SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

212 tablesERP 6.0 

Without Description :: Without Description :: Data Basis
1ERP EHP76.0MDM_CS_FIELD_TAB151MDM: Field Table of SAP SystemData Basis
2ERP EHP76.0RRBANRIV71Client-independent number range intervalsData Basis
3ERP EHP76.0RSAPOADM101Management Table for Transactional RequestsData Basis
4ERP EHP76.0RSAPOREQUEST21Table for Defining Lock ObjectData Basis
5ERP EHP76.0RSBDATAPID71Open Hub: Data Package Log for a RequestData Basis
6ERP EHP76.0RSBDATAPIDMESS142Open Hub: Log for a RequestData Basis
7ERP EHP76.0RSBDBTAB61Open Hub Destinations: DB TablesData Basis
8ERP EHP76.0RSBDBTABMAP41Mapping of Fields of an InfoSpoke on a DB TableData Basis
9ERP EHP76.0RSBFILE171Open Hub Destinations: FilesData Basis
10ERP EHP76.0RSBFILEMAP51Mapping of Fields of an InfoSpoke on a DB TableData Basis
12ERP EHP76.0RSBLOGSYS11Logical System for Open HubData Basis
13ERP EHP76.0RSBLOGSYST41Texts for Logical Destinations for Open HubData Basis
14ERP EHP76.0RSBMON71Monitor Variants for Open Hub MonitorData Basis
15ERP EHP76.0RSBODSLOG21Requests in ODS ChangelogData Basis
16ERP EHP76.0RSBODSLOGSTATE71Changelog Status for ODS ObjectData Basis
17ERP EHP76.0RSBOHDEST261Directory of Open Hub DestinationsData Basis
18ERP EHP76.0RSBOHDESTT51Directory of Open Hub DestinationsData Basis
19ERP EHP76.0RSBOHDESTVAR51Directory of Parameters of Open Hub DestinationsData Basis
20ERP EHP76.0RSBOHDIF21Table for Interface IF_RSB_OHD_ENHData Basis
21ERP EHP76.0RSBOHFIELDS181Fields of the Open Hub DestinationData Basis
22ERP EHP76.0RSBOHFIELDST61Text Table for Fields of the Open Hub DestinationData Basis
23ERP EHP76.0RSBOHIPAK31InfoPackage for DestinationData Basis
24ERP EHP76.0RSBOHSERVICETP31Open Hub: Service TypesData Basis
25ERP EHP76.0RSBOHSERVICETPT31Open Hub: Service TypesData Basis
26ERP EHP76.0RSBPGMGEN111Generated routines for data extraction for data marts.Data Basis
27ERP EHP76.0RSBREQUESTDELTA21Open Hub: Cross Reference Outbound/Inbound RequestsData Basis
28ERP EHP76.0RSBREQUESTMESS131Open Hub: Log for a RequestData Basis
29ERP EHP76.0RSBREQUID261Open Hub: RequestsData Basis
30ERP EHP76.0RSBREQUID3RD31Open Hub: Status of 3rd Party RequestsData Basis
31ERP EHP76.0RSBREQUIDFIELDS21Fields of a RequestData Basis
32ERP EHP76.0RSBREQUIDRUN81Open Hub: Table with Status for a Request RunData Basis
33ERP EHP76.0RSBREQUIDSELSET71Selection Options of a RequestData Basis
34ERP EHP76.0RSBSERVERPROP41Server Types for the Data Transfer Process: Source ObjectsData Basis
35ERP EHP76.0RSBSERVERPROPT41Texts on Source Object Types for Data Transfer ProcessData Basis
36ERP EHP76.0RSBSPOKE231InfoSpokes DirectoryData Basis
37ERP EHP76.0RSBSPOKEDELTA71Requests for Delta Recording of an InfoSpokeData Basis
38ERP EHP76.0RSBSPOKEFIELDS81Fields Directory of an InfoSpokeData Basis
39ERP EHP76.0RSBSPOKESELSET81InfoSpokes DirectoryData Basis
40ERP EHP76.0RSBSPOKESTAT81Status of Delta Recording of a SpokeData Basis
41ERP EHP76.0RSBSPOKET51InfoSpokes DirectoryData Basis
42ERP EHP76.0RSBSPOKEV231InfoSpoke Directory: VersionsData Basis
43ERP EHP76.0RSBSPOKEVFIELDS81Fields Directory of an InfoSpokeData Basis
44ERP EHP76.0RSBSPOKEVSELSET81InfoSpokes DirectoryData Basis
45ERP EHP76.0RSBSPOKEVT51Directory for InfoSpoke Texts (Version-Dependent)Data Basis
46ERP EHP76.0RSBSTEPIDLOG91Open Hub: Data Package Log for a RequestData Basis
47ERP EHP76.0RSBSTEPIDMESS152Open Hub: Log for a RequestData Basis
48ERP EHP76.0RSBSTRUCTURE11Open Hub: Generated Structures and TablesData Basis
49ERP EHP76.0RSBTRANSFIELD71Target Structure InfoObjects for Open Hub TransformationData Basis
50ERP EHP76.0RSCNVACTDATA61Copy of the INDX for Converting ODS ObjectsData Basis
51ERP EHP76.0RSCNVCG201Conversion GroupsData Basis
52ERP EHP76.0RSCNVCGHEADER111Remodeling Rule headerData Basis
53ERP EHP76.0RSCNVCGT51Remodeling Rule TextsData Basis
54ERP EHP76.0RSCNVMON301Table to store the general data for MonitorData Basis
55ERP EHP76.0RSCNVMONSTEPS151Steps of any operation on a BW ObjectData Basis
56ERP EHP76.0RSCNVOPTYPES31Operation type to class name mappingData Basis
57ERP EHP76.0RSCNVREQ81Conversion RequestsData Basis
58ERP EHP76.0RSCNVSTEPOPS41Operations relevant for each stepData Basis
59ERP EHP76.0RSCNVSTEPS41Conversion Request StepsData Basis
60ERP EHP76.0RSCNVTST41Remodeling TestData Basis
61ERP EHP76.0RSCNVTSTDATA51Remodeling test dataData Basis
62ERP EHP76.0RSDCHABASDEL271artefact of the first concept of new MD del. no longer usedData Basis
63ERP EHP76.0RSDCHABASDELCV31artefact of the first concept of new MD del. no longer usedData Basis
64ERP EHP76.0RSDCHABASDELLOG61artefact of the first concept of new MD dele. nolonger usedData Basis
65ERP EHP76.0RSDCHABASDELMSG91likely artefactData Basis
66ERP EHP76.0RSDCUBE1281Directory of InfoCubes / InfoProviderData Basis
67ERP EHP76.0RSDCUBEIOBJ42Objects per InfoCube (where-used list)Data Basis
68ERP EHP76.0RSDCUBELOC51Local Characteristics: InfoCubes (InfoProvider)Data Basis
69ERP EHP76.0RSDCUBEMULTI61InfoCubes concerned with MultiCubeData Basis
70ERP EHP76.0RSDCUBET52Texts for the InfoCubesData Basis
71ERP EHP76.0RSDDIME112Dimensions directoryData Basis
72ERP EHP76.0RSDDIMEIOBJ51InfoObjects per dimension (where-used list)Data Basis
73ERP EHP76.0RSDDIMELOC41Dimensions system-local properties (not transport.)Data Basis
74ERP EHP76.0RSDDIMET62Dimension TextsData Basis
75ERP EHP76.0RSDD_DELTA_PKG81Delta Package Management for InfoCube Delta WriteData Basis
76ERP EHP76.0RSDD_MIGRAT_PART41Table with Partitioning Information for the BW MigrationData Basis
77ERP EHP76.0RSDD_PKG_ID21Unique Delta Package ID for Each InfoCubeData Basis
78ERP EHP76.0RSDICHAPRO151InfoCube-specific characteristic propertiesData Basis
79ERP EHP76.0RSDICMULTIIOBJ51MultiProvider: Selection/Identification of InfoObjectsData Basis
80ERP EHP76.0RSDICVALIOBJ41InfoObjects in NC-value validity table for the InfoCubeData Basis
81ERP EHP76.0RSDIKYFPRO91InfoCube-specific key figure propertiesData Basis
82ERP EHP76.0RSDIPROHIER31InfoProvider: Hierarchies (InfoObjects)Data Basis
83ERP EHP76.0RSDIPROHNODE91InfoProvider: Hierarchy NodesData Basis
84ERP EHP76.0RSDIPROHNODEIOBJ61InfoProvider: InfoObjects in Hierarchy NodesData Basis
85ERP EHP76.0RSDIPROHNODET62InfoProvider: Hierarchy Nodes, DescriptionsData Basis
86ERP EHP76.0RSDIPROIOBJRANGE81Partitioning Areas: InfoProviderData Basis
87ERP EHP76.0RSDIPROIOBJT62Texts for InfoObjects in InfoProviderData Basis
88ERP EHP76.0RSDMCHGRQ41Data Mart Delta Management: Critical RequestsData Basis
89ERP EHP76.0RSDMDATSYS21artefactData Basis
90ERP EHP76.0RSDMDATTRDATE21Relation: Char. and Key Dates of Time-Dependent AttributeData Basis
91ERP EHP76.0RSDMDDTSTMP31Master Data Deletion TimestampData Basis
92ERP EHP76.0RSDMDELTA51Data Mart Delta ManagementData Basis
93ERP EHP76.0RSDMDENQ61Locking of master data tables / text tablesData Basis
94ERP EHP76.0RSDMDIMTAB21Model table: Dimensions tableData Basis
95ERP EHP76.0RSDMDLTGLO11Data Mart Delta Management: Delta Active/InactiveData Basis
96ERP EHP76.0RSDMDRSRV21Communication with RSRV JobsData Basis
97ERP EHP76.0RSDMDRSRVMSG181Messages Generated by RSRV JobsData Basis
98ERP EHP76.0RSDMFACTAB21Model table: Fact tableData Basis
99ERP EHP76.0RSDMODSTAB21Model Table: ODS Table Active RecordsData Basis
100ERP EHP76.0RSDMODSTAB_IMACT51Model Table for DSO: In-Memory ActivationData Basis
101ERP EHP76.0RSDMODSTAB_MPP41Model Table for DataStore Object: Table for MPPData Basis
102ERP EHP76.0RSDMODSTAB_UPDOP21Model Table for DSO: Modification Rules for FieldsData Basis
103ERP EHP76.0RSDMODSTAB_UR31Model Table for ODS Update and RollbackData Basis
104ERP EHP76.0RSDMSTAT81Datamart Status TableData Basis
105ERP EHP76.0RSDMVALTAB41Model table: Validity tableData Basis
106ERP EHP76.0RSDODSO701Directory of all DataStoresData Basis
107ERP EHP76.0RSDODSOATRNAV42Navigation Attributes in DataStoreData Basis
108ERP EHP76.0RSDODSOINDX41Indexes for DataStoresData Basis
109ERP EHP76.0RSDODSOIOBJ62InfoObject in DataStoreData Basis
110ERP EHP76.0RSDODSOIOBJIND61InfoObjects in DS IndexesData Basis
111ERP EHP76.0RSDODSOIOBJPRO151InfoObject Properties within the DataStoreData Basis
112ERP EHP76.0RSDODSOLOC41Local Properties of DataStoresData Basis
113ERP EHP76.0RSDODSOT51Texts of DataStoresData Basis
114ERP EHP76.0RSDODSOTABL31Directory of all DataStore TablesData Basis
115ERP EHP76.0RSDRI_DS_TC121Test Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)Data Basis
116ERP EHP76.0RSDRI_DS_TC_BACK121Test Data RSDRI (External Read Interface)Data Basis
117ERP EHP76.0RSDRI_DS_TC_LOG121Test Data RSDRIData Basis
118ERP EHP76.0RSDRI_HDB_CNV71Status Table for InfoCube ConversionData Basis
119ERP EHP76.0RSDRI_HDB_CNVDSO51Control Table for DataStore ConversionData Basis
120ERP EHP76.0RSDUPARTTC51Test Data for Automatic TestsData Basis
121ERP EHP76.0RSEHIERNODE51Master Data: Hierarchy Nodes that Cannot Be Posted ToData Basis
122ERP EHP76.0RSEURO121Conversion Table for Euro ConversionData Basis
123ERP EHP76.0RSHIEDIR352Hierarchy CatalogData Basis
124ERP EHP76.0RSHIEDIRT62Hierarchy directory textsData Basis
125ERP EHP76.0RSHIELVT71Levels Table for Hierarchies in BWData Basis
126ERP EHP76.0RSICRESET31Reset Cube AdministrationData Basis
127ERP EHP76.0RSIWP_ASSIGN51Assignment of of infoojects per Work Package and TablefieldData Basis
128ERP EHP76.0RSIWP_CALLBACK41Callback destinationsData Basis
129ERP EHP76.0RSIWP_DIRTRANS11Infoobjects for direct transferData Basis
130ERP EHP76.0RSIWP_IPROV51Directory of the infoprovides of a Work PackageData Basis
131ERP EHP76.0RSIWP_KEY41Document Keys for ArchivLink accessData Basis
132ERP EHP76.0RSIWP_OBJECT31Objects for ArchivLink accessData Basis
133ERP EHP76.0RSIWP_PARA31Application ParametersData Basis
134ERP EHP76.0RSIWP_TABASS31Tables included in an extended virtual providerData Basis
135ERP EHP76.0RSIWP_VPROV_ASS31Assignment of the Virtual Providers to database tablesData Basis
136ERP EHP76.0RSIWP_VPROV_DEF51Definition ot the Virtual ProvidersData Basis
137ERP EHP76.0RSIWP_WP_ASS41assignment of a work package to a userData Basis
138ERP EHP76.0RSLPO141Logical Partitioning: Directory of LPOsData Basis
139ERP EHP76.0RSLPOCOMP81Logical Partitioning: Components of a LPOData Basis
140ERP EHP76.0RSLPOCOMPTEXT61Logichal Partitioning: Texts for Components of LPOData Basis
141ERP EHP76.0RSLPODBPART81Semantic Partitioning: Criteria for DB PartitioningData Basis
142ERP EHP76.0RSLPOPARAM21LPO ParameterData Basis
143ERP EHP76.0RSLPOPART71Logical Partitioning: Partitions of a LPOData Basis
144ERP EHP76.0RSLPOPARTRANGE91Logical Partitioning: Partitioning CriteriaData Basis
145ERP EHP76.0RSLPOSCHED291Logical Partitioning: Scheduling Options for BTC JobsData Basis
146ERP EHP76.0RSLPOT51Logical Partitioning: Texts for LPOsData Basis
147ERP EHP76.0RSLPO_DFG_DTPFOL31Table for Managing Folders for DTP TemplatesData Basis
148ERP EHP76.0RSLPO_DFG_DTPGEN371Table of Generated DTPsData Basis
149ERP EHP76.0RSLPO_DFG_DTPTPL301Table of DTP TemplatesData Basis
150ERP EHP76.0RSLPO_DFG_GENTGT31Pseudo Table for Lock Requests at Target TLOGOData Basis
151ERP EHP76.0RSLPO_LOCKS81Persistent LocksData Basis
152ERP EHP76.0RSLPO_PC_THREAD102Process Chain Generation - ThreadsData Basis
153ERP EHP76.0RSMASLE11Lock Table for Master Data DeletionData Basis
154ERP EHP76.0RSMAXHIETAB131Hierarchy Node Table with Maximum Possible StructureData Basis
155ERP EHP76.0RSMDDELTAEX41Table of Active Master Data ExtractorsData Basis
156ERP EHP76.0RSMDHIERATTR31Attribute Table Metadata HierarchiesData Basis
157ERP EHP76.0RSMDUCMUKAGGR61UT Aggregates: Identifying attributes for MUKsData Basis
158ERP EHP76.0RSMDUCMUKATTR51UT Attributes: Identifying attributes for MUKsData Basis
159ERP EHP76.0RSMDUCMUKCMP41UT Compound Cha: Identifying attributes for MUKsData Basis
160ERP EHP76.0RSMDUCMUKCUBE51UT InfoCube: identifying attributes for MUKsData Basis
161ERP EHP76.0RSMDUCMUKDOC21UT Documents: Identifying attributes for MUKsData Basis
162ERP EHP76.0RSMDUCMUKHIER81UT Hierarchy: Identifying attributes for MUKsData Basis
163ERP EHP76.0RSMDUCMUKMETA51UT MetaData: identifying attributes for MUKsData Basis
164ERP EHP76.0RSMDUCMUKNLS51UT Nearline Infoproviders: identifying attributes for MUKsData Basis
165ERP EHP76.0RSMDUCMUKODSO51UT DataStore Objects: identifying attributes for MUKsData Basis
166ERP EHP76.0RSMDUCMUT61Metadata of Master Data Usage Type (for Usage Check)Data Basis
167ERP EHP76.0RSMDUCMUTT31Text for Metadata of Master Data Usage Type(for Usage Check)Data Basis
168ERP EHP76.0RSMDUC_DTEMPLATE31Template table for 'D' Temprary table (MD Where-Used Check)Data Basis
169ERP EHP76.0RSMDUC_TEMPTABNM51Names of Temporary tables used in MD Where-Used CheckData Basis
170ERP EHP76.0RSMDUC_TTEMPLATE11Template table for 'T' Temprary table (MD Where-Used Check)Data Basis
171ERP EHP76.0RSMHIERNODE31Master data: Hierarchy nodes that cannot be posted toData Basis
172ERP EHP76.0RSMIGROBJ61Lock Entries for Object MigrationData Basis
173ERP EHP76.0RSODSACTDATA61Copy of INDX for ODS ActivationData Basis
174ERP EHP76.0RSODSACTREQMPP81Activation table of M-requests to change-log requestsData Basis
175ERP EHP76.0RSODSACTSETTING31Settings for Activating RequestsData Basis
176ERP EHP76.0RSODSACTSIDTYPE51SID Status of Fields at Time of UpdateData Basis
177ERP EHP76.0RSODSMPPSQLLOG71Copy of INDX for ODS ActivationData Basis
178ERP EHP76.0RSODSMPPVERIFY251Log for Data VerificationData Basis
179ERP EHP76.0RSODSODELFS31Requests (in Faststores) that are regarded as deletedData Basis
180ERP EHP76.0RSODSOIMOSETTING71Configuration of Runtime Behavior for SAP HANA-Optim. DSOData Basis
181ERP EHP76.0RSODSOMPPSWTCH51Activation of DataStore Objects on MPP PlatformsData Basis
182ERP EHP76.0RSODSOSIDSTATETS41Status of SID Scan (Access Method: Full Table Scan)Data Basis
183ERP EHP76.0RSODSOUSECASE21Specification of Application Type for DataStore ObjectsData Basis
184ERP EHP76.0RSODSO_BRKPNT71Breakpoint Maintenance for DataStore ObjectsData Basis
185ERP EHP76.0RSODSO_CONTEXT81Control of Runtime MeasurementsData Basis
186ERP EHP76.0RSODSO_GENPRG31Management of Generated Programs from DataStore ObjectsData Basis
187ERP EHP76.0RSODSO_IMOACT_T31DSO: In-Memory-Optimized Activation (Template Table)Data Basis
188ERP EHP76.0RSODSO_IMOLOG81Monitor Information for IMO DataStore ActivationData Basis
189ERP EHP76.0RSODSO_IMOMSG111Monitor Information for IMO DataStore ActivationData Basis
190ERP EHP76.0RSODSO_LOGGUID41Management of LOG-GUIDS that Belong to Request GUIDSData Basis
191ERP EHP76.0RSODSO_REQUCPY31Assigning Requests to Template Copies (DataStore Relevant)Data Basis
192ERP EHP76.0RSODSO_ROLLBACK61Table for Temporary Storage of Data during RollbackData Basis
193ERP EHP76.0RSODSO_RUNTIME141Results of Runtime MeasurementData Basis
194ERP EHP76.0RSODSO_SETTING61Configuration for Runtime Behavior of the DataStore ObjectData Basis
195ERP EHP76.0RSODSO_TMPLCPY51Management of Valid Template Copies for DataStore ObjectsData Basis
196ERP EHP76.0RSODSREQTSTMP21Sorting of ODS RequestsData Basis
197ERP EHP76.0RSREQUESTSTEP31Open Hub: Substep for a RequestData Basis
198ERP EHP76.0RSR_PE_COPY61Test Table for TREX_EXT_PE_COPYData Basis
199ERP EHP76.0RSR_PE_LOG111Log for Planning EngineData Basis
200ERP EHP76.0RSR_PE_LOG_CS71Log for Planning Engine (Extract of Call Stack)Data Basis
201ERP EHP76.0RSR_PE_LOOKUP21Test Table for TREX_EXT_PE_LOOKUPData Basis
202ERP EHP76.0RSR_REL_STATUS41Status of Generation of Time RelationsData Basis
203ERP EHP76.0RSR_REL_TIME181Time Relations for PlanningData Basis
204ERP EHP76.0RSR_REL_TIME_FIS111Time Relations for PlanningData Basis
205ERP EHP76.0RSSEM100031Generated Classes by InfoCubeData Basis
206ERP EHP76.0RSSEM100121Generated Classes by CharacteristicData Basis
207ERP EHP76.0RSSEM_REQUESTCOP21InfoCube AssignmentData Basis
208ERP EHP76.0RSSEM_RFCPACK121Temporary Storage of Selected InfoProvider DataData Basis
209ERP EHP76.0RSSEM_RFC_MDF11Callback Destination to Dependent MDF/SEM-BCS/BA ClientsData Basis
210ERP EHP76.0RSSEM_UCR0_IPD51SEM BCS Destination Registration For an InfoProviderData Basis
211ERP EHP76.0RSSZTDIR52Directory of the customer master data tableData Basis
212ERP EHP76.0RSTHIERNODE72Texts of Non-Postable Hierarchy NodesData Basis