SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

523 tablesERP 6.0 

Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting
1ERP EHP76.0BKPF_ADD717Accounting Document HeaderGeneral Ledger Accounting
2ERP EHP76.0BSEG_ADD1141Entry View of Accounting Document for Additional LedgersGeneral Ledger Accounting
3ERP EHP76.0EWUFI_SPLIT221EMU Implementation: Table of FAGL_SPLINFO* to Be CorrectedGeneral Ledger Accounting
4ERP EHP76.0FAGLBSAS812Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)General Ledger Accounting
5ERP EHP76.0FAGLBSIS812Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L AccountsGeneral Ledger Accounting
6ERP EHP76.0FAGLCOFICCODEC31Assignment of Variants for Real-Time Integration for CoCodesGeneral Ledger Accounting
7ERP EHP76.0FAGLCOFITRACE192Log of Real-Time Integration CO->FIGeneral Ledger Accounting
8ERP EHP76.0FAGLCOFITRFLDS31Field Transfers for Real-Time Integration CO->FIGeneral Ledger Accounting
9ERP EHP76.0FAGLCOFIVARC251Variants for Real-Time Integration CO->FIGeneral Ledger Accounting
10ERP EHP76.0FAGLCOFIVART41Texts for Variants for Real-Time Integration CO->FIGeneral Ledger Accounting
11ERP EHP76.0FAGLCOFIWRKLST51Worklist for Real-Time Integration CO->FIGeneral Ledger Accounting
12ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0082General ledger: Transaction attributesGeneral Ledger Accounting
13ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0172General ledger: Technical fieldsGeneral Ledger Accounting
14ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0252General ledger: Main account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
15ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX03102General ledger: SAP additional account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
16ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0442General ledger: Customer additional account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
17ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0532General Ledger: Additional Acct Assignment: Customer 2General Ledger Accounting
18ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0692General ledger: Sender SAP additional account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
19ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0732General Ledger: Reserve Table 1General Ledger Accounting
20ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEX0832General Ledger: Reserve Table 2General Ledger Accounting
21ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEXA485General Ledger: Actual Line ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
22ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEXP1243General Ledger: Plan Line ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
23ERP EHP76.0FAGLFLEXT1245General Ledger: TotalsGeneral Ledger Accounting
24ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF193General Ledger: Statistical Key Figures (Current Values)General Ledger Accounting
25ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF_APPL41Assignment of Application to ID for Statistical Key FiguresGeneral Ledger Accounting
26ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF_CUSTFLD42List of Fields in Customer IncludesGeneral Ledger Accounting
27ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF_LAY_INFO21Fields Used in LayoutsGeneral Ledger Accounting
28ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF_PN253General Ledger; Statistical Key Figures (Source Document)General Ledger Accounting
29ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF_REPORT31Dynamic Report Names per LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
30ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF_TAB141Table Names and StructuresGeneral Ledger Accounting
31ERP EHP76.0FAGLSKF_TRANS31Assignment of Field Names in Different TablesGeneral Ledger Accounting
32ERP EHP76.0FAGLSREPACCTP11Access Type for Financial StatementsGeneral Ledger Accounting
33ERP EHP76.0FAGLSREPACCTPT31Access Type for Financial StatementsGeneral Ledger Accounting
34ERP EHP76.0FAGL_011FC51Fin. Statement Structure: Assignment FS Item - Funct. AreasGeneral Ledger Accounting
35ERP EHP76.0FAGL_011PC131Fin. Statement Structure: Items in Fin. Statement StructureGeneral Ledger Accounting
36ERP EHP76.0FAGL_011QT71Fin. Statement Structure: Text for Fin. Statement ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
37ERP EHP76.0FAGL_011SC61Fin. Statement Struct.: Assignment Fin. Stmnt Item: SetnameGeneral Ledger Accounting
38ERP EHP76.0FAGL_011TC61Fin. Statement Structure: Timestamp for Fin. Stmt ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
39ERP EHP76.0FAGL_011VC41Fin. Statement Structure: Contra ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
40ERP EHP76.0FAGL_011ZC91Fin. Statement Structure: Assignment FS Items - G/L AccountGeneral Ledger Accounting
41ERP EHP76.0FAGL_AB_C71Interactive Characteristics for Flexible Balance DisplayGeneral Ledger Accounting
42ERP EHP76.0FAGL_ACTIVEC201Activation of New General LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
43ERP EHP76.0FAGL_ALE_ACTIV31Totals Document and Single Document Transfer: ActivationGeneral Ledger Accounting
44ERP EHP76.0FAGL_ALE_CNTRPRO41Single Doc. and Summary Doc. Transfer: Central ProcessesGeneral Ledger Accounting
45ERP EHP76.0FAGL_ALE_SND_PAR41Totals Transfer: Technical ParametersGeneral Ledger Accounting
46ERP EHP76.0FAGL_APPL11Owner applicationGeneral Ledger Accounting
47ERP EHP76.0FAGL_APPLT31Owner applicationGeneral Ledger Accounting
48ERP EHP76.0FAGL_BCF_FIELDS61Summarization: Balance Carryforward for P&L AccountsGeneral Ledger Accounting
49ERP EHP76.0FAGL_BELNR_LD41Document Types for Entry View in a LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
50ERP EHP76.0FAGL_BSBW_HISTRY222Valuation History for DocumentsGeneral Ledger Accounting
51ERP EHP76.0FAGL_BSBW_HST_BL181Valuation History of BalancesGeneral Ledger Accounting
52ERP EHP76.0FAGL_BW_LOG_HEAD92FI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Control DataGeneral Ledger Accounting
53ERP EHP76.0FAGL_BW_LOG_ITEM662FI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Line ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
54ERP EHP76.0FAGL_BW_LOG_TOTL492FI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Totals RecordsGeneral Ledger Accounting
55ERP EHP76.0FAGL_CARRY_FORW41Last Balance Carryforward per Company Code/LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
56ERP EHP76.0FAGL_CASHACC_TAX51Cash Account from Tax on Sales/Purchases IndicatorGeneral Ledger Accounting
57ERP EHP76.0FAGL_CHECK_SETUP21Check Setup of New General LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
58ERP EHP76.0FAGL_CUST_DET111Customizing Versions: Detailed InformationGeneral Ledger Accounting
59ERP EHP76.0FAGL_CUST_FIELDS61Customer fields for flexible general ledgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
60ERP EHP76.0FAGL_CUS_GENLEVL41New General Ledger Accounting: Generation Status (Customer)General Ledger Accounting
61ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DATAC_CLUST71Content of Data ContainerGeneral Ledger Accounting
62ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DATAC_STRUC91Coding of Structure DataGeneral Ledger Accounting
63ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DOCNR_LD41Document Types for General Ledger View in a LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
64ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DRPROV_ACC61Provisions for Doubtful Receivables: Account DeterminationGeneral Ledger Accounting
65ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DRPROV_METH51Provision Method for Provisons for Doubtful ReceivablesGeneral Ledger Accounting
66ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DRPROV_PERC41Provisions for Doubtful Receivables: PercentagesGeneral Ledger Accounting
67ERP EHP76.0FAGL_DSOURCE_RLD21New General Ledger Accounting: Assign Ledger to DataSourceGeneral Ledger Accounting
68ERP EHP76.0FAGL_EMP_PROCESS51Document Splitting: Process Adjustment for HR PostingsGeneral Ledger Accounting
69ERP EHP76.0FAGL_EXTR141Documents for Summary Document TransferGeneral Ledger Accounting
70ERP EHP76.0FAGL_EXTR_HIST131Transfer History for Summary DocumentsGeneral Ledger Accounting
71ERP EHP76.0FAGL_FCBAL_FIELD31Additional Fields for Balance ValautionGeneral Ledger Accounting
72ERP EHP76.0FAGL_FCV_ADMIN211Foreign Currency Valuation: ID Numbers of Valuation RunsGeneral Ledger Accounting
73ERP EHP76.0FAGL_FIELD_MOVE61Conversion Table for Fixed Fields of General LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
74ERP EHP76.0FAGL_FIELD_MOVEC101Conversion Table for Customer Fields of General LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
75ERP EHP76.0FAGL_HST_T095471Old Acct Determin. for Asset Value Adjustment and PortfolioGeneral Ledger Accounting
76ERP EHP76.0FAGL_INST_STATE21Installation Check: General LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
77ERP EHP76.0FAGL_LEDGER_SCEN61Active Scenarios of a LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
78ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIGDS_STATE41Subsequent Implementation of Doc.Splitting: Migration StatusGeneral Ledger Accounting
79ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_00141Assignment of a Migration Date to a Migration PlanGeneral Ledger Accounting
80ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_001_S51Migration Plan StatusGeneral Ledger Accounting
81ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_00241Assignment of a Migration Plan to Company Code and LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
82ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_ADJUST91Log Table for Using Divergent Customizing Settings (Migratn)General Ledger Accounting
83ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_BSE_CLR111Migration-Specific Override of BSE_CLRGeneral Ledger Accounting
84ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_BUKRS31Activation of New General Ledger Accounting for Company CodeGeneral Ledger Accounting
85ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_CTRL31Migration to New General Ledger: Control Table for CockpitGeneral Ledger Accounting
86ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_FICHA1311Worklist for FI Reassignment ToolGeneral Ledger Accounting
87ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_LINETYP61Document-Specific Item Category AssignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
88ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_MP_T41Text Table for Migration PlansGeneral Ledger Accounting
89ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_OPITEMS163Open Items from Period 0 (Creation of Split Information)General Ledger Accounting
90ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_PROCESS91Document-Specific Business Transaction AssignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
91ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_REV_DOC51Documents from Inverse Postings During the MigrationGeneral Ledger Accounting
92ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_RPITEMS243Migration in New G/L: Objects To Be Posted SubsequentlyGeneral Ledger Accounting
93ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_SLSOURC31FI-SL Source Ledger for MigrationGeneral Ledger Accounting
94ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_SPLIT31Migration-Specific Splitting SettingGeneral Ledger Accounting
95ERP EHP76.0FAGL_MIG_TOTALS81Log Table for Building Balances in New G/LGeneral Ledger Accounting
96ERP EHP76.0FAGL_NR_OBJECTS51Objects For Which the XPRA Creates a Range in All ClientsGeneral Ledger Accounting
97ERP EHP76.0FAGL_OPT_FIELDS31Fields of the FI/CO Document That Can Be Transferred to G/LGeneral Ledger Accounting
98ERP EHP76.0FAGL_ORG_INFO201General Ledger: Configuration InformationGeneral Ledger Accounting
99ERP EHP76.0FAGL_PRCTR_CONST41Profit Center Constant in Document SplitGeneral Ledger Accounting
100ERP EHP76.0FAGL_PRCTR_SET31General Ledger Accounting (New): Profit Center SettingsGeneral Ledger Accounting
101ERP EHP76.0FAGL_PROT121LogsGeneral Ledger Accounting
102ERP EHP76.0FAGL_PROT_DATA81Logged DataGeneral Ledger Accounting
103ERP EHP76.0FAGL_QUEUE_LOG522Log of Delta Queue for Error AnalysisGeneral Ledger Accounting
104ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RBLART21Reorganization: Document Type for Transfer PostingGeneral Ledger Accounting
105ERP EHP76.0FAGL_REL_AI31Internal Table for Activating General Ledger (New)General Ledger Accounting
106ERP EHP76.0FAGL_REPFIELDS11Exclusion List of Totals Record Chars for ReportingGeneral Ledger Accounting
107ERP EHP76.0FAGL_REP_PARAM41FAGL Support: Parameters for SchedulerGeneral Ledger Accounting
108ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMAP_CUST51Reorganization: Object Number of the Signature ValuesGeneral Ledger Accounting
109ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMAP_SAP71Reorganization: Object Number of the Signature ValuesGeneral Ledger Accounting
110ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMAP_SIG101Reorganization: Object Number of the Signature ValuesGeneral Ledger Accounting
111ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMIGR_LOG181Report Migration: Log StatusGeneral Ledger Accounting
112ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMIGR_LOG272Report Migration: Log HeaderGeneral Ledger Accounting
113ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMIGR_LOG3121Report Migration: Log DetailGeneral Ledger Accounting
114ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMIGR_LOG4121Report Migration: Log MessagesGeneral Ledger Accounting
115ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RMIGR_MAP71Report Migration: Mapping of Report ObjectsGeneral Ledger Accounting
116ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPACK131Reorganization: PackageGeneral Ledger Accounting
117ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPACKT51Reorganization: Package TextGeneral Ledger Accounting
118ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPACK_LIST132Reorganization: Object List of the PackageGeneral Ledger Accounting
119ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPACK_RES91Reorganization: Package RestrictionsGeneral Ledger Accounting
120ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPATYP_RES111Reorganization: Restrictions of the Package TypeGeneral Ledger Accounting
121ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPLAN51-Obsolete- Reorganization: PlanGeneral Ledger Accounting
122ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPLANT41Reorganization: Text of the PlanGeneral Ledger Accounting
123ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPLAN_RES81Reorganization: Restrictions of the PlanGeneral Ledger Accounting
124ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RPLTYP_RES101Reorganization: Restrictions of the Plan TypeGeneral Ledger Accounting
125ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RRI_CUST131Customiz. for Report Interface (NewGL: FI-CO Reconciliation)General Ledger Accounting
126ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RRI_CUST_D101Default Contents for Table FAGL_RRI_CUSTGeneral Ledger Accounting
127ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RSIG71Reorganization: SignatureGeneral Ledger Accounting
128ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RSIGT41Reorganization: Signature TextGeneral Ledger Accounting
129ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RSNAPSHOT291Reorganization: SnapshotGeneral Ledger Accounting
130ERP EHP76.0FAGL_RTRACK172Summary: Company Code Currently Affected by Reorg. and KTOSLGeneral Ledger Accounting
131ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SAP_GENLEVL21New General Ledger Accounting: Generation Status (SAP)General Ledger Accounting
132ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SCENARIO11Scenario for General Ledger AccountingGeneral Ledger Accounting
133ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SCENARIOT31Scenario for General Ledger AccountingGeneral Ledger Accounting
134ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SCEN_APPL31Scenario for G/L Accounting - Assignment to ApplicationGeneral Ledger Accounting
135ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SCEN_FIELDS31Fields of a Scenario for General Ledger AccountingGeneral Ledger Accounting
136ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SEGM21Master Data for SegmentsGeneral Ledger Accounting
137ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SEGMT41Master Data for SegmentsGeneral Ledger Accounting
138ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SEGM_CUST41Settings for Segment Maintenance and DerivationGeneral Ledger Accounting
139ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SEG_METHOD31Derivation Method for SegmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
140ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLINFO863Splittling Information of Open ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
141ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLINFO_LOG41New General Ledger Accounting: Log for Nonsplitted DocumentsGeneral Ledger Accounting
142ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLINFO_VAL101Splitting Information of Open Item ValuesGeneral Ledger Accounting
143ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLIT_ACTC31Deactivation of Document Splitting per Company CodeGeneral Ledger Accounting
144ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLIT_DEVSY21Change Deactivation -> Activation of Split per Company CodeGeneral Ledger Accounting
145ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLIT_FIELD121Characteristics for SplitGeneral Ledger Accounting
146ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLIT_FLD_S71Characteristics Permitted for SplitGeneral Ledger Accounting
147ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SPLIT_VAL41Activation of Validation by Document SplittingGeneral Ledger Accounting
148ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SUBAPPL11SubapplicationGeneral Ledger Accounting
149ERP EHP76.0FAGL_SUBAPPLT31SubapplicationGeneral Ledger Accounting
150ERP EHP76.0FAGL_T030TR111Customizing for Balance TranslationGeneral Ledger Accounting
151ERP EHP76.0FAGL_T889A31Document Types with Number Ranges in Planning in Gen. LedgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
152ERP EHP76.0FAGL_T889T41Document type textsGeneral Ledger Accounting
153ERP EHP76.0FAGL_T8A3071General Ledger: Default Profit CenterGeneral Ledger Accounting
154ERP EHP76.0FAGL_TCMAP41Customer Fields in Entry Variants for G/L Account ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
155ERP EHP76.0FAGL_TLDGRP41Ledger GroupGeneral Ledger Accounting
156ERP EHP76.0FAGL_TLDGRPT41Ledger Group TextsGeneral Ledger Accounting
157ERP EHP76.0FAGL_TLDGRP_MAP41Assignment of Ledgers to Ledger GroupsGeneral Ledger Accounting
158ERP EHP76.0FAGL_TRVOR111General Ledger: Control StatementGeneral Ledger Accounting
159ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_COCODE71Allocation to company codeGeneral Ledger Accounting
160ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_GRP91Sets for the Validation of Account Assignment CombinationsGeneral Ledger Accounting
161ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_HDR81Validation StrategyGeneral Ledger Accounting
162ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_HDRT71Validation Strategy (Texts)General Ledger Accounting
163ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_LEDGR71Assignment to Ledger GroupGeneral Ledger Accounting
164ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_LOCKS61Reference to the Data Container Containing the IntervalsGeneral Ledger Accounting
165ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_LOG191Validation of Document Splitting: LogGeneral Ledger Accounting
166ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_PROCESS61Document Splitting: Validation Mode Dependent on ProcessesGeneral Ledger Accounting
167ERP EHP76.0FAGL_VAL_TRIGGER31Update of Tables for ValidationGeneral Ledger Accounting
168ERP EHP76.0FMPEB_ASSIGN71Assign Org. Units to Partially Exempt OrganizationsGeneral Ledger Accounting
169ERP EHP76.0FMPEB_ASSIGN_H31Assignment of Org. Units to Partially Exempt OrganizationsGeneral Ledger Accounting
170ERP EHP76.0FMPEB_DEF21Define Partly Exempt OrganizationGeneral Ledger Accounting
171ERP EHP76.0FMPEB_DEFT41PEO NameGeneral Ledger Accounting
172ERP EHP76.0FMPEB_GLOBALS51Partially Exempt Organizations: Basic SettingsGeneral Ledger Accounting
173ERP EHP76.0FMPEB_RATE_DEF61Assign Input Tax Deduction RatesGeneral Ledger Accounting
174ERP EHP76.0FMPEB_TAXIND61Assign Tax Codes to Exempt OrganizationsGeneral Ledger Accounting
175ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0042General ledger: Organizational unitsGeneral Ledger Accounting
176ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0142General ledger: Technical fieldsGeneral Ledger Accounting
177ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0232General ledger: Main account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
178ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0372General ledger: SAP additional account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
179ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0422General ledger: Customer additional account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
180ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0532General ledger: Sender main account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
181ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0672General ledger: Sender SAP additional account assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
182ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0762General ledger: Transaction attributesGeneral Ledger Accounting
183ERP EHP76.0GLFLEX0832General ledger: BranchesGeneral Ledger Accounting
184ERP EHP76.0GLFLEXA574Flexible general ledger: Actual line itemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
185ERP EHP76.0GLFLEXP1273Flexible G/L: Plan line itemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
186ERP EHP76.0GLFLEXT1214Flexible G/L: TotalsGeneral Ledger Accounting
187ERP EHP76.0NGLM_ANA_HD131Analysis Run HeaderGeneral Ledger Accounting
188ERP EHP76.0NGLM_ANA_IT101Analysis Run ItemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
189ERP EHP76.0QISRPCRTYPE_SCEN41Document Types with Scenario for Posting Correction RequestGeneral Ledger Accounting
190ERP EHP76.0QISRPCR_TRANSACT41Transactions for Adjustment Postings: Adj. Posting RequestGeneral Ledger Accounting
191ERP EHP76.0T000GL41Flexible general ledger: Customizing check and activationGeneral Ledger Accounting
192ERP EHP76.0T800F71Conversion Table for New General Ledger FieldsGeneral Ledger Accounting
193ERP EHP76.0T882G131Company code - ledger assignmentGeneral Ledger Accounting
194ERP EHP76.0T886G41Flexible general ledger: Interface informationGeneral Ledger Accounting
195ERP EHP76.0T888G71Customer fields for flexible general ledgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
196ERP EHP76.0T888S111Update flexible general ledger: Standard scenariosGeneral Ledger Accounting
197ERP EHP76.0T889G41Document types for the flexible general ledgerGeneral Ledger Accounting
198ERP EHP76.0T889GO31Number range for document typesGeneral Ledger Accounting
199ERP EHP76.0T889GT41Document type textsGeneral Ledger Accounting
200ERP EHP76.0T8G0121Splitting methodGeneral Ledger Accounting
201ERP EHP76.0T8G01T41Splitting methodGeneral Ledger Accounting
202ERP EHP76.0T8G0211Item categoriesGeneral Ledger Accounting
203ERP EHP76.0T8G02T31Item categoriesGeneral Ledger Accounting
204ERP EHP76.0T8G0311Business transactionGeneral Ledger Accounting
205ERP EHP76.0T8G03131Accounting transaction variantGeneral Ledger Accounting
206ERP EHP76.0T8G031T51Accounting transaction variantGeneral Ledger Accounting
207ERP EHP76.0T8G03T31Business transactionGeneral Ledger Accounting
208ERP EHP76.0T8G1041Assignment: Transaction code- accounting transaction variantGeneral Ledger Accounting
209ERP EHP76.0T8G1141Assignment: MM movement type- accounting transaction variantGeneral Ledger Accounting
210ERP EHP76.0T8G1241Classify FI Document Type for Document SplittingGeneral Ledger Accounting
211ERP EHP76.0T8G1641Allocation: internal key - item category (SAP)General Ledger Accounting
212ERP EHP76.0T8G1761Allocation: acct number - item typeGeneral Ledger Accounting
213ERP EHP76.0T8G20101Splitting Rule: Header DataGeneral Ledger Accounting
214ERP EHP76.0T8G21131Splitting rule: Item categories to be processedGeneral Ledger Accounting
215ERP EHP76.0T8G21A81Splitting rule: Base item categoriesGeneral Ledger Accounting
216ERP EHP76.0T8G22151Splitting rule: Additional itemsGeneral Ledger Accounting
217ERP EHP76.0T8G2871Item categories permitted per accounting transaction variantGeneral Ledger Accounting
218ERP EHP76.0T8G2941Item categories permitted for each business transactionGeneral Ledger Accounting
219ERP EHP76.0T8G30A61Acct determination key for doc splittingGeneral Ledger Accounting
220ERP EHP76.0T8G30AT51Account determination key description for doc splittingGeneral Ledger Accounting
221ERP EHP76.0T8G30B71Acct determination for document splitting - accountsGeneral Ledger Accounting
222ERP EHP76.0T8G4061Account assignment objects for document splittingGeneral Ledger Accounting
223ERP EHP76.0T8G41A21ConstantsGeneral Ledger Accounting
224ERP EHP76.0T8G41AT41ConstantsGeneral Ledger Accounting
225ERP EHP76.0T8G41B51Values of constantsGeneral Ledger Accounting
226ERP EHP76.0T8G5011Permitted Fields To Be Summarized (Before Doc. Splitting)General Ledger Accounting
227ERP EHP76.0TPCRTYPE31Document Types for Posting Correction RequestGeneral Ledger Accounting
228ERP EHP76.0TVAT00141Customizing of Tax on Sales/Purchases - Control of ScreenGeneral Ledger Accounting
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions
229ERP EHP76.0BSACC_HIST_CUST41General Settings for Account HistoryBasic Functions
230ERP EHP76.0BSACC_HIST_GRP61Account Groups for Account HistoryBasic Functions
231ERP EHP76.0BSACC_HIST_GRPT51Account Groups for Account HistoryBasic Functions
232ERP EHP76.0BSACC_HIST_TA41Account History: Transaction Types UsedBasic Functions
233ERP EHP76.0ETXDCH385External tax document: header infoBasic Functions
234ERP EHP76.0ETXDCI491External tax document: line item infoBasic Functions
235ERP EHP76.0ETXDCJ141Ext. tax document: tax rates and amounts by Jurisdict. levelBasic Functions
236ERP EHP76.0ETXDCLOG141Temporay table for storing last error message of an updateBasic Functions
237ERP EHP76.0FIGLDOC91G/L accounting: Subsequent derivationsBasic Functions
238ERP EHP76.0FIGLREP41Settings for G/L Posting ReportsBasic Functions
239ERP EHP76.0FIGL_USER_DATA51User-Specific Data for Individual TransactionsBasic Functions
240ERP EHP76.0FIGL_USER_OWNER11Applications for User-Specific DataBasic Functions
241ERP EHP76.0FIGL_USER_OWNERT31Applications for User-Specific DataBasic Functions
242ERP EHP76.0GLACCREFH41G/L Account Master Record: Create with ReferenceBasic Functions
243ERP EHP76.0GLACCREFI91G/L Account Master Record: Create with ReferenceBasic Functions
244ERP EHP76.0SKAS52G/L account master (chart of accounts: key word list)Basic Functions
245ERP EHP76.0SKB1422G/L account master (company code)Basic Functions
246ERP EHP76.0SKM1381Sample G/L accountsBasic Functions
247ERP EHP76.0T011151Financial Statement VersionsBasic Functions
248ERP EHP76.0T011A51Calendar - task descriptionBasic Functions
249ERP EHP76.0T011B41FI financial calendar - job text tableBasic Functions
250ERP EHP76.0T011E61Calendar of person responsible for unitBasic Functions
251ERP EHP76.0T011F41FI fin.calendar - person responsible for unit text tableBasic Functions
252ERP EHP76.0T011T41Financial statement version namesBasic Functions
253ERP EHP76.0T011V31FI financial calendar task-schedule linkBasic Functions
254ERP EHP76.0T051A81Account Balances for Statutory ReportingBasic Functions
255ERP EHP76.0T060K41FI constantsBasic Functions
256ERP EHP76.0T060L41FI constant nameBasic Functions
257ERP EHP76.0T060M71FI constant valuesBasic Functions
258ERP EHP76.0TAXMSD81Tax Interface Manager Status Diagram "Tax Per document"Basic Functions
259ERP EHP76.0TGSBG21Cross-system business areasBasic Functions
260ERP EHP76.0TGSBH41Texts for table TGSBGBasic Functions
261ERP EHP76.0TGSB_CUS51Additional Settings for Business Area Financial StatementsBasic Functions
262ERP EHP76.0TGSB_CUST31Additional Settings for Business Area Financial StatementsBasic Functions
263ERP EHP76.0TTXI81External tax interface: index fileBasic Functions
264ERP EHP76.0TTXP41Product codes (external tax interface)Basic Functions
265ERP EHP76.0TTXPT51Product code description (external interface)Basic Functions
266ERP EHP76.0TTXU141External tax interface: Audit file update informationBasic Functions
267ERP EHP76.0TTXY991External tax interface: tax informationBasic Functions
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: General Ledger Reorganization
268ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_ABKAT_00121Reorg: Res. Analysis Categs Not Relev. for WIP Stock Deter.General Ledger Reorganization
269ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_APAR462Reorganization: Object List for Receivables and PayablesGeneral Ledger Reorganization
270ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_APAR_SPL171Reorganization: Assignment Btwn FAGL_R_APAR and FAGL_R_SPLGeneral Ledger Reorganization
271ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_APAR_VAL151Reorg: Values for Receivables and Payables Object ListGeneral Ledger Reorganization
272ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_BLART31Reorganization: Document TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
273ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_BLNCE333Reorganization: Balances to Be TransferredGeneral Ledger Reorganization
274ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_BLNCE_VAL161Reorganization: Balances to Be Transferred - ValuesGeneral Ledger Reorganization
275ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_COMP_AA31Activation of Asset Accounting by Plan TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
276ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_COMP_AA021Entities for Activation of Asset AccountingGeneral Ledger Reorganization
277ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_DERH71Reorganization: Derivation HierarchyGeneral Ledger Reorganization
278ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_DERH_VER41Reorganization: Version of a Derivation HierarchyGeneral Ledger Reorganization
279ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_DERH_VER041Reorganization: Version of a Derivation HierarchyGeneral Ledger Reorganization
280ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_DERH_VERT51Reorganization: Text of a Hierarchy VersionGeneral Ledger Reorganization
281ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_JBDISPTCH121Reorganization: Dispatching JobsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
282ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_JBLAST91Last Dispatching JobGeneral Ledger Reorganization
283ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_JBOBJTY51Object Type for Each Dispatcher for Special ActivitiesGeneral Ledger Reorganization
284ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_JBPARTN141Reorganization: Packages of a Dispatching Job to Be ExecutedGeneral Ledger Reorganization
285ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_JBPROCEED101Reorganization: Jobs of a Dispatching Job to Be ExecutedGeneral Ledger Reorganization
286ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_JBSET31Reorganization: Job Scheduling SettingsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
287ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_JBSIZE51Reorg: Size of a Partition of Object Types to Be ProcessedGeneral Ledger Reorganization
288ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_MAP_CUST41Reorganization: Object Number of the Signature ValuesGeneral Ledger Reorganization
289ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_MAP_SAP102Reorganization: Object Number of the Included SAP FieldsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
290ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OBJTY251Reorganization: Object TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
291ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OBJTY_DI0111Reorganization: Display Chars of an Obj. Type (SAP Entries)General Ledger Reorganization
292ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OBJTY_DIS81Reorganization: Display Characteristics of an Object TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
293ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OBJTY_RE0131Reorganization: Restriction Characteristics of an Obj. TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
294ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OBJTY_RES91Reorganization: Restriction Characteristics of an Obj. TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
295ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OBJTY_T51Reorganization: Text of an Object TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
296ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OI_TRACK051Reorganization: Open Items for InclusionGeneral Ledger Reorganization
297ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_OI_TRACK181Reorganization: Included Documents for Open ItemsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
298ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PER_TRACK141Reorganization: Log of Changed Posting PeriodsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
299ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL211Reorganization PlanGeneral Ledger Reorganization
300ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PLTY31Reorganization: Plan TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
301ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PLTY021Entities for Activation of Plan TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
302ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PLTY0_T41Reorganization: Text of a Plan TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
303ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PLTY_RES81Reorganization: Restriction Characteristics of a Plan TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
304ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PLTY_RES0121Reorganization: Restriction Characteristics of a Plan TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
305ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_ACCASS41Reorganization: Account Assignment Elements UsedGeneral Ledger Reorganization
306ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_ASSIGN51Reorganization: Mapping Between Old and New Acct AssignmentGeneral Ledger Reorganization
307ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_COUNT221Tracking of Different Processes of a PlanGeneral Ledger Reorganization
308ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_DERH61Reorganization: Derivation Hierarchy of the PlanGeneral Ledger Reorganization
309ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_OBJECT343Reorganization: ObjectsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
310ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_OBJLST291Reorganization: Object ListGeneral Ledger Reorganization
311ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_RES_G91Reorganization: General Restrictions of the PlanGeneral Ledger Reorganization
312ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_RES_S101Reorganization: Specific Restrictions for Object TypesGeneral Ledger Reorganization
313ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_PL_T51Reorganization: Text Table of the Reorganization PlanGeneral Ledger Reorganization
314ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_RMVCT41Reorganization: Transaction TypeGeneral Ledger Reorganization
315ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_SDCUS_00131Customizing for Selection of Sales DocumentsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
316ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_SDLOG_00192Reorganization: Log of Non-Reorganized Sales DocumentsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
317ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_SPL441Reorganization: Splitting Information of the Open ItemsGeneral Ledger Reorganization
318ERP EHP76.0FAGL_R_SPL_VAL91Reorganization: Splitting Information of Open Item ValuesGeneral Ledger Reorganization
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Information System
319ERP EHP76.0BWKS81Accounts Blocked by Valuation SelectionInformation System
320ERP EHP76.0BWPOS651Valuations for Open ItemsInformation System
321ERP EHP76.0DKKOP661Balance Audit TrailInformation System
322ERP EHP76.0DKKOS1081Balance Audit TrailInformation System
323ERP EHP76.0DKOKP751Open Item Account Balance Audit TrailInformation System
324ERP EHP76.0DKOKS901Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail Master RecordInformation System
325ERP EHP76.0DSKOP781Balance Audit TrailInformation System
326ERP EHP76.0DSKOS921Balance Audit TrailInformation System
327ERP EHP76.0QSTRE401FI/HR Withholding Tax Report for SpainInformation System
328ERP EHP76.0RFASLD11B81EC Sales List (Spain)Information System
329ERP EHP76.0RFSCASH101Cash Book tableInformation System
330ERP EHP76.0T001M111Data on Z5A Foreign Trade Regulations Report, GermanyInformation System
331ERP EHP76.0T007J51Tax Advance Payment per Taxes on Sls/Pur.Grp and Cal.YrInformation System
332ERP EHP76.0T007K81Table for Grouping Tax Basis BalancesInformation System
333ERP EHP76.0T007L81Table for Grouping Tax BalancesInformation System
334ERP EHP76.0T007R51External Group Number for Tax AmountsInformation System
335ERP EHP76.0T007X71Text for Grouping Tax AmountsInformation System
336ERP EHP76.0T007Z41Time-Dependent Version Assignment - For ELSTERInformation System
337ERP EHP76.0T042X71Company Codes Blocked by the Payment ProgramInformation System
338ERP EHP76.0T044D51Work Files for the Extract of the Accum.Balance Audit TrailInformation System
339ERP EHP76.0T044G101Valuation Adjustment KeyInformation System
340ERP EHP76.0T044I31FI Valuation: Determine Base ValueInformation System
341ERP EHP76.0T044J61Preference Key for Reading Valuation ResultsInformation System
342ERP EHP76.0T044KT71Further Specifications for Sorted ListInformation System
343ERP EHP76.0T044L101Sorted List of Open ItemsInformation System
344ERP EHP76.0T044LH21Sort MethodsInformation System
345ERP EHP76.0T044LT41Sorted List of Open ItemsInformation System
346ERP EHP76.0T049A151Posting Data For Autocash With LockboxInformation System
347ERP EHP76.0T049B151Control Parameters for AutocashInformation System
348ERP EHP76.0TABKT101Automatic Accounts for End-Year Closing/Opening Postings ITAInformation System
349ERP EHP76.0TBUVTX61Transfer Posting of Tax in a Cross-Company Code TransactionInformation System
350ERP EHP76.0TEURA11Reports Supporting Alternative Local CurrenciesInformation System
351ERP EHP76.0TEURB61Altern. Local Currency and Exch.Rate Type for a Company CodeInformation System
352ERP EHP76.0TITVAR41Line Items: Line Layout Variants, Assignment Old-NewInformation System
353ERP EHP76.0TRVOR101Control StatementsInformation System
354ERP EHP76.0UMSV111Tax Balances per Comp.Code, Tax Code and Process.KeyInformation System
355ERP EHP76.0UMSVZ101Advance Return for Tax on Sls/Pur.PeriodInformation System
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: Accrual Engine
356ERP EHP76.0ACEDSASSGMT121Standard Account Assignments for Accrual ObjectsAccrual Engine
357ERP EHP76.0ACEDSOH141Accrual Subobject Header DataAccrual Engine
358ERP EHP76.0ACEDSOI171Item Data for Accrual SubobjectAccrual Engine
359ERP EHP76.0ACEDSOI_ACCOUNTS181Accounts for Accrual Postings per Accrual ItemAccrual Engine
360ERP EHP76.0ACEDSOP101Accrual Subobject ParametersAccrual Engine
361ERP EHP76.0ACEOBJ62Accrual ObjectsAccrual Engine
362ERP EHP76.0ACEPSOH131Accrual Subobject: Header Data in Posting ComponentAccrual Engine
363ERP EHP76.0ACEPSOI151Accrual Item: Values in Posting ComponentAccrual Engine
364ERP EHP76.0ACEPSOIT244Line Items for Accrual Item in Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
365ERP EHP76.0ACEPSPPLOG121Logical Periodic Accrual RunAccrual Engine
366ERP EHP76.0ACEPSPPSEL91Select Options Periodic Posting RunAccrual Engine
367ERP EHP76.0TACE00161Company Code SettingsAccrual Engine
368ERP EHP76.0TACE001T51Texts for Company Codes in the Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
369ERP EHP76.0TACECOMP201Accrual Engine Application ComponentAccrual Engine
370ERP EHP76.0TACECOMPC71Customer Settings for ComponentsAccrual Engine
371ERP EHP76.0TACECOMPT41Application Components of Accrual FunctionAccrual Engine
372ERP EHP76.0TACEDS_LEGACYM71Legacy Data Transfer ControlAccrual Engine
373ERP EHP76.0TACEDS_OPASGMT31Assignment of Operator to Function ModuleAccrual Engine
374ERP EHP76.0TACEDS_OPERATR21Operators for Derived Accrual TypesAccrual Engine
375ERP EHP76.0TACEDS_OPERATRT41Texts for Operators for Derived Accrual TypesAccrual Engine
376ERP EHP76.0TACEDS_OP_PERC41Percentages for Derived Accrual Types (Operator "P")Accrual Engine
377ERP EHP76.0TACEPSRULE31ACE Account Determination: Account Determination RuleAccrual Engine
378ERP EHP76.0TACEPSRULET51ACE Account Determination: Account Determination RuleAccrual Engine
379ERP EHP76.0TACEPSSYM31ACE Account Determination: Account SymbolAccrual Engine
380ERP EHP76.0TACEPSSYMT51ACE Account Determination: Account SymbolAccrual Engine
381ERP EHP76.0TACESYSTEVENTS61Events in the Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
382ERP EHP76.0TACE_ACCMETHODS41Methods for Calculation of Periodic Accrual AmountAccrual Engine
383ERP EHP76.0TACE_ACCMETHODST51Texts of Accrual MethodsAccrual Engine
384ERP EHP76.0TACE_ACRTYPE81Accrual TypesAccrual Engine
385ERP EHP76.0TACE_ACRTYPET51Text for Accrual TypesAccrual Engine
386ERP EHP76.0TACE_ACRTYPE_OPN81Calculation Rules for Derived Accrual TypesAccrual Engine
387ERP EHP76.0TACE_COMBINATION41Possible Combinations in the Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
388ERP EHP76.0TACE_COMP_SPEC271Component-Specific Program ComponentsAccrual Engine
389ERP EHP76.0TACE_DE_MAPPING41Application-Dependent Data Elements for Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
390ERP EHP76.0TACE_DS_CALC71Distribution Server: Accrual Type SettingsAccrual Engine
391ERP EHP76.0TACE_ENVIR_EVENT41Events Depending on the Environement (ERP or Business Acc.)Accrual Engine
392ERP EHP76.0TACE_EXISTEVENTS31Possible Events in the Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
393ERP EHP76.0TACE_EXISTEVENTT41Possible Events in the Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
394ERP EHP76.0TACE_FUNC_MOD21Function Modules Used in the Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
395ERP EHP76.0TACE_FUNC_MODT41Accrual Engine Function Module TextsAccrual Engine
396ERP EHP76.0TACE_PS_POST81Posting Server: Posting ControlAccrual Engine
397ERP EHP76.0TACE_TREEORDER61Table for the Sequence in the Tree StructureAccrual Engine
398ERP EHP76.0TACE_TREEVARI31Table for Tree Structure VariantsAccrual Engine
399ERP EHP76.0TACE_TREEVARIT51Text Table of Tree Structure VariantsAccrual Engine
400ERP EHP76.0TACE_TRNSFERTYPE51Selection Methods for Data Transfer to the Accrual EngineAccrual Engine
401ERP EHP76.0TACE_TRNSFERTYPT51Texts for Selection MethodsAccrual Engine
402ERP EHP76.0TACE_VSR_00181Assignment of ValidationsAccrual Engine
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: Average Daily Balance
403ERP EHP76.0GLE_FDOCREF92ECS / ADB Document Reference for ReversalAverage Daily Balance
404ERP EHP76.0GLE_TADB_DOCT41FI-SL Document Types for Average Daily BalanceAverage Daily Balance
405ERP EHP76.0GLE_TADB_DX61Database for Temp. Data (Eg Transfer Complex Param.btw Jobs)Average Daily Balance
406ERP EHP76.0GLE_TADB_EX_CUST191Settings for Extracting Average Daily Balance DataAverage Daily Balance
407ERP EHP76.0GLE_TADB_LCUST41Ledger Customizing for Average Daily BalanceAverage Daily Balance
408ERP EHP76.0GLE_TADB_LGROUP31ADB Ledger GroupAverage Daily Balance
409ERP EHP76.0GLE_TADB_LGROUPT41Text Table for Ledger EnvironmentsAverage Daily Balance
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: Closing Operations
410ERP EHP76.0FBRC0001C21Application IDsClosing Operations
411ERP EHP76.0FBRC0001T41Application IDs: TextsClosing Operations
412ERP EHP76.0FBRC0010C111Reconciliation Processes: AttributesClosing Operations
413ERP EHP76.0FBRC0010T41Reconciliation Processes: TextsClosing Operations
414ERP EHP76.0FBRC002041Reconciliation Processes: Field CatalogsClosing Operations
415ERP EHP76.0FBRC0030C31Display CategoriesClosing Operations
416ERP EHP76.0FBRC0030T51Display Categories: TextsClosing Operations
417ERP EHP76.0FBRC004091Display SubcategoriesClosing Operations
418ERP EHP76.0FBRC005051Tree Display Hierarchy SetupClosing Operations
419ERP EHP76.0FBRC006091Reconciliation Processes: User SettingsClosing Operations
420ERP EHP76.0FBRC0070C61Reconciliation Processes: Status Value and IconsClosing Operations
421ERP EHP76.0FBRC0070T61Reconciliation Processes: Status TextsClosing Operations
422ERP EHP76.0FBRC007531Status Relevant FieldsClosing Operations
423ERP EHP76.0FBRC0080C51Reconciliation Processes: RulesClosing Operations
424ERP EHP76.0FBRC0080T51Reconciliation Processes: Rule TextsClosing Operations
425ERP EHP76.0FBRC008571Reconciliation Processes: Rule DefinitionsClosing Operations
426ERP EHP76.0FBRC0090C81SetsClosing Operations
427ERP EHP76.0FBRC0090T51Sets: TextsClosing Operations
428ERP EHP76.0FBRC009571Sets: Single EntriesClosing Operations
429ERP EHP76.0FBRC1100C51Contact Person DatabasesClosing Operations
430ERP EHP76.0FBRC1100T51Contact Person Databases: TextsClosing Operations
431ERP EHP76.0FBRC111091Contact PersonsClosing Operations
432ERP EHP76.0FBRC111521Contact Persons: Organization AddressesClosing Operations
433ERP EHP76.0FBRC1200C31Message Template GroupsClosing Operations
434ERP EHP76.0FBRC1200T51Message Template Groups: TextsClosing Operations
435ERP EHP76.0FBRC1210C61Message TemplatesClosing Operations
436ERP EHP76.0FBRC1210T71Message Templates: TextsClosing Operations
437ERP EHP76.0FBRC121571Message Templates: TextlinesClosing Operations
438ERP EHP76.0FBRC1220C41Message PlaceholdersClosing Operations
439ERP EHP76.0FBRC1220T61Placeholders: TextsClosing Operations
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: CRM Accruals
440ERP EHP76.0CRM_ACE_CU_ACRTY61CRM Accruals: Assignment of Accruals Type to Transact. TypeCRM Accruals
441ERP EHP76.0CRM_ACE_CU_COND51Customizing for CRM Accruals: Relevant Revenue ElementsCRM Accruals
442ERP EHP76.0CRM_ACE_CU_COPA41CRM Accruals: Assgmt of Accruals Type to Cond.Type for CO-PACRM Accruals
443ERP EHP76.0CRM_ACE_CU_METH41CRM Accruals Customizing: Find Accrual MethodCRM Accruals
444ERP EHP76.0CRM_ACE_OH_DATA143CRM Accruals: Object HeaderCRM Accruals
445ERP EHP76.0CRM_ACE_OI_DATA151CRM Accruals: Item Detail Data of ObjectCRM Accruals
446ERP EHP76.0CRM_ACE_REFKEY62CRM Accruals: REFKEY DecryptionCRM Accruals
447ERP EHP76.0IPM_ACE_BTA_DATA64Assignment Table for Revenue Distribution from CRMCRM Accruals
448ERP EHP76.0IPM_ACE_CU_BVAL51Customizing Settings for Data Values for Rights Usage Conf.CRM Accruals
449ERP EHP76.0IPM_ACE_CU_VALTY51Customizing Data Values Relevant to Accrual TypesCRM Accruals
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: GL Account Posting
450ERP EHP76.0TCJ_CHECK_STACKS101Check Lists in Cash JournalGL Account Posting
451ERP EHP76.0TCJ_CJ_NAMES51Cash Journal NamesGL Account Posting
452ERP EHP76.0TCJ_CPD411FBCJ: One-Time Account Data of Cash Journal Document ItemsGL Account Posting
453ERP EHP76.0TCJ_C_JOURNALS221Cash JournalsGL Account Posting
454ERP EHP76.0TCJ_DOCUMENTS403Cash Journal Documents (Header Data)GL Account Posting
455ERP EHP76.0TCJ_MAX_AMOUNT71Cash Journal: Amount LimitGL Account Posting
456ERP EHP76.0TCJ_NUMB_GROUP21Numbering Group for Cash DocumentsGL Account Posting
457ERP EHP76.0TCJ_NUMB_GROUPT41Numbering Group for Cash Documents (Text)GL Account Posting
458ERP EHP76.0TCJ_POSITIONS991Cash Journal Document ItemsGL Account Posting
459ERP EHP76.0TCJ_PRINT81Cash Journal Print ParametersGL Account Posting
460ERP EHP76.0TCJ_TRANSACTIONS111Cash Journal Business TransactionsGL Account Posting
461ERP EHP76.0TCJ_TRANS_NAMES61Cash Journal Business Transaction NamesGL Account Posting
462ERP EHP76.0TCJ_WTAX_ITEMS581Withholding Tax Items for Cash Journal Document ItemsGL Account Posting
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: Manual Accruals
463ERP EHP76.0ACAC_OBJECTS82Manual Accruals: Accrual ObjectsManual Accruals
464ERP EHP76.0TACAC_OBJTYP21Accrual Object Types in Accrual AccountingManual Accruals
465ERP EHP76.0TACAC_OBJTYPT41Text Table for Accrual Object TypesManual Accruals
466ERP EHP76.0TACAC_PO_ASSIGN31ACAC Assignment of Object Types and ParametersManual Accruals
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: Planning
467ERP EHP76.0T8PL0091FI Planning: Installed Plan TablesPlanning
468ERP EHP76.0T8PL01251FI-Planning: Summary Table Dimensions to be PlannedPlanning
469ERP EHP76.0T8PL01DD221FI Planning: Dimensions Table Index - Dictionary InformationPlanning
470ERP EHP76.0T8PL01DP101FI Planning : Field Dependency for ValidationPlanning
471ERP EHP76.0T8PL01S141FI-Planning: Dimensions that Allow SetsPlanning
472ERP EHP76.0T8PL01SF91FI Planning: Special Handling of DimensionsPlanning
473ERP EHP76.0T8PL01SV161FI-Planning: Comb. fixed values/attr. for key fig. and dim.Planning
474ERP EHP76.0T8PL02201FI-Planning: User attributesPlanning
475ERP EHP76.0T8PL02CC81FI Planning: Currency TranslationPlanning
476ERP EHP76.0T8PL03181FI Planning: Configuration of Plan TasksPlanning
477ERP EHP76.0T8PLUATTR161FI-Planning: Key Figures for PlanningPlanning
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Basic Functions :: Provisions for Awards
478ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_BSMODATA111Data for the Black & Scholes ModelProvisions for Awards
479ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_DESTINTN21Connection Data to the HR SystemProvisions for Awards
480ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_FFVERSNS21Versions for Simulation of Forfeiture RatesProvisions for Awards
481ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_FFVRSTXT41Version for Simulation of Performance of Stock PricesProvisions for Awards
482ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_HRFI61Accrual Engine: Assignment for HR Data TransferProvisions for Awards
483ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_INDTYPE71Type of Index Used for Award ProgramProvisions for Awards
484ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_INVERSNS21Versions for Simulation of Performance of IndexesProvisions for Awards
485ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_INVRSTXT41Version for Simulation of Performance of Stock PricesProvisions for Awards
486ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_METH_IND31Method <-> Version Assignment for Index PerformanceProvisions for Awards
487ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_REFKEY62Decoding of Accrual Engine RefKeyProvisions for Awards
488ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_SCRT_FRF51Hypothetical Forfeiture Rates for SimulationProvisions for Awards
489ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_SCRT_IND51Hypothetical Index Performance for SimulationProvisions for Awards
490ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_SCRT_SEC61Hypothetical Security Price Performance for SimulationProvisions for Awards
491ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_VERSNS21Version for Simulation of Performance of Stock PricesProvisions for Awards
492ERP EHP76.0ACE_SOP_VERSNTXT41Version for Simulation of Performance of Stock PricesProvisions for Awards
Financial Accounting :: General Ledger Accounting :: Foreign Currency Accounting :: Multi Currency Accounting
493ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_DOC51MCA DocumentsMulti Currency Accounting
494ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_DOCREF124MCA Document Reference DataMulti Currency Accounting
495ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_FDOCREF103FI Document ReferenceMulti Currency Accounting
496ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_ME_CREAT131Manual entry dataMulti Currency Accounting
497ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_MI_RATES171Manual input exchanges ratesMulti Currency Accounting
498ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_RV_HSTRY221FX Revaluation HistoryMulti Currency Accounting
499ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_T030H121GLE MCA Accounts TableMulti Currency Accounting
500ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TAGGFLD41Aggregation FieldsMulti Currency Accounting
501ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TAGGFLDT51Description of Aggregation FieldsMulti Currency Accounting
502ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TAGGVAR21Aggregation variantMulti Currency Accounting
503ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TAGGVART41Description of Aggregation VariantMulti Currency Accounting
504ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TCONFPRM31Configuration parameter table for data uploadMulti Currency Accounting
505ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TCONFVAL41Value table for MCA Data Upload configurationMulti Currency Accounting
506ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TDALOSRT31Maintain sort field for the Data load processMulti Currency Accounting
507ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TDATLOAD61MCA Data load configurationMulti Currency Accounting
508ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TFIXVAL41Fixed values for postline fieldsMulti Currency Accounting
509ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TMCAFLDG41Table for MCA field groupsMulti Currency Accounting
510ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TMCAKEY21Key for assigning MCA relevant attributs to SKB1 accountsMulti Currency Accounting
511ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TMCAKEYT41Key for assigning MCA relevant attributs to SKB1 accountsMulti Currency Accounting
512ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TMCAPRC51Assignment of Process Types to MCA KeyMulti Currency Accounting
513ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TMCAVAR91MCA variantMulti Currency Accounting
514ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TMCAVARA31Assignment of MCA variantMulti Currency Accounting
515ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TMCAVART41Description of MCA variantMulti Currency Accounting
516ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPARAMS101GLE MCA Selection Screen Parameters TableMulti Currency Accounting
517ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPCKBLD51MCA Parallel Processing Package BuildingMulti Currency Accounting
518ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPCKDEF51MCA Package Definition for parallel processingMulti Currency Accounting
519ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPP_BKPF41Temporary table for storing BKPF entries for Post ProcessingMulti Currency Accounting
520ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPRCCATP81MCA Variant specific Attributes of Process CategoriesMulti Currency Accounting
521ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPRCTYPE31GL Enhancement Process TypeMulti Currency Accounting
522ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPRCTYPP131GL Enhancement Properties of Process TypeMulti Currency Accounting
523ERP EHP76.0GLE_MCA_TPRCTYPT51GL Enhancement Process TypeMulti Currency Accounting