SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

252 tablesERP 6.0 

Enterprise Portal :: Portal Content :: Manager Functions :: Business Package for Manager Self-Service FI
1ERP EHP76.0FCOM_EQMACL_C31Asset Classes for Equipment MonitorBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
2ERP EHP76.0FCOM_EQMECA_C31Equipment Types for Equipment MonitorBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
3ERP EHP76.0FCOM_EQMHCM_C21RFC Connection to HCM SystemBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
4ERP EHP76.0FCOM_EQMVIEW_C51Views for Equipment MonitorBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
5ERP EHP76.0FCOM_EQMVIEW_T41Text for Views in Equipment MonitorBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
6ERP EHP76.0FCOM_KFPRICE121Key Figure PricesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
7ERP EHP76.0FCOM_KSTAR71Cost Elements for UsersBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
8ERP EHP76.0FCOM_OBJECT71Objects for UsersBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
9ERP EHP76.0FCOM_PL_ROOMS101Planning Rooms Back End ParameterBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
10ERP EHP76.0FCOM_SMPHIERC111Customizing for HierarchiesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
11ERP EHP76.0FCOM_WHERE_USED131Usage of Master Data ObjectsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
12ERP EHP76.0FPB_AUTHS61Authorizations for FG FPB_BerechtigungenBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
13ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPCHKF113SDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objectsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
14ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPCHKO91SDOK: Files of Physical Information ObjectsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
15ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPIDXSTA82SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
16ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPLOIO171SDOK: Logical information object instancesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
17ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPLOIOT103SDOK: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information ObjectsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
18ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPLOPR41SDOK: Logical information object descriptionsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
19ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPLORE82SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
20ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPLOREPR82SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
21ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPLORI103SDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information ObjectsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
22ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPLORIPR62SDOK: Logical information object attribute valuesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
23ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPPHF103SDOK: Physical information object incoming relationshipsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
24ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPPHHR113SDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objectsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
25ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPPHHRPR102SDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor RelationshipsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
26ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPPHIO242SDOK: Physical information object instancesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
27ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPPHNM103SDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information ObjectsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
28ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPPHNMPR62SDOK: Attributes of Physical Information ObjectsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
29ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPPHPR91SDOK: Checkout data for physical information objectBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
30ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPPHRE112SDOK: Status Table for Indexing DocumentsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
31ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPPHREPR82SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
32ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPPHRI41SDOK: File name of last checkoutBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
33ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXPPHRIPR82SDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink RelationshipsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
34ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_CA_ASSM111Express Planning: Assignments Context Elem. / Roadmap Elem.Business Package for Manager Self-Service FI
35ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_CA_ITM101Express Planning: Elements of the Context Area (Obsolete)Business Package for Manager Self-Service FI
36ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_CA_ITM1111Express Planning: Elements of the Context AreaBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
37ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_CA_ITM1T61Express Planning: Texts for Elements of Context AreaBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
38ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_CA_ITMT51Express Planning: Element Labels (Obsolete)Business Package for Manager Self-Service FI
39ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_COMMENT111Express Planning: CommentsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
40ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_CUS_ITM21Express Planning: Customizing Elements, Inst, WA, CABusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
41ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_CUS_ITMT31Express Planning: Texts for Customizing ElementsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
42ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_GRP_STP91Express Planning: Assignment of Substeps to StepsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
43ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_HIER91Express Planning: Object Hierarchies for Planning InstancesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
44ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_INST301Express Planning: InstancesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
45ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_INSTRUCT91Express Planning: Instruction TextsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
46ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_INSTT101Express Planning: Instance TextsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
47ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_INS_MAIL111Express Planning: Standard E-MailsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
48ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_ISR71ISR Sent to Express Planning InstancesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
49ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_MAILSTAC71Express Planning: Stack of Mails to be SentBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
50ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_NAVSTATE71Express Planning: Navigation state for usersBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
51ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_OBJECTS81Express Planning: Persistence of the Objects after SubmitBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
52ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_OBJSERV21Express Planning: Object ServicesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
53ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_OBJTYPE31Express Planning: Object Types of Express PlanningBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
54ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_OBJTYPET51Express Planning: Text for Object TypesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
55ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_PATHS21Navigation Paths for Express PlanningBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
56ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_ROLE112Express Planning: User Roles for Planning RoundsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
57ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_ROLETASK141Express Planning: Persistence Objects for User RoleBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
58ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_SCEN101Express Planning: ScenariosBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
59ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_SCENT91Express Planning: Scenario TextsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
60ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_SCEN_GRP91Express Planning: Assignment of Steps to ScenariosBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
61ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_SECT91Express Planning: Context Area SectionsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
62ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_SECTT91Text Table for FPB_EXP_SECTBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
63ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_SETTINGS31Express Planning Customizing: General SettingsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
64ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_SRV81Express Planning: ServicesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
65ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_SRVOTYP41Express Planning: Object Types and Planning Services AllowedBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
66ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_SRVOTYPS31Express Planning: Object Types and Planning Services AllowedBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
67ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_SRVT31Express Planning: Texts for ServicesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
68ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_STAT91Express Planning: Status ManagementBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
69ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_STP101Express Planning: Planning SubstepsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
70ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_STPGRP101Express Planning: StepsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
71ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_STPGRPT81Express Planning: Groups or Planning Steps (Texts)Business Package for Manager Self-Service FI
72ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_STPT81Express Planning: Texts for SubstepsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
73ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_UINST141Express Planning: User InstanceBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
74ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_USCEN81Express Planning: Application Scenario per iView and UserBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
75ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_VARVAL91Express Planning: Value Assignment to Variables (SAP & Ext.)Business Package for Manager Self-Service FI
76ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_VAR_EXT81Express Planning: Customer-Specific VariablesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
77ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_VAR_EXTT91Express Planning: Customer-Specific Variables TextsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
78ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_VAR_SAP21Express Planning: SAP Standard VariablesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
79ERP EHP76.0FPB_EXP_VAR_SAPT41Express Planning: SAP Standard VariablesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
80ERP EHP76.0FPB_GEN_PROF_LOG111Log Entries for Generating AuthorizationsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
81ERP EHP76.0FPB_GEN_WEGID51Evaluation Paths for Generating AuthorizationsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
82ERP EHP76.0FPB_LINE_DATA151Data Store for Line Item MonitorsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
83ERP EHP76.0FPB_LINE_DELDATA71Data Store for Line Item MonitorsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
84ERP EHP76.0FPB_LINE_RULEADM141Line Item Monitor: Administration RulesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
85ERP EHP76.0FPB_LINE_RULES201Line Item Monitor: Rule AdministrationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
86ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_BW_PERS11List of Roles that Call BW Reports PersonalizedBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
87ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_FOL_T51Texts for FoldersBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
88ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_FOL_UT71Texts for Folder for UserBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
89ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_F_R_C61Folder <---> Reports AssignmentBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
90ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_F_R_UC81Folder <---> Reports AssignmentBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
91ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_OBJTYPES61Object Types for Role, InstanceBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
92ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_OBJ_C61Context <--> Technical Key AssignmentBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
93ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_OBJ_T41Texts for ObjectsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
94ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_O_F_C61Contexts <--> Folder AssignmentBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
95ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_O_F_UC61Contexts <--> Folder for User AssignmentBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
96ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_REP_LT61Long Texts For ReportsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
97ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_REP_T61Texts for ReportsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
98ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_REP_U_T81Texts for Reports for UsersBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
99ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_ROLE_TYP21Application Types for RoleBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
100ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_R_BWT_C91Parameters for BI Reports with TemplateBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
101ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_R_BW_C101Parameters for BI ReportsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
102ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_R_MDT_C81Parameters for Manager's Desktop ReportsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
103ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_R_RW_C111Parameters for Report WriterBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
104ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_R_RW_UC111Parameters for Report Writer for UsersBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
105ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_R_TRA_C111Parameters for TransactionsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
106ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_R_TRA_UC111Parameters for Transactions for UsersBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
107ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_R_TYP_C71Type of ReportBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
108ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_R_URL_C51Parameters for URL ReportsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
109ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_SNI41SNI Is Used/Not UsedBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
110ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP6_SNI_REQ31SNI is required / not allowedBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
111ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP_COMMANDC31Commands for ReportsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
112ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP_DOC_ID21Dokumenten_ID for Long TextsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
113ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP_ITEMC51Items for ReportBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
114ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP_ITEM_T61Text for ReportsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
115ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP_LONGTEXT41Long Texts for Reports as StringsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
116ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP_OBJC61List of Types of Hierarchy NodesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
117ERP EHP76.0FPB_LP_O_I_C61Assignment of Hierachy Node -- Report ItemBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
118ERP EHP76.0FPB_MONITORAPPL91Application Classes for MonitorsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
119ERP EHP76.0FPB_MONRULE_ROLE51Customizing Rule Maintenance: Which Monitors are DisplayedBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
120ERP EHP76.0FPB_PROFILES41Personalization: FPB Profile <-> Authorization ProfileBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
121ERP EHP76.0FPB_RULEGUIDANCE61Monitors: Guidance in Administration RulesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
122ERP EHP76.0FPB_SETTINGS31FPB: Control Table for Possible Tuning ParametersBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
123ERP EHP76.0FPB_SNI_APHIER61Hierarchies in an ApplicationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
124ERP EHP76.0FPB_SNI_APHIERC51Activation of HierarchiesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
125ERP EHP76.0FPB_SNI_APPL101Hierarchy ApplicationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
126ERP EHP76.0FPB_SNI_HIER51Hierarchies in an ApplicationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
127ERP EHP76.0FPB_SNI_HIEROBJ101Objects in the HierarchyBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
128ERP EHP76.0FPB_SNI_SEARCHF51Search Criteria in HierarchyBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
129ERP EHP76.0FPB_SNI_SEARCHO41Object-specific Search Criteria in HierarchyBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
130ERP EHP76.0FPB_SNI_STATE81Last Status of a HierarchyBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
131ERP EHP76.0FPB_SNI_STOPATH91Path to the Latest Focussed Object in HierarchyBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
132ERP EHP76.0FPB_SNI_SUBOBJ61Subnode Relationships in HierarchyBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
133ERP EHP76.0FPB_SNI_SUBOBJC71Activation of Subnode RelationshipsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
134ERP EHP76.0FPB_VALUES71Authorizations for FG FPB_BerechtigungenBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
135ERP EHP76.0FPB_VAR_DATA441Data Storage Location for Variance MonitorsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
136ERP EHP76.0FPB_VAR_RULES211Variance Monitor: Rule AdministrationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
137ERP EHP76.0FPB_VAR_RULE_ADM151Variance Monitor: Administration RulesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service FI
Enterprise Portal :: Portal Content :: Manager Functions :: Business Package for Manager Self-Service HR
138ERP EHP76.0EREC_FORMS61Form groupings based on type of Managers and FormsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
139ERP EHP76.0EREC_GENERAL61General Requisition Form SettingsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
140ERP EHP76.0EREC_ISR_TYPES21ISR Requisition Scenario TypesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
141ERP EHP76.0EREC_ISR_TYPES_T41Text table for ISR Requisition TypesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
142ERP EHP76.0EREC_METHODS51Start Methods for Requisition CreationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
143ERP EHP76.0EREC_MGR_GRP21Grouping of Managers for E-Recruiting scenariosBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
144ERP EHP76.0EREC_MGR_GRP_T41Text table for manager grouping in E-RecruitingBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
145ERP EHP76.0THRPDVAPPBMF81HR PDV 'Show' Dataview Box Field FormattingBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
146ERP EHP76.0THRPDVAPPBOX61HR PDV 'Show' Dataview Box OverviewBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
147ERP EHP76.0THRPDVAPPBOXMAP81HR PDV 'Show' Dataview Box Field MapBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
148ERP EHP76.0THRPDVAPPFLTR81HR PDV Filter Field DetailsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
149ERP EHP76.0THRPDVAPPSHCAT51HR PDV 'Show' Categories for an ApplicationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
150ERP EHP76.0THRPDVAPPSHVW61HR PDV 'Show' Dataviews for an ApplicationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
151ERP EHP76.0THRPDVAPPSRCH81Search Configuration for HR PD VisualizationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
152ERP EHP76.0THRPDVAPPVWF71HR PDV 'Show' Dataview Fields for an ApplicationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
153ERP EHP76.0THRPDVNAVBMF61HR PDV 'Show' Dataview Box Field FormattingBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
154ERP EHP76.0THRPDVNAVBOX41HR PDV 'Show' Dataview Box OverviewBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
155ERP EHP76.0THRPDVNAVBOXMAP61HR PDV 'Show' Dataview Box Field MapBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
156ERP EHP76.0THRPDV_APP91Details for HR PDV ApplicationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
157ERP EHP76.0THVNAVBMF71Navigation Box Field FormattingBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
158ERP EHP76.0THVNAVBMF_C81Customer Tab:Navigation Box Field FormattingBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
159ERP EHP76.0THVNAVEVENTS41Navigation EventsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
160ERP EHP76.0THVNAVEVENTS_C51Customer Table: Navigation EventsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
161ERP EHP76.0THVNAVEVENTS_T61Navigation EventsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
162ERP EHP76.0THVNAVEVENTS_TC71Customer Table: Navigation EventsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
163ERP EHP76.0THVNAVFIELDS151Navigation FieldsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
164ERP EHP76.0THVNAVFIELDS_C161Customer Tab :Navigation FieldsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
165ERP EHP76.0THVNAVFIELDS_T81Navigation Fields TextBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
166ERP EHP76.0THVNAVFIELDS_TC91Customer Tab:Navigation FieldsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
167ERP EHP76.0THVNAVFLDGRP51Navigation Field GroupsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
168ERP EHP76.0THVNAVFLDGRP_C61Customer Tab:Navigation Field GroupsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
169ERP EHP76.0THVNAVFLDGRP_T51Navigation Field GroupsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
170ERP EHP76.0THVNAVFLDGRP_TC61Customer Tab:Navigation Field GroupsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
171ERP EHP76.0THVNAVLPDEVENTS51Navigation Events from LPD CustomizationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
172ERP EHP76.0THVNAVLPDEVENTSC61Navigation Events from LPD CustomizationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
173ERP EHP76.0THVOBJBMF71HR PDV 'Show' Dataview Box Field FormattingBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
174ERP EHP76.0THVOBJBMF_C81Customer tab :Object Box Field FormattingBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
175ERP EHP76.0THVOBJCAT121Hierarchy Visualization Object Categories for ApplicationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
176ERP EHP76.0THVOBJCAT_C131Customer Tab: Object Categories for ApplicationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
177ERP EHP76.0THVOBJCAT_T121Object Category Text tableBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
178ERP EHP76.0THVOBJCAT_TC131Customer Tab:Object Category Text tableBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
179ERP EHP76.0THVOBJEVENTS41Object EventsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
180ERP EHP76.0THVOBJEVENTS_C51Customer Table : Object EventsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
181ERP EHP76.0THVOBJEVENTS_T61Object EventsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
182ERP EHP76.0THVOBJEVENTS_TC71Customer Table : Object EventsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
183ERP EHP76.0THVOBJFIELDS151Object FieldsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
184ERP EHP76.0THVOBJFIELDS_C161Customer Tab:Object FieldsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
185ERP EHP76.0THVOBJFIELDS_T81Object Fields text TableBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
186ERP EHP76.0THVOBJFIELDS_TC91Customer Tab:Object Fields text TableBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
187ERP EHP76.0THVOBJFLDGRP71Object Field Group for Object CategpryBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
188ERP EHP76.0THVOBJFLDGRP_C81Customer Tab:Object Field Group for Object CategpryBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
189ERP EHP76.0THVOBJFLDGRP_T51Object Field Group Text TableBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
190ERP EHP76.0THVOBJFLDGRP_TC61Customer Tab :Object Field Group Text TableBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
191ERP EHP76.0THVOBJLPDEVENTS51Object Events from LPD CustomizationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
192ERP EHP76.0THVOBJLPDEVENTSC61Object Events from LPD CustomizationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
193ERP EHP76.0THV_APP141Details for Hierrachy Visualization applicationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
194ERP EHP76.0THV_APP_C151Customer Tab:Details for Hierrachy Visualization applicationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
195ERP EHP76.0THV_APP_T31Hierrachy Visualization application text tableBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
196ERP EHP76.0THV_APP_TC41Hierrachy Visualization application text tableBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
197ERP EHP76.0TWPC_ACOL101Columns in a Column GroupBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
198ERP EHP76.0TWPC_ACOL_C101Columns in a Structure - CustomerBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
199ERP EHP76.0TWPC_ARRAYTP21Definition of Column GroupsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
200ERP EHP76.0TWPC_ARRAYTP_T41Text Table for Definition of Column GroupsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
201ERP EHP76.0TWPC_COL151Column definitionBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
202ERP EHP76.0TWPC_COLHEAD51Redefining Column HeadersBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
203ERP EHP76.0TWPC_COLHEAD_C51Redefining Column Headers - CustomerBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
204ERP EHP76.0TWPC_COLHTYP21Definition of Column Header TypesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
205ERP EHP76.0TWPC_COLMERGE21Merging ColumnsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
206ERP EHP76.0TWPC_COLMERGE_T41Column Grouping TextBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
207ERP EHP76.0TWPC_COL_T41Column Definition TextsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
208ERP EHP76.0TWPC_DATAVW41Data ViewBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
209ERP EHP76.0TWPC_DATAVWGRP21Group of Data ViewsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
210ERP EHP76.0TWPC_DATAVWGRP_P41Group of Data Views - PositionBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
211ERP EHP76.0TWPC_DATAVWGRP_T41Group of Data Views - TextBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
212ERP EHP76.0TWPC_DATAVW_T41Data View - TextBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
213ERP EHP76.0TWPC_FRIEND21Defining Coherence RelationshipsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
214ERP EHP76.0TWPC_FRIEND_T41Texts for Defining Coherence RelationshipsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
215ERP EHP76.0TWPC_HIERATP41Hierarchical Column GroupsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
216ERP EHP76.0TWPC_HIERATP_C41Hierarchical Column Groups - CustomerBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
217ERP EHP76.0TWPC_NAV61Define Navigation TypesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
218ERP EHP76.0TWPC_NAVOTYPE31Object Types Eligible for NavigationBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
219ERP EHP76.0TWPC_NAVOTYPE_C31Object Types Eligible for Navigation - CustomerBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
220ERP EHP76.0TWPC_OBJSEL71Object SelectionBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
221ERP EHP76.0TWPC_OBJSELRULE71Rule for Object SelectionBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
222ERP EHP76.0TWPC_OBJSELRUL_T41Rule for Object Selection - TextBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
223ERP EHP76.0TWPC_OBJSEL_T41Object Selection - TextBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
224ERP EHP76.0TWPC_OBJTYPEREST31Restriction of Permitted Object Types for Object SelectionBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
225ERP EHP76.0TWPC_ORGVW41Organizational ViewBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
226ERP EHP76.0TWPC_ORGVWGRP21Group of Organizational ViewsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
227ERP EHP76.0TWPC_ORGVWGRP_P41Group of Organizational Views - PositionBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
228ERP EHP76.0TWPC_ORGVWGRP_T41Group of Organizational Views - TextBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
229ERP EHP76.0TWPC_ORGVW_T41Organizational View - TextBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
230ERP EHP76.0TWPC_OTYPES31Object Types to be Displayed in the ListBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
231ERP EHP76.0TWPC_OTYPES_C31Object Types to be Displayed in the List - CustomerBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
232ERP EHP76.0TWPC_PARAMGRP21Parameter GroupBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
233ERP EHP76.0TWPC_PARAMGRP_P41Parameter Group - PositionBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
234ERP EHP76.0TWPC_PARAMGRP_T41Parameter Group - TextBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
235ERP EHP76.0TWPC_PCR_EEGRP21Entity Table Employee Groups for PCR ScenariosBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
236ERP EHP76.0TWPC_PCR_EEGRP_T41Text Table Employee Grouping for PCR ScenariosBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
237ERP EHP76.0TWPC_PCR_GENERAL71General PCR SettingsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
238ERP EHP76.0TWPC_PCR_GROUPS61Groupings for PCR Scenarios for Employee GroupsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
239ERP EHP76.0TWPC_PCR_PAYM21Table with Special Payments for PCRSBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
240ERP EHP76.0TWPC_PCR_PAYM_T41Text Table for Special Payment Reasons (PCR)Business Package for Manager Self-Service HR
241ERP EHP76.0TWPC_PCR_PAYM_WT71Wage Types for Special Payment Reasons (PCR)Business Package for Manager Self-Service HR
242ERP EHP76.0TWPC_PCR_TYPES21PCR Scenario Types (Scenario Grouping)Business Package for Manager Self-Service HR
243ERP EHP76.0TWPC_PCR_TYPES_T41Text Table for PCR Scenario TypesBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
244ERP EHP76.0TWPC_RC_RANK_C21Definition of Priorities for Applicant AssignmentBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
245ERP EHP76.0TWPC_RC_RANK_T_C41Text Table for TWPC_RC_RANKBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
246ERP EHP76.0TWPC_RC_VACSTA_C21Vacancy Status of Applicants to be DisplayedBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
247ERP EHP76.0TWPC_V121View DefinitionBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
248ERP EHP76.0TWPC_VG41Grouping the ViewsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
249ERP EHP76.0TWPC_VG_C41Grouping the ViewsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
250ERP EHP76.0TWPC_V_C121View Definition - CustomerBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
251ERP EHP76.0TWPC_V_T41Texts for ViewsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR
252ERP EHP76.0TWPC_V_T_C41Texts for ViewsBusiness Package for Manager Self-Service HR