| Column | Field | Description | SQL Type | Length | Decimals | SAP Type | Default Value | Null Allowed | CheckTable | Rollname | SQL Create Statement |
| 1 | MANDT | Client | nvarchar | 3 | 0 | CLNT | (N'000') | No | T000 | MANDT | Allow NULL? |
| 2 | DIMEN | Dimension | nvarchar | 2 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | No | TF150 | FC_DIMEN | Allow NULL? |
| 3 | RLDNR | Ledger | nvarchar | 2 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | No | T881 | FC_RLDNR | Allow NULL? |
| 4 | ITCLG | Consolidation chart of accounts | nvarchar | 2 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | No | TF120 | FC_ITCLG | Allow NULL? |
| 5 | GWAVS | Consolidation (end-result) version | nvarchar | 3 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | No | TF200 | FC_RVERS | Allow NULL? |
| 6 | CONGR | Consolidation group | nvarchar | 18 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | No | TF180 | FC_CONGR | Allow NULL? |
| 7 | COICU | Investee unit | nvarchar | 18 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | No | TF160 | FC_COICU | Allow NULL? |
| 8 | CYEAR | Fiscal year | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | NUMC | (N'0000') | No | | FC_RYEAR | Allow NULL? |
| 9 | CPERI | Period | nvarchar | 3 | 0 | NUMC | (N'000') | No | | FC_PERID | Allow NULL? |
| 10 | BUNIT | Consolidation unit | nvarchar | 18 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | No | TF160 | FC_BUNIT | Allow NULL? |
| 11 | BUPTR | Partner unit | nvarchar | 18 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | No | TF160 | FC_BUPTR | Allow NULL? |
| 12 | COIAC | Activity for consolidation of investments | nvarchar | 2 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | No | | FC_COIAC | Allow NULL? |
| 13 | COINR | Consolidation of investments activity number | nvarchar | 10 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | No | | FC_COINR | Allow NULL? |
| 14 | AYEAR | Year of incurrence of the amount to be amortized/depreciated | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | NUMC | (N'0000') | No | | FC_AYEAR | Allow NULL? |
| 15 | APERI | Period of incurrence of the amount to be amortized/depr'd | nvarchar | 3 | 0 | NUMC | (N'000') | No | | FC_APERI | Allow NULL? |
| 16 | BYEAR | Beginning year of amortization/depreciation | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | NUMC | (N'0000') | Yes | | FC_BYEAR | Allow NULL? |
| 17 | BPERI | Beginning period of amortization/depreciation | nvarchar | 3 | 0 | NUMC | (N'000') | Yes | | FC_BPERI | Allow NULL? |
| 18 | DDYRS | Life of depreciation (amortization) in years | nvarchar | 4 | 0 | NUMC | (N'0000') | Yes | | FC_DDYRS | Allow NULL? |
| 19 | DDPER | Life of depreciation (amortization) in months | nvarchar | 3 | 0 | NUMC | (N'000') | Yes | | FC_DDPER | Allow NULL? |
| 20 | LCGWFLG | Goodwill Entry Carried in Local Currency | char | 1 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | FC_LCGWFLG | Allow NULL? |
| 21 | LCKEYIE | Local Currency Key of Investee Unit | nvarchar | 5 | 0 | CUKY | (N' ') | Yes | TCURC | FC_LCKEYIE | Allow NULL? |
| 22 | LCVALAP | Original Book Value (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALAP | |
| 23 | VALAP | Original Book Value (GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_VALAP | |
| 24 | LCVALK0 | Original Book Value, Prior Year (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALK0 | |
| 25 | GCVALK0 | Original Book Value, Prior Year (GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALK0 | |
| 26 | LCVALK1 | Divestiture of Original Book Value, Prior Year (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALK1 | |
| 27 | GCVALK1 | Divestiture of Original Book Value, Prior Year (GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALK1 | |
| 28 | GCVALK2 | C/T Difference from Original Cost Prior Year in Prior Year | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALK2 | |
| 29 | LCVALN1 | Valuation Allowance in Income Statement, Prior Year (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALN1 | |
| 30 | GCVALN1 | Valuation Allowance in Income Statement, Prior Year (GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALN1 | |
| 31 | GCVALN2 | C/T Difference from VA I/S Prior Year in Prior Year | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALN2 | |
| 32 | LCVALDP | Accumulated Adjustment of OC from Divest.fr.Prior Per. (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALDP | |
| 33 | VALDP | Acc.Adjustment of Orig.Cost for Divest. in Pr.Periods (GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_VALDP | |
| 34 | GCVALK3 | C/T Difference from Orig.Cost Prior Year in Prior Periods | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALK3 | |
| 35 | GCVALL3 | C/T Difference from Orig.Cost Current Year in Prior Periods | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALL3 | |
| 36 | GCVALM3 | Divestiture of C/T Difference Original Cost in Prior Periods | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALM3 | |
| 37 | GCVALM1 | C/T Difference from Divestiture Orig.Cost in Prior Periods | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALM1 | |
| 38 | LCVALV1 | Valuation Allowance in Prior Periods (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALV1 | |
| 39 | GCVALV1 | Valuation Allowance in Prior Periods (GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALV1 | |
| 40 | LCVALD0 | Divest. of Val.Allowance Prior Year in Prior Periods (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALD0 | |
| 41 | GCVALD0 | Div. of Valuation Allow., Prior Year in Prior Periods (GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALD0 | |
| 42 | LCVALD1 | Divest. of Val.Allowance Curr. Year in Prior Periods (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALD1 | |
| 43 | GCVALD1 | Div. of Valuation Allow., Current Year in Prior Periods (GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALD1 | |
| 44 | GCVALN3 | C/T Difference from VA I/S Prior Year in Prior Periods | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALN3 | |
| 45 | GCVALV3 | C/T Difference B/S-I/S from Val.Allowance in Prior Periods | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALV3 | |
| 46 | GCVALD3 | C/T Difference from Divestiture Val.Allow. in Prior Periods | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALD3 | |
| 47 | LCVALBG | Beginning Book Value (Local Currency) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALBG | |
| 48 | VALBG | Beginning Book Value (GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_VALBG | |
| 49 | LCVALDA | Accumulated Adjustment of OC from Divest.in Curr. Per. (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALDA | |
| 50 | VALDA | Acc. Adjustment of Orig.Cost for Divest. in Curr.Period(GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_VALDA | |
| 51 | GCVALK4 | C/T Difference from Orig.Cost Prior Year in Current Period | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALK4 | |
| 52 | GCVALL4 | C/T Difference from Orig.Cost Current Year in Current Period | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALL4 | |
| 53 | GCVALM4 | Divestiture of C/T Difference Original Cost in Curr.Period | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALM4 | |
| 54 | GCVALM2 | C/T Difference from Divestiture Orig.Cost in Current Period | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALM2 | |
| 55 | LCVALDN | Amortization Amount, Ordinary (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALDN | |
| 56 | VALDN | Amortization Amount, Ordinary (GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_VALDN | |
| 57 | LCVALDE | Amortization Amount, Extraordinary (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALDE | |
| 58 | VALDE | Amortization Amount, Extraordinary (GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_VALDE | |
| 59 | LCVALWU | Writeup (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALWU | |
| 60 | VALWU | Writeup (GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_VALWU | |
| 61 | GCVALV2 | C/T Difference I/S from Val.Allowance in Current Period | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALV2 | |
| 62 | LCVALDD | Accumulated Adjustment from Divest. in Current Period (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALDD | |
| 63 | VALDD | Accumulated Amortization for Divestiture in Curr.Period(GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_VALDD | |
| 64 | LCVALD2 | Divest. of Val.Allowance Curr. Year in Curr. Period (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALD2 | |
| 65 | GCVALD2 | Div. of Valuation Allow., Current Year in Curr. Period (GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALD2 | |
| 66 | GCVALN4 | C/T Difference from VA I/S Prior Year in Current Period | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALN4 | |
| 67 | GCVALV4 | C/T Difference B/S-I/S from Val.Allowance in Current Period | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALV4 | |
| 68 | GCVALD4 | C/T Difference from Divestiture Val.Allow. in Current Period | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALD4 | |
| 69 | LCVALEN | Ending Book Value (LC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALEN | |
| 70 | VALEN | Ending Book Value (GC) | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_VALEN | |
| 71 | LCVALDJ | Gain of Original Cost from Disposal in Prior Periods, in LC | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALDJ | |
| 72 | GCVALDJ | Gain of Original Cost from Disposal in Prior Periods, in GC | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALDJ | |
| 73 | LCVALDI | Gain of Original Cost from Disposal in Current Period, in LC | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_LCVALDI | |
| 74 | GCVALDI | Gain of Original Cost from Disposal in Current Period, in GC | decimal | 17 | 2 | CURR | ((0)) | Yes | | FC_GCVALDI | |
| 75 | NGFLG | Negative goodwill | char | 1 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | FC_NGFLG | Allow NULL? |
| 76 | MLFLG | Manual entry | char | 1 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | FC_MLFLG | Allow NULL? |
| 77 | GWPROC | Treatment of Goodwill | char | 1 | 0 | CHAR | (N' ') | Yes | | FC_GWPROC | Allow NULL? |