUEUESTATUS | 3 | 2 | Queue Status During Upgrade Phase | Integration Engine |
205 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSQUEUE_RCV | 4 | 2 | Mapping Queue Receiver | Integration Engine |
206 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSQUEUE_REORG | 6 | 1 | Storage Location for Queues That Are Being Reorganized | Integration Engine |
207 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSRECVT | 6 | 1 | Technical Receiver | Integration Engine |
208 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSSPDIAGS | 6 | 1 | Objects for SXMS SUPPORT DIAGNOSTICS | Integration Engine |
209 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSSYERR | 5 | 1 | XMS: System Error Error Codes | Integration Engine |
210 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSSYERRT | 4 | 1 | XMS: Brief Description of System Error Error Codes | Integration Engine |
211 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSTESTCHECK | 7 | 2 | Check-Table | Integration Engine |
212 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSTRANS_CONFIG | 3 | 1 | Configuration Table for Message Transfer | Integration Engine |
213 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSTRANS_HEADER | 9 | 1 | Lookup Table for Message Transfer | Integration Engine |
214 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSTRANS_MSG | 10 | 1 | Body Table for Message Transfer | Integration Engine |
215 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSTRC_DAT | 19 | 1 | XMS: Trace Data | Integration Engine |
216 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSTRC_SEL | 12 | 2 | XMS: Selection Conditions for Trace Start | Integration Engine |
217 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSTSACT | 6 | 1 | Action Table for Integration Server Troubleshooting | Integration Engine |
218 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSTSTRIG | 7 | 1 | Table of Troubleshooting Trigger | Integration Engine |
219 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_AS_STATUS | 10 | 3 | Status Table of Synchronous/Asynchronous Bridge | Integration Engine |
220 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_BCFG_MAST | 11 | 1 | Package Configuration Types | Integration Engine |
221 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_BCFG_MATT | 4 | 1 | Text Table for SXMS_BCFG_MAST | Integration Engine |
222 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_BCONF | 9 | 1 | Assignment Package Configuration | Integration Engine |
223 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_BCONF_SPEC | 11 | 1 | Specific Packaging Configuration | Integration Engine |
224 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_CUST_HDR | 10 | 1 | Encrypting Customer Header | Integration Engine |
225 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_EOIOREORG | 10 | 3 | Reorganization of EOIO Queues | Integration Engine |
226 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_EOIO_ERR | 6 | 1 | Error Table for Overserialized EOIO Queues | Integration Engine |
227 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_EOIO_REORG | 10 | 2 | Reorganization of EOIO Queues | Integration Engine |
228 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_EOIO_STAT | 10 | 1 | Maximum Number of EOIO Queues | Integration Engine |
229 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_EOIO_VIOL | 13 | 1 | Exception Handling in EOIO Processing | Integration Engine |
230 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_EO_RETRY_ER | 5 | 1 | Automatic Retry Message Counter Table | Integration Engine |
231 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_ESOA_DEST | 3 | 1 | Test Configuration for IS Short Cut | Integration Engine |
232 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_ESOA_T | 7 | 1 | Test Configuration for IS Short Cut | Integration Engine |
233 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_EXT_FIL | 16 | 2 | Filter for Extractors | Integration Engine |
234 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_FEH | 4 | 2 | Lock Entries for FEH | Integration Engine |
235 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_LCR_VERS | 19 | 1 | XI: Version Information form SLD About Receiver Systems | Integration Engine |
236 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_LMS_EXTR | 19 | 2 | Lean Message Search Extractor | Integration Engine |
237 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_MULTIM_REF | 5 | 3 | Link Table Leading Message - Submessages | Integration Engine |
238 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_NAC_MAP | 6 | 2 | Non Addr. Client: Mapping Sender Sequence/Number Receiver | Integration Engine |
239 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_NAC_SA | 4 | 1 | SA-Bridge Enhancement for WS NAC Scenario | Integration Engine |
240 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_NAC_SEQU | 3 | 1 | Non Addressible Client Scenario: Inbound Sequence | Integration Engine |
241 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_NSPREFIX | 10 | 1 | Table for Extractor Namespace Prefixes | Integration Engine |
242 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_PACKCOUNT | 3 | 1 | Counter for Packaged Messages | Integration Engine |
243 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_QM | 9 | 1 | XML Message Broker: Queue Monitor | Integration Engine |
244 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_QM_SERVER | 5 | 1 | XI: Server for Queue Monitoring | Integration Engine |
245 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_QUEUE_PRIO | 3 | 2 | Prioritized EOIO Queues | Integration Engine |
246 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_SCOPY | 6 | 1 | WS/XI Log Table for System Copy | Integration Engine |
247 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_SEQUENCE | 2 | 1 | Sequences | Integration Engine |
248 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_SEQU_QUEUE | 10 | 1 | Assignment of WS Inbound Sequence to XI Queue ID | Integration Engine |
249 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_SH_MEM | 4 | 1 | Shared Memory Area Configuration | Integration Engine |
250 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_SYSPAR | 3 | 1 | SAP System Parameter and Storage Location | Integration Engine |
251 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_TCMP_TEST | 6 | 1 | Test Data Event-Driven Message Processing | Integration Engine |
252 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_VIOL_LOG | 15 | 1 | Exception Handling in EOIO Processing | Integration Engine |
253 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_WSRM_XI_MAP | 7 | 3 | Map Table Between Inbound Sequence/Queue and Outbound Seq. | Integration Engine |
254 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_WS_SYSERR | 4 | 1 | Qualified Names for System Error Fragments | Integration Engine |
255 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_WS_SYSERSAP | 4 | 1 | Qualified Names for System Error Fragments | Integration Engine |
Basis Components :: Exchange Infrastructure :: Integration Server :: Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
256 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERFWSLOG | 4 | 1 | XI Performance: Web Service Log | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
257 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_INDX | 5 | 1 | XI Performance: INDX Cluster | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
258 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_REG_CFG | 25 | 1 | Performance Regression - Configuration | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
259 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_REG_JOB | 3 | 1 | Performance Regression: Job Definition | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
260 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_REG_LGC | 5 | 1 | Performance Regression - Run Log Component Data | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
261 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_REG_LGS | 3 | 1 | Performance Regression - Run Log Statistics Data | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
262 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_REG_LOG | 8 | 1 | Performance Regression - Run Log | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
263 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_REG_RSA | 6 | 1 | Performance Regression - Run Log Aggregate Data | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
264 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_REG_RSR | 5 | 1 | Performance Regression - Run Log Raw Data | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
265 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_REG_STA | 12 | 1 | Performance Regression - Run Stat Aggregate Data | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
266 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_REG_STJ | 19 | 1 | Performance Regression - Run Stat JARM Data | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
267 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_REG_STR | 13 | 1 | Performance Regression - Run Stat Raw Data | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
268 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_REG_TAB | 2 | 1 | Performance Regression - Run Tables | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
269 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_REG_TCC | 35 | 1 | Performance Regression - TestCase Configuration | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
270 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_REG_TGA | 3 | 1 | Performance Regression - TestGroup Assignment | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
271 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPERF_REG_TGC | 2 | 1 | Performance Regression - TestGroup Configuration | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
272 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPMIDEST | 13 | 1 | PMI Component and Destination for XI Component | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
273 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXIPMIPROCID | 8 | 1 | XI Process Type of PMI Monitoring | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
274 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSAGGDAT | 13 | 1 | SAP XI Status Overview: Aggregated Data | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
275 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSAGGERRLABEL | 2 | 1 | XI Status Details | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
276 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSAGGERRLBLTXT | 4 | 1 | XI Status Details | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
277 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSAGGERRMAP | 3 | 1 | Mapping Table for Error Codes | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
278 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSAGGMAP | 7 | 1 | SAP XI Status Overview: Mapping Aggregation Key Attribute | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
279 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSAGGPERIOD | 3 | 1 | SAP XI Status Overview: Aggregration Profile Periods | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
280 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSAGGPROF | 10 | 1 | SAP XI Status Overview: Aggregration Profile Header | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
281 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSAGGPROFR | 6 | 1 | SAP XI Status Overview: Aggregration Profile Runtime Data | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
282 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSAGGPROFT | 3 | 1 | SAP XI Status Overview: Aggregration Profile Short Text | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
283 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSAGGRAW | 13 | 2 | SAP XI Status Overview: Integration Engine Raw Data | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
284 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSALERTCNTRL | 4 | 1 | Control Table for XI Alerts | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
285 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSALERTCONTENT | 13 | 2 | PI Alerting: Alert Information | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
286 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSALERTCONTROL | 2 | 1 | Control Table | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
287 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSALERTLOG | 8 | 1 | XI Alert Log | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
288 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSALERTLOGGER | 5 | 1 | XI Alert Logs | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
289 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSALERTRULES | 24 | 1 | Rules for Alert Generation: Msg Header -> Alert Category | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
290 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSALERTSTEPS | 3 | 1 | PMI Process Steps for Alerting | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
291 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSALERTTMSTMP | 3 | 1 | Time Stamp of Last PMI Process Instance Checked | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
292 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSEPCACHE | 14 | 1 | XI: Runtime Cache for Exchange Profile | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
293 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSEPCLOG | 7 | 2 | XI: Log Table for Runtime Cache for Exchange Profile | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
294 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSMSGFILTER | 19 | 1 | SAP XI: Filter for Sender/Receiver Attributes | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
295 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSMSGINDCUS | 22 | 1 | SAP XI: Configuration for Indexing of Messages | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
296 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSMSGINDLOG | 8 | 2 | SAP XI: Indexing Log of Messages | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
297 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSMSGINDSRV | 15 | 1 | SAP XI: Services for Indexing of Messages | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
298 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSMSGPMI | 6 | 3 | Using XI Messages in PMI | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
299 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSMSTAT | 10 | 1 | Exchange Infrastructure: Message Status | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
300 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSMSTATT | 3 | 1 | Exchange Infrastructure: Message Status Description | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
301 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPFADDRESS | 7 | 2 | Integration Engine: Sender and Receiver Information | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
302 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPFAGG | 30 | 2 | Integration Engine: Aggregated Data for Performance Display | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
303 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPFCOMPONENT | 8 | 1 | Integration Engine: Component Information | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
304 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPFRAWD | 7 | 1 | Integration Engine: Data Table for Raw Data for Performance | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
305 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPFRAWH | 17 | 3 | Integn Eng: Header Table for Raw Data for Performance Evaln | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
306 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSPMIRAW | 14 | 2 | Integration Engine: Performance Data Extracted from PMI | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
307 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMSWSCONFIG | 4 | 1 | XI: Configuration Information for Web Services | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |
308 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SXMS_BCKGND_JOBS | 11 | 1 | List of monitoring reports with assigned background jobs | Runtime WorkbenchMonitoring |