SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

1776 tablesERP 6.0 

Industry Specific :: SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
1ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/COSTCOV182IS-H FR: CoverageSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
2ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/MATSERV71IS-H FR: Assign Service -> MaterialSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
3ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/NTPKFR281IS-H FR: Additional Fields for Service Master FranceSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
4ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/NTPKFR_AK201IS-H FR: Asgt Serv. Master France => Activity + PhaseSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
5ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/NTPKFR_AS181IS-H FR: Asgt Serv. Master France => Ass. Serv. + CodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
6ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/NTPKFR_GH241IS-H FR: Additional Fields for Service Master France (DRG)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
7ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/NTPKFR_LA131IS-H FR: Asgt Service Master France => Service ExclusionSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
8ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/NTPKFR_MC151IS-H FR: Asgt Service Master France => Modif. CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
9ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/NVVW_TDA101Individual Contract Scheme Item Data - Time-DependentSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
10ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/PARAM71IS-H FR: System Control Parameters (Instit.- and Time-Dep.)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
11ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/SERVF0491IS-H FR: LPP PricingSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
12ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/SERVF14101EMI/ETI Margin ServiceSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
13ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TJ0761Influence of system status on transactionsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
14ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TN16P_TDA131Items for Contract Schemes - Time-DependentSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
15ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TN21A101IS-H FR: Determine Billing TypeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
16ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TN290_COD91IS-H FR: Receipt CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
17ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNCODES31IS-H FR: Carte Vitale - Code List CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
18ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNCODEST51IS-H FR: Carte Vitale - Code List TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
19ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNGAPH101IS-H FR: Supplements (Header Data)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
20ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNGAPP181IS-H FR: Supplements (Item Data)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
21ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNHISTRTY111IS-H FR: Assignment Table "Scheme for Recipient Type"SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
22ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR0161IS-H FR: Grouping Keys for Service MasterSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
23ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR01T41IS-H FR: Grouping Key - Texts for Service MasterSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
24ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR0221IS-H FR: Medical Category for Service MasterSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
25ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR02T41IS-H FR: Medical Category - Texts for Service MasterSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
26ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR0321IS-H FR: Modification Code for Service MasterSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
27ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR03T41IS-H FR: Modification Code - Texts for Service MasterSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
28ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR0431IS-H FR: Charge Zones for PersonsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
29ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR04T51IS-H FR: Charge Zones for Persons - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
30ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFRDO31Type of DosimetrySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
31ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFRDOT51Type of Dosimetry - Text TableSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
32ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFRGCD61IS-H FR: PDG Grouping CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
33ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFRGCDT61IS-H FR: PDG Grouping Codes - Text TableSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
34ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFRLVTY81IS-H FR: Maximum Limit for ExemptionsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
35ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFRPD71IS-H FR: Payment Distribution - Limit by Contract SchemeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
36ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFRRD31Dev. TypeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
37ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFRRDT51Device Type - Text TableSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
38ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR_B2201IS-H FR: Control Settings for B2 DispatchSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
39ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR_BAO31IS-H FR: Coverage Status for Social InsuranceSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
40ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR_BAT41IS-H FR: AMO Billable - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
41ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR_CCP181IS-H FR: Coordinated Care PathSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
42ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR_F00111IS-H FR: Fixed Patient ContributionSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
43ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR_F10161IS-H FR: Per Diem FeeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
44ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR_F19161Surcharge for Care Path (CCP)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
45ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR_F2071PSC Patient Contribution Inc. Assignment TypeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
46ERP EHP76.0/ISHFR/TNWFR_F21171Absence ControlSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
47ERP EHP76.0HRP6076202DB-Tabelle zum Infotyp 6076SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
48ERP EHP76.0ISH_EVENT_ASSIGN61Assignment of Communication Structures to EventsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
49ERP EHP76.0ISH_HCF_HEADER181Header for Index TableSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
50ERP EHP76.0ISH_IDX_HEADER231Header for Index TableSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
51ERP EHP76.0ISH_IDX_LOGGING131Index Table for Logging Communication DataSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
52ERP EHP76.0N1FAPF71Table for dept'l nursing OUSSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
53ERP EHP76.0N1GES51Table for aggregate summary blockSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
54ERP EHP76.0N2BASEITEM243Base Items: Base ItemSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
55ERP EHP76.0N2BASEITEMT51Base Items: Base Item TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
56ERP EHP76.0N2BIEVENT81Base Items: Customizing for Event ProcessingSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
57ERP EHP76.0N2BIGROUPA41Base Items: Base Item Groups AssignmentSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
58ERP EHP76.0N2BIRESDWS42IS-H*MED: Base Items Result Table DWS TasksSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
59ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_DES41Task List NotesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
60ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_FAVO141Hit List EntrySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
61ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_FAVO1141Hit List Entry / ChangesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
62ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_FAVO1T51Hit List Entry / Changes (Text Table)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
63ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_FAVOT51Hit List Entry (Text Table)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
64ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_GROUP91Groups for Template ManagementSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
65ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_GROUPT41Groups for Template Management (Text Table)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
66ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_INFO91Info ItemSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
67ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_INFOT41Info Item (Text Table)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
68ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_INFO_D61Aspects of Info ItemSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
69ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_PATT301Task TemplateSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
70ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_PATT1301Task Template / ChangesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
71ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_PATT1T41Task Template / Changes (Text Table)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
72ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_PATTT41Task Template (Text Table)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
73ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_PROF191Profile TemplateSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
74ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_PROF1191Profile Template / ChangesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
75ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_PROF1T41Profile Template (Text Table)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
76ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_PROFT41Profile Template (Text Table)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
77ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_REL71Assignment of DWS TemplatesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
78ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_REL171Assignment of DWS Templates / ChangesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
79ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_SUGGEST91Criteria for Situation Template ProposalSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
80ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_SUGGEST191Criteria for Proposal of Situation Template / ChangesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
81ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_TASK404TaskSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
82ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_TASKPROF81Occupational Groups of Tasks in ProcessingSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
83ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_TEXT52Supplementary Text of an Object in Task ListSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
84ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_TPACK173ProfileSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
85ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_WORK402SituationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
86ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_WS331Situation TemplateSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
87ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_WS1331Situation Template / ChangesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
88ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_WS1T41Situation Template / Changes (Text Table)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
89ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_WST41Situation Template (Text Table)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
90ERP EHP76.0N2PRZ_GLOB_PAR211IS-H*MED: SPC Hit Lists - Global ParametersSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
91ERP EHP76.0N2PRZ_HIT_HEAD161IS-H*MED: Names of Individual SPC Hit ListsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
92ERP EHP76.0N2PRZ_HIT_KAT111IS-H*MED: SPC Hit Lists Entries Hierarchical ClassificationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
93ERP EHP76.0N2PRZ_OPS_HEAD51IS-H*MED: Label for SPC CatalogSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
94ERP EHP76.0N2PRZ_OPS_KAT91IS-H*MED: SPC Catalog in Hierarchical StructureSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
95ERP EHP76.0NAH0151IS-H AT: Umschlüsselung Sachkontonummer auf KreditorSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
96ERP EHP76.0NAH0241IS-H AT : Umschl. Kreditoren (gelegte auf bez. Honorare)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
97ERP EHP76.0NAH0371IS-H AT: Honorar-Aufteilung ÖsterreichSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
98ERP EHP76.0NAH0451IS-H AT: HonorarabrechnungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
99ERP EHP76.0NAH0571IS-H AT: Aufteilungstabelle für HonorarabrechnungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
100ERP EHP76.0NAH0671IS-H AT: Honorarabrechnung: Tab. für Aufteilung (Abteilung)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
101ERP EHP76.0NAHGRS51IS-H AT: Höchstgrenzentabelle für ScoringSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
102ERP EHP76.0NAKLF51IS-H AT: LKF - Kostenträger zu LandesfondSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
103ERP EHP76.0NAKR1473IS-H AT: LKF - GrunddatenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
104ERP EHP76.0NAKR2172IS-H AT: LKF - Scoring Leistungen (MELs)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
105ERP EHP76.0NAKRD71IS-H AT: LKF - DatenträgernummerSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
106ERP EHP76.0NAPHF221IS-H AT: LKF - Punktehistorie zum FallSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
107ERP EHP76.0NAPX111IS-H: Appendix Main DataSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
108ERP EHP76.0NAPX_BEW81IS-H: Appendix Movement TableSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
109ERP EHP76.0NAPX_DIA101IS-H: Appendix Diagnosis TableSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
110ERP EHP76.0NAPX_DRG301IS-H: Appendix DRG TableSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
111ERP EHP76.0NAPX_FAL73IS-H: Appendix Case TableSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
112ERP EHP76.0NAPX_ICP81IS-H: Appendix Procedure TableSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
113ERP EHP76.0NBQS_FACHR61BQS: Assignment of Specialty to Specialty CategoriesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
114ERP EHP76.0NBQS_ICD111BQS: Assignment of FR/PS to ICDSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
115ERP EHP76.0NBQS_OPS131BQS: Assignment of OPS to FR/PS and QA ModuleSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
116ERP EHP76.0NBQS_ZUSCHL91BQS: Assignment of Module to Surcharge and DiscountSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
117ERP EHP76.0NBSNR51Betriebsstättennummern eines KV-ArztesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
118ERP EHP76.0NC302KTR71IS-H EDI Annahmestellen Kostenträger Zuordnung für §302SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
119ERP EHP76.0NCAGG101IS-H: SG Table for Filling Aggregate Segment SGDRGSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
120ERP EHP76.0NCD2D_R81IS-H: D2D-Kommunikation empfangene Nachrichten (DALE)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
121ERP EHP76.0NCD2D_S181IS-H: D2D-Kommunikation NachrichtenstatusSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
122ERP EHP76.0NCH1091IS-H CH: Service BreakdownSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
123ERP EHP76.0NCH10T91IS-H CH: Service Breakdown TextSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
124ERP EHP76.0NCH40271IS-H CH: Service Rules Billability/Flat Rate ConsolidationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
125ERP EHP76.0NCH41191IS-H CH: Service Rules Service BreakdownSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
126ERP EHP76.0NCH42241IS-H CH: Service Rules Service Maximum ValuesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
127ERP EHP76.0NCH43251IS-H CH: Leistungsregeln ZuschlagsleistungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
128ERP EHP76.0NCH43A171IS-H CH: Rollenumschlüsselung für ArztzuordnungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
129ERP EHP76.0NCH44301IS-H CH: Leistungsregeln OPSSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
130ERP EHP76.0NCH44A161IS-H CH: Rollenumschlüsselung für ArztzuordnungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
131ERP EHP76.0NCH45111IS-H CH: Leistungsregeln RadiologieSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
132ERP EHP76.0NCH5371IS-H CH: Billing Agreement Per CaseSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
133ERP EHP76.0NCH6051IS-HCO CH: Kriterien fuer SammelaufträgeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
134ERP EHP76.0NCH61212IS-HCO CH: SammelaufträgeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
135ERP EHP76.0NCH6271IS-HCO CH: Unterstützte Kriterien für SammelaufträgeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
136ERP EHP76.0NCH62T31IS-HCO CH: Texttabelle KriterienSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
137ERP EHP76.0NCOP_WVR141IS-H: Erfassung ambulanter ZahlungsbefreiungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
138ERP EHP76.0NCSSN181Communication Table (Item) to SSNSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
139ERP EHP76.0NCSSNID124Communication Table (Header) to SSNSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
140ERP EHP76.0NDAE263IS-H: Requesting/borrowing medical recordsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
141ERP EHP76.0NDGB101IS-H: Borrowing authorizationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
142ERP EHP76.0NEAC91IS-H: Estimated Amount for Accommod. in Local CurrencySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
143ERP EHP76.0NEHC_INS_REP141Health Insurance Card (Additional Insurance Data)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
144ERP EHP76.0NEHIC201IS-H: European Health Insurance CardSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
145ERP EHP76.0NEMC91IS-H: Estimated Amount for Med. Cases in Local CurrencySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
146ERP EHP76.0NEOP101IS-H: Estimated Amnts for Table of Operation in Local CrrncySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
147ERP EHP76.0NEO_NFAL313IS-H: External Orders - Order DataSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
148ERP EHP76.0NFSR82IS-H: Billing documents for collective invoice (Austria)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
149ERP EHP76.0NKBVLANR51Lebenslange Arztnummern eines KV-ArztesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
150ERP EHP76.0NKLP111IS-H: Individual outpatient srv / ins.providers (AT)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
151ERP EHP76.0NKSA293IS-H: Insurance verification declaration (Austria)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
152ERP EHP76.0NKSKSELH81IV/TC-Selection - HeaderSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
153ERP EHP76.0NKSKSELI41IV/TC-Selection - ItemSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
154ERP EHP76.0NLBSN241Burgerservice nummerSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
155ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_00171NL-DBC: Combinationen Specialgebiet und Sorgfrage.SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
156ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_00271NL-DBC: Combinationen Specialgebiet und DiagnoseSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
157ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_00371NL-DBC: Combinationen Specialgebiet und TherapieSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
158ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_00481NL-DBC: DBC RegistrierungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
159ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_004N101IS-H NL: DBC RegistrierungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
160ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_005526NL-DBC: DBC TabelleSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
161ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_005_LOG404NL-DBC: DBC log TabelleSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
162ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_00663NL-DBC: Beziehung zwischen Fall und laufende Nummer DBCSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
163ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_006_LOG131DBC Beziehung log TabelleSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
164ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_006_TRJ83IS-H: NL-DBC: SorgestreckeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
165ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_00841IS-H: NL Sper kennzeichenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
166ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_009211IS-H: NL Konversion LMR-codeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
167ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_01061NL-DBC: Diagnose umschlüsselungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
168ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_01141NL-DBC: Bewegungsarten für ubernahme leistungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
169ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_012141IS-H: NL-DBC Ausgabe von DBC geschichteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
170ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_01391IS-H NL: SorgetypeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
171ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_013N131IS-H NL: DBC SorgetypeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
172ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_013NEXCL161IS-H NL: DBC Sorgetype nicht erlaubte folgende SorgetypenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
173ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_014281ISH NL: DBC Ablauf steurungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
174ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_DECL71IS-H NL: Deklaration kodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
175ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_HITLISTE91IS-H NL: Hitliste DBC's pro SpezialgebietSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
176ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_IDENT101NL-DBC: Prufung gleiche DBC'sSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
177ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_INEX_DIAGN81Inklusive / exklusive DBC diagnose kombinationenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
178ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_RELATION181IS-H NL: DBC BeziehungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
179ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_STATUS41IS-H NL: Verknüpen interner DBC status externer DBC statusSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
180ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_STATUST51IS-H NL: Verknüpen interner DBC status externer DBC statusSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
181ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_TAGRU51IS-H NL: DBC-spezifische LeistungstypenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
182ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_TRJ_LEIST61IS-H NL: Traject LeistungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
183ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_ZW_KLAS531IS-H NL: DBC leistungs gewicht kategorieSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
184ERP EHP76.0NLDBC_ZW_SPEC71IS-H NL: DBC leistungs gewicht kategorie pro fachrichtungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
185ERP EHP76.0NLDIS_00141ISH NL: DIS - VersicherungsgrundSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
186ERP EHP76.0NLDIS_00261ISH NL: DIS - Leistungen Spezielle StreckeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
187ERP EHP76.0NLDIS_00361DIS - Leistungen Spezielle StreckeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
188ERP EHP76.0NLDIS_00491DIS - KostpreisSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
189ERP EHP76.0NLDIS_005101DIS - KostpreisSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
190ERP EHP76.0NLDIS_010191ISH NL: DIS - Anlieferungsdatei (kopf)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
191ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_CARE_LOG141DBC Beziehung log TabelleSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
192ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_CARE_PRO81Geisteskrankheit DBC SorgestreckeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
193ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_CARE_REL81Geisteskrankheit beziehung zwischen Fall und laufende NrSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
194ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_CODE391Geisteskrankheit DBC kodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
195ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_CODE_DIAGN181Geisteskranheit GGZ zusatz diagnoseSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
196ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_CODE_LOG381Geisteskrankheit DBC protokoltabelleSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
197ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_DIAG_LOG191Geisteskrankheit DBC zusatz diagnosen protkoltabelleSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
198ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_DIS191Geisteskrankheit DIS protokolleSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
199ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_DIS_LOG71DIS GGZ protokoltabelleSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
200ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_DIS_RTI211ISH NL: DISGGZ - Anlieferungsdatei (kopf)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
201ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_GRP_APP81Geisteskrankheit beziehung zwischen termin - patientgruppeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
202ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_PAT_GRP71Geisteskrankheit patient gruppe aktuellSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
203ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_SCHEMA71Geisteskrankheit behandlungs plan aktuellSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
204ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_SERVICE81Geisteskrankheit Leistungsgruppe aktuellSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
205ERP EHP76.0NLGGZ_SERVICE_CP91Geisteskrankheit leistungen Leistungsgruppe kopieSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
206ERP EHP76.0NLHCO_DBC_ORDER61IS-H NL: Konversion DBC-code nach innerauftrageSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
207ERP EHP76.0NLHCO_KOSTENART101NL-HCO: KostenartenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
208ERP EHP76.0NLHCO_LEISTART81NL-HCO: LeistungsartenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
209ERP EHP76.0NLHCO_ORDER122NL-HCO: OrdersSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
210ERP EHP76.0NLHCO_TARIF91IS-H NL: Plan auftrag tarif uber NL splittungs profileSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
211ERP EHP76.0NLPORTAL_DOC71Portal medizinische briefSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
212ERP EHP76.0NLPORTAL_LABDOC51Dokument alter in tagesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
213ERP EHP76.0NLPORTAL_PMD111Portal medizinische dokumentSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
214ERP EHP76.0NLREK121Sammelrechnung kopfSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
215ERP EHP76.0NLVERK81Rechnungregister-kopfSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
216ERP EHP76.0NLVERP182Rechnungregister-positionSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
217ERP EHP76.0NLVERZF_00141NL-COLL_BILL: Smart-formSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
218ERP EHP76.0NLVERZF_00271Konversion SAP Facharzt nach VEKTIS Sorge arztSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
219ERP EHP76.0NLVERZF_00351Konversion SAP Entlassung nach VEKTIS EntlassungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
220ERP EHP76.0NLVERZF_00451Konversion SAP Sachkonto VEKTIS SachkontoSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
221ERP EHP76.0NLVERZF_00551Konversion SAP nach neue fallSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
222ERP EHP76.0NLVERZF_00661Konversion SAP bewegungsart nach VEKTIS bewegingsartSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
223ERP EHP76.0NLVERZF_00751Konversion Diagnose SAP nach Diagnose VEKTISSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
224ERP EHP76.0NLVERZF_00851Konversion Diagnose SAP nach Diagnose VEKTIS 2SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
225ERP EHP76.0NLVERZF_00961Konversion Kondition SAP nach zuchlag VEKTISSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
226ERP EHP76.0NLVERZF_01071Aufmachung patient name in Vektis formatSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
227ERP EHP76.0NLVERZF_01171Konversion leistungcode SAP nach leistungcode VEKTISSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
228ERP EHP76.0NLVERZF_01251Konversion behandelncode SAP nach behandelncode VEKTISSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
229ERP EHP76.0NLVERZF_01361Konversion preis condition SAP preis condition VEKTISSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
230ERP EHP76.0NLWARTE_00151NL - Warteliste Bewegungen zum FallSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
231ERP EHP76.0NLWARTE_00251NL - Warteliste Priorität zum FallSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
232ERP EHP76.0NLWARTE_003131NL - Warteliste extra felder furSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
233ERP EHP76.0NNAU244IS-H NL: Confirmation of coverage info from ins. providerSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
234ERP EHP76.0NNK1131IS-H NL: Additional file for insurance providersSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
235ERP EHP76.0NNLEK201IS-H NL: Data for treatment certificatesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
236ERP EHP76.0NNLEPB151ISH NL: EPB ein- / Ausschließung besuchart / behandeln katSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
237ERP EHP76.0NNLEPB241ISH NL: EPB Facharzt die mitmachen in EPBSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
238ERP EHP76.0NNLRA132IS-H NL: Auf Leistungen angewendete RegelnSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
239ERP EHP76.0NNLREF121Interne ReferenzSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
240ERP EHP76.0NNLZK71IS-H NL: LAZR Kopgegevens LAZR-interfaceSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
241ERP EHP76.0NNLZP271IS-H NL: LAZR Bewegingsgegevens LAZR-interfaceSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
242ERP EHP76.0NNL_CLASS93Meldung KlassificationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
243ERP EHP76.0NNL_CLASSL102Meldung Klassifikation logSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
244ERP EHP76.0NNL_CLASS_MESS71Meldung Klassification NachrichtenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
245ERP EHP76.0NNL_CLASS_MESSL71Meldung Klassification Nachrichten LogSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
246ERP EHP76.0NNL_CLASS_SEL41Selection fields for classificationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
247ERP EHP76.0NNL_CLASS_SELL41Log Table of Selection fields for classificationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
248ERP EHP76.0NNL_DDS_QA111Deklaration Query leistungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
249ERP EHP76.0NNL_DDS_QAL121Deklaration Query leistung logSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
250ERP EHP76.0NNL_DDS_QH172Deklaration Query kopfSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
251ERP EHP76.0NNL_DDS_QHL182Deklaration Query kopf logSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
252ERP EHP76.0NNL_DDS_QS152Deklaration Query subttrajectSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
253ERP EHP76.0NNL_DDS_QSL161Deklaration Query subtraject logSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
254ERP EHP76.0NNL_DDS_RH302Deklaration Ergebnis kopfSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
255ERP EHP76.0NNL_DDS_RHL311Deklaration Ergebnis kopf logSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
256ERP EHP76.0NNL_DDS_RM81Deklaration Ergebnis MeldungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
257ERP EHP76.0NNL_DDS_RML91Deklaration Ergebnis meldung kopfSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
258ERP EHP76.0NNL_DDS_RO71Deklaration Ergebnis Überige produktSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
259ERP EHP76.0NNL_DDS_ROL81Deklaration Ergebnis Überige produkt logSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
260ERP EHP76.0NNL_DIS_DLVRY161DIS AnlieferungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
261ERP EHP76.0NNL_DIS_LOG92DIS LoggingSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
262ERP EHP76.0NNMR801IS-H NL: LMR admission notificationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
263ERP EHP76.0NNPER41IS-H NL: Assign Physician -> Ins. ProviderSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
264ERP EHP76.0NNPW101IS-H NL: Services with charge factorsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
265ERP EHP76.0NNRL132IS-H NL: Calculation Rules Log FileSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
266ERP EHP76.0NNTF191IS-H NL: Service Catalog DeterminationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
267ERP EHP76.0NNVR121IS-H: Subsequent billing (AT)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
268ERP EHP76.0NORG_SPRT111IS-H CH: Zuo Organisationseinheit => Sparte (TARMED)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
269ERP EHP76.0NPER_QLDI121IS-H CH: Personen- Zuordnung zu Qualit. Dignität (TARMED)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
270ERP EHP76.0NPER_QTDI121IS-H CH: Personen- Zuordnung zu Quant. Dignität (TARMED)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
271ERP EHP76.0NPNTCAS151IS-H: Patient Master Data at Case Level (CV IT)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
272ERP EHP76.0NPSPAT254IS-H: Pseudonymized Patient Master Data (General)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
273ERP EHP76.0NPSPIX73IS-H: Index of Pseudonymized Patient NamesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
274ERP EHP76.0NS0061IS-H: Statistics database - casesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
275ERP EHP76.0NS0181IS-H: Statistics database - movementsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
276ERP EHP76.0NSRVP202Provisional Services in Service-Based Appointment SearchSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
277ERP EHP76.0NTDC181IS-H: Service Default CoverageSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
278ERP EHP76.0NTPKAT191IS-H AT: Zusatzfelder Leistungsstamm ÖsterreichSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
279ERP EHP76.0NTPKCH491IS-H CH: Zusatzfelder Leistungsstamm Schweiz (TARMED)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
280ERP EHP76.0NTPKCH_AGE201IS-H CH: Zuordng Leistungsstamm Schweiz (TARMED) => AlterSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
281ERP EHP76.0NTPKCH_FACH131IS-H CH: Zuord Lei.Stamm Schweiz (Analyse)=>FachbereichSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
282ERP EHP76.0NTPKCH_KOMB171IS-H CH: Zuo Leiststamm Schweiz (TARMED) => komb. LeiSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
283ERP EHP76.0NTPKCH_KUMU241IS-H CH: Zuo Leiststamm Schweiz (TARMED) => ausschl. LeiSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
284ERP EHP76.0NTPKCH_MAX191IS-H CH: Zuordng Leistamm Schweiz (TARMED) => MaximumregelSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
285ERP EHP76.0NTPKCH_QLDI151IS-H CH: Zuo Leistungsstamm Schweiz (TARMED) => Qualit DigSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
286ERP EHP76.0NTPKCH_QTDI151IS-H CH: Zuo Leistungsstamm Schweiz (TARMED) => Quant DigSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
287ERP EHP76.0NTPKCH_SPRT151IS-H CH: Zuo Leistungsstamm Schweiz (TARMED) => SparteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
288ERP EHP76.0NTPKCH_VERS171Leistungsstamm Schweiz (TARMED) => VersionsverwaltungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
289ERP EHP76.0NTPKIT171CV Italy: Enhancement to Service MasterSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
290ERP EHP76.0NVVN231IS-H: GuarantorsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
291ERP EHP76.0NVVV101IS-H: Individual Contract Schemes Header DataSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
292ERP EHP76.0NVVW131IS-H: Individual Contract Schemes Item DataSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
293ERP EHP76.0NWATAGBA131IS-H AT: Ambulanzgebühren - Ergebnisse / zu verteilenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
294ERP EHP76.0NWATAGBE81IS-H AT: Ambulanzgebühren - ErfassungsdatenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
295ERP EHP76.0NWATAGBF91IS-H AT: Ambulanzgebühren - FakturapositionenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
296ERP EHP76.0NWATALS71IS-H AT: Ambulante LeistungsstatistikSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
297ERP EHP76.0NWATALSE101IS-H AT: Amb. Leistungsstatistik - ErgebnisseSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
298ERP EHP76.0NWATALSF62IS-H AT: Amb. Leistungsstatistik - FakturenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
299ERP EHP76.0NWATFADR91IS-H AT: Adressenverwaltung (Fallbezogen)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
300ERP EHP76.0NWATFAPF151IS-H AT: Tabelle für fachlich pflegerische OEsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
301ERP EHP76.0NWATGES131IS-H AT: Tabelle für ges. SummenblockSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
302ERP EHP76.0NWATINTENS241IS-H AT: Intensivdokumentation - PatientenadministrationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
303ERP EHP76.0NWATKSAHV141IS-H AT: Erweiterung NKSA um HauptversichertendatenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
304ERP EHP76.0NWATLH1251IS-H AT: Leistungshöchstwerte für LeistungsgruppenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
305ERP EHP76.0NWATLHO231IS-H AT: LeistungshöchstwerteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
306ERP EHP76.0NWATLRPR62IS-H AT: Protokolltabelle für Fälle mit Leistungsregel A3SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
307ERP EHP76.0NWATPARAM71IS-H AT: Systemsteuerungsparameter (einr. - und zeitabh.)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
308ERP EHP76.0NWATPHYS961IS-H AT: Intensivdokumentation - Physiologische DatenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
309ERP EHP76.0NWATSCOPD61IS-H AT: Scoring - Laufende Nummer pro PeriodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
310ERP EHP76.0NWATTISS28581Intensivdoku. - Pflege- u. Therapiedoku. (TISS-28 / TISS-A )SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
311ERP EHP76.0NWATTRISS281IS-H AT: Intensivdoku. - Erfass. traumatologischer PatientenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
312ERP EHP76.0NWAT_EDI_AUF_BE61IS-H AT: EDIVKA Aufnahmebegründung zum FallSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
313ERP EHP76.0NWAT_EDI_KOM322IS-H AT: EDI Kommentar (K12)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
314ERP EHP76.0NWAT_EDI_MAPKTR31IS-H AT: EDIVKA Mapping der GeschäftspartnerSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
315ERP EHP76.0NWAT_GIN_DIALOG91IS-H AT: GINA - DialogpoolSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
316ERP EHP76.0NWAT_GIN_ERD61Einstellungen für die Anzeige der e-ÜberweisungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
317ERP EHP76.0NWAT_GIN_ERS131Status der e-ÜberweisungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
318ERP EHP76.0NWAT_GIN_STATIR232IS-H AT: Versicherungsstatus des PatientenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
319ERP EHP76.0NWAT_GIN_STATIR2271IS-H AT: Versicherungsstatus FamilienmitgliederSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
320ERP EHP76.0NWAT_NC301M_SAVE61IS-H AT: Savetabelle für NC301MSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
321ERP EHP76.0NWAT_SCOEW141IS-H AT: Scoring akzeptierte Errors/WarningsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
322ERP EHP76.0NWAT_SCOKOMM111IS-H AT: Scoring KommentarSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
323ERP EHP76.0NWAT_SCOMSG91IS-H AT: Scoring FehlermeldungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
324ERP EHP76.0NWAT_SCOVAR61IS-H AT: Scoring - Layout (Karteireiter)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
325ERP EHP76.0NWAT_SCO_KAL192LKF - amb. Scoring Leistungen (KALs)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
326ERP EHP76.0NWAT_SCO_MEL192LKF - Scoring Leistungen (MELs)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
327ERP EHP76.0NWAT_SCO_WIKRAF201IS-H AT: Scoring - manuelle Eingabe der V01-DatenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
328ERP EHP76.0NWCH1051IS-H CH: Zuordnung Leistung - KÜ-QualifierSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
329ERP EHP76.0NWCH150151IS-H CH: Zeitmarken zur Leistung (ALT => wird gelöscht !)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
330ERP EHP76.0NWCH70382IS-H CH: Insurance VerificationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
331ERP EHP76.0NWCH80822IS-H CH: ELACH Datenempfang; Ablage Nachrichten feldweiseSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
332ERP EHP76.0NWCH90344Fee-Based ServicesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
333ERP EHP76.0NWCH90A71Additional Table for Fee-Based Services in NWCH90SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
334ERP EHP76.0NWCH90B61Conditions for Fee-Based Services in NWCH90SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
335ERP EHP76.0NWCH90S61Fees: Information on Status Changes in Table NWCH90SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
336ERP EHP76.0NWCH91214Fee Breakdown ResultsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
337ERP EHP76.0NWCH91_AUSG183Fee Breakdown Results from Clearing ReportSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
338ERP EHP76.0NWCH92121Job Logging for Fee BreakdownSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
339ERP EHP76.0NWCH9351Fees: Transfer Information for Services (NLEI)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
340ERP EHP76.0NWCH94101Fees: Further BreakdownSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
341ERP EHP76.0NWCHBAPISRVRULES41IS-H CH: Aufruf der Leistungsregeln je nach SubsystemSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
342ERP EHP76.0NWCHBGZ61IS-H CH: Bewegungen - Geschäftspartner - ZuordnungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
343ERP EHP76.0NWCHCR_ERR51Steuerungsparameter ALIS-ErrorhandlingSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
344ERP EHP76.0NWCHDIGAAV61IS-H CH: Dignität - Arzt-Arzt-VertretungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
345ERP EHP76.0NWCHDIGPVG71IS-H CH: Zuordnung Arzt - Vorgesetzter (Dignität)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
346ERP EHP76.0NWCHEXTREF82IS-H CH: Referenzschlüssel zur Leistung aus externem SystemSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
347ERP EHP76.0NWCHGALDAT102IS-H CH: Zuordnung Materialnummer->Pharmacode (GalDat)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
348ERP EHP76.0NWCHKTRGRZUO122IS-H CH: Zuordnung Kostenträger zu KostenträgergruppenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
349ERP EHP76.0NWCHLCOEA292IS-HCO: ÜberleitungsinformationenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
350ERP EHP76.0NWCHLGZUO122IS-H CH: Zuordnung Leistungen zu LeistungsgruppenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
351ERP EHP76.0NWCHLS_NFAL191IS-H CH: ALIS-Fehlerhandlung - Falldaten (für Fall-API)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
352ERP EHP76.0NWCHLS_RETURN231IS-H CH: ALIS-Fehlerhandlung - Fehlermeldungen von APIsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
353ERP EHP76.0NWCHLS_RNDIAFLAG151IS-H CH: ALIS-Fehlerhandlung - Diagnose zum Fall (RNDIAFLAG)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
354ERP EHP76.0NWCHLS_RNLRG301IS-H CH: ALIS-Fehlerhandlung - Arztzuordnungen (RNLRG)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
355ERP EHP76.0NWCHLS_RNLRZ191IS-H CH: ALIS-Fehlerhandlung - Leistungszuordnungen (RNLRZ)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
356ERP EHP76.0NWCHLS_RNLRZE131IS-H CH: ALIS-Fehlerhandlung - externes System (RNLRZE_CH)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
357ERP EHP76.0NWCHLS_RNLRZM291IS-H CH: ALIS-Fehlerhandlung - Zeitmarken (RNLRZM)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
358ERP EHP76.0NWCHLS_RNLSR2161IS-H CH: ALIS-Fehlerhandlung - Leistungen (RNLSR)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
359ERP EHP76.0NWCHNBEW421IS-H CH: Bewegungen zum Fall - Zusatzfelder SchweizSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
360ERP EHP76.0NWCHPAKLZ171IS-H CH: Patientenabrechnung - LstVerteilung NachträgeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
361ERP EHP76.0NWCHPATREC204IS-H CH: PATREC - erstellte StatistiksätzeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
362ERP EHP76.0NWCHPATREC_ID141IS-H CH: PATREC - künstl. Patienten-, Fall- und GeburtskeysSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
363ERP EHP76.0NWCHPSY351IS-H: Tab. für BFS-Statistik um Psychodaten bereitzustelleSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
364ERP EHP76.0NWCHZM171IS-H CH: Zeitmarken zur Bewegung/LeistungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
365ERP EHP76.0NWCHZME181IS-H CH: Zeit- /Maßangaben zur Bewegung/LeistungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
366ERP EHP76.0NWCH_BOA_ARCH402Protokoll-Archiv für die MassendeckungsabfrageSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
367ERP EHP76.0NWCH_BOA_PROT409Protokoll für die MassendeckungsabfrageSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
368ERP EHP76.0NWCH_BOA_RESP71Antwortsdaten von der MassendeckungsabfrageSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
369ERP EHP76.0NWCH_NBRK_PROF81Druckdaten Pro-forma-Rechnungen an PatientenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
370ERP EHP76.0NWCH_NKTR_PROF121Ausschluss Pro-forma-Rechnungen an PatientenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
371ERP EHP76.0NWCN_DOCTYPE41IS-H: Card Type CategorySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
372ERP EHP76.0NWCN_DOCTYPET41IS-H: Internal Card Type DescriptionSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
373ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_FR1161IS-H-FR: Special View Data for AbsencesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
374ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_NL1161Sichtdaten cockpitSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
375ERP EHP76.0TN16A41IS-H Default Value Ext. Contract SchemeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
376ERP EHP76.0TN16DC201IS-H SG: Medisave claim estimation parametersSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
377ERP EHP76.0TN16OP61IS-H SG: Medisave Tables of OperationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
378ERP EHP76.0TN16P291IS-H SG: Contract Scheme ItemsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
379ERP EHP76.0TN17C21IS-H: Occupation Category and CodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
380ERP EHP76.0TN17C_T41IS-H: Occupation Category DescriptionSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
381ERP EHP76.0TN19F41Exemption CategoriesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
382ERP EHP76.0TN19F_T51Text Table for Exemption CategoriesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
383ERP EHP76.0TN19H41IS-H: Reasons for Coverage Rejection - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
384ERP EHP76.0TN19J41Exemption CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
385ERP EHP76.0TN19J_T61Text Table for Exemption CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
386ERP EHP76.0TN19K31Priorities of Treatment CertificatesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
387ERP EHP76.0TN19K_T51Text Table for Priorities of Treatment CertificatesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
388ERP EHP76.0TN19L31Performance ModesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
389ERP EHP76.0TN19L_T51Text Table for Performance ModesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
390ERP EHP76.0TN19M31Treatment Certificate ClassesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
391ERP EHP76.0TN19M_T51Text Table for Treatment Certificate ClassesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
392ERP EHP76.0TN19N31Recommended TreatmentsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
393ERP EHP76.0TN19N_T51Text Table for Recommended TreatmentsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
394ERP EHP76.0TN1OEPR51IS-H*MED: Physician-OU Relatshp for Expanding Med.Basic SrvsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
395ERP EHP76.0TN20S61Spaltenermittlung EBMSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
396ERP EHP76.0TN21COLL31Collective Invoice CategoriesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
397ERP EHP76.0TN21COLL_T51Collective Invoice Categories - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
398ERP EHP76.0TN22B51IS-H: Gründe Entfall der ambulanten ZuzahlungspflichtSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
399ERP EHP76.0TN22C51IS-H: Zuordnung Leistung zu Befreiungsgrund (amb. Zuz.)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
400ERP EHP76.0TN22D151IS-H: Steuerungstabelle für Art der ambulanten ZuzahlungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
401ERP EHP76.0TN22E51Ermittlung der Verwendung für ambulante ZuzahlungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
402ERP EHP76.0TN22F141IS-H: Steuerungsparameter FI-Buchung amb. Zuzahl.anforderungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
403ERP EHP76.0TN22G341IS-H: Steuerungsparameter FI-Buchung amb. ZuzahlungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
404ERP EHP76.0TN22Q131Entlassungsgründe für zuzahlungsfreien EntlassungstagSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
405ERP EHP76.0TN22U51IS-H: Texte zu TN22B (Gründe Entfall amb. Zuzahlungspflicht)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
406ERP EHP76.0TN26C41IS-H: Diagnostic CertaintySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
407ERP EHP76.0TN26V51IS-H: Texts for Diagnostic CertaintySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
408ERP EHP76.0TN2BIACT61Base Items: Base Item Type ActionsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
409ERP EHP76.0TN2BIACTT41Base Items: Base Item Type Actions TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
410ERP EHP76.0TN2BIGROUP31Base Items: Base Item - GroupsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
411ERP EHP76.0TN2BIGROUPT41Base Items: Base Item Groups - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
412ERP EHP76.0TN2BIPROPS51Base Items: Base Item Type - Supported FunctionsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
413ERP EHP76.0TN2BITYP171Base Items: Base Item TypesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
414ERP EHP76.0TN2BITYPEF11Base Items: Base Item Types - Filter ValuesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
415ERP EHP76.0TN2BITYPEFT31Base Items: Base Item Types - Filter Values, TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
416ERP EHP76.0TN2BITYPT41Base Items: Base Item Types - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
417ERP EHP76.0TN2BITYPUSE31Base Items: Base Item Type Application AreaSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
418ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXDIAGNOSIS11Base Items: Filter Value Base Item DiagnosesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
419ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXDIAGNOSIST31Filter Value Base Item DiagnosesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
420ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXPROBLEM11Base Items: Filter Value Base Item ProblemSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
421ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXPROBLEMT31Base Items: Filter Value Base Item ProblemSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
422ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXPROCEDURE11Filter Value Base Item ProceduresSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
423ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXPROCEDURET31Filter Value Base Item Procedures - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
424ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXPROGRESS11Filter Values Base Item Progress EntrySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
425ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXPROGRESST31Filter Values Base Item Progress Entry - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
426ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXSERVADM11Filter Value Base Item Adm. ServiceSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
427ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXSERVADMT31Filter Value Base Item Adm. ServiceSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
428ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXTA11Filter Value Base Item TransactionSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
429ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXTAT31Filter Value Base Item Transaction - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
430ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXURL11Filter Value Base Item URLSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
431ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXURLT31Filter Value Base Item URL - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
432ERP EHP76.0TN2DWS11DWS Work StationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
433ERP EHP76.0TN2DWST31DWS Work Station TextSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
434ERP EHP76.0TN2DWSWL_AVAIL51Completion and Lifetime of SituationsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
435ERP EHP76.0TN2DWSWL_WL_LAYO231Define Standard Layout for Situation ListSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
436ERP EHP76.0TN2DWS_COMP61DWS Component ManagementSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
437ERP EHP76.0TN2DWS_COMPT41DWS Component DescriptionSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
438ERP EHP76.0TN2DWS_COMP_USE41Usage of DWS Components and Documentation ObjectsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
439ERP EHP76.0TN2DWS_CTXVIEW21Filter Values for DWS Context View BAdISAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
440ERP EHP76.0TN2EV31Eventing: Event with Possible Follow-Up ActivitySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
441ERP EHP76.0TN2EVACT41Eventing: Event and Possible Follow-Up ActivitySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
442ERP EHP76.0TN2GLFLTBADI11Filter Value Base Item BAdISAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
443ERP EHP76.0TN2GLFLTBADIT31Filter Values Base Item BAdI (Text)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
444ERP EHP76.0TN2GLFLTDOC11Filter Values Base Item DocumentSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
445ERP EHP76.0TN2GLFLTDOCT31Filter Values Base Item BAdI (Text)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
446ERP EHP76.0TN2GLFLTPRN11Filter Values Base Item Form PrintSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
447ERP EHP76.0TN2GLFLTPRNT31Filter Value for Form Print Base Item - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
448ERP EHP76.0TN2_DWS_WORKAREA41Work Area <---> View Type AssignmentSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
449ERP EHP76.0TN4171IS-H: Services for Discharge Days (Singapore Only)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
450ERP EHP76.0TN4741IS-H: Seasonal Fee for ServiceSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
451ERP EHP76.0TN48101IS-H: Fee on Admission and Discharge DaySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
452ERP EHP76.0TN4961IS-H: Preset Insurance RelationshipSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
453ERP EHP76.0TN50A92Default Values for ASL and ISTAT CodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
454ERP EHP76.0TN50AC31Ambulatory CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
455ERP EHP76.0TN50AC_T51Ambulatory Codes - TextSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
456ERP EHP76.0TN50E81Maximum Patient ContributionSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
457ERP EHP76.0TN50H31Establishment CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
458ERP EHP76.0TN50H_T51Texts for Establishment CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
459ERP EHP76.0TN50I21ISTAT CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
460ERP EHP76.0TN50I_T41Texts for ISTAT CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
461ERP EHP76.0TN50J21Institute Indicator of an InstitutionSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
462ERP EHP76.0TN50J_T41IS-H: Texts for Institute IndicatorSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
463ERP EHP76.0TN50P51Province <-> Region AssignmentSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
464ERP EHP76.0TN50R21RegionsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
465ERP EHP76.0TN50R_T41Texts for RegionsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
466ERP EHP76.0TN50S31Extra-Budget TreatmentSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
467ERP EHP76.0TN50S_T51Texts for Extra-Budget TreatmentSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
468ERP EHP76.0TNA1641IS-H: IP Types/Types of Coverage VAT Assessment AustriaSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
469ERP EHP76.0TNA21A111IS-H: Determining the flat rate type (VERA)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
470ERP EHP76.0TNA21C71IS-H: Flat rate exclusions (AT)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
471ERP EHP76.0TNA21P61IS-H: Outpatient flat rate types (AT)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
472ERP EHP76.0TNA21PT61IS-H: Texts for outpatient flat rates (BCM)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
473ERP EHP76.0TNA21R101IS-H: Flat rate rules (AT)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
474ERP EHP76.0TNA21S111IS-H: Scaled flate rates (VERA)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
475ERP EHP76.0TNA30A161IS-H AT: Selektionsschema für Krankenanst.-StatistikenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
476ERP EHP76.0TNA30B111IS-H: Selection procedure - bed classes and servicesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
477ERP EHP76.0TNA30C81IS-H AT: Selektionsschema für KH-Stat A2 Fall.klass.SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
478ERP EHP76.0TNA30E101IS-H: Geographical areas - locations (AT)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
479ERP EHP76.0TNA30S61IS-H: Line texts for age structureSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
480ERP EHP76.0TNA30V131IS-H: Insurance statistics (AT)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
481ERP EHP76.0TNA40S121IS-H AT: Leistungsregeln HöchstwertstaffelungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
482ERP EHP76.0TNA40V221IS-H AT: Leistungsregeln Abrechenbarkeit/PauschalierungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
483ERP EHP76.0TNA40Z131IS-H AT: Zeiten für ZuschlagsleistungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
484ERP EHP76.0TNABETTEN121IS-H AT: Bettenanzahl pro StationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
485ERP EHP76.0TNACCTY31Access Types for Service-Based Appointment SearchSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
486ERP EHP76.0TNACCTYT51Access Types for Service-Based Appointment Search (Texts)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
487ERP EHP76.0TNAFD131IS-H: Outpatient Admission Fee DeterminationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
488ERP EHP76.0TNAHWFG101IS-H AT: Leistungshöchstwerte pro Fall und FachgebietSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
489ERP EHP76.0TNAISP41IS-H AT: Datenaustausch ELDA - InstitutsspezifikaSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
490ERP EHP76.0TNAKRF181IS-H: KRARAF Data Carrier, Function Codes/DeptSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
491ERP EHP76.0TNAUMLEI271IS-H AT: Umschlüsselung LeistungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
492ERP EHP76.0TNAUNF61IS-H AT: Umschl. Unfallkennzeichen (nicht mehr unterstützt)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
493ERP EHP76.0TNBP_ACCTY81Assignment of Access Types to Business PartnersSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
494ERP EHP76.0TNCD2D_D161IS-H: Einstellungen D2D-KommunikationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
495ERP EHP76.0TNCDALE81DALE-UV: EinstellungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
496ERP EHP76.0TNCH1051IS-H CH: Postal Code-to-Region AssignmentSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
497ERP EHP76.0TNCH1151IS-H CH: Canton Tariff-to-Geographical Area AssignmentSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
498ERP EHP76.0TNCH1231IS-H CH: Canton TariffSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
499ERP EHP76.0TNCH12T51IS-H CH: Canton Tariff - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
500ERP EHP76.0TNCH1351IS-H CH: ConventionSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
501ERP EHP76.0TNCH13T51IS-H CH: Agreements - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
502ERP EHP76.0TNCH2031IS-H CH: Code Groups for AHV NumbersSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
503ERP EHP76.0TNCH3071IS-H CH: Patient CategorySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
504ERP EHP76.0TNCH3151IS-H CH: Patient TypeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
505ERP EHP76.0TNCH3231IS-H CH: Service Text CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
506ERP EHP76.0TNCH32T61IS-H CH: Service Text Codes - textSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
507ERP EHP76.0TNCH3341IS-H CH: Tariff TypesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
508ERP EHP76.0TNCH33T51IS-H CH: Tariff TypesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
509ERP EHP76.0TNCH40101IS-H CH: Absence RulesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
510ERP EHP76.0TNCH40T51IS-h CH: Absence Rules - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
511ERP EHP76.0TNCH5051IS-H CH: Billing AgreementsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
512ERP EHP76.0TNCH50T61IS-H CH: Texts for Billing AgreementsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
513ERP EHP76.0TNCH51301IS-H CH: Billing Agreement ItemsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
514ERP EHP76.0TNCH52171IS-h CH: Determination of Billing AgreementsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
515ERP EHP76.0TNCH5341IS-H CH: Quantity Determination Service GenerationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
516ERP EHP76.0TNCH53T51IS-H CH: Texts for Quantity RulesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
517ERP EHP76.0TNCH5451IS-H CH: Gültigkeiten von ABRV für Externen AuftragSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
518ERP EHP76.0TNCH60121IS-H CH: Times for Surcharge ServicesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
519ERP EHP76.0TNCH61201IS-H CH: Percentage ServicesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
520ERP EHP76.0TNCH62121IS-H CH: Percentage ReductionSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
521ERP EHP76.0TND0151IS-H: Borrowing purposes for documentsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
522ERP EHP76.0TND0251IS-H: Texts for borrowing reasonsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
523ERP EHP76.0TND0341Document Management: Borrower categorySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
524ERP EHP76.0TNDRGMAX61Maximum Number of DRG-Relevant Diagnoses and ProceduresSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
525ERP EHP76.0TNEO_BILLTYP_DET81IS-H: External Orders - Billing Type DeterminationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
526ERP EHP76.0TNEO_CHARFAC_DET171IS-H: Charge Factor Value Determination for External OrdersSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
527ERP EHP76.0TNEO_FEEDIST_DET161IS-H: External Orders - Determine Fee Breakdown CodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
528ERP EHP76.0TNEO_ORDER_CAT31IS-H: Order Categories of External OrderSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
529ERP EHP76.0TNEO_ORDER_CATT51IS-H: Order Categories - Texts of External OrderSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
530ERP EHP76.0TNEO_ORDER_TYPE31IS-H: Order Types of External OrderSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
531ERP EHP76.0TNEO_ORDER_TYPET51IS-H: Order Types - Texts of External OrderSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
532ERP EHP76.0TNEO_WORK_ORG121IS-H: Form Control for External OrdersSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
533ERP EHP76.0TNEVENT_ASSIGN41Assignment: Communication Structures for EventsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
534ERP EHP76.0TNEVENT_ASSIGN_C61Assignment: Customer Communication Structures for EventsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
535ERP EHP76.0TNEVENT_LOGGING31Assignment of Storage Routine to IS-H EventSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
536ERP EHP76.0TNLBSN_ACT51Burger service nummer BSN werte übernameSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
537ERP EHP76.0TNLBSN_ID_STAT121Burger service nummer ausweis statusSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
538ERP EHP76.0TNLBSN_PARAM91Burger service nummer algemeines parametersSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
539ERP EHP76.0TNLBSN_SOURCE71Burger service nummer BSN quelleSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
540ERP EHP76.0TNLBSN_STATUS111Burger service nummer statusSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
541ERP EHP76.0TNLCINV0141Sammelrechnung strukturen pro sammelrechnung type and rekordSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
542ERP EHP76.0TNLCINV02101Sammelrechnung ruckgabe kodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
543ERP EHP76.0TNLDBC_0141Abrechnungs arten von Diagnose Behandlung CombinationenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
544ERP EHP76.0TNLDBC_REFZEIT121Bezugslaufzeiten DBC's pro SpezialgebietSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
545ERP EHP76.0TNLDBC_TRDBC171IS-H NL: Dummy DBC per LeistungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
546ERP EHP76.0TNLDBC_TRDBC271IS-H NL: Dummy DBC per anfragender ArztSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
547ERP EHP76.0TNLDBC_TRDBC361IS-H NL: Dummy DBC per KostenträgerSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
548ERP EHP76.0TNLDBC_TRDBC471IS-H NL: Dummy DBC pro ausfuhrend arztSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
549ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_ACT_CODE151Geisteskrankheit activität kodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
550ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_CARETYPE111Geisteskrankheit sorgfrageSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
551ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_CIRCUIT81Geisteskrankheit behandlungs kreisSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
552ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_CLOSE71Geisteskrankheit sper kennzeichenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
553ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_CO_HOUR81Geisteskrankheit: Kostpreis StundentarifSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
554ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_CO_STAY81Geisteskrankheit: Kostpreis AufenthaltskostenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
555ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_DIAGN121Geisteskrankheit diagnosenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
556ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_GAF101Geisteskrankheit GAF punktestandSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
557ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_GROUP51Geisteskankheit gruppeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
558ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_HITLIST141NL GGZ Hitlist EntriesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
559ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_PARAM101Geisteskrankheit parameter tabelleSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
560ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_PAT_GRP91Geisteskrankheit patient gruppeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
561ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_PERFORM101Geisteskrankheit leistungscode ermittungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
562ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_PRODUCT171Geisteskrankheit productkodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
563ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_PROF101Geisteskrankheit berufsgruppeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
564ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_SCHEMA81Geisteskrankheit BehandlungsplanSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
565ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_SERVICE71Geisteskrankheit leistungs gruppeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
566ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_TARIFF81Geisteskrankheit DBC tariffSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
567ERP EHP76.0TNLGGZ_VAL_DEC151Geisteskrankheit validierungsbaumSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
568ERP EHP76.0TNLMR151IS-H NL: LMR-instellingsnummer (WCC-code)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
569ERP EHP76.0TNLMR2101IS-H NL: LMR Afdelingscodes / LAZR Polikliniek- of locatieSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
570ERP EHP76.0TNLMR361IS-H NL: LMR ArtscodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
571ERP EHP76.0TNLMR451IS-H NL: LMR VerzekeringscodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
572ERP EHP76.0TNLMR5141IS-H NL: LMR BewegingscodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
573ERP EHP76.0TNLMR631IS-H NL: LMR LandcodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
574ERP EHP76.0TNLZR0151IS-H NL:LAZR Einstellungen für SchnittstellebearbeitungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
575ERP EHP76.0TNLZR151IS-H NL: LAZR Medische behandeling / Financieel consultSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
576ERP EHP76.0TNLZR251IS-H NL:LAZR AfspraaksoortSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
577ERP EHP76.0TNLZR351IS-H NL: LAZR VeldverplichtingSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
578ERP EHP76.0TNLZR471IS-H NL:LAZR IntegriteitscheckSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
579ERP EHP76.0TNLZR4T51IS-H NL: LAZR Integriteitscheck TekstenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
580ERP EHP76.0TNNA191IS-H NL: Billing parties per service (group)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
581ERP EHP76.0TNNA271IS-H NL: Dummy services by billing partySAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
582ERP EHP76.0TNNA351IS-H NL: ShiftsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
583ERP EHP76.0TNNC181IS-H NL: Insurance verification proceduresSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
584ERP EHP76.0TNNC271IS-H NL: Insurance provider types (internal)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
585ERP EHP76.0TNNC3161IS-H NL: Kostenübernahme von leistungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
586ERP EHP76.0TNNC431IS-H NL: Anfordertypen bei WDS KostenübernahmeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
587ERP EHP76.0TNNE191IS-H NL: Gültigkeit BehandlungsscheineSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
588ERP EHP76.0TNNE271IS-H NL: Reihenfolge Behandlungsscheine definierenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
589ERP EHP76.0TNNE361NL: GeschäftspartnerSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
590ERP EHP76.0TNNE4101NL: Scheine und LeistungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
591ERP EHP76.0TNNE541NL: Zeitpunkte zum LeistungsgenerierungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
592ERP EHP76.0TNNF131IS-H NL: Abrechnung ParameterSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
593ERP EHP76.0TNNG131IS-H NL: Ordering business partner categoriesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
594ERP EHP76.0TNNL151IS-H NL: LMR discharge typeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
595ERP EHP76.0TNNL251IS-H NL: LMR insurance fileSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
596ERP EHP76.0TNNL341IS-H NL: Dutch cities LMRSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
597ERP EHP76.0TNNL441IS-H NL: Country code LMRSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
598ERP EHP76.0TNNLACTIV152Sorge Aktivität kodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
599ERP EHP76.0TNNLBLCKPHYS81Blockieren pro ArztSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
600ERP EHP76.0TNNLCAGR61Sorge produkt kode gruppeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
601ERP EHP76.0TNNLCARE131Sorge produkt kodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
602ERP EHP76.0TNNLCLAIM91Haftungs codeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
603ERP EHP76.0TNNLCLASS_CAT61Meldung Klassifikation KatalogSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
604ERP EHP76.0TNNLCLASS_MESS61Meldung Klassifikation meldungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
605ERP EHP76.0TNNLCLOSE71AbschlußkodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
606ERP EHP76.0TNNLCLRU91Abschließ regelnSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
607ERP EHP76.0TNNLCPCAT61Sorge produkt KategorieSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
608ERP EHP76.0TNNLCPRE71Sorge produkt RelationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
609ERP EHP76.0TNNLDIRE71Diagnose Sorge produkt gruppe BeziehungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
610ERP EHP76.0TNNLREJCLAS_CAT61ISH NL Rejection Classification CatalogueSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
611ERP EHP76.0TNNLREJCLAS_MESS61Rejection Classification MessagesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
612ERP EHP76.0TNNLRULES111Regeln für Registrierung, Schließen und Zusamenstellen DBC'sSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
613ERP EHP76.0TNNLRULES_CLOSE71Verknüpfung abschuß regeln und abschluß kodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
614ERP EHP76.0TNNLTARIFF171TariffSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
615ERP EHP76.0TNNLTP111IS-H NL: An zu wenden Regeln auf LeistungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
616ERP EHP76.0TNNL_GRPMSG_MAP41Grouper Msg Id nach SAP meldung MappingSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
617ERP EHP76.0TNNP171IS-H NL: Patient day servicesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
618ERP EHP76.0TNNP251IS-H NL: Insurance ranking order -> patient day classSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
619ERP EHP76.0TNNP341IS-H NL: Service classesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
620ERP EHP76.0TNNP461IS-H NL: Classes for IP Types / Default ValuesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
621ERP EHP76.0TNNR171IS-H NL: Service exclusions (calculation rule)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
622ERP EHP76.0TNNR271IS-H NL: Service inclusions (calculation rule)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
623ERP EHP76.0TNNR3131IS-H NL: Time-related rulesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
624ERP EHP76.0TNNR471IS-H NL: Time-related rulesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
625ERP EHP76.0TNNR571IS-H NL: Service Rules At AdmissionSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
626ERP EHP76.0TNNR691IS-H NL: Define in- and exclusion rulesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
627ERP EHP76.0TNNRG81IS-H NL: Zuweisung leistung(sgruppe) zu werte-regelSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
628ERP EHP76.0TNP0171IS-H: Patient ClassesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
629ERP EHP76.0TNP01T61IS-H: Text for patient classesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
630ERP EHP76.0TNPRICL31Priority Classes for Service-Based Appointment SearchSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
631ERP EHP76.0TNPRICLT51Priority Classes for Service-Based Appt Search (Texts)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
632ERP EHP76.0TNSBASP61Parameters for Service-Based Appointment SearchSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
633ERP EHP76.0TNSEL_INTERDEPT41Choice of System Behavior for Interdep. Bed AssignmentSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
634ERP EHP76.0TNSTS51IS-H AT: Zeitstempel für Statistikaufbau (veraltet !!!)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
635ERP EHP76.0TNSYP51IS-H: System ParameterSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
636ERP EHP76.0TNT471Activate Separate Performance Documentation for ServicesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
637ERP EHP76.0TNVVA21IS-H: Relationship to main insuredSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
638ERP EHP76.0TNVVB41IS-H: Texte der VerwandtschaftsverhältnisseSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
639ERP EHP76.0TNWATBETTEN131IS-H AT: Bettenanzahl pro Abteilung und StationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
640ERP EHP76.0TNWATDIA_STERNKR112IS-H AT: Diagnosen: Stern-Kreuz-PlausibilitätSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
641ERP EHP76.0TNWATFCO41IS-H AT: ELDA FehlercodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
642ERP EHP76.0TNWATINTENS91Systemsteuerungsparameter IntensivdokumentationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
643ERP EHP76.0TNWATKBDIA261IS-H AT: Leistungsgenerierung - Ausschluß über DiagnosenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
644ERP EHP76.0TNWATKBGEN241IS-H AT: LeistungsgenerierungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
645ERP EHP76.0TNWATLROPGR111IS-H AT: Leistungsregel - Höherreihung OP-GruppenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
646ERP EHP76.0TNWATLROPLST71IS-H AT: Leistungsregel - Höherreihung OP-GruppenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
647ERP EHP76.0TNWATLRTKGR91IS-H AT: Lregel - Höher. Tageskliniken - TK-GruppenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
648ERP EHP76.0TNWATLRTKLST51IS-H AT: Lregel - Höher. Tageskliniken - spez. TK-LeistungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
649ERP EHP76.0TNWATOEARZT81IS-H AT: Arztzuordnung zu OESAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
650ERP EHP76.0TNWATRDNOT41IS-H AT: ELDA Codes für Rückmeldung-EntlassungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
651ERP EHP76.0TNWATSCD111IS-H AT: Systeminformationen für EDI-ScoringSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
652ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_AAD131IS-H AT: Ausschluss ambulanter DatenaustauschSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
653ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_ABB_BEFRGR61IS-H AT: Befreiungsgründe für die AmbulanzgebührenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
654ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_ABB_BEFRGT51IS-H AT: Befreiungsgründe für die Ambulanzgebühren (Text)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
655ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_ABB_KBL71IS-H AT: Ambulanzbeitrag KB-LeistungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
656ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_ANATOMY101Codes für Anatomie feinSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
657ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_BETR151IS-H AT: Ermittlung BetreuungsscheinSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
658ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_DEKADE_H71IS-H AT: Customizingtabelle für Dekaden (Kopfdaten)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
659ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_DEKADE_P101IS-H AT: Customizingtabelle für Dekaden (Positionsdaten)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
660ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_DEK_KOST51IS-H AT: Dekaden (Kostenträgerdaten)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
661ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_EDI_CODES91IS-H AT: EDIVKA EDI Verfahren CodelistenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
662ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_EDI_FACDEF91IS-H AT: EDIVKA Korrekturenfaktoren und NebenbedingungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
663ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_EDI_KOM161IS-H AT: EDI Kommentar (K12) - VorlagenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
664ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_EDI_KONDMP81IS-H AT: EDIVKA Konditionen zu Korrekturfakt./Nebenbeding.SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
665ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_EDI_SERVMP41IS-H AT: EDIVKA Ermittlg Arzt-/Haus-Leist. über TarifgruppenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
666ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_EDI_VERTR101IS-H AT: EDIVKA Vereinbarungen Krankenhaus und VersicherungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
667ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_EURS171IS-H AT: Ermittlung Ursache der BehandlungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
668ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_GIN_PINCD61IS-H AT: GINA PIN-Code der O-Card zur DialogpoolerzeugungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
669ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_GIN_PORTS51IS-H AT: GINA Portdefinition (log. Port für GINA-Proxy)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
670ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_GIN_PORTVP61IS-H AT: GINA Port-VertragspartnernummerzuordnungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
671ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_GIN_TERMCR91IS-H AT: GINA Zuordnung Terminal - CardReaderSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
672ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_GIN_USRTRM31IS-H AT: GINA Zuordnung User - TerminalSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
673ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_GIN_VERS41IS-H AT: GINA Schnittstellen- und ProxyversionseinstellungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
674ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_LEIKOM_HDR221IS-H AT: Leistungskombinationen umschlüsseln - HeaderSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
675ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_LEIKOM_POS101IS-H AT: Leistungskombinationen umschlüsseln - PositionSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
676ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_NKRS_NEW151IS-H AT: neue Nummernkreise für jährliche Umstellung via JobSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
677ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_OE_ABBEXC61IS-H AT: Ambulanzbehandlungsarten für AmbulanzgebührenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
678ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_OE_VPNR61IS-H AT: Vertragspartnernummern für AmbulanzenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
679ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_SCOEWKOMM51IS-H AT: Scoring - Std-Kommentar für akzept. Errors/WarningsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
680ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_SCOMSGCL31IS-H AT: Scoring Nachrichten-KlassifizierungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
681ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_SCOMSGCLT51IS-H AT: Scoring Nachrichten-Klassifizierung - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
682ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_SCOMSGID71IS-H AT: Scoring Nachrichten (+ Klassifizierung)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
683ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_SCOMSGIDT61IS-H AT: Scoring Nachrichten - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
684ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_SCOPARAM101IS-H AT: Scoring - ParameterSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
685ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_SCOVARI61IS-H AT: Scoring- Standard-Layout (Karteireiter)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
686ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_SCO_HGRS171IS-H AT: Höchstgrenzen für ScoringSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
687ERP EHP76.0TNWAT_SRULE_OPT61IS-H AT: Einstellungen fürs Leistungsstorno abh. LeistungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
688ERP EHP76.0TNWCH1031IS-H CH: AnästhesierisikoklasseSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
689ERP EHP76.0TNWCH10041Fee Breakdown IndicatorSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
690ERP EHP76.0TNWCH100T51Texts for Fee Breakdown IndicatorsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
691ERP EHP76.0TNWCH101131Pools for Fee BillingSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
692ERP EHP76.0TNWCH101T51Texts for Pools in Fee BillingSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
693ERP EHP76.0TNWCH10291Items for Pool in Fee BillingSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
694ERP EHP76.0TNWCH103181Fees: Determination of Breakdown CodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
695ERP EHP76.0TNWCH10461Fees: Customizing for Clearing AccountSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
696ERP EHP76.0TNWCH10541Fee Posting VariantsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
697ERP EHP76.0TNWCH106121Account Determination (Fee Billing)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
698ERP EHP76.0TNWCH107111Billing Type Determination for Fee BillingSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
699ERP EHP76.0TNWCH108161Charge Factor Value Determination for Fee BillingSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
700ERP EHP76.0TNWCH10T51IS-H CH: Anästhesierisikoklasse - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
701ERP EHP76.0TNWCH1131IS-H CH: AnästhesietypSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
702ERP EHP76.0TNWCH11T51IS-H CH: Anästhesietyp - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
703ERP EHP76.0TNWCH1231IS-H CH: AnästhesiecodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
704ERP EHP76.0TNWCH12T51IS-H CH: Anästhesiecode - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
705ERP EHP76.0TNWCH1331IS-H CH: SitzungscodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
706ERP EHP76.0TNWCH13T51IS-H CH: Sitzungscode - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
707ERP EHP76.0TNWCH1441IS-H CH: Mengenermittlung Leistungsregel OPSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
708ERP EHP76.0TNWCH14T51IS-H CH: Texte zu den Mengenformeln der LstRegel OPSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
709ERP EHP76.0TNWCH15071IS-H CH: Definition Zeit-/MaßeinheitenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
710ERP EHP76.0TNWCH150T51IS-H CH: Texttabelle zu ZeitmarkenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
711ERP EHP76.0TNWCH2031IS-H CH: RadiologiegruppeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
712ERP EHP76.0TNWCH20T51IS-H CH: Radiologiegruppe - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
713ERP EHP76.0TNWCH21101IS-H CH: Radiologie-GruppendefinitionSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
714ERP EHP76.0TNWCH30201IS-H CH: TarMed Leistungsdauer umschlüsselnSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
715ERP EHP76.0TNWCH7031IS-H CH: ClassesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
716ERP EHP76.0TNWCH70T51IS-H CH: Classes - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
717ERP EHP76.0TNWCH7131IS-H CH: Service in Enhancement to Other InsurersSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
718ERP EHP76.0TNWCH71T51IS-H CH: Service in Enhancement to Other Insurers - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
719ERP EHP76.0TNWCH7261IS-H CH: IV ProceduresSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
720ERP EHP76.0TNWCH72T41IS-H CH: IV Procedures TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
721ERP EHP76.0TNWCH7331IS-H CH: Rejection Reason CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
722ERP EHP76.0TNWCH73T51IS-H CH: Rejection Reason Codes - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
723ERP EHP76.0TNWCH74151IS-H CH: Vertragstypen ZuordnungstabelleSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
724ERP EHP76.0TNWCH7541IS-H CH: Zuordnung KÜ-Verfahren <<->> KantonstarifSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
725ERP EHP76.0TNWCH7661IS-H CH: Zuordnung Kostenübernahme - Rückweisbegründung CodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
726ERP EHP76.0TNWCH7721IS-H CH: KÜ-VerfahrenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
727ERP EHP76.0TNWCH77T41IS-H CH: KÜ Verfahren TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
728ERP EHP76.0TNWCH7851IS-H CH: Zuordnung KÜ-Verfahren => KlasseSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
729ERP EHP76.0TNWCH7961IS-H CH: Zuordnung KÜ-Verfahren => KantonstarifSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
730ERP EHP76.0TNWCH80191IS-H CH: Charge Factor Value DeterminationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
731ERP EHP76.0TNWCH81121IS-H CH: Billing Type DeterminationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
732ERP EHP76.0TNWCH82191IS-H CH: Punktwertermittlung für TARMED-LeistungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
733ERP EHP76.0TNWCH83191Ermittlung der BaserateSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
734ERP EHP76.0TNWCH84101Ermittlung des KostenteilersSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
735ERP EHP76.0TNWCH8551Verwendung Kostenteiler pflegenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
736ERP EHP76.0TNWCH9031Fee RelevanceSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
737ERP EHP76.0TNWCH90R111Fees: Assignment of Function->Condition TypeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
738ERP EHP76.0TNWCH90T51Fee Relevance - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
739ERP EHP76.0TNWCH91191Items for Fee RelevanceSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
740ERP EHP76.0TNWCH9231Fee typesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
741ERP EHP76.0TNWCH92T51Fee Type TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
742ERP EHP76.0TNWCH9341Fee SubgroupsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
743ERP EHP76.0TNWCH93T61Texts for Fee SubgroupsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
744ERP EHP76.0TNWCH94252Fee Recipient DataSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
745ERP EHP76.0TNWCH94B71Assign Fee Authorization to Fee RecipientSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
746ERP EHP76.0TNWCH94K52Vendor Numbers for Fee RecipientsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
747ERP EHP76.0TNWCH94L41Limitation for Fee RecipientSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
748ERP EHP76.0TNWCH94LC71Fees: Assignment of Breakdown Code to Limit LevelSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
749ERP EHP76.0TNWCH94LD51Fees: Validity of LimitationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
750ERP EHP76.0TNWCH94LS61Fees: Limitation LevelsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
751ERP EHP76.0TNWCH94LT51Limitation Texts for Fee RecipientSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
752ERP EHP76.0TNWCH94R71Assign Rank to Fee RecipientSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
753ERP EHP76.0TNWCH9531Fee authorizationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
754ERP EHP76.0TNWCH95T51Fee Authorizations - TextsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
755ERP EHP76.0TNWCH9651Assign Fee Authorization - Fee TypesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
756ERP EHP76.0TNWCH9751Fee Breakdown CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
757ERP EHP76.0TNWCH97S41Fee Breakdown Codes with Limit LevelsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
758ERP EHP76.0TNWCH97ST51Texts for Fee Breakdown CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
759ERP EHP76.0TNWCH97T51Texts for Fee Breakdown CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
760ERP EHP76.0TNWCH9891Fee limitationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
761ERP EHP76.0TNWCH98S61Fees: Limit Levels for Breakdown CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
762ERP EHP76.0TNWCH99141Fee Breakdown CodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
763ERP EHP76.0TNWCH99S111Fees: Breakdown Codes for Limit LevelsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
764ERP EHP76.0TNWCHCO101IS-H: Aufträge bestimmen für Überleitung ins COSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
765ERP EHP76.0TNWCHDIOEGP61IS-H CH: Zuordnung OE - Arzt für qual. / quant. DignitätSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
766ERP EHP76.0TNWCHDRG141IS-H CH: DRG-AbrechnungsparameterSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
767ERP EHP76.0TNWCHEA0141IS-H CH: Anwendungsparameter Externer AuftragSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
768ERP EHP76.0TNWCHEA01T51IS-H CH: Texte zu Anwendungsparameter Externer AuftragSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
769ERP EHP76.0TNWCHEA1081IS-H CH: Abrechnungsartenermittlung für Externe AufträgeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
770ERP EHP76.0TNWCHEA11161IS-H CH: Punktwertermittlung für Externe AufträgeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
771ERP EHP76.0TNWCHEA12161Determine Fee Breakdown Code for Transfer of Ext. OrderSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
772ERP EHP76.0TNWCHEA1391IS-H CH: Bearbeitungsgebühr pflegen für Externe AufträgeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
773ERP EHP76.0TNWCHEA1431IS-H CH: Auftragsarten des Externen AuftragesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
774ERP EHP76.0TNWCHEA14T51IS-H CH: Auftragsarten - Texte des Externen AuftragesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
775ERP EHP76.0TNWCHEA1531IS-H CH: Auftragstypen des Externen AuftragesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
776ERP EHP76.0TNWCHEA15T51IS-H CH: Auftragsarten - Texte des Externen AuftragesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
777ERP EHP76.0TNWCHEA1631IS-H: Externe AuftraggeberartenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
778ERP EHP76.0TNWCHEA16T51IS-H: Externe Auftraggeberarten - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
779ERP EHP76.0TNWCHEXTNR61IS-H CH: Übermittlung alternativer Leistungscode (ein/aus)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
780ERP EHP76.0TNWCHFACH61IS-H CH: ANALYSE Fachbereiche - CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
781ERP EHP76.0TNWCHFACHT61IS-H CH: ANALYSE - Fachbereiche - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
782ERP EHP76.0TNWCHFEEPHYS171Service Rule Fee Physician for Fee-Based ServicesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
783ERP EHP76.0TNWCHHONHEAD141Fee Header Table for Released Breakdown DataSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
784ERP EHP76.0TNWCHHONHEADCD141Fee Header Table for Released Breakdown CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
785ERP EHP76.0TNWCHHONPOS102101Fee Item Data for PoolsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
786ERP EHP76.0TNWCHHONPOS98101Fee Item Data for Codes - LimitationsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
787ERP EHP76.0TNWCHHONPOS98S71Fee Item Data for Codes - Limit LevelsSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
788ERP EHP76.0TNWCHHONPOS99151Fee Item Data for Codes - Breakdown CodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
789ERP EHP76.0TNWCHHONPOS99S121Fee Item Data for Codes - Breakdown CodeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
790ERP EHP76.0TNWCHIVTOE81IS-H CH: Zuordnung Fachl. OE zu Tages- und FallpauschaleSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
791ERP EHP76.0TNWCHKTRGR251IS-H CH: Dynamische KostenträgergruppenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
792ERP EHP76.0TNWCHLRS41IS-H CH: Steuerungsparameter Leistungszuordnungen/-regelnSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
793ERP EHP76.0TNWCHMEDIDATACD121IS-H CH: Medidata - CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
794ERP EHP76.0TNWCHMEDIDATACDT61IS-H CH: Medidata - Codes - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
795ERP EHP76.0TNWCHSDRG01101Swiss-DRG - Leistungsregeln DRG-Leistung generierenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
796ERP EHP76.0TNWCHSDRG02151Swiss-DRG - Leistungsregeln DRG-Zusatzentgelte generierenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
797ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTARGRP111IS-H CH: Zuo Tariftyp - Tarifgruppe (Gruppierung auf Rechn.)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
798ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM0071IS-H CH: TARMED - Regelwerk für LeistungsregelnSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
799ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM01111IS-H CH: TARMED - Anästhesie-Risikoklassen - CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
800ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM01T61IS-H CH: TARMED - Anästhesie-Risikoklassen - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
801ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM02121IS-H CH: TARMED - Qualitative Dignität - CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
802ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM02T61IS-H CH: TARMED - Qualitative Dignität - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
803ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM03111IS-H CH: TARMED - Quantitative Dignität - CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
804ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM03T61IS-H CH: TARMED - Quantitative Dignität - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
805ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM04111IS-H CH: TARMED - Frakturen - CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
806ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM04T61IS-H CH: TARMED - Frakturen - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
807ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM05111IS-H CH: TARMED - Orts - CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
808ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM05T61IS-H CH: TARMED - Orts - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
809ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM06111IS-H CH: TARMED - Pflichtleistung - CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
810ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM06T61IS-H CH: TARMED - Pflichtleistung - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
811ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM07111IS-H CH: TARMED - Rechnungstyp - CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
812ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM07T61IS-H CH: TARMED - Rechnungstyp - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
813ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM08121IS-H CH: TARMED - Sparten - CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
814ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM08T71IS-H CH: TARMED - Sparten - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
815ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM09111IS-H CH: TARMED - Mechanik - CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
816ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM09T61IS-H CH: TARMED - Mechanikcode - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
817ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM10121IS-H CH: TARMED - Leistungstyp - CodesSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
818ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTM10T61IS-H CH: TARMED - Leistungstypcode - TexteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
819ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTMABRMAT161IS-H CH: TARMED - Leistungsregel Abrechenbarkeit MaterialienSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
820ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTMADDSRV61IS-H CH: TARMED - (+)%-Zuschlagsleistungen (Bastarde)SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
821ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTMDIVIS91IS-H CH: TARMED - Leistungsregel SpartenzuschlagSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
822ERP EHP76.0TNWCHTRANSDIA61IS-H CH: Umschlüsselung Diagnosecode intern -> externSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
823ERP EHP76.0TNWCHXMLROLE111IS-H CH: ALIS-XML-RollenzuordnungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
824ERP EHP76.0TNWCH_AL_EXTRA211IS-H CH: ANALYSE - Leistungsregeln ZuschlagsleistungenSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
825ERP EHP76.0TNWCH_AL_KUMU131IS-H CH: ANALYSE - Leistungsregeln KumulationSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
826ERP EHP76.0TNWCH_AL_NLHO171IS-H CH: ANALYSE: Leistungsregeln HöchstwerteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
827ERP EHP76.0TNWCH_DRG_ACC71Swiss-DRG - Bewertungsrelation für ErlösabgrenzungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
828ERP EHP76.0TNWCH_EDIKTR271IS-H CH: Control Data for EDI Procedure for Ins. ProviderSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
829ERP EHP76.0TNWCH_EDIKTR_EO191Steuerung EDI-Verfahren für externe AufträgeSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
830ERP EHP76.0TNWCH_EHC_BOA201Kontext für die MassendeckungsabfrageSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
831ERP EHP76.0TNWCH_EHC_BOAT41Kontext für die Massendeckungsabfrage - BezeichnungSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
832ERP EHP76.0TNWCH_EHC_KVG141Zuordnung Berechtigungen und Lesegerät für VersichertenkarteSAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
Industry Specific :: SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals :: Basic Data
833ERP EHP76.0N1PUT41Replaces NPUT for IS-HBasic Data
834ERP EHP76.0NABG142IS-H: Employer (Business Partner)Basic Data
835ERP EHP76.0NBAK61IS-H: Index Building Unit Identifier ---> Org. UnitBasic Data
836ERP EHP76.0NBAU323IS-H: Building UnitsBasic Data
837ERP EHP76.0NC00211IS-HCM Dispatch Log FileBasic Data
838ERP EHP76.0NC01291IS-HCM Dispatch Orders to HCMBasic Data
839ERP EHP76.0NC02192IS-HCM Messages Ready-to-SendBasic Data
840ERP EHP76.0NC301344IS-HCM: Order Table Data Transmission for EDIBasic Data
841ERP EHP76.0NC301A251IS-HCM: EDI - Obsolete! (Documentation Archive Transfers)Basic Data
842ERP EHP76.0NC301B311IS-H: EDI - Agreements with Data Collection PointsBasic Data
843ERP EHP76.0NC301CEX111IS-H: EDI - Cases Excluded From Data Exchange ProcessBasic Data
844ERP EHP76.0NC301D314IS-HCM: EDI - Documentation Archive TransfersBasic Data
845ERP EHP76.0NC301DX41IS-HCM: EDI - Transfer System File LogBasic Data
846ERP EHP76.0NC301E102IS-HCM: EDI Error MessagesBasic Data
847ERP EHP76.0NC301F201IS-H: Obsolete!! (Error Table for EDI Error Messages)Basic Data
848ERP EHP76.0NC301I183IS-H: Error Table for EDI Error Messages to be ReportedBasic Data
849ERP EHP76.0NC301KTR61IS-H EDI: Data Cllct. Point - Ins. Provider AsgmtBasic Data
850ERP EHP76.0NC301M61IS-HCM Message Table for EDIBasic Data
851ERP EHP76.0NC301P341IS-H EDI Data Collection PointsBasic Data
852ERP EHP76.0NC301R312IS-H: EDI Other Inbound Data for Misc. Evaluation/DisplayBasic Data
853ERP EHP76.0NC301S5311IS-HCM: EDI Status ManagementBasic Data
854ERP EHP76.0NC301T536IS-H EDI Temporary Storage for Old EDI Msg. Status RecordsBasic Data
855ERP EHP76.0NC301TX101IS-H: EDI: Temporary Transfer Table Ext. -> Int. FilesBasic Data
856ERP EHP76.0NC301V172IS-H: EDI Receipt, Storage for Specific Message TypesBasic Data
857ERP EHP76.0NC301W172IS-H: EDI Receipt, Worklist for Processing AgentBasic Data
858ERP EHP76.0NCCHR51IS-H SG: Change Reasons for Modifications to Case DataBasic Data
861ERP EHP76.0NCDF81IS-H: Logging Data Exchange with DRG Coding SystemBasic Data
862ERP EHP76.0NCEM_REG_EVENT122Saves Events in Relation to Event HandlerBasic Data
863ERP EHP76.0NCEVNTHNDL_ORDER61Event Handler: Appl., Context for Obj. & Event -> SequenceBasic Data
864ERP EHP76.0NCI0141IS-HCM Receipt Log FileBasic Data
865ERP EHP76.0NCIF171IS-HCM: Errored Inbound Messages in Original FormatBasic Data
866ERP EHP76.0NCMON141IS-HCM: Function Modules for Monitoring ProgramBasic Data
867ERP EHP76.0NCMOS171IS-HCM: Status Table for HCM MonitorBasic Data
868ERP EHP76.0NCPPF_M_ALE101PPF: Data for ALE Medium Runtime ClassBasic Data
869ERP EHP76.0NCPPF_M_ALE_CUST41PPF: Data for ALE Medium Runtime ClassBasic Data
870ERP EHP76.0NCPPF_M_ALE_TMPL61PPF: Data for ALE Medium Template ClassBasic Data
871ERP EHP76.0NCPROXYOBJ42Table for Class CL_ISH_CM_PROXYOBJBasic Data
872ERP EHP76.0NCST91IS-HCM Statistical Data of Hospital CommunicationBasic Data
873ERP EHP76.0NCSTA61IS-H: EDI Communication Status for Specific ObjectsBasic Data
874ERP EHP76.0NDEB142IS-H: Business Partner/IS-H Customer SupplementBasic Data
875ERP EHP76.0NFOR302IS-H: Form LogBasic Data
876ERP EHP76.0NGPA556IS-H: Business PartnersBasic Data
877ERP EHP76.0NGPZ71IS-H: INACTIVE - will be deleted after 4.72Basic Data
878ERP EHP76.0NINSI131Institution-Dependent Insurance Provider Master DataBasic Data
879ERP EHP76.0NKDI213IS-H: Diagnosis Coding CatalogsBasic Data
880ERP EHP76.0NKIP222IS-H: Pre-Approved Insurance Verification Information - ItemBasic Data
881ERP EHP76.0NKRH151IS-H: Hospitals (Business Partners)Basic Data
882ERP EHP76.0NKTR686IS-H: Business Partners/Insurance ProvidersBasic Data
883ERP EHP76.0NLSU141IS-H: Totals File for Service StatisticsBasic Data
884ERP EHP76.0NO2K81IS-H: Assign OU to Cost Center for Revenue Acct AsgmtBasic Data
885ERP EHP76.0NOEK81IS-H: Assign Org. Unit to Cost CenterBasic Data
886ERP EHP76.0NORG814IS-H: Organizational UnitsBasic Data
887ERP EHP76.0NPEF81IS-H: Persons - Assignment to SpecialtiesBasic Data
888ERP EHP76.0NPER363IS-H: PersonsBasic Data
889ERP EHP76.0NPLANC61IS-H: Statistical Figures for Occupancy CharacteristicsBasic Data
890ERP EHP76.0NPTW121IS-H: Rules for Charge Factor Value Determ.Basic Data
891ERP EHP76.0NTPT222IS-H: Service Catalog Item DescriptionBasic Data
892ERP EHP76.0NTPZ232IS-H: Service Catalog Line Items: Assignments/GroupingsBasic Data
893ERP EHP76.0NTSI191IS-H: Service catalog column informationBasic Data
894ERP EHP76.0NTSP161IS-H: Columns in Service CatalogBasic Data
895ERP EHP76.0NUMK151IS-H: Map Org. Unit Identifier to Org. Unit Ident. KeyBasic Data
896ERP EHP76.0NUMO151IS-H: Map Org. Unit Ident. Key to Org. Unit IdentifierBasic Data
897ERP EHP76.0NWCV_LICENCE51License QueryBasic Data
898ERP EHP76.0NWCV_LICSALE31Sales Descriptions for LicensesBasic Data
899ERP EHP76.0NWCV_LICSALET41Sales Descriptions for LicensesBasic Data
900ERP EHP76.0TN00151IS-H: Client-Specific Control ParametersBasic Data
901ERP EHP76.0TN00D81IS-H: Screen Sequence Control of IS-H TransactionsBasic Data
902ERP EHP76.0TN00E131IS-H: Institution-Specific Control ParametersBasic Data
903ERP EHP76.0TN00L81IS-H: Log Table for Special UsageBasic Data
904ERP EHP76.0TN00N21IS-H: Name Elements Excluded from Search IndexBasic Data
905ERP EHP76.0TN00P51IS-H: Client-Specific Parameter TableBasic Data
906ERP EHP76.0TN00Q61IS-H: Institution-Specific Parameter TableBasic Data
907ERP EHP76.0TN00R41IS-H: Institution-Specific Parameter Table (Time-Indep.)Basic Data
908ERP EHP76.0TN00S31IS-H: Client-Specific Parameter TableBasic Data
909ERP EHP76.0TN01361IS-H: InstitutionsBasic Data
910ERP EHP76.0TN01Z81IS-H: Table for Period Input HelpBasic Data
911ERP EHP76.0TN02A41IS-H: Define Appl. and Their Asgmt to a SystemBasic Data
912ERP EHP76.0TN02E191IS-H: Events and Related ApplicationBasic Data
913ERP EHP76.0TN02F161IS-H: Assign IS-H Events to BOR Events (Customer)Basic Data
914ERP EHP76.0TN02K171IS-H: Supported Configuration Variants of an EventBasic Data
915ERP EHP76.0TN02Q61IS-H: Application ParametersBasic Data
916ERP EHP76.0TN02S221IS-H: Systems and System AttributesBasic Data
917ERP EHP76.0TN02T51IS-H: Text Table for Events (TN02E)Basic Data
918ERP EHP76.0TN10A131IS-H: Categories of Organizational UnitsBasic Data
919ERP EHP76.0TN10B221IS-H: Statistical Bed Count of Organizational UnitsBasic Data
920ERP EHP76.0TN10E61IS-H: Allowed Organizational HierarchyBasic Data
921ERP EHP76.0TN10F41IS-H: Assign Org. Categories -> Case TypesBasic Data
922ERP EHP76.0TN10H71IS-H: Hierarchy of Organizational UnitsBasic Data
923ERP EHP76.0TN10I91IS-H: Inter-Dept. Bed Asgmts in an OU by Another OUBasic Data
924ERP EHP76.0TN10S61IS-H: Text and Keyword Abbreviation for Org. Unit CategoryBasic Data
925ERP EHP76.0TN11A71IS-H: Facility Caracteristics of a Building UnitBasic Data
926ERP EHP76.0TN11B71IS-H: Building Unit CategoriesBasic Data
927ERP EHP76.0TN11C41IS-H: Description of Building Unit CategoryBasic Data
928ERP EHP76.0TN11D61IS-H: Doors Table for Care Unit Overview GraphicBasic Data
929ERP EHP76.0TN11E41IS-H: Allowed Asgmts Bld. Unit Cat. <-> Org. Unit Cat.Basic Data
930ERP EHP76.0TN11G21IS-H: Facility Key for Building UnitBasic Data
931ERP EHP76.0TN11H71IS-H: Hierarchy of Building UnitsBasic Data
932ERP EHP76.0TN11I31IS-H: Allowed Hierarchy Relshps Between Build. Unit Categ.Basic Data
933ERP EHP76.0TN11N21IS-H: Blocking Reason for Availability of Building UnitsBasic Data
934ERP EHP76.0TN11O81IS-H: Assign Building Units to Org. UnitsBasic Data
935ERP EHP76.0TN11P191IS-H: Planning Characteristics of Building UnitBasic Data
936ERP EHP76.0TN11T41IS-H: Texts for Building Unit FacilitiesBasic Data
937ERP EHP76.0TN11U41IS-H: Block. Reason Texts for Availability of Build. UnitsBasic Data
938ERP EHP76.0TN120101IS-H: Responsibility for PositionBasic Data
939ERP EHP76.0TN12191IS-H: Assign Person to PositionBasic Data
940ERP EHP76.0TN12481IS-H: PositionBasic Data
941ERP EHP76.0TN128101IS-H: Assignment Position/Org. Unit/InstitutionBasic Data
942ERP EHP76.0TN12P41IS-H: Parameters for Transferring Persons From RPBasic Data
943ERP EHP76.0TN12R31IS-H: Physician RanksBasic Data
944ERP EHP76.0TN12S41IS-H: Texts for Physician RanksBasic Data
945ERP EHP76.0TN12T91IS-H: Text for PositionBasic Data
946ERP EHP76.0TN14A31IS-H: Movement CategoriesBasic Data
947ERP EHP76.0TN14C41IS-H: Accident TypesBasic Data
948ERP EHP76.0TN14D31IS-H: Discharge Disposition of PatientBasic Data
949ERP EHP76.0TN14T51IS-H: Texts of Movement CategoriesBasic Data
950ERP EHP76.0TN14U61IS-H: Texts for Movement TypesBasic Data
951ERP EHP76.0TN14V51IS-H: Texts for Accident TypesBasic Data
952ERP EHP76.0TN14W51IS-H: Texts for Discharge DispositionBasic Data
953ERP EHP76.0TN16M51IS-H: Types of Insurance CoverageBasic Data
954ERP EHP76.0TN16T51IS-H: Type of Insurance Coverage - Text TableBasic Data
955ERP EHP76.0TN17A31IS-H: Form-of-Address KeyBasic Data
956ERP EHP76.0TN17G31IS-H: Sex IndicatorBasic Data
957ERP EHP76.0TN17J31IS-H: Protectable Fields in NV2000Basic Data
958ERP EHP76.0TN17K21IS-H: Change Reasons for Protected FieldsBasic Data
959ERP EHP76.0TN17K_T41IS-H: Change Reasons for Protected FieldsBasic Data
960ERP EHP76.0TN17T61IS-H: Texts for Sex IndicatorsBasic Data
961ERP EHP76.0TN17V41IS-H: Texts for Types of RelationshipBasic Data
962ERP EHP76.0TN18451IS-H: Insurance Provider TypesBasic Data
963ERP EHP76.0TN18E51IS-H: Types / Categories of HospitalBasic Data
964ERP EHP76.0TN18F41IS-H: Texts for Hospital TypesBasic Data
965ERP EHP76.0TN18I131Institution-Dependent Insurance Provider Type AttributesBasic Data
966ERP EHP76.0TN18P41IS-H: Assignment of Role to Person in Service EntryBasic Data
967ERP EHP76.0TN18U51IS-H: Texts for Insurance Provider TypesBasic Data
968ERP EHP76.0TN19A51IS-H: Certificate CategoriesBasic Data
969ERP EHP76.0TN19B51IS-H: Certificate Types per Certificate CategoryBasic Data
970ERP EHP76.0TN19T61IS-H: Text Table of Certificate CategoriesBasic Data
971ERP EHP76.0TN19U71IS-H: Text Table Certificate Types per Certificate CategoryBasic Data
972ERP EHP76.0TN30K51HCO: Assign IS-H Key Figures to CO Statistical Key FiguresBasic Data
973ERP EHP76.0TN30T51IS-HCO: Text table for Asgmt of IS-H Stat. Key Figures to COBasic Data
974ERP EHP76.0TN40A61IS-H: Text for Scheduling TypeBasic Data
975ERP EHP76.0TN40B111IS-H: Scheduling TypesBasic Data
976ERP EHP76.0TNBPOMCTRL31Control table for the SAP BP and OM conversionBasic Data
977ERP EHP76.0TNC301AS71IS-H: EDI Assign Indicators to ServiceBasic Data
978ERP EHP76.0TNC301C0261IS-H: Control/Options Table for Specific EDI ProceduresBasic Data
979ERP EHP76.0TNC301EE51IS-H: EDI Error Messages (External)Basic Data
980ERP EHP76.0TNC301EI51IS-H: EDI Error Messages (Internal, Asgmt to Ext. Errors)Basic Data
981ERP EHP76.0TNC301EX81IS-H EDI: Msg Exclusions for IP - Obsolete => TNC301MXBasic Data
982ERP EHP76.0TNC301F0331IS-H EDI Table for File Name CompositionBasic Data
983ERP EHP76.0TNC301G051IS-HCM: EDI ProceduresBasic Data
984ERP EHP76.0TNC301GC81IS-H EDI Procedure ChecksBasic Data
985ERP EHP76.0TNC301GE51IS-HCM: EDI Procedure EventsBasic Data
986ERP EHP76.0TNC301GF91IS-HCM: EDI Procedure Function CallsBasic Data
987ERP EHP76.0TNC301GI91IS-HCM: EDI Procedure in InstitutionBasic Data
988ERP EHP76.0TNC301GS31IS-H EDI: Assign Standards to ProceduresBasic Data
989ERP EHP76.0TNC301GT31IS-HCM: Texts for EDI ProceduresBasic Data
990ERP EHP76.0TNC301MX91IS-H EDI: Message Exclusions for Insurance ProvidersBasic Data
991ERP EHP76.0TNC301SA31IS-H EDI: Application Status for CommunicationBasic Data
992ERP EHP76.0TNC301SC31IS-H EDI: Status Table for Detailed Communication StatusBasic Data
993ERP EHP76.0TNC301T141IS-H EDI: Application Status Text for CommunicationBasic Data
994ERP EHP76.0TNC301T241IS-H EDI: Texts for Detailed Communication StatusBasic Data
995ERP EHP76.0TNC301VER91IS-H: EDI - Version Validity PeriodBasic Data
996ERP EHP76.0TNC301X301IS-HCM: EDI - Connection Data Transfer SystemBasic Data
997ERP EHP76.0TNC301XI241IS-H EDI: Sender Communication Specs (Institution-Specific)Basic Data
998ERP EHP76.0TNCD041IS-HCM: Express Communication OptionsBasic Data
999ERP EHP76.0TNCD1101IS-HCM Dispatch Control for Direct CommunicationBasic Data
1000ERP EHP76.0TNCDF071IS-H: DRG Coding and Grouping System Master Data TableBasic Data
1001ERP EHP76.0TNCDF1271IS-H: DRG Coding and Grouping System Customizing TableBasic Data
1002ERP EHP76.0TNCDF2201IS-H: DRG Coding and Grouping System File Name TableBasic Data
1003ERP EHP76.0TNCDF3161IS-H: DRG Coding and Grouping System User Customizing TableBasic Data
1004ERP EHP76.0TNCDF4101IS-H: DRG Coding and Grouping System Payer DeterminationBasic Data
1005ERP EHP76.0TNCEM_EL61Listener Attributes Managed by Event ManagerBasic Data
1006ERP EHP76.0TNCEM_ORD51Determines Event Sequence RelationBasic Data
1007ERP EHP76.0TNCEM_SUBSCRIPT51Listener Subscription Data for Event ManagerBasic Data
1008ERP EHP76.0TNCF0191IS-HCM Message FieldsBasic Data
1009ERP EHP76.0TNCF151IS-HCM Message Fields - TextsBasic Data
1010ERP EHP76.0TNCI051IS-HCM Receipt: Event - General Message Type - AssignmentBasic Data
1011ERP EHP76.0TNCI1101IS-HCM Receipt Parameters for Partner SystemsBasic Data
1012ERP EHP76.0TNCMAPP81IS-H Mapping Table, Assignment to External CodesBasic Data
1013ERP EHP76.0TNCO061IS-HCM Dispatch: Event - General Message Type - AssignmentBasic Data
1014ERP EHP76.0TNCO1111IS-HCM Dispatch Control Without DependenciesBasic Data
1015ERP EHP76.0TNCO2121IS-HCM Dispatch Control with Org. Unit DependencyBasic Data
1016ERP EHP76.0TNCRESPO61IS-HCM: Outstanding Acknowledgements for Subsystem (CommMod)Basic Data
1017ERP EHP76.0TNCS0371IS-HCM Message SegmentsBasic Data
1018ERP EHP76.0TNCS161IS-HCM Message Segments - TextsBasic Data
1019ERP EHP76.0TNCS2101IS-HCM Message Segment - Field AssignmentBasic Data
1020ERP EHP76.0TNCS3151IS-HCM: Segment-to-Group Segment AssignmentBasic Data
1021ERP EHP76.0TNCST91IS-HCM Communication StandardsBasic Data
1022ERP EHP76.0TNCSU41IS-HCM Communication Standards - TextsBasic Data
1023ERP EHP76.0TNCT0171IS-HCM Message TypesBasic Data
1024ERP EHP76.0TNCT161IS-HCM Message Types - TextsBasic Data
1025ERP EHP76.0TNCT2181IS-HCM Message Type-Segment AssignmentBasic Data
1026ERP EHP76.0TNCTY81Is-H: Definition of Country VersionsBasic Data
1027ERP EHP76.0TNCTYT31Is-H: Name of Country VersionBasic Data
1028ERP EHP76.0TNDBG21IS-H: Authorization Groups for Screen ModificationBasic Data
1029ERP EHP76.0TNDBT41IS-H: Authorization Group Texts for Screen ModificationsBasic Data
1030ERP EHP76.0TNDCV51IS-H: Screen Fields Dependent on Country VersionBasic Data
1031ERP EHP76.0TNDYM121IS-H: Screen ModificationsBasic Data
1032ERP EHP76.0TNE0021IS-H: SAP User ExitsBasic Data
1033ERP EHP76.0TNE0131IS-H: Customer User ExitsBasic Data
1034ERP EHP76.0TNE0T31IS-H: SAP User Exit - DescriptionBasic Data
1035ERP EHP76.0TNF01111IS-H: Catalog of Work Organizer TypesBasic Data
1036ERP EHP76.0TNF0231IS-H: Description of Work Organizer TypesBasic Data
1037ERP EHP76.0TNF0371IS-H: Work Organizers: KeysBasic Data
1038ERP EHP76.0TNF0431IS-H: Work Organizer Type-Event Assignment SAP DefaultsBasic Data
1039ERP EHP76.0TNF0581IS-H: Form Windows and Elements for Work OrganizersBasic Data
1040ERP EHP76.0TNF0671IS-H: User Control: Event and Work Organizer TypeBasic Data
1041ERP EHP76.0TNF0731IS-H: Assign Output Device to Input Device (Printer-Term.)Basic Data
1042ERP EHP76.0TNF0831IS-H: Work Organizer-to-Printer AssignmentBasic Data
1043ERP EHP76.0TNF0941IS-H: Texts for Work OrganizersBasic Data
1044ERP EHP76.0TNF10271IS-H: Techn. Work Organizer - Org. Unit AssignmentBasic Data
1045ERP EHP76.0TNF1171IS-H: Event - Technical Work Org. FilterBasic Data
1046ERP EHP76.0TNF30391IS-H: Work Organizers Without Selection ConditionsBasic Data
1047ERP EHP76.0TNF31411IS-H: Work Organizers with Ins. Prov. ConditionsBasic Data
1048ERP EHP76.0TNF32411IS-H: Work Organizers with Billing Type and Ins. Prov. Cond.Basic Data
1049ERP EHP76.0TNF4031IS-H: Smart Forms for Work Organizer TypeBasic Data
1050ERP EHP76.0TNFAS71IS-H: Department Status for Basic Medical DocumentationBasic Data
1051ERP EHP76.0TNHL761IS-HCM HL7 ConversionsBasic Data
1052ERP EHP76.0TNK0051IS-H: Diagnosis Coding Catalog CategoriesBasic Data
1053ERP EHP76.0TNK0181IS-H: Service Catalog TypesBasic Data
1054ERP EHP76.0TNKAT51IS-H: Texts for Classif. Types of Case Class. CategoriesBasic Data
1055ERP EHP76.0TNKFA91IS-H: Code SpecialtiesBasic Data
1056ERP EHP76.0TNKFH41IS-H: Hierarchy of SpecialtiesBasic Data
1057ERP EHP76.0TNKFO41IS-H: Specialty-to-Organizational Unit AssignmentBasic Data
1058ERP EHP76.0TNKFT51IS-H: Text for User-Defined Specialty CategoryBasic Data
1059ERP EHP76.0TNKLA61IS-H: Classification Types for Case Classific. CategoriesBasic Data
1060ERP EHP76.0TNKRS81IS-H: Number RangesBasic Data
1061ERP EHP76.0TNKTT41IS-H: Texts for Case Classification CategoriesBasic Data
1062ERP EHP76.0TNKTY81IS-H: Case Classification CategoriesBasic Data
1063ERP EHP76.0TNM50A21IS-H MM: Active IngredientsBasic Data
1064ERP EHP76.0TNM50T41IS-H MM: Active Ingredients (Texts)Basic Data
1065ERP EHP76.0TNM60A31IS-H MM: Medical Categories for MaterialsBasic Data
1066ERP EHP76.0TNM60T61IS-H MM: Medical Categories for MaterialsBasic Data
1067ERP EHP76.0TNOBJ121IS-H: Objects for Client Reset ProgramBasic Data
1068ERP EHP76.0TNP0061IS-H: Controlling the Customizing of Parameter TablesBasic Data
1069ERP EHP76.0TNP0T41IS-H: Controlling the Customizing of Parameters - TextsBasic Data
1070ERP EHP76.0TNPC131IS-H: Coding of Occupancy CharacteristicsBasic Data
1071ERP EHP76.0TNPC1T51IS-H: Coding of Occupancy Characteristics (Texts)Basic Data
1072ERP EHP76.0TNREL133IS-H: Insurance Provider AssignmentsBasic Data
1073ERP EHP76.0TNRSF91IS-H: No Longer Use (New: TN39A/TN39T)Basic Data
1074ERP EHP76.0TNS0021IS-H: Program Lock When Creating StatisticsBasic Data
1075ERP EHP76.0TNS2021IS-H: Service StatisticsBasic Data
1076ERP EHP76.0TNS2151IS-H: Descriptive Texts for StatisticsBasic Data
1077ERP EHP76.0TNS2261IS-H: Line Texts for StatisticsBasic Data
1078ERP EHP76.0TNS23101IS-H: Assignment of Services to Lines in StatisticsBasic Data
1079ERP EHP76.0TNS2481IS-H: Log File for Totals Records File ServicesBasic Data
1080ERP EHP76.0TNS2571IS-H: Factors for Determining Std Billing DaysBasic Data
1081ERP EHP76.0TNS2661IS-H: Discount Factors for Specific Case ClassificationsBasic Data
1082ERP EHP76.0TNS2781IS-H: Variable Totaling of Geog. StatisticsBasic Data
1083ERP EHP76.0TNT061IS-H: Categories of Service AssignmentsBasic Data
1084ERP EHP76.0TNT0T51IS-H: Texts for Category Table of Service AssignmentsBasic Data
1085ERP EHP76.0TNT161IS-H: Specialty-Related Service CatalogsBasic Data
1086ERP EHP76.0TNT2101IS-H: Struct. Def. for Data Transfer from Seq. FilesBasic Data
1087ERP EHP76.0TNT2S71IS-H: Record TypesBasic Data
1088ERP EHP76.0TNUSERTERM101User and Terminal AssignmentsBasic Data
1089ERP EHP76.0TNUSR31IS-H: Fixed Values User MasterBasic Data
Industry Specific :: SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals :: Communication
1090ERP EHP76.0N1STGR_SE_MAP41Map Cancellation ReasonsCommunication
1091ERP EHP76.0NHCF_EVENT233IS-H: HCF: Triggered Unprocessed EventsCommunication
1092ERP EHP76.0NTSI_SE_MAP51IS-H: Service Catalog Column InformationCommunication
1093ERP EHP76.0T516T_SE_MAP61Map Religious Denomination TextsCommunication
1094ERP EHP76.0TDWA_SE_MAP31IS-H Mapping table for medical record folder type codesCommunication
1095ERP EHP76.0TN01_SE_MAP31Map InstitiutionsCommunication
1096ERP EHP76.0TN13A_SE_MAP41Map ParishesCommunication
1097ERP EHP76.0TN14B_SE_MAP51Map Movement typesCommunication
1098ERP EHP76.0TN14C_SE_MAP41Accident TypesCommunication
1099ERP EHP76.0TN14D_SE_MAP41Map Discharge Disposition of PatientCommunication
1100ERP EHP76.0TN14E_SE_MAP41ISH: Status for outpatient visits MappingCommunication
1101ERP EHP76.0TN14G_SE_MAP71Map Movement Reasons (EDI)Communication
1102ERP EHP76.0TN14H_SE_MAP51Map Referral TypesCommunication
1103ERP EHP76.0TN14I_SE_MAP41Emergency ServicesCommunication
1104ERP EHP76.0TN14K_SE_MAP41Map Mode of ArrivalCommunication
1105ERP EHP76.0TN14M_SE_MAP41Map Treatment ProgramCommunication
1106ERP EHP76.0TN14O_SE_MAP41IS-H: Mapping table for Surgery TypeCommunication
1107ERP EHP76.0TN15C_SE_MAP41Mapping of types of Case CategoryCommunication
1108ERP EHP76.0TN16C_SE_MAP31Insurance SubgroupsCommunication
1109ERP EHP76.0TN16M_SE_MAP41Mapping of types of Insurance CoverageCommunication
1110ERP EHP76.0TN16_SE_MAP41Insurance Contract SchemesCommunication
1111ERP EHP76.0TN17B_SE_MAP31IS-H: Map Relationship TypesCommunication
1112ERP EHP76.0TN17D_SE_MAP31IS-H: Identity document typesCommunication
1113ERP EHP76.0TN17R_SE_MAP31Mapping of RaceCommunication
1114ERP EHP76.0TN18A_SE_MAP31Map Causes of DeathCommunication
1115ERP EHP76.0TN21Y_SE_MAP41IS-H: Mapping table for Billing Categories for Indiv. ControCommunication
1116ERP EHP76.0TN22A_SE_MAP41Mapping of Copayment Waivers Reason CodeCommunication
1117ERP EHP76.0TN24_SE_MAP41Map Treatment CategoriesCommunication
1118ERP EHP76.0TN26C_SE_MAP41IS-H: Diagnostic CertaintyCommunication
1119ERP EHP76.0TN26D_SE_MAP41IS-H: Diagnostic SupplementCommunication
1120ERP EHP76.0TN26E_SE_MAP41IS-H: Definition of Medical LocalizationsCommunication
1121ERP EHP76.0TN39A_SE_MAP31Map Risk Factor CatalogCommunication
1122ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_BOKEY2EKEY61IS-H: HCF - Assignment of Events to Business ObjectsCommunication
1123ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_BO_KEY31Business Object KeyCommunication
1124ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_BO_NODE51IS-H: Business Object NodeCommunication
1125ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_BO_NODET51IS-H: Texts for Business ObjectsCommunication
1126ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_CLIENT31IS-H: HCF: Client-Specific DataCommunication
1127ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_CNFST_EINR41HCF Configuration Set - Institution-Dependent DataCommunication
1128ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_CONFSET21HCF Configuration SetsCommunication
1129ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_CONFSETT41Texts for HCF Configuration SetsCommunication
1130ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_EINRI41HCF: Institution-Dependent DataCommunication
1131ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_EVT_BO_ACT51IS-H: HCF - Assignment of Events to Business ObjectsCommunication
1132ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_EVT_PRXM61HCF: Event to Proxy Method AssignmentsCommunication
1133ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_EXT_SEARCH21Activates search in external systemsCommunication
1134ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_KEY21Business Object KeyCommunication
1135ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_KEYT41Keys for Business ObjectsCommunication
1136ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_MAP_INFO71Mapping table for generic mapping handlingCommunication
1137ERP EHP76.0TNHCF_OB_PRXM101HCF: Properties of Outbound Proxy MethodsCommunication
1138ERP EHP76.0TNP01_SE_MAP41Map Patient ClassesCommunication
1139ERP EHP76.0TNT0_SE_MAP41IS-H: Categories of Service AssignmentsCommunication
Industry Specific :: SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals :: Information System
1140ERP EHP76.0NFALBW42IS-H BW: Transfer Information for Cases into BWInformation System
1141ERP EHP76.0TNEI041IS-H: Parameters for Data Transfer IS-H -> EISInformation System
1142ERP EHP76.0TNEIS61IS-H: Character, Key Figure Determination (FM) EISInformation System
1143ERP EHP76.0TNFCL51IS-H: Case Categorization for Data Transfer IS-H -> SAP BWInformation System
Industry Specific :: SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals :: Patient Accounting
1144ERP EHP76.0C400101IS-H: Account key/case type/private/ext.physicianPatient Accounting
1145ERP EHP76.0C401131IS-H: Acct key/case type/srv.catalog/srv./private/ext.phys.Patient Accounting
1146ERP EHP76.0NBDT101IS-H: Ins. assoc. billing cases transferred - status headerPatient Accounting
1147ERP EHP76.0NBDT0271PPA Billing Status for Treatment CertificatesPatient Accounting
1148ERP EHP76.0NBDTE151IS-H: BDT cases - status itemsPatient Accounting
1149ERP EHP76.0NBRK51IS-H: Invoice print data (adds to VBRK)Patient Accounting
1150ERP EHP76.0NBRKAZ163IS-H: Assignmt of downpayment/copayment (FI) to billDoc(SD)Patient Accounting
1151ERP EHP76.0NBRKS91IS-H: Collective Invoice StatusPatient Accounting
1152ERP EHP76.0NCIR1084IS-H: Insurance Relationships of a CasePatient Accounting
1153ERP EHP76.0NCOP_MESS241IS-H: Copayment - Messages for Posting Back with Partial PytPatient Accounting
1154ERP EHP76.0NCOP_PROT131IS-H: Copayment - Log Posting Back with Partial PaymentPatient Accounting
1155ERP EHP76.0NDICZ83IS-H: Table of Diagnosis-to-Surgical Procedures Code AsgmtsPatient Accounting
1156ERP EHP76.0NEHC253Health Insurance Card EHCPatient Accounting
1157ERP EHP76.0NEHC_E111201IS-H: European Health Insurance CardPatient Accounting
1158ERP EHP76.0NEHC_INS1101IS-H: Health Insurance Card (Insurance Data)Patient Accounting
1159ERP EHP76.0NEHC_PAT551IS-H: Health Insurance Card (Patient Data)Patient Accounting
1160ERP EHP76.0NFAG131IS-H: Case accrualPatient Accounting
1161ERP EHP76.0NFAGACP101IS-H: Daily delimitation: check multiple executionPatient Accounting
1162ERP EHP76.0NFAK91IS-H: Header information for CASE selection billingPatient Accounting
1163ERP EHP76.0NFALACP283IS-H: Case Accrual per DayPatient Accounting
1164ERP EHP76.0NFAM161IS-H: Messages for Case Selection - BillingPatient Accounting
1165ERP EHP76.0NFAP61IS-H: Items for CASE selection billingPatient Accounting
1166ERP EHP76.0NGLT201IS-H: Intermediate table for service statisticsPatient Accounting
1167ERP EHP76.0NICP422IS-H: Surgical Procedure Codes PerformedPatient Accounting
1168ERP EHP76.0NICP2312IS-H: INACTIVE since 4.71 - DO NOT USE !Patient Accounting
1169ERP EHP76.0NKONV191IS-H: Direct patient billing pat-related/admin. costsPatient Accounting
1170ERP EHP76.0NLAU71IS-H: Service ExclusionsPatient Accounting
1171ERP EHP76.0NLAZ201IS-H: Assign IS-H Service to CO Activity TypePatient Accounting
1172ERP EHP76.0NLCO291IS-HCO: Transfer informationPatient Accounting
1173ERP EHP76.0NLEQ31IS-H: Dummy, Lock Management OU-Rel. Svces from Prel. EntryPatient Accounting
1174ERP EHP76.0NLEV633IS-H: Preliminary entered servicesPatient Accounting
1175ERP EHP76.0NLGR141IS-H: Dynamic Service GroupsPatient Accounting
1176ERP EHP76.0NLH1171IS-H: Service Maximum Values for Service GroupsPatient Accounting
1177ERP EHP76.0NLHO181IS-H: Service Maximum ValuesPatient Accounting
1178ERP EHP76.0NLICZ93IS-H: Table of Service-to-Surgical Procedures Code AsgmtsPatient Accounting
1179ERP EHP76.0NLKO61IS-H: Service InclusionsPatient Accounting
1180ERP EHP76.0NLOP181IS-H:INACTIVE Assignment Table Service - SP Code - DiagnosisPatient Accounting
1181ERP EHP76.0NLPA142IS-H: Service Rules for Service PairsPatient Accounting
1182ERP EHP76.0NMATO404IS-H: Material requisition by nurse stationPatient Accounting
1183ERP EHP76.0NMATP434IS-H: Material planned for casePatient Accounting
1184ERP EHP76.0NMATV406IS-H: Material Entered for CasePatient Accounting
1185ERP EHP76.0NMCO221IS-H MM: CO Transfer InformationPatient Accounting
1186ERP EHP76.0NMHIT102IS-H MM: Material-OU hit listPatient Accounting
1187ERP EHP76.0NMKAO41IS-H MM: Assignment of Material Catalog to OUPatient Accounting
1188ERP EHP76.0NMKAP161IS-H MM: Material catalog itemsPatient Accounting
1189ERP EHP76.0NMKAT31IS-H MM: Material catalogsPatient Accounting
1190ERP EHP76.0NMKATT41IS-H MM: Material catalogsPatient Accounting
1191ERP EHP76.0NMSEO31IS-H MM: Assignment of Material Catalog to OUPatient Accounting
1192ERP EHP76.0NMSEP61IS-H MM: Material Catalog ItemsPatient Accounting
1193ERP EHP76.0NMSET21IS-H MM: Material CatalogsPatient Accounting
1194ERP EHP76.0NMSETT41IS-H MM: Material CatalogsPatient Accounting
1195ERP EHP76.0NMSTOR72IS-H MM: ClosetPatient Accounting
1196ERP EHP76.0NMSTORL122IS-H MM: Storage Location in ClosetPatient Accounting
1197ERP EHP76.0NMSTORT41IS-H MM: Text for ClosetPatient Accounting
1198ERP EHP76.0NNLZ142IS-H: Service <-> Business Partner AssignmentPatient Accounting
1199ERP EHP76.0NPATVVDEBI51IS-H: Table for RNUVVDEBIPatient Accounting
1200ERP EHP76.0NPIR832IS-H: Insurance Relationship Proposal PoolPatient Accounting
1201ERP EHP76.0NREK91IS-H: Header Collective Invoice SelectionPatient Accounting
1202ERP EHP76.0NREP41IS-H: Items Collective Invoice SelectionPatient Accounting
1203ERP EHP76.0NSIGH71IS-H: Digital SignaturePatient Accounting
1204ERP EHP76.0NSIGL41IS-H: Digital SignaturePatient Accounting
1205ERP EHP76.0NSL2271IS-H: Online error records of service statisticsPatient Accounting
1206ERP EHP76.0NSLF271IS-H: Error records of service statisticsPatient Accounting
1207ERP EHP76.0NTFI161IS-H: Service Catalog Determination RulesPatient Accounting
1208ERP EHP76.0NTPK952IS-H: Header Data of Service ItemPatient Accounting
1209ERP EHP76.0NTPKD601IS-H: Add. Fields for Service Master GermanyPatient Accounting
1210ERP EHP76.0NTPP131IS-H: Planned Values Per Service and Org. UnitPatient Accounting
1211ERP EHP76.0NTPV121IS-H: Assign Service to Base Planning ObjectPatient Accounting
1212ERP EHP76.0NTPW61IS-H: Charge Factor Values for FR and PSPatient Accounting
1213ERP EHP76.0NTST61IS-H: Text column information charge catalogPatient Accounting
1214ERP EHP76.0NUSRDAT51IS-H: Technical User ParametersPatient Accounting
1215ERP EHP76.0NVBRK763IS-H: Billing document header dataPatient Accounting
1216ERP EHP76.0NVBRP922IS-H: Billing document item dataPatient Accounting
1217ERP EHP76.0NVKONV141IS-H: ConditionsPatient Accounting
1218ERP EHP76.0NVVQ151IS-H: Individual Payment Distribution (per Service)Patient Accounting
1219ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_L01161IS-H: NL10 - View Type L01 - Table Control SettingsPatient Accounting
1220ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_L02161IS-H: NL10 - View Type L02 - Table Control SettingsPatient Accounting
1221ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_L03151IS-H: NL10 - View Type L03 - Table Control SettingsPatient Accounting
1222ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_L04151IS-H: NL10 - View Type L04 - Table Control SettingsPatient Accounting
1223ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_L0761IS-H: Definition of Form FoldersPatient Accounting
1224ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_L07_FORMS132IS-H: Forms Entered for CasePatient Accounting
1225ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_W0191IS-H: Workplace - View Type W01 - MiniApp ReportsPatient Accounting
1226ERP EHP76.0TN02F41IS-H: Assign IS-H Events to BOR Events (SAP)Patient Accounting
1227ERP EHP76.0TN03A51IS-H: Assign funct. mod. for fill. FI/RF dataPatient Accounting
1228ERP EHP76.0TN16271IS-H: Insurance Contract SchemesPatient Accounting
1229ERP EHP76.0TN16B41IS-H: Rules for Calculating Contract Scheme MaximumPatient Accounting
1230ERP EHP76.0TN16C21IS-H: Insurance SubgroupsPatient Accounting
1231ERP EHP76.0TN16E31External Contract SchemesPatient Accounting
1232ERP EHP76.0TN16ET51External Contract Schemes: TextsPatient Accounting
1233ERP EHP76.0TN16F11IS-H: Contract Scheme Items - Field ListPatient Accounting
1234ERP EHP76.0TN16FT31IS-H: Contract Scheme Items - Field List - TextsPatient Accounting
1235ERP EHP76.0TN16U61IS-H: Text Table for Insurance Contract Schemes (TN16)Patient Accounting
1236ERP EHP76.0TN16V41IS-H: Insurance Subgroups - Text TablePatient Accounting
1237ERP EHP76.0TN16W51IS-H: Texts for Rules for Calculating Contract Scheme Max.Patient Accounting
1238ERP EHP76.0TN18B51IS-H: Propose Contract Scheme by Ins. Prov. TypePatient Accounting
1239ERP EHP76.0TN18R61IS-H: Business Partner-to-Service Function IndicatorsPatient Accounting
1240ERP EHP76.0TN18S61IS-H: Text function business partners reg. sp. activitiesPatient Accounting
1241ERP EHP76.0TN19D111Proposal of Treatment CertificatesPatient Accounting
1242ERP EHP76.0TN19E61Automatic Control of Treatment CertificatesPatient Accounting
1243ERP EHP76.0TN19G51IS-H: Reasons for Coverage RejectionPatient Accounting
1244ERP EHP76.0TN19I71IS-H: Assign IV Documents to Processing AgentPatient Accounting
1245ERP EHP76.0TN19R41IS-H: Text Table for Insurance Verification Sort ProceduresPatient Accounting
1246ERP EHP76.0TN19S71IS-H: Sort Procedure for Insurance Verification RequestsPatient Accounting
1247ERP EHP76.0TN2031IS-H: Service CategoriesPatient Accounting
1248ERP EHP76.0TN20A91IS-H: Service Catalog Column DeterminationPatient Accounting
1249ERP EHP76.0TN20K101Service-to-Class AssignmentPatient Accounting
1250ERP EHP76.0TN20T61IS-H: Text Table for Service CategoriesPatient Accounting
1251ERP EHP76.0TN2161IS-H: Billing TypesPatient Accounting
1252ERP EHP76.0TN21A81IS-H: Billing Type DeterminationPatient Accounting
1253ERP EHP76.0TN21B81IS-H: Absence ControlPatient Accounting
1254ERP EHP76.0TN21BUKRS81Company Code for Direct Patient BillingPatient Accounting
1255ERP EHP76.0TN21M81IS-H: Customer-Specific Message ControlPatient Accounting
1256ERP EHP76.0TN21P71IS-H: Condition Types UsagePatient Accounting
1257ERP EHP76.0TN21S251IS-H: Invoice Creation ControlPatient Accounting
1258ERP EHP76.0TN21T61IS-H: Texts for Billing TypesPatient Accounting
1259ERP EHP76.0TN21U51IS-H: Text for Direct Patient Billing Condition TypesPatient Accounting
1260ERP EHP76.0TN21X51IS-H: Text For Individual Billing CategoriesPatient Accounting
1261ERP EHP76.0TN21Y41IS-H: Billing Categories for Indiv. Control of BillingPatient Accounting
1262ERP EHP76.0TN21Z141IS-H: Incoming Payments Control ParametersPatient Accounting
1263ERP EHP76.0TN21Z151IS-H: Define Cash Desk for Incoming PaymentsPatient Accounting
1264ERP EHP76.0TN22A61IS-H: Copayment WaiversPatient Accounting
1265ERP EHP76.0TN22K111IS-H: Copayment Amount per Ins. Provider/Ins. Provider TypePatient Accounting
1266ERP EHP76.0TN22P311IS-H: Control Parameters FI Posting Down PaymentPatient Accounting
1267ERP EHP76.0TN22Q431IS-H: Control Parameters FI Posting Copayment RequestPatient Accounting
1268ERP EHP76.0TN22R361IS-H: Control Params FI Posting Copayment/Copay.Cred.MemoPatient Accounting
1269ERP EHP76.0TN22S351IS-H: Control Parameters FI Posting Down Payment RequestPatient Accounting
1270ERP EHP76.0TN22T51IS-H: Text for TN22A (reasons why no copayment obligation)Patient Accounting
1271ERP EHP76.0TN23B51IS-H: Workers' Comp. Fund Billing - OU-to-Person AssignmentPatient Accounting
1272ERP EHP76.0TN23F101IS-H: Field Table for BDT FormatPatient Accounting
1273ERP EHP76.0TN23R71IS-H: Rule Table for BDT FormatPatient Accounting
1274ERP EHP76.0TN23S31IS-H: BDT Format VersionsPatient Accounting
1275ERP EHP76.0TN23T41IS-H: text table for BDT versionsPatient Accounting
1276ERP EHP76.0TN23V101IS-H: Fixed Values for BDT Format (OU-Related)Patient Accounting
1277ERP EHP76.0TN24101IS-H: Treatment CategoriesPatient Accounting
1278ERP EHP76.0TN24F51IS-H: Case Classification By Treatment CategoryPatient Accounting
1279ERP EHP76.0TN24L61IS-H: Proposed Services By Treatment CategoryPatient Accounting
1280ERP EHP76.0TN24T61IS-H: Text for the treatment category of a casePatient Accounting
1281ERP EHP76.0TN25A61IS-H: Controlling Ctrl Params for Pat. AcctgPatient Accounting
1282ERP EHP76.0TN27131IS-H: Revenue Accrual Posting ParametersPatient Accounting
1283ERP EHP76.0TN2841IS-H: Service Summary CodesPatient Accounting
1284ERP EHP76.0TN28T61IS-H: Text Table for Service Summary CodesPatient Accounting
1285ERP EHP76.0TN2971IS-H: Procedure for Calculating Estimated BillPatient Accounting
1286ERP EHP76.0TN29R51IS-H: Assign FMs -> Estimation Procedure RulesPatient Accounting
1287ERP EHP76.0TN29R131IS-H: Customer default for asgmt of FMs to EstimProc. rulesPatient Accounting
1288ERP EHP76.0TN29T51IS-H: Text table for TN29RPatient Accounting
1289ERP EHP76.0TN30S71HCO: Statistical Key FiguresPatient Accounting
1290ERP EHP76.0TN31M91HCO: Supported CharacteristicsPatient Accounting
1291ERP EHP76.0TN32M101HCO: Assign Classifying IS-H Characteristics to COPatient Accounting
1292ERP EHP76.0TN32T31IS-H: Characteristics text tablePatient Accounting
1293ERP EHP76.0TN4521IS-H: Billing Area for PPA BillingPatient Accounting
1294ERP EHP76.0TN45T41IS-H: Texts for Billing Areas for PPA BillingPatient Accounting
1295ERP EHP76.0TN4621IS-H: Person Group / Examination Category for PPA BillingPatient Accounting
1296ERP EHP76.0TN46T41IS-H: Text for Person Group (PPA Billing)Patient Accounting
1297ERP EHP76.0TNAKR41IS-H-ACM: Settings for Outpatient Coding GuidelinesPatient Accounting
1298ERP EHP76.0TNDKG91IS-H: GHA-SC structure (TO)Patient Accounting
1299ERP EHP76.0TNDRG181IS-H: DRG Billing ParametersPatient Accounting
1300ERP EHP76.0TNE2G31IS-H: Conversion tables SEM <-> CCP (TO)Patient Accounting
1301ERP EHP76.0TNEBM131IS-H: SEM Structure (TO)Patient Accounting
1302ERP EHP76.0TNEHC_DOCTYPE61IS-H: EHIC Health Insurance Card - Document CategoriesPatient Accounting
1303ERP EHP76.0TNEHC_DOCTYPET41IS-H: EHIC Health Insurance Card - Document Category TextsPatient Accounting
1304ERP EHP76.0TNFPS1141IS-H: Control Parameters for Determining FR/PSPatient Accounting
1305ERP EHP76.0TNFPSE192IS-H: Rule Table for FRs Per Case and PSsPatient Accounting
1306ERP EHP76.0TNFPSE_EXT_NDX41IS-H: Index on Table TNFPSE_EXTPatient Accounting
1307ERP EHP76.0TNFPSE_NDX41IS-H: Index on ICPM of Table TNFPSEPatient Accounting
1308ERP EHP76.0TNGOA141IS-H: CCP Structure (TO)Patient Accounting
1309ERP EHP76.0TNHCO371Basic Settings HCOPatient Accounting
1310ERP EHP76.0TNIEBILL311IS-H: Internet-Enabled Estimated Invoice - Not Supported NowPatient Accounting
1311ERP EHP76.0TNIRS51IS-H: Settings for Insurance RelationshipsPatient Accounting
1312ERP EHP76.0TNKIV61IS-H: Insurance Provider Attributes - Integrated CarePatient Accounting
1313ERP EHP76.0TNLB31IS-H: Key Table for Multiplication Factor ReasonsPatient Accounting
1314ERP EHP76.0TNLBT51IS-H: Text table for exception billing commentsPatient Accounting
1315ERP EHP76.0TNLONGTERMSVC41IS-H: Maintain Long-Term Accommodation ServicesPatient Accounting
1316ERP EHP76.0TNM0131IS-H MM: Assign Plants to InstitutionPatient Accounting
1317ERP EHP76.0TNM02151IS-H MM: Material Requisition ParametersPatient Accounting
1318ERP EHP76.0TNM0381IS-H MM: Procurement Type DeterminationPatient Accounting
1319ERP EHP76.0TNM0461IS-H MM: Determine Materials for CO RepostingPatient Accounting
1320ERP EHP76.0TNM10A31IS-H MM: Approval TypesPatient Accounting
1321ERP EHP76.0TNM10K41IS-H MM: Approval types (texts)Patient Accounting
1322ERP EHP76.0TNM20H21IS-H MM: Hierarchy for Material Input HelpPatient Accounting
1323ERP EHP76.0TNM20HT41IS-H MM: Hierarchy for material input facility (texts)Patient Accounting
1324ERP EHP76.0TNM20L81IS-H: MM hierarchic material selectionPatient Accounting
1325ERP EHP76.0TNM20N51IS-H: MM hierarchic material selection (nodes)Patient Accounting
1326ERP EHP76.0TNMATLEI41Define Default Material ServicePatient Accounting
1327ERP EHP76.0TNND251IS-H NL: Assign Requests to Business Partner and CategoryPatient Accounting
1328ERP EHP76.0TNPROC_MAT_REL101Assignment of Single-Qty PrCd. to Material and Summary PrCd.Patient Accounting
1329ERP EHP76.0TNPROC_SERVICE161Procedure Generation Using ServicesPatient Accounting
1330ERP EHP76.0TNRS161Assignment of Rule Types to Callup PointsPatient Accounting
1331ERP EHP76.0TNRS2221Check Procedure for RulesPatient Accounting
1332ERP EHP76.0TNRS2_CT111IS-H: Check Procedure for Rules - Case Category RestrictionPatient Accounting
1333ERP EHP76.0TNS0121IS-H: Institution with a block for statistics transferPatient Accounting
1334ERP EHP76.0TNS0281IS-H: Age-Group Classification for StatisticsPatient Accounting
1335ERP EHP76.0TNS0331IS-H: Mandatory master record fields for the service stats.Patient Accounting
1336ERP EHP76.0TNS0421IS-H: Check table for mandatory master record fieldsPatient Accounting
1337ERP EHP76.0TNS0631IS-H: Switch for controlling the statistics transferPatient Accounting
1338ERP EHP76.0TNS0721IS-H: Check table for the switch for statistics transferPatient Accounting
1339ERP EHP76.0TNS0851IS-H: Algorithms for calc. quantities for service stats.Patient Accounting
1340ERP EHP76.0TNS0951IS-H: Re-Map Services for Service StatisticsPatient Accounting
1341ERP EHP76.0TNSRVF01211IS-H: Form-Based Service Entry Header (Form Attributes)Patient Accounting
1342ERP EHP76.0TNT381Definition of Rule TypesPatient Accounting
1343ERP EHP76.0TNT3A31Use of Rule TypesPatient Accounting
1344ERP EHP76.0TNT3T61IS-H: Texts for Rule TypesPatient Accounting
1345ERP EHP76.0TNVSL151IS-H: Rules for Determining Multiplication FactorsPatient Accounting
Industry Specific :: SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals :: Patient Management
1346ERP EHP76.0N1ANF506IS-H*MED: RequestPatient Management
1347ERP EHP76.0N1APCN382IS-H: Appointment DefaultsPatient Management
1348ERP EHP76.0N1APCND182IS-H*MED: Appointment Template DependenciesPatient Management
1349ERP EHP76.0N1ASVALUEC31IS-H ApplSettings: Client-Spec.,Time-Indep. Param. ValuesPatient Management
1350ERP EHP76.0N1COMP101IS-H: Clinical Order - Module Master DataPatient Management
1351ERP EHP76.0N1COMPA64IS-H: Order Item to Module Information AssignmentPatient Management
1352ERP EHP76.0N1COMPCON52IS-H: Component Configuration DataPatient Management
1353ERP EHP76.0N1COMPCONT41IS-H: Text for Component Configuration DataPatient Management
1354ERP EHP76.0N1COMPDEFA31IS-H: Module Definition - Object Type ConnectionPatient Management
1355ERP EHP76.0N1COMPLDEGREE93Completion StatusPatient Management
1356ERP EHP76.0N1COMPLDEGREET41Degree of Completion TextPatient Management
1357ERP EHP76.0N1COMPLSTAGE62Completion LevelPatient Management
1358ERP EHP76.0N1COMPLSTAGET52Completion Level TextPatient Management
1359ERP EHP76.0N1COMPT41IS-H: Component TextsPatient Management
1360ERP EHP76.0N1CORDER537IS-H: Clinical OrderPatient Management
1361ERP EHP76.0N1CORDTAV113IS-H: Assignment of Possible Placers to an Order TypePatient Management
1362ERP EHP76.0N1CORDTSTA51IS-H: Order Type-to-Status Profile AssignmentPatient Management
1363ERP EHP76.0N1CORDTTR112IS-H: Order Filler-to-Order Type AssignmentPatient Management
1364ERP EHP76.0N1CORDTYP251IS-H: Clinical Order TypePatient Management
1365ERP EHP76.0N1CORDTYPA112IS-H: Clinical Order Type - Order Type StructurePatient Management
1366ERP EHP76.0N1CORDTYPAPCN82IS-H*MED: Appointment Template Master DataPatient Management
1367ERP EHP76.0N1CORDTYPT52IS-H: Clinical Order Type TextsPatient Management
1368ERP EHP76.0N1CUSTOMER_TYPES31IS-H*MED: Customer-Specific Class IDsPatient Management
1369ERP EHP76.0N1DESEL31IS-H: Clinical Order - Design ElementsPatient Management
1370ERP EHP76.0N1DESELT41IS-H: Design Element TextsPatient Management
1371ERP EHP76.0N1GUILAYOUT111Layout settingPatient Management
1372ERP EHP76.0N1MONCON42Monitoring ConfigurationPatient Management
1373ERP EHP76.0N1MONCONT41Monitoring Configuration TextsPatient Management
1374ERP EHP76.0N1ORGPAR84OU-related CustomizingPatient Management
1375ERP EHP76.0N1POOBJCTDISPT51IS-H*MED: Display Classes - Text TablePatient Management
1376ERP EHP76.0N1POOBJCTTYPDISP51IS-H*Med: Display Classes for Object Types on the PatOrgPatient Management
1377ERP EHP76.0N1POOBJECTTYPE61IS-H*MED: Registered Object TypesPatient Management
1378ERP EHP76.0N1POOBJECTTYPET51IS-H*MED: Registered Object Types - Text TablePatient Management
1379ERP EHP76.0N1PTI41IS-H: Sched. Types for Inpat. Admission PlanningPatient Management
1380ERP EHP76.0N1PTIT51IS-H: Sched. Types for Inpat. Admission PlanningPatient Management
1381ERP EHP76.0N1STGR201IS-H: Cancellation ReasonsPatient Management
1382ERP EHP76.0N1STGRT51ISHMED: Text for Cancellation Reason of ServicePatient Management
1383ERP EHP76.0N1SYNC_SYSTEMS31ISHMED: Sychronized SAP Systems as Regards Clin. Order TypesPatient Management
1384ERP EHP76.0N1TC_ACCESS_LOG111Log of Access to Treatment Contracts Applied forPatient Management
1385ERP EHP76.0N1TC_BUFFER92Table for Saving Treatment Contract ChecksPatient Management
1386ERP EHP76.0N1TC_BUFFER_PAP72Table of TC Checks for Patients with Provisional DataPatient Management
1387ERP EHP76.0N1TC_MATRIX_BUF91Matrix Temporary StoragePatient Management
1388ERP EHP76.0N1TC_REQUEST143Temporary Treatment Contracts Applied forPatient Management
1389ERP EHP76.0N1TPGA131IS-H: Admission QuotasPatient Management
1390ERP EHP76.0N1VKG889IS-H: Item of Clinical Order (Preregistration)Patient Management
1391ERP EHP76.0N1WWW41Table with URLsPatient Management
1392ERP EHP76.0N2DT1171IS-H*MED: Table of Documentation CategoriesPatient Management
1393ERP EHP76.0NADR357IS-H: Addresses (Central Address Management)Patient Management
1394ERP EHP76.0NADR261IS-H: Telephone Numbers (Central Addess Management)Patient Management
1395ERP EHP76.0NAMB101IS-H: Request for Medical GroundsPatient Management
1396ERP EHP76.0NAPP306IS-H: Provisional Appointments for Visit SchedulingPatient Management
1397ERP EHP76.0NAPP_POB51IS-H: Dummy table for lock object ENAPP_ENQPatient Management
1398ERP EHP76.0NATM242IS-H/IS-H*MED: Time Slot ModificationPatient Management
1399ERP EHP76.0NBEW1129IS-H: Movements for CasePatient Management
1400ERP EHP76.0NBEWWPLACE101IS-H: History of Work Environments Used for MovementPatient Management
1401ERP EHP76.0NBKZ123IS-H: Movement assignments for Ins. Verifications/Certific.Patient Management
1402ERP EHP76.0NCTO103Context-to-Object AssignmentPatient Management
1403ERP EHP76.0NCTX141IS-H: ContextPatient Management
1404ERP EHP76.0NCXST71IS-H: Context StatusPatient Management
1405ERP EHP76.0NCXSTT51IS-H: Texts for Context StatusPatient Management
1406ERP EHP76.0NCXTY101IS-H: Context DefinitionPatient Management
1407ERP EHP76.0NCXTYT51IS-H: Texts for Context DefinitionPatient Management
1408ERP EHP76.0NDAT_CHANGE61IS-H: Log Data for Unprotecting FieldsPatient Management
1409ERP EHP76.0NDIA654IS-H: DiagnosesPatient Management
1410ERP EHP76.0NDIP172IS-H: Diagnoses for Preregistered PatientPatient Management
1411ERP EHP76.0NDOC587IS-H: Assignment of IS-H Objects to Documents in DMSPatient Management
1412ERP EHP76.0NDRG341IS-H: Table Containing Case-Related DRGsPatient Management
1413ERP EHP76.0NFAL879IS-H: CasesPatient Management
1414ERP EHP76.0NFALA112IS-H: Archived Cases: Obsolete as of 4.72 (Info via SARI)Patient Management
1415ERP EHP76.0NFFZ172IS-H: Assignment of a case to another casePatient Management
1416ERP EHP76.0NFKL173IS-H: Case classificationPatient Management
1417ERP EHP76.0NFPZ223IS-H: Assignment of a case to a personPatient Management
1418ERP EHP76.0NGEB354IS-H: Birth Data of NewbornsPatient Management
1419ERP EHP76.0NGUZ71IS-H: Business Partner <-> User AssignmentPatient Management
1420ERP EHP76.0NHLPFIELD71IS-H: (Personal) Field Selection for F4 HelpPatient Management
1421ERP EHP76.0NHLPVALUE71IS-H: Personal Help ValuesPatient Management
1422ERP EHP76.0NIPP372IS-H: Provisional Insurance Relationship of PreregistrationPatient Management
1423ERP EHP76.0NKAV132ISH: Intermediate File Creation/Borrowing/Transfer of RecrdsPatient Management
1424ERP EHP76.0NKSD1251IS-H: Treatment Certificate DetailsPatient Management
1425ERP EHP76.0NKSK493IS-H: Insurance verification/certificate - Header dataPatient Management
1426ERP EHP76.0NKSP351IS-H: Insurance verification/certificate - item dataPatient Management
1427ERP EHP76.0NLEI1449IS-H: Services PerformedPatient Management
1428ERP EHP76.0NLKZ73IS-H: Assignment table service SC <-> insur. verification BCPatient Management
1429ERP EHP76.0NLOC163IS-H: Time Slot Substitutions for Visit SchedulingPatient Management
1430ERP EHP76.0NMBG131IS-H: Medical groundsPatient Management
1431ERP EHP76.0NOBTY11IS-H: Object ListPatient Management
1432ERP EHP76.0NOBTYT31IS-H: Object List, TextsPatient Management
1433ERP EHP76.0NOCTY61IS-H: Context-to-Object Type AssignmentPatient Management
1434ERP EHP76.0NPAE152IS-H: Patient Master Data (Institution-Related)Patient Management
1435ERP EHP76.0NPAP337IS-H: Provisional Patient Master DataPatient Management
1436ERP EHP76.0NPAPIX73IS-H: Preregistered Patient Name IndexPatient Management
1437ERP EHP76.0NPAT13613IS-H: Patient Master Data (General)Patient Management
1438ERP EHP76.0NPCP142IS-H: Procedures for Preregistered PatientPatient Management
1439ERP EHP76.0NPEZ93IS-H: Assignment of postal code to geographical areaPatient Management
1440ERP EHP76.0NPFO42IS-H: Index table for patient listPatient Management
1441ERP EHP76.0NPGZ122IS-H: Assignment of Patient to Business PartnerPatient Management
1442ERP EHP76.0NPIX73IS-H: Patient name indexPatient Management
1443ERP EHP76.0NPLZ155IS-H: Postal code catalogPatient Management
1444ERP EHP76.0NPOB236IS-H: Planning Objects for Outpatient Clinic SchedulingPatient Management
1445ERP EHP76.0NPPR41IS-H: Incorrect cases w. data medium exch. for NActyCl.Patient Management
1446ERP EHP76.0NPRT331IS-H: Preregistration TypePatient Management
1447ERP EHP76.0NPRTL91IS-H*MED: Preregistration Type - Service Hit ListPatient Management
1448ERP EHP76.0NPRTO71IS-H: Preregistration Type - OUs for which Prereg. PossiblePatient Management
1449ERP EHP76.0NPRTT51IS-H: Texts for Preregistration TypePatient Management
1450ERP EHP76.0NPRTV81IS-H: Preregistration Type Available for Initiating OUsPatient Management
1451ERP EHP76.0NRSF241IS-H: Patient Risk FactorsPatient Management
1452ERP EHP76.0NSHIFT172IS-H: Results of Case RevisionPatient Management
1453ERP EHP76.0NSHIFT_ID71IS-H: Details on Case Revision ObjectsPatient Management
1454ERP EHP76.0NTMN809IS-H: Patient-Specific Appointments (Header Table for NAPP)Patient Management
1455ERP EHP76.0NTPGK231IS-H: Day program header data for outpatient dept mgmtPatient Management
1456ERP EHP76.0NTPGP213IS-H: Day program items (possible appointments)Patient Management
1457ERP EHP76.0NTPLNV200061IS-H: Template Subscreen DataPatient Management
1458ERP EHP76.0NTRC172IS-H: Trace Log MessagesPatient Management
1459ERP EHP76.0NVVF492IS-H: Case-Related Insurance RelationshipsPatient Management
1460ERP EHP76.0NVVP623IS-H: Patient-related insurance relationshipPatient Management
1461ERP EHP76.0NWAN272IS-H: Bad Debt PartiesPatient Management
1462ERP EHP76.0NWBUTTON81Pushbuttons for Function VariantsPatient Management
1463ERP EHP76.0NWBUTTONT71Pushbuttons for Function VariantsPatient Management
1464ERP EHP76.0NWFVAR41Function Variants (Catalog)Patient Management
1465ERP EHP76.0NWFVARP91Functions below a Pushbutton per Function VariantPatient Management
1466ERP EHP76.0NWFVARPT71Functions below a Pushbutton per Function VariantPatient Management
1467ERP EHP76.0NWFVART51Function Variants (Texts)Patient Management
1468ERP EHP76.0NWICONS51Application-Specific Icons in Clinical Work StationPatient Management
1469ERP EHP76.0NWLM142IS-H: Absences From Waiting ListPatient Management
1470ERP EHP76.0NWLP61IS-H: Procedures for Waiting List (Internal Use Only)Patient Management
1471ERP EHP76.0NWPG194IS-H: Week programs for outpatient department managementPatient Management
1472ERP EHP76.0NWPLACE51Work EnvironmentPatient Management
1473ERP EHP76.0NWPLACET51Name of Work EnvironmentPatient Management
1474ERP EHP76.0NWPLACE_00181IS-H / IS-H*MED: Work Environment (Specialization)Patient Management
1475ERP EHP76.0NWPLACE_AD1141IS-H: Clinical Process Builder - Personal SettingsPatient Management
1476ERP EHP76.0NWPLACE_AD1_BWTY101IS-H: Clinical Process Builder - Movement Category ValidityPatient Management
1477ERP EHP76.0NWPLACE_DTM161IS-H: Determination of Work Environment at CallupPatient Management
1478ERP EHP76.0NWPUSZ61Work Environment-to-User (Role) AssignmentPatient Management
1479ERP EHP76.0NWPUSZT71Work Environment-to-User (Role) AssignmentPatient Management
1480ERP EHP76.0NWPVZ91Work Environment-to-View AssignmentPatient Management
1481ERP EHP76.0NWPVZT71Work Environment-to-View AssignmentPatient Management
1482ERP EHP76.0NWPVZ_USZ91IS-H / IS-H*MED: Work Environment-to-Service View AssignmentPatient Management
1483ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW41Views in Work StationsPatient Management
1484ERP EHP76.0NWVIEWT51Views in Work StationsPatient Management
1485ERP EHP76.0NWVIEWVAR281View Types in Work StationsPatient Management
1486ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_001161IS-H / IS-H*MED: Speical View Data for OccupancyPatient Management
1487ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_002161IS-H / IS-H*MED: Special View Data for ArrivalsPatient Management
1488ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_003161IS-H / IS-H*MED: Special View Data for DeparturesPatient Management
1489ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_004161IS-H / IS-H*MED: Special View Data for RequestsPatient Management
1490ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_005161IS-H / IS-H*MED: Special View Data for Transport OrdersPatient Management
1491ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_007161IS-H/IS-H*MED: Special View Data Svce Facility/Outp. ClinicPatient Management
1492ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_008161IS-H/IS-H*MED: Special View Data Medical ControllingPatient Management
1493ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_009161IS-H / IS-H*MED: Special View Data Occupancy CharacteristicPatient Management
1494ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_010161IS-H / IS-H*MED: Special View Data PreregistrationsPatient Management
1495ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_A0191IS-H: Clinical Process Builder - Additional Data of ViewPatient Management
1496ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_A0251IS-H: Clinical Process Builder - Modules for ViewPatient Management
1497ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_A0561IS-H: Clinical Process Builder - Selection for Appt ListPatient Management
1498ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_AP1111IS-H: View Type AP1 - Search Variant for Standard SearchPatient Management
1499ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_AP2131IS-H: View Type AP2 - Search Variant for Enh. Time Slot SearPatient Management
1500ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_FCD111Function Bar: Function Code DataPatient Management
1501ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_FCDT71Function Bar: Function Code DataPatient Management
1502ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_PERS182Personalization Information for ViewPatient Management
1503ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_SPLT111User Parameters for Views in Splitter ControlPatient Management
1504ERP EHP76.0TN00M51IS-H: Conversion table for phonetic searchPatient Management
1505ERP EHP76.0TN13A51IS-H: ParishesPatient Management
1506ERP EHP76.0TN14B541IS-H: Movement typesPatient Management
1507ERP EHP76.0TN14E41IS-H: Status for outpatient visitsPatient Management
1508ERP EHP76.0TN14F51IS-H: Texts for external statuses of outpatient visitsPatient Management
1509ERP EHP76.0TN14G51IS-H: Movement Reasons (EDI)Patient Management
1510ERP EHP76.0TN14H81IS-H: Referral TypesPatient Management
1511ERP EHP76.0TN14I31IS-H: Emergency ServicesPatient Management
1512ERP EHP76.0TN14K31IS-H: Mode of ArrivalPatient Management
1513ERP EHP76.0TN14M41IS-H: Treatment ProgramPatient Management
1514ERP EHP76.0TN14N51IS-H: Texts for Treatment Codes (Medical Program)Patient Management
1515ERP EHP76.0TN14O41IS-H: Surgery TypesPatient Management
1516ERP EHP76.0TN14P41IS-H: PrioritiesPatient Management
1517ERP EHP76.0TN14Q51IS-H: Priority textsPatient Management
1518ERP EHP76.0TN14R61IS-H: Movement reasons (§301) - TextPatient Management
1519ERP EHP76.0TN14S51IS-H: Texts for Mode of ArrivalPatient Management
1520ERP EHP76.0TN14X51IS-H: Texts for type of surgeryPatient Management
1521ERP EHP76.0TN14Y61IS-H: Texts for referral typesPatient Management
1522ERP EHP76.0TN14Z51IS-H: Texts for Emergency ServicesPatient Management
1523ERP EHP76.0TN15A51IS-H: Case TypesPatient Management
1524ERP EHP76.0TN15B61IS-H: Functions of Case-to-Case AssignmentPatient Management
1525ERP EHP76.0TN15C131IS-H: Case CategoryPatient Management
1526ERP EHP76.0TN15D61IS-H: Case End DataPatient Management
1527ERP EHP76.0TN15E51IS-H: Birth ProceduresPatient Management
1528ERP EHP76.0TN15F31IS-H: Delivery CategoriesPatient Management
1529ERP EHP76.0TN15G31IS-H: Employee TypesPatient Management
1530ERP EHP76.0TN15H41IS-H: Choice of Ward ClassPatient Management
1531ERP EHP76.0TN15I41IS-H: Severity of Illness (SOI) for DRGPatient Management
1532ERP EHP76.0TN15J41IS-H: Risk of Mortality (ROM) for DRGPatient Management
1533ERP EHP76.0TN15O51IS-H: Texts for Risk of Mortality (ROM) for DRGPatient Management
1534ERP EHP76.0TN15P41IS-H: Function of case-to-person assignment internal-extern.Patient Management
1535ERP EHP76.0TN15Q41IS-H: External category of case-to-person assignment, textPatient Management
1536ERP EHP76.0TN15R51IS-H: Case End Data - TextsPatient Management
1537ERP EHP76.0TN15S51IS-H: Case Categories - TextsPatient Management
1538ERP EHP76.0TN15T61IS-H: Case type textsPatient Management
1539ERP EHP76.0TN15U51IS-H: Texts on the functions of case-to-case assignmentPatient Management
1540ERP EHP76.0TN15V41IS-H: Birth procedure textsPatient Management
1541ERP EHP76.0TN15W41IS-H: Category of Delivery - TextPatient Management
1542ERP EHP76.0TN15X51IS-H: Texts for Employee TypesPatient Management
1543ERP EHP76.0TN15Y51IS-H: Texts for Choice Accommodation CategoriesPatient Management
1544ERP EHP76.0TN15Z51IS-H: Texts for Severity of Illness (SOI) for DRGPatient Management
1545ERP EHP76.0TN17B31IS-H: Relationship TypesPatient Management
1546ERP EHP76.0TN17D21IS-H: Identity Document TypesPatient Management
1547ERP EHP76.0TN17E21IS-H: Drug Allergies - Routes of AdministrationPatient Management
1548ERP EHP76.0TN17F21IS-H: Drug Allergies - Organs AffectedPatient Management
1549ERP EHP76.0TN17H21IS-H: Drug Allergies - ProbabilityPatient Management
1550ERP EHP76.0TN17I21IS-H: Drug Allergies - Reaction TypePatient Management
1551ERP EHP76.0TN17N41IS-H: Drug allergy - text for reaction typePatient Management
1552ERP EHP76.0TN17O41IS-H: Drug allergy: text for organ affectedPatient Management
1553ERP EHP76.0TN17P41IS-H: Drug allergies: text for probabilityPatient Management
1554ERP EHP76.0TN17Q41IS-H: Drug allergy - texts for routes of administrationPatient Management
1555ERP EHP76.0TN17R21IS-H: RacePatient Management
1556ERP EHP76.0TN17S41IS-H: Race textsPatient Management
1557ERP EHP76.0TN17U51IS-H: Address textsPatient Management
1558ERP EHP76.0TN17W41IS-H: Identity document typesPatient Management
1559ERP EHP76.0TN18A21IS-H: Causes of DeathPatient Management
1560ERP EHP76.0TN18L21LocationPatient Management
1561ERP EHP76.0TN18L_T41Location textPatient Management
1562ERP EHP76.0TN18T41IS-H: Cause of death textsPatient Management
1563ERP EHP76.0TN19C41IS-H: Status of Treatment CertificatesPatient Management
1564ERP EHP76.0TN19V51IS-H: Texts for treatment certificate statusPatient Management
1565ERP EHP76.0TN19W61IS-H*MED: Texts for Visit Types (Initial, Follow-Up Visit)Patient Management
1566ERP EHP76.0TN1TC_GLOB_SET81Treatment Contract - General SettingsPatient Management
1567ERP EHP76.0TN1TC_OU_RESP31Treatment Contract - Definition of OU JurisdictionPatient Management
1568ERP EHP76.0TN1TC_OU_RESPT81Treatment Contract - Name of OU JurisdictionPatient Management
1569ERP EHP76.0TN1TC_OU_RESP_OU121Treatment Contract - OU Constellations for OU JurisdictionPatient Management
1570ERP EHP76.0TN1TC_RESP_ROLE91Treatment Contract - Assignments of OU Jurisdiction to RolesPatient Management
1571ERP EHP76.0TN1TC_TIMES_INST91Treatment Authorization - Deadlines for OU JurisdictionPatient Management
1572ERP EHP76.0TN1TC_TIMES_OU111Treatment Contract - Deadlines of OU ConstellationPatient Management
1573ERP EHP76.0TN21L41IS-H: SAP Message ControlPatient Management
1574ERP EHP76.0TN26E41IS-H: Definition of Medical LocalizationsPatient Management
1575ERP EHP76.0TN26X51IS-H: Texts for Medical LocalizationPatient Management
1576ERP EHP76.0TN26Y31Diagnosis QualifierPatient Management
1577ERP EHP76.0TN26Z51Diagnosis Qualifier TextsPatient Management
1578ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXCOMPONENT11Filter Values Base Items with Component TechnologyPatient Management
1579ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXCOMPONENTT31Filter Values Base Items with Component Technology - TextsPatient Management
1580ERP EHP76.0TN2FLAG101Is-H*MED: Flags (special indicators) for documentsPatient Management
1581ERP EHP76.0TN39A71IS-H: Risk Factor CatalogPatient Management
1582ERP EHP76.0TN39T91IS-H: Risk Factor Catalog (Text Table)Patient Management
1583ERP EHP76.0TN40C61IS-H: Alternative Scheduling TypesPatient Management
1584ERP EHP76.0TN42A51IS-H: Waiting List TypePatient Management
1585ERP EHP76.0TN42B51IS-H: Reasons for Removal From Waiting ListPatient Management
1586ERP EHP76.0TN42C51IS-H: Preregistration StatusPatient Management
1587ERP EHP76.0TN42D41IS-H: Reasons for Absence From Waiting ListPatient Management
1588ERP EHP76.0TN42T51IS-H: Waiting List Type (Text Table)Patient Management
1589ERP EHP76.0TN42U51IS-H: Reasons for Removal From Waiting ListPatient Management
1590ERP EHP76.0TN42V51IS-H: Waiting List Status (Texts)Patient Management
1591ERP EHP76.0TN42W51IS-H: Reasons for Absence From Waiting ListPatient Management
1592ERP EHP76.0TN82A71IS-H: No Longer UsedPatient Management
1593ERP EHP76.0TNACC51IS-H: Accommodation Categories for Bed PlanningPatient Management
1594ERP EHP76.0TNACCT61IS-H: Texts for accommodation categoryPatient Management
1595ERP EHP76.0TNCASREV61IS-H: Case Revision - Customizing SettingsPatient Management
1596ERP EHP76.0TNCATD41IS-H: Specify Discharge Date for Catalog DeterminationPatient Management
1597ERP EHP76.0TNDIA301IS-H: Diagnosis Processing ParametersPatient Management
1598ERP EHP76.0TNFAS_FS61IS-H: Dependency of Case Status on Dept-Related StatusPatient Management
1599ERP EHP76.0TNGRP0161IS-H: Set Parameters for DRG DocumentationPatient Management
1600ERP EHP76.0TNGRP1121IS-H: DRG Grouper AssignmentPatient Management
1601ERP EHP76.0TNGRP2331IS-H: DRG GrouperPatient Management
1602ERP EHP76.0TNGRP3201IS-H: DRG Grouper File ConventionsPatient Management
1603ERP EHP76.0TNICPM71IS-H: ICPM structure - Delivery of ICPM catalogPatient Management
1604ERP EHP76.0TNKAV191IS-H: Medical Record Management ParametersPatient Management
1605ERP EHP76.0TNKAV181IS-H: Medical Records to Be BorrowedPatient Management
1606ERP EHP76.0TNKVK141IS-H: Define Terminal For Import HC Smart CardPatient Management
1607ERP EHP76.0TNLOC_SERV81Service to Be Generated for Each Level of CarePatient Management
1608ERP EHP76.0TNPGR141IS-H: Patient groups for PPR (Germany)Patient Management
1609ERP EHP76.0TNPOL41IS-H: Modules for NV2000/BAPI ProcessingPatient Management
1610ERP EHP76.0TNPPR141IS-H: Nursing Acuity Classification ParametersPatient Management
1611ERP EHP76.0TNR0041IS-H: Report Control: Applications and TextsPatient Management
1612ERP EHP76.0TNR0141IS-H: Report Control: Group - Application Asgmt.Patient Management
1613ERP EHP76.0TNR01T41IS-H: Report Control: Texts for GroupsPatient Management
1614ERP EHP76.0TNR0241IS-H: Report Control: Report - Group AsgmtPatient Management
1615ERP EHP76.0TNS28101IS-H: Assignment of org. units to services in statisticsPatient Management
1616ERP EHP76.0TNSTA0131IS-H: Used Profiles Status Med. Basic DocumentationPatient Management
1617ERP EHP76.0TNVRGC71IS-H: Bus.Transaction Check on Single Field Level (Customer)Patient Management
1618ERP EHP76.0TNVRGR41IS-H: Business Transaction Check on Single Field Level (SAP)Patient Management
Industry Specific :: SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals :: SAP Ambulatory Care Management
1619ERP EHP76.0N2HM_INDIKKEY61Heilmittelverordnung: IndikationsschlüsselSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1620ERP EHP76.0N2HM_KPF121ACM: Kopfdaten zum HeilmittelkatalogSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1621ERP EHP76.0N3BGAHNO951PMD: N3BG_AHNO BG: AHNO - Hals-, NasenSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1622ERP EHP76.0N3BGAHNO00101PMD: N3BG_TADIASAP Ambulatory Care Management
1623ERP EHP76.0N3BGAHNO0181PMD: N3BG_TAPROSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1624ERP EHP76.0N3BGAHNO0281PMD: N3BG_TAAOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1625ERP EHP76.0N3BGDABE1101PMD: N3BG_DABE BG: DABE - DurchgangsarSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1626ERP EHP76.0N3BGDABE00101PMD: N3BG_TADIASAP Ambulatory Care Management
1627ERP EHP76.0N3BGDABE0181PMD: N3BG_TAPROSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1628ERP EHP76.0N3BGDABE0281PMD: N3BG_TAAOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1629ERP EHP76.0N3BGHABE1111PMD: N3BG_HABE BG: HABE - H-ArztberichSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1630ERP EHP76.0N3BGHABE00101PMD: N3BG_TADIASAP Ambulatory Care Management
1631ERP EHP76.0N3BGHABE0181PMD: N3BG_TAPROSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1632ERP EHP76.0N3BGHABE0281PMD: N3BG_TAAOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1633ERP EHP76.0N3BGHAVB441PMD: N3BG_HAVB BG: HAVB - VerlaufsberiSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1634ERP EHP76.0N3BGKNEB1221PMD: N3BG_KNEB BG: KNEB - ErgänzungsbeSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1635ERP EHP76.0N3BGKNEB00101PMD: N3BG_TADIASAP Ambulatory Care Management
1636ERP EHP76.0N3BGKNEB0181PMD: N3BG_TAPROSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1637ERP EHP76.0N3BGKNEB0281PMD: N3BG_TAAOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1638ERP EHP76.0N3BGKOEB1671PMD: N3BG_KOEB BG: KOEB - Kopf - ErgänSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1639ERP EHP76.0N3BGKOEB00101PMD: N3BG_DIATASAP Ambulatory Care Management
1640ERP EHP76.0N3BGKOEB0181PMD: N3BG_TOPESAP Ambulatory Care Management
1641ERP EHP76.0N3BGMAHB561PMD: N3BG_MAHB BG: MAHB - Mitteilung DSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1642ERP EHP76.0N3BGNASB781PMD: N3BG_NASB BG: NASB - NachschauberSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1643ERP EHP76.0N3BGNASB00101PMD: N3BG_TADIASAP Ambulatory Care Management
1644ERP EHP76.0N3BGNASB0181PMD: N3BG_TAPROSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1645ERP EHP76.0N3BGNASB0281PMD: N3BG_TAAOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1646ERP EHP76.0N3BGNASBN0161PMD: N3BG_TAPROSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1647ERP EHP76.0N3BGSTEB1171PMD: N3BG_STEB Strom - ErgänzungsbericSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1648ERP EHP76.0N3BGVEEB1171PMD: N3BG_VEEB Verbrennung - ErgänzungSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1649ERP EHP76.0N3BGZWI951PMD: N3BG_ZWIB BG: ZWIB - ZwischenberichtSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1650ERP EHP76.0N3BGZWIB991PMD: N3BG_ZWIB BG: ZWIB - ZwischenberiSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1651ERP EHP76.0N3BGZWIB00101PMD: N3BG_TADIASAP Ambulatory Care Management
1652ERP EHP76.0N3BGZWIB0181PMD: N3BG_TAPROSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1653ERP EHP76.0N3BGZWIB0281PMD: N3BG_TAAOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1654ERP EHP76.0N3BG_AHNO821PMD: N3BG_AHNO BG: AHNO - Hals-, NasenSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1655ERP EHP76.0N3BG_AHNO00101PMD: N3BG_TADIASAP Ambulatory Care Management
1656ERP EHP76.0N3BG_AHNO0181PMD: N3BG_TAPROSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1657ERP EHP76.0N3BG_AHNO0281PMD: N3BG_TAAOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1658ERP EHP76.0N3BG_DABE971PMD: N3BG_DABE BG: DABE - DurchgangsarSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1659ERP EHP76.0N3BG_DABE00101PMD: N3BG_TADIASAP Ambulatory Care Management
1660ERP EHP76.0N3BG_DABE0181PMD: N3BG_TAPROSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1661ERP EHP76.0N3BG_DABE0281PMD: N3BG_TAAOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1662ERP EHP76.0N3BG_HABE981PMD: N3BG_HABE BG: HABE - H-ArztberichSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1663ERP EHP76.0N3BG_HABE00101PMD: N3BG_TADIASAP Ambulatory Care Management
1664ERP EHP76.0N3BG_HABE0181PMD: N3BG_TAPROSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1665ERP EHP76.0N3BG_HABE0281PMD: N3BG_TAAOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1666ERP EHP76.0N3BG_HAVB311PMD: N3BG_HAVB BG: HAVB - VerlaufsberiSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1667ERP EHP76.0N3BG_KOEB1501PMD: N3BG_KOEB BG: KOEB - Kopf - ErgänSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1668ERP EHP76.0N3BG_KOEB0091PMD: N3BG_DIATASAP Ambulatory Care Management
1669ERP EHP76.0N3BG_KOEB0171PMD: N3BG_TOPESAP Ambulatory Care Management
1670ERP EHP76.0N3BG_MAHB431PMD: N3BG_MAHB BG: MAHB - Mitteilung DSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1671ERP EHP76.0N3BG_ZWIB861PMD: N3BG_ZWIB BG: ZWIB - ZwischenberiSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1672ERP EHP76.0N3BG_ZWIB00101PMD: N3BG_TADIASAP Ambulatory Care Management
1673ERP EHP76.0N3BG_ZWIB0181PMD: N3BG_TAPROSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1674ERP EHP76.0N3BG_ZWIB0281PMD: N3BG_TAAOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1675ERP EHP76.0N3DAFLAG181ACM: DALE-UV Einstellungen pro DokumentSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1676ERP EHP76.0N3DANASB761PMD: N3DA_NASB BG: NASB - Nachschaubericht Version 7.1.01SAP Ambulatory Care Management
1677ERP EHP76.0N3DV2DAB901PMD: N3DA_DABE BG: DABE - D-Arztbericht Version 7.1.01SAP Ambulatory Care Management
1678ERP EHP76.0N3DV2DAB0091PMD: N3DV2TDIA Tabelle DiagnosenSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1679ERP EHP76.0N3DV2DAB01101PMD: N3DV2TPRO Tabelle ProzedurenSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1680ERP EHP76.0N3DV2DAB0281PMD: N3DV2TAOK Tabelle AOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1681ERP EHP76.0N3DV2HAB911PMD: N3DA_HABE BG: HABE - H-Arztbericht Version 7.1.01SAP Ambulatory Care Management
1682ERP EHP76.0N3DV2HAB0091PMD: N3DV2TDIA Tabelle DiagnosenSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1683ERP EHP76.0N3DV2HAB01101PMD: N3DV2TPRO Tabelle ProzedurenSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1684ERP EHP76.0N3DV2HAB0281PMD: N3DV2TAOK Tabelle AOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1685ERP EHP76.0N3DV2HAV351PMD: N3DA_HAVB BG: HAVB - Verlaufsbericht H-Arzt Version 7SAP Ambulatory Care Management
1686ERP EHP76.0N3DV2KNE1061PMD: N3DA_KNEB BG: KNEB - ErgBericht Knie Version 7.1.01SAP Ambulatory Care Management
1687ERP EHP76.0N3DV2KNE0091PMD: N3DV2TDIA Tabelle DiagnosenSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1688ERP EHP76.0N3DV2KNE01101PMD: N3DV2TPRO Tabelle ProzedurenSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1689ERP EHP76.0N3DV2KNE0281PMD: N3DV2TAOK Tabelle AOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1690ERP EHP76.0N3DV2MAH481PMD: N3DA_MAHB BG: MAHB - Mitteilung D/H-Arzt Version 7.1.SAP Ambulatory Care Management
1691ERP EHP76.0N3DV2NAS661PMD: N3DA_NASB BG: NASB - Nachschaubericht Version 7.1.01SAP Ambulatory Care Management
1692ERP EHP76.0N3DV2NAS0091PMD: N3DV2TDIA Tabelle DiagnosenSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1693ERP EHP76.0N3DV2NAS01101PMD: N3DV2TPRO Tabelle ProzedurenSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1694ERP EHP76.0N3DV2NAS0281PMD: N3DV2TAOK Tabelle AOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1695ERP EHP76.0N3DV2STE961PMD: N3DA_STEB BG: STEB - ErgBericht Strom Version 7.1.01SAP Ambulatory Care Management
1696ERP EHP76.0N3DV2VEE1441PMD: N3DA_VEEB BG: VEEB - ErgBericht Verbrennung Version 7SAP Ambulatory Care Management
1697ERP EHP76.0N3DV2ZWI811PMD: N3DA_ZWIB BG: ZWIB - Zwischenbericht Version 7.1.01SAP Ambulatory Care Management
1698ERP EHP76.0N3DV2ZWI0091PMD: N3DV2TDIA Tabelle DiagnosenSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1699ERP EHP76.0N3DV2ZWI01101PMD: N3DV2TPRO Tabelle ProzedurenSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1700ERP EHP76.0N3DV2ZWI0281PMD: N3DV2TAOK Tabelle AOKSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1701ERP EHP76.0N3DVKOEB1601PMD: N3DA_KOEB BG: KOEB - ErgBericht Kopf 7.1.01SAP Ambulatory Care Management
1702ERP EHP76.0N3DVKOEB00111PMD: N3DV2DIAT Tabelle vorläufige DiagnoseSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1703ERP EHP76.0N3DVKOEB01101PMD: N3DV2TPRO Tabelle ProzedurenSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1704ERP EHP76.0NKTR_KV151IS-H: Ins. Prov. Master acc. to Fed. PPA from PPA Bill.Syst.SAP Ambulatory Care Management
1705ERP EHP76.0NREDOMA451IS-H: Table Renewable Documents - Header DataSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1706ERP EHP76.0NREDOMA_DIAG121IS-H: Renewable Documents - DiagnosesSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1707ERP EHP76.0NWOINC391IS-H: Work Incapacity CertificatesSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1708ERP EHP76.0TN1BFB_ORGID41BFB: Org.mittel-OE-ZuordnungSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1709ERP EHP76.0TNACM71Parameter Maintenance - SAP Ambulatory Care ManagementSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1710ERP EHP76.0TNAMB_ACTFATYP41IS-H: Activation of Case Category for Case TypesSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1711ERP EHP76.0TNAMB_BWART2FATY51IS-H: Assignment of Movement Types to Case CategoriesSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1712ERP EHP76.0TNAMB_FATYCLASS51IS-H: Case Category - ClassificationSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1713ERP EHP76.0TNAMB_REDOMA41IS-H: Renewable Document Mgmt - Document Type AssignmentSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1714ERP EHP76.0TNHCO_COLORD61HCO: Definition Coll. Orders for Outpat.Case-Based OrdersSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1715ERP EHP76.0TNHCO_CORD_SEL91HCO: Char. Sel. for Coll. Orders for Outpat. Case-Bsd OrdersSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1716ERP EHP76.0TNKTR_KV21IS-H: Settings for Federal PPA Insurance Provider MasterSAP Ambulatory Care Management
1717ERP EHP76.0TNKVMSGATTR31IS-H: Message Assignment for PPA Work StationSAP Ambulatory Care Management
Industry Specific :: SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals :: Tools
1718ERP EHP76.0TNRALCEVAL81RAL: Event Customization TableTools
1719ERP EHP76.0TNRALCEVALFW91RAL: Framework Event ConfigurationTools
1720ERP EHP76.0TNRALCONF71Activate Access Logging for Sensitive ObjectsTools
1721ERP EHP76.0TNRALEVAL51RAL: Event ConfigurationTools
1722ERP EHP76.0TNRALEVALFW61RAL: Framework Event CustomizationTools
1723ERP EHP76.0TNRALOBJ11Sensitive Object MasterTools
1724ERP EHP76.0TNRALOBJT31RAL: Sensitive Object Text TableTools
1725ERP EHP76.0TNRALSUBOBJ21Subobjects Master TableTools
1726ERP EHP76.0TNRALSUBOBJT41RAL: SubObjects Text TableTools
Industry Specific :: SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals :: Basic Data :: Business Partners
1727ERP EHP76.0NBP_FIELD_MAP41Mapping Table IS-H Fields: Before & After SAP BP ChangeoverBusiness Partners
1728ERP EHP76.0NBP_MIGR_STATE161Store State of BP MigrationBusiness Partners
1729ERP EHP76.0NBP_SCREEN_MAP41Mapping Table IS-H Dynpros: Before & After SAP BP ChangeoverBusiness Partners
1730ERP EHP76.0NBUP204Addnl HC-Specific Business Partner Data for SAP BPBusiness Partners
1731ERP EHP76.0NCUS123Addnl HC-Specific Customer Data for SAP BPBusiness Partners
1732ERP EHP76.0NEPR111Addnl HC-Specific Employer Data for SAP BPBusiness Partners
1733ERP EHP76.0NFEE243Addnl HC-Specific Fee Recipient Data for SAP BPBusiness Partners
1734ERP EHP76.0NFEEB61IS-H CH: Assignment Fee Justification for Fee RecipientBusiness Partners
1735ERP EHP76.0NFEEK42IS-H CH: Vendor Number of Fee RecipientBusiness Partners
1736ERP EHP76.0NFEER61IS-H CH: Assignment Rank for Fee RecipientBusiness Partners
1737ERP EHP76.0NHSP131Addnl HC-Specific Hospital Data for SAP BPBusiness Partners
1738ERP EHP76.0NINS644Addnl HC-Specific Insurance Provider Data for SAP BPBusiness Partners
1739ERP EHP76.0NIPR104Addnl HC-Specific Ins. Prov. Relatshp Data for SAP BPBusiness Partners
1740ERP EHP76.0NNOK52Additional HC-Specific Next of Kin Data for SAP BPBusiness Partners
1741ERP EHP76.0NPEP62Addnl HC-Specific Pat-Employer Relatshp Data for SAP BPBusiness Partners
1742ERP EHP76.0NPNT628Patient Master DataBusiness Partners
1743ERP EHP76.0NPPT221Additional HC-Specific Data for Patient w. Prov. DataBusiness Partners
1744ERP EHP76.0NPRS322Addnl HC-Specific Person Data for SAP BPBusiness Partners
1745ERP EHP76.0NPRS_QLDI111IS-H CH: Person-Assignment Qualitative. Grade (TARMED)Business Partners
1746ERP EHP76.0NPRS_QTDI111IS-H CH: Person-Assignment Quantitative. Grade (TARMED)Business Partners
1747ERP EHP76.0TNBPGROUP61Business Partner Grouping for HC-Specific RolesBusiness Partners
1748ERP EHP76.0TNBPMIG0361Mapping Table for Title CustomizingBusiness Partners
1749ERP EHP76.0TNBPMIG0461Mapping Table for Prefix CustomizingBusiness Partners
1750ERP EHP76.0TNBPMIG0561Mapping Table for Affix CustomizingBusiness Partners
1751ERP EHP76.0TNBPMIG0651Mapping Table for FOA CustomizingBusiness Partners
1752ERP EHP76.0TNBPMIG0751Mapping Table for Marital Status CustomizingBusiness Partners
1753ERP EHP76.0TNBPMIGCTRL21Store Migration PhaseBusiness Partners
1754ERP EHP76.0TNBPMIGDUP31Mapping Information for Duplicate SAP BPsBusiness Partners
1755ERP EHP76.0TNBPMIGFIASSN183Store IS-H Object and FI Customer AssignmentBusiness Partners
1756ERP EHP76.0TNBPMIGINVALFI31Store Invalid FI AssignmentsBusiness Partners
1757ERP EHP76.0TNBPMIGNRMAP101Number Range Mapping for BP MigrationBusiness Partners
1758ERP EHP76.0TNBPMIGPARAMS111Parameters for BP MigrationBusiness Partners
1759ERP EHP76.0TNBPMIGPNTNOK61Mapping Information of IS-H Pat., BP Pat. and NOK DataBusiness Partners
1760ERP EHP76.0TNBPMIGPROVPAT62Mapping Information of Pat. with Prov. Master DataBusiness Partners
Industry Specific :: SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals :: Basic Data :: Hospital Structure
1761ERP EHP76.0HRP6080193Table for Infotype HC IdentificationHospital Structure
1762ERP EHP76.0HRP6081232Table for Infotype Administrative Data OUHospital Structure
1763ERP EHP76.0HRP6082472Table for Infotype Specialties + IndicatorsHospital Structure
1764ERP EHP76.0HRP6083183Table for Infotype Additional Telephone DataHospital Structure
1765ERP EHP76.0HRP6084183DB Table for Infotype 6084Hospital Structure
1766ERP EHP76.0HRP6085192DB Table for Infotype 6085Hospital Structure
1767ERP EHP76.0HRP6091222Table for Infotype Adminstrative Data BUHospital Structure
1768ERP EHP76.0HRP6092182Table for Infotype Facilities Char.Hospital Structure
1769ERP EHP76.0HRP6093262Table for Infotype Planning CharacteristicsHospital Structure
1770ERP EHP76.0HRPAD86041PAD860 Additional DataHospital Structure
1771ERP EHP76.0HRPAD88231PAD860 Additional DataHospital Structure
1772ERP EHP76.0HRT608351Table for Infotype Additional Telephone DataHospital Structure
1773ERP EHP76.0HRT608451Table Part Infotype 6084Hospital Structure
1774ERP EHP76.0NOM_MAP_DATA91Mapping Table for OUs and InstitutionsHospital Structure
1775ERP EHP76.0NOM_MAP_INFO81Table that Maint Mapping Between IS-H Screens and OM ScreensHospital Structure
1776ERP EHP76.0NOM_MIGR_STATE111Table to Store States of Migration of Org. UnitsHospital Structure