SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

414 tablesERP 6.0 

Basis Components :: Use Subcomponents :: Monitoring
1ERP EHP76.0ADMMSG41SAP Workload: Text for adm message defined in adxxkey.hMonitoring
2ERP EHP76.0ALALERTDB442Alert: alert database (general alert structure, raw message)Monitoring
3ERP EHP76.0ALALERTX522CCMS Monitoring: Cache for Alerts Already ReadMonitoring
4ERP EHP76.0ALALRTGUID212GUIDs for CCMS Alert IDs (for Alert Framework)Monitoring
5ERP EHP76.0ALAVLAGENT52Combine CCMSPING Agents into GroupsMonitoring
6ERP EHP76.0ALAVLCTRL121CCMSPING Push Technology: Current State of WorklistsMonitoring
7ERP EHP76.0ALAVLGCNTL231CCMS Avail. Mon.: Control Table for Reference System GroupMonitoring
8ERP EHP76.0ALAVLGRP_C81CCMS: Control Table for RFC_PING Check of Logon GroupsMonitoring
9ERP EHP76.0ALAVLGUID81CCMSPING: Mapping Table GUID <-> Monitored SystemMonitoring
11ERP EHP76.0ALAVLPTRC61Control Table for RFC_PING - CCMS Availability MonitoringMonitoring
12ERP EHP76.0ALAVLWORK71CCMS: Dummy Table for Config. Table ControlsMonitoring
13ERP EHP76.0ALBTCMON61Table for Batch MonitoringMonitoring
14ERP EHP76.0ALCACHECNF21Configuration of the SALC CacheMonitoring
15ERP EHP76.0ALCCMSPING_TRACE51CCMSPING-Trace-Tabelle - über ALAVLCTRL angeschaltetMonitoring
16ERP EHP76.0ALCLASTOOL82Alert: Assignment of tools to object classMonitoring
17ERP EHP76.0ALCONSEG313Alert: Context/segment assignmentMonitoring
18ERP EHP76.0ALCSMCONF51Configuration for CCMS AgentsMonitoring
19ERP EHP76.0ALCSMCONF_LOC51User/Client Info for Local CSMCONF for J2EE Add-InsMonitoring
20ERP EHP76.0ALCUSTSET142Alert: Monitoring Properties VariantsMonitoring
21ERP EHP76.0ALDBSCTX131CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Monitoring ContextsMonitoring
22ERP EHP76.0ALDBSMSEG101CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Monitoring SegmentsMonitoring
23ERP EHP76.0ALDBSMTE695CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: General MTE DataMonitoring
24ERP EHP76.0ALDBSPERF472CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Performance MTEMonitoring
25ERP EHP76.0ALDBSSMES242CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Status AttributeMTEMonitoring
26ERP EHP76.0ALDBSTOOL151CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: MTE Method DataMonitoring
27ERP EHP76.0ALDTSCACHE151SDTS: Current/Next Downtimes for CCMS Systems/InstancesMonitoring
28ERP EHP76.0ALDTSCTRL111Control Table for CCMS Evaluated Data ServiceMonitoring
29ERP EHP76.0ALDTSMAP52SDTS: Cache Table for CCMS Downtime MappingMonitoring
30ERP EHP76.0ALDWNTIME162Downtime of systems for availability calculationsMonitoring
31ERP EHP76.0ALF1DEFLT31CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Default Description TextsMonitoring
32ERP EHP76.0ALGLOBSYSLGFIL81Central System Log Filter DefinitionMonitoring
33ERP EHP76.0ALGRPCUSGE171Alert: General Customizing for MTE classesMonitoring
34ERP EHP76.0ALGRPCUSMC161Alert: Message container Customizing for Cust. groupsMonitoring
35ERP EHP76.0ALGRPCUSMG91Alert: Group Customizing data single message classMonitoring
36ERP EHP76.0ALGRPCUSPF171Alert: Group Customizing data performance classMonitoring
37ERP EHP76.0ALGRPMCFIL91Alert: Message container filter for Cust. groupsMonitoring
38ERP EHP76.0ALIMCDATA61Alerts: ABAP-Shared-Buffer for IMC CommunicationMonitoring
39ERP EHP76.0ALLONGJOB_CTRL71Control Table for CCMS Monitoring of Jobs by RuntimeMonitoring
40ERP EHP76.0ALMBCADM91CCMS Monitoring Cache: Administration of "MTEs of one Class"Monitoring
41ERP EHP76.0ALMBCDATA81CCMS Monitoring Cache: Data for "MTEs of one Class"Monitoring
43ERP EHP76.0ALMBRDATA151CCMS Monitoring Cache: Data for "MTEs of one Class"Monitoring
44ERP EHP76.0ALMDRLDSC31Alerts: Language-dependent rule descriptionMonitoring
45ERP EHP76.0ALMDRULES141Alerts: Rules for rule nodes of a monitor definitionMonitoring
46ERP EHP76.0ALMONIDEF283Alerts: Description of Monitor Definition NodesMonitoring
47ERP EHP76.0ALMONISETS171Alerts: Monitor sets of the CCMS monitoring infrastructureMonitoring
48ERP EHP76.0ALMONITORS142Alerts: Monitors and Corresponding Default ValuesMonitoring
49ERP EHP76.0ALMRULES151Alerts: Rule Descriptions for Monitor Definitions (V3)Monitoring
50ERP EHP76.0ALMSETS132Alerts: Monitor Sets and Corresponding AttributesMonitoring
51ERP EHP76.0ALMSETSV2171Alerts: Copy of Monitor Sets From Database Version 2Monitoring
52ERP EHP76.0ALMTCUSGEN251Alert: MT-specific Customizing Class-independentMonitoring
53ERP EHP76.0ALMTCUSMSC241Alert: MTE-specific Customizing: message containerMonitoring
54ERP EHP76.0ALMTCUSPER251Alert: MT-specific Customizing Performance-ClassMonitoring
55ERP EHP76.0ALMTCUSSMG171Alert: MT-specific Customizing: Single Message ClassMonitoring
56ERP EHP76.0ALMTECLSET71Alert: MTEClass setting of the Monitoring ArchitectureMonitoring
57ERP EHP76.0ALMTMSCFIL171Alert: MTE-Specific Message Container FilterMonitoring
58ERP EHP76.0ALNAMEDUSERS31Customizing Settings for CCMS Named Used Data CollectorMonitoring
59ERP EHP76.0ALNODEKEY72MTEKEY to node mappingMonitoring
60ERP EHP76.0ALPERFDB181Alert: Performance databaseMonitoring
61ERP EHP76.0ALPERFDB_C172Alert: Performance DatabaseMonitoring
62ERP EHP76.0ALPERFOB242Alert: Performance Database Object PartMonitoring
63ERP EHP76.0ALPERSONEL71Alerts: Personalized Data of Monitoring ArchitectureMonitoring
64ERP EHP76.0ALPFASSIGN121Alert: Assignment of Reorg/Coll Schema to MTE (New Version)Monitoring
65ERP EHP76.0ALPFAUTOREPORT141List of PerfDB Report to Be Executed AutomaticallyMonitoring
66ERP EHP76.0ALPFCOLLREORGSCH571Collection/Reorganization Schemata for PerfDBMonitoring
67ERP EHP76.0ALPFCOLLSYS31Systems from Which the CPH Collects DataMonitoring
68ERP EHP76.0ALPFCOLLTID171TID List Created from ALPFREORG:Objects to Collect in PerfDBMonitoring
69ERP EHP76.0ALPFDBVAR181PFDB: Report VariantsMonitoring
70ERP EHP76.0ALPFDBVARI21PFDB: Additional Performance History Report InformationMonitoring
71ERP EHP76.0ALPFDBVDES31PFDB: Language-dependent report variant descriptionMonitoring
72ERP EHP76.0ALPFPARAM61CPH SettingsMonitoring
73ERP EHP76.0ALPFPOLICY131Alert: Performance DB Schema (Reorg/Coll)Monitoring
74ERP EHP76.0ALPFREORG42Alert: Assignment of Reorg/Coll Schema to MTEMonitoring
75ERP EHP76.0ALPFREPDEF101Table for Report DefinitionsMonitoring
76ERP EHP76.0ALPFREPORTDEF91Table for PerfDB Report DefinitionsMonitoring
77ERP EHP76.0ALPFREP_CAT231PerfDB Reporting CatalogMonitoring
78ERP EHP76.0ALPFREP_DAT51Table for PerfDB Report DataMonitoring
79ERP EHP76.0ALPFSFTPLY271Table for Performance Database Shift Aggregate SchemaMonitoring
80ERP EHP76.0ALPFTHRHIST_RWS61Performance Threshold History: Number of RecordsMonitoring
81ERP EHP76.0ALPFTHRHIST_TB221Performance Threshold HistoryMonitoring
82ERP EHP76.0ALPFWSCHEM61Weighting Schemata for PerfDB ReorganizationsMonitoring
83ERP EHP76.0ALPF_TESTDATA61Repository for Test DataMonitoring
84ERP EHP76.0ALQRFCMON171Define Additional Message Container for qRFC Queue Mon.Monitoring
85ERP EHP76.0ALQRFCMONA71Assign qRFC Queues Application MSC MTEsMonitoring
86ERP EHP76.0ALQRFCMONO21Owner of the Active Queue Group Settings for RZ20Monitoring
87ERP EHP76.0ALQRFCMONQ51Assign qRFC Queues Application MSC MTEsMonitoring
88ERP EHP76.0ALSLDCTRL51CCMS Access to Standard SLD - X Not Possible, 0 PossibleMonitoring
89ERP EHP76.0ALSLDUPD51CCMS SCR SLD Comparison: Delet. and DSR Registration ActionsMonitoring
90ERP EHP76.0ALSYSAL81Instance Table for BOR Object SYALERT (for Use with WFs)Monitoring
91ERP EHP76.0ALSYSGRPS21Alerts: Definition of R/3 System GroupsMonitoring
92ERP EHP76.0ALSYSTEMS181CCMS Central System Management: Remote Managed SystemsMonitoring
93ERP EHP76.0ALTEXTASSIGN31Assignments of Text collection schemas to MTE classesMonitoring
94ERP EHP76.0ALTEXTDB151History Database for text, status, and message nodesMonitoring
95ERP EHP76.0ALTEXTSCHEMA31Definition of Schemas for Text HistoryMonitoring
96ERP EHP76.0ALTIDTOOL162Alert: Assignment of tools to TidMonitoring
97ERP EHP76.0ALTLDESCR31Alert: Method Description - Language-DependentMonitoring
98ERP EHP76.0ALTOOLCHEK51Alert: Tools that have been checked as usableMonitoring
99ERP EHP76.0ALTOOLDP51Alert: Name of tool dispatchersMonitoring
100ERP EHP76.0ALTOOLEXEC391Alert: Tool definition (executable, dispatcher and so on)Monitoring
101ERP EHP76.0ALTRAMONI61Monitoring Arch.: Table for Transaction-Specific MonitoringMonitoring
102ERP EHP76.0ALTSTLOD41Monitoring Arch.: For Report to Measure a Standard LoadMonitoring
103ERP EHP76.0ALVFOBMO51Alerts: Association Between Object Type and Monitor SetMonitoring
104ERP EHP76.0ALVFOBTY31Alerts: List of Supported Object TypesMonitoring
105ERP EHP76.0ALXMBALERT102Persistence Table for XMB Alert IDsMonitoring
106ERP EHP76.0ALXMBEMAIL101CCMS: Registration of E-Mail Recipients for AlertsMonitoring
107ERP EHP76.0ALXMBINHERITKEY31Inheritance Hierarchy for XI Monitor NodesMonitoring
108ERP EHP76.0ALXMBPFALERT181Exchange Infrastructure: Performance Alerts for XI MessagesMonitoring
109ERP EHP76.0ARCH_OHEAD31Archive File OverheadMonitoring
110ERP EHP76.0ASTAT_OKDF41Definition of OPENKEYS for Application-Triggered StatisticsMonitoring
111ERP EHP76.0ASTAT_OKTX31Short Texts for SAP Functions for Appl.-Triggered StatisticsMonitoring
112ERP EHP76.0ASTAT_TYP131Types of I/OkeysMonitoring
113ERP EHP76.0ASTAT_TYP221Customer specific activation of application statisticsMonitoring
114ERP EHP76.0ASTAT_TYPT41Text for types of application statisticsMonitoring
115ERP EHP76.0CCMSBIDATA251Time-Dependent General MTE DataMonitoring
116ERP EHP76.0CCMSBIMETH171Time-Dependent MTE Reaction MethodsMonitoring
117ERP EHP76.0CCMSBITHRH241Time-Dependent MTE Threshold ValuesMonitoring
118ERP EHP76.0CCMSBI_MTE_DATA251Time-Dependent General MTE DataMonitoring
119ERP EHP76.0CCMSBI_MTE_METH171Time-Dependent MTE Reaction MethodsMonitoring
120ERP EHP76.0CCMSBI_MTE_THRH241Time-Dependent MTE Threshold ValuesMonitoring
121ERP EHP76.0CPH_TRACE51Table for CPH Log InformationMonitoring
122ERP EHP76.0CSMBK164Fact Table for CCMS System RepositoryMonitoring
123ERP EHP76.0CSMBK_ASC335Associations in CCMS System RepositoryMonitoring
124ERP EHP76.0CSMBK_CL161Class Definitions in CCMS RepositoryMonitoring
125ERP EHP76.0CSMBK_CL2151Class Definitions in CCMS RepositoryMonitoring
126ERP EHP76.0CSMBK_CLST31Translation Table for CCMS CSM Class NamesMonitoring
127ERP EHP76.0CSMBK_OB2166New Object Table for SCR from SAP Web AS 6.10Monitoring
128ERP EHP76.0CSMBK_OBJ247Object Repository in CCMS System RepositoryMonitoring
129ERP EHP76.0CSMBK_PROT31Translation Table for CCMS CSM Provider NamesMonitoring
130ERP EHP76.0CSMBK_SEM111CSM_BK: Semantic and Token DefinitionsMonitoring
131ERP EHP76.0CSMBK_SEMT31Translation Table for CCMS CSM Semantic NamesMonitoring
132ERP EHP76.0CSMBK_TK171Token Definition in CCMS RepositoryMonitoring
133ERP EHP76.0CSMBK_TK2141Token Definition in CCMS RepositoryMonitoring
134ERP EHP76.0CSMBK_TOKT41Translation Table for CCMS CSM Token NamesMonitoring
135ERP EHP76.0CSMCENTOOL172CCMS Monitoring: Container for Methods Started CentrallyMonitoring
136ERP EHP76.0CSMCLDISPT91Display Properties for SCR ClassesMonitoring
137ERP EHP76.0CSMCLGUID251Mapping Table: GUIDs/SCR Classes and PropertiesMonitoring
138ERP EHP76.0CSMCLSGUID51Mapping Table: GUIDs/SCR Classes and PropertiesMonitoring
139ERP EHP76.0CSMCLSINH261CCMS System Comp Repository: Class Derivation RelationshipsMonitoring
140ERP EHP76.0CSMCLSMAP123Directory of CSM Classes for Fasr AccessMonitoring
141ERP EHP76.0CSMCLSMAP2152Directory of CSM Classes for Fasr AccessMonitoring
142ERP EHP76.0CSMCONTX211CCMS Central System Management: Remote Managed ContextsMonitoring
143ERP EHP76.0CSMNIPINGCFG81CCMS : Configuration Table for NI PING AvailabilityMonitoring
144ERP EHP76.0CSMNSDIC371CCMS CSM: Central Name Server DirectoryMonitoring
145ERP EHP76.0CSMNUDATA121CSM CEN CCMS Data to be ProcessedMonitoring
146ERP EHP76.0CSMNUMETH21Update Method Assignments for CCMS CSM TablesMonitoring
147ERP EHP76.0CSMPRPINH291Mapping Table: Property Inheritance of CCMS SCR ClassesMonitoring
148ERP EHP76.0CSMSCRMETH141Intrinsic Methods of CCMS System Component RepositoryMonitoring
149ERP EHP76.0CSMSEGM211CCMS Central System Management: Remote Managed SegmentsMonitoring
150ERP EHP76.0CSMSEGMX211CCMS: Cache for Administration of Monitored SegmentsMonitoring
151ERP EHP76.0CSMSYS51Central Table of Known SystemsMonitoring
152ERP EHP76.0CSMSYSAS131Central CCMS: List of SAP System InstancesMonitoring
153ERP EHP76.0CSMTOOLASG81CCMS Monitoring: Assignment of Methods Started CentrallyMonitoring
154ERP EHP76.0CSMVIEWDT111SCR ViewerMonitoring
155ERP EHP76.0CSM_ABOSCR151Subscription to Intrinsic Events in CCMS SCRMonitoring
156ERP EHP76.0CSM_ASC251Associations in SCR (from SAP Web AS 6.10)Monitoring
157ERP EHP76.0CSM_CLSINH81CCMS System Comp Repository: Class Derivation RelationshipsMonitoring
158ERP EHP76.0CSM_CLST51Translation Table for CCMS CSM Class NamesMonitoring
159ERP EHP76.0CSM_CNTXT81Contexts for Executing Asynchronous SCR MethodsMonitoring
160ERP EHP76.0CSM_EVENTS31Intrinsic Events in CCSM System Component RepositoryMonitoring
161ERP EHP76.0CSM_EVNTST31Descriptions of Intrinsic CCMS SCR EventsMonitoring
162ERP EHP76.0CSM_EXTVAL141Extended Keys for SCR ObjectsMonitoring
163ERP EHP76.0CSM_OBJ181Objects in System Component Repository from SAP Web AS 6.10Monitoring
164ERP EHP76.0CSM_PRPINH101Mapping Table: Property Inheritance of CCMS SCR ClassesMonitoring
165ERP EHP76.0CSM_TEXTS51Translation Table for SCR Classes and Other TextsMonitoring
166ERP EHP76.0CSM_TEXTS231Translation Table for SCR Classes and Other TextsMonitoring
167ERP EHP76.0CSM_TOKT41Translation Table for CCMS CSM Token NamesMonitoring
168ERP EHP76.0EDS_VERI_TEST231Testdaten für Evaluated Data Service Veri-Test SCSM_EDS_OQTMonitoring
169ERP EHP76.0EWAGG61Statistics, hierarchy of devclasses and applicationsMonitoring
170ERP EHP76.0EWEXC71Statistics, exceptions for EWAGGMonitoring
171ERP EHP76.0EWREL61Statistics, relations in hierarchyMonitoring
172ERP EHP76.0EWTXT41Statistics, text for applications and exceptions in EWEXCMonitoring
173ERP EHP76.0GRMG_AWS_CTRL101Control Flags: Transaction GRMG, GRMG ABAP Web Services UIMonitoring
174ERP EHP76.0GRMG_COMPONENTS31GRMG: table for componentsMonitoring
175ERP EHP76.0GRMG_COMPONENT_T41GRMG: table for componentsMonitoring
176ERP EHP76.0GRMG_CONTROL41GRMG: Table for application controlMonitoring
177ERP EHP76.0GRMG_ERROR_LOG71GRMG: Table for error logMonitoring
178ERP EHP76.0GRMG_HTML_TAGS91HTML tags the GRMG takes into account for resolving Web pgsMonitoring
179ERP EHP76.0GRMG_MESSAGES141GRMG: Table for messagesMonitoring
180ERP EHP76.0GRMG_PROPERTIES171GRMG: Table for propertiesMonitoring
181ERP EHP76.0GRMG_RUN_LOG111GRMG: Table for run logMonitoring
182ERP EHP76.0GRMG_SCENARIOS251GRMG: Table for scenario descriptionsMonitoring
183ERP EHP76.0GRMG_SCENARIO_T41GRMG: Table for scenario descriptionsMonitoring
184ERP EHP76.0SAPBWPRFLS41BW Workload: Relation of Workload Profile and Class NamesMonitoring
185ERP EHP76.0SAPWLCOLPA81SAP Workload: Parameters for Workload and Collector ControlMonitoring
186ERP EHP76.0SAPWLDMTHD41SAP Workload: Dynamically-Called Method for EventsMonitoring
187ERP EHP76.0SAPWLGTCTRL131Control Table: Dialog Response Times Without GUI TimeMonitoring
188ERP EHP76.0SAPWLMOIDX122SAP Workload: Index für Statistikdaten in der MONIMonitoring
189ERP EHP76.0SAPWLROLED91SAP Workload: Storage of User-Specific ST03N RoleMonitoring
190ERP EHP76.0SAPWLROLES161SAP Workload: Table for User-Specific ParametersMonitoring
191ERP EHP76.0SAPWLSFIDX51SAP Workload: Stats. record: index for statistics filesMonitoring
192ERP EHP76.0SAPWLSFIHD61SAP Workload: stat. record: starts of the statistics filesMonitoring
193ERP EHP76.0SAPWLTREEG171SAP Workload: Nodes for ST03G Tree ControlsMonitoring
194ERP EHP76.0SAPWLTREET51SAP Workload: Text Field for ST03G TreesMonitoring
195ERP EHP76.0SAPWLWAMAI61Table to dynam. output fields in Trans. STAD - main listMonitoring
196ERP EHP76.0SCMC_AM_GUID32Relation Between ObjectName and GUIMonitoring
197ERP EHP76.0SCMC_CACHE_ACC21Last Cache Access to Data of a MonitorMonitoring
198ERP EHP76.0SCMC_CACHE_CHG72Logging of All Deleted/New Cache EntriesMonitoring
199ERP EHP76.0SCMC_CACHE_PRC31Synchronization Table for the Cache Update ProcessesMonitoring
200ERP EHP76.0SCMC_CACHE_UPD21CCMS Monitoring Console Cache Update InformationMonitoring
201ERP EHP76.0SCMC_FVRS41CCMS MC Favorites Objects TableMonitoring
202ERP EHP76.0SCMC_LANDSCAPES31Landscapes in CCMS Monitoring ConsoleMonitoring
203ERP EHP76.0SCMC_LNDKEY41Key Table for Instance Names of SAP LandscapesMonitoring
204ERP EHP76.0SCMC_NODE476Basic Data of Executed MonitorsMonitoring
205ERP EHP76.0SCMC_NODE_MSC401Additional Attributes for Message Container NodesMonitoring
206ERP EHP76.0SCMC_NODE_PERF541Additional Attributes for Performance NodesMonitoring
207ERP EHP76.0SCMC_NODE_SMES181Additional Attributes for Log NodesMonitoring
208ERP EHP76.0SCMC_SETUP21Settings and ParametersMonitoring
209ERP EHP76.0SCMC_SYSTEMS141Systems in CCMS Monitoring ConsoleMonitoring
210ERP EHP76.0SCMLP251SMOI_WS: Configuration of Logical Ports for SAPSTARTSRVMonitoring
211ERP EHP76.0SCSM_CHECK_CUST131Customizing of CCMS ChecksMonitoring
212ERP EHP76.0SCSM_CHECK_DCODE31RZ50: Dynamic CodingMonitoring
213ERP EHP76.0SCSM_CHECK_ITF31Mapping Table: Adobe Forms ITF <-> RZ50 ChecksMonitoring
214ERP EHP76.0SCSM_CHECK_LOG132Log for Consistency CheckMonitoring
215ERP EHP76.0SCSM_CHECK_MAIL31Standard Link Between Check Object and Text ObjectMonitoring
216ERP EHP76.0SCSM_CHECK_MLCUS31Customer Link Between Check Object and Text ObjectMonitoring
217ERP EHP76.0SCSM_CHECK_RELAT51Configuration of the Available Standard ChecksMonitoring
218ERP EHP76.0SCSM_CHECK_RLCUS51Configuration of the Customer ChecksMonitoring
219ERP EHP76.0SCSM_CHECK_SET51Configured Check SetsMonitoring
220ERP EHP76.0SCSM_CHECK_USR11Customizing Table for Checking Locked UsersMonitoring
221ERP EHP76.0SCSM_MONSYS_BUF91Buffer Table ALSYSTEMMonitoring
222ERP EHP76.0SGLWLCUST161User Parameters for Workload TransactionsMonitoring
223ERP EHP76.0SGLWLPRFLS61SAP Workload: Profile Codes and Class NamesMonitoring
224ERP EHP76.0SGLWLSLIST171SAP Workload: User-Specific System List for Global AnalysisMonitoring
225ERP EHP76.0SQLRRELE21SAP R/3 ReleasesMonitoring
226ERP EHP76.0SQLRTAB91Customizing Table for SQL Trace InterpreterMonitoring
227ERP EHP76.0SQLRTEXT141Text Table for Groups for SQL Trace InterpreterMonitoring
228ERP EHP76.0SQLRTEXT231Text Table for Function for SQL Trace InterpreterMonitoring
229ERP EHP76.0SQLRUSER121Customizing Table for SQL Trace InterpreterMonitoring
230ERP EHP76.0SQLRUSER191User Table for Groups for SQL Trace InterpreterMonitoring
231ERP EHP76.0SQLRUSER2101User Table for Function for SQL Trace InterpreterMonitoring
232ERP EHP76.0SWLN3CMPIF51Non-R/3 Statistic: Action Type and Service Type InformationMonitoring
233ERP EHP76.0SWLN3CMPIT61Non-R/3 Statistic: Action Type and Service Type InformationMonitoring
234ERP EHP76.0SWLN3MOIDX131Non-R/3 Statistic: Index of Existing AggregatesMonitoring
235ERP EHP76.0SWLN3PARAM91Non-R/3 Statistic: Control ParametersMonitoring
236ERP EHP76.0SWLN3WORKL101Non-R/3 Statistic: Summarized Statistic Data (Aggregates)Monitoring
237ERP EHP76.0SWNCCOLLCOMPRESS81SAP Workload NW Collector: Aggregate Compression ParametersMonitoring
238ERP EHP76.0SWNCCOLLPACKSIZE41SAP Workload NW Collector: Automatic Package SizesMonitoring
239ERP EHP76.0SWNCCOLLPARAM121SAP Workload NW Collector: Collector ParametersMonitoring
240ERP EHP76.0SWNCCOLLPATXT51SAP Workload NW Collector: Collector ParametersMonitoring
241ERP EHP76.0SWNCCOLLPERF222Performance Data of the Workload CollectorMonitoring
242ERP EHP76.0SWNCCOLLPERFTOT152Performance Data of the Workload CollectorMonitoring
243ERP EHP76.0SWNCGLOBDEST61SAP Workload NW Collector: GLOB_STAT RFC DestinationsMonitoring
244ERP EHP76.0SWNCMONI102SAP Workload NW Collector: Data ClustersMonitoring
245ERP EHP76.0SWNCMONIINDEX182SAP Workload NW Collector: Data Cluster Index TableMonitoring
Basis Components :: Use Subcomponents :: Monitoring :: Database Monitors
247ERP EHP76.0ALLAZYMT62ALERTS NEXT GEN: Whole Database Monitoring Tree Infrastr.Database Monitors
248ERP EHP76.0ALLAZYMT2131ALERTS NEXT GEN: NEW (>=4.6A) Database Monitoring TreeDatabase Monitors
249ERP EHP76.0INFCFGAL21INFCFGCHECK: scheduling of alert relevant checksDatabase Monitors
250ERP EHP76.0INFCFGALRS141INFCFGCHECK: temp. storing of alert resultsDatabase Monitors
251ERP EHP76.0INFCFGDBG21INFCFGCHECK: debugging, ...Database Monitors
252ERP EHP76.0INFCFGRESD141Detail result table for Informix/OS check programDatabase Monitors
253ERP EHP76.0INFCFGRESM131Master result table for Informix/OS check programDatabase Monitors
254ERP EHP76.0INFCFGTHRE191'Thresholds' for Informix/OS configuration check programDatabase Monitors
255ERP EHP76.0SDBMON41Permanent Storage for the Database MonitorDatabase Monitors
256ERP EHP76.0SDBMONDDDB21DB Monitor: permanent storage of SAP consistency checkDatabase Monitors
257ERP EHP76.0SORAMON41Oracle: Permanent Storage for the Oracle Database MonitorDatabase Monitors
Basis Components :: Use Subcomponents :: Monitoring :: Operating System Monitors
258ERP EHP76.0CCM_ZOS31SID to Sysplex LPRA mappingOperating System Monitors
259ERP EHP76.0LOGIC_DEST61Table for logical destinationOperating System Monitors
260ERP EHP76.0OSMON211Operating system monitoring dataOperating System Monitors
Basis Components :: Use Subcomponents :: Monitoring :: Oracle Database Monitors
261ERP EHP76.0DB02N_ANA71Detailed analyses in ST04NOracle Database Monitors
262ERP EHP76.0DB02N_ANAT31Detailed analyses in ST04N (Node names)Oracle Database Monitors
263ERP EHP76.0DB02_COLL_LOG91Oracle monitoring: DB02 collector logOracle Database Monitors
264ERP EHP76.0DB02_COLL_PLAN121Oracle monitoring: List of coll. functions for DB02Oracle Database Monitors
265ERP EHP76.0GVD_CURR_BLKSRV171copy of gv$current_block_serverOracle Database Monitors
266ERP EHP76.0GVD_INSTANCE181Copy of GV$INSTANCEOracle Database Monitors
267ERP EHP76.0GVD_MANGD_STANBY161copy of GV$MANAGED_STANDBY (currently not provided w. snaps)Oracle Database Monitors
268ERP EHP76.0GVD_SPPARAMETER81Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$SPPARAMETEROracle Database Monitors
269ERP EHP76.0ORAINDINFO261Information About the Storage Quality of the IndexesOracle Database Monitors
270ERP EHP76.0ORAISQCTRL31RSORAISQ Index Storage Quality Maintenance Control TableOracle Database Monitors
271ERP EHP76.0ORATSPINFO181Tablespace InformationOracle Database Monitors
272ERP EHP76.0ORA_ASHGSET31Oracle ASH monitor graphic settingsOracle Database Monitors
273ERP EHP76.0ORA_ASHGSETID11Oracle ASH monitor graphic settingsOracle Database Monitors
274ERP EHP76.0ORA_DBA_TCOL61Oracle monitoring: Transparent table for table columnsOracle Database Monitors
275ERP EHP76.0ORA_DBA_TCOLUMNS101Oracle monitoring: Transparent table for table columnsOracle Database Monitors
276ERP EHP76.0ORA_DBH_CONFIG41Oracle DBH SettingsOracle Database Monitors
277ERP EHP76.0ORA_FEAT_USED31ORA: Used Oracle Features for DBACockpitOracle Database Monitors
278ERP EHP76.0ORA_IND_QLTY21Oracle monitoring: Index storage qualityOracle Database Monitors
279ERP EHP76.0ORA_ISQ_DETAIL202Index Storage Quality - Objects of a WorkingsetOracle Database Monitors
280ERP EHP76.0ORA_ISQ_HEADER151Index Storage Quality - Header of a WorkingsetOracle Database Monitors
281ERP EHP76.0ORA_ISQ_HISTORY181Index Storage Quality - Objectshistory DataOracle Database Monitors
282ERP EHP76.0ORA_ISQ_PARAM31Index Storage Quality - ParametersOracle Database Monitors
283ERP EHP76.0ORA_JSEL_STMT31Oracle 'arbitrary join select monitor' statementOracle Database Monitors
284ERP EHP76.0ORA_JSEL_STMTID11Oracle 'arbitrary join select monitor' statement IDsOracle Database Monitors
285ERP EHP76.0ORA_MON_DBCON61Oracle monitoring: list of external Oracle connectionsOracle Database Monitors
286ERP EHP76.0ORA_SQLC_DATA61ORA: SQL Command Editor Data TableOracle Database Monitors
287ERP EHP76.0ORA_SQLC_HEAD61ORA: SQL Command Editor Header TableOracle Database Monitors
288ERP EHP76.0ORA_STT_DATA41DBACockpit: Data table for RSORASTTOracle Database Monitors
289ERP EHP76.0ORA_STT_HEAD21DBACockpit: Header table for RSORASTTOracle Database Monitors
290ERP EHP76.0TCS_GSETID21TimeChartSimple: IDs of stored graphic settings (customizg)Oracle Database Monitors
291ERP EHP76.0TCS_GSETTING41TimeChartSimple: Graphic settingsOracle Database Monitors
292ERP EHP76.0TIME_STAT_AWR11Temporary table for AWR Graphics monitorOracle Database Monitors
Basis Components :: Use Subcomponents :: Monitoring :: Performance Monitors TCC
293ERP EHP76.0AMDS142Effective size of tables and indexes in the databasePerformance Monitors TCC
294ERP EHP76.0AMDT71Control Table for Application Monitor / DB StoragePerformance Monitors TCC
295ERP EHP76.0AMRH62Application Monitor: Hierarchy acc. to TCODE/REPORTPerformance Monitors TCC
296ERP EHP76.0AMSK101SQL trace header info in application monitorPerformance Monitors TCC
297ERP EHP76.0AMSP121SQL trace position info in application monitorPerformance Monitors TCC
298ERP EHP76.0BUFCHECK41Exception table of tables that cannot be bufferedPerformance Monitors TCC
299ERP EHP76.0DBCHK21Exceptions for data base checksPerformance Monitors TCC
300ERP EHP76.0DBSNP221Database snapshotsPerformance Monitors TCC
301ERP EHP76.0DBSTAIHADA61Actual size of indices on the database (history)Performance Monitors TCC
302ERP EHP76.0DBSTAIHORA81Actual size of indices on the database (history)Performance Monitors TCC
303ERP EHP76.0DBSTATHADA61Actual size of tables on the database (history)Performance Monitors TCC
304ERP EHP76.0DBSTATHINF141INFORMIX update statistical informationPerformance Monitors TCC
305ERP EHP76.0DBSTATHORA131Actual size of tables on the database (history)Performance Monitors TCC
306ERP EHP76.0DBSTATIADA61Actual size of indices on the databasePerformance Monitors TCC
307ERP EHP76.0DBSTATIORA81Actual size of indices on the databasePerformance Monitors TCC
308ERP EHP76.0DBSTATTADA61Actual size of tables on the databasePerformance Monitors TCC
309ERP EHP76.0DBSTATTINF141INFORMIX update statistical informationPerformance Monitors TCC
310ERP EHP76.0DBSTATTORA132Actual size of tables on the databasePerformance Monitors TCC
311ERP EHP76.0DBVSE71Table for Oracle DB Snapshots of V$SYSTEM_EVENTPerformance Monitors TCC
312ERP EHP76.0EARLY61Monitor table MONIPerformance Monitors TCC
313ERP EHP76.0EWJOBSCHED111Scheduling parameters for EarlyWatch background jobsPerformance Monitors TCC
314ERP EHP76.0EWOSS151Technical settings for transaction OSS1Performance Monitors TCC
315ERP EHP76.0EWTABB31Table for EarlyWatch ReportPerformance Monitors TCC
316ERP EHP76.0GST04SRVRS121List of all R/3 instances with DBPerformance Monitors TCC
317ERP EHP76.0GVD_BGPROCESS61Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$BGPROCESSPerformance Monitors TCC
318ERP EHP76.0GVD_BUFF_POOL_ST221Oracle Monitoring: Copy of gv$buffer_pool_statisticsPerformance Monitors TCC
319ERP EHP76.0GVD_DATABASE391Copy of GV$DATABASE (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
320ERP EHP76.0GVD_DATAFILE311Copy of GV$DATAFILEPerformance Monitors TCC
322ERP EHP76.0GVD_DB_CACHE_ADV111Copy of GV$DB_CACHE_ADVICE (currently not provided w. snaps)Performance Monitors TCC
323ERP EHP76.0GVD_ENQUEUE_STAT81Copy of GV$ENQUEUE_STATPerformance Monitors TCC
324ERP EHP76.0GVD_FILESTAT161Copy of GV$FILESTATPerformance Monitors TCC
325ERP EHP76.0GVD_LATCH261Copy of GV$LATCHPerformance Monitors TCC
327ERP EHP76.0GVD_LATCHHOLDER61Copy of GV$LATCHHOLDER (currently not provided with snapsh)Performance Monitors TCC
328ERP EHP76.0GVD_LATCHNAME41Copy of GV$LATCHNAME (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
329ERP EHP76.0GVD_LATCH_MISSES101Copy of GV$LATCH_MISSESPerformance Monitors TCC
330ERP EHP76.0GVD_LATCH_PARENT261Copy of GV$LATCH_PARENT (currently not provided with snaps)Performance Monitors TCC
331ERP EHP76.0GVD_LIBRARYCACHE161Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$LIBRARYCACHEPerformance Monitors TCC
332ERP EHP76.0GVD_LOCK121Copy of GV$LOCKPerformance Monitors TCC
333ERP EHP76.0GVD_LOCKED_OBJEC111Copy of GV$LOCKED_OBJECTPerformance Monitors TCC
334ERP EHP76.0GVD_LOCK_ACTIVTY61Copy of GV$LOCK_ACTIVITYPerformance Monitors TCC
335ERP EHP76.0GVD_LOGFILE71Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$LOGFILEPerformance Monitors TCC
336ERP EHP76.0GVD_OBJECT_DEPEN101Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$OBJECT_DEPENDENCYPerformance Monitors TCC
337ERP EHP76.0GVD_PARAMETER131Copy of GV$PARAMETERPerformance Monitors TCC
338ERP EHP76.0GVD_PARAMETER2151Copy of GV$PARAMETER2 (currently not provided with snapshotPerformance Monitors TCC
339ERP EHP76.0GVD_PGASTAT51Copy of GV$PGASTATPerformance Monitors TCC
340ERP EHP76.0GVD_PGA_TARGET_A91Copy of GV$PGA_TARGET_ADVICEPerformance Monitors TCC
342ERP EHP76.0GVD_PROCESS171Copy of GV$PROCESSPerformance Monitors TCC
343ERP EHP76.0GVD_PX_SESSION131Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$PX_SESSIONPerformance Monitors TCC
344ERP EHP76.0GVD_ROWCACHE191Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$ROWCACHEPerformance Monitors TCC
345ERP EHP76.0GVD_SEGMENT_STAT131Copy of GV$SEGMENT_STATISTICS (curr. not provided w. snaps)Performance Monitors TCC
346ERP EHP76.0GVD_SEGSTAT81Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$SEGSTATPerformance Monitors TCC
347ERP EHP76.0GVD_SERVERLIST81Oracle Monitoring: Snapshot table for the R/3 serverlistPerformance Monitors TCC
348ERP EHP76.0GVD_SESSION491Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SESSIONPerformance Monitors TCC
349ERP EHP76.0GVD_SESSION_EVT111Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$SESSION_EVENTPerformance Monitors TCC
350ERP EHP76.0GVD_SESSION_WAIT171Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$SESSION_WAITPerformance Monitors TCC
351ERP EHP76.0GVD_SESSTAT51Snapshot table for GV$SESSTAT (curr. not provided w. snaps)Performance Monitors TCC
352ERP EHP76.0GVD_SESS_IO81Copy of GV$SESS_IO (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
353ERP EHP76.0GVD_SGA41Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGAPerformance Monitors TCC
354ERP EHP76.0GVD_SGACURRRESIZ131Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZEPerformance Monitors TCC
355ERP EHP76.0GVD_SGADYNCOMP121Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONPerformance Monitors TCC
356ERP EHP76.0GVD_SGADYNFREE31Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGA_DYNAMIC_FREE_MPerformance Monitors TCC
357ERP EHP76.0GVD_SGARESIZEOPS141Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$SGA_RESIZE_OPSPerformance Monitors TCC
358ERP EHP76.0GVD_SGASTAT51Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGASTATPerformance Monitors TCC
359ERP EHP76.0GVD_SHAR_P_ADV91Oracle Monitoring: Copy of gv$shared_pool_advicePerformance Monitors TCC
360ERP EHP76.0GVD_SQL491Copy of GV$SQL (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
361ERP EHP76.0GVD_SQLAREA381Copy of GV$SQLAREA (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
362ERP EHP76.0GVD_SQLTEXT71Copy of GV$SQLTEXT (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
363ERP EHP76.0GVD_SQL_WA_ACTIV191Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVEPerformance Monitors TCC
364ERP EHP76.0GVD_SQL_WA_HISTO81Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAMPerformance Monitors TCC
365ERP EHP76.0GVD_SQL_WORKAREA211Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$SQL_WORKAREAPerformance Monitors TCC
366ERP EHP76.0GVD_SYSSTAT61Copy of GV$SYSTATPerformance Monitors TCC
368ERP EHP76.0GVD_TEMPFILE161Copy of GV$TEMPFILEPerformance Monitors TCC
369ERP EHP76.0GVD_UNDOSTAT191Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$UNDOSTATPerformance Monitors TCC
370ERP EHP76.0GVD_WAITSTAT51Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$WAITSTATPerformance Monitors TCC
371ERP EHP76.0GVD_WPTOTALINFO361Oracle Monitoring: Workprocess Information snapshot tablePerformance Monitors TCC
372ERP EHP76.0MONI61Monitor table MONIPerformance Monitors TCC
373ERP EHP76.0ORA_DBA_EXTENTS121Copy of DBA_EXTENTS (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
374ERP EHP76.0ORA_DBA_OBJECTS161Copy of DBA_OBJECTS (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
375ERP EHP76.0ORA_DBA_SEGMENTS201Copy of DBA_SEGMENTS (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
376ERP EHP76.0ORA_DBA_TABLES491Copy of DBA_TABLES (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
377ERP EHP76.0ORA_HISTPAR31Parameter values for oracle history collectorPerformance Monitors TCC
378ERP EHP76.0ORA_IDLE_EVENTS11Oracle: Idle eventsPerformance Monitors TCC
379ERP EHP76.0ORA_RESUMABLE211Oracle monitor: Copy of DBA_RESUMABLEPerformance Monitors TCC
380ERP EHP76.0ORA_SAPKCBFWAIT61Copy of SAP$KCBFWAITPerformance Monitors TCC
381ERP EHP76.0ORA_SAP_AUXSTATS51Oracle monitor: Copy of SAP_AUXSTATSPerformance Monitors TCC
382ERP EHP76.0ORA_SNAPSHOT81Master data of an oracle monitor snapshotPerformance Monitors TCC
383ERP EHP76.0ORA_TABLESPACES181Oracle monitor: Copy of DBA_TABLESPACESPerformance Monitors TCC
384ERP EHP76.0PAHI71History of system, DB and SAP parameterPerformance Monitors TCC
385ERP EHP76.0SAPWLREORG41SAP Workload: Reorganization controlPerformance Monitors TCC
386ERP EHP76.0SAPWLSERV61SAP Workload: Table of active serversPerformance Monitors TCC
387ERP EHP76.0SAPWLT000811SAP workload: statistics dataPerformance Monitors TCC
388ERP EHP76.0SAPWLT001151SAP workload: Table statisticsPerformance Monitors TCC
389ERP EHP76.0SAPWLT002191SAP workload: RFC statistics dataPerformance Monitors TCC
390ERP EHP76.0ST04N_ANA71Detailed analyses in ST04NPerformance Monitors TCC
391ERP EHP76.0ST04N_ANAT31Detailed analyses in ST04N (Node names)Performance Monitors TCC
392ERP EHP76.0ST04N_LIM31Limiting values for lights in oracle main monitorPerformance Monitors TCC
393ERP EHP76.0TNETMAC31Maintenance of mac addresses in SAP network monitorPerformance Monitors TCC
394ERP EHP76.0TNETMONINF41Network Monitor:Configuration data and work informationPerformance Monitors TCC
395ERP EHP76.0TRS3571Control Table RSSTAT35 Collector RunPerformance Monitors TCC
396ERP EHP76.0TSTAMK21Classification of SAP Tables by Expected Size in ProductionPerformance Monitors TCC
397ERP EHP76.0TUNE1151Tune: Maximum Puffer Sizes/Directory Entries ReachedPerformance Monitors TCC
398ERP EHP76.0TUNEOPSGEN21table for generate decisionPerformance Monitors TCC
399ERP EHP76.0USER_DIR51Table used to store user def. directories to be used in al11Performance Monitors TCC
400ERP EHP76.0WPTOTLIUSR41User settings in global work process overviewPerformance Monitors TCC
Basis Components :: Use Subcomponents :: Monitoring :: SAP System Log
401ERP EHP76.0SLGSK31System Log Statistics by Log TypeSAP System Log
402ERP EHP76.0SLGSM31System Log Statistics by MessageSAP System Log
403ERP EHP76.0SLGSR31System Log Statistics by ReportsSAP System Log
404ERP EHP76.0SLGST31System Log Statistics by TransactionSAP System Log
405ERP EHP76.0SLGSY31System Log Statistics by Time StampSAP System Log
406ERP EHP76.0TSL1D71System Log Message (Formerly 100S or TSL01)SAP System Log
407ERP EHP76.0TSL1T41System Log: Message texts (Formerly T100S, TSL01)SAP System Log
408ERP EHP76.0TSL4T31SYSLOG Monitoring CategoriesSAP System Log
409ERP EHP76.0TSL5D601System Log Filter Settings UsedSAP System Log
410ERP EHP76.0TSL7T31Syslog new assessment for monitoringSAP System Log
411ERP EHP76.0TSLE121PlatformSAP System Log
412ERP EHP76.0TSLE231Errno numbersSAP System Log
413ERP EHP76.0TSLE331Errno values descriptionSAP System Log
414ERP EHP76.0TSLE421Instances operating systemsSAP System Log