SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

327 tablesB1 9.2 

Inventory and Production
1Business One9.2ABAT121Attribute - HistoryInventory and Production
2Business One9.2ABFC141Bin Field Configuration - HistoryInventory and Production
3Business One9.2ABIN601Bin Location - HistoryInventory and Production
4Business One9.2ABSL131Warehouse Sublevel - HistoryInventory and Production
5Business One9.2ABTN313Batch Numbers Master DataInventory and Production
6Business One9.2ABTW142Batch Attributes in LocationInventory and Production
7Business One9.2ADG191Discount Groups RowsInventory and Production
8Business One9.2ADNF82DNF CodeInventory and Production
9Business One9.2AEDG141Discount GroupsInventory and Production
10Business One9.2AIGW111Item Group - Warehouse - HistoryInventory and Production
11Business One9.2AIN1411Inventory Counting - RowsInventory and Production
12Business One9.2AIN1071Inventory Counting - Individual Counters - Row UoMInventory and Production
13Business One9.2AIN11131Inventory Counting - Individual Counters - Row SnBInventory and Production
14Business One9.2AIN2172Inventory Counting - UoMInventory and Production
15Business One9.2AIN3131Inventory Count - SnBInventory and Production
16Business One9.2AIN472Inventory Counting - Team CountersInventory and Production
17Business One9.2AIN551Inventory Counting - Team Counters - Row Counted QtyInventory and Production
18Business One9.2AIN671Inventory Counting - Team Counter - Row UoMInventory and Production
19Business One9.2AIN7131Inventory Counting - Team Counter - Row SnBInventory and Production
20Business One9.2AIN872Inventory Counting - Individual CountersInventory and Production
21Business One9.2AIN951Inventory Counting - Individual Counter - Row Counted QtyInventory and Production
22Business One9.2AINC352Inventory CountingInventory and Production
23Business One9.2AIQI343Inventory Opening BalanceInventory and Production
24Business One9.2AIQR373Inventory PostingInventory and Production
25Business One9.2AIT1151Item - Prices - HistoryInventory and Production
26Business One9.2AIT1171Asset Item Period ControlInventory and Production
27Business One9.2AIT13671Asset AttributesInventory and Production
28Business One9.2AIT241Items - Multiple Preferred Vendors - HistoryInventory and Production
29Business One9.2AIT341Items - Localization Fields - HistoryInventory and Production
30Business One9.2AIT571Asset Item Projects - HistoryInventory and Production
31Business One9.2AIT6111Asset Item Distribution RulesInventory and Production
32Business One9.2AIT7141Asset Item Depreciation Params - HistoryInventory and Production
33Business One9.2AIT8211Asset Item Balances - HistoryInventory and Production
34Business One9.2AIT9161Item - UoM PricesInventory and Production
35Business One9.2AITB812Item Groups - HistoryInventory and Production
36Business One9.2AITM2997Items - HistoryInventory and Production
37Business One9.2AITT241Product Tree - HistoryInventory and Production
38Business One9.2AITW734Items - Warehouse - HistoryInventory and Production
39Business One9.2AKL1101Pick List - Rows - HistoryInventory and Production
40Business One9.2AKL2121Pick List for SnB and Bin DetailsInventory and Production
41Business One9.2AMGP62Material GroupInventory and Production
42Business One9.2AMR1233Inventory Revaluation - History - RowsInventory and Production
43Business One9.2AMR2211Inventory Revaluation FIFO Rows (Archive)Inventory and Production
44Business One9.2AMRV323Inventory Revaluation - HistoryInventory and Production
45Business One9.2APKL171Pick List - HistoryInventory and Production
46Business One9.2APLN242Price ListsInventory and Production
47Business One9.2AQI1392Inventory Opening Balance - RowsInventory and Production
48Business One9.2AQI2131Inventory Opening Balance - SnBInventory and Production
49Business One9.2AQR1502Inventory Posting - RowsInventory and Production
50Business One9.2AQR2172Inventory Counting - UoMInventory and Production
51Business One9.2AQR3131Inventory Count - SnBInventory and Production
52Business One9.2ASP1121Special Prices - Data AreasInventory and Production
53Business One9.2ASP2101Special Prices - Quantity AreasInventory and Production
54Business One9.2ASPP141Special PricesInventory and Production
55Business One9.2ASRN314Serial Numbers Master DataInventory and Production
56Business One9.2ATT1261Bill of Materials - Components - HistoryInventory and Production
57Business One9.2AUG181UoM Group DetailInventory and Production
58Business One9.2AUGP111UoM GroupInventory and Production
59Business One9.2AUOM291UoM Master DataInventory and Production
60Business One9.2AWHS981Warehouses - HistoryInventory and Production
61Business One9.2AWO1302Production Order (Rows) - HistoryInventory and Production
62Business One9.2AWO251Production Order - BaseInventory and Production
63Business One9.2AWO3121Production Order - (Closure) - HistoryInventory and Production
64Business One9.2AWOR473Production Order - HistoryInventory and Production
65Business One9.2CCS1101Cycle Count Determination- SubtableInventory and Production
66Business One9.2CIVI161IVI Config FileInventory and Production
67Business One9.2EDG191Discount Groups RowsInventory and Production
68Business One9.2ENT1131Entry - RowsInventory and Production
69Business One9.2ICD1411Inventory Counting Draft - RowsInventory and Production
70Business One9.2ICD1071Inventory Counting Draft - Individual Counter - Row UoMInventory and Production
71Business One9.2ICD11131Inventory Counting Draft - Individual Counter - Row SnBInventory and Production
72Business One9.2ICD2172Inventory Counting Draft - UoMInventory and Production
73Business One9.2ICD3131Inventory Count Draft - SnBInventory and Production
74Business One9.2ICD472Inventory Counting Draft - Team CountersInventory and Production
75Business One9.2ICD551Inventory Counting Draft - Team Counter - Row Counted QtyInventory and Production
76Business One9.2ICD671Inventory Counting Draft - Team Counter - Row UoMInventory and Production
77Business One9.2ICD7131Inventory Counting Draft - Team Counter - Row SnBInventory and Production
78Business One9.2ICD872Inventory Counting Draft - Individual CountersInventory and Production
79Business One9.2ICD951Inventory Counting Draft - Individual Counter - Row Counted QtyInventory and Production
80Business One9.2IGE12658Goods Issue - RowsInventory and Production
81Business One9.2IGE1082Goods Issue - Row StructureInventory and Production
82Business One9.2IGE11601Goods Issue - Drawn Dpm DetailInventory and Production
83Business One9.2IGE12661Goods Issue - Tax ExtensionInventory and Production
84Business One9.2IGE13592Goods Issue Rows - Distributed ExpensesInventory and Production
85Business One9.2IGE14111Goods Issue - Assembly - RowsInventory and Production
86Business One9.2IGE15701Gds Issue - Drawn Dpm AppliedInventory and Production
87Business One9.2IGE16121Goods Issue - SnB propertiesInventory and Production
88Business One9.2IGE19141Goods Issue - Bin Allocation DataInventory and Production
89Business One9.2IGE2552Goods Issue - Freight - RowsInventory and Production
90Business One9.2IGE21182Goods Issue - Document Reference InformationInventory and Production
91Business One9.2IGE3632Goods Issue - FreightInventory and Production
92Business One9.2IGE4492Goods Issue - Tax Amount per DocumentInventory and Production
93Business One9.2IGE5852Goods Issue - Withholding TaxInventory and Production
94Business One9.2IGE6641Goods Issue - InstallmentsInventory and Production
95Business One9.2IGE771Delivery Packages - Goods IssueInventory and Production
96Business One9.2IGE891Items in Package - Goods IssueInventory and Production
97Business One9.2IGE9271Goods Issue - Drawn DpmInventory and Production
98Business One9.2IGN12658Goods Receipt - RowsInventory and Production
99Business One9.2IGN1082Goods Receipt - Row StructureInventory and Production
100Business One9.2IGN11601Goods Receipt - Drawn Dpm DetInventory and Production
101Business One9.2IGN12661Goods Receipt - Tax ExtensionInventory and Production
102Business One9.2IGN13592Goods Receipt Rows - Distributed ExpensesInventory and Production
103Business One9.2IGN14111Goods Receipt - Assembly - RowsInventory and Production
104Business One9.2IGN15701Gds Rcpt - Drawn Dpm AppliedInventory and Production
105Business One9.2IGN16121Goods Receipt - SnB propertiesInventory and Production
106Business One9.2IGN19141Goods Receipt - Bin Allocation DataInventory and Production
107Business One9.2IGN2552Goods Receipt - Freight - RowsInventory and Production
108Business One9.2IGN21182Goods Receipt - Document Reference InformationInventory and Production
109Business One9.2IGN3632Goods Receipt - FreightInventory and Production
110Business One9.2IGN4492Goods Receipt - Tax Amount per DocumentInventory and Production
111Business One9.2IGN5852Goods Receipt - Withholding TaxInventory and Production
112Business One9.2IGN6641Goods Receipt- InstallmentsInventory and Production
113Business One9.2IGN771Goods Receipt - Delivery PackagesInventory and Production
114Business One9.2IGN891Goods Receipt - Items in PackageInventory and Production
115Business One9.2IGN9271Goods Receipt - Drawn DpmInventory and Production
116Business One9.2ILM151Srl & Batch Det of Inv Log MsgInventory and Production
117Business One9.2ILM241Inventory Account SubstituteInventory and Production
118Business One9.2ILM3121Non-Inventory and Resource Components Log MsgInventory and Production
119Business One9.2IMT141Acct data in selected templateInventory and Production
120Business One9.2IMT1141Calculated expression's constituent with sign for specifying account in specific templateInventory and Production
121Business One9.2INC1411Inventory Counting - RowsInventory and Production
122Business One9.2INC1071Inventory Counting - Individual Counters - Row UoMInventory and Production
123Business One9.2INC11131Inventory Counting - Individual Counter - Row SnBInventory and Production
124Business One9.2INC2172Inventory Counting - UoMInventory and Production
125Business One9.2INC3131Inventory Count - SnBInventory and Production
126Business One9.2INC472Inventory Counting - Team CountersInventory and Production
127Business One9.2INC551Inventory Counting - Team Counter - Row Counted QtyInventory and Production
128Business One9.2INC671Inventory Counting - Team Counter - Row UoMInventory and Production
129Business One9.2INC7131Inventory Counting - Team Counter - Row SnBInventory and Production
130Business One9.2INC872Inventory Counting - Individual CountersInventory and Production
131Business One9.2INC951Inventory Counting - Individual Counters - Row Counted QtyInventory and Production
132Business One9.2IOD1392Inventory Opening Balance Draft - RowsInventory and Production
133Business One9.2IOD2131Inventory Opening Balance Draft - SnBInventory and Production
134Business One9.2IPD1502Inventory Posting Draft - RowsInventory and Production
135Business One9.2IPD2172Inventory Posting Draft - UoMInventory and Production
136Business One9.2IPD3131Inventory Posting Draft - SnBInventory and Production
137Business One9.2IPF11025Landed Costs - RowsInventory and Production
138Business One9.2IPF2141Landed Costs - CostsInventory and Production
139Business One9.2IPF3141Landed Costs - Customs SummaryInventory and Production
140Business One9.2IQI1392Inventory Opening Balance - RowsInventory and Production
141Business One9.2IQI2131Inventory Opening Balance - SnBInventory and Production
142Business One9.2IQR1502Inventory Posting - RowsInventory and Production
143Business One9.2IQR2172Inventory Posting - UoMInventory and Production
144Business One9.2IQR3131Inventory Posting - SnBInventory and Production
145Business One9.2ITL182Srl & Batch Details in TransacInventory and Production
146Business One9.2ITM1154Items - PricesInventory and Production
147Business One9.2ITM10201OITM ExtensionInventory and Production
148Business One9.2ITM1171Asset Item Period ControlInventory and Production
149Business One9.2ITM12232UoM in ItemInventory and Production
150Business One9.2ITM13671Asset AttributesInventory and Production
151Business One9.2ITM241Items - Multiple Preferred VendorsInventory and Production
152Business One9.2ITM341Items - Localization FieldsInventory and Production
153Business One9.2ITM4233Package in ItemsInventory and Production
154Business One9.2ITM571Asset Item ProjectsInventory and Production
155Business One9.2ITM6111Asset Item Distribution RulesInventory and Production
156Business One9.2ITM7141Asset Item Depreciation ParamsInventory and Production
157Business One9.2ITM8211Asset Item BalancesInventory and Production
158Business One9.2ITM9161Item - UoM PricesInventory and Production
159Business One9.2ITT1264Bill of Materials - ComponentsInventory and Production
160Business One9.2ITW1101Item Count AlertInventory and Production
161Business One9.2IVL181IVL Layer LevelInventory and Production
162Business One9.2IVLG181Inventory Revaluation Log FileInventory and Production
163Business One9.2IVRU181Inventory Valuation UtilityInventory and Production
164Business One9.2IWB151Batch No. Quantities BackupInventory and Production
165Business One9.2IWB251Serial No. Quantities BackupInventory and Production
166Business One9.2LIVI91IVI Log FileInventory and Production
167Business One9.2LIVI1141IVI Log Array FileInventory and Production
168Business One9.2MRV1233Inventory Revaluation Information ArrayInventory and Production
169Business One9.2MRV2211Inventory Revaluation FIFO RowsInventory and Production
170Business One9.2OAIM491Archive Inventory MessageInventory and Production
171Business One9.2OALI41Alternative Items 2Inventory and Production
172Business One9.2OARG162Customs GroupsInventory and Production
173Business One9.2OBAT122Bin Location AttributeInventory and Production
174Business One9.2OBBQ63Item - Serial/Batch - Bin AccumulatorInventory and Production
175Business One9.2OBCD113Bar Code Master DataInventory and Production
176Business One9.2OBFC142Bin Field ConfigurationInventory and Production
177Business One9.2OBIN604Bin LocationInventory and Production
178Business One9.2OBSL132Warehouse SublevelInventory and Production
179Business One9.2OBTL63Bin Transaction LogInventory and Production
180Business One9.2OBTN313Batch Numbers Master DataInventory and Production
181Business One9.2OBTQ112Batch No. QuantitiesInventory and Production
182Business One9.2OBTW143Batch Attributes in LocationInventory and Production
183Business One9.2OCCS31Cycle Count DeterminationInventory and Production
184Business One9.2OCHP63India Chapter IDInventory and Production
185Business One9.2OCYC242CycleInventory and Production
186Business One9.2ODBN312Bat. Nos - Draft - Master DataInventory and Production
187Business One9.2ODBW141Batch Draft Attribs in Locat.Inventory and Production
188Business One9.2ODNF82DNF CodeInventory and Production
189Business One9.2ODSN313SNs - Draft - Master DataInventory and Production
190Business One9.2ODSW141SN Draft Attribs in LocationInventory and Production
191Business One9.2OEDG142Discount GroupsInventory and Production
192Business One9.2OENT405Shipping TypesInventory and Production
193Business One9.2OIBQ73Item - Bin AccumulatorInventory and Production
194Business One9.2OICD351Inventory Counting DraftInventory and Production
195Business One9.2OIGE38610Goods IssueInventory and Production
196Business One9.2OIGN38610Goods ReceiptInventory and Production
197Business One9.2OIGW114Item Group - WarehouseInventory and Production
198Business One9.2OILM864Inventory Log MessageInventory and Production
199Business One9.2OIMT102Templates for Inventory JEInventory and Production
200Business One9.2OINC352Inventory CountingInventory and Production
201Business One9.2OIOD343Inventory Opening Balance DraftInventory and Production
202Business One9.2OIPD373Inventory Posting DraftInventory and Production
203Business One9.2OIPF626Landed CostsInventory and Production
204Business One9.2OIQI343Inventory Opening BalanceInventory and Production
205Business One9.2OIQR373Inventory PostingInventory and Production
206Business One9.2OIRT51Interest PricesInventory and Production
207Business One9.2OISL121Simulation Log FileInventory and Production
208Business One9.2OITB812Item GroupsInventory and Production
209Business One9.2OITG32Item PropertiesInventory and Production
210Business One9.2OITL408Inventory Transactions LogInventory and Production
211Business One9.2OITM2997ItemsInventory and Production
212Business One9.2OITT242Product TreeInventory and Production
213Business One9.2OITW733Items - WarehouseInventory and Production
214Business One9.2OIVE133FIFO Based Sales ReturnInventory and Production
215Business One9.2OIVK62IVL Vs OINM KeysInventory and Production
216Business One9.2OIVL787Whse JournalInventory and Production
217Business One9.2OIVQ123FIFO Queue Working TableInventory and Production
218Business One9.2OIWB52Items - Warehouse Counting Data BackupInventory and Production
219Business One9.2OLCT402LocationInventory and Production
220Business One9.2OLGT84Length UnitsInventory and Production
221Business One9.2OMGP62Material GroupInventory and Production
222Business One9.2OMRC42ManufacturersInventory and Production
223Business One9.2OMRL323Advanced Inventory RevaluationInventory and Production
224Business One9.2OMRV323Inventory RevaluationInventory and Production
225Business One9.2OOFR41Defect CauseInventory and Production
226Business One9.2OOIN41InterestInventory and Production
227Business One9.2OOIR41Interest LevelInventory and Production
228Business One9.2OOSR41Information SourceInventory and Production
229Business One9.2OPKG202Package TypesInventory and Production
230Business One9.2OPKL171Pick ListInventory and Production
231Business One9.2OPLN242Price ListsInventory and Production
232Business One9.2OPSC21Product Source CodeInventory and Production
233Business One9.2ORCN112Retail ChainsInventory and Production
234Business One9.2ORTL191Resource Transaction LogInventory and Production
235Business One9.2OSBQ63Item - Serial/Batch - Bin AccumulatorInventory and Production
236Business One9.2OSCG32Service CategoryInventory and Production
237Business One9.2OSPG61Special Prices for GroupsInventory and Production
238Business One9.2OSPP144Special PricesInventory and Production
239Business One9.2OSRN314Serial Numbers Master DataInventory and Production
240Business One9.2OSRQ113Serial No. QuantitiesInventory and Production
241Business One9.2OSRW142Serial No. Attribs in LocationInventory and Production
242Business One9.2OSTQ51Inventory Valuation Utility QueriesInventory and Production
243Business One9.2OUGP113UoM GroupInventory and Production
244Business One9.2OUOM293UoM Master DataInventory and Production
245Business One9.2OWGT73Weight UnitsInventory and Production
246Business One9.2OWHS982WarehousesInventory and Production
247Business One9.2OWKO313Production InstructionsInventory and Production
248Business One9.2OWOR472Production OrderInventory and Production
249Business One9.2OWTC191WTax CertificatesInventory and Production
250Business One9.2OWTQ3869Inventory Transfer RequestInventory and Production
251Business One9.2OWTR38610Inventory TransferInventory and Production
252Business One9.2PKL1102Pick List - RowsInventory and Production
253Business One9.2PKL2121Pick List for SnB and Bin DetailsInventory and Production
254Business One9.2RTL171Resource Transaction LogInventory and Production
255Business One9.2SITM2997ItemsInventory and Production
256Business One9.2SITW732Items - WarehouseInventory and Production
257Business One9.2SIVE133FIFO Based Sales ReturnInventory and Production
258Business One9.2SIVK62IVL Vs OINM KeysInventory and Production
259Business One9.2SIVL786Whse JournalInventory and Production
260Business One9.2SIVL181IVL Layer LevelInventory and Production
261Business One9.2SIVQ123FIFO Queue Working TableInventory and Production
262Business One9.2SPP1124Special Prices - Data AreasInventory and Production
263Business One9.2SPP2104Special Prices - Quantity AreasInventory and Production
264Business One9.2UBTN313Batch Numbers Master DataInventory and Production
265Business One9.2UGP182UoM Group DetailInventory and Production
266Business One9.2UILM864IVI Inventory Log MessageInventory and Production
267Business One9.2UILM151Srl & Batch Det of Inv Log MsgInventory and Production
268Business One9.2UILM241Inventory Account SubstituteInventory and Production
269Business One9.2UILM3121Non-Inventory and Resource Components Log MsgInventory and Production
270Business One9.2UITM2997ItemsInventory and Production
271Business One9.2UITW732Items - WarehouseInventory and Production
272Business One9.2UIVE133FIFO Based Sales ReturnInventory and Production
273Business One9.2UIVK62IVL Vs OINM KeysInventory and Production
274Business One9.2UIVL787Whse JournalInventory and Production
275Business One9.2UIVL181IVL Layer LevelInventory and Production
276Business One9.2UIVQ123FIFO Queue Working TableInventory and Production
277Business One9.2USRN314Serial Numbers Master DataInventory and Production
278Business One9.2UWKO313Production InstructionsInventory and Production
279Business One9.2UWKO1122Production Instructions - RowsInventory and Production
280Business One9.2UWO251Production Order - BaseInventory and Production
281Business One9.2UWOR473Production OrderInventory and Production
282Business One9.2UWOR1302Production Order - RowsInventory and Production
283Business One9.2UWOR3121Production Order - ClosureInventory and Production
284Business One9.2VLG1131Validation of Recalc. From ToInventory and Production
285Business One9.2WKO1122Production Instructions - RowsInventory and Production
286Business One9.2WOR1302Production Order - RowsInventory and Production
287Business One9.2WOR251Production Order - BaseInventory and Production
288Business One9.2WOR2V91Production Order - BaseInventory and Production
289Business One9.2WOR3121Production Order - ClosureInventory and Production
290Business One9.2WTC191WTax Certificates - WT Groups in CertificatesInventory and Production
291Business One9.2WTC2111WTax Certificates - Docs in WT GroupsInventory and Production
292Business One9.2WTQ12658Inventory Transfer Request - RowsInventory and Production
293Business One9.2WTQ1082Inventory Transfer Request - Row StructureInventory and Production
294Business One9.2WTQ11601Inv. Transfer Request - Drawn Dpm Det.Inventory and Production
295Business One9.2WTQ12661Inventory Transfer Request - Tax ExtensionInventory and Production
296Business One9.2WTQ13591Inventory Transfer Request Rows - Distributed FreightsInventory and Production
297Business One9.2WTQ14111Inventory Transfer Request - Assembly - RowsInventory and Production
298Business One9.2WTQ15701Inv. Transfer Request - Drawn Dpm ApplInventory and Production
299Business One9.2WTQ16121Inventory Transfer Request - SnB PropertiesInventory and Production
300Business One9.2WTQ19141Inventory Transfer Request - Bin Allocation DataInventory and Production
301Business One9.2WTQ2551Inventory Transfer Request - Freight - RowsInventory and Production
302Business One9.2WTQ21182Inventory Transfer Request - Document Reference InformationInventory and Production
303Business One9.2WTQ3632Inventory Transfer Request - FreightInventory and Production
304Business One9.2WTQ4492Inventory Transfer Request - Tax Amount per DocumentInventory and Production
305Business One9.2WTQ5851Inventory Transfer Request - Withholding TaxInventory and Production
306Business One9.2WTQ6641Inventory Transfer Request - InstallmentsInventory and Production
307Business One9.2WTQ771Inventory Transfer Request - Delivery PackagesInventory and Production
308Business One9.2WTQ891Inventory Transfer Request - Items in PackageInventory and Production
309Business One9.2WTQ9271Inventory Transfer Request - Drawn DPMInventory and Production
310Business One9.2WTR12658Inventory Transfer - RowsInventory and Production
311Business One9.2WTR1082Inventory Transfer - Row StructureInventory and Production
312Business One9.2WTR11601Inv. Transfer - Drawn Dpm Det.Inventory and Production
313Business One9.2WTR12661Inventory Transfer - Tax ExtensionInventory and Production
314Business One9.2WTR13592Inventory Transfer Rows - Distributed FreightsInventory and Production
315Business One9.2WTR14111Inventory Transfer - Assembly - RowsInventory and Production
316Business One9.2WTR15701Inv. Transfer - Drawn Dpm ApplInventory and Production
317Business One9.2WTR16121Inventory Transfer - SnB propertiesInventory and Production
318Business One9.2WTR19141Inventory Transfer - Bin Allocation DataInventory and Production
319Business One9.2WTR2552Inventory Transfer - Freight - RowsInventory and Production
320Business One9.2WTR21182Inventory Transfer - Document Reference InformationInventory and Production
321Business One9.2WTR3632Inventory Transfer - FreightInventory and Production
322Business One9.2WTR4492Inventory Transfer - Tax Amount per DocumentInventory and Production
323Business One9.2WTR5852Inventory Transfer - Withholding TaxInventory and Production
324Business One9.2WTR6641Inventory Transfer - InstallmentsInventory and Production
325Business One9.2WTR771Inventory Transfer - Delivery PackagesInventory and Production
326Business One9.2WTR891Inventory Transfer - Items in PackageInventory and Production
327Business One9.2WTR9271Inventory Transfer - Drawn DpmInventory and Production