SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

6153 tablesERP 6.0 

Financial Accounting
1ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/BNK_DATA51House bank for print in invoiceFinancial Accounting
2ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FI001Z171VAT Company detail settingsFinancial Accounting
3ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FI001ZT61Company detail settings - language dependentFinancial Accounting
4ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIADRC31BG VAT internationalizationFinancial Accounting
5ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FICFACC71Cash Flow Statement: Account allocation to ActivitiesFinancial Accounting
6ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FICFACT61Cash Flow Statement: ActivitiesFinancial Accounting
7ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FICFACTT51Cash Flow Statement: Activities textsFinancial Accounting
8ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FICFCAT51Cash Flow Statement: CategoriesFinancial Accounting
9ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FICFCATT51Cash Flow Statement: Categories TextsFinancial Accounting
10ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FICFRANG71Cash Flow Statement: Account allocation to Activities:INTFinancial Accounting
11ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIDOCUT111Accounting Document TypesFinancial Accounting
12ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIEQCOR81Equity Report: Corresponding Accounts GroupsFinancial Accounting
13ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIEQCORA71Equity Report: Corresponding Accounts Groups AccountsFinancial Accounting
14ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIEQCORR71Equity Report: Corresponding Accounts Groups Accounts: INTFinancial Accounting
15ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIEQCORT51Equity Report: Corresponding Accounts Groups ->TEXTSFinancial Accounting
16ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIEQGRP51Equity Report: Equity Accounts GroupsFinancial Accounting
17ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIEQGRPA71Equity Report: Equity Accounts Groups AccountsFinancial Accounting
18ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIEQGRPR71Equity Report: Equity Accounts Groups AccountsFinancial Accounting
19ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIEQGRPT51Equity Report: Equity Accounts Groups TextsFinancial Accounting
20ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIEQVACC81Equity Report: Valid Correspondences Accounts for cellFinancial Accounting
21ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIEQVALI41Equity Report: Valid CorrespondencesFinancial Accounting
22ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIFXAACL41AuC Elements <->Assets Classes ConnectionFinancial Accounting
23ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIFXAAUC61AuC Structure, Types, GroupsFinancial Accounting
24ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIFXAAUT41AuC Structure, Types, Groups: TextsFinancial Accounting
25ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIFXACOO81Settlement Cost Elements TypesFinancial Accounting
26ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIFXAFCL41Fixed Assets Legal Figures<->Assets Classes ConnectionFinancial Accounting
27ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIFXAFIG41Fixed Assets Legal FiguresFinancial Accounting
28ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIFXAFIT41Fixed Assets Legal Figures - TextsFinancial Accounting
29ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIGURES41Numbers in wordsFinancial Accounting
30ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIPRDSET51VAT Protocol Document SettingFinancial Accounting
31ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FITAXDPR51Asset transaction types for Tax Depr. PlanFinancial Accounting
32ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FITXCOL91Vat Tax Codes Assignment to Report Layout ColumnsFinancial Accounting
33ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FITZST31Reasons for reversalFinancial Accounting
34ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIVMENU61BG VAT reporting Tree MenuFinancial Accounting
35ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIVMENUS41BG VAT reporting Selection DataFinancial Accounting
36ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/FIVMENUT31BG Vat Reporting - Text table containing Menu SettingsFinancial Accounting
37ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/MMFIMAP61Mapping between MM doc. types and FI doc. types VAT BGFinancial Accounting
38ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/PRNT_FRM41Customizing table for Print VAT Protocol FormFinancial Accounting
39ERP EHP76.0/BGLOCS/SDFIMAP41Mapping between SD doc. types and FI doc. types VAT BGFinancial Accounting
40ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/FISIFP_A61Forign Payments - account connectionFinancial Accounting
41ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/FISIFP_B51Forign Payments in/outFinancial Accounting
42ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/FISIFP_C41Bank listFinancial Accounting
43ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/FISIFP_HAL171Podatki za HALCOMFinancial Accounting
44ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/FISIKOEF151Coefficients for revaluationFinancial Accounting
45ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/FISIMT94071Bank statement - MT 940 - convert referenceFinancial Accounting
46ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/FISIOBR151Povezava kupca z letno obr. mero za izraèun zamudnih obresFinancial Accounting
47ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/FISITAX61Convert Tax on salesFinancial Accounting
48ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/FISIZDV61©ifrant ¹ifer izdatkov,prejemkov in tekstov virmanFinancial Accounting
49ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/FISI_DDVN41Slovenia VAT open periodFinancial Accounting
50ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/FISI_SET31Seting for print programsFinancial Accounting
51ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/HRFI_FINAT61Auxiliary table for conversion of FINA statementFinancial Accounting
52ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/HRFI_RFUMS33123% VARFUMSV00: Assignment of Tax codes to croatian columnsFinancial Accounting
53ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/HRFI_UZAWE31Mapping table - Purpose of paymentFinancial Accounting
54ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFICUSTPR41Mapping table for customer procedure number in tax reportFinancial Accounting
55ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFIDDV262Special Tax TableFinancial Accounting
56ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFIDDVDOB21Dobavitelji izven EU za obraèun davka 15.Financial Accounting
57ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFIDDVEX21Material types for ExcludeFinancial Accounting
58ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFIDDVIN21Tax Codec to include in /CCEE/MIROFinancial Accounting
59ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFIDDVKT61Posting Definitions for /CCEE/SIFIDDVFinancial Accounting
60ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFIDDVRE31Tax Code ReplacementFinancial Accounting
61ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFIINCP341Incoterm part 3Financial Accounting
62ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFIPE17211Temporary import of goodsFinancial Accounting
63ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFIPE7211Pro forma invoice for temporary export of goodsFinancial Accounting
64ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFISTATES281Balances on accounts for SFR reportFinancial Accounting
65ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFIVS101G251Intrastat 101 (header)Financial Accounting
66ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFIVS101P131Zaporedna stevilka zapisa v odgovoru (postavka)Financial Accounting
67ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFI_BST_R41SI BST: RulesFinancial Accounting
68ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFI_BST_T51SI BST: Text definitionsFinancial Accounting
69ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/SIFI_PODAT91PodatkiFinancial Accounting
70ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/YUFI_CCTAB41DRQ Serbia: Bank account numberFinancial Accounting
71ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/YUFI_CUSTC21DRQ Serbia: Customer codeFinancial Accounting
72ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/YUFI_PAYCO21DRQ Serbia: Payment codeFinancial Accounting
73ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/YUFI_PRACC21DRQ Serbia: Public revenue accountsFinancial Accounting
74ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/YUFI_RFUMS271RFUMSV00: Assignment of Tax codes to serbian columnsFinancial Accounting
75ERP EHP76.0/CEECV/ROFIMASK51Descript mask accountFinancial Accounting
76ERP EHP76.0/CEECV/ROFIRFUMS251RFUMSV00: Assignment of Tax codes to RO-specific columnsFinancial Accounting
77ERP EHP76.0/CEECV/ROFITAX51Convert Tax on salesFinancial Accounting
78ERP EHP76.0/CEECV/ROFIUMSV111Tax Balances per Comp.Code, Tax Code and Process.KeyFinancial Accounting
79ERP EHP76.0/CEECV/RO_KNC1F381Customer master (transaction figures in foreign currency)Financial Accounting
80ERP EHP76.0/CEECV/TAX41Convert Tax on salesFinancial Accounting
81ERP EHP76.0/CEECV/TRVOR121Control Statements with BAFinancial Accounting
82ERP EHP76.0/OPT/AR_LOGSYS31Logical System and Archive Document Type MappingFinancial Accounting
83ERP EHP76.0/OPT/BL_APPCOA221Approval COAFinancial Accounting
84ERP EHP76.0/OPT/BL_AP_CODER61Baseline CoderFinancial Accounting
85ERP EHP76.0/OPT/BL_AP_CONF131Configuration table for Coder & Approver optionsFinancial Accounting
86ERP EHP76.0/OPT/BL_CONFIG51Baseline Configuration SettingsFinancial Accounting
87ERP EHP76.0/OPT/BL_EMAIL_TM61Table for Email TemplatesFinancial Accounting
88ERP EHP76.0/OPT/BL_T401101Approval COA FieldsFinancial Accounting
89ERP EHP76.0/OPT/BL_T40241Approval Usermap FieldsFinancial Accounting
90ERP EHP76.0/OPT/BL_USER_RED51User redirectFinancial Accounting
91ERP EHP76.0/OPT/CC_LOGSYS31Logical System and Company Code MappingFinancial Accounting
92ERP EHP76.0/OPT/SYSTEMS51Opentext : VIM Back end SystemsFinancial Accounting
93ERP EHP76.0/OPT/SYSTEMS_T41OpenText : Back End Systems - Text TableFinancial Accounting
94ERP EHP76.0/OPT/T852171Notification Process ConfigurationFinancial Accounting
95ERP EHP76.0/OPT/T85361Excluded Receivers for NotificationsFinancial Accounting
96ERP EHP76.0/OPT/T85451Notification Mail Data ConfigurationFinancial Accounting
97ERP EHP76.0/OPT/T854T61Notification Mail Data Configuration TextsFinancial Accounting
98ERP EHP76.0/OPT/T855T31Mail Title TextFinancial Accounting
99ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_1BDCLOG191BDC LogFinancial Accounting
100ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_1HEAD2497Document HeaderFinancial Accounting
101ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_1ITEM1381Document ItemFinancial Accounting
102ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_1LOG181Document LogFinancial Accounting
103ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_1OCRLOG41Document Processing - OCR Log DataFinancial Accounting
104ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_8HEAD31OpenText VIM Document LogFinancial Accounting
105ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_8LOG181OpenText VIM Document LogFinancial Accounting
106ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_BL_DTYP51Base line Doc typesFinancial Accounting
107ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_BL_NPTX81Tax Issues for Non - PO based InvoicesFinancial Accounting
108ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_BL_POAP41PO Approval Required Number RangeFinancial Accounting
109ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_BL_ROLE71Document Type RolesFinancial Accounting
110ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_BL_SCRN51Base line screen configurationFinancial Accounting
111ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_BL_SCRT61Base line screen configurationFinancial Accounting
112ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_BL_TAX81Tax Issues for PO based InvoicesFinancial Accounting
113ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_BL_UTLV41Utility VendorsFinancial Accounting
114ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_BL_VAUD41Vendor Audit RequiredFinancial Accounting
115ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_CCODE_A41VIM Roll Out: Allowed Company CodesFinancial Accounting
116ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_CHNL81Maintain ChannelFinancial Accounting
117ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_CHNL_T51Text Table for Channel IDFinancial Accounting
118ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_DTYPE_A41VIM Roll Out: Allowed Document TypesFinancial Accounting
119ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_FGRPT101VIM Analytics frequency Group Configuration Text TableFinancial Accounting
120ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_I_SCRN51DP Line item screen configurationFinancial Accounting
121ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_MAP31Maintain Mapping IDsFinancial Accounting
122ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_MAP_T41Text Table for Mapping IDFinancial Accounting
123ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_NW_SCRN41Base line screen configurationFinancial Accounting
124ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_NW_SCRT51Base line screen configurationFinancial Accounting
125ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_PLANT_A31VIM Roll Out: Allowed PlantsFinancial Accounting
126ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_SLOGTXT41VIM-System Log FunctionTextsFinancial Accounting
127ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_SYS31Maintain System Determination IDsFinancial Accounting
128ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_SYS_LD81VIM System LandscapeFinancial Accounting
129ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_SYS_LDT41OpenText : System Landscape Directory - Text TableFinancial Accounting
130ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_SYS_T41Text Table for System Determination IDFinancial Accounting
131ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T005161Characteristic Specific AttributesFinancial Accounting
132ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T005A61Characteristic Specific Process Types ConfugrationFinancial Accounting
133ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T100661Document Type DefinitionFinancial Accounting
134ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T100T41Document Type TextsFinancial Accounting
135ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T10131Document StatusFinancial Accounting
136ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T101T51Document Status TextsFinancial Accounting
137ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T10271Document Allowed Process TypesFinancial Accounting
138ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T10391Process Type Determination DefinitionFinancial Accounting
139ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T103T51Process Type Determination TableFinancial Accounting
140ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T104161Process Screen OptionsFinancial Accounting
141ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T10571Document Header Data FieldsFinancial Accounting
142ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T105T51Document Header Data FieldsFinancial Accounting
143ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T10671Document Item Data FieldsFinancial Accounting
144ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T106T51Document Item Data FieldsFinancial Accounting
145ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T10831Status Mapping TableFinancial Accounting
146ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T10961Obsolete: Mapping Fields for Automatic IndexingFinancial Accounting
147ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T109_N81Document Process - Mapping Fields for Automatic IndexingFinancial Accounting
148ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T11031Document Processing Event Status Link TableFinancial Accounting
149ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T111101Process Type Determination Step DetailsFinancial Accounting
150ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T11261Duplicate Check Group DefinitionFinancial Accounting
151ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T112T41Duplicate Check Group DefinitionFinancial Accounting
152ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T11341Duplicate Check Group FieldsFinancial Accounting
153ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T11461Document Type Allowed Process OptionsFinancial Accounting
154ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T11541Parking Reasons for DocumentFinancial Accounting
155ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T11631Rescan Reason DefinitionFinancial Accounting
156ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T116T41Rescan Reason TextsFinancial Accounting
157ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T11731Obsolete Reason DefinitionFinancial Accounting
158ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T117T41Obsolete Reason TextsFinancial Accounting
159ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T11841Document Type Determination DefinitionFinancial Accounting
160ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T118T41Document Type Determination DefinitionFinancial Accounting
161ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T119111Document Type Determination Step DetailsFinancial Accounting
162ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T120201Dynamic Column SupportFinancial Accounting
163ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T12121Scan Locations for ArchivingFinancial Accounting
164ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T121T41Scan Location TextsFinancial Accounting
165ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T12221Document PriorityFinancial Accounting
166ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T122T41Document Priority TextsFinancial Accounting
167ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T123101Document Process - Mapping Fields for Automatic IndexingFinancial Accounting
168ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T12451Indexing field mapping for IDOC processingFinancial Accounting
169ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T800201Process Type DefinitionFinancial Accounting
170ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T800T41Process Type TextsFinancial Accounting
171ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T801171Process Option DefinitionFinancial Accounting
172ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T801T51Process Option TextsFinancial Accounting
173ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_T80271User Process OptionsFinancial Accounting
174ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_TAX_CFG71Tax Code Determination ConfigurationFinancial Accounting
175ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VIM_TRIANGU41Triangulation VendorsFinancial Accounting
176ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VT_WI_AGENT42Reporting table: Current agents of workitemsFinancial Accounting
177ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VT_WORK141Work Item Header Table - Real TimeFinancial Accounting
178ERP EHP76.0/OPT/VW_PROC_CHK41Table to check Process Type for DP documentFinancial Accounting
179ERP EHP76.0/SREP/IS_GROUP91Value Helps for GroupsFinancial Accounting
180ERP EHP76.0A39581Arg.: Country/Fisc.TypeFinancial Accounting
181ERP EHP76.0A39691Arg.: Country/Fisc.Type/MaterialFinancial Accounting
182ERP EHP76.0A39781Arg.: Tax relevant classificationFinancial Accounting
183ERP EHP76.0AC400ADRC855P01 Adressen für Programm AC400DEBITORFinancial Accounting
184ERP EHP76.0AC400T001B51P02 Schulung AC400 PeriodenwechselstichtageFinancial Accounting
185ERP EHP76.0ACCRAC71Assignment of Acr./Def. G/L Account to Accruals AccountFinancial Accounting
186ERP EHP76.0ACCRBD202Accruals/Deferrals Master Data - Basic DataFinancial Accounting
187ERP EHP76.0ACCRCUST101Accrual/Deferral ProfileFinancial Accounting
188ERP EHP76.0ACCRCUST_TXT51Accruals/Deferrals Customizing TextFinancial Accounting
189ERP EHP76.0ACCRFI251Accruals/Deferrals Master Data FI/CO Account AssignmentFinancial Accounting
190ERP EHP76.0ACCRPOST131Accrual/deferral postingsFinancial Accounting
191ERP EHP76.0ACCTCR91Compressed Data from FI/CO Document - CurrenciesFinancial Accounting
192ERP EHP76.0ACCTHD112Compressed Data from FI/CO Document - HeaderFinancial Accounting
193ERP EHP76.0ACCTIT1932Compressed Data from FI/CO DocumentFinancial Accounting
194ERP EHP76.0ADMI_FIDOC191Archive Management for FI_DOCUMNT ObjectFinancial Accounting
195ERP EHP76.0ADMI_FIDOQ71Enhancement to Archive Mgt. for FI_DOCUMNT ObjectFinancial Accounting
196ERP EHP76.0AGKO71Cleared AccountsFinancial Accounting
197ERP EHP76.0ARIX_BKPF124FI_DOCUMNT: Header-Oriented Document Index for ArchiveFinancial Accounting
198ERP EHP76.0ARIX_BSAD113FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving Customer AcctsFinancial Accounting
199ERP EHP76.0ARIX_BSAK113FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Indx for Archiving Vendor AccountsFinancial Accounting
200ERP EHP76.0ARIX_BSAS103FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving G/L AccountsFinancial Accounting
201ERP EHP76.0ARIX_BSIS82FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving G/L AccountsFinancial Accounting
202ERP EHP76.0AVIC11Advice CommunicationFinancial Accounting
203ERP EHP76.0AVIK492Payment Advice HeaderFinancial Accounting
204ERP EHP76.0AVIP551Payment Advice Line ItemFinancial Accounting
205ERP EHP76.0AVIR131Payment Advice SubitemFinancial Accounting
206ERP EHP76.0AVIT71Advice Header: User-Definable TextFinancial Accounting
207ERP EHP76.0BFIT_A261FI Subsequent BA/PC Adjustment: G/L Account ItemsFinancial Accounting
208ERP EHP76.0BFIT_A0181FI Subseq.BA/PC Adjustmnt: Zero Bal.Postings for Bus.AreaFinancial Accounting
209ERP EHP76.0BFOD_A282FI Subsequent BA/PC Adjustment: Customer ItemsFinancial Accounting
210ERP EHP76.0BFOD_AB141FI Subseq.BA/PC Adjustmnt: Valuatn Diffrnce in Customer OIsFinancial Accounting
211ERP EHP76.0BFOK_A282FI subsequent BA/PC adjustment: Vendor itemsFinancial Accounting
212ERP EHP76.0BFOK_AB141FI subseq.BA/PC adjustmnt: Valuatn difference in vendor OIsFinancial Accounting
213ERP EHP76.0BFO_A_RA111Versions for Resetting Cleared ItemsFinancial Accounting
214ERP EHP76.0BKDF151Document Header Supplement for Recurring EntryFinancial Accounting
215ERP EHP76.0BKORM151Accounting Correspondence RequestsFinancial Accounting
216ERP EHP76.0BKORR111Accounting correspondence requestsFinancial Accounting
217ERP EHP76.0BKPF1128Accounting Document HeaderFinancial Accounting
218ERP EHP76.0BSAD1794Accounting: Secondary Index for Customers (Cleared Items)Financial Accounting
219ERP EHP76.0BSAK1814Accounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)Financial Accounting
220ERP EHP76.0BSAS832Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)Financial Accounting
221ERP EHP76.0BSBM122Document Valuation FieldsFinancial Accounting
222ERP EHP76.0BSBMT101Text for Valuation Adjustment or Deductible per ItemFinancial Accounting
223ERP EHP76.0BSBW122Document Valuation FieldsFinancial Accounting
224ERP EHP76.0BSEG_CONV_TRG51BSEG, BSET & BSED Conversion TriggerFinancial Accounting
225ERP EHP76.0BSE_CLR352Additional Data for Document Segment: Clearing InformationFinancial Accounting
226ERP EHP76.0BSE_CLR_ASGMT211Doc. Segment Add. Data: Clearing Info with Acct AssignmentFinancial Accounting
227ERP EHP76.0BSIA51Archive Index for FI Documents (Outdated! See ARCH_IDX)Financial Accounting
228ERP EHP76.0BSID1796Accounting: Secondary Index for CustomersFinancial Accounting
229ERP EHP76.0BSIK1814Accounting: Secondary Index for VendorsFinancial Accounting
230ERP EHP76.0BSIP111Index for Vendor Validation of Double DocumentsFinancial Accounting
231ERP EHP76.0BSIS832Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L AccountsFinancial Accounting
232ERP EHP76.0BSPL81Split Posting ProceduresFinancial Accounting
233ERP EHP76.0BVOR61Intercompany posting proceduresFinancial Accounting
234ERP EHP76.0BWFI_AEDA281BW FI: Log Table for Changed Transaction FiguresFinancial Accounting
235ERP EHP76.0BWFI_AEDA371BW FI: Log Table for Changed Credit Management DataFinancial Accounting
236ERP EHP76.0BWFI_AEDAT71BW FI: Log Table for Changed FI DocumentsFinancial Accounting
237ERP EHP76.0BWPOSI301Valuations for Open ItemsFinancial Accounting
238ERP EHP76.0BWVER61Control Records for the Valuation ProgramFinancial Accounting
239ERP EHP76.0BWVSN71Version Management for Changes in the Valuation ProgramFinancial Accounting
240ERP EHP76.0CRMC_BEAVALTYACC51IPM: Assignment of Value Types for Accounts in Company CodeFinancial Accounting
241ERP EHP76.0DEFTAX_ITEM517Data for Deferred TaxesFinancial Accounting
242ERP EHP76.0DOCCHG_BARCODE31Ext. Document Change: Customizing for Barcode ProcessingFinancial Accounting
243ERP EHP76.0DOCCHG_CLACCT31Customizing: Clearing Account. Required for Transfer PostingFinancial Accounting
244ERP EHP76.0DOCCHG_COBL_FS61Field Status Groups for COBL Screen FieldsFinancial Accounting
245ERP EHP76.0DOCCHG_EWBUCH71Customizing of Posting TransactionFinancial Accounting
246ERP EHP76.0DOCCHG_FSTATUS81Field Status Groups for Screen FieldsFinancial Accounting
247ERP EHP76.0DOCSPL_FSTATUS111Field Status Groups for Item SplitFinancial Accounting
248ERP EHP76.0DTINP181Technical Customizing of Data Source Selection DTINFinancial Accounting
249ERP EHP76.0EBKPF421Fin.Accntng Doc.Header (of Docs from Extern.Systems)Financial Accounting
250ERP EHP76.0EBSEG831Doc.Segment of Fin.Accntng External DocumentsFinancial Accounting
251ERP EHP76.0F107_TASS_A2MT31Assignment of Actions to Trans. Types (Automatic Postings)Financial Accounting
252ERP EHP76.0F107_TASS_MT2A31Assignment of Transaction Types to Actions (Manual Posting)Financial Accounting
253ERP EHP76.0F107_TPROV71ProvisionsFinancial Accounting
254ERP EHP76.0F107_TPROVH21Provisions ContentFinancial Accounting
255ERP EHP76.0F107_TPROVH_T41Provisions ContentFinancial Accounting
256ERP EHP76.0F107_TPROVMETD61Provision Calculation MethodsFinancial Accounting
257ERP EHP76.0F107_TPROVMETH21Provision Calculation MethodsFinancial Accounting
258ERP EHP76.0F107_TPROVMETH_T41Texts for Provision Calculation MethodFinancial Accounting
259ERP EHP76.0FAREA_MODE51Determination of Functional Areas for PostingsFinancial Accounting
260ERP EHP76.0FBICRC001A473ICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: DocumentsFinancial Accounting
261ERP EHP76.0FBICRC001C52ICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Object Table 2Financial Accounting
262ERP EHP76.0FBICRC001O102ICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Object table 1Financial Accounting
263ERP EHP76.0FBICRC001P505Not in useFinancial Accounting
264ERP EHP76.0FBICRC001T372ICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: TotalsFinancial Accounting
265ERP EHP76.0FBICRC002A476ICRC: GL Accounts: DocumentsFinancial Accounting
266ERP EHP76.0FBICRC002C52ICRC: GL Accounts: Object table 2Financial Accounting
267ERP EHP76.0FBICRC002O102ICRC: GL Accounts: Object table 1Financial Accounting
268ERP EHP76.0FBICRC002P505Not in useFinancial Accounting
269ERP EHP76.0FBICRC002T372ICRC: GL Accounts: TotalsFinancial Accounting
270ERP EHP76.0FBICRC003A553ICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: DocumentsFinancial Accounting
271ERP EHP76.0FBICRC003C52ICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Object table 2Financial Accounting
272ERP EHP76.0FBICRC003O112ICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Object table 1Financial Accounting
273ERP EHP76.0FBICRC003P511Not in useFinancial Accounting
274ERP EHP76.0FBICRC003T382ICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: TotalsFinancial Accounting
275ERP EHP76.0FBICRC01000301Reconciliation Processes: AttributesFinancial Accounting
276ERP EHP76.0FBICRC01010201Reconciliation Processes: Attributes per CompanyFinancial Accounting
277ERP EHP76.0FBICRC01020121Not in useFinancial Accounting
278ERP EHP76.0FBICRC0102141Not in useFinancial Accounting
279ERP EHP76.0FBICRC01025121Not in useFinancial Accounting
280ERP EHP76.0FBICRC0102661Not in useFinancial Accounting
281ERP EHP76.0FBICRC01027121Reconciliation: Current Status per CompanyFinancial Accounting
282ERP EHP76.0FBICRC0102861Reconciliation Process 003: Lock Table for Company PairsFinancial Accounting
283ERP EHP76.0FBICRC0103051Reconciliation Processes: Customer Defined FieldsFinancial Accounting
284ERP EHP76.0FBICRC0103591Reconciliation Processes: Customer Defined FieldsFinancial Accounting
285ERP EHP76.0FBICRC01040131IC Reconciliation: Current Status per CompanyFinancial Accounting
286ERP EHP76.0FBICRC0104571IC Reconciliation: Lock Table for Company PairsFinancial Accounting
287ERP EHP76.0FBICRC01050151Differences per Company Pair and Display CategoryFinancial Accounting
288ERP EHP76.0FBW4X41Exceptions for FI AP/AR Delta Update to BWFinancial Accounting
289ERP EHP76.0FBW4XT51Text Exceptions for FI AP/AR Delta Update to BWFinancial Accounting
290ERP EHP76.0FDKDATES21AP/AR Internet: Period SelectionFinancial Accounting
291ERP EHP76.0FDKDATEST41AP/AR Internet: Texts for FDKDATESFinancial Accounting
292ERP EHP76.0FDKMAIL41Sender of External MailFinancial Accounting
293ERP EHP76.0FDKUSER81AP/AR Internet ApplicationsFinancial Accounting
294ERP EHP76.0FDKUSER_ACTION21AP/AR Internet Applications: User ActionsFinancial Accounting
295ERP EHP76.0FDKUSER_ACTIONT31AP/AR Internet Applications: User Action (Texts)Financial Accounting
296ERP EHP76.0FDKVARKEY41AP/AR Internet: Report Variant KeyFinancial Accounting
297ERP EHP76.0FEDICUS41FI EDI Control for Calling Customer Functions per SegmentFinancial Accounting
298ERP EHP76.0FERC_C0201General regulatory parametersFinancial Accounting
299ERP EHP76.0FERC_C1261Controlling area dependent parametersFinancial Accounting
300ERP EHP76.0FERC_C1041Special cost elementsFinancial Accounting
301ERP EHP76.0FERC_C1141Regulatory indicator assignment fieldFinancial Accounting
302ERP EHP76.0FERC_C1221Cost element variantsFinancial Accounting
303ERP EHP76.0FERC_C12T41Cost element variant textsFinancial Accounting
304ERP EHP76.0FERC_C1351Clearing cost element categoriesFinancial Accounting
305ERP EHP76.0FERC_C13A51Cost element variant assignmentsFinancial Accounting
306ERP EHP76.0FERC_C1421Clearing groupsFinancial Accounting
307ERP EHP76.0FERC_C14T41Clearing group textsFinancial Accounting
308ERP EHP76.0FERC_C2161Company code dependent parametersFinancial Accounting
309ERP EHP76.0FERC_C3101Regulatory accounts for traced costsFinancial Accounting
310ERP EHP76.0FERC_C3A51Regulatory indicator variantsFinancial Accounting
311ERP EHP76.0FERC_C451Specific standard cost adjustment assignmentsFinancial Accounting
312ERP EHP76.0FERC_C561Specific clearing cost object assignmentsFinancial Accounting
313ERP EHP76.0FERC_C651Regulatory indicators of CO objectsFinancial Accounting
314ERP EHP76.0FERC_C721Regulatory indicatorsFinancial Accounting
315ERP EHP76.0FERC_C7T41Regulatory indicator namesFinancial Accounting
316ERP EHP76.0FERC_C821Exceptional handling of CO business transaction typesFinancial Accounting
317ERP EHP76.0FERC_C981Regulatory accounts for direct postingsFinancial Accounting
318ERP EHP76.0FERC_D051Regulatory table statisticsFinancial Accounting
319ERP EHP76.0FERC_D1163Paths per account, sender and receiverFinancial Accounting
320ERP EHP76.0FERC_D2182Documents per sender and accountFinancial Accounting
321ERP EHP76.0FERC_D4113Totals per natural and regulatory accountFinancial Accounting
322ERP EHP76.0FERC_D592Totals per reg. account and final objectFinancial Accounting
323ERP EHP76.0FERC_F182Detailed audit trace fileFinancial Accounting
324ERP EHP76.0FERC_F2101Compact audit trace fileFinancial Accounting
325ERP EHP76.0FERC_F391Totals per source object, transaction type, and CO elementFinancial Accounting
326ERP EHP76.0FERC_F451Variances on CO objectsFinancial Accounting
327ERP EHP76.0FERC_F551Total actual costs on regulatory objectsFinancial Accounting
328ERP EHP76.0FERC_F691Organizational assignments of CO objectsFinancial Accounting
329ERP EHP76.0FERC_L1131Message logFinancial Accounting
330ERP EHP76.0FERC_R0332Execution historyFinancial Accounting
331ERP EHP76.0FICORRGUID31For mapping of FI Correspondence and GUID (Optional use)Financial Accounting
332ERP EHP76.0FMFGAAPAYACTIV21Activate 'Payment By Account Assignment' FunctionalityFinancial Accounting
333ERP EHP76.0FMFGAAPAYBLOCK21Payment block for Partial Payments by Account AssignmentFinancial Accounting
334ERP EHP76.0FMFGAAPAYDOCS92DocumentsFinancial Accounting
335ERP EHP76.0FMFGAAPAYDOCTYP21Partial Payments by Acc. Assign.: Supported Document TypesFinancial Accounting
336ERP EHP76.0FMFGAAPAYIPACACT21Activation of Payment by Account Assign. Function for IPACFinancial Accounting
337ERP EHP76.0FMFGAAPAYLEDGER21Set Ledger for 'Payment By Fund' TransactionFinancial Accounting
338ERP EHP76.0FOTDECLSTA201Status Information Rep Data Electronic Data TransmissionFinancial Accounting
339ERP EHP76.0FOTDECLTYC11Return Type Electronic Data Transmission to AuthoritiesFinancial Accounting
340ERP EHP76.0FOTDECLTYT31Name of Return Type Electronic Data TransmissionFinancial Accounting
341ERP EHP76.0FOTETAXC71Settings Electronic Data Transmission to AuthoritiesFinancial Accounting
342ERP EHP76.0FOTETAXPC51Parameter Values Electronic Data Transmission to AuthoritiesFinancial Accounting
343ERP EHP76.0FOTPARAMC21Parameters Electronic Data TransmissionFinancial Accounting
344ERP EHP76.0FOTPARREFC71Assignment of Parameters Reporting Country Return TypeFinancial Accounting
345ERP EHP76.0FOTRFDITM574VAT Refund ItemsFinancial Accounting
346ERP EHP76.0FOTRFDITMCHG301Change Documents, VAT Refund ItemFinancial Accounting
347ERP EHP76.0FOTRFDPARA91Parameters for VAT RefundFinancial Accounting
348ERP EHP76.0FOTRFDPER162Period/Month in VAT Refund ApplicationFinancial Accounting
349ERP EHP76.0FOTRFDREQ241VAT Refund ApplicationFinancial Accounting
350ERP EHP76.0FOTTBUKRS91Assignment of Company Codes to Dominant EnterprisesFinancial Accounting
351ERP EHP76.0FOTTDCLCON41Multinational ATR Confirmation (TaxDeclarationConfirmation)Financial Accounting
352ERP EHP76.0FOTTDCLITM211Multinational ATR Items (TaxDeclarationNotificationItem)Financial Accounting
353ERP EHP76.0FOTTDCLNOT151Multinational ATR Rep. Data (TaxDeclarationNotification)Financial Accounting
354ERP EHP76.0FOTTDCLXML41Country-Specific ATR Reporting Data (XML Format)Financial Accounting
355ERP EHP76.0FOTTPRTXML41Country-Specific ATR Log Data (XML Format)Financial Accounting
356ERP EHP76.0FRUN41Run Date of a ProgramFinancial Accounting
357ERP EHP76.0FTYP61FI Partner Function TypesFinancial Accounting
358ERP EHP76.0FUD_MSG0171Fin UI Decoupling - Transformation of MessagesFinancial Accounting
359ERP EHP76.0FUD_MSG01_C81FIN UI Decoupling - Transformation of MessagesFinancial Accounting
360ERP EHP76.0ICRC00_TEMPL31Financial Statement Reconciliation: Templates for NotificatnFinancial Accounting
361ERP EHP76.0ICRC00_TEMPL_TXT61Financial Statement Recon.: Text for Notification TemplatesFinancial Accounting
362ERP EHP76.0ICRC00_USER_PREF321Balance Reconciliation: User-Specific SettingsFinancial Accounting
363ERP EHP76.0ICRC00_XBLNR_RLS51Balance Sheet Recon.: Rules for Determining Reference NumberFinancial Accounting
364ERP EHP76.0ICRC01121Document Table for G/L Account ReconciliationFinancial Accounting
365ERP EHP76.0ICRC0221Account Groups for G/L Account ReconciliationFinancial Accounting
366ERP EHP76.0ICRC0351Account Groups for G/L Account Reconciliation - NameFinancial Accounting
367ERP EHP76.0ICRC0461Account Groups for G/L Account Reconciliation - User AssgnmtFinancial Accounting
368ERP EHP76.0ICRC0551G/L Account Reconciliation - Details on Last Data SelectionFinancial Accounting
369ERP EHP76.0ICRCA272ICRC: Items to be ReconciledFinancial Accounting
370ERP EHP76.0ICRCLOG41ICRC: Log Numbers of Automatic ReconciliationFinancial Accounting
371ERP EHP76.0ICRCS131ICRC: Status of Data ProcurementFinancial Accounting
372ERP EHP76.0ICRCU272ICRC: Potentially Differing Document GroupsFinancial Accounting
373ERP EHP76.0ICRCZ272ICRC: Reconciled, Completed ItemsFinancial Accounting
374ERP EHP76.0INTITHE102Until When Was Interest Calculated for Item?Financial Accounting
375ERP EHP76.0INTITIT333Interest Calculation Details per ItemFinancial Accounting
376ERP EHP76.0INTITPF231Interest Data per Form and PostingFinancial Accounting
377ERP EHP76.0J_1AOFNR441SD Billing Type Parameters per countryFinancial Accounting
378ERP EHP76.0J_1GALC51A/L control parametersFinancial Accounting
379ERP EHP76.0J_1GALL72G/L to A/L link deficiencies (Log file)Financial Accounting
380ERP EHP76.0J_1GAR61Account rangesFinancial Accounting
381ERP EHP76.0J_1GAT41FI-SL Activity: Transfer method in A/LFinancial Accounting
382ERP EHP76.0J_1GCD41Check Digit Calculation FormsFinancial Accounting
383ERP EHP76.0J_1GGA61G/L to A/L connection rulesFinancial Accounting
384ERP EHP76.0J_1GGL51Level accounts of Greek chart of accountsFinancial Accounting
385ERP EHP76.0J_1GGS91Chart of accounts structureFinancial Accounting
386ERP EHP76.0J_1GIA51G/L connection to A/L intermediate accountsFinancial Accounting
387ERP EHP76.0J_1GID41Dual Accounting Systems: Acc.Groups of the 2nd Acc.SystemFinancial Accounting
388ERP EHP76.0J_1GIM41Dual Accounting Systems: Account mappingFinancial Accounting
389ERP EHP76.0J_1GJOURNAL1231JournalsFinancial Accounting
390ERP EHP76.0J_1GJOURNAL251Journal descriptionsFinancial Accounting
391ERP EHP76.0J_1GJOURNAL351Journal document type referencesFinancial Accounting
392ERP EHP76.0J_1GJR_DT51Document type descriptions in JournalFinancial Accounting
393ERP EHP76.0J_1GJR_LN62Document official numberingFinancial Accounting
394ERP EHP76.0J_1GJR_PK71Posting key descriptions in JournalFinancial Accounting
395ERP EHP76.0J_1GMYF0151MYF dataFinancial Accounting
396ERP EHP76.0J_1GMYF261Customer/Vendor invoice selection criteriaFinancial Accounting
397ERP EHP76.0J_1GOP41Object type prioritiesFinancial Accounting
398ERP EHP76.0J_1GOR61Object rangesFinancial Accounting
399ERP EHP76.0J_1GWTC0231Withholding tax certificates dataFinancial Accounting
400ERP EHP76.0J_1GWTC131Withholding tax certificate typesFinancial Accounting
401ERP EHP76.0J_1GWTC1T41Withholding tax certificate type descriptionsFinancial Accounting
402ERP EHP76.0J_1GWTC261Withholding tax accountsFinancial Accounting
403ERP EHP76.0J_1GZSPVAT61Accounts substitutions for VAT reportFinancial Accounting
404ERP EHP76.0J_1UD41AM: Depreciation factorFinancial Accounting
405ERP EHP76.0J_1UFTASSGROUP91Definition of Tax Groups for AssetsFinancial Accounting
406ERP EHP76.0J_1UF_BLNC_MAIN41Settings for Balance SheetsFinancial Accounting
407ERP EHP76.0J_1UF_CONTRACT41Re-calculation contractFinancial Accounting
408ERP EHP76.0J_1UF_FORM7231Customizing table for temporary tax differencesFinancial Accounting
409ERP EHP76.0J_1UF_MR_CUST51Exch.diff.accounting customizingFinancial Accounting
410ERP EHP76.0J_1UF_NAKL_MAIN91Table of main customizing for generating tax documentsFinancial Accounting
411ERP EHP76.0J_1UF_NAKL_RELEV111Customizable table for checking relevant documents modulesFinancial Accounting
412ERP EHP76.0J_1UF_PROFITDECL91Setting profit declarationFinancial Accounting
413ERP EHP76.0J_1UF_REEII_XML481XML table for J_1UF_REEIIFinancial Accounting
414ERP EHP76.0J_1UF_REEI_XML431XML table for J_1UF_REEIFinancial Accounting
415ERP EHP76.0J_1UF_TAXDIFFER151Customizing table for temporary tax differencesFinancial Accounting
416ERP EHP76.0J_1UF_TAX_AN2101Reimbursement amount for annex 2 of VAT Declaration UkraineFinancial Accounting
417ERP EHP76.0J_3KBANK61Bank accounts in ZAPFinancial Accounting
418ERP EHP76.0J_3KLANDA31CountriesFinancial Accounting
419ERP EHP76.0J_3KNA14_PRIM61Control of field remark in foreign payment orderFinancial Accounting
420ERP EHP76.0J_3K_INT51Payment order numeric rangeFinancial Accounting
421ERP EHP76.0J_5KFH_CADVTYPE51Advance accounting control settingsFinancial Accounting
422ERP EHP76.0J_5KFORMDECL41Forms of tax declaration (KZ)Financial Accounting
423ERP EHP76.0J_5KFORMDECLT41Forms of tax declaration (KZ) text tableFinancial Accounting
424ERP EHP76.0KLPA81Customer/Vendor LinkingFinancial Accounting
425ERP EHP76.0KMKPF191FI: Account Assignment Model Header InformationFinancial Accounting
426ERP EHP76.0KMZEI931FI: Account Assignment Model Item InformationFinancial Accounting
427ERP EHP76.0KNAS41Customer master (VAT registration numbers general section)Financial Accounting
428ERP EHP76.0KNB1793Customer Master (Company Code)Financial Accounting
429ERP EHP76.0KNB41161Customer Payment HistoryFinancial Accounting
430ERP EHP76.0KNB5111Customer master (dunning data)Financial Accounting
431ERP EHP76.0KNBK142Customer Master (Bank Details)Financial Accounting
432ERP EHP76.0KNC1591Customer master (transaction figures)Financial Accounting
433ERP EHP76.0KNC381Customer master (special G/L transaction figures)Financial Accounting
434ERP EHP76.0KNZA41Permitted Alternative PayerFinancial Accounting
435ERP EHP76.0KOMU971Account Assignment Templates for G/L Account ItemsFinancial Accounting
436ERP EHP76.0KONH_CONV_TRG71Trigger table for KONHFinancial Accounting
437ERP EHP76.0KONV_CONV_TRG31KONV Conversion TriggerFinancial Accounting
438ERP EHP76.0LFA11398Vendor Master (General Section)Financial Accounting
439ERP EHP76.0LFAS41Vendor master (VAT registration numbers general section)Financial Accounting
440ERP EHP76.0LFB1783Vendor Master (Company Code)Financial Accounting
441ERP EHP76.0LFB5111Vendor master (dunning data)Financial Accounting
442ERP EHP76.0LFBK142Vendor Master (Bank Details)Financial Accounting
443ERP EHP76.0LFC1551Vendor master (transaction figures)Financial Accounting
444ERP EHP76.0LFC381Vendor master (special G/L transaction figures)Financial Accounting
445ERP EHP76.0LFZA41Permitted Alternative PayeeFinancial Accounting
446ERP EHP76.0LRBKPF51Documents as Result of Logical Document Reorg. (RFB80U00)Financial Accounting
447ERP EHP76.0MAHNV61Management Records for the Dunning ProgramFinancial Accounting
448ERP EHP76.0MLDZ461Reporting Data for Z4 Which was not Reported by DMEFinancial Accounting
449ERP EHP76.0NKUK51Number range for change documentsFinancial Accounting
450ERP EHP76.0OFFNUM_CN61Assign Number group and Prefix to comp. code and doc. classFinancial Accounting
451ERP EHP76.0OFF_NUM_LV41Obsolete: Number Groups for Official Document Numbering (LV)Financial Accounting
452ERP EHP76.0OFF_NUM_LV2101Assign Number Ranges to Document Class, Number Group, DateFinancial Accounting
453ERP EHP76.0OFF_NUM_LV_ACT61Obsolete: Assignment of Active Number GroupFinancial Accounting
454ERP EHP76.0OFNUM_ES61ODN enabled for correction invoice per vender (ES)Financial Accounting
455ERP EHP76.0OFNUM_IT_151Official Numbering by Document Class-enabled ranges(IT)Financial Accounting
456ERP EHP76.0OFNUM_MX101Assign Official Numbering with Approval NumberFinancial Accounting
457ERP EHP76.0PARCT201Receipt Log TableFinancial Accounting
458ERP EHP76.0PKOMU62Personal Account Assignment Templates for G/L Account ItemsFinancial Accounting
459ERP EHP76.0PSHDSVCI52Personalized Screen Variants for FI Enjoy TransactionsFinancial Accounting
460ERP EHP76.0REGUP_CONV_TRG41REGUP Conversion TriggerFinancial Accounting
461ERP EHP76.0RF048192Subseq.BA/PC Adjustmnt: Index/Distributn Vector (Calculate)Financial Accounting
462ERP EHP76.0RF180131Subsequent BA/PC Adjustment: Posting RunsFinancial Accounting
463ERP EHP76.0RFDT131Accounting Data (INDX Structure)Financial Accounting
464ERP EHP76.0RFUMSV00_BAL_IT71Advance Tax Return Italy: Progressive balancesFinancial Accounting
465ERP EHP76.0SKA1182G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts)Financial Accounting
466ERP EHP76.0SKAT72G/L Account Master Record (Chart of Accounts: Description)Financial Accounting
467ERP EHP76.0SKMT51Sample Account NamesFinancial Accounting
468ERP EHP76.0SLPB112Log Table for ValuationFinancial Accounting
469ERP EHP76.0SREPACCESSTYPE11Access TypeFinancial Accounting
470ERP EHP76.0SREPACCESSTYPET31Access TypeFinancial Accounting
471ERP EHP76.0T000F51Cross-Client FI SettingsFinancial Accounting
472ERP EHP76.0T001791Company CodesFinancial Accounting
473ERP EHP76.0T001A101Additional Local Currencies Control for Company CodeFinancial Accounting
474ERP EHP76.0T001B191Permitted Posting PeriodsFinancial Accounting
475ERP EHP76.0T001D51Validation of Accounting DocumentsFinancial Accounting
476ERP EHP76.0T001G151Company Code-Dependent Standard TextsFinancial Accounting
477ERP EHP76.0T001N151Company Code - EC Tax Numbers / NotificationsFinancial Accounting
478ERP EHP76.0T001O31Cross-System Company CodesFinancial Accounting
479ERP EHP76.0T001Q51Substitution in Accounting DocumentsFinancial Accounting
480ERP EHP76.0T001U101Clearing Between Company CodesFinancial Accounting
481ERP EHP76.0T001URL181Company Code-Dependent URLsFinancial Accounting
482ERP EHP76.0T001_UMKRS51Time-Dep. Assignment of Company Code to Sales/Purch. Tax GrpFinancial Accounting
483ERP EHP76.0T001_UMKRS_Z31Activate Time-Dep. Sls/Pur.Tax Grps / Assign Selection DateFinancial Accounting
484ERP EHP76.0T003381Document TypesFinancial Accounting
485ERP EHP76.0T003B41Object Types for Early Entry in Financial AcctngFinancial Accounting
486ERP EHP76.0T003D51Document Types for Enjoy TransactionsFinancial Accounting
487ERP EHP76.0T004121Directory of Charts of AccountsFinancial Accounting
488ERP EHP76.0T004M51Rules for Sample AccountsFinancial Accounting
489ERP EHP76.0T007A261Tax KeysFinancial Accounting
490ERP EHP76.0T007AC51Tax Code Selection for TransactionsFinancial Accounting
491ERP EHP76.0T007BE51Bill of exchange customizing for deferred tax(RFUMSV50)Financial Accounting
492ERP EHP76.0T007DT101Deferred Tax RulesFinancial Accounting
493ERP EHP76.0T007F121Taxes on Sales/Purchases GroupsFinancial Accounting
494ERP EHP76.0T007I41Tax Advance Return, Tax Group and Calendar Year Group NosFinancial Accounting
495ERP EHP76.0T007M61Table for Grouping Taxes for BWFinancial Accounting
496ERP EHP76.0T007V121Tax Codes to be TransportedFinancial Accounting
497ERP EHP76.0T012O131ORBIAN Details: Bank Accounts and Other DataFinancial Accounting
498ERP EHP76.0T020A31Acc: Single-Screen Transactions: Existing Tabs Per TransacnFinancial Accounting
499ERP EHP76.0T020R51Program Selection for Program TransactionsFinancial Accounting
500ERP EHP76.0T021H51Line Layout Fast Entry: Screen VariantsFinancial Accounting
501ERP EHP76.0T021I81Line Layout Fast Entry: Variant FieldsFinancial Accounting
502ERP EHP76.0T021K41Fields for Line Layout VariantsFinancial Accounting
503ERP EHP76.0T021M251Sort VariantsFinancial Accounting
504ERP EHP76.0T021S41Line Layout Variant Special FieldsFinancial Accounting
505ERP EHP76.0T021STDF81Fast Entry: Standard Variant FieldsFinancial Accounting
506ERP EHP76.0T021STDT51Fast Entry: Standard Variants (Texts)Financial Accounting
507ERP EHP76.0T021STDV51Fast Entry: Standard VariantsFinancial Accounting
508ERP EHP76.0T028V21Transaction TypesFinancial Accounting
509ERP EHP76.0T028W41Transaction Types: NamesFinancial Accounting
510ERP EHP76.0T030U71Account Determ.for Balance Sheet Transfer PostingsFinancial Accounting
511ERP EHP76.0T033101FI Depreciation AreaFinancial Accounting
512ERP EHP76.0T033C341Account Determination: Administration DataFinancial Accounting
513ERP EHP76.0T033T41FI Depreciation AreaFinancial Accounting
514ERP EHP76.0T041AR41Residual Item Additional FunctionsFinancial Accounting
515ERP EHP76.0T041B41Company Codes for Manual PaymentsFinancial Accounting
516ERP EHP76.0T041C41Reasons for Reverse PostingFinancial Accounting
517ERP EHP76.0T041CT41Reasons for Reverse Posting (Name)Financial Accounting
518ERP EHP76.0T042ZD31Screen Control when Creating Payments in CountryFinancial Accounting
519ERP EHP76.0T042ZDT31Screen Control when Creating Payments in CountryFinancial Accounting
520ERP EHP76.0T042ZFCL41Additional Payment Method Classifications for Payment ProgmFinancial Accounting
521ERP EHP76.0T043GT51Name of Business Partner's Tolerance GroupsFinancial Accounting
522ERP EHP76.0T043ST51Name of Business Partner's Tolerance GroupsFinancial Accounting
523ERP EHP76.0T044AB131Valuation Attributes for OI Valuation By Remaining TermFinancial Accounting
524ERP EHP76.0T044ABT81Description for Valuation Attributes By Remaining TermFinancial Accounting
525ERP EHP76.0T044HT101Flat-rate Value Adjustment of Individual Documents (Text)Financial Accounting
526ERP EHP76.0T045W71Bank Subaccounts for Bill of Exchange UsageFinancial Accounting
527ERP EHP76.0T046A61Assignment:1 Bank Cmmt Acct - diverse Bill of Ex.Return ActsFinancial Accounting
528ERP EHP76.0T048A31Company Code DataFinancial Accounting
529ERP EHP76.0T048V21Correspondence proceduresFinancial Accounting
530ERP EHP76.0T048W51Name of correspondence procedureFinancial Accounting
531ERP EHP76.0T048X41Attached payment medium: Function modulesFinancial Accounting
532ERP EHP76.0T048Y111Company Code Data on Attached Payment MediumsFinancial Accounting
533ERP EHP76.0T048Z51Text for attached payment mediumsFinancial Accounting
534ERP EHP76.0T052261Terms of PaymentFinancial Accounting
535ERP EHP76.0T052U51Own Explanations for Terms of PaymentFinancial Accounting
536ERP EHP76.0T053A21Selection Rules for Payment AdvicesFinancial Accounting
537ERP EHP76.0T053B51Selection Rules for Payment Advices (Texts)Financial Accounting
538ERP EHP76.0T053C61Selection Sequence for Payment AdvicesFinancial Accounting
539ERP EHP76.0T053D41Reason Codes Assigned as Fixed for Clearing Pmnt Adv.Financial Accounting
540ERP EHP76.0T053G41Payment Advice TypesFinancial Accounting
541ERP EHP76.0T053R91Classification of Payment DifferencesFinancial Accounting
542ERP EHP76.0T053S61Classification of Payment Differences (Texts)Financial Accounting
543ERP EHP76.0T055F31Field Group Fields (Master Data)Financial Accounting
544ERP EHP76.0T056Z61Interest RatesFinancial Accounting
545ERP EHP76.0T058A71Japanese Stamp TaxFinancial Accounting
546ERP EHP76.0T058B71Number Range Assignment for ReceiptsFinancial Accounting
547ERP EHP76.0T058T51Group Receipt NamesFinancial Accounting
548ERP EHP76.0T059E31Income TypesFinancial Accounting
549ERP EHP76.0T059G51Income Types: NamesFinancial Accounting
550ERP EHP76.0T059Q201Withholding TaxFinancial Accounting
551ERP EHP76.0T059R71Recipient CodeFinancial Accounting
552ERP EHP76.0T074U81Special G/L Indicator PropertiesFinancial Accounting
553ERP EHP76.0T076A201Assign Payment Advice Notes to Posting RulesFinancial Accounting
554ERP EHP76.0T076B51EDI: Assign Name in the Invoice <-> Company CodeFinancial Accounting
555ERP EHP76.0T076E111FI-EDI: Assignment Pymt Method - External Pymt Method (Bank)Financial Accounting
556ERP EHP76.0T076I81FI-EDI: G/L AccountsFinancial Accounting
557ERP EHP76.0T076K201FI-EDI: Additional Account AssignmentsFinancial Accounting
558ERP EHP76.0T076M71EDI: Conversion of External Tax Rate <-> Tax CodeFinancial Accounting
559ERP EHP76.0T076S291EDI-INVOIC: Program ParametersFinancial Accounting
560ERP EHP76.0T856K51Default Transaction Type for FI AccountsFinancial Accounting
561ERP EHP76.0T856L41Assignment of LO Transaction Type to FI Transaction TypeFinancial Accounting
562ERP EHP76.0T8HSPLITACT31Online Split for FI Postprocessing CostsFinancial Accounting
563ERP EHP76.0TACC_BWBER_PR31Assignment of Accounting Principle to Target LedgerFinancial Accounting
564ERP EHP76.0TACC_TRGT_LDGR51Assgmt of Accounting Principle to Target Ledger or Ledger GpFinancial Accounting
565ERP EHP76.0TACC_TRGT_LDGRT31Assignment of Accounting Principle to Target LedgerFinancial Accounting
566ERP EHP76.0TAIF_URL31Internet Service for Appropriation RequestsFinancial Accounting
567ERP EHP76.0TAKOF61Reconciliation Accounts with Exception HandlingFinancial Accounting
568ERP EHP76.0TAX_APPLI51Applications for Tax ServicesFinancial Accounting
569ERP EHP76.0TAX_RFDSUBCODE41VAT Refund SubcodesFinancial Accounting
570ERP EHP76.0TAX_RFDSUBCODET61VAT Refund SubcodesFinancial Accounting
571ERP EHP76.0TAX_RFD_CHARS41VAT Refund Code - Tax Refund CountryFinancial Accounting
572ERP EHP76.0TAX_RFD_CHARST51Text Table: VAT Refund Code - Tax Refund CountryFinancial Accounting
573ERP EHP76.0TAX_RFD_CODES51Define Tax Code as Refund-RelatedFinancial Accounting
574ERP EHP76.0TAX_RFD_C_MAP71Assign VAT Refund Code to G/L AccountFinancial Accounting
575ERP EHP76.0TAX_RFD_RATES51Country Tax Rates for VAT Refund ProcedureFinancial Accounting
576ERP EHP76.0TAX_SERVICES31Tax ServicesFinancial Accounting
577ERP EHP76.0TBAER111Rules for Changing DocumentsFinancial Accounting
578ERP EHP76.0TCESSION41Accounts Receivable PledgingFinancial Accounting
579ERP EHP76.0TCESSIONT51Texts for Accounts Receivable PledgingFinancial Accounting
580ERP EHP76.0TCOBX71Coding Block: Assignment of Field PropertiesFinancial Accounting
581ERP EHP76.0TCURC_ROUND31Clearing of Rounding Diffs per Local Currency: TemporaryFinancial Accounting
582ERP EHP76.0TFAG11FI Clearing Rules (Entity Table)Financial Accounting
583ERP EHP76.0TFAGM31Allocate Clients and Account Type to Clearing RuleFinancial Accounting
584ERP EHP76.0TFAVA71FI: Details of Automatically Generated WorklistsFinancial Accounting
585ERP EHP76.0TFI0121Open FI: EventsFinancial Accounting
586ERP EHP76.0TFI01T31Open FI: Name of EventsFinancial Accounting
587ERP EHP76.0TFI0251Open FI: Function Modules for Each Call EventFinancial Accounting
588ERP EHP76.0TFI02T41Open FI: Function Key Text for Each Call EventFinancial Accounting
589ERP EHP76.0TFIREV51Reversal Document Checks in FIFinancial Accounting
590ERP EHP76.0TFTMP41Table for Time Stamp ComparisonFinancial Accounting
591ERP EHP76.0TGSB41Business AreasFinancial Accounting
592ERP EHP76.0TGSBT41Business Area NamesFinancial Accounting
593ERP EHP76.0THKON51Permitted Alternative G/L AccountsFinancial Accounting
594ERP EHP76.0TIBAN_APAR131Unconfirmed IBANs and Their Correct Validity StartFinancial Accounting
595ERP EHP76.0TIBAN_WO_ACCNO21Activation of "IBAN without Bank Account Number"Financial Accounting
596ERP EHP76.0TICRC171RFC Destination and Contact Person in CompanyFinancial Accounting
597ERP EHP76.0TICRC221Selection of Recon. Criteria for Recon. Affiliated CompaniesFinancial Accounting
598ERP EHP76.0TICRC351Contact Person in Trading PartnerFinancial Accounting
599ERP EHP76.0TICRC521Contact Person - Organization Addresses - DummyFinancial Accounting
600ERP EHP76.0TICRC_CNUM41ICRC: Company IDs in External SystemsFinancial Accounting
601ERP EHP76.0TLOREO51Indicator for Logical Document ReorganizationFinancial Accounting
602ERP EHP76.0TMODU71Cross Reference Field Name - MODIF1Financial Accounting
603ERP EHP76.0TNAMN71Puffer for Keywords (NAMETAB)Financial Accounting
604ERP EHP76.0TTYP41Object Types for AccountingFinancial Accounting
605ERP EHP76.0TTYPS21FI Summarization: Document Fields AllowedFinancial Accounting
606ERP EHP76.0TTYPT31Object Type Names for AccountingFinancial Accounting
607ERP EHP76.0TTYPV41FI Summarization Dependent on the Object TypeFinancial Accounting
608ERP EHP76.0TURLTYPE11URL Types in Table T001URLFinancial Accounting
609ERP EHP76.0TURLTYPET31Texts for TURLTYPEFinancial Accounting
610ERP EHP76.0UKSD531User Control Totals (Online)Financial Accounting
611ERP EHP76.0UKSV31User Control Totals (Update)Financial Accounting
612ERP EHP76.0VACSPLT101FI Document Parking (Enjoy): Amount SplitFinancial Accounting
613ERP EHP76.0VBKPF894Document Header for Document ParkingFinancial Accounting
614ERP EHP76.0VBSEC401Document Parking One-Time Data Document SegmentFinancial Accounting
615ERP EHP76.0VBSEGA933Document Segment for Document Parking - Asset DatabaseFinancial Accounting
616ERP EHP76.0VBSEGD1293Document Segment for Customer Document ParkingFinancial Accounting
617ERP EHP76.0VBSEGK1413Document Segment for Vendor Document ParkingFinancial Accounting
618ERP EHP76.0VBSEGS1543Document Segment for Document Parking - G/L Account DatabaseFinancial Accounting
619ERP EHP76.0VBSET121Document Segment for Taxes Document ParkingFinancial Accounting
620ERP EHP76.0VBWF01121Company Code-Dependent Release DataFinancial Accounting
621ERP EHP76.0VBWF0241Workflow ProcedureFinancial Accounting
622ERP EHP76.0VBWF0321Release Approval PathsFinancial Accounting
623ERP EHP76.0VBWF0431Line Item Fields Reversal ReleaseFinancial Accounting
624ERP EHP76.0VBWF0551Determination of Release Approval PathFinancial Accounting
625ERP EHP76.0VBWF0671Subworkflow DeterminationFinancial Accounting
626ERP EHP76.0VBWF0741Release GroupsFinancial Accounting
627ERP EHP76.0VBWF0821Release GroupsFinancial Accounting
628ERP EHP76.0VBWF0951People with Release Authorization for Document ParkingFinancial Accounting
629ERP EHP76.0VBWF1041Release Approval Paths (Texts)Financial Accounting
630ERP EHP76.0VBWF1131Objects for Full ReleaseFinancial Accounting
631ERP EHP76.0VBWF1251Objects for Full Release (Texts)Financial Accounting
632ERP EHP76.0VBWF1551People with Release Authorization for Document ParkingFinancial Accounting
633ERP EHP76.0VBWF1631Relevant Document Types for Releasing PaymentsFinancial Accounting
634ERP EHP76.0VSPLTWT121FI Document Parking (Enjoy): W/Tax Data Amount SplitFinancial Accounting
Financial Accounting :: Accounts Payable
635ERP EHP76.0/PTGWFI/F_SMIBDC111BDC Table for Creating DocumentAccounts Payable
636ERP EHP76.0/PTGWFI/F_SMIMSG51Message Code for each transaction that carries the objectAccounts Payable
637ERP EHP76.0/PTGWFI/F_SMIMTR291SMI Process MonitorAccounts Payable
638ERP EHP76.0/PTGWFI/F_SMIRSN121Suspend reason definition tableAccounts Payable
639ERP EHP76.0/PTGWFI/F_SMIRST41Supsension Reson DescriptionAccounts Payable
Financial Accounting :: Accounts Receivable
640ERP EHP76.0CRMD_CCM_LINK91Link from payment item to claim chargeback recovery in CRMAccounts Receivable
Financial Accounting :: Asset Accounting
641ERP EHP76.0AAACC_EXCL21Exception Table for Account Assignment Settings in FI-AAAsset Accounting
642ERP EHP76.0AAACC_OBJ71Account Assignment Settings in Asset AccountingAsset Accounting
643ERP EHP76.0AAACC_OBJ_ERR31Types of Error During Check of Acct Assignment in FI-AAAsset Accounting
644ERP EHP76.0APERB_ITEMS101Log Table for Dep. Areas Posted Directly to FIAsset Accounting
645ERP EHP76.0APERB_PROT131Log Table for Periodic PostingAsset Accounting
646ERP EHP76.0BWFIAA_AEDAT_AB71FIAA-BW: Modified Valuation Area Data for Delta UploadAsset Accounting
647ERP EHP76.0BWFIAA_AEDAT_AS61FIAA-BW: New and Modified Master Records for Delta UploadAsset Accounting
648ERP EHP76.0BWFIAA_AEDAT_TR91FIAA-BW: New and Modified Transactions for Delta UploadAsset Accounting
649ERP EHP76.0FAA_TENV_PATHMGT51ObsoleteAsset Accounting
650ERP EHP76.0FAA_TENV_TCMGT171Management Table for Test CasesAsset Accounting
651ERP EHP76.0IDCN_GA_ANLKL21GA China: Specify Asset ClassesAsset Accounting
652ERP EHP76.0IDCN_GA_ANLN81GA China: Asset depreciation ratio and costcenterAsset Accounting
653ERP EHP76.0IDCN_GA_BWASL31Asset Transaction Types (Golden Audit)Asset Accounting
654ERP EHP76.0IDCN_GA_DEP51Parameters for Asset Depreciation (Golden Audit)Asset Accounting
655ERP EHP76.0IDCN_GA_ORDNR51Asset Evaluation Group (Golden Audit)Asset Accounting
656ERP EHP76.0IDFIAA_UK_SORP31Activate SORP/MCHA FunctionsAsset Accounting
657ERP EHP76.0IDPT_A01151Revaluation Areas for Asset ReportsAsset Accounting
658ERP EHP76.0IDPT_A02181Revaluation Classes/ExceptionsAsset Accounting
659ERP EHP76.0IDPT_A031111Manual Entries for Form 32.1Asset Accounting
660ERP EHP76.0IDPT_A04161Currency Revaluation CoefficientsAsset Accounting
661ERP EHP76.0IDPT_A05151Transaction Types for Asset RetirementsAsset Accounting
662ERP EHP76.0IDPT_A06171Depreciation ForegoneAsset Accounting
663ERP EHP76.0IDPT_A07161Limit for assets which use Electric/ non-electric energyAsset Accounting
664ERP EHP76.0IDPT_A0921Checks for Asset Reports - Reference TableAsset Accounting
665ERP EHP76.0IDPT_A099101Checks for Asset ReportsAsset Accounting
666ERP EHP76.0J_1GAM2GR61Rule Table for Fixed Asset RevaluationAsset Accounting
667ERP EHP76.0J_1GAMAFA41Tax free reductionsAsset Accounting
668ERP EHP76.0J_1GAMASN51Asset Super Number Objective ValuesAsset Accounting
669ERP EHP76.0J_1GAMREG101Asset Register: FieldsAsset Accounting
670ERP EHP76.0J_1GAMREP41Asset Register: Page sizeAsset Accounting
671ERP EHP76.0T093_ACCOBJ51Account Assignment Objects in Asset AccountingAsset Accounting
672ERP EHP76.0T093_ACCOBJT41Texts for Account Assignment Objects in Asset AccountingAsset Accounting
673ERP EHP76.0T093_MAP_ACC91Mapping Table for Alternative Company CodesAsset Accounting
674ERP EHP76.0T095A_MAP31Customizing Table for Account Maintenance (Instead of T095)Asset Accounting
Financial Accounting :: Bank Accounting
675ERP EHP76.0BSEGC341Document: Data on Payment Card PaymentsBank Accounting
676ERP EHP76.0CCENQ41Payment cards: Primary table for lock object EFCCENQBank Accounting
677ERP EHP76.0DFPAYG151Payment date: GroupingBank Accounting
678ERP EHP76.0DFPAYHT91Note to Payee and Payment Advice Note TextsBank Accounting
679ERP EHP76.0DFPAYMENT_KEY_ID92Contains ID for Payment Data KeyBank Accounting
680ERP EHP76.0DFPAYV111Payment Medium: Selection VariantsBank Accounting
681ERP EHP76.0DFPM_AUTH21Payment medium: Authorization Check Origin ActiveBank Accounting
682ERP EHP76.0FPS_BLOCK41Payment and Dunning Block for Each Payment Service ProviderBank Accounting
683ERP EHP76.0REGUT334TemSe - Administration DataBank Accounting
684ERP EHP76.0REGUTA91Paying Company Codes for DME FilesBank Accounting
685ERP EHP76.0T042ECT51Letter for Payment Correspondence (PDF)Bank Accounting
686ERP EHP76.0T042T131Text modules for payment formsBank Accounting
687ERP EHP76.0T042ZA51Additional specifications for payment methodBank Accounting
688ERP EHP76.0TCCAA121Payment cards: Clearing account/external functionsBank Accounting
689ERP EHP76.0TCCFI81Payment cards: Central FI settingsBank Accounting
690ERP EHP76.0TCCLG221Payment Cards: Settlement Run LogBank Accounting
691ERP EHP76.0TCCLGT51Payment cards: Settlement run log (texts)Bank Accounting
692ERP EHP76.0TCCRC31Payment Cards: Check ResultsBank Accounting
693ERP EHP76.0TCCRCT51Payment cards: Results of checks (texts)Bank Accounting
694ERP EHP76.0TCJ_BALANCE91FI Cash Journal: Totals RecordsBank Accounting
695ERP EHP76.0TFIBLSCREEN51Control of Output of Screen FieldsBank Accounting
696ERP EHP76.0TFIBLSCREEN021Register Programs for Screen ControlBank Accounting
697ERP EHP76.0TFIBLSCREEN131Define Contents of Screen GroupsBank Accounting
698ERP EHP76.0TFIBLSCREEN1T51Define Contents of Screen GroupsBank Accounting
699ERP EHP76.0TFPM042F121Payment medium formats: General attributesBank Accounting
700ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FB31Payment medium formats: EventsBank Accounting
701ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FBC41Payment medium formats: Customer eventsBank Accounting
702ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FD31Payment Medium Formats: Preassignment of Format ParametersBank Accounting
703ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FDC41Payt Medium Formats: Cust. Preassignm. of Format ParametersBank Accounting
704ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FF21Payment medium formats: Format parametersBank Accounting
705ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FFC61Payment medium formats: Customer format parametersBank Accounting
706ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FG61Payment medium formats: Level of detail of payment mediumBank Accounting
707ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FGC71Payt. medium formats: Cust. level of det. of payment mediumsBank Accounting
708ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FM41Payment medium formats: Reqd fields for format parametersBank Accounting
709ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FMC51Payment medium formats: Cust. reqd. fields for format para.Bank Accounting
710ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FPB21Payment Medium Formats: Modules for Payment Doc. ValidationBank Accounting
711ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FSB61Payment Medium Formats: Modules for Writing/Sending FilesBank Accounting
712ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FT71Payment medium formats: TextsBank Accounting
713ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FV51Payment medium formats: Note to payee fieldsBank Accounting
714ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FZ21Payment medium formats: SupplementsBank Accounting
715ERP EHP76.0TFPM042FZT41Payment medium formats: Supplement textBank Accounting
716ERP EHP76.0TFPM042VA51Payment medium: Note to payeeBank Accounting
717ERP EHP76.0TFPM042VAT41Payment medium: Note to payee textsBank Accounting
718ERP EHP76.0TFPM042VI71Payment medium: Note to payee contentsBank Accounting
719ERP EHP76.0TFPM042VJ61Payment Media: Content of Note to Payee Lang. IndependentBank Accounting
Financial Accounting :: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
720ERP EHP76.0ARCH_FKKKO71FI-CA doc: Header-oriented doc index for archiveContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
721ERP EHP76.0ARCH_FKKOP72FI-CA doc: Header-oriented doc index for archiveContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
722ERP EHP76.0ARJ_1A101211ARGENTINA: Legal rep.historical data for the daily reportsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
723ERP EHP76.0BPPAN_IDTYP_IN41Maintain Taxtype/ID type for PAN numberContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
724ERP EHP76.0CFC_ACTIONLOG81Action Log of Status and Processing Status ChangesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
725ERP EHP76.0CFC_APPLCTS91CFC: ApplicationsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
726ERP EHP76.0CFC_APPLCTS_TXT51CFC: Applications: TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
727ERP EHP76.0CFC_APPLOBJ101CFC: Application objectsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
728ERP EHP76.0CFC_APPLOBJ_TXT51CFC: Application objects: TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
729ERP EHP76.0CFC_APPL_FCODES41Application-Specific GUI Function CodesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
730ERP EHP76.0CFC_CONTROL_OBJ21CFC: Control objectsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
731ERP EHP76.0CFC_CTRLOBJ_TXT31CFC: Control objects: TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
732ERP EHP76.0CFC_EVENTS31CFC: EventsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
733ERP EHP76.0CFC_EVENT_FCT71CFC events -> Function modules assignmentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
734ERP EHP76.0CFC_EVENT_TXT41CFC: Events: TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
735ERP EHP76.0CFC_ITEM_STATE121CFC: Status of the application table entriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
736ERP EHP76.0CFC_ITEM_STATE_T51CFC: Status of the application table entries (texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
737ERP EHP76.0CFC_IT_WORKSTATE61Clarification Case Processing StatusContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
738ERP EHP76.0CFC_LOCKS31CFC: Lock table for application items (generic key)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
739ERP EHP76.0CFC_ROLES81CFC: Roles for application objectsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
740ERP EHP76.0CFC_SCREEN_VARS41Master Screen Layout VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
741ERP EHP76.0CFC_SELFIELDS41CFC: Selection fields of the applicationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
742ERP EHP76.0CFC_WORKSTATE_T51Clarification Case Processing State (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
743ERP EHP76.0DFK006B201Note to Payee - TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
744ERP EHP76.0DFK006BX201Note to Payee - TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
745ERP EHP76.0DFK006E151Note to Payee - AccountsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
746ERP EHP76.0DFK006EX131Note to Payee - Accounts NewContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
747ERP EHP76.0DFK006X21Indicator for Complete Conversion of DFK006B and DFK006Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
748ERP EHP76.0DFKCRPO242Clarification Worklist CreditContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
749ERP EHP76.0DFKK10992111099 Statutory Reporting DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
750ERP EHP76.0DFKKAGRID_NO151Paper Agreement TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
751ERP EHP76.0DFKKARREPCONTST71ARGENTINA: Legal report sales tax control tableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
752ERP EHP76.0DFKKASSKY21Help Table for Lock Object EFKKASSKYContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
753ERP EHP76.0DFKKAVK273Payment Advice: Header DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
754ERP EHP76.0DFKKAVP101Payment Advice: ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
755ERP EHP76.0DFKKAVST131Control Table for Payment Advice Note TransferContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
756ERP EHP76.0DFKKAWM273Foreign Trade Reporting: Report FileContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
757ERP EHP76.0DFKKAWM_CORR51Request for Corrections for Entries in DFKKAWMContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
758ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIC121ObsoleteContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
759ERP EHP76.0DFKKBICL121FI-CA Batch Input - Error Change LogsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
760ERP EHP76.0DFKKBOL141Bollo: ItalyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
761ERP EHP76.0DFKKBRLEVYCODE41Brazil: Levy Code for Barcode Payment MethodContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
762ERP EHP76.0DFKKBRLEVYREC151Levy Way: Data from Payment Lot for Levy Way report (Brazil)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
763ERP EHP76.0DFKKBRLEVYTXT61Brazil : Barcode Levy Code Description for Different Banks.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
764ERP EHP76.0DFKKBRPAYORD_REV71Records payment order reversalsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
765ERP EHP76.0DFKKBRPOPNOT181Balance reporting: noticed contract account document itemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
766ERP EHP76.0DFKKBRPOPSAL101Balance reporting: Businesspartner balancesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
767ERP EHP76.0DFKKBRPOPSALHD81Balance reporting: Businesspartner balances headerContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
768ERP EHP76.0DFKKBRSEQ61Brazil : Control of DME file Sequence NumberContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
769ERP EHP76.0DFKKCASEITEMS182Item List in Cases, LinesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
770ERP EHP76.0DFKKCASEITEMSH112Item List in Cases, Header DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
771ERP EHP76.0DFKKCASHFC171Interim Table for Cash Management and Forecast DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
772ERP EHP76.0DFKKCCMD92Master Data Groups of Test SeriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
773ERP EHP76.0DFKKCCTK132Collections Management: Test Series - Header DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
774ERP EHP76.0DFKKCCTP51Collections Management: Test Series - Strategy ReplacementContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
775ERP EHP76.0DFKKCCU52Champion/Challenger Update RunContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
776ERP EHP76.0DFKKCCUPDATE81Item Lists to Which Changes Were MadeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
777ERP EHP76.0DFKKCCU_ERR91Log: Successful Champion/Challenger UpdatesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
778ERP EHP76.0DFKKCCU_SUC81Log: Champion/Challenger Updates with ErrorsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
779ERP EHP76.0DFKKCDLOTS72Lot Management for Cash Desk and External Cash Desk ServicesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
780ERP EHP76.0DFKKCDREF52Cash Desk Document ReferencesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
781ERP EHP76.0DFKKCFCSLOCKS231FI-CA LocksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
782ERP EHP76.0DFKKCFCVS212Clarification Cases from Payment Transfer - Ext. Pymt Coll.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
783ERP EHP76.0DFKKCFDUNTEL333Telephone List for DunningContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
784ERP EHP76.0DFKKCFNR231Clarification Cases from NOC Returns LotContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
785ERP EHP76.0DFKKCFPAYRUN282Clarif. Worklist: Payment Program (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
786ERP EHP76.0DFKKCFPAYRUN2262Calrification Worklist: Payment Program (New Version)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
787ERP EHP76.0DFKKCFRLS271Clarification Cases: Returns LotsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
788ERP EHP76.0DFKKCFZST222Clarification Cases from Payment LotContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
789ERP EHP76.0DFKKCIBW271FICA: Extraction of Cleared ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
790ERP EHP76.0DFKKCIBW_STAT111CIBW Extraction - Status TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
791ERP EHP76.0DFKKCJC201Cash Desk Closing DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
792ERP EHP76.0DFKKCJF113Transfer Accepted PaymentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
793ERP EHP76.0DFKKCJK71Data for Change Amounts at Cash Desk - Different CurrencyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
794ERP EHP76.0DFKKCJM81Cash Journal Master DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
795ERP EHP76.0DFKKCJMT61Text Table for Cash Journal Master DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
796ERP EHP76.0DFKKCJT174Transaction Data for Cash JournalContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
797ERP EHP76.0DFKKCJT_CHDSK51Text Table for Internal IDs of Cash DesksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
798ERP EHP76.0DFKKCJT_CHDSK_EX51External Payments: Text Table for External Cash DesksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
799ERP EHP76.0DFKKCJT_OFFIC41Text Table for Internal IDs of BranchesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
800ERP EHP76.0DFKKCJT_OFFIC_EX41External Payments: Text Table for Offline Branch/AgentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
801ERP EHP76.0DFKKCJ_CHDSK41Internal ID of Cash DesksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
802ERP EHP76.0DFKKCJ_CHDSK_EX82External ID for Cash Desks for Offline Branches and AgentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
803ERP EHP76.0DFKKCJ_OFFIC31Internal ID of Offline or Agent BranchesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
804ERP EHP76.0DFKKCJ_OFFIC_EX52External ID for Offline Branch/Agent and Assgt to Intern. IDContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
805ERP EHP76.0DFKKCLMEM84Management Table for Buffered Open Item ProcessingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
806ERP EHP76.0DFKKCMBRFTRACE301BRF Trace for Collections ManagementContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
807ERP EHP76.0DFKKCMBRFTRACED42BRF Trace to Be Deleted in Collection ManagementContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
808ERP EHP76.0DFKKCMF31Manually Entered Checks Lot: Reconciliation KeyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
809ERP EHP76.0DFKKCMK312Manually Issued Checks Lot: Header DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
810ERP EHP76.0DFKKCMP402Manually Issued Checks Lot: Item DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
811ERP EHP76.0DFKKCMP2P71Manually Issued Checks Lot: Two Party Checks DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
812ERP EHP76.0DFKKCMPE61Manually Entered Checks Lot: Error MessagesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
813ERP EHP76.0DFKKCMUSER112Additional User for Collections ManagementContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
814ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLFILE_H_W41Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Header Data BufferContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
815ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLFILE_P_W111Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Item BufferContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
816ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLFILE_T_W41Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Trailer Data BufferContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
817ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLI_LOG262Collection Agency Information File: Communication LogContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
818ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLL225Admin. Data for Sumbission of Receivables for Coll. AgencyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
819ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLLEXTH111External Information for Collection Items (History)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
820ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLLH284Management Data for Submission to Coll. Agency (History)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
821ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLLHBW_ST81Collection Agency Extraction - Status TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
822ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLLHBW_TMP61Collection Agency Extraction - Blocked IntervalContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
823ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLLH_I_W71Buffer: Collection Agency Information File (Header Data)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
824ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLLITEM364Collection UnitsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
825ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLLITEMHIER73Current Hierarchy of Collection UnitsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
826ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLLPAYM304Collection PaymentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
827ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLLPAYMLINK315Assignment of Collection Payments to Collection UnitsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
828ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLLP_IM_W181Buffer: Coll. Agency Info File (Item Master Data Change)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
829ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLLP_IP_W201Buffer: Collection Agency Info File (Item for Payments)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
830ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLLP_IR_W181Buffer: Collection Agency Info File (Item for Callback)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
831ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLLT_I_W81Buffer: Collection Agency Information File (Footer)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
832ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOLL_CH111Collection: Changes to Business Partner Master DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
833ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOL_LOG211Collections Agency File: Settlement Log (Payments)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
834ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOMA313Correspondence DunningContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
835ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOMAKT71Correspondence Dunning ActivitiesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
836ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOMMTAX71Control Table for Update of Telecommunications TaxContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
837ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOMMTAX_ERR31Error Table for Update of Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
838ERP EHP76.0DFKKCOPA91Log Table for COPA TransferContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
839ERP EHP76.0DFKKCORRLOG71Log Table for Correction ReportsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
840ERP EHP76.0DFKKCPTRIG102Trigger for Update of Contact PersonContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
841ERP EHP76.0DFKKCR516Repository For ChecksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
842ERP EHP76.0DFKKCR2P121Check Repository: Additional PayeesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
843ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRADD171CR: Additional Information for Payment MediumContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
844ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRCASH171CR: Cashed Checks Not Yet Entered in RegisterContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
845ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRCL311Table for Checks To Be ClarifiedContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
846ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRCL_DOCS141Table for Checks To Be ClarifiedContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
847ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRDEL541CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Basic DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
848ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRDEL2P151CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Payee DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
849ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRDELADD201CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Additional DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
850ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRDELD2171Check Register: Deleted Payment Media/Partial EncashmentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
851ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRDELESCH211Check Register: Escheatment DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
852ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRDELESCHA71Check Register: Escheatment Data: CorrespondenceContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
853ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRDOC2141Check Management: Partial EncashmentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
854ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRESCH181Check Register: Escheatment DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
855ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRESCHA41Check Register: Escheatment Data: CorrespondenceContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
856ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRESCHC171Clarification Cases for Manual Escheatment ProcessContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
857ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRF81Record of Creditworthiness: Fixed Interest Periods, ReleasesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
858ERP EHP76.0DFKKCROWN131CR: Information on Issued Check FormsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
859ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRST131Control Table for Check Register TransferContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
860ERP EHP76.0DFKKCUST_SHORT72Data Extract: CustomizingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
861ERP EHP76.0DFKKCVS204Convenience Stores: Data for Convenience Store DocumentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
862ERP EHP76.0DFKKDDA395Debit Memo NotificationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
863ERP EHP76.0DFKKDEFREV_ARCL41Event-Based Deferred Revenue: Archive Entries at RuntimeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
864ERP EHP76.0DFKKDEFREV_HEAD313Header Table (Event-Based Deferred Revenues)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
865ERP EHP76.0DFKKDEFREV_POS623Line Item Table (Event-Based Deferred Revenues)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
866ERP EHP76.0DFKKDEFREV_TRIG223Trigger Table - Amounts (Event-Based Deferred Revenues)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
867ERP EHP76.0DFKKDEFREV_TRIGE72Trigger Table - End Indicator (Event-Based Deferred Revenue)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
868ERP EHP76.0DFKKDISPA71FICA-DM: Amounts Changes to Dispute CasesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
869ERP EHP76.0DFKKDISPC32CRM Dispute Case NumberContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
870ERP EHP76.0DFKKDISPE21Dispute Case (Help Table Block Object EFKKNUMKR_DIS)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
871ERP EHP76.0DFKKDISPK31Dispute Management: Case NumbersContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
872ERP EHP76.0DFKKDISPP31FICA-DM: Key for Assigned Payments (Always Empty!)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
873ERP EHP76.0DFKKDOC304FI-CA DMS: Administrative Data of DocumentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
874ERP EHP76.0DFKKDOCIMG62FKKDMS: Links to Images of Archived DocumentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
875ERP EHP76.0DFKKDOC_CON93FKKDMS: Links Between Application Objects and DocumentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
876ERP EHP76.0DFKKDOUBTD_RET_W191Buffer: Printout for Ind.Val.Ad - Return Values (User Event)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
877ERP EHP76.0DFKKDOUBTD_W341Buffer: Create Printout for Receivables AdjustmentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
878ERP EHP76.0DFKKDT91Accounting Data (INDX Structure)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
879ERP EHP76.0DFKKDUNBWERR62FI-CA Dunning: Error during ExportContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
880ERP EHP76.0DFKKDUNBWERRE41Detail of Errors during Export per LAUFD/LAUFIContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
881ERP EHP76.0DFKKEINVSTAT_NO51eFaktura StatusContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
882ERP EHP76.0DFKKENQ71Temporary Lock Entries for Mass ActivitiesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
883ERP EHP76.0DFKKESR171POR Payment SupplementContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
884ERP EHP76.0DFKKEWUDOCCRIT171Euro: Critical Documents in ConversionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
885ERP EHP76.0DFKKEXC524External Payment InformationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
886ERP EHP76.0DFKKEXCJ403Cash Journal: Data Store for Inbound ServicesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
887ERP EHP76.0DFKKEXC_CL181External Payment Information - Clearing ProposalsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
888ERP EHP76.0DFKKEXC_PAYINFO352Information for Payment MediumContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
889ERP EHP76.0DFKKEXC_SUM205External Payment Information: Totals RecordsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
890ERP EHP76.0DFKKEXC_SUM_HIST211Cash Desk Closing History (DFKKEXC_SUM)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
891ERP EHP76.0DFKKEXC_TMP111External Payment Information: Account Assignment ParametersContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
892ERP EHP76.0DFKKEXTCON91Control Table: Official Number Parallel ProcessingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
893ERP EHP76.0DFKKEXTDOC213Official Document Number with AttributesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
894ERP EHP76.0DFKKEXTDOC2334Encryption of Official Document NumbersContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
895ERP EHP76.0DFKKEXTTAX101Control Table for Update of External Tax SystemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
896ERP EHP76.0DFKKEXTTAX_ERR31Error Table for Update of External Tax SystemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
897ERP EHP76.0DFKKEXTTMP221Temporary Entries for Official Document NumberContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
898ERP EHP76.0DFKKFH121FI-CA: Table of Fine HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
899ERP EHP76.0DFKKFILELOC_TR31DFKKFILELOC_TRTurkey: File location for XI generated FileContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
900ERP EHP76.0DFKKFMBGAINFO211Tax Information for Public-Owned Commercial OperationsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
901ERP EHP76.0DFKKFMDYINFO131Log Data for Subsequent FM Activation in FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
902ERP EHP76.0DFKKFPPBW_PROT51Lof of Mass Activities for Delta UpdateContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
903ERP EHP76.0DFKKFWBEW171Management Data for Foreign Currency ValuationsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
904ERP EHP76.0DFKKFWBEW_LD171Management Data for Ledger-Specific Foreign Crcy ValuationsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
905ERP EHP76.0DFKKFWKORR162Cumulation Table for Adjustment and Inverse PostingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
906ERP EHP76.0DFKKFWTRIG112Trigger Table for Inverse PostingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
907ERP EHP76.0DFKKGLPOST41Lock Table for General Ledger PostingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
908ERP EHP76.0DFKKGP_SHORT212Data Extract: BP DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
909ERP EHP76.0DFKKIA241FI-CA: Database table for FKKIA - intrst suppContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
910ERP EHP76.0DFKKIAPT281Interest Calculation: Log for Interest RunContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
911ERP EHP76.0DFKKIH132FI-CA: Table with Interest HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
912ERP EHP76.0DFKKINFCO142Information ContainerContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
913ERP EHP76.0DFKKINFCOR161Information Container: Reset HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
914ERP EHP76.0DFKKINFCOS123Information Container: Send InformationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
915ERP EHP76.0DFKKINFCOT141Information Container: Entries from TestContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
916ERP EHP76.0DFKKIPBW_HEAD141Installment Plan Header Data for Business WarehouseContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
917ERP EHP76.0DFKKIPBW_ITEM191Installment Plan Items for Business WarehouseContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
918ERP EHP76.0DFKKIPBW_ORIG222Installment Plan Original Items for Business WarehouseContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
919ERP EHP76.0DFKKIP_GRP544Payment Specification: Header DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
920ERP EHP76.0DFKKIP_GRPH561Payment Specification: Payment Data (History)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
921ERP EHP76.0DFKKIP_ITM215Payment Specification: Related ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
922ERP EHP76.0DFKKIP_ITMH201Payment Specification: Deletions Not Yet ConfirmedContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
923ERP EHP76.0DFKKIP_ITMV154Payment Specification: Preselected ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
924ERP EHP76.0DFKKIP_NUM21Payment Specification (for Lock Object EFKKNUMKR_IP)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
925ERP EHP76.0DFKKITVATM81VAT monthly report for Italy: history tableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
926ERP EHP76.0DFKKITVATQ81VAT quarterly report for Italy: history tableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
927ERP EHP76.0DFKKKO394Header Data in Open Item Accounting DocumentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
928ERP EHP76.0DFKKKOAR31Reversal Data for Reversal after ArchivingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
929ERP EHP76.0DFKKKOBW42Trigger for Delta Extraction for Business Parter ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
930ERP EHP76.0DFKKKO_SHORT144Header Data for Contract Accounting Document - ExtractsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
931ERP EHP76.0DFKKKO_WF81Header Data for Contract Accting Doc. (Workflow Parameters)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
932ERP EHP76.0DFKKLOCKS174FI-CA: Business LocksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
933ERP EHP76.0DFKKLOCKSH172Business Lock HistoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
934ERP EHP76.0DFKKMACFCSMK141FICA Dunning - Blocked AccountsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
935ERP EHP76.0DFKKMAKOBW71Trigger for Delta Extraction for Dunning HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
936ERP EHP76.0DFKKMANAGER61Additional User for Management of WorklistsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
937ERP EHP76.0DFKKMDC_BP51Request for Business Partner ChangesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
938ERP EHP76.0DFKKMDUGP121Master Data Lot: Items of the Groups of a LotContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
939ERP EHP76.0DFKKMDUGPP91Master Data Lot: Subitems of Group ItemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
940ERP EHP76.0DFKKMDUK181Master Data Lot: Header DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
941ERP EHP76.0DFKKMKO393Header data for sample contract accounting documentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
942ERP EHP76.0DFKKMOP1485Items in contract account documentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
943ERP EHP76.0DFKKMOPK671Items in contract account documentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
944ERP EHP76.0DFKKMOPW283Items in contract account documentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
945ERP EHP76.0DFKKNRK222NOC Returns Lot: Header DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
946ERP EHP76.0DFKKNRP403NOC Returns Lot: Item DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
947ERP EHP76.0DFKKNRPE121NOC Returns Lot: Error Messages for ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
948ERP EHP76.0DFKKOBJRL62Object Relations between FI-CA DocumentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
949ERP EHP76.0DFKKOP1487Items in contract account documentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
950ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPAA301Distribution Items with Account AssignmentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
951ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPBEW152FI-CA Foreign Currency ValuationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
952ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPBEW_LD152FI-CA Ledger-Specific Foreign Currency ValuationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
953ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPBW251OI ExtractionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
954ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPBW_STAT111OIBW Extraction - Status TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
955ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPC231Card Data Supplement for Business Partner ItemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
956ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPCOLL282Collection: Log of Receivables SubmittedContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
957ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPENITEM_TR111Open Item: Selection Criteria for Open items(Turkey)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
958ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPEW71Business Partner Items: Amounts Before Euro ConversionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
959ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPK672Items in contract account documentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
960ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPKC365Card Data Appendix for FICA DocumentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
961ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPKC_ERR41Error Table for Payment Card BillingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
962ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPKC_RESEND52Card Data Supplement: Status After ResendContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
963ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPKEW51G/L Account Items: Amounts Before Euro ConversionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
964ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPKX91Items for Contract Accounting Document (Enhancement)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
965ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPK_SHORT131Offsetting Items for FI-CA Document - ExtractsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
966ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPK_TEXT_GL41Text G/L ItemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
967ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPL101Locks for Open Items (Change Document Interface)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
968ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXIN00361Basic Data for Tax Calculation - Telco Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
969ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXIN01361Basic Data for Tax Calculation - Telco Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
970ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXIN02361Basic Data for Tax Calculation - Telco Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
971ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXIN03361Basic Data for Tax Calculation - Telco Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
972ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXIN04361Basic Data for Tax Calculation - Telco Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
973ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXIN05361Basic Data for Tax Calculation - Telco Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
974ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXIN06361Basic Data for Tax Calculation - Telco Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
975ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXIN07361Basic Data for Tax Calculation - Telco Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
976ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXIN08361Basic Data for Tax Calculation - Telco Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
977ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXIN09361Basic Data for Tax Calculation - Telco Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
978ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXIN10361Basic Data for Tax Calculation - Telco Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
979ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXIN11361Basic Data for Tax Calculation - Telco Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
980ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXIN12361Basic Data for Tax Calculation - Telco Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
981ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXOUT00191Tax Details - Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
982ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXOUT01191Tax Details - Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
983ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXOUT02191Tax Details - Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
984ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXOUT03191Tax Details - Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
985ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXOUT04191Tax Details - Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
986ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXOUT05191Tax Details - Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
987ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXOUT06191Tax Details - Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
988ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXOUT07191Tax Details - Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
989ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXOUT08191Tax Details - Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
990ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXOUT09191Tax Details - Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
991ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXOUT10191Tax Details - Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
992ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXOUT11191Tax Details - Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
993ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPUSTAXOUT12191Tax Details - Telecommunications Tax (U.S.A.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
994ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPVZ162Agreed Payment AmountsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
995ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPW283Items in contract account documentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
996ERP EHP76.0DFKKOPWH91Withholding Tax Data for Business Partner ItemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
997ERP EHP76.0DFKKOP_REH31Exports of Open Items from FPO4Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
998ERP EHP76.0DFKKOP_REP1672Open Items from FPO4Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
999ERP EHP76.0DFKKOP_SHORT262Partner Items for FI-CA Document - ExtractsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1000ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDER302Requests: Header DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1001ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERAPPROVE191Requests to be ApprovedContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1002ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERASSIGN41Assignment of ORDNR for General Requests (General Object)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1003ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERCLS11Request ClassContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1004ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERCLST31Names of Request ClassesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1005ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERDUE111Requests: Due DatesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1006ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERHIST134Requests: Document HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1007ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERLOCKS81Requests: Processing LocksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1008ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERLOCKS_S81Request Templates: Processing LocksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1009ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERPOS916Requests: ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1010ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERPOS_S651Request Templates: ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1011ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERRANGE41Assigning Number Ranges to Request CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1012ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERRANGE_S31Assign Number Ranges to Request TemplatesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1013ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERTYP41Request CategoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1014ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERTYPT31Names of Request TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1015ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDERVTREF41Assign VTREF to ORDNR for General RequestsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1016ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDER_S261Request Templates: Header DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1017ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDOPHIST101Standing Requests: Document HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1018ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDTYP91Request CategoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1019ERP EHP76.0DFKKORDTYPT51Names of Request TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1020ERP EHP76.0DFKKP2PBW52Trigger for Delta Extraction for Promise to PayContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1021ERP EHP76.0DFKKPAE21Payment Notification (Aux. Table EFKKNUMKR_PA)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1022ERP EHP76.0DFKKPAH111Payment NotificationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1023ERP EHP76.0DFKKPAYBW62Trigger for Delta Extraction for PaymentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1024ERP EHP76.0DFKKPC_LOGF51Payment Cards: Settlement Log (Data Medium)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1025ERP EHP76.0DFKKPC_LOGH61Payment Cards: Billing Log (Header Data)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1026ERP EHP76.0DFKKPC_LOGI71Payment Cards: Billing Log (Paid Items)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1027ERP EHP76.0DFKKPC_LOGP101Payment Cards: Billing Log (Payments)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1028ERP EHP76.0DFKKPNBKA361Prenotification data (latest)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1029ERP EHP76.0DFKKPNBKC41Prenotification file creation run: administration dataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1030ERP EHP76.0DFKKPNBKH361Prenotification data (history)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1031ERP EHP76.0DFKKPOE21Payment Order (Help Table Lock Object EFKKNUMKR_PO)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1032ERP EHP76.0DFKKPOH354Payment Order: Header DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1033ERP EHP76.0DFKKPOP222Payment Order: Item DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1034ERP EHP76.0DFKKPP323Promises to Pay Header TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1035ERP EHP76.0DFKKPPD81Promises to Pay Amounts per DateContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1036ERP EHP76.0DFKKPPD_PAY242Promise to Pay Debit Memo Amounts per DateContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1037ERP EHP76.0DFKKPPD_PAY_HIS161Promise to Pay Debit Memo Amounts per DateContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1038ERP EHP76.0DFKKPPI142Open Items for Promise to Pay, with AmountContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1039ERP EHP76.0DFKKPPP122Payment Assignments to Promises to PayContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1040ERP EHP76.0DFKKPPROPEXC71Exceptions for Due Date Determination and Last PaymentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1041ERP EHP76.0DFKKPP_HIS91Promise to Pay History of Manual Status ChangesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1042ERP EHP76.0DFKKPP_WF71Promise to Pay: Workflow Parameters for ReactivationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1043ERP EHP76.0DFKKPREPERR412Failed Prepaid Balance Changes in SAP CCContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1044ERP EHP76.0DFKKPREPREV142Flagged Reversals for Top-Up Documents of Prepaid AccountsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1045ERP EHP76.0DFKKPROCTBUKRS31Help Table for Lock Object EFKKPROCTBUKRSContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1046ERP EHP76.0DFKKPTSAFTDEF141Obsolete! DO NOT USEContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1047ERP EHP76.0DFKKPTSAFTSAL71Portugal: SAF-T BalancesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1048ERP EHP76.0DFKKQSR271Individual Records for Withholding Tax ReportContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1049ERP EHP76.0DFKKRA31Clearing/Reversal History (Document Header Level) < 4.62Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1050ERP EHP76.0DFKKRAP172Clearing/Reversal History (Line Item Level) < 4.62Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1051ERP EHP76.0DFKKRAPT172Clearing/Reversal History (Line Item Level)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1052ERP EHP76.0DFKKRAT31Partial Clearing ResetContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1053ERP EHP76.0DFKKRD61FI-CA: Table for Management of Rounding AmountsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1054ERP EHP76.0DFKKRDI422Revenue DistributionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1055ERP EHP76.0DFKKRDI_AGGRF93Aggregated Distribution Information (Revenue Distribution)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1056ERP EHP76.0DFKKRDI_AGGRFH101Aggregated Distribution Information (Revenue Distribution)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1057ERP EHP76.0DFKKRDI_AGGRF_C62Auxiliary Table for Aggregated Distribution InformationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1058ERP EHP76.0DFKKRDI_BW41Last Extraction to Business Intelligence (BI)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1059ERP EHP76.0DFKKRDI_DOC72Link between GUID and Actual Distribution DocumentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1060ERP EHP76.0DFKKRDI_PERIOD82Assignment of Distribution Periods to Distribution GroupsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1061ERP EHP76.0DFKKRDI_RATE93Information for Revenue Distribution to Final RecipientContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1062ERP EHP76.0DFKKREGOBJ101Registered Objects for Messages to Be CreatedContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1063ERP EHP76.0DFKKREP01152Data for Sales Lists (Belgium)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1064ERP EHP76.0DFKKREP02163Data for Sales Lists (Belgium)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1065ERP EHP76.0DFKKREP0381Payment History: Posting Totals for Debit EntriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1066ERP EHP76.0DFKKREP04101Payment History: Open Items at End of PeriodContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1067ERP EHP76.0DFKKREP05111Payment History: Reversals and Write-OffsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1068ERP EHP76.0DFKKREP06443Tax Report Data (Invoicing Time or Triggered)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1069ERP EHP76.0DFKKREP06_S443Tax Report Data - Shadow Table for Posting DateContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1070ERP EHP76.0DFKKREP07474Tax Report Data (Clearing Time)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1071ERP EHP76.0DFKKREP07_T121Tax Report Data (Additional Data for Transfer Posting)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1072ERP EHP76.0DFKKREPAK121Recording HeaderContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1073ERP EHP76.0DFKKREPAP161Recording RecordContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1074ERP EHP76.0DFKKREPMH91Notification HeaderContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1075ERP EHP76.0DFKKREPMP201Report ItemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1076ERP EHP76.0DFKKREPPROG31Generated Comparing Subroutines for DDIC StructuresContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1077ERP EHP76.0DFKKREPT194Receipt DocumentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1078ERP EHP76.0DFKKREPTCL274Clearing Information for Receipt DocumentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1079ERP EHP76.0DFKKREPTD121Adjusted Tax Data (Currently Not Used)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1080ERP EHP76.0DFKKREPTNRKR21Internal Table for Lock Object EFKKNUMKR_REPTContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1081ERP EHP76.0DFKKREPZM262Recording Data for EC Sales ListContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1082ERP EHP76.0DFKKRES151Reserve PostingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1083ERP EHP76.0DFKKRETBW42Trigger for Delta Extraction for ReturnsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1084ERP EHP76.0DFKKREV06323Report for Tax on Sales/Purchases (bill. time or triggered)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1085ERP EHP76.0DFKKREV07384Report on Tax on Sales/Purchases (clearing time)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1086ERP EHP76.0DFKKREVPAR81Management Data of Reversal Run of Aggregated DocumentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1087ERP EHP76.0DFKKRF31Returns Lot: Reconciliation KeyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1088ERP EHP76.0DFKKRH734Returns HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1089ERP EHP76.0DFKKRK532Returns lot: Header dataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1090ERP EHP76.0DFKKRP594Returns lot: Data for paymentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1091ERP EHP76.0DFKKRP3301Returns: Manual Posting SpecificationsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1092ERP EHP76.0DFKKRP3H171Returns: History for Manual Posting ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1093ERP EHP76.0DFKKRPE61Returns lot: Error message for returns itemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1094ERP EHP76.0DFKKRPL92Link from Mass Run Interval for Application LogContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1095ERP EHP76.0DFKKSTAT171Table for Temporary Statistics Data, for Mass ActivitiesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1096ERP EHP76.0DFKKSUM752Posting totals from FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1097ERP EHP76.0DFKKSUMC297Control details for posting totalsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1098ERP EHP76.0DFKKSUMCB92Control details for posting totals per company codeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1099ERP EHP76.0DFKKSUMCBD51Control Information for Posting Totals - Alt. Posting DateContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1100ERP EHP76.0DFKKSUMCC32Control Table for Summarization of Reconciliation KeysContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1101ERP EHP76.0DFKKSUMG111Control Information for G/L CorrectionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1102ERP EHP76.0DFKKSUMOLD231Totals Records Without Account Assignment ChangesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1103ERP EHP76.0DFKKSUMR111Control details for posting total adjustmentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1104ERP EHP76.0DFKKTAXEX102Table of FI-CA Tax ExemptionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1105ERP EHP76.0DFKKTAX_EXEMPT112Table of FI-CA Tax ExemptionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1106ERP EHP76.0DFKKTHI285Transfer Records for Invoice Issue by Third PartyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1107ERP EHP76.0DFKKTHI_HIST132Historical Entries of DFKKTHIContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1108ERP EHP76.0DFKKTHI_HIST2163Reversal: Historical Entries DFKKTHI (w/o Tax Posting)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1109ERP EHP76.0DFKKTHI_SUM203Aggregated Transfer Records for InvoicingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1110ERP EHP76.0DFKKTHI_SUM_HIST103Historical Entries of DFKKTHI_SUMContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1111ERP EHP76.0DFKKTHP305Transfer Records for Billing on Behalf of 3rd PartyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1112ERP EHP76.0DFKKTRACEK62FKKTRACE: Header for a Trace RunContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1113ERP EHP76.0DFKKTRACEP152FKKTRACE: Item DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1114ERP EHP76.0DFKKTRANSKEY_TR41Turkey: Transaction Key -Combination of Main and Sub Trans.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1115ERP EHP76.0DFKKUMBINDX131Cluster for Variant Storage in Transaction FPU2Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1116ERP EHP76.0DFKKUR61Update Run: Run DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1117ERP EHP76.0DFKKURE341Update Run: Defective Data RecordsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1118ERP EHP76.0DFKKUTUPDATE31Documents for Asynchronous Update - Telco Tax (U.S.A)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1119ERP EHP76.0DFKKVBUND91History: Trading Partners (VBUND) for Business PartnerContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1120ERP EHP76.0DFKKVBUNDH91History: VBUND Adjustment PostingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1121ERP EHP76.0DFKKVBUND_REV92VBUND Adjustments for Revenues and ExpensesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1122ERP EHP76.0DFKKWEBP122EBPP: Payment Data for Payments via WebContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1123ERP EHP76.0DFKKWL265WorklistContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1124ERP EHP76.0DFKKWLA265Worklist (Work Item Type)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1125ERP EHP76.0DFKKWLA_STAT61Worklist for Notification - Status for SpecialistContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1126ERP EHP76.0DFKKWLI515Work ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1127ERP EHP76.0DFKKWLIA515Work Items (Work Item Type)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1128ERP EHP76.0DFKKWLIABW73Trigger for Delta Extraction for Notification Work ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1129ERP EHP76.0DFKKWLIAH231Work Items (History, Work Item Type)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1130ERP EHP76.0DFKKWLIA_AC171Actions of Work Item (Work Item Type)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1131ERP EHP76.0DFKKWLIBW62Trigger for Delta Extraction for Work ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1132ERP EHP76.0DFKKWLIH231Work Items (History)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1133ERP EHP76.0DFKKWLI_AC171Actions of Work ItemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1134ERP EHP76.0DFKKWLI_ADD51Additional Collection Case AttributesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1135ERP EHP76.0DFKKWLI_CORR101Correspondence - Not Used - Attachm. Stored in DFKKDOC_CONContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1136ERP EHP76.0DFKKWLI_IL162Item List of Work ItemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1137ERP EHP76.0DFKKWL_STAT61Worklist - Status for Collection SpecialistContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1138ERP EHP76.0DFKKWOH194Write-Off HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1139ERP EHP76.0DFKKWOHTMP255Temporary Write-Off HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1140ERP EHP76.0DFKKWO_PROT213Line Items Written Off from Mass RunContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1141ERP EHP76.0DFKKWRTOFF_WF232FI-CA Data for Write-Off in WorkflowContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1142ERP EHP76.0DFKKZA423Repayment RequestContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1143ERP EHP76.0DFKKZAE21Block Table for Disbursement of Repayment RequestsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1144ERP EHP76.0DFKKZAR61Repayment Request (History of Reversal Postings)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1145ERP EHP76.0DFKKZAX141Repayment Request (Address Data for Check)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1146ERP EHP76.0DFKKZF31Payment lot: Reconciliation keyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1147ERP EHP76.0DFKKZK553Payment lot: Header dataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1148ERP EHP76.0DFKKZN51Payment Lot: Notes for ClarificationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1149ERP EHP76.0DFKKZP765Payment lot: Data for paymentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1150ERP EHP76.0DFKKZPE61Payment lot: Error message for payment itemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1151ERP EHP76.0DFKKZPT182Payment Lot: Data for Partial Clearing of a PaymentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1152ERP EHP76.0DFKKZP_ARCIND52Link between Document Number and Archived Payment LotContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1153ERP EHP76.0DFKKZR93Payment formContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1154ERP EHP76.0DFKKZRH21Payment document (help table for lock object EFKKNUMKR_PF)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1155ERP EHP76.0DFKKZR_RES21Reserved Payment Form NumbersContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1156ERP EHP76.0DFKKZS111Payment lot: Further selectionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1157ERP EHP76.0DFKKZV51Payment Lot: Enhancement of Note to PayeeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1158ERP EHP76.0DFKKZW303Doubtful/Individual Val. Adjust. for Receivables - TriggerContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1159ERP EHP76.0DFKKZW2492Doubtful/Indiv. Val. Adjustments for Receivables - Tfr PstgContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1160ERP EHP76.0DFKKZWFH223Doubtful/Individually Adjusted Receivables: HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1161ERP EHP76.0DFKKZWFP532Doubtful/Individually Adjusted Receivables: Tfrd ReceivablesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1162ERP EHP76.0DFKKZWFPT111Log Table for Mass Activ. for Tfr Posting of Dbt Rec/IVAsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1163ERP EHP76.0DFKKZWFT303Doubtful/Individually Adjusted Receivables: Trigger TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1164ERP EHP76.0DFKKZWF_STATUS31Technical Status Information for Doubtful EntryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1165ERP EHP76.0DFKKZWH203Doubtful/Ind.Val.Adj.Receivables - HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1166ERP EHP76.0DFKKZWPT101Log Table for Mass Activ. for Tfr Posting of Dbt Rec/IVAsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1167ERP EHP76.0DFKK_BALANOTE162Balance Confirmation - Check TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1168ERP EHP76.0DFKK_BL_BP71Locked Business Partners from GTSContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1169ERP EHP76.0DFKK_BRF050151BRF: Parameters for Expressions That Access the ContextContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1170ERP EHP76.0DFKK_BRF060131BRF: Parameters for Access to Context Data with Where Cond.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1171ERP EHP76.0DFKK_BRF07091BRF: Parameters for Access to Context Data with Sort Cond.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1172ERP EHP76.0DFKK_BRF09091BRF: Parameters for Collection Step and Valuation FigureContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1173ERP EHP76.0DFKK_BRF120101BRF: Parameter for Initialization of Buffer ElementsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1174ERP EHP76.0DFKK_BRF130141BRF: Parameters for Initial. of Buffere Elements with WHEREContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1175ERP EHP76.0DFKK_BUKRS_LOCK61Lock Table: Company CodeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1176ERP EHP76.0DFKK_CC_MD201Master Data Distribution - Distribution RecordsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1177ERP EHP76.0DFKK_CC_MD_EXCL21Master Data Distribution to SAP CC: Excluded GPARTsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1178ERP EHP76.0DFKK_CC_MD_MSG141Master Data Distribution Messages for Error LogContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1179ERP EHP76.0DFKK_CC_MD_REL31Activate Replication of Master Data to SAP CCContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1180ERP EHP76.0DFKK_CPD_GPART42One-Time Business Partner in FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1181ERP EHP76.0DFKK_CPR_DK51CPR / CVR No.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1182ERP EHP76.0DFKK_CUST_EXTR81FI-CA Partner - ExtractsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1183ERP EHP76.0DFKK_DB_TRACE31Management of Trace DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1184ERP EHP76.0DFKK_DOC_EXTR101FI-CA Documents - ExtractsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1185ERP EHP76.0DFKK_DUEGRID301OI - ReclassificationsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1186ERP EHP76.0DFKK_EMBARGO51Embargo Countries from GTSContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1187ERP EHP76.0DFKK_EMBARGO261Embargo Countries From - To from GTSContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1188ERP EHP76.0DFKK_FILE_NUM41Table for storing the number range for response fileContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1189ERP EHP76.0DFKK_FILE_PATH21Customization for storing the file pathContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1190ERP EHP76.0DFKK_GP_EXTR91FI-CA Partner - ExtractsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1191ERP EHP76.0DFKK_HBALANOTE52Balance Confirmation - Run TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1192ERP EHP76.0DFKK_IPL_CTRL112Control Entries for Installment Plan Key Date RecordingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1193ERP EHP76.0DFKK_IPL_ITEMS142Installment Plan Key Date Recording (Original Items)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1194ERP EHP76.0DFKK_IPL_RATES81Installment Plan Key Date Recording (Installments)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1195ERP EHP76.0DFKK_KEYPP_ENQ31Table Needed Only for ENQUEUE Object EFKK_KEYPPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1196ERP EHP76.0DFKK_KEYPP_OPBEL31Table Needed Only for ENQUEUE Object EFKK_KEYPPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1197ERP EHP76.0DFKK_MD_VARIANTS91Master Data Variants (Index Table)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1198ERP EHP76.0DFKK_PCARD202Card Data SupplementContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1199ERP EHP76.0DFKK_PT_NUMST81Digital Signature PT: Document Number FromContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1200ERP EHP76.0DFKK_PT_ODNGAP121Sequential Fractures of Official Document NumbersContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1201ERP EHP76.0DFKK_PYREF71Payment ReferenceContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1202ERP EHP76.0DFKK_RECLASS241OI - ReclassificationsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1203ERP EHP76.0DFKK_SELP_GRP71FI-CA Selections - Results GroupsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1204ERP EHP76.0DFKK_SELP_HIST102FI-CA Selection - Result Records - HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1205ERP EHP76.0DFKK_SELP_RES193FI-CA Selections - Result RecordsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1206ERP EHP76.0DFKK_SELP_TXT51FI-CA Selection - Result Records - Long TextContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1207ERP EHP76.0DFKK_SG_ERR192Table of Incorrect Checked Documents (Safeguarding)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1208ERP EHP76.0DFKK_SG_TRIG101Trigger Table for Documents to Be Checked (Safeguarding)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1209ERP EHP76.0DFKK_SG_TRIG_C122Table of Successfully Checked Documents (Safeguarding)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1210ERP EHP76.0DFKK_TCO102Test Cockpit: eCATT StatusContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1211ERP EHP76.0DFKK_TCO_PAR71Test Cockpit: eCATT Import Parameters (for ECATT_EXECUTE)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1212ERP EHP76.0DFKK_TCO_RES91Test Cockpit: eCATT Export Parameters (= eCATT Results)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1213ERP EHP76.0DFKK_TRIGGER_CL172Outbound Interface: Trigger Table of Cleared ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1214ERP EHP76.0DFKK_TRIGGER_OP131Outbound Interface: Trigger Table for Business PartnerContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1215ERP EHP76.0DFKK_TRIGGER_PAY233Outbound Interface: Trigger Table for Payment InformationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1216ERP EHP76.0DFKK_TRIGGER_RCL192Outbound Interface: Trigger Table for Reopened ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1217ERP EHP76.0DFKK_UT_DROP_TAB81U.S. Telecommunications Tax - Administration TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1218ERP EHP76.0DFKK_VKONT_LOCK71Lock Table: Contract Account (Interval)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1219ERP EHP76.0DFKK_VT_H227CT: Header Data of Provider ContractContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1220ERP EHP76.0DFKK_VT_I487CT: Items of Provider ContractContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1221ERP EHP76.0DFKK_VT_PRD51PRD: Products for ContractContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1222ERP EHP76.0DFKK_VT_PRDS51PRD: Sales-Area-Dependent Product DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1223ERP EHP76.0DFKK_VT_PRDT51PRD: Texts for ProductContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1224ERP EHP76.0DFKK_VT_VK81Ctr: Contract Accts and Bus. Partners of Provider ContractContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1225ERP EHP76.0DFK_JC_CNTR192Container for Related JobsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1226ERP EHP76.0DFK_JC_CNTR_MSG101Messages for Background ProcessingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1227ERP EHP76.0DFK_JC_CNTR_PROD101Production TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1228ERP EHP76.0DFK_JC_JOBINFO171Individual Job OverviewContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1229ERP EHP76.0DFK_JC_VERB21Available verbs for the Job CommanderContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1230ERP EHP76.0DFK_NORM_BP42Normalized Data for Duplicate Search for Business PartnerContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1231ERP EHP76.0DPAYC152Payment program - administrative recordsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1232ERP EHP76.0DPAYCHKH181Header: Accounting Using Creation of Payment MediaContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1233ERP EHP76.0DPAYCHKH1111Supplemental Assignments with Creation of Payment MediaContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1234ERP EHP76.0DPAYCHKNUM121Check Number Lot: HeaderContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1235ERP EHP76.0DPAYCHKNUMP61Check Number Lot: Single NumbersContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1236ERP EHP76.0DPAYCHKP111Header: Accounting Using Creation of Payment MediaContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1237ERP EHP76.0DPAYCHKSET91Check: Settings for Check Creation for House BanksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1238ERP EHP76.0DPAYD112Payment Program - Payments (Check of Direct Debit Limit)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1239ERP EHP76.0DPAYG131Payment program - payment groupContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1240ERP EHP76.0DPAYH1044Payment program - data for paymentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1241ERP EHP76.0DPAYN51Sequential Number AssignmentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1242ERP EHP76.0DPAYP591Payment program - data on paid itemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1243ERP EHP76.0DPAYV121Payment program: Variants for payment medium and listContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1244ERP EHP76.0DPAY_CHEZAG102ZTF Switzerland: Assignment of POR Number to Document NumberContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1245ERP EHP76.0EBPP_CUSTCONTACT61Customizing Table for EBPP for Assignment of Contact ClassesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1246ERP EHP76.0EBPP_MAIL_FRMCUS31Customizing Table for Assignment of Forms to ScenariosContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1247ERP EHP76.0ECS_MESGKEY_IND21ECS Mandate: Maintenance of Customizing messagesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1248ERP EHP76.0ECS_MESG_IND41ECS Mandate: Maintenance of Customizing messagesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1249ERP EHP76.0EWUFICATCURE71FI, FICA: Discontinued CurrenciesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1250ERP EHP76.0EWUPOSTCHECKUSER31User: Posting Documents in Discontinued Currencies PermittedContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1251ERP EHP76.0FDT_TRACE_DUNN152FDT: Indx-typed table for Lean TraceContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1252ERP EHP76.0FKJOPARAMS71User-Defined Parameters for FKJO_SCHEDULEContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1253ERP EHP76.0FKK042ZA61Work table for country payment methods (data in TFK042ZA)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1254ERP EHP76.0FKKACT71Activity log in parameter maintenanceContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1255ERP EHP76.0FKKBEP1001Electronic Bank Statement Line ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1256ERP EHP76.0FKKBRGP31Help structure for lock object : Brazil Insurance invoice poContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1257ERP EHP76.0FKKBRINSEQ91Brazil : Storing Sequence Number of Incoming FilesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1258ERP EHP76.0FKKBSTEM121Acct Statement Transfer: Messages for Incorrect RecordsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1259ERP EHP76.0FKKBSTER201Acct Statement Transfer: Incorrect DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1260ERP EHP76.0FKKBSTMA81Account Statement Transfer: Appendix to Admin. RecordsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1261ERP EHP76.0FKKBSTMC82Acct Statement Tfr:History of Processed MultiCash StatementsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1262ERP EHP76.0FKKBSTMV452Acct Statement Transfer: Admin. RecordsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1263ERP EHP76.0FKKBUE121Document transfer program - control detailsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1264ERP EHP76.0FKKCLEBR31Auxillary Structure for Lock Object EFKKCLEBRContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1265ERP EHP76.0FKKCMST131Control Table for Transfer of Manually Issued Checks LotContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1266ERP EHP76.0FKKCOCCV81Correspondence generation - control recordsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1267ERP EHP76.0FKKCORRV81FI-CA correspondence - correspondence print control recordsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1268ERP EHP76.0FKKCRDOC31Aux. Table for Block Object EFKKCRDOC/Check ManagementContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1269ERP EHP76.0FKKDEFREV463Trigger Table for Deferred Revenue PostingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1270ERP EHP76.0FKKDIHDR131FI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - headerContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1271ERP EHP76.0FKKDIHDTMP191FI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - temporal copy of headerContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1272ERP EHP76.0FKKDIJOB91FI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - table of jobsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1273ERP EHP76.0FKKDIPOS61FI-CA: Distribution of intervals - itemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1274ERP EHP76.0FKKDIPOTMP161FI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - temporal copy of itemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1275ERP EHP76.0FKKDIPOTMPCOUNT61FI-CA: Counter for Each Entry from FKKDIPOTMPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1276ERP EHP76.0FKKDISTOP71FI-CA: Flag for exiting jobs earlyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1277ERP EHP76.0FKKMACTIVITIES122Dunning ActivitiesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1278ERP EHP76.0FKKMAHNV141Control records for the dunning program in FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1279ERP EHP76.0FKKMAKO735Dunning History HeaderContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1280ERP EHP76.0FKKMAKT102Dunning activitiesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1281ERP EHP76.0FKKMAREDUCT152Dunning ReductionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1282ERP EHP76.0FKKMAZE384Dunning history of line itemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1283ERP EHP76.0FKKPOSGP21Help structure for lock object : Brazil Insurance invoice poContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1284ERP EHP76.0FKKPREPACC304Master Data for Prepaid AccountContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1285ERP EHP76.0FKKPREPACC_BAL101Mgmt Record Balance/Rounding Carryforward for Prepaid AcctContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1286ERP EHP76.0FKKPREPACC_CLOSE73Prepaid Account: Trigger for Closing OperationsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1287ERP EHP76.0FKKRLST131Control table for returns lot transferContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1288ERP EHP76.0FKKSTEPCOUNT101Skipped Collection Steps per Dunning GroupContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1289ERP EHP76.0FKKVK112Contract Account HeaderContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1290ERP EHP76.0FKKVKP909Contract Account Partner-SpecificContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1291ERP EHP76.0FKKZCVS121Control Table for Payment Data Transfer fm Ext. Pymt Coll.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1292ERP EHP76.0FKKZEST131Control table for payment lot transferContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1293ERP EHP76.0FKK_EBS_AR_OBJ41ArchiveLink: Define Document Type in ArchiveLinkContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1294ERP EHP76.0FKK_EBS_AR_SYS41ArchiveLink: Assign Original System for BillsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1295ERP EHP76.0FKK_EBS_EXT_STAX41IDoc with Revenue Item Tax Data Determination of Tax SubitemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1296ERP EHP76.0FKK_EBS_EXT_TAX51IDoc with Revenue Items - Tax Data DeterminationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1297ERP EHP76.0FKK_EBS_INT_STAX41IDoc with Revenue Item Tax Data Determination of Tax SubitemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1298ERP EHP76.0FKK_EBS_INT_TAX31IDoc with Revenue Items - Tax Data DeterminationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1299ERP EHP76.0FKK_EBS_PAR_VAR41Interval Variants for Billing System InterfaceContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1300ERP EHP76.0FKK_EBS_POI_SYST101Additional Information to be Printed on BillsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1301ERP EHP76.0FKK_EBS_TOI_COPA61CO-PA Characteristic Derivation from IDOC DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1302ERP EHP76.0FKK_EBS_TOI_SYST231Document Transfer from External System : AgreementsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1303ERP EHP76.0FKK_FDT_EXPR00091BFR/BPEM case expression C tableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1304ERP EHP76.0FKK_FDT_EXPR000A91BFR/BPEM case expression table AContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1305ERP EHP76.0FKK_FDT_EXPR000S81BFR/BPEM case expression table SContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1306ERP EHP76.0FKK_FDT_EXPR000T81BFR/BPEM case expression table TContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1307ERP EHP76.0FKK_GPSHAD471Data Extract: Business Partner Data (Faster Access)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1308ERP EHP76.0FKK_GPSHAD_PC21Business Partner(s) for whom Changes Are PlannedContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1309ERP EHP76.0FKK_INSTPLN_HEAD294Header Data for Installment PlanContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1310ERP EHP76.0FKK_INSTPLN_HIST102Installment Plan HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1311ERP EHP76.0FKK_INSTPLN_INVH71History of Installment Plan Due Dates from InvoicingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1312ERP EHP76.0FKK_IP_DEACT_DB91Installment Plan Deactivation HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1313ERP EHP76.0FKK_KONTL_LINK52Link Table: Document <> Variable Additional Account AssigmtsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1314ERP EHP76.0FKK_PAYMENTREL71FICA: Payment ReleaseContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1315ERP EHP76.0FKK_UMBHI118History of Transfer to Another AccountContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1316ERP EHP76.0FKK_UMBPOS52History of Document Transfer to Another AccountContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1317ERP EHP76.0FMCA_CLEAR_ACC61Maintain Assgt of Clarification Worklist to FM Acct AssgtContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1318ERP EHP76.0FMRC01_FICA241Results List Comparison of FM/FI (FI-CA Documents)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1319ERP EHP76.0GEN_EBP_SCEN_KEY21Table of Scenario KeysContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1320ERP EHP76.0IBSPI_RFCDEST21RFC Destination for Calls IBS-SI System => PlugInContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1321ERP EHP76.0INTSTAT11Explanations for Interval Status (Table FKKDIPOTMP)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1322ERP EHP76.0INTSTATT31Explanations for Interval Status (Table FKKDIPOTMP)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1323ERP EHP76.0J_1IBUPLA_ADDL91Additional business place data for India eFilingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1324ERP EHP76.0MDU_APPLCTS31Master Data Update: Calling ApplicationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1325ERP EHP76.0MDU_APPLOBJ31Master Data Update: Maintainable Application ObjectsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1326ERP EHP76.0MDU_SUBOBJ41MDU: Maintainable Subobjects of Application ObjectsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1327ERP EHP76.0SFKKBRPAPPL31Balance reporting: Main settingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1328ERP EHP76.0T059Q_TRATE_IND61Tax Rates of the TDS On Security Deposits FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1329ERP EHP76.0T059Q_TTYP_IND31Tax Types For TDS On Securuty Deposits FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1330ERP EHP76.0T059Q_TTYP_TEXT51Tax Types For TDS On Securuty Deposits FI-CA : TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1331ERP EHP76.0TE01161Code for Tax Code DeterminationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1332ERP EHP76.0TFK00031Application Area in Contract Accounts Receivable/PayableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1333ERP EHP76.0TFK000BI141Central Settings for BI ExtractionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1334ERP EHP76.0TFK000C231Central settings in contract accounts receivable/payableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1335ERP EHP76.0TFK000D61Central Technical Settings for Contract Accounts Rec.& Pay.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1336ERP EHP76.0TFK000ES21Central Settings for Enterprise ServicesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1337ERP EHP76.0TFK000K21Account Assignment CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1338ERP EHP76.0TFK000KT31Description of account assignment categoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1339ERP EHP76.0TFK000MIG21Migration of FI-CA ObjectsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1340ERP EHP76.0TFK000P21Active SubapplicationsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1341ERP EHP76.0TFK000S61Posting LocksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1342ERP EHP76.0TFK000ST41Name of Posting LocksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1343ERP EHP76.0TFK000U181Central settings (user specific) for FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1344ERP EHP76.0TFK000V41Central Settings for Provider ContractContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1345ERP EHP76.0TFK00141Origin keyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1346ERP EHP76.0TFK001A11Clearing ReasonsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1347ERP EHP76.0TFK001AT31Clearing reasons (text table)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1348ERP EHP76.0TFK001B271Company Codes in Contract Accounts Receivable and PayableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1349ERP EHP76.0TFK001C21Use of User-Specific Reconciliation KeysContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1350ERP EHP76.0TFK001EW31Local Currency Before Euro ConversionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1351ERP EHP76.0TFK001F51Reconciliation key per userContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1352ERP EHP76.0TFK001G31Company Code GroupsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1353ERP EHP76.0TFK001GB31Company Codes for Company Code GroupsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1354ERP EHP76.0TFK001GT41Name of Company Code GroupsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1355ERP EHP76.0TFK001P21Period keyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1356ERP EHP76.0TFK001PT41Period keyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1357ERP EHP76.0TFK001REP31Reporting Settings for Company CodeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1358ERP EHP76.0TFK001S21Reasons for Processing LockContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1359ERP EHP76.0TFK001ST41Texts for reasons for processing blockContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1360ERP EHP76.0TFK001T31Origin key codeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1361ERP EHP76.0TFK001U31User Reconciliation GroupsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1362ERP EHP76.0TFK001Z51Alternative Posting Data for G/L TransferContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1363ERP EHP76.0TFK001ZM41Settings for EC Sales ListContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1364ERP EHP76.0TFK002A231Contract Account CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1365ERP EHP76.0TFK002AT51Texts on account categoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1366ERP EHP76.0TFK002E11DummyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1367ERP EHP76.0TFK002F31Partner Account RelationshipsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1368ERP EHP76.0TFK002FT41Texts on partner account agreementsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1369ERP EHP76.0TFK002G11DummyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1370ERP EHP76.0TFK002GT11DummyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1371ERP EHP76.0TFK00391Document typesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1372ERP EHP76.0TFK003B41Parallel number ranges for FI-CA documentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1373ERP EHP76.0TFK003D41Parallel Number Ranges for Individual PostingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1374ERP EHP76.0TFK003PP41Document Types for Selected Prepaid PostingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1375ERP EHP76.0TFK003T51Document typesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1376ERP EHP76.0TFK00481Selection categories for manual payment processingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1377ERP EHP76.0TFK004A21Manually changeable clearing restrictionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1378ERP EHP76.0TFK004B21Clearing Lock ReasonContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1379ERP EHP76.0TFK004C41Clearing Lock Reason DescriptionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1380ERP EHP76.0TFK004M41Field name allocation in FI-CA -> FI field selection itemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1381ERP EHP76.0TFK004T51Selection categories for manual payment processingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1382ERP EHP76.0TFK00531Residence Time for Archiving ObjectsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1383ERP EHP76.0TFK005_MDOC31Resid.Time for Sample Documents Dependent on Document OriginContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1384ERP EHP76.0TFK005_MDOC_H21Registered Origins for Sample Document ArchivingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1385ERP EHP76.0TFK005_WLA31Residence Time for Worklists Dependent on Work Item TypeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1386ERP EHP76.0TFK005_WLI31Resid. Time for Collection Work Item Dependent on CategoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1387ERP EHP76.0TFK005_WLIA41Resid. Time for Collection Work Item Dependent on CategoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1388ERP EHP76.0TFK006A21Object Types for Contract Acct SearchContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1389ERP EHP76.0TFK006AT41Object textContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1390ERP EHP76.0TFK006C72Note to Payee - Key WordsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1391ERP EHP76.0TFK006D132Note to Payee - StructureContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1392ERP EHP76.0TFK006DC31Check Procedure for Account Statment SelectionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1393ERP EHP76.0TFK006DCT41Check Procedure NameContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1394ERP EHP76.0TFK006F41Assigned selection categoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1395ERP EHP76.0TFK006X91Exception Accounts for Clarification ProposalContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1396ERP EHP76.0TFK006XS81Exception Accounts for Clarification ProposalContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1397ERP EHP76.0TFK006XT61Exception Accounts for Clarification ProposalContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1398ERP EHP76.0TFK006Y71IBAN Exceptions for Clarification ProposalContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1399ERP EHP76.0TFK006YS61IBAN Exceptions for Clarification ProposalContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1400ERP EHP76.0TFK006YT41Exception Accounts for Clarification ProposalContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1401ERP EHP76.0TFK007B51Tax Code for Bollo (Italy)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1402ERP EHP76.0TFK007BD71Time-Dependent Bollo Amounts (Italy)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1403ERP EHP76.0TFK007F61Other Tax CodesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1404ERP EHP76.0TFK007FK61Tax Item Categories for Other Tax CodeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1405ERP EHP76.0TFK007FKT61Tax Item Categories for Other Tax CodeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1406ERP EHP76.0TFK007FT51Other Tax Codes (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1407ERP EHP76.0TFK007K21Tax Item Categories for Other Tax CodesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1408ERP EHP76.0TFK007KT41Tax Item Categories for Other Tax CodesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1409ERP EHP76.0TFK007M111Maximum TaxContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1410ERP EHP76.0TFK007REP41Conversion Table for Sales Journal BelgiumContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1411ERP EHP76.0TFK007RFC31Destinations for RFC Calls for Telecommunications TaxContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1412ERP EHP76.0TFK007U41New Tax Indicator Key Assignments for Write-offsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1413ERP EHP76.0TFK007X21External Tax TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1414ERP EHP76.0TFK007XT41Name of External Tax TypeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1415ERP EHP76.0TFK00871Locking Reasons for Automatic Payment TransactionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1416ERP EHP76.0TFK008T41Locking Reason Names in Automatic Payment TransactionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1417ERP EHP76.0TFK009101Definition of Report Time / Type of Sales / Purchase TaxesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1418ERP EHP76.0TFK009S101Definition of Report Time / Type for Other TaxesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1419ERP EHP76.0TFK009_AR81ARGENTINA: Legal reporting time / groupingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1420ERP EHP76.0TFK009_REV111Definition of Report Time / Type of Sales / Purchase TaxesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1421ERP EHP76.0TFK01031Interprtn of Set of Rules for Sales/Purchase Tax RecordingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1422ERP EHP76.0TFK010T41Text Table for Set of Rules for Sales/Purchase Tax RecordingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1423ERP EHP76.0TFK011101Definition of Report Time / Type for Other TaxesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1424ERP EHP76.0TFK012141Bank clearing accountsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1425ERP EHP76.0TFK012A61Allocation pmnt methods -> Bank trans.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1426ERP EHP76.0TFK012D151Parameters for DMEs and Foreign Payment TransactionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1427ERP EHP76.0TFK012DCV81Electronic Bank Statement: Payment Agreements (Brazil)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1428ERP EHP76.0TFK01331Find Payments via Search EngineContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1429ERP EHP76.0TFK01421Aggregation of Reconciliation Keys for Mass ActivitiesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1430ERP EHP76.0TFK019W81FI-CA: Selection and Coordinates of Dialog BoxesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1431ERP EHP76.0TFK020A31Table of Reconciliation Accts (Value-Added Tax Clrg Accts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1432ERP EHP76.0TFK020B111Short Account Assignments for Transfer Postings to Cash DeskContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1433ERP EHP76.0TFK020C91Short Acct Assignments for Write-Offs from Clarif. WorklistContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1434ERP EHP76.0TFK020K161Short Account Assignments for Transfer PostingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1435ERP EHP76.0TFK020KT41Name for Short Account AssignmentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1436ERP EHP76.0TFK020M41Mailing Addresses for Short Acct Assgmt for Transfer PostingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1437ERP EHP76.0TFK020R51Program SelectionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1438ERP EHP76.0TFK020RS31Program SelectionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1439ERP EHP76.0TFK020U51Regrouping AccountsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1440ERP EHP76.0TFK020VB41FS Preparation: Summarization Co. Codes for ReclassificationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1441ERP EHP76.0TFK020VK61FS Preparation: Summarization Accounts for ReclassificationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1442ERP EHP76.0TFK021151Line layout variants: FieldsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1443ERP EHP76.0TFK021D111Screen variants: AdministrationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1444ERP EHP76.0TFK021F41Screen variants: Number of linesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1445ERP EHP76.0TFK021G51Screen variants: Description of variantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1446ERP EHP76.0TFK021I81Fast entry line layout: Variant fieldsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1447ERP EHP76.0TFK021K151Subscreen Management (SAP)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1448ERP EHP76.0TFK021KC141Detail Screen Structure for Document Display (Customer)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1449ERP EHP76.0TFK021K_SIZE41Subscreen Management: Size of SubscreenContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1450ERP EHP76.0TFK021L231Account balance: List typesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1451ERP EHP76.0TFK021M41Account balance: List types (description)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1452ERP EHP76.0TFK021PC71Screen Variants: Reference Screens (Customer)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1453ERP EHP76.0TFK021R41Field selection for list processing functionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1454ERP EHP76.0TFK021S51Screen variants (standard): ManagementContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1455ERP EHP76.0TFK021SV91Sort VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1456ERP EHP76.0TFK021SVT51Sorting variants (description)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1457ERP EHP76.0TFK021T61Line layout variants: TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1458ERP EHP76.0TFK021U81Default Values for Line Layout in Account DisplayContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1459ERP EHP76.0TFK021X51Screen variants (standard): Meaning of variantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1460ERP EHP76.0TFK021Z71Line layout variants: Header dataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1461ERP EHP76.0TFK021_ROLES41Account Balance RolesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1462ERP EHP76.0TFK021_ROLEST51Account Balance Role DescriptionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1463ERP EHP76.0TFK021_SNAP51Account Balance: Current SnapshotContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1464ERP EHP76.0TFK022A21Screen variants for document postingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1465ERP EHP76.0TFK022B41Screen variants for document posting (texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1466ERP EHP76.0TFK022C31Fields to be hiddenContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1467ERP EHP76.0TFK022D41Fields to be hidden per screen variantContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1468ERP EHP76.0TFK028G51Allocate Ext.Trans.Code from Elec.Acct.Statement to FICA ObjContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1469ERP EHP76.0TFK028G_B61Brazil: Assign External Transactions to Internal CodesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1470ERP EHP76.0TFK033C451Account determination: ControlContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1471ERP EHP76.0TFK033C1301Account Determination: Control (F1/F4 Modules)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1472ERP EHP76.0TFK033C2451Account Determination: Control (Check Modules)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1473ERP EHP76.0TFK033C3161Account Determination: Control (Navigation Module)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1474ERP EHP76.0TFK033D181Account determination: DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1475ERP EHP76.0TFK033E111Account determination: Choice of key usedContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1476ERP EHP76.0TFK033F111Posting AreasContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1477ERP EHP76.0TFK033G31Posting Areas (Name)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1478ERP EHP76.0TFK033R121Account determination: Reading sequenceContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1479ERP EHP76.0TFK033T161Acct determination: function modules for reading textsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1480ERP EHP76.0TFK033V51Posting Areas: ViewsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1481ERP EHP76.0TFK033VF51Posting Areas: Assignment of Function Fields to ViewsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1482ERP EHP76.0TFK033VT61Posting Areas: Views (Name)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1483ERP EHP76.0TFK041B51Master Data GroupsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1484ERP EHP76.0TFK041BT41Master Data Groups (Text)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1485ERP EHP76.0TFK041C31Assignment of Account Categories to Master Data GroupsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1486ERP EHP76.0TFK042A71Payment Program: Bank SelectionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1487ERP EHP76.0TFK042AX21Payment Program: Bank Selection - IDsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1488ERP EHP76.0TFK042AXL81Payment Program: Bank Selection - ID (Values)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1489ERP EHP76.0TFK042AXT41Payment Program: Bank Selection - IDs (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1490ERP EHP76.0TFK042B161Payment Program: Specifications for Paying Company CodeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1491ERP EHP76.0TFK042B_IND31Maintenance of Full or none option for company codeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1492ERP EHP76.0TFK042C61Payments/Dunning/Interest: Alternative CurrencyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1493ERP EHP76.0TFK042E161Payment program: company code payment method specificationsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1494ERP EHP76.0TFK042F131Payment medium formatsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1495ERP EHP76.0TFK042FB41Payment medium eventsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1496ERP EHP76.0TFK042FE171Payment program: company code format specificationsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1497ERP EHP76.0TFK042FF61Level of Detail When Creating Payment MediumContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1498ERP EHP76.0TFK042FG71Level of Detail When Creating Payment Medium (Refinement)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1499ERP EHP76.0TFK042FM61Required Fields for Format ParametersContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1500ERP EHP76.0TFK042FT81Payment medium formats (long text)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1501ERP EHP76.0TFK042FV71Customizing for Note to Payee: ContentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1502ERP EHP76.0TFK042FW81Note to payee customizing: layoutContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1503ERP EHP76.0TFK042FWT41Type of note to payee: DescriptionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1504ERP EHP76.0TFK042FX61Text Fields for Reference Details (Note to Payee)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1505ERP EHP76.0TFK042FZ21Supplements for payment medium formatsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1506ERP EHP76.0TFK042FZT41Supplements for payment medium formats (long text)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1507ERP EHP76.0TFK042H71Own Bank DetailsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1508ERP EHP76.0TFK042HT51Own Bank DetailsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1509ERP EHP76.0TFK042L41Payment Program: Allowed Destinat. Countries for Pmt MethodContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1510ERP EHP76.0TFK042M51Payment Medium: User Numbers at BankContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1511ERP EHP76.0TFK042Q111Payment Medium: Note of First Direct DebitContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1512ERP EHP76.0TFK042U151Payment Medium: Internal Note to PayeeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1513ERP EHP76.0TFK042V61Payment Program: Determination of Value DateContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1514ERP EHP76.0TFK042W41Payment Program: Valid Currencies for Payment MethodContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1515ERP EHP76.0TFK042X71Payment Program: Company Codes blocked by Payt RunContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1516ERP EHP76.0TFK042Z211Payment Program: Additional Specifications for Payt MethodsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1517ERP EHP76.0TFK042ZA71Payment Program: Additional Specifications for Payt MethodsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1518ERP EHP76.0TFK042ZT51Payment Program: Additional Specifications for Payt MethodsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1519ERP EHP76.0TFK04391Tolerances for Payment Differences, Payment NoticesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1520ERP EHP76.0TFK043T41FI-CA: Tolerances for cash discount and payment differencesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1521ERP EHP76.0TFK043U31Assign clerk --> tolerance group in contract accountContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1522ERP EHP76.0TFK043V71Tolerance groups for contract A/R+A/PContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1523ERP EHP76.0TFK04441FI-CA Valuation AreaContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1524ERP EHP76.0TFK044A161Foreign Currency Valuation MethodsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1525ERP EHP76.0TFK044AB81Valuation Attributes for OI Valuation By Remaining TermContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1526ERP EHP76.0TFK044ABT71Valuation Attributes for OI Valuation By Remaining TermContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1527ERP EHP76.0TFK044B51Valuation Method NamesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1528ERP EHP76.0TFK044C31FI-CA Valuation VariantContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1529ERP EHP76.0TFK044CT51Name of Valuation VariantContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1530ERP EHP76.0TFK044D71FI-CA Company Code ValuationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1531ERP EHP76.0TFK044E21Basic Setting for Foreign Currency ValuationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1532ERP EHP76.0TFK044F31Valuation Plan VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1533ERP EHP76.0TFK044FD41Periods of Valuation Plan VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1534ERP EHP76.0TFK044FT51Name of Valuation Plan VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1535ERP EHP76.0TFK044T51Name of Valuation AreaContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1536ERP EHP76.0TFK045A91Returns tableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1537ERP EHP76.0TFK045AT51Returns textsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1538ERP EHP76.0TFK045B61Returns ChargesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1539ERP EHP76.0TFK045C51Maximum Amount DifferencesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1540ERP EHP76.0TFK045D61Assign return reasonsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1541ERP EHP76.0TFK045E451Returns Activities (Returns Lot)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1542ERP EHP76.0TFK045ET91Texts on returns activitiesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1543ERP EHP76.0TFK045T61User ID for Bank TransactionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1544ERP EHP76.0TFK046A31Creditworthiness Weighting by MonthContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1545ERP EHP76.0TFK046B11Origin of an Entry Relating to CreditworthinessContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1546ERP EHP76.0TFK046BT31Origin of an Entry Relating to CreditworthinessContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1547ERP EHP76.0TFK047A111Dunning procedureContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1548ERP EHP76.0TFK047AT41Dunning procedure textsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1549ERP EHP76.0TFK047B291Dunning level controlContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1550ERP EHP76.0TFK047BT51Dunning level textsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1551ERP EHP76.0TFK047C51Upper/lower amounts for dunningContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1552ERP EHP76.0TFK047E21Charges ScheduleContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1553ERP EHP76.0TFK047ET41Texts for Charges SchemaContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1554ERP EHP76.0TFK047F21Dunning groupingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1555ERP EHP76.0TFK047FT41Dunning grouping textsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1556ERP EHP76.0TFK047G21Dunning Level CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1557ERP EHP76.0TFK047GT41Text for dunning level typeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1558ERP EHP76.0TFK047H21Charges CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1559ERP EHP76.0TFK047HT41Text for dunning charges typeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1560ERP EHP76.0TFK047I151ChargesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1561ERP EHP76.0TFK047J21Dunning procedure typesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1562ERP EHP76.0TFK047JT41Texts for dunning procedure typeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1563ERP EHP76.0TFK047K51Charge Categories Per ScheduleContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1564ERP EHP76.0TFK047L61FI-CA Dunning: Definition of dunning activitiesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1565ERP EHP76.0TFK047LT41FI-CA Dunning: Definition of dunning activities (texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1566ERP EHP76.0TFK047M81FI-CA Dunning: Dunning ActivitiesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1567ERP EHP76.0TFK047N31FI-CA Dunning: Grouping criteriaContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1568ERP EHP76.0TFK047O51Upper/lower amounts for dunningContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1569ERP EHP76.0TFK047P21Execution Variants of Dunning Proposal RunContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1570ERP EHP76.0TFK047PT41Texts for Execution Variants (Dunning)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1571ERP EHP76.0TFK047Q21Collection Step CategoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1572ERP EHP76.0TFK047QT41Name of Collection Step CategoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1573ERP EHP76.0TFK047S61Dunning block reasonsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1574ERP EHP76.0TFK047ST41Dunning block reason textContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1575ERP EHP76.0TFK047U211Collection StepContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1576ERP EHP76.0TFK047UT41Name of Dunning StepContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1577ERP EHP76.0TFK047V41FI-CA Dunning: Dunning ActivitiesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1578ERP EHP76.0TFK047W41Amount Limits for DunningContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1579ERP EHP76.0TFK047X71Collection StrategyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1580ERP EHP76.0TFK047XT41Collection Strategy NameContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1581ERP EHP76.0TFK047Y21Collection LevelContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1582ERP EHP76.0TFK047YT41Name of Collection LevelContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1583ERP EHP76.0TFK048A71Charge-Off ReasonsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1584ERP EHP76.0TFK048AB51Define Percentage Rates for Write-Off Reasons (CZ, SK)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1585ERP EHP76.0TFK048AT41Charge-Off Reason TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1586ERP EHP76.0TFK048B51Tax Calculation Types in Write-Off/Indiv.Value AdjustmentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1587ERP EHP76.0TFK048C31Execution variants of event 5015Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1588ERP EHP76.0TFK048CT51Execution variants textsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1589ERP EHP76.0TFK049B31Tax Calculation Types for Individual Value AdjustmentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1590ERP EHP76.0TFK05031DRS VariantContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1591ERP EHP76.0TFK050A41Status of Receivables for Submission to Collection AgencyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1592ERP EHP76.0TFK050AT41Status of Receivables TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1593ERP EHP76.0TFK050B41Collection AgenciesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1594ERP EHP76.0TFK050D21Callback Reason for Items Submitted to Collection AgencyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1595ERP EHP76.0TFK050DT41Callback Reasons for Items Submitted to Coll. Agency (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1596ERP EHP76.0TFK050I31Categories of Information to Collection AgencyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1597ERP EHP76.0TFK050S31Status of Collection UnitContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1598ERP EHP76.0TFK050ST41Text for Status of Collection UnitContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1599ERP EHP76.0TFK050T21Category of Collection UnitContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1600ERP EHP76.0TFK050TT41Text for Category of Collection UnitContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1601ERP EHP76.0TFK051A31Transfer ReasonsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1602ERP EHP76.0TFK051AT41Transfer Posting Reason TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1603ERP EHP76.0TFK052A31Collection Work Item: CustomizingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1604ERP EHP76.0TFK052B111Customizing Work Item: CategoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1605ERP EHP76.0TFK052BT51Customizing Work Item: Category (Text)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1606ERP EHP76.0TFK052C31Customizing Work Item: Resubmission ReasonContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1607ERP EHP76.0TFK052CT51Customizing Work Item: Resubmission Reason (Text)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1608ERP EHP76.0TFK052D31Worklist Customizing: Valuation RulesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1609ERP EHP76.0TFK052DT41Worklist: Valuation Rules (Text)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1610ERP EHP76.0TFK052E31Customizing Work Item: Assignment ReasonContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1611ERP EHP76.0TFK052ET51Customizing Work Item: Assignment Reason (Text)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1612ERP EHP76.0TFK052F61System Table Work Item: StatusContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1613ERP EHP76.0TFK052FT41Work Item StatusContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1614ERP EHP76.0TFK052G31Customizing Work Item: Success DescriptionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1615ERP EHP76.0TFK052GT51Customizing Work Item: Success Description (Text)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1616ERP EHP76.0TFK052H31Work Item Customizing: Fast Search - ICWebClientContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1617ERP EHP76.0TFK052HT41Customizing Work Item: Fast Search (Text)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1618ERP EHP76.0TFK052I31Customizing for Additional Collection Case AttributesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1619ERP EHP76.0TFK052J41Customizing Work Item: Processing DeadlineContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1620ERP EHP76.0TFK052JT41Customizing Work Item: Texts for Processing DeadlineContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1621ERP EHP76.0TFK052K21Customizing Work Item: SubstatusContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1622ERP EHP76.0TFK052KT41Customizing Work Item: Substatus (Text)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1623ERP EHP76.0TFK052L21Customizing Work Item: Action ProfileContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1624ERP EHP76.0TFK052LT41Customizing Work Item: Action Profile (Text)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1625ERP EHP76.0TFK052M71Customizing Work Item: ActionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1626ERP EHP76.0TFK052MT41Customizing Work Item: Action Profile (Text)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1627ERP EHP76.0TFK052N81Work Item Customizing: Assignment of Action Profile - ActionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1628ERP EHP76.0TFK053A31Change Payment Data: Client-Specific SettingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1629ERP EHP76.0TFK053B151Change Payment Data: Company Code Group-Specific SettingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1630ERP EHP76.0TFK053C281Change Payment Data: Processing VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1631ERP EHP76.0TFK053CT41Change Payment Data: Texts for Processing VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1632ERP EHP76.0TFK053D41Follow-Up Actions: Activity TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1633ERP EHP76.0TFK053DT31Follow-Up Actions: Texts for Activity TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1634ERP EHP76.0TFK053E41Follow-Up Actions: ProcessesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1635ERP EHP76.0TFK053ET41Follow-Up Actions: Texts for ProcessesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1636ERP EHP76.0TFK053F51Follow-Up Actions: Assignment Processes -> Activity TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1637ERP EHP76.0TFK053G41Follow-Up Actions: RulesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1638ERP EHP76.0TFK053GT41Follow-Up Actions: Texts for RulesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1639ERP EHP76.0TFK053H111Follow-Up Actions: Rules -> Activity VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1640ERP EHP76.0TFK053I41Follow-Up Actions: Rule DeterminationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1641ERP EHP76.0TFK053R02101Follow-Up Actions: Delete Activity Variants for LocksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1642ERP EHP76.0TFK053R02T41Follow-Up Actions: Texts for Delete Locks Activity VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1643ERP EHP76.0TFK053R0351Follow-Up Actions: Activity Variants for Dunning ReversalContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1644ERP EHP76.0TFK053R03T41Follow-Up Actions: Texts for Activity Variants Dunning RevrsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1645ERP EHP76.0TFK053R0461Foll.-Up Acts: Activity Variants for Writing Off Returns ChgContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1646ERP EHP76.0TFK053R04T41Follow-Up Actions: Texts for Returns Reversal Activity Var.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1647ERP EHP76.0TFK054A31Incorrect Bank Data Lot: Error Reasons per SenderContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1648ERP EHP76.0TFK054AT51NOC Returns: Texts for Error Reasons per InstitutionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1649ERP EHP76.0TFK054B51Assignment of Sender Institution Error Reason -> InternalContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1650ERP EHP76.0TFK054C401NOC Returns: Activities per OPBUK and INSIDContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1651ERP EHP76.0TFK054CT61NOC Returns: Activity TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1652ERP EHP76.0TFK05531Fields of Field Groups for Document ChangeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1653ERP EHP76.0TFK055G21Field Groups for Document ChangesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1654ERP EHP76.0TFK055T41Field Groups for Document Change (Description)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1655ERP EHP76.0TFK056A151Interest Key Table for FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1656ERP EHP76.0TFK056C21Clearing reasons for which no interest calc. takes placeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1657ERP EHP76.0TFK056I61Minimum Amounts for Interest Calculation RuleContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1658ERP EHP76.0TFK056S61Blocking Reasons for Interest CalculationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1659ERP EHP76.0TFK056ST41Blocking Reasons for Interest Calculation (Text Table)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1660ERP EHP76.0TFK056T41Interest Key Text TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1661ERP EHP76.0TFK05751FI-CA: Amount Limit Table for Interest CalculationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1662ERP EHP76.0TFK05821FI-CA: Rules for Additional ReceivablesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1663ERP EHP76.0TFK058A81Rules for Additional Receivables (Attributes)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1664ERP EHP76.0TFK058T41Rules for Additional Receivables (Description)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1665ERP EHP76.0TFK059BRAC131Threshold Limits for Withholding Tax Code & Suppl. Tax CodeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1666ERP EHP76.0TFK059BRFS111Formulas for Withholding Tax CalculationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1667ERP EHP76.0TFK059BRFSH61Formulas for Withholding Tax: HeaderContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1668ERP EHP76.0TFK059BRIS121Withholding tax rate maintenance for ISSContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1669ERP EHP76.0TFK059BRRC191Withholding Tax Rates for PIS/COFINS/CSLL & Collection CodesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1670ERP EHP76.0TFK059BRTX81Assign Tax Calculation Method to Tax codesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1671ERP EHP76.0TFK059E31Withholding Tax SupplementContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1672ERP EHP76.0TFK059ET51Additional Withholding Tax : TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1673ERP EHP76.0TFK059Q41Additional Specifications for Vendor Withholding TaxContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1674ERP EHP76.0TFK059QE211Additional Withholding Tax : CharacteristicsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1675ERP EHP76.0TFK059QV71Transaction-Specific Withholding Tax CodeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1676ERP EHP76.0TFK060A141Install.Plan Proposal CatsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1677ERP EHP76.0TFK060T41Installment plan and loan categoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1678ERP EHP76.0TFK061A51Deactivation Reasons for Installment PlanContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1679ERP EHP76.0TFK061AT41Deactivation Reasons for Installment Plans (Text Table)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1680ERP EHP76.0TFK062A81Categories for Installment PlanContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1681ERP EHP76.0TFK062AT41Installment Plan Category (Text Table)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1682ERP EHP76.0TFK063A141Charge Categories for Installment Plan SurchargesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1683ERP EHP76.0TFK063AT61Charge Schema for Installment Plan Surcharges (Text Table)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1684ERP EHP76.0TFK065A11Collection History: Customizing of Event CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1685ERP EHP76.0TFK065AT31Collection History: Customizing of Event CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1686ERP EHP76.0TFK065B41Collection History: Customizing of EventsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1687ERP EHP76.0TFK065BT41Collection History: Customizing of EventsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1688ERP EHP76.0TFK066A21Collection History: Customizing of VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1689ERP EHP76.0TFK066AT41Collection History: Customizing of VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1690ERP EHP76.0TFK066B61Collection History: Customizing of Variants, DetailsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1691ERP EHP76.0TFK067A31Customizing for Configuration of Collection HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1692ERP EHP76.0TFK06831Document typesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1693ERP EHP76.0TFK068A71Customizing of Document CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1694ERP EHP76.0TFK068B81Customizing of Correspondence Categories in Document MgtContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1695ERP EHP76.0TFK068C71DMS: Application ObjectsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1696ERP EHP76.0TFK068CT41Identifications of the Application ObjectsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1697ERP EHP76.0TFK068D31Assignments between Application Objects and Document CategsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1698ERP EHP76.0TFK068E31DMS: Technical Format PermittedContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1699ERP EHP76.0TFK068F21Communication ChannelContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1700ERP EHP76.0TFK068FT41Names of Communication ChannelsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1701ERP EHP76.0TFK068G31Processor for Handling ImagesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1702ERP EHP76.0TFK068T31Name of Document CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1703ERP EHP76.0TFK06921Reasons for Adjustment RequestContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1704ERP EHP76.0TFK069T41Reasons for Adjustment Request: TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1705ERP EHP76.0TFK080B51FI-CA Blocks: Blocking TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1706ERP EHP76.0TFK080BT31FI-CA Block - Blocking Type TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1707ERP EHP76.0TFK080C21FI-CA Blocks: Blocked ProcessesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1708ERP EHP76.0TFK080D41FI-CA Locks - Check Hierarchy for Lock TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1709ERP EHP76.0TFK080E41Activities for Conditional Business LocksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1710ERP EHP76.0TFK080ET31Text Table on Activities for Conditional Business LocksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1711ERP EHP76.0TFK080F41Lock Process for Business LocksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1712ERP EHP76.0TFK080FT31Text Table on Lock Processes for Business LocksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1713ERP EHP76.0TFK080R1101Lock Reasons for InvoicingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1714ERP EHP76.0TFK080R1T41Text on Lock Reasons for InvoicingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1715ERP EHP76.0TFK080R251Lock Reasons for SchedulingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1716ERP EHP76.0TFK080R2T41Text on Lock Reasons for SchedulingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1717ERP EHP76.0TFK080R351Lock Reasons for Correspondence DunningContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1718ERP EHP76.0TFK080R3T41Texts on Locking Reasons for Correspondence DunningContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1719ERP EHP76.0TFK090A361Mass Activity TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1720ERP EHP76.0TFK090AT31Contract A/R & A/P Activities - Activity Type (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1721ERP EHP76.0TFK090B31Mass Activities: List of Add. Functions fr.Environment MenuContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1722ERP EHP76.0TFK090BT41Mass Activities: Texts on Add. Functions via Menu EnvironmtContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1723ERP EHP76.0TFK090C21Mass Activities: Permitted Synchronization ObjectsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1724ERP EHP76.0TFK090D41OBSOLETE - Mass Activity - Modification Nos for Field Sel.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1725ERP EHP76.0TFK090E21Mass Activities - Field Selection - Free SelectionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1726ERP EHP76.0TFK090_CAT31Mass Activities: Additional CharacteristicContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1727ERP EHP76.0TFK090_CATT51Mass Activities: Texts of Additional CharacteristicsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1728ERP EHP76.0TFK090_COUNTER51Definition Table of Counters for Mass ActivitiesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1729ERP EHP76.0TFK090_COUNTERT41Text Table for TFK090_COUNTERContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1730ERP EHP76.0TFK100A401General Settings for Cash PaymentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1731ERP EHP76.0TFK100B51Counter per Currency at Cash DeskContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1732ERP EHP76.0TFK100BT61Text Table for Count Template per Currency of Cash DeskContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1733ERP EHP76.0TFK100C231Activities per Role in Cash JournalContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1734ERP EHP76.0TFK100C_S221Activities per Standard Role in Cash JournalContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1735ERP EHP76.0TFK100D41Cash Desk: Cash Desk Clearing AccountsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1736ERP EHP76.0TFK100I21Code of IssuerContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1737ERP EHP76.0TFK100IT41Code of IssuerContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1738ERP EHP76.0TFK100K61Default Account Assignment for Cash Desk and Cash JournalContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1739ERP EHP76.0TFK11051Clearing: Clearing TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1740ERP EHP76.0TFK110T51Clearing: Clearing Types (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1741ERP EHP76.0TFK11121Clearing: Clearing CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1742ERP EHP76.0TFK111T41Clearing: Clearing Categories (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1743ERP EHP76.0TFK11361Clearing: Clearing Type SpecificationsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1744ERP EHP76.0TFK113A51Clearing: Assign Clearing VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1745ERP EHP76.0TFK113E51Clearing: Exit ModulesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1746ERP EHP76.0TFK113F81Clearing: Due Date Intervals for OI SelectionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1747ERP EHP76.0TFK113G111Clearing: Write-Off Statistical ItemsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1748ERP EHP76.0TFK113Z71Clearing: Usage of Non-Assignable PaymentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1749ERP EHP76.0TFK115391Clearing: Clearing StepContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1750ERP EHP76.0TFK115G81Clearing: Alternative Grouping Characteristic ValuesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1751ERP EHP76.0TFK115K31Clearing: Clearing Variant (Check Table)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1752ERP EHP76.0TFK115KT51Clearing: Clearing Variant (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1753ERP EHP76.0TFK115S71Clearing: Ranking Order of Characteristic Values for SortingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1754ERP EHP76.0TFK115T61Clearing: Clearing Step (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1755ERP EHP76.0TFK11651Clearing: Grouping/Sorting CharacteristicsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1756ERP EHP76.0TFK116T51Clearing: Grouping/Sorting Characteristics (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1757ERP EHP76.0TFK119101Clearing: Amount Check GroupContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1758ERP EHP76.0TFK119K31Clearing: Amount Check Group HeaderContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1759ERP EHP76.0TFK119KT51Clearing: Amount Check Group (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1760ERP EHP76.0TFK12241Payment Run: Assign Payment Block Reason to Item IndicatorContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1761ERP EHP76.0TFK12341Payment Run: Assign General Grouping VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1762ERP EHP76.0TFK123A51Payment Run: Assign Grouping VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1763ERP EHP76.0TFK125221Payment Run: Grouping StepContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1764ERP EHP76.0TFK125G91Payment Run: Alternative Grouping Characteristic ValuesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1765ERP EHP76.0TFK125K31Payment Run: Grouping Variant (Check Table)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1766ERP EHP76.0TFK125KT51Payment Run: Grouping Variant (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1767ERP EHP76.0TFK125T61Payment Run: Grouping Step (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1768ERP EHP76.0TFK12651Payment Run: Grouping CharacteristicsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1769ERP EHP76.0TFK126T51Payment Run: Grouping Characteristics (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1770ERP EHP76.0TFK15571Deferred Revenues: Change Cost CenterContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1771ERP EHP76.0TFK15671Deferred Revenues: Change Profit CenterContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1772ERP EHP76.0TFK15741Deferred Revenue: Cost/Revenue TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1773ERP EHP76.0TFK157T41Deferred Revenue: Cost/Revenue Types (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1774ERP EHP76.0TFK4EYE71Check Reasons for Dual Control PrincipleContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1775ERP EHP76.0TFK4EYET41Check Reasons for Dual Control Principle (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1776ERP EHP76.0TFK88031Global Company Data (for KONS Ledger)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1777ERP EHP76.0TFKACTIVATE_OI61Outbound Interface: Company Code SettingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1778ERP EHP76.0TFKARCOF_C81Argentina: Revenue tax distribution coefficient - CountyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1779ERP EHP76.0TFKAREXTDOC21Argentina: Define report classificationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1780ERP EHP76.0TFKARGIPER_C71Argentina: Revenue tax rate - CountyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1781ERP EHP76.0TFKARGROUP21Argentina: Tax Reporting GroupContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1782ERP EHP76.0TFKARGROUPT41Argentina: Tax Reporting Group DescriptionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1783ERP EHP76.0TFKARGROUP_C61Argentina: Reporting time definition at County levelContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1784ERP EHP76.0TFKARGROUP_R51Argentina: Reporting group definition at Regional levelContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1785ERP EHP76.0TFKARMZPKT_C71Argentina: Reporting time definition at County levelContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1786ERP EHP76.0TFKARMZPKT_R61Argentina: Reporting time definition at Regional levelContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1787ERP EHP76.0TFKARREPCONTRT71ARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax control tableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1788ERP EHP76.0TFKARREPTAXID21ARGENTINA: Legal report relevant TAXID per reportContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1789ERP EHP76.0TFKAR_LOCK51Locks for Archiving in FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1790ERP EHP76.0TFKAUTH11Processing functions with authorization protectionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1791ERP EHP76.0TFKAUTHT31Processing functions with authorization protectionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1792ERP EHP76.0TFKAUTHT_EBPP31Processing Functions with Authorization Protection (BD)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1793ERP EHP76.0TFKAUTH_EBPP11Processing Functions with Authorization Protection (BD)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1794ERP EHP76.0TFKAVAR81Write-Off Variants: Age and Amount GridContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1795ERP EHP76.0TFKAVARI21Write-Off VariantContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1796ERP EHP76.0TFKAVARIT41Write-Off VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1797ERP EHP76.0TFKAVART71Write-Off Variants: Age and Amount GridContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1798ERP EHP76.0TFKAWM00131Foreign Trade Reporting: Report Key Directory per CountryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1799ERP EHP76.0TFKAWM001T41Foreign Trade Reporting: Report TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1800ERP EHP76.0TFKAWM00221Foreign Trade Reporting: Directory of Report KeysContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1801ERP EHP76.0TFKAWM002T41Foreign Trade Reporting: Report Code DirectoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1802ERP EHP76.0TFKAWM00351Foreign Trade Reporting: Report Code DirectoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1803ERP EHP76.0TFKAWM003T61Foreign Trade Reporting: Report Key in DirectoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1804ERP EHP76.0TFKAWM00461Foreign Trade Reporting: Alternative Report KeyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1805ERP EHP76.0TFKAWM00541Foreign Trade Reporting: Report Types per CountryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1806ERP EHP76.0TFKAWM005T51Foreign Trade Reporting: Report Types per CountryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1807ERP EHP76.0TFKBA_EXCLUDE41Balances to Be Excluded for Balances VariantContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1808ERP EHP76.0TFKBA_GRID21Balances GridContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1809ERP EHP76.0TFKBA_GRIDT61Description of Balances GridContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1810ERP EHP76.0TFKBA_GRID_GROUP41Balances Grid of Balances GroupContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1811ERP EHP76.0TFKBA_GRP21Balances GroupsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1812ERP EHP76.0TFKBA_GRPT41Name of Balances GroupContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1813ERP EHP76.0TFKBA_GV41Assignment of Balances Groups to Balances VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1814ERP EHP76.0TFKBA_TRANS41Assignment of Transactions to Balances CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1815ERP EHP76.0TFKBA_TYPE31Balances Categories for BalancesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1816ERP EHP76.0TFKBA_TYPET41Name of Balance CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1817ERP EHP76.0TFKBA_TYPE_GROUP41Balances Categories of Balances GroupContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1818ERP EHP76.0TFKBA_VAR41Balance VariantContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1819ERP EHP76.0TFKBA_VART41Balances Variants (Name)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1820ERP EHP76.0TFKBBOL_DEFLT71Boleto: default instruction keysContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1821ERP EHP76.0TFKBOL_ICODE71Boleto: Internal action code for the instruction keyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1822ERP EHP76.0TFKBPCL_BPRL31Relevance of Business Partner RelationshipsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1823ERP EHP76.0TFKBW91FICA to BW - Maintain Fields for ExtractionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1824ERP EHP76.0TFKBWC91FICA BW - Maintain Fields for Extraction (Customer View)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1825ERP EHP76.0TFKBWD31FICA to BW - Extraction Source TablesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1826ERP EHP76.0TFKBWD0171FICA to BW Extraction - Extraction Type DefinitionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1827ERP EHP76.0TFKBWD01T31Text Table for TFKBWDContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1828ERP EHP76.0TFKBWDT41Text Table for TFKBWDContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1829ERP EHP76.0TFKBWT0141FICA to BW - Interval DefinitionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1830ERP EHP76.0TFKBWT01D21FICA to BW - IntervalsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1831ERP EHP76.0TFKBWT01DT41FICA to BW - IntervalsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1832ERP EHP76.0TFKB_015W151InstructionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1833ERP EHP76.0TFKB_015W1T51Instructions (explanatory text)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1834ERP EHP76.0TFKCALLID21Maintain Call ID for BAPI for Document PostingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1835ERP EHP76.0TFKCALLIDT41BAPI Caller (Text Table)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1836ERP EHP76.0TFKCF21Parallel Update of Cash ManagementContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1837ERP EHP76.0TFKCGMIGRATE31Status of Migration for Company Code GroupContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1838ERP EHP76.0TFKCLERKDELEG31Tasks for Agent Determination (Delegation)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1839ERP EHP76.0TFKCMCAP81Capacity Restriction for Dunning Activities (Customizing)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1840ERP EHP76.0TFKCMMIGRATE21Status of Migration for Collections ManagementContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1841ERP EHP76.0TFKCOD121FI-CA: CO Account Assignment Key/AllocationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1842ERP EHP76.0TFKCOK21FI-CA: CO Account Assignment KeyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1843ERP EHP76.0TFKCOT41FI-CA: CO Account Assignment Key (Name)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1844ERP EHP76.0TFKCRESCHRC101Settings for Receiver Code for EscheatmentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1845ERP EHP76.0TFKCRESCHRCT51Texts for Settings for Receiver Code for EscheatmentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1846ERP EHP76.0TFKCRM_INFO_MOD31FCC: Information Module for Additional InformationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1847ERP EHP76.0TFKCRM_INFO_MODT41FCC: Info. Module for Additional Information (Text Table)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1848ERP EHP76.0TFKCRM_INFO_PROF41FCC: Additional Information per ProfileContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1849ERP EHP76.0TFKCRM_PAY261Types of Agreement for Payment ProcessingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1850ERP EHP76.0TFKCRM_PAYT121CRM: Payment Processes (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1851ERP EHP76.0TFKCVS_CODE61Code in Payment Lot for Payments from Ext. Payment CollectorContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1852ERP EHP76.0TFKCVS_ELOC31External Payment CollectorContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1853ERP EHP76.0TFKCVS_ELOCT51Text for External Payment CollectorContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1854ERP EHP76.0TFKDDA91Debit Memo Notification: General SettingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1855ERP EHP76.0TFKDI31Objects permitted to be distributed in intervalsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1856ERP EHP76.0TFKDIF31Objects permitted to be distributed in intervalsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1857ERP EHP76.0TFKDIFT41Texts on permitted objects for distribution in intervalsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1858ERP EHP76.0TFKDIT31Texts on permitted objects for distribution in intervalsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1859ERP EHP76.0TFKDMC141Dispute Management: General SettingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1860ERP EHP76.0TFKDMC_EXT41Case: Categorization of Internal Dispute TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1861ERP EHP76.0TFKDMC_EXTT51Case: Categorization of Internal Dispute Types (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1862ERP EHP76.0TFKDO_GRP11Grouping for JobsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1863ERP EHP76.0TFKDO_GRPT31Text Table for TFKDO_GRPContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1864ERP EHP76.0TFKDO_TYP62Job Type CustomizingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1865ERP EHP76.0TFKDO_TYPT31Texts concerning permitted values for job typeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1866ERP EHP76.0TFKEBPP111FSCM Biller Direct: CustomizingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1867ERP EHP76.0TFKEBPPINT41Biller Direct: DebuggingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1868ERP EHP76.0TFKENH31Check Table for Customer Enhancements SupportedContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1869ERP EHP76.0TFKEQWC31ENQUEUE Wildcard for Generic Locks (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1870ERP EHP76.0TFKEXTSYST21ID of External SystemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1871ERP EHP76.0TFKEXTSYSTT41Text Table for TFKEXTSYSTContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1872ERP EHP76.0TFKFBC51Installation-Specific Function ModulesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1873ERP EHP76.0TFKFBM41Standard function modulesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1874ERP EHP76.0TFKFBMH21Standard Function Modules - Assignment to Search TermsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1875ERP EHP76.0TFKFBMK11Search Terms for EventsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1876ERP EHP76.0TFKFBMKT31Search Words for Events - Text TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1877ERP EHP76.0TFKFBMT31Standard function modulesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1878ERP EHP76.0TFKFBS51Standard function modulesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1879ERP EHP76.0TFKFMDY291Account Assignments for Subsequent FM ActivationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1880ERP EHP76.0TFKFS91Field SelectorContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1881ERP EHP76.0TFKFSD121Field Selector Data TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1882ERP EHP76.0TFKGPSU31Shadow Table - System FieldsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1883ERP EHP76.0TFKHHVO31Main Transactions for Credit Postings in FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1884ERP EHP76.0TFKHTVO111Subtransactions for Credit Postings in FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1885ERP EHP76.0TFKHVO31Main transactions in contract accts receivable and payableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1886ERP EHP76.0TFKHVOT51Main transactions in contract accts receivable and payableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1887ERP EHP76.0TFKIFD81Data for Interfaces to Other ComponentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1888ERP EHP76.0TFKIFDG21Assignment of Groups to InterfacesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1889ERP EHP76.0TFKIFDG_GEN21Assignment of Groups to Generated InterfacesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1890ERP EHP76.0TFKIFDO31Assignment of Objects to InterfacesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1891ERP EHP76.0TFKIFDO_GEN31Assignment of Objects to Generated InterfacesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1892ERP EHP76.0TFKIFDT31Text Table for Interface DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1893ERP EHP76.0TFKIFD_GEN82Generated Data for Interfaces to Other ComponentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1894ERP EHP76.0TFKIFD_GENT31Text Table for Generated Interface DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1895ERP EHP76.0TFKIFG11Groups for InterfacesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1896ERP EHP76.0TFKIFGT31Text Table for Groups of InterfacesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1897ERP EHP76.0TFKIHVOR21Internal Main TransactionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1898ERP EHP76.0TFKIHVORT41Internal Main Transactions - Text TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1899ERP EHP76.0TFKINFCOSEND11Send Type of Information Container DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1900ERP EHP76.0TFKINFCOSENDT31Description of Send Type of Information Container DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1901ERP EHP76.0TFKINFCOSTORE11Save Type of Information Container DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1902ERP EHP76.0TFKINFCOSTORET31Description of Save TypeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1903ERP EHP76.0TFKINFCOT61Information Container CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1904ERP EHP76.0TFKINFCOTS61Settings for Information Container CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1905ERP EHP76.0TFKINFCOTT31Texts for Information Container CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1906ERP EHP76.0TFKITVOR61Internal Sub-TransactionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1907ERP EHP76.0TFKITVORT51Internal Sub-TransactionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1908ERP EHP76.0TFKIVV61Assignment of Internal Transactions to External TransactionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1909ERP EHP76.0TFKKBRFAPPLCLASS71Application Class: Additional SettingsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1910ERP EHP76.0TFKKBRFBUFFER71Reserved Buffer ElementsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1911ERP EHP76.0TFKKBRFEBRSP61Brazil Insurance Febraban - File Split limit amountsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1912ERP EHP76.0TFKKORDERAPPROVE51Settings for Approval of RequestsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1913ERP EHP76.0TFKK_CORRM_TMPL61Customizing table for ISR scenario (template) definitionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1914ERP EHP76.0TFKK_CORRM_TMPLT41Text table for correspondence template definitionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1915ERP EHP76.0TFKK_EXTR_CUST71Extracts: CustomizingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1916ERP EHP76.0TFKK_EXTR_CUSTF51Extracts: Customizing, Field AssignmentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1917ERP EHP76.0TFKK_EXTR_OBJ162Short Extracts - ObjectsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1918ERP EHP76.0TFKK_EXTR_OBJT31Short Extracts: ObjectsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1919ERP EHP76.0TFKK_EXTR_STR42Short Extracts: StructuresContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1920ERP EHP76.0TFKK_INT_HIST71##Customizing table for interaction historyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1921ERP EHP76.0TFKK_INT_HISTT61##Text table for interaction history customizingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1922ERP EHP76.0TFKK_SELP_GRP21Selection Types - Customizing GroupsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1923ERP EHP76.0TFKK_SELP_GRPT31Selection Types - Customizing Groups - TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1924ERP EHP76.0TFKK_SELP_OP151Selection Types for OI ReportsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1925ERP EHP76.0TFKK_SELP_TYP151Selection Types - CustomizingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1926ERP EHP76.0TFKK_SELP_TYPT31Type of Selection - TextContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1927ERP EHP76.0TFKK_SGCONTROL41Status of Extended Consistency ChecksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1928ERP EHP76.0TFKLOCKOPT41Buffered Data for Optimizing Reading of LocksContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1929ERP EHP76.0TFKMDC_ORIGIN21Origin of Request for Change to Master DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1930ERP EHP76.0TFKMDC_ORIGINT31Texts for Origin of Request for Change to Master DataContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1931ERP EHP76.0TFKMDC_TYPE41Change TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1932ERP EHP76.0TFKMDC_TYPET41Texts for Change TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1933ERP EHP76.0TFKMSGA41Recording of Problem Classes of MessagesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1934ERP EHP76.0TFKMSGC61Problem Class of Messages (Customer)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1935ERP EHP76.0TFKMSGS41Problem Class of Messages (Standard)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1936ERP EHP76.0TFKOPBW51BW - Maintain Fields for OI ExtractionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1937ERP EHP76.0TFKOPBWC51BW - Maintain Fields for OI ExtractionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1938ERP EHP76.0TFKOPBWD11OIBW Extraction - Source TablesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1939ERP EHP76.0TFKOPBWDT31Text Table for TFKOPBWDContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1940ERP EHP76.0TFKORDER31Basic Settings for Document CreationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1941ERP EHP76.0TFKORDER_GEN31Basic Settings for General RequestsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1942ERP EHP76.0TFKP2P61Valuation of Promises to PayContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1943ERP EHP76.0TFKP2PC141Categories of Promises to PayContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1944ERP EHP76.0TFKP2PCR51Rounding Amounts for Categories of Promises to PayContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1945ERP EHP76.0TFKP2PCT41Categories of Promises to PayContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1946ERP EHP76.0TFKP2PD41Specifications and Defalut Values for Promises to PayContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1947ERP EHP76.0TFKP2PRC31Reasons for Activating Promise to PayContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1948ERP EHP76.0TFKP2PRCT41Reasons for Activating Promise to PayContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1949ERP EHP76.0TFKP2PRW61Reasons for Withdrawal of Promise to PayContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1950ERP EHP76.0TFKP2PRWT41Reasons for Withdrawal of Promise to PayContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1951ERP EHP76.0TFKPAYMFBC51Payment Medium: Installation-Specific ModulesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1952ERP EHP76.0TFKPAYMFBM31Payment Medium: Events and Standard Function ModulesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1953ERP EHP76.0TFKPAYMFBS51Payment Medium: Standard ModulesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1954ERP EHP76.0TFKPERIOD51Period definitionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1955ERP EHP76.0TFKPERIODICITY31PeriodicityContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1956ERP EHP76.0TFKPERIODICITYT41Text of PeriodicityContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1957ERP EHP76.0TFKPK21Item indicator in paymentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1958ERP EHP76.0TFKPKC21Item Indicators for ClarificationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1959ERP EHP76.0TFKPKS21Scope of Exception ListContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1960ERP EHP76.0TFKPKT31Item indicator in paymentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1961ERP EHP76.0TFKPPACCCLOSE111Prepaid Account: Specifications for Closing OperationsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1962ERP EHP76.0TFKPREPACTSEC31Assignment of Prepaid Actions to Authorization LevelsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1963ERP EHP76.0TFKPREPPCA61Prepaid: Specifications for Payment AuthorizationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1964ERP EHP76.0TFKPREPPCARD71Prepaid: Specifications for Payment AuthorizationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1965ERP EHP76.0TFKPREPPCA_BUKRS71Prepaid: Specifications for Payment Authorization per CoCdContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1966ERP EHP76.0TFKRDI_DISGRP31Distribution GroupsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1967ERP EHP76.0TFKRDI_DISGRPT41Distribution groupContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1968ERP EHP76.0TFKRDI_DISGRP_RL41Transactions Summarized for Distribution GroupContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1969ERP EHP76.0TFKRDI_DISPER21Distribution PeriodsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1970ERP EHP76.0TFKRDI_DISPERT41Text for Distribution Period KeyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1971ERP EHP76.0TFKRECEIVER_OI141Outbound Interface: Settings for Receiver SystemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1972ERP EHP76.0TFKRESOB21Check Function Modules for Reconciliation KeyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1973ERP EHP76.0TFKRFC21Reasons for Free Services and BenefitsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1974ERP EHP76.0TFKRFCODE41Selection Codes for Refill PackagesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1975ERP EHP76.0TFKRFCODEP41Assigned Refill PackagesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1976ERP EHP76.0TFKRFCODET41Description for Selection Codes for RefillsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1977ERP EHP76.0TFKRFCT41Reasons Prepaid RefillsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1978ERP EHP76.0TFKRFL21External Point of SaleContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1979ERP EHP76.0TFKRFLT41External Point of Sale for Prepaid RefillsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1980ERP EHP76.0TFKRFM31Settlement MethodsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1981ERP EHP76.0TFKRFMT41Names for Refill MethodsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1982ERP EHP76.0TFKRFP71Refill PackagesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1983ERP EHP76.0TFKRFPC91Components of Refill PackagesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1984ERP EHP76.0TFKRFPT41Names of Refill PackagesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1985ERP EHP76.0TFKSHVO31Main Transactions for Debit Postings in FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1986ERP EHP76.0TFKSTVO111Subtransactions for Debit Postings in FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1987ERP EHP76.0TFKSYSSTAT41Status Table for Contract Accounts Receivable and PayableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1988ERP EHP76.0TFKTAXMIN71Minimum Amounts for TaxesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1989ERP EHP76.0TFKTU41Refillable UnitsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1990ERP EHP76.0TFKTUT41Refillable Units (Description)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1991ERP EHP76.0TFKTVO131Sub-transactions in Contract Accounts Receivable and PayableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1992ERP EHP76.0TFKTVOT61Sub-transactions in Contract Accounts Receivable and PayableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1993ERP EHP76.0TFKVOID61Reasons for Check VoidingContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1994ERP EHP76.0TFKVOIDT41Reasons for Check Voiding/TextContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1995ERP EHP76.0TFKWUI_ICON41FI-CA: Web UI - Icons per StatusContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1996ERP EHP76.0TFKWUI_ICONC51FI-CA: Web UI - Icons per Status (Customer)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1997ERP EHP76.0TFKWUI_ICONC_T71FI-CA: Web UI - Icons per StatusContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1998ERP EHP76.0TFKWUI_ICON_T61FI-CA: Web UI - Icons per StatusContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
1999ERP EHP76.0TFKWUI_STATUS21FI-CA: Web UI - StatusContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2000ERP EHP76.0TFKWUI_STATUS_T41FI-CA: Web UI - StatusContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2001ERP EHP76.0TFKZGR31Reason for Marking as Doubtful/Individual Value AdjustmentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2002ERP EHP76.0TFKZGRD51Value Adjustment ReasonsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2003ERP EHP76.0TFKZGRDEFEX31Exceptions for default Value Adjustment Reason (CZ/SK)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2004ERP EHP76.0TFKZGRDFEX31Exceptions for default Value Adjustment Reason (CZ/SK)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2005ERP EHP76.0TFKZGRME51Variant Determination for Value Adjustments (SK/CZ/PL))Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2006ERP EHP76.0TFKZGRT41Desription of Reasons for Doubtful Items/IVAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2007ERP EHP76.0TFKZMETH21Processing Methods for User EventContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2008ERP EHP76.0TFKZMETHT41Text Table for TFKZMETHContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2009ERP EHP76.0TFKZRGR21Reset reasonContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2010ERP EHP76.0TFKZRGRT41Description of Reset Reasons for Doubtful Items/IVAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2011ERP EHP76.0TFKZVAR41Value Adjustment Variants - Definition of Age GridContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2012ERP EHP76.0TFKZVARI41Value Adjustment VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2013ERP EHP76.0TFKZVARIT41Value Adjustment VariantsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2014ERP EHP76.0TFKZVART51Value Adjustment Variants - Definition of Age GridContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2015ERP EHP76.0TFKZWEX51Exceptiions for Doubtful Entries/Individual Value AdjustmentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2016ERP EHP76.0TFK_BPRATING41Valuation of Business Partner DuplicatesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2017ERP EHP76.0TFK_BUAG_PF21Determination of Responsible Clerk for Replication from CRMContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2018ERP EHP76.0TFK_BUAG_REF31Determination of Reference Contract Account for ReplicationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2019ERP EHP76.0TFK_BUAG_SAMRG21Settings for Data Exchange for Collective Bill AccountsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2020ERP EHP76.0TFK_CC_CONV31Enhance Mapping of Individual SAP CC InterfacesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2021ERP EHP76.0TFK_CC_CONV_S31Enhance Mapping of Individual SAP CC Interfaces (Industries)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2022ERP EHP76.0TFK_CRPO91Credit Processing: Customizing ID CreditContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2023ERP EHP76.0TFK_EXTDOC31Document Type for Official Document NumberContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2024ERP EHP76.0TFK_EXTDOC_AR51Official Document Number Data for ArgentinaContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2025ERP EHP76.0TFK_EXTDOC_AR221Report Classification for ArgentinaContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2026ERP EHP76.0TFK_EXTDOC_AR2T41Text for Report ClassificationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2027ERP EHP76.0TFK_EXTDOC_AR381Determination of Report ClassificationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2028ERP EHP76.0TFK_EXTDOC_AR441Default Values for Branches in ArgentinaContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2029ERP EHP76.0TFK_EXTDOC_IT161Official Document Number Data ItalyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2030ERP EHP76.0TFK_EXTDOC_IT251Official document data Italy, determine reporting frequencyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2031ERP EHP76.0TFK_EXTDOC_OP31Transactions for Official Document NumberContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2032ERP EHP76.0TFK_FMDERIVSTRAT21Define Strategy for FM Account Assignment DerivationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2033ERP EHP76.0TFK_INCORR21Inbound Correspondence CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2034ERP EHP76.0TFK_INCORRT41Text Table for Inbound Correspondence CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2035ERP EHP76.0TFK_INCORR_REFTT41Text Table for Reference Type for CorrespondenceContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2036ERP EHP76.0TFK_INCORR_REFTY31Reference Type for CorrespondenceContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2037ERP EHP76.0TFK_JC_GROUP31Group Information for Job Commander & ContainerContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2038ERP EHP76.0TFK_JC_VERB_C41Verbs for Job Commander from UserContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2039ERP EHP76.0TFK_NUMGR_IT31Official Document Number Data ItalyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2040ERP EHP76.0TFK_NUMGR_IT_T51Texts for numbering group for official documents ItalyContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2041ERP EHP76.0TFK_ODNGRP21Number Group for Official Document NumberContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2042ERP EHP76.0TFK_ODNGRP_T41Text for Grouping for Official Document NumbersContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2043ERP EHP76.0TFK_PAYMENTREL71FI-CA: Customizing Payment Release DisbursementsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2044ERP EHP76.0TFK_PAYMENTREL_N81FICA: Customizing Payment Release Disbursements - NewContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2045ERP EHP76.0TFK_REPT141Reasons for (Repeat) PrintContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2046ERP EHP76.0TFK_REPT1_T41Reasons for (Repeat) Print - TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2047ERP EHP76.0TFK_RRULES91Replacement Rules for Duplicate Search for Business PartnerContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2048ERP EHP76.0TFK_RZAREL51FICA: Customizing Payment Release RepaymentsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2049ERP EHP76.0TFK_TCO_PRC121Test Cockpit ProcessesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2050ERP EHP76.0TFK_TCO_PRCT61Test Cockpit Process NamesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2051ERP EHP76.0TFK_TCO_SCN31Test Cockpit ScenariosContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2052ERP EHP76.0TFK_TCO_SCNT51Test Cockpit ScenariosContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2053ERP EHP76.0TFK_TCO_TCO121Test CockpitsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2054ERP EHP76.0TFK_TCO_TCOT41Test Cockpit NameContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2055ERP EHP76.0TFK_VT_PRD21PRD: Central Settings for ProductContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2056ERP EHP76.0TFMCA_FICA_GRANT21Grant Active in FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2057ERP EHP76.0TFSCM_BUPA_ISR52FSCM: List of Open ISR Messages in FSCM AreaContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2058ERP EHP76.0TIVXABDCNACCT61FI-CA: Contract Acct Category per Contract and Partner RoleContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2059ERP EHP76.0TIVXABILLDOCTYPE31Document Types for Which Billing Document Is CreatedContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2060ERP EHP76.0TIVXAFCTRANSDET61FI-CA: Main and Subtransaction for Transaction TypeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2061ERP EHP76.0TKKFBT21Standard function modulesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2062ERP EHP76.0TTXT31Help Text TableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Financial Accounting :: Funds Management
2063ERP EHP76.0BPBK241Doc.Header Controlling Obj.Funds Management
2064ERP EHP76.0BPCG62Controlling Object, by YearFunds Management
2065ERP EHP76.0BPCJ72Controlling Object, by YearFunds Management
2066ERP EHP76.0BPCK71Controlling objects, activated objectsFunds Management
2067ERP EHP76.0BPDG141Total Values Entry DocumentFunds Management
2068ERP EHP76.0BPDJ171Annual Values Entry DocumentFunds Management
2069ERP EHP76.0BPDK251Header Entry DocumentFunds Management
2070ERP EHP76.0BPDKT51Header Text Entry DocumentFunds Management
2071ERP EHP76.0BPDP441Period Values Entry DocumentFunds Management
2072ERP EHP76.0BPDZ92Line Entry DocumentFunds Management
2073ERP EHP76.0BPDZT61Text Line Entry DocumentFunds Management
2074ERP EHP76.0BPEG223Line Item Overall Values Controlling Obj.Funds Management
2075ERP EHP76.0BPEJ254Line Item Annual Values Controlling Obj.Funds Management
2076ERP EHP76.0BPEP833Line Item Period Values Controlling Obj.Funds Management
2077ERP EHP76.0BPGE193Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.Funds Management
2078ERP EHP76.0BPGV151Prel.entry, overallFunds Management
2079ERP EHP76.0BPHI153Cross-hierarchy Data Controlling obj.Funds Management
2080ERP EHP76.0BPIG123Budget Object Index (Overall Budget)Funds Management
2081ERP EHP76.0BPIJ143Budget Object Index (Annual Budget)Funds Management
2082ERP EHP76.0BPJA224Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.Funds Management
2083ERP EHP76.0BPJV161Prel.entry - annual valuesFunds Management
2084ERP EHP76.0BPPE804Totals Record for Period Values Controlling Obj.Funds Management
2085ERP EHP76.0BPTR123Object Data Controlling Obj.Funds Management
2086ERP EHP76.0BPTX172Budgeting TextFunds Management
2087ERP EHP76.0BPVK121Document Header for Parked DocumentsFunds Management
2088ERP EHP76.0CTRUNICLAS91is being deletedFunds Management
2089ERP EHP76.0EUUDCHAP91Permitted Expenditure Chapter for Revenue Budget LineFunds Management
2090ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DOCTYPE_OIM21Document type for the Clearing Lines for OIMFunds Management
2091ERP EHP76.0FAGL_LEDGER_OIM21Ledgers for zero-balance follow-on documentsFunds Management
2092ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SP_LDGR_OIM21Ledgers for zero-balance follow-on documentsFunds Management
2093ERP EHP76.0FCABK112FI-CA: Document HeaderFunds Management
2094ERP EHP76.0FCABP747FI-CA: Document ItemFunds Management
2095ERP EHP76.0FCDUNICLAS81is being deletedFunds Management
2096ERP EHP76.0FGWF_MDRLK61Main Rules for General Role Definition Header EntriesFunds Management
2097ERP EHP76.0FGWF_MDRUL101Main Rules for General Role DefinitionFunds Management
2098ERP EHP76.0FIWF_ACGRP131Account Assignment Groups for Role DefinitionFunds Management
2099ERP EHP76.0FIWF_AMGRP61Amount Groups for FI Role DefinitionFunds Management
2100ERP EHP76.0FIWF_MDRLK61Main Rules for FI Role Definition - Header EntriesFunds Management
2101ERP EHP76.0FIWF_MDRUL101Main Rules for FI Role DefinitionFunds Management
2102ERP EHP76.0FM0021Client-Dependent Fields in Funds ManagementFunds Management
2103ERP EHP76.0FM01631Financial Management AreasFunds Management
2104ERP EHP76.0FM01A101FM area control recordsFunds Management
2105ERP EHP76.0FM01B71Control Records for FIFM Company CodesFunds Management
2106ERP EHP76.0FM01BSP41FM Area - Fund Center for the BudgetFunds Management
2107ERP EHP76.0FM01BUDHORIZON41Number of Cash Effectivity Years and Financial Budget YearsFunds Management
2108ERP EHP76.0FM01C71FM area control parametersFunds Management
2109ERP EHP76.0FM01D511Funds Management Update ControlFunds Management
2110ERP EHP76.0FM01DF61Budget Type: Assignment to Cover EligibilityFunds Management
2111ERP EHP76.0FM01E71Info on cover availability per FM areaFunds Management
2112ERP EHP76.0FM01F51Overall parameters for FM areasFunds Management
2113ERP EHP76.0FM01FRG71Maintain Release GroupsFunds Management
2114ERP EHP76.0FM01FRG1111Maintain Release GroupsFunds Management
2115ERP EHP76.0FM01FRG261Assign Release Approval Groups to ActivityFunds Management
2116ERP EHP76.0FM01FRGT81Maintain Release Approval Groups (Texts)Funds Management
2117ERP EHP76.0FM01G41FM Areas: Availability Control SettingsFunds Management
2118ERP EHP76.0FM01H41Year-Independent Assignment of Hierarchy Variants to FM AreaFunds Management
2119ERP EHP76.0FM01I51Assignment Commitment Type/Cover Eligibility Profile FM AreaFunds Management
2120ERP EHP76.0FM01KT131Customizing FM Account AssignmentFunds Management
2121ERP EHP76.0FM01N61Follow-up posting info by FM area / application /data originFunds Management
2122ERP EHP76.0FM01P41Year-Dependent Assignment of Master Data to FM AreaFunds Management
2123ERP EHP76.0FM01S41Additional master data for budgeting toolsFunds Management
2124ERP EHP76.0FM01SN41Collective Expenditure SettingsFunds Management
2125ERP EHP76.0FM01T41Funds Management Area TextsFunds Management
2126ERP EHP76.0FM01TOL101Tolerance for Budget Consistency ChecksFunds Management
2127ERP EHP76.0FM01UD491Settings for revenues increasing the budgetFunds Management
2128ERP EHP76.0FM01Y141FM Areas- Year-Dependent ValuesFunds Management
2129ERP EHP76.0FM01_ARCH61Archived FM AreasFunds Management
2130ERP EHP76.0FM01_ST51Assign Field Selection String -> FM AreaFunds Management
2131ERP EHP76.0FMACTDETL11Detailing of Commitment and Actual Data in Funds ManagementFunds Management
2132ERP EHP76.0FMACTDETLT41Texts for Commitment/Actual DetailingFunds Management
2133ERP EHP76.0FMACTPOS31FIFM: List of Internal Item NumbersFunds Management
2134ERP EHP76.0FMALLOC61Distribution of Collective Budget AdministrationFunds Management
2135ERP EHP76.0FMAPSTAT201FIFM: System Status for FIFM Acct Asst ObjectsFunds Management
2136ERP EHP76.0FMAVC41is being deletedFunds Management
2137ERP EHP76.0FMBE752FI-FM Cash LevelsFunds Management
2138ERP EHP76.0FMBUD231FI-FM Data Transfer Structure FM4CFunds Management
2139ERP EHP76.0FMBUDDETL11Budget Detailing in Funds ManagementFunds Management
2140ERP EHP76.0FMBUDDETLT41Texts for Budget DetailingFunds Management
2141ERP EHP76.0FMBUDGETPD111FM: Budget Period Master DataFunds Management
2142ERP EHP76.0FMBUDGETPDT41FM: Budget Period textsFunds Management
2143ERP EHP76.0FMBUDVERS291Activate Budget VersionsFunds Management
2144ERP EHP76.0FMCDRBBS111FM Rev. Incr. Budget History - Government CanadaFunds Management
2145ERP EHP76.0FMCFAA191TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried ForwardFunds Management
2146ERP EHP76.0FMCFAAS181TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Interim Storage)Funds Management
2147ERP EHP76.0FMCFAAS_TR181TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Interim Storage)Funds Management
2148ERP EHP76.0FMCFAA_TR181TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried ForwardFunds Management
2149ERP EHP76.0FMCFAB282TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Sender+Receiver)Funds Management
2150ERP EHP76.0FMCFABS261TR-FM: Transferred Commitment/Budget (Senders+Receivers)Funds Management
2151ERP EHP76.0FMCFABS_TR261TR-FM: Transferred Commitment/Budget (Senders+Receivers)Funds Management
2152ERP EHP76.0FMCFAB_TR262TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Sender+Receiver)Funds Management
2153ERP EHP76.0FMCFBPAKS291FM-FYC: Budget/Planning Updates (Interim Storage)Funds Management
2154ERP EHP76.0FMCFB_VRGNG31FM: Permitted Activities for Balance CarryforwardFunds Management
2155ERP EHP76.0FMCFB_VRGNGT51FM: Balance Carryfwd Allowed Activities (Language-Dependent)Funds Management
2156ERP EHP76.0FMCFC051Default Settings for Fiscal Year ChangeFunds Management
2157ERP EHP76.0FMCFC161FYC Commitment ControlFunds Management
2158ERP EHP76.0FMCFC1R51FYC Commtiment Control (Carryforward Parameter)Funds Management
2159ERP EHP76.0FMCFC271FYC Budget ControlFunds Management
2160ERP EHP76.0FMCFRULE41FM - Carryforward Parameters (FYC)Funds Management
2161ERP EHP76.0FMCFSB181FM - CF: Carryforward rulesFunds Management
2162ERP EHP76.0FMCFSBCD101FM-CF: Carryforward Rules (Dummy -> Change Documents)Funds Management
2163ERP EHP76.0FMCFSI291TR-FM Selected Open CommitmentsFunds Management
2164ERP EHP76.0FMCFSIF401FI-FM: Selected Open Documents from FI UpdateFunds Management
2165ERP EHP76.0FMCFSIF_TR381Selected Open FI Documents (Settlement)Funds Management
2166ERP EHP76.0FMCFSIO431FI-FM: Selected Open Commitment DocumentsFunds Management
2167ERP EHP76.0FMCFSIO_TR441FI-FM: Selected Open Commitment DocumentsFunds Management
2168ERP EHP76.0FMCHA1592Work List for Reassignment ToolFunds Management
2169ERP EHP76.0FMCI461Commitment items master dataFunds Management
2170ERP EHP76.0FMCIT111Commitment items textsFunds Management
2171ERP EHP76.0FMCIVARNT41Variant for commitment item hierarchy: Entities textsFunds Management
2172ERP EHP76.0FMCIVARNTT61Variant for commitment item hierarchy: Entities textsFunds Management
2173ERP EHP76.0FMCNAI121FM Line Items with Active CCN LogicFunds Management
2174ERP EHP76.0FMCOPI341CO-FM: Plan Data Transfer - Annual/Overall ValuesFunds Management
2175ERP EHP76.0FMCOVR41CO Posting Integration: TransactionFunds Management
2176ERP EHP76.0FMCTRNR0261Commitment-item-depending FM monitoring numberFunds Management
2177ERP EHP76.0FMCVCHECKS51Restrictions in the Rule Maintenance for Cover EligibilityFunds Management
2178ERP EHP76.0FMCVCHECKSDY91Restrictions in the Rule Maintenance for Cover EligibilityFunds Management
2179ERP EHP76.0FMDECK391Cover eligibility: amount management for sender budget obj.Funds Management
2180ERP EHP76.0FMDECKHK162Assignment of FM Account Assignment to Cover PoolFunds Management
2181ERP EHP76.0FMDECKHKC191Assignment of FM Account Assignment to Cover PoolFunds Management
2182ERP EHP76.0FMDECKRG161Cover PoolFunds Management
2183ERP EHP76.0FMDECKRGT91Cover Pool TextsFunds Management
2184ERP EHP76.0FMDECKUNG111Assignment of a Cover Pool to an FM Account AssignmentFunds Management
2185ERP EHP76.0FMDKSORT41Sort Criteria for Cover EligibilityFunds Management
2186ERP EHP76.0FMDKSRTGRP31Groups of Sort Criteria for Cover EligibilityFunds Management
2187ERP EHP76.0FMDOC21List of FM Documents for RevaluationFunds Management
2188ERP EHP76.0FMDP_DPR_CLR41Activate the DP Clearing and DPR Clearing and updateFunds Management
2189ERP EHP76.0FMED0031Preparation of Commitment ItemsFunds Management
2190ERP EHP76.0FMED0151Special Character for Preparing Commitment ItemsFunds Management
2191ERP EHP76.0FMEDDOCTYPE81FM budget entry document typeFunds Management
2192ERP EHP76.0FMEDDOCTYPET41FM budget entry document type textsFunds Management
2193ERP EHP76.0FMEINDECK171Assign FM Acct Assgt Requir.Cover to One Give ItFunds Management
2194ERP EHP76.0FMEINDECKC221Assign FM Acct Assgt Requir.Cover to One Give ItFunds Management
2195ERP EHP76.0FMEP556FI-FM Line ItemsFunds Management
2196ERP EHP76.0FMEUROPLAN121Table of Euro FM AreasFunds Management
2197ERP EHP76.0FMEUTRANS61Parameters for Euro ConversionFunds Management
2198ERP EHP76.0FMFCPO192FIFM: Commitment Summarization ItemFunds Management
2199ERP EHP76.0FMFCPOT81FIFM: Financial Summarization Item TextsFunds Management
2200ERP EHP76.0FMFCTR542Funds Center Master RecordFunds Management
2201ERP EHP76.0FMFCTRBP51Budget Object Group DefinitionsFunds Management
2202ERP EHP76.0FMFCTRT91Funds Center TextFunds Management
2203ERP EHP76.0FMFINCODE241FIFM: Financing codeFunds Management
2204ERP EHP76.0FMFINT71FIFM: Fund textsFunds Management
2205ERP EHP76.0FMFIPGBP101Budget Structure Template: FM Budgeting ControlFunds Management
2206ERP EHP76.0FMFIPGP51Assign Commitment Item to Budget Structure TemplateFunds Management
2207ERP EHP76.0FMFIPGR91Budget Structure TemplateFunds Management
2208ERP EHP76.0FMFIPGRT71Budget Structure Template, TextsFunds Management
2209ERP EHP76.0FMFPO272FIFM: Commitment ItemFunds Management
2210ERP EHP76.0FMFPOT81Texts for a Financia Management ItemFunds Management
2211ERP EHP76.0FMFREEPOS41FIFM: Free List of Internal Item NumbersFunds Management
2212ERP EHP76.0FMFRG51Define Release GroupsFunds Management
2213ERP EHP76.0FMFRGASGN41Assign Transactions to Release Approval GroupsFunds Management
2214ERP EHP76.0FMFRGPRO21Release Approval Group ProfilesFunds Management
2215ERP EHP76.0FMFRGPROT41Release Approval Group ProfilesFunds Management
2216ERP EHP76.0FMFRGT71Define Release GroupsFunds Management
2217ERP EHP76.0FMFRGZOR41Assign Release Group ProfileFunds Management
2218ERP EHP76.0FMFUNDBPD101FM: Assignments of Funds to Budget PeriodsFunds Management
2219ERP EHP76.0FMFUNDSEL71FIFM: Selected Fund for Closing OperationsFunds Management
2220ERP EHP76.0FMFUNDTYPE51FM Fund TypesFunds Management
2221ERP EHP76.0FMFUNDTYPET51FM Fund Types TextsFunds Management
2222ERP EHP76.0FMFUSE251FIFM: Application of Funds from Secondary SourcesFunds Management
2223ERP EHP76.0FMFUSET61FIFM: Application of Funds from Secondary SourcesFunds Management
2224ERP EHP76.0FMFXPO32Commitment item, internal and external number (conversion)Funds Management
2225ERP EHP76.0FMGEBER21FIFM: Financing Code for SponsorFunds Management
2226ERP EHP76.0FMHICI152Commitment items hierarchyFunds Management
2227ERP EHP76.0FMHICTR142FIFB: DB Table for Hierarchy Relations in a CenterFunds Management
2228ERP EHP76.0FMHIPG152Hierarchy Table of Commitment Items in Fiscal YearFunds Management
2229ERP EHP76.0FMHIPOS152FIFM: DB Table for Hierarchy Relations for an ItemFunds Management
2230ERP EHP76.0FMHIPP141Hierarchy Table of Commitment Items in Chart of Cmmt ItemsFunds Management
2231ERP EHP76.0FMHISV91Hierarchy table of funds centers in HivariantFunds Management
2232ERP EHP76.0FMHIVARNT31Funds Center Hierarchy Variant: EntitiesFunds Management
2233ERP EHP76.0FMHIVARNTT51Funds Center Hierarchy Variant: EntitiesFunds Management
2234ERP EHP76.0FMHSART31FM: Budget Line TypeFunds Management
2235ERP EHP76.0FMHSARTT41FM: Budget Line TypeFunds Management
2236ERP EHP76.0FMHVMTXT41Budget MemoFunds Management
2237ERP EHP76.0FMHVMTXTT81Budget Memo Texts, language dependentFunds Management
2238ERP EHP76.0FMIA654Actual Line Item Table for Funds ManagementFunds Management
2239ERP EHP76.0FMIAA101Assignment Table for Budget LedgerFunds Management
2240ERP EHP76.0FMIC62Object table 2Funds Management
2241ERP EHP76.0FMICOHD82FM/CO Integration: Document HeaderFunds Management
2242ERP EHP76.0FMICOIT202FM/CO integration: Line itemFunds Management
2243ERP EHP76.0FMIFIHD202FI Header Table in Funds ManagementFunds Management
2244ERP EHP76.0FMIFIIT778FI Line Item Table in Funds ManagementFunds Management
2245ERP EHP76.0FMIO212Object Table for Funds ManagementFunds Management
2246ERP EHP76.0FMIOI803Commitment Documents Funds ManagementFunds Management
2247ERP EHP76.0FMIOICCN111Earmarked Blocked Amounts for Commitments in Funds ManagemntFunds Management
2248ERP EHP76.0FMIP804Plan Line Items Table for Funds ManagementFunds Management
2249ERP EHP76.0FMISPS261General Parameters for Funds ManagementFunds Management
2250ERP EHP76.0FMISPSUSER181Special Control Table for FMISPS per User(only SAP internal)Funds Management
2251ERP EHP76.0FMIT665Totals Table for Funds ManagementFunds Management
2252ERP EHP76.0FMIUR101Open Interval Rules for updating FMFunds Management
2253ERP EHP76.0FMKR31Commitment Item CriterionFunds Management
2254ERP EHP76.0FMKRG21Commitment Item Criterion Category GroupFunds Management
2255ERP EHP76.0FMKRGT41Text: Commitment Item Criterion Category GroupFunds Management
2256ERP EHP76.0FMKRGTP41Assignment Table: Criterion Category to Crit.Cat.GroupFunds Management
2257ERP EHP76.0FMKRT51Text: Commitment Item CriteriaFunds Management
2258ERP EHP76.0FMKRTP31Commitment item criterion categoryFunds Management
2259ERP EHP76.0FMKRTPT41Text: Commitment Item Criterion CategoryFunds Management
2260ERP EHP76.0FMLOG131Log file for documents not updatedFunds Management
2261ERP EHP76.0FMMDST31Field selection stringFunds Management
2262ERP EHP76.0FMMDSTF51Field Selection String and FieldsFunds Management
2263ERP EHP76.0FMMDSTT51Text for Field Selection StringFunds Management
2264ERP EHP76.0FMMM141Assignment Table for Warehouse Funds CenterFunds Management
2265ERP EHP76.0FMMM241Transaction Type ControlFunds Management
2266ERP EHP76.0FMPG241Commitment Items in FM Area/Fiscal YearFunds Management
2267ERP EHP76.0FMPOSIT42Commitment Item Assignment to Internal Number (FIPEX-POSIT)Funds Management
2268ERP EHP76.0FMPP131Commitment Item in Chart of Commitment ItemsFunds Management
2269ERP EHP76.0FMPPLAN21Chart of Commitment Items: EntitiesFunds Management
2270ERP EHP76.0FMPPLANT41Chart of Commitment Items: Entity TextsFunds Management
2271ERP EHP76.0FMPPT102Commitment Item in Chart of Commitment Items: TextsFunds Management
2272ERP EHP76.0FMR0131Funds Management Information SystemFunds Management
2273ERP EHP76.0FMRC07122Results List Documents Bank/Clearing Account Matching FM-FIFunds Management
2274ERP EHP76.0FMRCCVARI21"Variant definition"Funds Management
2275ERP EHP76.0FMRCCVARIA31Company Code AssignmentFunds Management
2276ERP EHP76.0FMRCCVARIT41Variant TextFunds Management
2277ERP EHP76.0FMREF215Active availability ctrl: Cross commitments reference tableFunds Management
2278ERP EHP76.0FMRESACCMVASSIGN31Assignment of Account Assignment Transfr Rules to ActivitiesFunds Management
2279ERP EHP76.0FMRESACCMVRULE21Rules for Account Assignment TransferFunds Management
2280ERP EHP76.0FMRESACCMVRULES51Rules for Account Assignment TransferFunds Management
2281ERP EHP76.0FMRESACCMVRULET41Description of an Account Assignment Transfer RuleFunds Management
2282ERP EHP76.0FMRESFIELDS121Controllable Fields Earmarked FundsFunds Management
2283ERP EHP76.0FMRESGLOBALS51Global Settings for Earmarked FundsFunds Management
2284ERP EHP76.0FMRESGLOB_USER61Global Settings for Earmarked Funds: User-DependentFunds Management
2285ERP EHP76.0FMRESINI171Earmarked Funds: Initialization InformationFunds Management
2286ERP EHP76.0FMRESINI1T31Earmarked Funds: Transaction TextsFunds Management
2287ERP EHP76.0FMRESINI271Earmarked Funds: Initialization DataFunds Management
2288ERP EHP76.0FMRESLOCKS21Possible Earmarked Fund BlocksFunds Management
2289ERP EHP76.0FMRESLOCKST41Tests on Earmarked Fund BlocksFunds Management
2290ERP EHP76.0FMRESUPDC71Status Table for Conversion ProgramsFunds Management
2291ERP EHP76.0FMRESUPDS41Table for Conversions Programs to RunFunds Management
2292ERP EHP76.0FMRES_EW_INFOS21Saving Enhancement Wizard SettingsFunds Management
2293ERP EHP76.0FMRE_MM_CATASS51Permitted Types of Earmarked Funds in Purchase Order DocsFunds Management
2294ERP EHP76.0FMRPPOOL73Assignment of Expdt Cover Pool to Revenue Cover PoolFunds Management
2295ERP EHP76.0FMRPREL132Assignment of Expenditure Objects to Revenue Cover PoolFunds Management
2296ERP EHP76.0FMRPRULE501Rules for Revenue Cover PoolFunds Management
2297ERP EHP76.0FMRSCDATA61Earmarked Funds DataFunds Management
2298ERP EHP76.0FMRSCVAR41Scenario variantsFunds Management
2299ERP EHP76.0FMRSCVART51Description for Scenario VariantsFunds Management
2300ERP EHP76.0FMR_TOL91Tolerance Limits for Earmarked FundsFunds Management
2301ERP EHP76.0FMR_TOLS21Tolerance Key for Overrun ToleranceFunds Management
2302ERP EHP76.0FMR_TOLST41Tolerance Key for Overrun Tolerance: TextsFunds Management
2303ERP EHP76.0FMS200P41Parallelling of RFFMS200Funds Management
2304ERP EHP76.0FMSD0731Days Results List: FM-FI Bank/Clearing Account ComparisonFunds Management
2305ERP EHP76.0FMSNHHINTG91Integration of Collective Budget Adminisration with BudgetFunds Management
2306ERP EHP76.0FMSNRULE301Collective Expenditure RulesFunds Management
2307ERP EHP76.0FMSNRULEC351Change Documents for Collective Budget RulesFunds Management
2308ERP EHP76.0FMSTATUS171FIFM: Status for FIFM Account Assignment ObjectsFunds Management
2309ERP EHP76.0FMSU474FI-FM Totals RecordsFunds Management
2310ERP EHP76.0FMTACT11Activities which can be ProtectedFunds Management
2311ERP EHP76.0FMTACTT31Activities that can be protectedFunds Management
2312ERP EHP76.0FMTACTZ21FM: Valid Activities per Authorization Object (same TACTZ)Funds Management
2313ERP EHP76.0FMTTXID31Help Table for Maintenance View: Long TextsFunds Management
2314ERP EHP76.0FMUD51Override FM Update DateFunds Management
2315ERP EHP76.0FMUDBSEG341Addtl Info on Revenues Increasing Budget for Recovery OrderFunds Management
2316ERP EHP76.0FMUDBSEGH292Addtl Info on Revenues Increasing Budget for Recovery OrderFunds Management
2317ERP EHP76.0FMUDBSEGP231Part.Payt Item for Customer Invoice of a Rev. Incr. the BgtFunds Management
2318ERP EHP76.0FMUDBSEGS181Recovery Order Budget Increases for ReversalFunds Management
2319ERP EHP76.0FMUDIFIIT172Additional Data for FI Line Items f. Revenues Incr. the BdgtFunds Management
2320ERP EHP76.0FMUDKBLP331Addtl Info re Revenues Increasing Budget for Fcst of RevenueFunds Management
2321ERP EHP76.0FMUDKBLPH261Addtl Info re Revenues Increasing Budget for Fcst of RevenueFunds Management
2322ERP EHP76.0FMUDKBLPP171Item Revenues Increasing Budget for Forecast of RevenueFunds Management
2323ERP EHP76.0FMUDKBLPS161Budget Increases for Reversal for Forecast of RevenuesFunds Management
2324ERP EHP76.0FMUDPOOL103Assignment of Cover Pool to Rev. Increasing FM Acct AssgmtFunds Management
2325ERP EHP76.0FMUDPOOLC153Assignment of Cover Pool to Rev. Increasing FM Acct AssgmtFunds Management
2326ERP EHP76.0FMUDREL162Assignment of Expenditure Revenue Objs Incr.BudgetFunds Management
2327ERP EHP76.0FMUDRELC211Assignment of Expenditure Revenue Objs Incr.BudgetFunds Management
2328ERP EHP76.0FMUDRULE551Rules for Revenues Increasing BudgetFunds Management
2329ERP EHP76.0FMUDRULEC601Rules for Revenues Increasing the BudgetFunds Management
2330ERP EHP76.0FMUP00121Update Control (Not Value Type Dependent)Funds Management
2331ERP EHP76.0FMUP00T31Update ProfilesFunds Management
2332ERP EHP76.0FMUP01251Update Control with Value Type DependencyFunds Management
2333ERP EHP76.0FMUP02111Customizbare Felder zum FortschreibungsprofilFunds Management
2334ERP EHP76.0FMUP0361Customization control data for activating FM viewFunds Management
2335ERP EHP76.0FMVARNT41Chart of Commitment Items Variant: Entity TextsFunds Management
2336ERP EHP76.0FMVARNTT51Chart of Commitment Items Variant: Entity TextsFunds Management
2337ERP EHP76.0FMVORTR61Cmmt items for carryover item category of totals recordsFunds Management
2338ERP EHP76.0FMVORTR031Carryforward Item Categories of Totals RecordsFunds Management
2339ERP EHP76.0FMWF_ACTTT31Texts for Activity Categories in FI/FM Role DefinitionFunds Management
2340ERP EHP76.0FMWF_ACTTY11Activity Categories for FM Role DefinitionFunds Management
2341ERP EHP76.0FMWF_AMGRP61Amount Groups for FM Role DefinitionFunds Management
2342ERP EHP76.0FMWF_BDGRP81FM Account Groups for FM Role DefinitionFunds Management
2343ERP EHP76.0FMWF_BLTYP31Document Category Assignment to FI/FM Role Defn Doc.ClassesFunds Management
2344ERP EHP76.0FMWF_DOCCL21Document Classes for FM Role DefinitionFunds Management
2345ERP EHP76.0FMWF_DOCCT41Texts for FM Role Definition Document ClassesFunds Management
2346ERP EHP76.0FMWF_MDRLK61Main Delegations Rules Header EntriesFunds Management
2347ERP EHP76.0FMWF_MDRUL111FM Main Delegations RulesFunds Management
2348ERP EHP76.0FMZUBSP181Assign Budget Structure ElementsFunds Management
2349ERP EHP76.0FMZUCH141Change information on allocation of CO Object to FM ObjectFunds Management
2350ERP EHP76.0FMZUCO161FM-CO Assignment Control TableFunds Management
2351ERP EHP76.0FMZUGR122Allocation of CO Group to FM Account AssignmentFunds Management
2352ERP EHP76.0FMZUKA82Allocation of Cost Element to FM Account AssignmentFunds Management
2353ERP EHP76.0FMZUOB173Allocation of CO Object to FM Account AssignmentFunds Management
2354ERP EHP76.0IAOM_GTR_EXAT202Grantor: Account Assignment Manager External CharacteristicsFunds Management
2355ERP EHP76.0KBLE442Document Item Processing: Manual Document EntryFunds Management
2356ERP EHP76.0KBLESUM101Totals Table KBLEFunds Management
2357ERP EHP76.0KBLEW91Item development amounts in various currenciesFunds Management
2358ERP EHP76.0KBLK713Document Header: Manual Document EntryFunds Management
2359ERP EHP76.0KBLKKRED41Vendors for Funds ReservationsFunds Management
2360ERP EHP76.0KBLK_USER551Fields for addtl funds commt, funds precommt etc. hdr dataFunds Management
2361ERP EHP76.0KBLP1161Document Item: Manual Document EntryFunds Management
2362ERP EHP76.0KBLPAYK91Payment Plan HeaderFunds Management
2363ERP EHP76.0KBLPAYP61Payment Plan ItemsFunds Management
2364ERP EHP76.0KBLPS232Earmarked Funds: Value Adjustment DocumentsFunds Management
2365ERP EHP76.0KBLPW151Document item amounts in different currenciesFunds Management
2366ERP EHP76.0POS0011Is No Longer Used: List of Internal Item NumbersFunds Management
2367ERP EHP76.0POSFREI21Is No Longer Used: Free List of Internal Item NumbersFunds Management
2368ERP EHP76.0RESCT51Additional Criteria per Line ItemFunds Management
2369ERP EHP76.0TBP0L41Budget/Planning LedgerFunds Management
2370ERP EHP76.0TBP1C511Budget/Plan ProfileFunds Management
2371ERP EHP76.0TBP1T61Budget / Plan Profile TextsFunds Management
2372ERP EHP76.0TBP2A21Budget/Plan VersionsFunds Management
2373ERP EHP76.0TBP2B41Budget / Plan Version TextsFunds Management
2374ERP EHP76.0TBP3A41Budget / plan versions from rel.3.0Funds Management
2375ERP EHP76.0TBP3B61Texts for planning / budgeting versionsFunds Management
2376ERP EHP76.0TBP4A41Budget/Planning SubcategoriesFunds Management
2377ERP EHP76.0TBP4B121Assignment of Budget Subtypes to Budget TypesFunds Management
2378ERP EHP76.0TBP4C51Select Budget Types for SubdivisionFunds Management
2379ERP EHP76.0TBP4T71Texts for Budget/Plan SubcategoriesFunds Management
2380ERP EHP76.0TBPAS_FTYPE51Budget Subtypes for Availability Control for Each Fund TypeFunds Management
2381ERP EHP76.0TBPAS_FUND51Budget Subtypes for Availability Control Per FundFunds Management
2382ERP EHP76.0TBPCA131Budget CostingFunds Management
2383ERP EHP76.0TBPCEP31Cover Eligibility ProfilesFunds Management
2384ERP EHP76.0TBPCEPT51Cover Eligibility Profile TextsFunds Management
2385ERP EHP76.0TBPCEPV71Cover Eligility Profile: ControlFunds Management
2386ERP EHP76.0TBPFD91Cost Budget Availability Control: Tolerance LimitsFunds Management
2387ERP EHP76.0TBPFE101FM Availability Control: Tolerance LimitsFunds Management
2388ERP EHP76.0TBPFK41Availability Control: Cost Elements ExemptedFunds Management
2389ERP EHP76.0TBPFM71FM Active Availability ControlFunds Management
2390ERP EHP76.0TBPFMX81Active availability control on commitment budgetFunds Management
2391ERP EHP76.0TBPFP31Commitment Type ProfileFunds Management
2392ERP EHP76.0TBPFPT51Commitment Type Profile TextsFunds Management
2393ERP EHP76.0TBPFPV51Commitment Types: ControlFunds Management
2394ERP EHP76.0TBPW181is being deletedFunds Management
2395ERP EHP76.0TBUDVG91IS-PS Budget Types for Payment/Commitment BudgetFunds Management
2396ERP EHP76.0TBUDVGT51IS-PS Budget Types: TextsFunds Management
2397ERP EHP76.0THIST41Table for HistoryFunds Management
2398ERP EHP76.0TKBBA171Document TypesFunds Management
2399ERP EHP76.0TKBBAT51Texts for Document TypesFunds Management
2400ERP EHP76.0TKBLA61Funds reservation document typeFunds Management
2401ERP EHP76.0TKBLAT51Document type text tableFunds Management
2402ERP EHP76.0TRE0141Copy Template when Creating Funds ReservationsFunds Management
2403ERP EHP76.0TRE0231Template for Copying from Funds Reservation Reference DocsFunds Management
2404ERP EHP76.0TREASONS41Reasons for Decisions in Funds ReservationsFunds Management
2405ERP EHP76.0TREASONST41Tests for Reasons for Rejection in Funds ReservationsFunds Management
2406ERP EHP76.0TREF51Fields for Field Selection String in Funds ReservationsFunds Management
2407ERP EHP76.0TREFST21Field Selection String for Funds ReservationsFunds Management
2408ERP EHP76.0TREFSTT41Texts for Field Selection String for Funds ReservationsFunds Management
2409ERP EHP76.0TREG21Field Status Groups for Funds ReservationsFunds Management
2410ERP EHP76.0TREGT41Texts for Funds Reservation Field Status GroupsFunds Management
2411ERP EHP76.0TREV21Field Status Variant for Funds ReservationFunds Management
2412ERP EHP76.0TREVG41Assignment: Field Status String -> Variant/GroupFunds Management
2413ERP EHP76.0TREVT41Texts for Funds Reservation Field Status VariantsFunds Management
2414ERP EHP76.0TREWF21Group Keys for Selection of Workflow-Relevant FieldsFunds Management
2415ERP EHP76.0TREWFFIELD41Fiels in Group Keys for Workflow (Obsolete Since 4.70)Funds Management
2416ERP EHP76.0TREWFT41Group Keys for Selection of Workflow-Relevant Fields (Text)Funds Management
2417ERP EHP76.0TVA0121Variant for Funds Reservation Copying TemplateFunds Management
2418ERP EHP76.0TVA01T41Variant for Funds Reservation Copying TemplateFunds Management
2419ERP EHP76.0TVA0221Variant for Transfers from Reference Documents for Fds RsvnFunds Management
2420ERP EHP76.0TVA02T41Variant for Funds Reservation Copying TemplateFunds Management
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting
2421ERP EHP76.0BKPF_ADD717Accounting Document HeaderGeneral Ledger Accounting
2422ERP EHP76.0BSEG_ADD1141Entry View of Accounting Document for Additional LedgersGeneral Ledger Accounting
2423ERP EHP76.0EWUFI_SPLIT221EMU Implementation: Table of FAGL_SPLINFO* to Be CorrectedGeneral Ledger Accounting
2424ERP EHP76.0FAGLBSAS812Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)General Ledger Accounting
2425ERP EHP76.0FAGLBSIS812Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L AccountsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2426ERP EHP76.0FAGLCOFICCODEC31Assignment of Variants for Real-Time Integration for CoCodesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2427ERP EHP76.0FAGLCOFITRACE192Log of Real-Time Integration CO->FIGeneral Ledger Accounting
2428ERP EHP76.0FAGLCOFITRFLDS31Field Transfers for Real-Time Integration CO->FIGeneral Ledger Accounting
2429ERP EHP76.0FAGLCOFIVARC251Variants for Real-Time Integration CO->FIGeneral Ledger Accounting
2430ERP EHP76.0FAGLCOFIVART41Texts for Variants for Real-Time Integration CO->FIGeneral Ledger Accounting
2431ERP EHP76.0FAGLCOFIWRKLST51Worklist for Real-Time Integration CO->FIGeneral Ledger Accounting
2432ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0082General ledger: Transaction attributesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2433ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0172General ledger: Technical fieldsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2434ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0252General ledger: Main account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
2435ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX03102General ledger: SAP additional account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
2436ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0442General ledger: Customer additional account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
2437ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0532General Ledger: Additional Acct Assignment: Customer 2General Ledger Accounting
2438ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0692General ledger: Sender SAP additional account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
2439ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0732General Ledger: Reserve Table 1General Ledger Accounting
2440ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0832General Ledger: Reserve Table 2General Ledger Accounting
2441ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEXA485General Ledger: Actual Line ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2442ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEXP1243General Ledger: Plan Line ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2443ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEXT1245General Ledger: TotalsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2444ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF193General Ledger: Statistical Key Figures (Current Values)General Ledger Accounting
2445ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF_APPL41Assignment of Application to ID for Statistical Key FiguresGeneral Ledger Accounting
2446ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF_CUSTFLD42List of Fields in Customer IncludesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2447ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF_LAY_INFO21Fields Used in LayoutsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2448ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF_PN253General Ledger; Statistical Key Figures (Source Document)General Ledger Accounting
2449ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF_REPORT31Dynamic Report Names per LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2450ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF_TAB141Table Names and StructuresGeneral Ledger Accounting
2451ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF_TRANS31Assignment of Field Names in Different TablesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2452ERP EHP76.0FAGLSREPACCTP11Access Type for Financial StatementsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2453ERP EHP76.0FAGLSREPACCTPT31Access Type for Financial StatementsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2454ERP EHP76.0FAGL_011FC51Fin. Statement Structure: Assignment FS Item - Funct. AreasGeneral Ledger Accounting
2455ERP EHP76.0FAGL_011PC131Fin. Statement Structure: Items in Fin. Statement StructureGeneral Ledger Accounting
2456ERP EHP76.0FAGL_011QT71Fin. Statement Structure: Text for Fin. Statement ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2457ERP EHP76.0FAGL_011SC61Fin. Statement Struct.: Assignment Fin. Stmnt Item: SetnameGeneral Ledger Accounting
2458ERP EHP76.0FAGL_011TC61Fin. Statement Structure: Timestamp for Fin. Stmt ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2459ERP EHP76.0FAGL_011VC41Fin. Statement Structure: Contra ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2460ERP EHP76.0FAGL_011ZC91Fin. Statement Structure: Assignment FS Items - G/L AccountGeneral Ledger Accounting
2461ERP EHP76.0FAGL_AB_C71Interactive Characteristics for Flexible Balance DisplayGeneral Ledger Accounting
2462ERP EHP76.0FAGL_ACTIVEC201Activation of New General LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2463ERP EHP76.0FAGL_ALE_ACTIV31Totals Document and Single Document Transfer: ActivationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2464ERP EHP76.0FAGL_ALE_CNTRPRO41Single Doc. and Summary Doc. Transfer: Central ProcessesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2465ERP EHP76.0FAGL_ALE_SND_PAR41Totals Transfer: Technical ParametersGeneral Ledger Accounting
2466ERP EHP76.0FAGL_APPL11Owner applicationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2467ERP EHP76.0FAGL_APPLT31Owner applicationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2468ERP EHP76.0FAGL_BCF_FIELDS61Summarization: Balance Carryforward for P&L AccountsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2469ERP EHP76.0FAGL_BELNR_LD41Document Types for Entry View in a LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2470ERP EHP76.0FAGL_BSBW_HISTRY222Valuation History for DocumentsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2471ERP EHP76.0FAGL_BSBW_HST_BL181Valuation History of BalancesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2472ERP EHP76.0FAGL_BW_LOG_HEAD92FI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Control DataGeneral Ledger Accounting
2473ERP EHP76.0FAGL_BW_LOG_ITEM662FI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Line ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2474ERP EHP76.0FAGL_BW_LOG_TOTL492FI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Totals RecordsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2475ERP EHP76.0FAGL_CARRY_FORW41Last Balance Carryforward per Company Code/LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2476ERP EHP76.0FAGL_CASHACC_TAX51Cash Account from Tax on Sales/Purchases IndicatorGeneral Ledger Accounting
2477ERP EHP76.0FAGL_CHECK_SETUP21Check Setup of New General LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2478ERP EHP76.0FAGL_CUST_DET111Customizing Versions: Detailed InformationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2479ERP EHP76.0FAGL_CUST_FIELDS61Customer fields for flexible general ledgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2480ERP EHP76.0FAGL_CUS_GENLEVL41New General Ledger Accounting: Generation Status (Customer)General Ledger Accounting
2481ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DATAC_CLUST71Content of Data ContainerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2482ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DATAC_STRUC91Coding of Structure DataGeneral Ledger Accounting
2483ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DOCNR_LD41Document Types for General Ledger View in a LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2484ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DRPROV_ACC61Provisions for Doubtful Receivables: Account DeterminationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2485ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DRPROV_METH51Provision Method for Provisons for Doubtful ReceivablesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2486ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DRPROV_PERC41Provisions for Doubtful Receivables: PercentagesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2487ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DSOURCE_RLD21New General Ledger Accounting: Assign Ledger to DataSourceGeneral Ledger Accounting
2488ERP EHP76.0FAGL_EMP_PROCESS51Document Splitting: Process Adjustment for HR PostingsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2489ERP EHP76.0FAGL_EXTR141Documents for Summary Document TransferGeneral Ledger Accounting
2490ERP EHP76.0FAGL_EXTR_HIST131Transfer History for Summary DocumentsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2491ERP EHP76.0FAGL_FCBAL_FIELD31Additional Fields for Balance ValautionGeneral Ledger Accounting
2492ERP EHP76.0FAGL_FCV_ADMIN211Foreign Currency Valuation: ID Numbers of Valuation RunsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2493ERP EHP76.0FAGL_FIELD_MOVE61Conversion Table for Fixed Fields of General LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2494ERP EHP76.0FAGL_FIELD_MOVEC101Conversion Table for Customer Fields of General LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2495ERP EHP76.0FAGL_HST_T095471Old Acct Determin. for Asset Value Adjustment and PortfolioGeneral Ledger Accounting
2496ERP EHP76.0FAGL_INST_STATE21Installation Check: General LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2497ERP EHP76.0FAGL_LEDGER_SCEN61Active Scenarios of a LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2498ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIGDS_STATE41Subsequent Implementation of Doc.Splitting: Migration StatusGeneral Ledger Accounting
2499ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_00141Assignment of a Migration Date to a Migration PlanGeneral Ledger Accounting
2500ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_001_S51Migration Plan StatusGeneral Ledger Accounting
2501ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_00241Assignment of a Migration Plan to Company Code and LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2502ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_ADJUST91Log Table for Using Divergent Customizing Settings (Migratn)General Ledger Accounting
2503ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_BSE_CLR111Migration-Specific Override of BSE_CLRGeneral Ledger Accounting
2504ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_BUKRS31Activation of New General Ledger Accounting for Company CodeGeneral Ledger Accounting
2505ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_CTRL31Migration to New General Ledger: Control Table for CockpitGeneral Ledger Accounting
2506ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_FICHA1311Worklist for FI Reassignment ToolGeneral Ledger Accounting
2507ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_LINETYP61Document-Specific Item Category AssignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
2508ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_MP_T41Text Table for Migration PlansGeneral Ledger Accounting
2509ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_OPITEMS163Open Items from Period 0 (Creation of Split Information)General Ledger Accounting
2510ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_PROCESS91Document-Specific Business Transaction AssignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
2511ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_REV_DOC51Documents from Inverse Postings During the MigrationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2512ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_RPITEMS243Migration in New G/L: Objects To Be Posted SubsequentlyGeneral Ledger Accounting
2513ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_SLSOURC31FI-SL Source Ledger for MigrationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2514ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_SPLIT31Migration-Specific Splitting SettingGeneral Ledger Accounting
2515ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_TOTALS81Log Table for Building Balances in New G/LGeneral Ledger Accounting
2516ERP EHP76.0FAGL_NR_OBJECTS51Objects For Which the XPRA Creates a Range in All ClientsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2517ERP EHP76.0FAGL_OPT_FIELDS31Fields of the FI/CO Document That Can Be Transferred to G/LGeneral Ledger Accounting
2518ERP EHP76.0FAGL_ORG_INFO201General Ledger: Configuration InformationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2519ERP EHP76.0FAGL_PRCTR_CONST41Profit Center Constant in Document SplitGeneral Ledger Accounting
2520ERP EHP76.0FAGL_PRCTR_SET31General Ledger Accounting (New): Profit Center SettingsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2521ERP EHP76.0FAGL_PROT121LogsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2522ERP EHP76.0FAGL_PROT_DATA81Logged DataGeneral Ledger Accounting
2523ERP EHP76.0FAGL_QUEUE_LOG522Log of Delta Queue for Error AnalysisGeneral Ledger Accounting
2524ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RBLART21Reorganization: Document Type for Transfer PostingGeneral Ledger Accounting
2525ERP EHP76.0FAGL_REL_AI31Internal Table for Activating General Ledger (New)General Ledger Accounting
2526ERP EHP76.0FAGL_REPFIELDS11Exclusion List of Totals Record Chars for ReportingGeneral Ledger Accounting
2527ERP EHP76.0FAGL_REP_PARAM41FAGL Support: Parameters for SchedulerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2528ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMAP_CUST51Reorganization: Object Number of the Signature ValuesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2529ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMAP_SAP71Reorganization: Object Number of the Signature ValuesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2530ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMAP_SIG101Reorganization: Object Number of the Signature ValuesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2531ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMIGR_LOG181Report Migration: Log StatusGeneral Ledger Accounting
2532ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMIGR_LOG272Report Migration: Log HeaderGeneral Ledger Accounting
2533ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMIGR_LOG3121Report Migration: Log DetailGeneral Ledger Accounting
2534ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMIGR_LOG4121Report Migration: Log MessagesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2535ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMIGR_MAP71Report Migration: Mapping of Report ObjectsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2536ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPACK131Reorganization: PackageGeneral Ledger Accounting
2537ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPACKT51Reorganization: Package TextGeneral Ledger Accounting
2538ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPACK_LIST132Reorganization: Object List of the PackageGeneral Ledger Accounting
2539ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPACK_RES91Reorganization: Package RestrictionsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2540ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPATYP_RES111Reorganization: Restrictions of the Package TypeGeneral Ledger Accounting
2541ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPLAN51-Obsolete- Reorganization: PlanGeneral Ledger Accounting
2542ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPLANT41Reorganization: Text of the PlanGeneral Ledger Accounting
2543ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPLAN_RES81Reorganization: Restrictions of the PlanGeneral Ledger Accounting
2544ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPLTYP_RES101Reorganization: Restrictions of the Plan TypeGeneral Ledger Accounting
2545ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RRI_CUST131Customiz. for Report Interface (NewGL: FI-CO Reconciliation)General Ledger Accounting
2546ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RRI_CUST_D101Default Contents for Table FAGL_RRI_CUSTGeneral Ledger Accounting
2547ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RSIG71Reorganization: SignatureGeneral Ledger Accounting
2548ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RSIGT41Reorganization: Signature TextGeneral Ledger Accounting
2549ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RSNAPSHOT291Reorganization: SnapshotGeneral Ledger Accounting
2550ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RTRACK172Summary: Company Code Currently Affected by Reorg. and KTOSLGeneral Ledger Accounting
2551ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SAP_GENLEVL21New General Ledger Accounting: Generation Status (SAP)General Ledger Accounting
2552ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SCENARIO11Scenario for General Ledger AccountingGeneral Ledger Accounting
2553ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SCENARIOT31Scenario for General Ledger AccountingGeneral Ledger Accounting
2554ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SCEN_APPL31Scenario for G/L Accounting - Assignment to ApplicationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2555ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SCEN_FIELDS31Fields of a Scenario for General Ledger AccountingGeneral Ledger Accounting
2556ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SEGM21Master Data for SegmentsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2557ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SEGMT41Master Data for SegmentsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2558ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SEGM_CUST41Settings for Segment Maintenance and DerivationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2559ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SEG_METHOD31Derivation Method for SegmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
2560ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLINFO863Splittling Information of Open ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2561ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLINFO_LOG41New General Ledger Accounting: Log for Nonsplitted DocumentsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2562ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLINFO_VAL101Splitting Information of Open Item ValuesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2563ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLIT_ACTC31Deactivation of Document Splitting per Company CodeGeneral Ledger Accounting
2564ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLIT_DEVSY21Change Deactivation -> Activation of Split per Company CodeGeneral Ledger Accounting
2565ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLIT_FIELD121Characteristics for SplitGeneral Ledger Accounting
2566ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLIT_FLD_S71Characteristics Permitted for SplitGeneral Ledger Accounting
2567ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLIT_VAL41Activation of Validation by Document SplittingGeneral Ledger Accounting
2568ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SUBAPPL11SubapplicationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2569ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SUBAPPLT31SubapplicationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2570ERP EHP76.0FAGL_T030TR111Customizing for Balance TranslationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2571ERP EHP76.0FAGL_T889A31Document Types with Number Ranges in Planning in Gen. LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2572ERP EHP76.0FAGL_T889T41Document type textsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2573ERP EHP76.0FAGL_T8A3071General Ledger: Default Profit CenterGeneral Ledger Accounting
2574ERP EHP76.0FAGL_TCMAP41Customer Fields in Entry Variants for G/L Account ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2575ERP EHP76.0FAGL_TLDGRP41Ledger GroupGeneral Ledger Accounting
2576ERP EHP76.0FAGL_TLDGRPT41Ledger Group TextsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2577ERP EHP76.0FAGL_TLDGRP_MAP41Assignment of Ledgers to Ledger GroupsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2578ERP EHP76.0FAGL_TRVOR111General Ledger: Control StatementGeneral Ledger Accounting
2579ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_COCODE71Allocation to company codeGeneral Ledger Accounting
2580ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_GRP91Sets for the Validation of Account Assignment CombinationsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2581ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_HDR81Validation StrategyGeneral Ledger Accounting
2582ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_HDRT71Validation Strategy (Texts)General Ledger Accounting
2583ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_LEDGR71Assignment to Ledger GroupGeneral Ledger Accounting
2584ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_LOCKS61Reference to the Data Container Containing the IntervalsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2585ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_LOG191Validation of Document Splitting: LogGeneral Ledger Accounting
2586ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_PROCESS61Document Splitting: Validation Mode Dependent on ProcessesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2587ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_TRIGGER31Update of Tables for ValidationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2588ERP EHP76.0FMPEB_ASSIGN71Assign Org. Units to Partially Exempt OrganizationsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2589ERP EHP76.0FMPEB_ASSIGN_H31Assignment of Org. Units to Partially Exempt OrganizationsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2590ERP EHP76.0FMPEB_DEF21Define Partly Exempt OrganizationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2591ERP EHP76.0FMPEB_DEFT41PEO NameGeneral Ledger Accounting
2592ERP EHP76.0FMPEB_GLOBALS51Partially Exempt Organizations: Basic SettingsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2593ERP EHP76.0FMPEB_RATE_DEF61Assign Input Tax Deduction RatesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2594ERP EHP76.0FMPEB_TAXIND61Assign Tax Codes to Exempt OrganizationsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2595ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0042General ledger: Organizational unitsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2596ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0142General ledger: Technical fieldsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2597ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0232General ledger: Main account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
2598ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0372General ledger: SAP additional account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
2599ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0422General ledger: Customer additional account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
2600ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0532General ledger: Sender main account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
2601ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0672General ledger: Sender SAP additional account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
2602ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0762General ledger: Transaction attributesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2603ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0832General ledger: BranchesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2604ERP EHP76.0GLFLEXA574Flexible general ledger: Actual line itemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2605ERP EHP76.0GLFLEXP1273Flexible G/L: Plan line itemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2606ERP EHP76.0GLFLEXT1214Flexible G/L: TotalsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2607ERP EHP76.0NGLM_ANA_HD131Analysis Run HeaderGeneral Ledger Accounting
2608ERP EHP76.0NGLM_ANA_IT101Analysis Run ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2609ERP EHP76.0QISRPCRTYPE_SCEN41Document Types with Scenario for Posting Correction RequestGeneral Ledger Accounting
2610ERP EHP76.0QISRPCR_TRANSACT41Transactions for Adjustment Postings: Adj. Posting RequestGeneral Ledger Accounting
2611ERP EHP76.0T000GL41Flexible general ledger: Customizing check and activationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2612ERP EHP76.0T800F71Conversion Table for New General Ledger FieldsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2613ERP EHP76.0T882G131Company code - ledger assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
2614ERP EHP76.0T886G41Flexible general ledger: Interface informationGeneral Ledger Accounting
2615ERP EHP76.0T888G71Customer fields for flexible general ledgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2616ERP EHP76.0T888S111Update flexible general ledger: Standard scenariosGeneral Ledger Accounting
2617ERP EHP76.0T889G41Document types for the flexible general ledgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
2618ERP EHP76.0T889GO31Number range for document typesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2619ERP EHP76.0T889GT41Document type textsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2620ERP EHP76.0T8G0121Splitting methodGeneral Ledger Accounting
2621ERP EHP76.0T8G01T41Splitting methodGeneral Ledger Accounting
2622ERP EHP76.0T8G0211Item categoriesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2623ERP EHP76.0T8G02T31Item categoriesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2624ERP EHP76.0T8G0311Business transactionGeneral Ledger Accounting
2625ERP EHP76.0T8G03131Accounting transaction variantGeneral Ledger Accounting
2626ERP EHP76.0T8G031T51Accounting transaction variantGeneral Ledger Accounting
2627ERP EHP76.0T8G03T31Business transactionGeneral Ledger Accounting
2628ERP EHP76.0T8G1041Assignment: Transaction code- accounting transaction variantGeneral Ledger Accounting
2629ERP EHP76.0T8G1141Assignment: MM movement type- accounting transaction variantGeneral Ledger Accounting
2630ERP EHP76.0T8G1241Classify FI Document Type for Document SplittingGeneral Ledger Accounting
2631ERP EHP76.0T8G1641Allocation: internal key - item category (SAP)General Ledger Accounting
2632ERP EHP76.0T8G1761Allocation: acct number - item typeGeneral Ledger Accounting
2633ERP EHP76.0T8G20101Splitting Rule: Header DataGeneral Ledger Accounting
2634ERP EHP76.0T8G21131Splitting rule: Item categories to be processedGeneral Ledger Accounting
2635ERP EHP76.0T8G21A81Splitting rule: Base item categoriesGeneral Ledger Accounting
2636ERP EHP76.0T8G22151Splitting rule: Additional itemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2637ERP EHP76.0T8G2871Item categories permitted per accounting transaction variantGeneral Ledger Accounting
2638ERP EHP76.0T8G2941Item categories permitted for each business transactionGeneral Ledger Accounting
2639ERP EHP76.0T8G30A61Acct determination key for doc splittingGeneral Ledger Accounting
2640ERP EHP76.0T8G30AT51Account determination key description for doc splittingGeneral Ledger Accounting
2641ERP EHP76.0T8G30B71Acct determination for document splitting - accountsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2642ERP EHP76.0T8G4061Account assignment objects for document splittingGeneral Ledger Accounting
2643ERP EHP76.0T8G41A21ConstantsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2644ERP EHP76.0T8G41AT41ConstantsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2645ERP EHP76.0T8G41B51Values of constantsGeneral Ledger Accounting
2646ERP EHP76.0T8G5011Permitted Fields To Be Summarized (Before Doc. Splitting)General Ledger Accounting
2647ERP EHP76.0TPCRTYPE31Document Types for Posting Correction RequestGeneral Ledger Accounting
2648ERP EHP76.0TVAT00141Customizing of Tax on Sales/Purchases - Control of ScreenGeneral Ledger Accounting
Financial Accounting :: Generic Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2649ERP EHP76.0BCA_DIM_BU_PAY_D31Payment Details of a Business PartnerGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2650ERP EHP76.0BCA_DIM_CALCDET231Calculation details for billing itemsGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2651ERP EHP76.0DFSCICLARIOB71Bal. Int. Calculation at Contract Acct Level: Clarif. CasesGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2652ERP EHP76.0DFSCIHISTIOB242Balance Int. Calculation at Contract Account Level: HistoryGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2653ERP EHP76.0DFSCIREV51Bal. Int. Calculation at Contract Acct Level: Inverse PstgsGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2654ERP EHP76.0TFSC0121Account Determ. IDsGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2655ERP EHP76.0TFSC01T41Account Determination ID TextsGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2656ERP EHP76.0TFSC05271Terms of PaymentGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2657ERP EHP76.0TFSC052T41Terms of PaymentGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2658ERP EHP76.0TFSCHVTV162Transactions for Company Code and DivisionGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2659ERP EHP76.0TFSCHVTVT91Transactions for Company Code and Division (Texts)Generic Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2660ERP EHP76.0TFSCKTOKL21Account ClassesGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2661ERP EHP76.0TFSCKTOKLT41Account Class TextsGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2662ERP EHP76.0TFSC_MAP_KOFIZ41Fld Value Assgt. of Tax Features for Acct Determin. FeaturesGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
2663ERP EHP76.0TFSC_MAP_ZAHLKD31Field Val. Assgt of Pymt Term (mySAP CRM) to FI-CA Pymt TermGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Financial Accounting :: Lease Accounting
2664ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/COND_MAP61Assign FI-CA Transactions to CRM ConditionsLease Accounting
2665ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/DELINQ61Delinquency Process for Each Company Code and StatusLease Accounting
2666ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/DELINQ_C21To Be DeletedLease Accounting
2667ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/DELI_PRC21Delinquency ProcessLease Accounting
2668ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/DELI_PRT41Description of Delinquency ProcessLease Accounting
2669ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/DELI_STA21Delinquency Process and StatusLease Accounting
2670ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/DELI_STT41Description of Delinquency StatusLease Accounting
2671ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/EXCL_NA51Transactions Not Assigned a Non-Accrual StatusLease Accounting
2672ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/LATE_FEE141Leasing Late Fee Matrix: Calc. Based on Responsibility AreaLease Accounting
2673ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/PROC_LOG201Persistence for Payment Trigger Containing ErrorsLease Accounting
2674ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/PROC_TYP41Definition Table for Payment Triggers + Handler ClassesLease Accounting
2675ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/REPT_RUN41Log Table for Reports on Handling of Payment TriggersLease Accounting
2676ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/STOP_NA21Defines If Treaty No Longer Set to Non-AccrualLease Accounting
2677ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/STOP_NAB31Stop Non-Accrual Characteristic for Each Company CodeLease Accounting
2678ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/STOP_NAT41Describes If Treaty No Longer Set to Non-AccrualLease Accounting
2679ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/TQ_P_DET121Payment Details and Test Results for Cost EstimateLease Accounting
2680ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/TQ_P_HDR122Payment StatusLease Accounting
2681ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/TRIG_NA71Leases Not Set to Non-AccrualLease Accounting
2682ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/WL162WorklistLease Accounting
2683ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/WLI205Work ItemsLease Accounting
2684ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/WLIGUIDS31GUIDs for WorklistLease Accounting
2685ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/WLIH111DO NOT USE -> Can Be DeletedLease Accounting
2686ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/WLI_IL182Item List of Work ItemLease Accounting
2687ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/WL_STAT41Worklist - Status for CollectorLease Accounting
2688ERP EHP76.0/LSIERP/WL_TASK31Specimen Tasks for WorklistLease Accounting
2689ERP EHP76.0FIEH_STATUS141Object Status for Restart Exception HandlingLease Accounting
2690ERP EHP76.0FILA_GF_ITEMCHAH181Object Data: Value ID Change Header InformationLease Accounting
2691ERP EHP76.0FILA_GF_ITEMDATA601Process DataLease Accounting
2692ERP EHP76.0FILA_GF_ITEMDOCS141Assignment of Process - FI/CO Document NumbersLease Accounting
2693ERP EHP76.0FILA_GF_ITEMLINK161Assignment of Objects to AssetsLease Accounting
2694ERP EHP76.0FILA_GF_ITEMPARM81Object Data: Additional InformationLease Accounting
2695ERP EHP76.0FILA_GF_ITEMVALC101Object Data: Changed Value IDsLease Accounting
2696ERP EHP76.0FILA_GF_ITEMVALS91Object Data: Value IDs and their Values/ContentsLease Accounting
2697ERP EHP76.0FILA_GF_PROCINFO101Object Data: Processing Info for ProcessLease Accounting
2698ERP EHP76.0FILA_MIG_RESTART61Restart Legacy Data Transfer for Lease AccountingLease Accounting
2699ERP EHP76.0FILA_MIG_SYNC81Synchronization of CRM and LAE Legacy DataLease Accounting
2700ERP EHP76.0FILA_RE_LNK162Link Between Leasing <-> RefinancingLease Accounting
2701ERP EHP76.0FILA_RE_PRG231Refinancing ProgramLease Accounting
2702ERP EHP76.0FILA_RE_PRGT41Text for Refinancing ProgramLease Accounting
2703ERP EHP76.0FILA_RE_TR_H201Tranche Header: Selection Result for RefinancingLease Accounting
2704ERP EHP76.0FILA_RE_TR_I392Tranche Item: Selection Result for RefinancingLease Accounting
2705ERP EHP76.0FIOTPOH121One-Time Postings: HeaderLease Accounting
2706ERP EHP76.0FIOTPOI162One-Time Postings: ItemsLease Accounting
2707ERP EHP76.0FSLC_ACTIVE_INV21FSL: BillingLease Accounting
2708ERP EHP76.0FSL_IDOTYPM_CUST31Mapping Table for ID Object Type (AB) and ID Object Type(BP)Lease Accounting
2709ERP EHP76.0FSL_STAT_CUST31FSL: User Status for ItemLease Accounting
2710ERP EHP76.0FSL_STAT_CUST_T41FSL: User Status Text for ItemLease Accounting
2711ERP EHP76.0LAE_BILLING_DAT111Payment ScheduleLease Accounting
2712ERP EHP76.0LAE_BILLING_DATA111Payment ScheduleLease Accounting
2713ERP EHP76.0LAE_CRM_BILLPLAN291Payment ScheduleLease Accounting
2714ERP EHP76.0LAE_CRM_CLASS81Contract ClassificationLease Accounting
2715ERP EHP76.0LAE_CRM_CONDS91Lease-Accounting-Relevant ConditionsLease Accounting
2716ERP EHP76.0LAE_CRM_HEADER113LAE: CRM Contract HeaderLease Accounting
2717ERP EHP76.0LAE_CRM_ITEMS686LAE: Contract ItemsLease Accounting
2718ERP EHP76.0LAE_CRM_LNK72Link between LAE and CRM Contract ItemsLease Accounting
2719ERP EHP76.0LAE_CRM_PRODS62Product InformationLease Accounting
2720ERP EHP76.0LAE_VICN01_AD121Additional Contract Data for LAELease Accounting
2721ERP EHP76.0TFIEH_GF_00191Handling MethodsLease Accounting
2722ERP EHP76.0TFIEH_GF_00231Methods for Retrieval of Object DataLease Accounting
2723ERP EHP76.0TFILAFM_IRCM61Assignment of Acct Prin. to Interest Rate Calc. MethodsLease Accounting
2724ERP EHP76.0TFILA_ACCRULE41Accounting Principles for Classification in CRMLease Accounting
2725ERP EHP76.0TFILA_ACCRULET61Accounting Principles for CRM Classification -TextsLease Accounting
2726ERP EHP76.0TFILA_COMPONENT31Application Components of Accounting EngineLease Accounting
2727ERP EHP76.0TFILA_EXPL_00151Structure of Tree Controls in Leasing ExplorerLease Accounting
2728ERP EHP76.0TFILA_FA_00171Process+Accounting Principle -> Transaction TypeLease Accounting
2729ERP EHP76.0TFILA_FA_00251Assignment Accounting Principle -> Depreciation AreaLease Accounting
2730ERP EHP76.0TFILA_FA_00371Control of Useful Life Adjustment for UpgradesLease Accounting
2731ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_00061Process Mapping for Processs from External SystemsLease Accounting
2732ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_000C51Posting Periods Closed for Processes in LAELease Accounting
2733ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_000M21MethodsLease Accounting
2734ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_000MT31Method TextsLease Accounting
2735ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_000P31ProcessesLease Accounting
2736ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_000PT51Process TextsLease Accounting
2737ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_000R31Reasons for ChangesLease Accounting
2738ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_000RT51Change Reason TextsLease Accounting
2739ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_00171Assignment Process -> SubprocessLease Accounting
2740ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_001A61SYST: Allowed Change EventsLease Accounting
2741ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_001C41Control Table for Value IDs to Be Changed or AddedLease Accounting
2742ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_001CE81Specifications for Change ProcessesLease Accounting
2743ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_001E51Processes for Changing Value ID ContentsLease Accounting
2744ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_001M61Assignment Subprocess -> Processing MethodsLease Accounting
2745ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_001MC71Assignment- Subprocesses to User-Defined Processing MethodsLease Accounting
2746ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_001S51SubprocessesLease Accounting
2747ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_001ST51SubprocessesLease Accounting
2748ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_00361Value IDs and their DeterminationLease Accounting
2749ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_003CF61Assignment of Value ID -> Payment Schedule for CalculationLease Accounting
2750ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_003M71For Later Use of Value IDs for RetrievalLease Accounting
2751ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_003MV61Assignment Value ID <-> Processing MethodLease Accounting
2752ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_003R101Value IDs Referenced from MethodLease Accounting
2753ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_003RB31Values/Data Required by MethodLease Accounting
2754ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_003RM61Values/Data Required by MethodLease Accounting
2755ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_003T51Value IDsLease Accounting
2756ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_004121Assignment Value ID -> Accrual MethodLease Accounting
2757ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_004BT61Assignment of Value ID -> Accrual Method for Determ. BalanceLease Accounting
2758ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_004CF71Assignment of Payment Schedule for Accrual PostingsLease Accounting
2759ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_00591Specifications for One-Time Postings per Value IDLease Accounting
2760ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_00641Assignment Company Code -> Accounting PrinciplesLease Accounting
2761ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_00771Assignment Condition Type -> Value IDLease Accounting
2762ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_007C91Value IDs to Be Included in Payment ScheduleLease Accounting
2763ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_007CF31Payment SchedulesLease Accounting
2764ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_007CFA71Payment Schedule DefinitionLease Accounting
2765ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_007CFT51Payment Schedule NamesLease Accounting
2766ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_00841Assignment of Company Code to Grouping KeyLease Accounting
2767ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_008G31Grouping KeyLease Accounting
2768ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_008GT51Name of Grouping KeyLease Accounting
2769ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_009101Assignment of Value IDs to Structure FieldLease Accounting
2770ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_009F91Assignment of Field Transfer of Two StructuresLease Accounting
2771ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_009V101Mapping Table for Structure Fields in Value IDsLease Accounting
2772ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_01131Option IDsLease Accounting
2773ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_011T51Option IDsLease Accounting
2774ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_020S61Assign Value IDs for Determining Residual ValueLease Accounting
2775ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_020T61Fill New Residual Values in ConditionsLease Accounting
2776ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_02141Controls Number of ProcessesLease Accounting
2777ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_10081Assignment of Derivations for Validations/SubstitutionsLease Accounting
2778ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_11041Check Sequences in Financing ClassificationLease Accounting
2779ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_110T51Texts of Check Sequences in Financing ClassificationLease Accounting
2780ERP EHP76.0TFILA_GF_11161Check Steps in Financing ClassificationLease Accounting
2781ERP EHP76.0TFILA_LC_00121Class GroupsLease Accounting
2782ERP EHP76.0TFILA_LC_001T41Class GroupsLease Accounting
2783ERP EHP76.0TFILA_LC_00241Financing ClassesLease Accounting
2784ERP EHP76.0TFILA_LC_002AK61Assignment of Access Keys to Financing ClassesLease Accounting
2785ERP EHP76.0TFILA_LC_002T41Texts for Financing ClassesLease Accounting
2786ERP EHP76.0TFILA_LC_002TO71Specification Asset Values Copied for Following BusinessLease Accounting
2787ERP EHP76.0TFILA_LC_00351Assignmt of Value IDs to Fields of FILA_LCS_PARAM StructureLease Accounting
2788ERP EHP76.0TFILA_LC_00621Option IDsLease Accounting
2789ERP EHP76.0TFILA_LC_006T41Option Indicators: NamesLease Accounting
2790ERP EHP76.0TFILA_LDB_00091Assignment of Value IDs to Fields of Logical DBLease Accounting
2791ERP EHP76.0TFILA_LDB_00181Determination of Data Basis for ReportsLease Accounting
2792ERP EHP76.0TFILA_RE_CAT31Define Refinancing CategoryLease Accounting
2793ERP EHP76.0TFILA_RE_CATT41Text for Refinancing CategoryLease Accounting
2794ERP EHP76.0TFILA_RE_CAT_C141Assign Sales Tax Flag and Clearing Account to Refi. Categ.Lease Accounting
2795ERP EHP76.0TFILA_RE_CHGPR41Assign Refinancing Categ. and Change Process to Cluster TypeLease Accounting
2796ERP EHP76.0TFILA_RE_EVENT41Assign Refinancing Category and Process Type to ProcessesLease Accounting
2797ERP EHP76.0TFILA_RE_RFF81Mapping for Payment Schedule ForfaitingLease Accounting
2798ERP EHP76.0TFILA_RE_TNR41Number Range per Company Code and Refinancing TypeLease Accounting
2799ERP EHP76.0TFILA_RE_TNRT51Text for Number Range per Refinancing Type and Company CodeLease Accounting
2800ERP EHP76.0TFILA_RE_VAL81Assign Refinancing Category and Value IdentifierLease Accounting
2801ERP EHP76.0TFIOTP_00151Document Group CharacteristicLease Accounting
2802ERP EHP76.0TFIOTP_001T51Document Group Characteristic NameLease Accounting
2803ERP EHP76.0TFIOTP_00231Account Determination RuleLease Accounting
2804ERP EHP76.0TFIOTP_002T51Document Group Characteristic NameLease Accounting
2805ERP EHP76.0TFIOTP_00371Posting Key for Document Grouping CharacteristicLease Accounting
Financial Accounting :: Localization
2806ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/RSFIAA_RAT61Serbia: Group depreciation ratesLocalization
2807ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/RSFIAA_SDO51Serbia: Asset Group balanceLocalization
2808ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/RSFIAA_SLR51Serbia: Average Salary - Monthly valuesLocalization
2809ERP EHP76.0/CCEE/RSFIAA_TTY41Serbia: Tax depreciation Transactions typesLocalization
2810ERP EHP76.0/KJRTAX01/A0161Additional Depreciation Rate for RAIDJP_TAXLocalization
2811ERP EHP76.0/KJRTAX01/A0241Special Rate per Reason for Manual EvaluationLocalization
2812ERP EHP76.0/KJRTAX01/A03101Property Tax Report: Tax Office CodeLocalization
2813ERP EHP76.0/KJRTAX01/A0431Property Tax Rpt: Declaration Key-Company Code RelationshipLocalization
2814ERP EHP76.0/KJRTAX01/A05351Property Tax Report: Declaration KeyLocalization
2815ERP EHP76.0/KJRTAX01/A0641Property Tax Report: Assign Decl.Key to C.Code and City CodeLocalization
2816ERP EHP76.0/KJRTAX01/A0731Rounding of Taxable amount for Tax OfficeLocalization
2817ERP EHP76.0/KJRTAX01/B0141Status of migrationLocalization
2818ERP EHP76.0A151101Dest. Ctry/Comm. codeLocalization
2819ERP EHP76.0A29161Land/SteuKennz.Localization
2820ERP EHP76.0A292101BR: ISS from SD: Ship-to-CityLocalization
2821ERP EHP76.0A29381Land/StKla2-KdLocalization
2822ERP EHP76.0A34181Land/StKla3-KdLocalization
2823ERP EHP76.0A34281Land/StKla2-MatLocalization
2824ERP EHP76.0A343151BR: Substituiçao Tributária from SDLocalization
2825ERP EHP76.0A34491BR: ICMS base reduction carrier: Land/St. Basis/BelegartLocalization
2826ERP EHP76.0A346111Land/Dyn.Schlüssel1/Dyn.Schlüssel2/Dyn.Schlüssel3/St.-Grp.Localization
2827ERP EHP76.0A347131Land/SF/ST/Schlüssel1/Schlüssel2/Schlüssel3/St.-Grp.Localization
2828ERP EHP76.0A348141Land/SF/ST/XSUBT/Schlüssel1/Schlüssel2/Schlüssel3/St.-Grp.Localization
2829ERP EHP76.0A34991Land/ST/MATNRLocalization
2830ERP EHP76.0A373111Country/Plant/MaterialLocalization
2831ERP EHP76.0A374141Country/Sales org./Region/PlntRegion/TaxCl3Cust/TaxCl.3MatLocalization
2832ERP EHP76.0A375141Country/Sales org./Region/PlntRegion/TaxCl2Cust/TaxCl.2MatLocalization
2833ERP EHP76.0A376141Country/Sales org./Region/PlntRegion/TaxCl4Cust/TaxCl.4MatLocalization
2834ERP EHP76.0A382141Land/Belegart/SF/ST/Schlüssel1/Schlüssel2/Schlüssel3/St.-GrpLocalization
2835ERP EHP76.0A39271LandLocalization
2836ERP EHP76.0A39381Land/LieferantLocalization
2837ERP EHP76.0A39461Land/EmpfängerLocalization
2838ERP EHP76.0ATAFS_SIGNATORY131Annual Financial Statement Austria Signatory informationLocalization
2839ERP EHP76.0BASE_TYPE_IT51Assign Base Amount TypeLocalization
2840ERP EHP76.0BEL_JOURNAL91Belgium : Sales/Purchase Journal Period BalancesLocalization
2841ERP EHP76.0BUSTYPE21Type of BusinessLocalization
2842ERP EHP76.0CDF_EXT_ITEM_LU71CDF External Item LuxembourgLocalization
2843ERP EHP76.0CIS_VF_EXT91Extension Table for CIS Sub contractorsLocalization
2844ERP EHP76.0DMEE_PAYM_RULES41DMEE: Field Assignment (FI_REGU2FPAYM)Localization
2845ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE121DMEE Format Tree: General DataLocalization
2846ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_AGGR71DMEE: Aggregation of NodesLocalization
2847ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_CHECKS151DMEE: ChecksLocalization
2848ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_COND241DMEE: Format Object - & Mapping ConditionsLocalization
2849ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_DEBUG51DMEE: Temporary Data for DebuggingLocalization
2850ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_HEAD251DMEE: Format Tree Header DataLocalization
2851ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_LEVEL51DMEE: Format LevelLocalization
2852ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_NODE481DMEE: Format Tree NodesLocalization
2853ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_NODE_T72Text Table DMEE: Format Tree NodeLocalization
2854ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_NXTSG71DMEE: Supplementary Segments (Incoming DME Files)Localization
2855ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_RULES81DMEE: Assignment Rules (Incoming DME Files)Localization
2856ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_SHEET51DMEE: Key Fields for Subtotals on Accompanying SheetLocalization
2857ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_SORT121DMEE: Sort and Key Fields for FormatLocalization
2858ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_T41DMEE: Text Table for Tree DefinitionLocalization
2859ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_TECH31DMEE: Technical Fields in the Transfer StructuresLocalization
2860ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_TYPE151DMEE: Supported Tree TypesLocalization
2861ERP EHP76.0DMEE_TREE_TYPE_T31DMEE: Text Table for Tree TypesLocalization
2862ERP EHP76.0DOCCLSS31Official document classLocalization
2863ERP EHP76.0DOCCLSST51Texts for official document classLocalization
2864ERP EHP76.0EPIC_AS_APPR31Approval Step: List of Possible ApproversLocalization
2865ERP EHP76.0EPIC_AS_ITM_ATTR31Approval Step: Item Approval Status (Temp.)Localization
2866ERP EHP76.0EPIC_BACO_DAT91Bank Communication Program Data (XML Files)Localization
2867ERP EHP76.0EPIC_BACO_MSG101Bank Communication Program MessagesLocalization
2868ERP EHP76.0EPIC_C_BPSOTC31Define Service Operation Type Codes for QueriesLocalization
2869ERP EHP76.0EPIC_C_BPSOTCT41EPIC: Texts for Bank Payment Service Operation Type CodeLocalization
2870ERP EHP76.0EPIC_C_BPSOTC_AS101EPIC: Bank Payment Service Operation Type Code AssignmentLocalization
2871ERP EHP76.0EPIC_C_HB_COMM61Electronic Payment Integration: House Bank Commun. SettingsLocalization
2872ERP EHP76.0EPIC_ITM_REM41EPIC: Comments/Remarks for Payment ItemsLocalization
2873ERP EHP76.0ES340_OPRKEY81Operation Key in Model - 340Localization
2874ERP EHP76.0ESFMC_EXCL_EFD41Exception for Budget ControlLocalization
2875ERP EHP76.0ESFMC_NEW_COMM21Activation of Statistical Update for MM DocumentsLocalization
2876ERP EHP76.0ESFMD_PD_EFD_LNK71Link between RFx and EFDLocalization
2877ERP EHP76.0EVAT_EXT_ITEM_LU91EVAT External Item LuxembourgLocalization
2878ERP EHP76.0FIWT_PARTNR_EXM61Table for Vendor specific threshold amountsLocalization
2879ERP EHP76.0FPIA_ACTIONS51Action AttributesLocalization
2880ERP EHP76.0FPIA_ACTIONST61Define ActionsLocalization
2881ERP EHP76.0FPIA_FIELDSTAT_C61Field status control for IoA fieldsLocalization
2882ERP EHP76.0FPIA_FIELDSTAT_S51Field status control for IoA fields (SAP)Localization
2883ERP EHP76.0FPIA_FI_IDX162FI Index Table for Interest Calculation - ChorusLocalization
2884ERP EHP76.0FPIA_GROUP_C21User groups for IoA process (Customer)Localization
2885ERP EHP76.0FPIA_GROUP_CT41Text table for user groups for IoA process (SAP)Localization
2886ERP EHP76.0FPIA_GROUP_S11User groups for IoA process (SAP)Localization
2887ERP EHP76.0FPIA_GROUP_ST31Text table for user groups for IoA process (SAP)Localization
2888ERP EHP76.0FPIA_INTCAL_IND31Assign Successive Interest IndicatorsLocalization
2889ERP EHP76.0FPIA_INTEREST272Table for Penalty InterestLocalization
2890ERP EHP76.0FPIA_INT_VZSKZ21IOA: VZSKZ for Interest DocumentsLocalization
2891ERP EHP76.0FPIA_IOADELTA71Data transfer: MM/FI documents for IOA delta processingLocalization
2892ERP EHP76.0FPIA_IOA_ACTIV31IoA solution activationLocalization
2893ERP EHP76.0FPIA_REASON21Interruption Reason Penalty InterestLocalization
2894ERP EHP76.0FPIA_REASONT41Interruption Reason Penalty Interest DescriptionLocalization
2895ERP EHP76.0FPIA_SET_VAL_C31Set Update of Validation DateLocalization
2896ERP EHP76.0GLOFAAASSETDATA291Country-Specific Asset Master RecordsLocalization
2897ERP EHP76.0GLOFAACNTRL41Country-Specific Master RecordsLocalization
2898ERP EHP76.0GLOFAACNTRLC41Country-Specific Master RecordsLocalization
2899ERP EHP76.0GLOFAACNTRLT41Country-Specific Table NameLocalization
2900ERP EHP76.0GLOFAAJPITEM21FI-AA: Japan / Asset item (Annex16)Localization
2901ERP EHP76.0GLOFAAJPITEMT41FI-AA: Japan / Asset item text (Annex16)Localization
2902ERP EHP76.0GLOFAAJPSTRC21FI-AA: Japan / Asset structure (Annex16)Localization
2903ERP EHP76.0GLOFAAJPSTRCT41FI-AA: Japan / Asset structure text (Annex16)Localization
2904ERP EHP76.0GLOFAATMDPNDNT551Time-Dependent Country-Specific Asset Master RecordsLocalization
2905ERP EHP76.0GLO_PTRV_COSTCL31Cost ClassificationLocalization
2906ERP EHP76.0GLO_PTRV_COSTCLT51Cost Classification (Text)Localization
2907ERP EHP76.0GLO_PTRV_TRANSP122Reimbursement Amounts for TransportLocalization
2908ERP EHP76.0IDBUPLA_ACTIVE31Activate Business Place per countryLocalization
2909ERP EHP76.0IDCNFSPOS71China Golden Audit Interface: Extension to FS VersionLocalization
2910ERP EHP76.0IDCNMAPCURRCD51Currency Codes (Golden Audit)Localization
2911ERP EHP76.0IDCN_ACCITEM101China Golden Audit Interface: Account LinesLocalization
2912ERP EHP76.0IDCN_ALGACCGRP81Account Level Hierarchy: Account LevelsLocalization
2913ERP EHP76.0IDCN_ALGACCGRPT61Account Level Hierarchy: Account Levels (Text)Localization
2914ERP EHP76.0IDCN_ALGACCHIER101Account Level Hierarchy: Account Level Hierarchy (Top Level)Localization
2915ERP EHP76.0IDCN_ALGACCLIST81Account Level Hierarchy: Assigned Child G/L AccountsLocalization
2916ERP EHP76.0IDCN_ARCHIEV_VAL81Archive Values (Golden Audit)Localization
2917ERP EHP76.0IDCN_ARCHIV_ITEM71Archive Items (Golden Audit)Localization
2918ERP EHP76.0IDCN_CASH_ITMES111Cash Flow Items (Golden Audit)Localization
2919ERP EHP76.0IDCN_DETAIL_EA31Chinese detail expense accountLocalization
2920ERP EHP76.0IDCN_DETAIL_EA_T41Chinese detail expense accountLocalization
2921ERP EHP76.0IDCN_DOCTYP31Assign Account Document Type for Vorcher TypeLocalization
2922ERP EHP76.0IDCN_DOCTYPE61Accounting Document Types (Golden Audit)Localization
2923ERP EHP76.0IDCN_EXCH_RATE51Exchange Rate Types (Golden Audit)Localization
2924ERP EHP76.0IDCN_FSCDEF51Form Structure: DefinitionLocalization
2925ERP EHP76.0IDCN_FSCLINES91Form Structure: LinesLocalization
2926ERP EHP76.0IDCN_FSCLINEST71Form Structure: Lines - TextsLocalization
2927ERP EHP76.0IDCN_FSCNODES71Form Structure: NodesLocalization
2928ERP EHP76.0IDCN_FSCVALUES81Form Structure: ValuesLocalization
2929ERP EHP76.0IDCN_GLACCATTR61G/L account time-depen.attributes (CN)Localization
2930ERP EHP76.0IDCN_GLACCATTRT71G/L account time-depen.attributes-texts(CN)Localization
2931ERP EHP76.0IDCN_GLACCOLD51Old G/L Account Numbers - time dependent (CN)Localization
2932ERP EHP76.0IDCN_GLACCOLDT61Old G/L Account Numbers - time dependent - texts (CN)Localization
2933ERP EHP76.0IDCN_MAP_EAS51Detail Expense Accounts (Golden Audit)Localization
2934ERP EHP76.0IDCN_ODN_ACTIVE31Activating Document Numbering for Company CodeLocalization
2935ERP EHP76.0IDCN_ODN_CLEAR31Generation of ODN for Clearing Documents w/o Line ItemsLocalization
2936ERP EHP76.0IDCN_REPFORM51Assign PDF Form to ReportLocalization
2937ERP EHP76.0IDCN_REPITEMID61Report item ID mappingLocalization
2938ERP EHP76.0IDCN_REPSHEQTY71Shareholders' Equity (Golden Audit)Localization
2939ERP EHP76.0IDCN_TOTLINE61China Golden Audit Interface: Subtotal linesLocalization
2940ERP EHP76.0IDCN_TRDTYPE41Document Types (Golden Audit)Localization
2941ERP EHP76.0IDCN_TRTTYPE41Transaction Types (Golden Audit)Localization
2942ERP EHP76.0IDCN_TR_MAP51FI Document Types (Golden Audit)Localization
2943ERP EHP76.0IDCN_ZJFCOCD41Activate Account Entry Closing Method for Company CodesLocalization
2944ERP EHP76.0IDCN_ZJFPLBAL141P&L Balances for Period Account Entry Closing MethodLocalization
2945ERP EHP76.0IDCN_ZJFSKIPACC41Skip G/L Account from P&L Account Closing Posting (China)Localization
2946ERP EHP76.0IDCN_ZJFSKIPACCT61Skip G/L Account from P&L Account Closing Posting (Text)Localization
2947ERP EHP76.0IDES_SI51Assign Number Range for Self Invoices to Company CodeLocalization
2948ERP EHP76.0IDEU_VAT281EU VAT PostingLocalization
2949ERP EHP76.0IDGS_OBS_REACT11Reactivated obsolete programsLocalization
2950ERP EHP76.0IDGT_CODE_LC61Tax Catalog CodeLocalization
2951ERP EHP76.0IDGT_CONF_LC171GTI China: Tax Invoice tableLocalization
2952ERP EHP76.0IDGT_CONF_LC_T41GTI China: Tax Invoice Text tableLocalization
2953ERP EHP76.0IDGT_CUSTTYPE31VAT Invoice TypeLocalization
2954ERP EHP76.0IDGT_INFO604GTI China: Data sent to GTLocalization
2955ERP EHP76.0IDGT_UOM_CONV41UoM ConversionLocalization
2956ERP EHP76.0IDHUBILLINGOUT31Define Additional Billing Data for HungaryLocalization
2957ERP EHP76.0IDIN_ASSETBLK81Asset Block Master DataLocalization
2958ERP EHP76.0IDIN_ASSETBLK_T51Asset Block description tableLocalization
2959ERP EHP76.0IDIN_ASSETTRNS231Asset Transaction Table for India (Block Level)Localization
2960ERP EHP76.0IDIN_FIAA_ADJUST151Adjustment values for the block and opening WDV - IndiaLocalization
2961ERP EHP76.0IDIN_FIAA_OWDV51FI-AA India : Maintaning Opening WDV for the blocksLocalization
2962ERP EHP76.0IDIN_FIAA_TAX31Tax Area for Asset BlocksLocalization
2963ERP EHP76.0IDIN_FIAA_TRN_TY31ID Transaction Group for IT reporting : IndiaLocalization
2964ERP EHP76.0IDIN_FIAA_WDV_FY71FI-AA India : Opening WDV for the blocks - TransactionsLocalization
2965ERP EHP76.0IDITSR12_POSNUM41Foreign Trade Declaration(Austria): Line ItemsLocalization
2966ERP EHP76.0IDITSR12_POSNUMD61Foreign Trade Declaration(Austria): Line Item DescriptionLocalization
2967ERP EHP76.0IDITSR12_SELECT131Intern.Trade Statistic Reporting(Austria):Selection CriteriaLocalization
2968ERP EHP76.0IDITSR_DATA61OeNB ID number of customers, vendors and GL accountsLocalization
2969ERP EHP76.0IDITSR_DMEE41DMEE tree IDs for Foreign Trade Declaration ReportingLocalization
2970ERP EHP76.0IDITSR_DMEE_TREE31DMEE tree IDs for International Trade Statistic ReportingLocalization
2971ERP EHP76.0IDITSR_DOCTYP31Foreign Trade Declaration: Document TypesLocalization
2972ERP EHP76.0IDITSR_DOCTYPD51Foreign Trade Declaration: Document Type DescriptionLocalization
2973ERP EHP76.0IDITSR_GLDATA41GL accounts for company code and countryLocalization
2974ERP EHP76.0IDITSR_GROUP_COD41testLocalization
2975ERP EHP76.0IDITSR_POSNUM31Foreign Trade Declaration: Line ItemsLocalization
2976ERP EHP76.0IDITSR_POSNUMD51Foreign Trade Declaration: Line Item DescriptionLocalization
2977ERP EHP76.0IDITSR_SELECT111Intern. Trade Statistic Reporting: Selection CriteriaLocalization
2978ERP EHP76.0IDKR_AMNDSTAT21Amendment Status code for Korea Electronic Tax InvoiceLocalization
2979ERP EHP76.0IDKR_AMNDSTATD41Amendment Status description - Korea ETILocalization
2980ERP EHP76.0IDKR_CUSTVAT81VAT registration number against customer on a time basisLocalization
2981ERP EHP76.0IDKR_VENVAT81VAT registration number against vendor on a time basisLocalization
2982ERP EHP76.0IDMX_DI_BASIC41Digital invoice Mexico: general settingsLocalization
2983ERP EHP76.0IDMX_DI_DOCTYP31Digital invoice Mexico: Document types (payment flows)Localization
2984ERP EHP76.0IDMX_DI_FIDCTP31Digital Invoice Mexico: Special FI Document Types (SAT)Localization
2985ERP EHP76.0IDMX_DI_PROFDET71table to determine the valid pse-profileLocalization
2986ERP EHP76.0IDMX_DI_PSEPROF71pse-file and parameter (entities)Localization
2987ERP EHP76.0IDMX_DI_PSEPROFT41SSF Profile - TextLocalization
2988ERP EHP76.0IDMX_DI_TAXES51Digital Invoice Mexico: Legal Abbreviations of TaxesLocalization
2989ERP EHP76.0IDMX_DI_TAXTYP41Table is OBSOLETE (replaced by IDMX_DI_TAXES)Localization
2990ERP EHP76.0IDMX_DI_TXTIDDET51Digital Invoice Mexico: Data ID - Text ID DeterminationLocalization
2991ERP EHP76.0IDMX_DI_TXTOB31Digital Invoice Mexico: Valid Text ObjectsLocalization
2992ERP EHP76.0IDMX_VAT61Mexico : Identifiable and Non-Identifiable VAT conditionsLocalization
2993ERP EHP76.0IDMX_VAT_ACC41Maintaining G/L Accounts for Different ConceptsLocalization
2994ERP EHP76.0IDPL_DP91Poland: Downpayments made and clearedLocalization
2995ERP EHP76.0IDPL_DP_NUM_RANG51Poland: Number range for the clearing documentsLocalization
2996ERP EHP76.0IDSDTXNUMVIS101SD Document Screen Control for CPD Partner Tax NumbersLocalization
2997ERP EHP76.0IDSL_GDDT51Report Date for Deferred Tax (Slovakia)Localization
2998ERP EHP76.0IDSL_GUC61Accounts for Deferred Tax (Slovakia)Localization
2999ERP EHP76.0IDT007RA81New Grouping for Tax AmountsLocalization
3000ERP EHP76.0IDTW_VAT61VAT (Taiwan): Current ValuesLocalization
3001ERP EHP76.0IDWTNAVIG21Navigation Table for the Withholding Tax Reporting ToolLocalization
3002ERP EHP76.0IDWTNAVIGT41Text table for IDWTNAVIGLocalization
3003ERP EHP76.0IDWT_ADD_VARIANT101Additional variant contents for WT generic toolLocalization
3004ERP EHP76.0IDWT_CIS_HEADER281Header fields for CIS TransmissionLocalization
3005ERP EHP76.0IDWT_COND_CHK71Condition check table for WT generic toolLocalization
3006ERP EHP76.0IDWT_EMPDATA_VE291To store the employee data for Venezuela payrollLocalization
3007ERP EHP76.0INDUSTYPE21Type of IndustryLocalization
3008ERP EHP76.0ISJPBKCHARGE61Bank chargesLocalization
3009ERP EHP76.0ISJPHIERARCHY175Customer Hierarchy For Invoice SummaryLocalization
3010ERP EHP76.0ISJPINVSUMHD344Invoice Summary HeaderLocalization
3011ERP EHP76.0ISJPINVSUMIT364Line items for invoice summaryLocalization
3012ERP EHP76.0ISJPNAYOSE72Alternative Name for PayerLocalization
3013ERP EHP76.0ISJPPATTERN41Bank charge patternLocalization
3014ERP EHP76.0ISJPPATTERN_T51Description ofr bank charge patternsLocalization
3015ERP EHP76.0ISJPPAYTERMS51Terms of payment with validity periodLocalization
3016ERP EHP76.0ISJPSELECTION51Selection of line items for Invoice SummaryLocalization
3017ERP EHP76.0ISJPTAXADJUST131Tax Adjustment PostingsLocalization
3018ERP EHP76.0ISJPVIRTACCT142Virtual accountsLocalization
3019ERP EHP76.0ITFM_D_RESIDUALS192ITFM: Residuals: EFD Residuals data TableLocalization
3020ERP EHP76.0J1B_ERROR_DDA191Master Table for DDA_Brazil (Segment G)Localization
3021ERP EHP76.0J_11042S_US31Authority for Exemption/Reason for Exemption (US)Localization
3022ERP EHP76.0J_1A030IF101Account Determination for Inflation Revaluation PostingsLocalization
3023ERP EHP76.0J_1A101181Historical data for the daily reportsLocalization
3024ERP EHP76.0J_1A10261Independent vendors with no CUIT or Social SecurityLocalization
3025ERP EHP76.0J_1AACFOP41Assignment of Argentinian Tax Codes for Foreign NationalsLocalization
3026ERP EHP76.0J_1AACT21Activity code for social security withholdingLocalization
3027ERP EHP76.0J_1AACTT41Texts for activity codes for social security withholdingLocalization
3028ERP EHP76.0J_1ACAE331Argentina electronic invoice CAE track tableLocalization
3029ERP EHP76.0J_1ACFOP41Codes for foreign natural or legal persons with no IDLocalization
3030ERP EHP76.0J_1ACFOPT61Texts for codes for foreign natural or legal personsLocalization
3031ERP EHP76.0J_1ACHRDET61Determination of capital letterLocalization
3032ERP EHP76.0J_1ACITI51C.I.T.I. codesLocalization
3033ERP EHP76.0J_1ACITIT51Texts for C.I.T.I. codesLocalization
3034ERP EHP76.0J_1ACI_LIMIT81Limits for Credit invoiceLocalization
3035ERP EHP76.0J_1ACI_MSG_RATES31Assignment of output messages to Installment rateLocalization
3036ERP EHP76.0J_1ACMCD21Customs codesLocalization
3037ERP EHP76.0J_1ACMCDT41Texts for customs codesLocalization
3038ERP EHP76.0J_1ACNTFLD31List of All Country-Specific Fields in TablesLocalization
3039ERP EHP76.0J_1ACON51AR: Contingency Maintained at Company and Branch LevelLocalization
3040ERP EHP76.0J_1ACONTINGENCY121AR: Argentina electronic invoice Contingency track tableLocalization
3041ERP EHP76.0J_1ACTYP31C.I.T.I. transaction typeLocalization
3042ERP EHP76.0J_1ACTYPT51C.I.T.I. transaction typeLocalization
3043ERP EHP76.0J_1ADISDOC91Configuration of automatic generation of discount documentsLocalization
3044ERP EHP76.0J_1ADRVER41Versions of VAT daily reportLocalization
3045ERP EHP76.0J_1ADRVERT51Texts for versions of VAT daily reportLocalization
3046ERP EHP76.0J_1ADTFS41Document type field statusLocalization
3047ERP EHP76.0J_1ADTYP31Distribution Types for Gross Income TaxLocalization
3048ERP EHP76.0J_1ADTYPT51Texts for distribution types for Gross Income TaxLocalization
3049ERP EHP76.0J_1AFITP31Tax TypesLocalization
3050ERP EHP76.0J_1AFITPT51Texts for Fiscal TypesLocalization
3051ERP EHP76.0J_1AFITPV21Tax Type: Possible EntriesLocalization
3052ERP EHP76.0J_1AFITPVT41Tax Type: Texts for Possible EntriesLocalization
3053ERP EHP76.0J_1AFRID41Tax Code for Foreign NationalsLocalization
3054ERP EHP76.0J_1AGICD31Activity codes for gross income tax declarationLocalization
3055ERP EHP76.0J_1AGICDU51Text table for Gross Income Tax activity codesLocalization
3056ERP EHP76.0J_1AGILTS41Gross Income Tax LayoutsLocalization
3057ERP EHP76.0J_1AGIPER61Gross income tax percentagesLocalization
3058ERP EHP76.0J_1AIFSKVZ71Inflation Revaluation G/L Account - Transaction FiguresLocalization
3059ERP EHP76.0J_1AIMMLOG351Replacement Cost Valuation : Logging TableLocalization
3060ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFINV252Inflation: Invoices for Replacement Value DeterminationLocalization
3061ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFMBW291Material Master - InflationLocalization
3062ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFMET401Inflation MethodsLocalization
3063ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFMTX51Inflation Methods: DescriptionLocalization
3064ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFMTY41Inflation: Relevant Movement TypesLocalization
3065ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFPCL51FI Inflation adjustment: Process controlLocalization
3066ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFSKS101Inflation Keys - G/L AccountLocalization
3067ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFSKT51Text Table: Inflation Keys - G/L AccountLocalization
3068ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT0181Inflation: Index DefinitionLocalization
3069ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT0251Text for table J_1INFT01Localization
3070ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT03131Inflation: definitive index ( values )Localization
3071ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT0431Time base definitionLocalization
3072ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT0541Name table for table J_1AINFT04Localization
3073ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT0691Time base and exposure to inflation valuesLocalization
3074ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT0851Composed indexLocalization
3075ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT0981Date lock table for inflation indexesLocalization
3076ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT1221Posting variant definitionLocalization
3077ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT1341Name table for table j_1ainft12Localization
3078ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT1451Valid posting datesLocalization
3079ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT1551Inflation: index version ( reference table )Localization
3080ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT16131Warehouse report ( data of previous fiscal years )Localization
3081ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT2071Inflation: Index DefinitionLocalization
3082ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT2141Text for Table J_1INFT01Localization
3083ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT2241Index VersionsLocalization
3084ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT2351Inflation: Index Versions (Reference Table)Localization
3085ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT24121Index ValuesLocalization
3086ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT2541Composite IndexesLocalization
3087ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFT2671Date Lock Table for Inflation IndexesLocalization
3088ERP EHP76.0J_1AINFW_FILES71Foreign Currency Inflation Adjustment: File ManagementLocalization
3089ERP EHP76.0J_1AMACOF61Gross Income Tax coefficientsLocalization
3090ERP EHP76.0J_1AMINFCL71Material Inflation ClassLocalization
3091ERP EHP76.0J_1AMINFCT51Material inflation class textsLocalization
3092ERP EHP76.0J_1ANUGR1T41Texts for numbering group for official documentsLocalization
3093ERP EHP76.0J_1ANUGR3T41Texts for numbering groups for withh. cert. numberingLocalization
3094ERP EHP76.0J_1ANUMGR121Numbering group for official documentsLocalization
3095ERP EHP76.0J_1ANUMGR321Numbering groups for withholding certificate numberingLocalization
3096ERP EHP76.0J_1AOFNR171Number determination for official documentsLocalization
3097ERP EHP76.0J_1AOFTP21Official document typeLocalization
3098ERP EHP76.0J_1AOFTPT51Texts for official document typesLocalization
3099ERP EHP76.0J_1AOIFWVL141Open item foreign currency valuation: temp. storageLocalization
3100ERP EHP76.0J_1AOTDET41Determination of off. document type in ArgentinaLocalization
3101ERP EHP76.0J_1AOTDETR61Determination of off. document typeLocalization
3102ERP EHP76.0J_1AOUM41Define Official unit of measureLocalization
3103ERP EHP76.0J_1APACD91Printing Authorization CodeLocalization
3104ERP EHP76.0J_1APACK1121Printing Authorization Code for VendorsLocalization
3105ERP EHP76.0J_1APAYMN41Determine AFIP Payment MeansLocalization
3106ERP EHP76.0J_1APRTCH241Capital letters - textsLocalization
3107ERP EHP76.0J_1APRTCHR31Printing characters for ArgentinaLocalization
3108ERP EHP76.0J_1ARFZ31Definition of reasons for zero VATLocalization
3109ERP EHP76.0J_1ARFZT41Texts for reasons for zero VATLocalization
3110ERP EHP76.0J_1ARZTX41Reason for zero VAT per tax codeLocalization
3111ERP EHP76.0J_1AR_BUTYPE101Maintain Business Types for Monotributo vendorsLocalization
3112ERP EHP76.0J_1AR_DTYPE101ARG - Gross Income Perception Customer DataLocalization
3113ERP EHP76.0J_1AR_GRIDT31AR : Applicable Distribution types for Res 177Localization
3114ERP EHP76.0J_1AR_MTYPE81AR Monotributo Vendor DataLocalization
3115ERP EHP76.0J_1AR_SUSS_EMP91Argentina :Employee StatusLocalization
3116ERP EHP76.0J_1AR_TPLIST151Information to Update Taxpayer ListLocalization
3117ERP EHP76.0J_1ASKB141G/L accounts for gross income in argentinaLocalization
3118ERP EHP76.0J_1ASKCLS101Account classLocalization
3119ERP EHP76.0J_1ASKCLST51Account class text tableLocalization
3120ERP EHP76.0J_1ASNR111Branch numberLocalization
3121ERP EHP76.0J_1ASNRT51Texts for subsidiary numbersLocalization
3122ERP EHP76.0J_1AT001TC121Tax Category Data per Company CodeLocalization
3123ERP EHP76.0J_1AT001TG151Tax Category Data per Company CodeLocalization
3124ERP EHP76.0J_1ATAXID71Tax ClassLocalization
3125ERP EHP76.0J_1ATIDSW41Correspondence for types of ID for Selfwithholding reportcLocalization
3126ERP EHP76.0J_1ATODC21Type of identificationLocalization
3127ERP EHP76.0J_1ATODCT41Texts for types of identificationLocalization
3128ERP EHP76.0J_1ATPKOF41Assignment of official code to processing keyLocalization
3129ERP EHP76.0J_1ATXMIN51Minimum amount per tax processing keyLocalization
3130ERP EHP76.0J_1ATXOFF51Official Codes per taxLocalization
3131ERP EHP76.0J_1AWITH561Withholding transaction dataLocalization
3132ERP EHP76.0J_1AWITNR51Number determination for withholding certificatesLocalization
3133ERP EHP76.0J_1AZFSCHL21Allocation Key: Branch - Company CodeLocalization
3134ERP EHP76.0J_1AZFSCHT41Text Table: Allocation Key: Branch - Company CodeLocalization
3135ERP EHP76.0J_1A_CTYCODE31Maintain AFIP Country CodesLocalization
3136ERP EHP76.0J_1A_CURCODE31Maintain AFIP Currency CodesLocalization
3137ERP EHP76.0J_1A_REJCD_DESCT41CAE Rejection codes description from AFIP for AEILocalization
3138ERP EHP76.0J_1A_REJCODE31Maintain AFIP Return Codes and DescriptionsLocalization
3139ERP EHP76.0J_1A_RFC_DEST101AR: Maintain Settings for Web ServicesLocalization
3140ERP EHP76.0J_1A_UOMCODE31Maintain AFIP code for Unit of MeasureLocalization
3141ERP EHP76.0J_1A_WS_COND_MAP61AR WS: Mapping of pricing conditions with material codeLocalization
3142ERP EHP76.0J_1A_WS_REJ91AFIP Response Rejection Codes for Argentina e-invoice CAELocalization
3143ERP EHP76.0J_1A_WS_TKN_SIGN91AR: WS table to store Token and SignLocalization
3144ERP EHP76.0J_1BAA201Nota Fiscal typeLocalization
3145ERP EHP76.0J_1BAAT41Nota Fiscal type textLocalization
3146ERP EHP76.0J_1BAB41Reference typeLocalization
3147ERP EHP76.0J_1BABT31Reference type textLocalization
3148ERP EHP76.0J_1BAC31Partner typeLocalization
3149ERP EHP76.0J_1BAD31Partner function IDLocalization
3150ERP EHP76.0J_1BADT41Partner function descriptionLocalization
3151ERP EHP76.0J_1BAE21Field groupsLocalization
3152ERP EHP76.0J_1BAET41Field groups descriptionLocalization
3153ERP EHP76.0J_1BAG21CFOPLocalization
3154ERP EHP76.0J_1BAGN51CFOP with Version NumberLocalization
3155ERP EHP76.0J_1BAGNT51CFOP with Versions: DescriptionLocalization
3156ERP EHP76.0J_1BAGT41CFOP descriptionLocalization
3157ERP EHP76.0J_1BAI21NCM CodesLocalization
3158ERP EHP76.0J_1BAIT41NCM Code DescriptionLocalization
3159ERP EHP76.0J_1BAJ61Tax typesLocalization
3160ERP EHP76.0J_1BAJT41Tax types - DescriptionLocalization
3161ERP EHP76.0J_1BAK41Field assignmentLocalization
3162ERP EHP76.0J_1BAL61Screen control group assignmentLocalization
3163ERP EHP76.0J_1BAM41Screen control groupsLocalization
3164ERP EHP76.0J_1BAMT41Screen control groups descriptionLocalization
3165ERP EHP76.0J_1BAN41Status controlLocalization
3166ERP EHP76.0J_1BAO91CFOP determination for incoming movements and their returnLocalization
3167ERP EHP76.0J_1BAON101CFOP Determination Incoming and their Returns (versioned)Localization
3168ERP EHP76.0J_1BAOX111CFOP det. for incoming mov. and their return (exceptions)Localization
3169ERP EHP76.0J_1BAP101CFOP determination for outgoing movements and their returnLocalization
3170ERP EHP76.0J_1BAPN121CFOP Determination Outgoing and their Returns (versioned)Localization
3171ERP EHP76.0J_1BAPX121CFOP det. for outgoing mov. and their return (exceptions)Localization
3172ERP EHP76.0J_1BAQ41FormLocalization
3173ERP EHP76.0J_1BAQT41Form descriptionLocalization
3174ERP EHP76.0J_1BAR21Sub-object for number Nota FiscalLocalization
3175ERP EHP76.0J_1BART41Sub-object for number Nota Fiscal DescriptionLocalization
3176ERP EHP76.0J_1BAS21Tax situation IPILocalization
3177ERP EHP76.0J_1BAST41Tax situation IPI - DescriptionLocalization
3178ERP EHP76.0J_1BATL131Tax Law ICMSLocalization
3179ERP EHP76.0J_1BATL1T81Tax Law ICMS - TextsLocalization
3180ERP EHP76.0J_1BATL241Tax Law IPILocalization
3181ERP EHP76.0J_1BATL2T81Tax Law IPI - TextsLocalization
3182ERP EHP76.0J_1BATL331Tax Laws ISSLocalization
3183ERP EHP76.0J_1BATL3T81Tax Laws ISS - TextsLocalization
3184ERP EHP76.0J_1BATL4A41Tax Laws COFINSLocalization
3185ERP EHP76.0J_1BATL4T81Tax Laws COFINS - TextsLocalization
3186ERP EHP76.0J_1BATL541Tax Laws PISLocalization
3187ERP EHP76.0J_1BATL5T81Tax Laws PIS - TextsLocalization
3188ERP EHP76.0J_1BB2181Nota Fiscal print configurationLocalization
3189ERP EHP76.0J_1BB2DYNAMIC171Nota Fiscal Print Configuration dependent on dynamic keyLocalization
3190ERP EHP76.0J_1BBRANCH371Business PlaceLocalization
3191ERP EHP76.0J_1BCBTAXPROC51Calculation Procedures for Condition Based Tax CalculationLocalization
3192ERP EHP76.0J_1BCFOPVER61CFOP Version NumbersLocalization
3193ERP EHP76.0J_1BCFOPVERT41CFOP Version Text TableLocalization
3194ERP EHP76.0J_1BCFOP_XREG41Regions with CFOP extensionLocalization
3195ERP EHP76.0J_1BCFOP_XREGN51Regions with differing CFOP version and extensionLocalization
3196ERP EHP76.0J_1BCONDMAP31Internal Codes for Tax ConditionsLocalization
3197ERP EHP76.0J_1BCONDMAPT41Description of Internal Codes for Tax ConditionsLocalization
3198ERP EHP76.0J_1BCONDTAXACT31Activate Condition-Based Tax CalculationLocalization
3199ERP EHP76.0J_1BCTE_D_DOCREF273Reference to the NF-e being transportedLocalization
3200ERP EHP76.0J_1BCTE_D_REF271Reference to the NF-e being transportedLocalization
3201ERP EHP76.0J_1BCTE_D_RES141Information about resourceLocalization
3202ERP EHP76.0J_1BDOCTYPES21Nota Fiscal Document TypesLocalization
3203ERP EHP76.0J_1BDOCTYPEST41Description of Nota Fiscal Document TypesLocalization
3204ERP EHP76.0J_1BECD_CUST0141ECD: Government Entity CodesLocalization
3205ERP EHP76.0J_1BECD_CUST0221ECD: Qualification Codes of Person ResponsibleLocalization
3206ERP EHP76.0J_1BECD_CUST02T41Texts for Qualification Codes of Person ResponsibleLocalization
3207ERP EHP76.0J_1BECD_CUST03121ECD Person ResponsibleLocalization
3208ERP EHP76.0J_1BECD_CUST05121ECD Register CategoryLocalization
3209ERP EHP76.0J_1BECD_CUST0661ECD Intercompany DataLocalization
3210ERP EHP76.0J_1BECD_CUST0721Inter-Company Relationship CodesLocalization
3211ERP EHP76.0J_1BECD_CUST07T41Texts for Inter-Company Relationship CodesLocalization
3212ERP EHP76.0J_1BECD_CUST0841SubledgersLocalization
3213ERP EHP76.0J_1BECD_CUST08T51Texts for Purpose of SubledgerLocalization
3214ERP EHP76.0J_1BECD_CUST0941Accounts for Summary Postings from SubledgersLocalization
3215ERP EHP76.0J_1BECD_HISTORY253Electronic-Accounting-File HistoryLocalization
3216ERP EHP76.0J_1BEFD_BADI11BAdIs available for Ato Cotepe 82Localization
3217ERP EHP76.0J_1BEFD_COUNTRY31BCB Country Code for BrazilLocalization
3218ERP EHP76.0J_1BEFD_INDX131J_1BEFD_INDX - Serialization of the obj. in Ato Cotepe 82Localization
3219ERP EHP76.0J_1BEFD_LOG141Electronic fiscal file logLocalization
3220ERP EHP76.0J_1BE_SNDR_DTL111Maintain Sender Data for Withholding Tax ReportingLocalization
3221ERP EHP76.0J_1BFIFOIN234Incoming FIFO relevant Consignment movements (BRAZIL)Localization
3222ERP EHP76.0J_1BFIFOOUT211Outgoing FIFO relevant Consignment movements (BRAZIL)Localization
3223ERP EHP76.0J_1BFORCODE61Currency codes for DME - BrazilLocalization
3224ERP EHP76.0J_1BIM01241MM-IM: Tax posting strings for inventory managementLocalization
3225ERP EHP76.0J_1BIMFI71Movement Types for Vendor Invoices (Brazil)Localization
3226ERP EHP76.0J_1BIMPCONDAS41Assign Tax Types to Tax Groups for Import Data UploadLocalization
3227ERP EHP76.0J_1BIMPLAYOUT21Record MS Excel Layouts for Import DataLocalization
3228ERP EHP76.0J_1BIMPLAYOUTT41Text Table for Layout DescriptionsLocalization
3229ERP EHP76.0J_1BIMPXLSMAP61Map MS Excel Columns to Data Structure FieldsLocalization
3230ERP EHP76.0J_1BINCO21Instruction codesLocalization
3231ERP EHP76.0J_1BINCO221Instruction code 2Localization
3232ERP EHP76.0J_1BINCO2T41Instruction code 2 descriptionLocalization
3233ERP EHP76.0J_1BINCOT41Instruction code descriptionLocalization
3234ERP EHP76.0J_1BITEMTYPES21Nota Fiscal Record TypesLocalization
3235ERP EHP76.0J_1BITEMTYPEST41Description of Nota Fiscal Record TypesLocalization
3236ERP EHP76.0J_1BIV02101Nota Fiscal type determinationLocalization
3237ERP EHP76.0J_1BIV0491Goods Receipts Passed to Notas Fiscais via Inv. VerificationLocalization
3238ERP EHP76.0J_1BIV0561BUZID with special handling for NFLocalization
3239ERP EHP76.0J_1BKON151Brazilian Tax Groups Included in Price ConditionsLocalization
3240ERP EHP76.0J_1BLB0871Registro de Apuração do IPI: List control additional acctsLocalization
3241ERP EHP76.0J_1BLB0971Registro de Apuração do ICMS: List control additional acctLocalization
3242ERP EHP76.0J_1BLFA1_MATNR31Mapping table for material numbers (for brasil. Sintegra)Localization
3243ERP EHP76.0J_1BLFA1_REC55141Information for generating record type 55 referred to GNRELocalization
3244ERP EHP76.0J_1BLPP121Average Tax Rates for ReimbursementLocalization
3245ERP EHP76.0J_1BMMKON091MM: Value transfer from pricing to Nota FiscalLocalization
3246ERP EHP76.0J_1BMMNFA31Relatn. symb. arg. - arg.field (creation of NF header texts)Localization
3247ERP EHP76.0J_1BMMNFAT41Symbolic arg. texts (creation of NF header texts)Localization
3248ERP EHP76.0J_1BMMNFTT21MM: Allowed automatic textsLocalization
3249ERP EHP76.0J_1BMMNFTU41MM: Allowed automatic text key descriptionLocalization
3250ERP EHP76.0J_1BMMNFX41MM: Argument used in automatic creation of NF header textsLocalization
3251ERP EHP76.0J_1BMMNFXT51MM:Text used in automatic creation of NF header texts?Localization
3252ERP EHP76.0J_1BMODTEXT41Texts for Modelo 1 and 2Localization
3253ERP EHP76.0J_1BMWSKZKALSM61Assign Alternative Calculation Procedure per FI/MM Tax CodeLocalization
3254ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFCPD941Nota Fiscal one-time accountsLocalization
3255ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFDANG_GOODS31Control derivation of automatic NF texts for dangerous goodsLocalization
3256ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFDOC1668Nota Fiscal HeaderLocalization
3257ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFENUMCHECK91NF-e Number Range - Last checked NumberLocalization
3258ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFENUMGAP133NF-e Numbering GapsLocalization
3259ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFEPARKDOC241Nota fiscal electronica: Invoice create failedLocalization
3260ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFEPARKLIN281Nota fiscal electronica: Invoice create failedLocalization
3261ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFEPARKTAX351Nota fiscal electronica: Invoice create failedLocalization
3262ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFERFCBATCH21NF-e documents to be send via Report J_1BRFCBATCHLocalization
3263ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_ACTIVE638Electronic Nota Fiscal: Actual StatusLocalization
3264ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_CANCELR51NF-e: Reason for Cancel / SkipLocalization
3265ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_CANCELRT71NF-e: Reason for Cancel / Skip - DescriptionLocalization
3266ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_CCE61NF-e CCe TableLocalization
3267ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_CONTIN141NF-e: Contingency ControlLocalization
3268ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_CONTINR31NFe: Reason for ContingencyLocalization
3269ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_CONTINRT71NFe: Reason for Contingency # DescriptionLocalization
3270ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_CUST0181NF-e System Configuration 01Localization
3271ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_CUST141NF-e: System Configuration per RegionLocalization
3272ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_CUST241NF-e: System Configuration per Business PlaceLocalization
3273ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_CUST3261NF-e: System Configuration per Business PlaceLocalization
3274ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_EVEGROUP31Grouping Table for allowed internal EventsLocalization
3275ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_EVEGRP21Entity Table for Event GroupLocalization
3276ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_EVEGRPT41Text Table for Event GroupLocalization
3277ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_EVEMAP31Link Table for Internal & external EventsLocalization
3278ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_EVENT163NF-e Events TableLocalization
3279ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_EXTEV21Entity Table for External EventsLocalization
3280ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_EXTEVT41Text For External EventsLocalization
3281ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_HISTORY451Electronic Nota Fiscal - HistoryLocalization
3282ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_INTEV11Entity Table for Internal EventsLocalization
3283ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_INVALID282Electronic Nota Fiscal: Invalid Status ActionsLocalization
3284ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_MAP_TYPE31NF-e: Mapping of Inbound Msg Types to Internal Status CodesLocalization
3285ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_PROC61Settings for NF-e Business ProcessesLocalization
3286ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFE_PROC_CT51Process Attributes Display ControlLocalization
3287ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFFTX61Nota Fiscal header messageLocalization
3288ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFIMPORT_ADI91Nota Fiscal Data for Additions to Import DocumentsLocalization
3289ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFIMPORT_DI151Nota Fiscal Data for Import DocumentsLocalization
3290ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFITMRULE351Rules for Nota Fiscal Item TypeLocalization
3291ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFLIN962Nota Fiscal line itemsLocalization
3292ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFLWCOND61Tax Law Conditions Interface for Notas FiscaisLocalization
3293ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFNAD401Nota Fiscal partnersLocalization
3294ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFREF41Nota Fiscal reference to header messageLocalization
3295ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFSTX291Nota Fiscal tax per itemLocalization
3296ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFTXCOND331Tax Condition Interface for Notas FiscaisLocalization
3297ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFTYPEREDLF61Nota Fiscal type determination for NFe by VendorLocalization
3298ERP EHP76.0J_1BNFTYPEREDMM51Nota Fiscal type determination for NFeLocalization
3299ERP EHP76.0J_1BNF_PLANTS51Plants of same Bus. Place for which Nota Fiscal is createdLocalization
3300ERP EHP76.0J_1BPIS_C_CFOP51Indicate if a CFOP is revenue or credit and its situationLocalization
3301ERP EHP76.0J_1BPIS_C_CFOP261Indicates if a CFOP is revenue or credit and its situationLocalization
3302ERP EHP76.0J_1BPOSCOUPONS271POS-Database Coupons (Brazilian)Localization
3303ERP EHP76.0J_1BPOSREDUCTION261POS-Database Reduction (Brazilian)Localization
3304ERP EHP76.0J_1BPRODCOD61Product CodeLocalization
3305ERP EHP76.0J_1BPRODCODT41Product Code TextLocalization
3306ERP EHP76.0J_1BRATEBANK71Vendor Operation - rates per bankLocalization
3307ERP EHP76.0J_1BSDIC61NF relevant Item CategoriesLocalization
3308ERP EHP76.0J_1BSDICA151Sales Document Item Category tableLocalization
3309ERP EHP76.0J_1BSDKON091SD: Value transfer from pricing to Nota FiscalLocalization
3310ERP EHP76.0J_1BSDNFA31Relatn. symb. arg. - arg.field (creation of NF header texts)Localization
3311ERP EHP76.0J_1BSDNFAT41Symbolic arg. texts (creation of NF header texts)Localization
3312ERP EHP76.0J_1BSDNFX41Argument used in automatic creation of NF header textsLocalization
3313ERP EHP76.0J_1BSDNFXT51Text used in automatic creation of NF header textsLocalization
3314ERP EHP76.0J_1BSDTL161Tax Law ICMSLocalization
3315ERP EHP76.0J_1BSDTL261Tax Law IPILocalization
3316ERP EHP76.0J_1BSDTXC61SD Tax code determinationLocalization
3317ERP EHP76.0J_1BSERVASSIGN161Assignment of Official to Generic Service TypesLocalization
3318ERP EHP76.0J_1BSERVASSIGN261Assignment of Official Service Types to Material NumbersLocalization
3319ERP EHP76.0J_1BSERVASSIGN351Assignment of Official Service Types to Service NumbersLocalization
3320ERP EHP76.0J_1BSERVTYPES141Official Brazilian Service Types - IncomingLocalization
3321ERP EHP76.0J_1BSERVTYPES1T61Texts For Official Brazilian Service Types - IncomingLocalization
3322ERP EHP76.0J_1BSERVTYPES251Official Brazilian Service Types - OutgoingLocalization
3323ERP EHP76.0J_1BSERVTYPES2T61Texts For Official Brazilian Service Types - OutgoingLocalization
3324ERP EHP76.0J_1BSTAST51Reg. Tax code for Sub.Trib.Localization
3325ERP EHP76.0J_1BSTSCODE21NFe Status codeLocalization
3326ERP EHP76.0J_1BSTSCODET51NFe Status Code DescriptionLocalization
3327ERP EHP76.0J_1BSWITCH11Table for Brazilian switchesLocalization
3328ERP EHP76.0J_1BT00751Tax Codes (Brazil)Localization
3329ERP EHP76.0J_1BTAXGRPCD21Assign Tax Group to SD Internal CodesLocalization
3330ERP EHP76.0J_1BTAXSITCOF21Tax situation COFINSLocalization
3331ERP EHP76.0J_1BTAXSITCOFT41Tax situation COFINS - DescriptionLocalization
3332ERP EHP76.0J_1BTAXSITISS31Tax situation ISSLocalization
3333ERP EHP76.0J_1BTAXSITISST41Tax situation ISS - DescriptionLocalization
3334ERP EHP76.0J_1BTAXSITPIS21Tax situation PISLocalization
3335ERP EHP76.0J_1BTAXSITPIST41Tax situation PIS - DescriptionLocalization
3336ERP EHP76.0J_1BTREGC41Tax regions for foreign countriesLocalization
3337ERP EHP76.0J_1BTREGX51Tax regionLocalization
3338ERP EHP76.0J_1BTREGXT51Tax region descriptionLocalization
3339ERP EHP76.0J_1BTREG_CITY61Tax Jurisdiction Codes by Range of Postal CodesLocalization
3340ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXCI181Tax calc.: Complement of ICMS rulesLocalization
3341ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXCODESEQ31Sequence for Tax Code DeterminationLocalization
3342ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXCOF181Tax Calculation: COFINSLocalization
3343ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXCOND41Map Internal Codes for Tax Conditions to Condition TypesLocalization
3344ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXDEF41Tax calc.: Default ratesLocalization
3345ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXGRUOP131Dynamic Determination of Tax-Related Master DataLocalization
3346ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXIC171Tax calc.: ICMS general rulesLocalization
3347ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXIC2121Tax calc.: ICMS rulesLocalization
3348ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXIC3151Grouped ICMSLocalization
3349ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXIP1111Tax calc.: IPI rulesLocalization
3350ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXIP2111Tax calc.: IPI rules (material dependent)Localization
3351ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXIP3141Grouped IPILocalization
3352ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXIS141Tax calc.: ISS rules for salesLocalization
3353ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXIS3101Grouped ISSLocalization
3354ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXISS161Tax Calculation: ISSLocalization
3355ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXJUR31Tax Jurisdiction Codes For Brazilian Tax CalculationLocalization
3356ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXJURT51Text Table For Brazilian Tax Jurisdiction CodesLocalization
3357ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXLAWSEQ31Sequence for Tax Law DeterminationLocalization
3358ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXPIS181Tax Calculation: PISLocalization
3359ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXSDC141SD tax codesLocalization
3360ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXSDCT41SD tax codes - descriptionLocalization
3361ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXST1201Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. rulesLocalization
3362ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXST2171Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. rules (general)Localization
3363ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXST3231Dynamic Calculation of Substituição TributáriaLocalization
3364ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXSTG31Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. customer groupLocalization
3365ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXSTGT41Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. customer group - DescriptionLocalization
3366ERP EHP76.0J_1BTXWITH191Withholding Tax Calculation: Rates and Collection CodesLocalization
3367ERP EHP76.0J_1BVIEWMAP41Map Tax Rate Tables to Condition TablesLocalization
3368ERP EHP76.0J_1B_CBT_CHECKS21Condition-Based Tax Calculation Brazil: ChecksLocalization
3369ERP EHP76.0J_1B_CIAP_COND251CIAP Object ConditionsLocalization
3370ERP EHP76.0J_1B_CIAP_FACTOR81CIAP FactorLocalization
3371ERP EHP76.0J_1B_CIAP_OBJECT652CIAP document dataLocalization
3372ERP EHP76.0J_1B_CIAP_OBJTP31CIAP objects typesLocalization
3373ERP EHP76.0J_1B_CIAP_OBJTPT41CIAP objects typesLocalization
3374ERP EHP76.0J_1B_ERROR51Definition of error code per bank and return codeLocalization
3375ERP EHP76.0J_1B_ERTXT71Defintion of error code per bank and return codeLocalization
3376ERP EHP76.0J_1B_NFTYPEBRCH51Nota Fiscal Type Redetermination per Branch for SDLocalization
3377ERP EHP76.0J_1B_NFTYPEREG51Nota Fiscal Type Redetermination per Region for SDLocalization
3378ERP EHP76.0J_1B_PO_TAX_MAP71Mapping from pricing condition to tax conditionLocalization
3379ERP EHP76.0J_1HVAT_OFF_NUM71VAT official numberingLocalization
3380ERP EHP76.0J_1HWTCTNCO471Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 4Localization
3381ERP EHP76.0J_1IADDEXC161Additional Excise rate tableLocalization
3382ERP EHP76.0J_1IADDRES41Excise Related Address ManagementLocalization
3383ERP EHP76.0J_1IADDRESS41Excise Related Address ManagementLocalization
3384ERP EHP76.0J_1IARE_ATTRB111Excise Bonding: AttributesLocalization
3385ERP EHP76.0J_1IASSVAL91Assessable value table for excise calculationLocalization
3386ERP EHP76.0J_1IBILDET111Billing Type Determination - IndiaLocalization
3387ERP EHP76.0J_1IBOND301Excise Bonding: Bonds/UT-/Running Bond masterLocalization
3388ERP EHP76.0J_1IBOSDEFAULT31Default Blling Type for ExportLocalization
3389ERP EHP76.0J_1ICALOC161Allocation of materials to assetsLocalization
3390ERP EHP76.0J_1ICERTIF183TDS certificate informationLocalization
3391ERP EHP76.0J_1ICHIDTX111Text Table for Chapter IDLocalization
3392ERP EHP76.0J_1ICHPTER51Chapter ID MasterLocalization
3393ERP EHP76.0J_1ICOMP51Additional company dataLocalization
3394ERP EHP76.0J_1ICONDTAX31Tax Codes for Excise Duties Using Condition TechniqueLocalization
3395ERP EHP76.0J_1ICUS_BILL_TYP61Assign Customer Category to Bill TypeLocalization
3396ERP EHP76.0J_1IDCLSDET91Document class Determination - IndiaLocalization
3397ERP EHP76.0J_1IDDCTR_CD31Deductor Type Master Data for India eFilingLocalization
3398ERP EHP76.0J_1IEICOCU41Excise indicator determination for company and customerLocalization
3399ERP EHP76.0J_1IEICOVE41Excise indicator determination for company and vendorLocalization
3400ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWTCALID51Calendar for Payment Due date-EWT IndiaLocalization
3401ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWTCALID_N51Calendar for Payment Due date-EWT India: SECCOLocalization
3402ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWTCHLN121Table for Internal and external Challan nos-EWT India.Localization
3403ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWTDOCKEY41Document Types for Extended Withholding Tax ProcessesLocalization
3404ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWTDUEDATE51Tax Due DatesLocalization
3405ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWTECESS51Education Cess CodesLocalization
3406ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWTHKONT71Table for for TDS provisions Accounts / Loss AccountsLocalization
3407ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWTNO31No range for certificate Printing-EWT IndiaLocalization
3409ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWTNUMGR51Number Groups For Internal Challan Numbers- EWT India.Localization
3410ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWTNUMGR_151Number Groups For Internal Challan Numbers-EWT India:SECCOLocalization
3411ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWTNUMGR_N51Number Groups For Internal Challan Numbers-EWT India:SECCOLocalization
3412ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWTPROV241Table for TDS provisionsLocalization
3413ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWTPROVISACC31Maintain entries for accts to be considered for provisionsLocalization
3414ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWTSURC41Surcharge Tax CodesLocalization
3415ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_ACKN71Acknowledgement numbers for quarterly returns filedLocalization
3416ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_ACKN_N61Acknowledgement numbers for quarterly returns filedLocalization
3417ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_CERT71SAPscript Forms/section indicators for E WT CertificatesLocalization
3418ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_CERTIF172Certificate Issued Details-EWT IndiaLocalization
3419ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_CERTIF_N172Certificate Issued Details-EWT India:SECCOLocalization
3420ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_CERTNO31Number Ranges for Withholding Tax CertificatesLocalization
3421ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_CERT_N71SAPscript Forms/section indicators for EWT Certificate:SECCOLocalization
3422ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_COLLCODE31Collection Codes for TCSLocalization
3423ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_COMP31Surcharge Calculation MethodsLocalization
3424ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_CUST61Customer certificates ,Challan customizing EWT- IndiaLocalization
3425ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_ECESS161Education Cess RatesLocalization
3426ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_ECFLAG31Separate Tax code for EcessLocalization
3427ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_HC31Health check for migration to EWT status.Localization
3428ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_MAPEXMPT61Table for Vendor type/exemption indicators in Annual ReturnsLocalization
3429ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_MIGRATE51Map Classic tax code to EWT Tax type - Tax codesLocalization
3430ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_SURC161Surcharge RatesLocalization
3431ERP EHP76.0J_1IEWT_TT_COLL41Mapping tax types to collection codes for TCSLocalization
3432ERP EHP76.0J_1IEXCACC371Excise Account Assignment tableLocalization
3433ERP EHP76.0J_1IEXCDEF331Tax default informationsLocalization
3434ERP EHP76.0J_1IEXCDEFN41Default Condition TypesLocalization
3435ERP EHP76.0J_1IEXCDEP131Excise information of vendor at detail level for depotLocalization
3436ERP EHP76.0J_1IEXCDTL1049Excise invoice line item detailsLocalization
3437ERP EHP76.0J_1IEXCHDR816Excise invoice header detailLocalization
3438ERP EHP76.0J_1IEXCREF31Delivery document to excise invoice refrence document linkLocalization
3439ERP EHP76.0J_1IEXCTAX191Tax calc. - Excise tax ratesLocalization
3440ERP EHP76.0J_1IEXESTA51Excise indicator determination for co / cust / form codeLocalization
3441ERP EHP76.0J_1IEXGRPS221Excise GroupsLocalization
3442ERP EHP76.0J_1IEXMPTCODE31VAT Exempted Tax codeLocalization
3443ERP EHP76.0J_1IEXSRDET101Excise / Series group determinationLocalization
3444ERP EHP76.0J_1IEX_CUST_ACT41Define Processing Modes Per TransactionLocalization
3445ERP EHP76.0J_1IEX_CUST_FLDS41J1IEX: Incoming Invoices field selectionsLocalization
3446ERP EHP76.0J_1IEX_CUST_REF51Define Reference Documents Per TransactionLocalization
3447ERP EHP76.0J_1IFRDTOT171Transaction Table for Forms Tracking-Non SAP docs.Localization
3448ERP EHP76.0J_1IFRDTPO141tranasction Table for Forms Tracking for PurchaseLocalization
3449ERP EHP76.0J_1IFRDTSO131Transaction table for Forms Tracking for Sales.Localization
3450ERP EHP76.0J_1IFRMTYP51Form TypesLocalization
3451ERP EHP76.0J_1IGAR7271Recordings of GAR7Localization
3452ERP EHP76.0J_1IGRXREF342Goods Receipt to Excise Invoice Coss ReferenceLocalization
3453ERP EHP76.0J_1IGRXSUB131GR reference to subcontracting challansLocalization
3454ERP EHP76.0J_1IINDCUS251Company Code SettingsLocalization
3455ERP EHP76.0J_1IITMDTL312Item Details - for Capital goods and subcontractingLocalization
3456ERP EHP76.0J_1IKONV181Excise recalculated conditionsLocalization
3457ERP EHP76.0J_1ILICDTL191Excise Bonding: License detailLocalization
3458ERP EHP76.0J_1ILICHDR171Excise Bonding: License HeaderLocalization
3459ERP EHP76.0J_1ILICTYPE41Excise Bonding: License type masterLocalization
3460ERP EHP76.0J_1IMATEXP151Exceptional materials excise ratesLocalization
3461ERP EHP76.0J_1IMESG61Message ControlLocalization
3462ERP EHP76.0J_1IMINBAL41Minimum account balancesLocalization
3463ERP EHP76.0J_1IMNSTRY_CD31Ministry Names for India eFilingLocalization
3464ERP EHP76.0J_1IMOCOMP171Company and Plant - Excise Additional DataLocalization
3465ERP EHP76.0J_1IMOCUST151Customer Master Excise Additional DataLocalization
3466ERP EHP76.0J_1IMODDET61Modvat Determination Table (Input Material->Output Material)Localization
3467ERP EHP76.0J_1IMOVEND201Vendor Master Excise Additional DataLocalization
3468ERP EHP76.0J_1IMTCHID111Combination of Material Number and Chapter IDLocalization
3469ERP EHP76.0J_1IMVMT31Movement types versus register relevanceLocalization
3470ERP EHP76.0J_1IMVTGRP41Movement type Group for SubcontrctingLocalization
3471ERP EHP76.0J_1INEWJCODE31VAT Transition Dummy Jurisdiction CodeLocalization
3472ERP EHP76.0J_1INEXCGRP21excise group for no rangeLocalization
3473ERP EHP76.0J_1IPART1273Excise part I detialsLocalization
3474ERP EHP76.0J_1IPART2422Excise Part II detailsLocalization
3475ERP EHP76.0J_1IQEXCISE321Quantity based AED, NCCD and SEDLocalization
3476ERP EHP76.0J_1IQRDEP611Quarterly Returns Depot structureLocalization
3477ERP EHP76.0J_1IRAINCND91Article Inward Note ConditionsLocalization
3478ERP EHP76.0J_1IRAINDTL421Article Inward Note DetailLocalization
3479ERP EHP76.0J_1IRAINHDR231Article Inward Note HeaderLocalization
3480ERP EHP76.0J_1IRAPV51Approval SettingsLocalization
3481ERP EHP76.0J_1IREGSET171Excise RegistrationsLocalization
3482ERP EHP76.0J_1IREJAPPL31Rejection code for ApplicationsLocalization
3483ERP EHP76.0J_1IREJAPPL_T51Rejection code description for ApplicationsLocalization
3484ERP EHP76.0J_1IREJMAS51Rejection CodesLocalization
3485ERP EHP76.0J_1IRG1541Excise RG1 detailsLocalization
3486ERP EHP76.0J_1IRG1RNG31Group table for RG1 - Number Range ObjectLocalization
3487ERP EHP76.0J_1IRG23D584RG23D register for the depotLocalization
3488ERP EHP76.0J_1IRGSUM61RG23 Summary of receipts and issuesLocalization
3489ERP EHP76.0J_1IRKSCHL41Condition Type IdentificationLocalization
3490ERP EHP76.0J_1IRSNCODEM41Exemption Reason Code; e-Filing India LocalizationLocalization
3491ERP EHP76.0J_1IRTGRP101Tolerance Group SettingsLocalization
3492ERP EHP76.0J_1IRTOL51Tolerance SettingsLocalization
3493ERP EHP76.0J_1IRTXD71Tax Code AssignmentLocalization
3494ERP EHP76.0J_1ISECCO_ADDL91Additional section code data for India eFilingLocalization
3495ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERACC251Service tax account assignment tableLocalization
3496ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCAT41Service tax category description tableLocalization
3497ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATGTA91Service Category based on GTA Code (LEVEL 5)Localization
3498ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATMM91Service category determination for GTA and imports InvoicesLocalization
3499ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATMM191Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level1Localization
3500ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATMM281Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level2Localization
3501ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATMM381Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level3Localization
3502ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATMM471Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level4Localization
3503ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATMM571Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level5Localization
3504ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATMMFI191Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level1Localization
3505ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATMMFI281Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level2Localization
3506ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATMMFI381Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level3Localization
3507ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATMMFI471Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level4Localization
3508ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATSD1111Ser Category based on Customer, Material and Sales Area (L1)Localization
3509ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATSD281Ser category based on Customer and Material (L2)Localization
3510ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATSD371Service Category based on Material (L3)Localization
3511ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATSD471Service Category determination based on Material Group (L4)Localization
3512ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATSDFI191Customization table to determine the Service Category Level1Localization
3513ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATSDFI281Customization table to determine the Service Category Level2Localization
3514ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATSDFI381Customization table to determine the Service Category Level3Localization
3515ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERCATSDFI471Customization table to determine the Service Category Level4Localization
3516ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERUTZ91Tracking accounting docs already utilized for service taxLocalization
3517ERP EHP76.0J_1ISERVC251Service tax detailsLocalization
3518ERP EHP76.0J_1ISER_BSEG311Transaction table having the Invoices with Service CategoryLocalization
3519ERP EHP76.0J_1ISRGRPS101Excise Document SeriesLocalization
3520ERP EHP76.0J_1ISSIRAT41ssi concessional ratesLocalization
3521ERP EHP76.0J_1ISTAPPL31Tax applicabilityLocalization
3522ERP EHP76.0J_1ISTATECD31State Codes; e-Filing, Localization IndiaLocalization
3523ERP EHP76.0J_1ISTATECDM41State Code Mapping; e-Filing India LocalizationLocalization
3524ERP EHP76.0J_1ISTATECDT51State Code Texts; e-Filing India LocalizationLocalization
3525ERP EHP76.0J_1ISTRATE41Sales tax set off percentagesLocalization
3526ERP EHP76.0J_1ISUBATT141Subcontracting Scenario AttributesLocalization
3527ERP EHP76.0J_1ISUBBYP91Subcontracting Scrap/ ByproductLocalization
3528ERP EHP76.0J_1ISUBTYP31Subtransaction type textLocalization
3529ERP EHP76.0J_1IT030K71India Tax account determination ( T030K + BWMOD )Localization
3530ERP EHP76.0J_1IT059A41Indicator to mention tax exemptionLocalization
3531ERP EHP76.0J_1ITAXDEP151Depreciation computation as per Income Tax (India)Localization
3532ERP EHP76.0J_1ITAXIND31Excise Tax IndicatorLocalization
3533ERP EHP76.0J_1ITCJCMAP71Tax code and Jurisdiction code mappingLocalization
3534ERP EHP76.0J_1ITCJCUPDATE111Updatation table for open documentsLocalization
3535ERP EHP76.0J_1ITDS393Classic TDS - reference tableLocalization
3536ERP EHP76.0J_1ITDSDUE51TDS Payment due date customizationLocalization
3537ERP EHP76.0J_1ITDSSEC91TDS SectionsLocalization
3538ERP EHP76.0J_1ITDSTXC61TDS - Withholding taxcode and section relationshipLocalization
3539ERP EHP76.0J_1ITRAN31Transaction codeLocalization
3540ERP EHP76.0J_1ITRNACC51Transaction code vs accountsLocalization
3541ERP EHP76.0J_1IUTILIZE51Utilization DeterminationLocalization
3542ERP EHP76.0J_1IVATDATE41Maintain Valid from date of VAT legislation in IndiaLocalization
3543ERP EHP76.0J_1IVATINVOICE41Billing type determination for VATLocalization
3544ERP EHP76.0J_1IVATREGIO41States Under VAT regimeLocalization
3545ERP EHP76.0J_1IWRKCUS51Plant SettingsLocalization
3546ERP EHP76.0J_1I_BCKEXCSUS41Customizing table for background capture of Exc Invoice-SUSLocalization
3547ERP EHP76.0J_1I_BUPLA_SECCO41Maps Business Place to Section code for TCSLocalization
3548ERP EHP76.0J_1I_CUST_CERT71Data table for clearing doc on customer tax certificate.Localization
3550ERP EHP76.0J_1I_SECCO_CIT51Section Code, TAN and CIT address mapping tableLocalization
3551ERP EHP76.0J_1I_WTH_SER_GTA51Table to determine withholding line for GTALocalization
3552ERP EHP76.0J_1I_WTH_SER_MM101Table to determine withholding line for GTA and ImportsLocalization
3553ERP EHP76.0J_2IACCBAL121Opening/Closing a/c balance tableLocalization
3554ERP EHP76.0J_2IEXDATE81Register Extraction DatesLocalization
3555ERP EHP76.0J_2IEXTRCT111Data Extract table for Excise RegistersLocalization
3556ERP EHP76.0J_2ILAYCTR101Table for all the layouts of excise reportingLocalization
3557ERP EHP76.0J_2IREGBAL141Opening/Closing balance table for Raw & Capital goodsLocalization
3558ERP EHP76.0J_2IRG1BAL221Opening/Closing balance table for RG1Localization
3559ERP EHP76.0J_2IRULES31Maintainenace of Rule/sectionLocalization
3560ERP EHP76.0J_2IUTZDAT81Utilization datesLocalization
3561ERP EHP76.0J_3R0171Payment with correspondent accountLocalization
3562ERP EHP76.0J_3RBUE_BK_HTABL241Table head for EXTRACTLocalization
3563ERP EHP76.0J_3RBUE_BK_TABLE1191Transparent table for PurBook (ALV)Localization
3564ERP EHP76.0J_3RBUE_BK_TXT51Text POOL for EXCTRACTLocalization
3565ERP EHP76.0J_3RBUE_BOOK_IND121Table for PurBook (ALV) NAMES for Num lines IND-<NUMLocalization
3566ERP EHP76.0J_3RBUE_BOOK_NUM131Table for PurBook (ALV) numbers of linesLocalization
3567ERP EHP76.0J_3RCESSION_CUST121Document Types Selections For Cession ReportLocalization
3568ERP EHP76.0J_3RCLASSBWASL31Asset transaction types classificationLocalization
3569ERP EHP76.0J_3RCLASSSAKNR32General ledger accounts classificationLocalization
3570ERP EHP76.0J_3RDOPDEB133Secondary index table for VATLocalization
3571ERP EHP76.0J_3RFANKA81FI-AA class settings for CISLocalization
3572ERP EHP76.0J_3RFBS5_COLS31Section columns of balance sheet supplement N5Localization
3573ERP EHP76.0J_3RFBS5_COLT101Section columns of balance sheet supplement N5 (text table)Localization
3574ERP EHP76.0J_3RFBS5_FORMS31Sections of balance sheet supplement N5 (FI-AA part)Localization
3575ERP EHP76.0J_3RFBS5_FORMT51Sections of balance sheet supplement N5 (Text table)Localization
3576ERP EHP76.0J_3RFBS5_ROWS171Section rows of balance sheet supplement N5Localization
3577ERP EHP76.0J_3RFBS5_ROWT61Rows of balance sheet supplement N5 (text table)Localization
3578ERP EHP76.0J_3RFBS5_SELCR21Define Selection Criteria for Asset ClassesLocalization
3579ERP EHP76.0J_3RFBS5_SELCT41Selection criteria for asset classes (text table)Localization
3580ERP EHP76.0J_3RFBS5_SELOP71Selection criteria values for asset classesLocalization
3581ERP EHP76.0J_3RFBS_VERSION41Financial Statement versions used in balance sheet formsLocalization
3582ERP EHP76.0J_3RFBS_XMLDEL31Balance sheet forms: XML-tags to be removedLocalization
3583ERP EHP76.0J_3RFBS_XMLDELT51Balance sheet forms: XML-tags to be removed:Text tableLocalization
3584ERP EHP76.0J_3RFCAPREP101Net book value increase of assets as a result of repairsLocalization
3585ERP EHP76.0J_3RFCLRXNEGP21Negative posting partial payment (Russia)Localization
3586ERP EHP76.0J_3RFCNT112Maintain Internal Contract NumbersLocalization
3587ERP EHP76.0J_3RFCNTDMS31Define DMS Document Types for Contract ProcessingLocalization
3588ERP EHP76.0J_3RFCNTSET31Define Rules for Automatic Contract Number FillingLocalization
3589ERP EHP76.0J_3RFDEPRGROUP21Depreciation group of fixed asset RussiaLocalization
3590ERP EHP76.0J_3RFDEPRGROUPT41Depreciation gropus descriptions of fixed asset RussiaLocalization
3591ERP EHP76.0J_3RFF4ACCT91Cash flow statement accountsLocalization
3592ERP EHP76.0J_3RFF4CORR81Manual correspondense for cash flow statementLocalization
3593ERP EHP76.0J_3RFF4DATA231Cash flow statement customizingLocalization
3594ERP EHP76.0J_3RFF4DATAT91Cash flow statement row textsLocalization
3595ERP EHP76.0J_3RFF4PARA131Cash flow statement additional parametersLocalization
3596ERP EHP76.0J_3RFF4VERS71Financial Statement VersionsLocalization
3597ERP EHP76.0J_3RFF4VERST41Financial statement version namesLocalization
3598ERP EHP76.0J_3RFGTD265Source Customs Declaration ContentsLocalization
3599ERP EHP76.0J_3RFGTDINV194GTD usage in billing documentsLocalization
3600ERP EHP76.0J_3RFGTDINVT31Define Billing Types for Customs Declaration TrackingLocalization
3601ERP EHP76.0J_3RFGTDMAT254GTD usage in material documentsLocalization
3602ERP EHP76.0J_3RFGTDMATBOM51BoM for Customs Decl. TrackingLocalization
3603ERP EHP76.0J_3RFGTDMATT41Define Material Movement Types for Customs Decl. TrackingLocalization
3604ERP EHP76.0J_3RFGTD_COPYCTR41Copy Control for Import Customs Declaration CreationLocalization
3605ERP EHP76.0J_3RFIN_RATE_CLC171Downpayments rate calculator for foreign currency - invoicesLocalization
3606ERP EHP76.0J_3RFMM_RATE_CLC31Enable Down Payments in FC Function for MM DocumentsLocalization
3607ERP EHP76.0J_3RFOKATO51Classifier of the administrative and territorial divisionLocalization
3608ERP EHP76.0J_3RFOKATOREG91Relation OKATO -> Region, DistrictLocalization
3609ERP EHP76.0J_3RFOKATOT81Classifier of the administrative and territorial divisionLocalization
3610ERP EHP76.0J_3RFOKOFREG21OKOF codes for assets wich need the state registrationLocalization
3611ERP EHP76.0J_3RFPM_RATE_CLC112Downpayments rate calculator for foreign currency - paymentsLocalization
3612ERP EHP76.0J_3RFPOFPRIV21Official property tax privileges (Federal level)Localization
3613ERP EHP76.0J_3RFPOFPRIVT51Official property tax privileges (Federal level) textsLocalization
3614ERP EHP76.0J_3RFPROPTAXR111Property tax ratesLocalization
3615ERP EHP76.0J_3RFPROPTAXV131Property tax values in asset master recordLocalization
3616ERP EHP76.0J_3RFPROPTYPES31Property typesLocalization
3617ERP EHP76.0J_3RFPROPTYPEST51Property typesLocalization
3618ERP EHP76.0J_3RFPRTEXEMP41Exemption codes from property tax paymentLocalization
3619ERP EHP76.0J_3RFPRTEXEMPT51Exemption codes from property tax paymentLocalization
3620ERP EHP76.0J_3RFPRTXPRIV41Property tax priviligesLocalization
3621ERP EHP76.0J_3RFPRTXPRIVT51Property tax priviligesLocalization
3622ERP EHP76.0J_3RFPTREGION31Regions and districts for property taxLocalization
3623ERP EHP76.0J_3RFPTREGIONT51Regions and districts for property taxLocalization
3624ERP EHP76.0J_3RFSD_RATE_CLC41Enable Down Payments in FC Function for SD Billing DocumentsLocalization
3625ERP EHP76.0J_3RFSECTYPE41Define Secondary Event TypesLocalization
3626ERP EHP76.0J_3RFSEC_ITEM396Data for Secondary events for deferred taxLocalization
3627ERP EHP76.0J_3RFSTOPREASON21Reasons for asset shutdownLocalization
3628ERP EHP76.0J_3RFSTOPREASONT41Reasons for asset shutdownLocalization
3629ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAXRA584Tax Accounting: Actual line item tableLocalization
3630ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAXRO212Tax Accounting: Object tableLocalization
3631ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAXRP1064Tax Accounting: Plan line item tableLocalization
3632ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAXRT892Tax Accounting: Summary tableLocalization
3633ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAXRVA584Tax Accounting: Actual line item tableLocalization
3634ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAXRVO212Tax Accounting: Object tableLocalization
3635ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAXRVP1064Tax Accounting: Plan line item tableLocalization
3636ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAXRVT892Tax Accounting: Summary tableLocalization
3637ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_ACTVDET31FI-SL activity group detailsLocalization
3638ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_ACTVHDR21Activity group headerLocalization
3639ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_ACTVTXT41FI-SL Activity group textsLocalization
3640ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_ASSIGID21Hierarchy assignment IDLocalization
3641ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_ASSIGIT41Assignment ID textsLocalization
3642ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_ASSIGN31Tax hierarchy assignment to company codeLocalization
3643ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_ASSIGNE41Tax hierarchy assignment to company code/ledgerLocalization
3644ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_CHAIN21Tax chainsLocalization
3645ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_CHAIND131Tax chain detailsLocalization
3646ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_CHAINT41Tax chain textsLocalization
3647ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_CUST21Tax accounting customizingLocalization
3648ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_DECROW31Tax declaration rowsLocalization
3649ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_EXTRD1381Tax Extract Detail LinesLocalization
3650ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_EXTRH31Tax Accounting ExtractLocalization
3651ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_FRMT91Electronic Tax Format Version's EntriesLocalization
3652ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_FRMTS61Electronic Tax Format VersionsLocalization
3653ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_FRMTST41Text table for Electronic Tax Format VersionsLocalization
3654ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_FRMTT51Text table for Electronic Format Version EntriesLocalization
3655ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_HIER21Tax HierarchiesLocalization
3656ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_HIERT41Tax object hierarchies textsLocalization
3657ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_LINKD61Tax Accounting: Table link detailsLocalization
3658ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_LINKH41Tax Accounting: Table linksLocalization
3659ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_MPRL51Electronic Tax Report Mapping RulesLocalization
3660ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_OBJECTS72Tax objects listLocalization
3661ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_OBJECTT51Tax objects list textsLocalization
3662ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_OBJSEL202Tax object selectionsLocalization
3663ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTAX_UNCLASS31Unclassified objectsLocalization
3664ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTOKOF121Deprecation Groups for OKOF CodesLocalization
3665ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTOKOFT61Depreciation group descriptions for OKOF-codes RussiaLocalization
3666ERP EHP76.0J_3RFTTAXR81Transport tax ratesLocalization
3667ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_ACCIT_BDC21Mapping of accit to BDCLocalization
3668ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_BDC_NEWLN31BDC end of lineLocalization
3669ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_BK_TOTALS221Incoming Totals for Add. Sheets of Sales/ Purchase LedgersLocalization
3670ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_BK_TOTALSQ211Incoming Totals for Add. Sheets of S/ P Ledgers by QartersLocalization
3671ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_CORR_INV81Define Correction Invoices (Russia)Localization
3672ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_PARTNER51Partner Data (Vendor and Customer)Localization
3673ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_PLAT141Additional information to payment orderLocalization
3674ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_PRECMET61Define Precious Materials (Metals and Diamonds) for AssetsLocalization
3675ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_PRECMETT41Precious materials (metals and diamonds) for assetsLocalization
3676ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_PRECMFA91Precious materials content of asset master recordLocalization
3677ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_REGINV_DE271Outgoing invoice journal transp tab for IBOOK ver 2Localization
3678ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_REGINV_K221Incoming invoice journal transp tab for IBOOKLocalization
3679ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_SALE_BOOK91Purchase book line number for sale book positionLocalization
3680ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_T052S61Terms of Payment for Splitting by Goods Shelf LifeLocalization
3681ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_WRK_GROUP41Assignment fixed-asset classes to material groups in WorkingLocalization
3682ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_WW_ALLOW81Working wear quatasLocalization
3683ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_WW_AREA41Depreciation area for Working wearLocalization
3684ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_WW_SIZES131Rersonnel sizes of working wearLocalization
3685ERP EHP76.0J_3RF_XNEGP_ACT41Activate Negative Posting for CountriesLocalization
3686ERP EHP76.0J_3RKACT61Assign Rules to Groups of Accounting DocumentsLocalization
3687ERP EHP76.0J_3RKAID51Activate Automatic Offsetting Account DeterminationLocalization
3688ERP EHP76.0J_3RKKR0432Account correspondence - summary tableLocalization
3689ERP EHP76.0J_3RKKRN61Interpretation check tableLocalization
3690ERP EHP76.0J_3RKKRS357Account correspondence line itemsLocalization
3691ERP EHP76.0J_3RKNEWGLLEDGER31Activate non-leading ledger for Offsetting Account Syst.Localization
3692ERP EHP76.0J_3RKPAC51Account priorities for automatic interpretationLocalization
3693ERP EHP76.0J_3RKPAI61Account priorities for account pairsLocalization
3694ERP EHP76.0J_3RKSORTH31Sorting rule headerLocalization
3695ERP EHP76.0J_3RKSORTP61Sorting rule positionsLocalization
3696ERP EHP76.0J_3RKSORTT51Sorting rule textsLocalization
3697ERP EHP76.0J_3RKSPLITH31Splitting rule headersLocalization
3698ERP EHP76.0J_3RKSPLITP51Splitting rule positionsLocalization
3699ERP EHP76.0J_3RKSPLITT51Splitting rule textsLocalization
3700ERP EHP76.0J_3RMONTHACTIV41Monthly depreciation flags for depreciation areasLocalization
3701ERP EHP76.0J_3RMWOIN102Material issues without invoices.Localization
3702ERP EHP76.0J_3RNDSINV433Target use of ingoing invoice positions for AuCLocalization
3703ERP EHP76.0J_3RNDSNKS31Tax categories for AuCLocalization
3704ERP EHP76.0J_3RNEGPAFABE41Permit Negative Posting for Depr. Area and Chart of Depr.Localization
3705ERP EHP76.0J_3RNKSACTION51Start-up for asset typesLocalization
3706ERP EHP76.0J_3RNKS_LAND41VAT in a capital construction (Country specific settings)Localization
3707ERP EHP76.0J_3RNKS_TBSL21Credit memo posting keys for AuCLocalization
3708ERP EHP76.0J_3ROS6_SETTINGS161Settings for inventory card printing (forms OS-6,NMA-1...)Localization
3709ERP EHP76.0J_3ROS6_SETTINGT41Settings for inventory card printing (forms OS-6, NMA-1...)Localization
3710ERP EHP76.0J_3ROS6_TB5BWASL31Movement types for table 5 of form OS-6Localization
3711ERP EHP76.0J_3RPTAXVAL41Define Depreciation Areas for Property Tax CalculationLocalization
3712ERP EHP76.0J_3RSCCDHEADER351Cargo Customs Declaration HeaderLocalization
3713ERP EHP76.0J_3RSCCDITEM394Cargo Customs Declaration ItemLocalization
3714ERP EHP76.0J_3RSCCDPRICING73Assign Pric. Procedures and Cond. Types to CDec TypesLocalization
3715ERP EHP76.0J_3RSCCDSTATUS41Define Customs Declaration StatusesLocalization
3716ERP EHP76.0J_3RSCCDSTATUST41CCD Status (text table)Localization
3717ERP EHP76.0J_3RSCCDSUBITM161Cargo Customs Declaration SubitemsLocalization
3718ERP EHP76.0J_3RSCCDTYPE51Define Customs Declaration TypesLocalization
3719ERP EHP76.0J_3RSCCDTYPET41Cargo Custom Declaration Type textsLocalization
3720ERP EHP76.0J_3RSCCDVEHICL21Define Shipping TypesLocalization
3721ERP EHP76.0J_3RSCCDVEHICLT41Texts for Vehicle Types DictionaryLocalization
3722ERP EHP76.0J_3RSEXTRACTD851Exctract details (obsolete)Localization
3723ERP EHP76.0J_3RSEXTRACTH71Extract header (obsolete)Localization
3724ERP EHP76.0J_3RSINCINV101Incoming Invoices For Separate VATLocalization
3725ERP EHP76.0J_3RSINVLNK151Links Between Incoming And Outgoing Invoices For Export OperLocalization
3726ERP EHP76.0J_3RSL_BK_HTABL151Table head for EXTRACTLocalization
3727ERP EHP76.0J_3RSL_BK_TABLE1101Transparent table for SaleBook (ALV)Localization
3728ERP EHP76.0J_3RSPASSDEAL252Deal PassportLocalization
3729ERP EHP76.0J_3RSSEPVATCOEF161Separate VAT CoefficientsLocalization
3730ERP EHP76.0J_3RSSEPVATCOEFA171Separate VAT Coefficients EhP5 SP5Localization
3731ERP EHP76.0J_3RS_CCD_FIPOST121Posting Rules for Customs Fees and DutiesLocalization
3732ERP EHP76.0J_3RT00731Tax codes for capital construction and assets purchasingLocalization
3733ERP EHP76.0J_3RT095B101Additional accounts for revaluationLocalization
3734ERP EHP76.0J_3RTASSET191Time dependent master record tax parameters of vehiclesLocalization
3735ERP EHP76.0J_3RTAX21_DGN31Table of parameters Where the Document is GivenLocalization
3736ERP EHP76.0J_3RTAX21_DT31Table of parameters Document TypeLocalization
3737ERP EHP76.0J_3RTAXOPC21Operation Codes for VAT Declaration (RU)Localization
3738ERP EHP76.0J_3RTAXOPT41Operation Code NamesLocalization
3739ERP EHP76.0J_3RTAX_OPER41Assign Operation Codes to Tax CodesLocalization
3740ERP EHP76.0J_3RTAX_SELTRFLD31Selective field transferLocalization
3741ERP EHP76.0J_3RTAX_SELTRSRC31Selective transfer source fieldLocalization
3742ERP EHP76.0J_3RTAX_SELTRVAL61Selective transfer valuesLocalization
3743ERP EHP76.0J_3RTAX_VERSION41Tax version description tableLocalization
3744ERP EHP76.0J_3RTNTVEH21Tax-free code of vehicle (358 asset of tax codex)Localization
3745ERP EHP76.0J_3RTNTVEHT41Tax-free code of vehicle descriptionLocalization
3746ERP EHP76.0J_3RTPRTAX21Preferential tax code of vehicleLocalization
3747ERP EHP76.0J_3RTPRTAXT41Preferential tax code of vehicle descriptionLocalization
3748ERP EHP76.0J_3RTRET91Lock table for update retired asset during TranspTaxCalcLocalization
3749ERP EHP76.0J_3RTSE381Secondary index table for VATLocalization
3750ERP EHP76.0J_3RTSETMESS41Message type settingLocalization
3751ERP EHP76.0J_3RTSE_CODE61Alternative tax codes for secondary eventsLocalization
3752ERP EHP76.0J_3RTTAXR91Define Tax Rates for Regions and DistrictsLocalization
3753ERP EHP76.0J_3RTTRANS81Tax rates of vehicleLocalization
3754ERP EHP76.0J_3RTTYPVEH31Vehicle tax typeLocalization
3755ERP EHP76.0J_3RTTYPVEHT51Vehicle tax type descriptionLocalization
3756ERP EHP76.0J_3RTUSERS21User names for legal form printingLocalization
3757ERP EHP76.0J_3RTUSERT41User names for legal form printingLocalization
3758ERP EHP76.0J_3RTVEHICL81Time independent master record tax parameters of vehiclesLocalization
3759ERP EHP76.0J_3RUMSV131Tax Balances per Comp.Code, Tax Code and Process.Key+ clientLocalization
3760ERP EHP76.0J_3R_CAUTH61Output control for Goods Withholding AuthorizationLocalization
3761ERP EHP76.0J_3R_CLFCT61Customizing table for cluster tablesLocalization
3762ERP EHP76.0J_3R_CLFORM21Legal formsLocalization
3763ERP EHP76.0J_3R_CLFORMCMP131Legal forms in companyLocalization
3764ERP EHP76.0J_3R_CLFORMT31Description of legal formsLocalization
3765ERP EHP76.0J_3R_CLFT10TXT41Customizing Table for TORG-10 Text TypesLocalization
3766ERP EHP76.0J_3R_CLNRELDAT41Not relevant gathered data of Legal FormsLocalization
3767ERP EHP76.0J_3R_CLNRELPAR31Not relevant parameters and select options for Legal FormsLocalization
3768ERP EHP76.0J_3R_FATAX741Transport Tax DataLocalization
3769ERP EHP76.0J_3R_FATAX_DECLH71Declaration Header (Transport, Property Tax)Localization
3770ERP EHP76.0J_3R_INVDIFF111Offsetting inventory differences of goodsLocalization
3771ERP EHP76.0J_3R_INVDIFFGR21Inventory differences groupsLocalization
3772ERP EHP76.0J_3R_INVDIFFGRT41Groups of inventory differences: (Text table)Localization
3773ERP EHP76.0J_3R_INVDIFFMAT31Material group assignment to group of inventory differenceLocalization
3774ERP EHP76.0J_3R_LFHDR511Legal form headerLocalization
3775ERP EHP76.0J_3R_LO_OUTPUT51Additional Customizing for Output TypesLocalization
3776ERP EHP76.0J_3R_PBU_DIFFOBJ31Difference objects which have settings for PBU18Localization
3777ERP EHP76.0J_3R_PBU_HIER21Hierarchies which have settings for PBU18Localization
3778ERP EHP76.0J_3R_PBU_SETCLS31Set Classes Assignment to Source Tables FieldsLocalization
3779ERP EHP76.0J_3R_PBU_T00441Charts of Accounts which have settings for PBU18Localization
3780ERP EHP76.0J_3R_PBU_TCODES11Transformation codes for data transfer to FI-SL for PBU18Localization
3781ERP EHP76.0J_3R_PBU_TCODEST31Text table for table J_3R_PBU_TCODESLocalization
3782ERP EHP76.0J_3R_PTAX_ABROAD111Tax Paid Abroad Property taxLocalization
3783ERP EHP76.0J_3R_PTYPE_SECT31Connection Between the Property Types and The Decl. SectionsLocalization
3784ERP EHP76.0J_3R_STRDIV_TD31Table of Structural Division IntervalsLocalization
3785ERP EHP76.0J_3R_T030K81Tax Accounts DeterminationLocalization
3786ERP EHP76.0J_3R_T056P51Reference interest tableLocalization
3787ERP EHP76.0J_3R_T520S_EX31Service fee (payment) text key descriptionLocalization
3788ERP EHP76.0J_3R_T520S_EXT41Service fee (payment) text key description; text tableLocalization
3789ERP EHP76.0J_3R_TAX_SETTING81Settings for Transport & Property Tax (eg. Struct. div.)Localization
3790ERP EHP76.0J_KR_T059C51Types of Recipient: Vendors per Withholding Tax Type(Korea)Localization
3791ERP EHP76.0J_VE_INCWT71Maintain Withholding Tax Payment DetailsLocalization
3792ERP EHP76.0KNAT91Customer Master Record (Tax Groupings)Localization
3793ERP EHP76.0LFB1_KR51Vendor Master Enhancement for KoreaLocalization
3794ERP EHP76.0MXTVO41Mexico:Customizing table: Transaction, Version, OrderLocalization
3795ERP EHP76.0OFF_NUM_ID121Settings for Official Document Numbering IndonesiaLocalization
3796ERP EHP76.0OFNUM_TW_2111Official Numbering by Business Places-enabled ranges(TW)Localization
3797ERP EHP76.0PTDART_TAX_DATA71Tax Code DataLocalization
3798ERP EHP76.0PTRV_FUEL_TYPTXT51Names of Types of FuelLocalization
3799ERP EHP76.0PTRV_FUEL_TYP_PR71Table for Fuel Type and PricesLocalization
3800ERP EHP76.0PTRV_ROUND_WAERS51Table for Rounding Rules in CountriesLocalization
3801ERP EHP76.0PTSAFT_MATACCNT41GL Account based material numbersLocalization
3802ERP EHP76.0PTSAFT_MATPRE31SAFT PT : prefix for material numbersLocalization
3803ERP EHP76.0REXC_IN_ERR_CONF31REFX - India Localization: Error configurationLocalization
3804ERP EHP76.0RFASLD15131EC Sales List for new EU CountriesLocalization
3805ERP EHP76.0RFCASH_HU81Exchange rate calculation log (Hungary)Localization
3806ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTAAV251Pro-Rata Asset Acquisition ValueLocalization
3807ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTDCAD141Pro-Rata DPR adjustment documentsLocalization
3808ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTDPR51Definitive Pro-Rata coefficientLocalization
3809ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTFCATAG31Define Field Catalog Entries for Posting Aggregation KeyLocalization
3810ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTFIELDAG51Pro-Rata posting aggregation key fields for adjustmentsLocalization
3811ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTPCAD141Pro-Rata periodic PPR calculation adjustment documentsLocalization
3812ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTPOSTAG31Define Pro-Rata Posting Aggregation KeyLocalization
3813ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTPOSTAG_T41Pro-Rata posting aggregation key descriptionLocalization
3814ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTPPPR61Periodic Pro-Rata coefficientLocalization
3815ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTPRENTCLC121Define Pro-Rata Calculation EntityLocalization
3816ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTPRENTVAL121Define Pro-Rata Validation EntityLocalization
3817ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTPRPER61Define Pro-Rata PeriodsLocalization
3818ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTPRPERTYP31Define Pro-Rata Period TypeLocalization
3819ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTPRTK41Define Trans. KeyLocalization
3820ERP EHP76.0RFIDPTPRVAL41Define Pro-Rata Validation Entity ValuesLocalization
3821ERP EHP76.0RFITEMAP_NO_ITEM1471Item wise detail for the Vendor TransactionsLocalization
3822ERP EHP76.0RFITEMAR_NO_ITEM1471Item wise detail for the Customer TransactionsLocalization
3823ERP EHP76.0RFITEMGL_NO_ITEM1471Item wise detail for the GL Account TransactionsLocalization
3824ERP EHP76.0RFUMSV00_BAL_BE111Advance Tax Return Belgium: Total balancesLocalization
3825ERP EHP76.0RGOFFICE21Local Tax OfficesLocalization
3826ERP EHP76.0RGOFFICET41Name of Regional Tax OfficeLocalization
3827ERP EHP76.0SAFTPT_ALT_ACCTS61SAFT_PT: Maintain Alternate AccountsLocalization
3828ERP EHP76.0SAFTPT_FIMD91SAFT PT Master data for FI invoicesLocalization
3829ERP EHP76.0SAFTPT_IMAT61SAFT PT : Tax Like materialsLocalization
3830ERP EHP76.0SAFT_PT_TAX_DATA111Tax Details for SAFT-PTLocalization
3831ERP EHP76.0SECCODE71Section CodeLocalization
3832ERP EHP76.0SECCODET51Name of Section CodeLocalization
3833ERP EHP76.0SIPT_BKPF242Portugal: Digital Signature for Accounting DocumentsLocalization
3834ERP EHP76.0SIPT_CERT81Signature PT: Certification DataLocalization
3835ERP EHP76.0SIPT_GAPS_BKPF61Digitial Signature Portugal: Gaps for FI DocumentsLocalization
3836ERP EHP76.0SIPT_GAPS_RBKP61Digitial Signature Portugal: Gaps for MM DocumentsLocalization
3837ERP EHP76.0SIPT_GAPS_VBRK41Digitial Signature Portugal: Gaps for SD DocumentsLocalization
3838ERP EHP76.0SIPT_NUMBR_FI91Signature PT: Relevancy of FI Number rangeLocalization
3839ERP EHP76.0SIPT_NUMBR_MM111Signature PT: Relevancy of Self Billing Number rangeLocalization
3840ERP EHP76.0SIPT_NUMBR_SD81Signature PT: Relevancy of Billing Number rangeLocalization
3841ERP EHP76.0SIPT_NUMST_FI61Signature PT: Starting point for FI documentsLocalization
3842ERP EHP76.0SIPT_NUMST_MM61Signature PT: Starting point for Self BillingLocalization
3843ERP EHP76.0SIPT_NUMST_SD31Signature PT: Billing Document Number FromLocalization
3844ERP EHP76.0SIPT_RBKP252Portugal: Digital Signature for Self Billing DocumentLocalization
3845ERP EHP76.0SIPT_VBRK212Portugal: Digital Signature for Billing DocumentLocalization
3846ERP EHP76.0T003_I121Document typesLocalization
3847ERP EHP76.0T007K_LU71Table for Grouping Tax Basis Balances LuxembourgLocalization
3848ERP EHP76.0T007L_IT61Grouping Tax Balances Italy Black ListLocalization
3849ERP EHP76.0T007L_LU71Table for Grouping Tax Balances LuxembourgLocalization
3850ERP EHP76.0T007Z_LU41Tax Grouping Version LuxembourgLocalization
3851ERP EHP76.0T007_IT61Retail Value-Added Tax SettingsLocalization
3852ERP EHP76.0T042E_KR51Korea : BoE Due Date Determination by IndustryLocalization
3853ERP EHP76.0T042ZF41Allocation: Branch - (Paying) Company CodeLocalization
3854ERP EHP76.0T045K51Bill of Exchange PortfoliosLocalization
3855ERP EHP76.0T045P71Bill of Exchange PortfoliosLocalization
3856ERP EHP76.0T059ID01191Withholding Tax Output Group DescriptionLocalization
3857ERP EHP76.0T059ID01T131Texts in Withholding Tax Output GroupLocalization
3858ERP EHP76.0TAXCD_REPR_IT201Define data for Tax code representativeLocalization
3859ERP EHP76.0TAXOFFICE21District Tax OfficesLocalization
3860ERP EHP76.0TAXOFFICET41Name of Tax OfficeLocalization
3861ERP EHP76.0TBACN_NO71Store Sequence and Transaction Numbers - NorwayLocalization
3862ERP EHP76.0TCUST_NATURE_IT71Define Customer as Natural PersonLocalization
3863ERP EHP76.0TGLO_JP_IMPDEPR51Depreciation areas to Impairment data mappingLocalization
3864ERP EHP76.0TGLO_JP_IMPTTY21Japan - Impairment Transaction Types and Asset Master UpdateLocalization
3865ERP EHP76.0TIVXCCORRALLCNTR11All Allowed Countries for Correction/Reversal invoicesLocalization
3866ERP EHP76.0TIVXCCORRCNTRY21Country assignment for Correction/Reversal invoicesLocalization
3867ERP EHP76.0TIVXCFRBDGPRD71Annual Budget PeriodsLocalization
3868ERP EHP76.0TIVXCFRCONDTYP21Condition types relevant for EO specific AP calculationLocalization
3869ERP EHP76.0TIVXCFREOACC61Accounts for Extraordinary OperationsLocalization
3870ERP EHP76.0TIVXCFREOACCT41Accounts for Extraordinary OperationsLocalization
3871ERP EHP76.0TIVXCFRPOSTINGS61Document types of postings on SUs (Extraordinary expenses)Localization
3872ERP EHP76.0TIVXCFRSBA141Obsolete - To be deleted!!!Localization
3873ERP EHP76.0TIVXCFRTIME11Time UnitsLocalization
3874ERP EHP76.0TIVXCFRTIMET31Description for Time UnitsLocalization
3875ERP EHP76.0TIVXCFRTRSTEPS101Extraordinary Operation specific posting stepsLocalization
3876ERP EHP76.0TIVXCHUFF41Service continuityLocalization
3877ERP EHP76.0TIVXCHUTP51Account assignment for transfer postingLocalization
3878ERP EHP76.0TIVXCJPCCSET161Company-Specific Data CustomizingLocalization
3879ERP EHP76.0TIVXCJPCDSET71Kanji and Katakana Name Locations for Lease-Out OfficesLocalization
3880ERP EHP76.0TIVXCJPFLWTYP41Flow Type Defined for Service Charge KeysLocalization
3881ERP EHP76.0TIVXCJPLICT21Lease-In Contract TypesLocalization
3882ERP EHP76.0TIVXCJPMEASTYPE31Measurement Types for Lease-Out Offices in Mega CitiesLocalization
3883ERP EHP76.0TIVXCJPPCATF31Payment Categories and Flow Types CustomizingLocalization
3884ERP EHP76.0TIVXCJPPCRCAT61Payment CategoriesLocalization
3885ERP EHP76.0TIVXCJPPCRCATT41Text table for Payment CategoriesLocalization
3886ERP EHP76.0TIVXCJPPRGROUP51Grouping of result in Payment Charges ReportLocalization
3887ERP EHP76.0TIVXCJPTAXOFFICE91Tax Office Data for Lease-Out OfficesLocalization
3888ERP EHP76.0TIVXCNLBPIDTYPE21BP: ID Number type for Subsidized RentLocalization
3889ERP EHP76.0TIVXCNLCHARARD81Fixtures and Fittings Characteristic NLLocalization
3890ERP EHP76.0TIVXCNLRLRACHCT41Rounding per Characteristic Category - NLLocalization
3891ERP EHP76.0TIVXCNLSUBSICAT61Define Categories for Subsidized RentLocalization
3892ERP EHP76.0TIVXCNLSUBSICATT51Category texts for Subsidizable RentLocalization
3893ERP EHP76.0TIVXCNLSUBSICOND71Define Condition Types for Subsidized RentLocalization
3894ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTCERT51Invoice certificationLocalization
3895ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTEXPCAT11Exemption period categoryLocalization
3896ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTEXPCATT31Exemption period category descriptionLocalization
3897ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTEXPER71Exemption periods (obsolete)Localization
3898ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTEXPERIOD31Exemption periodsLocalization
3899ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTEXPERT41Exemption periods (obsolete)Localization
3900ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTINSTALLM51Installment datesLocalization
3901ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTINSTLIMIT51Installment limit for the Municipal Property TaxLocalization
3902ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTPOSTPAR121Technical Parameters for Postings and Payments (obsolate)Localization
3903ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTPOSTPARN61Technical Parameters for Cash Flow CreationLocalization
3904ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTPROPTYP61Property type (obsolote)Localization
3905ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTPROPTYPT51Property tax category description (obsolete)Localization
3906ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTPTTAXCAT11Municipal Property Tax CategoryLocalization
3907ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTPTTAXCATT31Municipal Property Tax Category DescriptionLocalization
3908ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTPTTAXLIM51Municipal Property Tax LimitLocalization
3909ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTPTTAXRATE51Municipal Property Tax RateLocalization
3910ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTRACONS41customizing parameters for the conservation factor.Localization
3911ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTRACONST41This table shall contain the language dependent texts for tLocalization
3912ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTRAPARAM81customizing parameters for the Rent adjustmentLocalization
3913ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTSTCNTYPE71Stamp Tax Type - Contract Type MappingLocalization
3914ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTSTRATE41Stamp Tax RateLocalization
3915ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTSTTY21Stamp Tax TypeLocalization
3916ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTSTTYT41Stamp Tax Type DescriptionLocalization
3917ERP EHP76.0TIVXCPTTAXRATE51Municipal Property Tax Rate for Portugal (obsolete)Localization
3918ERP EHP76.0TRAN_TYPE_IT61Assign Transaction TypeLocalization
3919ERP EHP76.0TWKALIGHT41Status of lights for Dutch migration programLocalization
3920ERP EHP76.0TWKAMET51Chain Liability methodsLocalization
3921ERP EHP76.0TWKAMETX41Description of Chain Liability methodsLocalization
3922ERP EHP76.0UKFOTVLOG121Action Logs While Processing EVAT through FOTV for UKLocalization
3923ERP EHP76.0VAT_CZ91Maintain details for line items of transferred VATLocalization
3924ERP EHP76.0VIXCAJTHREADS171Adjustment: processing threadsLocalization
3925ERP EHP76.0VIXCCORROC41One Time condition header, item textLocalization
3926ERP EHP76.0VIXCCORRVIIR335Invoice Item Reference for Corr/Rev InvoicesLocalization
3927ERP EHP76.0VIXCFRAPLOG183Log of Calculation of Complementary Budget AmountsLocalization
3928ERP EHP76.0VIXCFRBUDGET925Budget Seasonality DataLocalization
3929ERP EHP76.0VIXCFREO151Statuses of Extraordinary OperationLocalization
3930ERP EHP76.0VIXCFRPROCID182Localized ProcessLocalization
3931ERP EHP76.0VIXCFRSRULOG224Log of SRU PostingsLocalization
3932ERP EHP76.0VIXCHUOC41One Time condition header, item textLocalization
3933ERP EHP76.0VIXCJPFXDUNPRICE251Fixed Unit Prices for Service Charge SettlementLocalization
3934ERP EHP76.0VIXCJPSCCOSTSEXT372Costs per Object - Legacy Data TransferLocalization
3935ERP EHP76.0VIXCNLCHARACT111Fixtures/Fittings NLLocalization
3936ERP EHP76.0VIXCPTCASHF61IMI Cash flow data for the incoming paymentsLocalization
3937ERP EHP76.0VIXCPTIMIDATA362IMI Master DataLocalization
3938ERP EHP76.0VIXCPTRACONTRACT51The table will store the years for the rent adjustment at tLocalization
3939ERP EHP76.0VIXCPTSIPT242Digital Signature for InvoicesLocalization
Financial Accounting :: Retail Ledger
3940ERP EHP76.0PCRRETAILA446Actual line item tableRetail Ledger
3941ERP EHP76.0PCRRETAILC52Object Table 2Retail Ledger
3942ERP EHP76.0PCRRETAILO132Object Table 1Retail Ledger
3943ERP EHP76.0PCRRETAILP1245Plan line items tableRetail Ledger
3944ERP EHP76.0PCRRETAILT1105Totals TableRetail Ledger
3945ERP EHP76.0PCRR_AS_AREA21Check table for PCRRETAILT: Assortment Area RASAREA_7Retail Ledger
3946ERP EHP76.0PCRR_AS_AREAT41Check table for PCRRETAILT: Assortment Area RASAREA_7Retail Ledger
Financial Accounting :: Special Purpose Ledger
3947ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PBU18A585PBU18: Actual line item tableSpecial Purpose Ledger
3948ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PBU18C32PBU18: Object table 2Special Purpose Ledger
3949ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PBU18O182PBU18: Object tableSpecial Purpose Ledger
3950ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PBU18P1385PBU18: Plan line item tableSpecial Purpose Ledger
3951ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PBU18T1244PBU18: Summary table xSpecial Purpose Ledger
3952ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PROFTAX0081Object Table Number:00Special Purpose Ledger
3953ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PROFTAX0171Object Table Number:01Special Purpose Ledger
3954ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PROFTAX0251Object Table Number:02Special Purpose Ledger
3955ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PROFTAX03171Object Table Number:03Special Purpose Ledger
3956ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PROFTAX0431Object Table Number:04Special Purpose Ledger
3957ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PROFTAX0531Object Table Number:05Special Purpose Ledger
3958ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PROFTAX06131Object Table Number:06Special Purpose Ledger
3959ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PROFTAX0731Object Table Number:07Special Purpose Ledger
3960ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PROFTAX0831Object Table Number:08Special Purpose Ledger
3961ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PROFTAXA584Actual Line Items Table for General LedgerSpecial Purpose Ledger
3962ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PROFTAXP1344Plan Line Items Table for General LedgerSpecial Purpose Ledger
3963ERP EHP76.0/CCIS/PROFTAXT1342Totals Table for General LedgerSpecial Purpose Ledger
Financial Accounting :: Travel Management
3964ERP EHP76.0FITV_REJECT171Rejected TripsTravel Management
3965ERP EHP76.0PTRM_POWL_SUBS_R81Substitution rules maintanence for approver POWLTravel Management
3966ERP EHP76.0PTRV_PERNRPREFS51Personalization at Employee LevelTravel Management
3967ERP EHP76.0PTRV_SUBSTITUTE51ESA Fast Track - Expense Reporter Substitute (Travel Proxy)Travel Management
3968ERP EHP76.0PTRV_SYNC_OUT141Synchronization Table for Trips in Microsoft OutlookTravel Management
3969ERP EHP76.0T706_WEB_DOCU31Documentation for a Web ApplicationTravel Management
3970ERP EHP76.0T706_WEB_DOCUTXT51Documentation for a Web ApplicationTravel Management
3971ERP EHP76.0TA23ADR141Predefined Addresses in Travel ManagementTravel Management
3972ERP EHP76.0TA23ADR141Name of Predefined Addresses in Travel ManagementTravel Management
3973ERP EHP76.0TA23ADRCAT21Categories of Predefined AddressesTravel Management
3974ERP EHP76.0TA23ADRCAT141Names of Categories of Predefined AddressesTravel Management
3975ERP EHP76.0TA23EXT121Access Parameters for External Content of Front EndTravel Management
Financial Accounting :: Accounts Payable :: Basic Functions
3976ERP EHP76.0KNBW141Customer master record (withholding tax types) XBasic Functions
3977ERP EHP76.0LFAT51Vendor master record (tax groupings)Basic Functions
3978ERP EHP76.0LFBW131Vendor master record (withholding tax types) XBasic Functions
3979ERP EHP76.0LFSSTN751Sustainability details for VendorBasic Functions
3980ERP EHP76.0LFSSTN_CERT61Vendor sustainability certificatesBasic Functions
3981ERP EHP76.0QSTRCRIT11Grouping Criteria for List Output for W/holding Tax Report.Basic Functions
3982ERP EHP76.0QSTRDSR41Data Source for Reporting Extended Withholding TaxBasic Functions
3983ERP EHP76.0QSTRDSRT51Texts for Data Sources for Reporting Ext. Withholding TaxBasic Functions
3984ERP EHP76.0QSTRLST51List Configuration for Reporting Extended Withholding TaxBasic Functions
3985ERP EHP76.0QSTRLST_CRIT151Group.Criteria for List Config. for Ext.W/holding Tax ReportBasic Functions
3986ERP EHP76.0QSTRVAR51Reporting Variants RFWTINT10Basic Functions
3987ERP EHP76.0QSTRVARF101Free Selection for Generic Withholding Tax ReportingBasic Functions
3988ERP EHP76.0QSTRVART71Report Variants RFWTINT10 TextsBasic Functions
3989ERP EHP76.0REGUPW771W/tax information per w/tax type/FI line item in pmnt runBasic Functions
3990ERP EHP76.0RF07431Withholding tax in Italy : Modello 770 - additional dataBasic Functions
3991ERP EHP76.0T001RWT51Rounding rules for company code, type and curr.Basic Functions
3992ERP EHP76.0T001WT151Company code-specific information per withholding tax typeBasic Functions
3993ERP EHP76.0T007C91Groupings for tax codesBasic Functions
3994ERP EHP76.0T007D51Texts for Tax GroupsBasic Functions
3995ERP EHP76.0T046R61Texts for the exceptions from cashed bills/ Functions
3996ERP EHP76.0T046S71Exceptions from cashed bills of exchange paid to vendorsBasic Functions
3997ERP EHP76.0T059C41Types of Recipient: Vendors per Withholding Tax TypeBasic Functions
3998ERP EHP76.0T059D61Types of Recipient: Vendors per Withholding Tax TypeBasic Functions
3999ERP EHP76.0T059FB121Formulae for calculating withholding tax (new functions)Basic Functions
4000ERP EHP76.0T059FBH71W/tax formulae: HeaderBasic Functions
4001ERP EHP76.0T059K51Withholding tax code and processing keyBasic Functions
4002ERP EHP76.0T059MINMAX121Minimum and maximum amounts for withholding taxBasic Functions
4003ERP EHP76.0T059O51Official withholding tax key - DescriptionsBasic Functions
4004ERP EHP76.0T059OT51Text table: Official withholding tax key descriptionsBasic Functions
4005ERP EHP76.0T059P361Withholding tax typesBasic Functions
4006ERP EHP76.0T059REXT81Reporting key (new withholding tax)Basic Functions
4007ERP EHP76.0T059U51Text Table: Withholding Tax TypesBasic Functions
4008ERP EHP76.0T059V31Reasons for exemption per withholding tax typeBasic Functions
4009ERP EHP76.0T059W51Reasons for exemption per withholding tax typeBasic Functions
4010ERP EHP76.0T059Z161Withholding tax code (enhanced functions)Basic Functions
4011ERP EHP76.0T059ZT61Text table: Withholding tax codesBasic Functions
4012ERP EHP76.0T059ZZINS61Withholding tax code for interest calculationBasic Functions
4013ERP EHP76.0T059Z_WITHCD231Entity Table: Additional Official Withholding Tax CodeBasic Functions
4014ERP EHP76.0T059Z_WITHCD2T51Text Table: Additional Official Withholding Tax CodeBasic Functions
4015ERP EHP76.0TRFKREDEB_SYNC41Synchronization of Customer Master DataBasic Functions
4016ERP EHP76.0TVENDCUST_SCGR21Definition of Screen Groups for Customers and VendorsBasic Functions
4017ERP EHP76.0TVENDCUST_SCGRT41Texts for Screen Groups for Customer and Vendor Master DataBasic Functions
4018ERP EHP76.0WITH_CTNCL21Numbering class for withholding tax certificate numbersBasic Functions
4019ERP EHP76.0WITH_CTNCLT41Numbering class text table for withholding tax certificateBasic Functions
4020ERP EHP76.0WITH_CTNCO131Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 1Basic Functions
4021ERP EHP76.0WITH_CTNCO241Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 2Basic Functions
4022ERP EHP76.0WITH_CTNCO351Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 3Basic Functions
4023ERP EHP76.0WITH_CTNCOKEY11Withholding tax certificate numbering: ConceptsBasic Functions
4024ERP EHP76.0WITH_CTNCOKEYTXT31Texts: Withholding tax certificate numbering conceptsBasic Functions
4025ERP EHP76.0WITH_CTNGR21Numbering group for withholding tax certificate numbersBasic Functions
4026ERP EHP76.0WITH_CTNGRT41Numbering group text table for withholding tax certificateBasic Functions
4027ERP EHP76.0WITH_CTNUM41Allocation of numbering group to numbering classBasic Functions
4028ERP EHP76.0WITH_EXCL_STR_HD71Derivation Strategies for Exclusion of Lines in Withhold.TaxBasic Functions
4029ERP EHP76.0WITH_EXCL_STR_T71Derivation Strategies for Exclusion (Texts)Basic Functions
4030ERP EHP76.0WITH_EXCL_WITHT81Assignment to Withholding Tax TypeBasic Functions
4031ERP EHP76.0WITH_ITEM841Witholding tax info per W/tax type and FI line itemBasic Functions
4032ERP EHP76.0WITH_ITEM_EXCL91Withholding Tax Info per WTax Type (Exclusion)Basic Functions
4033ERP EHP76.0WTAD661Cumulative values for accounts receivableBasic Functions
4034ERP EHP76.0WTADP561Cumulative values for accounts receivable (payment proposal)Basic Functions
4035ERP EHP76.0WTADPN691Cumulative values for accounts receivable (payment proposal)Basic Functions
4036ERP EHP76.0WTAK661Cumulative values for accounts payableBasic Functions
4037ERP EHP76.0WTAKP561Cumulative values for accounts payable (payment proposal)Basic Functions
4038ERP EHP76.0WTAKPN691Cumulative values for accounts payable (payment proposal)Basic Functions
4039ERP EHP76.0WTMIGBK62Withholding Tax Changeover - Selected Company CodesBasic Functions
4040ERP EHP76.0WTMIGCOUNT21Current Number Level of Withholding Tax Conversion RunsBasic Functions
4041ERP EHP76.0WTMIGGJAHR51Withholding Tax Changeover: Year-Dependent Document Convers.Basic Functions
4042ERP EHP76.0WTMIGIF61Withholding Tax Changeover: Commands Executed by ToolBasic Functions
4043ERP EHP76.0WTMIGJOB51Withholding Tax Changeover: Last Job StartedBasic Functions
4044ERP EHP76.0WTMIGMATCH61Withholding Tax Changeover: Creation of Code -> Type/CodeBasic Functions
4045ERP EHP76.0WTMIGMESS151Messages Logged for Withholding Tax ChangeoverBasic Functions
4046ERP EHP76.0WTMIGMESSEXC41Withholding Tax Changeover: Alternative Message TypesBasic Functions
4047ERP EHP76.0WTMIGRUN51Withholding Tax Conversion RunBasic Functions
4048ERP EHP76.0WTMIGSTEP71Steps in Conversion RunBasic Functions
4049ERP EHP76.0WTMIGTC91Changeover - Assgt of Classic W/Tax Code to Ext.Type/CodeBasic Functions
4050ERP EHP76.0WTMIGTEXT41Text for Withholding Tax Changeover RunBasic Functions
4051ERP EHP76.0WTMIGTYP41W/Tax Changeover: Number of W/Tax Types in Master RecordBasic Functions
4052ERP EHP76.0WTMIG_PROT191Withholding Tax Changeover: Global Log DataBasic Functions
4053ERP EHP76.0WTMIG_PROT2101Withholding Tax Changeover: Detailed Log DataBasic Functions
4054ERP EHP76.0WTMIG_TABKEY41Withholding Tax Changeover: Keys of Table Entries AddedBasic Functions
4055ERP EHP76.0BSIW321Index table for customer bills of exchange usedBasic Functions
4056ERP EHP76.0BSIX412Index table for customer bills of exchange usedBasic Functions
4057ERP EHP76.0KNKA61Customer master credit management: Central dataBasic Functions
4058ERP EHP76.0KNKK363Customer master credit management: Control area dataBasic Functions
4059ERP EHP76.0KNKKF1301Credit Management: FI Status DataBasic Functions
4060ERP EHP76.0KNKKF291Credit Management: Open Items by Days in ArrearsBasic Functions
4061ERP EHP76.0KNVD101Customer master record sales request formBasic Functions
4062ERP EHP76.0KNVP145Customer Master Partner FunctionsBasic Functions
4063ERP EHP76.0NKAP21Number Range for Contact PartnerBasic Functions
4064ERP EHP76.0RFRR121Accounting data - A/R and A/P information systemBasic Functions
4065ERP EHP76.0SMFIAR71Spec. FI-SL Data in Monitor (See Schedman_specific_fisl)Basic Functions
4066ERP EHP76.0T000CM71Client-specific FI-AR-CR settingsBasic Functions
4067ERP EHP76.0T001CM31Permitted Credit Control Areas per Company CodeBasic Functions
4068ERP EHP76.0T01491Credit control areasBasic Functions
4069ERP EHP76.0T014T41Credit control area namesBasic Functions
4070ERP EHP76.0T024B51Credit management: Credit representative groupsBasic Functions
4071ERP EHP76.0T045DTA111DME file check table for bill of exchange presentationBasic Functions
4072ERP EHP76.0T045F81Bank selection for bill of exchange presentationBasic Functions
4073ERP EHP76.0T061A51Development PartnerBasic Functions
4074ERP EHP76.0T061P31FI-ARI: External partner productsBasic Functions
4075ERP EHP76.0T061Q51FI-ARI: External partner products (texts)Basic Functions
4076ERP EHP76.0T061R31FI-ARI: Active external partner productsBasic Functions
4077ERP EHP76.0T061S101FI-ARI: Functions for external partnersBasic Functions
4078ERP EHP76.0T061V61FI-ARI: Texts for external partner functionsBasic Functions
4079ERP EHP76.0T079V41Customers: Screen Selection according to Sales Org.Basic Functions
4080ERP EHP76.0T179T41Materials: Product hierarchies: TextsBasic Functions
4081ERP EHP76.0TFBWD251Personal Customizing for Transaction FBWDBasic Functions
4082ERP EHP76.0TFBWE331Personal Customizing for Transaction FBWEBasic Functions
4083ERP EHP76.0TINSB41Alternative Bank Accounts for Program RFBITB01Basic Functions
4084ERP EHP76.0TINSO212Failed Payment Transactions and ChargesBasic Functions
4085ERP EHP76.0TPRIT41Customers: Delivery Priority: TextsBasic Functions
4086ERP EHP76.0TPTMT41Materials: Item Category Groups in Mat.Master: TextsBasic Functions
4087ERP EHP76.0TRERI41Additional days for remaining risk postingBasic Functions
4088ERP EHP76.0TSAB31Contact persons: standard departmentsBasic Functions
4089ERP EHP76.0TVPT31Sales documents: Item categoriesBasic Functions
4090ERP EHP76.0TVSMT41Materials: Statistics groups: TextsBasic Functions
Financial Accounting :: Additional Functions :: Down Payment Chains
4091ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/DPC_TABS51Sequence and Title of Customer Tabs in Down Payment ChainDown Payment Chains
4092ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC01434Down Payment ChainsDown Payment Chains
4093ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC02201Down Payment Chain TypesDown Payment Chains
4094ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC02T51Text for Down Payment Chain TypesDown Payment Chains
4095ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC0341Down Payment Chain: Retention Amount CategoriesDown Payment Chains
4096ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC03T51Down Payment Chain: Texts for Retention Amount CategoriesDown Payment Chains
4097ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC0481Down Payment Chain: Retention AmountsDown Payment Chains
4098ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC0531Down Payment Chain: Verification CategoriesDown Payment Chains
4099ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC05T51Down Payment Chain: Texts for Verification CategoriesDown Payment Chains
4100ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC06121Down Payment Chain: VerificationsDown Payment Chains
4101ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC0791Down Payment Chain: Categories for Assessment & Addtl CostsDown Payment Chains
4102ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC07O81Down Payment Chains: Default Vals for Addit.Costs (Optional)Down Payment Chains
4103ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC07T51Down Payment Chain: Text for Assessment & Addtl Costs CatsDown Payment Chains
4104ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC0891Down Payment Chain: Assessments and Additional CostsDown Payment Chains
4105ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC0931Down Payment Chain: Categories for Contractual PenaltiesDown Payment Chains
4106ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC09T51Down Payment Chains: Text for Contractual Penalities CategsDown Payment Chains
4107ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC10131Down Payment Chain: Contractual PenaltiesDown Payment Chains
4108ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC1172Down Payment Chain: Account AssignmentDown Payment Chains
4109ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC1251Down Payment Chain: Special G/L IndicatorDown Payment Chains
4110ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC1351Down Payment Chains: Payment BlockDown Payment Chains
4111ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC1431Down Payment Chain: Reporting time of deferred taxDown Payment Chains
4112ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC1541DPC: Define Calculation for Retention Amount CategoryDown Payment Chains
4113ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC1671DP Chain: Default Values for Verification CategoryDown Payment Chains
4114ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC1741Down Payment Chain: Update additional costs: revenue or costDown Payment Chains
4115ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC1851Down Payment Chain: Additional Cost Category for update typeDown Payment Chains
4116ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC18T51Down Payment Chain: Additional Cost Category for update typeDown Payment Chains
4117ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC19111Down Payment Chain: TransactionsDown Payment Chains
4118ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC20302Down Payment Chain: Document HeaderDown Payment Chains
4119ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC21401Down Payment Chain: Document SegmentsDown Payment Chains
4120ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC2291Down Payment Chain: Document Segment CurrenciesDown Payment Chains
4121ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC23131Down Payment Chain: Withholding Tax InformationDown Payment Chains
4122ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC3031Down Payment Chain: Define base amount for additional costsDown Payment Chains
4123ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC3171DPC: Default Values for Additional Cost CategoryDown Payment Chains
4124ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPC3251DPC: Assign Document Types and Transaction CategoryDown Payment Chains
4125ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPCARCH32Index table for selecting archived down payment chainsDown Payment Chains
4126ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPCIDXC121Down Payment Chain: Index for Cleared ItemsDown Payment Chains
4127ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPCIDXO121Down Payment Chain: Index for Open ItemsDown Payment Chains
4128ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPCINV31Customization table for assigning Billing Type to DPCDown Payment Chains
4129ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPCMEM61Down Payment Chains Worklist and TemplatesDown Payment Chains
4130ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/TDPCSO51Customization table for assigning SO Position to DPCDown Payment Chains
4131ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/T_PODPC41Customization table for assigning PO to DPCDown Payment Chains
4132ERP EHP76.0/SAPPCE/T_SGL2RA51Assign Special GL Indicator to the Retention AmountDown Payment Chains
Financial Accounting :: Asset Accounting :: Basic Functions
4133ERP EHP76.0ANAR101Asset TypesBasic Functions
4134ERP EHP76.0ANAT51Asset type textBasic Functions
4135ERP EHP76.0ANEA271Asset Line Items for Proportional ValuesBasic Functions
4136ERP EHP76.0ANEK512Document Header Asset PostingBasic Functions
4137ERP EHP76.0ANEP241Asset Line ItemsBasic Functions
4138ERP EHP76.0ANEV83Asset downpymt settlementBasic Functions
4139ERP EHP76.0ANGA221Asset catalog general dataBasic Functions
4140ERP EHP76.0ANGB161Asset catalog deprec. areaBasic Functions
4141ERP EHP76.0ANGT61Asset catalog text tableBasic Functions
4142ERP EHP76.0ANKA581Asset classes: general dataBasic Functions
4143ERP EHP76.0ANKAZ171Asset class: extension for technical fieldsBasic Functions
4144ERP EHP76.0ANKB331Asset class: depreciation areaBasic Functions
4145ERP EHP76.0ANKL431Generation table for generating asset classes from accountsBasic Functions
4146ERP EHP76.0ANKLAY41Asset class: Assignment of tab layoutsBasic Functions
4147ERP EHP76.0ANKLAYP51Asset class: Assignment of tab layoutsBasic Functions
4148ERP EHP76.0ANKP191Asset classes: Fld Cont Dpndnt on Chart of DepreciationBasic Functions
4149ERP EHP76.0ANKT81Asset classes: DescriptionBasic Functions
4150ERP EHP76.0ANKV101Asset classes: insurance typesBasic Functions
4151ERP EHP76.0ANLA1418Asset Master Record SegmentBasic Functions
4152ERP EHP76.0ANLB493Depreciation termsBasic Functions
4153ERP EHP76.0ANLBZA133Time-Dependent Depreciation TermsBasic Functions
4154ERP EHP76.0ANLBZW71Asset-specific base valuesBasic Functions
4155ERP EHP76.0ANLC771Asset Value FieldsBasic Functions
4156ERP EHP76.0ANLH81Main asset numberBasic Functions
4157ERP EHP76.0ANLP562Asset Periodic ValuesBasic Functions
4158ERP EHP76.0ANLQ352Period values from dep. posting run per posting levelBasic Functions
4159ERP EHP76.0ANLT152Asset TextsBasic Functions
4160ERP EHP76.0ANLU41Asset Master Record: User FieldsBasic Functions
4161ERP EHP76.0ANLV221Insurance dataBasic Functions
4162ERP EHP76.0ANLW101Insurable values (year dependent)Basic Functions
4163ERP EHP76.0ANLX251Asset Master Record SegmentBasic Functions
4164ERP EHP76.0ANLZ413Time-Dependent Asset AllocationsBasic Functions
4165ERP EHP76.0FAAASSETID52Assignment Table - Asset Key to Asset GUIDBasic Functions
4166ERP EHP76.0SMFIAA101Spec. FI-AA Data in Monitor (see Schedman_specific_fiaa)Basic Functions
4167ERP EHP76.0T080A61Structure definition work list suffixBasic Functions
4168ERP EHP76.0T082111Field group authorization assetsBasic Functions
4169ERP EHP76.0T082AVIEW021Entity Table for Asset ViewsBasic Functions
4170ERP EHP76.0T082AVIEW0T41Text Tables for Asset ViewsBasic Functions
4171ERP EHP76.0T082AVIEW141View Authorization for Asset Master Data FieldsBasic Functions
4172ERP EHP76.0T082AVIEW241View Authorization for Asset Depreciation Area FieldsBasic Functions
4173ERP EHP76.0T082AVIEWB51View Authorization for Depreciation AreasBasic Functions
4174ERP EHP76.0T082AVIEWTRANSG31Assignment of Transaction Group to Asset ViewBasic Functions
4175ERP EHP76.0T082B31Field groups assets definitionBasic Functions
4176ERP EHP76.0T082F41Field groups asset dataBasic Functions
4177ERP EHP76.0T082G131Field strings for screen selection asset master data.Basic Functions
4178ERP EHP76.0T082H51Field string name: Asset master data maintenanceBasic Functions
4179ERP EHP76.0T082I41Create takeover rules from transfer for master dataBasic Functions
4180ERP EHP76.0T082J51Create takeover rules from transfer for master data: areasBasic Functions
4181ERP EHP76.0T082L31Summary of logical field groupsBasic Functions
4182ERP EHP76.0T082M41Description for logical field groupsBasic Functions
4183ERP EHP76.0T082T41Names For Field GroupsBasic Functions
4184ERP EHP76.0T084141Incorrect assetsBasic Functions
4185ERP EHP76.0T085201Investment support measuresBasic Functions
4186ERP EHP76.0T085P91Investment support: Default and check tableBasic Functions
4187ERP EHP76.0T085S51Description of individual investment support measuresBasic Functions
4188ERP EHP76.0T085Z71Capital investment grants with time-dependent percentagesBasic Functions
4189ERP EHP76.0T086411Sort version ReportingBasic Functions
4190ERP EHP76.0T08731Evaluation groupsBasic Functions
4191ERP EHP76.0T087G21Evaluation group 8 placesBasic Functions
4192ERP EHP76.0T087K21Reason for investment protecting the environmentBasic Functions
4193ERP EHP76.0T087L41Text table for reasons for environmental investmentsBasic Functions
4194ERP EHP76.0T087S41Test table for evaluation group 8 placesBasic Functions
4195ERP EHP76.0T087T51Description of Evaluation GroupsBasic Functions
4196ERP EHP76.0T087U21Asset group number / asset groupBasic Functions
4197ERP EHP76.0T087V41Text table asset group number / asset groupBasic Functions
4198ERP EHP76.0T08961One-Time Revaluation on Key DateBasic Functions
4199ERP EHP76.0T090281Depreciation calculation keysBasic Functions
4200ERP EHP76.0T090A141Period control dep. calculationBasic Functions
4201ERP EHP76.0T090C141External depreciation keysBasic Functions
4202ERP EHP76.0T090L71Unit-of-production method of depreciationBasic Functions
4203ERP EHP76.0T090M61Table for maximum depreciation amountsBasic Functions
4204ERP EHP76.0T090MIG21FI-AA: Calculation Methods Were MigratedBasic Functions
4205ERP EHP76.0T090NA131Depreciation KeysBasic Functions
4206ERP EHP76.0T090NAT51Names of Depreciation KeysBasic Functions
4207ERP EHP76.0T090NAZ161Depreciation Keys - Method AssignmentBasic Functions
4208ERP EHP76.0T090ND61Declining-Balance MethodBasic Functions
4209ERP EHP76.0T090NDT51Name for Declining-Balance MethodBasic Functions
4210ERP EHP76.0T090NH51Maximum Amount MethodBasic Functions
4211ERP EHP76.0T090NHT41Name for Maximum Amount MethodBasic Functions
4212ERP EHP76.0T090NH_METH31Maximum Amount MethodBasic Functions
4213ERP EHP76.0T090NP141Period Control MethodBasic Functions
4214ERP EHP76.0T090NPT51Name of Period Control MethodBasic Functions
4215ERP EHP76.0T090NR81Base MethodBasic Functions
4216ERP EHP76.0T090NRT41Base MethodBasic Functions
4217ERP EHP76.0T090NS101Multilevel MethodBasic Functions
4218ERP EHP76.0T090NSG61Multi-Level Method - Start of ValidityBasic Functions
4219ERP EHP76.0T090NSK81Multilevel MethodBasic Functions
4220ERP EHP76.0T090NST51Name of Multi-Level MethodsBasic Functions
4221ERP EHP76.0T090P91Dep. calc. key percentage recordsBasic Functions
4222ERP EHP76.0T090R41Period control rules for transactionsBasic Functions
4223ERP EHP76.0T090S41Names For Internal Calculation KeysBasic Functions
4224ERP EHP76.0T090T51Names For External Depreciation KeysBasic Functions
4225ERP EHP76.0T090U41Texts on depreciation simulation versionsBasic Functions
4226ERP EHP76.0T090V41Name for period control in transactionsBasic Functions
4227ERP EHP76.0T090Z81Period control for transactionsBasic Functions
4228ERP EHP76.0T09141Cut-off value keyBasic Functions
4229ERP EHP76.0T091C71Translation methods for Asset AccountingBasic Functions
4230ERP EHP76.0T091P71Cut-off val. percent. ratesBasic Functions
4231ERP EHP76.0T091S41Text for translation methodsBasic Functions
4232ERP EHP76.0T091T41Names for Cut-Off Value KeysBasic Functions
4233ERP EHP76.0T093421Real and derived depreciation areasBasic Functions
4234ERP EHP76.0T093A201Real depreciation areaBasic Functions
4235ERP EHP76.0T093B221Company code-related depreciation area specificationsBasic Functions
4236ERP EHP76.0T093B_RSL111Company Code-Related Depreciation Area SpecificationsBasic Functions
4237ERP EHP76.0T093C291Company codes in Asset AccountingBasic Functions
4238ERP EHP76.0T093C_RSL31Default Values for Depreciation Key in Company CodeBasic Functions
4239ERP EHP76.0T093G31Cross-System Depreciation AreasBasic Functions
4240ERP EHP76.0T093GT51Texts for Cross-System Depreciation AreasBasic Functions
4241ERP EHP76.0T093H51Assignment of FI-AA Line Item SchemaBasic Functions
4242ERP EHP76.0T093R113Control Table for Archiving in Asset AccountingBasic Functions
4243ERP EHP76.0T093SB91Substitution for Asset Management / Company CodeBasic Functions
4244ERP EHP76.0T093T61Names for real and derived depreciation areasBasic Functions
4245ERP EHP76.0T093V71Validation for Asset Management / Company CodeBasic Functions
4246ERP EHP76.0T093_BSN_FUNC41ERP Business Function for FI-AABasic Functions
4247ERP EHP76.0T094A41Index series for replacement valuesBasic Functions
4248ERP EHP76.0T094B31Allowed base years per index seriesBasic Functions
4249ERP EHP76.0T094P71Index Figures for Replacement ValuesBasic Functions
4250ERP EHP76.0T094S41Names for Index ClassesBasic Functions
4251ERP EHP76.0T094T41Index series namesBasic Functions
4252ERP EHP76.0T095251Balance sheet accounts for depreciation areasBasic Functions
4253ERP EHP76.0T095A21Account allocationBasic Functions
4254ERP EHP76.0T095B241G/L accounts value adjustmentBasic Functions
4255ERP EHP76.0T095C41FI-AA Standard Account DeterminationBasic Functions
4256ERP EHP76.0T095P141Reconcil.accts. derived dep. areasBasic Functions
4257ERP EHP76.0T095T41Name for account groupsBasic Functions
4258ERP EHP76.0T09641Chart of depreciationBasic Functions
4259ERP EHP76.0T096T41Chart of depreciation textsBasic Functions
4260ERP EHP76.0T097JP121FI-AA: Percentage rates for property valuation JapanBasic Functions
4261ERP EHP76.0T09951Insurance typesBasic Functions
4262ERP EHP76.0T099A21Insurance companiesBasic Functions
4263ERP EHP76.0T099T41Description of Insurance TypesBasic Functions
4264ERP EHP76.0T099U41Insurance Companies DescriptionBasic Functions
4265ERP EHP76.0TA1M31Line Item SchemaBasic Functions
4266ERP EHP76.0TA1MT41Text Table for Line Item SchemaBasic Functions
4267ERP EHP76.0TA1MZ61Line Item SchemaBasic Functions
4268ERP EHP76.0TA1TV21Asset Transfer VariantBasic Functions
4269ERP EHP76.0TA1TVB71Determination of the Asset Transfer MethodBasic Functions
4270ERP EHP76.0TA1TVT41Asset Transfer VariantBasic Functions
4271ERP EHP76.0TAAPM121Assignment for Field Link between FI-AA and PMBasic Functions
4272ERP EHP76.0TAAPM1T41Assignment for Field Link between FI-AA and PMBasic Functions
4273ERP EHP76.0TAAPM261Link from FI-AA to PM: Assignment of FieldsBasic Functions
4274ERP EHP76.0TABA121Depreciation posting documentsBasic Functions
4275ERP EHP76.0TABAS81Logging of periodic posting runs in FI-AABasic Functions
4276ERP EHP76.0TABBR21Rules for determining asset value dateBasic Functions
4277ERP EHP76.0TABBT41Names of the rules for determining the asset value dateBasic Functions
4278ERP EHP76.0TABVA21Variants for determining asset value dateBasic Functions
4279ERP EHP76.0TABVAT41Names of variants for determining asset value dateBasic Functions
4280ERP EHP76.0TABVO61Determine asset value date in Asset Accounting transactionsBasic Functions
4281ERP EHP76.0TABW301Asset transaction typesBasic Functions
4282ERP EHP76.0TABWA61Transaction types/dep. areasBasic Functions
4283ERP EHP76.0TABWD31Default transaction types for FI-AA posting transactionsBasic Functions
4284ERP EHP76.0TABWD_FTC21Fields Used for Table Controls on Asset PostingsBasic Functions
4285ERP EHP76.0TABWD_VID11Entity Table for Table TABWDBasic Functions
4286ERP EHP76.0TABWD_VIT31Text Table for Table TABWD_VIDBasic Functions
4287ERP EHP76.0TABWG211Transaction type groupsBasic Functions
4288ERP EHP76.0TABWH41Name for asset transaction type groupsBasic Functions
4289ERP EHP76.0TABWM201Asgnmt. hist. sheet (sub)groups to asset history sheet itemBasic Functions
4290ERP EHP76.0TABWO41Names for the asset history sheet versionsBasic Functions
4291ERP EHP76.0TABWP31Entity table for asset history sheet versionsBasic Functions
4292ERP EHP76.0TABWT41Asset transaction types textsBasic Functions
4293ERP EHP76.0TABWU61Special Treatment of RetirementsBasic Functions
4294ERP EHP76.0TCREP101CATT-Test Reporting - Check of logical databasesBasic Functions
4295ERP EHP76.0TFAA_PC_P31ProcessesBasic Functions
4296ERP EHP76.0TFAA_PC_PS71Assignment Process -> SubprocessBasic Functions
4297ERP EHP76.0TFAA_PC_PT51Process NamesBasic Functions
4298ERP EHP76.0TFAA_PC_S31SubprocessesBasic Functions
4299ERP EHP76.0TFAA_PC_SM61Assignment of Subprocess to Processing Methods/ModulesBasic Functions
4300ERP EHP76.0TFAA_PC_ST51Subprocess NamesBasic Functions
Financial Accounting :: Asset Accounting :: Information System
4301ERP EHP76.0GLOFAAJPAX16AC41FI-AA: Japan / Asset class selection for Annex16Information System
4302ERP EHP76.0GLOFAAJPT09341FI-AA: Japan / Additional attribute for Depreciation AreasInformation System
4303ERP EHP76.0GLOFAAJPTSICHK51Annex16: Chk tab for the convination of Type-Structure-ItemInformation System
4304ERP EHP76.0GLOFAAJPTSIDEF61Annex16: Default Value for Structure & Item in CSMDInformation System
4305ERP EHP76.0TABWQ21Asset hist. sheet groupInformation System
4306ERP EHP76.0TABWR41Name of asset hist. sheet groupInformation System
Financial Accounting :: Bank Accounting :: Master Data
4307ERP EHP76.0T012111House BanksMaster Data
4308ERP EHP76.0T012K231House Bank AccountsMaster Data
4309ERP EHP76.0T012T61House Bank Account NamesMaster Data
Financial Accounting :: Bank Accounting :: Payment Transactions
4310ERP EHP76.0ACRELATION61Relationships in AccountingPayment Transactions
4311ERP EHP76.0BUSPROC_FCT_FIEB31FIEB: Function Modules for Business ProcessPayment Transactions
4312ERP EHP76.0FIBL_RPCODE241Master Data for Repetitive CodePayment Transactions
4313ERP EHP76.0FIBL_RPCODE_GREL51Assign Repetitive Codes/GroupsPayment Transactions
4314ERP EHP76.0FIBL_RPCODE_GROU21Groups of Repetitive CodesPayment Transactions
4315ERP EHP76.0FIBL_RPCODE_GRTX41Group Names of Repetitive CodePayment Transactions
4316ERP EHP76.0FIBL_RPCODE_TDEF81Default Values for Repetitive CodesPayment Transactions
4317ERP EHP76.0FIEBCHKF51FIEB: File Name of Last Check-OutPayment Transactions
4318ERP EHP76.0FIEBCHKO101FIEB: Check-Out Data on a Physical DocumentPayment Transactions
4319ERP EHP76.0FIEBCONT171FIEB: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)Payment Transactions
4320ERP EHP76.0FIEBLOIO181FIEB: Instances of Logical DocumentsPayment Transactions
4321ERP EHP76.0FIEBLOIOT51FIEB: Descriptions of Logical DocumentsPayment Transactions
4322ERP EHP76.0FIEBLOPR72FIEB: Attribute Values of Logical DocumentsPayment Transactions
4323ERP EHP76.0FIEBLORE113FIEB: Outgoing Relationships of Logical DocumentsPayment Transactions
4324ERP EHP76.0FIEBLORI113FIEB: Incoming Relationships of Physical DocumentsPayment Transactions
4325ERP EHP76.0FIEBPHF101FIEB: Physical document filesPayment Transactions
4326ERP EHP76.0FIEBPHHR121FIEB: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical DocumentsPayment Transactions
4327ERP EHP76.0FIEBPHIO251FIEB: Instances of Physical DocumentsPayment Transactions
4328ERP EHP76.0FIEBPHNM123FIEB: Use of Target Anchors in Physical DocumentsPayment Transactions
4329ERP EHP76.0FIEBPHPR72FIEB: Physical document attributesPayment Transactions
4330ERP EHP76.0FIEBPHRE111FIEB: Outgoing Relationships of Physical DocumentsPayment Transactions
4331ERP EHP76.0FIEBPHRI111FIEB: Incoming Relationships of Physical DocumentsPayment Transactions
4332ERP EHP76.0FIEBRE113FIEB: Instances of RelationshipsPayment Transactions
4333ERP EHP76.0FIEBREPR72FIEB: Attributes of RelationshipsPayment Transactions
4334ERP EHP76.0FIEB_BUSPRO11Business Processes in ApplicationsPayment Transactions
4335ERP EHP76.0FIEB_BUSPROT31Names of Application Business ProcessesPayment Transactions
4336ERP EHP76.0FIEB_OID_LOCK21Used to Lock any Given Objects Using Their OIDPayment Transactions
4337ERP EHP76.0FIEB_PASSWORD31Passwords (stored in encrypted form)Payment Transactions
4338ERP EHP76.0FIEB_STATUS241FIEB: Status Management, Save StatusPayment Transactions
4339ERP EHP76.0FIEB_STATUSV21Status Values for Internet MessagesPayment Transactions
4340ERP EHP76.0FIEB_STATUSVT41Names of Status Values for Internet MessagesPayment Transactions
4341ERP EHP76.0FIEB_STATUS_LOCK21Dummy to Block Status According to Non-Primary Key FieldsPayment Transactions
4342ERP EHP76.0GENERAL_EB_FIEB21General Customizing Table for Electronic BankingPayment Transactions
4343ERP EHP76.0HBNK_LOGADR_FIEB41Assignment of House Bank to Logical AddressPayment Transactions
4344ERP EHP76.0LOGADR_ATTR_FIEB111Attributes of Logical AddressesPayment Transactions
4345ERP EHP76.0LOGADR_PHAD_FIEB41Physical Address for a Logical AddressPayment Transactions
4346ERP EHP76.0OFX_BP_MSGS_FIEB31Customizing of OFX Message Sets for Business ProcessesPayment Transactions
4347ERP EHP76.0OFX_LA_MSGS_FIEB51Message Sets per Business ProcessPayment Transactions
4348ERP EHP76.0OFX_VERSION_FIEB31Attributes for a DTD Version of OFXPayment Transactions
4349ERP EHP76.0PAYR635Payment Medium FilePayment Transactions
4350ERP EHP76.0PCEC151Prenumbered ChecksPayment Transactions
4351ERP EHP76.0REGUHM203Payment Data for Cross-Payment Run Payment MediumPayment Transactions
4352ERP EHP76.0REGUP_CORE371Processed Items from Payment ProgramPayment Transactions
4353ERP EHP76.0REGUVM31Payment Data for Cross-Payment Run Payment MediumPayment Transactions
4354ERP EHP76.0T012D281Parameters for DMEs and foreign pmnt transactionsPayment Transactions
4355ERP EHP76.0T015V21Application Area for Instructions in Payment TransactionsPayment Transactions
4356ERP EHP76.0T015VT31Long text for application areasPayment Transactions
4357ERP EHP76.0T015W021Allocate application areas to instruction fieldsPayment Transactions
4358ERP EHP76.0T015W151InstructionsPayment Transactions
4359ERP EHP76.0T015W1T51Instructions (explanatory text)Payment Transactions
4360ERP EHP76.0T015WT61Explanation of Instruction KeyPayment Transactions
4361ERP EHP76.0T042B201Details on the company codes that must payPayment Transactions
4362ERP EHP76.0T042E351Company Code-Specific Specifications for Payment MethodsPayment Transactions
4363ERP EHP76.0T042Q41Permitted Destination Lands for Payment MethodPayment Transactions
4364ERP EHP76.0T042W41Permitted currency keys for payment methodPayment Transactions
4365ERP EHP76.0T042YP71Account Determination for HR PaymentsPayment Transactions
4366ERP EHP76.0T042Z351Payment Methods for Automatic PaymentPayment Transactions
4367ERP EHP76.0T042ZT51Texts of Payment Methods for Automatic PaymentPayment Transactions
4368ERP EHP76.0TFIBLAPARPVAR131Online Payment: VariantsPayment Transactions
4369ERP EHP76.0TFIBLFFPVAR221Online Payment: VariantsPayment Transactions
4370ERP EHP76.0TFIBLHBG31Group of House Bank AccountsPayment Transactions
4371ERP EHP76.0TFIBLHBG151Group of House Bank Accounts: DetailsPayment Transactions
4372ERP EHP76.0TFIBLHBGT51Name of the House Bank GroupsPayment Transactions
4373ERP EHP76.0TFIBLMPAYBLOCK41Reservation for Cross-Payment Run Payment MediaPayment Transactions
4374ERP EHP76.0TFIBLMPAYBLOCKID11Run Identification for Cross-Payment Run Payment MediumPayment Transactions
4375ERP EHP76.0TFIBLMPVAR211Online Payment: VariantsPayment Transactions
4376ERP EHP76.0TFIBLOPAY131Origin of Online PaymentsPayment Transactions
4377ERP EHP76.0TFIBLOPAYSTEP61Online Payments: Determine Process StepsPayment Transactions
4378ERP EHP76.0TFIBLOPDOCTYPE31Document Types for Online PaymentsPayment Transactions
4379ERP EHP76.0TFIBLOPVAR71Online Payment: Administration of VariantsPayment Transactions
4380ERP EHP76.0TFIBLORIGIN31Origin IndicatorPayment Transactions
4381ERP EHP76.0TFIBLORIGINC61Origin SettingsPayment Transactions
4382ERP EHP76.0TFIBLORIGIND21Assignment of Origin to Overriding OriginPayment Transactions
4383ERP EHP76.0TFIBLORIGINT31Meaning of an Origin IndicatorPayment Transactions
Financial Accounting :: Consolidation :: Basic Functions
4384ERP EHP76.0EWULC0121FI-LC: LC ledgerBasic Functions
4385ERP EHP76.0EWULC0241FI-LC: Ledgers for conversionBasic Functions
4386ERP EHP76.0EWULC0341FI-LC: Companies for conversionBasic Functions
4387ERP EHP76.0EWULC04121FI-LC: Settings for euro conversion adjustmentsBasic Functions
4388ERP EHP76.0FILCA584FI-LC: Actual journal entry table with 2 object tablesBasic Functions
4389ERP EHP76.0FILCC122FI-LC: Transaction-related fields for table FILCTBasic Functions
4390ERP EHP76.0FILCO112FI-LC: Acct assign.fields (Object-TrPartner) for table FILCTBasic Functions
4391ERP EHP76.0FILCP1344FI-LC: Plan line items for object tableBasic Functions
4392ERP EHP76.0FILCT1203FI-LC: Global totals table with 2 object tablesBasic Functions
4393ERP EHP76.0GLT3681Summary Data Preparations for ConsolidationBasic Functions
4394ERP EHP76.0GSBLCA281Business area consolidation: deviating recordsBasic Functions
4395ERP EHP76.0MCDX81Compressed Consolidation transaction dataBasic Functions
4396ERP EHP76.0T000K501GroupBasic Functions
4397ERP EHP76.0T850231Company data for ConsolidationBasic Functions
4398ERP EHP76.0T850A51Company sort criteriaBasic Functions
4399ERP EHP76.0T850B21Business segmentsBasic Functions
4400ERP EHP76.0T850C41Business segments: textsBasic Functions
4401ERP EHP76.0T850D51Assignment of business segmentBasic Functions
4402ERP EHP76.0T850F61Upload methodsBasic Functions
4403ERP EHP76.0T850G41Upload Methods: TextsBasic Functions
4404ERP EHP76.0T850H61Upload Methods: Field CatalogsBasic Functions
4405ERP EHP76.0T850I111Version-dependent assignment: Company/data import + validtnBasic Functions
4406ERP EHP76.0T850K151Company correspondence dataBasic Functions
4407ERP EHP76.0T850S51Tax ratesBasic Functions
4408ERP EHP76.0T850Z41Layout: FS chart of accountsBasic Functions
4409ERP EHP76.0T851292Changes in InvestmentsBasic Functions
4410ERP EHP76.0T85291SubgroupsBasic Functions
4411ERP EHP76.0T852G121Subgroup companiesBasic Functions
4412ERP EHP76.0T852N21Consolidation frequenciesBasic Functions
4413ERP EHP76.0T852O41Consolidation frequencies: TextsBasic Functions
4414ERP EHP76.0T852P51Consolidation PeriodsBasic Functions
4415ERP EHP76.0T852U161Subgroup companiesBasic Functions
4416ERP EHP76.0T852V131Version-dependent subgroup characteristicsBasic Functions
4417ERP EHP76.0T853451Company statusBasic Functions
4418ERP EHP76.0T853K201Subgroup statusBasic Functions
4419ERP EHP76.0T854201Financial statement items for consolidationBasic Functions
4420ERP EHP76.0T854S71Selected FS itemsBasic Functions
4421ERP EHP76.0T854T71Financial statement item textsBasic Functions
4422ERP EHP76.0T854U41FS item short textsBasic Functions
4423ERP EHP76.0T85521Reasons for inclusion in consolidationBasic Functions
4424ERP EHP76.0T855T61Reasons for inclusion in consolidationBasic Functions
4425ERP EHP76.0T856111Transaction TypesBasic Functions
4426ERP EHP76.0T856T41Transaction type textsBasic Functions
4427ERP EHP76.0T856X41Transaction type groupsBasic Functions
4428ERP EHP76.0T856Y41Transaction type groups: TextsBasic Functions
4429ERP EHP76.0T85761Line layout of data entry formsBasic Functions
4430ERP EHP76.0T857A81Column layout of data entry formBasic Functions
4431ERP EHP76.0T857D21Data entry form groups: NamesBasic Functions
4432ERP EHP76.0T857E41Data entry form groups: TextsBasic Functions
4433ERP EHP76.0T857F51Data entry form bundlingBasic Functions
4434ERP EHP76.0T857N21Validation groupsBasic Functions
4435ERP EHP76.0T857O41Validation groups: TextsBasic Functions
4436ERP EHP76.0T857P61Validation RulesBasic Functions
4437ERP EHP76.0T857S21Column layout for data entry form: NamesBasic Functions
4438ERP EHP76.0T857T41Column layout for data entry form: TextBasic Functions
4439ERP EHP76.0T857X21Line layout for data entry form: NameBasic Functions
4440ERP EHP76.0T857Y41Line layout for data entry form: TextBasic Functions
4441ERP EHP76.0T858191Consolidation versionsBasic Functions
4442ERP EHP76.0T858I91Versions for Consolidation integrationBasic Functions
4443ERP EHP76.0T858T41Consolidation version textsBasic Functions
4444ERP EHP76.0T859161Data entry formsBasic Functions
4445ERP EHP76.0T859T41Data entry form titleBasic Functions
4446ERP EHP76.0T85A21First additional fieldBasic Functions
4447ERP EHP76.0T85AT41First additional field: TextsBasic Functions
4448ERP EHP76.0T85B21Second additional fieldBasic Functions
4449ERP EHP76.0T85BT41Second additional field: TextsBasic Functions
4450ERP EHP76.0T85C21Third additional fieldBasic Functions
4451ERP EHP76.0T85CT41Third additional field: TextsBasic Functions
4452ERP EHP76.0T85S141FI-LC: Assignment of first add. fld to second add. fldBasic Functions
4453ERP EHP76.0T85S241FI-LC: Assignment of second add. fld to third add. fldBasic Functions
4454ERP EHP76.0T85Y21Additional Field CategoryBasic Functions
4455ERP EHP76.0T85YT41Additional field type: TextsBasic Functions
4456ERP EHP76.0T862K21Standard reports: HeadingsBasic Functions
4457ERP EHP76.0T862L41Standard reports: Header textsBasic Functions
4458ERP EHP76.0T862Q21Standard reports: Column layoutBasic Functions
4459ERP EHP76.0T862R41Standard reports: Column layout textsBasic Functions
4460ERP EHP76.0T862S241Standard reports: Column layoutBasic Functions
4461ERP EHP76.0T862T61Standard reports: HeadersBasic Functions
4462ERP EHP76.0T862X21Standard reports: Line layoutBasic Functions
4463ERP EHP76.0T862Y41Standard reports: Line layout textsBasic Functions
4464ERP EHP76.0T862Z101Standard reports: Line layoutsBasic Functions
4465ERP EHP76.0T863121Consolidation standard reportsBasic Functions
4466ERP EHP76.0T863B161Report groupsBasic Functions
4467ERP EHP76.0T863C21Report groups: NamesBasic Functions
4468ERP EHP76.0T863D41Report groups: TextsBasic Functions
4469ERP EHP76.0T863I61Reports for Interactive ReportingBasic Functions
4470ERP EHP76.0T863T41Report titlesBasic Functions
4471ERP EHP76.0T863V41Valuations: TextsBasic Functions
4472ERP EHP76.0T863W91ValuationsBasic Functions
4473ERP EHP76.0T863X131Selections for reportingBasic Functions
4474ERP EHP76.0T863Y141INDX datasetsBasic Functions
4475ERP EHP76.0T863Z81Selection: Document statusBasic Functions
4476ERP EHP76.0T864191ReclassificationsBasic Functions
4477ERP EHP76.0T865251Intercompany EliminationBasic Functions
4478ERP EHP76.0T866111Elimination of IC profit/loss: FS itemsBasic Functions
4479ERP EHP76.0T866Z61Elimination of IC P/L: Assignment of additional fieldsBasic Functions
4480ERP EHP76.0T86731Product groupsBasic Functions
4481ERP EHP76.0T867T41Product group textsBasic Functions
4482ERP EHP76.0T868B131Elimination of IC profit/loss: Inventory management co.sBasic Functions
4483ERP EHP76.0T868L111Elimination of IC profit/loss: Vendor dataBasic Functions
4484ERP EHP76.0T869461Consolidation methodsBasic Functions
4485ERP EHP76.0T869T51Consolidation of investments methodsBasic Functions
4486ERP EHP76.0T870101Consolidation method assignmentBasic Functions
4487ERP EHP76.0T871191Changes in investee equityBasic Functions
4488ERP EHP76.0T872261Equity Holdings AdjustmentsBasic Functions
4489ERP EHP76.0T872I131Periodic entry for affiliated companiesBasic Functions
4490ERP EHP76.0T873271Hidden reservesBasic Functions
4491ERP EHP76.0T874251Elimination of hidden reservesBasic Functions
4492ERP EHP76.0T875251Asset transfers within the groupBasic Functions
4493ERP EHP76.0T875C141Changes in depreciationBasic Functions
4494ERP EHP76.0T875D461Asset transfersBasic Functions
4495ERP EHP76.0T875E191Change in depreciation of asset transfersBasic Functions
4496ERP EHP76.0T876221Consolidation document typesBasic Functions
4497ERP EHP76.0T876B31Document typesBasic Functions
4498ERP EHP76.0T876T41Consolidation document type textsBasic Functions
4499ERP EHP76.0T876V61Validation of Consolidation documentBasic Functions
4500ERP EHP76.0T877131Consolidation activity groupsBasic Functions
4501ERP EHP76.0T877K21Consolidation activity groups: NamesBasic Functions
4502ERP EHP76.0T877L41Consolidation activity groups: TextsBasic Functions
4503ERP EHP76.0T87951Standard textsBasic Functions
4504ERP EHP76.0T879P31Data transfer directoriesBasic Functions
4505ERP EHP76.0T880B151Valuation methodsBasic Functions
4506ERP EHP76.0T880G41Consolidation companiesBasic Functions
4507ERP EHP76.0T884241Currency translationBasic Functions
4508ERP EHP76.0T884F41Translation Differences: Additional Account AssignmentBasic Functions
4509ERP EHP76.0T884H71Historical currency translationBasic Functions
4510ERP EHP76.0T884K41Exchange rate indicator for currency translationBasic Functions
4511ERP EHP76.0T884M131Currency translation methods used in ConsolidationBasic Functions
4512ERP EHP76.0T884R71Exchange rate indicator referencesBasic Functions
4513ERP EHP76.0T884S61Sets used in currency translationBasic Functions
4514ERP EHP76.0T884T41Currency translation method table: TextsBasic Functions
4515ERP EHP76.0TGSBK21Consolidation business areasBasic Functions
4516ERP EHP76.0BIW_EMMA_CASE252Delta Queue for Process Statistics for Clarification CasesBasic Functions
4517ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_BASIC41Basic Settings for EMMABasic Functions
4518ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_BPA61Business Process Area CustomizingBasic Functions
4519ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_BPC61Business Process Code CustomizingBasic Functions
4520ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_BPC_PROCID31Log Process ID of Action Box TransactionBasic Functions
4521ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CANCODE21Reversal ReasonBasic Functions
4522ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CANCODET41Text for Reversal ReasonBasic Functions
4523ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CCAT_BND61BindingBasic Functions
4524ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CCAT_CND131Conditions for Case Determination or PriorityBasic Functions
4525ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CCAT_COB71Object ContainerBasic Functions
4526ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CCAT_HDR251Clarification Case CategoriesBasic Functions
4527ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CCAT_HDRT51Short Texts for Clarification Case CategoriesBasic Functions
4528ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CCAT_MOB51Assignment of Business Objects (or Field Values) to Case CatBasic Functions
4529ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CCAT_MSG61Message Pool for Case CategoryBasic Functions
4530ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CCAT_PRI61Extended Case Determination and PriorityBasic Functions
4531ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CCAT_SOP191Solution ProcessesBasic Functions
4532ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CCAT_SOP_B71Data Flow for Solution MethodsBasic Functions
4533ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CREACODE21Forwarding ReasonsBasic Functions
4534ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CREACODET41Texts for Forwarding ReasonsBasic Functions
4535ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CTYPE31Case TypesBasic Functions
4536ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CTYPET41Short Description of Case TypesBasic Functions
4537ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CWL_BTN61Case List: Shortcut ButtonsBasic Functions
4538ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CWL_BTNT51Texts for Shortcut ButtonsBasic Functions
4539ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CWL_SHL21Layout of Case Processing ListBasic Functions
4540ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_CWL_SHLT41Text for Layout of Case Processing ListBasic Functions
4541ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_FWM31Methods for Forwarding CasesBasic Functions
4542ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_FWMT41Short Description of Methods for Forwarding CasesBasic Functions
4543ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_MSGSUPRS61Suppression of Messages during PreparationBasic Functions
4544ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_MSG_OBJ61Message ObjectsBasic Functions
4545ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_MSG_SUPRES41Suppression of Messages during Preparation (Do Not Use)Basic Functions
4546ERP EHP76.0EMMA_BPA31Business Process AreaBasic Functions
4547ERP EHP76.0EMMA_BPAT31Text Table for Business Process AreaBasic Functions
4548ERP EHP76.0EMMA_BPC201Business Process CodeBasic Functions
4549ERP EHP76.0EMMA_BPCT31Text for Business Process CodeBasic Functions
4550ERP EHP76.0EMMA_CACTOR52Clarification Case ProcessorBasic Functions
4551ERP EHP76.0EMMA_CACTOR_CD21Processor Assignments (Only for Change Documents)Basic Functions
4552ERP EHP76.0EMMA_CASE336Clarification CaseBasic Functions
4553ERP EHP76.0EMMA_CMSG_LINK91Case MessagesBasic Functions
4554ERP EHP76.0EMMA_COBJECT92Objects and Field Values for CaseBasic Functions
4555ERP EHP76.0EMMA_COBJECT_CD51Objects and Field Values for Case(Only for Change Documents)Basic Functions
4556ERP EHP76.0EMMA_CSOLP221Case Solution PathBasic Functions
4557ERP EHP76.0EMMA_HDR305Prepared Application LogsBasic Functions
4558ERP EHP76.0EMMA_INT282Prepared Intervals in Application LogsBasic Functions
4559ERP EHP76.0EMMA_JOBRUNIDMSG102Monitoring Mass Run: Buffer for Messages (INDX)Basic Functions
4560ERP EHP76.0EMMA_MASSACT_INF21Read Interval Info of Application Log ObjectBasic Functions
4561ERP EHP76.0EMMA_TCODE81Transaction Codes for Application Log MonitoringBasic Functions
Financial Accounting :: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable :: Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4562ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIBILLACC_B82Billing Account Billing HistoryBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4563ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIBILLACC_FH61Billing Account Facts HeaderBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4564ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIBILLACC_FI151Billing Account Facts ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4565ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIBILLACC_H294Billing Account HeaderBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4566ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIBILLACC_HH81Billing Account Historical HeaderBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4567ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIBILLACC_I92Billing Account ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4568ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIBILLACC_R41Billing Account External ReferenceBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4569ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIBILLTASK111Billing OrderBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4570ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIEDRAT191EDRs for Payment, Receivable, and Credit AmountsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4571ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIEDRRJAT181Provisionally Rejected EDRs (Payments, Receivables, Credit)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4572ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIEDRRJTC111Provisionally Rejected EDRsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4573ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIEDRRJZ01151Test Data: Provisionally Rejected EDRs fr. Cat. ZTCSERVICEBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4574ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIEDRTC121EDRs for Toll BillingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4575ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIEDRWOAT261Permanently Rejected EDRs (Payments, Receivables, Credit)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4576ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIEDRWOTC191Permanently Rejected EDRsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4577ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIEDRWOZ01231Test Data: Permanently Rejected EDRs fr. Category ZTCSERVICEBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4578ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIEDRZ01161Test Data: EDRs with Additional Services for Toll BillingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4579ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXBIT4_DELH131History Table for Deletion of Billed ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4580ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXBIT4_LOG161Log of Data Store of Billed ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4581ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXBIT_CH131Change Sequence of Changed Billable ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4582ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXBIT_GEN91Generation Info for Billable Items ClassBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4583ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXBIT_GENH101Generation Info for Billable Item Class (History)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4584ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXBIT_GENOB91Generated Objects for Billable Items ClassBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4585ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXBIT_HIST171History Table for Billable Item ExceptionsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4586ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXBIT_LOG131Log of Data Storage of Billable ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4587ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXBIT_REV193Reversal Request for Billable ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4588ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXC810171BIT Class Configuration Version (Table TFK8101)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4589ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXC8101T41BIT Class Configuration Version (Table TFK8101T)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4590ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXC8151C31BIT Class Configuration Version (Table TFK8151C)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4591ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXC8152161BIT Class Configuration Version (Table TFK8152)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4592ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXC815331BIT Class Configuration Version (Table TFK8153)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4593ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXC8153S31BIT Class Configuration Version (Table TFK8153S)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4594ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXC8153ST51BIT Class Configuration Version (Table TFK8153ST)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4595ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXC8153T51BIT Class Configuration Version (Table TFK8153T)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4596ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXC815461BIT Class Configuration Version (Table TFK8154)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4597ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXC8154F71BIT Class Configuration Version (Table TFK8154F)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4598ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXC8154T71BIT Class Configuration Version (Table TFK8154T)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4599ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXE810191Working Version Configuration BIT Class (Table TFK8101)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4600ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXE8101T31Working Version Configuration BIT Class (Table TFK8101T)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4601ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXE8151C21Working Version Configuration BIT Class (Table TFK8151C)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4602ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXE8152161Working Version Configuration BIT Class (Table TFK8152)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4603ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXE815321Working Version Configuration BIT Class (Table TFK8153)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4604ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXE8153S21Working Version Configuration BIT Class (Table TFK8153S)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4605ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXE8153ST41Working Version Configuration BIT Class (Table TFK8153ST)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4606ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXE8153T41Working Version Configuration BIT Class (Table TFK8153T)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4607ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXE815451Working Version Configuration BIT Class (Table TFK8154)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4608ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXE8154F61Working Version Configuration BIT Class (Table TFK8154F)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4609ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXE8154T61Working Version Configuration BIT Class (Table TFK8154T)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4610ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXG810181BIT Class Generation Version (Table TFK8101)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4611ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXG8101T41BIT Class Generation Version (Table TFK8101T)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4612ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXG8151C31BIT Class Generation Version (Table TFK8151C)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4613ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXG8152161BIT Class Generation Version (Table TFK8152)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4614ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXG815331BIT Class Generation Version (Table TFK8153)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4615ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXG8153S31BIT Class Generation Version (Table TFK8153S)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4616ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXG8153ST51BIT Class Generation Version (Table TFK8153ST)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4617ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXG8153T51BIT Class Generation Version (Table TFK8153T)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4618ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXG815461BIT Class Generation Version (Table TFK8154)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4619ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXG8154F71BIT Class Generation Version (Table TFK8154F)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4620ERP EHP76.0DFKKBIXG8154T71BIT Class Generation Version (Table TFK8154T)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4621ERP EHP76.0DFKKBI_BWTRIG151BI: Extraction Orders for Billing Account IntervalsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4622ERP EHP76.0DFKKBI_BWTRIGH281BI: History Records for ExtractionBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4623ERP EHP76.0DFKKBI_BWTRIGS141BI: Individual Extraction Orders for EDRsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4624ERP EHP76.0FKKBIXTEST_PPBAL61Prepaid Test Environment: Prepaid Account BalanceBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4625ERP EHP76.0FKKBIXTEST_PPCFG51Prepaid Test Environment: ConfigureBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4626ERP EHP76.0TFK800031Type of Billing AccountBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4627ERP EHP76.0TFK8000T41Text Table for TFK8000Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4628ERP EHP76.0TFK800161Type of Billing Account ItemBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4629ERP EHP76.0TFK8001T41Text Table for TFK8001Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4630ERP EHP76.0TFK800231Type of EDR / Type of Billing Account ItemBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4631ERP EHP76.0TFK8002_BILLPROC61Log Table for Billing ProcedureBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4632ERP EHP76.0TFK800321Reason for Billing LockBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4633ERP EHP76.0TFK8003T41Text Table for TFK8003Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4634ERP EHP76.0TFK800421Reason for Releasing Billing LockBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4635ERP EHP76.0TFK8004T41Text Table for TFK8004Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4636ERP EHP76.0TFK800521External Reference Category of Billing AccountBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4637ERP EHP76.0TFK8005T41Text Table for Category of External Reference of Bill. AcctBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4638ERP EHP76.0TFK800621Billing Object CategoryBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4639ERP EHP76.0TFK8006T41Text Table for Billing Object CategoryBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4640ERP EHP76.0TFK800731Header Data of a Billing RateBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4641ERP EHP76.0TFK8007T41Text Table for TFK8007Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4642ERP EHP76.0TFK800841Billing Rate ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4643ERP EHP76.0TFK8008A81Transaction Determination for Billing Rate ItemBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4644ERP EHP76.0TFK800971Operands of Billing Rate ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4645ERP EHP76.0TFK801081Billing Rate DeterminationBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4646ERP EHP76.0TFK801121EDR Categories and Their Database ClassesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4647ERP EHP76.0TFK8011T31Text Tabel for TFK8011Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4648ERP EHP76.0TFK801251Active EDR CategoriesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4649ERP EHP76.0TFK801331Type of EDRBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4650ERP EHP76.0TFK8013T41Text for Type of EDRBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4651ERP EHP76.0TFK801461Operand Category and Relevant Class and Generator ClassBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4652ERP EHP76.0TFK8014T31Text Table for TFK8014Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4653ERP EHP76.0TFK801531OperandsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4654ERP EHP76.0TFK8015T41Text Table for TFK8015Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4655ERP EHP76.0TFK801621Assignment of EDR Categories to Operand CategoriesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4656ERP EHP76.0TFK801741Billing RulesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4657ERP EHP76.0TFK8017T31Text Table for TFK8017Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4658ERP EHP76.0TFK801861Operand Categories for Each Billing Rule ItemBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4659ERP EHP76.0TFK8018T41Text Table for TFK8018Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4660ERP EHP76.0TFK801941Billing Rate TypesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4661ERP EHP76.0TFK8019T41Text Table for TFK8019Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4662ERP EHP76.0TFK802031Billing Rate CategoriesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4663ERP EHP76.0TFK8020T41Text Table for TFK8020Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4664ERP EHP76.0TFK8020_BILLPROC51Log Table for Billing ProcedureBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4665ERP EHP76.0TFK802161Billing TypeBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4666ERP EHP76.0TFK8021T41Text Table for TFK8021Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4667ERP EHP76.0TFK802251Billing ProcessBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4668ERP EHP76.0TFK8022T41Text Table for TFK8022Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4669ERP EHP76.0TFK802331Reasons for Permanently Rejected EDRsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4670ERP EHP76.0TFK8023T51Reasons for Permanently Rejected EDRsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4671ERP EHP76.0TFK802421Axle ClassesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4672ERP EHP76.0TFK8024T41Text for Axle ClassesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4673ERP EHP76.0TFK802521Emissions ClassBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4674ERP EHP76.0TFK8025T41Texts for Emissions ClassBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4675ERP EHP76.0TFK8026111Billing CycleBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4676ERP EHP76.0TFK8026S51Subordinate Billing CyclesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4677ERP EHP76.0TFK8026T41Texts for Billing CycleBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4678ERP EHP76.0TFK802721Billing Period TypesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4679ERP EHP76.0TFK8027T41Text for Billing Period TypesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4680ERP EHP76.0TFK8028121Billing ProcedureBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4681ERP EHP76.0TFK8028T41Text for Billing ProcedureBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4682ERP EHP76.0TFK8028_BILLPROC71Log Table for Billing ProcedureBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4683ERP EHP76.0TFK802951Billing Period ControlBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4684ERP EHP76.0TFK8029_BILLPROC71Log Table for Billing ProcedureBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4685ERP EHP76.0TFK803031EDR Types for Demand-Driven BillingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4686ERP EHP76.0TFK8030A31Operands / Facts for Demand-Driven BillingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4687ERP EHP76.0TFK803141Alloc. of Billing Period Types to Billing Account Item TypesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4688ERP EHP76.0TFK8031_BILLPROC71Log Table for Billing ProcedureBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4689ERP EHP76.0TFK803231Persistence Object Types and Classes Belonging to ThemBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4690ERP EHP76.0TFK803321Assignment of Operand Category to Fact CategoryBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4691ERP EHP76.0TFK803421Billing Fact CategoryBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4692ERP EHP76.0TFK8034T31Text Table for TFK8034Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4693ERP EHP76.0TFK803551Derivation Table for Billing Account Category DataBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4694ERP EHP76.0TFK8035T41Text Table for TFK8035Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4695ERP EHP76.0TFK803641Derivation Table for Billing ScheduleBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4696ERP EHP76.0TFK8036T41Text Table for TFK8036Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4697ERP EHP76.0TFK803731Derivation Table for Billing RateBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4698ERP EHP76.0TFK8037T41Text Table for TFK8037Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4699ERP EHP76.0TFK803841Derivation Table for Billing Account ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4700ERP EHP76.0TFK8038T51Text Table for TFK8038Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4701ERP EHP76.0TFK803921Definition of Billing Fact ChecksBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4702ERP EHP76.0TFK8039T31Text Table for TFK8039Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4703ERP EHP76.0TFK804031Allocation of Billing Fact Category to Billing Fact CheckBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4704ERP EHP76.0TFK804131Allocation of Billing Fact Check to OperandBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4705ERP EHP76.0TFK804221Select Operand for Fact ChangesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4706ERP EHP76.0TFK804451Technical Properties of Billing RulesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4707ERP EHP76.0TFK804541Properties of Technical Properties of Billing RulesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4708ERP EHP76.0TFK804621Value Table - Technical Properties EDR01bBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4709ERP EHP76.0TFK8046T31Text Table for TFK8046Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4710ERP EHP76.0TFK805751Control Details for Offsetting in InvoicingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4711ERP EHP76.0TFK8057T41Control Details for Offsetting in InvoicingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4712ERP EHP76.0TFK8100C41Technical Settings for BillingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4713ERP EHP76.0TFK810191Classes of Billable ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4714ERP EHP76.0TFK8101ARC101Archiving: Residence Times for Billable ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4715ERP EHP76.0TFK8101C31Active Classes of ClientBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4716ERP EHP76.0TFK8101E41Classes of Billable Items (Client-Dependent)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4717ERP EHP76.0TFK8101EV41Billable Item Classes: Program EnhancementsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4718ERP EHP76.0TFK8101T31Classes of Billable Items (Texts)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4719ERP EHP76.0TFK810231Types of Billable ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4720ERP EHP76.0TFK8102B41Assign Item Types to SubprocessesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4721ERP EHP76.0TFK8102C31Allowed Classes for Billable Item Types (Obsolete)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4722ERP EHP76.0TFK8102T41Billable Item Types (Texts)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4723ERP EHP76.0TFK810361Source Transaction TypeBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4724ERP EHP76.0TFK8103B31ObsoleteBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4725ERP EHP76.0TFK8103C41Source Transaction Type (Client-Dependent)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4726ERP EHP76.0TFK8103T31Source Transaction TypeBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4727ERP EHP76.0TFK810421Subprocesses of BillingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4728ERP EHP76.0TFK8104C31Assign Subprocesses to ClassesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4729ERP EHP76.0TFK8104MD41Master Data for Subprocess of BillingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4730ERP EHP76.0TFK8104P61Parallelization Criteria for Subprocess of BillingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4731ERP EHP76.0TFK8104T41Subprocesses of Billing (Texts)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4732ERP EHP76.0TFK8105E61Exception Reasons for Billable ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4733ERP EHP76.0TFK8105ET41Exception Reasons for Billable Items (Texts)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4734ERP EHP76.0TFK8105R31Restoration Reasons for Billable ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4735ERP EHP76.0TFK8105RT41Restoration Reasons for Billable Items (Texts)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4736ERP EHP76.0TFK8106R41Rules for Scheduling of BillingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4737ERP EHP76.0TFK8106RD71Rules for Scheduling of BillingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4738ERP EHP76.0TFK8106RT41Rules for Scheduling Billing (Texts)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4739ERP EHP76.0TFK811021Billing ProcessesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4740ERP EHP76.0TFK8110S81Billing Process: Control Data per SubprocessBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4741ERP EHP76.0TFK8110SE61Billing Process: Extended Control per Invoicing CategoryBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4742ERP EHP76.0TFK8110T41Billing Processes (Texts)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4743ERP EHP76.0TFK811121Selection VariantsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4744ERP EHP76.0TFK8111C51Selection Variant: Assign Billable Item ClassesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4745ERP EHP76.0TFK8111CB61Selection Variant: Assign Billable Item TypesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4746ERP EHP76.0TFK8111CS61Selection Variant: Assign Source Transaction TypesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4747ERP EHP76.0TFK8111T41Selection Variants (Texts)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4748ERP EHP76.0TFK811241Billing TypesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4749ERP EHP76.0TFK8112T41Billing Types (Texts)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4750ERP EHP76.0TFK811521Billing: Grouping VariantBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4751ERP EHP76.0TFK8115C31Billing: Grouping FieldsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4752ERP EHP76.0TFK8115CT41Billing: Grouping Fields (Texts)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4753ERP EHP76.0TFK8115G61Grouping Variant: Assignment of Grouping FieldsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4754ERP EHP76.0TFK8115GE61Grouping Variant: Alternative Grouping ValuesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4755ERP EHP76.0TFK8115T41Billing: Grouping Variant (Texts)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4756ERP EHP76.0TFK814031Authorization to Reverse Billable ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4757ERP EHP76.0TFK814131Processing Rule for Reversal of Billable ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4758ERP EHP76.0TFK814561Basic Settings for Reversal of BillingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4759ERP EHP76.0TFK814631Automatic Exceptions for Reversal of Billing DocumentBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4760ERP EHP76.0TFK815121Interface Components for Billable Item ClassesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4761ERP EHP76.0TFK8151A51Interface Components: StructuresBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4762ERP EHP76.0TFK8151B21Interface Components: Prerequisite ComponentsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4763ERP EHP76.0TFK8151C21Active Interface Components for Billable Item ClassBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4764ERP EHP76.0TFK8151E51Interface Components: SAP Program EnhancementsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4765ERP EHP76.0TFK8151K31Billable Items: Structures for Key DefinitionBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4766ERP EHP76.0TFK8151R41Billable Items: Interface Basic ComponentsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4767ERP EHP76.0TFK8151T31Names of Interface ComponentsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4768ERP EHP76.0TFK8152151Fields for a Class of Billable ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4769ERP EHP76.0TFK8152E61Changeable Fields of Billable Item ClassBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4770ERP EHP76.0TFK815321Management of BIT4 TablesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4771ERP EHP76.0TFK8153S21Management of BIT4 TablesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4772ERP EHP76.0TFK8153ST41Management of BIT4 Tables (Texts)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4773ERP EHP76.0TFK8153T41Management of BIT4 Tables (Texts)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4774ERP EHP76.0TFK815451Indexes of Tables of Billable ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4775ERP EHP76.0TFK8154F61Fields of Indexes of Tables of Billable ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4776ERP EHP76.0TFK8154T61Indexes of Tables of Billable Items (Texts)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4777ERP EHP76.0TFK815541DB Tables for Storage of Billed ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4778ERP EHP76.0TFK8155S41DB Tables for Storage of Simulated Billed ItemsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4779ERP EHP76.0TFK8900101Test Data: Route Description for Toll BillingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4780ERP EHP76.0TFK8900T121Test Data: Route Description for Toll BillingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4781ERP EHP76.0TFK890151Test Data: Cities with Congestion ChargingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4782ERP EHP76.0TFK8901T41Test Data: Cities with Congestion ChargingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4783ERP EHP76.0TFK890251Test Data: Chargeable Objects (Tunnel, Pass)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4784ERP EHP76.0TFK8902T41Test Data: Chargeable Objects (Tunnel, Pass)Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4785ERP EHP76.0TFK890371Testdaten: Gas StationsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4786ERP EHP76.0TFK8903T41Testdaten: Gas StationsBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4787ERP EHP76.0TFK890451Test Data: Paid Parking Lots and GaragesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4788ERP EHP76.0TFK8904T41Test Data: Paid Parking Lots and GaragesBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4789ERP EHP76.0TFK890591Test Data: Alloc. of Billing Data for Billing Acct Item TypeBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4790ERP EHP76.0TFK891071CRM Adjustment: Billing Acct Header Data Mapping by ProductBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4791ERP EHP76.0TFK8910T41Text Table for TFK8910Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4792ERP EHP76.0TFK891171CRM Adjustment: Billing Acct Hdr Data Mapping by Product GrpBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4793ERP EHP76.0TFK8911T41Text Table for TFK8911Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4794ERP EHP76.0TFK891241CRM Adjustment: Billing Account Item Data Mapping By ProductBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4795ERP EHP76.0TFK8912T51Text Table for TFK8912Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4796ERP EHP76.0TFK8912T_FLAT51Text Table for TFK8912_FLATBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4797ERP EHP76.0TFK8912_FLAT61CRM Adjustment: Flat Rate Data MappingBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4798ERP EHP76.0TFK891341CRM Adjustment: BA Item Data Mapping By Service TypeBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4799ERP EHP76.0TFK8913T51Text Table for TFK8913Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Financial Accounting :: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable :: Business transactions
4800ERP EHP76.0DFKKTXINV141Tax InvoicesBusiness transactions
Financial Accounting :: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable :: Integration
4801ERP EHP76.0FKK_KONV_SHORT301Price Conditions for SD Billing Document - ExtractsIntegration
4802ERP EHP76.0FKK_VBPA_SHORT101Partner Data for SD Billing Document - ExtractsIntegration
4803ERP EHP76.0FKK_VBRK_SHORT291Header Data for SD Billing Document - ExtractsIntegration
4804ERP EHP76.0FKK_VBRP_SHORT391Item Data for SD Billing Document - ExtractsIntegration
4805ERP EHP76.0TFK077D31FI-CA: SD/FI-CA Customer Account Group EnhancementIntegration
Financial Accounting :: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable :: Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4806ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVBILL_A81Additional Items of Billing DocumentInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4807ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVBILL_H545Billing Document HeaderInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4808ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVBILL_I721Billing Document ItemsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4809ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVBILL_PY161Payment Data Items of Billing DocumentInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4810ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVBILL_R81Reversal Data for Billing DocumentInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4811ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVBILL_S252Source Items in Billing DocumentInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4812ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVBILL_T141Tax Items of Billing DocumentInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4813ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVDOC_C131Invoicing Document: Charges and DiscountsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4814ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVDOC_CH121Invoicing Document: Charges and Discounts History RecordInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4815ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVDOC_H584Invoicing Document HeaderInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4816ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVDOC_I691Items of Invoicing DocumentInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4817ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVDOC_O141Offsetting Items of Invoicing DocumentInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4818ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVDOC_P82Invoicing: Posting Document Reference TableInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4819ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVDOC_R61Reversal Data for Invoicing DocumentInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4820ERP EHP76.0DFKKINVDOC_S132Source Document for Invoicing/Reversal HistoryInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4821ERP EHP76.0DFKKINV_BWTRIG151BW: Group Extraction Order for Invoicing Documents/FIKEYInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4822ERP EHP76.0DFKKINV_BWTRIGH261BI: History Record for Extraction of Invoicing DocumentsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4823ERP EHP76.0DFKKINV_BWTRIGS141BW: Individual Extraction Order for Invoicing DocumentsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4824ERP EHP76.0DFKKINV_CFC413Clarification Case InvoicingInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4825ERP EHP76.0DFKKINV_CYC181Management: Billing Cycle per Contract AccountInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4826ERP EHP76.0DFKKINV_CYCREQ212Dummy Document for Invoicing for Periodic InvoicingInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4827ERP EHP76.0DFKKINV_OTRIG172Order for Offsetting in InvoicingInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4828ERP EHP76.0DFKKINV_TRIG414Invoicing OrderInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4829ERP EHP76.0DFKKPREPACC_BALT51ObsoleteInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4830ERP EHP76.0FKKPREPACC_BALT71Update Requests for Balance Carryfwd for Prepaid AccountInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4831ERP EHP76.0TFK005_INVBILL61Residence Time for Archiving of Billing DocumentsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4832ERP EHP76.0TFK005_INVDOC41Residence Time for Archiving of Invoicing DocumentsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4833ERP EHP76.0TFK260041Document Number Assignment: Document TypeInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4834ERP EHP76.0TFK2600A11Document Number Assignment: Number Range ObjectsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4835ERP EHP76.0TFK2600B31Document Number Assignment:Document Number Already Assigned?Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4836ERP EHP76.0TFK2600M51Document Number Assignment: Parallel Number RangeInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4837ERP EHP76.0TFK2600S51Document Number Assignment: Number Ranges for Indiv. Proc.Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4838ERP EHP76.0TFK2600T61Document Number Assignment: Name of Document TypeInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4839ERP EHP76.0TFK260131Invoicing FunctionsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4840ERP EHP76.0TFK2601T31Invoicing FunctionsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4841ERP EHP76.0TFK260271Invoicing ProcessesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4842ERP EHP76.0TFK2602F51Invoicing Functions in Invoicing ProcessInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4843ERP EHP76.0TFK2602G51Determination of Grouping Variant (Invoicing Cat.-Specific)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4844ERP EHP76.0TFK2602S61Control of Determination of Invoicing OrdersInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4845ERP EHP76.0TFK2602SE71Enhanced Control of Determining Invoicing OrdersInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4846ERP EHP76.0TFK2602T51Invoicing Processes (Texts)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4847ERP EHP76.0TFK2603111Invoicing Types (Process-Specific)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4848ERP EHP76.0TFK2603A31Invoicing TypesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4849ERP EHP76.0TFK2603AT51Invoicing Types (Texts)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4850ERP EHP76.0TFK2603F71Invoicing Functions (Exceptions)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4851ERP EHP76.0TFK2603T71Invoicing Type Texts (Process-Specific)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4852ERP EHP76.0TFK260421Invoicing CategoriesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4853ERP EHP76.0TFK2604T41Invoicing Categories (Texts)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4854ERP EHP76.0TFK260541Reference Document Types for Posting DocumentsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4855ERP EHP76.0TFK2605S31Source Document TypesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4856ERP EHP76.0TFK2605ST51Source Document TypesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4857ERP EHP76.0TFK2605T31Reference Document Types for Posting Documents (Texts)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4858ERP EHP76.0TFK260621SchedulingInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4859ERP EHP76.0TFK2606R41Scheduling Rules for InvoicingInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4860ERP EHP76.0TFK2606RD71Scheduling Rules for InvoicingInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4861ERP EHP76.0TFK2606RT41Rules for Scheduling in Invoicing (Text)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4862ERP EHP76.0TFK2606T41Scheduling in Invoicing (Text)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4863ERP EHP76.0TFK2607101Billing CyclesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4864ERP EHP76.0TFK2607M21Valid Value Combinations of Month EntriesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4865ERP EHP76.0TFK2607MT41Valid Value Combinations of Month Entries (Texts)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4866ERP EHP76.0TFK2607S61Rules for Creating/Invoicing Periodic Invoicing OrdersInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4867ERP EHP76.0TFK2607T41Billing Cycles (Texts)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4868ERP EHP76.0TFK260821Invoicing Item TypesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4869ERP EHP76.0TFK2608T41Invoicing Item TypesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4870ERP EHP76.0TFK260941Offsetting CategoriesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4871ERP EHP76.0TFK2609T41Offsetting CategoriesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4872ERP EHP76.0TFK261061CO-PA Characteristic DerivationInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4873ERP EHP76.0TFK261121Category of Invoicing PeriodInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4874ERP EHP76.0TFK2611T41Category of Invoicing PeriodInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4875ERP EHP76.0TFK261381Key for Tax Display in InvoicingInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4876ERP EHP76.0TFK2613G51Key for Tax Display: Assignment of Grouping FieldsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4877ERP EHP76.0TFK2613GE61Key for Tax Display: Alternative Grouping ValuesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4878ERP EHP76.0TFK2613T51Key for Tax Display in InvoicingInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4879ERP EHP76.0TFK261531Invoicing: Grouping VariantInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4880ERP EHP76.0TFK2615C41Invoicing: Grouping FieldsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4881ERP EHP76.0TFK2615CT51Invoicing: Grouping Fields (Texts)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4882ERP EHP76.0TFK2615G61Grouping Variant: Assignment of Grouping FieldsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4883ERP EHP76.0TFK2615GE71Grouping Variant: Alternative Grouping ValuesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4884ERP EHP76.0TFK2615T51Invoicing: Grouping VariantInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4885ERP EHP76.0TFK2617161Charges/DiscountsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4886ERP EHP76.0TFK2617K61Validity Period for Charge and Discount CalculationInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4887ERP EHP76.0TFK2617R181Calculation Rules for Calculating Charges/DiscountsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4888ERP EHP76.0TFK2617T51Charges and Discounts (Texts)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4889ERP EHP76.0TFK2618121Invoicing: Invoice RoundingInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4890ERP EHP76.0TFK2618R141Invoicing: Invoice RoundingInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4891ERP EHP76.0TFK2618T51Invoicing: Invoice Rounding (Texts)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4892ERP EHP76.0TFK264041Control Parameters for Archiving Billing DocumentsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4893ERP EHP76.0TFK264111Origin Process of Billing DocumentInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4894ERP EHP76.0TFK2641T31Origin Process of Billing DocumentInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4895ERP EHP76.0TFK264561Basic Settings for Reversal of BillingInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4896ERP EHP76.0TFK264621Reversal Reasons for Billing DocumentsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4897ERP EHP76.0TFK2646T41Reversal Reasons for Billing DocumentsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4898ERP EHP76.0TFK2660171Basic Settings for Invoicing ReversalInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4899ERP EHP76.0TFK266131Reversal Reasons for Invoicing DocumentsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4900ERP EHP76.0TFK2661T41Reversal Reasons for Invoicing DocumentsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4901ERP EHP76.0TFK267051Invoicing: Clarification ReasonInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4902ERP EHP76.0TFK2670C41Invoicing: Clarification Case CategoryInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4903ERP EHP76.0TFK2670CT41Invoicing: Clarification Case Category (Texts)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4904ERP EHP76.0TFK2670T61Invoicing: Clarification Reasons (Texts)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4905ERP EHP76.0TFK267171Invoicing: Check Invoicing DocumentInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4906ERP EHP76.0TFK2671Q141Invoicing Document Check: Limit Values for QuantitiesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4907ERP EHP76.0TFK2671R141Invoicing Document Check: Limit Values for AmountsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4908ERP EHP76.0TFK2671T51Invoicing: Check Invoicing Document (Texts)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4909ERP EHP76.0TFK267271Invoicing: Check Source DocumentInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4910ERP EHP76.0TFK2672Q151Source Document Check: Limit Values for QuantitiesInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4911ERP EHP76.0TFK2672R151Source Document Check: Limit Values for AmountsInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4912ERP EHP76.0TFK2672T61Invoicing: Check of Source Document (Texts)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4913ERP EHP76.0TFK268031Invoicing: Determination of Application FormInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4914ERP EHP76.0TFKVKP101Technical Master Data for Billing & Invoicing in FI-CAInvoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
4915ERP EHP76.0TFKVKPT51Technical Master Data (Texts)Invoicing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions
4916ERP EHP76.0BSACC_HIST_CUST41General Settings for Account HistoryBasic Functions
4917ERP EHP76.0BSACC_HIST_GRP61Account Groups for Account HistoryBasic Functions
4918ERP EHP76.0BSACC_HIST_GRPT51Account Groups for Account HistoryBasic Functions
4919ERP EHP76.0BSACC_HIST_TA41Account History: Transaction Types UsedBasic Functions
4920ERP EHP76.0ETXDCH385External tax document: header infoBasic Functions
4921ERP EHP76.0ETXDCI491External tax document: line item infoBasic Functions
4922ERP EHP76.0ETXDCJ141Ext. tax document: tax rates and amounts by Jurisdict. levelBasic Functions
4923ERP EHP76.0ETXDCLOG141Temporay table for storing last error message of an updateBasic Functions
4924ERP EHP76.0FIGLDOC91G/L accounting: Subsequent derivationsBasic Functions
4925ERP EHP76.0FIGLREP41Settings for G/L Posting ReportsBasic Functions
4926ERP EHP76.0FIGL_USER_DATA51User-Specific Data for Individual TransactionsBasic Functions
4927ERP EHP76.0FIGL_USER_OWNER11Applications for User-Specific DataBasic Functions
4928ERP EHP76.0FIGL_USER_OWNERT31Applications for User-Specific DataBasic Functions
4929ERP EHP76.0GLACCREFH41G/L Account Master Record: Create with ReferenceBasic Functions
4930ERP EHP76.0GLACCREFI91G/L Account Master Record: Create with ReferenceBasic Functions
4931ERP EHP76.0SKAS52G/L account master (chart of accounts: key word list)Basic Functions
4932ERP EHP76.0SKB1422G/L account master (company code)Basic Functions
4933ERP EHP76.0SKM1381Sample G/L accountsBasic Functions
4934ERP EHP76.0T011151Financial Statement VersionsBasic Functions
4935ERP EHP76.0T011A51Calendar - task descriptionBasic Functions
4936ERP EHP76.0T011B41FI financial calendar - job text tableBasic Functions
4937ERP EHP76.0T011E61Calendar of person responsible for unitBasic Functions
4938ERP EHP76.0T011F41FI fin.calendar - person responsible for unit text tableBasic Functions
4939ERP EHP76.0T011T41Financial statement version namesBasic Functions
4940ERP EHP76.0T011V31FI financial calendar task-schedule linkBasic Functions
4941ERP EHP76.0T051A81Account Balances for Statutory ReportingBasic Functions
4942ERP EHP76.0T060K41FI constantsBasic Functions
4943ERP EHP76.0T060L41FI constant nameBasic Functions
4944ERP EHP76.0T060M71FI constant valuesBasic Functions
4945ERP EHP76.0TAXMSD81Tax Interface Manager Status Diagram "Tax Per document"Basic Functions
4946ERP EHP76.0TGSBG21Cross-system business areasBasic Functions
4947ERP EHP76.0TGSBH41Texts for table TGSBGBasic Functions
4948ERP EHP76.0TGSB_CUS51Additional Settings for Business Area Financial StatementsBasic Functions
4949ERP EHP76.0TGSB_CUST31Additional Settings for Business Area Financial StatementsBasic Functions
4950ERP EHP76.0TTXI81External tax interface: index fileBasic Functions
4951ERP EHP76.0TTXP41Product codes (external tax interface)Basic Functions
4952ERP EHP76.0TTXPT51Product code description (external interface)Basic Functions
4953ERP EHP76.0TTXU141External tax interface: Audit file update informationBasic Functions
4954ERP EHP76.0TTXY991External tax interface: tax informationBasic Functions
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: General Ledger Reorganization
4955ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_ABKAT_00121Reorg: Res. Analysis Categs Not Relev. for WIP Stock Deter.General Ledger Reorganization
4956ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_APAR462Reorganization: Object List for Receivables and PayablesGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4957ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_APAR_SPL171Reorganization: Assignment Btwn FAGL_R_APAR and FAGL_R_SPLGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4958ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_APAR_VAL151Reorg: Values for Receivables and Payables Object ListGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4959ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_BLART31Reorganization: Document TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4960ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_BLNCE333Reorganization: Balances to Be TransferredGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4961ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_BLNCE_VAL161Reorganization: Balances to Be Transferred - ValuesGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4962ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_COMP_AA31Activation of Asset Accounting by Plan TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4963ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_COMP_AA021Entities for Activation of Asset AccountingGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4964ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_DERH71Reorganization: Derivation HierarchyGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4965ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_DERH_VER41Reorganization: Version of a Derivation HierarchyGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4966ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_DERH_VER041Reorganization: Version of a Derivation HierarchyGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4967ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_DERH_VERT51Reorganization: Text of a Hierarchy VersionGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4968ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_JBDISPTCH121Reorganization: Dispatching JobsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4969ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_JBLAST91Last Dispatching JobGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4970ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_JBOBJTY51Object Type for Each Dispatcher for Special ActivitiesGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4971ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_JBPARTN141Reorganization: Packages of a Dispatching Job to Be ExecutedGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4972ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_JBPROCEED101Reorganization: Jobs of a Dispatching Job to Be ExecutedGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4973ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_JBSET31Reorganization: Job Scheduling SettingsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4974ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_JBSIZE51Reorg: Size of a Partition of Object Types to Be ProcessedGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4975ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_MAP_CUST41Reorganization: Object Number of the Signature ValuesGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4976ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_MAP_SAP102Reorganization: Object Number of the Included SAP FieldsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4977ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OBJTY251Reorganization: Object TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4978ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OBJTY_DI0111Reorganization: Display Chars of an Obj. Type (SAP Entries)General Ledger Reorganization
4979ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OBJTY_DIS81Reorganization: Display Characteristics of an Object TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4980ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OBJTY_RE0131Reorganization: Restriction Characteristics of an Obj. TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4981ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OBJTY_RES91Reorganization: Restriction Characteristics of an Obj. TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4982ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OBJTY_T51Reorganization: Text of an Object TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4983ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OI_TRACK051Reorganization: Open Items for InclusionGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4984ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OI_TRACK181Reorganization: Included Documents for Open ItemsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4985ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PER_TRACK141Reorganization: Log of Changed Posting PeriodsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4986ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL211Reorganization PlanGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4987ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PLTY31Reorganization: Plan TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4988ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PLTY021Entities for Activation of Plan TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4989ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PLTY0_T41Reorganization: Text of a Plan TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4990ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PLTY_RES81Reorganization: Restriction Characteristics of a Plan TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4991ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PLTY_RES0121Reorganization: Restriction Characteristics of a Plan TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4992ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_ACCASS41Reorganization: Account Assignment Elements UsedGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4993ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_ASSIGN51Reorganization: Mapping Between Old and New Acct AssignmentGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4994ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_COUNT221Tracking of Different Processes of a PlanGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4995ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_DERH61Reorganization: Derivation Hierarchy of the PlanGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4996ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_OBJECT343Reorganization: ObjectsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4997ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_OBJLST291Reorganization: Object ListGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4998ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_RES_G91Reorganization: General Restrictions of the PlanGeneral Ledger Reorganization
4999ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_RES_S101Reorganization: Specific Restrictions for Object TypesGeneral Ledger Reorganization
5000ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_T51Reorganization: Text Table of the Reorganization PlanGeneral Ledger Reorganization
5001ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_RMVCT41Reorganization: Transaction TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
5002ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_SDCUS_00131Customizing for Selection of Sales DocumentsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
5003ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_SDLOG_00192Reorganization: Log of Non-Reorganized Sales DocumentsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
5004ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_SPL441Reorganization: Splitting Information of the Open ItemsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
5005ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_SPL_VAL91Reorganization: Splitting Information of Open Item ValuesGeneral Ledger Reorganization
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Information System
5006ERP EHP76.0BWKS81Accounts Blocked by Valuation SelectionInformation System
5007ERP EHP76.0BWPOS651Valuations for Open ItemsInformation System
5008ERP EHP76.0DKKOP661Balance Audit TrailInformation System
5009ERP EHP76.0DKKOS1081Balance Audit TrailInformation System
5010ERP EHP76.0DKOKP751Open Item Account Balance Audit TrailInformation System
5011ERP EHP76.0DKOKS901Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail Master RecordInformation System
5012ERP EHP76.0DSKOP781Balance Audit TrailInformation System
5013ERP EHP76.0DSKOS921Balance Audit TrailInformation System
5014ERP EHP76.0QSTRE401FI/HR Withholding Tax Report for SpainInformation System
5015ERP EHP76.0RFASLD11B81EC Sales List (Spain)Information System
5016ERP EHP76.0RFSCASH101Cash Book tableInformation System
5017ERP EHP76.0T001M111Data on Z5A Foreign Trade Regulations Report, GermanyInformation System
5018ERP EHP76.0T007J51Tax Advance Payment per Taxes on Sls/Pur.Grp and Cal.YrInformation System
5019ERP EHP76.0T007K81Table for Grouping Tax Basis BalancesInformation System
5020ERP EHP76.0T007L81Table for Grouping Tax BalancesInformation System
5021ERP EHP76.0T007R51External Group Number for Tax AmountsInformation System
5022ERP EHP76.0T007X71Text for Grouping Tax AmountsInformation System
5023ERP EHP76.0T007Z41Time-Dependent Version Assignment - For ELSTERInformation System
5024ERP EHP76.0T042X71Company Codes Blocked by the Payment ProgramInformation System
5025ERP EHP76.0T044D51Work Files for the Extract of the Accum.Balance Audit TrailInformation System
5026ERP EHP76.0T044G101Valuation Adjustment KeyInformation System
5027ERP EHP76.0T044I31FI Valuation: Determine Base ValueInformation System
5028ERP EHP76.0T044J61Preference Key for Reading Valuation ResultsInformation System
5029ERP EHP76.0T044KT71Further Specifications for Sorted ListInformation System
5030ERP EHP76.0T044L101Sorted List of Open ItemsInformation System
5031ERP EHP76.0T044LH21Sort MethodsInformation System
5032ERP EHP76.0T044LT41Sorted List of Open ItemsInformation System
5033ERP EHP76.0T049A151Posting Data For Autocash With LockboxInformation System
5034ERP EHP76.0T049B151Control Parameters for AutocashInformation System
5035ERP EHP76.0TABKT101Automatic Accounts for End-Year Closing/Opening Postings ITAInformation System
5036ERP EHP76.0TBUVTX61Transfer Posting of Tax in a Cross-Company Code TransactionInformation System
5037ERP EHP76.0TEURA11Reports Supporting Alternative Local CurrenciesInformation System
5038ERP EHP76.0TEURB61Altern. Local Currency and Exch.Rate Type for a Company CodeInformation System
5039ERP EHP76.0TITVAR41Line Items: Line Layout Variants, Assignment Old-NewInformation System
5040ERP EHP76.0TRVOR101Control StatementsInformation System
5041ERP EHP76.0UMSV111Tax Balances per Comp.Code, Tax Code and Process.KeyInformation System
5042ERP EHP76.0UMSVZ101Advance Return for Tax on Sls/Pur.PeriodInformation System
Financial Accounting :: Special Purpose Ledger :: Basic Functions
5043ERP EHP76.0ARC_IDX_AT131Index table for ACCTIT/ACCTHD/ACCTCR archivesBasic Functions
5044ERP EHP76.0ARC_IDX_IT131Archive index table for FI-SL line itemsBasic Functions
5045ERP EHP76.0FAGL_CUS_GENINFO51New General Ledger Accounting: Generation Status (Customer)Basic Functions
5046ERP EHP76.0GGREFA475Example for Global FI-SL Line Items (Actual)Basic Functions
5047ERP EHP76.0GGREFC32Example for Global FISL Objct Table 2 (Transactn Attributes)Basic Functions
5048ERP EHP76.0GGREFO122Example for Global Object Table 1 (Object/Partner)Basic Functions
5049ERP EHP76.0GGREFP1275Example for Global FI-SL Line Items (Plan)Basic Functions
5050ERP EHP76.0GGREFT1134Example for Global FI-SL Summary TableBasic Functions
5051ERP EHP76.0GLFUNCA454Actual Line Items Table for Cost of Sales AccountingBasic Functions
5052ERP EHP76.0GLFUNCC62Object Table 2 for Cost of Sales AccountingBasic Functions
5053ERP EHP76.0GLFUNCO102Object Table 1 for Cost of Sales AccountingBasic Functions
5054ERP EHP76.0GLFUNCP1094Plan Line Items Table for Cost of Sales AccountingBasic Functions
5055ERP EHP76.0GLFUNCT943Totals Table for Cost of Sales AccountingBasic Functions
5056ERP EHP76.0GLFUNCU534Rollup line item tables with function area for IDESBasic Functions
5057ERP EHP76.0GLFUNCV1174Rollup plan line items table with function area for IDESBasic Functions
5058ERP EHP76.0GLIDXA151Index to Find FI-SL Documents Based on AWKEYBasic Functions
5059ERP EHP76.0GLOO1151Object Table for FI-SL Table GLTO1Basic Functions
5060ERP EHP76.0GLOO2191Object Table for GLT02: GlobalBasic Functions
5061ERP EHP76.0GLOO3151Object Table for FI-SL Table GLTO3Basic Functions
5062ERP EHP76.0GLP0811Local Logical General Ledger Plan Line ItemsBasic Functions
5063ERP EHP76.0GLPO11334Plan Line Items for Object TableBasic Functions
5064ERP EHP76.0GLPO21414Plan Line Items for Object Table GlobalBasic Functions
5065ERP EHP76.0GLPO31334Plan Line Items for Object TableBasic Functions
5066ERP EHP76.0GLREFA455Example for Local FI-SL Line Items (Actual)Basic Functions
5067ERP EHP76.0GLREFC32Example for Loc. FISL Objct Table 2 (Transaction Attributes)Basic Functions
5068ERP EHP76.0GLREFO112Example for Local Object Table 1 (Object/Partner)Basic Functions
5069ERP EHP76.0GLREFP1255Example for Local FI-SL Line Items (Plan)Basic Functions
5070ERP EHP76.0GLREFT1114Example for Local FI-SL Summary TableBasic Functions
5071ERP EHP76.0GLREFU563Example for FI-SL Rollup Line Items (Actual)Basic Functions
5072ERP EHP76.0GLREFV1363Example for Rollup FI-SL Line Items (Plan)Basic Functions
5073ERP EHP76.0GLSO1544FI-SL Line Item Table with Objects for GLTO1Basic Functions
5074ERP EHP76.0GLSO2624FI-SL Table with Objects, Structure corresponds to GLS2Basic Functions
5075ERP EHP76.0GLSO3544FI-SL LI Table with Objects for GLTO3Basic Functions
5076ERP EHP76.0GLT0633G/L account master record transaction figuresBasic Functions
5077ERP EHP76.0GLTO11182FI-SL Table with Objects, Structure Corresponds to GLT1Basic Functions
5078ERP EHP76.0GLTO21262FI-SL Table with Objects, Structure Corresponds to GLT2Basic Functions
5079ERP EHP76.0GLTO31182FISL Table with Objects, Amounts and Quantities in Format P9Basic Functions
5080ERP EHP76.0SMFISL161Spec. FI-SL Data in Monitor (See Schedman_specific_fisl)Basic Functions
5081ERP EHP76.0T000G31Cross-Client FI-SL PostingsBasic Functions
5082ERP EHP76.0T001C141Valid Posting Periods for Global CompaniesBasic Functions
5083ERP EHP76.0T022201FI-SL Activity: Fixed DataBasic Functions
5084ERP EHP76.0T022F51Format Table (Grouping of the Sender Tables)Basic Functions
5085ERP EHP76.0T022FT31Texts for Formats used in FI-SLBasic Functions
5086ERP EHP76.0T022T31FI-SL Activities: TextBasic Functions
5087ERP EHP76.0T800A351FI-SL tablesBasic Functions
5088ERP EHP76.0T800A_KEYFIG61FI-SL: Key Figures for Table GroupBasic Functions
5089ERP EHP76.0T800B21Generated Archive and Database Reports for FI-SL TablesBasic Functions
5090ERP EHP76.0T800D201Fields for Master Data CheckBasic Functions
5091ERP EHP76.0T800DOM111Fixed exitsBasic Functions
5092ERP EHP76.0T800G21Flexible general ledger installation checkBasic Functions
5093ERP EHP76.0T800HISTH81Log Tables for Program Runs in FI-GL or FI-SL: HeaderBasic Functions
5094ERP EHP76.0T800HISTP91Log Tables for Program Runs in FI-GL or FI-SL: ItemsBasic Functions
5095ERP EHP76.0T800M71FI-SL: Fixed Field MovementsBasic Functions
5096ERP EHP76.0T800O71Object management FI-GL/FI-SLBasic Functions
5097ERP EHP76.0T807132Rollup SequenceBasic Functions
5098ERP EHP76.0T807H251Rollup Header InformationBasic Functions
5099ERP EHP76.0T807R141FI-SL Rollup: History of ExecutionsBasic Functions
5100ERP EHP76.0T807T51FI-SL Rollup textsBasic Functions
5101ERP EHP76.0T811U51Table Information Allocation Sender/Receiver RelationshipBasic Functions
5102ERP EHP76.0T820552Planning ParametersBasic Functions
5103ERP EHP76.0T820T41Planning Parameter DescriptionsBasic Functions
5104ERP EHP76.0T82251Planning Parameter ClassesBasic Functions
5105ERP EHP76.0T822T41Planning Parameter Class DescriptionsBasic Functions
5106ERP EHP76.0T830A81FI-SL Master Record TableBasic Functions
5107ERP EHP76.0T830B81FI-SL Master Record TableBasic Functions
5108ERP EHP76.0T830D81FI-SL Master Record TableBasic Functions
5109ERP EHP76.0T831A81FI-SL Master data textBasic Functions
5110ERP EHP76.0T831B81FI-SL Master Record TableBasic Functions
5111ERP EHP76.0T831D81FI-SL Master data textBasic Functions
5112ERP EHP76.0T881431Ledger MasterBasic Functions
5113ERP EHP76.0T881T41FI-SL Ledger textBasic Functions
5114ERP EHP76.0T881W41Possible Combinations of Currency Keys in FI-SLBasic Functions
5115ERP EHP76.0T881Z41Additional Ledger with Special Calculation TypeBasic Functions
5116ERP EHP76.0T881_KEYFIG41FI-SL: Key Figures per LedgerBasic Functions
5117ERP EHP76.0T882201Company Code/Ledger AssignmentBasic Functions
5118ERP EHP76.0T882C231Global Company-Ledger Assignment in FI-SLBasic Functions
5119ERP EHP76.0T88341User Table FieldsBasic Functions
5120ERP EHP76.0T883S31FI-SL User TablesBasic Functions
5121ERP EHP76.0T883T41Descriptions of FI-SL user tablesBasic Functions
5122ERP EHP76.0T88691FI-SL ActivitiesBasic Functions
5123ERP EHP76.0T886A81Activity/Ledger InformationBasic Functions
5124ERP EHP76.0T886B91Activity/Ledger/CCode InformationBasic Functions
5125ERP EHP76.0T886C91Activity/Ledger/Company InformationBasic Functions
5126ERP EHP76.0T886TCODE31FI-SL: Monitor Procedure - TransactionBasic Functions
5127ERP EHP76.0T888111Field Movement Header TableBasic Functions
5128ERP EHP76.0T888M101FI-SL Field AssignmentsBasic Functions
5129ERP EHP76.0T888T41FI-SL Field Assignment TextsBasic Functions
5130ERP EHP76.0T88981FI-SL Document TypesBasic Functions
5131ERP EHP76.0T889TE41Document Type TextsBasic Functions
5132ERP EHP76.0T89031FI-SL: Boolean FormulasBasic Functions
5133ERP EHP76.0T892U91Rollup SubstitutionBasic Functions
5134ERP EHP76.0T89351Ledger Selection ConditionsBasic Functions
5135ERP EHP76.0T89491FI-SL and FI-LC VersionsBasic Functions
5136ERP EHP76.0T894T51FI-SL and FI-LC Version TextsBasic Functions
5137ERP EHP76.0TGUMS61FI-SL: Convert TablesBasic Functions
5138ERP EHP76.0TLDGRP21Ledger Group FI-SLBasic Functions
5139ERP EHP76.0TLDGRPT41Ledger Group Texts (FI-SL)Basic Functions
5140ERP EHP76.0TLDGRP_MAP31Assignment of Ledgers to Ledger GroupsBasic Functions
5141ERP EHP76.0TRWLVH31List of variants for FI-SL line item reports (header)Basic Functions
5142ERP EHP76.0TRWLVHT41List of variants for FI-SL line item reports (texts)Basic Functions
5143ERP EHP76.0TRWLVL51List of variants for FI-SL line item reports (fields)Basic Functions
Financial Accounting :: Special Purpose Ledger :: Information System
5144ERP EHP76.0GREP131Report Writer: File of Stored ReportsInformation System
5145ERP EHP76.0GREP_VARCHAR91Report Writer: Varied extract characteristicsInformation System
5146ERP EHP76.0GRIX164Report Writer: Directory of Stored DataInformation System
5147ERP EHP76.0GRIX_AUT121Report Writer: Values of Adjustment-Related CharacteristicsInformation System
5148ERP EHP76.0GRIX_SEL91Report Writer: Selection parameters for stored dataInformation System
5149ERP EHP76.0GRIX_SRCH31Fields for finding Report Writer extractsInformation System
5150ERP EHP76.0GRIX_TXT91Report Writer: Texts for stored dataInformation System
5151ERP EHP76.0GRIX_VAR51Report Writer: Variable for a report group versionInformation System
5152ERP EHP76.0GRIX_VARP161Variation parameters for extracts (Report Writer)Information System
5153ERP EHP76.0GRRT81Report Writer: Runtime information for generated programsInformation System
5154ERP EHP76.0GRW_DEL_OBJECTS61Report Writer Deleted ObjectsInformation System
5155ERP EHP76.0GRW_HISTORY102Report Writer Changes historyInformation System
5156ERP EHP76.0T8001221Report Writer: ReportsInformation System
5157ERP EHP76.0T800AIS21Directory of InfoSource structures for FI-SL tablesInformation System
5158ERP EHP76.0T800AIS_PI31Directory of BW Structures for FI-SL TablesInformation System
5159ERP EHP76.0T800T51Report Writer: Texts for ReportsInformation System
5160ERP EHP76.0T801B91Report Writer: Texts for Logical RowsInformation System
5161ERP EHP76.0T801D241Report Writer: Row/Column CharacteristicsInformation System
5162ERP EHP76.0T801E101Report Writer: Selection SetsInformation System
5163ERP EHP76.0T801F61Report Writer: Rest Blocks (Rows, Columns)Information System
5164ERP EHP76.0T801G491Report Writer: SectionsInformation System
5165ERP EHP76.0T801H141Report Writer: Parallel ReportsInformation System
5166ERP EHP76.0T801K191Report Writer: LibrariesInformation System
5167ERP EHP76.0T801L71Report Writer: Library FieldsInformation System
5168ERP EHP76.0T801M191Report Writer: Rows/ColumnsInformation System
5169ERP EHP76.0T801Q41Report Writer: Key Figures for LibrariesInformation System
5170ERP EHP76.0T801S131Report Writer: Cell AssignmentInformation System
5171ERP EHP76.0T801T51Report Writer: Texts for Parallel ReportsInformation System
5172ERP EHP76.0T801W61Report Writer: Standard Layout - Lang.-Dependent (new)Information System
5173ERP EHP76.0T801X901Report Writer: Standard Layout - Lang. Independent (new)Information System
5174ERP EHP76.0T802B41Report Writer: Receiver Report Control ( part 1 )Information System
5175ERP EHP76.0T802C71Report Writer: Receiver Report Control (part 2)Information System
5176ERP EHP76.0T802D31ABAP Receiver Programs for Report WriterInformation System
5177ERP EHP76.0T803F71Report Writer: Key Figure Blocks (Formulas)Information System
5178ERP EHP76.0T803G91Report Writer: Key Figure Blocks (Cells in Formulas)Information System
5179ERP EHP76.0T803H141Report Writer: Row FormulasInformation System
5180ERP EHP76.0T803J291Report Writer: Report GroupsInformation System
5181ERP EHP76.0T803L52Report Writer: Entries in Report GroupsInformation System
5182ERP EHP76.0T803T141Report Writer: Report Group TextsInformation System
5183ERP EHP76.0T803V71Report Writer: Generated program versionsInformation System
5184ERP EHP76.0T803VP52Report Writer: Generated program versionsInformation System
5185ERP EHP76.0T803VP_TRANS42Report Writer: Generated Program Versions for TransportInformation System
5186ERP EHP76.0T804A241Report Writer: File DescriptionInformation System
5187ERP EHP76.0T804B541Report Writer: Key figuresInformation System
5188ERP EHP76.0T804BT71Report Writer: Texts for basic key figuresInformation System
5189ERP EHP76.0T804C211Report Writer: Special FieldsInformation System
5190ERP EHP76.0T804E91Report Writer: Summary of TablesInformation System
5191ERP EHP76.0T804F73Report Writer: Key FiguresInformation System
5192ERP EHP76.0T804G61Report Writer: Texts for Key FiguresInformation System
5193ERP EHP76.0T804H41Report Writer: Database Fields for ExitsInformation System
5194ERP EHP76.0T804I11Report Writer: Supported LanguagesInformation System
5195ERP EHP76.0T804J41Report Writer: Read module for table class SInformation System
5196ERP EHP76.0T804T31Texts for reporting tableInformation System
5197ERP EHP76.0T881IS41FI-SL LedgerInformation System
5198ERP EHP76.0T881IS_PI71Assignment of TT/SI DataSource for FI-SL Ledger (Plug-In)Information System
Financial Accounting :: Special Purpose Ledger :: Validation, Substitution and Rules
5199ERP EHP76.0GB0151Classes for Boolean FormulasValidation, Substitution and Rules
5200ERP EHP76.0GB01151Rule Manager: 2D Structures in the Boolean ClassesValidation, Substitution and Rules
5201ERP EHP76.0GB01C61Classes for Boolean Formulas for CustomersValidation, Substitution and Rules
5202ERP EHP76.0GB0231Valid ClassesValidation, Substitution and Rules
5203ERP EHP76.0GB02C21Customer Message IDs for ValidationsValidation, Substitution and Rules
5204ERP EHP76.0GB02T31Boolean Logic: Text Table for Boolean ClassesValidation, Substitution and Rules
5205ERP EHP76.0GB0391Validation/Substitution UserValidation, Substitution and Rules
5206ERP EHP76.0GB03T31Validation/Substitution Application Area TextValidation, Substitution and Rules
5207ERP EHP76.0GB3161Validation/Substitution Callup PointsValidation, Substitution and Rules
5208ERP EHP76.0GB31C41Boolean Rules: Form Pool Naming RangeValidation, Substitution and Rules
5209ERP EHP76.0GB31T41Validation/Substitution Callup Point TextValidation, Substitution and Rules
5210ERP EHP76.0GB90131Boolean Formula Header for Rules and Boolean FunctionsValidation, Substitution and Rules
5211ERP EHP76.0GB90141Boolean Formula DataValidation, Substitution and Rules
5212ERP EHP76.0GB90342Mapping of shortname and SETID of sets used in boolean expr.Validation, Substitution and Rules
5213ERP EHP76.0GB90541Usage of Boolean RulesValidation, Substitution and Rules
5214ERP EHP76.0GB90641Rule: Usage of Rules in RulesValidation, Substitution and Rules
5215ERP EHP76.0GB90741Rule: Usage of Rules in SubstitutionsValidation, Substitution and Rules
5216ERP EHP76.0GB90841Rule: Usage of Rules in ValidationsValidation, Substitution and Rules
5217ERP EHP76.0GB90T41Texts for Boolean FormulasValidation, Substitution and Rules
5218ERP EHP76.0GB92141SubstitutionsValidation, Substitution and Rules
5219ERP EHP76.0GB92141Substitution ConditionsValidation, Substitution and Rules
5220ERP EHP76.0GB921T51Substitution: Text Table for Substitution StepsValidation, Substitution and Rules
5221ERP EHP76.0GB922111Substitution ConstantsValidation, Substitution and Rules
5222ERP EHP76.0GB92541Usage of SubstitutionsValidation, Substitution and Rules
5223ERP EHP76.0GB92T41Texts for SubstitutionsValidation, Substitution and Rules
5224ERP EHP76.0GB93131ValidationValidation, Substitution and Rules
5225ERP EHP76.0GB931161Validation ActivitiesValidation, Substitution and Rules
5226ERP EHP76.0GB93541Usage of ValidationsValidation, Substitution and Rules
5227ERP EHP76.0GB93T41Texts for ValidationsValidation, Substitution and Rules
5228ERP EHP76.0GBC131Configuration for the Boolean Rule ProcessorValidation, Substitution and Rules
Financial Accounting :: Travel Management :: Travel Expenses
5229ERP EHP76.0FITV_HINZ_WERB_B101Additional Amounts and Income-Related Expenses for ReceiptsTravel Expenses
5230ERP EHP76.0FITV_HINZ_WERB_S101Additional Amounts and Income-Related ExpensesTravel Expenses
5231ERP EHP76.0FTPT_REQ_CAT111Type of Transport/Accomm. and Est.Cost of Travel RequestTravel Expenses
5232ERP EHP76.0PA0017511HR master record: Infotype 0017 (Travel Privileges)Travel Expenses
5233ERP EHP76.0PTRV_ADMIN31Travel Management: Administrative Data for Personnel NumbersTravel Expenses
5234ERP EHP76.0PTRV_ARCHIVE101Administrative Table for Archived Trip DataTravel Expenses
5235ERP EHP76.0PTRV_ARCH_HEAD601Prearchiving FI-TV: Entries from PTRV_HEAD (Temporary)Travel Expenses
5236ERP EHP76.0PTRV_ARCH_PERIO681Prearchiving FI-TV: Entries from PTRV_PERIO (Temporary)Travel Expenses
5237ERP EHP76.0PTRV_BEIHILFE71Subsidies for Trips Home for Entire Separation AllowanceTravel Expenses
5238ERP EHP76.0PTRV_BEIH_BEL71Assignment of Receipts to a Subsidy for Trips HomeTravel Expenses
5239ERP EHP76.0PTRV_BEIH_TAG101Assignment of Days to a Subsidy for Trips HomeTravel Expenses
5240ERP EHP76.0PTRV_BEIH_WEG71Assignment of Trip Segments to a Subsidy for Trips HomeTravel Expenses
5241ERP EHP76.0PTRV_BTRGSUM51Table for Treatment for Amount AccumulationTravel Expenses
5242ERP EHP76.0PTRV_CCC371Error Receipts for Credit Card ClearingTravel Expenses
5243ERP EHP76.0PTRV_CCC_RUNS41Assign Personnel Number to Credit Card Clearing RunTravel Expenses
5244ERP EHP76.0PTRV_CHANGE171Change to TripTravel Expenses
5245ERP EHP76.0PTRV_COMM_AMT231Detail Data: Transfer to FM When Trip SavedTravel Expenses
5246ERP EHP76.0PTRV_COMM_ITM311Header Data: Transfer to FM When Trip SavedTravel Expenses
5247ERP EHP76.0PTRV_COMP381Comparison Calculation Results PSTravel Expenses
5248ERP EHP76.0PTRV_COUNT171Number of function calls in posting run managementTravel Expenses
5249ERP EHP76.0PTRV_DOC_HD182Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Header of TRV int. documentTravel Expenses
5250ERP EHP76.0PTRV_DOC_IT501Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Lines of TRV interm. documentTravel Expenses
5251ERP EHP76.0PTRV_DOC_MESS181Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: CO Replacements of TRV ReceiptTravel Expenses
5252ERP EHP76.0PTRV_DOC_TAX201Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Tax lines of TRV documentTravel Expenses
5253ERP EHP76.0PTRV_F_CLM21Columns for Which Suppression in Form Block is AllowedTravel Expenses
5254ERP EHP76.0PTRV_F_CLM_TXT41Columns that may be suppressed in form block (sp)Travel Expenses
5255ERP EHP76.0PTRV_F_COLDEP11Display Forms for TextsTravel Expenses
5256ERP EHP76.0PTRV_F_COLDEPS31Display Formats for Texts (Language-Dependent)Travel Expenses
5257ERP EHP76.0PTRV_F_FBLK11Form Blocks of the Trip Costs FormTravel Expenses
5258ERP EHP76.0PTRV_F_FBLK_TXT31Form Blocks of the Trip Costs FormTravel Expenses
5259ERP EHP76.0PTRV_F_SORTKEY21Sort Key for Individual Receipt BlockTravel Expenses
5260ERP EHP76.0PTRV_F_SORTKEY_T31Sort Key for Individual Receipt BlockTravel Expenses
5261ERP EHP76.0PTRV_HEAD602General Trip DataTravel Expenses
5262ERP EHP76.0PTRV_KMSUM91Table for Use of Miles/Kms AccumulationTravel Expenses
5263ERP EHP76.0PTRV_ME_CCC_RUN41Assign Personnel Number to Credit Card Clearing RunTravel Expenses
5264ERP EHP76.0PTRV_NOT_CH_TR381Storage of New Data from Temporarily Unchangable TripsTravel Expenses
5265ERP EHP76.0PTRV_PERIO683Period Data of a TripTravel Expenses
5266ERP EHP76.0PTRV_REASGN_FM251Conversion of FM Data in Trip (e.g. Fiscal Year Change)Travel Expenses
5267ERP EHP76.0PTRV_RECDETAIL141Participant(s) in Entertainment ReceiptsTravel Expenses
5268ERP EHP76.0PTRV_REDUCTION161Decision Fields: Change of Statutory Trip Type for ReductionTravel Expenses
5269ERP EHP76.0PTRV_ROT_AWKEY153Assignment of Trip Results to Posting Doc. Number and LineTravel Expenses
5270ERP EHP76.0PTRV_RPRPOSTD181Log of Posting Program RPRPOSTDTravel Expenses
5271ERP EHP76.0PTRV_SADD441Trip Statistics - Add. Receipt DataTravel Expenses
5272ERP EHP76.0PTRV_SBACKLOG61Trip Statistics - Batch/Backlog ProcessingTravel Expenses
5273ERP EHP76.0PTRV_SCOM111Travel Statistic - Request/Plan/Settlement Cost ComparisonTravel Expenses
5274ERP EHP76.0PTRV_SCOS324Trip Statistics - Cost AssignmentTravel Expenses
5275ERP EHP76.0PTRV_SHDR241Trip Statistics - Trip AmountsTravel Expenses
5276ERP EHP76.0PTRV_SREC323Trip Statistics - ReceiptsTravel Expenses
5277ERP EHP76.0PTRV_T706Z_DNPR51Field Control ScreensTravel Expenses
5278ERP EHP76.0PTRV_T706Z_DNPRT51Field Control ScreensTravel Expenses
5279ERP EHP76.0PTRV_T706Z_FLDS111Field Names for Field ControlTravel Expenses
5280ERP EHP76.0PTRV_TRIPCHN_46C411Table of all Trip Destinations f. Processing Recurring Dest.Travel Expenses
5281ERP EHP76.0PTRV_TRIP_CHAIN411Table of all Trip Destinations f. Processing Recurring Dest.Travel Expenses
5282ERP EHP76.0PTRV_TRIP_DELETE41Trips Deleted in SAP System for Offline Travel ManagerTravel Expenses
5283ERP EHP76.0PTRV_USERPREFS291User Profiles in Travel ManagementTravel Expenses
5284ERP EHP76.0PTRV_VATDETAIL142Supplier Data for VAT Refund in Travel ManagementTravel Expenses
5285ERP EHP76.0PTRV_VERSION301History TableTravel Expenses
5286ERP EHP76.0PTRV_WAFGUID41Logging for Synchronization GUID (DUPRECS)Travel Expenses
5287ERP EHP76.0PTRV_WAF_CONFLCT31Offline Travel Management: Conflict ProcessingTravel Expenses
5288ERP EHP76.0PTRV_WAF_RESTART51Restart File for Mobile Solution with Overlapping TripsTravel Expenses
5289ERP EHP76.0T702A31Employee Grouping for Travel Expense TypeTravel Expenses
5290ERP EHP76.0T702B171Credit Card Clearing Assignment TableTravel Expenses
5291ERP EHP76.0T702C51Name for Employee Grouping for Travel Expense TypeTravel Expenses
5292ERP EHP76.0T702E31Vehicle TypesTravel Expenses
5293ERP EHP76.0T702G151Statutory trip typesTravel Expenses
5294ERP EHP76.0T702H181Caculation Guide Lines: Meals PD/Max.Amounts Scaled by TimeTravel Expenses
5295ERP EHP76.0T702I31Statutory Reimbursement Groups for Meals/AccommodationsTravel Expenses
5296ERP EHP76.0T702J31Enterprise-spec.Reimbursement Groups for Meals/Accomm.Travel Expenses
5297ERP EHP76.0T702K51Service providerTravel Expenses
5298ERP EHP76.0T702L51Name of Service ProviderTravel Expenses
5299ERP EHP76.0T702N1821Trip Provision VariantsTravel Expenses
5300ERP EHP76.0T702O51Trip country/Trip region/Trip country groupTravel Expenses
5301ERP EHP76.0T702P31Reimbursement Groups for Travel Costs/Add.Flat Rate TypesTravel Expenses
5302ERP EHP76.0T702Q51Name: Reimburs.Group for Travel Costs/Add.Flat Rate TypesTravel Expenses
5303ERP EHP76.0T702R31Trip Activity TypesTravel Expenses
5304ERP EHP76.0T702V171Calc.Guide Lines for Scaling Meals PD/Max.Amounts by HoursTravel Expenses
5305ERP EHP76.0T702W41Vehicle ClassesTravel Expenses
5306ERP EHP76.0T702X41Enterprise-specific Trip TypesTravel Expenses
5307ERP EHP76.0T702Y31Employee Groupings for Travel ManagementTravel Expenses
5308ERP EHP76.0T702_ACCTTYPET41Description of American Express Account TypesTravel Expenses
5309ERP EHP76.0T702_ACCT_TYPE31AMEX: Account TypesTravel Expenses
5310ERP EHP76.0T702_BEREI_REL41Assignment of Trip Types Enterprise-Specific (PS AT)Travel Expenses
5311ERP EHP76.0T702_BKZ61Country and Industry Specific Indicator (Public Sector)Travel Expenses
5312ERP EHP76.0T702_SIC21List of MCC CodesTravel Expenses
5313ERP EHP76.0T702_SIC_ATR71Assignment of MCC to Transaction Key of Credit Card CompanyTravel Expenses
5314ERP EHP76.0T702_SIC_T41Description of Merchant Category CodeTravel Expenses
5315ERP EHP76.0T702_VCF4_D61Assignment of Detail Info. to Trans. Keys of Card CompaniesTravel Expenses
5316ERP EHP76.0T702_VCF4_ER21Enhanced Data Record TypesTravel Expenses
5317ERP EHP76.0T706A161Trip Provision Deduction Amount/PercentageTravel Expenses
5318ERP EHP76.0T706B371Travel Expense TypesTravel Expenses
5319ERP EHP76.0T706B1601Travel Expense TypesTravel Expenses
5320ERP EHP76.0T706B2211Travel Expense Types: Default Value/Maximum AmountsTravel Expenses
5321ERP EHP76.0T706B3111Travel Expense Type GroupingTravel Expenses
5322ERP EHP76.0T706B491Travel Expense Types: Assignment of Wage TypesTravel Expenses
5323ERP EHP76.0T706B4_ALTERN111Travel Expense Type: Alternative Assignment of Wage TypesTravel Expenses
5324ERP EHP76.0T706B551Names for Travel Expense TypesTravel Expenses
5325ERP EHP76.0T706B641Default Values When Difference Values Are ExceededTravel Expenses
5326ERP EHP76.0T706B6_T61Default Values When Difference Values Are ExceededTravel Expenses
5327ERP EHP76.0T706C51Names for Travel Expense TypesTravel Expenses
5328ERP EHP76.0T706D241Default Values for DialogTravel Expenses
5329ERP EHP76.0T706E51Names for vehicle typesTravel Expenses
5330ERP EHP76.0T706ESS151FI-TV: Customizing Table Intranet ScenarioTravel Expenses
5331ERP EHP76.0T706ESS2111Travel Expenses Customizing for ESS ScenarioTravel Expenses
5332ERP EHP76.0T706ESS351Mapping table for docu in Excel sheetTravel Expenses
5333ERP EHP76.0T706F181Trip Provision: Flat Rates for Travel CostsTravel Expenses
5334ERP EHP76.0T706F191Cumulation Procedure Dependent on Vehicle Type/ClassTravel Expenses
5335ERP EHP76.0T706F271Amount Accumulation Depending on Vehicle Type/ClassTravel Expenses
5336ERP EHP76.0T706FORM_BCKGRND101Form backgroundTravel Expenses
5337ERP EHP76.0T706FORM_BLKATTR101Form block attributesTravel Expenses
5338ERP EHP76.0T706FORM_BLKHDLS61Form block titlesTravel Expenses
5339ERP EHP76.0T706FORM_BLK_HDL41Form block titlesTravel Expenses
5340ERP EHP76.0T706FORM_CLMATTR61Suppressable columns per blockTravel Expenses
5341ERP EHP76.0T706FORM_FIXTXT31Fixed textsTravel Expenses
5342ERP EHP76.0T706FORM_FIXTXTS51Fixed texts (language-dependent)Travel Expenses
5343ERP EHP76.0T706FORM_FLDS121Information in fixed positionsTravel Expenses
5344ERP EHP76.0T706FORM_VAR41Form variantTravel Expenses
5345ERP EHP76.0T706FORM_VARFLD11Variable fieldsTravel Expenses
5346ERP EHP76.0T706FORM_VARFLDS31Variable fields (language-dependent)Travel Expenses
5347ERP EHP76.0T706FORM_VAR_TXT51Form variant (language-dependent)Travel Expenses
5348ERP EHP76.0T706G51Names for statutory trip typesTravel Expenses
5349ERP EHP76.0T706H191Trip Provision:Per-diem/Maximum Amount for Meals by TimeTravel Expenses
5350ERP EHP76.0T706I51Name for statutory reimbursement group for meals/accomm.Travel Expenses
5351ERP EHP76.0T706J51Name for enterprise-specific for meals/acc.Travel Expenses
5352ERP EHP76.0T706K161Initial Account Assignment for FITravel Expenses
5353ERP EHP76.0T706L141Assignment of Trip Country - Country Group - RegionTravel Expenses
5354ERP EHP76.0T706M91Input Tax for International Per DiemsTravel Expenses
5355ERP EHP76.0T706N41Names for trip provision variantsTravel Expenses
5356ERP EHP76.0T706O61Names for Trip Country/Trip Country Group/Trip RegionTravel Expenses
5357ERP EHP76.0T706P71Date Interval for Miles/Kms AccumulationTravel Expenses
5358ERP EHP76.0T706Q51Names for period indicator for miles/kms accumulationTravel Expenses
5359ERP EHP76.0T706R51Names for trip activity typesTravel Expenses
5360ERP EHP76.0T706S521Trip SchemaTravel Expenses
5361ERP EHP76.0T706S_RECEIPT61Trip Schemas: Assignment of Travel Expense TypesTravel Expenses
5362ERP EHP76.0T706T51Names for trip schemaTravel Expenses
5363ERP EHP76.0T706T_ABWH61Texts for Absence Types (PS Separation Allowance)Travel Expenses
5364ERP EHP76.0T706U161Trip Provision: Per Diem for AccommodationsTravel Expenses
5365ERP EHP76.0T706V191Trip Provision: Meals Per-diem/Maximum Amount by HoursTravel Expenses
5366ERP EHP76.0T706W51Names for vehicle classesTravel Expenses
5367ERP EHP76.0T706WWW51HTML Links and File PathsTravel Expenses
5368ERP EHP76.0T706WWW_TXT61Text Table HTML Links and File PathsTravel Expenses
5369ERP EHP76.0T706X51Names for enterprise-specific trip typesTravel Expenses
5370ERP EHP76.0T706Y51Names for Employee Groupings for Travel ManagementTravel Expenses
5371ERP EHP76.0T706Z71Single Field Control for DialogTravel Expenses
5372ERP EHP76.0T706Z1101Single Field Control for DialogTravel Expenses
5373ERP EHP76.0T706Z1_TXT101Text table: Individual Field Control for DialogTravel Expenses
5374ERP EHP76.0T706_ABWH51Absence Types from Place of Work (PS; Separation Allowance)Travel Expenses
5375ERP EHP76.0T706_CCOMP31Credit Card CompaniesTravel Expenses
5376ERP EHP76.0T706_CCOMP_TXT41Name of Credit Card CompanyTravel Expenses
5377ERP EHP76.0T706_CITY_CD_46C61Table for Specifying the City Code/Community Code NumberTravel Expenses
5378ERP EHP76.0T706_CITY_CD_D101Definition: City Codes / Community Code No., Date-DependentTravel Expenses
5379ERP EHP76.0T706_CITY_CD_D_281Definition: City Codes / Community Code No., Date-DependentTravel Expenses
5380ERP EHP76.0T706_CITY_CODE61Table for Specifying the City Code/Community Code NumberTravel Expenses
5381ERP EHP76.0T706_CONST101PA parameters: Travel ManagementTravel Expenses
5382ERP EHP76.0T706_CONSTTEXT51Names of Accounting Constants for Travel ExpensesTravel Expenses
5383ERP EHP76.0T706_COST_CP141Cost Comparison on Trip Level: Maximum DifferenceTravel Expenses
5384ERP EHP76.0T706_COST_CP_R31Cost Comparison at Trip Level: Default ValuesTravel Expenses
5385ERP EHP76.0T706_COST_CP_R_T51Cost Comparison at Trip Level: Default ValuesTravel Expenses
5386ERP EHP76.0T706_DEFAULTTEXT81Names of Reference Texts for Entering TripsTravel Expenses
5387ERP EHP76.0T706_LGART41Wage Type Assignmt Table for Clearing Add.Amts/Inc.Rel Exp.Travel Expenses
5388ERP EHP76.0T706_REQ_CAT111Types of Transport/Accomm. and Est.Cost of Travel RequestTravel Expenses
5389ERP EHP76.0T706_REQ_CATTEXT51Name for Types of Transp/Accomm. and Est.Cost of Travel Req.Travel Expenses
5390ERP EHP76.0T706_SRV_CODE61VAT Refund CodesTravel Expenses
5391ERP EHP76.0T706_SRV_CODE_T71Country-Dependent Field Control for Receipt DataTravel Expenses
5392ERP EHP76.0T706_SUB_SRV_C61Subcodes for Goods and ServicesTravel Expenses
5393ERP EHP76.0T706_SUB_SRV_C_T81Subcodes for Goods and ServicesTravel Expenses
5394ERP EHP76.0T706_TEXTNAMES41Names of Reference Texts for Entering TripsTravel Expenses
5395ERP EHP76.0T706_VAT_DEFLT91Country- and Expense Type-Dependent Defaults f. Receipt DataTravel Expenses
5396ERP EHP76.0T706_VAT_FLDS171Country-Dependent Field Control for Receipt DataTravel Expenses
5397ERP EHP76.0T706_VAT_POSTING61Data Entry and Posting of VAT Amount per Country of ReceiptTravel Expenses
Financial Accounting :: Travel Management :: Travel Planning
5398ERP EHP76.0BTS_ERROR_CODES21Error Codes of SABRE/BTS-API ServerTravel Planning
5399ERP EHP76.0FTPT_CAR882Travel Request Item - Car Rental ServiceTravel Planning
5400ERP EHP76.0FTPT_CAR_PREF171Rental car service preferences of a travel planTravel Planning
5401ERP EHP76.0FTPT_CSX_PROFILE61Relationship SAP Human Resources Number - Amadeua ProfileTravel Planning
5402ERP EHP76.0FTPT_FARE_COMP151Rate componentsTravel Planning
5403ERP EHP76.0FTPT_FARE_NOTE101Rate RulesTravel Planning
5404ERP EHP76.0FTPT_FLIGHT412Travel Request Item - Flight ServiceTravel Planning
5405ERP EHP76.0FTPT_FLIGHT_FARE91Assignment table: flights <-> rate componentsTravel Planning
5406ERP EHP76.0FTPT_FLIGHT_FCMP131Assignment table: flights <-> rate componentsTravel Planning
5407ERP EHP76.0FTPT_FLIGHT_LEG221Leg of flightTravel Planning
5408ERP EHP76.0FTPT_FLIGHT_PREF251Flight service preferences of a travel planTravel Planning
5409ERP EHP76.0FTPT_FLIGHT_TST211Ticket informationTravel Planning
5410ERP EHP76.0FTPT_FLIGHT_TSTK361Ticket InformationTravel Planning
5411ERP EHP76.0FTPT_HOTEL892Travel Request Item - Hotel ServiceTravel Planning
5412ERP EHP76.0FTPT_HOTEL_COORD71Hotel CoordinatesTravel Planning
5413ERP EHP76.0FTPT_HOTEL_DATA181Hotel DataTravel Planning
5414ERP EHP76.0FTPT_HOTEL_PREF161Hotel service preferences of a travel planTravel Planning
5415ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR371IMR - General InformationTravel Planning
5416ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_CAR461IMR - Car RentalTravel Planning
5417ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_DETAIL171IMR - Detail InformationTravel Planning
5418ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_FAREDAT141IMR - Price Data DescriptionTravel Planning
5419ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_FAREELM91IMR: Passenger Information for Price DeterminationTravel Planning
5420ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_FELMSEG61IMR: Table for Assignment of Ticket to Flight SegmentTravel Planning
5421ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_FLIGHT341IMR - FlightTravel Planning
5422ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_FOP81IMR : Information on Payment MethodTravel Planning
5423ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_FOPSEG61IMR: Assignment Table Payment Method to Flight SegmentsTravel Planning
5424ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_FQTV111IMR: Customer ProgramsTravel Planning
5425ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_FQTVSEG61IMR: Assignment Table Customer Programs to Flight SegmentsTravel Planning
5426ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_FSP141IMR: Assignment Table Passengers-Segments-TSTTravel Planning
5427ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_HTL571IMR - HotelTravel Planning
5428ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_HTL_DIR231IMR - Hotel (Direct Access)Travel Planning
5429ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_MANUAL201IMR - Manually Created SegmentsTravel Planning
5430ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_NAMES121IMR : NameTravel Planning
5431ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_RECLOC61IMR - Booking RateTravel Planning
5432ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_SEATS141IMR: Seating InformationTravel Planning
5433ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_SEATSEG61IMR: Table for Assignment of Seats to Flight SegmentsTravel Planning
5434ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_SSRS121IMR: Information on Special Service RequirementsTravel Planning
5435ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_SSRSEG61IMR: Assignment Table Special Serv.Request to Flight SegmentTravel Planning
5436ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_SURFACE141IMR - Other Segments of Trip as FlightsTravel Planning
5437ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_TKT111IMR : Ticket InformationTravel Planning
5438ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_TKTSEG61IMR: Table for Assignment of Ticket to Flight SegmentTravel Planning
5439ERP EHP76.0FTPT_IMR_TRAIN271IMR - TrainTravel Planning
5440ERP EHP76.0FTPT_ITEM292Travel Service Request ItemTravel Planning
5441ERP EHP76.0FTPT_LOG_GDS171Cluster for GDS Log DataTravel Planning
5442ERP EHP76.0FTPT_OTHER221Travel Reservation Request Item - Other ServiceTravel Planning
5443ERP EHP76.0FTPT_PLAN161General Plan DataTravel Planning
5444ERP EHP76.0FTPT_PLANHISTORY161General Plan DataTravel Planning
5445ERP EHP76.0FTPT_PNR91Elements of passenger name records of travel plan variantTravel Planning
5446ERP EHP76.0FTPT_PNR_ADDRESS141PNR delivery / billing addressesTravel Planning
5447ERP EHP76.0FTPT_PNR_NAME111Name element of PNRTravel Planning
5448ERP EHP76.0FTPT_PNR_OSI121Other PNR service informationTravel Planning
5449ERP EHP76.0FTPT_PNR_PHONE121PNR telephone referencesTravel Planning
5450ERP EHP76.0FTPT_PNR_REMARKS101PNR remarksTravel Planning
5451ERP EHP76.0FTPT_PNR_SSR111Special PNR service requestsTravel Planning
5452ERP EHP76.0FTPT_QT_ALTERN71Quicktrip Trip AlternativeTravel Planning
5453ERP EHP76.0FTPT_QT_BPROFILE41Quicktrip Reservation ProfileTravel Planning
5454ERP EHP76.0FTPT_QT_CAR191Quicktrip Travel Request Item - Flight ServiceTravel Planning
5455ERP EHP76.0FTPT_QT_FLIGHT171Quicktrip Travel Request Item - Flight ServiceTravel Planning
5456ERP EHP76.0FTPT_QT_HOTEL171Quicktrip Travel Request Item - Flight ServiceTravel Planning
5457ERP EHP76.0FTPT_QT_ITEM101Quicktrip Travel Service Request ItemTravel Planning
5458ERP EHP76.0FTPT_QT_QTRIP131Quicktrip TripTravel Planning
5459ERP EHP76.0FTPT_REQUEST521Travel Plan RequestsTravel Planning
5460ERP EHP76.0FTPT_REQ_ACCOUNT551Travel Request Cost AssignmentTravel Planning
5461ERP EHP76.0FTPT_REQ_ADVANCE151Travel Request AdvanceTravel Planning
5462ERP EHP76.0FTPT_REQ_HEAD411Framework Data of Travel RequestTravel Planning
5463ERP EHP76.0FTPT_REQ_REASON71Reason for Travel RequestTravel Planning
5464ERP EHP76.0FTPT_SERVICE91General ServicesTravel Planning
5465ERP EHP76.0FTPT_SYNC_DATA121Data Synchronization: SAP - External SystemTravel Planning
5466ERP EHP76.0FTPT_TM_MEMO201Memo table for Travel ManagementTravel Planning
5467ERP EHP76.0FTPT_TRAIN422Travel Request Item - Train ServiceTravel Planning
5468ERP EHP76.0FTPT_TRAIN_PREF81Train service preferences of a travel planTravel Planning
5469ERP EHP76.0FTPT_VARIANT202Table of Travel Plan VariantsTravel Planning
5470ERP EHP76.0FTPT_VAR_INFO101Info texts for travel plan variantsTravel Planning
5471ERP EHP76.0PA0468241HR master record for infotype 0468Travel Planning
5472ERP EHP76.0PA0469241HR master record for infotype 0469Travel Planning
5473ERP EHP76.0PA0470241HR master record infotype 0470 (travel profiles)Travel Planning
5474ERP EHP76.0PA0471401HR master record infotype 0471 (flight preferences)Travel Planning
5475ERP EHP76.0PA0472301HR master record infotype 0472 (hotel preferences)Travel Planning
5476ERP EHP76.0PA0473311HR master record infotype 0473 (rental car preferences)Travel Planning
5477ERP EHP76.0PA0474301HR master record infotype 0474 (train preferences)Travel Planning
5478ERP EHP76.0PA0475281HR master record infotype 0475 (customer programs)Travel Planning
5479ERP EHP76.0STATUSAGENCY21Display the Status of a Travel PlanTravel Planning
5480ERP EHP76.0STATUSAGENCYT41Display the Status TextsTravel Planning
5481ERP EHP76.0TA20A101API Server Access ParametersTravel Planning
5482ERP EHP76.0TA20B301Control Variant for Travel PlanningTravel Planning
5483ERP EHP76.0TA20B141Control Variants - Travel Planning (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5484ERP EHP76.0TA20BA81Access Parameters of User Groups per Reservation SystemTravel Planning
5485ERP EHP76.0TA20BH61Displayable Hotel Rates of User GroupsTravel Planning
5486ERP EHP76.0TA20BPR51Provider-Specific Reservation SystemsTravel Planning
5487ERP EHP76.0TA20BUILDING81BuildingsTravel Planning
5488ERP EHP76.0TA20C81Enterprise-Specific Travel Service CategoriesTravel Planning
5489ERP EHP76.0TA20C151Enterprise-Spec. Travel Service Categories (Language-Dep.)Travel Planning
5490ERP EHP76.0TA20CORPID21Company Specific Contract for Negotiated AirfaresTravel Planning
5491ERP EHP76.0TA20CORPID141Company Specific Contract for Negotiated AirfaresTravel Planning
5492ERP EHP76.0TA20DB111Access Parameters for Deutsche Bahn via APITravel Planning
5493ERP EHP76.0TA20FINALMESSAGE51Strategic Settings for Travel PlanningTravel Planning
5494ERP EHP76.0TA20GDS_CODES51Assignment of SAP Codes to GDS CodesTravel Planning
5495ERP EHP76.0TA20HH101Maximum Rates for Hotel StayTravel Planning
5496ERP EHP76.0TA20HH171Maximum Rates for Hotel StayTravel Planning
5497ERP EHP76.0TA20IH_MAIL41Internal MailTravel Planning
5498ERP EHP76.0TA20K71ReasonsTravel Planning
5499ERP EHP76.0TA20K181Reasons (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5500ERP EHP76.0TA20LB21Trees (Current Settings for Travel Planning)Travel Planning
5501ERP EHP76.0TA20LB141Trees (Current Settings for Travel Planning, Lang.-Depend.)Travel Planning
5502ERP EHP76.0TA20LBEZ61Tree Structure (Current Settings for Travel Planning)Travel Planning
5503ERP EHP76.0TA20LE121Tree Node (Current Settings for Travel Planning)Travel Planning
5504ERP EHP76.0TA20LE141Tree Node (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5505ERP EHP76.0TA20LOGGDS31Logical Global Reservation SystemTravel Planning
5506ERP EHP76.0TA20LOGGDS_TEXT51Logical Global Reservation SystemTravel Planning
5507ERP EHP76.0TA20LT41Current Settings for Travel Planning Control VariantsTravel Planning
5508ERP EHP76.0TA20LT151Current Settings for Control Variant (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5509ERP EHP76.0TA20NC121Negotiated rental car rates (corporate nego rates)Travel Planning
5510ERP EHP76.0TA20NC1101Negotiated rental car rates (language-dependent)Travel Planning
5511ERP EHP76.0TA20NCR121Negotiated Car Rental RatesTravel Planning
5512ERP EHP76.0TA20NCR181Negotiated Car Rental Rates (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5513ERP EHP76.0TA20NEGOF231Negotiated Flight Fares (Corporate Nego Fares)Travel Planning
5514ERP EHP76.0TA20NEGOF1121Negotiated Flight Fares (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5515ERP EHP76.0TA20NF151Negotiated Flight Fares (Corporate Nego Fares)Travel Planning
5516ERP EHP76.0TA20NF191Negotiated flight fares (language-dependent)Travel Planning
5517ERP EHP76.0TA20NH171Negotiated hotel rates (corporate nego rates)Travel Planning
5518ERP EHP76.0TA20NH1131Negotiated hotel rates (language-dependent)Travel Planning
5519ERP EHP76.0TA20NHC111Negotiated Hotel RatesTravel Planning
5520ERP EHP76.0TA20NHC191Negotiated Hotel Rates (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5521ERP EHP76.0TA20NHS201Negotiated Hotel Rates (Nego Rates) with Catalog HotelTravel Planning
5522ERP EHP76.0TA20NRADD131Additional Info for Negotiated Rates and DiscountsTravel Planning
5523ERP EHP76.0TA20NRC141Discount Agreement for Rental Car UsageTravel Planning
5524ERP EHP76.0TA20NREX121Exceptions to Negotiated RatesTravel Planning
5525ERP EHP76.0TA20NRF181Discount Agreement for FlightsTravel Planning
5526ERP EHP76.0TA20NRH171Discount Agreement for Hotel AccommodationsTravel Planning
5527ERP EHP76.0TA20NRHS131Discount Agreement for Hotels (Individual Hotel)Travel Planning
5528ERP EHP76.0TA20O31Sales officesTravel Planning
5529ERP EHP76.0TA20O141Sales offices (language-dependent)Travel Planning
5530ERP EHP76.0TA20OFFICE101Reservation System-Specific Sales OfficesTravel Planning
5531ERP EHP76.0TA20OFFICE_AS071Assignment of Fulfillment Sales OfficesTravel Planning
5532ERP EHP76.0TA20OFFICE_FIND71Access Parameters per Group ID - Sales Office DeterminationTravel Planning
5533ERP EHP76.0TA20OFFICE_FIND141Specify Access Parameters per Group IDTravel Planning
5534ERP EHP76.0TA20OFFICE_TEXT51Sales Offices (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5535ERP EHP76.0TA20OZ51Resubmission (queue) of sales officesTravel Planning
5536ERP EHP76.0TA20P21Travel profilesTravel Planning
5537ERP EHP76.0TA20P141Travel Profiles (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5538ERP EHP76.0TA20PF61Travel Profiles - Methods of PaymentTravel Planning
5539ERP EHP76.0TA20PHC91Assignment Table of Hotel Catalog Items for Travel ProfilesTravel Planning
5540ERP EHP76.0TA20PI31Trip RuleTravel Planning
5541ERP EHP76.0TA20PI151Trip Rule (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5542ERP EHP76.0TA20PIC51Car Rental Trip RuleTravel Planning
5543ERP EHP76.0TA20PIF91Flight Trip RuleTravel Planning
5544ERP EHP76.0TA20PIH51Hotel Trip RuleTravel Planning
5545ERP EHP76.0TA20PPI71Assignment Table of Trip Rules for Travel ProfilesTravel Planning
5546ERP EHP76.0TA20PPP51Priority of Trip RulesTravel Planning
5547ERP EHP76.0TA20PPP141Priorities of Trip Rules (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5548ERP EHP76.0TA20PPT91Assignment Table of Trip Rules for Travel ProfilesTravel Planning
5549ERP EHP76.0TA20PPZ51Message handling: chosen priority with top priorityTravel Planning
5550ERP EHP76.0TA20PPZ161Message handling (language-dependent)Travel Planning
5551ERP EHP76.0TA20PS31Class RuleTravel Planning
5552ERP EHP76.0TA20PS151Class Rule (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5553ERP EHP76.0TA20PSC71Class Rule for a Trip Rule (Car Rental)Travel Planning
5554ERP EHP76.0TA20PSF61Class Rule for a Trip Rule (Flight)Travel Planning
5555ERP EHP76.0TA20PSH81Class Rule for a Trip Rule (Hotel)Travel Planning
5556ERP EHP76.0TA20PST41Class Rule for a Trip Rule (Train)Travel Planning
5557ERP EHP76.0TA20PVP131Setting for Lowest Fare Availability SearchTravel Planning
5558ERP EHP76.0TA20Q51Define Queues of Sales OfficesTravel Planning
5559ERP EHP76.0TA20Q_ASG71Processing Types of Fulfillment Sales OfficesTravel Planning
5560ERP EHP76.0TA20Q_CAT61Define Queue Categories of Sales OfficeTravel Planning
5561ERP EHP76.0TA20R21Trip activity type - Travel PlanningTravel Planning
5562ERP EHP76.0TA20R141Trip activity type - Travel Planning (language-dependent)Travel Planning
5563ERP EHP76.0TA20REBF231Discount Agreement for FlightsTravel Planning
5564ERP EHP76.0TA20RMRK71Company-Specific PNR ElementsTravel Planning
5565ERP EHP76.0TA20ROUTE21Routes for Airfares and DiscountsTravel Planning
5566ERP EHP76.0TA20ROUTING31Routes for Airfares and DiscountsTravel Planning
5567ERP EHP76.0TA20RTG41Route Segments for Routings for Airfares and DiscountsTravel Planning
5568ERP EHP76.0TA20RTG_G91Geographical Description of a Route SegmentTravel Planning
5569ERP EHP76.0TA20RTG_P51Route Segment ProviderTravel Planning
5570ERP EHP76.0TA20RTG_R51Booking Classes for Route SegmentTravel Planning
5571ERP EHP76.0TA20SUBSCRPT61Define Access Parameters for Reservation SystemTravel Planning
5572ERP EHP76.0TA20SUBSCRPT_ASG51Logon to External Reservation System per Sales OfficeTravel Planning
5573ERP EHP76.0TA20SWITCH31Global Control ParametersTravel Planning
5574ERP EHP76.0TA20WIZARD71Strategic Settings for Travel PlanningTravel Planning
5575ERP EHP76.0TA20WIZZ21NamesTravel Planning
5576ERP EHP76.0TA20WWW81WWW Link Catalog for Information SourcesTravel Planning
5577ERP EHP76.0TA20WWW151WWW LInk Catalog for Information Sources (Language-Depend.)Travel Planning
5578ERP EHP76.0TA20_SWITCH31Global Control ParametersTravel Planning
5579ERP EHP76.0TA21CA21Rental Car ClassesTravel Planning
5580ERP EHP76.0TA21CA141Rental Car Classes (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5581ERP EHP76.0TA21CAR21Rental Car RateTravel Planning
5582ERP EHP76.0TA21CAR141Car Rental Rates (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5583ERP EHP76.0TA21CAZ61Assignment car rental classes - booking specificationsTravel Planning
5584ERP EHP76.0TA21H31Hotel RatesTravel Planning
5585ERP EHP76.0TA21H141Hotel Rates (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5586ERP EHP76.0TA21HO21Room categoryTravel Planning
5587ERP EHP76.0TA21HO141Room category (language-dependent)Travel Planning
5588ERP EHP76.0TA21HOZ31Assignment Room Category - Class RuleTravel Planning
5589ERP EHP76.0TA21L278IATA LocationsTravel Planning
5590ERP EHP76.0TA21L143IATA Locations (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5591ERP EHP76.0TA21OA21Office ActivityTravel Planning
5592ERP EHP76.0TA21P41Travel Service ProvidersTravel Planning
5593ERP EHP76.0TA21PF51Provider-Specific Customer ProgramsTravel Planning
5594ERP EHP76.0TA21PFA71Assignment of Customer Programs to Additional ProvidersTravel Planning
5595ERP EHP76.0TA21PH232Customer-Specific Hotel CatalogTravel Planning
5596ERP EHP76.0TA21PHC41Hotel Codes of a Catalog Hotel in Reservation SystemTravel Planning
5597ERP EHP76.0TA21R51RegionsTravel Planning
5598ERP EHP76.0TA21R151Regions (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5599ERP EHP76.0TA21REGION91IATA/ATPCO AreasTravel Planning
5600ERP EHP76.0TA21RH51Region HierarchyTravel Planning
5601ERP EHP76.0TA21RZC31Assignment: Country-Subdividing Region to LocationTravel Planning
5602ERP EHP76.0TA21RZL31Assignment: Region of Several Countries to CountryTravel Planning
5603ERP EHP76.0TA22A71Assignment table expense code - service categoryTravel Planning
5604ERP EHP76.0TA22B61Assignment trip schema - travel plan typeTravel Planning
5605ERP EHP76.0TA22C31IATA RBD assignmentTravel Planning
5606ERP EHP76.0TA22CE51RBD assignment of airline exceptionsTravel Planning
5607ERP EHP76.0TA22CEXC141RBD Assignment of Airline ExceptionsTravel Planning
5608ERP EHP76.0TA22EQU41Equipment TypesTravel Planning
5609ERP EHP76.0TA22PRFR61Pricing Functionality RestrictionsTravel Planning
5610ERP EHP76.0TA22RSA61START: Train AttributesTravel Planning
5611ERP EHP76.0TA22RSA151START: Train Attributes (Lang.-Dependent)Travel Planning
5612ERP EHP76.0TA22RSF71START: Error MessagesTravel Planning
5613ERP EHP76.0TA22RSF181START: Error Messages (Language-Dependent)Travel Planning
5614ERP EHP76.0TA22RSS425START: Train StationsTravel Planning
5615ERP EHP76.0TA22RSSY64START: Train Station SynonymsTravel Planning
5616ERP EHP76.0TA22ST21Amadeus: status flight/car rental/hotelTravel Planning
5617ERP EHP76.0TA23A41Payer of Travel ServicesTravel Planning
5618ERP EHP76.0TA23APIS241Travel Planning
5619ERP EHP76.0TA23APIS141APIS ( Advanced Passenger Information System ) - sprachabh.Travel Planning
5620ERP EHP76.0TA23APIS_TEXT51Travel Planning
5621ERP EHP76.0TA23BIBE101Parameters for Access to Deutsche Bahn Through BIBE PortalTravel Planning
5622ERP EHP76.0TA23C51Enterprise-Specific F4 Help for IATA LocationsTravel Planning
5623ERP EHP76.0TA23CEXC161RBD assignment of airline exceptionsTravel Planning
5624ERP EHP76.0TA23CORPID_ASG31Validity of Enterprise-Specific Airfare ContractsTravel Planning
5625ERP EHP76.0TA23CT61Amadeus ProfileTravel Planning
5626ERP EHP76.0TA23CT151Amadeus Profile Text TableTravel Planning
5627ERP EHP76.0TA23DEC11Situations for GDS-Specific DecisionsTravel Planning
5628ERP EHP76.0TA23DEC131Situations for GDS-Specific DecisionsTravel Planning
5629ERP EHP76.0TA23DEC_VAL21Situations for GDS-Specific DecisionsTravel Planning
5630ERP EHP76.0TA23DEC_VAL141Situations for GDS-Specific DecisionsTravel Planning
5631ERP EHP76.0TA23FILTER_CTRL51Control Parameter (Flight Availability Query)Travel Planning
5632ERP EHP76.0TA23GDS_DECVAL41GDS-Specific DecisionsTravel Planning
5633ERP EHP76.0TA23GKT41MCR (Major Customer Rate German Railway)Travel Planning
5634ERP EHP76.0TA23HOTELS181Hotel DataTravel Planning
5635ERP EHP76.0TA23HRS101HRS Access ParametersTravel Planning
5636ERP EHP76.0TA23IGS41Access URLs for the Internet Graphics ServerTravel Planning
5637ERP EHP76.0TA23L_C52Assign Locations to IATA Locations (Car Rental)Travel Planning
5638ERP EHP76.0TA23L_F32Assign Locations to IATA Locations (Flight)Travel Planning
5639ERP EHP76.0TA23L_H42Assign Locations to IATA Locations (Hotel)Travel Planning
5640ERP EHP76.0TA23OA21Office activityTravel Planning
5641ERP EHP76.0TA23OA141Sales Office Activitiy (Language Independent)Travel Planning
5642ERP EHP76.0TA23OFFICE_ADR91Sales Office AddressesTravel Planning
5643ERP EHP76.0TA23OS171Field Control for Travel Res. Request Item: Other ServicesTravel Planning
5644ERP EHP76.0TA23OS161Field Control Travel Req. Item: Other Services (Lang.-Depen)Travel Planning
5645ERP EHP76.0TA23PAF51Airline Programs for Corporate CustomersTravel Planning
5646ERP EHP76.0TA23PAF141Airline Programs for Corporate CustomersTravel Planning
5647ERP EHP76.0TA23PAF_ASG31Permissibility of Airline Programs for Corporate CustomersTravel Planning
5648ERP EHP76.0TA23PAF_CONN141Assignment of Airline Programs Corporate Cust. - Route/ClassTravel Planning
5649ERP EHP76.0TA23PF91Payment MethodTravel Planning
5650ERP EHP76.0TA23PIC51Car Rental Trip Rule (Filter before Availability Query)Travel Planning
5651ERP EHP76.0TA23PIF91Flight Trip Rule (Filter before Availability Query)Travel Planning
5652ERP EHP76.0TA23PIFT71Trip Rule for Mandatory Combined Display of Flights/RailTravel Planning
5653ERP EHP76.0TA23PIH51Hotel Trip Rule (Filter before Availability Query)Travel Planning
5654ERP EHP76.0TA23PIT71Flight Trip RuleTravel Planning
5655ERP EHP76.0TA23PROFILE_SYNC111Assignment Parameters for Preference SynchronizationTravel Planning
5656ERP EHP76.0TA23PROT111Log for Sabre InterfaceTravel Planning
5657ERP EHP76.0TA23P_FOID91Travel Service ProvidersTravel Planning
5658ERP EHP76.0TA23R31Assign TVTTA - Trip Activity TypeTravel Planning
5659ERP EHP76.0TA23ROUTE141Routes for Airfares and DiscountsTravel Planning
5660ERP EHP76.0TA23ROUTING151Routes for Airfares and DiscountsTravel Planning
5661ERP EHP76.0TA23RTG161Route Segments for Routings for Airfares and DiscountsTravel Planning
5662ERP EHP76.0TA23SUBSCRPT_ASG61Logon to External Reservation System per Sales OfficeTravel Planning
5663ERP EHP76.0TA23TRVCC_FIND21Payment Method ModifierTravel Planning
5664ERP EHP76.0TA23TRVCC_FIND141Payment Method Modifier (Language Dependent)Travel Planning
5665ERP EHP76.0TA23TRVCD_ASG31Modifier Car Rental RatesTravel Planning
5666ERP EHP76.0TA23TRVCD_FIND21Groupings for Negotiated Car Rental RatesTravel Planning
5667ERP EHP76.0TA23TRVCD_FIND141Groupings for Negotiated Car Rental Rates (Language-Dep.)Travel Planning
5668ERP EHP76.0TA23TVGKT_FIND21MCR ModifierTravel Planning
5669ERP EHP76.0TA23TVGKT_FIND141MCR Modifier (Language Dependent)Travel Planning
5670ERP EHP76.0TA23TVTTA_FIND41Grouping For Eligibility of Activity TypesTravel Planning
5671ERP EHP76.0TA23TVTTA_FIND141Activity Type ModifierTravel Planning
5672ERP EHP76.0TA23WIZZ31NamesTravel Planning
5673ERP EHP76.0TA23XI41Sales Office Determination: Categories with XI IntegrationTravel Planning
5674ERP EHP76.0TA23_PAPTF81Additional Airport for Availability QueryTravel Planning
Financial Accounting :: Accounts Payable :: Basic Functions :: Payment Transactions
5675ERP EHP76.0BANKA_CUP_IT71Bank Account Number maintenance for CUP/CIG NumberPayment Transactions
5676ERP EHP76.0CRACC431Payment Cards: Account Assignments in Card Master RecordPayment Transactions
5677ERP EHP76.0CRFILEHD101Payment Card File: HeaderPayment Transactions
5678ERP EHP76.0CRFILEPOS292Payment Card File: Individual RecordsPayment Transactions
5679ERP EHP76.0CRFILESTAT332Payment Card File: Status Information for Individual RecordsPayment Transactions
5680ERP EHP76.0CRNUM641Payment cards: Card master recordPayment Transactions
5681ERP EHP76.0CUP_DOC_IT91Document relevant for CUP/CIG NumberPayment Transactions
5682ERP EHP76.0CUP_T012K_IT61House bank details for CUP/CIGPayment Transactions
5683ERP EHP76.0FEDIWF151FI EDI: Person with signing authorityPayment Transactions
5684ERP EHP76.0FIPAY_T042_GTS21SAP GTS Check - Activation in FIPayment Transactions
5685ERP EHP76.0FIPAY_TROBJ_GTS61Trigger Objects for Supplementary Information to SAP GTSPayment Transactions
5686ERP EHP76.0FPCL_ACC_PARA91Parameter for the PostingPayment Transactions
5687ERP EHP76.0FPCL_CO_STATUS11Status of GarnishmentPayment Transactions
5688ERP EHP76.0FPCL_CO_STATUST31Description of Garnishment StatusPayment Transactions
5689ERP EHP76.0FPCL_DETECT_CO82Garnishments for a Payment DocumentPayment Transactions
5690ERP EHP76.0FPCRATTRPROTECT21Attributes may not be changed by the user directPayment Transactions
5691ERP EHP76.0FPCR_ACC31Garnishment Register AccountantPayment Transactions
5692ERP EHP76.0FPCR_ACCT41Garnishment Register Accountant DescriptionPayment Transactions
5693ERP EHP76.0FPCR_ACC_BUKRS31Assignment of Company Code to AccountantPayment Transactions
5694ERP EHP76.0FPCR_ACC_GSBER31Assignment Business Area to AccountantPayment Transactions
5695ERP EHP76.0FPCR_CESS232Garnishment Register AttributesPayment Transactions
5696ERP EHP76.0FPCR_LINK_OBJ173Linked Objects for GarnishmentPayment Transactions
5697ERP EHP76.0FPCR_NR_ACC31Accountant Number RangePayment Transactions
5698ERP EHP76.0FPCR_RDC_REASON21Reduction ReasonPayment Transactions
5699ERP EHP76.0FPCR_RDC_REASONT41Reduction Reason DescriptionPayment Transactions
5700ERP EHP76.0FPCR_REDUCTION71Reduction Data for GarnishmentPayment Transactions
5701ERP EHP76.0FPCR_SRCH_ATTR31Search Fields for GarnishmentPayment Transactions
5702ERP EHP76.0FPCR_USER_ACC31Assignment of User to AccountantPayment Transactions
5703ERP EHP76.0FPCR_WAITREASON21Waiting Reason for GarnishmentPayment Transactions
5704ERP EHP76.0FPCR_WAITREASONT41Description of Wait ReasonPayment Transactions
5705ERP EHP76.0FPIN_T_ADMIN21Administrator - Penalty InterestPayment Transactions
5706ERP EHP76.0FPIN_T_ADMINT41Administrator - Penalty Interest: DescriptionPayment Transactions
5707ERP EHP76.0FPIN_T_POSTEN252Database for Penalty Interest (Chorus)Payment Transactions
5708ERP EHP76.0FPIN_T_REASON21Interruption ReasonPayment Transactions
5709ERP EHP76.0FPIN_T_REASONT41Interruption Reason DescriptionPayment Transactions
5710ERP EHP76.0FPRL_ACTIONS41Action AttributesPayment Transactions
5711ERP EHP76.0FPRL_ACTIONST51Define ActionsPayment Transactions
5712ERP EHP76.0FPRL_ACTION_DI41Actions for Approval LevelPayment Transactions
5713ERP EHP76.0FPRL_ACTION_TAB41Assign Actions to TabsPayment Transactions
5714ERP EHP76.0FPRL_APPLIC21ApplicationPayment Transactions
5715ERP EHP76.0FPRL_APPLICT31Application AttributesPayment Transactions
5716ERP EHP76.0FPRL_APPLIC_ACT21Activate ApplicationPayment Transactions
5717ERP EHP76.0FPRL_CLEAR_DI31Disable Clearing/Reverse for Approval LevelsPayment Transactions
5718ERP EHP76.0FPRL_DOC_DI41Disable Document Changes for Approval LevelsPayment Transactions
5719ERP EHP76.0FPRL_HEADER121List Header DataPayment Transactions
5720ERP EHP76.0FPRL_ITEM1744Item DataPayment Transactions
5721ERP EHP76.0FPRL_ITEM_STAT11Item StatusPayment Transactions
5722ERP EHP76.0FPRL_ITEM_STATT31Item Status AttributesPayment Transactions
5723ERP EHP76.0FPRL_LEVELS41Approval LevelsPayment Transactions
5724ERP EHP76.0FPRL_LEVELST51Define Approval LevelsPayment Transactions
5725ERP EHP76.0FPRL_LOG163List LogPayment Transactions
5726ERP EHP76.0FPRL_TABS51Tab AttributesPayment Transactions
5727ERP EHP76.0FPRL_TABST41Define TabsPayment Transactions
5728ERP EHP76.0FPRL_TAB_ASSIG31Set Tab PositionsPayment Transactions
5729ERP EHP76.0FPRL_WARNINGS163System Warning MessagesPayment Transactions
5730ERP EHP76.0OPN_J1311Japanese DME Foreign Payment Accounting Data (Open FI)Payment Transactions
5731ERP EHP76.0PNBK193Prenotification: New bank data from master recordsPayment Transactions
5732ERP EHP76.0PNHD71Prenotification: Files created in ACH formatPayment Transactions
5733ERP EHP76.0PYORDH192Payment order header dataPayment Transactions
5734ERP EHP76.0PYORDP133Payment order item dataPayment Transactions
5735ERP EHP76.0REGUA81Change of payment proposals: user and timePayment Transactions
5736ERP EHP76.0REGUH1762Settlement data from payment programPayment Transactions
5737ERP EHP76.0REGUHH371REGUH version before the 'n'th changePayment Transactions
5738ERP EHP76.0REGUHO491REGUH version before the 'n'th changePayment Transactions
5739ERP EHP76.0REGUPO181Line item status before the 'n'th changePayment Transactions
5740ERP EHP76.0REGUS72Acounts blocked by payment proposalPayment Transactions
5741ERP EHP76.0REGUS_SEPA91SEPA Mandate Lock: Applications To Be RetrievedPayment Transactions
5742ERP EHP76.0REGUV171Control records for the payment programPayment Transactions
5743ERP EHP76.0SMFIAP71Spec. FI-SL Data in Monitor (See Schedman_specific_fisl)Payment Transactions
5744ERP EHP76.0T005_IT_UIC31UIC CodePayment Transactions
5745ERP EHP76.0T005_IT_UICREG41UIC Code based on region and country keyPayment Transactions
5746ERP EHP76.0T042C51Technical Settings For The Payment ProgramPayment Transactions
5747ERP EHP76.0T042FSL31Last additional selections usedPayment Transactions
5748ERP EHP76.0T042JB41Customizing table for Japan Bank MergersPayment Transactions
5749ERP EHP76.0T042JB151Customizing table for Japan Bank/Branch MergersPayment Transactions
5750ERP EHP76.0T042OFI61Events for MT100 and other DME FormatsPayment Transactions
5751ERP EHP76.0T042OFIT31Events for MT100 and other DME FormatsPayment Transactions
5752ERP EHP76.0T042R51Name of account holder (ref.specifications on bk.details)Payment Transactions
5753ERP EHP76.0T042U101Block Entries for Debit Customers/Credit VendorsPayment Transactions
5754ERP EHP76.0T045T71User ID for bank transactionsPayment Transactions
5755ERP EHP76.0T077D201Customer account groupsPayment Transactions
5756ERP EHP76.0T077K231Vendor account groupsPayment Transactions
5757ERP EHP76.0T078D111Trans.-dependent screen selection for cust.masterPayment Transactions
5758ERP EHP76.0T078K141Transaction-dependent screen selection for vendor masterPayment Transactions
5759ERP EHP76.0T079D41Company code-dependent screen sel.for cust.masterPayment Transactions
5760ERP EHP76.0T079K41Company code-dependent screen sel.for vend.masterPayment Transactions
5761ERP EHP76.0T079M81Vendor master data screen selection ( Transactions
5762ERP EHP76.0T110_ACT31Activation for changes in F110 accord. to Israel legislationPayment Transactions
5763ERP EHP76.0TCRCOBLFL31Payment Cards: Field ControlPayment Transactions
5764ERP EHP76.0TCRIN131Payment Cards: Card TypesPayment Transactions
5765ERP EHP76.0TCRINT41Payment Cards: Texts for Card TypesPayment Transactions
5766ERP EHP76.0TCRSCODE21Payment Cards: Selection CodePayment Transactions
5767ERP EHP76.0TCRSCODET41Payment Cards: Texts for Selection CodePayment Transactions
5768ERP EHP76.0TFAGS31Definition of FI clearing rulesPayment Transactions
5769ERP EHP76.0TFAGT31Texts on FI clearing rulesPayment Transactions
Financial Accounting :: Accounts Receivable :: Basic Functions :: Dunning
5770ERP EHP76.0FIALOG81Activity logDunning
5771ERP EHP76.0MAHNS71Accounts blocked by dunning selectionDunning
5772ERP EHP76.0MHNDO161Dunning data version before the next changeDunning
5773ERP EHP76.0MHNK571Dunning data (account entries)Dunning
5774ERP EHP76.0MHNKA71Version administration of dunning changesDunning
5775ERP EHP76.0MHNKO431Dunning data (acct entries) version before the next changeDunning
5776ERP EHP76.0T047FSL31Last-Used Additional Selection for DunningDunning
5777ERP EHP76.0T047I141Standard texts for dunning noticesDunning
Financial Accounting :: Accounts Receivable :: Basic Functions :: Payment Transactions
5778ERP EHP76.0FSEPA_REFTYPE21SEPA Mandate: Permitted Contract TypesPayment Transactions
5779ERP EHP76.0FSEPA_REFTYPET41SEPA Mandate: Text Table for Permitted Contract TypesPayment Transactions
Financial Accounting :: Asset Accounting :: Basic Functions :: Asset Maintenance
5780ERP EHP76.0J_3RAOKOF31OKOF classifier of RussiaAsset Maintenance
5781ERP EHP76.0J_3RAOKOFT51OKOF description classifier of RussiaAsset Maintenance
5782ERP EHP76.0TAMLAY031Tab pages in master data: Tab layoutsAsset Maintenance
5783ERP EHP76.0TAMLAY0T51Tab pages in master data: Tab layout descriptionsAsset Maintenance
5784ERP EHP76.0TAMLAY141Tab pages in master data: Tab titles of layoutAsset Maintenance
5785ERP EHP76.0TAMLAY1T61Tabs in Master Data: Tab Index TitlesAsset Maintenance
5786ERP EHP76.0TAMLAY261Tab pages in master data: Assignment of group boxesAsset Maintenance
5787ERP EHP76.0TAMLAYA61Tabs in master data: ApplicationsAsset Maintenance
5788ERP EHP76.0TAMLAYAT31Tab pages in master data: Descript. of master data objectsAsset Maintenance
5789ERP EHP76.0TAMLAYB71Tab pages in master data: Group boxesAsset Maintenance
5790ERP EHP76.0TAMLAYBT41Tab pages in master data: Descriptions of group boxesAsset Maintenance
Financial Accounting :: Asset Accounting :: Special Valuation :: Handling of Inflation
5791ERP EHP76.0J_1AAA191Definition of revaluationHandling of Inflation
5792ERP EHP76.0J_1AAA291Revaluation KeyHandling of Inflation
5793ERP EHP76.0J_1AAA2M61Methods fore period control of transactionsHandling of Inflation
5794ERP EHP76.0J_1AAA2MT41Period control methods descriptionHandling of Inflation
5795ERP EHP76.0J_1AAA2T51Inflation Adjustment AA - Revaluation Key TextHandling of Inflation
5796ERP EHP76.0J_1AAA531Transaction types excluded from revaluationHandling of Inflation
5797ERP EHP76.0J_1AAA5A51Transaction Types exluded from RV-adjustmentHandling of Inflation
5798ERP EHP76.0J_1AAOLDTA181Inflation Adjustment AA - Historic transact. period BalancesHandling of Inflation
5799ERP EHP76.0J_1AAT089101Revaluation area assignmentHandling of Inflation
5800ERP EHP76.0J_1APROLOG101Log table for Inflation Adjustment ProgramsHandling of Inflation
Financial Accounting :: Asset Accounting :: Special Valuation :: Net Worth Tax
5801ERP EHP76.0IDFIAA_JP_COND1121Selection Criteria for Stored ReportsNet Worth Tax
5802ERP EHP76.0IDFIAA_JP_RESULT462Results of Property Tax Report (Japan)Net Worth Tax
5803ERP EHP76.0IDFIAA_JP_TAX1111Japanese Tax Report - Areas and Transaction TypesNet Worth Tax
5804ERP EHP76.0IDFIAA_JP_TAX221Japanese Tax Report - Transaction Types Intra-City TransferNet Worth Tax
Financial Accounting :: Bank Accounting :: Master Data :: Bank Master Data
5805ERP EHP76.0TBCHAIN0101Definition bank chainsBank Master Data
5806ERP EHP76.0TBCHAIN1102Bank chainsBank Master Data
5807ERP EHP76.0TBCHAIN281Bank Chains per Business Partner AccountBank Master Data
5808ERP EHP76.0TBCHAIN21141Bank chains per business partner account (allocation)Bank Master Data
5809ERP EHP76.0TBCHAINC021Assign Scenario for Bank Chain Determination to ClientBank Master Data
5810ERP EHP76.0TBCHAINE031Definition of the scenarios for bank chain determinationBank Master Data
5811ERP EHP76.0TBCHAINE0T31Definition of scenarios for bank chain determination (texts)Bank Master Data
5812ERP EHP76.0TBCHAINE161Character. value of scenarios for determining bank chainBank Master Data
Financial Accounting :: Bank Accounting :: Payment Transactions :: Automatic Payments
5813ERP EHP76.0F111G71Global Settings: Payment Program for Payment RequestsAutomatic Payments
5814ERP EHP76.0F111PARAM_MODIFY91Note whether RF_F111_PARAMETERS_MODIFY_ONCE has already runAutomatic Payments
5815ERP EHP76.0FDZA201Cash Management line items in payment requestsAutomatic Payments
5816ERP EHP76.0PAYRQ1703Payment RequestsAutomatic Payments
5817ERP EHP76.0PAYRQP143PAYRQ Enhancement (Cross-Country Bank Account Transfers)Automatic Payments
5818ERP EHP76.0PAYRQT61Reference Texts for Payment RequestAutomatic Payments
5819ERP EHP76.0SMFIBL61Spec. FI-BL Data in MonitorAutomatic Payments
5820ERP EHP76.0T018V81Acct Transfer: Determine Receiving Bank's Clearing AccountAutomatic Payments
5821ERP EHP76.0T036R51Payment Request LevelsAutomatic Payments
5822ERP EHP76.0T042EA31Payment method capability for ALE distributionAutomatic Payments
5823ERP EHP76.0T042Y101Account Determination for Bank to Bank PaymentsAutomatic Payments
5824ERP EHP76.0TBKDC41Day Difference betw. House Bank and Beneficiary Value DatesAutomatic Payments
5825ERP EHP76.0TBKFK51Factory Calendar Identification Using CurrencyAutomatic Payments
5826ERP EHP76.0TBKPV61Time Between Payment Run and Value Date at House BankAutomatic Payments
5827ERP EHP76.0TPRQPB21Payment Block when using Payment RequestsAutomatic Payments
Financial Accounting :: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable :: Basic Functions :: Business Partner
5828ERP EHP76.0DFKKBPCL132Business Partner Duplicates: Predecessor - SuccessorBusiness Partner
5829ERP EHP76.0DFKKBPCL_ACT143Business Partner Duplicates: Status of ActivitiesBusiness Partner
5830ERP EHP76.0DFKKBPCL_CLAR91Business Partner Duplicates: Clarification CasesBusiness Partner
5831ERP EHP76.0DFKKBPCL_IMP83Import Data of Business Partner DuplicatesBusiness Partner
5832ERP EHP76.0DFKKBPCL_IMPI81Import of Master Data Combinations of BP DuplicatesBusiness Partner
5833ERP EHP76.0TFKKBPCL_ACT61Define Activities for Processing Business Partner DuplicatesBusiness Partner
5834ERP EHP76.0TFKKBPCL_ACTT31Texts of Activities for Business Partner Duplicate ProcessngBusiness Partner
5835ERP EHP76.0TFKKBPCL_STEP41Define Order of Activities for BP Duplicate ProcessingBusiness Partner
5836ERP EHP76.0TFK_CL_GEN31Data Cleansing: General SettingsBusiness Partner
Financial Accounting :: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable :: Basic Functions :: Contract Accounts
5837ERP EHP76.0FKKVKP_CHGDISC61Charges and Discounts for CtrAcct<->Partner RelationshipContract Accounts
5838ERP EHP76.0FKKVK_CORR91Correspondence for Relationship Contract Account<->PartnerContract Accounts
Financial Accounting :: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable :: Business transactions :: Customer Contact
5839ERP EHP76.0BCONT253Business Partner ContactCustomer Contact
5840ERP EHP76.0BCONTA71Contact ActivitiesCustomer Contact
5841ERP EHP76.0BCONTAI21Additional Contact InformationCustomer Contact
5842ERP EHP76.0BCONTAIT41Additional Information: TextsCustomer Contact
5843ERP EHP76.0BCONTAO61Allowed Contact Objects (obsolete as of 4.51)Customer Contact
5844ERP EHP76.0BCONTAOT61Contact Object Types: Texts (obsolete as of 4.51)Customer Contact
5845ERP EHP76.0BCONTAT51Contact Activities: TextsCustomer Contact
5846ERP EHP76.0BCONTBPOBJTYP21Business Partner Object TypeCustomer Contact
5847ERP EHP76.0BCONTC31Contact ClassesCustomer Contact
5848ERP EHP76.0BCONTCAOR71Assignment of Object Roles to Contact Classes/ActivityCustomer Contact
5849ERP EHP76.0BCONTCD21DirectionCustomer Contact
5850ERP EHP76.0BCONTCDT41Contact Directions: TextsCustomer Contact
5851ERP EHP76.0BCONTCFIND51Contact Configuration DeterminationCustomer Contact
5852ERP EHP76.0BCONTCI21Customer InformationCustomer Contact
5853ERP EHP76.0BCONTCIT41Customer Information: TextsCustomer Contact
5854ERP EHP76.0BCONTCONF211Contact ConfigurationCustomer Contact
5855ERP EHP76.0BCONTCONFT41Contact Configuration: TextsCustomer Contact
5856ERP EHP76.0BCONTCT41Contact Classes: TextsCustomer Contact
5857ERP EHP76.0BCONTF71Additional Contact Fields (obsolete as of 4.51)Customer Contact
5858ERP EHP76.0BCONTFORM51Determination of Contact Class, Activity and ConfigurationCustomer Contact
5859ERP EHP76.0BCONTFORMCLASS51Determination of Contact Class, Activity and ConfigurationCustomer Contact
5860ERP EHP76.0BCONTFR71Supply Additional Fields with DataCustomer Contact
5861ERP EHP76.0BCONTO62Objects for Business Partner Contact (obsolete as of 4.51)Customer Contact
5862ERP EHP76.0BCONTOR41Object Roles for Business Partner ContactCustomer Contact
5863ERP EHP76.0BCONTORT41Object Roles for Business Partner Contact: TextsCustomer Contact
5864ERP EHP76.0BCONTP21Contact PriorityCustomer Contact
5865ERP EHP76.0BCONTPT41Contact Priority: TextsCustomer Contact
5866ERP EHP76.0BCONTT21Contact TypeCustomer Contact
5867ERP EHP76.0BCONTTT41Contact Types: TextsCustomer Contact
5868ERP EHP76.0BPCTOBJTR31Customer Contact: Transformation Rules for Object CatgoriesCustomer Contact
5869ERP EHP76.0BPCTPOSFORM61Object Relationships for BP Contact: Attribute ValuesCustomer Contact
5870ERP EHP76.0BPCTSRGBINREL63Business Partner Contact: Generic Binary RelationshipsCustomer Contact
5871ERP EHP76.0BPCT_CRM_CLASS121Display Contact Type/Class on CRM ActivitiesCustomer Contact
5872ERP EHP76.0BPCT_CRM_DIRECT31Creation of Contact Direction from Contact -> ActivityCustomer Contact
5873ERP EHP76.0BPCT_CRM_GUIDS52Assignment: Contact Key -> Activity GUIDCustomer Contact
5874ERP EHP76.0BPCT_CRM_PRIO31Creation of Priority Contact -> ActivityCustomer Contact
5875ERP EHP76.0BPCT_CRM_TDID31Creation of Text ID Contact -> ActivityCustomer Contact
Financial Accounting :: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable :: Business transactions :: Interest Calculation
5876ERP EHP76.0T056G121Interest calculation rulesInterest Calculation
5877ERP EHP76.0T056H41Text tab. for int.calc.ruleInterest Calculation
5878ERP EHP76.0T056I121Time-dep.terms for interest calc.ruleInterest Calculation
5879ERP EHP76.0T056J61Time-dependent terms for interest calc.rule - accessInterest Calculation
Financial Accounting :: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable :: Business transactions :: Payments
5880ERP EHP76.0DFKKBLTO21Boleto (help table for lock object EFKKNR_BOLETO)Payments
5881ERP EHP76.0DFKKBOH434Boleto: Header dataPayments
5882ERP EHP76.0DFKKBOLXT21Boleto (Help table for lock object EFKKNR_BOLEXTPayments
5883ERP EHP76.0DFKKBOL_BANKID111Boleto: Bank ID Determination ResultsPayments
5884ERP EHP76.0DFKKBOP222Boleto: Item DataPayments
5885ERP EHP76.0TFK015W161Boleto: InstructionPayments
5886ERP EHP76.0TFK015W1T61Boleto: Instruction Keys - DescriptionPayments
5887ERP EHP76.0TFK015WT61Boleto: Instruction Code - DescriptionPayments
5888ERP EHP76.0TFKBOL_BANKID51Boleto: Bank ID Determination CustomizingPayments
5889ERP EHP76.0TFKBOL_BOLEXT81Boleto: Number range for external BoletoPayments
5890ERP EHP76.0TFKBOL_BOLXT61Boleto: external Boleto number rangesPayments
5891ERP EHP76.0TFKBOL_ICODET51Boleto: Internal code - instruction key 1- textPayments
5892ERP EHP76.0TFKBOL_INSTR61Boleto: Instruction KeysPayments
5893ERP EHP76.0TFKBOL_INST_CODE91Boleto: Instruction KeysPayments
5894ERP EHP76.0TFKBOL_TEXT61Boleto: Instruction Keys - DescriptionPayments
Financial Accounting :: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable :: Business transactions :: Security Deposits
5895ERP EHP76.0FKK_SEC244Security DepositSecurity Deposits
5896ERP EHP76.0FKK_SEC_C52Contracts for Security DepositSecurity Deposits
5897ERP EHP76.0FKK_SEC_N93Noncash Security DepositSecurity Deposits
5898ERP EHP76.0FKK_SEC_REQ92Request Documents for Security DepositsSecurity Deposits
5899ERP EHP76.0TFK_SEC151General settings for security depositsSecurity Deposits
5900ERP EHP76.0TFK_SEC_APPLK51Fixed Settings for Security Deposits (Obsolete)Security Deposits
5901ERP EHP76.0TFK_SEC_REASON21Reason for requesting a security depositSecurity Deposits
5902ERP EHP76.0TFK_SEC_REASON_T41Reason for requesting a security deposit (texts)Security Deposits
5903ERP EHP76.0TFK_SEC_REV21Reversal Reason for Security DepositSecurity Deposits
5904ERP EHP76.0TFK_SEC_REV_T41Reversal Reason for Security Deposit (Texts)Security Deposits
5905ERP EHP76.0TFK_SEC_STATUS21Noncash security deposit statusSecurity Deposits
5906ERP EHP76.0TFK_SEC_STATUS_T41Noncash security deposit status (texts)Security Deposits
5907ERP EHP76.0TFK_SEC_TYPE21Noncash security deposit categorySecurity Deposits
5908ERP EHP76.0TFK_SEC_TYPE_T41Noncash Security Deposit Category (Texts)Security Deposits
Financial Accounting :: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable :: Integration :: SAP Credit Management
5909ERP EHP76.0DFKKCMS111Credit Management: Master Data ReplicationSAP Credit Management
5910ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRH262Creditworthiness Record: Total of one YearSAP Credit Management
5911ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRKPIT31Trigger Table for Transfer of Key FiguresSAP Credit Management
5912ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRLP51Credit Management: Last PaymentSAP Credit Management
5913ERP EHP76.0DFKKCRP201Creditworthiness Record: Generating ActionsSAP Credit Management
5914ERP EHP76.0DFKKOBL174Liab. for Credit Segment of Business Partner and Credit DataSAP Credit Management
5915ERP EHP76.0DFKKOBLC41Control Data for Credit Liability in DFKKOBLSAP Credit Management
5916ERP EHP76.0DFKKOBLID102Partner Messages for SAP Credit Management UpdateSAP Credit Management
5917ERP EHP76.0TFKCR00041Settings for Integration of FI-CA with SAP Credit ManagementSAP Credit Management
5918ERP EHP76.0TFKCRCS31Customizing Table for Credit SegmentSAP Credit Management
5919ERP EHP76.0TFKCRCST41Customizing Table for Credit SegmentSAP Credit Management
5920ERP EHP76.0TFKCRKPIA31Settings for Key Figures for Credit ManagementSAP Credit Management
5921ERP EHP76.0TFKCRKPID21Key Figures for Transfer to Credit ManagementSAP Credit Management
5922ERP EHP76.0TFKCRKPIDT31Texts for Key Figures for Transfer to Credit ManagementSAP Credit Management
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: Accrual Engine
5923ERP EHP76.0ACEDSASSGMT121Standard Account Assignments for Accrual ObjectsAccrual Engine
5924ERP EHP76.0ACEDSOH141Accrual Subobject Header DataAccrual Engine
5925ERP EHP76.0ACEDSOI171Item Data for Accrual SubobjectAccrual Engine
5926ERP EHP76.0ACEDSOI_ACCOUNTS181Accounts for Accrual Postings per Accrual ItemAccrual Engine
5927ERP EHP76.0ACEDSOP101Accrual Subobject ParametersAccrual Engine
5928ERP EHP76.0ACEOBJ62Accrual ObjectsAccrual Engine
5929ERP EHP76.0ACEPSOH131Accrual Subobject: Header Data in Posting ComponentAccrual Engine
5930ERP EHP76.0ACEPSOI151Accrual Item: Values in Posting ComponentAccrual Engine
5931ERP EHP76.0ACEPSOIT244Line Items for Accrual Item in Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
5932ERP EHP76.0ACEPSPPLOG121Logical Periodic Accrual RunAccrual Engine
5933ERP EHP76.0ACEPSPPSEL91Select Options Periodic Posting RunAccrual Engine
5934ERP EHP76.0TACE00161Company Code SettingsAccrual Engine
5935ERP EHP76.0TACE001T51Texts for Company Codes in the Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
5936ERP EHP76.0TACECOMP201Accrual Engine Application ComponentAccrual Engine
5937ERP EHP76.0TACECOMPC71Customer Settings for ComponentsAccrual Engine
5938ERP EHP76.0TACECOMPT41Application Components of Accrual FunctionAccrual Engine
5939ERP EHP76.0TACEDS_LEGACYM71Legacy Data Transfer ControlAccrual Engine
5940ERP EHP76.0TACEDS_OPASGMT31Assignment of Operator to Function ModuleAccrual Engine
5941ERP EHP76.0TACEDS_OPERATR21Operators for Derived Accrual TypesAccrual Engine
5942ERP EHP76.0TACEDS_OPERATRT41Texts for Operators for Derived Accrual TypesAccrual Engine
5943ERP EHP76.0TACEDS_OP_PERC41Percentages for Derived Accrual Types (Operator "P")Accrual Engine
5944ERP EHP76.0TACEPSRULE31ACE Account Determination: Account Determination RuleAccrual Engine
5945ERP EHP76.0TACEPSRULET51ACE Account Determination: Account Determination RuleAccrual Engine
5946ERP EHP76.0TACEPSSYM31ACE Account Determination: Account SymbolAccrual Engine
5947ERP EHP76.0TACEPSSYMT51ACE Account Determination: Account SymbolAccrual Engine
5948ERP EHP76.0TACESYSTEVENTS61Events in the Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
5949ERP EHP76.0TACE_ACCMETHODS41Methods for Calculation of Periodic Accrual AmountAccrual Engine
5950ERP EHP76.0TACE_ACCMETHODST51Texts of Accrual MethodsAccrual Engine
5951ERP EHP76.0TACE_ACRTYPE81Accrual TypesAccrual Engine
5952ERP EHP76.0TACE_ACRTYPET51Text for Accrual TypesAccrual Engine
5953ERP EHP76.0TACE_ACRTYPE_OPN81Calculation Rules for Derived Accrual TypesAccrual Engine
5954ERP EHP76.0TACE_COMBINATION41Possible Combinations in the Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
5955ERP EHP76.0TACE_COMP_SPEC271Component-Specific Program ComponentsAccrual Engine
5956ERP EHP76.0TACE_DE_MAPPING41Application-Dependent Data Elements for Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
5957ERP EHP76.0TACE_DS_CALC71Distribution Server: Accrual Type SettingsAccrual Engine
5958ERP EHP76.0TACE_ENVIR_EVENT41Events Depending on the Environement (ERP or Business Acc.)Accrual Engine
5959ERP EHP76.0TACE_EXISTEVENTS31Possible Events in the Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
5960ERP EHP76.0TACE_EXISTEVENTT41Possible Events in the Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
5961ERP EHP76.0TACE_FUNC_MOD21Function Modules Used in the Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
5962ERP EHP76.0TACE_FUNC_MODT41Accrual Engine Function Module TextsAccrual Engine
5963ERP EHP76.0TACE_PS_POST81Posting Server: Posting ControlAccrual Engine
5964ERP EHP76.0TACE_TREEORDER61Table for the Sequence in the Tree StructureAccrual Engine
5965ERP EHP76.0TACE_TREEVARI31Table for Tree Structure VariantsAccrual Engine
5966ERP EHP76.0TACE_TREEVARIT51Text Table of Tree Structure VariantsAccrual Engine
5967ERP EHP76.0TACE_TRNSFERTYPE51Selection Methods for Data Transfer to the Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
5968ERP EHP76.0TACE_TRNSFERTYPT51Texts for Selection MethodsAccrual Engine
5969ERP EHP76.0TACE_VSR_00181Assignment of ValidationsAccrual Engine
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: Average Daily Balance
5970ERP EHP76.0GLE_FDOCREF92ECS / ADB Document Reference for ReversalAverage Daily Balance
5971ERP EHP76.0GLE_TADB_DOCT41FI-SL Document Types for Average Daily BalanceAverage Daily Balance
5972ERP EHP76.0GLE_TADB_DX61Database for Temp. Data (Eg Transfer Complex Param.btw Jobs)Average Daily Balance
5973ERP EHP76.0GLE_TADB_EX_CUST191Settings for Extracting Average Daily Balance DataAverage Daily Balance
5974ERP EHP76.0GLE_TADB_LCUST41Ledger Customizing for Average Daily BalanceAverage Daily Balance
5975ERP EHP76.0GLE_TADB_LGROUP31ADB Ledger GroupAverage Daily Balance
5976ERP EHP76.0GLE_TADB_LGROUPT41Text Table for Ledger EnvironmentsAverage Daily Balance
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: Closing Operations
5977ERP EHP76.0FBRC0001C21Application IDsClosing Operations
5978ERP EHP76.0FBRC0001T41Application IDs: TextsClosing Operations
5979ERP EHP76.0FBRC0010C111Reconciliation Processes: AttributesClosing Operations
5980ERP EHP76.0FBRC0010T41Reconciliation Processes: TextsClosing Operations
5981ERP EHP76.0FBRC002041Reconciliation Processes: Field CatalogsClosing Operations
5982ERP EHP76.0FBRC0030C31Display CategoriesClosing Operations
5983ERP EHP76.0FBRC0030T51Display Categories: TextsClosing Operations
5984ERP EHP76.0FBRC004091Display SubcategoriesClosing Operations
5985ERP EHP76.0FBRC005051Tree Display Hierarchy SetupClosing Operations
5986ERP EHP76.0FBRC006091Reconciliation Processes: User SettingsClosing Operations
5987ERP EHP76.0FBRC0070C61Reconciliation Processes: Status Value and IconsClosing Operations
5988ERP EHP76.0FBRC0070T61Reconciliation Processes: Status TextsClosing Operations
5989ERP EHP76.0FBRC007531Status Relevant FieldsClosing Operations
5990ERP EHP76.0FBRC0080C51Reconciliation Processes: RulesClosing Operations
5991ERP EHP76.0FBRC0080T51Reconciliation Processes: Rule TextsClosing Operations
5992ERP EHP76.0FBRC008571Reconciliation Processes: Rule DefinitionsClosing Operations
5993ERP EHP76.0FBRC0090C81SetsClosing Operations
5994ERP EHP76.0FBRC0090T51Sets: TextsClosing Operations
5995ERP EHP76.0FBRC009571Sets: Single EntriesClosing Operations
5996ERP EHP76.0FBRC1100C51Contact Person DatabasesClosing Operations
5997ERP EHP76.0FBRC1100T51Contact Person Databases: TextsClosing Operations
5998ERP EHP76.0FBRC111091Contact PersonsClosing Operations
5999ERP EHP76.0FBRC111521Contact Persons: Organization AddressesClosing Operations
6000ERP EHP76.0FBRC1200C31Message Template GroupsClosing Operations
6001ERP EHP76.0FBRC1200T51Message Template Groups: TextsClosing Operations
6002ERP EHP76.0FBRC1210C61Message TemplatesClosing Operations
6003ERP EHP76.0FBRC1210T71Message Templates: TextsClosing Operations
6004ERP EHP76.0FBRC121571Message Templates: TextlinesClosing Operations
6005ERP EHP76.0FBRC1220C41Message PlaceholdersClosing Operations
6006ERP EHP76.0FBRC1220T61Placeholders: TextsClosing Operations
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: CRM Accruals
6007ERP EHP76.0CRM_ACE_CU_ACRTY61CRM Accruals: Assignment of Accruals Type to Transact. TypeCRM Accruals
6008ERP EHP76.0CRM_ACE_CU_COND51Customizing for CRM Accruals: Relevant Revenue ElementsCRM Accruals
6009ERP EHP76.0CRM_ACE_CU_COPA41CRM Accruals: Assgmt of Accruals Type to Cond.Type for CO-PACRM Accruals
6010ERP EHP76.0CRM_ACE_CU_METH41CRM Accruals Customizing: Find Accrual MethodCRM Accruals
6011ERP EHP76.0CRM_ACE_OH_DATA143CRM Accruals: Object HeaderCRM Accruals
6012ERP EHP76.0CRM_ACE_OI_DATA151CRM Accruals: Item Detail Data of ObjectCRM Accruals
6013ERP EHP76.0CRM_ACE_REFKEY62CRM Accruals: REFKEY DecryptionCRM Accruals
6014ERP EHP76.0IPM_ACE_BTA_DATA64Assignment Table for Revenue Distribution from CRMCRM Accruals
6015ERP EHP76.0IPM_ACE_CU_BVAL51Customizing Settings for Data Values for Rights Usage Conf.CRM Accruals
6016ERP EHP76.0IPM_ACE_CU_VALTY51Customizing Data Values Relevant to Accrual TypesCRM Accruals
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: GL Account Posting
6017ERP EHP76.0TCJ_CHECK_STACKS101Check Lists in Cash JournalGL Account Posting
6018ERP EHP76.0TCJ_CJ_NAMES51Cash Journal NamesGL Account Posting
6019ERP EHP76.0TCJ_CPD411FBCJ: One-Time Account Data of Cash Journal Document ItemsGL Account Posting
6020ERP EHP76.0TCJ_C_JOURNALS221Cash JournalsGL Account Posting
6021ERP EHP76.0TCJ_DOCUMENTS403Cash Journal Documents (Header Data)GL Account Posting
6022ERP EHP76.0TCJ_MAX_AMOUNT71Cash Journal: Amount LimitGL Account Posting
6023ERP EHP76.0TCJ_NUMB_GROUP21Numbering Group for Cash DocumentsGL Account Posting
6024ERP EHP76.0TCJ_NUMB_GROUPT41Numbering Group for Cash Documents (Text)GL Account Posting
6025ERP EHP76.0TCJ_POSITIONS991Cash Journal Document ItemsGL Account Posting
6026ERP EHP76.0TCJ_PRINT81Cash Journal Print ParametersGL Account Posting
6027ERP EHP76.0TCJ_TRANSACTIONS111Cash Journal Business TransactionsGL Account Posting
6028ERP EHP76.0TCJ_TRANS_NAMES61Cash Journal Business Transaction NamesGL Account Posting
6029ERP EHP76.0TCJ_WTAX_ITEMS581Withholding Tax Items for Cash Journal Document ItemsGL Account Posting
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: Manual Accruals
6030ERP EHP76.0ACAC_OBJECTS82Manual Accruals: Accrual ObjectsManual Accruals
6031ERP EHP76.0TACAC_OBJTYP21Accrual Object Types in Accrual AccountingManual Accruals
6032ERP EHP76.0TACAC_OBJTYPT41Text Table for Accrual Object TypesManual Accruals
6033ERP EHP76.0TACAC_PO_ASSIGN31ACAC Assignment of Object Types and ParametersManual Accruals
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: Planning
6034ERP EHP76.0T8PL0091FI Planning: Installed Plan TablesPlanning
6035ERP EHP76.0T8PL01251FI-Planning: Summary Table Dimensions to be PlannedPlanning
6036ERP EHP76.0T8PL01DD221FI Planning: Dimensions Table Index - Dictionary InformationPlanning
6037ERP EHP76.0T8PL01DP101FI Planning : Field Dependency for ValidationPlanning
6038ERP EHP76.0T8PL01S141FI-Planning: Dimensions that Allow SetsPlanning
6039ERP EHP76.0T8PL01SF91FI Planning: Special Handling of DimensionsPlanning
6040ERP EHP76.0T8PL01SV161FI-Planning: Comb. fixed values/attr. for key fig. and dim.Planning
6041ERP EHP76.0T8PL02201FI-Planning: User attributesPlanning
6042ERP EHP76.0T8PL02CC81FI Planning: Currency TranslationPlanning
6043ERP EHP76.0T8PL03181FI Planning: Configuration of Plan TasksPlanning
6044ERP EHP76.0T8PLUATTR161FI-Planning: Key Figures for PlanningPlanning
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: Provisions for Awards
6045ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_BSMODATA111Data for the Black & Scholes ModelProvisions for Awards
6046ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_DESTINTN21Connection Data to the HR SystemProvisions for Awards
6047ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_FFVERSNS21Versions for Simulation of Forfeiture RatesProvisions for Awards
6048ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_FFVRSTXT41Version for Simulation of Performance of Stock PricesProvisions for Awards
6049ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_HRFI61Accrual Engine: Assignment for HR Data TransferProvisions for Awards
6050ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_INDTYPE71Type of Index Used for Award ProgramProvisions for Awards
6051ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_INVERSNS21Versions for Simulation of Performance of IndexesProvisions for Awards
6052ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_INVRSTXT41Version for Simulation of Performance of Stock PricesProvisions for Awards
6053ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_METH_IND31Method <-> Version Assignment for Index PerformanceProvisions for Awards
6054ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_REFKEY62Decoding of Accrual Engine RefKeyProvisions for Awards
6055ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_SCRT_FRF51Hypothetical Forfeiture Rates for SimulationProvisions for Awards
6056ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_SCRT_IND51Hypothetical Index Performance for SimulationProvisions for Awards
6057ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_SCRT_SEC61Hypothetical Security Price Performance for SimulationProvisions for Awards
6058ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_VERSNS21Version for Simulation of Performance of Stock PricesProvisions for Awards
6059ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_VERSNTXT41Version for Simulation of Performance of Stock PricesProvisions for Awards
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Foreign Currency Accounting :: Multi Currency Accounting
6060ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_DOC51MCA DocumentsMulti Currency Accounting
6061ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_DOCREF124MCA Document Reference DataMulti Currency Accounting
6062ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_FDOCREF103FI Document ReferenceMulti Currency Accounting
6063ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_ME_CREAT131Manual entry dataMulti Currency Accounting
6064ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_MI_RATES171Manual input exchanges ratesMulti Currency Accounting
6065ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_RV_HSTRY221FX Revaluation HistoryMulti Currency Accounting
6066ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_T030H121GLE MCA Accounts TableMulti Currency Accounting
6067ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TAGGFLD41Aggregation FieldsMulti Currency Accounting
6068ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TAGGFLDT51Description of Aggregation FieldsMulti Currency Accounting
6069ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TAGGVAR21Aggregation variantMulti Currency Accounting
6070ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TAGGVART41Description of Aggregation VariantMulti Currency Accounting
6071ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TCONFPRM31Configuration parameter table for data uploadMulti Currency Accounting
6072ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TCONFVAL41Value table for MCA Data Upload configurationMulti Currency Accounting
6073ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TDALOSRT31Maintain sort field for the Data load processMulti Currency Accounting
6074ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TDATLOAD61MCA Data load configurationMulti Currency Accounting
6075ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TFIXVAL41Fixed values for postline fieldsMulti Currency Accounting
6076ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TMCAFLDG41Table for MCA field groupsMulti Currency Accounting
6077ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TMCAKEY21Key for assigning MCA relevant attributs to SKB1 accountsMulti Currency Accounting
6078ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TMCAKEYT41Key for assigning MCA relevant attributs to SKB1 accountsMulti Currency Accounting
6079ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TMCAPRC51Assignment of Process Types to MCA KeyMulti Currency Accounting
6080ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TMCAVAR91MCA variantMulti Currency Accounting
6081ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TMCAVARA31Assignment of MCA variantMulti Currency Accounting
6082ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TMCAVART41Description of MCA variantMulti Currency Accounting
6083ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPARAMS101GLE MCA Selection Screen Parameters TableMulti Currency Accounting
6084ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPCKBLD51MCA Parallel Processing Package BuildingMulti Currency Accounting
6085ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPCKDEF51MCA Package Definition for parallel processingMulti Currency Accounting
6086ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPP_BKPF41Temporary table for storing BKPF entries for Post ProcessingMulti Currency Accounting
6087ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPRCCATP81MCA Variant specific Attributes of Process CategoriesMulti Currency Accounting
6088ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPRCTYPE31GL Enhancement Process TypeMulti Currency Accounting
6089ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPRCTYPP131GL Enhancement Properties of Process TypeMulti Currency Accounting
6090ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPRCTYPT51GL Enhancement Process TypeMulti Currency Accounting
Financial Accounting :: Asset Accounting :: Basic Functions :: Transactions :: Transfer Postings
6091ERP EHP76.0J_1AAFORMP71Assignment of document Form to movement reason AA waybillsTransfer Postings
6092ERP EHP76.0J_1AAWAYBL471Way Bills for asset movementsTransfer Postings
Financial Accounting :: Bank Accounting :: Payment Transactions :: Bank Statement :: Electronic Bank Statement
6093ERP EHP76.0FEBIP101Posting Parameters for PostprocessingElectronic Bank Statement
6094ERP EHP76.0FEBKO_TRANSFER191Transferred Bank StatementsElectronic Bank Statement
6095ERP EHP76.0FEBRE_ORIG51Original Ref. Record for an Elec. Bank Statement Line ItemElectronic Bank Statement
6096ERP EHP76.0FEB_ACCNT_SAVE911Saving of Posting Lines for Postprocessing (Account Assign.)Electronic Bank Statement
6097ERP EHP76.0FEB_ACT851Acct Assignment TemplatesElectronic Bank Statement
6098ERP EHP76.0FEB_ACTT52Descriptions of Account Assignment TemplatesElectronic Bank Statement
6099ERP EHP76.0FEB_AVIR_EXTD141Advice Note Subitem Enhancement (Bank Statement Postproc.)Electronic Bank Statement
6100ERP EHP76.0FEB_FILEPATH51Client-Dependent Definition of Logical File PathsElectronic Bank Statement
6101ERP EHP76.0FEB_FILEPATHT41Description of Logical File PathsElectronic Bank Statement
6102ERP EHP76.0FEB_IMP_FORMAT11Bank Statement Formats for Automatic ImportElectronic Bank Statement
6103ERP EHP76.0FEB_IMP_FORMATT31Format DescriptionElectronic Bank Statement
6104ERP EHP76.0FEB_IMP_POST141Posting Parameters for Electronic Bank StatementElectronic Bank Statement
6105ERP EHP76.0FEB_IMP_SELOPT111Selection Options of Posting ParametersElectronic Bank Statement
6106ERP EHP76.0FEB_IMP_SOURCE91Information about Import for Electronic Bank StatementElectronic Bank Statement
6107ERP EHP76.0FEB_IMP_STRUCT31Format-Specific Parameter StructuresElectronic Bank Statement
6108ERP EHP76.0FEB_IMP_TRANPATH51Transfer Paths for Logical Bank Statement FilesElectronic Bank Statement
6109ERP EHP76.0FEB_IMP_TRANS51Transfer of Logical Bank Statement FilesElectronic Bank Statement
6110ERP EHP76.0FEB_ITEM_SAVE221Saving of Posting Items for Postprocessing (On Account)Electronic Bank Statement
6111ERP EHP76.0FEB_PARMT_POST101Posting Parameters for PostprocessingElectronic Bank Statement
6112ERP EHP76.0FEB_TATYP281TransactionElectronic Bank Statement
6113ERP EHP76.0FEB_TATYP_C301Transaction - Customer AdjustmentElectronic Bank Statement
6114ERP EHP76.0FEB_TATYP_T31Transaction TextElectronic Bank Statement
6115ERP EHP76.0FEB_TATYP_TC41Transaction Text - Customer AdjustmentElectronic Bank Statement
Financial Accounting :: Special Purpose Ledger :: Basic Functions :: Master Data :: Sets
6116ERP EHP76.0HDB_SETLEAF161Leaf view for SLT hierarchy replication (primary)Sets
6117ERP EHP76.0HDB_SETLEAF261Leaf view for SLT hierarchy replication (secondary)Sets
6118ERP EHP76.0HDB_SETNODE41Node view for SLT hierarchy replicationSets
6119ERP EHP76.0RWSHEADER61Report Writer Data for Set HeaderSets
6120ERP EHP76.0RWSLINE131Report Writer Data for the Set LineSets
6121ERP EHP76.0SETCLS51Set ClassesSets
6122ERP EHP76.0SETCLST51Set Class DescriptionsSets
6123ERP EHP76.0SETCLS_CD31Change document indicator per set classSets
6124ERP EHP76.0SETDATA61Sets - Contents (before Release 4.0)Sets
6125ERP EHP76.0SETDTEL21Sets: Representative data elementsSets
6126ERP EHP76.0SETEXITS11Exits for Formula VariablesSets
6127ERP EHP76.0SETEXITST31Description of Exits for Formula VariablesSets
6128ERP EHP76.0SETHANACLASSES31Hierarchy classes with HANA accelelerationSets
6129ERP EHP76.0SETHANAHIER0101151Hierarchy table for Cost Center GroupsSets
6130ERP EHP76.0SETHANAHIER0102141Hierarchy table for Cost Element GroupsSets
6131ERP EHP76.0SETHANAHIER0103141Hierarchy table for Order GroupsSets
6132ERP EHP76.0SETHANAHIER0106141Hierarchy table for Profit Center GroupsSets
6133ERP EHP76.0SETHANAHIER0109141Hierarchy table for Account GroupsSets
6134ERP EHP76.0SETHANA_HIER61Status of set hierarchies in HANASets
6135ERP EHP76.0SETHANA_HVIEW__T31Generation template for HANA hierarchy viewsSets
6136ERP EHP76.0SETHANA_STATUS243Status of set hierarchies in HANASets
6137ERP EHP76.0SETHEADER233Set Header and DirectorySets
6138ERP EHP76.0SETHEADERT61Short Description of SetsSets
6139ERP EHP76.0SETHEADERTRANS71Changes Made to Sets by TransportsSets
6140ERP EHP76.0SETLEAF101Values in SetsSets
6141ERP EHP76.0SETLINET71Short Description of Set LineSets
6142ERP EHP76.0SETNODE92Lower-level sets in setsSets
6143ERP EHP76.0SETO2N41Tables and Set Names for Sets in New Storage FormSets
6144ERP EHP76.0SETS131Sets - Contents (before Release 2.2)Sets
6145ERP EHP76.0SETUSE_BER51Set Use in Authorizations (Area of Responsibility)Sets
6146ERP EHP76.0SETUSE_REP62Set Use in Reports and LibrariesSets
6147ERP EHP76.0T800S281FI-SL Set Table (before Release 4.0)Sets
6148ERP EHP76.0T800Y51FI-SL Set Texts (before Release 4.0)Sets
6149ERP EHP76.0T802G214Sets: VariablesSets
6150ERP EHP76.0T802GU_SET42Use of Variables in SetsSets
6151ERP EHP76.0T802GU_VAR32Use of Variables in Formula VariablesSets
6152ERP EHP76.0T802T41Sets: Short Descriptions of VariablesSets
6153ERP EHP76.0T804FU_SET52Use of Key Figures in Key Figure SetsSets