SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

3143 tablesERP 6.0 

Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil
1ERP EHP76.0GHO_TANK_PARAM31Parameter of the Tank Interface TextIndustry Solution Oil
2ERP EHP76.0GHO_TANK_PARAM_T41Text table for GHO Tank Parameter textsIndustry Solution Oil
3ERP EHP76.0OI0_PROPT_CND_TY41Condition types for Price optimizer functionalityIndustry Solution Oil
4ERP EHP76.0OI0_PROPT_OBDET161Outbound notif pgm runIndustry Solution Oil
5ERP EHP76.0OI0_PROPT_OB_TF61Set time frame for outbond notificationIndustry Solution Oil
6ERP EHP76.0OI0_PROPT_SETMRE41Set material relevance for pricie optimizationIndustry Solution Oil
7ERP EHP76.0OIB01T41Conversion Group TextIndustry Solution Oil
8ERP EHP76.0OIB03132Default value qty.conversion (OBSOLETE,do no use any more)Industry Solution Oil
9ERP EHP76.0OIB0481Function module definition (API/AGA/Customer functions)Industry Solution Oil
10ERP EHP76.0OIB0751Parameter of the Quantity Conversion InterfaceIndustry Solution Oil
11ERP EHP76.0OIB07T41Parameter of the Quantity Conversion Interface TextIndustry Solution Oil
12ERP EHP76.0OIB07_HELP41Parameter of the Quantity Conversion InterfaceIndustry Solution Oil
13ERP EHP76.0OIB_AROM_HEADER41header data table: Industrial aromatic hydrocarbon vcfIndustry Solution Oil
14ERP EHP76.0OIB_AROM_HEADERT61Text table for OIB_AROM_HEADERIndustry Solution Oil
15ERP EHP76.0OIB_AROM_VCF51Customizing table for Aromatics Volume Correction factorsIndustry Solution Oil
16ERP EHP76.0OIB_CONV_RDGRP41Table for classification Conversiongrp - ReadinggrpIndustry Solution Oil
17ERP EHP76.0OIB_CONV_UOM41Assignment of Units between Conv. Group and T006Industry Solution Oil
18ERP EHP76.0OIB_CONV_UOM_TX51Assignment of Units between Conv. Group and T006Industry Solution Oil
19ERP EHP76.0OIB_DEF51Set default table/transaction switchIndustry Solution Oil
20ERP EHP76.0OIB_DEFAULTS81Table for Oil DefaultsIndustry Solution Oil
21ERP EHP76.0OIB_DEF_INDEX_GM113Default index for Goods MovementIndustry Solution Oil
22ERP EHP76.0OIB_PPP_DATA301Physical properties data tableIndustry Solution Oil
23ERP EHP76.0OIB_PPP_HEADER211Header data: physical properties of hydrocarbonsIndustry Solution Oil
24ERP EHP76.0OIB_PPP_HEADERT41Header table: phys. properties of hydrocarb.: DescriptionIndustry Solution Oil
25ERP EHP76.0OIB_RDGGROUPT51Description of reading group parameterIndustry Solution Oil
26ERP EHP76.0OIB_RDGRDEF21Definition of Reading GroupsIndustry Solution Oil
27ERP EHP76.0OIB_RDGRDEFT41Description of Reading Group DefinitionIndustry Solution Oil
28ERP EHP76.0OIB_READINGGROUP141Reading group : Define parameters for a conversion groupIndustry Solution Oil
29ERP EHP76.0TOI0SWITCH51General setting (Function on/off switch)Industry Solution Oil
30ERP EHP76.0TOI0_ADMIN41General setting (value/parameter setting)Industry Solution Oil
31ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_DOCPRT51Select production document types for relevance (text table)Industry Solution Oil
32ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_MM_RANK61Ranking of MM relevance fieldsIndustry Solution Oil
33ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_NOM_RNK51IS-OIL: Ranking of Nomination relvance fieldsIndustry Solution Oil
34ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_PL141IS-OIL: Relevance customizing for planned ordersIndustry Solution Oil
35ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_PL_RANK51Ranking of Planned Order relevance fieldsIndustry Solution Oil
36ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_PP_RANK51Ranking of PP relevance fieldsIndustry Solution Oil
37ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_SD_RANK51IS-OIL: Ranking of SD relvance fieldsIndustry Solution Oil
38ERP EHP76.0TOIBCALC_INTRN61Callstack check for FM MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENTIndustry Solution Oil
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Downstream
39ERP EHP76.0OI001231Company Code ParametersDownstream
40ERP EHP76.0OIGSJ1BH131Brazilian Taxes for Delivery HeaderDownstream
41ERP EHP76.0OIGSJ1BI151Brazilian Taxes for Delivery ItemDownstream
42ERP EHP76.0S036BIW1211S036BIW1 * LIS: Exchange balance 'Lifts/Receipts' (IS-Oil EXDownstream
43ERP EHP76.0S036BIW2211S036BIW2 * LIS: Exchange balance 'Lifts/Receipts' (IS-Oil EXDownstream
44ERP EHP76.0S410BIW1572S410BIW1 * SIS: Business Location Statistics via 'Ship-to' (Downstream
45ERP EHP76.0S410BIW2572S410BIW2 * SIS: Business Location Statistics via 'Ship-to' (Downstream
46ERP EHP76.0S414BIW1282S414BIW1 * SSR DTF statisticsDownstream
47ERP EHP76.0S414BIW2282S414BIW2 * SSR DTF statisticsDownstream
48ERP EHP76.0TOI0OBJT51Object status text table (oil cross application)Downstream
49ERP EHP76.0TOI0TWB31IS-OIL Application Test dynamic modificationsDownstream
50ERP EHP76.0TOI0_00031Client-depend. function inactive flag(no entry=active)Downstream
51ERP EHP76.0TOI0_BCSETS101BC-Sets to be activated externally / log for activatedDownstream
52ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_RES_RNK41Ranking of Reservation relevance fieldsDownstream
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting
53ERP EHP76.0A405101ContractNr/Well/WC/Material (obsolete -> replaced by A416)Production and Revenue Accounting
54ERP EHP76.0A41191ContractNr/MP ID/Material (obsolete -> replaced by A438)Production and Revenue Accounting
55ERP EHP76.0A416101PRA Pricing - Contract, Well, Well Completion, MaterialProduction and Revenue Accounting
56ERP EHP76.0A41781ContractNr/Material (obsolete -> replaced by A440)Production and Revenue Accounting
57ERP EHP76.0A43891PRA Pricing - Contract, Measurement Point, MaterialProduction and Revenue Accounting
58ERP EHP76.0A44081PRA Pricing - Contract, MaterialProduction and Revenue Accounting
59ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_ACTG_OFST41Accounting OffsetProduction and Revenue Accounting
60ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_ADDR_GROUP11Valid Address GroupsProduction and Revenue Accounting
61ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_ADDR_TYPE31Address Type Control TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
62ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_ADDR_TYPET51Address Type DescriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
63ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_BADR51Business Associate Additional Addresses (Addr Grp = OIU1)Production and Revenue Accounting
64ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_BA_LINK82Business Associate -> SAP Master LinkProduction and Revenue Accounting
65ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_BA_TYPE31Business Associate TypesProduction and Revenue Accounting
66ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_BA_TYPE_TX41Business Associate Type DescriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
67ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_CMPNT41Common table for cross-referencing product codes and compoProduction and Revenue Accounting
68ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_COMB_PD_CD21Combined Product CodeProduction and Revenue Accounting
69ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_COMB_PD_TX41Combined Product Code TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
70ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_CONTRACT941PRA ContractsProduction and Revenue Accounting
71ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_CSC141Cycle Segment ConfigurationProduction and Revenue Accounting
72ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_CUST_KTOKD21Valid Customer Account Groups for Business AssociatesProduction and Revenue Accounting
73ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_CATEG11list viewer - category tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
74ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_CATEGT31job viewer - table for category descriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
75ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_DDTEXT51List viewer - table for the dd descriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
76ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_DETAIL81list viewer - jil detail tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
77ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_GROUPT31List Viewer Group DefinitionProduction and Revenue Accounting
78ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_JILS51list viewer - jil tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
79ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_JILT31JIL information - Header for File Viewer and Job SchedulerProduction and Revenue Accounting
80ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_MAINGRP11list viewer - group tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
81ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_SUBGRP11list viewer - subgroup tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
82ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_SUBGRPT31List viewer- description of the subgroupProduction and Revenue Accounting
83ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_OLSE_VTDST21Source and Corresponding Destination Volume TypesProduction and Revenue Accounting
84ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_PID_CONFIG31Override PID ConfigurationProduction and Revenue Accounting
85ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_PID_TXN11Transactions With Override PID EnabledProduction and Revenue Accounting
86ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_PU_OVRD51Purchaser OverrideProduction and Revenue Accounting
87ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_SERVER_GRP31Server Group AssignmentProduction and Revenue Accounting
88ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_SN_NR_CONF61Number Range Interval Assignments To PRA TablesProduction and Revenue Accounting
89ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_SN_NR_T41Text Descriptions for OIU_CM_SN_NR tablesProduction and Revenue Accounting
90ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_T8JO51PRA Partner Table from JVProduction and Revenue Accounting
91ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_T8JV171PRA Joint Venture Master DataProduction and Revenue Accounting
92ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_T8JVT51PRA Joint Venture DescriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
93ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_T8JZ31PRA JVA CompaniesProduction and Revenue Accounting
94ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_TAB_MAINTC51PRA Generic Table Maintenance - Non Key Field Control TabProduction and Revenue Accounting
95ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_TAB_MAINTM51PRA Generic Table Maintenance - Module ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
96ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_TAB_MAINTS51PRA Generic Table Maintenance - Non Key Field Control TabProduction and Revenue Accounting
97ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_VEND_KTOKK21Valid Vendor Account Groups for Business AssociatesProduction and Revenue Accounting
98ERP EHP76.0OIUF6131Group itemsProduction and Revenue Accounting
99ERP EHP76.0OIUF6_DEFAULT111Group itemsProduction and Revenue Accounting
100ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_CATT_RUNID21Ownership catt run id tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
101ERP EHP76.0OIUPH_RV_RJE2221Journal Entry (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
102ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_API_RFC211RFC transmission statusProduction and Revenue Accounting
103ERP EHP76.0OIUP_APP_AREA31PDM - Application AreaProduction and Revenue Accounting
104ERP EHP76.0OIUP_APP_AREA_TX41PDM - Application Area DescriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
105ERP EHP76.0OIUP_AREA_CUST71PDM - Application Area Specific Customer CustomizingProduction and Revenue Accounting
106ERP EHP76.0OIUP_CFG_LEVEL31PDM - Customer Config for Level of RetentionProduction and Revenue Accounting
107ERP EHP76.0OIUP_DBCON41PDM - Valid DB ConnectionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
108ERP EHP76.0OIUP_DBCON_TX41PDM - Valid DB Connection DescriptionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
109ERP EHP76.0OIUP_EXE_ASSIGN31PDM - Group Assignment for Workbench ExecutionProduction and Revenue Accounting
110ERP EHP76.0OIUP_EXE_GRP21PDM: Table Groups (Workbench Execution)Production and Revenue Accounting
111ERP EHP76.0OIUP_EXE_GRP_T41PDM: Table Groups Description (Workbench Execution)Production and Revenue Accounting
112ERP EHP76.0OIUP_ME_MEDOC203Measurement document header (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
113ERP EHP76.0OIUP_ME_MEDOC_IT151Measurement document item (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
114ERP EHP76.0OIUP_MONTH_LIST11PDM - List of Possible MonthsProduction and Revenue Accounting
115ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_ADMIN51Administrative Data For PDM Enabled And Configured TablesProduction and Revenue Accounting
116ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_CONFIG31PDM Customer ConfigurationProduction and Revenue Accounting
117ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_ENABLED101PDM Enabled TablesProduction and Revenue Accounting
118ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_ENAB_TX41PDM - Table DescriptionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
119ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_JOBS591PDM: Job DataProduction and Revenue Accounting
120ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_MONTHS41PDM: Set number of storage months by Box/TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
121ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_ON31PDM - Customer Configuration To Enable Specific PDM TablesProduction and Revenue Accounting
122ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_STATS71PDM: Statistical details per table on PDM split jobsProduction and Revenue Accounting
123ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PR_MPVL485PRA: Measurement Point Volumetric Data (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
124ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PR_WCDVLH471WC Disposition Volumes Header (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
125ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PR_WCTST372Well Test (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
126ERP EHP76.0OIUP_REPLACEMENT31PDM - Replacement IncludesProduction and Revenue Accounting
127ERP EHP76.0OIUP_RET_ASSIGN31PDM - Group Assignment for Retention PeriodProduction and Revenue Accounting
128ERP EHP76.0OIUP_RET_GRP21PDM: Table Groups (Retention Period)Production and Revenue Accounting
129ERP EHP76.0OIUP_RET_GRP_T41PDM: Table Groups Description (Retention Period)Production and Revenue Accounting
130ERP EHP76.0OIUP_RFCDEST31PDM - Valid RFC DestinationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
131ERP EHP76.0OIUP_RFCDEST_TX41PDM - Valid RFC DestinationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
132ERP EHP76.0OIUP_SB_ACTMP221Actual Owner Level CA results at MP's (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
133ERP EHP76.0OIUP_SB_ACTWC234Actual Owner Level CA results at WC's (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
134ERP EHP76.0OIUP_SB_ENTMP262MP level owner entitlements (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
135ERP EHP76.0OIUP_SB_ENTWC271WC level owner entitlements (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
136ERP EHP76.0OIUP_SB_RNAWC251Residue and NGL actual at a WC level (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
137ERP EHP76.0OIUP_SB_RNEWC232Residue and NGL entitlements at a WC level (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
138ERP EHP76.0OIUP_SYNCED_TABS21PDM - Synchronized Tables - Which Are GUARANTEED To Be EqualProduction and Revenue Accounting
139ERP EHP76.0OIUQ3141Formula Repository - Formula Group ItemProduction and Revenue Accounting
140ERP EHP76.0OIUQ6151Quotation group itemsProduction and Revenue Accounting
141ERP EHP76.0OIUQ9171Formula Condition Data - Formula group itemsProduction and Revenue Accounting
142ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ARCROYHIS332Archived Reported Royalty and Volume DataProduction and Revenue Accounting
143ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ARCVOLHIS192Archived Reported Volume Data by Reporting EntitiesProduction and Revenue Accounting
144ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_EMPBACKUP81Exemptions for skipped tax recordsProduction and Revenue Accounting
145ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ENTTY_LOG212Log table for master data entity changesProduction and Revenue Accounting
146ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MKTBACKUP71Marketing cost for skipped tax recordsProduction and Revenue Accounting
147ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_OWNER_LOG101Log for master Data Owner ChangesProduction and Revenue Accounting
148ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_PRFL_LOG111Log for master data profile changesProduction and Revenue Accounting
149ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROYHISTBK331Backup table for OIUREP_ROYHISTProduction and Revenue Accounting
150ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TAXBACKUP471Backup tax table for old tax reporting SOLProduction and Revenue Accounting
151ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TAX_SOL61Old tax reporting SOL configuration tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
152ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TIKBACKUP371Backup tik table for old tax reporting SOLProduction and Revenue Accounting
153ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VOLHISTBK191Backup table for OIUREP_VOLHISTProduction and Revenue Accounting
154ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ZERO_REJS41Rejection Criteria for Zero volume recordsProduction and Revenue Accounting
155ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_ACTIVE41Obsolete: Active objects for integrationProduction and Revenue Accounting
156ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_BA_TYPE_JV31Obsolete: Business Associate Types for JV IntegrationProduction and Revenue Accounting
157ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_BO_API81Obsolete: Business Object service functionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
158ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_CLUSTER151System table INDXProduction and Revenue Accounting
159ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_COMMANDS31Obsolete: CommandsProduction and Revenue Accounting
160ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_INTD111Obsolete: Ownership Interface DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
161ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_INTERFACE71Obsolete: Interface settingsProduction and Revenue Accounting
162ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_INTH132Obsolete: Ownership Interface HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
163ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_INT_FDN203Obsolete: Funds Delete Notification ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
164ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_INT_MESSG171Obsolete: Ownership Interface Messages (Application/Tech.)Production and Revenue Accounting
165ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_INT_TRACE101Obsolete: Ownership Interface Technical TraceProduction and Revenue Accounting
166ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_LOG_VIEWER51Obsolete: Error Viewer Application Tree ConfigurationProduction and Revenue Accounting
167ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_LOG_VIEWEX61Obsolete: Error Viewer Application Tree ConfigurationProduction and Revenue Accounting
168ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_OBJECTS11Obsolete: Possible objects for integrationProduction and Revenue Accounting
169ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_OBJECTS_T31Obsolete: Object textsProduction and Revenue Accounting
170ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_OWTEMPLATE82Obsolete: Ownership Cluster TemplateProduction and Revenue Accounting
171ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_PARMS21Obsolete: Parameters for object servicesProduction and Revenue Accounting
172ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_PARMS_T41Obsolete: Parameters for object servicesProduction and Revenue Accounting
173ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_PARM_VALS41Obsolete: Parameters for object servicesProduction and Revenue Accounting
174ERP EHP76.0OIUT3_CLUSTERS101Obsolete: Ownership Cluster TemplateProduction and Revenue Accounting
175ERP EHP76.0OIUT3_OBJ_KEYS61Obsolete: Ownership Cluster TemplateProduction and Revenue Accounting
176ERP EHP76.0OIUT3_OBJ_MAP51Obsolete: internal structure to comm. structure mappingProduction and Revenue Accounting
177ERP EHP76.0OIUT3_OBJ_MAP_TY41Obsolete: internal structure to comm. structure mappingProduction and Revenue Accounting
178ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ARCH_MKTH191Reporting history for marketing costs for reportingProduction and Revenue Accounting
179ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ARCH_TAXH392Tax transaction header for reportingProduction and Revenue Accounting
180ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ARCH_VOLH201Reported Volume Data by PUIDProduction and Revenue Accounting
181ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ARCH_XMPH191Reporting history for tax exemptionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
182ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_LOG191Tax reporting log table for rptProduction and Revenue Accounting
183ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_DOWNLOAD111Tax Reporting download tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
184ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_EXEC_STATD131Execution Statistics for Tax ReportingProduction and Revenue Accounting
185ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_LNK_LOG241Tax Reporting log table for the linkProduction and Revenue Accounting
186ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_PUIDLOG161Tax Reporting PUID logProduction and Revenue Accounting
187ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_PUID_MKTH191Reporting history for marketing costs for reportingProduction and Revenue Accounting
188ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_PUID_TAXH382Tax transaction header for reportingProduction and Revenue Accounting
189ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_PUID_XMPH181Reporting history for tax exemptionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
190ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_RE_LOG171Tax Reporting log table for the LogProduction and Revenue Accounting
191ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_RSG_LOG181Tax reporting log table for rptProduction and Revenue Accounting
192ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_BA_TYPE_JV31Business Associate Types for JV IntegrationProduction and Revenue Accounting
193ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_INTERFACE71XI Interface settingsProduction and Revenue Accounting
194ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_INTH112Ownership Interface HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
195ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_INT_FDN203Funds Delete Notification ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
196ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_INT_MESSG171Ownership Interface Messages (Application/Technical)Production and Revenue Accounting
197ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_PARMS21Parameters for object servicesProduction and Revenue Accounting
198ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_PARM_VALS41Parameters for object servicesProduction and Revenue Accounting
199ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_PPNH121XI: Prior Period Notification HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
200ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_DOWNLOAD111The intermediate table for downloadProduction and Revenue Accounting
201ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_EXEC_STATD131Execution Statistics for Royalty ReportingProduction and Revenue Accounting
202ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_TXDOWNLOAD111The intermediate table for Texas downloadProduction and Revenue Accounting
203ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_BATCHPRO61Function process for volume allocationProduction and Revenue Accounting
204ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_BRNCD21Brand Codes (TBLCS025)Production and Revenue Accounting
205ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_BRNCD_TX41Brand Code Text (TBLCS025)Production and Revenue Accounting
206ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_COMPC101PRA Company CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
207ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_COMPC_TX41PRA Company Code tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
208ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_CPDC32Combined Product Code/Major Product Code (TBLRV031)Production and Revenue Accounting
209ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_CPDC_TX51Combined Product Code/Major Product Code Text (TBLRV031)Production and Revenue Accounting
210ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_CTCAT11Contract CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
211ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_CTCAT_TX31Contract CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
212ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_CTTYP11Contract Type (TBLCS007)Production and Revenue Accounting
213ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_CTTYPGRP41Contract Type GroupProduction and Revenue Accounting
214ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_CTTYP_TX31Contract Type TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
215ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_DSK_CD21CONTRACT DESK CODES - TBLMK026Production and Revenue Accounting
216ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_DSK_CD_TX41CONTRACT DESK CODES - TBLMK026 - TEXTProduction and Revenue Accounting
217ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_EDIT31Configuration EditsProduction and Revenue Accounting
218ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_EDIT_TX41Configuration Edits DescriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
219ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_EIA_CD21Energy Information Agency Code Table - TBLCS037Production and Revenue Accounting
220ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_EIA_CD_TX41Energy Information Agency Code Table - TBLCS037 - TEXTProduction and Revenue Accounting
221ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_ENTCD11Entity CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
222ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_ENTCD_TX31Entity Type Codes - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
223ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_FUPRO61Function process for volume allocationProduction and Revenue Accounting
224ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_HIER_ENT104PRA Hierarchy Node EntityProduction and Revenue Accounting
225ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_HIER_EXP52PRA Entity group expand tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
226ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_INTCAT11Interest CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
227ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_INTCAT_TX31Interest CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
228ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_INTTYPGRP31Interest Type Group TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
229ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_LOCK_OBJ41Lock objects with business keyProduction and Revenue Accounting
230ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_LXPGL31Country and Primary Geo. Location XrefProduction and Revenue Accounting
231ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_LXPGL_TX51Description of Primary Geographical LocationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
232ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_LXSGL41Cross Reference Between Country and Secondary Geo. LocatioProduction and Revenue Accounting
233ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_LXSGL_TX61Description of Secondary Geographical LocationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
234ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MAT_PRCD42Material and Product Code (processing) XrefProduction and Revenue Accounting
235ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MKCT41Marketing Cost Type Codes -TBLRV039Production and Revenue Accounting
236ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MKCT_TX51Marketing Cost Type Codes - TBLRV039 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
237ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MPCAT11Measurement Point Type CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
238ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MPCAT_TX31Measurement Point Type CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
239ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MPTYPGRP31Measurement Point Type GroupProduction and Revenue Accounting
240ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PARAM101Common PRA ParameterProduction and Revenue Accounting
241ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PAYOUT11Payout Codes (code_payout_code)Production and Revenue Accounting
242ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PAYOUT_TX31Payout Codes Description (code_payout_code)Production and Revenue Accounting
243ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PDCD21Product Codes - Tblcm003Production and Revenue Accounting
244ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PDCD_TX41Product Codes - Tblcm003 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
245ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PINTTY21Participant Interest Type (TBLRV006 & TBLRV035)Production and Revenue Accounting
246ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PINTTY_TX31Participant Interest Type Description (TBLR006 & TBLR035)Production and Revenue Accounting
247ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PPARSN21Prior Period Adjustments - TBLCM028Production and Revenue Accounting
248ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PPARSN_TX41Prior Period Adjustment Reason Codes - TBLCM028 - TEXTProduction and Revenue Accounting
249ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PRES51Location to Pressure Base XrefProduction and Revenue Accounting
250ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PSTAR21Posting Area Codes (TBLCS015)Production and Revenue Accounting
251ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PSTAR_TX41Posting Area Text (TBLCS015)Production and Revenue Accounting
252ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PYMT21Payment Code - TBLCS023Production and Revenue Accounting
253ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PYMT_TX41Payment Code TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
254ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_RCLS51Reclassification of Production CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
255ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_REJCD11Reject Reason Code Table - TBLRV027Production and Revenue Accounting
256ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_REJCD_TX31Reject Code Text - TBLRV027Production and Revenue Accounting
257ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_RVWD11Valuation Reserve Word (TBLRV006)Production and Revenue Accounting
258ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_RVWD_TX51Valuation Reserve Word Description (TBLRV006)Production and Revenue Accounting
259ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SCHDCD41School district codeProduction and Revenue Accounting
260ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SCHDCD_TX41School district code descriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
261ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SEVTGRP211Severance Type Group TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
262ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SEVTTY41Severance Tax Types - TBLRV014Production and Revenue Accounting
263ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SEVTTY_TX61Severance Tax Type Code Text Table (TBLRV014)Production and Revenue Accounting
264ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SN_NR101Number ranges by table namesProduction and Revenue Accounting
265ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SUSP21Suspense Reason Codes (TBLRV007)Production and Revenue Accounting
266ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SUSP_TX41Suspense Reason Code Descriptions (TBLRV007)Production and Revenue Accounting
267ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_TAXCLS41Tax Class - TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
268ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_TAXCLS_TX61Tax Class - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
269ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_TFC11Tax Free Code (TBLRV018)Production and Revenue Accounting
270ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_TFC_TX31Tax Free Code Description (TBLRV018)Production and Revenue Accounting
271ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_TXN_CTL41Transaction control tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
272ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_UOM41PRA Units of measureProduction and Revenue Accounting
273ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_VLCAT21Volume CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
274ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_VLCAT_TX41Volume CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
275ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_VLRPT11Valuation Reporting - TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
276ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_VLRPT_TX31Valuation Reporting - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
277ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_VLTYPGRP41Volume Category Type GroupProduction and Revenue Accounting
278ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_VNAMST21PRA Venture Status Code table - (TBLRV047)Production and Revenue Accounting
279ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_VNAMST_TX41PRA Venture Status Description - (TBLRV047)Production and Revenue Accounting
280ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_BGUC122Bearer Group Use ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
281ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_BGUC_WK122Bearer Group Use ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
282ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_BR81Bearer TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
283ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_BR_WK81Bearer TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
284ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DI241Base Venture/DOI RelationshipProduction and Revenue Accounting
285ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DIDO111Division of Interest Information for Division Order PrintProduction and Revenue Accounting
286ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DO364Division of Interest OwnershipProduction and Revenue Accounting
287ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DODO81Owner Print Information tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
288ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DOEX61Owner State Tax ExemptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
289ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DOGRI111Division Order Gross Revenue InterestProduction and Revenue Accounting
290ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DOH354Ownership HistoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
291ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DO_WK363Division of Interest Ownership WorktableProduction and Revenue Accounting
292ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DP302DOI Accounting InformationProduction and Revenue Accounting
293ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DPIC161DOI Product Interest ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
294ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DPIC_WK161DOI Product Interest ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
295ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DPSEVT281DOI Accounting Severance Tax Types TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
296ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DPUC91DOI Product Use ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
297ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DPUC_WK91DOI Product Use ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
298ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_JV272PRA venture extensionProduction and Revenue Accounting
299ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_MKEX101Marketing Cost Exemption TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
300ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_MUVL51Maintain Unit Venture VolumesProduction and Revenue Accounting
301ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_PUC122Property Unit Use ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
302ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_TR112Tract InformationProduction and Revenue Accounting
303ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_TRGRI141Tract Gross Revenue InterestProduction and Revenue Accounting
304ERP EHP76.0OIU_GRVDEF71Gravity scale default tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
305ERP EHP76.0OIU_IND_TER_CALC131Industry Terminology Vrs calculation rule mappingProduction and Revenue Accounting
306ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_CLASS31Measurement ClassProduction and Revenue Accounting
307ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_CLASS_TX41Measurement Class TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
308ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_CNTNR141General measurement containerProduction and Revenue Accounting
309ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_FPARM31Measurement calculation function parametersProduction and Revenue Accounting
310ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_FPARM_TX51Measurement calculation function parametersProduction and Revenue Accounting
311ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_FUNC21Measurement calculation functionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
312ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MCCAT41Measurement container categoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
313ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MCCAT_TX41Measurement container categoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
314ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MEDOC193Measurement document headerProduction and Revenue Accounting
315ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MEDOC_IT141Measurement document itemProduction and Revenue Accounting
316ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MEOBJ52Measurement objectProduction and Revenue Accounting
317ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MEOBJ_DT41Measurement object detailProduction and Revenue Accounting
318ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MEOBJ_US61Measurement object usageProduction and Revenue Accounting
319ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MREAD161Measurement Type ReadingProduction and Revenue Accounting
320ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MREAD_DV61Measurement Reading DerivationProduction and Revenue Accounting
321ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MREAD_GP41PRA Measurement reading groupsProduction and Revenue Accounting
322ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MREAD_GT61PRA Measurement reading group descriptionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
323ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MREAD_TX61Measurement Type Reading TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
324ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MTYPE31Measurement TypeProduction and Revenue Accounting
325ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MTYPE_AS61Measurement Type AssignmentProduction and Revenue Accounting
326ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MTYPE_CD81Measurement Type Calculation DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
327ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MTYPE_CL51Measurement Type CalculationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
328ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MTYPE_FT61Measurement Type Field TransportProduction and Revenue Accounting
329ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MTYPE_TX61Measurement Type TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
330ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_RTYPE41Reading TypeProduction and Revenue Accounting
331ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_RTYPE_CH281Reading Type CharacteristicsProduction and Revenue Accounting
332ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_RTYPE_TX41Reading Type TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
333ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_SOURCE51Measurement SourceProduction and Revenue Accounting
334ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_SOURCE_TX41Measurement Source TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
335ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_TNK_USAGE51Tank usageProduction and Revenue Accounting
336ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_UOM_GR21PRA Measurement: Unit of Measurement GroupsProduction and Revenue Accounting
337ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_UOM_GR_AS41PRA Measurement: Unit of Measurement Group AssignmentProduction and Revenue Accounting
338ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_UOM_GR_TX41PRA Measurement: Unit of Measurement Group TextsProduction and Revenue Accounting
339ERP EHP76.0OIU_PAR101ObsoleteProduction and Revenue Accounting
340ERP EHP76.0OIU_PM_MAP71Customizing table for PRA / PM Integration mappingProduction and Revenue Accounting
341ERP EHP76.0OIU_PM_XREF121Cross reference for PRA / PM entitiesProduction and Revenue Accounting
342ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHAC11Cmtchac - Chemical Analysis Compatibility Code TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
343ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHACD81Chemical Analysis Component DetailsProduction and Revenue Accounting
344ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHAC_TX31Cmtchac - Chemical Analysis Compatibility Code Tbl - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
345ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHAGPD171Chemical Analysis Gas Properties DetailsProduction and Revenue Accounting
346ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHAH223Chemical Analysis HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
347ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHALPD151Chemical Analysis Liquid Properties DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
348ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHAMTD81Chemical Analysis Measurement Type DeterminationProduction and Revenue Accounting
349ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHATD61Component Typification DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
350ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHATH102Component Typification HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
351ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHRT21Chart Type Common Table - Tblpr070Production and Revenue Accounting
352ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHRT_TX41Chart Type Common Table - Tblpr070 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
353ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CMPND21Chemical CompoundsProduction and Revenue Accounting
354ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CMPND_TX31Chemical Compound DescriptionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
355ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CRTYP21CRUDE TYPES - TBLCM015Production and Revenue Accounting
356ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CRTYP_TX41CRUDE TYPES - TEXT - TBLCM015Production and Revenue Accounting
357ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CTPAMD61Contract to Gas Plant Allocation Method Xref DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
358ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CTPAMH72Contract to Gas Plant Allocation Method Xref HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
359ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CUSPAMD61Custom Plant Allocation Method DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
360ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CUSPAMH82Custom Plant Allocation Methods HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
361ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CXREF61Component CrossreferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
362ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DN161Delivery NetworkProduction and Revenue Accounting
363ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DNAPD162Network Allocation Profile DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
364ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DNAPH82Network Allocation Profile HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
365ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DNSTD111Delivery Network Status DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
366ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DNSTH82Delivery Network Status HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
367ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DNTCM121Delivery Network Theoretical Calculation MethodProduction and Revenue Accounting
368ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DNVD301Delivery Network Variable DataProduction and Revenue Accounting
369ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DN_GRP41PRA: DN Group CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
370ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DN_GRP_TX41PRA: Delivery Network GroupProduction and Revenue Accounting
371ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DN_LINK104Delivery Network LinksProduction and Revenue Accounting
372ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DN_MGID51Delivery Network Measurement Group IDProduction and Revenue Accounting
373ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DN_UOMG81Unit of Measure GroupProduction and Revenue Accounting
374ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_FIELD101FieldProduction and Revenue Accounting
375ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_FL_GRP41PRA: Field Group CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
376ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_FL_GRP_TX41PRA: Field Group TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
377ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_FNCFG41Production Configurable FunctionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
378ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_FRMD161Formula Rules Maintenance DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
379ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_FRMDW121Formular Rules DWProduction and Revenue Accounting
380ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_FRMH92Formula Rules Maintenance HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
381ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_HPPND111Volumetric Historical PPN DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
382ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_HPPNH132Volumetric Historical PPN HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
383ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_LIFEST21LIFE STAGE TABLE - TBLPR004Production and Revenue Accounting
384ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_LIFEST_TX41Life Stage - TBLPR004 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
385ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_LWGOR91Lease Wide Gas/Oil RatioProduction and Revenue Accounting
386ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MP201PRA Measurement PointsProduction and Revenue Accounting
387ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPALB121PRA: Measurement Point Allocation BaseProduction and Revenue Accounting
388ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPALF121MP Allocation FactorProduction and Revenue Accounting
389ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPAPD81Measure Point Allocation Profile DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
390ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPAPH92Measure Point Allocation Profile HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
391ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPFUSD61Measurement Point Liquid ThroughputProduction and Revenue Accounting
392ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPFUSH102Measure Point Fuel Use SpecificationProduction and Revenue Accounting
393ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPHV71Measurement Point Heating ValueProduction and Revenue Accounting
394ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPMSP151Measure Point Meter specificationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
395ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPMTD81Measurement point meas. type derivationProduction and Revenue Accounting
396ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPRMAT81Measurement Point Reproduced MaterialsProduction and Revenue Accounting
397ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPTRNH113PRA: Measurement Point Transporter XrefProduction and Revenue Accounting
398ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPTYP11Measurement Point Types - Tblpr002Production and Revenue Accounting
399ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPTYP_TX31Measurement Point Types - Tblpr002 - textProduction and Revenue Accounting
400ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPVD201PRA: Measurement Point Variable DataProduction and Revenue Accounting
401ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPVL475PRA: Measurement Point Volumetric DataProduction and Revenue Accounting
402ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPVL_MR51Meas. point volume assignment to meas. readingsProduction and Revenue Accounting
403ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MP_GRP41PRA MP Group CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
404ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MP_GRP_TX41PRA: MP Group TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
405ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MP_MEAS81Measurement Point MeasurementProduction and Revenue Accounting
406ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MTRCLS21Meter Class - TBLPR061Production and Revenue Accounting
407ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MTRCLS_TX41Meter Class - TBLPR061 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
408ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MV_CFG51Vollume Allocation Metered Volume ConfigurationProduction and Revenue Accounting
409ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_NGCA31Natural Gas Compound AliasProduction and Revenue Accounting
410ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_NGCA_TX31Natural Gas Compound Aliases TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
412ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_NODE_DN32Node on a delivery NetworkProduction and Revenue Accounting
413ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_NODE_MP32Delivery Network Node: Measurement PointProduction and Revenue Accounting
414ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_NODE_WC42Delivery Network Node: Well CompletionProduction and Revenue Accounting
415ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_NPSTS21Non-Producing Well Status - TBLPR082Production and Revenue Accounting
416ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PAM21Gas Plant Allocation Methods - TBLCS031Production and Revenue Accounting
417ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PAM_TX41Gas Plant Allocation Methods - TBLCS031 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
418ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PF211PRA: PlatformProduction and Revenue Accounting
419ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PFLOC21Platform locationProduction and Revenue Accounting
420ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PFLOC_TX41Platform locationProduction and Revenue Accounting
421ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PFTYP21PLATFORM TYPE - TBLPR009Production and Revenue Accounting
422ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PFTYP_TX41PLATFORM TYPE - TBLPR009 - TEXTProduction and Revenue Accounting
423ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PF_GRP41PRA: Platform Group CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
424ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PF_GRP_TX41PRA: Platform Group TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
425ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PMCD21Well Category/Producing Method Codes Table - Tblcm013Production and Revenue Accounting
426ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PMCD_TX41Well Category/Producing Method Codes Table - Tblcm013 - textProduction and Revenue Accounting
427ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PPCHC31Plant Product Cmpnt/Hydrocarbon Cmpnt Xref-TBLPR069,TBLOZ0Production and Revenue Accounting
428ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PPCHC_TX31Plant Product Cmpnt/Hydrocarbon Cmpnt Xref-TBLPR069,TBLOZ0Production and Revenue Accounting
429ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PPND111Production Prior Period Notification Delivery Ntwk Det. TProduction and Revenue Accounting
430ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PPNH112Prior Period Notification HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
431ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_RESRV71PRA: ReservoirProduction and Revenue Accounting
432ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_RESZN61PRA: Reservoir Zone IdentificationProduction and Revenue Accounting
433ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_RRWC41Regulatory Reporting Reallocated Well CompletionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
434ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_RS_GRP41PRA: Reservoir Group CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
435ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_RS_GRP_TX41PRA: Reservoir Group TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
436ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_STRMT11Multiple Stream Types - Tblpr090Production and Revenue Accounting
437ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_STRMT_TX31Multiple Stream Types - Tblpr090 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
439ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_TCMRTO11TCM Ratio Codes - TBLPR081Production and Revenue Accounting
440ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_TCMRTO_TX31TCM Ratio Codes TBLPR081 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
442ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_TRMTH21Transportation Method - Tblpr020Production and Revenue Accounting
443ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_TRMTH_TX41Transportation Method - Tblpr020 - textProduction and Revenue Accounting
444ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_TWCDVH503Temporary Well Completion VolumesProduction and Revenue Accounting
445ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VLICD21Volume Indicator Types - Tblpr017Production and Revenue Accounting
446ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VLICD_TX41Volume Indicator Types - Tblpr017 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
447ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VLSRC21VOLUME SOURCE - TBLCM029Production and Revenue Accounting
448ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VLSRC_TX41VOLUME SOURCE - TBLCM029 - TEXTProduction and Revenue Accounting
449ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VLTCX21Volume Type Xref To Volume CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
450ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VLTYP11Volume Type Table - Tblcm010Production and Revenue Accounting
451ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VLTYP_TX31Volume Type Table - Tblcm010 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
452ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VTRCLS61Volume Type Gas Lift Gas ReclassificationProduction and Revenue Accounting
453ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VTXRG31VOLUME TYPE XREF TO REPRODUCED GAS - TBLCM042Production and Revenue Accounting
454ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WC415PRA: Well CompletionProduction and Revenue Accounting
455ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCACD81PRA: Weighted Average Chemical Analysis Component DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
456ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCALB131PRA: Well Completion Allocation BaseProduction and Revenue Accounting
457ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCALF131WC Allocation FactorProduction and Revenue Accounting
458ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCDHD72Downhole Comingled Well Completion Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
459ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCDHH92Downhole Commingled Well CompletionProduction and Revenue Accounting
460ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCDT122PRA: Well Completion DowntimeProduction and Revenue Accounting
461ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCDTR51PRA: Well Completion Downtime ReasonProduction and Revenue Accounting
462ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCDVLH465Well Completion Disposition Volumes HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
463ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCDWN31WELL COMP DOWNTIME REASON CODES - TBLPR011Production and Revenue Accounting
465ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCHAH131PRA: Weighted Average Chemical Analysis HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
466ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCHV81Well Completion Heading ValueProduction and Revenue Accounting
467ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCOLD71PRA: Well Completion Offset LeaseProduction and Revenue Accounting
468ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCOLH82PRA: Well Completion Offset LeaseProduction and Revenue Accounting
469ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCRMAT91Well Completion Reproduced MaterialsProduction and Revenue Accounting
470ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCSSD91Well Completion Supply Source DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
471ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCSSH122Well Completion Supply Source Dated HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
472ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCTCM131PRA: Well Completion Theoretical Calculation MethodProduction and Revenue Accounting
473ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCTRNH111PRA: Well Completion Transporter XrefProduction and Revenue Accounting
474ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCTST362Well TestProduction and Revenue Accounting
475ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCVD201Well Completion Variable DataProduction and Revenue Accounting
476ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WC_MEAS91Well Completion MeasurementProduction and Revenue Accounting
477ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WC_STS31Well completion statusProduction and Revenue Accounting
478ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WC_STS_TX41Well completion statusProduction and Revenue Accounting
479ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WELL312PRA: WellProduction and Revenue Accounting
480ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLCLS11Well Class Table - Tblpr014Production and Revenue Accounting
481ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLCLS_TX31Well Class Table - Tblpr014 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
482ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLDEV21Well DeviationProduction and Revenue Accounting
483ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLDEV_TX41Well DeviationProduction and Revenue Accounting
484ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLPROG21WELL COMP PROGRAM ID AND NAME - TBLCM016Production and Revenue Accounting
485ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLPROG_TX41WELL COMP PROGRAM ID AND NAME - TBLCM016 - TEXTProduction and Revenue Accounting
486ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLPUR21WELL PURPOSE CODES TABLE - TBLCM019Production and Revenue Accounting
487ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLPUR_TX41WELL PURPOSE CODES TABLE - TBLPRCM019 - TEXTProduction and Revenue Accounting
488ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WL_GRP41PRA: Well Group CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
489ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WL_GRP_TX41PRA: Well Group TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
490ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WSWCX31Well Class/Well Status Xref - Tblpr056Production and Revenue Accounting
491ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WTMTD51Well Test Measurement Type DerivationProduction and Revenue Accounting
492ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WVMTD41Well Completion Volumes Measurement Type DeterminationProduction and Revenue Accounting
493ERP EHP76.0OIU_QUAN71Additional quantities for PRA transactions in valuationProduction and Revenue Accounting
494ERP EHP76.0OIU_QUOGRP61Quotation group definitionProduction and Revenue Accounting
495ERP EHP76.0OIU_QUOGRPT41Quotation group descriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
496ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CGPT282Contract General Price TermsProduction and Revenue Accounting
497ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CMCC112Contract Marketing Cost Control HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
498ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CMCD161Contract Marketing Cost DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
499ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CNDKY91Condition PPN field cross referenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
500ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CPTD101Contract Product Tax Reimbursement DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
501ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CPTR132Contract Product Tax Reimbursement HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
502ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CTTYPGRP31Contract type group table maintained by SAPProduction and Revenue Accounting
503ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CTX51PRA Contract Type Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
504ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_DMCH162Property/DOI Marketing Cost HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
505ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_FRML151Valuation Formula IdProduction and Revenue Accounting
506ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_FRMLAU122Valuation Formula Alternate UseProduction and Revenue Accounting
507ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_FRMLD471Valuation Formula DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
508ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_GRAVID21Gravity ID definitionProduction and Revenue Accounting
509ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_GRAVIDT41Gravity table textProduction and Revenue Accounting
510ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_GRDEF81Gravity table defintionProduction and Revenue Accounting
511ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_GRSCH101gravity scale header tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
512ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_GRSCI161gravity scale item tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
513ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_GRVD181Gravity Scale Adjustment DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
514ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_GRVH71Gravity Scale Adjustment HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
515ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_MRT111Marketing Rate TransactionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
516ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_MR_MP82Marketing Rate Header for MPProduction and Revenue Accounting
517ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_MR_WC92Marketing Rate Header for WCProduction and Revenue Accounting
518ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_MULT_DN133Multiple DN for same wellProduction and Revenue Accounting
519ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_NPC71Valuation Network Processing Control - TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
520ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_OICQP131Quotation Price Information TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
521ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_PBD131Price Bulletin Posting TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
522ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_PDXSS131Settlement Statements/Purchaser - DOI Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
523ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_PPCND52Posting / condition cross reference tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
524ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_RVT252Rejected Valuation TransactionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
525ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_RVWD191Valuation Reserve Word Control TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
526ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_TCLD182Tax ClassProduction and Revenue Accounting
527ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VCR223Valuation Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
528ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VCRNI111Valuation Cross Reference Non-Working Interest (SettlementProduction and Revenue Accounting
529ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VCRWI81Valuation Cross Reference Working InterestProduction and Revenue Accounting
530ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VCRWI_NEW91Valuation Cross Reference Working Interest - NewProduction and Revenue Accounting
531ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VLDP123Valuation Division Order Prior Period ProcessProduction and Revenue Accounting
532ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VLRPT271Valuation ReportingProduction and Revenue Accounting
533ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VLRPTH51Valuation Report Detail HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
534ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VLRVS151Valuation Reversal NotificatonProduction and Revenue Accounting
535ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VLTXNS322Valuation TransactionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
536ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VLXAS162Valuation Cross Reference AssociationProduction and Revenue Accounting
537ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VLXAS_NEW172Valuation Cross Reference Association - NewProduction and Revenue Accounting
538ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VPPN203Valuation Prior Period NotificationProduction and Revenue Accounting
539ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VPPNM203Manually Created Valuation Prior Period NotificationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
540ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VPPNU223Valuation Prior Period NotificationProduction and Revenue Accounting
541ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VXDS223Valuation Cross Reference Date StampProduction and Revenue Accounting
542ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ACRD91Allocation Cross Reference DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
543ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ACRH111header table for the Allocation Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
544ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ACTMP272Actual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at MP'sProduction and Revenue Accounting
545ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ACTMP_T271Actual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at MP'sProduction and Revenue Accounting
546ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ACTWC284Actual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at WC'sProduction and Revenue Accounting
547ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ACTWC_T284Actual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at WC'sProduction and Revenue Accounting
548ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_AVD242Availability DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
549ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_AVEX101exception/error for availability pointProduction and Revenue Accounting
550ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_AVFLUX71Availability Point FluctuationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
551ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_AVH112Availability HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
552ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_AVMP51Availability to Measurement Point Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
553ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_AVWC71Availability Well CompletionProduction and Revenue Accounting
554ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_AVXREF52Availability to Capacity Point Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
555ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_BLRSN21Balancing Direct Input Transaction Reason CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
556ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_BLRSN_TX41Balancing Direct Input Transaction Reason Codes TextsProduction and Revenue Accounting
557ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CAMPGD191Contract Volumes by Measurement Point - Gas DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
558ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CAMPH102Contract volumes by measurement point headerProduction and Revenue Accounting
559ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CAMPOD131Contract Volumes by Measurement Point - Oil DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
560ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CAP242Capacity HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
561ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CAPMP52Capacity Measurement PointProduction and Revenue Accounting
562ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CAPWC72Capacity Well CompletionProduction and Revenue Accounting
563ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CTRMP281Volumes for saleProduction and Revenue Accounting
564ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CTRMP_T281Volumes for saleProduction and Revenue Accounting
565ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CTROB191Observed ConditionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
566ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CTRWC291Volumes for saleProduction and Revenue Accounting
567ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CTRWC_T291Volumes for saleProduction and Revenue Accounting
568ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_DLYAV92Daily AvailabilityProduction and Revenue Accounting
569ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_DOIMP122Cross-reference for MP and DOIProduction and Revenue Accounting
570ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_DOIWC132DOI/WC Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
571ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ENTMP252MP level owner entitlementsProduction and Revenue Accounting
572ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ENTMP_T262MP level owner entitlementsProduction and Revenue Accounting
573ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ENTWC261WC level owner entitlementsProduction and Revenue Accounting
574ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ENTWC_T275WC level owner entitlementsProduction and Revenue Accounting
575ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_FLUX81Gas Control Monthly Volume Fluctuations TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
576ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_MGDD152Marketing Group Determination DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
577ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_MGDH102Marketing Group Determination HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
578ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_MGKW81Marketing Group Keep WholeProduction and Revenue Accounting
579ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_MGOPMP171Marketing Group Owner Percent MPProduction and Revenue Accounting
580ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_MGOPMP_T171Marketing Group Owner Percent MPProduction and Revenue Accounting
581ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_MGOPWC181Marketing Group Owner Percent WCProduction and Revenue Accounting
582ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_MGOPWC_T181Marketing Group Owner Percent WCProduction and Revenue Accounting
583ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_NIMB241Marketing representative imbalance volumesProduction and Revenue Accounting
584ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_NMCHG51Original Daily Availability VolumesProduction and Revenue Accounting
585ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_NMHST71Daily Availability RevisionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
586ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_NSRSN21Not Selling ReasonProduction and Revenue Accounting
587ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_NSRSN_TX41Not Selling Reason Codes TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
588ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_OAD162Owner Availability DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
589ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_OAH82Owner Availability HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
590ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_OAHMP52Owner Availability Header: Measurement PointsProduction and Revenue Accounting
591ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_OAHWC72Owner Availability Header: Well CompletionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
592ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ONERUN71One Run per MonthProduction and Revenue Accounting
593ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_OZOPD192Outside operated residual contract detailProduction and Revenue Accounting
594ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_OZOPH73Outside operated residual contract headerProduction and Revenue Accounting
595ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_PBA131Product balancing agreementProduction and Revenue Accounting
596ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_PBMKUP61makeup percentages in the product balancing agreementProduction and Revenue Accounting
597ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RANK71Gas Balancing Ranking TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
598ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNAMP282Residue and NGL actual at a MP levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
599ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNAMP_T281Temporary Residue and NGL actual at a MP levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
600ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNAWC282Residue and NGL actual at a WC levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
601ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNAWC_T281Temporary Residue and NGL actual at a WC levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
602ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNEMP223Residue and NGL entitlements at a MP levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
603ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNEMP_T232Temporary Residue and NGL entitlements at a MP levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
604ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNEWC223Residue and NGL entitlements at a WC levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
605ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNEWC_T232Temporary Residue and NGL entitlements at a WC levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
606ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_SPEMP162Special owner entitlements at MP levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
607ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_SPEWC173Special owner entitlements at WC levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
608ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_SRC91Allocation PercentageProduction and Revenue Accounting
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Remote Logistics Management
609ERP EHP76.0OIO_C1_CNTNR352RLM Oil and gas container master dataRemote Logistics Management
610ERP EHP76.0OIO_C1_CNTNR_TX51Container descriptionsRemote Logistics Management
611ERP EHP76.0OIO_C1_CTCAT51Container categoriesRemote Logistics Management
612ERP EHP76.0OIO_C1_CTCAT_TX41Container category textsRemote Logistics Management
613ERP EHP76.0OIO_C1_FLDST71Field status for RLM container master (not used)Remote Logistics Management
614ERP EHP76.0OIO_C1_FLDST_241Container field status group assignmentRemote Logistics Management
615ERP EHP76.0OIO_C1_STATUS41RLM container statusRemote Logistics Management
616ERP EHP76.0OIO_C1_STATUS_TX41RLM container status descriptionsRemote Logistics Management
617ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_DOC_FLOW113RLM document flow indexRemote Logistics Management
618ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_MAIN141RLM system parametersRemote Logistics Management
619ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_OBJGP21Object type groupsRemote Logistics Management
620ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_OBJGP_CT31Object group contentsRemote Logistics Management
621ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_OBJGP_TX41Object type group namesRemote Logistics Management
622ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_OBJST41Document flow object type status codesRemote Logistics Management
623ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_OBJST_TX41Document flow object type status code namesRemote Logistics Management
624ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_OBJTY201Object types for RLMRemote Logistics Management
625ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_OBJTY_TX41Object type textsRemote Logistics Management
626ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_OPLNT91Plants relevant to RLMRemote Logistics Management
627ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_OSLOC51Store locations relevant to RLMRemote Logistics Management
628ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_SPROC_DVP71Supply process derivation from plantRemote Logistics Management
629ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_SPROC_DVS61Supply process derivation from store locationRemote Logistics Management
630ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_SPROC_TX41RLM Supply process textsRemote Logistics Management
631ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_SPTYP21RLM Supply TypesRemote Logistics Management
632ERP EHP76.0OIO_CM_SPTYP_TX41RLM Supply type descriptionsRemote Logistics Management
633ERP EHP76.0OIO_CNTNR_HST103Container historyRemote Logistics Management
634ERP EHP76.0OIO_CNTNR_MTL31Container materials (OBSOLETE ->use table oio_cntnr_mtl_2)Remote Logistics Management
635ERP EHP76.0OIO_CNTNR_MTL_232Container material assignmentsRemote Logistics Management
636ERP EHP76.0OIO_CNTNR_TYP131Container typesRemote Logistics Management
637ERP EHP76.0OIO_CNTNR_TYP_TX41Container type textsRemote Logistics Management
638ERP EHP76.0OIO_CU_OBJTY41RLM Object type customer valuesRemote Logistics Management
639ERP EHP76.0OIO_CU_OBJTY_TX41RLM Object type customer textsRemote Logistics Management
640ERP EHP76.0OIO_FS_APP11ApplicationRemote Logistics Management
641ERP EHP76.0OIO_FS_APP_TX31Application namesRemote Logistics Management
642ERP EHP76.0OIO_FS_FGP21Field status groupsRemote Logistics Management
643ERP EHP76.0OIO_FS_FGP_TX41Field status group namesRemote Logistics Management
644ERP EHP76.0OIO_FS_FLD51Field status screen fieldsRemote Logistics Management
645ERP EHP76.0OIO_FS_FST51Field status assignmentsRemote Logistics Management
646ERP EHP76.0OIO_FS_SGP31Field status selection groupsRemote Logistics Management
647ERP EHP76.0OIO_FS_SGP_TX51Field status selection group namesRemote Logistics Management
648ERP EHP76.0OIO_MT_DFLOW101Material tracking document flow definitionRemote Logistics Management
649ERP EHP76.0OIO_MT_DFPROF21Document flow profileRemote Logistics Management
650ERP EHP76.0OIO_MT_DFPROF_TX41Document flow profile descriptionRemote Logistics Management
651ERP EHP76.0OIO_MT_FDMAP71Field mapping for tracking programRemote Logistics Management
652ERP EHP76.0OIO_MT_MTPROF211Material tracking profilesRemote Logistics Management
653ERP EHP76.0OIO_MT_MTPROF_TX41Material tracking profilesRemote Logistics Management
654ERP EHP76.0OIO_MT_STATUS41Material tracking statusRemote Logistics Management
655ERP EHP76.0OIO_MT_STATUS_TX41Material tracking status descriptionsRemote Logistics Management
656ERP EHP76.0OIO_MT_TRGRP101Tracking groupsRemote Logistics Management
657ERP EHP76.0OIO_MT_TRGRP_ST71Tracking group statusRemote Logistics Management
658ERP EHP76.0OIO_MT_TRGRP_TX41Tracking group descriptionsRemote Logistics Management
659ERP EHP76.0OIO_MX_FLOW51RLM tracking extract flow dataRemote Logistics Management
660ERP EHP76.0OIO_MX_INDEX144RLM material tracking extract indexRemote Logistics Management
661ERP EHP76.0OIO_MX_MTSTA_HI91RLM tracking extract object status - highRemote Logistics Management
662ERP EHP76.0OIO_MX_MTSTA_LO91RLM tracking extract object status - lowRemote Logistics Management
663ERP EHP76.0OIO_MX_OBJECT731RLM tracking extract object dataRemote Logistics Management
664ERP EHP76.0OIO_NA_OUTTY61RLM output - output typesRemote Logistics Management
665ERP EHP76.0OIO_NA_OUTTY_TX51RLM output - output type descriptionsRemote Logistics Management
666ERP EHP76.0OIO_RN_SVCAT71Service categories relevant to RLM rentalsRemote Logistics Management
667ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_ACTIT51Recommended action for returns document itemRemote Logistics Management
668ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_ACTIT_TX41Recommended action descriptionsRemote Logistics Management
669ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_DLPRC81Delivery processesRemote Logistics Management
670ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_DOCTY111Returns document typesRemote Logistics Management
671ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_DOCTY_TX41Returns document typesRemote Logistics Management
672ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_EVENT21Returns eventsRemote Logistics Management
673ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_EVENT_TX41Returns event namesRemote Logistics Management
674ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_FSGRP61Returns field status group assignmentRemote Logistics Management
675ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_RSPIT21Responsibility groupsRemote Logistics Management
676ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_RSPIT_TX41Responsibility group descriptionsRemote Logistics Management
677ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_RTDOC176RLM returns document - headerRemote Logistics Management
678ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_RTDOC_CT333Returns document - container itemsRemote Logistics Management
679ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_RTDOC_MT435Returns document - material itemsRemote Logistics Management
680ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_SBSBR31RLM returns BDC rulesRemote Logistics Management
681ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_SBSBR_TX41RLM Returns BDC rule namesRemote Logistics Management
682ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_SBSDC141RLM returns processesRemote Logistics Management
683ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_SBSDC_TX51RLM returns process namesRemote Logistics Management
684ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_SBSDY61RLM returns: Dynpros for subsequent postingsRemote Logistics Management
685ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_SBSFM121RLM returns: Field mapping for subsequent postingsRemote Logistics Management
686ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_SBSPR41Automatic processesRemote Logistics Management
687ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_STATUS41Returns statusRemote Logistics Management
688ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_STATUS_TX41Returns status descriptionsRemote Logistics Management
689ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_STPEV51Recommended action stepRemote Logistics Management
690ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_STPIT41Recommended action stepRemote Logistics Management
691ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_STPIT_AL51Recommended action step - allowed processesRemote Logistics Management
692ERP EHP76.0OIO_RT_STPIT_TX51Recommended action step descriptionsRemote Logistics Management
693ERP EHP76.0OIO_SH_SHTYP71Shipment types for offshore logisticsRemote Logistics Management
694ERP EHP76.0OIO_SH_VGCUS21Customs number use codesRemote Logistics Management
695ERP EHP76.0OIO_SH_VGCUS_TX41Customs number use codes namesRemote Logistics Management
696ERP EHP76.0OIO_SH_VGSTA91Voyage statusesRemote Logistics Management
697ERP EHP76.0OIO_SH_VGSTA_TX41Voyage status textsRemote Logistics Management
698ERP EHP76.0OIO_SH_VGTYP51Voyage typesRemote Logistics Management
699ERP EHP76.0OIO_SH_VGTYP_TX41Voyage type textsRemote Logistics Management
700ERP EHP76.0OIO_SH_VOYAGE212VoyagesRemote Logistics Management
701ERP EHP76.0OIO_SH_VOYAGE_CN41Customs serial numbersRemote Logistics Management
702ERP EHP76.0OIO_SH_VOYAGE_DT161Voyage date and timeRemote Logistics Management
703ERP EHP76.0OIO_SP_DFLDA41Default loading areasRemote Logistics Management
704ERP EHP76.0OIO_SR_ROUTE31Shipment receipt - allowed routesRemote Logistics Management
705ERP EHP76.0OIO_SR_SRSTA51RLM Shipment status for shiment receiptRemote Logistics Management
706ERP EHP76.0OIO_VG_FLDST41Voyage master field status assignmentRemote Logistics Management
707ERP EHP76.0OIO_VMIS_DEVI21Deviation codesRemote Logistics Management
708ERP EHP76.0OIO_VMIS_DEVI_TX41Deviation codes descriptionsRemote Logistics Management
709ERP EHP76.0OIO_VMIS_RESC71RLM VMIS: Rescue Material on VehicleRemote Logistics Management
710ERP EHP76.0OIO_VMIS_RESCTYP21Rescue Material TypeRemote Logistics Management
711ERP EHP76.0OIO_VMIS_RESC_TX41Rescue Material Type DescriptionRemote Logistics Management
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Downstream :: Bulk Distribution Requirements Planning
712ERP EHP76.0OIIGMME21GMM: Meter eventBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
713ERP EHP76.0OIIGMMES31GMM: Meter event textBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
714ERP EHP76.0OIIGMMET11GMM: General meter history record typeBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
715ERP EHP76.0OIIGMMETS41GMM: General meter history record type textBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
716ERP EHP76.0OIIGMMH261GMM: Meter historyBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
717ERP EHP76.0OIIGMMIKN41GMM: Index for customer/sequence no. access modeBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
718ERP EHP76.0OIIGMMK351GMM: General meter header tableBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
719ERP EHP76.0OIIGMMKS41GMM: Meter descriptionBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
720ERP EHP76.0OIIGMMM141GMM: Meter/Material assignmentBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
721ERP EHP76.0OIIGMMS101GMM: Meter/Storage object assignmentBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
722ERP EHP76.0OIIGMMT31GMM: General meter typeBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
723ERP EHP76.0OIIGMMTS41GMM: General meter type textBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
724ERP EHP76.0OIILGXR21SOC: Expiry reason codeBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
725ERP EHP76.0OIILGXRT51SOC: Expiry reason code textsBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
726ERP EHP76.0OIIOTWSA21BDRP-OTWS: Time window applicability (day of the week)Bulk Distribution Requirements Planning
727ERP EHP76.0OIIOTWSAT51BDRP-OTWS: Time window applicability textsBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
728ERP EHP76.0OIIOTWSIBL81BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set index - business loc.Bulk Distribution Requirements Planning
729ERP EHP76.0OIIOTWSIKN71BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set index - customerBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
730ERP EHP76.0OIIOTWSIWK71BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set index - plantBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
731ERP EHP76.0OIIOTWSK101BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set headerBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
732ERP EHP76.0OIIOTWSP61BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set itemBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
733ERP EHP76.0OIIOTWSRS31BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window reference setBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
734ERP EHP76.0OIIOTWSRST51BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window reference set textBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
735ERP EHP76.0OIIOTWST31BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set typesBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
736ERP EHP76.0OIIOTWSTT51BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set type textsBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
737ERP EHP76.0OIIRFCDEST41RFC destination for IS-Oil BDRP remote function callsBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
738ERP EHP76.0OIISCPLBL91Site control: lead time applicabilities - business locatioBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
739ERP EHP76.0OIISCPLTA21Site Control Parameters: Lead time applicabilitiesBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
740ERP EHP76.0OIISCPLTAS51Site Control Parameters: Lead time applicabilities: TextsBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
741ERP EHP76.0OIISCPLTT21Site Control Parameters: Lead time typesBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
742ERP EHP76.0OIISCPLTTS51Site Control Parameters: Lead time types: TextsBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
743ERP EHP76.0OIISCPLWK71Site control: lead time applicabilities - plantBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
744ERP EHP76.0OIISCPSH341SCP: Site control parameters - sales hour setsBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
745ERP EHP76.0OIISCPSHS51SCP: Site control parameters - sales hour sets - textsBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
746ERP EHP76.0OIISCPWK521SCP: Site control parameters (plant) - IS-Oil BDRPBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
747ERP EHP76.0OIISLVCH141Silo calibration history indexBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
748ERP EHP76.0OIISLVCKO371Silo: Calibration - LVC (strap) set headerBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
749ERP EHP76.0OIISLVCPO61SOC: Linear/volumetric conversion itemsBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
750ERP EHP76.0OIISOCE11SOC: Storage object eventBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
751ERP EHP76.0OIISOCES31SOC: Storage object event textBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
752ERP EHP76.0OIISOCTSS141SOC: time dependent assignment SO <-> SO (IS-Oil BDRP)Bulk Distribution Requirements Planning
753ERP EHP76.0OIISOCVB131SOC: Enable tank ID entry by sales doc typeBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
754ERP EHP76.0OIISOCVB231SOC: Enable tank ID entry by sales doc item categoryBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
755ERP EHP76.0OIIXCUASO21CUA function processingBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
756ERP EHP76.0OII_DIP_MVMT191Related stock derived from SOC material assignmentBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
757ERP EHP76.0OII_DIP_MVMTO1131Related stock derived from SOC material assignmentBulk Distribution Requirements Planning
758ERP EHP76.0OII_MAT_CNTRL101Control table for material assignment per plant (custom.)Bulk Distribution Requirements Planning
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Downstream :: Exchanges
759ERP EHP76.0A33781ContractNr/PlantExchanges
760ERP EHP76.0A33881Purch.doc./PlantExchanges
761ERP EHP76.0A410101Customer/ Plant/ Material/ Base ProductExchanges
762ERP EHP76.0A412101Vendor/Plant/Material/Base ProductExchanges
763ERP EHP76.0A44571MaterialExchanges
764ERP EHP76.0OIA01304Exchange header (IS-Oil EXG standard/core object)Exchanges
765ERP EHP76.0OIA02142Exchange item data - sales sideExchanges
766ERP EHP76.0OIA03152Exchange item data - purchasing sideExchanges
767ERP EHP76.0OIA05111Quantity schedule scheduling table - sales sideExchanges
768ERP EHP76.0OIA05H292Quantity schedule header table - sales sideExchanges
769ERP EHP76.0OIA06121Quantity schedule scheduling table - purchasing sideExchanges
770ERP EHP76.0OIA06H302Quantity schedule header table - purchasing sideExchanges
771ERP EHP76.0OIA07101Logical Inventory Valuation Segment TableExchanges
772ERP EHP76.0OIA08322LIA Document: Item DataExchanges
773ERP EHP76.0OIA08H162LIA Document: Header DataExchanges
774ERP EHP76.0OIA10181Exchange - Netting document itemExchanges
775ERP EHP76.0OIA10E61Index table to find netting docs. by exchange numberExchanges
776ERP EHP76.0OIA10H151Exchange - Netting document headerExchanges
777ERP EHP76.0OIA10L102Exchange - Blocked FI-documents by netting processExchanges
778ERP EHP76.0OIA11251Exchange assignment for deliveriesExchanges
779ERP EHP76.0OIA12211Exchange assignment for bulk shipmentsExchanges
780ERP EHP76.0OIA12I561Movement Based Netting document itemExchanges
781ERP EHP76.0OIA12ICOND141Conditions of OIA12I itemsExchanges
782ERP EHP76.0OIAF7171Formula Condition Txn Data-Header (enhance OICF1)Exchanges
783ERP EHP76.0OIAF8411Formula Condition Data - Terms (enhance OICF2)Exchanges
784ERP EHP76.0OIAF9311Formula Condition Data-Term Items (enhance OICF3)Exchanges
785ERP EHP76.0OIAFE262Fee history tableExchanges
786ERP EHP76.0OIAMP61Price reference plant assignmentExchanges
787ERP EHP76.0OIANF741Fee Condition RecordsExchanges
788ERP EHP76.0OIAQA542Exchange Statement Print RequestsExchanges
789ERP EHP76.0OIAQB672Exchange Movements IndexExchanges
790ERP EHP76.0S036211LIS: Exchange balance 'Lifts/Receipts' (IS-Oil EXG)Exchanges
791ERP EHP76.0S036SAVE211Table to use with Exchanges Reporting and Copy ManagementExchanges
792ERP EHP76.0TOIA1051Invoicing Cycle Number (IS-Oil EXG standard/core object)Exchanges
793ERP EHP76.0TOIA10T41Invoicing Cycle Numbers TextExchanges
794ERP EHP76.0TOIA11141Invoice verification filter typesExchanges
795ERP EHP76.0TOIA11T41Invoice verification filter type textExchanges
796ERP EHP76.0TOIA2171Exchange typesExchanges
797ERP EHP76.0TOIA2T41Exchange types TextsExchanges
798ERP EHP76.0TOIA341Exchange Breakdown indicatorExchanges
799ERP EHP76.0TOIA3T41Exchange Breakdown Indicator TextsExchanges
800ERP EHP76.0TOIA3_QS61Global settings for quantity scheduleExchanges
801ERP EHP76.0TOIA4H51Exchange Netting Cycle - HeaderExchanges
802ERP EHP76.0TOIA4I71Exchange Netting Cycle - Selection CriteriaExchanges
803ERP EHP76.0TOIA4S141Exchange Netting Cycle - Selection CriteriaExchanges
804ERP EHP76.0TOIA771Invoice receipt Copy rulesExchanges
805ERP EHP76.0TOIA871Purchasing copy rulesExchanges
806ERP EHP76.0TOIA971Goods Receipt Copy RulesExchanges
807ERP EHP76.0TOIAB51IS-OIL Exchange - Posting keysExchanges
808ERP EHP76.0TOIAE71Purchase Fee Account AssignmentExchanges
809ERP EHP76.0TOIAEX151Exchange call-off determination w/o TD (eg for user exit)Exchanges
810ERP EHP76.0TOIAF81Sales Fee Account AssignmentExchanges
811ERP EHP76.0TOIAG11Subset of T681A for Fee Application TypesExchanges
812ERP EHP76.0TOIAH31Check Table for Fee Accounting Process StringsExchanges
813ERP EHP76.0TOIAHT51Fee Account Assignment DescriptionsExchanges
814ERP EHP76.0TOIAQ131Exchange Statement Customising AssignmentsExchanges
815ERP EHP76.0TOIAU91LIA Control ParametersExchanges
816ERP EHP76.0TOIAUT41LIA Control Parameter TextsExchanges
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Downstream :: Hydrocarbon Product Management
817ERP EHP76.0ISEGO1862Appendix for Physical Inventory Conversion ParametersHydrocarbon Product Management
818ERP EHP76.0ISEGO2101Appendix for Physical Inventory Additional QuantitiesHydrocarbon Product Management
819ERP EHP76.0LIPSO1852Appendix: Delivery Note - Conversion ParametersHydrocarbon Product Management
820ERP EHP76.0LIPSO271Appendix for Delivery Note Additional QuantitiesHydrocarbon Product Management
821ERP EHP76.0MARCHO181MARCH: Additional quantities appendixHydrocarbon Product Management
822ERP EHP76.0MARCO161Appendix for Additional Quantities at Plant LevelHydrocarbon Product Management
823ERP EHP76.0MARDHO1131MARDH: Aditional quantities appendixHydrocarbon Product Management
824ERP EHP76.0MARDO1211Appendix for Storage Location Additional QuantitiesHydrocarbon Product Management
825ERP EHP76.0MCHBHO1141MCHBH: Additional quantities appendixHydrocarbon Product Management
826ERP EHP76.0MCHBO1181Appendix for Additional Quantities at Batch LevelHydrocarbon Product Management
827ERP EHP76.0MKOLHO1141MKOLH: Additional quantities appendixHydrocarbon Product Management
828ERP EHP76.0MKOLO1161Special stocks from vendor additional quantity appendixHydrocarbon Product Management
829ERP EHP76.0MSEGO1902Quantity Conversion Parameters for Material DocumentsHydrocarbon Product Management
830ERP EHP76.0MSEGO2121Material Document Quantities in Additional Units of MeasureHydrocarbon Product Management
831ERP EHP76.0MSKAHO1151MSKAH: Additional quantities appendixHydrocarbon Product Management
832ERP EHP76.0MSKAO1171Special Stocks Appendix: Additional QuantitiesHydrocarbon Product Management
833ERP EHP76.0MSKUHO1121MSKUH: Additional quantities appendixHydrocarbon Product Management
834ERP EHP76.0MSKUO1131Appendix for Special Stocks with Customers: Add. QuantitiesHydrocarbon Product Management
835ERP EHP76.0MSLBHO1121MSLB: Additional quantities appendixHydrocarbon Product Management
836ERP EHP76.0MSLBO1131Appendix for Special Stocks with Vendors: Add. QuantitiesHydrocarbon Product Management
837ERP EHP76.0MSPRHO1151MSPRH: Additional quantities appendixHydrocarbon Product Management
838ERP EHP76.0MSPRO1191Project Stock additional quantitiesHydrocarbon Product Management
839ERP EHP76.0OIB0261Conversion Mode (Old Transactions)Hydrocarbon Product Management
840ERP EHP76.0OIB0541Oil unit of measure groupsHydrocarbon Product Management
841ERP EHP76.0OIB06T41Unit of Measure group descriptionHydrocarbon Product Management
842ERP EHP76.0OIB08402Log for HIM Quantities out of sync with SKUHydrocarbon Product Management
843ERP EHP76.0OIB09992Log for missing MSEGO1 and MSEGO2 documentsHydrocarbon Product Management
844ERP EHP76.0OIB_ANALYS_CNTRL51Silo ManagementHydrocarbon Product Management
845ERP EHP76.0OIB_DIP_WL_INDEX31Worklist for Silo Management Tank DipsHydrocarbon Product Management
846ERP EHP76.0OIB_DIP_WL_USER31User Assignment to Silo Man.tank dip worklistHydrocarbon Product Management
847ERP EHP76.0OIB_DIP_WORKLIST61Worklist for Silo Management Tank DipsHydrocarbon Product Management
848ERP EHP76.0OIB_MIGO_HHEAD41Store the GOHEAD for MIGOs hold/restore featureHydrocarbon Product Management
849ERP EHP76.0OIB_MIGO_HQCI281Store the QCI-GOITEM for MIGOs hold/restore featureHydrocarbon Product Management
850ERP EHP76.0OIB_MIGO_HQCI_E171Store the QCI-GOITEM-Bapiret for MIGOs hold/restore featureHydrocarbon Product Management
851ERP EHP76.0OIB_MIGO_HQCI_P81Store the QCI-GOITEM-Parameter for MIGOs hold/restore featurHydrocarbon Product Management
852ERP EHP76.0OIB_MIGO_HQCI_Q71Store the QCI-GOITEM-Quantity for MIGOs hold/restore featureHydrocarbon Product Management
853ERP EHP76.0OIB_MIGO_HTST331Store the TST-GOITEM for MIGOs hold/restore featureHydrocarbon Product Management
854ERP EHP76.0OIB_QTCD_RESID31Table for residence time CheckHydrocarbon Product Management
855ERP EHP76.0OIB_T156_FIELDS41Material-stock field relation with stock type and SOBKZHydrocarbon Product Management
856ERP EHP76.0OIB_USERPARAM51HPM user parameter/defaults/favoritesHydrocarbon Product Management
857ERP EHP76.0TVPODO1852Proof of delivery - Oil conversion parametersHydrocarbon Product Management
858ERP EHP76.0TVPODO291Proof of delivery - Oil additional quantitiesHydrocarbon Product Management
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Downstream :: Interface to Terminal Automation System
859ERP EHP76.0OIK01852IS-OIL/TAS: LID Document DataInterface to Terminal Automation System
860ERP EHP76.0OIK01D861IS-OIL/TAS: deactivated LID Document DataInterface to Terminal Automation System
861ERP EHP76.0OIK02A142IS-OIL/TAS: Status of processed functionsInterface to Terminal Automation System
862ERP EHP76.0OIK02B281IS-OIL/TAS: Status of processed functions - messagesInterface to Terminal Automation System
863ERP EHP76.0OIK0361IS-OIL/TAS: Deliveries open for goods issueInterface to Terminal Automation System
864ERP EHP76.0OIK0461IS-OIL/TAS: Idoc data segmentInterface to Terminal Automation System
865ERP EHP76.0OIK29213IS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed inbound IDoc OILSHI01Interface to Terminal Automation System
866ERP EHP76.0OIK29A71IS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed functionsInterface to Terminal Automation System
867ERP EHP76.0OIK29B101IS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed functions - messagesInterface to Terminal Automation System
868ERP EHP76.0OIK29C192IS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed functions - messagesInterface to Terminal Automation System
869ERP EHP76.0OIK29D223IS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed inbound IDoc OILSHI01Interface to Terminal Automation System
870ERP EHP76.0OIK37282IS OIL: Shadow table for SD document processingInterface to Terminal Automation System
871ERP EHP76.0OIKCF211TAS - Control Field DataInterface to Terminal Automation System
872ERP EHP76.0OIKCFW211TAS - Control Field DataInterface to Terminal Automation System
873ERP EHP76.0OIKCGFP41TAS LID-Control structure definition fieldsInterface to Terminal Automation System
874ERP EHP76.0OIKDCP152Delivery confirmationInterface to Terminal Automation System
875ERP EHP76.0OIKDCS192Delivery confirmation statusInterface to Terminal Automation System
876ERP EHP76.0OIKDCSTEP121Delivery confirmation steps (temporary data)Interface to Terminal Automation System
877ERP EHP76.0OIKEDPP1291OIL-TPI: Configuration data for EDP logical systemInterface to Terminal Automation System
878ERP EHP76.0OIKIFTYP11OIL-TPI: Interface typeInterface to Terminal Automation System
879ERP EHP76.0OIKIFTYPT41OIL-TPI: Interface type descriptionInterface to Terminal Automation System
880ERP EHP76.0OIKIFTYPTX31OIL-TPI: Interface type - level control (text objects etc.Interface to Terminal Automation System
881ERP EHP76.0OIKLID722TAS active LIDs(NOTE:keep eq to DB OIKLIDW->append includes)Interface to Terminal Automation System
882ERP EHP76.0OIKLIDR581TD - TAS Reference TableInterface to Terminal Automation System
883ERP EHP76.0OIKLIDW721TAS LID Working version (NOTE: keep DB eq to DB OIKLID)Interface to Terminal Automation System
884ERP EHP76.0OIKLOG01111Log Table for Shipment planningInterface to Terminal Automation System
885ERP EHP76.0OIKLR31TAS Reason DefinitionInterface to Terminal Automation System
886ERP EHP76.0OIKLRT51TAS Reason Definition TextsInterface to Terminal Automation System
887ERP EHP76.0OIKLT141TAS Load ID TypesInterface to Terminal Automation System
888ERP EHP76.0OIKLTC41Load ID TypesInterface to Terminal Automation System
889ERP EHP76.0OIKLTCG41TD - LID Type Control StructureInterface to Terminal Automation System
890ERP EHP76.0OIKLTCGT41TD - LID Type Control Structure TextsInterface to Terminal Automation System
891ERP EHP76.0OIKLTT51Load ID - Type TextsInterface to Terminal Automation System
892ERP EHP76.0OIKPEXLOC61OIL: Status of gen. Location in ext. Transport Planning SyInterface to Terminal Automation System
893ERP EHP76.0OIKPEXORD221Status of Orders Within Transportation PlanningInterface to Terminal Automation System
894ERP EHP76.0OIKSD111TAS/TPI: Shipment schedulingInterface to Terminal Automation System
895ERP EHP76.0OIKSSL81TPI: Log tableInterface to Terminal Automation System
896ERP EHP76.0OIKTPIDC41TPI Relevance Fields and Ranking (by VBTYP)Interface to Terminal Automation System
897ERP EHP76.0OIKTPIPD41TPI Rel.Fields - obsolete - but needed for XPRA ROIKXTPIRELInterface to Terminal Automation System
898ERP EHP76.0OIKTPIRD171TPI: SD doc. - obsolete - but needed for XPRA ROIKXTPIRELInterface to Terminal Automation System
899ERP EHP76.0OIKTT121TPI:Trip planning times-for customer use (Enhancem.OIKSHPSV)Interface to Terminal Automation System
900ERP EHP76.0OIKTTDS281OIL-TPI: Transportation planning point additional dataInterface to Terminal Automation System
901ERP EHP76.0OIKTTDSTX51OIL-TPI: Text IDs per TPP and interface typeInterface to Terminal Automation System
902ERP EHP76.0OIKVD111TPI: Vehicle/Driver assignmentInterface to Terminal Automation System
903ERP EHP76.0OIKXTPI21OIL-TPI: TPI control recordInterface to Terminal Automation System
904ERP EHP76.0TOIKCCAPGRT41OIL-TPI: Customer Capacity Group TextInterface to Terminal Automation System
905ERP EHP76.0TOIKCCGREL31TPI: Customer capacity group for Relevancy TypeInterface to Terminal Automation System
906ERP EHP76.0TOIKCSFP21TAS Control stucture fieldsInterface to Terminal Automation System
907ERP EHP76.0TOIKDCP111Delivery Confirmatio ProcessInterface to Terminal Automation System
908ERP EHP76.0TOIKDEFTOL91OIL-TPI: Storage of default tolerancesInterface to Terminal Automation System
909ERP EHP76.0TOIKDTD61Tabel for defaulting to datesInterface to Terminal Automation System
910ERP EHP76.0TOIKGRTYPA51TPI: Group type assignmentInterface to Terminal Automation System
911ERP EHP76.0TOIKGRTYPET41OIL-TPI: Allowed Group Types (text)Interface to Terminal Automation System
912ERP EHP76.0TOIKLIDF61TD - TAS FunctionsInterface to Terminal Automation System
913ERP EHP76.0TOIKLIDFT41TD - TAS Functions TextsInterface to Terminal Automation System
914ERP EHP76.0TOIKLIDG21TD - TAS Function groupInterface to Terminal Automation System
915ERP EHP76.0TOIKLIDGF61TD - Tas Functiongroup assignment to FunctionsInterface to Terminal Automation System
916ERP EHP76.0TOIKLIDGT41TD - TAS Functiongroup TextInterface to Terminal Automation System
917ERP EHP76.0TOIKLRSS41Customizing table: Items for Select LID's to releaseInterface to Terminal Automation System
918ERP EHP76.0TOIKOWC51Time windowsInterface to Terminal Automation System
919ERP EHP76.0TOIKOWCT41Time frame textInterface to Terminal Automation System
920ERP EHP76.0TOIKTGRP21TAS-Group DefinitionInterface to Terminal Automation System
921ERP EHP76.0TOIKTGRPT41TAS Group Text DefintionInterface to Terminal Automation System
922ERP EHP76.0TOIKTPIR41TAS - TPI Relevance DefinitionInterface to Terminal Automation System
923ERP EHP76.0TOIKTRV161LID TAS relevance determinationInterface to Terminal Automation System
924ERP EHP76.0TOIKTRVF31TAS Relevance Fields and Ranking - PickupInterface to Terminal Automation System
925ERP EHP76.0TOIKTRVFS31TAS Relevance Fields and Ranking - ShipmentInterface to Terminal Automation System
926ERP EHP76.0TOIKTRVS101LID TAS relevance determination ShipmentInterface to Terminal Automation System
927ERP EHP76.0TOIKTRVW31Wildcard maintenance for TAS-relevanceInterface to Terminal Automation System
928ERP EHP76.0TOIKTWS71TPI: Time Window SettingsInterface to Terminal Automation System
929ERP EHP76.0TOIKUSF21TAS User Field DefinitionInterface to Terminal Automation System
930ERP EHP76.0TOIKUSFT51TAS User Field Definition TextsInterface to Terminal Automation System
931ERP EHP76.0TOIK_RFC_ID31Oil: Mapping of RFC destinations to Oil Web App. ScenariosInterface to Terminal Automation System
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Downstream :: Marketing Retail Network
932ERP EHP76.0OIFAAMCSA41Subscreen assignments (IS-Oil MRN APPEND maint. concept)Marketing Retail Network
933ERP EHP76.0OIFBBP1273Business partner role assignments (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
934ERP EHP76.0OIFBPBLT81Location type - permissible partner roles (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
935ERP EHP76.0OIFBRD151Link dialogs supported for BP - technical cat. (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
936ERP EHP76.0OIFBRD1T61Link dialog descriptive text (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
937ERP EHP76.0OIFBRD251SPA/GPA parameters supported for partner link dialogMarketing Retail Network
938ERP EHP76.0OIFBRF261Bus. par. roles - permissible tech. categories (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
939ERP EHP76.0OIFBRT171Business partner roles - technical category (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
940ERP EHP76.0OIFBRT1T51Business partner roles - tech. category text (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
941ERP EHP76.0OIFCHRS281Retail Network Contract service hours typeMarketing Retail Network
942ERP EHP76.0OIFCHRS2S41Retail Network Contract service hours type descriptionMarketing Retail Network
943ERP EHP76.0OIFCOPT181Retail Network Contract option typeMarketing Retail Network
944ERP EHP76.0OIFCOPT1S41Retail Network Contract option type descriptionMarketing Retail Network
945ERP EHP76.0OIFDD1391Delivery point info for bulk delivery preplannningMarketing Retail Network
946ERP EHP76.0OIFDD281Bulk delivery preplanning versionMarketing Retail Network
947ERP EHP76.0OIFDD2S41Bulk delivery preplanning version descriptionMarketing Retail Network
948ERP EHP76.0OIFDDM1251Del. point/material info for bulk delivery planningMarketing Retail Network
949ERP EHP76.0OIFDDM2141Del. point/material/tank (bulk delivery planning)Marketing Retail Network
950ERP EHP76.0OIFDDM3151Del. point/material/meter (bulk delivery planning)Marketing Retail Network
951ERP EHP76.0OIFDTT1151Tank type table - bulk delivery planningMarketing Retail Network
952ERP EHP76.0OIFOANLA142Object links - FI-AA asset master (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
953ERP EHP76.0OIFOCEPC142Object links - CO-PCA profit center (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
954ERP EHP76.0OIFOCOAS122Object links - CO order (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
955ERP EHP76.0OIFOCSKS142Object links - CO cost center (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
956ERP EHP76.0OIFOIFLO122Object links - PM functional location (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
957ERP EHP76.0OIFOLD161Link dialogs supported for object link type (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
958ERP EHP76.0OIFOLD1T71Link dialog descriptive text (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
959ERP EHP76.0OIFOLD241SPA/GPA parameters supported for link dialogMarketing Retail Network
960ERP EHP76.0OIFOPBLT171Location type - permissible object links (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
961ERP EHP76.0OIFOPROJ132Object links - PS project or project item (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
962ERP EHP76.0OIFORACTIV141Activation of Oil-Retail Integration ComponentsMarketing Retail Network
963ERP EHP76.0OIFORCAM161Conversion of article master to material master data (ALE)Marketing Retail Network
964ERP EHP76.0OIFORCOPA21Operating Concern fields suppressed for ALE transferMarketing Retail Network
965ERP EHP76.0OIFORCPR101Transfer customer expected price into sales condition recordMarketing Retail Network
966ERP EHP76.0OIFOT001L132Object links - CA storage location (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
967ERP EHP76.0OIFOT001W122Object links - CA Plant (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
968ERP EHP76.0OIFPBL162Index to point at Business LocationMarketing Retail Network
969ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTAPPDS21Screen configur. tool - Rel. data sections per applicationMarketing Retail Network
970ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTAPPSN31Screen configur. tool - relevant screens per applicationMarketing Retail Network
971ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTCAPT61SSR BASE: screen configuration tool - caption settingsMarketing Retail Network
972ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTCAPTT71SSR BASE: screen configuration tool - caption textsMarketing Retail Network
973ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTDSDEFC51Data Section Customizing - Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
974ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTDSDEFC_C51Customer Data Section Customizing -Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
975ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTDSDEFC_CT41Customer Data Section Customizing -Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
976ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTDSDEFS61Data Section Definitions - Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
977ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTDSDEFST31Data Section Definition Texts - Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
978ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTFDCONFC101Field Selection Customizing - Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
979ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTFDDEFC111Field Definition Customizing - Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
980ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTFDDEFC1121Field Definition Customizing - Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
981ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTFDDEFS171Field Definitions - Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
982ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTFDDEFST41Field Definition Texts - Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
983ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTSNCONFC91Screen Configuration Customizing - Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
984ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTSNCONFS61Screen Configuration Defaults - Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
985ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTSNDEFC91Screen Definition Customizing - Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
986ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTSNDEFS151Screen Definitions - Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
987ERP EHP76.0OIFSCTSNDEFST51Screen Definition Texts - Screen Configuration ToolMarketing Retail Network
988ERP EHP76.0OIFSMCADDR51Link Table Between OIFSPBL and ADRC for MatchcodeMarketing Retail Network
989ERP EHP76.0OIFXAMCCS21AMC possible general data screens (IS-Oil MRN APPEND maint.)Marketing Retail Network
990ERP EHP76.0OIFXBPTAB11Permissible DDIC tables for technical categoriesMarketing Retail Network
991ERP EHP76.0OIFXBRD221Fields supp. as SPA/GPA parameters for partner link dialogMarketing Retail Network
992ERP EHP76.0OIFXCON191Location management system controlMarketing Retail Network
993ERP EHP76.0OIFXCONT101Location management system control textsMarketing Retail Network
994ERP EHP76.0OIFXCUAEX41CUA function exclusion (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
995ERP EHP76.0OIFXEL11MRN design element (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
996ERP EHP76.0OIFXELT41MRN design element descriptive texts (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
997ERP EHP76.0OIFXOL11Permissible object links (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
998ERP EHP76.0OIFXOLT31Permissible object links (IS-Oil MRN) - descr. textsMarketing Retail Network
999ERP EHP76.0OIFXST31Object status table (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
1000ERP EHP76.0OIFXSTT61Object status table texts (IS-Oil MRN)Marketing Retail Network
1001ERP EHP76.0S410573SIS: Business Location Statistics via 'Ship-to' (IS-Oil MRMarketing Retail Network
1002ERP EHP76.0S410E174S410 - Structural InformationMarketing Retail Network
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Downstream :: Marketing, Accounting and Pricing
1003ERP EHP76.0A402101SalesOrg/DistribCh/SDContractNo/MaterialMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1004ERP EHP76.0A403111SalesOrg/DistribCh/SDContractNo/Plant/MaterialMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1005ERP EHP76.0A40491Customer/Material/PlantMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1006ERP EHP76.0A40681Plant/materialMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1007ERP EHP76.0A420111SalesOrg/DistCh/CustGrp/ProdHier/PricDRCMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1008ERP EHP76.0A421121SalesOrg/DistCh/CustGrp/Plant/ProdHier/PricDRCMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1009ERP EHP76.0A422111DRC: Sales Area/Material/Wide Area PricingMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1010ERP EHP76.0A428111SalesOrg/DistChann/CustGrp/DRCMetrInd/ProdHierMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1011ERP EHP76.0A429111DRC: Sales Area/Material/State License Fee ZoneMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1012ERP EHP76.0A430111DRC: Sales Area/Material/DRC CountryMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1013ERP EHP76.0A431111DRC: Sales Area/Material/DRC RegionMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1014ERP EHP76.0A432121DRC: Sales Area/Material/DRC Country/DRC RegionMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1015ERP EHP76.0OICDC141Differential Reference CodeMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1016ERP EHP76.0OICDT101Differential Reference Code - TextsMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1017ERP EHP76.0OICF1_MIGR91Results from Pattern Analysis for Structure OICF1Marketing, Accounting and Pricing
1018ERP EHP76.0OICF1_MIGR_REQ51Header Patterns per RunMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1019ERP EHP76.0OICF2_MIGR311Results from Pattern Analysis for Structure OICF2Marketing, Accounting and Pricing
1020ERP EHP76.0OICF2_MIGR_REQ51Period Patterns per RunMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1021ERP EHP76.0OICF3_MIGR211Results from Pattern Analysis for Structure OICF3Marketing, Accounting and Pricing
1022ERP EHP76.0OICF3_MIGR_REQ51Item Patterns per RunMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1023ERP EHP76.0OICGN71Gross/Net Rule DefaultingMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1024ERP EHP76.0OICINT_CAL121Interest calculationMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1025ERP EHP76.0OICINT_MASTER81Interest master dataMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1026ERP EHP76.0OICINT_SPL91Special interest tableMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1027ERP EHP76.0OICMI21Metropolitan IndicatorMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1028ERP EHP76.0OICMT41Metropolitan Indicator - TextsMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1029ERP EHP76.0OICNU41Gross/Net volume UoM relationshipsMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1030ERP EHP76.0OICPL71Customer price listMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1031ERP EHP76.0OICQ1141Formula Repository - Formula HeaderMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1032ERP EHP76.0OICQ2381Formula Repository - Formula TermMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1033ERP EHP76.0OICQ3281Formula Repository - Formula Term ItemMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1034ERP EHP76.0OICQ4151Formula Condition Data - Formula HeaderMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1035ERP EHP76.0OICQ5391Formula Condition Data - Formula TermsMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1036ERP EHP76.0OICQ6291Formula Condition Data - Formula Term ItemsMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1037ERP EHP76.0OICQ7171Formula Condition Txn Data-Header (enhance OICF1)Marketing, Accounting and Pricing
1038ERP EHP76.0OICQ8411Formula Condition Data - Terms (enhance CI-Include in OICF2)Marketing, Accounting and Pricing
1039ERP EHP76.0OICQ9311Formula Condition Data-Term Items (enhance OICF3)Marketing, Accounting and Pricing
1040ERP EHP76.0OICQCNTL51Control Table for F&A RepositoryMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1041ERP EHP76.0OICQOIL71F&A Oil Table for Repository DefaultMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1042ERP EHP76.0OICRD61Second level pricing report output definition tableMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1043ERP EHP76.0OICRDT61Report column descriptionMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1044ERP EHP76.0OICSDPCDVER51Change document version managementMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1045ERP EHP76.0OICSL21State License Fee ZoneMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1046ERP EHP76.0OICST41State License Fee Zone - TextsMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1047ERP EHP76.0OICWA21Wide Area Pricing ZoneMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1048ERP EHP76.0OICWT41Wide Area Pricing Zone - TextsMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1049ERP EHP76.0OIC_ANALLVL31Pattern analysis levelMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1050ERP EHP76.0OIC_ANALLVL_FLDS51Fields Used in Pattern Analysis LevelsMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1051ERP EHP76.0OIC_ANALLVL_T51Description of Level in Pattern AnalysisMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1052ERP EHP76.0OIC_CPE_FO_LINK161Relationship Between F&A Formula and CPE FormulaMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1053ERP EHP76.0OIC_FORM_ATTRIB301Attributes of Business Context for F&A FormulaMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1054ERP EHP76.0OIC_FO_ITM_MIGR71Formula Structure Pattern - Term Item PatternMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1055ERP EHP76.0OIC_FO_MIGR_REQ51Formula Patterns per RunMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1056ERP EHP76.0OIC_FO_PER_MIGR141Formula Structure Pattern - Header and Period PatternMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1057ERP EHP76.0OIC_KONV871Conditions (Procedure Data)Marketing, Accounting and Pricing
1058ERP EHP76.0OIC_LSMW_PROJ51Used LSMW Project for Data exchangeMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
1059ERP EHP76.0OIC_OIANF741Fee Condition RecordsMarketing, Accounting and Pricing
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Downstream :: Marketing, Contract and Order Entry
1060ERP EHP76.0OID9I141Remapping Default Item CategoriesMarketing, Contract and Order Entry
1061ERP EHP76.0OIDAP241Automatic Plant DeterminationMarketing, Contract and Order Entry
1062ERP EHP76.0OID_TRIP51Pipeline Trip NumbersMarketing, Contract and Order Entry
1063ERP EHP76.0OID_WEAG91Last Order Ship-to/Sold-toMarketing, Contract and Order Entry
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Downstream :: Service Station Retailing
1064ERP EHP76.0A36091Location / Service type / Material - Street priceService Station Retailing
1065ERP EHP76.0A36181LocationID/Material - Street priceService Station Retailing
1066ERP EHP76.0A41871Sales org.Service Station Retailing
1067ERP EHP76.0B41461LocationID/PrnGpService Station Retailing
1068ERP EHP76.0C01191Company Code/Payment card type/Splitting resultService Station Retailing
1069ERP EHP76.0C01291Sales Org / Card type / split resultService Station Retailing
1070ERP EHP76.0C01381Company Code / card typeService Station Retailing
1071ERP EHP76.0C01471Card TypeService Station Retailing
1072ERP EHP76.0OIRADBT513Document base tableService Station Retailing
1073ERP EHP76.0OIRADBTCFLD21Customer specifc fields for he document base table (OIRADBService Station Retailing
1074ERP EHP76.0OIRADBTCOMPSTR41Completion strategy for the document base tableService Station Retailing
1075ERP EHP76.0OIRADBTCOMPSTRT41Completion strategy descriptionService Station Retailing
1076ERP EHP76.0OIRADBTCSPROC31Link subsequent processes to a completion strategyService Station Retailing
1077ERP EHP76.0OIRADBTSUBPROC11Subsequent processes for the document base tableService Station Retailing
1078ERP EHP76.0OIRADTLT132Document transaction link tableService Station Retailing
1079ERP EHP76.0OIRAMATHANDGRP131Material handling group material assignment (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1080ERP EHP76.0OIRAMATHANDGRPD31Material handling group definition (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1081ERP EHP76.0OIRAMATHANDGRPDT51Material handling group definition text (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1082ERP EHP76.0OIRAPBLHEAD41General Location header Subscreen assignments (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1083ERP EHP76.0OIRAPBLHEADCS41General Location header possible screens (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1084ERP EHP76.0OIRAPCG21Process Control Group (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1085ERP EHP76.0OIRAPCGP41Process Grouping (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1086ERP EHP76.0OIRAPCGT41Process Control Group description (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1087ERP EHP76.0OIRAPCSTAT11Process Control Status Definition (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1088ERP EHP76.0OIRAPCSTATT31Process Control Status Description (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1089ERP EHP76.0OIRAPROCCHK41Process Dependancy Definition (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1090ERP EHP76.0OIRAPROCDEF131Process Definition (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1091ERP EHP76.0OIRAPROCDEFT31Process Description (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1092ERP EHP76.0OIRAPROCEXE51Assign process to transaction code (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1093ERP EHP76.0OIRAPROCRNBT31Link Business type to Process IDService Station Retailing
1094ERP EHP76.0OIRAPROCSTAT121PC Process status (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1095ERP EHP76.0OIRAPROCTECH31Process Control performance settings (no transport)Service Station Retailing
1096ERP EHP76.0OIRAPROCTECHACT31Process optimization activationService Station Retailing
1097ERP EHP76.0OIRAPROC_OBJ_ID11Processing object typeService Station Retailing
1098ERP EHP76.0OIRAPROC_OBJ_IDT31Processing object type descriptionService Station Retailing
1099ERP EHP76.0OIRAREPSUMCOL51SSR Reporting: Subtotal column definitionService Station Retailing
1100ERP EHP76.0OIRAREPSUMCOLS11SSR Reporting: Subtotal column definitionService Station Retailing
1101ERP EHP76.0OIRAREPSUMCOLST31SSR Reporting: Subtotal column deinitionService Station Retailing
1102ERP EHP76.0OIRAREPSUMCOLT71SSR Reporting: Subtotal column deinitionService Station Retailing
1103ERP EHP76.0OIRAREPSUMCOLV61SSR Reporting: Subtotal column value assignmentsService Station Retailing
1104ERP EHP76.0OIRARNBTMATKL31Link Business type - Materialgroup (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1105ERP EHP76.0OIRARNBTST31Link Business type - Service type (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1106ERP EHP76.0OIRASTYP21Service type (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1107ERP EHP76.0OIRASTYPT41Service type description (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1108ERP EHP76.0OIRA_AGGIN_VAL11Value table for methods to transfer data into the aggr tabService Station Retailing
1109ERP EHP76.0OIRA_AGGIN_VALT31Text table for BADI to transfer data into the pre-agg tablService Station Retailing
1110ERP EHP76.0OIRA_AGGSCHDEF81Pre-aggregation schema definition parametersService Station Retailing
1111ERP EHP76.0OIRA_AGGSCHEMA31Define pre-aggregation schema and key parametersService Station Retailing
1112ERP EHP76.0OIRA_AGGSCHEMAT41Text table for aggregation schema definitionService Station Retailing
1113ERP EHP76.0OIRA_ALVPRN_VAL11SSR Print - ALV output table methods for disp/chg print pgService Station Retailing
1114ERP EHP76.0OIRA_ALVPRN_VALT31SSR Print - ALV output table methods for disp/chg print pgService Station Retailing
1115ERP EHP76.0OIRA_AP_VAL11Process after process RoutinesService Station Retailing
1116ERP EHP76.0OIRA_AP_VALT31Process after process RoutinesService Station Retailing
1117ERP EHP76.0OIRA_ARCH_CUST61SSR - Archiving customizingService Station Retailing
1118ERP EHP76.0OIRA_ARCH_TABLES11SSR - Archiving tablesService Station Retailing
1119ERP EHP76.0OIRA_CALLUP_ASSN51Assignment of print index call-up pointsService Station Retailing
1120ERP EHP76.0OIRA_CUSTIND_FLD41Print group index customer fieldsService Station Retailing
1121ERP EHP76.0OIRA_DBT_LOCK31Virtual locking table for the document base table (OIRADBTService Station Retailing
1122ERP EHP76.0OIRA_DESTSTR_VAL11Check table for destination structure of pre-aggregationService Station Retailing
1123ERP EHP76.0OIRA_DOCTYPE_VAL11Values for doctypeService Station Retailing
1124ERP EHP76.0OIRA_DOCTYP_VALT31Text table for DBT document typesService Station Retailing
1125ERP EHP76.0OIRA_IN_VAL11Value table for methods to fill aggregation tableService Station Retailing
1126ERP EHP76.0OIRA_IN_VALT31Text table for methods to fill aggregation tableService Station Retailing
1127ERP EHP76.0OIRA_MAIN_VAL11Value table for manipulation after pre-aggregationService Station Retailing
1128ERP EHP76.0OIRA_MAIN_VALT31Text table for BADI to manipulate entries after pre-aggService Station Retailing
1129ERP EHP76.0OIRA_MSG_SUP61SSR: Message supressionService Station Retailing
1130ERP EHP76.0OIRA_MS_VAL11SSR: Message supression routinesService Station Retailing
1131ERP EHP76.0OIRA_MS_VALT31SSR: Message supression routinesService Station Retailing
1132ERP EHP76.0OIRA_OUT_VAL11Value table for transfer from aggregated table BADIService Station Retailing
1133ERP EHP76.0OIRA_OUT_VALT31Text for BADI to transfer from aggregated tableService Station Retailing
1134ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PC_VAL11Process Prerequisite Check RoutinesService Station Retailing
1135ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PC_VALT31Process Prerequisite Check RoutinesService Station Retailing
1136ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PD_VAL11Process Date Check RoutinesService Station Retailing
1137ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PD_VALT31Process Date Check RoutinesService Station Retailing
1138ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PE_VAL11Process Execution RoutinesService Station Retailing
1139ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PE_VALT31Process Execution RoutinesService Station Retailing
1140ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PGC_VAL11Process Prerequisite Group Check RoutinesService Station Retailing
1141ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PGC_VALT31Process Prerequisite Group Check RoutinesService Station Retailing
1142ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRINTCALL41Definition of print index update call-up pointsService Station Retailing
1143ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRINTCALLT31Text table for print index update call-up pointsService Station Retailing
1144ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRINTGP81Print type group definitionService Station Retailing
1145ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRINTGPT41Text table for print type groupService Station Retailing
1146ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRINTINDEX161Print group index dataService Station Retailing
1147ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRINTPROC11Procedure for updating the print group index tableService Station Retailing
1148ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRINTPROCT31Text table for Print update procedureService Station Retailing
1149ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRNDOC_HEAD81Print document header dataService Station Retailing
1150ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRNDOC_ITEM102Print document item dataService Station Retailing
1151ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRNFLD_ASSN91Assignment of sources for index fieldsService Station Retailing
1152ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRNSRC_VAL11Value table to fill print index table fieldsService Station Retailing
1153ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRNSRC_VALT31Text table for print index table fields fillingService Station Retailing
1154ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRNTYP_ASSN31Print index update procedure assignmentService Station Retailing
1155ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRPROC_VAL11SSR Print - ALV output table population methodsService Station Retailing
1156ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRPROC_VALT31SSR Print - ALV output table population methodsService Station Retailing
1157ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRUPD_VAL11Value table to print skip update routineService Station Retailing
1158ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PRUPD_VALT31Text table for print skip update routineService Station Retailing
1159ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PU_VAL11Process Status Update RoutinesService Station Retailing
1160ERP EHP76.0OIRA_PU_VALT31Process Status Update RoutinesService Station Retailing
1161ERP EHP76.0OIRA_SRCDOC_CAT41Source document categoriesService Station Retailing
1162ERP EHP76.0OIRA_SRCDOC_CATT31Text table for Source document categoriesService Station Retailing
1163ERP EHP76.0OIRA_SRCESTR_VAL11Check table for destination structure of pre-aggregationService Station Retailing
1164ERP EHP76.0OIRBAMCS61Subscreen assignments (IS-Oil SSR APPEND maint. concept)Service Station Retailing
1165ERP EHP76.0OIRBAREA31Location Area (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1166ERP EHP76.0OIRBAREAM41Area Manager assignment (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1167ERP EHP76.0OIRBAREAT51Location Area Description (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1168ERP EHP76.0OIRBBP1PF101Location partner role SD partner functions (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1169ERP EHP76.0OIRBBRAND31Location Brand (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1170ERP EHP76.0OIRBBRANDT41Location Brand description (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1171ERP EHP76.0OIRBCSTORE41C-Store/Retail specific data (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1172ERP EHP76.0OIRBDSRNBT_C31Lead RNBT for SCT data section (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1173ERP EHP76.0OIRBDSSORT81Sort definition table for table control (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1174ERP EHP76.0OIRBFDRNBT_C41Lead RNBT for SCT field (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1175ERP EHP76.0OIRBLAA71Location area assignment (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1176ERP EHP76.0OIRBLAAT61Location area assignment description (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1177ERP EHP76.0OIRBMATMET222Business Location material/meter assignment (IS-Oil, SSR)Service Station Retailing
1178ERP EHP76.0OIRBOANLA151Object links - FI-AA asset master (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1179ERP EHP76.0OIRBOCEPC151Object links - CO-PCA profit center (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1180ERP EHP76.0OIRBOCOAS131Object links - CO order (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1181ERP EHP76.0OIRBOCSKS151Object links - CO cost center (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1182ERP EHP76.0OIRBOIFLO131Object links - PM functional location (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1183ERP EHP76.0OIRBOMMT001L132Object links - CA storage location (IS-Oil MRN)Service Station Retailing
1184ERP EHP76.0OIRBOPROJ141Object links - PS project or project item (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1185ERP EHP76.0OIRBOT001L141Object links - CA storage location (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1186ERP EHP76.0OIRBOT001W131Object links - CA Plant (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1187ERP EHP76.0OIRBPBLB302Business location at business type level (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1188ERP EHP76.0OIRBPBLPBL101Link Table Location-Loc(Competitor assgnmnt)(IS-OIL,SSR)Service Station Retailing
1189ERP EHP76.0OIRBPBLSTAT121Location Status definition (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1190ERP EHP76.0OIRBPBLTRNBT31Dummy table for run-time field RNBT per location typeService Station Retailing
1191ERP EHP76.0OIRBPBLVAL21Relative Location Value (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1192ERP EHP76.0OIRBPBLVALD21Location Value differentiator (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1193ERP EHP76.0OIRBPBLVALDT41Location Value differentiator description (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1194ERP EHP76.0OIRBPBLVALT41Relative Location Value description (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1195ERP EHP76.0OIRBREG31Location region indicator (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1196ERP EHP76.0OIRBREGM41Region Manager assignment (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1197ERP EHP76.0OIRBREGT51Location Region Description (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1198ERP EHP76.0OIRBSAREA31Location sub area (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1199ERP EHP76.0OIRBSAREAM41Sub Area Manager assignment (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1200ERP EHP76.0OIRBSAREAT51Location Sub Area (IS-OIL SSR)Service Station Retailing
1201ERP EHP76.0OIRBSNRNBT_C41Lead RNBT for SCT screen (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1202ERP EHP76.0OIRBSTATDEF41Location Status definition (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1203ERP EHP76.0OIRBSTATDEFT41Location Status definition text (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1204ERP EHP76.0OIRBSTATPROC31Allowed processes per location status (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1205ERP EHP76.0OIRBTTXID41SSR Service Station Base: Text ID ActivationService Station Retailing
1206ERP EHP76.0OIRBTTXIT51SSR Service Station Base: Text ID TitlesService Station Retailing
1207ERP EHP76.0OIRCCOMPD141SSR Pricing - Competitor price differencesService Station Retailing
1208ERP EHP76.0OIRCCOMPDM151SSR Pricing - Competitor price differences/MaterialService Station Retailing
1209ERP EHP76.0OIRCLPC21SSR Pricing - Location price clusterService Station Retailing
1210ERP EHP76.0OIRCLPCD141SSR Pricing - Location price cluster differencesService Station Retailing
1211ERP EHP76.0OIRCLPCDM151SSR Pricing - Location price cluster differences/MaterialService Station Retailing
1212ERP EHP76.0OIRCLPCT41SSR Pricing - Location price cluster: TextsService Station Retailing
1213ERP EHP76.0OIRCMDPG21SSR Pricing - Material difference price groupService Station Retailing
1214ERP EHP76.0OIRCMDPGR141SSR Pricing - Material differences ratesService Station Retailing
1215ERP EHP76.0OIRCMDPGT41SSR Pricing - Material difference price group: TextsService Station Retailing
1216ERP EHP76.0OIRCPCR41SSR Pricing - Change reasonService Station Retailing
1217ERP EHP76.0OIRCPCRT41SSR Pricing - Change reason: TextsService Station Retailing
1218ERP EHP76.0OIRCPRCHHEAD121SSR Pricing - Change header detailsService Station Retailing
1219ERP EHP76.0OIRCPRUPD51SSR Pricing - Update type definitionService Station Retailing
1220ERP EHP76.0OIRCSCTFDDEFS111Field Definitions - Meter MaintenanceService Station Retailing
1221ERP EHP76.0OIRCSCTFDDEFST31Field Definition Texts - Meter MaintenanceService Station Retailing
1222ERP EHP76.0OIRCSDPG21SSR Pricing - Service type difference price groupService Station Retailing
1223ERP EHP76.0OIRCSDPGR141SSR Pricing - Service type differences ratesService Station Retailing
1224ERP EHP76.0OIRCSDPGT41SSR Pricing - Service type differences group: TextsService Station Retailing
1225ERP EHP76.0OIRCT683V51SSR Pricing - Margin procedure determinationService Station Retailing
1226ERP EHP76.0OIRCT68591SSR Pricing - Condition type definitionService Station Retailing
1227ERP EHP76.0OIRCT685_H101SSR Pricing - Condition type definitionService Station Retailing
1228ERP EHP76.0OIRCTVKD21SSR Pricing - Location Margin ProcedureService Station Retailing
1229ERP EHP76.0OIRCTVKDT41SSR Pricing - Location Margin Procedure: TextsService Station Retailing
1230ERP EHP76.0OIRCTVKV21SSR Pricing - Business type Margin ProcedureService Station Retailing
1231ERP EHP76.0OIRCTVKVT41SSR Pricing - Business type Margin Procedure: TextsService Station Retailing
1232ERP EHP76.0OIRC_ACCESS11SSR Meters - Access typeService Station Retailing
1233ERP EHP76.0OIRC_ACCESST41SSR Meters - Access type textService Station Retailing
1234ERP EHP76.0OIRC_ACCGR91SSR Meters - Meter access profileService Station Retailing
1235ERP EHP76.0OIRC_ACCGRT41SSR Meters - Meter access profile textsService Station Retailing
1236ERP EHP76.0OIRC_ACT_HEADER41SSR Fuels - Active checks - HeaderService Station Retailing
1237ERP EHP76.0OIRC_ACT_STATUS61SSR Fuels - Active checks - StatusService Station Retailing
1238ERP EHP76.0OIRC_APR_HEADER61SSR Pricing - Active checks - HeaderService Station Retailing
1239ERP EHP76.0OIRC_APR_STATUS81SSR Pricing - Active checks - StatusService Station Retailing
1240ERP EHP76.0OIRC_CP_VAL11SSR Pricing - Screenwise price proposal methodsService Station Retailing
1241ERP EHP76.0OIRC_CP_VALT31SSR Pricing - Screenwise price proposal methods textsService Station Retailing
1242ERP EHP76.0OIRC_DB_VAL11SSR Pricing - Customisable reset buttonService Station Retailing
1243ERP EHP76.0OIRC_DB_VALT31SSR Pricing - Customisable reset button textsService Station Retailing
1244ERP EHP76.0OIRC_DC_VAL11SSR Stocks - User checks methodsService Station Retailing
1245ERP EHP76.0OIRC_DC_VALT31SSR Stocks - User checks methods: textsService Station Retailing
1246ERP EHP76.0OIRC_DESTSTRUC11Check table for comm. structures for logistics documentsService Station Retailing
1247ERP EHP76.0OIRC_DRREJ1411SSR Stocks - Dip readings rejected recordsService Station Retailing
1248ERP EHP76.0OIRC_DRREJ_ERR71SSR Stocks - Dip readings rejected records - Error listService Station Retailing
1249ERP EHP76.0OIRC_DR_COMPST61SSR Stocks - Completion strategy for the DBTService Station Retailing
1250ERP EHP76.0OIRC_DS_VAL11SSR Stocks - Schedule determination methodsService Station Retailing
1251ERP EHP76.0OIRC_DS_VALT31SSR Stocks - Schedule determination methods: textsService Station Retailing
1252ERP EHP76.0OIRC_DT_VAL11SSR Stocks - Tolerance quantity base methodsService Station Retailing
1253ERP EHP76.0OIRC_DT_VALT31SSR Stocks - Tolerance quantity base methods: textsService Station Retailing
1254ERP EHP76.0OIRC_EM_VAL11SSR Pricing - 2-dimensional matrx edit methodsService Station Retailing
1255ERP EHP76.0OIRC_EM_VALT31SSR Pricing - 2-dimensional pricing matrix edit methodsService Station Retailing
1256ERP EHP76.0OIRC_FD_VAL11SSR Pricing - Footer definition methodsService Station Retailing
1257ERP EHP76.0OIRC_FD_VALT31SSR Pricing - Footer definition methodsService Station Retailing
1258ERP EHP76.0OIRC_FUELS_PR771SSR - Processing profileService Station Retailing
1259ERP EHP76.0OIRC_FUELS_PRMAT461SSR - Processing profile/MaterialService Station Retailing
1260ERP EHP76.0OIRC_FUELS_PRT41SSR - Processing profile textsService Station Retailing
1261ERP EHP76.0OIRC_GMME31SSR: Meter eventService Station Retailing
1262ERP EHP76.0OIRC_GMMES41SSR: Meter event textService Station Retailing
1263ERP EHP76.0OIRC_GMMH643SSR Meters - HistoryService Station Retailing
1264ERP EHP76.0OIRC_GMMH_AGG01141SSR Meters - Aggregated history (Monthly)Service Station Retailing
1265ERP EHP76.0OIRC_GMMH_AGG011131SSR Meters - Aggregated history (Monthly)Service Station Retailing
1266ERP EHP76.0OIRC_GMMH_DEL653SSR Meters - Deleted meter readings historyService Station Retailing
1267ERP EHP76.0OIRC_GMMH_PRNR31SSR Meters - History / Maximum process numberService Station Retailing
1268ERP EHP76.0OIRC_HD_VAL11SSR Pricing - Header definition methodsService Station Retailing
1269ERP EHP76.0OIRC_HD_VALT31SSR Pricing - Header definition methodsService Station Retailing
1270ERP EHP76.0OIRC_HS_VAL11SSR Pricing - History selectionService Station Retailing
1271ERP EHP76.0OIRC_HS_VALT31SSR Meters - User checks methods: textsService Station Retailing
1272ERP EHP76.0OIRC_LD_PBLIND21Logistics document definition location indicatorService Station Retailing
1273ERP EHP76.0OIRC_LD_PBLINDT41Logistics document definition location indicatorService Station Retailing
1274ERP EHP76.0OIRC_LOGDDR_VAL11Logistics documents - Schedule determination methodsService Station Retailing
1275ERP EHP76.0OIRC_LOGDDR_VALT31SSR Meters - Schedule determination methodsService Station Retailing
1276ERP EHP76.0OIRC_LOGDOCDEFH81Logistics document definition schema headerService Station Retailing
1277ERP EHP76.0OIRC_LOGDOCDEFHT41Logistics document definition schema headerService Station Retailing
1278ERP EHP76.0OIRC_LOGDOCDEFI111Logistics document definition schema itemsService Station Retailing
1279ERP EHP76.0OIRC_LOGDOCS_VAL11Logistics documents - Schedule determination methodsService Station Retailing
1280ERP EHP76.0OIRC_LOGDOCS_VAT31SSR Meters - Schedule determination methodsService Station Retailing
1281ERP EHP76.0OIRC_LOGDOC_ASS51Logistics document schema assignmentService Station Retailing
1282ERP EHP76.0OIRC_LOGDOC_ASSC51Logistics document schema assignment card exceptionsService Station Retailing
1283ERP EHP76.0OIRC_LOG_DOCTYP11Logistics document typeService Station Retailing
1284ERP EHP76.0OIRC_LOG_DOCTYPT31Logistics document type descriptionService Station Retailing
1285ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MC_VAL11SSR Meters - User checks methodsService Station Retailing
1286ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MC_VALT31SSR Meters - User checks methods: textsService Station Retailing
1287ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MD_VAL11SSR Pricing - Margin definition methodsService Station Retailing
1288ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MD_VALT31SSR Pricing - Margin definition methods textsService Station Retailing
1289ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MMR_VAL11SSR Meters - Dialog save methodsService Station Retailing
1290ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MMR_VALT31SSR Meters - Dialog save methods: textsService Station Retailing
1291ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MRREJ731SSR Meters - Meter readings rejected recordsService Station Retailing
1292ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MRREJ_ERR71SSR Meters - MR rejected records - Error list (OBSOLETE)Service Station Retailing
1293ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MRREJ_ERRL71SSR Meters - Meter readings rejected records - Error listService Station Retailing
1294ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MR_COMPST61SSR Meters - Completion strategy for the DBTService Station Retailing
1295ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MR_FDEF_CF111SSR Meters - Field Selection Customizing - SCTService Station Retailing
1296ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MR_FDEF_KEY51SSR Meters - Field Selection Customizing - Key definitionService Station Retailing
1297ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MR_SUBSCR41SSR Meters - Subscreen assignments maintenanceService Station Retailing
1298ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MS_VAL11SSR Meters - Schedule determination methodsService Station Retailing
1299ERP EHP76.0OIRC_MS_VALT31SSR Meters - Schedule determination methods: textsService Station Retailing
1300ERP EHP76.0OIRC_OUT_VAL11Value table for transfer from aggregated table BADIService Station Retailing
1301ERP EHP76.0OIRC_OUT_VALT31Value table for transfer from aggregated table BADIService Station Retailing
1302ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PASS131Fuels pricing pass prices export tableService Station Retailing
1303ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PC_VAL11SSR Pricing - Commnuication structure population methodsService Station Retailing
1304ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PC_VALT31SSR Pricing - Commnuication structure population methodsService Station Retailing
1305ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PD_VAL11SSR Pricing - Period defintion methodsService Station Retailing
1306ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PD_VALT31SSR Pricing - Period defintion methods textsService Station Retailing
1307ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PISPC_VAL11SSR Pricing - Data transfer from report to 2D pr. functionService Station Retailing
1308ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PISPC_VALT31SSR Pricing - Data transfer from report to 2D pr. functionService Station Retailing
1309ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PK_VAL11SSR Pricing - User price check methodsService Station Retailing
1310ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PK_VALT31SSR Pricing - User price check methods textsService Station Retailing
1311ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PPD_VAL11SSR Pricing - Columnwise price proposal methodsService Station Retailing
1312ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PPD_VALT31SSR Pricing - Columnwise price proposal methods textsService Station Retailing
1313ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PP_VAL11SSR Pricing - Rowwise price proposal methodsService Station Retailing
1314ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PP_VALT31SSR Pricing - Rowwise price proposal methods textsService Station Retailing
1315ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PRCHK301SSR Pricing - Price checkService Station Retailing
1316ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PRLOG_DIF141SSR Pricing - Price update differencesService Station Retailing
1317ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PRLOG_OBJ41SSR Pricing - Price update location listService Station Retailing
1318ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PRLOG_PRL101SSR Pricing - Old and new pricesService Station Retailing
1319ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PRLOG_PRM211SSR Pricing - Price update parameter logService Station Retailing
1320ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PROC_LOG91SSR Fuels - Process logService Station Retailing
1321ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PRPROC_DF21SSR Pricing - Process definitionService Station Retailing
1322ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PRPROC_DFT31SSR Pricing - Process definition - textsService Station Retailing
1323ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PRPROC_EX21SSR Pricing - Excluded function codesService Station Retailing
1324ERP EHP76.0OIRC_PR_CHECKS31SSR Pricing - Check codesService Station Retailing
1325ERP EHP76.0OIRC_RC_VAL11SSR Meters - Rollover control methodsService Station Retailing
1326ERP EHP76.0OIRC_RC_VALT31SSR Meters - Rollover control methods: textsService Station Retailing
1327ERP EHP76.0OIRC_RD_VAL11SSR Pricing - Row definition methodsService Station Retailing
1328ERP EHP76.0OIRC_RD_VALT31SSR Pricing - Row definition methodsService Station Retailing
1329ERP EHP76.0OIRC_SD_VAL11SSR Pricing - Screen definition methodsService Station Retailing
1330ERP EHP76.0OIRC_SD_VALT31SSR Pricing - Screen definition methodsService Station Retailing
1331ERP EHP76.0OIRC_SOCDIP1332SSR Stocks - Dip readings historyService Station Retailing
1332ERP EHP76.0OIRC_SRCESTRUC11Check table for logistics documents source structureService Station Retailing
1333ERP EHP76.0OIRC_STATUS21SSR Fuels - StatusService Station Retailing
1334ERP EHP76.0OIRC_STATUST31SSR Fuels - Status - DescriptionService Station Retailing
1335ERP EHP76.0OIRC_STATUST_USR31SSR Fuels - Status (User checks) - DescriptionService Station Retailing
1336ERP EHP76.0OIRC_STATUS_USR21SSR Fuels - Status (User checks)Service Station Retailing
1337ERP EHP76.0OIRC_SV_VAL11SSR Pricing - Save command methodService Station Retailing
1338ERP EHP76.0OIRC_SV_VALT31SSR Pricing - Save command method: textsService Station Retailing
1339ERP EHP76.0OIRC_TL_VAL11SSR Pricing - Method to identify target line for pastingService Station Retailing
1340ERP EHP76.0OIRC_TL_VALT31SSR Pricing - Method to identify target line for pastingService Station Retailing
1341ERP EHP76.0OIRC_VCDEF271SSR Pricing - List variant/condition type definitionService Station Retailing
1342ERP EHP76.0OIRC_VCDEFT61SSR Pricing - List variant/condition type def. - TextsService Station Retailing
1343ERP EHP76.0OIRC_VCDEF_COLDF61SSR Pricing - Column definitionService Station Retailing
1344ERP EHP76.0OIRC_VCDEF_COLFD71SSR Pricing - Column definition: FieldsService Station Retailing
1345ERP EHP76.0OIRC_VCDEF_COLHD41SSR Pricing - Column definition: HeaderService Station Retailing
1346ERP EHP76.0OIRC_VCDEF_F91SSR Pricing - List variant/cond. type - field definitionService Station Retailing
1347ERP EHP76.0OIRC_VCDEF_F_VAL81SSR Pricing - List variant/condition type - field valuesService Station Retailing
1348ERP EHP76.0OIRC_VCDEF_VAL51SSR Pricing - List variant/condition type definition headeService Station Retailing
1349ERP EHP76.0OIRC_WST31SSR Pricing - List VariantsService Station Retailing
1350ERP EHP76.0OIRC_WSTT41SSR Pricing - List Variants - TextsService Station Retailing
1351ERP EHP76.0OIREBLSTPL21SSR PC: Black List Storage PlaceService Station Retailing
1352ERP EHP76.0OIREBLSTPLT41SSR PC: Black List Storage Place Texts (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1353ERP EHP76.0OIREBR21SSR PC: Block reasons (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1354ERP EHP76.0OIREBRT41SSR PC: Block Reason Text (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1355ERP EHP76.0OIRECCTYP361SSR PC: Company code / credit card typesService Station Retailing
1356ERP EHP76.0OIRECCTYPAOBJ31Assignm.card type/CC to archiving object (obsolete rel.472)Service Station Retailing
1357ERP EHP76.0OIRECH341SSR PC: Clearing House table (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1358ERP EHP76.0OIRECHBPA71Clearing house bus. partner role assignments (IS-Oil MRN)Service Station Retailing
1359ERP EHP76.0OIRECHPR31SSR PC: Initial procedures (CH determ., stat. group...)Service Station Retailing
1360ERP EHP76.0OIRECHSETTFMT51CH Settlement Format TableService Station Retailing
1361ERP EHP76.0OIRECHSETTFMTT51Report column descriptionService Station Retailing
1362ERP EHP76.0OIRECHT41SSR PC: Clearing House Texts (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1363ERP EHP76.0OIRECH_APPL161SSR PC: Clearing House application data (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1364ERP EHP76.0OIRECH_RECON111SSR PC Reconciliation Cusotmizing by Clearing HouseService Station Retailing
1365ERP EHP76.0OIRECOMPACT51SSR PC: Complaint actionService Station Retailing
1366ERP EHP76.0OIRECOMPACTT41SSR PC: Complaint action textService Station Retailing
1367ERP EHP76.0OIRECOMPRES21SSR PC: Complaint resultsService Station Retailing
1368ERP EHP76.0OIRECOMPREST41SSR PC: Complaint result textService Station Retailing
1369ERP EHP76.0OIREDISC61SSR PC: Clearing house discounts by cardtype/co code/CHService Station Retailing
1370ERP EHP76.0OIREDTFCAPT41SSR PC: Controls the tabstrips in the DTF transactionService Station Retailing
1371ERP EHP76.0OIREDTFCAPTS61SSR PC: Controls the tabstrips in the DTF transactionService Station Retailing
1372ERP EHP76.0OIREDTFCAPTST41SSR PC: Texts for the tabstrip captions in the DTF programService Station Retailing
1373ERP EHP76.0OIREDTFCAPTT41SSR PC: Texts for the tabstrip captions in the DTF programService Station Retailing
1374ERP EHP76.0OIREDTFSCRN61SSR PC: Control of the tabstips shown - customizingService Station Retailing
1375ERP EHP76.0OIREDTFSCRNS61SSR PC: Control of the tabstips shown - system tableService Station Retailing
1376ERP EHP76.0OIREDTF_INFOSCRN51Assignment of infoscreen for SAPMOIREDTFService Station Retailing
1377ERP EHP76.0OIRELPCGROUP31Location Payment Card Grouping - Group DefinitionsService Station Retailing
1378ERP EHP76.0OIRELPCGROUPT51Location Payment Card Grouping - Group Definition TextsService Station Retailing
1379ERP EHP76.0OIREMATKL41SSR PC: Material groups allowed/not allowed, CoCode/PC typService Station Retailing
1380ERP EHP76.0OIREMATNR41SSR PC: Material numbers allowed/not allowed, CoCode/PC tyService Station Retailing
1381ERP EHP76.0OIREPBL211SSR PC: Types per business locationService Station Retailing
1382ERP EHP76.0OIREPCCAT71SSR PC: CategoriesService Station Retailing
1383ERP EHP76.0OIREPCCATT41SSR PC: Category TextsService Station Retailing
1384ERP EHP76.0OIREPCNUM71SSR PC: Number RangesService Station Retailing
1385ERP EHP76.0OIREPCTYP41SSR PC: Payment Card TypeService Station Retailing
1386ERP EHP76.0OIREPCTYPT41SSR PC: Payment Card Type TextsService Station Retailing
1387ERP EHP76.0OIREPOSTTYP31SSR PC: Posting Type (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1388ERP EHP76.0OIREPOSTTYPET31SSR PC: Payment card header for document postingService Station Retailing
1389ERP EHP76.0OIRERESACT31SSR PC: Link between complaint result and complaint actionService Station Retailing
1390ERP EHP76.0OIRESETTDOCFMT51CH Settlement Format TableService Station Retailing
1391ERP EHP76.0OIRESETTDOCFMTT51Settlement Document Report column descriptionService Station Retailing
1392ERP EHP76.0OIRESETT_HEAD162Payment Cards: Settlement Run LogService Station Retailing
1393ERP EHP76.0OIRESETT_ITEM122Payment Cards: Settlement Run LogService Station Retailing
1394ERP EHP76.0OIRESLSTA21SSR PC: Sales status of the PC transactionsService Station Retailing
1395ERP EHP76.0OIRESLSTAT41SSR PC: Text of the PC sales statusService Station Retailing
1396ERP EHP76.0OIRESPCR171SSR PC: Splitting criteriaService Station Retailing
1397ERP EHP76.0OIRESPLIT31SSR PC: Splitting IndicatorService Station Retailing
1398ERP EHP76.0OIRESPLITS31SSR PC: Splitting routine assignment to splitting indicatoService Station Retailing
1399ERP EHP76.0OIRESPLITT41SSR PC: Splitting Indicator textService Station Retailing
1400ERP EHP76.0OIRESPRES21SSR PC: Splitting ResultService Station Retailing
1401ERP EHP76.0OIRESPREST41SSR PC: Splitting result textsService Station Retailing
1402ERP EHP76.0OIREUPLKXXXX675SSR PC: Template for generated DTF tables (header)Service Station Retailing
1403ERP EHP76.0OIREUPLPXXXX201SSR PC: DTF table for item informationService Station Retailing
1404ERP EHP76.0OIREVALGP21SSR PC: Upload Validation GroupService Station Retailing
1405ERP EHP76.0OIREVALGPT41SSR PC: Upload Validation GroupService Station Retailing
1406ERP EHP76.0OIREVALS41SSR PC: Upload Validation assignment to Validation GroupsService Station Retailing
1407ERP EHP76.0OIRE_CCODE_CR51Complaint Result HandlingService Station Retailing
1408ERP EHP76.0OIRE_CHCAL_VAL11SSR PC: BADI filter values - CH processing calendar checkService Station Retailing
1409ERP EHP76.0OIRE_CHCAL_VALT31SSR PC: BADI filter values - CH processing calendar checkService Station Retailing
1410ERP EHP76.0OIRE_COMP_VAL11SSR PC: Complaint routineService Station Retailing
1411ERP EHP76.0OIRE_COMP_VALT31SSR PC: Complaint routine textService Station Retailing
1412ERP EHP76.0OIRE_CP_VAL11Complaint Processing RoutinesService Station Retailing
1413ERP EHP76.0OIRE_CP_VALT31Complaint processing text tableService Station Retailing
1414ERP EHP76.0OIRE_DIFFTOL_VAL11SSR PC Reconciliation Difference Tolerance BADIService Station Retailing
1415ERP EHP76.0OIRE_DIFTOL_VALT31SSR PC Reconciliation Difference Tolerance BADI TextsService Station Retailing
1416ERP EHP76.0OIRE_DISC_VAL11SSR PC: clearing house discounts BADI filtersService Station Retailing
1417ERP EHP76.0OIRE_DISC_VALT31SSR PC: clearing house discounts BADI filters text tableService Station Retailing
1418ERP EHP76.0OIRE_DTF_CMPLETE11SSR PC: DTF error handlingService Station Retailing
1419ERP EHP76.0OIRE_DTF_CMPLETX31SSR PC: Texts for the incompletion handlingService Station Retailing
1420ERP EHP76.0OIRE_DTF_LOCK31Virtual locking table for certain DTF objectsService Station Retailing
1421ERP EHP76.0OIRE_KSCHL_CLA11SSR: Condition classificationService Station Retailing
1422ERP EHP76.0OIRE_KSCHL_CLAT31SSR: Condition classificationService Station Retailing
1423ERP EHP76.0OIRE_MATCHKEY31PC Reconciliation: Matching keysService Station Retailing
1424ERP EHP76.0OIRE_MATCHKY_FLD61SSR PC Reconciliation Matching Key FieldsService Station Retailing
1425ERP EHP76.0OIRE_PCSTAT_VAL11Value table for methods to fill dynamic PC statistic valueService Station Retailing
1426ERP EHP76.0OIRE_PCSTAT_VALT31Text table for methods to fill dynamic PC statisticsService Station Retailing
1427ERP EHP76.0OIRE_RECON_ADM101Administration data for the reconciliation filesService Station Retailing
1428ERP EHP76.0OIRE_RECON_AGG173Aggregated reconciliation dataService Station Retailing
1429ERP EHP76.0OIRE_RECON_CUS131SSR PC Reconciliation Customizing by Cl. House & Card TypeService Station Retailing
1430ERP EHP76.0OIRE_RECON_DET183Detailed reconciliation dataService Station Retailing
1431ERP EHP76.0OIRE_RECON_LOCK31Virtual locking table for the document base table (OIRADBTService Station Retailing
1432ERP EHP76.0OIRE_RECON_RUN171Reconciliation run resultsService Station Retailing
1433ERP EHP76.0OIRE_RECON_VAL11SSR PC Reconciliation Logic BADIService Station Retailing
1434ERP EHP76.0OIRE_RECON_VALT31SSR PC Reconciliation Logic BADI TextsService Station Retailing
1435ERP EHP76.0OIRE_SPLIT_VAL11SSR PC: Splitting routineService Station Retailing
1436ERP EHP76.0OIRE_SPLIT_VALT31SSR PC: Splitting routine textService Station Retailing
1437ERP EHP76.0OIRE_SRCE1_VAL11SSR PC Reconciliation Table Values for Data Source 1Service Station Retailing
1438ERP EHP76.0OIRE_SRCE1_VALT31SSR PC Reconciliation Table Values Texts for Data Source 1Service Station Retailing
1439ERP EHP76.0OIRE_SRCE2_VAL11SSR PC Reconciliation Table Values for Data Source 2Service Station Retailing
1440ERP EHP76.0OIRE_SRCE2_VALT31SSR PC Reconciliation Table Value Texts for Data Source 2Service Station Retailing
1441ERP EHP76.0OIRE_VAL_VAL11SSR PC: Validation routineService Station Retailing
1442ERP EHP76.0OIRE_VAL_VALT31SSR PC: Validation routine textService Station Retailing
1443ERP EHP76.0OIRHCHSFDDEFS51Clearing House Settlement - Field Catalog (IS-OIL,SSR)Service Station Retailing
1444ERP EHP76.0OIRHCHSFDDEFST41Clearing House Settlement-Field cat descriptions(IS-OIL,SSService Station Retailing
1445ERP EHP76.0OIRHCHSMSC21Clearing House Settlement - Message structures (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1446ERP EHP76.0OIRHCHSMSCONFC41Clearing House Settlement-message configurations(IS-OIL,SSService Station Retailing
1447ERP EHP76.0OIRHCHSMSCT31Clearing House Settlement - Message structures (IS-Oil SSRService Station Retailing
1448ERP EHP76.0OIRHCHSSGCONFC91Clearing House Settlement Msg sgmnt struc config(IS-OIL,SSService Station Retailing
1449ERP EHP76.0OIRHCHSSGCONFCT51Clearing House Settlement Msg sgmnt struc config(IS-OIL,SSService Station Retailing
1450ERP EHP76.0OIRHCHSSGDEFS81Clearing House Settlement - Segment definitions (IS-Oil SSR)Service Station Retailing
1451ERP EHP76.0OIRHCHSSGDEFST31Clearing House Settlement - Segment definitions (IS-Oil SSService Station Retailing
1452ERP EHP76.0OIRHCHSTRNSMN173Clearing House Transmission-Message log(IS-OIL, SSR)Service Station Retailing
1453ERP EHP76.0OIRHCVCFDDEFC21Field Catalog (IS-Oil, SSR)Service Station Retailing
1454ERP EHP76.0OIRHCVCFDDEFCT41Field Catalog (IS-Oil, SSR)Service Station Retailing
1455ERP EHP76.0OIRHCVDEFC61Field Conversion--Interface Customer field declarationsService Station Retailing
1456ERP EHP76.0OIRHCVDEFS51Field conversion -Interface field declarations (IS-Oil, SSService Station Retailing
1457ERP EHP76.0OIRHCVFDDEFC51Field Conversion Activation Table (IS-Oil, SSR)Service Station Retailing
1458ERP EHP76.0OIRHCVFDDEFS11Field Catalog (IS-Oil, SSR)Service Station Retailing
1459ERP EHP76.0OIRHCVFDDEFST31Field Conversion - Field catalog descriptions (IS-Oil, SSRService Station Retailing
1460ERP EHP76.0OIRHCVGRDEFC21Conversion Group Definitions(IS-Oil, SSR)Service Station Retailing
1461ERP EHP76.0OIRHCVGRDEFCT41Group definition texts (IS-OIL,SSR)Service Station Retailing
1462ERP EHP76.0OIRHCVRDDEFC71Field Conversion Records Inbound(IS-Oil, SSR)Service Station Retailing
1463ERP EHP76.0OIRHCVRDDEFOC71Field Conversion Records Outbound(IS-Oil, SSR)Service Station Retailing
1464ERP EHP76.0OIRHPRBAPI11Process link to BAPI and business types - BAPIsService Station Retailing
1465ERP EHP76.0OIRHPRBAPIT31Process link to BAPI and business types - BAPI textsService Station Retailing
1466ERP EHP76.0OIRHPRCONFC41BAPI Business type Process linkingService Station Retailing
1467ERP EHP76.0OIRHREPORTSSTWB11Reports used in StoreworkbenchService Station Retailing
1468ERP EHP76.0OIRHTCODESTWB21Maintain Executable Services in Store WorkbenchService Station Retailing
1469ERP EHP76.0OIRIADAG41Link and define additional agg. procs.Service Station Retailing
1470ERP EHP76.0OIRIADAGPAR71Definition of additional aggregation parametersService Station Retailing
1471ERP EHP76.0OIRIADAGT41Text for additional aggregation proceduresService Station Retailing
1472ERP EHP76.0OIRIAGGCHAR51Define aggregation procedure and key parametersService Station Retailing
1473ERP EHP76.0OIRIAGGPAR111SSR Invoicing and settlement aggregation procedure parms.Service Station Retailing
1474ERP EHP76.0OIRIAGGT41SSR Invoicing - Aggregation procedures : TextsService Station Retailing
1475ERP EHP76.0OIRIDCPAR51SSR Invoicing - Document parametersService Station Retailing
1476ERP EHP76.0OIRIDCT41SSR Invoicing - invoicing document type : TextsService Station Retailing
1477ERP EHP76.0OIRIDESTSTRUCC31Check table for communication structures for gn_inv_crService Station Retailing
1478ERP EHP76.0OIRIMETHDC51SSR Invoicing - Link inv document type to an inv methodService Station Retailing
1479ERP EHP76.0OIRIMETHT41SSR Invoicing - Invoicing method : TextsService Station Retailing
1480ERP EHP76.0OIRIMTYP51SSR Invoicing - Invoicing method parametersService Station Retailing
1481ERP EHP76.0OIRIOBJDEF71Object and subobject definition for aggregation procedureService Station Retailing
1482ERP EHP76.0OIRIPGRP51SSR SD/FI Invoice posting groupService Station Retailing
1483ERP EHP76.0OIRIPGRPD21SSR SD/FI Invoice posting group definitionService Station Retailing
1484ERP EHP76.0OIRIPGRPDT41SSR SD/FI Invoice posting group descriptionService Station Retailing
1485ERP EHP76.0OIRIREVAGG41Aggregation schema for reversalsService Station Retailing
1486ERP EHP76.0OIRIREVCOMP31Assign completion strategy for periodic invoice reversalsService Station Retailing
1487ERP EHP76.0OIRISRCESTRUCC11Check table for destination structureService Station Retailing
1488ERP EHP76.0OIRITYPC21SSR Invoicing - invoicing type definitionService Station Retailing
1489ERP EHP76.0OIRITYPT31Text table for additional invoicing informationService Station Retailing
1490ERP EHP76.0OIRI_ADDAT_VAL11Value table for addittional data routineService Station Retailing
1491ERP EHP76.0OIRI_ADDAT_VALT31Text table for additional invoicing informationService Station Retailing
1492ERP EHP76.0OIRI_ADDRT_VAL11Value table for addittional invoicing data routineService Station Retailing
1493ERP EHP76.0OIRI_ADDRT_VALT31Text table for additional invoicing informationService Station Retailing
1494ERP EHP76.0OIRI_DAILY_VAL11Values for BADI to select information for daily reportService Station Retailing
1495ERP EHP76.0OIRI_DAILY_VALT31Text table for values for BADI to select daily report infoService Station Retailing
1496ERP EHP76.0OIRI_DIST_VAL11Value table for fee cost distribution routinesService Station Retailing
1497ERP EHP76.0OIRI_DIST_VALT31Text table for values for distribution routines.Service Station Retailing
1498ERP EHP76.0OIRI_DOCDET_VAL11Document determination BADIService Station Retailing
1499ERP EHP76.0OIRI_DOCDET_VALT31Text table for document determination BADIService Station Retailing
1500ERP EHP76.0OIRI_FILCOM_VALT31Text table for I&S SSR Fill communication structure BADIService Station Retailing
1501ERP EHP76.0OIRI_FILLCOM_VAL11I&S SSR Fill communication structure BADIService Station Retailing
1502ERP EHP76.0OIRI_OUT_VAL11Value table for transfer from aggregated table BADIService Station Retailing
1503ERP EHP76.0OIRI_OUT_VALT31Text for BADI to transfer from aggregated tableService Station Retailing
1504ERP EHP76.0OIRI_QVOUT_VAL11Value table for methods to fill quantity and valueService Station Retailing
1505ERP EHP76.0OIRI_QVOUT_VALT31Text table for methods to fill quantity and valueService Station Retailing
1506ERP EHP76.0OIRI_QV_VAL11Value table for methods to fill quantity and valueService Station Retailing
1507ERP EHP76.0OIRI_QV_VALT31Text table for methods to fill quantity and valueService Station Retailing
1508ERP EHP76.0OIRI_VNDDET_VAL11Value table for vendor determination BADIService Station Retailing
1509ERP EHP76.0OIRI_VNDDET_VALT31Text table for vendor determination BADIService Station Retailing
1510ERP EHP76.0OIRPBL51Sales Index: Billing by Business LocationService Station Retailing
1511ERP EHP76.0OIR_02_DTF_FDCAT31Link Table for DTF Tables and Field Catalog (SSR Archiving)Service Station Retailing
1512ERP EHP76.0Q00051Condition Table for Acct.Determination: $Service Station Retailing
1513ERP EHP76.0Q00171Company/Card Type/Split ResultService Station Retailing
1514ERP EHP76.0Q00261Company/Card TypeService Station Retailing
1515ERP EHP76.0S412313SSR Margin ReportService Station Retailing
1516ERP EHP76.0S412E163S412 - Structural informationService Station Retailing
1517ERP EHP76.0S413261SSR - Monthly/Daily Loc.Inv.Service Station Retailing
1518ERP EHP76.0S413E132S413 - Structural informationService Station Retailing
1519ERP EHP76.0S414281SSR DTF statisticsService Station Retailing
1520ERP EHP76.0S414E193S414 - Structural informationService Station Retailing
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Downstream :: Tariffs, Duties and Permits
1521ERP EHP76.0A419131ED pricing/Origin/Tax Group/Handl.Type/Orig.reg.Tariffs, Duties and Permits
1522ERP EHP76.0A42391Customer Specific Tax (FOB)Tariffs, Duties and Permits
1523ERP EHP76.0A424101Exception for States (FOB)Tariffs, Duties and Permits
1524ERP EHP76.0A42591State Tax FOBTariffs, Duties and Permits
1525ERP EHP76.0A42691State Tax on delivered goodsTariffs, Duties and Permits
1526ERP EHP76.0A43381Customer Specific Tax (FOB) - FederalTariffs, Duties and Permits
1527ERP EHP76.0A43481Incoterms / Material group 2 - FederalTariffs, Duties and Permits
1528ERP EHP76.0A44291Full Rate Excise Duty Company/Plant/Tax GroupTariffs, Duties and Permits
1529ERP EHP76.0A443101Red Rate Exc Duty Comp/Plant/Tax Group/Handling TypeTariffs, Duties and Permits
1530ERP EHP76.0A44491Two-step transfer with tracking signTariffs, Duties and Permits
1531ERP EHP76.0C41071Chart of accts / Account key - acct assign for ED revTariffs, Duties and Permits
1532ERP EHP76.0OIH01161Excise Duty Rates TableTariffs, Duties and Permits
1533ERP EHP76.0OIH01A191Excise Duty Rates TableTariffs, Duties and Permits
1534ERP EHP76.0OIH03111Excise duty posting controlTariffs, Duties and Permits
1535ERP EHP76.0OIH0761TDP allowed combinations of ED Group and Handling TypeTariffs, Duties and Permits
1536ERP EHP76.0OIH07A91TDP allowed combinations of ED Group and Handling TypeTariffs, Duties and Permits
1537ERP EHP76.0OIH0881Default values for external procurement functionsTariffs, Duties and Permits
1538ERP EHP76.0OIH08A111Default values for external procurement functionsTariffs, Duties and Permits
1539ERP EHP76.0OIH09121Excise duty defaults for Stock TransfersTariffs, Duties and Permits
1540ERP EHP76.0OIH1071License Requirements TabTariffs, Duties and Permits
1541ERP EHP76.0OIH10A101License Requirements TabTariffs, Duties and Permits
1542ERP EHP76.0OIH1161Defaults for ext. sales functionsTariffs, Duties and Permits
1543ERP EHP76.0OIH11A91Defaults for ext. sales functionsTariffs, Duties and Permits
1544ERP EHP76.0OIH14301Tax rate revaluation - obsoleteTariffs, Duties and Permits
1545ERP EHP76.0OIH1631Internal/external price conditionsTariffs, Duties and Permits
1546ERP EHP76.0OIH1841Price indicator (oih16-INEX) text tableTariffs, Duties and Permits
1547ERP EHP76.0OIH1931Assignment between license regime and reference license typTariffs, Duties and Permits
1548ERP EHP76.0OIH231Excise duty tax group (IS-Oil TDP standard/core object)Tariffs, Duties and Permits
1549ERP EHP76.0OIH20101License typesTariffs, Duties and Permits
1550ERP EHP76.0OIH20T41License type textTariffs, Duties and Permits
1551ERP EHP76.0OIH2131Assignment: License type to condition typeTariffs, Duties and Permits
1552ERP EHP76.0OIH2281Interstate excise tableTariffs, Duties and Permits
1553ERP EHP76.0OIH2471ED GROUPING CODETariffs, Duties and Permits
1554ERP EHP76.0OIH24A91ED GROUPING CODETariffs, Duties and Permits
1555ERP EHP76.0OIH2541TDP additional checks for purchasingTariffs, Duties and Permits
1556ERP EHP76.0OIH2681License Requirements TabTariffs, Duties and Permits
1557ERP EHP76.0OIH26A111License Requirements TabTariffs, Duties and Permits
1558ERP EHP76.0OIH2741TDP additional checks for salesTariffs, Duties and Permits
1559ERP EHP76.0OIH2C_J1B51Check table for customer tax groupTariffs, Duties and Permits
1560ERP EHP76.0OIH2M_J1B131Check table for material tax groupTariffs, Duties and Permits
1561ERP EHP76.0OIH2T41Duty code/tax group descriptionTariffs, Duties and Permits
1562ERP EHP76.0OIH2V_J1B51Check table for vendor tax groupTariffs, Duties and Permits
1563ERP EHP76.0OIH30171Two-step transfer control tableTariffs, Duties and Permits
1564ERP EHP76.0OIH30H172Tracking headerTariffs, Duties and Permits
1565ERP EHP76.0OIH30I91Tracking itemTariffs, Duties and Permits
1566ERP EHP76.0OIH3191Material specific tolerance tableTariffs, Duties and Permits
1567ERP EHP76.0OIH441Excise duty tax status (IS-Oil TDP standard/core object)Tariffs, Duties and Permits
1568ERP EHP76.0OIH4081Excise Duty defaulting table GI/GR for production ordersTariffs, Duties and Permits
1569ERP EHP76.0OIH4T41Custom duty/tax key descriptionsTariffs, Duties and Permits
1570ERP EHP76.0OIH5T41Handling type descriptionTariffs, Duties and Permits
1571ERP EHP76.0OIH681ED postings per ED rateTariffs, Duties and Permits
1572ERP EHP76.0OIH7961ED Notional PlantTariffs, Duties and Permits
1573ERP EHP76.0OIHEDA765Actual line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special LedgerTariffs, Duties and Permits
1574ERP EHP76.0OIHEDC32Object table 2, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special LedgerTariffs, Duties and Permits
1575ERP EHP76.0OIHEDO182Object table 1, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special LedgerTariffs, Duties and Permits
1576ERP EHP76.0OIHEDP1395Plan line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special LedgerTariffs, Duties and Permits
1577ERP EHP76.0OIHEDT1254Summary table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special LedgerTariffs, Duties and Permits
1578ERP EHP76.0OIHL415License Master DataTariffs, Duties and Permits
1579ERP EHP76.0OIHLHT41Licence allowed handling typesTariffs, Duties and Permits
1580ERP EHP76.0OIHLO72Used licenses for ordersTariffs, Duties and Permits
1581ERP EHP76.0OIHLPS41License Master Data - PlantsTariffs, Duties and Permits
1582ERP EHP76.0OIHLTG41Licence allowed Excise duty tax group for materialTariffs, Duties and Permits
1583ERP EHP76.0OIHLTR91Excise license tracking pointer fileTariffs, Duties and Permits
1584ERP EHP76.0OIHSLA655TDP (excise duty) special ledger actual line item tableTariffs, Duties and Permits
1585ERP EHP76.0OIHSLO162TDP (excise duty) special ledger object tableTariffs, Duties and Permits
1586ERP EHP76.0OIHSLT922TDP (excise duty) special ledger summary tableTariffs, Duties and Permits
1587ERP EHP76.0OIH_ETAX_CONDMAP91Mapping of Excise Tax Rate into Condition TechniqueTariffs, Duties and Permits
1588ERP EHP76.0OIH_ETAX_GRP51Definition of Oil-Specific Product Tax GroupsTariffs, Duties and Permits
1589ERP EHP76.0OIH_ETAX_GRP_MAP61Mapping of Excise Tax Groups into Product Tax GroupsTariffs, Duties and Permits
1590ERP EHP76.0OIH_ETAX_TB07071Definition of Excise Tax Type per CountryTariffs, Duties and Permits
1591ERP EHP76.0OIH_ETAX_TB070T51Description of Excise Tax Type per CountryTariffs, Duties and Permits
1592ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_ACSDEF61Brazil: Oil Access DefintionTariffs, Duties and Permits
1593ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_ACSVAL81Brazil: Oil Access ValuesTariffs, Duties and Permits
1594ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_ALC61Brazil: Percentage of alcohol in gasolineTariffs, Duties and Permits
1595ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_APR141Brazil tax: Acquisition price tableTariffs, Duties and Permits
1596ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_CON61Brazil: Convenio application rules per stateTariffs, Duties and Permits
1597ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_COP131Brazil: Controled prices tableTariffs, Duties and Permits
1598ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_CPR101Brazil: Posting exceptions for ICMS complementTariffs, Duties and Permits
1599ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_FAC141Brazil: Factor for calculation of PIS / COFINS STTariffs, Duties and Permits
1600ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_INC211Brazil: Incoming taxation tableTariffs, Duties and Permits
1601ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_PCK161Brazil: Check table for tax codes in PurchasingTariffs, Duties and Permits
1602ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_PIC111Brazil: Printing exceptions for ICMSTariffs, Duties and Permits
1603ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_PIS121Brazil: PIS/COFINS taxation table (exactly one entry)Tariffs, Duties and Permits
1604ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_PPR141Brazil Tax: Pondered average price table for final consumeTariffs, Duties and Permits
1605ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_RAF131Brazil: Refinery taxation tableTariffs, Duties and Permits
1606ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_SAL241Brazil: Check table for tax codes in sales processTariffs, Duties and Permits
1607ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_SAL_2181Brazil: ICMS DefermentTariffs, Duties and Permits
1608ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_SDTXCD31SD tax code for ICMS ST calculationTariffs, Duties and Permits
1609ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_SSTAD131Brazil tax: Determines Accounts for posting Split of S. T.Tariffs, Duties and Permits
1610ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_TCH111Tax Calculation Commands HeaderTariffs, Duties and Permits
1611ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_TCHH81Tax Calculation Commands Header HistoryTariffs, Duties and Permits
1612ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_TCI121Brazilian Tax Calculation Commands ItemsTariffs, Duties and Permits
1613ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_TIN91Brazil: Check table for tax codes in Transfer IncomingTariffs, Duties and Permits
1614ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_TOU181Brazil: Check table for tax codes in Transfer OutgoingTariffs, Duties and Permits
1615ERP EHP76.0OIH_J1B_ZFD131Brazil tax: Sub. Trib. Discount for Zona Franca de ManausTariffs, Duties and Permits
1616ERP EHP76.0OIH_J_1BATL421Tax Law PIS/COFINSTariffs, Duties and Permits
1617ERP EHP76.0OIH_J_1BATL4T81Tax Law ICMS - TextsTariffs, Duties and Permits
1618ERP EHP76.0OIH_J_1BMSEG_NF51Link between Gain and Losses Movements and Nota FiscalTariffs, Duties and Permits
1619ERP EHP76.0OIH_J_1BTREGX71Tax regionTariffs, Duties and Permits
1620ERP EHP76.0OIH_J_1BTXCI191Tax calc.: Complement of ICMS rulesTariffs, Duties and Permits
1621ERP EHP76.0OIH_J_1BTXCI2111Tax calc.: Complement of ICMS rules INSIDE CALCULATIONTariffs, Duties and Permits
1622ERP EHP76.0OIH_J_1BTXIC2121Tax calc.: ICMS rules (exceptions)Tariffs, Duties and Permits
1623ERP EHP76.0OIH_J_1BTXIS191Tax calc.: ISS rules for sales exeptionsTariffs, Duties and Permits
1624ERP EHP76.0OIH_J_1BTXIX1151Tax calc.: ISS rules for sales and purchasing exeptionsTariffs, Duties and Permits
1625ERP EHP76.0OIH_J_1BTXST1211Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. rulesTariffs, Duties and Permits
1626ERP EHP76.0OIH_MIGO_HTDP401Store the TDP-GOITEM for MIGOs hold/restore featureTariffs, Duties and Permits
1627ERP EHP76.0OIH_TAX_REV311Excise Duty Revaluation DocumentsTariffs, Duties and Permits
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Downstream :: Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1628ERP EHP76.0A33991ClsGrpTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1629ERP EHP76.0A42771Veh.typeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1630ERP EHP76.0B44551OIL-TSW: CarrierTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1631ERP EHP76.0B45061OIL-TSW: Carrier/Shipping TypeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1632ERP EHP76.0B45151Business PartnerTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1633ERP EHP76.0B45251TranSysTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1634ERP EHP76.0B453101Shpm.type/Carrier/Inspector/Shipper/TranSys/TrspPlanPtTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1635ERP EHP76.0OIB_TANKDIP281Silo management tank strapping historyTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1636ERP EHP76.0OIFBRF151Business partner roles (IS-Oil MRN)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1637ERP EHP76.0OIFBRF1T51Business partner roles - texts (IS-Oil MRN)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1638ERP EHP76.0OIFSBLCD111Blocking Indicator for Business LocationsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1639ERP EHP76.0OIFSBLCDT41Physical business location blocking codes descr. textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1640ERP EHP76.0OIFSPBLT191Physical Business Location TypeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1641ERP EHP76.0OIFSPBLTAPPL31Physical business location type / application assignmentsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1642ERP EHP76.0OIFSPBLTS41Physical business location type descriptionTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1643ERP EHP76.0OIGCC141TD CompartmentTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1644ERP EHP76.0OIGCCMA82Compartment Meter Assignment TableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1645ERP EHP76.0OIGCM162TD Vehicle MeterTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1646ERP EHP76.0OIGCMA81TD Transport Unit Meter AssignmentTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1647ERP EHP76.0OIGCMT41TD Vehicle Meter TextTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1648ERP EHP76.0OIGCT41TD Transport Unit TextTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1649ERP EHP76.0OIGSV721TD Vehicles in Transport/ShipmentTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1650ERP EHP76.0OIGV542TD Vehicle HeaderTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1651ERP EHP76.0OIGVT41TD Vehicle Header TextTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1652ERP EHP76.0OIGVTU82TD Vehicle - Transport Unit AssignmentTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1653ERP EHP76.0OIISCPBL541SCP: Site control parameters (business loc) - IS-Oil BDRPTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1654ERP EHP76.0OIISCPKN521SCP: Site control parameters (customer) - IS-Oil BDRPTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1655ERP EHP76.0OIISCPLKN71Site control: lead time applicabilities - customerTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1656ERP EHP76.0OIISCPSOE61SCP: Sales order entry default groupTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1657ERP EHP76.0OIISCPSOET51SCP: Sales order entry default group textTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1658ERP EHP76.0OIISLVCK141SOC: Linear/volumetric conversion (strap) set headerTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1659ERP EHP76.0OIISLVCP41SOC: Linear/volumetric conversion itemsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1660ERP EHP76.0OIISOCAM11SOC: Storage object access modesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1661ERP EHP76.0OIISOCAOI101SOC: Storage object characteristic: appl. specific oil & gTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1662ERP EHP76.0OIISOCB1231SOC: Storage object characteristic segment: bulkTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1663ERP EHP76.0OIISOCB2101SOC: Storage object characteristic segment: packagedTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1664ERP EHP76.0OIISOCIBL52SOC: Index for business location/sequence no. access modeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1665ERP EHP76.0OIISOCIKN41SOC: Index for customer/sequence no. access modeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1666ERP EHP76.0OIISOCIMP31SOC: Index for measurement point/sequence no. access modeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1667ERP EHP76.0OIISOCISL52SOC: Index for storage location/sequence no. access modeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1668ERP EHP76.0OIISOCK391SOC: Storage object characteristic segment headerTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1669ERP EHP76.0OIISOCKL221SOC: Storage object characteristic classTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1670ERP EHP76.0OIISOCO1281SOC: Storage object characteristic segment: bulkTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1671ERP EHP76.0OIISOCTSM281SOC: time dependent assignment SO <-> material (IS-Oil BDRTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1672ERP EHP76.0OIISOCTSP121SOC: Assignment SO <-> Plant/Storage location IS-Oil BDRPTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1673ERP EHP76.0OIISOCTYP121SOC: Storage object typeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1674ERP EHP76.0OIIX41OIL-BDRP: Application control recordTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1675ERP EHP76.0OIIXCUAEX41CUA Function Exclusion (IS-Oil BDRP)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1676ERP EHP76.0OII_DIP_PARAM81Tank Dip Conversion Param. (keep table EQ to OIB_DEFAULTS)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1677ERP EHP76.0OII_DIP_QUAN71Appendix: Silo management tank strapping historyTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1678ERP EHP76.0OIJ02_DS_INDX131System Table INDXTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1679ERP EHP76.0OIJ03_LOV271TSW: Table for Left on Vehicle EntriesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1680ERP EHP76.0OIJ03_LOVGLREF121TSW Gain loss/LOV Reference tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1681ERP EHP76.0OIJARC31OIL-TSW : Archiving related customizingTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1682ERP EHP76.0OIJBER201Berth TableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1683ERP EHP76.0OIJBERLOC122Index table for berths at TSW locationsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1684ERP EHP76.0OIJBERMAT131Assignment of material to berthsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1685ERP EHP76.0OIJBERSOC122Assignment of berths to tanksTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1686ERP EHP76.0OIJBRD373OIL-TSW: Rundown table for BatchTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1687ERP EHP76.0OIJBRDACTUALS142IS-OIL TSW: Table to store the actualsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1688ERP EHP76.0OIJBRDDOC181Rundown item / document X-ref table for Batch - WILL EXPIRTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1689ERP EHP76.0OIJBRDH903RD header f.batch:Don't use(obsolete) & don't delete(XPRA)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1690ERP EHP76.0OIJBRDNOM262Stock Projection item / nomination X-ref tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1691ERP EHP76.0OIJBTC_RANGE71Oil-TSW: Release profile - Batches range tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1692ERP EHP76.0OIJCLIPBOARD361Clipboard Table for RailcarTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1693ERP EHP76.0OIJCOV31OIL-TSW: Safety stock coverage period profileTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1694ERP EHP76.0OIJCOVT41OIL-TSW: Safety stock coverage period profile textTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1695ERP EHP76.0OIJCUFCTYPE21OIL-TSW: Customisable Rack issue/throughput forecast typeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1696ERP EHP76.0OIJCUFCTYPET41OIL-TSW: Customisable rack/throughput forecast types textTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1697ERP EHP76.0OIJDOCFL141OIL-TSW : TICKET DOCUMENT FLOW TABLE Obsolete, do not useTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1698ERP EHP76.0OIJDOC_RANGE71Oil-TSW: Release profile - Reference documents range tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1699ERP EHP76.0OIJDPFCSTS111OIL-TSW: TSW APO DP Forecast settingsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1700ERP EHP76.0OIJEC341TD-Transport Unit Master Data EventsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1701ERP EHP76.0OIJEDIITYP31Assign nomination item type to IDoc itemTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1702ERP EHP76.0OIJEDIVNDR31Assign EDI account numbers to vendorsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1703ERP EHP76.0OIJERRLOG201TSW: Error log of create/change documentsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1704ERP EHP76.0OIJEV371TD-Vehicle ~ Berth Master Data EventsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1705ERP EHP76.0OIJFCPRF91OIL-TSW: Rack issue forecast profileTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1706ERP EHP76.0OIJFCPRFT41OIL-TSW: Rack issue forecast profile textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1707ERP EHP76.0OIJHCT01783OIL-TSW: Ticket Holding Table (Draft version 1) - OBSOLETETraders and Schedulers Workbench
1708ERP EHP76.0OIJHISTIND31OIL-TSW: Rack issue / Throughput history horizon indicatorTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1709ERP EHP76.0OIJHTNR21OIL-TSW: Ticket Number RulesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1710ERP EHP76.0OIJHTNRT51OIL-TSW: Ticket Number Rules TextsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1711ERP EHP76.0OIJHUOM121OIL-TSW: Ticket additional units of measureTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1712ERP EHP76.0OIJIMEX21OIL-TSW: Flag for importer/exporter or othersTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1713ERP EHP76.0OIJIMEXT51OIL-TSW: Flag for importer/exporter or others textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1714ERP EHP76.0OIJLOC343Location tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1715ERP EHP76.0OIJLOCMAT1002OIL-TSW: Location Rundown/Planning material tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1716ERP EHP76.0OIJLOCT61Location typeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1717ERP EHP76.0OIJLOCTS51OIL-TSW: Location type textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1718ERP EHP76.0OIJLOC_RANGE71Oil-TSW: Release profile - Locations range tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1719ERP EHP76.0OIJMAT_RANGE71Oil-TSW: Release profile - Materials range tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1720ERP EHP76.0OIJNE501Nomination EventsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1721ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMC1091OIL-TSW: Nomination copy tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1722ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMCOMM152Nomination Partner CommunicationTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1723ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMH994Nomination HeaderTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1724ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMHATLOAD211Nomination Hatch load sequence planTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1725ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMHATPLAN121Nomination: hatch planTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1726ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMHVERS712Nomination Header Version TableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1727ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMHWL41OIL-TSW: Nomination header worklist entriesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1728ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMI1773Nomination ItemTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1729ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMIVERS1052Nomination Item Version TableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1730ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMIWL51OIL-TSW: Nomination item worklist entriesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1731ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMI_LDS424Load / Discharge scheduling for nominationsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1732ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMM81Nomination Material BalanceTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1733ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMR82Nomination Reference DocumentsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1734ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMST111Nomination status (Header and Item)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1735ERP EHP76.0OIJNOMSUBITEMS611Nomination Sub-ItemTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1736ERP EHP76.0OIJNOM_FIELDST111Nomination field status lockingTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1737ERP EHP76.0OIJNOM_FIELDSTST41Nomination field status lockingTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1738ERP EHP76.0OIJPEG102TSW: Pegging of scheduled movementsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1739ERP EHP76.0OIJPHYINV181Physical inventoryTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1740ERP EHP76.0OIJPLANLOC122OIL TSW: Multiple planning LocationsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1741ERP EHP76.0OIJPLANWL111OIJ-TSW: Worklist entries for planningTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1742ERP EHP76.0OIJPLCAL62OIL-TSW: Planning Calendar DefinitionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1743ERP EHP76.0OIJPLCALT81OIL_TSW: Planning Calendar TextsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1744ERP EHP76.0OIJPLSEQ81OIL-TSW: Planning Functionality : Supply Chain DefinitionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1745ERP EHP76.0OIJRD363OIL-TSW: Rundown tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1746ERP EHP76.0OIJRDACTUALS141IS-OIL TSW: Table to store the actualsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1747ERP EHP76.0OIJRDDOC181Rundown item / document X-ref table/ WILL EXPIRE IN FUTURETraders and Schedulers Workbench
1748ERP EHP76.0OIJRDFILECARD41Stock Projection Worksheet filecards customizingTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1749ERP EHP76.0OIJRDFILECARDT41Stock Projection Worksheet filecards customizing textTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1750ERP EHP76.0OIJRDH893Rundown header: Don't use (obsolete) & don't delete (XPRA)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1751ERP EHP76.0OIJRDHTPSET181OIL-TSW: Rundown Rack issue / throughput settingsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1752ERP EHP76.0OIJRDNOM252Stock Projection item / nomination X-ref tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1753ERP EHP76.0OIJRDPLAN124OIL-TSW: Rundown planning proposal drill-downTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1754ERP EHP76.0OIJRDTYP31OIL-TSW : Partner Roles differentiation TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1755ERP EHP76.0OIJRDWL71Worklist items per Stock Projection object itemTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1756ERP EHP76.0OIJRELCRITERIA61To define criteria for relevancy typesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1757ERP EHP76.0OIJRELTYPE21Table to define relevancy typeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1758ERP EHP76.0OIJRELTYPE_T41Text Table for relevancy descritionTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1759ERP EHP76.0OIJREPSTAT21OIL-TSW: Reported quantity statusTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1760ERP EHP76.0OIJREPSTATT41OIL-TSW: Reported quantity status textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1761ERP EHP76.0OIJRRA226OIL-TSW: Partner rolesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1762ERP EHP76.0OIJRRPART31OIL-TSW : Partner Roles -> Role Partner TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1763ERP EHP76.0OIJRRT71OIL-TSW: Partner role typesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1764ERP EHP76.0OIJRRTT51OIL-TSW: Partner role type textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1765ERP EHP76.0OIJS435TSW342Enhanced S435 LIS Table to hold TSW MoTTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1766ERP EHP76.0OIJSCAL91OIL-TSW: Safety stock calendar usage profileTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1767ERP EHP76.0OIJSCALT41OIL-TSW: Safety stock calendar usage profile textTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1768ERP EHP76.0OIJSCHEMA21Customizing Table For SchemaTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1769ERP EHP76.0OIJSCHEMA_REL81Link between relevancy type and schemaTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1770ERP EHP76.0OIJSCHEMA_T41Text table to define the schemaTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1771ERP EHP76.0OIJSDLOC201OIL-TSW: Multiple sources/destinations of locationTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1772ERP EHP76.0OIJSFTYP51OIL-TSW: Safety stock calculation typeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1773ERP EHP76.0OIJSHIPVALD91OIL TSW: Shipper valid for other partner rolesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1774ERP EHP76.0OIJSIMSCHEDWL41OIL-TSW: Simulation scheduling ID worklist entriesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1775ERP EHP76.0OIJSRCTYPE21OIL-TSW: Physical inventory update typeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1776ERP EHP76.0OIJSRCTYPET41OIL TSW: Physical inventory update type textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1777ERP EHP76.0OIJSTAT31OIL-TSW : Status TableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1778ERP EHP76.0OIJSTATT51OIL-TSW : Status Table TextsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1779ERP EHP76.0OIJSTATTAB11OIL-TSW: Permissible reference tables for statiTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1780ERP EHP76.0OIJSUBITEMEVENTS371Nomination Sub Item EventsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1781ERP EHP76.0OIJSUBSTAT41OIL-TSW : Substatus TableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1782ERP EHP76.0OIJSUBSTT61OIL-TSW : Substatus Table TextsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1783ERP EHP76.0OIJTCAL91OIL-TSW: Target stock calendar usage profileTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1784ERP EHP76.0OIJTCALT41OIL-TSW: Target stock calendar usage profile textTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1785ERP EHP76.0OIJTCWL61OIL-TSW: TC item worklist entriesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1786ERP EHP76.0OIJTE231TSW Ticket EventsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1787ERP EHP76.0OIJTGTCOV31OIL-TSW: Target stock coverage period profileTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1788ERP EHP76.0OIJTGTCOVT41OIL-TSW: Target stock coverage period profile textTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1789ERP EHP76.0OIJTGTYP31OIL-TSW: Target stock calculation typeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1790ERP EHP76.0OIJTGTYPTX41OIL-TSW: Target stock calculation type textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1791ERP EHP76.0OIJTHPUTFC201Rack issue / Throughput forecastTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1792ERP EHP76.0OIJTHPUTFCAVG201OIL-TSW: Rack issue / Throughput forecast daily averageTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1793ERP EHP76.0OIJTHPUTFCEST211OIL-TSW: Rack issue / Throughput estimate pop-upTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1794ERP EHP76.0OIJTSLOC202OIL-TSW: transport system/location assignment tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1795ERP EHP76.0OIJTSMAT902OIL-TSW: TS Rundown/Planning material tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1796ERP EHP76.0OIJTSMATSEQ131Disallowed Material sequence within Transport systemTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1797ERP EHP76.0OIJTSWMOT21IS-OIL TSW: Mode of transport for rack issuesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1798ERP EHP76.0OIJTSWMVTY21IS-OIL TSW: Movement type for rack issuesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1799ERP EHP76.0OIJTSY_RANGE71Oil-TSW: Release profile - Transport systems range tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1800ERP EHP76.0OIJWL263OIL-TSW: WorklistTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1801ERP EHP76.0OIJWLRC31Worklist reason codes / NOT USED ANYMORETraders and Schedulers Workbench
1802ERP EHP76.0OIJWLRCC41Reason codes customizing / NOT USED ANYMORETraders and Schedulers Workbench
1803ERP EHP76.0OIJWLRCF31TSW Worklist Reason Code to invidual check functionTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1804ERP EHP76.0OIJWLRCN71OIL-TSW: Worklist Reason codesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1805ERP EHP76.0OIJWLRCS21TSW Worklist Reason Code source TableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1806ERP EHP76.0OIJWLRCST41Worklist reason code source textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1807ERP EHP76.0OIJWLRCT51OIL-TSW: Reason code textTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1808ERP EHP76.0OIJX631TSW control recordTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1809ERP EHP76.0OIJ_3WP_SS113WP Selection Screen BADI filter tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1810ERP EHP76.0OIJ_3WP_SST313WP Selection Screen BADI filter text tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1811ERP EHP76.0OIJ_APOFCST_M_R11APO DP Forecast maintenance BADI routineTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1812ERP EHP76.0OIJ_APOFCST_M_RT31APO DP Forecast maintenance BADI routineTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1813ERP EHP76.0OIJ_BPB_OPT_R11Oil TSW: table of optimization method for BPBTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1814ERP EHP76.0OIJ_BPB_OPT_RT31Oil TSW: text table for OIJ_BPB_OPT_RTTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1815ERP EHP76.0OIJ_CONS_TYPE11Time-Dependent Constraint TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1816ERP EHP76.0OIJ_CONS_TYPET31TSW Texts for Time-Dependent Constraint TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1817ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_CP_LAYT761Charter party and laytime and demurrage agreementTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1818ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_CP_LOC161Charter party contract: load and discharge locationsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1819ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_CP_PROD161Charter contracts: products and product groupsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1820ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_DEALGROUP31OIL-TSW: Deal groups (trading system)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1821ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_DEALGRTX51OIL-TSW: Deal group texts (trading system)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1822ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_DEALTYPE31OIL-TSW: Deal types (trading system)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1823ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_DEALTYPET41OIL-TSW: Deal type texts (trading system)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1824ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_DFLOW_SUB111TSW - Document flow for sub itemsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1825ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_DOC_EV221Rules for nomination eventsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1826ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_DOC_FLOW131OIL TSW: Document flowTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1827ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_DOC_H_REF131Oil TSW: Document header reference to nomination; not usedTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1828ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_DOC_I_REF423Document item reference to nominationTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1829ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_DOC_MOT453Oil TSW: TSW Relevance of order itemTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1830ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_DOC_M_MOT141OIL TSW: TSW Details / Multiple MoT'sTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1831ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_ELOG_SUB311TSW: Error log for ticketing process at sub itemTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1832ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_ERROR_LOG352OIL-TSW: Error log for ticketing processTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1833ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_EVT_TYPE21Event date typesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1834ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_EVT_TYPET41Event date types - textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1835ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_LAYT_EV261Laytime start and end eventsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1836ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_LAYT_INF221Laytime termsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1837ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_PROD_DATA162Production data for locationsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1838ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_TCKET_UOM201Universal ticket additional units of measureTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1839ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_TICKET_H404Universal ticket tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1840ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_TICKET_I944Universal ticket item tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1841ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_TKT_I_O1872Appendix: TSW Ticket item - Conversion ParametersTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1842ERP EHP76.0OIJ_EL_TKT_I_O291Appendix: TSW Ticket item - Additional QuantitiesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1843ERP EHP76.0OIJ_IF_CIF_IMV41IMod Reference Table for TD VehicleTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1844ERP EHP76.0OIJ_LB_OPENINV101Opening inventory table for Location Balancing.Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1845ERP EHP76.0OIJ_LMTIMECON151OILTSW: Time dependent constraints by location & materialTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1846ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMEV_CHK_A41Assignment of nomination item check routines to val.grp.Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1847ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMEV_CHK_R11Nomination item check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1848ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMEV_CHK_RT31Nomination item check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1849ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMEV_PREREQ11Event prerequisite check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1850ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMEV_PRERET31Event prerequisite check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1851ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMEV_SUBSEQ11Subsequent Event RoutinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1852ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMEV_SUBSET31Subsequent Event RoutinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1853ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMHD_CHK_A41Assignment of nomination header check routines to val.grp.Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1854ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMHD_CHK_R11Nomination header check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1855ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMHD_CHK_RT31Nomination header check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1856ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMIT_CHK_A41Assignment of nomination item check routines to val.grp.Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1857ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMIT_CHK_R11Nomination item check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1858ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMIT_CHK_RT31Nomination item check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1859ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMLDS_CHK_A41Assignment of nomination lds check routines to val. groupsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1860ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMLDS_CHK_R11Nomination Load/Discharge Scheduling check routineTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1861ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMLDS_CH_RT31Nomination Load/Discharge Scheduling check routine textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1862ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMLT221Laytime and demurrage for groups in nominationsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1863ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMMT_CHK_A41Assignment of routines with multiple nominations to val.grp.Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1864ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMMT_CHK_R11Check routines with multiple nominationsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1865ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMMT_CHK_RT31Check routines with multiple nominationsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1866ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMST_PREREQ11Status prerequisite check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1867ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMST_PRERET31Status prerequisite check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1868ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMST_SUBSEQ11Subsequent Status RoutinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1869ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOMST_SUBSET31Subsequent Status RoutinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1870ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOM_CHK_A41Assignment of complete nomination check rout. to val.grp.Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1871ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOM_CHK_G11Nomination validation groupsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1872ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOM_CHK_GT31Nomination validation groupsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1873ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOM_CHK_R11Complete Nomination check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1874ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOM_CHK_RT31Complete Nomination check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1875ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOM_UPD_S_R11Nomination update sched.line BADITraders and Schedulers Workbench
1876ERP EHP76.0OIJ_NOM_UPD_S_RT31Nomination update sched.line BADITraders and Schedulers Workbench
1877ERP EHP76.0OIJ_PEG81obsolete table (will be cleaned up)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1878ERP EHP76.0OIJ_PERIODUNIT21Period UnitsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1879ERP EHP76.0OIJ_PLAN_PRF8713WP Planning ProfileTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1880ERP EHP76.0OIJ_PLBUCKPRHD31Oil-TSW: Planning Buckets ProfileTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1881ERP EHP76.0OIJ_PLBUCKPROF51Oil-TSW: Planning Buckets ProfileTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1882ERP EHP76.0OIJ_PLBUCKPROFT41Oil-TSW: Planning Buckets Profile TextTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1883ERP EHP76.0OIJ_PRORATE_CHK11Proration check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1884ERP EHP76.0OIJ_PRORATE_CHKT31Proration check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1885ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RDHEAD923Stock Projection headerTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1886ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RELPROF141Oil-TSW: Release profiles for SchedulesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1887ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RELPROFT41Oil-TSW: Planning Buckets Profile TextTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1888ERP EHP76.0OIJ_REPORT_QUAN151TSW: Reported Nomination quantities into/out of inventoryTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1889ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_ACTIV31Activate Russia-Specific FunctionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1890ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_CARG_TYP21Define Freight Loading TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1891ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_CARG_TYPT41Freight Loading Types DescriptionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1892ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_CARRCOND31Recharging Pricing ConditionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1893ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_CARRFIELD81Define Fields for Carrier Reference DataTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1894ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_CARRSERV31Carrier ServicesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1895ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_CARRSRVOP81Carrier Services - SelectionTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1896ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_CONN_TYP21Define Route TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1897ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_CONN_TYPT41Route Types DescriptionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1898ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_CO_NCOPY21Disable Copying CO Objects from InvoiceTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1899ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_CO_SAKNR71Define Accounts for Controlling PostingsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1900ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_DEL_TYP21Define Delivery TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1901ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_DEL_TYPT41Delivery Types DescriptionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1902ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_DISP_REC21Define Dispatch Scheduling ValuesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1903ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_DISP_RECT41Dispatch Scheduling Values DescriptionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1904ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_DISP_TYP21Define Freight Shipment TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1905ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_DISP_TYPT51Freight Shipment Types DescriptionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1906ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_FI_POST61Define posting parametersTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1907ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_MARA61Railway-Specific Material Data (Russia)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1908ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_MARAT51General Material Data Descriptions (Russia)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1909ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_PEGTYPE21Define pegging types for RussiaTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1910ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_PMT_LOC21Define Payment LocationsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1911ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_PMT_LOCT41Payment Locations DescriptionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1912ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_PMT_TYP21Define Payment TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1913ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_PMT_TYPT41Payment Types DescriptionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1914ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_PYR_TYP21Define Payment ResponsibilitiesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1915ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_PYR_TYPT41Payment Responsibilities DescriptionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1916ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_RAIL_OWN21Define Railcar Ownership TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1917ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_RAIL_OWNT51Railcar Ownership Types DescriptionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1918ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_RAIL_TYP21Define Railcar CategoriesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1919ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_RAIL_TYPT41Railcar Categories DescriptionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1920ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_RESP_PRT21Define Loading ResponsibilitiesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1921ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_RESP_PRTT41Loading Responsibilities DescriptionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1922ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_RRA81Partners Master Data (Russia)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1923ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_SCALETYP21Define Measurement MethodTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1924ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_SCALETYPT41Scaling Types DescriptionTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1925ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_SEND_SPD21Define Delivery Speed ValuesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1926ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_SEND_SPDT41Delivery Speed Values DescriptionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1927ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_SERVASS31Carrier Service Codes AssignmentTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1928ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_SERVCODE21Carrier Service CodesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1929ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_SERVCODET41Carrier Service Codes DescriptionTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1930ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_SERVGROUP111Carrier Service GroupsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1931ERP EHP76.0OIJ_RU_SERVGRPT41Carrier Service Groups TextsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1932ERP EHP76.0OIJ_SCHED1545Planned Schedule LinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1933ERP EHP76.0OIJ_SCHEDR91Planned Schedule Lines Reference DocumentsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1934ERP EHP76.0OIJ_SIM_SCHED323obsolete table (will be cleaned up)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1935ERP EHP76.0OIJ_SIM_SCHED_CB51What-if clipboard user access tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1936ERP EHP76.0OIJ_SPREL51Stock projection relevanceTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1937ERP EHP76.0OIJ_SPTYPES71Stock Projection TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1938ERP EHP76.0OIJ_SPTYPEST51Stock Projection Type TextsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1939ERP EHP76.0OIJ_SP_FLTVAL11Stock projection filter values for BADITraders and Schedulers Workbench
1940ERP EHP76.0OIJ_SP_FLTVALT31Stock projection filter values for BADI - text tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1941ERP EHP76.0OIJ_SS_RT11Stores the Shipshore calculation routine typesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1942ERP EHP76.0OIJ_SS_RTT31Description of the Shipshore Filter valuesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1943ERP EHP76.0OIJ_STAGES611TSW (&TD) Shipment StagesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1944ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TGTSFTTIME141Time dependent target and safety levelsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1945ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TIMEBUCKETS41Time BucketsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1946ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TIMEBUCKETST41OIL-TSW : Time Bucket TextTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1947ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKTEV_CHK_A31Assignment of ticket event check routines to val.grp.Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1948ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKTEV_CHK_R11Ticket Event check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1949ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKTEV_CHK_RT31Ticket event check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1950ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKTHD_CHK_A31Assignment of Ticket header check routines to val.grp.Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1951ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKTHD_CHK_R11Ticket header check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1952ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKTHD_CHK_RT31Ticket header check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1953ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKTIT_CHK_A31Assignment of Ticket item check routines to val.grp.Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1954ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKTIT_CHK_R11Ticket item check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1955ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKTIT_CHK_RT31Ticket item check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1956ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKT_CHK_A31Assignment of complete ticket check rout. to val.grp.Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1957ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKT_CHK_G11Ticketing validation groupsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1958ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKT_CHK_GT31Ticketing validation groupsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1959ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKT_CHK_R11Complete Ticket check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1960ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKT_CHK_RT31Complete Ticket check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1961ERP EHP76.0OIJ_TKT_TMST_PR311Ticket Timestamp Transfer Control TableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1962ERP EHP76.0OIJ_VEH_PERF281Marine Scheduling - Table to Store vehicle PerformanaceTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1963ERP EHP76.0OIRAPBLTRNBT31Link Location type - Business type (IS-OIL SSR)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1964ERP EHP76.0OIRARNBT141Retail Network Business TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1965ERP EHP76.0OIRARNBTT51Retail Network Business TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1966ERP EHP76.0ROIJRDACT151IS-OIL TSW: Table to store the actuals X-ref tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1967ERP EHP76.0S430412SIS: (OIL-TSW) Sales document statistics by TSW objectTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1968ERP EHP76.0S431462PURCHIS: (OIL-TSW) Purchasing document stats by TSW objectTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1969ERP EHP76.0S435332Statistics: Material Movements for Batches / NOT USED ANYMTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1970ERP EHP76.0TOI0EV51IS-OIL Master Data Event TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1971ERP EHP76.0TOI0EVT51IS-OIL Master Data Event Type TextsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1972ERP EHP76.0TOI0_CP_ATTR21Compatibility AttributesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1973ERP EHP76.0TOI0_CP_ATTRT41Description of Compatibility AttributesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1974ERP EHP76.0TOI0_CP_GRATR91Assign Compatibility group with compatibility attributesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1975ERP EHP76.0TOI0_CP_GRP41Compatibility Group DefinitionTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1976ERP EHP76.0TOI0_CP_GRPT41Description of Compatibility Group DefinationTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1977ERP EHP76.0TOI0_CP_OP31Store Compatibility operatorsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1978ERP EHP76.0TOI0_CP_OPT41Text Table Compatibility operatorsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1979ERP EHP76.0TOI0_J41IS-OIL: Define variable junctionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1980ERP EHP76.0TOI0_JFUNC41IS-OIL: Junction functionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1981ERP EHP76.0TOI0_JFUNCT51IS-OIL: Junction functions textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1982ERP EHP76.0TOI0_JG41IS-OIL: Junction function groupsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1983ERP EHP76.0TOI0_JGF91IS-OIL: Junction function group / Function assignmentTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1984ERP EHP76.0TOI0_JGT51IS-OIL: Junction function groups textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1985ERP EHP76.0TOI0_JT41IS-OIL: Text table for TOIJ0_J (define variable junctions)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1986ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_DOCPR41Select production document types for relevance assignmentTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1987ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_DOCS81Select document types for relevance assignmentTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1988ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_DOCTC31Relevance assignments TSW TCTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1989ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_DOCTCT41Relevance assignments TSW TC (text table)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
1990ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_MM251Relevance customizing for MM DocumentsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1991ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_NOM231IS-OIL: Relevance customizing for NominationsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1992ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_PP171IS-OIL: Relevance customizing for PP DocumentsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1993ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_RES211Relevance customizing for ReservationsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1994ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_SD281IS-OIL: Relevance customizing for SD DocumentsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1995ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_TC281TSW relevance table for trading contractTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1996ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_TC_RANK41TSW relevance ranking for trading contractTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1997ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_VAL51IS-Oil: Valid relevance valuesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1998ERP EHP76.0TOI0_REL_VALT51IS-Oil: Relevance descriptionTraders and Schedulers Workbench
1999ERP EHP76.0TOIGBVT41TD Vehicle Group TextTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2000ERP EHP76.0TOIGC71TD Transport Unit TypeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2001ERP EHP76.0TOIGCT41TD Transport Unit Type TextTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2002ERP EHP76.0TOIGE71TD Event TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2003ERP EHP76.0TOIGED41TD Event Document TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2004ERP EHP76.0TOIGEDT41TD Event Document Type TextTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2005ERP EHP76.0TOIGEG21TD Event Default GroupsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2006ERP EHP76.0TOIGEGT41TD Event Default Group TextTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2007ERP EHP76.0TOIGET41TD Event Type TextTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2008ERP EHP76.0TOIGV61TD Vehicle TypeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2009ERP EHP76.0TOIGVT41TD Vehicle Type TextTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2010ERP EHP76.0TOIJ01NOMEXP31Expenses in NominationTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2011ERP EHP76.0TOIJ03_GL_ACCT51Gain/Loss Cost center | GL Account determinationTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2012ERP EHP76.0TOIJ03_GL_ACT51Activate Gain Loss and Left on VehicleTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2013ERP EHP76.0TOIJ03_GL_TOL81Table to maintain Tolerances in TSW-CWMTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2014ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOMSI_APP21TSW: Nomination sub-items applicaton typesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2015ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOMSI_APPT41TSW: Nomination sub-items applicaton typesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2016ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOMSI_ST21TSW: Nomination sub-items status codesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2017ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOMSI_STT41TSW: Nomination sub-items status codes text tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2018ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOMSI_TYP51TSW: Combination of Nomination type and Sub-item ApplicationTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2019ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOMTYP141Nomination TypeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2020ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOMTYPT41Nomination typeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2021ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_EV0121Nomination event codesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2022ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_EV01T41Nomination Event type textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2023ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_EV0221Nomination event profilesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2024ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_EV02T41Nomination event profile textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2025ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_EV0361Nomination event / profile assignmentTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2026ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_EV0491Nomination Event/ Event prereq'sTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2027ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_EV0571Nomination Events./subsequence Event and statusesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2028ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_ST0171Nomination status codesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2029ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_ST01T41Nomination status code textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2030ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_ST0211Nomination Business ProcessesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2031ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_ST02T31Nomination Business ProcessesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2032ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_ST0321Nomination status profilesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2033ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_ST03T41Nomination status profilesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2034ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_ST0431Nomination status / profile assignmentTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2035ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_ST0561Business process / profile assignmentTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2036ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_ST1571Nomination Business Proc./status prereq'sTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2037ERP EHP76.0TOIJNOM_ST2551Nomination Business Proc./subsequence statusesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2038ERP EHP76.0TOIJUSAGE31Usage of Location Sources/DestinationsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2039ERP EHP76.0TOIJUSAGET41OIL-TSW: Usage of Location Sources/Destinations text tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2040ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_BPD_FIELDS71Customizing Table Business Process DialogTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2041ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_BPD_PMAP61Nomination Partner Communication Partner MappingTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2042ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_DET_DATE11Rules for pricing date determinationTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2043ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_DET_DATET31Text table Rules for pricing date determinationTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2044ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_DOC_TC131Screen customizing table for TSW-Details in Trading ContractTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2045ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_DOC_MM131Choose screens for TSW details pop-up in MM contractsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2046ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_DOC_SD121Choose screens for TSW details pop-up in SD contractsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2047ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_DOC_SET71Oil TSW: Control document flow and error logTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2048ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_EV_MM81Default events for purchase documentsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2049ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_EV_SD71Default events for sales documentsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2050ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_INCOMP51IS-OIL TSW: Activate incompletion for sales and purchasingTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2051ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_INC_F61IS-OIL TSW: specify incompletion fieldsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2052ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_LAYT21Default Laytime Term CodeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2053ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_LAYTT41Default laytime terms text tableTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2054ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_LAYT_EV121Default laytime terms for documentsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2055ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_LAYT_INF61Default laytime terms for documentsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2056ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_MS_GROUP101Oil TSW: Assign function groups to movement scenariosTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2057ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_MVSCEN301TSW: Define Movement scenariosTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2058ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_MVSCENT41TSW: Movement scenario descriptionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2059ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_PR_REL31Nomination Relevance<->Prorate CalculationTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2060ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_PR_RT11Prorate Calculation Routine TypeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2061ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_PR_RTT31Description of Prorate Calculation Routine TypeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2062ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_SITYPES21TSW: Define valid sitypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2063ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EL_SITYPEST41TSW: Description of SITYPESTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2064ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_EV_TC81Event rules for TSW in Trading ContractTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2065ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_IFAPO_PEG41APO SNP TSW Order transfer - Define auto peggingTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2066ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_INCOMP_TC31Activation of TSW incompletion in trading contractsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2067ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_INC_F_TC41Specification of TSW incompletion fields in trading contractTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2068ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_LAYOUTSET21Screen layout setTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2069ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_LAYOUTSETT41Screen layout setTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2070ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_LAYT_CALC11Laytime calculation method filterTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2071ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_LAYT_CALCT31Text table for laytime calculation method filterTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2072ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_LAYT_RELV41Assign laytime filter to relevance typeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2073ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_LB_RT11Loc Bal BADI routniesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2074ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_LB_RTT31Loc Bal BADI routnies TextTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2075ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_LB_SET51TSW Transport system To Transport System transfer SettingsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2076ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_MD_SCREENS51Customer screens in master dataTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2077ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_NOMV_CAPTC71Customized screen sequence for tabstrip captionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2078ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_NOMV_CAPTCT71Customized screen sequence for tabstrip captionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2079ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_NOMV_CAPTS51Available screens for tabstrip captionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2080ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_NOMV_CAPTST51Available screens for tabstrip captionsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2081ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_NOM_FIELD51Stores fields for different nomination viewsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2082ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_NOM_FILT11Nomination data filtersTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2083ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_NOM_FILTT31Nomination data filtersTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2084ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_NOM_QSF21Nomination Quick Search FieldsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2085ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_NOM_QSFT41Nomination Quick Search FieldsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2086ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_NOM_VIEW41Stores different nomination viewsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2087ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_NOM_VIEWT41Stores description to nomination views (text table)Traders and Schedulers Workbench
2088ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_PEGTYPE111TSW: Pegging type definitionTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2089ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_PEGTYPET41TSW: Pegging type definition - textsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2090ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_PEG_CHK_R11Nomination item check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2091ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_PEG_CHK_RT31Pegging check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2092ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_REFDOC_BADI71OIL-TSW: Update of scheduled documents - BADI selectionTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2093ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_REF_DOC_UPD41OIL-TSW: Update of scheduled documents - Technical settingsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2094ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_SCHED_BD_R11Nomination item check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2095ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_SCHED_BD_RT31Complete Nomination check routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2096ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_SHCA41OIL-TSW: Shipment change authorizationTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2097ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_SIM_USAGE41Simulated schedules usage by applicationsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2098ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_SS_QTY_TLRS101Measurement Comparison quantity tolerancesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2099ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_SS_SETTINGS101Ship shore settingsTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2100ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_STOP_MTR_RT11stores stop meter calculation routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2101ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_STOP_MT_RTT31description of stop meter calculation routine valuesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2102ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_ST_GAUGE_RT11stores stop gauge calculation routinesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2103ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_ST_GAUG_RTT31description of stop meter calculation routine valuesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2104ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_TKT_QMM21OIL-TSW: Ticket quantity measuring methodTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2105ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_TKT_QMMT41OIL-TSW: Description of Ticket quantity measuring methodTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2106ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_TKT_TYPE161OIL-TSW: Ticket typeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2107ERP EHP76.0TOIJ_TKT_TYPET41OIL-TSW: Description of Ticket TypeTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2108ERP EHP76.0TOIKCCAPGR61OIL-TPI: Customer Capacity GroupTraders and Schedulers Workbench
2109ERP EHP76.0TOIKGRTYPE21OIL-TPI: Allowed Group TypesTraders and Schedulers Workbench
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Downstream :: Transportation and Distribution
2110ERP EHP76.0A40791Route, Loading Point, Discharge PointTransportation and Distribution
2111ERP EHP76.0A40871CarrierTransportation and Distribution
2112ERP EHP76.0A409101Carrier, Bulk Shipment Type, Depart. Point, Dest. PointTransportation and Distribution
2113ERP EHP76.0A41381Carrier, vehicle typeTransportation and Distribution
2114ERP EHP76.0A41481Carrier, Bulk Shipment TypeTransportation and Distribution
2115ERP EHP76.0A41591Carrier, Bulk Shipment Type, Destination Tariff ZoneTransportation and Distribution
2116ERP EHP76.0B40051Bulk shipment typeTransportation and Distribution
2117ERP EHP76.0B41051Transportation Planning PointTransportation and Distribution
2118ERP EHP76.0B41161Transport Planning Point / Loading PlantTransportation and Distribution
2119ERP EHP76.0B44961Bulk shipment type / loading plantTransportation and Distribution
2120ERP EHP76.0OIGC252TD Transport unitTransportation and Distribution
2121ERP EHP76.0OIGCMH132TD Transport Unit Meter History fileTransportation and Distribution
2122ERP EHP76.0OIGD112TD DriverTransportation and Distribution
2123ERP EHP76.0OIGDH91TD Driver ShiftTransportation and Distribution
2124ERP EHP76.0OIGDL101TD Driver's license dataTransportation and Distribution
2125ERP EHP76.0OIGFIIQ171TD-F Assignment of document quantitiesTransportation and Distribution
2126ERP EHP76.0OIGFIIQS41TD-F assignment of quantities to stagesTransportation and Distribution
2127ERP EHP76.0OIGRM192TD Rack Meter Master TableTransportation and Distribution
2128ERP EHP76.0OIGRMH132TD Rack Meter History fileTransportation and Distribution
2129ERP EHP76.0OIGRMM71TD Rack Meter / Material AssignmentTransportation and Distribution
2130ERP EHP76.0OIGRMPS81TD Rack Meter / Storage Location AssignmentTransportation and Distribution
2131ERP EHP76.0OIGRMT42TD Rack Meter TextTransportation and Distribution
2132ERP EHP76.0OIGS941TD Shipment HeaderTransportation and Distribution
2133ERP EHP76.0OIGSE341TD EventsTransportation and Distribution
2134ERP EHP76.0OIGSH211TD Shipment HistoryTransportation and Distribution
2135ERP EHP76.0OIGSI202Shipment ItemTransportation and Distribution
2136ERP EHP76.0OIGSM222TD Material Allocated to a ShipmentTransportation and Distribution
2137ERP EHP76.0OIGSMS141TD Material Samples on a ShipmentTransportation and Distribution
2138ERP EHP76.0OIGSMV161TD Material Balance on VehicleTransportation and Distribution
2139ERP EHP76.0OIGSPA201Partner in TD-shipmentTransportation and Distribution
2140ERP EHP76.0OIGSS531TD Shipment StagesTransportation and Distribution
2141ERP EHP76.0OIGSVC302TD Transport Unit in ShipmentTransportation and Distribution
2142ERP EHP76.0OIGSVCC181TD Compartment in ShipmentTransportation and Distribution
2143ERP EHP76.0OIGSVCS131TD Vehicle Seals on Transport UnitsTransportation and Distribution
2144ERP EHP76.0OIGSVD101TD Driver per Vehicle on a ShipmentTransportation and Distribution
2145ERP EHP76.0OIGSVIIS261TD Shipment Assignment of Document Items to StagesTransportation and Distribution
2146ERP EHP76.0OIGSVMQ311TD Quantity Item for Material on VehicleTransportation and Distribution
2147ERP EHP76.0OIGSVMQM141TD On Board Movements ReferencesTransportation and Distribution
2148ERP EHP76.0OIGSVMQO1862TD Quantity Item Calculation ParametersTransportation and Distribution
2149ERP EHP76.0OIGSVMQO291TD Quantity Item Additional QuantitiesTransportation and Distribution
2150ERP EHP76.0OIGVL71TD Licenses Needed for VehicleTransportation and Distribution
2151ERP EHP76.0TOIGA21TD Product IndicatorTransportation and Distribution
2152ERP EHP76.0TOIGAC21TD Product/Compartment GroupTransportation and Distribution
2153ERP EHP76.0TOIGACI31TD Product/Compartment Group IndicatorsTransportation and Distribution
2154ERP EHP76.0TOIGACT41TD Product/Compartment Group TextTransportation and Distribution
2155ERP EHP76.0TOIGAP21TD Product GroupTransportation and Distribution
2156ERP EHP76.0TOIGAPI31TD Product Group IndicatorsTransportation and Distribution
2157ERP EHP76.0TOIGAPT41TD Product Group TextTransportation and Distribution
2158ERP EHP76.0TOIGARC31TD Archiving shipmentTransportation and Distribution
2159ERP EHP76.0TOIGAT41TD Product Indicator TextTransportation and Distribution
2160ERP EHP76.0TOIGB21TD Vehicle/Customer IndicatorTransportation and Distribution
2161ERP EHP76.0TOIGBC21TD Customer GroupTransportation and Distribution
2162ERP EHP76.0TOIGBCI31TD Customer Group IndicatorsTransportation and Distribution
2163ERP EHP76.0TOIGBCT41TD Customer Group TextTransportation and Distribution
2164ERP EHP76.0TOIGBT41TD Vehicle/Customer Indicator TextTransportation and Distribution
2165ERP EHP76.0TOIGBV21TD Vehicle GroupTransportation and Distribution
2166ERP EHP76.0TOIGBVI31TD Vehicle Group IndicatorsTransportation and Distribution
2167ERP EHP76.0TOIGEGA51TD Event Default Groups AssignmentTransportation and Distribution
2168ERP EHP76.0TOIGEX191TD Exchange Call-off Determination (example for user exit)Transportation and Distribution
2169ERP EHP76.0TOIGH41TD Shift TableTransportation and Distribution
2170ERP EHP76.0TOIGHT41TD Shift Text TableTransportation and Distribution
2171ERP EHP76.0TOIGL21TD License TypesTransportation and Distribution
2172ERP EHP76.0TOIGLT41TD License Type TextTransportation and Distribution
2173ERP EHP76.0TOIGMDTYP21TD - Master Data TypesTransportation and Distribution
2174ERP EHP76.0TOIGMDTYPT41TD - Master Data Type - DescriptionTransportation and Distribution
2175ERP EHP76.0TOIGS671TD Shipment TypesTransportation and Distribution
2176ERP EHP76.0TOIGS161TD Intransit Store Location/Cost Center DeterminationTransportation and Distribution
2177ERP EHP76.0TOIGS2151TD Intransit Posting GroupTransportation and Distribution
2178ERP EHP76.0TOIGS2T41TD Intransit Posting Group DescriptionTransportation and Distribution
2179ERP EHP76.0TOIGS3141TD Intransit Batch/Handling Type DeterminationTransportation and Distribution
2180ERP EHP76.0TOIGS431TD Reason CodesTransportation and Distribution
2181ERP EHP76.0TOIGS4131TD Reason code convert to proof of deliveryTransportation and Distribution
2182ERP EHP76.0TOIGS4T51TD Reason Code DescriptionTransportation and Distribution
2183ERP EHP76.0TOIGS5111TD Tolerance AuthorizationTransportation and Distribution
2184ERP EHP76.0TOIGST41TD Shipment Type DescriptionTransportation and Distribution
2185ERP EHP76.0TOIGTXT91Default Texts For Shipment HeaderTransportation and Distribution
2186ERP EHP76.0TOIGUS121TD - User Screens for Master DataTransportation and Distribution
2187ERP EHP76.0TOIGUST61TD - User Screens for Master Data: TextTransportation and Distribution
2188ERP EHP76.0TOIGVCLGR21Vehicle classification groupTransportation and Distribution
2189ERP EHP76.0TOIGVCLGRT41Vehicle classification group textsTransportation and Distribution
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Downstream :: Transportation Planning Interface
2190ERP EHP76.0TOIKTPIREL31TPI: Transportation Planning Point for Relevancy TypeTransportation Planning Interface
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Production
2191ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_CACC41Chemical Analysis Compatibility Component XrefProduction
2192ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_REG41Regulatory Reallocation ReportProduction
2193ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_REG_TX41Regulatory Reallocation Report TextProduction
2194ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SKFD_DRC41Drilling Days SKF Major Workover Downtime Reason TBLGR028Production
2195ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SKFD_STS41Drilling Days SKF Major workover Status - TBLGR027Production
2196ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SKFV61Volumetric SKFProduction
2197ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SKFW_MW41Well Count SKF Downtime Minor Workover - TBLGR030Production
2198ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SKFW_RR41Well Count SKF Downtime Reg Reasons - TBLGR029Production
2199ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SKFW_ST41Well Count SKF Plug, Sold, Abandoned ST - TBLGR025Production
2200ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SKFX61SKF Type To CO SKF Configuration XrefProduction
2201ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SSD101Supply Source DetailProduction
2202ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SSH131Supply Source HeaderProduction
2203ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_WCDPS131Well Completion Daily PressuresProduction
2204ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_GP_CMPNT21Gas Plant Components / QCI Parameter NamesProduction
2205ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_HC_CMPNT21Hydrocarbon Components / QCI Parameter NamesProduction
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue
2206ERP EHP76.0OIUAR_BAL_CAT91Accounts Receivable Balance CategorizationRevenue
2207ERP EHP76.0OIUAR_BAL_TRFR221Accounts Receivable Balance TransferRevenue
2208ERP EHP76.0OIUAR_COMMENT91Accounts Receivable CommentsRevenue
2209ERP EHP76.0OIUAR_REC_BAL222Accounts Receivable BalanceRevenue
2210ERP EHP76.0OIUAR_REC_BAL_H222Accounts Receivable Balance HistoryRevenue
2211ERP EHP76.0OIUAR_RESPID91Accounts Receivable Responsibility IDRevenue
2212ERP EHP76.0OIUAR_WO_CONFIG91Accounts Receivable Writeoff ConfigurationRevenue
2213ERP EHP76.0OIUE1_BATCH_TYPE21LSSL Summary - Batch Types Which Require Higher Level LockRevenue
2214ERP EHP76.0OIUE1_LSSL_SUM1344Legal Suspense SummaryRevenue
2215ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_CFG41Proc 2.0 - Process ConfigRevenue
2216ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_CFGT51Proc 2.0 - Process Config TextsRevenue
2217ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_CW_REJECTS81Proc 2.0 - Check Write RejectsRevenue
2218ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_ADDR51Proc 2.0 - Escheat - AddressesRevenue
2219ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_BA241Proc 2.0 - Escheat - BARevenue
2220ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_CFG41Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Minimum Age ConfigurationRevenue
2221ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_DTL1381Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Owner DetailsRevenue
2222ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_DTLH1382Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Owner Detail HistoryRevenue
2223ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_GRPSX41Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Process Group / State XRefRevenue
2224ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_HOLD421Proc 2.0 - Escheat - ASCII - Holder RecordRevenue
2225ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_MDD451Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Mass Due Diligence Print InfoRevenue
2226ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_RPDTH61Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Report Detail - HolderRevenue
2227ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_RPDTP151Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Report Detail - PropertyRevenue
2228ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_RPDTS71Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Report Detail - SummaryRevenue
2229ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_SF31Proc 2.0 - Escheat - State Smart Form ConfigRevenue
2230ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_SUM131Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Owner SummaryRevenue
2231ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_SUMH132Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Owner Summary HistoryRevenue
2232ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_SUS31Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Excluded Suspense Reason CodesRevenue
2233ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCROWADDR51Proc 2.0 - WY Escrow - AddressesRevenue
2234ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCROW_CR181Proc 2.0 - WY Escrow - Check Run InfoRevenue
2235ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCROW_DTL1432Proc 2.0 - WY Escrow - Owner DetailsRevenue
2236ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCROW_SUS21Proc 2.0 - WY Escrow - Excluded Suspense Reason CodesRevenue
2237ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCR_GRPCX51Proc 2.0 - WY Escrow - Process Group / Company XRefRevenue
2238ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_JEINTF2251Proc 2.0 - JE Interface TableRevenue
2239ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC41Proc 2.0 - ProcessesRevenue
2240ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROCT41Proc 2.0 - Process TextsRevenue
2241ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC_ENAB31Proc 2.0 - Process Enabled?Revenue
2242ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC_GRP31Proc 2.0 - Process GroupsRevenue
2243ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC_GRPT51Proc 2.0 - Process Group TextsRevenue
2244ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC_STEP91Proc 2.0 - Process StepsRevenue
2245ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC_STEPT51Proc 2.0 - Process Step TextsRevenue
2246ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC_TYPE111Proc 2.0 - Process TypesRevenue
2247ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC_TYPET41Proc 2.0 - Process Type TextsRevenue
2248ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_RUN_DTL191Proc 2.0 - Run DetailRevenue
2249ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_RUN_HDR442Proc 2.0 - Run HeaderRevenue
2250ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_RUN_JE71Proc 2.0 - Process Run JE Batch InfoRevenue
2251ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_RV_CHD1011Proc 2.0 - Check DetailsRevenue
2252ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_RV_CR251Proc 2.0 - Check RegisterRevenue
2253ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_STEPX_ST51Proc 2.0 - Step Prerequisite StatusRevenue
2254ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_TYPE_TAB51Proc 2.0 - Process Type TabsRevenue
2255ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_TYPE_TABT51Proc 2.0 - Process Type Tab TextsRevenue
2256ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_GRP11Group tableRevenue
2257ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_GRP_TXT31Text table for OIUHS_GRPRevenue
2258ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_JE_ACC_ID141PRA: Journal Entry Posting Rules per Account TypeRevenue
2259ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_JE_ACC_TYP131PRA: Journal Entry Posting Rules per Account TypeRevenue
2260ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_JE_ACR31PRA: Journal Entry Account CategoriesRevenue
2261ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_JE_DBI51PRA: Destination Code for Posting RulesRevenue
2262ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_JE_DPK41JE Rules - Destination Code/Posting-keyRevenue
2263ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_SAP_SORT81PRA: Control Table for SAP SortRevenue
2264ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_TAB41Table group controlRevenue
2265ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_TAB_NAMES21Table names for PRA to RFRevenue
2266ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_TAB_TXT41Text table for OIUHS_TABRevenue
2267ERP EHP76.0OIUH_ACT_TAKEN21Action Taken Code (TBLRD023)Revenue
2268ERP EHP76.0OIUH_ACT_TAKEN_T41Action Taken Code (TBLRD023)Revenue
2269ERP EHP76.0OIUH_AR_BAL21AR Balance categories (TBLRD044)Revenue
2270ERP EHP76.0OIUH_AR_BAL_TX41AR Balance categories - TBLRD044 - textRevenue
2271ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CDEX_INTYP31Mapping Owner Interest type with CDEX Interest typeRevenue
2272ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CDEX_PROD31Mapping Product code with CDEX Product CodeRevenue
2273ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CHK_FLD11Check Layout field code -TBLCI014Revenue
2274ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CHK_FLD_TX31Check Layout field code -TBLCI014 - textRevenue
2275ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_BA632Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2276ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_BAB92Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2277ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_BATYP71Business Associate Type TableRevenue
2278ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_CTTYP51Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2279ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_CY31Counties Per StateRevenue
2280ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_EC72Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2281ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_EM72Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2282ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_INSTL201Revenue Installation ParametersRevenue
2283ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_OR172Organization Level 1 TableRevenue
2284ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_OR1_CC32Mapping of Organization level to Company CodeRevenue
2285ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_OR282Organization Level 2 TableRevenue
2286ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_OR392Organizational Level 3 TableRevenue
2287ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_OR4112Organizational Level 4 TableRevenue
2288ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_PDCD61Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2289ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_QBE381Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2290ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_SRBD82Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2291ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_SRBT82Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2292ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_SRDA82Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2293ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_SRDO72Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2294ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_STATE83State Codes TableRevenue
2295ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_TT91Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2296ERP EHP76.0OIUH_DD_CONFIG151DD names per program with Open Mode (I/O) for QSAM filesRevenue
2297ERP EHP76.0OIUH_JEPOST_CTL41JE Posting Process Control tableRevenue
2298ERP EHP76.0OIUH_LEGEND21Legend Code - TBLRV064Revenue
2299ERP EHP76.0OIUH_LEGEND_TX41Legend Code Description - TBLRV064Revenue
2300ERP EHP76.0OIUH_LOADED_JE41Records loaded to JE by transation o3uh_loadjeRevenue
2301ERP EHP76.0OIUH_NM_PDCD_XRF31New Mexico Product Code Cross Reference (TBLTR091)Revenue
2302ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_DN384Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2303ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_DNND264Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2305ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_MMSBA102Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2306ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_MP211Measurement PointRevenue
2307ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_MPVD273Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2308ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_PF192Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2309ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_RRST71Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2310ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_RRTX258Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2311ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_RRWY182Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2312ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_RWC83Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2313ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_SAND104Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2314ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_TX2BA71Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2315ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_TXBBA82Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2316ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_WC442Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2317ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_WCAP162Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2318ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_WL324Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2319ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PTR_REP_LOG251Production, Tax and Royalty Reporting Execution LogRevenue
2320ERP EHP76.0OIUH_REP_HIST131Reporting History old RazorfishRevenue
2321ERP EHP76.0OIUH_REP_PAR_SET51Reporting - Parameter Set per ReportRevenue
2322ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_AC234Account ControlRevenue
2323ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ACR191Account Category RequirementsRevenue
2324ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_APSL241Journal Entry Accounts Payable Subledger TableRevenue
2325ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_APSL_H241Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2326ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ARCMT102Account Receivable Comments TableRevenue
2327ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ARINTF1831PRA Journal Entries to A/R interface tableRevenue
2328ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ARSL313Journal Entry Accounts Receivable Subledger TableRevenue
2329ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ARSL_H313Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2330ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ATDH204Obsolete (4.72) -keep for 1 minor release-WY Ad Valorem TaxRevenue
2331ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ATDHQ81Obsolete (4.72) -keep for 1 minor release-WY Ad Valorem TaxRevenue
2332ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_AWO101Approved Write Offs TableRevenue
2333ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_BC302Batch ControlRevenue
2334ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_BCMT71Balance Comment TableRevenue
2335ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_BGUC142Bearer Group Use ControlRevenue
2336ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_BR112BearerRevenue
2337ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_BT81Balance Transfer TableRevenue
2338ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CC241Obsolete (4.72) - keep for 1 minor release - Check ControlRevenue
2339ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CCH132Obsolete (4.72)-keep for 1 minor release- Cdex Check HistoryRevenue
2340ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CCR192Obsolete (4.72)-keep for 1 minor release- Check Copy ReverseRevenue
2341ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CD801Obsolete (4.72) - keep for 1 minor release-Check Detail LineRevenue
2342ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CDTRAN81Transaction Code Cross Reference With Deduction Type CodeRevenue
2343ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CHD1013Check DetailRevenue
2344ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CHDD194Check Deduction DetailRevenue
2345ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CL124Check LayoutRevenue
2346ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CLF123Check Layout FormatRevenue
2347ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CLT581Contract -- Long TermRevenue
2348ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CMCC144Contract Marketing Cost ControlRevenue
2349ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CMCD231Contract Marketing Cost DetailRevenue
2350ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CNL112Cdex New LeaseRevenue
2351ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_COA181Chart of AccountsRevenue
2352ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_COADV235Colorado Ad ValoremRevenue
2353ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CPR151Check Process RuleRevenue
2354ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CPRH122Check Process Rule HeaderRevenue
2355ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CR245Check RegisterRevenue
2356ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CT371ContractRevenue
2357ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CW_BATCH131Checkwrite Parms for the batch execution processRevenue
2358ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CYC111Accounting Cycle Control TableRevenue
2359ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DAVT121DOI Ad Valorem TaxRevenue
2360ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DI231Division Of Interest BaseRevenue
2361ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DO482DOI OwnerRevenue
2362ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DOACC163DOI Owner Override Acct CodesRevenue
2363ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DOEX71Owner State Tax ExemptionRevenue
2364ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DOGRI121Division Order Calculated GRI Percentage TableRevenue
2365ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DOH366DOI Owner HistoryRevenue
2366ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DOIWC173DOI / WC Cross ReferenceRevenue
2367ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DP542DOI ProductRevenue
2368ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DPACC173DOI Override Acct CodesRevenue
2369ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DPPC113DOI Product Processed ControlRevenue
2370ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DPPN251Division Order Prior Period NotificationRevenue
2371ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DPUC122DOI Product Use ControlRevenue
2372ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DTWK113Deduction/Tax Work TableRevenue
2373ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ESCBA92Escheated Business AssociatesRevenue
2374ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_EXSL391Journal Entry Expense Subledger TableRevenue
2375ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_EXSL_H391Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2376ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_EXTD303RDI - Check Detail SubsetRevenue
2377ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_FOT112Foreign Owner Tax RatesRevenue
2378ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GCTA111Gross Check Tax AmountsRevenue
2379ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GL423Journal Entry General Ledger TableRevenue
2380ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GLCC61Cross Reference GL to Cost CenterRevenue
2381ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GL_H429Oil and Gas GL History TableRevenue
2382ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GRP223Group Number And DescriptionRevenue
2383ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GTAX71Journal Entry Gross Tax Amounts TableRevenue
2384ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GTAX_H71Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2385ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GVLST51Gross Volume State TableRevenue
2386ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ICSL271Journal Entry Intercompany Subledger TableRevenue
2387ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ICSL_H271Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2388ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_INSL531Journal Entry Income Subledger TableRevenue
2389ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_INSL_H531Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2390ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_IVS233Invoice SelectionRevenue
2391ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_JE2663Journal EntryRevenue
2392ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_JEINTF2261PRA Journal EntriesRevenue
2393ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_LMDED164Louisiana Marketing DeductionRevenue
2394ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_LSSL534Journal Entry Legal Suspense Subledger TableRevenue
2395ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_LSSL_H534Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2396ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_LWDED174Louisiana Marketing DeductionRevenue
2397ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MDOI165MP/DOI Cross ReferenceRevenue
2398ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MGDD244Marketing Group / DOI Owner Xref DetailRevenue
2399ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MGDH141Marketing Group/DOI Owner Xref HeaderRevenue
2400ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MKEX111Marketing Cost Exemption TableRevenue
2401ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MRC474Manual Royalty CheckRevenue
2402ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MSSL821Journal Entry Miscellaneous Subledger TableRevenue
2403ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MSSL_H821Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2404ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MTAD102Producers Mkting Tax Exemption Allowance DetailRevenue
2405ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MTAH173Producers Mkting Tax Exemption Allowance HeaderRevenue
2406ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MVT195Manual Void Check TransactionsRevenue
2407ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_NDH112North Dakota Oil Tax History HeaderRevenue
2408ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_NDPRD191North Dakota Tax History Oil Detail For ProducersRevenue
2409ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_NDPUR191North Dakota Tax History Oil Detail For PurchasersRevenue
2410ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_NPSH212Negative Payable/Suspense Header TableRevenue
2411ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_OCTA112Owner Check Tax AmountsRevenue
2412ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ODED71Journal Entry Other Deductions TableRevenue
2413ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ODED_H71Oil and Gas ODED History TableRevenue
2414ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_OIC173Owner Interest CalculationsRevenue
2415ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ONAB183Owners Negative Account BalanceRevenue
2416ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_OPSL542Journal Entry Owner Payable Subledger TableRevenue
2417ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_OPSL_H543Oil and Gas OPSL History TableRevenue
2418ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_OSTA423Owners State Tax AdjustmentsRevenue
2419ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_OTAX71Journal Entry Owner Tax Amounts TableRevenue
2420ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_OTAX_H71Oil and Gas OTAX History TableRevenue
2421ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PAC142Property Affiliated CompanyRevenue
2422ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PDX4910Obsolete (4.72)-keep for 1 minor release-Purchaser DOI XrefRevenue
2423ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PLX111Purchaser Layout Cross ReferenceRevenue
2424ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PR531Property TableRevenue
2425ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PRX243Purchaser Remitter Cross ReferenceRevenue
2426ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PT112Purchaser TranslationRevenue
2427ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PUC142Property Unit Use ControlRevenue
2428ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PWO61Pending Write Offs TableRevenue
2429ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RB234Receivable Balances TableRevenue
2430ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RBC81Receivable Balance Categories TableRevenue
2431ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RBRE481Arbar Reject TableRevenue
2432ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RDT293Royalty Detail For TexasRevenue
2433ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RDTL466Royalty DetailsRevenue
2434ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RDTSW61Texas Royalty Detail Sweet And Sour TableRevenue
2435ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RJE2633Journal EntryRevenue
2436ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ROYH374New Mexico Royalty HistoryRevenue
2437ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RP1037MMS Royalty PendingRevenue
2438ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RPAD111Royalty Processing Allowance DetailRevenue
2439ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RPAH92Royalty Processing Allowance HeaderRevenue
2440ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RPGH242Royalty Production Gas HistoryRevenue
2441ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RPOH182Royalty Production Oil HistoryRevenue
2442ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RPTDT71Report DateRevenue
2443ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RTCH284RD DOI Transfer Change HeaderRevenue
2444ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RTD253RD DOI Transferee DetailRevenue
2445ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RTDE101Receivable Transactions Detail TableRevenue
2446ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RVH162Rpoyalty Reporting Value HistoryRevenue
2447ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SCD914Obsolete (4.72)-keep for 1 minor release - Suspended CheckRevenue
2448ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SEV503Severance Tax TransactionRevenue
2449ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SEVCI123Severance Tax Transactions Miscellaneous (Check Input)Revenue
2450ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SEVMP165Severance Tax Transactions By Measurement PointRevenue
2451ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SEVWC165Severance Tax Transactions By Well, WCRevenue
2452ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SID81State Interest DefaultsRevenue
2453ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SS292Contract Spot SaleRevenue
2454ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_STIKO92Severance Take In Kind OwnerRevenue
2455ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_STR163Severence Tax RatesRevenue
2456ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_STS652Severence Tax SubsidiaryRevenue
2457ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_STSL502Journal Entry Statistical Subledger TableRevenue
2458ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_STSL_H502Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2459ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_STXR132State Tax RatesRevenue
2460ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SVTD71Severence Tax State Reporting NumberRevenue
2461ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SVTDH71Obsolete (4.72)-keep for 1 minor release-Sev Tax State Rep#Revenue
2462ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TAXHA192New Mexico Tax History For Affiliated TxnsRevenue
2463ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TAXHN192New Mexico Tax History For Non-Affiliated TxnsRevenue
2464ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TCD492Tax Calc DataRevenue
2465ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TCLD184Tax Class DataRevenue
2466ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TD525Tax DetailRevenue
2467ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TEP102Tax Extract ProfileRevenue
2468ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_THDR252Tax HeaderRevenue
2469ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TPPD51Tax PPA Company Master Detail TableRevenue
2470ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TPPM82Tax PPA Company Master TableRevenue
2471ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TPPN383Tr PPNRevenue
2472ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TPSL171Journal Entry Taxes Payable Subledger TableRevenue
2473ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TPSL_H171Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
2474ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TR133Tract InformationRevenue
2475ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TRGRI151Division Order Calculated GRI Units TableRevenue
2476ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TRP112Tax And Royalty ProfileRevenue
2477ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_VCHD284Void Check DetailRevenue
2478ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_VCHDD162Void Check Deductions DetailRevenue
2479ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_VCR366Caluation Cross Reference HeaderRevenue
2480ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_WHHD391Table for withholding reportRevenue
2481ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_WOJE61Write Off JE TableRevenue
2482ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_WYTD161Wyoming Tax Detail TableRevenue
2483ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_WYTH112Wyoming Tax Header TableRevenue
2484ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ZBR51Zero Balance Receivables TableRevenue
2485ERP EHP76.0OIUH_SORT_PARAM81Oil & Gaz - Program Parameters by Jil StepsRevenue
2486ERP EHP76.0OIUH_X_EP2RZ42Razorfish To PRA Cross ReferenceRevenue
2487ERP EHP76.0OIURV01_RD_REP61RD Generic ReportRevenue
2488ERP EHP76.0OIURV02_ADA_DT101Alternative Dual Accounting Multipliers HeaderRevenue
2489ERP EHP76.0OIURV02_ADA_HD41Alternative Dual Accounting Multipliers HeaderRevenue
2490ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_CONFIG51MP to Well Completion Split Out ConfigRevenue
2491ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_DOCMPXRF191VL Doc to MP XRefRevenue
2492ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_DTL_BK351Valuation Transactions Level 1 - VltxnsRevenue
2493ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_DTL_ZE391Valuation Transactions Level 1 - Zero VolumeRevenue
2494ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_FRMHDR391Valuation Transaction Level 3 - FormulaRevenue
2495ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_FRMTAX141Valuation Transactions Level 3 - Formula Tax DetailRevenue
2496ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_MPWC_XRF161MP to Well Completion Split Out XRefRevenue
2497ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_TAXDTL341Valuation Tax Master DetailRevenue
2498ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_TAXEMP121Valuation Tax Exempt DetailRevenue
2499ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_TAXHDR121Valuation Tax HeaderRevenue
2500ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_TAXMKT131Valuation Tax Marketing DetailRevenue
2501ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_VOLDTL1151Valuation Transaction Level 2 -VolumeRevenue
2502ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_BATCH_TX41Batch Job NameRevenue
2503ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CMKT481Check Detail Marketing DeductionsRevenue
2504ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_MKTG441Journal Entry Marketing DetailRevenue
2505ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_MKTG_H441Journal Entry Marketing DetailRevenue
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Energy Integration Architecture Upstream Graphics :: Upstream Graphics
2506ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_BASECONFIG121Upstream Graphics Base ConfigurationUpstream Graphics
2507ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_ICON61Upstream Graphics Icons and Reporting Flash FormsUpstream Graphics
2508ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_INDX131Upstream Graphics INDX TableUpstream Graphics
2509ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_LAYOUT111Upstream Graphics Graphics VariantsUpstream Graphics
2510ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_LAYOUTT61Upstream Graphics Graphics Variant DescriptionsUpstream Graphics
2511ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_LOG51Upstream Graphics Graphics LogUpstream Graphics
2512ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_LOG_DETAIL41Upstream Graphics Graphics Log DetailsUpstream Graphics
2513ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_NODE_CTG131Upstream Graphics Node CategoryUpstream Graphics
2514ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_NODE_CTGT51Upstream Graphics Node Category DescriptionUpstream Graphics
2515ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_NODE_XREF121Upstream Graphics Node Type Cross ReferenceUpstream Graphics
2516ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_NODE_XREFT61Upstream Graphics Node Type Cross ReferenceUpstream Graphics
2517ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_PR_EPG21DN functions used by Upstream GraphicsUpstream Graphics
2518ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_PR_EPGT41DN functions used by Upstream GraphicsUpstream Graphics
2519ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_PR_TCODES61Transactions used by Upstream GraphicsUpstream Graphics
2520ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_TYPE191Upstream Graphics Graphical ViewUpstream Graphics
2521ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_TYPECONFIG101Upstream Graphics Graphical View Configuration PortionUpstream Graphics
2522ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_TYPET41Upstream Graphics Graphical View DescriptionUpstream Graphics
2523ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_TYPE_POPUP61Upstream Graphics Graphical View Object Sensitive PopupUpstream Graphics
2524ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_VALID_TYPE41Upstream Graphics Valid Node Type Per Node CategoryUpstream Graphics
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Reporting :: Royalty Reporting
2525ERP EHP76.0OIUH_TEMP_GL421Journal Entry General Ledger TableRoyalty Reporting
2526ERP EHP76.0OIUH_TEMP_OPSL521Journal Entry Owner Payable Subledger TableRoyalty Reporting
2527ERP EHP76.0OIUREPP_LEASE191MMS-2014 - Lease PPARoyalty Reporting
2528ERP EHP76.0OIUREPP_OWNER131MMS-2014 - Owner PPARoyalty Reporting
2529ERP EHP76.0OIUREPP_PRPAYXRF141MMS-2014 - Property / Payor XRef PPARoyalty Reporting
2530ERP EHP76.0OIUREPP_SALETYPE201MMS-2014 - Sales Type PPARoyalty Reporting
2531ERP EHP76.0OIUREPP_WCPAYXRF131MMS-2014 - Well Completion / Payor XRef PPARoyalty Reporting
2532ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_2014_CONF31MMS-2014: Configurable ItemsRoyalty Reporting
2533ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_2014_INFO301MMS-2014 - Report Executions Start informationRoyalty Reporting
2534ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_2014_REP531MMS-2014 - Supplemental Reports From Report ExecutionsRoyalty Reporting
2535ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_2014_RUNS242MMS-2014 - Report ExecutionsRoyalty Reporting
2536ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ACTIVATE71Reg./Tax and Royalty Reporting - report activationRoyalty Reporting
2537ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADD_DATA91Regulatory Reporting Config for Additional Master DataRoyalty Reporting
2538ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADJCD_XRF31MMS-2014 - Reversal Rsn to Adjustment Reason Code XREFRoyalty Reporting
2539ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADJ_DTLA221MMS OGOR A Adjustment Detail RecordRoyalty Reporting
2540ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADJ_DTLB211MMS OGOR B Adjustment Detail RecordRoyalty Reporting
2541ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADJ_DTLC231MMS OGOR C Adjustment Detail RecordRoyalty Reporting
2542ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADJ_HDR201Adjustment Header for MMS OGORRoyalty Reporting
2543ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADJ_PASR191MMS PASR Adjustment Detail RecordRoyalty Reporting
2544ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADJ_PASRH221MMS PASR Adjustment Header RecordRoyalty Reporting
2545ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGENCIES31Regulatory Reporting AgenciesRoyalty Reporting
2546ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGENCYTX31Regulatory Reporting AgenciesRoyalty Reporting
2547ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGY_LSE291Agency assigned LeasesRoyalty Reporting
2548ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGY_LSETX51Text Table for Agency assigned LeasesRoyalty Reporting
2549ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGY_PCDTX41Agency defined Product Code TextRoyalty Reporting
2550ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGY_PDCD91Agency defined Product CodeRoyalty Reporting
2551ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGY_VLTP41Agency defined Volume TypesRoyalty Reporting
2552ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGY_VTPTX41Text table for Agency defined Volume TypeRoyalty Reporting
2553ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AMND_STAT91Report Execution statistics for amended monthsRoyalty Reporting
2554ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_BA_MASTER91Regulatory reporting: BA table to drive Partner reportingRoyalty Reporting
2555ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CM_JIL31Activate JIL control tableRoyalty Reporting
2556ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_CMLB71Regulatory Reporting Common Table List Box SetupRoyalty Reporting
2557ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_COMA101Common table to convert SAP codes to Ag. codes Apl.TableRoyalty Reporting
2558ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_COMN101Common table for converting SAP codes to Agency codesRoyalty Reporting
2559ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_FLDS41Fields available for customizingRoyalty Reporting
2560ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_FLDT61Descriptions for Code FieldsRoyalty Reporting
2561ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_RDNG111Reg Reporting Rounding ConfigurationRoyalty Reporting
2562ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_RPTC41Report Columns available for customizingRoyalty Reporting
2563ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_RULE101Reg Reporting Rules for Column DataRoyalty Reporting
2564ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_VALS51Code Values available for customizing Reg ReportingRoyalty Reporting
2565ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_VLTX71Code Value TextsRoyalty Reporting
2566ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_XREF191Reg Reporting Product/Volume Type to Report Code Cross RefRoyalty Reporting
2567ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_COMN_KEYS61Reg.Reporting - Field description for COMN table keysRoyalty Reporting
2568ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_DD_STRUCT61Master DD file structuresRoyalty Reporting
2569ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_DN_XREF61Regulatory Reporting X-ref for Delivery NetworksRoyalty Reporting
2570ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_EXEC_COMB171Possible Combinations of Royalty ExecutionsRoyalty Reporting
2571ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_EXEC_STAT252Report Execution StatisticsRoyalty Reporting
2572ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_EXT_COMP31External Company by State AgencyRoyalty Reporting
2573ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_EXT_COMTX51Text Table for External Company CodeRoyalty Reporting
2574ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_FEDINDIAN31MMS-2014 - Federal or Indian LeasesRoyalty Reporting
2575ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_FIELDS151Regulatory Report Master Data set upRoyalty Reporting
2576ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_FIELDSTX71Regulatory Report Master Data set upRoyalty Reporting
2577ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_FIN_LEVEL81Regulatory Reporting Operator and Contact XrefRoyalty Reporting
2578ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_GEN_DATA161Reg. Reporting - Generic Transactional dataRoyalty Reporting
2579ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_HISTCNTRL71Regulatory Reporting History Control tableRoyalty Reporting
2580ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_INDIAN_TR31MMS-2014 - Indian TribesRoyalty Reporting
2581ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_KEY_XREFD71Regulatory Reporting SAP Key Cross Reference DetailRoyalty Reporting
2582ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_KEY_XREFH71Regulatory Reporting SAP Key Cross Reference HeaderRoyalty Reporting
2583ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_LEASE192MMS-2014 - LeaseRoyalty Reporting
2584ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_LGL_RPTS261Legal Reports for Tax and Royalty ReportingRoyalty Reporting
2585ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_LGL_RPTTX31Text Table for Legal Reports (Tax and Royalty)Royalty Reporting
2586ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MASTER811Regulatory Reporting Master DataRoyalty Reporting
2587ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MASTER_MP271Re.Reporting - MP related Reg IDRoyalty Reporting
2588ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MASTER_OV41RegID Split table (e.g. MMS Override Group split)Royalty Reporting
2589ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MASTER_PC41RegID Split table (e.g. LA Parish split)Royalty Reporting
2590ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MMS_ACTN41MMS Well Status Reason Code/Action Code Combos (OGOR-A)Royalty Reporting
2591ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MMS_DTEDT41MMS-2014 Edit Effective Date TableRoyalty Reporting
2592ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MMS_REAS41MMS Well Status / Reason Code Combinations (OGOR-A)Royalty Reporting
2593ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MMS_REJS951MMS-2014 - Extraction RejectsRoyalty Reporting
2594ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MP_XREF81Regulatory Reporting X-ref - MP to State Assigned IDRoyalty Reporting
2595ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MRT_CRED101MMS-2014: Credits Against Monthly ReportRoyalty Reporting
2596ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MRT_HIST393MMS-2014 MMS Royalty Transaction Processed HistoryRoyalty Reporting
2597ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MRT_PEND392MMS-2014 MMS Royalty Transaction Processed - PendingRoyalty Reporting
2598ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_OWNER131MMS-2014 - OwnerRoyalty Reporting
2599ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_PAYOR41MMS-2014 - Payor / Company Code XRefRoyalty Reporting
2600ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_PDCD_XREF61Cross Reference Between State Agency and PRA MaterialRoyalty Reporting
2601ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_PRDCDXREF31MMS: Possible Material No/MMS Prod Cd CombinationsRoyalty Reporting
2602ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_PROWNERS51MMS-2014 - Property w/ Multiple Owners?Royalty Reporting
2603ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_PRPAYXREF142MMS-2014 - Property / Payor XRefRoyalty Reporting
2604ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RECOUP101MMS-2014 - Recoupable BalanceRoyalty Reporting
2605ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_REG_HIST131Reporting history (System table INDX)Royalty Reporting
2606ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_REG_OPER121Regulatory Reporting Operator and Contact Xref EFF DatedRoyalty Reporting
2607ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_REG_OPERA101Regulatory Reporting Operator and Contact XrefRoyalty Reporting
2608ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_REG_OUT91Regulatory Reporting Output ControlRoyalty Reporting
2609ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_REPORTS171Supported Regulatory reportsRoyalty Reporting
2610ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_REPORTSTX41Supported Regulatory reportsRoyalty Reporting
2611ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROYHIST332Reported Royalty and Volume Data by Reporting EntitiesRoyalty Reporting
2612ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROY_AGY271Reporting Agencies for Tax and RoyaltyRoyalty Reporting
2613ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROY_AGYTX31Regulatory Reporting AgenciesRoyalty Reporting
2614ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROY_DATA374Reported Royalty and Volume Data by Reporting EntitiesRoyalty Reporting
2615ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROY_FLDTX41Text Table for Report FieldsRoyalty Reporting
2616ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROY_LOG131Changes to master data for reportingRoyalty Reporting
2617ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROY_PRFL161Royalty Reporting ProfilesRoyalty Reporting
2618ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROY_PRFLD101Field Values in the Royalty Reporting ProfilesRoyalty Reporting
2619ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RPT_ENTTY192Entities for Royalty ReportingRoyalty Reporting
2620ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RPT_OWNER81Owners for royalty reportingRoyalty Reporting
2621ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RPT_PRFL91Report ProfileRoyalty Reporting
2622ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RRST271Regulatory Reporting Status TableRoyalty Reporting
2623ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RRST_DET81Regulatory Reporting Status TableRoyalty Reporting
2624ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RRST_NEW281NEW Regulatory Reporting Status Table (with Version Number)Royalty Reporting
2625ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RTPEND941MMS-2014 - Royalty Transaction PendingRoyalty Reporting
2626ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RT_HIST942MMS-2014 - Royalty Transaction (Pending) HistoryRoyalty Reporting
2627ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RUNGRPKEY21Reg.Reporting - Report Submission groupsRoyalty Reporting
2628ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RUN_GROUP41Reg.Reporting - Report Submission groupingRoyalty Reporting
2629ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RUN_REPNM21Reg.Reporting - Report run/submission namesRoyalty Reporting
2630ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RWC141WCs that have been changed since previous report runRoyalty Reporting
2631ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_SALESTY21MMS-2014: Sales Type Control TableRoyalty Reporting
2632ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_SALESTYPE201MMS-2014 - Sales TypeRoyalty Reporting
2633ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_SALESTY_T41MMS-2014: Sales Type Control Table DescriptionRoyalty Reporting
2634ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_STAT_SPLT111Regulatory Reporting: Well Status Split tableRoyalty Reporting
2635ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_STRUC91Regulatory Reporting StructuresRoyalty Reporting
2636ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_STRUCTX61Regulatory Reporting StructuresRoyalty Reporting
2637ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_SUPL_REP51MMS-2014 - Supplemental ReportsRoyalty Reporting
2638ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_SUPL_REPT51MMS-2014 - Supplemental Reports DescriptionRoyalty Reporting
2639ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TAB_IND51Agency related fields for master data maintainenceRoyalty Reporting
2640ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TEXT_STDD61Regulatory Reporting Standard Texts DetailRoyalty Reporting
2641ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TEXT_STDH41Regulatory Reporting Valid Standard Texts HeaderRoyalty Reporting
2642ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TEXT_XREF101Regulatory Reporting Texts for Diff Reporting LevelsRoyalty Reporting
2643ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TRAN_ERR21Transaction code to error code xref for edits/valsRoyalty Reporting
2644ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TRAN_FLDS31MMS-2014 - Transaction Code Field Requirement XREFRoyalty Reporting
2645ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_UOM71Regulatory Report Unit of MeasuresRoyalty Reporting
2646ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VALTABC51Reporting general value table - CustomizingRoyalty Reporting
2647ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VALTABCTX71Reporting general value table - CustomizingRoyalty Reporting
2648ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VALTABM61Reporting general value table - CustomizingRoyalty Reporting
2649ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VLTP_XREF41Cross reference between Agency defined & PRA volume typesRoyalty Reporting
2650ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VL_VOL211Gross Volume and Value after VL/RDRoyalty Reporting
2651ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VOLHIST192Reported Volume Data by Reporting EntitiesRoyalty Reporting
2652ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VOL_DATA234Reported Volume Data by Reporting EntitiesRoyalty Reporting
2653ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_WCOWNERS41MMS-2014 - Well Completion w/ Multiple OwnersRoyalty Reporting
2654ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_WCPAYXREF132MMS-2014 - Well Completion / Payor XRefRoyalty Reporting
2655ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_XTRCT_ROY1461Extract Royaty Data for the current reporting periodRoyalty Reporting
2656ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_CAT_CD21Generic Category Code in New RoyaltyRoyalty Reporting
2657ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_CAT_CDTX41Descriptions for the categoriesRoyalty Reporting
2658ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_CAT_CD_VAL51Descriptions for the codesRoyalty Reporting
2659ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_GEN_CD_VAL81Maintain Code with Effective DatedRoyalty Reporting
2660ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_REP_HIST81Reported data historyRoyalty Reporting
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Reporting :: Tax Reporting
2661ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ADJ_MKTC161Tax adjustments marketing costs for reportingTax Reporting
2662ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ADJ_TAXDC382Tax adjustments detail for reportingTax Reporting
2663ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ADJ_TAXHC293Tax adjustments header for reportingTax Reporting
2664ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ADJ_TYP21Adjustment types for reportingTax Reporting
2665ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ADJ_XMPC171Tax adjustment exemptions for reportingTax Reporting
2666ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_AGY_DEFN41Agency definitionTax Reporting
2667ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_AGY_TCDTX41Agency tax code text tableTax Reporting
2668ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_AGY_TXCD41Agency defined Tax CodesTax Reporting
2669ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_EXEC_COMB91Execution Combinations for Tax ReportingTax Reporting
2670ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_EXEC_STAT321Execution Statistics for Tax ReportingTax Reporting
2671ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_FLD_CAT71Field Catalogue for Tax ReportingTax Reporting
2672ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_FLD_VALB101Base table for field level dataTax Reporting
2673ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_FLD_VALL131Log for field level dataTax Reporting
2674ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_LNK_REPUB221PUID and reporting entities linkTax Reporting
2675ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_MAS_REB151Reporting entities base tableTax Reporting
2676ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_MIGR_CNTRL31Reporting migration control tableTax Reporting
2677ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_MIGR_CTLTX41Text table for Migration Control (PRA)Tax Reporting
2678ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PDCD_XREF61Cross Reference Between State Agency and PRA MaterialTax Reporting
2679ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PRD_UIDB141Base table for Production Units/LeasesTax Reporting
2680ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PRD_UNITTX51Text table for Production Units/LeasesTax Reporting
2681ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PROC_CNTRL61Reporting process control tableTax Reporting
2682ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PROD_UNIT111Production Units/LeasesTax Reporting
2683ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PUID_MKTH191Reporting history for marketing costs for reportingTax Reporting
2684ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PUID_TAXH392Tax transaction header for reportingTax Reporting
2685ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PUID_VOLH201Reported Volume Data by PUIDTax Reporting
2686ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PUID_XMPH191Reporting history for tax exemptionsTax Reporting
2687ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_IDB151Legal report time dependent base tableTax Reporting
2688ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_MKTH132Reporting history for marketing costs for reportingTax Reporting
2689ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_MSTRL121Log for master data changesTax Reporting
2690ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_SGB151Report Submission Group base tableTax Reporting
2691ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_SGRP111Report Submission GroupTax Reporting
2692ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_SGRPTX41Text table for Report Submission GroupTax Reporting
2693ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_TAXH484Tax transaction header for reportingTax Reporting
2694ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_VOLH241Reported Volume Data by Reporting EntitiesTax Reporting
2695ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_XMPH132Reporting history for tax exemptionsTax Reporting
2696ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TAX_SUSP141Records for suspensionTax Reporting
2697ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_MKTC162Tax transaction marketing costs for reportingTax Reporting
2698ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_MKTL151Tax transaction marketing costs for reportingTax Reporting
2699ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_TAXDC382Tax transaction detail for reportingTax Reporting
2700ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_TAXDL361Tax transaction detail for reportingTax Reporting
2701ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_TAXHC263Tax transaction header for reportingTax Reporting
2702ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_TAXHL313Tax transaction header for reportingTax Reporting
2703ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_XMPC172Tax transaction exemptions for reportingTax Reporting
2704ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_XMPL151Tax transaction exemptions for reportingTax Reporting
2705ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TXCD_XREF91Cross reference between state tax codes and PRA entitiesTax Reporting
2706ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_VKEY_XREF51Table for variable key in Tax ReportingTax Reporting
2707ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_BA_LOG121Cross ref. betwn PRA prod/purchaser no. and its tax payerTax Reporting
2708ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_PUID_VOLH201Reported Volume Data by PUIDTax Reporting
2709ERP EHP76.0OIUX3Y_TX_BATXID81Tax Reporting - Texas BA Tax ID PPNTax Reporting
2710ERP EHP76.0OIUX3Y_TX_MASTER174Tax Reporting - Texas Master Data PPNTax Reporting
2711ERP EHP76.0OIUX3Y_TX_MSTOVR201Tax Reporting - Texas Master Data OverridesTax Reporting
2712ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_CONF31Tax Reporting - ConfigTax Reporting
2713ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_CONF_PP21Tax Reporting - Config Parallel ProcessingTax Reporting
2714ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_ITEM_ST51Tax Reporting - Migration Item Prerequisite StatusTax Reporting
2715ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_JEINTF551Tax Reporting - JE Interface TableTax Reporting
2716ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_CTRL441Tax Reporting - Migration ControlTax Reporting
2717ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_GRP21Tax Reporting - Migration GroupTax Reporting
2718ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_GRPRX31Tax Reporting - Migration Group Report XRefTax Reporting
2719ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_GRPT41Tax Reporting - Migration Group TextTax Reporting
2720ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_ITEM101Tax Reporting - Migration ItemTax Reporting
2721ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_ITEMT51Tax Reporting - Migration Item TextTax Reporting
2722ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_SA_DT31Tax Reporting - Migration Loaded Sales DatesTax Reporting
2723ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_VLDOC91Tax Reporting - Migration Loaded VL DocsTax Reporting
2724ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_PDCD11Tax Reporting - 3 Character Product CodeTax Reporting
2725ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_PDCD_TX31Tax Reporting - 3 Character Product Code TextTax Reporting
2726ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_PORTGRP121Tax Reporting - Node Group 1 Control TableTax Reporting
2727ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_PORTGRP1T41Tax Reporting - Node Group 1 Text TableTax Reporting
2728ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_PORTGRP231Tax Reporting - Node Group 2 Control TableTax Reporting
2729ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_PORTGRP2T51Tax Reporting - Node Group 2 Text TableTax Reporting
2730ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_PORT_TREE81Tax Reporting - Generic Portal Tree Control TableTax Reporting
2731ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT211Tax Reporting - ReportsTax Reporting
2732ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_COMP41Tax Reporting - Reporting CompanyTax Reporting
2733ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_COMPT51Tax Reporting - Reporting Company TextTax Reporting
2734ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_COMPX41Tax Reporting - Reporting Company XRefTax Reporting
2735ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_CONF41Tax Reporting - Report Specific ConfigurationTax Reporting
2736ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_CONFD41Tax Reporting - Report Specific Configuration (Dated)Tax Reporting
2737ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_GRP21Tax Reporting - Report GroupTax Reporting
2738ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_GRPPX31Tax Reporting - Report Group Product Code XRefTax Reporting
2739ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_GRPT41Tax Reporting - Report Group TextTax Reporting
2740ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_PROF251Tax Reporting - Reporting ProfileTax Reporting
2741ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_STEP51Tax Reporting - Reporting StepTax Reporting
2742ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_STEPT41Tax Reporting - Reporting Step TextTax Reporting
2743ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_STEPX71Tax Reporting - Reporting/Step XRefTax Reporting
2744ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_TX41Tax Reporting - ReportsTax Reporting
2745ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RUN_DTL201Tax Reporting - Run DetailTax Reporting
2746ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RUN_HDR382Tax Reporting - Run HeaderTax Reporting
2747ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RUN_JE71Tax Reporting - Report Run JE Batch InfoTax Reporting
2748ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_STEPX_ST51Tax Reporting - Step Prerequisite StatusTax Reporting
2749ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_ASU_DT121Tax Reporting - Auto Suspend DetailTax Reporting
2750ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_ASU_HD111Tax Reporting - Auto Suspend HeaderTax Reporting
2751ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_BATXID91Tax Reporting - Texas BA Tax IDTax Reporting
2752ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_CNTXRF31Tax Reporting - Texas County XRefTax Reporting
2753ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_COMXRF41Tax Reporting - Texas Commodity XRefTax Reporting
2754ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_EDITS261OBSOLETE - Tax 2.0 - Texas Report Field Edits #2Tax Reporting
2755ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_EDITS2T71OBSOLETE - Tax 2.0 - Texas Report Field Edits #2Tax Reporting
2756ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_EXEMPT31Tax Reporting - Texas Exemption TypeTax Reporting
2757ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_LEASE81Tax Reporting - Texas LeaseTax Reporting
2758ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_MASTER184Tax Reporting - Texas Master DataTax Reporting
2759ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_MSTOVR181Tax Reporting - Texas Master Data OverridesTax Reporting
2760ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_OOSHST532Tax Reporting - Texas Out Of Statute Transaction HistoryTax Reporting
2761ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_OOSTXN531Tax Reporting - Texas Out Of Statute TransactionsTax Reporting
2762ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_OOSWO71Tax Reporting - Texas Out Of Statute Write OffTax Reporting
2763ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_PRDTB541Tax Reporting - Texas PRA Detail Txns-Tier Tax BelowTax Reporting
2764ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_PRDTI541Tax Reporting - Texas PRA Detail Txns-Tier Tax IncrementalTax Reporting
2765ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_PRDTN542Tax Reporting - Texas PRA Detail Txns - No Tier TaxTax Reporting
2766ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_REJ21Tax Reporting - Texas Reject CodesTax Reporting
2767ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_REJT41Tax Reporting - Texas Reject Code TextTax Reporting
2768ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_REVSTG161Tax Reporting - Texas Tax Transaction Reversal StagingTax Reporting
2769ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_REVTXN141Tax Reporting - Texas Tax Transaction ReversalsTax Reporting
2770ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPGDT341Tax Reporting - Texas Gas Report DetailsTax Reporting
2771ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPGDTE241Tax Reporting - Texas Gas Report Details ErrorsTax Reporting
2772ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPGSM201Tax Reporting - Texas Gas Report SummaryTax Reporting
2773ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPGSME161Tax Reporting - Texas Gas Report Summary ErrorsTax Reporting
2774ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPODT311Tax Reporting - Texas Oil Report DetailsTax Reporting
2775ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPODTE221Tax Reporting - Texas Oil Report Details ErrorsTax Reporting
2776ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPOSM171Tax Reporting - Texas Oil Report SummaryTax Reporting
2777ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPOSME161Tax Reporting - Texas Oil Report Summary ErrorsTax Reporting
2778ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RP_EDT1111OBSOLETE - Tax 2.0 - Texas Report Field Attribute EditsTax Reporting
2779ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RP_EDT2111OBSOLETE - Tax 2.0 - Texas Report Field Edits #2Tax Reporting
2780ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_SOL101Tax Reporting - Statute of LimitationTax Reporting
2781ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_SOLEDT61Tax Reporting - Statute of Limitation Exception DetailTax Reporting
2782ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_SOLEHD71Tax Reporting - Statute of Limitation Exception HeaderTax Reporting
2783ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_TAXHST536Tax Reporting - Texas Tax History TransactionsTax Reporting
2784ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_TAXSTG571Tax Reporting - Texas Tax Transaction StagingTax Reporting
2785ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_TAXTXN551Tax Reporting - Texas Tax TransactionsTax Reporting
2786ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_TXCLEX41Tax Reporting - Texas Tax Class Exemption Type XRefTax Reporting
2787ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_BALANCE201Taxes Payable BalanceTax Reporting
2788ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_BALANCE_H191Taxes Payable Balance HistoryTax Reporting
2789ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_BAL_CTG21Taxes Payable Balance CategoriesTax Reporting
2790ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_BAL_CTGTX41TP Balance Categories - Text tabeTax Reporting
2791ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_BAL_CTGZN141Taxes Payable Balance CategorizationTax Reporting
2792ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_COMMENTS141Taxes Payable CommentsTax Reporting
2793ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_RESP_ID91Taxes Payable Responsibility IDTax Reporting
2794ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_WO_SETUP51Taxes Payable Writeoff ConfigurationTax Reporting
2795ERP EHP76.0OIUX5Y_OK_BATXID81Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma BA Tax ID PPNTax Reporting
2796ERP EHP76.0OIUX5Y_OK_MASTER171Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Master Data PPNTax Reporting
2797ERP EHP76.0OIUX5Y_OK_MSTCNT131Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Master Data CountiesTax Reporting
2798ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_ASU_DT121Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Auto Suspend DetailTax Reporting
2799ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_ASU_HD101Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Auto Suspend HeaderTax Reporting
2800ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_BATXID91Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma BA Tax IDTax Reporting
2801ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_CONFIG21Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Exempt Decimal ConfigurationTax Reporting
2802ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_CONFL281Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Exempt Decimal ConflictTax Reporting
2803ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_EXEXRF41Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Exempt Code XrefTax Reporting
2804ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_MASTER184Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Master DataTax Reporting
2805ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_MSTCNT101Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Master Data Multiple CountiesTax Reporting
2806ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_OOSHST752Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Out Of Statute Transactions HistoryTax Reporting
2807ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_OOSTXN751Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Out Of Statute TransactionsTax Reporting
2808ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_PDCXRF41Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Product Code XrefTax Reporting
2809ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_PRDT772Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma PRA Detail Tax TransactionsTax Reporting
2810ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_PRDTC792Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma PRA Detail Tax Transactions Multi CountTax Reporting
2811ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_REJ21Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Reject CodesTax Reporting
2812ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_REJT41Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Reject Code TextTax Reporting
2813ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_REVSTG151Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Reversals StagingTax Reporting
2814ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_REVTXN151Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax ReversalsTax Reporting
2815ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_RPDT501Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Gross Prod Report DetailTax Reporting
2816ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_RPSM171Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Gross Prod Report SummaryTax Reporting
2817ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_SOL91Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Statute of LimitationTax Reporting
2818ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_SOLEDT61Tax 2.0 - Statute of Limitation Exception DetailTax Reporting
2819ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_SOLEHD61Tax 2.0 - Statute of Limitation Exception HeaderTax Reporting
2820ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_TAXHST756Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Transactions HistoryTax Reporting
2821ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_TAXHSTC772Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Transactions History Multi-CountiesTax Reporting
2822ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_TAXSTG771Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Transactions StagingTax Reporting
2823ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_TAXTXN771Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax TransactionsTax Reporting
2824ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_TAXTXNC791Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Transactions Multiple CountiesTax Reporting
2825ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_TAX_RT81Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax RatesTax Reporting
2826ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_ZVOL101Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Zero Volume Reporting MasterTax Reporting
2827ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OOSWO91Tax 2.0 - Out Of Statute Write OffTax Reporting
2828ERP EHP76.0OIUX6Y_WY_BAOPID81Tax 2.0 - Wyoming BA Operator ID PPNTax Reporting
2829ERP EHP76.0OIUX6Y_WY_MASTER214Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Master Data PPNTax Reporting
2830ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_ASU_DT121Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Auto Suspend DetailTax Reporting
2831ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_ASU_HD111Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Auto Suspend HeaderTax Reporting
2832ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_BAOPID91Tax 2.0 - Wyoming BA Operator IDTax Reporting
2833ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CAPRDT191Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation CA PRA Detail TransactionsTax Reporting
2834ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CASTG181Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation CA Transactions StagingTax Reporting
2835ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CATXN181Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation CA TransactionsTax Reporting
2836ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_COOSHST561Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Out Of Statute Conservation Trans HistTax Reporting
2837ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_COOSTXN561Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Out Of Statute Conservation TransactionsTax Reporting
2838ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CPRDT582Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax PRA Detail TransactionsTax Reporting
2839ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CREVSTG151Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Reversals StagingTax Reporting
2840ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CREVTXN151Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax ReversalsTax Reporting
2841ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CRPDT251Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Report DetailTax Reporting
2842ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CRPDTDT132Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Report Detail DetailTax Reporting
2843ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CTAXHST565Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Transactions HistoryTax Reporting
2844ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CTAXSTG581Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Transactions StagingTax Reporting
2845ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CTAXTXN581Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax TransactionsTax Reporting
2846ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CTAX_RT51Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax RatesTax Reporting
2847ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CTXRATE21Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax RateTax Reporting
2848ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_FORM2111Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Summarized FORM 2 DataTax Reporting
2849ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_FRM2CFG31Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation FORM 2 Check ConfigurationTax Reporting
2850ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_GTAXSTG712Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Gross Prod Tax Transactions StagingTax Reporting
2851ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_GTAXTXN721Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Gross Prod Tax TransactionsTax Reporting
2852ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_LCDOVR121Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Lease Condensate OverrideTax Reporting
2853ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_MASTER234Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Master DataTax Reporting
2854ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_OOSWO71Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Out Of Statute Write OffTax Reporting
2855ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_RATE_CD61Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Rate CodesTax Reporting
2856ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_REJ21Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Reject CodesTax Reporting
2857ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_REJT41Tax Reporting - Texas Reject Code TextTax Reporting
2858ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_RRST41Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Processed FORM 2 ReportsTax Reporting
2859ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SOGXRF31Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Tax Oil/Gas Indicator XRefTax Reporting
2860ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SOL101Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Statute of LimitationTax Reporting
2861ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SOLEDT91Tax Reporting - Statute of Limitation Exception DetailTax Reporting
2862ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SOLEHD71Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Statute of Limitation Exception HeaderTax Reporting
2863ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SOOSHST691Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Out Of Statute Severance Trans HistoryTax Reporting
2864ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SOOSTXN691Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Out Of Statute Severance TransactionsTax Reporting
2865ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SPRDT713Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax PRA Detail TransactionsTax Reporting
2866ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SREVSTG151Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Reversals StagingTax Reporting
2867ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SREVTXN151Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax ReversalsTax Reporting
2868ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SRPDT151Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Report DetailTax Reporting
2869ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SRPDTDT161Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Report Detail DetailTax Reporting
2870ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SRPDT_H151Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Report DetailTax Reporting
2871ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_STAXHST695Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Transactions HistoryTax Reporting
2872ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_STAXSTG711Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Transactions StagingTax Reporting
2873ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_STAXTXN712Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax TransactionsTax Reporting
2874ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_STAX_RT91Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Rate CodesTax Reporting
2875ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_TXCLRC31Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Tax Class Rate Code XRefTax Reporting
2876ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_ZVOL81Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Zero Volume Reporting MasterTax Reporting
2877ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_CONFIG41Tax 2.0 - WYGP ConfigTax Reporting
2878ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_RUN_DTL201Tax 2.0 - WYGP Run DetailTax Reporting
2879ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_RUN_HDR352Tax 2.0 - WYGP Run HeaderTax Reporting
2880ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4101261Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4101Tax Reporting
2881ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4101HST231Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4101 Up To Date HistoryTax Reporting
2882ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4101_OP81Tax 2.0 WYGP - 4101 Op/Non-Op Switch InfoTax Reporting
2883ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4111141Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4111Tax Reporting
2884ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4111HST121Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4111 Up To Date HistoryTax Reporting
2885ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4121131Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4121Tax Reporting
2886ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4121HST121Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4121 Up To Date HistoryTax Reporting
2887ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4201301Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4201Tax Reporting
2888ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4201HST271Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4201 Up To Date HistoryTax Reporting
2889ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4211141Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4211Tax Reporting
2890ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4211HST121Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4211 Up To Date HistoryTax Reporting
2891ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4221131Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4221Tax Reporting
2892ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4221HST121Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4221 Up To Date HistoryTax Reporting
2893ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4231381Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4231Tax Reporting
2894ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4231HST371Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4231 Up To Date HistoryTax Reporting
2895ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_DN_CON141Tax 2.0 - WYGP DN ConsistencyTax Reporting
2896ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GSALES251Tax 2.0 - WYGP SalesTax Reporting
2897ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GSALHST241Tax 2.0 - WYGP Sales HistoryTax Reporting
2898ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GSALTXN261Tax 2.0 - WYGP SalesTax Reporting
2899ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GTAX701Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Gross Prod Tax TransactionsTax Reporting
2900ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GTAXHST691Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Gross Prod Tax Transactions HistoryTax Reporting
2901ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GVOL151Tax 2.0 - WYGP VolumeTax Reporting
2902ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GVOLHST141Tax 2.0 - WYGP Volume HistoryTax Reporting
2903ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GVOLTXN161Tax 2.0 - WYGP VolumesTax Reporting
2904ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_MKT21Tax 2.0 - WYGP Marketing TypesTax Reporting
2905ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_MKTOVR111Tax 2.0 - WYGP Marketing Type Xref OverrideTax Reporting
2906ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_MKTXRF41Tax 2.0 - WYGP Marketing Type XrefTax Reporting
2907ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_MKT_TX41Tax 2.0 - WYGP Marketing Type DescriptionsTax Reporting
2908ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_MPALLOC81Tax 2.0 - WYGP MP AllocationTax Reporting
2909ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_PDVLXRF41Tax 2.0 - WYGP Product Code/Volume Type/Product Type XrefTax Reporting
2910ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_REJ21Tax 2.0 - WYGP Reject CodesTax Reporting
2911ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_REJT41Tax 2.0 - WYGP Reject Code TextTax Reporting
2912ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_VLXRF31Tax 2.0 - WYGP Volume Type XrefTax Reporting
2913ERP EHP76.0OIUXC_PP61Tax 2.0 - Parallel Processing ControlTax Reporting
2914ERP EHP76.0OIUXC_RPT_PP51Tax 2.0 - Report Specific Parallel Processing ConfigTax Reporting
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue :: Balancing
2915ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_ADJ272Balancing AdjustmentsBalancing
2916ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_ADJH271Balancing Adjustments HistoryBalancing
2917ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_COMMENT71Product balancing commentsBalancing
2918ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_CONFIG41Balancing ConfigurationBalancing
2919ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_DOH51Ownership History FlagsBalancing
2920ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PBA181Product Balancing AgreementBalancing
2921ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PBADOI151PBA DOIBalancing
2922ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PBAST141Production Balancing Agreement (PBA) StatusBalancing
2923ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PBAXREF94PBA to Well Completion/Measurement Point Cross-refBalancing
2924ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PBA_GRP21Balancing - PBA GroupBalancing
2925ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PBA_GRPT41Balancing - PBA Group TextBalancing
2926ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PRD_GRP21Ballancing Product GroupBalancing
2927ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PRD_GRPD42Ballancing Product Group Detail - Product code XrefBalancing
2928ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PRD_GRPT41Ballancing Product GroupBalancing
2929ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_RPTPA151Balancing Permanent Report AdjustmentsBalancing
2930ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_RPTPD131Balancing Permanent Report DetailBalancing
2931ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_RPTPH151Balancing Permanent Report HeaderBalancing
2932ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_SFORMS31Valid PDF/Smartforms for Balancing StatementsBalancing
2933ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_SFORMSTX41Valid Smartforms for Balancing StatementsBalancing
2934ERP EHP76.0OIUBL_IMBMP212Measurement Point ImbalanceBalancing
2935ERP EHP76.0OIUBL_IMBWC224Well Completion ImbalanceBalancing
2936ERP EHP76.0OIUBL_PBAMP82Cross reference for measurement point and PBABalancing
2937ERP EHP76.0OIUBL_PBAWC91Cross Reference for Well Completion and PBABalancing
2938ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_SPEMP_T161Special owner entitlements at MP levelBalancing
2939ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_SPEWC_T171Special owner entitlements at WC levelBalancing
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue :: Check Input
2940ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_CDEXD241CDEX DetailCheck Input
2941ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_CDEXH211CDEX HeaderCheck Input
2942ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_CDEX_PRDX41CDEX Product XrefCheck Input
2943ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_CDEX_REMX61CDEX Remitter XrefCheck Input
2944ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_DETAIL401Incoming Check's Detail Line informationCheck Input
2945ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_DOCS111Incoming Checks - Generated/Booked DocumentsCheck Input
2946ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_DOC_CIREJ101Contains VL/RD rejects to be reported to Check InputCheck Input
2947ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_FIELDATTR161Check fields attributesCheck Input
2948ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_HEADER271Incoming Check Header informationCheck Input
2949ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_JE1841Incoming Check Journalized. Temporary holdCheck Input
2950ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_MESG131Contains warning, error message pertaining to a Line item(s)Check Input
2951ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_NOTES61Notes for Suspended Line item of Incoming CheckCheck Input
2952ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_PDX317Purchaser DOI Cross ReferenceCheck Input
2953ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_PDXLOCK111Incoming Check Usage of Property/DOI xref master dataCheck Input
2954ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_PTLOCK81Incoming Check Usage of Property/Product translation dataCheck Input
2955ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_RULESLOCK71Incoming Check Usage of Process RulesCheck Input
2956ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_SPC_DIST121Purchaser DOI Cross ReferenceCheck Input
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue :: Check Write
2957ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_BANK101Bank DetailsCheck Write
2958ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_BA_WH_EXMP91Business Associates exempt from State WithholdingCheck Write
2959ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_CHECKLOT61Check Lot Details for PaymentsCheck Write
2960ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_EN_WH_EXMP51Entity level Exemption for State WithholdingCheck Write
2961ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_EXTD271Extended Details from Payment RunCheck Write
2962ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_LOTCONTROL41Check Lot Control MasterCheck Write
2963ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_LOTDESC41Check Lot Control - DescriptionCheck Write
2964ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_NRIT_WH41States with Withholding requirementCheck Write
2965ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_OWNER_SEQ81Owner/Sequence List for Payment RunsCheck Write
2966ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_PAYMENT1411Payment Details from Payment RunCheck Write
2967ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_PROP_DOI51Property/DOI List for Payment RunCheck Write
2968ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_REJECTS71Payments Not Made in the RunCheck Write
2969ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_RUN_PARMS171User Input Parameters for the Payment RunCheck Write
2970ERP EHP76.0OIU_CW_SUM_PAY1331Summarized Payable Table for Check WriteCheck Write
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue :: Contractual Allocation
2971ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_CTMP82PRA: Transporter Contract Measurement Point XRefContractual Allocation
2972ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_CTWC91PRA: Transporter Contract Well Completion XRefContractual Allocation
2973ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_ENT_VT61CA Allocation Entitlement Volume TypesContractual Allocation
2974ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_MATSUM31Material Summary for Gas Plant Component AllocationContractual Allocation
2975ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_OSP161Termination Point Component Options for Selective Process.Contractual Allocation
2976ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_PRPD71Stores the percent returned to lease detail dataContractual Allocation
2977ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_PRPH101Stores the Percent Returned to Producer Header DataContractual Allocation
2978ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_PSP161Plant Component Options for Selective ProcessingContractual Allocation
2979ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SPFCM31SPF NGL Component Allocation BasisContractual Allocation
2980ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SPF_CME31SPF Wet Gas EquivalentContractual Allocation
2981ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSCP61Sliding scale component data for each level maintainedContractual Allocation
2982ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSDIM61Possible dimensions for sliding scale methodsContractual Allocation
2983ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSDIMMAT31Sliding Scale Methods - Dimension / MaterialsContractual Allocation
2984ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSDIM_TX41Texts for sliding scale dimensionsContractual Allocation
2985ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSMETH21Sliding scale method codesContractual Allocation
2986ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSMETH_LVL41Sliding scale method code and associated dimensionsContractual Allocation
2987ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSMETH_TX41Texts for sliding scale method codeContractual Allocation
2988ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSPD82Sliding Scale DetailContractual Allocation
2989ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSPH61Sliding Scale Percent HeaderContractual Allocation
2990ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSPM71Sliding scale pct material data for each level maintainedContractual Allocation
2991ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_TIKPC71Network Take-In-Kind Percent by MaterialContractual Allocation
2992ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_TIKPC_T71Network Take-In-Kind Percent by Material Temp TableContractual Allocation
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue :: Ownership
2993ERP EHP76.0OIUOW01_SCHA_F21Schedule 'A' reporting fieldsOwnership
2994ERP EHP76.0OIUOW01_SCHA_F_T31Schedule 'A' reporting fields descr.Ownership
2995ERP EHP76.0OIUOW01_SCHA_R21Schedule 'A' reportsOwnership
2996ERP EHP76.0OIUOW01_SCHA_VAL31Schedule 'A' report valuesOwnership
2997ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DLD151DOI Legal Description TableOwnership
2998ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DOACC141DOI Owner Override Account CodesOwnership
2999ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DOACC_WK141DOI Owner Override Account Codes WorktableOwnership
3000ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DOC_TYPE51Ownership Request Document TypesOwnership
3001ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DOC_TYPE_T41Document Type TextsOwnership
3002ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DODO_WK81Owner Print Information WorktableOwnership
3003ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DOEX_WK61Owner State Tax Exemption WorktableOwnership
3004ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DOH_WK352Ownership History WorkableOwnership
3005ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DORH381DO Owner Request HistoryOwnership
3006ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DTCH291DOI Transfer Change HeaderOwnership
3007ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DTCS111DOI Transfer Change SelectOwnership
3008ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DTD361DOI Transfer Change DetailOwnership
3009ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_ESTDT121Escheated Transfer DateOwnership
3010ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_ESTDT_WK121Escheated Transfer Date WorktableOwnership
3011ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_INTOD101Interface Owner DetailOwnership
3012ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_INTOD_WK101Interface Owner Detail WorktableOwnership
3013ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_INTOH201Interface Owner HeaderOwnership
3014ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_INTOH_WK201Interface Owner Header WorktableOwnership
3015ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_LGL_FLD61Legal Description FieldsOwnership
3016ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_LGL_FLD_TX61Legal Description Fields TextOwnership
3017ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_LGL_TYP41Legal Description TypesOwnership
3018ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_LGL_TYP_TX61Legal Description Types TextOwnership
3019ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_LTYP_FLXRF101Legal Description Type Field XrefOwnership
3020ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_MKEX_WK101Marketing Cost Exemption WorktableOwnership
3021ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_ORP_TWB151ORP test workbench comparison historyOwnership
3022ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_OSS71Owner Sliding ScaleOwnership
3023ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_OSS_WK71Owner Sliding Scale WorktableOwnership
3024ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_POW81Owners on Pending RequestsOwnership
3025ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_PP121Ownership Production PaymentOwnership
3026ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_PUC_WK122Property Unit Use Control - work tableOwnership
3027ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_RETDT121Royalty Escrow Transfer DateOwnership
3028ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_RETDT_WK121Royalty Escrow Transfer DateOwnership
3029ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_RQST_DFLTS91Ownership request processing defaultsOwnership
3030ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_RTCH261RD DOI Transfer Change HeaderOwnership
3031ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_RTCH_WK261RD DOI Transfer Change Header WorktableOwnership
3032ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_RTD252RD DOI Transferee DetailOwnership
3033ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_RTD_WK252RD DOI Transferee Detail WorktableOwnership
3034ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_SSH91Sliding Scale HeaderOwnership
3035ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_SSH_WK92Sliding Scale Header WorktableOwnership
3036ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_TRSFER21Ownership Transfer Codes TBLRV013Ownership
3037ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_TRSFER_TX41Ownership Transfer Codes TBLRV013Ownership
3038ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_TR_WK111Tract Information - work tableOwnership
3039ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_UNIT_JV71Unit Venture InformationOwnership
3040ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_UNIT_JV_WK71Unit Venture Information Work tableOwnership
3041ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_VLD141Venture Legal DescriptionOwnership
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue :: Product Control
3042ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_AVGDMP52Stores the measurement point capacity pointsProduct Control
3043ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_AVGDWC62Stores the well completion capacity pointsProduct Control
3044ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_AVGHMP52Measurement point availability pointsProduct Control
3045ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_AVGHWC62Stores the well completion availability pointsProduct Control
3046ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_AVGRP71Availability Group HeaderProduct Control
3047ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_SPADJ101Sales Point AdjustmentsProduct Control
3048ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_SPCHG51Sales Point Adjustment ChangesProduct Control
3049ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_SPHST71Sales Point Adjustment HistoryProduct Control
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue :: Valuation
3050ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_LGL_FLD_AT271Legal Description Field AttributesValuation
3051ERP EHP76.0OIURV_CRH_HST1232Combined Run Header HistoryValuation
3052ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_BCN81Revenue Document Concept - Batch Control NumberValuation
3053ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_COT271VL Document Chain Of TitleValuation
3054ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_CRAD161Oil and Gas appl tableValuation
3055ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_CRH371Oil and Gas appl tableValuation
3056ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_CRMKT111Oil and Gas appl tableValuation
3057ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_CROD261Oil and Gas appl tableValuation
3058ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_CRTAX151Oil and Gas appl tableValuation
3059ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_DTL_BK412Valuation Transactions Level 1 - VltxnsValuation
3060ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_DTL_RV212Valuation Reversal NotificatonValuation
3061ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_DTL_ZE391Valuation Transactions Level 1 - Zero VolumeValuation
3062ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_FRMHDR391Valuation Transaction Level 3 - FormulaValuation
3063ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_FRMLAU151Valuation Formula Alternate UseValuation
3064ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_FRMMKT201Valuation Transactions Level 3 - Marketing DetailValuation
3065ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_FRMTAX161Valuation Transactions Level 3 - Formula Tax DetailValuation
3066ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_HDR192Valuation Document HeaderValuation
3067ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_JEINTF2281Revenue Document Concept - JEINTF temp tableValuation
3068ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_MMSPOP161Dual Accounting MMS/POPValuation
3069ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_OOBJE271Out Of Balance JEsValuation
3070ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_RDSUM3611RD summary(VL interface records to RD)Valuation
3071ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_RUNTKT211Valuation Transaction - Run TicketValuation
3072ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_TAXDTL381Valuation Tax Master DetailValuation
3073ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_TAXEMP121Valuation Tax Exempt DetailValuation
3074ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_TAXHDR121Valuation Tax HeaderValuation
3075ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_TAXMKT131Valuation Tax Marketing DetailValuation
3076ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_VOLDTL1171Valuation Transaction Level 2 -VolumeValuation
3077ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_VOLUNT431Valuation Document Concept - Volume UnitValuation
3078ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DO_DPSEVT101DOI Accounting Severance Tax Types TableValuation
3079ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DUAL_COMP181Dual Accounting CompareValuation
3080ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DUAL_JEBR251Dual Accounting JE Backout / RebookValuation
3081ERP EHP76.0OIURV_GASSTMTH121Gas Statement HeaderValuation
3082ERP EHP76.0OIURV_PROC_LIMIT51Allowed concurrent and free dialog processes for VL/RDValuation
3083ERP EHP76.0OIURV_SSTD321Settlement statement detailValuation
3084ERP EHP76.0OIURV_SSTD_MKT101Settlement statement detailValuation
3085ERP EHP76.0OIURV_SSTD_TAX101Settlement statement detailValuation
3086ERP EHP76.0OIURV_STS221Severance tax statisticsValuation
3087ERP EHP76.0OIURV_STS_EMP71Severance Tax Statistics - ExemptValuation
3088ERP EHP76.0OIURV_STS_MKT61Severance Tax Statistics - MarketingValuation
3089ERP EHP76.0OIURV_TAXCONFD121State tax configuration detailValuation
3090ERP EHP76.0OIURV_TAXCONFH111State tax configuration headerValuation
3091ERP EHP76.0OIURV_TCD221Tax calculation dataValuation
3092ERP EHP76.0OIURV_TCD_EMP71Tax calculation dataValuation
3093ERP EHP76.0OIURV_TCD_MKT71Tax calculation dataValuation
3094ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_CM_STAT161PRA statement configurationValuation
3095ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_CUR_SEL51Valuation currect selectionValuation
3096ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_DD_FUPRO31Master DD listValuation
3097ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_DD_MASTER111Master DD listValuation
3098ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_DMCD51Venture/DOI marketing cost detailValuation
3099ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_GASDTL_CUR331Gas statement DetailValuation
3100ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_GASDTL_HST331Gas statement DetailValuation
3101ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_GASRPTD251Gas statement report detailValuation
3102ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_GASRPTH201Gas statement report headerValuation
3103ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_GASTAX_CUR111Gas Statement Tax MarketingValuation
3104ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_GASTAX_HST111Gas Statement Tax MarketingValuation
3105ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_GSP111Gas Statement ProfileValuation
3106ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_MTAD81Marketing Cost Tax Exemption - DetailValuation
3107ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_MTAH151Marketing Cost Tax Exemption - HeaderValuation
3108ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OILRPTD181Oil statement report detailValuation
3109ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OILRPTH161Oil statement report headerValuation
3110ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OILSTMTH121Oil Statement HeaderValuation
3111ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OILTAX_CUR91Oil Run Statement Tax MarketingValuation
3112ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OILTAX_HST91Oil Run Statement Tax MarketingValuation
3113ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OILTKT_CUR291Oil Ticket DetailValuation
3114ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OILTKT_HST291Oil Ticket CurrentValuation
3115ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OSP111Oil Statement ProfileValuation
3116ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_PLTD61Weighted average plant reimbursement headerValuation
3117ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_PLTR71Weighted average plant reimbursement headerValuation
3118ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_PPN_REJSEL81PPN - Reject SelectionValuation
3119ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_RPAD81Royalty Processing Allowance DetailValuation
3120ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_RPAH91Royalty Processing Allowance HeaderValuation
3121ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_RPT91Valuation reporting headerValuation
3122ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_RPTD121Valuation report detailValuation
3123ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_SCAUDIT831Settlement statement batchValuation
3124ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_SCREJ81screjValuation
3125ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_SEV412Severance taxValuation
3126ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_SEVCI101Severance tax check inputValuation
3127ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_SEVMP122Severance tax measurement pointValuation
3128ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_SEVWC132Severance tax well completionValuation
3129ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_SSTH181Settlement statement headerValuation
3130ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_STIKO71Severance tax take in kindValuation
3131ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_STS621Severance tax statisticsValuation
3132ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_STTR211State Tax RatesValuation
3133ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TCJV131Tax Class - Venture DOI'sValuation
3134ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TCMP111Tax Class Measurement PointsValuation
3135ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TCWC121Tax Class - Well CompletionValuation
3136ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TPAD71Tax Processing Allowance DetailValuation
3137ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TPAH101Tax Processing AllowanceValuation
3138ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TTRD91Tax Tier Rate - DataValuation
3139ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TTRPD101Tax Tier Rate by Project - DataValuation
3140ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TTVLTY51Tier tax volume typeValuation
3141ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MKT51Marketing types tableValuation
3142ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MKT_TX61Marketing type description tableValuation
3143ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_MKTRAN71Transaction Code Cross Reference With MarketingType CodeValuation