Financial Services :: Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSRBEZ | 8 | 1 | Customizingstabelle für Listandrucke | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
2 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSRFLDEA | 105 | 12 | Actual line item table | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
3 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSRFLDEC | 17 | 2 | Object table 2 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
4 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSRFLDEO | 21 | 2 | Object table 1 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
5 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSRFLDEP | 159 | 5 | Plan line items table | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
6 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSRFLDET | 145 | 5 | Summary table | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
7 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSRPREFLOW | 67 | 9 | ISSR: Basistabelle/Bewegungstabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
8 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_59710_K_OLD | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Kombinationsmöglichkeiten R5/97 Anlage 10 (alt) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
9 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_ADMN_ASTVW | 21 | 5 | ISSR: Feste und variable Daten Meldewesen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
10 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_BASI_RG | 29 | 4 | Registrierungseintrag | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
11 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_BASI_RGDONE | 29 | 2 | Erledigter Registrierungseintrag | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
12 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_BAV_59710_K | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Kombinationsmöglichkeiten R5/97 Anlage 10 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
13 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_CUSTOUT_FMT | 7 | 1 | Output Format | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
14 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_CUST_COLMAP | 6 | 1 | Column mapping to custom out format. | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
15 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_CUST_HDPARM | 4 | 1 | Parameters required from main progarm to generate header | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
16 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_CUST_HD_DE | 11 | 1 | Customer report header format for DE | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
17 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_CUST_ROWMAP | 6 | 1 | Row/Line mapping to custom out format. | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
18 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_CUST_ROWSUM | 7 | 1 | Row sum information. | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
19 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_EXTID_ADMIN | 5 | 2 | ISSR: Verwaltung ext.Idnr-Vergabe im laufenden Programm | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
20 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_EXT_IDNR | 5 | 2 | ISSR: Tabelle zur Aufnahme und Prüfung der externen IDNR | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
21 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_EXT_IDNR_2 | 5 | 2 | ISSR: Tabelle zur Aufnahme und Prüfung der externen IDNR | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
22 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_IFB_PCPTRT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehungstabelle Mw-PCAT<->Mw-PTYP<->Mw-RANTYP | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
23 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_IFFIAS_OLD | 9 | 1 | Interface: Steuerungstabelle für Feldzuordnung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
24 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_IFFROMTAB | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Tabellen aus denen MWbestandstabellen aufgebaut werden | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
25 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_IFPOIF | 2 | 1 | ISSR: ISSR_Interfaces für Converter | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
26 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_IFPOIFT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Texte für ISSR-Interfaces des Converter | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
27 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_IFTOTAB | 8 | 1 | ISSR: Tabellen die durch die Schnittstelle versorgt werden | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
28 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_IF_GSETINGS | 8 | 1 | ISSR: Globale Einstellungen für die ISSRPREFLOW-Erstellung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
29 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_MACV | 9 | 1 | ISSR: Steuerungstabelle für Feldzuordnung (Nachbuchung) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
30 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_MACVFIAS | 11 | 1 | ISSR: Converter Steuerungstabelle für Feldzuordnung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
31 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_MACVRU | 11 | 1 | ISSR: Converter Tabelle für indirekt zuzuweisende Felder | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
32 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_MACVTA | 8 | 1 | ISSR: Converter Bedingungen für Ableitungen über U-tab | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
33 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_MAPRCO | 26 | 1 | ISSR: A-Log Profile (Für Anzeige der Protokolle) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
34 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_MAPRCO_ST | 25 | 1 | ISSR: Standard-Profile (Für Anzeige der ISSR-Protokolle) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
35 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_MIG_BCK | 15 | 1 | ISSR: Feste und variable Daten Meldewesen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
36 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_MIG_BCKP | 21 | 5 | ISSR: Clustertabelle für Backup | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
37 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_NMBFI | 4 | 1 | ISSR: FI-Nummernstand bei import | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
38 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_NW102_PAGE | 3 | 1 | Beziehungstabelle zwischen Kennung Nw102 und Seitenzahl | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
39 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_OUT_ASTVW | 14 | 1 | ISSR: Feste und variable Daten Meldewesen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
40 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_OUT_BUFFER | 9 | 1 | ISSR: var. Plazierung der Felder auf SF mit Hilfe Methoden | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
41 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_PROT_PROF | 25 | 1 | ISSR: A-Log Profile (Für Anzeige der Protokolle) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
42 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_RANGE_SUBOB | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Wertetabelle für Nummernkreisunterobjekt | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
43 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_RPI_MFT | 65 | 7 | ISSR: Feste und variable Daten Meldewesen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
44 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_RPI_MFT_BCK | 63 | 1 | ISSR: Feste und variable Daten Meldewesen als Backuptabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
45 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_T009B | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Mustertabelle Perioden SR-Geschäftsjahresvariante | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
46 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_TGRP_TO_MFT | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung FISL Tabellengruppe zur Stammdatentabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
47 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ISSR_TR_S_IDENT | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Umsetzungstabelle Kennzeichen Identnummernvergabe | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
48 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISR1 | 3 | 1 | Asset Type According to Regulatory Accounting Requirements | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
49 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSRBASIIMPL | 3 | 1 | Interface-Implementierung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
50 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSRBASIOBJ | 1 | 1 | ISSR: Objekttypen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
51 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSRBASIOBJT | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Objekttypen Texte | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
52 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSRBASIOBJTYPE | 15 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Objekttypen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
53 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSRUE | 3 | 1 | FI-SL: Control table for client-specific user exits | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
54 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSRUE1 | 2 | 1 | FI-SL: Steuertabelle für mandantenunabhängige Benutzerexit | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
55 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSRUE2 | 3 | 1 | FI-SL: Control table for client-specific user exits | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
56 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_59710B_OLD | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehungstab.Kennz. R5/97 Anl.10 zum Anlagetyp (alt) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
57 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_59710K_BCK | 8 | 1 | ISSR: R5/97 Anl10 Kombimgl. historisch als BACKUP-Tabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
58 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_59710L_BCK | 7 | 1 | ISSR: R5/97 Anl10 Höchstsätze historisch als BACKUP-Tabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
59 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_59710_OLDT | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Kennzeichen BAV R5/97 Anlage 10 (alt) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
60 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_59710_QUOT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Quotensteuerung zur Anlage 10 R 5/97 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
61 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_AA_BCK | 10 | 1 | ISSR: Anlagearten historisch als Backup-Tabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
62 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_AA_DS_BCK | 12 | 1 | Durchsicht Fonds unter Berücksichtigung der AnlV | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
63 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ADMIN_ACT | 4 | 1 | Steuerung der Meldewesenstammdatenpflege aus Vorsystem | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
64 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ADMIN_FVAL | 56 | 1 | Festwertsteuerung für Meldewesen-Stammdatenverwaltung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
65 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ADMIN_TS | 4 | 1 | Steuerung Tabstrips in Abhängigkeit der Meldewesen-Variante | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
66 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ADMN_DFKY | 1 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Differenzierungsschlüssel | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
67 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ADMN_DFKYT | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Differenzierungsschlüssel Texte | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
68 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ADMN_GUI | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Steuerung Tabstrips in Abhängigkeit der MW-Variante | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
69 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ADMN_GUIT | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Steuerung Tabstrips Texte | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
70 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ADMN_PURP | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Zweck der Kapitalanlage | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
71 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ADMN_PURPT | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Text zum Zweck der Kapitalanlage | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
72 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ADMN_SUBJ | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Vertragsgegenstand Derivate | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
73 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ADMN_SUBJT | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Texte agesicherter Vertragsgegenstand Derivate | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
74 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_AKTIV | 2 | 1 | ISSR: für Aktivierung FISL-Quellcodegenerierung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
75 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ANL10_DS | 8 | 1 | Zuordnung Kennz. Anl.10 zu Fonds für Durchrechnung Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
76 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ANLART | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Anlageart gemäß den Rechnungslegungsvorschriften | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
77 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ANLARTB | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehungstab Anlageart gem.den Rechnungslegungsv. | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
78 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ANLARTT | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Anlageart gem.den Rechnungslegungsvorschr.Textta | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
79 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ANLART_DS | 16 | 2 | Durchsicht Fonds unter Berücksichtigung der AnlV | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
80 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ANLFO_TXT | 8 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle für die Anlage Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
81 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ARGB | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Arbeitsgebiet | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
82 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ARGBT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Arbeitsgebiete für USER-Exits | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
83 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ASSETTYPET | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_ASSET_TYPE | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
84 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ASSET_BCK | 52 | 1 | BACKUP:Stichtagsbezogene Kennzeichen je Anlage gem. R30/2002 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
85 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ASSET_R30 | 72 | 4 | Stichtagsbezogene Kennzeichen je Anlage gem. R30/2002 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
86 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ASSET_R30B | 42 | 4 | Stichtagsbez.Kennz. je Anlage gem. R30/2002 (keine WP) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
87 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ASSET_TYPE | 3 | 1 | Definition Kennzeichen Anlagevermögen/Umlaufvermögen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
88 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ASTVW | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Definition der Durchsicht | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
89 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ASTVWT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Bezeichnung der Durchsicht | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
90 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ASTVW_CRT | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Customizingtabelle für Durchsichtskriterien | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
91 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ASTVW_CRTT | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle für Durchsichtskriterien | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
92 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_59710B | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehungstabelle Kennz. R5/97 Anl.10 zur Anlageform | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
93 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_59710L | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Zulässige Höchstsätze BAV R5/97 Anlage 10 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
94 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_59710T | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zum Rundschreiben BAV R5/97 Anlage 10 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
95 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_ANLFO | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Anlage Fonds nach BAV Rxx/2011 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
96 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_ANLFOT | 9 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur TISSR_BAV_ANLFO | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
97 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW101 | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung MW-Produkttyp zur Anlage BAV NW 101 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
98 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW101P | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Prüftabelle zur Anlage BAV NW 101 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
99 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW101T | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Prüftabelle zur Anlage BAV NW 101 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
100 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW102 | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung MW-Produkttyp zur Anlage BAV NW 102 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
101 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW102P | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Prüftabelle zur Anlage BAV NW 102 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
102 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW102T | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Prüftabelle zur Anlage BAV NW 102 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
103 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW201 | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung MW-Produkttyp zur Anlage BAV NW 201 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
104 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW201P | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Prüftabelle zur Anlage BAV NW 201 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
105 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW201T | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Prüftabelle zur Anlage BAV NW 201 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
106 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW600 | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung MW-Produkttyp zur Anlage BAV NW 600 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
107 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW600P | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Prüftabelle zur Anlage BAV NW 600 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
108 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW600T | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Prüftabelle zur Anlage BAV NW 601 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
109 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW670B | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehungstabelle Kennz. R30 NW670 zur Anlageform | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
110 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW670P | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Prüftabelle zur Anlage R30 NW670 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
111 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW670T | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Prüftabelle zur Anlage R30 NW670 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
112 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW671B | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehungstabelle Kennz. R30 NW671 zur Anlageform | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
113 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW671P | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Prüftabelle zur Anlage R30 NW671 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
114 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_NW671T | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Prüftabelle zur Anlage R30 NW671 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
115 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R59710 | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Kennzeichen zum Rundschreiben BAV R5/97 Anlage 10 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
116 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5973 | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Kennzeichen zum Rundschreiben BAV R5/97 Anlage 3 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
117 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5973B | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Kennzeichen zum Rundschreiben BAV R5/97 Anlage 3 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
118 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5973T | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Texttab. zum Kennz. Rundschr. BAV R5/97 Anlage 3 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
119 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5974 | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Kennzeichen zum Rundschreiben BAV R5/97 Anlage 4 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
120 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5974B | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehungen Produkttyp zur Kennung BAV R5/97 Anlage 4 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
121 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5974T | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zum Kennz. Rundschr.BAV R5/97 Anlage 4 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
122 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5975 | 3 | 1 | Definition fiktive Zuführung Anlage 8 R30/2002 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
123 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5975B | 4 | 1 | Beziehung Produkttyp z. fiktiven Zuführung Anl.8 R30/2002 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
124 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5975T | 6 | 1 | Texttab. Definition fiktive Zuführung Anlage 8 R30/2002 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
125 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5976 | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Kennzeichen zum Rundschreiben BAV R5/97 Anlage 6 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
126 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5976B | 4 | 1 | Zuordnung Kennung Anlage 6 R5/97 zu Produkttypen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
127 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5976T | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Texttab. zum Kennz. Rundschreiben BAV 5/97 Anlage 6 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
128 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5978 | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Kennzeichen zum Rundschreiben BAV R5/97 Anlage 8 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
129 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5978B | 4 | 1 | Zuordnungen Produkttyp zu Kennungen Anlage 8 zu R5/97 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
130 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BAV_R5978T | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zum Kennz. Rundschr. BAV R5/97 Anlage 8 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
131 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BENCHMARK | 3 | 1 | Definition der Benchmark | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
132 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BENCHMARKT | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle zur Definition der Benchmark | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
133 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BENCHM_DS | 8 | 1 | Zuordnung Benchmarkzusammensetzung zum Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
134 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BONDTYP | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Art der in einem Fonds enthaltenen Wertpapiere | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
135 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BONDTYPT | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_BONDTYP | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
136 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BONDTYP_DS | 10 | 1 | Zuordnung Wertpapierart um Fonds zur Durchrechnung Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
137 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BOND_FUNDS | 4 | 1 | Tabelle für Zuweisung reine Rentfonds zu Fondarten | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
138 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BONITAET | 3 | 1 | Bonitätsgruppierung definieren | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
139 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BONITAETT | 6 | 1 | Bonitätsgruppierung definieren | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
140 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BPV_ANRECH | 7 | 1 | Meldewesen Schweiz - Anrechnungsfaktor | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
141 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BPV_LSTSUM | 18 | 1 | Meldewesen Schweiz - Summen zum Listtyp | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
142 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BPV_SKZ_SP | 4 | 1 | Meldewesen Schweiz - erlaubte Kombinationen SichFonds/Sparte | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
143 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BP_DS | 11 | 1 | Durchsicht Fonds Struktur nach Emittent | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
144 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_BRANCH_DS | 8 | 1 | Zuordnung Branche zum Fonds für Durchsicht Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
145 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_B_PSYS_RTP | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehungstabelle zwischen Vorsystem und Mw-RANTYP | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
146 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_CHA_ANLART | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Umsetzung der Anlageart ABS54AVAG - ANLV2004 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
147 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_CHA_MDATA | 7 | 1 | Aufzeichnung von Aktivitaeten zur Stammdatenaenderung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
148 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_CHA_MDATAT | 5 | 1 | Aufzeichnung von Aktivitaeten zur Stammdatenaenderung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
149 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_CHA_MD_PRO | 52 | 1 | Protokoll bei Stammdatenänderung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
150 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_CHA_NW670 | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Umsetzung NW670-Kennung Rundschreiben XY/2005 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
151 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_CHA_NW671 | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Umsetzung NW671-Kennung Rundschreiben XY/2005 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
152 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_CHA_R59710 | 16 | 1 | ISSR: Umsetzung ANlage10-Kennung Rundschreiben XY/2005 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
153 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_COLL_PL_H | 8 | 1 | Collateral-Pool Historie | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
154 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_COLL_POOL | 3 | 1 | Definition der Collateral Pools | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
155 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_COLL_POOLT | 6 | 1 | Definition der Collateral Pools | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
156 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_COM_RISK | 3 | 1 | Definition Rostoffrisikotypen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
157 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_COM_RISKT | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_FONDS_CAN | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
158 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_COPY_CUST | 4 | 1 | Customizing-Tabellen im neuen BAFin-Meldewesen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
159 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_COPY_LTYP | 3 | 1 | Liste von Tabellen für die Listtyp-Kopie | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
160 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_CTRV_CHECK | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Prüftabelle Check R5/97 10 ,DVUAB je Mw-Variante | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
161 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_CTR_TO_CV | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Zuweisung des Länderkennzeichens zu einerMW-Variante | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
162 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_CTR_TO_CVT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuweisung des Länderkennzeichens zu einerMW-Variante | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
163 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_CV_DEP_TAB | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Alle Customizing-Tabellen des BAFin-Meldewesens | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
164 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DEPOT_FVAL | 8 | 1 | Festwertmodifikation für Meldewesen-Depotdaten | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
165 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DERIVKAT | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Definition MW-Derivatenkategorie | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
166 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DERIVKATT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: MW-Derivatenkategorie Texttabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
167 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DIVISION | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Versicherungssparte | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
168 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DIVISIONT | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Versicherungssparte | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
169 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DKAT_PRART | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehung MW-Produktart zu MW-Derivatenkategorie | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
170 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DS_LOCAT | 16 | 1 | Durchsicht nach Sitz und Art des Schuldners | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
171 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DV | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Deckungssstockverzeichnisse | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
172 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DVT | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Texte für Verzeichnisse Sicherungsvermögen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
173 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DVUA | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Unterabteilung Verzeichnisse SV | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
174 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DVUAB | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung Produkttyp zum DV / DVUA | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
175 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DVUABT | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle DV und DVUA für Erstellung DV-Z | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
176 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DVUAT | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Texte Unterabteilungen der Deckungstockverz. | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
177 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DVUA_BCK | 9 | 1 | ISSR: UA Verzeichnisse SV historisch als Backup-Tabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
178 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DVUA_TRF | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung der Unterabteilungen alt > neu | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
179 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DV_CHECK | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehungstab. Ausschluss Feldprüfung in Abh. vom DV | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
180 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DV_LT_REL | 5 | 1 | Beziehungstabelle Verzeichnisse <-> Listtyp | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
181 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DV_PT | 4 | 1 | Beziehungen DV-Nummer / Produkttyp | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
182 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DV_TRF | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung der Verzeichnisse Sicherungsverm. alt > neu | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
183 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_DYN_GEN_FN | 7 | 1 | ISSR:generische Zuweisung von Feldnamen auf Dynpros | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
184 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_ERI_REL | 8 | 1 | Zuordnung Kursarten zur Bewertungsklasse | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
185 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_EXIT_FEE_H | 12 | 1 | Historische Darstellung der Exit Fees | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
186 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_EX_FEE_TT | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle für Exit Fee Types | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
187 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_EX_FEE_TYP | 3 | 1 | Exit Fee types | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
188 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FEE_PER_B | 3 | 1 | Percentage base for exit fees | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
189 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FEE_PER_BT | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle für TISSR_FEE_PER_B | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
190 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FG | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Feldgruppen zur Deckungsstockumbuchung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
191 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FGT | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Von MW-Varianten abhängige Feldgruppen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
192 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FG_FIELD | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Felder zu den MW-Feldgruppen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
193 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FG_FIELDT | 8 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zu TISSR_FG_FIELD | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
194 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FIND_MWGUI | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Definition der Feldabhängigkeit des MW-Guid | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
195 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FIX_VALDAT | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Periodenabschluss für Umbuchung Meldewesen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
196 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FIX_VALDMW | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Periodenabschluss für Umbuchung Meldewesen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
197 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FOF_REL | 13 | 1 | ISSR: Abwicklung Vertragsbedingungen von Dachfonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
198 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FONDS_CAN | 3 | 1 | Definition der Kündigungsfrist für Fondsanteile | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
199 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FONDS_CANT | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_FONDS_CAN | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
200 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FONDS_CAT | 3 | 1 | Fondskategorie | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
201 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FONDS_CATT | 6 | 1 | Fondskategorietexte | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
202 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FONDS_TRM | 3 | 1 | Definition der Rückgabefrist für Fondsanteile | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
203 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FONDS_TRMR | 4 | 1 | Definition der Rückgabefrist für Fondsanteile | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
204 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FONDS_TRMT | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_FONDS_TRM | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
205 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FOND_WR_DS | 8 | 1 | Einstellungen zur Fondsdurchsicht je Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
206 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FSTRUC_TPT | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle zur Definitionstabelle TISSR_FSTRUC_TYP | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
207 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FSTRUC_TYP | 3 | 1 | Definition der Strukturierung eines Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
208 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_FS_DEPOT | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Feldsteuerung für Meldewesendaten bei Depotanlage | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
209 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_GP_CHANGE | 21 | 2 | ISSR: Tabelle zur Aufnahme der Informationen zur GP-Änderung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
210 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_GP_CHANGET | 7 | 1 | Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_GP_CHANGE | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
211 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_GRP_M1 | 3 | 1 | Partnergruppierung analog Muster 1 BerVersV | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
212 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_GRP_M1B | 4 | 1 | Partnergruppierung analog Muster 1 BerVersV | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
213 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_GRP_M1B_CH | 4 | 1 | Partnergruppierung (SAP-GP) analog Muster 1 BerVersV | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
214 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_GRP_M1T | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_GRP_M1 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
215 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IDENT_LINK | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung ID_DEFINITION -> Nummernkreisobj. | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
216 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IDENT_NR | 16 | 1 | ISSR: Definitionstabelle für Identnummer | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
217 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFB_PTRE | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehung MW-Produktart zu ANLK des RE | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
218 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFB_PTTR | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehung MW-Produktart zu TR-Produktart | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
219 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFB_RTPT | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehung ISSR-Produkttyp zu ISSR-Rantyp | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
220 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFB_SY_AWT | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehung Vorsystem zu RWIN-AWTYP | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
221 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFPCAT | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehung MW-Produkttyp zu Vorsyst.-Produkttyp | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
222 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFPCATT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: MW-Produkttyp Texttabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
223 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFPRSYDB | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Vorsystemdatenbank | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
224 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFPRSYDBT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Vorsystemdatenbank Texttabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
225 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFPTYP | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Definition MW-Produktart | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
226 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFPTYPT | 5 | 1 | ISSR: MW-Produktart Texttabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
227 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFREGSYS | 2 | 1 | Vorsysteme registrieren | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
228 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFREGSYST | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Vorsysteme Texttabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
229 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFVAARRE | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung MW-Bew. <-> RE/FI-AA Bewert.bereich 1:1 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
230 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFVAARTR | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung MW-BB <-> TR-BB in Abhängigkeit TR-PCat | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
231 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IFVAAR_RBD | 5 | 1 | Zuordnung Vorsystem Bewertungsbereich<->MW-Bewertungsbereich | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
232 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IF_DC_DFKY | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehung CFM-Diffterm zu Differenzierungsschlüssel | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
233 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IF_RT_DFKY | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehung ISSR-Rantyp zu Differenzierungsschlüssel | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
234 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IF_SYSTEM | 1 | 1 | Vorsysteme registrieren | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
235 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_IF_SYSTEMT | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zu Vorsystemen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
236 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_INDEXASG | 4 | 1 | Zugehörigkeit Index zu einer Indexgruppe | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
237 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_INDEXGRP | 3 | 1 | Definitionstabelle für Indexgruppen Wertpapiere | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
238 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_INDEXGRPT | 6 | 1 | Definitionstabelle für Indexgruppen Wertpapiere | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
239 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_INDEX_DS | 8 | 1 | Zuordnung Fonds zur Wertpapierindexgruppe | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
240 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_INVESTMENT | 3 | 1 | Definition der Beteiligungsform | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
241 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_INVESTMNTT | 6 | 1 | Definition der Beteiligungsform | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
242 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_INVG_CAT | 3 | 1 | Kategorisierung des Fonds gemδί Investmentgesetz (InvG) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
243 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_INVG_CATT | 6 | 1 | Texte für Tabelle TISSR_INVG_CAT | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
244 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_INV_STRAT | 3 | 1 | Definition der Anlagestrategie eines Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
245 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_INV_STRATR | 4 | 1 | Beziehung zwischen Anlagestrategie und Produkttyp | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
246 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_INV_STRATT | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_INV_STRAT | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
247 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_KENNUNG | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Kennung for NW102 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
248 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_KENN_BCK | 9 | 1 | ISSR: Zeilenkennung NW102 historisch als Backup-Tabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
249 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_LOCK_FIELD | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Gesperrte Felder Feldsteuerung Umbuchung Meldewesen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
250 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_LT_BODY | 5 | 1 | Gespeicherte Listinhalte neues Meldewesen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
251 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_LT_HEADER | 14 | 2 | Kopftabelle zur Speicherung von Listinhalten im neuen Mw | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
252 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_LT_HEADERT | 4 | 1 | Kopftabelle zur Speicherung von Listinhalten im neuen Mw | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
253 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MAACCO | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Definition MW- Accounting Zusatzdaten | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
254 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MAACRE | 19 | 1 | FSSR: Zusatzdaten Buchungskreis/Mw-Variante | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
255 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MAACVA | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung Buchungskreis < -> MW-Bew.bereich | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
256 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MABSEG_GRP | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung Segment zu Segmentgruppe | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
257 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MAB_DSFTLG | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung Deckungsstockumbuchungsflowtype für FILedger | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
258 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MAB_FT_FTP | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung Bewegungsteil zu Bewegung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
259 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MAB_LEDGER | 11 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung feste Ledger zu Bukrs | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
260 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MAFTP | 9 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Bewegungsteil (-seite) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
261 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MAFTPT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Bewegungsteil (-seite) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
262 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MAIFAG | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehungstabelle ISSR-Interface zu Arbeitsgebiet | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
263 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MALE | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Definition feste SR-Ledger (reservierte FI-SL Ledger) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
264 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MALET | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle MW-Ledger (reservierte FI-SL Ledger) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
265 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MALETY | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Definition SR-Ledgertype | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
266 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MALETYT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle für MW-Ledgertypen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
267 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MALGTG | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung MW-Tabellengruppe zu MW-Listengruppe | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
268 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MAP_DEPOT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Mappingtabelle für Dialogmodus Depotanlage CFM | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
269 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MAP_FCODE | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Mappingtabelle für Funktionscodes des Vorsystems | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
270 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MARECO | 12 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Meldewesen Variante | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
271 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MARECOT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Texte Meldewesen Variante | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
272 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MASEG | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Set's für Zuordnung FTP/FT | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
273 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MASEGGRP | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Set-Gruppen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
274 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MASEGGRPT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Set-Gruppen (Texttabelle) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
275 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MASEGT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Set's für Zuordnung FTP/FT | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
276 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MASELFLD | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Selektionen auf Meldewesenbestandstabelle/n | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
277 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MASRFT | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Meldewesen Bewegung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
278 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MASRFTCFM | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung CFM-FLOWTYPE zu MW-Bewegung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
279 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MASRFTT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Meldewesen Bewegung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
280 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MASRFT_BCK | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung CFM-FLOWTYPE zu MW-Bewegung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
281 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MASRFT_CFM | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung CFM-FLOWTYPE zu MW-Bewegung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
282 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MASRFT_RE | 4 | 2 | ISSR: Zuordnung FI-AA (RE) zu FT-Part | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
283 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MASRFT_TR | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung SBEWART zu MW-Bewegungsart | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
284 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MATABGRP | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Tabellengruppe | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
285 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MATABGRPT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Tabellengruppe | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
286 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MAVAAR | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Meldewesen Bewertungsbereich | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
287 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MAVAART | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zu Meldewesen Bewertungsbereiche | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
288 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MAVARE | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung MW-Variante zu Bukrs und MW-Bew.bereich | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
289 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MIGTP_EWR | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Steuertabelle Migration Kennz. R5/97 10 (Fonds) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
290 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MIG_WRKLST | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Liste von Tabellen einer gesetzlichen Umsetzung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
291 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_MV_UV | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung Meldewesenvarianten zu Userexitvarianten | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
292 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_NW670_BCK | 10 | 1 | ISSR: NW670-Kennungen historisch als Backup-Tabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
293 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_NW670_UMS | 4 | 1 | ISSR:man.Umsetzung NW670-Kennung auf Ebene:ASSET_NR | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
294 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_NW671_BCK | 10 | 1 | ISSR: NW671-Kennungen historisch als Backup-Tabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
295 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_NW673ID | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle für die Liste NW673 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
296 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_NW673ID_X | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle für die Liste NW673 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
297 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_NW673_BCK | 10 | 1 | Backup-Tabelle für Kennzeichen NW673 RX/2011 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
298 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_NW673_TXT | 8 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle für die Liste NW673 | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
299 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OECD_EEA | 5 | 1 | Länderzugehörigkeit zum EWR / OECD | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
300 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_ALVFAV | 15 | 1 | Hilfstabelle zum Speichern der Favoriten im ALV-Tree | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
301 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_BLOCK | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Blockweise Listen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
302 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_BLOCKT | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Blockweise Listen Texte | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
303 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_BLSP | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Blockweise Spalten | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
304 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_BLSPT | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Blockweise Spalten Texte | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
305 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_BUFFER | 9 | 1 | ISSR: var. Plazierung der Felder auf SF mit Hilfe Methoden | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
306 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_CL | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Klassen für Stammdatenzugriff | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
307 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_CLT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle für TISSR_OUT_CLT | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
308 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_CTFIBL | 14 | 1 | ISSR: var. Plazierung der Felder mit Hilfe von Methoden | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
309 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_DTSRC | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Datenquellen für Listaufbau | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
310 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_DTTAB | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Datentabelle für Listaufbau | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
311 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_EVENT | 2 | 1 | Zeitpunkte des Userexit-Aufrufs | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
312 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_EVENTT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Tetxttabelle zu TISSR_OUT_LT | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
313 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_EVT | 1 | 1 | Zeitpunkte des Userexit-Aufrufs | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
314 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_EVTT | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zu Events | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
315 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FB | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Funktionsbausteine für Ausgabe | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
316 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FBPA | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Parameter der FB | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
317 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FBPASD | 8 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehung IMPORT-Parameter der Lese-FB zu Summenf. | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
318 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FBPATA | 10 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehung IMPORT-Parameter der Lese-FB zu Summenf. | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
319 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FBT | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Tetxttabelle zu TISSR_OUT_LT | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
320 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FIBL | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Flexible Listausgabe: Zuweisung Feld/Block | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
321 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FICUS2 | 13 | 1 | ISSR: var. Plazierung der Felder auf SF mit Hilfe Methoden | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
322 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FICUS3 | 11 | 1 | ISSR: var. Plazierung der Felder auf SF mit Hilfe Methoden | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
323 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FICUST | 14 | 1 | ISSR: var. Plazierung der Felder auf SF mit Hilfe Methoden | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
324 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FIETYP | 2 | 1 | ISSR/Feldtyp: Welche Funktion hat Feld in Ausgabentabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
325 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FIETYT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Tetxttabelle zu TISSR_OUT_LT | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
326 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FILINK | 8 | 1 | ISSR: betriebswirtschaftliche Klammerung von Anzeigefelder | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
327 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FILI_N | 8 | 1 | ISSR: betriebswirtschaftliche Klammerung von Anzeigefelder | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
328 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FISP | 5 | 1 | ISSR:Blockbildung: In welche Sp. kann Feld verschoben wer. | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
329 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FN | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Feldnamen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
330 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FNMT | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Verbindung Methoden/ Feldnamen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
331 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FNMT_X | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Verbindung Methoden/ Feldnamen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
332 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FNT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle für TISSRFN | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
333 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FT | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Ausgabe-Bewegung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
334 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FTSP | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Meldewesen Bewegung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
335 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_FTT | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Ausgabe-Bewegung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
336 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_HEAD2 | 5 | 1 | ISSR: variable Spalten|berschrift f|r Listausgabe ALV | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
337 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_HEADER | 6 | 1 | ISSR: variable Köpfe für Listausgabe SMARTFORMS | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
338 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_HEADL | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Sprachenabh.variable Spaltenüberschr.für Listausg. ALV | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
339 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_HINT | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Tipps und Tricks zur Ausgabeliste Bez. Doku-Listtyp | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
340 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LG | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Listtypgruppen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
341 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LGLT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zusammenfassung Listtypen zu Listtypgruppen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
342 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LGRE | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Zuweisung Listtypgruppen/Reportnamen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
343 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LGT | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Listtypgruppen: Text | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
344 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LT | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Listtypen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
345 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LT2 | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Listtypen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
346 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LTALV | 13 | 1 | ISSR: Einstellungen für Ausgabe Liste im ALV | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
347 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LTALVT | 10 | 1 | ISSR: Einstellungen für Ausgabe Liste im ALV | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
348 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LTFT | 6 | 1 | Zuordnung pro Listtyp: MW-Fortschr. zu Ausgabe-Fortsschr. | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
349 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LTRA | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Schablone zu Listtyp | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
350 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LTSF | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Verknüpfung Listtypen/SMARTFORMS-Formular | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
351 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LTSTEP | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Listtypen nach Hierarchie (Liststep) geordnet | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
352 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LTT | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Tetxttabelle zu TISSR_OUT_LT | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
353 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LTT2 | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Tetxttabelle zu TISSR_OUT_LT | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
354 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_LTVAR | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Anzeigevariante für Ausgabecontainer sichern | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
355 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_MTIMP2 | 11 | 1 | ISSR: Zuweisung Felder Summentabelle zu Importparameter MT | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
356 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_MTIMPA | 11 | 1 | ISSR: Zuweisung Felder Summentabelle zu Importparameter MT | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
357 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_RE | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Ausgabereports | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
358 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_RERETY | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuweisung Ausgabereports/Reporttypen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
359 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_RET | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_OUT_RE | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
360 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_RETY | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Reporttypen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
361 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_RETYT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zu Reporttypentybelle TISSR_OUT_RETY | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
362 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_SCLCL | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehungen Klassenkurzbeschreibung zu Klassenname | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
363 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_SLCST | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Pro FI-SL-Summentabelle Zuweisung zur Ausgabetabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
364 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_ST | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Ausgabetabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
365 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_STT | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle für Summentabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
366 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_SUHI | 5 | 1 | ISSR:Pro Listentyp die Hierarchie der Summenfelder | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
367 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_SULV | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Weist pro Listentyp die Summationsebenen aus | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
368 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_TABTYP | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Tabellentypen (Bewegungstabelle, Summentabelle ...) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
369 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_TABTYT | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Tetxttabelle zu TISSR_OUT_LT | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
370 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_UE | 3 | 1 | FI-SL: Control table for client-specific user exits | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
371 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_OUT_UEXIT | 12 | 1 | ISSR: Definition des Userexits zu festgelegten Zeipunkten | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
372 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_PCAT_PTYPE | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Beziehung MW-Produkttype zu MW-Produktart | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
373 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_PDF_OUTPUT | 4 | 1 | Table records structure of Nachweisung Forms | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
374 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_PRIMANOTA | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Primonata | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
375 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_PTYPE_ACTI | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Auschluss von Meldewesen Produktarten je Buchungskreis | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
376 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_P_BUSCAT | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Ausnahmetabelle RWIN-Buchungen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
377 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_QUOTA | 4 | 1 | BaFin: Definition der Quoten für Durchsicht Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
378 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_QUOTAT | 7 | 1 | BaFin: Texte Quoten für Durchsicht Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
379 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_QUOTA_VAL | 8 | 1 | BaFin: Vorbelegung Quoten je Anlageart (Durchsicht) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
380 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_R59710_BCK | 11 | 1 | ISSR: BAV R5/97 Anl10 Kennung historisch als Backup-Tabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
381 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_R59710_OLD | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Kennzeichen BAV R5/97 Anlage 10 (alt) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
382 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_R59710_TRF | 4 | 1 | Zuordnungstabelle Anlage 10 R5/97 alt -> neu | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
383 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_R5974_BCK | 9 | 1 | ISSR: BAV R5/97 Anl4 - Kennung historisch als BACKUP-Tabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
384 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RATING | 3 | 1 | Ratingeinstufung des Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
385 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RATINGCOMT | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle zu TISSR_RATING_COM | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
386 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RATINGT | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle, Ratingeinstufung des Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
387 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RATING_COM | 3 | 1 | Ratinggesellschaften definieren | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
388 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RATING_DS | 8 | 1 | Ratingeinstufung je Fonds für Durchsicht Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
389 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RATING_DSR | 9 | 1 | Ratingeinstufung je Fonds für Durchsicht Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
390 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RATING_H | 11 | 1 | Historie des Wertpapier-Ratings | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
391 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RATING_REL | 4 | 1 | Beziehungstabelle zwischen Ratinggesellschaften und Rating | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
392 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RATING_RTX | 7 | 1 | Beziehungstabelle zwischen Ratinggesellschaften und Rating | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
393 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RBD_FTFTP | 5 | 1 | Zuordnung Vorsystembewegungsart zu MW-Bewegungsart | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
394 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_READ_FISL | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordn.Umsetzungsstrukt.zur MW-Var wg.Lesen FISL-EP | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
395 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_REDEMP_ACT | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Aktivierung Tilgungsliste für DV im Buchungskreis | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
396 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RFLOWTYPE | 3 | 1 | Mapping between the actual and temporary flowtypes | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
397 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RGREASON | 3 | 1 | Registrierungsgrund | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
398 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RGREASONT | 3 | 1 | Registrierungsgrund (Text) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
399 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RGSTATE | 6 | 1 | Objektzustand | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
400 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RGSTATET | 5 | 1 | Objektzustand (Text) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
401 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_RSTOCKBAV | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Relationship between field values and stockbav | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
402 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_SPARTE | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Versicherungssparte | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
403 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_SPARTET | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Versicherungssparte Texttabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
404 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_STOCKBAV | 3 | 1 | ISSR: Definition Stockkennzeichen BAV | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
405 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_STOCKBAVT | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Stockkennzeichen BAV Texttabelle | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
406 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_STOCKBAV_C | 6 | 1 | Vermögenskennzeichen zu Vermögensblöcken zuordnen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
407 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_STOCKFA | 3 | 1 | Vermögenskennzeichen Finanzamt definieren | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
408 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_STOCKFAT | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_STOCKFA | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
409 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_STOCK_C | 3 | 1 | Vermögensblöcke definieren | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
410 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_STOCK_CT | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_STOCK_C | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
411 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_STOCK_FIAA | 6 | 1 | Vermögenskennz. zu Bewertungsbereich FI-AA zuordnen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
412 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_STRUC2_TPT | 6 | 1 | Texttabelle zu TISSRFSTRUC2_TYP | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
413 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_STRUC2_TYP | 3 | 1 | Definition der Strukturierung eines Fonds | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
414 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_ALV | 8 | 1 | ISSR: Tabelle mit Zuordnung Strukturnamen für ALV-Einsatz | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
415 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_ALVFMT | 9 | 1 | ISSR: Einstellung ALV-Grid Umb. Meldedaten Formatierung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
416 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_ALVFTXT | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_TP_ALVFMT | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
417 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_ALVGRID | 21 | 1 | ISSR: Einstellung ALV-Grid Umbuchung Meldedaten | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
418 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_ALVGTXT | 9 | 1 | ISSR: Einstellung ALV-Grid Umbuchung Meldedaten | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
419 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_ALVNODE | 24 | 1 | ISSR: Einstellung ALV-Tree-Modell Knotenstrukturen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
420 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_ALVNTXT | 9 | 1 | ISSR: Einstellung ALV-Tree-Modell Knotenstrukturen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
421 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_ALVSORT | 17 | 1 | ISSR: Einstellung ALV-Grid Sortierkriterien | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
422 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_CDYNBST | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_TP_C_DYNSB | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
423 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_CDYNFST | 8 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_TP_C_DYNF | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
424 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_CDYNTDT | 8 | 1 | ISSR: Dynam. Zuweisung von Texten zu Tabreitern in Dynpros | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
425 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_CDYNTST | 8 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_TP_C_DYNTS | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
426 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_C_DYN | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung Report - Dynpro | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
427 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_C_DYNB | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Zuweisung des Textes zu Dynproblöcken | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
428 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_C_DYNBS | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Zuweisung des Textes zu Selektionsbildblöcken | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
429 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_C_DYNBT | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_TP_C_DYNB | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
430 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_C_DYNF | 17 | 1 | ISSR: Tabelle zur Feldaussteuerung DSUMB | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
431 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_C_DYNFS | 13 | 1 | ISSR: Feldsteuerung Selektionsbildschirme DSUMB | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
432 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_C_DYNFT | 8 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_TP_C_DYNF | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
433 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_C_DYNS | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung Report - Dynpro | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
434 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_C_DYNST | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_TP_C_DYN | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
435 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_C_DYNT | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Texttabelle zur Tabelle TISSR_TP_C_DYN | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
436 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_C_DYNTD | 8 | 1 | ISSR: Dynam.Texte + Einstellungen zu Tabreitern in Dynpros | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
437 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_C_DYNTS | 7 | 1 | ISSR: Dynam. Zuweisung von Texten zu Tabreitern in Selscreen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
438 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_DISP_R | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung RANTYP zur RTP-Gruppe für Feldaussteuerung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
439 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_DISP_RT | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung RANTYP zur RTP-Gruppe für Feldaussteuerung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
440 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_GENERAL | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Generelle Einstellungen zur Kennzeichenänderung Mw | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
441 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_MESSAGE | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Tabelle für dyn.Nachrichtenzuordnung Protokoll Umb.Mw | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
442 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_NODELEV | 6 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung ALV TREE <-> Knotenebene <-> ISSR-Feld | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
443 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_PROTMWV | 11 | 1 | Zuordnung Nachrichten zu Mw-Variante für Prot. Kennz.änd. | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
444 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_PROTOC | 5 | 1 | Zuordnung Meldewesenvariante zu Formroutine Kennz.änd. Pro | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
445 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_TP_STRUC | 11 | 1 | ISSR: Zuordnung der Strukturnamen zu den Funktionsbausteinen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
446 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_UE | 5 | 1 | FI-SL: Control table for client-specific user exits | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
447 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_UEXIT_VAR | 2 | 1 | ISSR: Definition von Userexit-Varianten | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
448 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_UEXIT_VART | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Definition von Userexit-Varianten | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
449 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_UMS_DV | 11 | 1 | ISSR: Migration Stammdaten Umsetzung Kennzeichen DV | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
450 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_UMS_DVERZ | 13 | 1 | ISSR: Migration Stammdaten Umsetzung Kennzeichen DV | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
451 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_UMS_R59710 | 16 | 1 | ISSR: Tabelle zur Umsetzung Kennz. Anl.10 R5/97 bei MigTP | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
452 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_UMS_R5973 | 9 | 1 | ISSR:Umsetzungstab.Kennz.Anl.3 R5/97 (alt) -> Anl.3+4(neu) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
453 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_VAR_SELSCR | 5 | 1 | ISSR: Tabelle zur Zuordnung der Startvariante z.SEL-SCREEN | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
454 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TISSR_VSACTIVATE | 4 | 1 | ISSR: Aktivierung Vorsystem | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
455 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TMR90 | 7 | 1 | Umschlüsselung Kurskennzeichen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
456 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TMR91 | 5 | 1 | Kurskennzeichen / Vendor | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
457 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TMR92 | 4 | 1 | Vendor | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
458 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TMR93 | 4 | 1 | Umschlüsselung Handelsplatz | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
459 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TMR94 | 4 | 1 | Umschlüsselung Währung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
460 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZB0V | 10 | 1 | Unterpositionen aus Bewegarten für OeNB-Meldung Österreich | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
461 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZB10V | 5 | 1 | Meldewesen Österreich: Beteiligungsformen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
462 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZB11V | 6 | 1 | Meldewesen Österreich: DÜVA-SS Bewegungsartenumschlüsselung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
463 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZB1V | 7 | 1 | Melderelevante Bewegungsarten Österreich | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
464 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZB2V | 4 | 1 | Melderelevante Produktarten Österreich | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
465 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZB3V | 2 | 1 | Meldungsarten Österreich | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
466 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZB4V | 4 | 1 | Priorität der Kennummern für DÜVA-SS (Österreich) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
467 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZB5V | 3 | 1 | Versicherungssparte für DÜVA Österreich | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
468 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZB6V | 4 | 1 | Österreich: Meldewesen OeNB Definition Unterpositionen | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
469 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZB7V | 5 | 1 | AT Großkreditevidenz: Finanzgeschäftsvogangstyp zu melden | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
470 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZB8V | 4 | 1 | Meldewesen Österreich: DÜVA-SS Schulden Bew.Arten umschl. | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
471 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZB9V | 3 | 1 | Meldewesen Österreich: Umschl. Stockkennz. - Vermögensart | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
472 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZC3A | 5 | 1 | Steuerung Großkreditmeldung Ö (Vertrag/Promesse) | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
473 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VBUST | 7 | 1 | Arten der Börsenumsatzsteuer | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
474 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VBUSTINTER | 8 | 1 | Intervall BUST-Meldung | Regulatory reporting for insurance companies |
Financial Services :: Regulatory reporting for insurance companies :: Germany |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
475 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | DSALBES | 6 | 1 | Compare Balance List Position Trend | Germany |
476 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZ28T_UMS | 7 | 1 | Umsetzungstab Texte Gesetzesänderung BAV 2002 | Germany |
477 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZ28_ARCHIV | 3 | 1 | Asset Type According to Regulatory Accounting Requirements | Germany |
478 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZ28_ARCHIVT | 6 | 1 | Asset Type in acc. with Reg.Acctng Requirements / Text | Germany |
479 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZ28_UMS | 4 | 1 | Umsetzungstab. Gesetzesänderung BAV 2002 | Germany |
480 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZ41 | 13 | 1 | Customizing reg. report. fld. ctrl. for prem. res. fund | Germany |
481 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZ43 | 2 | 1 | Relationship Table for Fund Categories - Pure Bond Funds | Germany |
482 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZA11 | 4 | 1 | Output control acc. to circular R96 appendix 11 | Germany |
483 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZA11R | 8 | 1 | Values for classifying appendices acc. to R96/11 | Germany |
484 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZA11R1 | 7 | 1 | Values for Classifying Appendix 10 According to R5/97 | Germany |
485 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZBAG | 12 | 2 | Output control for BAV reports | Germany |
486 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZBCKVWBEPI | 10 | 1 | Backup: Flow data - Position/Actual | Germany |
487 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZBR | 3 | 1 | Relationship table for contracting party classification | Germany |
488 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZBSA | 3 | 1 | Name of grouping table R11/76 app.4 - Coll.sec.type | Germany |
489 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZDV98 | 5 | 1 | Conversion matrix BAV premium reserve fund list 1998 | Germany |
490 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZDVA | 4 | 1 | BAV-DUEVA interface | Germany |
491 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZFUND | 2 | 1 | Zuordnung Gattung Fonds zur Zuführungsart BAV | Germany |
492 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZR96 | 12 | 1 | Circular R5/97 Control Table for Report Program RFVZBR00 | Germany |
493 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZR96A11 | 4 | 1 | Text table for circular R96 Appendix 11 | Germany |
494 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VZBAVF_AEND | 42 | 3 | BAV-Stammdaten ohne historische Führung - alte Zuführungsart | Germany |
495 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VZBAVF_BCK | 42 | 3 | BAV-Stammdaten ohne historische Führung - alte Zuführungsart | Germany |
496 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VZBAVV_AEND | 27 | 4 | variable BAV-Stammdaten - alte Zuführungsart | Germany |
497 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VZBAVV_BCK | 27 | 4 | variable BAV-Stammdaten - alte Zuführungsart | Germany |
498 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VZBAVZ | 14 | 1 | Stock totals for PRF-O | Germany |