SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

108 tablesERP 6.0 

Basis Components :: Use Subcomponents :: Monitoring :: Performance Monitors TCC
1ERP EHP76.0AMDS142Effective size of tables and indexes in the databasePerformance Monitors TCC
2ERP EHP76.0AMDT71Control Table for Application Monitor / DB StoragePerformance Monitors TCC
3ERP EHP76.0AMRH62Application Monitor: Hierarchy acc. to TCODE/REPORTPerformance Monitors TCC
4ERP EHP76.0AMSK101SQL trace header info in application monitorPerformance Monitors TCC
5ERP EHP76.0AMSP121SQL trace position info in application monitorPerformance Monitors TCC
6ERP EHP76.0BUFCHECK41Exception table of tables that cannot be bufferedPerformance Monitors TCC
7ERP EHP76.0DBCHK21Exceptions for data base checksPerformance Monitors TCC
8ERP EHP76.0DBSNP221Database snapshotsPerformance Monitors TCC
9ERP EHP76.0DBSTAIHADA61Actual size of indices on the database (history)Performance Monitors TCC
10ERP EHP76.0DBSTAIHORA81Actual size of indices on the database (history)Performance Monitors TCC
11ERP EHP76.0DBSTATHADA61Actual size of tables on the database (history)Performance Monitors TCC
12ERP EHP76.0DBSTATHINF141INFORMIX update statistical informationPerformance Monitors TCC
13ERP EHP76.0DBSTATHORA131Actual size of tables on the database (history)Performance Monitors TCC
14ERP EHP76.0DBSTATIADA61Actual size of indices on the databasePerformance Monitors TCC
15ERP EHP76.0DBSTATIORA81Actual size of indices on the databasePerformance Monitors TCC
16ERP EHP76.0DBSTATTADA61Actual size of tables on the databasePerformance Monitors TCC
17ERP EHP76.0DBSTATTINF141INFORMIX update statistical informationPerformance Monitors TCC
18ERP EHP76.0DBSTATTORA132Actual size of tables on the databasePerformance Monitors TCC
19ERP EHP76.0DBVSE71Table for Oracle DB Snapshots of V$SYSTEM_EVENTPerformance Monitors TCC
20ERP EHP76.0EARLY61Monitor table MONIPerformance Monitors TCC
21ERP EHP76.0EWJOBSCHED111Scheduling parameters for EarlyWatch background jobsPerformance Monitors TCC
22ERP EHP76.0EWOSS151Technical settings for transaction OSS1Performance Monitors TCC
23ERP EHP76.0EWTABB31Table for EarlyWatch ReportPerformance Monitors TCC
24ERP EHP76.0GST04SRVRS121List of all R/3 instances with DBPerformance Monitors TCC
25ERP EHP76.0GVD_BGPROCESS61Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$BGPROCESSPerformance Monitors TCC
26ERP EHP76.0GVD_BUFF_POOL_ST221Oracle Monitoring: Copy of gv$buffer_pool_statisticsPerformance Monitors TCC
27ERP EHP76.0GVD_DATABASE391Copy of GV$DATABASE (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
28ERP EHP76.0GVD_DATAFILE311Copy of GV$DATAFILEPerformance Monitors TCC
30ERP EHP76.0GVD_DB_CACHE_ADV111Copy of GV$DB_CACHE_ADVICE (currently not provided w. snaps)Performance Monitors TCC
31ERP EHP76.0GVD_ENQUEUE_STAT81Copy of GV$ENQUEUE_STATPerformance Monitors TCC
32ERP EHP76.0GVD_FILESTAT161Copy of GV$FILESTATPerformance Monitors TCC
33ERP EHP76.0GVD_LATCH261Copy of GV$LATCHPerformance Monitors TCC
35ERP EHP76.0GVD_LATCHHOLDER61Copy of GV$LATCHHOLDER (currently not provided with snapsh)Performance Monitors TCC
36ERP EHP76.0GVD_LATCHNAME41Copy of GV$LATCHNAME (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
37ERP EHP76.0GVD_LATCH_MISSES101Copy of GV$LATCH_MISSESPerformance Monitors TCC
38ERP EHP76.0GVD_LATCH_PARENT261Copy of GV$LATCH_PARENT (currently not provided with snaps)Performance Monitors TCC
39ERP EHP76.0GVD_LIBRARYCACHE161Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$LIBRARYCACHEPerformance Monitors TCC
40ERP EHP76.0GVD_LOCK121Copy of GV$LOCKPerformance Monitors TCC
41ERP EHP76.0GVD_LOCKED_OBJEC111Copy of GV$LOCKED_OBJECTPerformance Monitors TCC
43ERP EHP76.0GVD_LOGFILE71Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$LOGFILEPerformance Monitors TCC
44ERP EHP76.0GVD_OBJECT_DEPEN101Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$OBJECT_DEPENDENCYPerformance Monitors TCC
45ERP EHP76.0GVD_PARAMETER131Copy of GV$PARAMETERPerformance Monitors TCC
46ERP EHP76.0GVD_PARAMETER2151Copy of GV$PARAMETER2 (currently not provided with snapshotPerformance Monitors TCC
47ERP EHP76.0GVD_PGASTAT51Copy of GV$PGASTATPerformance Monitors TCC
50ERP EHP76.0GVD_PROCESS171Copy of GV$PROCESSPerformance Monitors TCC
51ERP EHP76.0GVD_PX_SESSION131Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$PX_SESSIONPerformance Monitors TCC
52ERP EHP76.0GVD_ROWCACHE191Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$ROWCACHEPerformance Monitors TCC
53ERP EHP76.0GVD_SEGMENT_STAT131Copy of GV$SEGMENT_STATISTICS (curr. not provided w. snaps)Performance Monitors TCC
54ERP EHP76.0GVD_SEGSTAT81Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$SEGSTATPerformance Monitors TCC
55ERP EHP76.0GVD_SERVERLIST81Oracle Monitoring: Snapshot table for the R/3 serverlistPerformance Monitors TCC
56ERP EHP76.0GVD_SESSION491Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SESSIONPerformance Monitors TCC
57ERP EHP76.0GVD_SESSION_EVT111Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$SESSION_EVENTPerformance Monitors TCC
58ERP EHP76.0GVD_SESSION_WAIT171Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$SESSION_WAITPerformance Monitors TCC
59ERP EHP76.0GVD_SESSTAT51Snapshot table for GV$SESSTAT (curr. not provided w. snaps)Performance Monitors TCC
60ERP EHP76.0GVD_SESS_IO81Copy of GV$SESS_IO (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
61ERP EHP76.0GVD_SGA41Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGAPerformance Monitors TCC
62ERP EHP76.0GVD_SGACURRRESIZ131Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZEPerformance Monitors TCC
63ERP EHP76.0GVD_SGADYNCOMP121Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONPerformance Monitors TCC
64ERP EHP76.0GVD_SGADYNFREE31Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGA_DYNAMIC_FREE_MPerformance Monitors TCC
65ERP EHP76.0GVD_SGARESIZEOPS141Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$SGA_RESIZE_OPSPerformance Monitors TCC
66ERP EHP76.0GVD_SGASTAT51Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGASTATPerformance Monitors TCC
67ERP EHP76.0GVD_SHAR_P_ADV91Oracle Monitoring: Copy of gv$shared_pool_advicePerformance Monitors TCC
68ERP EHP76.0GVD_SQL491Copy of GV$SQL (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
69ERP EHP76.0GVD_SQLAREA381Copy of GV$SQLAREA (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
70ERP EHP76.0GVD_SQLTEXT71Copy of GV$SQLTEXT (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
71ERP EHP76.0GVD_SQL_WA_ACTIV191Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVEPerformance Monitors TCC
72ERP EHP76.0GVD_SQL_WA_HISTO81Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAMPerformance Monitors TCC
73ERP EHP76.0GVD_SQL_WORKAREA211Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$SQL_WORKAREAPerformance Monitors TCC
74ERP EHP76.0GVD_SYSSTAT61Copy of GV$SYSTATPerformance Monitors TCC
76ERP EHP76.0GVD_TEMPFILE161Copy of GV$TEMPFILEPerformance Monitors TCC
77ERP EHP76.0GVD_UNDOSTAT191Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$UNDOSTATPerformance Monitors TCC
78ERP EHP76.0GVD_WAITSTAT51Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$WAITSTATPerformance Monitors TCC
79ERP EHP76.0GVD_WPTOTALINFO361Oracle Monitoring: Workprocess Information snapshot tablePerformance Monitors TCC
80ERP EHP76.0MONI61Monitor table MONIPerformance Monitors TCC
81ERP EHP76.0ORA_DBA_EXTENTS121Copy of DBA_EXTENTS (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
82ERP EHP76.0ORA_DBA_OBJECTS161Copy of DBA_OBJECTS (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
83ERP EHP76.0ORA_DBA_SEGMENTS201Copy of DBA_SEGMENTS (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
84ERP EHP76.0ORA_DBA_TABLES491Copy of DBA_TABLES (currently not provided with snapshots)Performance Monitors TCC
85ERP EHP76.0ORA_HISTPAR31Parameter values for oracle history collectorPerformance Monitors TCC
86ERP EHP76.0ORA_IDLE_EVENTS11Oracle: Idle eventsPerformance Monitors TCC
87ERP EHP76.0ORA_RESUMABLE211Oracle monitor: Copy of DBA_RESUMABLEPerformance Monitors TCC
88ERP EHP76.0ORA_SAPKCBFWAIT61Copy of SAP$KCBFWAITPerformance Monitors TCC
89ERP EHP76.0ORA_SAP_AUXSTATS51Oracle monitor: Copy of SAP_AUXSTATSPerformance Monitors TCC
90ERP EHP76.0ORA_SNAPSHOT81Master data of an oracle monitor snapshotPerformance Monitors TCC
91ERP EHP76.0ORA_TABLESPACES181Oracle monitor: Copy of DBA_TABLESPACESPerformance Monitors TCC
92ERP EHP76.0PAHI71History of system, DB and SAP parameterPerformance Monitors TCC
93ERP EHP76.0SAPWLREORG41SAP Workload: Reorganization controlPerformance Monitors TCC
94ERP EHP76.0SAPWLSERV61SAP Workload: Table of active serversPerformance Monitors TCC
95ERP EHP76.0SAPWLT000811SAP workload: statistics dataPerformance Monitors TCC
96ERP EHP76.0SAPWLT001151SAP workload: Table statisticsPerformance Monitors TCC
97ERP EHP76.0SAPWLT002191SAP workload: RFC statistics dataPerformance Monitors TCC
98ERP EHP76.0ST04N_ANA71Detailed analyses in ST04NPerformance Monitors TCC
99ERP EHP76.0ST04N_ANAT31Detailed analyses in ST04N (Node names)Performance Monitors TCC
100ERP EHP76.0ST04N_LIM31Limiting values for lights in oracle main monitorPerformance Monitors TCC
101ERP EHP76.0TNETMAC31Maintenance of mac addresses in SAP network monitorPerformance Monitors TCC
102ERP EHP76.0TNETMONINF41Network Monitor:Configuration data and work informationPerformance Monitors TCC
103ERP EHP76.0TRS3571Control Table RSSTAT35 Collector RunPerformance Monitors TCC
104ERP EHP76.0TSTAMK21Classification of SAP Tables by Expected Size in ProductionPerformance Monitors TCC
105ERP EHP76.0TUNE1151Tune: Maximum Puffer Sizes/Directory Entries ReachedPerformance Monitors TCC
106ERP EHP76.0TUNEOPSGEN21table for generate decisionPerformance Monitors TCC
107ERP EHP76.0USER_DIR51Table used to store user def. directories to be used in al11Performance Monitors TCC
108ERP EHP76.0WPTOTLIUSR41User settings in global work process overviewPerformance Monitors TCC