SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

1496 tablesERP 6.0 

Industry Specific :: Clinical System
1ERP EHP76.0HRP6075252DB Table for Infotype 6075Clinical System
2ERP EHP76.0N1ABLH61ISHMED: Process-organizational hierarchy of the organ. unitsClinical System
3ERP EHP76.0N1ABWMSG191IS-H*MED: Assignment of service/check/messageClinical System
4ERP EHP76.0N1ADMIN561IS-H*MED: Intensivdoku/PatientenadministrationClinical System
5ERP EHP76.0N1AFNKRUO21ISHMED: IDs for Subobject for Number Range ISH_N1AFNRClinical System
6ERP Assignment of Agent to DrugsClinical System
7ERP EHP76.0N1ALCONFIG172AppLog: ConfigurationClinical System
8ERP EHP76.0N1ALCONFIGA31AppLog: Configuration AssignmentsClinical System
9ERP EHP76.0N1ALCONFIGT41AppLog: Configuration TextsClinical System
10ERP EHP76.0N1ALCONGRP91AppLog: Configuration GroupClinical System
11ERP EHP76.0N1ALCONGRPT41AppLog: Texts for Configuration GroupClinical System
12ERP EHP76.0N1ALPROFGRP91AppLog: Profile GroupClinical System
13ERP EHP76.0N1ALPROFGRPT41AppLog: Texts for Profile GroupClinical System
14ERP EHP76.0N1ALPROFILE202AppLog: ProfileClinical System
15ERP EHP76.0N1ALPROFILET41AppLog: Texts for ProfileClinical System
16ERP EHP76.0N1ANFTYP351IS-H*MED: Request TypeClinical System
17ERP EHP76.0N1ANMSZ82IS-H*MED: Request-status-employee assignmentClinical System
18ERP EHP76.0N1ANNOTATION81Customizing Annotation ToolClinical System
19ERP EHP76.0N1AOEZ102IS-H*MED: Assignment of requesting OU to performing OUClinical System
20ERP EHP76.0N1APACHEII471PDOK: N5APACHEII Intensive care documentation: LOD/APACHEIIClinical System
21ERP EHP76.0N1APRI111IS-H*MED: Request prioritiesClinical System
22ERP EHP76.0N1APRIT51IS-H*MED: Text for request prioritiesClinical System
23ERP EHP76.0N1APZ71IS-H*MED: Assignment between work station and time markerClinical System
24ERP EHP76.0N1AQLOG71IS-H*MED: Log Table for Control ActionsClinical System
25ERP EHP76.0N1AST111IS-H*MED: Request statusClinical System
26ERP EHP76.0N1ASTT51IS-H*MED: Request status textClinical System
27ERP EHP76.0N1ASYNCEVENT141Event Mgmt: Asynchronous Event DataClinical System
28ERP EHP76.0N1ATK71IS-H*MED: VBUND: Anfotypverwendung KommunikationspartnerClinical System
29ERP EHP76.0N1ATV81IS-H*MED: Request Type UsageClinical System
30ERP EHP76.0N1AUFGA111IS-H*MED: TaskClinical System
31ERP EHP76.0N1AUFGT41IS-H*MED: Text for TasksClinical System
32ERP EHP76.0N1AUQUA91ISHMED: Task-Qualification ReferenceClinical System
33ERP EHP76.0N1AWEG41IS-H*MED: Medication - Application MethodClinical System
34ERP EHP76.0N1BCEXP112Basic Cat.: ExportClinical System
35ERP EHP76.0N1BCEXPCFG172Basis Cat.: Export ConfigurationClinical System
36ERP EHP76.0N1BCEXPCFGCPL92Basis Cat.: Export Configuration Item AssignmentClinical System
37ERP EHP76.0N1BCEXPCFGT41Basis Cat.: Export Configuration TextsClinical System
38ERP EHP76.0N1BCH181Basic Cat.: Catalog HeaderClinical System
39ERP EHP76.0N1BCH2OU161OBSOLETEClinical System
40ERP EHP76.0N1BCH2ROLE151OBSOLETEClinical System
41ERP EHP76.0N1BCH2USER151OBSOLETEClinical System
42ERP EHP76.0N1BCHBADI31OBSOLETClinical System
43ERP EHP76.0N1BCHCOM31OBSOLETEClinical System
45ERP EHP76.0N1BCHHIT41OBSOLETEClinical System
47ERP EHP76.0N1BCHLD182Basic Cat.: Catalog Assignment DefinitionClinical System
48ERP EHP76.0N1BCHLDT51Basic Cat.: Catalog Assignment Definition - TextsClinical System
49ERP EHP76.0N1BCHMAT31OBSOLETEClinical System
51ERP EHP76.0N1BCHRES31OBSOLETEClinical System
53ERP EHP76.0N1BCHT51Basic Cat.: Catalog Header - TextsClinical System
55ERP EHP76.0N1BCIMP162Basic Cat.: ImportClinical System
56ERP EHP76.0N1BCIMPCFG242Basic Cat.: Import ConfigurationClinical System
57ERP EHP76.0N1BCIMPCFGCPL112Basic Cat.: Import Configuration Item AssignmentClinical System
58ERP EHP76.0N1BCIMPCFGT41Basic Cat.: Import Configuration TextsClinical System
59ERP EHP76.0N1BCIMPFPOSKEY63Basic Cat.: Import - External Item KeyClinical System
60ERP EHP76.0N1BCP245Basic Cat.: Catalog ItemClinical System
61ERP EHP76.0N1BCP2BCP203Basic Cat.: Catalog Item to Catalog Item AssignmentClinical System
62ERP EHP76.0N1BCP2DIAG171Basic Cat.: Catalog Item to Diagnosis AssignmentClinical System
63ERP EHP76.0N1BCP2HIER172Basic Cat.: Catalog Item to Hierarchy AssignmentClinical System
64ERP EHP76.0N1BCP2MAT171Basic Cat.: Catalog Item to Material AssignmentClinical System
65ERP EHP76.0N1BCP2NTPK191Basic Cat.: Catalog Item to Service AssignmentClinical System
66ERP EHP76.0N1BCP2RC182Basic Cat.: Item - Display Configuration AssignmentClinical System
67ERP EHP76.0N1BCP2TASK161Basic Cat.: Catalo Item to Task AssignmentClinical System
68ERP EHP76.0N1BCP2URL181Basic Cat.: Catalog Item to URL AssignmentClinical System
69ERP EHP76.0N1BCPBADI31OBSOLETClinical System
70ERP EHP76.0N1BCPCOM31OBSOLETEClinical System
72ERP EHP76.0N1BCPINTV61Basic Cat.: Additional Item Data Procedure CatalogClinical System
73ERP EHP76.0N1BCPINTV_RD51Basic Cat.: Addit. Item Data Procedure Catalog Trans. DataClinical System
74ERP EHP76.0N1BCPLD182OBSOLETEClinical System
75ERP EHP76.0N1BCPMAT41Basic Cat.: Additional Item Data Material CatalogClinical System
76ERP EHP76.0N1BCPMAT_RD41Basic Cat.: Additional Item Data Matl Catalog Trans. DataClinical System
77ERP EHP76.0N1BCPMAT_RD_MM41Services: Material Integration for Additional DataClinical System
78ERP EHP76.0N1BCPPROB41Basic Cat.: Additional Item Data Health Problem CatalogClinical System
79ERP EHP76.0N1BCPPROB_RD31Basic Cat.: Addit. Item Data Problem Catalog Trans. DataClinical System
80ERP EHP76.0N1BCPRES31OBSOLETEClinical System
81ERP EHP76.0N1BCPT73Basic Cat.: Catalog Item - TextsClinical System
82ERP EHP76.0N1BCPTARG41Basic Cat.: Additional Item Data - Goal CatalogClinical System
83ERP EHP76.0N1BCPTARG_RD31Basic Cat.: Addit. Item Data Goal Catalog Trans. DataClinical System
84ERP EHP76.0N1BCRC141Basic Cat.: Display ConfigurationClinical System
85ERP EHP76.0N1BCRC2BCSMC193Basic Cat.: Display Config. - Main Catalog AssignmentClinical System
86ERP EHP76.0N1BCRCT61Basic Cat.: Display Configuration TextsClinical System
87ERP EHP76.0N1BCRG162Basic Cat.: Display GroupClinical System
88ERP EHP76.0N1BCRGT51Basic Cat.: Display Group TextsClinical System
89ERP EHP76.0N1BCS191OBSOLETE: Basic Cat.: Basic Catalog SetClinical System
90ERP EHP76.0N1BCSE192OBSOLETE: Basic Cat.: Basic Catalog Set EntryClinical System
91ERP EHP76.0N1BCSEP192OBSOLETE: Basic Cat.: Basic Catalog Set Entry PropertyClinical System
92ERP EHP76.0N1BCSET41OBSOLETE: Basic Catalog Set: Entry TextsClinical System
93ERP EHP76.0N1BCSF151Basic Catalog Set: FolderClinical System
94ERP EHP76.0N1BCSFT51Basic Catalog Set: Folder TextsClinical System
95ERP EHP76.0N1BCSG162OBSOLETE: Basic Cat.: Basic Catalog Set GroupClinical System
96ERP EHP76.0N1BCSGT41OSOLETE: Basic Cat.: Texts Basic Catalog Set GroupClinical System
97ERP EHP76.0N1BCSH201Basic Catalog Set: Header DataClinical System
98ERP EHP76.0N1BCSHT51Basic Catalog Set: Header Data TextsClinical System
99ERP EHP76.0N1BCSMC201Basic Catalog Set: Main CatalogClinical System
100ERP EHP76.0N1BCSPC191Basic Catalog Set: Property CatalogClinical System
101ERP EHP76.0N1BCSPEC141Basic Cat.: RangeClinical System
102ERP EHP76.0N1BCSPEC2BCP171Basic Cat.: Range to Catalog Item AssignmentClinical System
103ERP EHP76.0N1BCSPEC2EBCP161Basic Cat.: Range to Excluded Catalog Item AssignmentClinical System
104ERP EHP76.0N1BCSPEC2OU171Basic Cat.: Range to OU AssignmentClinical System
105ERP EHP76.0N1BCSPECT61Basic Cat.: Range TextsClinical System
106ERP EHP76.0N1BCST51OBSOLETE: Basic Cat.: Texts Basic Catalog SetClinical System
107ERP EHP76.0N1BCUFAVH132Basic Cat.: User-Specific Favorites - Header DataClinical System
108ERP EHP76.0N1BCUFAVP111Basic Cat.: User-Specific Favorites - ItemsClinical System
109ERP EHP76.0N1BDCC482IS-H*MED: External Drug Basic Catalog EntriesClinical System
110ERP EHP76.0N1BDCCAGENTA141Medication: Assignment of Agents to External DrugsClinical System
111ERP EHP76.0N1BDCCT41IS-H*MED: External Drug Catalog Entries TextsClinical System
112ERP EHP76.0N1BDCCTHCLA41Medication: Th. Classes - Base Catalog AssignmentClinical System
113ERP EHP76.0N1BEZ61IS-H*MED: Assignment of building unitsClinical System
114ERP EHP76.0N1BEZY344IS-H*MED: Cycles with NLEI referenceClinical System
115ERP EHP76.0N1CCYGEN142CORD: Cycle Generation InformationClinical System
116ERP EHP76.0N1CMETHSTA92IS-H*MED: Methods of Module - Status Change AssignmentClinical System
117ERP EHP76.0N1CONNBPPROXY61Registered Proxy OUClinical System
118ERP EHP76.0N1CONNDATA121Connectivity: Handler Data for ObjectClinical System
119ERP EHP76.0N1CONNDEMO143Connectivity: Demo Table for Local HandlerClinical System
120ERP EHP76.0N1CONNDEMOCORD52Connectivity: Demo Table Assignment Ext. Order NumberClinical System
121ERP EHP76.0N1CONNHNDLREG91Handler Registration Table for ConnectivityClinical System
122ERP EHP76.0N1CONNSTATE122Connectivity: Status of ActionClinical System
123ERP EHP76.0N1CORDPROF133CORD: Clinical Order TemplatesClinical System
124ERP EHP76.0N1CORDPROFT41CORD: Texts for Clinical Order TemplateClinical System
125ERP EHP76.0N1CORDTPL112CORD: Clinical Order TemplatesClinical System
126ERP EHP76.0N1CORDTPLT41CORD: Clinical Order Templates TextsClinical System
127ERP EHP76.0N1CORDTS92IS-H: Service Hit List Clin.Ord.Type - Order Filler AssgmtClinical System
128ERP EHP76.0N1CORDTWS82Inbound Service - Clinical Order Type AssignmentClinical System
129ERP EHP76.0N1CORDUNIT131CORD: Units for Clinical OrdersClinical System
130ERP EHP76.0N1CPOSQUESTION91ISHMED: CORD - Questions for ItemClinical System
131ERP EHP76.0N1CPR161IS-H*MED: Radiological Content of Order ItemsClinical System
132ERP EHP76.0N1CROSSREF111Where-Used List: IS-H Objects in i.s.h.medClinical System
133ERP EHP76.0N1CYDEF412ISHMED: Cycle DefinitionClinical System
134ERP Single Time Definition for CyclesClinical System
135ERP Group Determination for CyclesClinical System
136ERP Texts for Group Determination for CyclesClinical System
137ERP EHP76.0N1CYSRVTPL291CORD: Cyclical Service TemplateClinical System
138ERP EHP76.0N1DC191IS-H*MED: Table of FormulariesClinical System
139ERP EHP76.0N1DCSCLASS211IS-H*MED: Classifications for Services and DiagnosesClinical System
140ERP EHP76.0N1DCSCLASSTYADDT61IS-H*MED: Diagnosis/Service Classification Supplement TextsClinical System
141ERP EHP76.0N1DCSCLASSTYT61IS-H*MED: Diagnosis/Service Classification TextsClinical System
142ERP EHP76.0N1DCSDIA_CATS51IS-H*med: DCS:Dia. Catalogs - SAP-DIACOS ICD-9/10 AssignmentClinical System
143ERP EHP76.0N1DCSGETMELSFOR51IS-H*MED: DCS: (DIACOS) Determine MISs for OUsClinical System
144ERP EHP76.0N1DCS_AGR_RANGE111DCS: Quick Entry of Settings for Roles (Ranges)Clinical System
145ERP EHP76.0N1DCS_ALLG561IS-H*med: DCS: Quick Entry: General SettingsClinical System
146ERP EHP76.0N1DCS_DAUERDIA171IS-H*MEd: DCS: Quick Entry Long-Term DiagnosesClinical System
147ERP EHP76.0N1DCS_DAUERTHE231IS-H*MED: DCS: Quick Entry Long-Term TherapiesClinical System
148ERP EHP76.0N1DCS_OU81IS-H*med: DCS: OU-Related Quick Entry ControlClinical System
149ERP EHP76.0N1DCS_PAR_DEF31IS-H*med: DCS: Quick Entry: Parameter DefinitionClinical System
150ERP EHP76.0N1DCS_USR81IS-H*med: DCS: Quick Entry: Settings for UserClinical System
151ERP EHP76.0N1DCS_USR_RANGE111IS-H*MED: DCS: Quick Entry User Settings (Ranges)Clinical System
152ERP EHP76.0N1DCT61IS-H*MED: Table of Formularies - DescriptionsClinical System
153ERP EHP76.0N1DCURL31IS-H*MED: Basic Addresses of Drug CatalogsClinical System
154ERP EHP76.0N1DEPZUO51IS-H*MED: Assignment of OUs to DepartmentsClinical System
155ERP EHP76.0N1DFO141IS-H*MED: Dispensing FormClinical System
156ERP EHP76.0N1DFOT61IS-H*MED: Dispensing Form/Language-Dependent TextClinical System
157ERP EHP76.0N1DOKEMPF341IS-H*MED: Recipient of the DocumentsClinical System
158ERP EHP76.0N1DRUGDOC324IS-H*MED: Drug DocumentationClinical System
159ERP EHP76.0N1DRUGNAME21IS-H*MED: Dummy Table for Lock Object DRUGNAMEClinical System
160ERP DWS: Active Surgery Proposal CriteriaClinical System
161ERP DWS: Inactive Surgery Proposal CriteriaClinical System
162ERP EHP76.0N1DWSWL_WRKSUR32Surgery: Situation - Surgery AssignmentClinical System
163ERP EHP76.0N1DYLMZUO82IS-H*MED: Dynamic material proposalClinical System
164ERP EHP76.0N1EADDOC274IS-H*MED: Medication, Event Administration DocumentClinical System
165ERP EHP76.0N1EDIVKADOKSTAT121Dokumentenversand EdivkaClinical System
166ERP EHP76.0N1EDRUG363IS-H*MED: Drug Event - Drug AssignmentClinical System
167ERP EHP76.0N1ELEI151ISHMED: External service rangeClinical System
168ERP EHP76.0N1EMPFTYP71IS-H*MED: Recipient typeClinical System
169ERP EHP76.0N1EMPFTYP251IS-H*MED: Recipient Types for Default in the Doc. DispatchClinical System
170ERP EHP76.0N1EPREPDOC163IS-H*MED: Preparation Documentation of EventClinical System
171ERP EHP76.0N1ESTATUSA71IS-H*MED: Drug Event-Status-AssignmentClinical System
172ERP EHP76.0N1EVHNDL31Event Mgmt: Handler DefinitionClinical System
173ERP EHP76.0N1EVHNDLA71Event Mgmt: RegistrationsClinical System
174ERP EHP76.0N1EVREG31Event Mgmt: RegistrationsClinical System
175ERP EHP76.0N1FATTR91IS-H*MED: Clinical Order: Field AttributesClinical System
176ERP EHP76.0N1FATTR_TYPE21IS-H*MED: Field Attribute TypesClinical System
177ERP EHP76.0N1FATTR_TYPET41IS-H*MED: Field Attribute Type TextsClinical System
178ERP EHP76.0N1FATTR_VALUE41IS-H*MED: Value of Field Attribute TypeClinical System
179ERP EHP76.0N1FATTR_VALUET51IS-H*MED: Value of Field Attribute Type TextsClinical System
180ERP Agents - Drug (O B S O L E T E)Clinical System
181ERP Medication, ID References for External CatalogsClinical System
182ERP Medication, Fill Source - Drug AssignmentClinical System
183ERP Medication, Fill Source - Drug AssignmentClinical System
184ERP EHP76.0N1FOFOA201IS-H*MED: (O B S O L E T E) Ingredient - Drug AssignmentClinical System
185ERP Medication, Drug - Drug Type AssignmentClinical System
186ERP EHP76.0N1FOFOTYPEA141IS-H*MED: (O B S O L E T E) Usage Type - Drug AssignmentClinical System
187ERP Fill Source - Drug (O B S O L E T E)Clinical System
188ERP Medication; Drug and Assignment InheritanceClinical System
189ERP OU-Related Objects - Drugs (O B S O L E T E)Clinical System
190ERP Usage Key - Drug (O B S O L E T E)Clinical System
191ERP EHP76.0N1FORMULARY1138Medication: Drug FormularyClinical System
192ERP EHP76.0N1FORMULARYT183Medication: Drug Formulary - TextsClinical System
193ERP Medication; XML Sections for DrugClinical System
194ERP Therap. Class - Drug (O B S O L E T E)Clinical System
195ERP EHP76.0N1FOTHCLASSA163IS-H*MED: Classification Code - Drug AssignmentClinical System
196ERP EHP76.0N1FSOURCE171IS-H*MED: Fill SourceClinical System
197ERP EHP76.0N1FSOURCEOUA164IS-H*MED: Fill Source for OUs AssignmentClinical System
198ERP EHP76.0N1FSOURCET51IS-H*MED: Fill Source - TextsClinical System
199ERP EHP76.0N1GENCY51IS-H*MED: Generic Cycle UseClinical System
200ERP EHP76.0N1GENCY_0131IS-H*MED: Cycle - Nursing Service AssignmentClinical System
201ERP EHP76.0N1GENCY_0231IS-H*MED: Cycle - Medical Service AssignmentClinical System
202ERP EHP76.0N1GENCY_0332IS-H*MED: Cycle - Drug Order AssignmentClinical System
203ERP EHP76.0N1GENCY_0532Assignment of Cycles for Planned MeasurementClinical System
204ERP EHP76.0N1GENCY_06125CORD: Assignment of Cycles to Clinical Order ItemsClinical System
205ERP EHP76.0N1GPFOA173IS-H*MED: Medication, Gener. Drug - Parameter AssignmentClinical System
206ERP EHP76.0N1GUISTATUS91IS-H*MED: User-Dependant GUI-StatusClinical System
207ERP EHP76.0N1IFG121IS-H*MED: Degrees of infectionClinical System
208ERP EHP76.0N1IFGT51IS-H*MED: Text for degrees of infectionClinical System
209ERP Medication, Ingredient - Drug AssignmentClinical System
210ERP EHP76.0N1IPBA231IS-H*MED: Asnmt. of Indiv. Nurs. Plan to Basic HospCat.EntryClinical System
211ERP EHP76.0N1IPLE212IS-H*MED:Assignmt of Nursing Anchor Service to the ntpkClinical System
212ERP EHP76.0N1IPST101IS-H*MED: Asgmt of Stnd. Nursing Plans to Ind. Nursing PlansClinical System
213ERP EHP76.0N1KGTPL131IS-H*MED: Service quota of the performer for the requesterClinical System
214ERP EHP76.0N1KPA131IS-H*MED: NETWORK: Communication PartnerClinical System
215ERP EHP76.0N1KPL122IS-H*MED: VBUND: Leistungsangebot KommunikationspartnerClinical System
216ERP EHP76.0N1KPO81IS-H*MED: VBUND: Zordnung OE - KommunikationspartnerClinical System
217ERP EHP76.0N1KRS71IS-H*MED: Number RangesClinical System
218ERP EHP76.0N1LAGRG121IS-H*MED: Position typesClinical System
219ERP EHP76.0N1LAGRGT51IS-H*MED: Text for position typesClinical System
220ERP EHP76.0N1LAPP102services without case or movement referenceClinical System
221ERP EHP76.0N1LAUF101ISHMED: Service TaskClinical System
222ERP EHP76.0N1LSMAZ171IS-H*MED: Service/employee assign. (delete after 3.03!)Clinical System
223ERP EHP76.0N1LSSTA111IS-H*MED: Service StatusClinical System
224ERP EHP76.0N1LSSTT51ISHMED: Service status textClinical System
225ERP EHP76.0N1LSSTZ82ISHMED: Service-Svce Status-Employee AssignmentClinical System
226ERP EHP76.0N1LSTEAM231IS-H*MED: Tasks/Employees for a ServiceClinical System
227ERP EHP76.0N1LSTGSPLIT91IS-H*MED: Surgical service splitClinical System
228ERP EHP76.0N1MAILSYSTEME41IS-H*MED: Institution-Dependent E-mail SystemClinical System
229ERP EHP76.0N1MAPS92ISHMED: Employee-position staffingClinical System
230ERP EHP76.0N1MATVM92IS-H*MED: Medical info for material consumpt. documentationClinical System
231ERP Medication, AssignmentsClinical System
232ERP Drug AlertsClinical System
233ERP Medication; Drug Alert - TextsClinical System
234ERP Medication: Assign Drug Alert to Medication OrderClinical System
235ERP EHP76.0N1MED201OBSOLETE: Patient-Related Medication Data for a PrescriptionClinical System
236ERP EHP76.0N1MEDRGZ91OBSOLETE: Assignment of Medication for Prescription to MEVTClinical System
237ERP EHP76.0N1MEDS_DS0161Medication: Search Fields DescriptionClinical System
238ERP EHP76.0N1MEDS_DS01T51Medication: Text Table for Alternate Names for Search FieldsClinical System
239ERP EHP76.0N1MEDS_DS12111Medication: Formulary Grouping AreasClinical System
240ERP EHP76.0N1MEDS_DS12T41Medication: Text Table for Formulary Grouping AreasClinical System
241ERP EHP76.0N1MEDS_DS1491Medication: Template Grouping AreasClinical System
242ERP EHP76.0N1MEDS_DS14T41Medication: Text Table for Template Grouping AreasClinical System
243ERP EHP76.0N1MEDS_USRFAV122Medication: User FavoritesClinical System
244ERP EHP76.0N1MEDS_USRPREF92Medication: User-Specific PresettingsClinical System
245ERP EHP76.0N1MEEDOCA62IS-H*MED: Document Assignment for Medication EventClinical System
246ERP EHP76.0N1MEEVENT628IS-H*MED: Medication, Medication EventClinical System
247ERP EHP76.0N1MEGENLOG71IS-H*MED: Medication, Log Tables for Event GenerationClinical System
248ERP Medication; Import DocumentationClinical System
249ERP Medication, Master Data Import TableClinical System
250ERP Medication; Detail Information on Import PackagesClinical System
251ERP Medication; Standardized Search StringsClinical System
252ERP EHP76.0N1MEK141IS-H*MED: Master Data Medications - CatalogsClinical System
253ERP EHP76.0N1MEKT51IS-H*MED: Master Data Medications - Catalog/Lang-Dep. TextClinical System
254ERP EHP76.0N1MEMEZ131IS-H*MED: Medication - Medication AssignmentClinical System
255ERP Medication Check Status of OrderClinical System
256ERP Medication, Order ActivitiesClinical System
257ERP EHP76.0N1MEODOCA62IS-H*MED: Document Assignment for Medication OrderClinical System
258ERP Assignment of Quantity Modulation to OrderClinical System
259ERP EHP76.0N1MEOEZ121IS-H*MED: Medication - OU AssignmentClinical System
260ERP EHP76.0N1MEOPRI131IS-H*MED: Medication - Order PriorityClinical System
261ERP EHP76.0N1MEOPRIT61IS-H*MED: Medication - Order Priority, Text TableClinical System
262ERP EHP76.0N1MEORDER1068IS-H*MED: Medication, Medication OrderClinical System
263ERP Medication, Order -> IndicationClinical System
264ERP Sliding Dose - Order AssignmentClinical System
265ERP EHP76.0N1MEOSRVA101IS-H*MED: Order - Service - AssignmentClinical System
266ERP EHP76.0N1MEP191OBSOLETE: Master Data Medication - Catalog PositionsClinical System
267ERP EHP76.0N1MEPRPRINT121IS-H*MED:Medication; Drug Prescription (Printout)Clinical System
268ERP EHP76.0N1MEPRSC191PMD: N1ME_PRSC Prescription Print Sample SolutionClinical System
269ERP EHP76.0N1MEPRSC00111PMD: N1_DRUGSClinical System
270ERP EHP76.0N1MEPSTFZ171IS-H*MED: Medication - Substance AssignmentClinical System
271ERP EHP76.0N1MEPT71OBSOLETE: Master Data Medication - Cat.Pos./Lang.-Dep. T.Clinical System
272ERP EHP76.0N1MERG231OBSOLETE: Medication EventClinical System
273ERP EHP76.0N1MERGST61IS-H*MED: Medication Event - StatusClinical System
274ERP EHP76.0N1MERGSTT51IS-H*MED: Medication Event - Status - TextClinical System
275ERP EHP76.0N1MERGSTZ61IS-H*MED: Medication Event - Status - AssignmentClinical System
276ERP Medication, Drug MessagesClinical System
277ERP Medication, Drug Message - TextClinical System
278ERP Medication; Standardized Search Strimngs *-SearchClinical System
279ERP EHP76.0N1MEVO311OBSOLETE: Prescription of a MedicationClinical System
280ERP EHP76.0N1MLZUO162IS-H*MED: Service-related material proposalClinical System
281ERP EHP76.0N1NEOPHYSI421IS-H*MED: Intensivdokumentation/Neo-PhysiologieClinical System
282ERP EHP76.0N1NURSHIFT101IS-H*MED: Nurse shift timesClinical System
283ERP EHP76.0N1NURSPALMPC81IS-H*MED: Log Table for Communication with Palm-PCClinical System
284ERP EHP76.0N1OBFLD31IS-H*MED: Definition of assignmt object type - object fieldClinical System
285ERP EHP76.0N1OBFLDT41IS-H*MED: Text table for the N1OBFLDClinical System
286ERP EHP76.0N1ODRUG563IS-H*MED: Medication, Drugs of OrderClinical System
287ERP EHP76.0N1OEA71IS-H*MED: Involved org.units dependent on taskClinical System
288ERP EHP76.0N1OFS71IS-H*MED: Assignment object field - statusClinical System
289ERP EHP76.0N1OLDDOC152IS-H*MED: Medication; History for N1DRUGDOCClinical System
290ERP EHP76.0N1ONLINEHELP41IS-H*MED: Online-Help for Control DevelopmentClinical System
291ERP EHP76.0N1ORATE424IS-H*MED: Medication, Dosage Quantities InfusionsClinical System
292ERP EHP76.0N1ORGAN31IS-H*MED: Table for the Codes for OrgansClinical System
293ERP EHP76.0N1ORGANT51IS-H*MED: Text for the Organ TableClinical System
294ERP EHP76.0N1OSET101IS-H*MED: Drug Order TemplateClinical System
295ERP EHP76.0N1OSETDRUG181IS-H*MED: Order Template - Drug AssignmentClinical System
296ERP EHP76.0N1OSTATUSA71IS-H*MED: Order - Status - AssignmentClinical System
297ERP Standard Times for Organizational UnitsClinical System
298ERP Connectivity, External PartnerClinical System
299ERP EHP76.0N1PATFAL42IS-H*MED: Relationship between patient and caseClinical System
300ERP EHP76.0N1PATM91IS-H*MED: Medical Patient Master RecordClinical System
301ERP EHP76.0N1PDDANM421PERINAT: Anamnesis of the motherClinical System
302ERP EHP76.0N1PDDANM00101PERINAT: ANM - Anamnestic risksClinical System
303ERP EHP76.0N1PDDASS351PERINAT: Data for current pregnancyClinical System
304ERP EHP76.0N1PDDASS00101PERINAT: ASS - Current pregnancy risksClinical System
305ERP EHP76.0N1PDDASS01221PERINAT: ASS - Inpatient treatment during the pregnancyClinical System
306ERP EHP76.0N1PDDAZB311PERINAT: Physician's notes/discharge reportClinical System
307ERP EHP76.0N1PDDAZB0081PERINAT: AZB - ChildClinical System
308ERP EHP76.0N1PDDAZG511PERINAT: Admission for BirthClinical System
309ERP EHP76.0N1PDDAZG0091PERINAT: AZG - Labor induction indicationClinical System
310ERP EHP76.0N1PDDDKI831PERINAT: Data of childClinical System
311ERP EHP76.0N1PDDEKI331PERINAT: Discharge of childClinical System
312ERP EHP76.0N1PDDEKI0091PERINAT: EKI - Illnesses of childClinical System
313ERP EHP76.0N1PDDEKI0191PERINAT: EKI - Malformations of childClinical System
314ERP EHP76.0N1PDDEKI0291PERINAT: EKI - Reason for transferring childClinical System
315ERP EHP76.0N1PDDEKI0391PERINAT: EKI - Causes of death of childClinical System
316ERP EHP76.0N1PDDELM461PERINAT: Discharge of motherClinical System
317ERP EHP76.0N1PDDEXPORTFILES111PERINAT: Einstellungen für den BQS-Datenexport/-importClinical System
318ERP EHP76.0N1PDDGEB101PERINAT: Table of births (assigned case to birth number)Clinical System
319ERP EHP76.0N1PDDGKI301PERINAT: Data about birthClinical System
320ERP EHP76.0N1PDDGKI0091PERINAT: GKI - Birth risksClinical System
321ERP EHP76.0N1PDDGKI0191PERINAT: GKI - Type of deliveryClinical System
322ERP EHP76.0N1PDDGKI0281PERINAT: GKI - Obstetric injuriesClinical System
323ERP EHP76.0N1PDDGKI0371PERINAT: GKI - Placental complicationsClinical System
324ERP EHP76.0N1PDDGKIGEBMOD61IS-H*MED: PERINAT: Geburtsmodus (Zuordn ICPM - Radiobuttons)Clinical System
325ERP EHP76.0N1PDDKSSTA71PERINAT: Gruppierungen für Kreißsaal-StatistikClinical System
326ERP EHP76.0N1PDDPND231PERINAT: Prenatal diagnosisClinical System
327ERP EHP76.0N1PDDPND0091PERINAT: PND - Doppler ultrasonography external indicationClinical System
328ERP EHP76.0N1PDDPND0191PERINAT: PND - Doppler findings pathol. external riskClinical System
329ERP EHP76.0N1PDDPND0291PERINAT: PND - Indication f. Doppler sonography done intern.Clinical System
330ERP EHP76.0N1PDDPND03111PERINAT: PND - Prenatal malformationsClinical System
331ERP EHP76.0N1PDDST81PERINAT: Status historyClinical System
332ERP EHP76.0N1PDDSTATUS111PERINAT: Status evaluation for perinatal documentationClinical System
333ERP EHP76.0N1PDDZGA471PERINAT: Additional dataClinical System
334ERP EHP76.0N1PDKANMANRI51PERINATAL: Anamnestic RisksClinical System
335ERP EHP76.0N1PDKASSARI51PERINATAL: Current pregnancy risk factorsClinical System
336ERP EHP76.0N1PDKAZGGIND51PERINATAL: Indication for induction of laborClinical System
337ERP EHP76.0N1PDKEKIERKR41PERINAT: Illnesses of childClinical System
338ERP EHP76.0N1PDKEKIFBID41PERINATAL: MalformationsClinical System
339ERP EHP76.0N1PDKEKIVERG41PERINAT: Reasons for transfer (child)Clinical System
340ERP EHP76.0N1PDKGKIGM51PERINAT: Delivery typesClinical System
341ERP EHP76.0N1PDKGKIGPO41PERINAT: Birth position (input help)Clinical System
342ERP EHP76.0N1PDKGKIGRIS51PERINATAL: Birth RisksClinical System
343ERP EHP76.0N1PDKGKIGVW41PERINAT: Obstetric injury (input help)Clinical System
344ERP EHP76.0N1PDKGKIKLAG51PERINATAL: Fetal PresentationsClinical System
345ERP EHP76.0N1PDKKATB51PERINAT: Catalog B (exceptional findings ...)Clinical System
346ERP EHP76.0N1PDKKATD41PERINATAL: Causes of Death (Child)Clinical System
347ERP EHP76.0N1PDKMITARB51PERINATAL: Obstetrics Team MemberClinical System
348ERP EHP76.0N1PDKNATION41PERINATAL: Table of Nationality KeysClinical System
349ERP EHP76.0N1PDKNBERUF41PERINATAL: Table of OccupationsClinical System
350ERP EHP76.0N1PDKPNDDIIC51PERINAT: Indications for Doppler ultrasonography (internal)Clinical System
351ERP EHP76.0N1PDKPNDDRIC51PERINAT: Risiken zum Dopplerbefund path. externClinical System
352ERP EHP76.0N1PDKPNDFBC41PERINATAL: Malformations - PrenatalClinical System
353ERP EHP76.0N1PDKPNDSEIN51PERINAT: Indications for Doppler Ultrasonography (External)Clinical System
354ERP EHP76.0N1PDKVEKL41PERINATAL: Pediatric clinicsClinical System
355ERP EHP76.0N1PEQUA91ISHMED: Person qualificationClinical System
356ERP EHP76.0N1PFABSG121IS-H*MED: Table for Termination ReasonsClinical System
357ERP EHP76.0N1PFABSGT61IS-H*MED: Text for the Termination ReasonsClinical System
358ERP EHP76.0N1PLATH132IS-H*MED: Day-Related Planning AuthorityClinical System
359ERP EHP76.0N1PLBA201IS-H*MED: Assignment basic to hour.nurs.plansClinical System
360ERP EHP76.0N1PLST122ISHMED: PositionClinical System
361ERP EHP76.0N1PLSTT41ISHMED: Position textClinical System
362ERP EHP76.0N1PLZY91IS-H*MED: Cycles with NTPZ reference ->see documentation !!!Clinical System
363ERP EHP76.0N1POBKL81IS-H*MED: Classification of planning objectsClinical System
364ERP EHP76.0N1POBKLT51IS-H*MED: Texts for the planning object classesClinical System
365ERP EHP76.0N1POPAKTE711IS-H*Med: Patient Organizer - Redundant StructureClinical System
366ERP EHP76.0N1PRANF455IS-H*MED: PATREG: AnforderungenClinical System
367ERP EHP76.0N1PRBEW373IS-H*MED: PATREG: BewegungenClinical System
368ERP EHP76.0N1PRDIA382IS-H*MED: PATREG: DiagnosenClinical System
369ERP EHP76.0N1PRDOC433IS-H*MED: PATREG: DokumenteClinical System
370ERP Patient Record, Application ParametersClinical System
371ERP EHP76.0N1PREFETCHSPOOL151IS-H*MED: RAD Prefetching TasksClinical System
372ERP EHP76.0N1PRERROR191IS-H*MED: PATREG: Nicht verbuchbare Pat.Reg.-DatensätzeClinical System
373ERP EHP76.0N1PRFAL273IS-H*MED: PATREG: FälleClinical System
374ERP Medication, Price - Drug AssignmentClinical System
375ERP EHP76.0N1PRLEM675IS-H*MED: PATREG: LeistungenClinical System
376ERP EHP76.0N1PRLLZ103IS-H*MED: PATREG: LeistungszuordnungClinical System
377ERP EHP76.0N1PRPAT849IS-H*MED: PATREG: PatientenstammdatentabelleClinical System
378ERP EHP76.0N1PRPATLOG61IS-H*MED: PATREG: Fehlerprotokoll für PatientenstammdatenClinical System
379ERP EHP76.0N1PRPATVERGL41IS-H*MED: PATREG: bestimmt ob NPAT Satz an PATREG übertragClinical System
380ERP EHP76.0N1PRPATZUO104IS-H*MED: PATREG: PatientenregisterzuordnungstabelleClinical System
381ERP EHP76.0N1PRPIX72IS-H*MED: PATREG: Tabelle für phonetische SucheClinical System
382ERP EHP76.0N1PRRSF142IS-H*MED: PATREG: RisikofaktorenClinical System
383ERP EHP76.0N1PRT31IS-H: Printers per institutionClinical System
384ERP EHP76.0N1PRTCAFN31IS-H*MED: PATREG: Aufnahme-Transakt.Codes für verbwt. SuchClinical System
385ERP EHP76.0N1PRTLNR111IS-H*MED: PATREG: TeilnehmerstammdatentabelleClinical System
386ERP EHP76.0N1PRTMN263IS-H*MED: PATREG: TermineClinical System
387ERP EHP76.0N1PRTMPCPYPAT31IS-H*MED: PATREG: NPAT Kopie des TeilnehmersClinical System
388ERP EHP76.0N1PRTMPPAT901IS-H*MED: PATREG: Temporäre PatientenstammdatentabelleClinical System
389ERP EHP76.0N1PRTMPPAT2PR82IS-H*MED: PATREG: Zuordnung NPAT -> N1PRPAT PatientenClinical System
390ERP EHP76.0N1PRTMPPATDUPSRC43IS-H*MED: PatReg: (temporary saved) duplicate PatientsClinical System
391ERP EHP76.0N1PRTMPPATLOC861IS-H*MED: PATREG: NPAT umgeschlüsselt auf N1PRPAT lokalClinical System
392ERP EHP76.0N1PRVKG222IS-H*MED: PATREG: VormerkungenClinical System
393ERP EHP76.0N1PSAUF91ISHMED: Position TaskClinical System
394ERP EHP76.0N1QUAL91ISHMED: QualificationClinical System
395ERP EHP76.0N1QUALT41ISHMED: Qualification DescriptionsClinical System
396ERP EHP76.0N1RAD_TASK_CAT41Categories - Radiological Task AssignmentsClinical System
397ERP EHP76.0N1RISMIS72IS-H*MED: Data transfer error (case - patient)Clinical System
398ERP EHP76.0N1ROLZUO81IS-H*MED: Function assignment IS-H -> IS-H*MEDClinical System
399ERP EHP76.0N1ROUTINGSPOOL212IS-H*MED: Routing TasksClinical System
400ERP EHP76.0N1SAPSII621PDOK: N5SAPSII Intensive care documentat: Physiolog. dataClinical System
401ERP EHP76.0N1SCRM92IS-H*MED: Status-Dependent Screen ModificationClinical System
402ERP EHP76.0N1SHELP116Hierarchy table for admission reasonsClinical System
403ERP Patient Record, Indicator-Object AssignmentClinical System
404ERP EHP76.0N1SOLLBETT61IS-H*MED:Number of planned beds for A2, A3 patient for OUClinical System
405ERP Table for Display ParametersClinical System
406ERP for Layout VariantsClinical System
407ERP EHP76.0N1SRV386Services: Service DataClinical System
408ERP EHP76.0N1SRVPROP182Nursing Services: Service PropertiesClinical System
409ERP EHP76.0N1SRVSTAT82Services: Service StatusesClinical System
410ERP EHP76.0N1SRVTEAM162Services: Employee for ServiceClinical System
411ERP EHP76.0N1SSWSTM122ISHMED: Assign Times to EventsClinical System
412ERP EHP76.0N1STAAL61IS-H*MED: Statuses for cost breakdownClinical System
413ERP Temporarily Stored Step Process StatesClinical System
414ERP EHP76.0N1STF161IS-H*MED: Master Data of Medication SubstancesClinical System
415ERP EHP76.0N1STFTYP151IS-H*MED: Substance TypesClinical System
416ERP EHP76.0N1STPL131IS-H*MED Nursing: Nursing plan profilesClinical System
417ERP EHP76.0N1STPLT71IS-H*MED Nursing: Text for nursing plan profilesClinical System
418ERP EHP76.0N1STPLZPS131IS-H*MED Nursing: Asgmt of std.nrs.pln. to nrs.pln.profileClinical System
419ERP EHP76.0N1STPLZY151IS-H*MED Nursing: Asgmt. of cycles to nursing plan profileClinical System
420ERP EHP76.0N1STZT101IS-H*MED: Standard cycle textClinical System
421ERP CyclesClinical System
422ERP EHP76.0N1STZYOE151IS-H*MED: Cycle Prioritization as a Function of the OUClinical System
423ERP EHP76.0N1TA121IS-H*MED: Transport TypesClinical System
424ERP EHP76.0N1TAT51IS-H*MED: Transport type: textClinical System
425ERP EHP76.0N1THERS161IS-H*MED: Therapeutic SchemeClinical System
426ERP EHP76.0N1THS123IS-H*MED: Medication - Order ProfileClinical System
427ERP EHP76.0N1TISS28511IS-H*MED: Intensivdoku/Simplified TherapeuticClinical System
428ERP Table for Time StampsClinical System
429ERP Duration for Time StampsClinical System
430ERP Duration Definition of Time StampsClinical System
431ERP EHP76.0N1TPDIAA121Medication: OBSOLETE - Replaced by N1TPGDIAGAClinical System
432ERP EHP76.0N1TPEMPA111IS-H*MED: Template / Group - Employee Assignment - OBSOLETEClinical System
433ERP EHP76.0N1TPGCLA163i.s.h. med: Medication: Template Group - Classif. Code AsgmtClinical System
434ERP Medication: Template Group - Diagnosis AssignmentClinical System
435ERP EHP76.0N1TPGL91IS-H*MED: Service quotas for daily programClinical System
436ERP EHP76.0N1TPGO92IS-H*MED: Day program: Assign OU time segmentsClinical System
437ERP Medication OU Template Group AssignmentClinical System
438ERP EHP76.0N1TPGROUP221Medication: Order Template GroupClinical System
439ERP EHP76.0N1TPGROUPT62Medication: Order Template Group - TextsClinical System
440ERP Medication Template Group - Problem AssignmentClinical System
441ERP Medication User Template Group AssignmentClinical System
442ERP EHP76.0N1TPLAB91IS-H*MED: Required Laboratory ParametersClinical System
443ERP EHP76.0N1TPLOK51IS-H*MED: Radiology - Excluded LocalizationClinical System
444ERP EHP76.0N1TPM261IS-H*MED: Medical Enhancements for the Service Catalog ItemsClinical System
445ERP EHP76.0N1TPMEORDER652IS-H*MED: Medication, Medication Order TemplateClinical System
446ERP EHP76.0N1TPMEORDERT62IS-H*MED: Template Medication Order DescriptionClinical System
447ERP Quantity Modulat. Assignment to Order TemplateClinical System
448ERP EHP76.0N1TPODRUG443IS-H*MED: Medication, Drugs of TemplatesClinical System
449ERP EHP76.0N1TPORATE362IS-H*MED: Dosage Quantities of TemplateClinical System
450ERP Sliding Dose - Order Template AssignmentClinical System
451ERP EHP76.0N1TPOUA121Medication: OBSOLETE - Replaced by N1TPGOUAClinical System
452ERP EHP76.0N1TPP91IS-H*MED: Resource Profile for ServicesClinical System
453ERP Medication: Collected Problem CatalogsClinical System
454ERP EHP76.0N1TPTA51IS-H*MED: Excluded Transport TypeClinical System
455ERP EHP76.0N1TPTPGRA142IS-H*MED: Template - Template Group AssignmentClinical System
456ERP EHP76.0N1TPUSERA111Medication: OBSOLETE - Replaced by N1TPGUSERAClinical System
457ERP EHP76.0N1TPZ111IS-H*MED: Nursing attr for NTPZClinical System
458ERP EHP76.0N1TRISS451PDOK: N5TRISS Entry of traumatologcal patientsClinical System
459ERP EHP76.0N1URL131IS-H*MED: Addresses of files for browserClinical System
460ERP Personal Setting for View Type 017Clinical System
461ERP Definition of Functions for Context MenuClinical System
462ERP Text Table for N1VIEW_CTXClinical System
463ERP EHP76.0N1VMK111IS-H*MED: Table for preselections in the service hit listClinical System
464ERP EHP76.0N1VORBDOKEL131IS-H*MED: Defaults for the doc. elementsClinical System
465ERP Temporarily Stored Wizard StatesClinical System
466ERP Texts for Temporarily Stored Wizard StatesClinical System
467ERP EHP76.0N1WSASSOC51Registration Table for Service DefinitionsClinical System
468ERP EHP76.0N1WSASSOC1152Registration Table for Service DefinitionsClinical System
469ERP EHP76.0N1WVIEWZ71IS-H*MED: Structure for ViewsClinical System
470ERP EHP76.0N1XAPRI51IS-H*MED: VBUND: Umsetzung von PrioritätenClinical System
471ERP EHP76.0N1XAST51IS-H*MED: VBUND: Umsetzung von AnforderungsstatusClinical System
472ERP EHP76.0N1XIFG51IS-H*MED: VBUND: Umsetzung von InfektionsgradenClinical System
473ERP EHP76.0N1XLEI192ISHMED: Service RangeClinical System
474ERP EHP76.0N1XLO51IS-H*MED: VBUND: Umsetzung von LokalisationenClinical System
475ERP EHP76.0N1XLSSTA51IS-H*MED: VBUND: Umsetzung von LeistungsstatusClinical System
476ERP EHP76.0N1XSTG51IS-H*MED: VBUND: Umsetzung von StornogründenClinical System
477ERP EHP76.0N1XTA51IS-H*MED: VBUND: Umsetzung von TransportartenClinical System
478ERP EHP76.0N1YLEI162IS-H*MED: Requestable servicesClinical System
479ERP EHP76.0N1ZPI131IS-H*MED: Time interpretationClinical System
480ERP EHP76.0N1ZPIT51IS-H*MED: Text for time interpretationClinical System
481ERP EHP76.0N1ZPLST91IS-H*MED: Assignment of standards to STD - nursing plansClinical System
482ERP EHP76.0N1ZPTZUO61IS-H*MED: Time assignment tableClinical System
483ERP EHP76.0N1ZSLST131IS-H*Med: Extra servicesClinical System
484ERP EHP76.0N1ZYINF371IS-H*MED: Cycle informationClinical System
485ERP Single Time Definition for Cycles (Master Data)Clinical System
486ERP EHP76.0N201121IS-H*MED: Movement data for blank documentsClinical System
487ERP EHP76.0N202351IS-H*MED: Table for example anamnesisClinical System
488ERP EHP76.0N204211IS-H: IS-H*MED Example table for endoscopic findingClinical System
489ERP EHP76.0N2AD_ALLERGY371Allergy Documentation - AllergiesClinical System
490ERP EHP76.0N2AD_PAT241Allergy Documentation - Overall Allergy Status (OAS)Clinical System
491ERP EHP76.0N2AD_REACT231Allergy Documentation - ReactionsClinical System
492ERP EHP76.0N2ANANAMNE461PDOK: OPA_ANAMNE AN: Anamnesis (please do not change!)Clinical System
493ERP EHP76.0N2ANART181IS-H*MED: Anesthesia typesClinical System
494ERP EHP76.0N2ANAWR01111PDOK: OPA_EINAUSClinical System
495ERP EHP76.0N2ANKER151IS-H*MED Information for OR Documentation (Anchor Service)Clinical System
496ERP EHP76.0N2ANPFLE421PDOK: OPA_PFLEGE AN: Maintenance (please do not change!)Clinical System
497ERP EHP76.0N2APPLOG131IS-H*MED: Application LoggingClinical System
498ERP EHP76.0N2APPLOGSYS21IS-H*MED: Application Logging ComponentsClinical System
499ERP EHP76.0N2AUZPZUO51IS-H*MED: Tasks - Surgery times assignment tableClinical System
500ERP EHP76.0N2AZLAYT71Rezeptierhilfe: GUI Layout TableClinical System
501ERP EHP76.0N2BATMP201IS-H*MED: Temporary treatment orderClinical System
502ERP EHP76.0N2BCPAD51Additional Data Items - Catalog Category - AllergiesClinical System
503ERP EHP76.0N2BCPCLIF41Additional Data Item Catalog Type Fixed ValuesClinical System
504ERP EHP76.0N2BCPCLIM152Additional Data Item Catalog Type Clinical MeasurementsClinical System
505ERP EHP76.0N2BCPCLIR152Additional Data Item Catalog Type Value RangesClinical System
506ERP EHP76.0N2BEFCOMM91IS-H*MED: Help Table for Transferring Lab ValuesClinical System
507ERP EHP76.0N2BEFUND221PDOK: N2_BEFUND IS-H*MED: unstructured findingsClinical System
508ERP EHP76.0N2BEFUND2231PDOK: N2_BEFUND2 IS-H*MED: Unstructured Findings w/SAPscriptClinical System
509ERP EHP76.0N2BERKAT41IS-H*MED: Authorization CategoryClinical System
510ERP EHP76.0N2BGABT31IS-H*MED: Abteilungen mit eigenen BG-NummernkreisenClinical System
511ERP EHP76.0N2BIRESPW51ISHMED: Base Items Result Table PathwaysClinical System
512ERP EHP76.0N2BK202IS-H*MED: Basic Nursing CatalogClinical System
513ERP EHP76.0N2BKGZ151IS-H*MED: Nursing basic catalog - classif. areas assignmentClinical System
514ERP EHP76.0N2BKOE132IS-H*MED: Assignment of authorization category to OUClinical System
515ERP EHP76.0N2BLUTPR141PDOC: OP_BLUTPR Techncal Dokuments for Blood PreparationsClinical System
516ERP EHP76.0N2CA01641PMD: N8CA_HKP Techn. DocumentationClinical System
517ERP EHP76.0N2CA010091PMD: N8CAHKZUTClinical System
518ERP EHP76.0N2CA010191PMD: N8CAHKLEITClinical System
519ERP EHP76.0N2CA0102141PMD: N8CA_TEAMTClinical System
520ERP EHP76.0N2CA0103211PMD: N8CAHKDITTClinical System
521ERP EHP76.0N2CA010481PMD: N8CAHKCOTTClinical System
522ERP EHP76.0N2CA010591PMD: N8CAHKMEDTClinical System
523ERP EHP76.0N2CA010691PMD: N8CAHKBEDTClinical System
524ERP EHP76.0N2CA010781PMD: N8CAHKHFRTClinical System
525ERP EHP76.0N2CA0108111PMD: N8CAHKSHUTClinical System
526ERP EHP76.0N2CA0109111PMD: N8CAHKDRUTClinical System
527ERP EHP76.0N2CA010A111PMD: N8CAHKSAUTClinical System
528ERP EHP76.0N2CA010B111PMD: N8CAHKVAVTClinical System
529ERP EHP76.0N2CA010C111PMD: N8CAHKGRATClinical System
530ERP EHP76.0N2CA010D91PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
531ERP EHP76.0N2CA010E91PMD: N8CATB_PRCClinical System
532ERP EHP76.0N2CA010F71PMD: N8CAHKKOMTClinical System
533ERP EHP76.0N2CA023921PMD: N8CA_HKB Cardiac Catheter FindingsClinical System
534ERP EHP76.0N2CA020071PMD: N8CA_RISKTClinical System
535ERP EHP76.0N2CA020181PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
536ERP EHP76.0N2CA0202141PMD: N8CA_TEAMTClinical System
537ERP EHP76.0N2CA0203181PMD: N8CAHKBYPTClinical System
538ERP EHP76.0N2CA0204161PMD: N8CAHKINTBClinical System
539ERP EHP76.0N2CA020591PMD: N8CAHKSITBClinical System
540ERP EHP76.0N2CA020691PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
541ERP EHP76.0N2CA020791PMD: N8CATB_PRCClinical System
542ERP EHP76.0N2CA020871PMD: N8CAKOMPKTClinical System
543ERP EHP76.0N2CA032651PMD: N8CA_TTE Cardiology:Clinical System
544ERP EHP76.0N2CA030081PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
545ERP EHP76.0N2CA030191PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
546ERP EHP76.0N2CA030291PMD: N8CATB_PRCClinical System
547ERP EHP76.0N2CA0303101PMD: N8CA_TTMESClinical System
548ERP EHP76.0N2CA042751PMD: N8CA_TEE Cardiology:Clinical System
549ERP EHP76.0N2CA040081PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
550ERP EHP76.0N2CA040191PMD: N8CATSPDEMClinical System
551ERP EHP76.0N2CA040291PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
552ERP EHP76.0N2CA040391PMD: N8CATB_PRCClinical System
553ERP EHP76.0N2CA0404101PMD: N8CA_TTMESClinical System
554ERP EHP76.0N2CA052661PMD: N8CA_SEC Cardiology:Clinical System
555ERP EHP76.0N2CA050081PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
556ERP EHP76.0N2CA050191PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
557ERP EHP76.0N2CA050291PMD: N8CATB_PRCClinical System
558ERP EHP76.0N2CA050371PMD: N8CAKOMPLTClinical System
559ERP EHP76.0N2CA0504101PMD: N8CA_TTMESClinical System
560ERP EHP76.0N2CA061741PMD: N8CA_EKG Cardiology:Clinical System
561ERP EHP76.0N2CA060091PMD: N8CA_METABClinical System
562ERP EHP76.0N2CA060181PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
563ERP EHP76.0N2CA060291PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
564ERP EHP76.0N2CA072031PMD: N8CA_EKH Cardiology:Clinical System
565ERP EHP76.0N2CA070091PMD: N8CA_METABClinical System
566ERP EHP76.0N2CA070181PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
567ERP EHP76.0N2CA070291PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
568ERP EHP76.0N2CA082001PMD: N8CA_ERG Cardiology:Clinical System
569ERP EHP76.0N2CA080091PMD: N8CA_METABClinical System
570ERP EHP76.0N2CA080181PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
571ERP EHP76.0N2CA080291PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
572ERP EHP76.0N2CA080391PMD: N8CATB_PRCClinical System
573ERP EHP76.0N2CA080471PMD: N8CAKOMPGTClinical System
574ERP EHP76.0N2CA093281PMD: N8CA_MRT Cardiology:Clinical System
575ERP EHP76.0N2CA090081PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
576ERP EHP76.0N2CA090191PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
577ERP EHP76.0N2CA090291PMD: N8CATB_PRCClinical System
578ERP EHP76.0N2CA090371PMD: N8CAKOMPMTClinical System
579ERP EHP76.0N2CA102141PMD: N8CA_LRR Cardiology:Clinical System
580ERP EHP76.0N2CA100091PMD: N8CA_METABClinical System
581ERP EHP76.0N2CA100181PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
582ERP EHP76.0N2CA100291PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
583ERP EHP76.0N2CA113551PMD: N8CA_DCE Cardiology:Clinical System
584ERP EHP76.0N2CA110081PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
585ERP EHP76.0N2CA110191PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
586ERP EHP76.0N2CA123891PMD: N8CA_DTO Cardiology:Clinical System
587ERP EHP76.0N2CA120081PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
588ERP EHP76.0N2CA120191PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
589ERP EHP76.0N2CA134151PMD: N8CA_DPE Cardiology:Clinical System
590ERP EHP76.0N2CA130081PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
591ERP EHP76.0N2CA130191PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
592ERP EHP76.0N2CA142001PMD: N8CA_DPO Cardiology:Clinical System
593ERP EHP76.0N2CA140081PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
594ERP EHP76.0N2CA140191PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
595ERP EHP76.0N2CA151681PMD: N8CA_SPI Cardiology:Clinical System
596ERP EHP76.0N2CA150081PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
597ERP EHP76.0N2CA150191PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
598ERP EHP76.0N2CA150291PMD: N8CATB_PRCClinical System
599ERP EHP76.0N2CA150371PMD: N8CAKOMPSTClinical System
600ERP EHP76.0N2CA161961PMD: N8CA_SPE Cardiology:Clinical System
601ERP EHP76.0N2CA160081PMD: N8CALEITClinical System
602ERP EHP76.0N2CA160191PMD: N8CATB_DIAClinical System
603ERP EHP76.0N2CA160291PMD: N8CATB_PRCClinical System
604ERP EHP76.0N2CA160371PMD: N8CAKOMPSTClinical System
605ERP EHP76.0N2CA_CORD_CARD231ISHMED: Data for Cardiology Order ComponentClinical System
606ERP EHP76.0N2CA_CORD_ECG241ISHMED: Data for ECG Order ComponentClinical System
607ERP EHP76.0N2CA_CORD_HCAT341ISHMED: Data for Cardiac Catheter Order ComponentClinical System
608ERP EHP76.0N2CA_CORD_HCATIN31ISHMED: Data for CC, Procedures Order ComponentClinical System
609ERP EHP76.0N2CA_CORD_HCAT_I151ISHMED: Interventions for Cardiac Catheter Order ComponentClinical System
610ERP EHP76.0N2CCF_MSGS251CCF: Message TableClinical System
611ERP EHP76.0N2CCF_MSG_CONT31CCF: Message ContentClinical System
612ERP EHP76.0N2CLIENTDD81IS-H*MED: Directory of Local Applications (Obsolete)Clinical System
613ERP EHP76.0N2CLIM_OBSVS344Vital Signs: ExaminationClinical System
614ERP EHP76.0N2CLIM_PATNR41Dummy Table for Lock ObjectClinical System
615ERP EHP76.0N2CLIM_PLDVS263Vital Signs: Definite Planned Measurement (with Time)Clinical System
616ERP EHP76.0N2CLIM_SDLVS263Vital Signs: Measurement Plan for Patient (Cycles)Clinical System
617ERP EHP76.0N2CLIM_TEXTVS31Vital Signs Long TextsClinical System
618ERP EHP76.0N2CLIM_VALVS484Vital Signs: Measured ValuesClinical System
619ERP EHP76.0N2CLIO_TESTDATA101Clinical Overview: Test DataClinical System
620ERP EHP76.0N2CLIO_TRANSFER81Clinical Overview: Data TransferClinical System
621ERP EHP76.0N2COMM_LOG215Documents Received in Temporary StorageClinical System
622ERP EHP76.0N2COMM_LOGSTAT175Last Known Status for Transmitted ObjectClinical System
623ERP EHP76.0N2COMM_LOGSTATIN181Document Receipt: Additional Data for Received DocumentsClinical System
624ERP EHP76.0N2CONTROLPARA51IS-H*MED: Control SettingsClinical System
625ERP EHP76.0N2COZEITPUNKTE101IS-H*MED: Timestamp ID's for CO FuMsClinical System
626ERP Documentation for Customizing ObjectsClinical System
627ERP EHP76.0N2D13BGT711PDOK: N3BGD13BOG D13 Form (Germany)Clinical System
628ERP EHP76.0N2D13BGT00181PDOK: N3BGDIATABClinical System
629ERP EHP76.0N2D461_A141PDOC: NX_461_MOD Demo: Modify-UserExitsClinical System
630ERP EHP76.0N2D461_A0081PDOC: N2D_TAB_1Clinical System
631ERP EHP76.0N2D461_B61PDOC: NX_461_DIS Demo: Display FieldsClinical System
632ERP EHP76.0N2D461_B0081PDOC: N2D_TABDISClinical System
633ERP EHP76.0N2DDEVICE61IS-H*MED RAD: Description of the modality, workstationClinical System
634ERP EHP76.0N2DE431IS-H*MED: Table of documentation elementsClinical System
635ERP EHP76.0N2DEM0000191PDOK: RZ_TAB2 Table 2Clinical System
636ERP EHP76.0N2DEMOPA01101IS-H*MED: Template for secondary tablesClinical System
637ERP EHP76.0N2DESKAPP301PDOK: N9_DESKAPP IS-H*MED: Nurs.doc.catgy for desktop applicClinical System
638ERP EHP76.0N2DESKTOPPROG151IS-H*MED: Desktop applicationsClinical System
639ERP EHP76.0N2DET61IS-H*MED: Texts for documentation elementsClinical System
640ERP EHP76.0N2DFINDREL91IS-H*MED RAD: Reference level of the radiological findingsClinical System
641ERP EHP76.0N2DGAILEM111ISH*MED : Kontrolltabelle Überleitung med. Leist -> DGAIClinical System
642ERP EHP76.0N2DGAIPR271ISH*MED : Protokolle DatenexporteClinical System
643ERP EHP76.0N2DGAIST211ISH*MED : Steuerung Schnittstelle DatenexportClinical System
644ERP EHP76.0N2DGAIUM81ISH*MED : Umsetzung der Daten gem. Spez. KerndatensatzClinical System
645ERP EHP76.0N2DGAIVR51ISH*MED : Versionen Kerndatensatz AnästhesieClinical System
646ERP EHP76.0N2DIMAGE61IS-H*MED RAD: Image descriptionClinical System
647ERP EHP76.0N2DIS_TYPES51Dispatch Route Types f. ishmed Object Dispatch (s.Table Doc)Clinical System
648ERP EHP76.0N2DIS_TYPEST51Text Table for N2DIS_TYPESClinical System
649ERP EHP76.0N2DI_CONTEXT42Relationship Dictation - ObjectClinical System
650ERP EHP76.0N2DI_DICTAT173Dictation - Administration DataClinical System
651ERP EHP76.0N2DI_PMD_LCUST81Settings for Dictation Interface Link ElementClinical System
652ERP EHP76.0N2DI_RECORD201Administration Data of Speech RecordingClinical System
653ERP EHP76.0N2DI_RECORD_LINK41Parent Relationship Between Two Speech RecordingsClinical System
654ERP EHP76.0N2DI_RECORD_TEXT41Clear Text of Speech RecordingClinical System
655ERP EHP76.0N2DL131IS-H*MED: Table of doc. category to service assignmentsClinical System
656ERP EHP76.0N2DL141IS-H*MED: Table of doc. category to service assignmentsClinical System
657ERP Dispatch - RecipientClinical System
658ERP EHP76.0N2DO221IS-H*MED: Table of doc. category to org. unit assignmentsClinical System
659ERP EHP76.0N2DO131IS-H*MED: Table of doc. category to org. unit assignmentsClinical System
660ERP EHP76.0N2DOCBEWLEI181IS-H*MED: Movement and Service Data for Archived DocumentsClinical System
661ERP EHP76.0N2DOCCOMP91IS-H*MED: Documentation ComponentsClinical System
662ERP EHP76.0N2DOCFAL691IS-H*MED: Case Data for Archived DocumentsClinical System
663ERP EHP76.0N2DOCREFCASE51IS-H*MED: Empty Table for Lock Object Case Reference LevelClinical System
664ERP EHP76.0N2DOCREFMOVE61IS-H*MED: Empty Table for Lock Object Movement Ref. LevelClinical System
665ERP EHP76.0N2DOCREFPAT51IS-H*MED: Empty Table for Lock Object Patient Ref. LevelClinical System
666ERP EHP76.0N2DOCREFSERV51IS-H*MED: Empty Table for Lock Object Service Ref. LevelClinical System
667ERP EHP76.0N2DOCTEMPLATE161IS-H*MED: Templates for DocumentsClinical System
668ERP EHP76.0N2DOKKAT81IS-H*MED: Categorizing DocumentsClinical System
669ERP EHP76.0N2DOKREF93IS-H*MED: External data ref./Link table for param. docsClinical System
670ERP EHP76.0N2DPREFETCH101IS-H*MED RAD: Prefetch ruleClinical System
671ERP EHP76.0N2DRATA91Short Texts for Document Info RecordsClinical System
672ERP EHP76.0N2DRAWA391Document Info RecordClinical System
673ERP EHP76.0N2DRISSTUDY141IS-H*MED RAD IC: RIS StudyClinical System
674ERP Dispatch - Address TypesClinical System
675ERP Address Types (Text)Clinical System
676ERP EHP76.0N2DSDEVICE_ARCH221ISHMED: Archive Transfer Data from InterfacesClinical System
677ERP EHP76.0N2DSDEVICE_DATA201ISHMED: Transfer Data from InterfaceClinical System
678ERP EHP76.0N2DSERIES101IS-H*MED RAD: Description of a DICOM image seriesClinical System
679ERP EHP76.0N2DSTUDY_DESC111IS-H*MED RAD: Description of a DICOM studyClinical System
680ERP EHP76.0N2DTAPPL61OBSOLETE: New Table TN2DTAPPL !!!Clinical System
681ERP EHP76.0N2DTAPPLFORMAT71Document Category: Special Format of ActionClinical System
682ERP Table of Document Categories PDF ApplicationClinical System
683ERP Table of XML Application Document CategoriesClinical System
684ERP EHP76.0N2DTAPPL_ADOBE111Documen Category: ADOBE Form DataClinical System
685ERP Table of Document Categories PDF ApplicationClinical System
686ERP Table of Document Categories XML ApplicationClinical System
687ERP EHP76.0N2DTDTA331IS-H*MED: Table of Documentation Categs. for Desktop Appl.Clinical System
688ERP EHP76.0N2DTPART2551IS-H*MED: PMD DocCat-Header (n2dt) 2nd PartClinical System
689ERP EHP76.0N2DTPART3201PMD: Part 3 of Doc. Categ. TableClinical System
690ERP EHP76.0N2DTT82IS-H*MED: Text table for the document categoryClinical System
691ERP EHP76.0N2DTWORD331IS-H*MED: Table of Word application document categoriesClinical System
692ERP EHP76.0N2DT_HTML_TMPL141IS-H*MED: DocCateg. addition HTML templateClinical System
693ERP EHP76.0N2DT_SETS91Document Categories to SET ID Assignment TableClinical System
694ERP EHP76.0N2DWORKLIST91IS-H*MED RAD: Work list (RIS - PACS work list)Clinical System
695ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_ACT142ActivityClinical System
696ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_LIAN73LinkClinical System
697ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_TASKD404Provisional TaskClinical System
698ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_USINGOU72Preset Situation Template for Organizational UnitsClinical System
699ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_USINGOU171Preset Situation Template for Organizational UnitsClinical System
700ERP EHP76.0N2DWSWL_WORKD402Provisional SituationClinical System
701ERP EHP76.0N2DZ161IS-H*MED: Diagnosis assignments (groups)Clinical System
702ERP EHP76.0N2ES301IS-H*MED: Structure of documentation elementsClinical System
703ERP EHP76.0N2ET1571IS-H*MED: Table of docElement to DocCategory assignmentsClinical System
704ERP EHP76.0N2ET2271PMD: Definite Elements (Part 2)Clinical System
705ERP EHP76.0N2ETT92IS-H*MED: Texts for document category assignments (N2ET)Clinical System
706ERP EHP76.0N2EXAM112IS-H*MED RAD: Radiological Examination References to StudiesClinical System
707ERP EHP76.0N2EXTENDPC71IS-H*MED: Customizing Word Container Param. DocumentsClinical System
708ERP EHP76.0N2EXTLOAD41IS-H*MED: External programsClinical System
709ERP EHP76.0N2F4SIMPLETREE131Simple Tree for Own F4 Help for Text/Code SelectionClinical System
710ERP EHP76.0N2F4SIMPLETREET51Text Table for N2F4SIMPLETREEClinical System
711ERP EHP76.0N2F4_CAT_HEADER181IS-H*MED: Header Data for Dynamic Input Help (F4)Clinical System
712ERP EHP76.0N2F4_CAT_VALUES111IS-H*MED: Values of Hit Lists for Dynamic F4 HelpClinical System
713ERP EHP76.0N2F4_HIT_HEADER271IS-H*MED: Hdr Data of Hit Lists for Dynamic Input Help (F4)Clinical System
714ERP EHP76.0N2F4_HIT_VALUES151IS-H*MED: Values of Hit Lists for Dynamic F4 HelpClinical System
715ERP EHP76.0N2FARZTNW61IS-H*MED: Protocol for calling med. specialist exper. rcrdClinical System
716ERP EHP76.0N2FDBS381IS-H*MED: Catalog of external data modulesClinical System
717ERP EHP76.0N2FDBST51IS-H*MED: Text table for external data module table N2FDBSClinical System
718ERP Text Table for External Data Module Table SupplyClinical System
719ERP Catalog of External Data Modules DeliveryClinical System
720ERP EHP76.0N2GL_ACT253pathways ActivityClinical System
721ERP EHP76.0N2GL_ACT_NOTE161Pathways: Comment on ActivityClinical System
722ERP EHP76.0N2GL_BASEITEM91IS-H*MED: Basic Item of Treatment PathwayClinical System
723ERP EHP76.0N2GL_BASE_BADI91IS-H*MED: Base Item BADIClinical System
724ERP EHP76.0N2GL_BASE_DOC151IS-H*MED: Base Item DocumentClinical System
725ERP EHP76.0N2GL_BASE_PRN121IS-H*MED: Print Base ItemClinical System
726ERP EHP76.0N2GL_BASE_REQ181IS-H*MED: Base Item RequestClinical System
727ERP EHP76.0N2GL_BASE_REQ_S51IS-H*MED: Services of Request Base ItemClinical System
728ERP EHP76.0N2GL_DES51IS-H*MED: Description of Treatment PathwayClinical System
729ERP EHP76.0N2GL_DES_STRING41IS-H*MED: HTML Documents of Treatment PathwayClinical System
730ERP EHP76.0N2GL_DIA81pathways Diagnosis String for Pathways ProposalClinical System
731ERP EHP76.0N2GL_GUIDELINE462pathways Treatment PathwayClinical System
732ERP EHP76.0N2GL_ITEM321Pathways: Item of Treatment PathwayClinical System
733ERP EHP76.0N2GL_ITEM_LINK71IS-H*MED: ConnectionClinical System
734ERP EHP76.0N2GL_PROC81IS-H*MED: Procedure String of a Pathway for AssignmentClinical System
735ERP EHP76.0N2GL_TM_KEY_DOC71IS-H*MED: Key of Document Created Using PathwaysClinical System
736ERP EHP76.0N2GL_TM_KEY_REQ51IS-H*MED: Key of Request Created Using PathwaysClinical System
737ERP EHP76.0N2GL_TM_PROF51IS-H*MED: Occupational Groups for Subsequent ActivityClinical System
738ERP EHP76.0N2GL_TM_SCHEDULE482pathways Patient PathwayClinical System
739ERP EHP76.0N2GL_TM_STEP461pathways Step of Patient PathwayClinical System
740ERP EHP76.0N2GL_TR_DIA121Treatment Pathway: Proposal for Patient PathwayClinical System
741ERP EHP76.0N2GL_URLS41URL Entries for Treatment PathwaysClinical System
742ERP EHP76.0N2GT132IS-H*MED: Classification areas catalogClinical System
743ERP EHP76.0N2GTZ141IS-H*MED: Classification areas asgmtClinical System
744ERP EHP76.0N2HIT_APP21HL: Application Areas Which a Hit List Can Belong toClinical System
745ERP EHP76.0N2HIT_APPT41HL: Text Table for /MED/N2HIT_APPClinical System
746ERP EHP76.0N2HIT_APPTY51HL:Assignment:Obj.Type f. Hit List Object<->Application AreaClinical System
747ERP EHP76.0N2HIT_ENTRY111HL: Hit List EntryClinical System
748ERP EHP76.0N2HIT_ENTT51HL: Text Table for /MED/GA_HL_ENTRYClinical System
749ERP EHP76.0N2HIT_EN_OB121HL: Assignment: Hit List Entry -> Assigned ObjectClinical System
750ERP EHP76.0N2HIT_EN_OT61HL: Text Table for /MED/N2HIT_EN_OBClinical System
751ERP EHP76.0N2HIT_LIST121HL: Findings Hit List - Header TableClinical System
752ERP EHP76.0N2HIT_LISTT61HL: Text Table for /med/n2hit_listClinical System
753ERP EHP76.0N2HIT_LI_EN141HL: Findings Hit List: Assignment: Entry - Hit ListClinical System
754ERP EHP76.0N2HIT_OBJTT41HL: Text Table for /MED/N2HIT_OBJTYClinical System
755ERP EHP76.0N2HIT_OBJTY31HL:Object Types Assignable to a Hit List EntryClinical System
756ERP EHP76.0N2HL141IS-H*MED: OU-related hit list for diagnosesClinical System
757ERP EHP76.0N2INPA_SUGGEST101Proposal Criteria Ward DWS AssignmentClinical System
758ERP EHP76.0N2INPA_SUGGEST1101Proposal Criteria Ward DWS Assignment (Processing)Clinical System
759ERP EHP76.0N2ISHMDE00141PDOC: ISHMDEMODIClinical System
760ERP EHP76.0N2ISHMDEMO131PDOC: ISHM_DEMO Angiological Findings for DemonstrationClinical System
761ERP EHP76.0N2KA91PMD: Catalog Entries for Combo BoxesClinical System
762ERP EHP76.0N2KLIENTDD41IS-H*MED: Content of table N2ClientDDClinical System
763ERP EHP76.0N2KOK61IS-H*MED: OR: Catalog of Operative IncidentsClinical System
764ERP EHP76.0N2KPRO_BLOB_MULT101Managem. of Multi-Part Object with Binary Data Store in KProClinical System
765ERP EHP76.0N2KZ51IS-H*MED: OR: Complications - areas assignmentsClinical System
766ERP EHP76.0N2LA111IS-H*MED: List display variant per user (Field list)Clinical System
767ERP EHP76.0N2LABCOMM231IS-H*MED: Help Table for Transferring Lab ValuesClinical System
768ERP EHP76.0N2LABOR211IS-H*MED: Standard table for lab dataClinical System
769ERP EHP76.0N2LABOR001231IS-H*MED: Lab data (secondary table docCateg. N2_LABOR)Clinical System
770ERP EHP76.0N2LABORTXT71IS-H*MED: Help table for copying findings textsClinical System
771ERP EHP76.0N2LH151IS-H*MED: List display variant per user (header)Clinical System
772ERP EHP76.0N2LINKCUST91PMD: Customizing for Link ModulesClinical System
773ERP EHP76.0N2LINKMODS131Link ModuleClinical System
774ERP EHP76.0N2LINKMODST31Text for Table N2LINKMODSClinical System
775ERP EHP76.0N2LIZENZ81IS-H*MED: LicenseClinical System
776ERP EHP76.0N2LIZENZBASIS21IS-H*MED: License Basic Structure (Obsolete from 7.10)Clinical System
777ERP EHP76.0N2LIZENZMODUL31IS-H*MED: License Module Assignment (Obsolete)Clinical System
778ERP EHP76.0N2LIZENZPROG21IS-H*MED: License Assignment to Programs (Obsolete 7.10)Clinical System
779ERP EHP76.0N2LIZENZSALE31Sales Descriptions for LicensesClinical System
780ERP EHP76.0N2LIZENZSALET41Sales Descriptions for LicensesClinical System
781ERP EHP76.0N2LKGZ151IS-H*MED: Service catalog - classif. area assignmentClinical System
782ERP EHP76.0N2MABK122IS-H*MED: Assignment of employee to authorization categoryClinical System
783ERP EHP76.0N2MATREF81IS-H*MED: Reference table for material external data (N2FM)Clinical System
784ERP EHP76.0N2MBS_CONTEXT41IS-H*MED: Table of MBS Easy Contexts for Speech RecognitionClinical System
785ERP EHP76.0N2MIDEF311IS-H*MED: Definitions for MedImage couplingClinical System
786ERP EHP76.0N2MIREF311IS-H*MED: Reference data table for MED-Image couplingClinical System
787ERP EHP76.0N2MOPBE2301PMD: N0M_OPBE_2 Surg Report as of Release 4.72 - Sample IIClinical System
788ERP EHP76.0N2MOPBE20091PMD: N0_MDIAGTB Surgery: Diagnosis Table 4.72Clinical System
789ERP EHP76.0N2MOPBE20191PMD: N0_MPROZTB Surgery: Procedures Table 4.72Clinical System
790ERP EHP76.0N2MOPBE202181PMD: N0_TEAMTB2 Surgery: Team for Surgery Report 4.72Clinical System
791ERP EHP76.0N2MOPBER281PDOC: N0M_OPBERI Surgery Report as of Release 4.72 - ExampleClinical System
792ERP EHP76.0N2MOPBER0091PDOC: N0_MDIAGTB Surgery: Diagnosis Table 4.72Clinical System
793ERP EHP76.0N2MOPBER0191PDOC: N0_MPROZTB Surgery: Procedure Table 4.72Clinical System
794ERP EHP76.0N2MOPBER02181PDOC: N0_TEAMTB2 Surgery: Team for Surgery Report 4.72Clinical System
795ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR2541PMD: N0M_OPPR_2 Surgery Log as of Release 4.72 II - SampleClinical System
796ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR200111PMD: N0_LAGER Surgery: Table for PostionClinical System
797ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20181PMD: N0_ANARTTB Surgery: Table Anesthesia ProcedureClinical System
798ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20271PMD: N0_TECHNGR Surgery: Technical DevicesClinical System
799ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR203111PMD: N0_BLUABSP Surgery: Tourniquets/Clamps TableClinical System
800ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR204121PMD: N0_ROETAB Surgery: X-Ray/Fluoroscopy TableClinical System
801ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR205101PMD: N0_IMPLAN Surgery: Implants Based on IS-H Mats TableClinical System
802ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR206141PMD: N0_MEDIK Surgery: Dialysate/DrugsClinical System
803ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR207111PMD: N0_DRAINTB Surgery: Drainages TableClinical System
804ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR208111PMD: N0_VERBAND Surgery: Table of Dressings/TamponadesClinical System
805ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR209111PMD: N0_ZKONTRL Surgery: Count Check TableClinical System
806ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20A111PMD: N0_MATERIL Surgery: Material ConsumptionClinical System
807ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20B91PMD: N0_MDIAGTB Surgery: Diagnosis Table 4.72Clinical System
808ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20C91PMD: N0_MPROZTB Surgery: Procedures Table 4.72Clinical System
809ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20D181PMD: N0_TEAMTB2 Surgery: Team for Surgery Report 4.72Clinical System
810ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20E111PMD: N0_LAGER Surgery: Table for PostionClinical System
811ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20F81PMD: N0_ANARTTB Surgery: Table Anesthesia ProcedureClinical System
812ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20G71PMD: N0_TECHNGR Surgery: Technical DevicesClinical System
813ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20H111PMD: N0_BLUABSP Surgery: Tourniquets/Clamps TableClinical System
814ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20I121PMD: N0_ROETAB Surgery: X-Ray/Fluoroscopy TableClinical System
815ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20J101PMD: N0_IMPLAN Surgery: Implants Based on IS-H Mats TableClinical System
816ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20K141PMD: N0_MEDIK2 OR: Rinsing Solution/DrugsClinical System
817ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20L101PMD: N0_DRAINT2 OP: Drainage TableClinical System
818ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20M101PMD: N0_VERBAT2 Srg: Table of Dressings/TamponadesClinical System
819ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20N111PMD: N0_ZKONTRL Surgery: Count Check TableClinical System
820ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20O101PMD: N0_MATERT2 OR: Material ConsumptionClinical System
821ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20P91PMD: N0_MDIAGTB Surgery: Diagnosis Table 4.72Clinical System
822ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20Q91PMD: N0_MPROZTB Surgery: Procedures Table 4.72Clinical System
823ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPR20R181PMD: N0_TEAMTB2 Surgery: Team for Surgery Report 4.72Clinical System
824ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO621PDOC: N0M_OPPROT Surgery Log as of Release 4.72Clinical System
825ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO00111PDOC: N0_LAGER Surgery: Position TableClinical System
826ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO0181PDOC: N0_ANARTTB Surgery: Anesthesia Procedures TableClinical System
827ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO0271PDOC: N0_TECHNGR Surgery: Technical DevicesClinical System
828ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO03121PDOC: N0_BLUABSP Surg.: Blood Arrest/Ischemia/Compress TableClinical System
829ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO04121PDOC: N0_ROETAB Surgery: X-Ray/Fluoroscopy TableClinical System
830ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO05101PDOC: N0_IMPLAN Surg.: Implants Based on IS-H Material TableClinical System
831ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO06141PDOC: N0_MEDIK Surgery: Dialysate/DrugsClinical System
832ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO07131PDOC: N0_DRAINTB Surgery: Drainages TableClinical System
833ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO08111PDOC: N0_VERBAND Surgery: Dressings/Tamponades TableClinical System
834ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO09111PDOC: N0_ZKONTRL Surgery: Count Check TableClinical System
835ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO0A111PDOC: N0_MATERIL Surgery: Material ConsumptionClinical System
836ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO0B91PMD: N0_MDIAGTB Surgery: Diagnosis Table 4.72Clinical System
837ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO0C91PMD: N0_MPROZTB Surgery: Procedures Table 4.72Clinical System
838ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRO0D181PMD: N0_TEAMTB2 Surgery: Team for Surgery Report 4.72Clinical System
839ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRS281PDOC: N0M_PROBSC Surgery Sample Covering Letter Release 4.72Clinical System
840ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRS0071PDOC: N0_PRAEPAR Preparations TableClinical System
841ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPRS0161PDOC: N0_DIAGNTB Diagnosis Table for Free Text EntryClinical System
842ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPS2271PMD: N0M_PROB_2 Srg Covering Letter II as of Release 4.72Clinical System
843ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPS20071PMD: N0_PRAEPAR Preparations TableClinical System
844ERP EHP76.0N2MOPPS20161PMD: N0_DIAGNTB Diagnosis Table for Free Text EntryClinical System
845ERP EHP76.0N2MOPZU2221PMD: N0M_OPZU_2 Surg.Addit.Doc.Post Treat Care Orders II aClinical System
846ERP EHP76.0N2MOPZU200101PMD: N0_MEDNACH Surg: Post Treatment Care with DrugsClinical System
847ERP EHP76.0N2MOPZUS231PDOC: N0M_OPZUSA Surg. Suppl. Doc. Postop. Orders Rel. 4.72Clinical System
848ERP EHP76.0N2MOPZUS00131PDOC: N0_MEDIKAT OP: MedicationClinical System
849ERP EHP76.0N2MOPZUS01111PDOK: N0_MEDNACH OR: Drug ResupplyClinical System
850ERP EHP76.0N2MV_ADRART151Address Type Control TableClinical System
851ERP EHP76.0N2MV_ADRARTT51Address Type Text TableClinical System
852ERP EHP76.0N2MV_CONVT61Format ConversionsClinical System
853ERP EHP76.0N2MV_DISREQ573Dispatch Request Data TableClinical System
854ERP EHP76.0N2MV_EMTYP161Recipient Type Control TableClinical System
855ERP EHP76.0N2MV_EMTYPT51Recipient Type Text TableClinical System
856ERP EHP76.0N2MV_SCRMOD441Field Control Control TableClinical System
857ERP EHP76.0N2MV_VSDAT521Recipient Data TableClinical System
858ERP EHP76.0N2MV_VSVOR251Presetting Control TableClinical System
859ERP EHP76.0N2MV_VSWEG161Dispatch Route Control TableClinical System
860ERP EHP76.0N2MV_VSWEGT51Dispatch Route Text TableClinical System
861ERP EHP76.0N2N0ABLF741PDOK: N0_ABLAUFD OP: Chronological surgery documentationClinical System
862ERP EHP76.0N2N0ABLF00131PDOK: N0_TEAMTABClinical System
863ERP EHP76.0N2N0ABLF01121PDOK: N0C_LAGTABClinical System
864ERP EHP76.0N2N0ABLF02121PDOK: N0C_BLUABS nClinical System
865ERP EHP76.0N2N0ABLF03101PDOK: N0_DURCHLClinical System
866ERP EHP76.0N2N0ABLF04111PDOK: N0C_IMPLTBClinical System
867ERP EHP76.0N2N0ABLF0591PDOK: N0C_KATHTBClinical System
868ERP EHP76.0N2N0ABLF06101PDOK: N0C_KONTRLClinical System
869ERP EHP76.0N2N0ABLF0791PDOK: N0C_DRAITBClinical System
870ERP EHP76.0N2N0ABLF08101PDOK: N0C_VERBTBClinical System
871ERP EHP76.0N2N0ANAMNE431PDOK: N0_ANAMNES OP: Anamnesis formClinical System
872ERP EHP76.0N2N0ANMD121PDOK: N0_ANMELDF OR: Registration form for requestClinical System
873ERP EHP76.0N2N0ANMD00101PDOK: N0_BLUTTABClinical System
874ERP EHP76.0N2N0ANMD01121PDOK: N0_ANFIMPLClinical System
875ERP EHP76.0N2N0ANMD0281PDOK: N0_LAGERANClinical System
876ERP EHP76.0N2N0ANMD0391PDOK: N0_ABLUTTBClinical System
877ERP EHP76.0N2N0ANPFL441PDOK: N0A_PFLEGE OP: Anesthesia nursing formClinical System
878ERP EHP76.0N2N0AWR721PDOK: N0_AWRDOK OP: Recovery room documentClinical System
879ERP EHP76.0N2N0AWR00091PDOK: N0C_DRAITBClinical System
880ERP EHP76.0N2N0AWR001101PDOK: N0C_VERBTBClinical System
881ERP EHP76.0N2N0AWR00291PDOK: N0_PFLMASNClinical System
882ERP EHP76.0N2N0AWR003101PDOK: N0_BLUTTABClinical System
883ERP EHP76.0N2N0AWR004111PDOK: N0A_EINAUSClinical System
884ERP EHP76.0N2N0BERI261PDOK: N0_BERICHT OP: ReportClinical System
885ERP EHP76.0N2N0BERI00131PDOK: N0_TEAMTABClinical System
886ERP EHP76.0N2N0CPFL521PDOK: N0C_PFLEGE OP: Surgical nursing documentClinical System
887ERP EHP76.0N2N0CPFL00111PDOK: N0C_LAGTABClinical System
888ERP EHP76.0N2N0CPFL01101PDOK: N0C_DRAITBClinical System
889ERP EHP76.0N2N0CPFL02111PDOK: N0C_VERBTBClinical System
890ERP EHP76.0N2N0CPFL0391PDOK: N0C_KATHTBClinical System
891ERP EHP76.0N2N0CPFL04111PDOK: N0C_IMPLTBClinical System
892ERP EHP76.0N2N0CPFL06131PDOK: N0_TEAMTABClinical System
893ERP EHP76.0N2N0CPFL07141PDOK: N0C_BLUABSClinical System
894ERP EHP76.0N2N0CPFL08101PDOK: N0_DURCHLClinical System
895ERP EHP76.0N2N0CPFL09111PDOK: N0C_KONTRLClinical System
896ERP EHP76.0N2N0NARK981PDOK: N0_NARKOSE OP: Anesthetic formClinical System
897ERP EHP76.0N2N0NARK00111PDOK: N0A_EINAUSClinical System
898ERP EHP76.0N2N0NARK01131PDOK: N0_MEDITABClinical System
899ERP EHP76.0N2N0NARK02131PDOK: N0_TEAMTABClinical System
900ERP EHP76.0N2N0NARK03101PDOK: N0_BLUTTABClinical System
901ERP EHP76.0N2N0PROT751PDOK: N0_PROTOK OP: Log for profession-oriented doc.Clinical System
902ERP EHP76.0N2N0PROT00101PDOK: N0C_LAGTABClinical System
903ERP EHP76.0N2N0PROT01101PDOK: N0C_KONTRLClinical System
904ERP EHP76.0N2N0PROT02101PDOK: N0_BLUTTABClinical System
905ERP EHP76.0N2N0PROT03101PDOK: N0_DURCHLClinical System
906ERP EHP76.0N2N0PROT0491PDOK: N0C_DRAITBClinical System
907ERP EHP76.0N2N0PROT05101PDOK: N0C_VERBTBClinical System
908ERP EHP76.0N2N0PROT0691PDOK: N0C_KATHTBClinical System
909ERP EHP76.0N2N0PROT07101PDOK: N0C_IMPLTBClinical System
910ERP EHP76.0N2N0PROT08131PDOK: N0_TEAMTABClinical System
911ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF01571PDOK: N3AFRM01 HI: ErgotherapyClinical System
912ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF0100111PDOK: N3A_DIATClinical System
913ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF010181PDOK: N3A_DIATClinical System
914ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF02851PDOK: N3AFRM02 HI: Medication Prescription ph ProceduresClinical System
915ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF020091PDOK: N3A_F01A40Clinical System
916ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF020181PDOK: N3A_DIATClinical System
917ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF03451PDOK: N3AFRM03 HI: Work Incapacity CertificateClinical System
918ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF030081PDOK: N3A_DIATClinical System
919ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF04461PDOK: N3AFRM04 HI: Emergency Substitution CertificateClinical System
920ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF040081PDOK: N3A_DIATClinical System
921ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF05501PDOK: N3AFRM05 HI: Prescription (Health Insurance Fund)Clinical System
922ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF0500101PDOK: N3A_F05A01Clinical System
923ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF06361PDOK: N3AFRM06 HI: Prescription (Private)Clinical System
924ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF0600101PDOK: N3A_F05A01Clinical System
925ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF07551PDOK: N3AFRM07 HI: Referral CertificateClinical System
926ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF070081PDOK: N3A_DIATClinical System
927ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF08501PDOK: N3AFRM08 HI: Referral Certificate for LabClinical System
928ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF080081PDOK: N3A_DIATClinical System
929ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF091061PDOK: N3AFRM09 HI: Prescription for Patient TransportationClinical System
930ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF101091PDOK: N3AFRM10 HI: Prescription for Home Nursing CareClinical System
931ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF100081PDOK: N3A_DIATClinical System
932ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF11421PDOK: N3AFRM11 HI: Prescription for Hospital TreatmentClinical System
933ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF110081PDOK: N3A_DIATClinical System
934ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF12491PDOK: N3AFRM12 HI: Med. Cert. for Sick Pay in the Event ofClinical System
935ERP EHP76.0N2N3AF120081PDOK: N3A_DIATClinical System
936ERP EHP76.0N2N3BGD1641PDOK: N3_BGD13B D13 form (Germany)Clinical System
937ERP EHP76.0N2NARKOS1171PDOK: OPA_NARKOS Anesthesia log (Please do not change!)Clinical System
938ERP EHP76.0N2NARKOS03111PDOK: OPA_EINAUSClinical System
939ERP EHP76.0N2OA143IS-H*MED: Evaluations for surgery documentationClinical System
940ERP EHP76.0N2OK201IS-H*MED: Surgery Complications (AVB)Clinical System
941ERP EHP76.0N2OPDIAGNOSEN62IS-H*MED: Diagnoses for SurgeriesClinical System
942ERP EHP76.0N2OPFABT31IS-H*MED: OR departments with own surgery number rangesClinical System
943ERP EHP76.0N2OPPFLE0291PDOK: OPC_KATHTBClinical System
944ERP EHP76.0N2OPPFLE04101PDOK: OPC_IMPLTBClinical System
945ERP EHP76.0N2OPPROT991PDOK: OP_PROTOK OR/Surg: Log (Please do not change!)Clinical System
946ERP EHP76.0N2OPPROT00101PDOK: OPC_KONTRLClinical System
947ERP EHP76.0N2OPPROT01101PDOK: OPC_DRAITBClinical System
948ERP EHP76.0N2OPPROT02101PDOK: OPC_VERBTBClinical System
949ERP EHP76.0N2OPPROT03101PDOK: OPC_IMPLTBClinical System
950ERP EHP76.0N2OPPROT04141PDOK: OP_TEAMTABClinical System
951ERP EHP76.0N2OZ911IS-H*MED: Surgery TimesClinical System
952ERP EHP76.0N2PB231IS-H*MED: Nursing report (N4PVB)Clinical System
953ERP EHP76.0N2PB00231IS-H*MED: Nursing report (N4PVB)Clinical System
954ERP EHP76.0N2PCDOC91IS-H*MED: Content of Word6 for Windows documents (DMS)Clinical System
955ERP EHP76.0N2PCDOCEXTENDED151IS-H*MED: Data that is processed at the frontendClinical System
956ERP EHP76.0N2PHYO_ORDER212Physician OrderClinical System
957ERP EHP76.0N2PMDALV_LCUST191ISHMED: Settings for Link Element ALV Grid Viewer (PMD)Clinical System
958ERP EHP76.0N2PMDBLOB191Cluster Table for Link ObjectsClinical System
959ERP EHP76.0N2PMDBTFE_LSAVE41IS-H*MED: Data for Link Element BTE Editor (PMD)Clinical System
960ERP EHP76.0N2PMDBTF_LCUST101IS-H*MED: Settings for Link Element BTF Editor (PMD)Clinical System
961ERP EHP76.0N2PMDDOCV_LCUST161IS-H*MED: Settings for Link Element Document ViewerClinical System
962ERP EHP76.0N2PMDETEXT91PMD: Enhanced TextClinical System
963ERP EHP76.0N2PMDHTML_LCUST101IS-H*MED: Link Element HTML Viewer (PMD) SettingsClinical System
964ERP EHP76.0N2PMDHTML_LSAVE51IS-H*MED: Link Element HTML Viewer (PMD) DataClinical System
965ERP EHP76.0N2PMDPVB_LCUST151IS-H*MED: Link Element HTML Viewer (PMD) SettingsClinical System
966ERP EHP76.0N2PMDRLF4_LCUST101IS-H*MED: Link Element HTML Viewer (PMD) SettingsClinical System
967ERP EHP76.0N2PMDTEXT191Cluster Table for PMD Endless TextsClinical System
968ERP EHP76.0N2PROPERTYBAG121IS-H*MED: Property BagClinical System
969ERP EHP76.0N2PROPERTYBAG_SH111IS-H*MED: Property BagClinical System
970ERP EHP76.0N2PS152IS-H*MED: Nursing standard catalogClinical System
971ERP EHP76.0N2PSBZ161IS-H*MED: Nursing standard - basic catalog assignmentClinical System
972ERP EHP76.0N2PSGZ151IS-H*MED: Nursing standard - classification areas asgmtClinical System
973ERP EHP76.0N2PSLZ151IS-H*MED: Nursing standard - service catalog assignmentClinical System
974ERP EHP76.0N2RADMPPS281IS-H*MED RAD: RIS Modality Performed Procedure Step ObjectClinical System
975ERP EHP76.0N2RADMPPS_RAD61IS-H*MED RAD: MPPS Radiation AttributeClinical System
976ERP EHP76.0N2RADMPPS_TAG61IS-H*MED RAD: MPPS AttributeClinical System
977ERP EHP76.0N2RADWL572IS-H*MED: Radiology WorklistClinical System
978ERP EHP76.0N2RADWL1131IS-H*MED: Modality Worklist (extended structure)Clinical System
979ERP EHP76.0N2RADWLEXT111IS-H*MED: Radiological Worklist for Optional AttributesClinical System
980ERP EHP76.0N2RAD_ATTRMAP121IS-H*MED RAD: Prod.Rules RAD Day --> Target DayClinical System
981ERP EHP76.0N2RAD_EXAM161IS-H*MED RAD: Radiological Service / ExaminationClinical System
982ERP Radiology Work Station: Item-Item RelationClinical System
983ERP Radiology Findings Work Station: Findings TasksClinical System
984ERP EHP76.0N2REFDIA82IS-H*MED: External data ref. table for NDIA (diagnoses)Clinical System
985ERP EHP76.0N2RL_FIRMA41IS-H*MED: Rote Liste FirmaClinical System
986ERP EHP76.0N2RL_GLIEDER41IS-H*MED: Rote Liste GliederungsthemenClinical System
987ERP EHP76.0N2RL_PRAEP41IS-H*MED: Rote Liste Name der PräperateClinical System
988ERP EHP76.0N2RL_SIGNS41Clinical System
989ERP EHP76.0N2RL_STOFFE41IS-H*MED: Rote Liste StoffeClinical System
990ERP EHP76.0N2RL_STWS41IS-H*MED: Rote Liste StoffwechselwirkungenClinical System
991ERP EHP76.0N2SPGZ151IS-H*MED: Standard nursing plan - classif. areas asgmtClinical System
992ERP EHP76.0N2STUDY251PDOK: N7STUDY ISH*MED: RAD - Attributes of PACS StudyClinical System
993ERP EHP76.0N2TBS_CATEGORY101IS-H*MED: Categories for Text ModulesClinical System
994ERP EHP76.0N2TBS_CAT_SET71Categories for Text Modules for a SetClinical System
995ERP EHP76.0N2TBS_LTE131Text Modules for Long Text EditorClinical System
996ERP EHP76.0N2TBS_LTE_SET101Text Module Set for Certain Document CategoriesClinical System
997ERP EHP76.0N2TBS_SET71Text Module to Set AssignmentClinical System
998ERP EHP76.0N2TBS_SET_HEAD61Header Data for a Text Module SetClinical System
999ERP EHP76.0N2TBS_SET_HEADT41Header Data for a Text Module SetClinical System
1000ERP EHP76.0N2TBS_SM_TAG41IS-H*MED LTE: Markers Tag TableClinical System
1001ERP EHP76.0N2TBS_SM_TAG_SET31Marker Tag Table for SetsClinical System
1002ERP EHP76.0N2TBS_SM_VALUE82IS-H*MED LTE: MarkersClinical System
1003ERP EHP76.0N2TBS_SM_VAL_SET71LTE: Marker Values for SetsClinical System
1004ERP EHP76.0N2TBS_USER141OBSOLETE: IS-H*MED: Text ModulesClinical System
1005ERP EHP76.0N2TEAMREF71IS-H*MED: Ref table for team ext. data modules (N2F2)Clinical System
1006ERP EHP76.0N2TEXT101IS-H*MED: Texts for parameterized documentsClinical System
1007ERP EHP76.0N2TICZ71IS-H*MED: Assignment Table Surgery Team - Surgery CodeClinical System
1008ERP EHP76.0N2TPP51IS-H*MED: Template for primary tableClinical System
1009ERP EHP76.0N2TPS61IS-H*MED: Template for secondary tablesClinical System
1010ERP Table for Transporting Customizing DataClinical System
1011ERP EHP76.0N2TRANSPORTBCSET821IS-H*MED: Structured Cluster Table for N2TRANSPORTClinical System
1012ERP EHP76.0N2TRANSPORTCLUST331IS-H*MED: Cluster Structure for N2TRANSPORTClinical System
1013ERP Log File on N2TRANSPORTClinical System
1014ERP EHP76.0N2USR4161IS-H*MED: Temporary infos for work stationClinical System
1015ERP EHP76.0N2USRRN2LN20531IS-H*MED: F4 Help for rn2ln205 (Obsolete)Clinical System
1016ERP EHP76.0N2VD162IS-H*MED PD: Progress Documentation Administrative DataClinical System
1017ERP EHP76.0N2VDITEMS82IS-H*MED PD: Typed Entries (Cluster)Clinical System
1018ERP EHP76.0N2VDNOTE271IS-H*MED PD: Progress EntryClinical System
1019ERP EHP76.0N2VDNOTES191IS-H*MED PD: Progress Entriess (Obsolete)Clinical System
1020ERP EHP76.0N2VDNOTE_CAT61Categorisation of a Progress NoteClinical System
1021ERP EHP76.0N2VDNOTE_CONTEXT173IS-H*MED PD: Context of a Progress EntryClinical System
1022ERP EHP76.0N2VDNOTE_TYPE52IS-H*MED PD: PD Assignment of Typed Progress EntryClinical System
1023ERP EHP76.0N2X00171PMD: NXDEMO_001 Copies TextebClinical System
1024ERP EHP76.0N2X002101PMD: NXDEMO_002 Demo for F4 Help User ExitClinical System
1025ERP EHP76.0N2X00361PMD: NXDEMO_003 Collect from NXDEMO_001Clinical System
1026ERP EHP76.0N2X00471PMD: NXDEMO_004 Modify Combobox ValuesClinical System
1027ERP EHP76.0N2X00591PMD: NXDEMO_005 Modify Frame + CardClinical System
1028ERP EHP76.0N2XDEMO005_00000121PMD: NXDEMO_005 Screen ModificationClinical System
1029ERP EHP76.0N2XDEMO005_0000191PMD: NXTAB_0001 TableClinical System
1030ERP EHP76.0N2XMLFILES191IS-H*MED: XML File ManagementClinical System
1031ERP EHP76.0N2Z000151IS-H*MED: Table for HCM lab findigs (texts only)Clinical System
1032ERP EHP76.0N2ZEITEN151IS-H*MED: Times for anchor serviceClinical System
1033ERP EHP76.0N2ZTPDEF191IS-H*MED: Table of time definitionsClinical System
1034ERP EHP76.0N2ZTPDEFT51IS-H*MED: Texts for time definitionClinical System
1035ERP EHP76.0N3BA4200V2661PMD: N3BGA4200 BG: Erstes Rentengutachten (A4200)Clinical System
1036ERP EHP76.0N3BA4500V2491PMD: N3BGA4500 BG: Zweites Rentengutachten - Rente auf unbClinical System
1037ERP EHP76.0N3BA4510V2511PMD: N3BGA4510 BG: Rentengutachten - Nachprüfung MdE - (A5Clinical System
1038ERP EHP76.0N3BF1000V2921PMD: N3BGF1000 BG: DurchgangsarztberichtClinical System
1039ERP EHP76.0N3BF1002V21711PMD: N3BGF1002 BG: Ergänzungsbericht KopfverletzungClinical System
1040ERP EHP76.0N3BF1004V21901PMD: N3BGF1004 BG: Ergänzungsbericht KnieClinical System
1041ERP EHP76.0N3BF1004V200101PMD: N3BG_DIAT BG: Tabelle DiagnosenClinical System
1042ERP EHP76.0N3BF1006V21151PMD: N3BGF1006 BG: Ergänzungsbericht StromunfallClinical System
1043ERP EHP76.0N3BF1008V22161PMD: N3BGF1008 BG: Ergänzungsbericht schwere VerbrennungenClinical System
1044ERP EHP76.0N3BF1010V2791PMD: N3BGF1010 BG: Ergänzungsbericht HandClinical System
1045ERP EHP76.0N3BF1020V2911PMD: N3BGF1020 BG: H-Arzt-BerichtClinical System
1046ERP EHP76.0N3BF1030V21121PMD: N3BGF1030 BG: AugenarztberichtClinical System
1047ERP EHP76.0N3BF1040V2941PMD: N3BGF1040 BG: Hals-,Nasen-,Ohren-ArztberichtClinical System
1048ERP EHP76.0N3BF1100V2441PMD: N3BGF1100 BG: Auskunft Behandlung (F1100)Clinical System
1049ERP EHP76.0N3BF1100V200101PMD: N3BG_DIAT BG: Tabelle DiagnosenClinical System
1050ERP EHP76.0N3BF1114V2631PMD: N3BGF1114 BG: Ausführliche AuskunftClinical System
1051ERP EHP76.0N3BF2100V2821PMD: N3BGF2100 BG: Zwischenbericht (F2100)Clinical System
1052ERP EHP76.0N3BF2106V2561PMD: N3BGF2106 BG: Nachschaubericht (F2106 )Clinical System
1053ERP EHP76.0N3BF2108V2411PMD: N3BGF2108 Verlaufsbericht H-ArztClinical System
1054ERP EHP76.0N3BF2222V2521PMD: N3BGF2222 BG: Mitteilung D- oder H-Arzt: VeränderungeClinical System
1055ERP EHP76.0N3BF2400V2471PMD: N3BGF2400 BG: Verordnung von Leistungen zur KrankGymnClinical System
1056ERP EHP76.0N3BF2400V200101PMD: N3BG_DIAT BG: Tabelle DiagnosenClinical System
1057ERP EHP76.0N3BF2410V2521PMD: N3BGF2410 BG: Verordnung EAPClinical System
1058ERP EHP76.0N3BF4222V22051PMD: N3BGF4222 BG: Messblatt für obere Gliedmaßen (F4222Clinical System
1059ERP EHP76.0N3BF4224V21151PMD: N3BGF4224 BG: Messblatt für untere Gliedmaßen (F4224)Clinical System
1060ERP EHP76.0N3BF6222V2741PMD: N3BGF6222 BG: Messblatt Wirbelsäule (F6222)Clinical System
1061ERP EHP76.0N3BG2106471PDOK: N3BGF2106 BG: Nachschaubericht (obsolet)Clinical System
1062ERP EHP76.0N3BGA4200661PDOK: N3BGA4200 Erstes RentengutachtenClinical System
1063ERP EHP76.0N3BGA4500491PDOK: N3BGA4500 Zweites Rentengutachten - Rente auf unbestiClinical System
1064ERP EHP76.0N3BGA4510511PDOK: N3BGA4510 Rentengutachten - Nachprüfung MdE - (A5410)Clinical System
1065ERP EHP76.0N3BGF10001091PDOK: N3BGF1000 BG: DurchgangsarztberichtClinical System
1066ERP EHP76.0N3BGF100000101PDOK: N3BG_DIAT BG: Tabelle DiagnosenClinical System
1067ERP EHP76.0N3BGF10021711PDOK: N3BGF1002 BG: Ergänzungsbericht KopfverletzungClinical System
1068ERP EHP76.0N3BGF10041901PDOK: N3BGF1004 BG: Ergänzungsbericht KnieClinical System
1069ERP EHP76.0N3BGF100400101PDOK: N3BG_DIAT BG: Tabelle DiagnosenClinical System
1070ERP EHP76.0N3BGF10061151PDOK: N3BGF1006 BG: Ergänzungsbericht StromunfallClinical System
1071ERP EHP76.0N3BGF10083211PDOK: N3BGF1008 BG: Ergänzungsbericht schwere VerbrennungenClinical System
1072ERP EHP76.0N3BGF10101011PDOK: N3BGF1010 BG: Ergänzungsbericht HandClinical System
1073ERP EHP76.0N3BGF1020911PMD: N3BGF1020 BG: DurchgangsarztberichtClinical System
1074ERP EHP76.0N3BGF10301201PDOK: N3BGF1030 BG: AugenarztberichtClinical System
1075ERP EHP76.0N3BGF103000101PDOK: N3BG_DIAT BG: Tabelle DiagnosenClinical System
1076ERP EHP76.0N3BGF10401091PDOK: N3BGF1040 BG: Hals-,Nasen-,Ohren-ArztberichtClinical System
1077ERP EHP76.0N3BGF104000101PDOK: N3BG_DIAT BG: Tabelle DiagnosenClinical System
1078ERP EHP76.0N3BGF1100441PDOK: N3BGF1100 BG: Auskunft Behandlung (F1100)Clinical System
1079ERP EHP76.0N3BGF110000101PDOK: N3BG_DIAT BG: Tabelle DiagnosenClinical System
1080ERP EHP76.0N3BGF1114691PDOK: N3BGF1114 BG: Ausführliche AuskunftClinical System
1081ERP EHP76.0N3BGF21001171PDOK: N3BGF2100 BG: Zwischenbericht (F2100)Clinical System
1082ERP EHP76.0N3BGF210000101PDOK: N3BG_DIAT BG: Tabelle DiagnosenClinical System
1083ERP EHP76.0N3BGF210001141PDOK: N3BG_GMBEW BG: Gliedmaßen-BewegungClinical System
1084ERP EHP76.0N3BGF2106611PDOK: N3BGF2106 BG: Nachschaubericht (F2106 )Clinical System
1085ERP EHP76.0N3BGF2108411PMD: N3BGF2108 Verlaufsbeicht H-ArztClinical System
1086ERP EHP76.0N3BGF2222521PDOK: N3BGF2222 BG: Mitteilung D- oder H-Arzt: VeränderungeClinical System
1087ERP EHP76.0N3BGF2400651PDOK: N3BGF2400 BG: Verordnung von Leistungen zur KrankGyClinical System
1088ERP EHP76.0N3BGF240000101PDOK: N3BG_DIAT BG: Tabelle DiagnosenClinical System
1089ERP EHP76.0N3BGF240200471PMD: N3BGF2402 Verordnung von Leistungen zur ErgotherapieClinical System
1090ERP EHP76.0N3BGF240201101PMD: N3BG_DIATClinical System
1091ERP EHP76.0N3BGF24101381PDOK: N3BGF2410 Verordnung EAPClinical System
1092ERP EHP76.0N3BGF241000101PDOK: N3BG_DIAT BG: Tabelle DiagnosenClinical System
1093ERP EHP76.0N3BGF42221301PDOK: N3BGF4222 BG: Messblatt für obere Gliedmaßen (F4222)Clinical System
1094ERP EHP76.0N3BGF4224811PDOK: N3BGF4224 BG: Messblatt für untere Gliedmaßen (F 4224Clinical System
1095ERP EHP76.0N3BGF6222471PDOK: N3BGF6222 BG: Messblatt Wirbelsäule (F6222)Clinical System
1096ERP EHP76.0N3KV00000000000061PMD: N3A_KENNZ kennzeichen AnzeigeClinical System
1097ERP EHP76.0N3KVKO491PMD: N3KV:KOPF KV: für Druck der Kopfdaten ins FormularClinical System
1098ERP EHP76.0N3KVM01571PMD: N3KVFRM01 KV: ArbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigungClinical System
1099ERP EHP76.0N3KVM02541PMD: N3KVMST02 KV: Verordnung von KrankenhausbehandlungClinical System
1100ERP EHP76.0N3KVM041071PMD: N3KVMST04 KV: Verordnung e. Krankenbeförderung (M4)Clinical System
1101ERP EHP76.0N3KVM06641PMD: N3KVMST06 KV: Überweisungsschein Muster 06Clinical System
1102ERP EHP76.0N3KVM10721PMD: N3KVMST10 KV: Überweisungsschein Labor Muster 10Clinical System
1103ERP EHP76.0N3KVM121211PMD: N3KVMST12 KV: Verordnung häuslicher Krankenpflege M12Clinical System
1104ERP EHP76.0N3KVM13701PMD: N3KVMST13 KV:Heilmittelver. physikal. + podol. TherClinical System
1105ERP EHP76.0N3KVM1300111PMD: N3A_F01A40 KV: Heilmittelverordnung TabelleClinical System
1106ERP EHP76.0N3KVM16641PMD: N3KVFRM16 KV: Rezept Verordnung KasseClinical System
1107ERP EHP76.0N3KVM1600131PMD: N3A_M16V KV: VerordnungClinical System
1108ERP EHP76.0N3KVM18691PMD: N3KVMST18 KV:Heilmittelver. Ergotherapieherapie KVClinical System
1109ERP EHP76.0N3KVM1800111PMD: N3A_F01A40 KV: Heilmittelverordnung TabelleClinical System
1110ERP EHP76.0N3KVM19551PMD: N3KVMST19 KV: NotfallvertretungsscheinClinical System
1111ERP EHP76.0N3KVM21521PMD: N3KVMST21 KV: Ärztliche Besch. Krankengeld KindClinical System
1112ERP EHP76.0N3KVMPR571PMD: N3KVMSTPR KV: Rezept KV Muster privClinical System
1113ERP EHP76.0N3KVMPR00131PMD: N3A_M16V KV: VerordnungClinical System
1114ERP EHP76.0NAGENT192IS-H*MED: Agents of DrugsClinical System
1115ERP Medication; External References for AgentsClinical System
1116ERP EHP76.0NAGENTT63IS-H*MED: Agents of Drugs - TextsClinical System
1117ERP EHP76.0NASCO191IS-H: LKF Point valuation synchronousClinical System
1118ERP EHP76.0NC321231IS-H: Table for data exchange of §321Clinical System
1119ERP EHP76.0NDOCA582IS-H*MED: Document Management Data for Archived DocumentsClinical System
1120ERP EHP76.0NDOCSTORNO592IS-H*MED: Canceled DocumentsClinical System
1121ERP EHP76.0NJOBSTART61IS-H*MED: Log for jobs startedClinical System
1122ERP EHP76.0NLEM519IS-H*MED: Medical ServiceClinical System
1123ERP EHP76.0NLLZ123IS-H: Asgmt of Svce to Mat., to Pers. Costs, to SvceClinical System
1124ERP EHP76.0NWPLACE_DTM_PO71IS-H*Med: Aspects in Patient OrganizerClinical System
1125ERP EHP76.0NWPLACE_P01191IS-H / IS-H*MED: Aspects in the Patient OrganizerClinical System
1126ERP EHP76.0NWPLACE_PERS101IS-H / IS-H*MED: Pers.Information for the Work EnvironmentClinical System
1127ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_006161IS-H / IS-H*MED: Special View Data DocumentsClinical System
1128ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_011161IS-H / IS-H*MED: Special View Data SurgeriesClinical System
1129ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_012161IS-H / IS-H*MED: Special View Data Drug OrderClinical System
1130ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_013161IS-H / IS-H*MED: Special View Data Drug EventsClinical System
1131ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_015161Medication: Medication Order, Cross-InstitutionalClinical System
1132ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_016161IS-H / ISHMED: Special View Data DictationsClinical System
1133ERP Special View Data Surgery Progress MonitorClinical System
1134ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_018181IS-H/ISHMED: Special View Data Surgery Planning Work StationClinical System
1135ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_P01161IS-H / IS-H*MED: Spezialization Table for Patient OrganizerClinical System
1136ERP EHP76.0TN1AETITLE141IS-H*MED RAD: Assignment of RAD and PACS ResourcesClinical System
1137ERP Medication, Agent Types of DrugsClinical System
1138ERP Medication, Drug Agent Types - TextsClinical System
1139ERP Medication, External Provider Medication ChecksClinical System
1140ERP Medication; Currency Units of External CatalogsClinical System
1141ERP Medidation, Mixed DrugsClinical System
1142ERP EHP76.0TN1DEVICE141Medication: Administration DevicesClinical System
1143ERP EHP76.0TN1DEVICEEXT41Medication: Administration Device External KeyClinical System
1144ERP EHP76.0TN1DEVICET51Medication: Administration Devices - TextsClinical System
1145ERP EHP76.0TN1ESTATUS161IS-H*MED: Status for Drug EventClinical System
1146ERP EHP76.0TN1ESTATUST71IS-H*MED: Status for Drug Order - TextsClinical System
1147ERP Medication; External Key for Import ErrorClinical System
1148ERP Medication; External Key for Medication DataClinical System
1149ERP Medication, Drug LevelsClinical System
1150ERP Medication, Drug Levels - TextsClinical System
1151ERP Medication, Generic Drug ParametersClinical System
1152ERP Medication, Gen. Drug Parameter - TextsClinical System
1153ERP EHP76.0TN1FORMTYPE141IS-H*MED: Drug TypesClinical System
1154ERP EHP76.0TN1FORMTYPET51IS-H*MED: Drug Type - TextsClinical System
1155ERP Phonetic AlgorithmsClinical System
1156ERP EHP76.0TN1LINTYP131IS-H*MED: Line TypeClinical System
1157ERP EHP76.0TN1LINTYPT51IS-H*MED: Row Type - TextsClinical System
1158ERP Medication - Alert ProcessingClinical System
1159ERP Medication Transfer ParametersClinical System
1160ERP Medication Time SpansClinical System
1161ERP Medication Time Spans - TextsClinical System
1162ERP EHP76.0TN1MECHARTGRP151Medication: Customizable Grouping TypesClinical System
1163ERP EHP76.0TN1MECHARTGRPT51Text Table for Customizable Grouping TypesClinical System
1164ERP Medication Check TypeClinical System
1165ERP Medication Check Type - TextClinical System
1166ERP EHP76.0TN1MEDCLASS121IS-H*MED: Medication Classes - OBSOLETEClinical System
1167ERP EHP76.0TN1MEDCLASST51IS-H*MED: Medication Groups - Texts - OBSOLETEClinical System
1168ERP EHP76.0TN1MEDCLGRPA91IS-H*MED: Medication Groups - OBSOLETEClinical System
1169ERP EHP76.0TN1MEDGROUP141IS-H*MED: Medication GroupsClinical System
1170ERP EHP76.0TN1MEDGROUPT52IS-H*MED: Medication Groups - TextsClinical System
1171ERP EHP76.0TN1MELOC131IS-H*MED: Localization for MedicationClinical System
1172ERP Medication; Localization External KeyClinical System
1173ERP EHP76.0TN1MELOCT51IS-H*MED: Lokalization for Medication - DescriptionClinical System
1174ERP EHP76.0TN1MEPRSCFORM51IS-H*MED: Prescription Print FormsClinical System
1175ERP Severity for Medication AlertsClinical System
1176ERP Severity for Medication Alerts - TextsClinical System
1177ERP EHP76.0TN1MEUNIT241IS-H*MED: Medication - Units for OrdersClinical System
1178ERP Medication, Groups of Drug MessagesClinical System
1179ERP Medication, Group of Drug Messages TextClinical System
1180ERP EHP76.0TN1OSTATUS131IS-H*MED: Status for Drug OrderClinical System
1181ERP EHP76.0TN1OSTATUST72IS-H*MED: Status for Drug Order - TextsClinical System
1182ERP EHP76.0TN1OTYPE131IS-H*MED: Medication, Type of OrderClinical System
1183ERP EHP76.0TN1OTYPET61IS-H*MED: Medication, Order Type - Text TableClinical System
1184ERP EHP76.0TN1PHFORM151Medication: Dosage FormClinical System
1185ERP EHP76.0TN1PHFORMEXT41Medication: Dosage Form External KeyClinical System
1186ERP EHP76.0TN1PHFORMT51Medication: Pharmaceutical Form - TextsClinical System
1187ERP Patient Record, User-Configuration AssignmentClinical System
1188ERP Patient Record, Object TypesClinical System
1189ERP Patient Record, Object Type Text TableClinical System
1190ERP Medication, Price Types for DrugClinical System
1191ERP Medication, Price Types for Drug - TextsClinical System
1192ERP EHP76.0TN1RADACT61IS-H*MED: Actions of the RAD ModuleClinical System
1193ERP EHP76.0TN1RCIND131Medication: Reason Code (Institution-Independent)Clinical System
1194ERP EHP76.0TN1RCINDT51Medication: Reason Code (Institution-Independent) TextsClinical System
1195ERP EHP76.0TN1RCODE211IS-H*MED: Reason CodeClinical System
1196ERP EHP76.0TN1RCODET61Medication: Reason Key - TextsClinical System
1197ERP EHP76.0TN1ROUTE151Medication: Administration RoutesClinical System
1198ERP EHP76.0TN1ROUTEEXT41Medication: Administration Route External KeyClinical System
1199ERP EHP76.0TN1ROUTET51Medication: Administration Routes - DescriptionClinical System
1200ERP EHP76.0TN1ROUTING91IS-H*MED: Routing RulesClinical System
1201ERP Patient Record, IndicatorsClinical System
1202ERP Patient Record, Indicator TextsClinical System
1203ERP Time Periods for SelectionsClinical System
1204ERP Patient Record, Text Table for PeriodsClinical System
1205ERP Medication; Measurement Units of Ext. CatalogsClinical System
1206ERP EHP76.0TN26A61IS-H*MED: Types of Diagnosis AssignmentsClinical System
1207ERP EHP76.0TN26B31IS-H*MED: Diagnosis PriorityClinical System
1208ERP EHP76.0TN26D31IS-H*MED: Diagnostic SupplementClinical System
1209ERP EHP76.0TN26F81IS-H*MED: Input Help for Coding DiagnosesClinical System
1210ERP EHP76.0TN26G61IS-H*MED: OU-Related Keyword CatalogClinical System
1211ERP EHP76.0TN26T51IS-H*MED: Texts for categories table of diagnoses asgmtsClinical System
1212ERP EHP76.0TN26U51IS-H*MED: Texts for diagnosis priorityClinical System
1213ERP EHP76.0TN26W51IS-H*MED: Texts for diagnosis additionClinical System
1214ERP EHP76.0TN2AD_AGR21Obsolete Allergen GroupClinical System
1215ERP EHP76.0TN2AD_AGRT111Obsolete Name of Allergen GroupClinical System
1216ERP EHP76.0TN2AD_BC41Basic Catalog AllergyClinical System
1217ERP EHP76.0TN2AD_CER21Allergic CertaintyClinical System
1218ERP EHP76.0TN2AD_CERT111Allergy - Description of Allergic CertaintyClinical System
1219ERP EHP76.0TN2AD_REA21Allergic ReactionClinical System
1220ERP EHP76.0TN2AD_REAT111Allergy - Description of Allergy TypeClinical System
1221ERP EHP76.0TN2AD_SOA31Allergic Reaction SeverityClinical System
1222ERP EHP76.0TN2AD_SOAT111Description of Allergic Reaction SeverityClinical System
1223ERP EHP76.0TN2AD_TYP21Allergy TypeClinical System
1224ERP EHP76.0TN2AD_TYPT111Allergy - Description of Allergy TypeClinical System
1225ERP EHP76.0TN2APPLOG101IS-H*MED: Application Logging Component SelectionClinical System
1226ERP EHP76.0TN2BABK41IS-H*MED: Reason Category for Treatment ContractClinical System
1227ERP EHP76.0TN2BABKT41IS-H*MED: Language-Dependent Texts of Reason CategoryClinical System
1228ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXCORDER11Filter Value Base Item Type Clinical OrderClinical System
1229ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXCORDERT31Filter Value Base Item Type Clinical Order - TextsClinical System
1230ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXPATHWAY11Filter Value Base Item Treatment PathwayClinical System
1231ERP EHP76.0TN2BIXPATHWAYT31Filter Value Base Item Treatment Pathway - TextsClinical System
1232ERP EHP76.0TN2CARDREF321Reference Values for Medical ExaminationsClinical System
1233ERP EHP76.0TN2CAT151Categories: Categories in Category SetClinical System
1234ERP EHP76.0TN2CATAREA101Categories: Category AreasClinical System
1235ERP EHP76.0TN2CATAREAT51Categories: Category Areas (Texts)Clinical System
1236ERP EHP76.0TN2CATC111Categories: Categories for End UsersClinical System
1237ERP EHP76.0TN2CATCM101Categories: Main CategoriesClinical System
1238ERP EHP76.0TN2CATCMT51Categories: Main Categories (Texts)Clinical System
1239ERP EHP76.0TN2CATCONT121Categories: Category ContainerClinical System
1240ERP EHP76.0TN2CATCONTT51Categories: Category Folder (Texts)Clinical System
1241ERP EHP76.0TN2CATCT51Categories: Categories for End Users (Texts)Clinical System
1242ERP EHP76.0TN2CATLBL31Categories: Category Areas in CustomizingClinical System
1243ERP EHP76.0TN2CATLBLT51Categories: Category Areas in Customizing (Texts)Clinical System
1244ERP EHP76.0TN2CATSET121Categories: Category SetClinical System
1245ERP EHP76.0TN2CATSETT51Categories: Category Set (Texts)Clinical System
1246ERP EHP76.0TN2CAT_REL41Categories: Relations Category FolderClinical System
1247ERP EHP76.0TN2CA_CORD_DTID81Assignment Long Text Fields of Prefindings to CORDClinical System
1248ERP EHP76.0TN2CCF_CON101CCF: ConnectorsClinical System
1249ERP EHP76.0TN2CCF_CON_CF2111Connector Settings for End ConnectorClinical System
1250ERP EHP76.0TN2CCF_CON_CFG111Connector Settings for Start ConnectorClinical System
1251ERP EHP76.0TN2CCF_CON_T41CCF: Texts for N2CCF_CONClinical System
1252ERP EHP76.0TN2CCF_PRC121CCF Customizing: ProcessesClinical System
1253ERP EHP76.0TN2CCF_PRC_T41CCF: Processes (Text)Clinical System
1254ERP EHP76.0TN2CCF_PRC_TRF101Message Processing TransformersClinical System
1255ERP EHP76.0TN2CCF_TRF91CCF: TransformersClinical System
1256ERP EHP76.0TN2CCF_TRF_CFG111Transformer SettingsClinical System
1257ERP EHP76.0TN2CCF_TRF_T41Text Table for TN2CCF_TRFClinical System
1258ERP EHP76.0TN2CHART_ACTIVAT41Charting: Activate Chart DisplayClinical System
1259ERP EHP76.0TN2CHART_COLOR71Enhances New Field MEDICATION_COLORClinical System
1260ERP EHP76.0TN2CHART_COLOR_T41Charting: Text Table for TN2CHART_COLORClinical System
1261ERP EHP76.0TN2CHART_DIAGRAM102Charting: GraphClinical System
1262ERP EHP76.0TN2CHART_DIAGR_T51Charting: Text Table for tn2chart_diagramClinical System
1263ERP EHP76.0TN2CHART_GRP_DIA52Charting: Structure of Group GraphsClinical System
1264ERP EHP76.0TN2CHART_LAYOUT51Charting: Chart LayoutClinical System
1265ERP EHP76.0TN2CHART_LAY_STR52Charting: Structure of a Chart LayoutClinical System
1266ERP EHP76.0TN2CHART_LAY_T51Charting: Text Table for TN2CHART_LAYOUTClinical System
1267ERP EHP76.0TN2CHART_XMLDATA71Charting: XML Data in Transportable FormatClinical System
1268ERP EHP76.0TN2CLIM_CATALOG161Clinical Measurements Catalog AssignmentClinical System
1269ERP EHP76.0TN2CLIM_COMP31CLIM: Entry Elements for Specific MeasurementsClinical System
1270ERP EHP76.0TN2CLIM_COMPMS31CLIM: Measurement in Input ElementClinical System
1271ERP EHP76.0TN2CLIM_COMPMST51CLIM: Measurement in Input ElementClinical System
1272ERP EHP76.0TN2CLIM_COMPT41CLIM: Entry Elements for Specific Measurements - TextsClinical System
1273ERP EHP76.0TN2CLIM_COMP_OU111CLIM: Measurement - Entry Element Assignment for OUClinical System
1274ERP EHP76.0TN2CLIM_NGGR31ISHMED: Reason not MeasuredClinical System
1275ERP EHP76.0TN2CLIM_NGGT51ISHMED: Name of Reason for "Not Measured"Clinical System
1276ERP EHP76.0TN2CLIM_OUVS171Vital Signs: Customizing per OUClinical System
1277ERP EHP76.0TN2CLIM_SPECIFY81CLIM: Specify MeasurementClinical System
1278ERP EHP76.0TN2CLIM_SPEC_POS102CLIM: Specialize Items for MeasurementClinical System
1279ERP EHP76.0TN2CLIO_IB21Clinical Overview: Info BlocksClinical System
1280ERP EHP76.0TN2CLIO_IBT41Clinical Overview: Info Blocks (Text Table)Clinical System
1281ERP EHP76.0TN2CLIO_USAGE51Clinical Overview: UsageClinical System
1282ERP EHP76.0TN2COM_DOCFORMAT61Document Category Settings for Document DispatchClinical System
1283ERP EHP76.0TN2COM_DOCTYPMAP81Image of Relationship Between Internal & External Doc. CategClinical System
1284ERP EHP76.0TN2COM_PART_WS72Partner Data for Web Service CommunicationClinical System
1285ERP EHP76.0TN2COM_STATTYPES41Status for Document DispatchClinical System
1286ERP EHP76.0TN2COM_STATTYPET41Text Table for N2COMM_STATTYPESClinical System
1287ERP EHP76.0TN2COM_SYSTID41Maintain Sender SettingsClinical System
1288ERP EHP76.0TN2DEVDOC_ACT91Interface - Document Assignment dep. on OK CodeClinical System
1289ERP EHP76.0TN2DEVDOC_CUST141Interface Fields - Document AssignmentClinical System
1290ERP EHP76.0TN2DEVENQ41Lock Table for Data TransferClinical System
1291ERP EHP76.0TN2DEVICES131Interface Information / FormatsClinical System
1292ERP EHP76.0TN2DICTATION71Dictation and Speech Recognition System for WordContainerClinical System
1293ERP EHP76.0TN2DI_SYSTEM21Dictation SystemClinical System
1294ERP EHP76.0TN2DI_SYSTEMTRMN41Dictation System - Terminal AssignmentClinical System
1295ERP EHP76.0TN2DI_TEXTKEY71Assignment of Keywords to Text FieldsClinical System
1296ERP EHP76.0TN2DKATID2EXTID31IS-H*MED: Diagnosis Catalog Types TNK00 by External VersionClinical System
1297ERP Dispatch - Address TypesClinical System
1298ERP Address Types (Text)Clinical System
1299ERP Dispatch Control - Recipient TypesClinical System
1300ERP Dispatch Control - Recipient Type (Text)Clinical System
1301ERP Dispatch - Dispatch TypesClinical System
1302ERP Dispatch Control - Dispatch Type (Text)Clinical System
1303ERP EHP76.0TN2DOCARCH31IS-H*MED: Settings for Archiving DocumentsClinical System
1304ERP EHP76.0TN2DOCEXE_CUST101PMD Customizing for Branch to File ProcessingClinical System
1305ERP EHP76.0TN2DOKKAT51IS-H*MED: Document CategoriesClinical System
1306ERP EHP76.0TN2DOKKATT51IS-H*MED: Text for Document CategoriesClinical System
1307ERP Dispatch - Dispatch TypesClinical System
1308ERP Dispatch - Dispatch Types (Texte)Clinical System
1309ERP EHP76.0TN2DS_GDT_CUST121PMD Customizing for Data Transfer via DDTClinical System
1310ERP EHP76.0TN2DS_GDT_SRV51Service-Releated GDT IDClinical System
1311ERP EHP76.0TN2DTAPPL61Document Category: Permitted ApplicationsClinical System
1312ERP EHP76.0TN2DTAPPLFORMAT41Document Category: Special Format of ActionClinical System
1313ERP EHP76.0TN2DTAPPLT41Document Cat.: Permitted Applications - TextsClinical System
1314ERP EHP76.0TN2DTFORMAT61Document Type: Display FormatsClinical System
1315ERP EHP76.0TN2DTFORMATSCR61Format-Dependent Screen ConfigurationClinical System
1316ERP EHP76.0TN2DTFORMATT41Document Category: Display Formats - TextsClinical System
1317ERP EHP76.0TN2ERFABT31Cardiological Departments with Separate Number RangesClinical System
1318ERP Texts on Doctors' RanksClinical System
1319ERP EHP76.0TN2FO_APPL71XSLFO: DocCateg. Use (XSLPROGRAM Is Language-Dependent)Clinical System
1320ERP EHP76.0TN2GENDIA201Diagnoses for Document ContentClinical System
1321ERP EHP76.0TN2GLFLTREQ11Base Items: Filter Value for Base Item Type RequestClinical System
1322ERP EHP76.0TN2GLFLTREQT31Base Items: Filter Value for Base Item Type Request - TextsClinical System
1323ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_ACT_CUST61Pathways: Settings for ActivitiesClinical System
1324ERP : Pathways - Definition of Information UnitsClinical System
1325ERP : Pathways - Definition of Information UnitsClinical System
1326ERP : Pathways - Override Information UnitsClinical System
1327ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_KEYWORD21IS-H*MED: Treatment Pathway KeywordClinical System
1328ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_NOTECAT21IS-H*MED: Categories of Step NotesClinical System
1329ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_NOTECATT41IS-H*MED: Categories of Step NotesClinical System
1330ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_PLAN21IS-H*MED: Reasons for Re-Planning Patient PathwayClinical System
1331ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_PLANT41IS-H*MED: Reasons for Re-Planning Patient Pathway (Text)Clinical System
1332ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_PROFESSION31Occupational GroupClinical System
1333ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_PROPERTY41IS-H*MED: System Properties of Graphical EditorClinical System
1334ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_RPPW_CUST61pathways Customer Customizing for Call of EvaluationsClinical System
1335ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_RPPW_CUSTT61pathways Customer Customizing for Evaluations -Text TableClinical System
1336ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_RPPW_STD61pathways Standard Customizing for Call of EvaluationsClinical System
1337ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_RPPW_STDT61pathways Standard Customizing for Evaluations - Text TablesClinical System
1338ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_RP_CUST151pathways Customer Customizing for LogClinical System
1339ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_RP_CUSTT51pathways Customer Customizing for Log - Text TableClinical System
1340ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_RP_STD151pathways Standard Customizing for LogsClinical System
1341ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_RP_STDT51pathways Standard Customizing for Logs - Text TableClinical System
1342ERP EHP76.0TN2GL_SMARTFORM41IS-H*MED: Customer Smart Form for PathwaysClinical System
1343ERP EHP76.0TN2K051IS-H*MED: Nursing catalog categoriesClinical System
1344ERP EHP76.0TN2K181IS-H*MED: Nursing standard catalog categoriesClinical System
1345ERP EHP76.0TN2K241IS-H*MED: Classification area catalog categoriesClinical System
1346ERP EHP76.0TN2K341IS-H*MED: Service catalog - classification catalog asgmtClinical System
1347ERP EHP76.0TN2K461IS-H*MED Nursing: Catalog categories of nurs. plan profilesClinical System
1348ERP EHP76.0TN2K4T51IS-H*MED Nursing: Text to catalog categs.of nurs.pln.profileClinical System
1349ERP EHP76.0TN2KUM0171IS-H*MED: Group headers for cumulative findingsClinical System
1350ERP EHP76.0TN2KUM0281IS-H*MED: Asgmt Services->Groups for cumulative findingsClinical System
1351ERP EHP76.0TN2KUM03241IS-H*MED: Customizing for cumulative findingsClinical System
1352ERP EHP76.0TN2KUM04101IS-H*MED: Customizing transfer of structured lab dataClinical System
1353ERP EHP76.0TN2KUM0551IS-H*MED: Process cumulative findingClinical System
1354ERP EHP76.0TN2KUM0661IS-H*MED: Assignment of cumulative finding to doc. categoryClinical System
1355ERP EHP76.0TN2KUM0761IS-H*MED: Assignm. of service groups for cumulative findingsClinical System
1356ERP EHP76.0TN2LINKHTMLBDS111IS-H*MED: Images from Pages Stored in BDSClinical System
1357ERP EHP76.0TN2LIZENZBASIS31IS-H*MED: Basic License Structure License Texts (Obsolete)Clinical System
1358ERP EHP76.0TN2MATKLAS51IS-H*MED: Classification of the MaterialsClinical System
1359ERP EHP76.0TN2MIME41Mime Types with Assignment to Document Content FormatClinical System
1360ERP EHP76.0TN2PCA51IS-H*MED: Language-Dependent Applications (Obsolete)Clinical System
1361ERP EHP76.0TN2PCB21IS-H*MED: Applications - Language Dependence (Obsolete)Clinical System
1362ERP EHP76.0TN2PCDESK41IS-H*MED: Desktop components - user settingsClinical System
1363ERP EHP76.0TN2PCT51IS-H*MED: Applications - Language-Dependent Texts (Obsolete)Clinical System
1364ERP EHP76.0TN2PDCS2OE131IPPD: Assignments: SET - OU - Occupational GroupClinical System
1365ERP EHP76.0TN2PKATID2EXTID41IS-H*MED: Service Catalog TNK01 by External VersionClinical System
1366ERP EHP76.0TN2RADEVIEW11IS-H*MED: RAD Type of Exam ViewClinical System
1367ERP EHP76.0TN2RADEVIEW_TEXT31IS-H*MED: RAD Type of Exam View DescriptionsClinical System
1368ERP EHP76.0TN2RADVBTDAN121RAD: Default Table (Techn. Parameter Angiography)Clinical System
1369ERP EHP76.0TN2RADVBTDCT141RAD: Default Table (Techn. Parameter CT)Clinical System
1370ERP EHP76.0TN2RADVBTDKR131RAD: Default Table (Techn. Parameter Convent. X-ray)Clinical System
1371ERP EHP76.0TN2RADVBTDMR91RAD: Default Table (Techn. Parameter MRT)Clinical System
1372ERP EHP76.0TN2RADVBTDNU111RAD: Default Table (Techn. Parameter Nuclear Medicine)Clinical System
1373ERP EHP76.0TN2RADVBTDSO81Defaults for the Examination Documentation (Sonography)Clinical System
1374ERP EHP76.0TN2RAD_ATTRMAP121IS-H*MED RAD: Prod.Rules RAD Day --> Target DayClinical System
1375ERP EHP76.0TN2SAPFTP101Control Parameter for SAPFTPClinical System
1376ERP EHP76.0TN2SFFRINT41IS-H*MED: Control of Smart Form with Form PrintingClinical System
1377ERP EHP76.0TN2STAMPADM101IS-H*MED: Stamp AdministrationClinical System
1378ERP EHP76.0TN2STAMPGP111IS-H*MED: Assignment of Stamp to PersonClinical System
1379ERP EHP76.0TN2STAMPORG121IS-H*MED: Preferred Stamp of Employee in SurgeryClinical System
1380ERP EHP76.0TN2STATUS_ICON51Documents: Icon for Document StatusClinical System
1381ERP EHP76.0TN2STATUS_SWITCH91Documents: Control of Status ChangeClinical System
1382ERP EHP76.0TN2URLDEFINE51URL Customizing for External SystemsClinical System
1383ERP EHP76.0TN2USRMA112IS-H*MED: Assignment of SAP user ID to employeeClinical System
1384ERP EHP76.0TN2VDTYPE21IS-H*MED PD: Progress Documentation TypeClinical System
1385ERP EHP76.0TN2VDTYPE_TEXT31IS-H*MED PD: Lang.-Dep. Text Type of Progress DocumentationClinical System
1386ERP EHP76.0TN2_LTE_SM_VALUE51IS-H*MED LTE: Marker ValuesClinical System
1387ERP EHP76.0TN2_RADPARMCAT31IS-H*MED RAD: Catalog of General ParametersClinical System
1388ERP EHP76.0TN2_RADPARMCATXT41IS-H*MED RAD: Description of General ParameterClinical System
1389ERP EHP76.0TN2_RAD_LSTUDY81TermId rel. DICOM-AETitle Source/Target, Load-Study ParmsClinical System
1390ERP EHP76.0TN2_RAD_PARAM51IS-H*MED RAD: General ParametersClinical System
1391ERP EHP76.0TNCMSCO41IS-H: Scoring - Conversion of the HINRClinical System
1392ERP EHP76.0TNTHCLASS162Medication: Classification CodesClinical System
1393ERP EHP76.0TNTHCLASST62Medication: Classification Codes - TextsClinical System
1394ERP EHP76.0TNTHSYS121Medication: Classification SystemsClinical System
1395ERP EHP76.0TNTHSYST52Medication: Classification Systems - TextsClinical System
1396ERP Dispatch - Dispatch TypesClinical System
Industry Specific :: Clinical System :: Medical Patient Data Organization Patient Organizer
1397ERP EHP76.0N1STRUCMEDREC203IS-H*MED: Health Problems (Struct. Med. Patient Record)Medical Patient Data Organization Patient Organizer
1398ERP EHP76.0N1STRUCMEDRECCAT223IS-H*MED: Health Problems CatalogMedical Patient Data Organization Patient Organizer
1399ERP EHP76.0N1STRUCMEDRECOBJ81IS-H*MED: Health Problem Assignments (Patient Record)Medical Patient Data Organization Patient Organizer
Industry Specific :: Clinical System :: Medical Rounds
1400ERP Fluid Balancing, Inflow/Outflow TypesMedical Rounds
1401ERP Fluid Balancing, Inflow/Outflow Types, Text TableMedical Rounds
Industry Specific :: Clinical System :: Nursing
1402ERP EHP76.0N1GENCY_0432Nursing Plan: Cycle to Nursing Plan Entry AssignmentNursing
1403ERP EHP76.0N1NRSPE324Nursing Plan: EntryNursing
1404ERP EHP76.0N1NRSPEE242Nursing Plan: Entry EvaluationNursing
1405ERP EHP76.0N1NRSPEP212Nursing Plan: Suspension of an EntryNursing
1407ERP EHP76.0N1NRSPH223Nursing Plan: Header DataNursing
1410ERP EHP76.0N1NRSPHU112Nursing Plan: UpdateNursing
1411ERP EHP76.0N1NRSPKMS242Nursing Plan: NCPS ClassificationsNursing
1412ERP EHP76.0N1NRSSRV53Nursing Services: Nursing Service DataNursing
1413ERP EHP76.0N1NRSSRVPROP31Nursing Services: Additional Data Properties Nursing SvcesNursing
1414ERP EHP76.0N1NSRVSTAT81OBSOLETE - Nursing Services: Statuses for ServiceNursing
1415ERP EHP76.0N1NSRVTEAM161OBSOLETE - Nursing Services: Employees for ServiceNursing
1416ERP EHP76.0N1SNP211OBSOLETE - Std.Nurs.Plan: Std.Nurs.Plan Header DataNursing
1417ERP EHP76.0N1SNP2BCP172OBS.: Std. Nrs.Plan: Std. Nrs. Plan to Basic Cat. Item AsgmtNursing
1418ERP EHP76.0N1SNP2SNP172OBSOLETE: Std. Nrs. Plan: Std. Nrs. Plan to Std. Nrs. PlanNursing
1419ERP EHP76.0N1SNPE222Standard Nursing Plan: EntryNursing
1420ERP EHP76.0N1SNPH232Std.Nurs.Plan: Header DataNursing
1421ERP EHP76.0N1SNPH2BCP182Stnd Nrs. Plan: Stnd Nrs. Plan to Basic Calog Item AsgmtNursing
1422ERP EHP76.0N1SNPH2OU171Stnd Nrs. Plan: Standard Nursing Plan to OU AssignmentNursing
1423ERP EHP76.0N1SNPH2SNPH172Std.Nurs.Plan: Std.Nurs.Plan to Std.Nurs.PlanNursing
1424ERP EHP76.0N1SNPHT51Std.Nurs.Plan: Texts Header DataNursing
1425ERP EHP76.0N1SNPP182OBSOLETE - Std. Nrs. Plan: Std. Nrs. Plan ItemNursing
1426ERP EHP76.0N1SNPT51OBSOLETE: Std. Nrs. Plan: Std. Nrs. Plan Header Data TextsNursing
Industry Specific :: Clinical System :: Patient Transport Service
1427ERP EHP76.0N1CTR172IS-H*MED: Transport Order Data in Order ItemsPatient Transport Service
1428ERP EHP76.0N1FAT3810IS-H*MED: Transport OrdersPatient Transport Service
1429ERP EHP76.0N1FATGEN52IS-H*MED: Help Table for Transport-Relevant EntitiesPatient Transport Service
1430ERP EHP76.0N1FPV102IS-H*MED: Patient Transport Service - Available TransportersPatient Transport Service
1431ERP EHP76.0N1FST62IS-H*MED: Transport Orders - StatusPatient Transport Service
1432ERP EHP76.0N1FSTT51IS-H*MED: Transport Order Status TextPatient Transport Service
1433ERP EHP76.0N1FSZ111IS-H*MED: Transport Order Status AssignmentPatient Transport Service
1434ERP EHP76.0N1FWZ81IS-H*MED: Transport Service Transport TimesPatient Transport Service
1435ERP Transport MediumPatient Transport Service
1436ERP Means of Transport TextsPatient Transport Service
1437ERP Means of Transport - Transport Types AssignmentPatient Transport Service
Industry Specific :: Clinical System :: Planning
1438ERP EHP76.0N1APPLAN172IS-H*MED: PlanPlanning
1439ERP EHP76.0N1CSCHG101IS-H*MED: Appointment Change ReasonPlanning
1440ERP EHP76.0N1CSCHGT51IS-H*MED: Appointment Change Reason (Text)Planning
1441ERP EHP76.0N1PGCOLSTAT142Color Selection for AppointmentsPlanning
1442ERP Planning Grid Print SettingsPlanning
1443ERP EHP76.0N1POBDC142ISHMED: Day Comments for Planning ObjectsPlanning
1444ERP Release StatusPlanning
1445ERP Release Status (Text)Planning
1446ERP EHP76.0N1WPLACE_PG121IS-H*MED: Spezialization for Planning Grid Display VariantPlanning
1447ERP EHP76.0N1WPLACE_PG_USZ146IS-H*MED: Display Variant - User AssignmentPlanning
1448ERP EHP76.0N1WVIEW_PG_CL174IS-H*MED: Planning Grid Settings of Planning ObjectsPlanning
1449ERP EHP76.0N1WVIEW_PG_DT201IS-H*MED: Planning Grid Tab Page for Date View TypePlanning
1450ERP EHP76.0N1WVIEW_PG_DT_OU163IS-H*MED: PG Org. Unit Setting for DT and PO View TypePlanning
1451ERP EHP76.0N1WVIEW_PG_OU221IS-H*MED: Planning Grid Tab Page for OU View TypePlanning
1452ERP EHP76.0N1WVIEW_PG_PO221IS-H*MED: Planning Grid Tab Page for Plan. Object View TypePlanning
1453ERP EHP76.0NWVIEW_014181IS-H / IS-H*MED: Appointment Planning Special View DataPlanning
1454ERP EHP76.0RN1SCHED_APPIDS11IS-H*MED: Table of Appointment IDsPlanning
1455ERP EHP76.0RN1SCHED_APPOINT161IS-H*MED Appointment TablePlanning
1456ERP EHP76.0RN1SCHED_AVAILAB51IS-H*MED Planning Authority TablePlanning
1457ERP EHP76.0RN1SCHED_COLTITL71IS-H*MED Column Headers TablePlanning
1458ERP EHP76.0RN1SCHED_COMMNT91IS-H*MED: Comment TablePlanning
1459ERP EHP76.0RN1SCHED_FOCAREA31IS-H*MED: Time Areas for Planning Grid (Do not Use!!!)Planning
1460ERP EHP76.0RN1SCHED_MENUE31IS-H*MED: Menu TablePlanning
1461ERP EHP76.0RN1SCHED_PATT111IS-H*MED: Pattern for Planning Grid (No Use!!!)Planning
1462ERP EHP76.0RN1SCHED_PATT_AS51IS-H*MED: Resource-Planning Grid Pattern Assignment (No Use)Planning
1463ERP EHP76.0RN1SCHED_REGLABE31IS-H*MED Tab Headers TablePlanning
1464ERP EHP76.0RN1SCHED_RESOURC121IS-H*MED Resource TablePlanning
1465ERP EHP76.0RN1SCHED_SPECTIM141IS-H*MED Special Time TablePlanning
Industry Specific :: Clinical System :: Radiology
1466ERP RAD - Assignment of RAD and PACS ResourcesRadiology
1467ERP RAD - Modality OU AssignmentRadiology
1468ERP EHP76.0N1CMOVEMESSAGES111IS-H*MED: Transferred Routing MessagesRadiology
1469ERP EHP76.0N1MPPS355IS-H*MED RAD: RIS Modality Performed Procedure StepRadiology
1470ERP EHP76.0N1MPPSEXPOSURE81IS-H*MED RAD: RIS Modality Performed Procedure Step ExposureRadiology
1471ERP EHP76.0N1MPPSMATERIAL81IS-H*MED RAD: RIS Modality Performed Procedure Step MaterialRadiology
1472ERP EHP76.0N1MPPSSERIE92IS-H*MED: Series Information from the ~MPPSRadiology
1473ERP EHP76.0N1MPPSSERIES92IS-H*MED: Series Information from the ~MPPSRadiology
1474ERP EHP76.0N1MPPSSERVICE91IS-H*MED RAD: RIS Modality Performed Procedure Step ServiceRadiology
1475ERP EHP76.0N1PREFSPOOL103IS-H*MED: RAD Prefetching TasksRadiology
1476ERP EHP76.0N1QUERY71IS-H*MED: Radiology: QUERYRadiology
1477ERP EHP76.0N1RAD_STUDYMPPS61Radiology: Assignment of RIS Study to MPPSRadiology
1478ERP EHP76.0N1RECON_CUST51Radiology: Customizing for Reconciliation ToolRadiology
1479ERP EHP76.0TN1PACS141IS-H*MED RAD: PACS DescriptionsRadiology
Industry Specific :: Clinical System :: Clinical Documentation :: Documents
1480ERP EHP76.0N1IM_IMAGE241Single Image Within Image StudyDocuments
1481ERP EHP76.0N1IM_STUDY263Meta Data of Image StudyDocuments
1482ERP EHP76.0N1IM_STUDY_RELAT53Relationship of Image Study to Other ObjectsDocuments
1483ERP EHP76.0TN1IM_CFG101Configuration Settings for Image System, GeneralDocuments
1484ERP EHP76.0TN1IM_IMAGIC_CFG131Configuration Settings for Imagic ClientDocuments
1485ERP EHP76.0TN1IM_IMS21Customizing Table: Known Image System ImplementationsDocuments
1486ERP EHP76.0TN1IM_IMSETTINGS61Customizing: Image SystemDocuments
1487ERP EHP76.0TN1IM_IMSET_IMAG81Customizing: imagic-Specific Settings for Image SystemDocuments
1488ERP EHP76.0TN1IM_IMST41Text Table for Table TN1IM_IMSDocuments
1489ERP EHP76.0TN1IM_LCUST171Settings for Link Module of Image IntegrationDocuments
Industry Specific :: Clinical System :: Medical Rounds :: Vital Signs
1490ERP EHP76.0N1VP224Vital Sign Movement DataVital Signs
1491ERP EHP76.0N1VPPF441Input Help (F4) for Vital SignsVital Signs
1492ERP EHP76.0N1VPPF4T51Input Help (F4) for Vital Signs (Texts)Vital Signs
1493ERP EHP76.0N1VPPOEZ152Vital Signs OU AssignmentVital Signs
1494ERP EHP76.0N1VPS301Vital Signs Master DataVital Signs
1495ERP EHP76.0N1VPST91Master Data Vital Signs (Language-Dependent Texts)Vital Signs
1496ERP EHP76.0N1VP_PAT21Dummy Table for Vital Signs - Patient LockVital Signs