SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

156 tablesERP 6.0 

Governance, Risk and Compliance :: GRC Access Control Plug-In
1ERP EHP76.0/GRCPI/GRIA_CON41Configuration DescriptionGRC Access Control Plug-In
2ERP EHP76.0/GRCPI/GRIA_CONC21Configuration Parameter TableGRC Access Control Plug-In
3ERP EHP76.0/GRCPI/GRIA_CONN41For Plugin and GRC BoxGRC Access Control Plug-In
4ERP EHP76.0/GRCPI/GRIA_CONT31Configuration Text TableGRC Access Control Plug-In
5ERP EHP76.0/GRCPI/GRIA_LOCK31For RT loackingGRC Access Control Plug-In
6ERP EHP76.0/GRCPI/GRIA_ROLD101Risk Terminator Role Old imageGRC Access Control Plug-In
7ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ALERTLIST391Compliance Calibrator Alert ListGRC Access Control Plug-In
8ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ALLASTRUN41Compliance Calibrator Alert Last runtimeGRC Access Control Plug-In
9ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ALMAILIDS51Compliance Calibrator Alert Email IDsGRC Access Control Plug-In
10ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ALTCDLOG71Compliance Calibrator Alert Transaction LogGRC Access Control Plug-In
11ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ANALOBJTT51Analyzed authorization objects TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
12ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ANALTRANT51Analyzed transactions TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
13ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/BUAPPVR31Business Unit ApproverGRC Access Control Plug-In
14ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/BUMONITOR31Business Unit - MonitorsGRC Access Control Plug-In
15ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/BUSSPROC31Business ProcessGRC Access Control Plug-In
16ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/BUSSPROCT41Business Process TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
17ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/COUPLETCD41Coulped transactionsGRC Access Control Plug-In
18ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/CRAUTHC1T81Restricted Critical Authorizations TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
19ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/CRAUTHL1T41SOD Authorization Object TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
20ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/CRAUTHL2T41SOD Authorization Object TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
21ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/CRAUTHL3T41SOD Authorization Object TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
22ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/CRAUTHL4T41SOD Authorization Object TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
23ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/CRAUTHL5T41SOD Authorization Object TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
24ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/CRAUTHOBT41Critical Authorization Objects TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
25ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/CRTRANC1T91Restricted Transactions TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
26ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/CSTMDATA51HR Triggers - Custom Field DataGRC Access Control Plug-In
27ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/DATA51HR Triggers - Standard Field DataGRC Access Control Plug-In
28ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/DBCONNECT91HR Triggers - DB ConnectionGRC Access Control Plug-In
29ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/DTCWKFLOW221Mitigation Work flow TableGRC Access Control Plug-In
30ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/FFREAACT61Reason/Activity DataGRC Access Control Plug-In
31ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/FFREACT61FF Reason ActivityGRC Access Control Plug-In
32ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/FLDMAP61HR Triggers - Field MappingGRC Access Control Plug-In
33ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/FUNCCHGLG81Function Change LogGRC Access Control Plug-In
34ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/FUNCTBP31Function-Business processGRC Access Control Plug-In
35ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/FUNCTION31Functions DefnitionGRC Access Control Plug-In
36ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/FUNCTIONT41Functions Defnition TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
37ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/FUNCTOBJ91Function - ObjectsGRC Access Control Plug-In
38ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/FUNCTRISK31Function and Risk RelationGRC Access Control Plug-In
39ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/FUNCTTCD41Function - TransactionsGRC Access Control Plug-In
40ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/HRCONNECT31HR Triggers - HR ConnectGRC Access Control Plug-In
41ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/INT_TRIG41HR Triggers - Trigger InformationGRC Access Control Plug-In
42ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/LICENSE41Compliance Calibrator LicenceGRC Access Control Plug-In
43ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MGMTALERT51Alerts total by Business ProcessGRC Access Control Plug-In
44ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MGMTANLYS111Analysis ResultsGRC Access Control Plug-In
45ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MGMTCRTR61User based Critical TCode & Role analysis detailsGRC Access Control Plug-In
46ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MGMTIDS61Rules information classified according business entitiesGRC Access Control Plug-In
47ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MGMTRISKD101User & Role analysis Risk detailsGRC Access Control Plug-In
48ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MGMTRISKS81User & Role analysis Risks Total by Risk IDs.GRC Access Control Plug-In
49ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MGMTRULER61SOD Rules Classified by Risk LevelGRC Access Control Plug-In
50ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MGMTRULES61SOD Rules Classified by StatusGRC Access Control Plug-In
51ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MGMTTOTAL201User & Role analysis Violations SummaryGRC Access Control Plug-In
52ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MGMTTOTBU61User & Role analysis Risks Total by Business ProcessGRC Access Control Plug-In
53ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MGMTUSR291Management Report User DetailsGRC Access Control Plug-In
54ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MGMTVLTNS51Violations Classified by Risk LevelGRC Access Control Plug-In
55ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MICCTLDTL31MIC Control DetailsGRC Access Control Plug-In
56ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MICEXLOG111MIC Run LogGRC Access Control Plug-In
57ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MICORGDTL31MIC OrgDetailGRC Access Control Plug-In
58ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MICPRCDTL31MIC OrgDetailGRC Access Control Plug-In
59ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MICRMAP41Virsa MIC Risk MAPGRC Access Control Plug-In
60ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MICUMAP81Virsa MIC CC MappingGRC Access Control Plug-In
61ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MITREPORT51Mitigating ReportsGRC Access Control Plug-In
62ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/MITWKFLOW171Mitigation Work flow TableGRC Access Control Plug-In
63ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ORGRULES91Organizational valuesGRC Access Control Plug-In
64ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ORGRULEST61Organizational values TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
65ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ORGUSERS61Mapping between users and the organizational valuesGRC Access Control Plug-In
66ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/RISKCHGLG81Risk Change LogGRC Access Control Plug-In
67ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/RISKOWNER31Risk OwnerGRC Access Control Plug-In
68ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/RISKS141Risk DefinitionGRC Access Control Plug-In
69ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/RISKST41Risk Definition TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
70ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/RSKWKFLOW181Risk WorkflowGRC Access Control Plug-In
71ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/RTCONFIG31Config table for Risk TerminatorGRC Access Control Plug-In
72ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/RTROLELCK31Risk Terminator Role LockGRC Access Control Plug-In
73ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/RTROLELOG71Log of user reason for profile gen with conflictsGRC Access Control Plug-In
74ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/RTROLEOLD101Risk Terminator Role Old imageGRC Access Control Plug-In
75ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/RULEATTR81HR Triggers - Rule AttributesGRC Access Control Plug-In
76ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/RULEATTRN81HR Triggers - Rule AttributesGRC Access Control Plug-In
77ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/RULEDET61HR Triggers - Rule DetailsGRC Access Control Plug-In
78ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/RULEDETT51HR Triggers - Rule DescriptionsGRC Access Control Plug-In
79ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/TCDCHGLOG71Transaction Change LogGRC Access Control Plug-In
80ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/TCDCOUPLE71Check on S_TCODE at call transactionGRC Access Control Plug-In
81ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/TCODE41Transaction CodeGRC Access Control Plug-In
82ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/TCODET51Transaction Code TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
83ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZANALOBJT81Analyzed authorization objectsGRC Access Control Plug-In
84ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZANALTRAN81Analyzed transactionsGRC Access Control Plug-In
85ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZAUTH31Authorization ValuesGRC Access Control Plug-In
86ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZAUTHT41Authorization Values descriptionGRC Access Control Plug-In
87ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZBUSUNIT31Business UnitsGRC Access Control Plug-In
88ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZBUSUNITT41Business UnitsTextGRC Access Control Plug-In
89ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRAUTH102Authorization ObjectsGRC Access Control Plug-In
90ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRAUTHC1161Restricted Critical AuthorizationsGRC Access Control Plug-In
91ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRAUTHL1102SOD Authorization ObjectGRC Access Control Plug-In
92ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRAUTHL2102SOD Authorization ObjectGRC Access Control Plug-In
93ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRAUTHL3102SOD Authorization ObjectGRC Access Control Plug-In
94ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRAUTHL4102SOD Authorization ObjectGRC Access Control Plug-In
95ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRAUTHL5102SOD Authorization ObjectGRC Access Control Plug-In
96ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRAUTHOB41Critical Authorization ObjectsGRC Access Control Plug-In
97ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRAUTHT41Authorization Objects TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
98ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRPARAM121SOD (Object Level) Supp.TableGRC Access Control Plug-In
99ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRPARAMT41SOD (Object Level) Supp.Table TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
100ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRPROF51Critical ProfilesGRC Access Control Plug-In
101ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRPROFT41Critical Profiles TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
102ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRROLES51Critical RolesGRC Access Control Plug-In
103ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRROLEST41Critical Roles TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
104ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRTRAN61Critical TransactionsGRC Access Control Plug-In
105ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRTRANC1261Restricted TransactionsGRC Access Control Plug-In
106ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZCRTRANT51Critical Transactions TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
107ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFARCH61Archival Data File InformationGRC Access Control Plug-In
108ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFAUTH31Authorization Values for FirefighterGRC Access Control Plug-In
109ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFCDHDR171FirefightId Change DocumentGRC Access Control Plug-In
110ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFCNTRL51ControllersGRC Access Control Plug-In
111ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFCONFIG41ConfigurationGRC Access Control Plug-In
112ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFCTL_RL51ControllersGRC Access Control Plug-In
113ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFNOTIF41Nofitcation DetailsGRC Access Control Plug-In
114ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFRCD41Reason CodesGRC Access Control Plug-In
115ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFRCDT41Reason Code TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
116ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFREALOG51Firefighter Notification DataGRC Access Control Plug-In
117ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFROLES51OwnersGRC Access Control Plug-In
118ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFROLEST51Owners TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
119ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFTCODET41TCode DescriptionGRC Access Control Plug-In
120ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFTNSLOG101Firefighter Transaction LogGRC Access Control Plug-In
121ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFUSERS71FirefightersGRC Access Control Plug-In
122ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZFFUSR_RL91FirefightersGRC Access Control Plug-In
123ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZMITAPVR31Mitigating Control MonitorsGRC Access Control Plug-In
124ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZMITCNTL81Mitigating Control - UsersGRC Access Control Plug-In
125ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZMITHROBJ91Mitigating Control - HR ObjectGRC Access Control Plug-In
126ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZMITMON51Mitigating Monitors and ApproversGRC Access Control Plug-In
127ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZMITPROF81Mitigating Control - ProfileGRC Access Control Plug-In
128ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZMITREF51Mitigating ControlsGRC Access Control Plug-In
129ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZMITREFT41Mitigating Controls TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
130ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZMITRISKS31Associated RisksGRC Access Control Plug-In
131ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZMITROLE81Mitigating Control - RoleGRC Access Control Plug-In
132ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZNWSYSLS41NW Compliance Calibrator System ListGRC Access Control Plug-In
133ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZROLADATR41Additional attributes informationGRC Access Control Plug-In
134ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZROLAPVR41ApproversGRC Access Control Plug-In
136ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZROLDEFH191Role Definition HeaderGRC Access Control Plug-In
137ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZROLDEFS101Composite RolesGRC Access Control Plug-In
138ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZROLDEFT141Role Definition - Transaction RecordsGRC Access Control Plug-In
139ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZROLDEFT151Role Definition Second Detail TableGRC Access Control Plug-In
140ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZROLFUNC31Functional AreasGRC Access Control Plug-In
141ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZROLMAN81Manual TransactionsGRC Access Control Plug-In
142ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZSODMIT31SOD Group Id and Mitigating Reference Number RelationshipGRC Access Control Plug-In
143ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZSODTC103SOD (TCode)GRC Access Control Plug-In
144ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZSODTCC1201Restricted SOD at Tcode LevelGRC Access Control Plug-In
145ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZSODTCC1T61Restricted SOD at Tcode Level TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
146ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZSODTCT41SOD (TCode) TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
147ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZVIRFFIDS61OwnersGRC Access Control Plug-In
148ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZVIRFFIDT51Firefighters Owners TextGRC Access Control Plug-In
149ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZVIRFFLOG171Firefighter Action LogGRC Access Control Plug-In
150ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZVIRFFPWD41SecurityGRC Access Control Plug-In
151ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZVIRTCODE31Critical TransactionsGRC Access Control Plug-In
152ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZVRATCNFG51Compliance Calibrator ConfigurationGRC Access Control Plug-In
153ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZVRATINC61SOD Analysis - Incremental TableGRC Access Control Plug-In
154ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZVRATINCC41SOD Analysis - Incremental Cross System ID TableGRC Access Control Plug-In
155ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZVRATINCT61SOD Analysis - Incremental (Last Run Control Table)GRC Access Control Plug-In
156ERP EHP76.0/VIRSA/ZVRMTCNFG31Role Expert ConfigurationGRC Access Control Plug-In