SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

1509 tablesERP 6.0 

Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting
1ERP EHP76.0A405101ContractNr/Well/WC/Material (obsolete -> replaced by A416)Production and Revenue Accounting
2ERP EHP76.0A41191ContractNr/MP ID/Material (obsolete -> replaced by A438)Production and Revenue Accounting
3ERP EHP76.0A416101PRA Pricing - Contract, Well, Well Completion, MaterialProduction and Revenue Accounting
4ERP EHP76.0A41781ContractNr/Material (obsolete -> replaced by A440)Production and Revenue Accounting
5ERP EHP76.0A43891PRA Pricing - Contract, Measurement Point, MaterialProduction and Revenue Accounting
6ERP EHP76.0A44081PRA Pricing - Contract, MaterialProduction and Revenue Accounting
7ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_ACTG_OFST41Accounting OffsetProduction and Revenue Accounting
8ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_ADDR_GROUP11Valid Address GroupsProduction and Revenue Accounting
9ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_ADDR_TYPE31Address Type Control TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
10ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_ADDR_TYPET51Address Type DescriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
11ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_BADR51Business Associate Additional Addresses (Addr Grp = OIU1)Production and Revenue Accounting
12ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_BA_LINK82Business Associate -> SAP Master LinkProduction and Revenue Accounting
13ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_BA_TYPE31Business Associate TypesProduction and Revenue Accounting
14ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_BA_TYPE_TX41Business Associate Type DescriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
15ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_CMPNT41Common table for cross-referencing product codes and compoProduction and Revenue Accounting
16ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_COMB_PD_CD21Combined Product CodeProduction and Revenue Accounting
17ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_COMB_PD_TX41Combined Product Code TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
18ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_CONTRACT941PRA ContractsProduction and Revenue Accounting
19ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_CSC141Cycle Segment ConfigurationProduction and Revenue Accounting
20ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_CUST_KTOKD21Valid Customer Account Groups for Business AssociatesProduction and Revenue Accounting
21ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_CATEG11list viewer - category tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
22ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_CATEGT31job viewer - table for category descriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
23ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_DDTEXT51List viewer - table for the dd descriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
24ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_DETAIL81list viewer - jil detail tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
25ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_GROUPT31List Viewer Group DefinitionProduction and Revenue Accounting
26ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_JILS51list viewer - jil tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
27ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_JILT31JIL information - Header for File Viewer and Job SchedulerProduction and Revenue Accounting
28ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_MAINGRP11list viewer - group tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
29ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_SUBGRP11list viewer - subgroup tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
30ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_LV_SUBGRPT31List viewer- description of the subgroupProduction and Revenue Accounting
31ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_OLSE_VTDST21Source and Corresponding Destination Volume TypesProduction and Revenue Accounting
32ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_PID_CONFIG31Override PID ConfigurationProduction and Revenue Accounting
33ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_PID_TXN11Transactions With Override PID EnabledProduction and Revenue Accounting
34ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_PU_OVRD51Purchaser OverrideProduction and Revenue Accounting
35ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_SERVER_GRP31Server Group AssignmentProduction and Revenue Accounting
36ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_SN_NR_CONF61Number Range Interval Assignments To PRA TablesProduction and Revenue Accounting
37ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_SN_NR_T41Text Descriptions for OIU_CM_SN_NR tablesProduction and Revenue Accounting
38ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_T8JO51PRA Partner Table from JVProduction and Revenue Accounting
39ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_T8JV171PRA Joint Venture Master DataProduction and Revenue Accounting
40ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_T8JVT51PRA Joint Venture DescriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
41ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_T8JZ31PRA JVA CompaniesProduction and Revenue Accounting
42ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_TAB_MAINTC51PRA Generic Table Maintenance - Non Key Field Control TabProduction and Revenue Accounting
43ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_TAB_MAINTM51PRA Generic Table Maintenance - Module ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
44ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_TAB_MAINTS51PRA Generic Table Maintenance - Non Key Field Control TabProduction and Revenue Accounting
45ERP EHP76.0OIUCM_VEND_KTOKK21Valid Vendor Account Groups for Business AssociatesProduction and Revenue Accounting
46ERP EHP76.0OIUF6131Group itemsProduction and Revenue Accounting
47ERP EHP76.0OIUF6_DEFAULT111Group itemsProduction and Revenue Accounting
48ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_CATT_RUNID21Ownership catt run id tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
49ERP EHP76.0OIUPH_RV_RJE2221Journal Entry (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
50ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_API_RFC211RFC transmission statusProduction and Revenue Accounting
51ERP EHP76.0OIUP_APP_AREA31PDM - Application AreaProduction and Revenue Accounting
52ERP EHP76.0OIUP_APP_AREA_TX41PDM - Application Area DescriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
53ERP EHP76.0OIUP_AREA_CUST71PDM - Application Area Specific Customer CustomizingProduction and Revenue Accounting
54ERP EHP76.0OIUP_CFG_LEVEL31PDM - Customer Config for Level of RetentionProduction and Revenue Accounting
55ERP EHP76.0OIUP_DBCON41PDM - Valid DB ConnectionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
56ERP EHP76.0OIUP_DBCON_TX41PDM - Valid DB Connection DescriptionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
57ERP EHP76.0OIUP_EXE_ASSIGN31PDM - Group Assignment for Workbench ExecutionProduction and Revenue Accounting
58ERP EHP76.0OIUP_EXE_GRP21PDM: Table Groups (Workbench Execution)Production and Revenue Accounting
59ERP EHP76.0OIUP_EXE_GRP_T41PDM: Table Groups Description (Workbench Execution)Production and Revenue Accounting
60ERP EHP76.0OIUP_ME_MEDOC203Measurement document header (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
61ERP EHP76.0OIUP_ME_MEDOC_IT151Measurement document item (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
62ERP EHP76.0OIUP_MONTH_LIST11PDM - List of Possible MonthsProduction and Revenue Accounting
63ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_ADMIN51Administrative Data For PDM Enabled And Configured TablesProduction and Revenue Accounting
64ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_CONFIG31PDM Customer ConfigurationProduction and Revenue Accounting
65ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_ENABLED101PDM Enabled TablesProduction and Revenue Accounting
66ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_ENAB_TX41PDM - Table DescriptionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
67ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_JOBS591PDM: Job DataProduction and Revenue Accounting
68ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_MONTHS41PDM: Set number of storage months by Box/TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
69ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_ON31PDM - Customer Configuration To Enable Specific PDM TablesProduction and Revenue Accounting
70ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PDM_STATS71PDM: Statistical details per table on PDM split jobsProduction and Revenue Accounting
71ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PR_MPVL485PRA: Measurement Point Volumetric Data (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
72ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PR_WCDVLH471WC Disposition Volumes Header (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
73ERP EHP76.0OIUP_PR_WCTST372Well Test (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
74ERP EHP76.0OIUP_REPLACEMENT31PDM - Replacement IncludesProduction and Revenue Accounting
75ERP EHP76.0OIUP_RET_ASSIGN31PDM - Group Assignment for Retention PeriodProduction and Revenue Accounting
76ERP EHP76.0OIUP_RET_GRP21PDM: Table Groups (Retention Period)Production and Revenue Accounting
77ERP EHP76.0OIUP_RET_GRP_T41PDM: Table Groups Description (Retention Period)Production and Revenue Accounting
78ERP EHP76.0OIUP_RFCDEST31PDM - Valid RFC DestinationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
79ERP EHP76.0OIUP_RFCDEST_TX41PDM - Valid RFC DestinationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
80ERP EHP76.0OIUP_SB_ACTMP221Actual Owner Level CA results at MP's (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
81ERP EHP76.0OIUP_SB_ACTWC234Actual Owner Level CA results at WC's (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
82ERP EHP76.0OIUP_SB_ENTMP262MP level owner entitlements (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
83ERP EHP76.0OIUP_SB_ENTWC271WC level owner entitlements (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
84ERP EHP76.0OIUP_SB_RNAWC251Residue and NGL actual at a WC level (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
85ERP EHP76.0OIUP_SB_RNEWC232Residue and NGL entitlements at a WC level (PDM Shadow)Production and Revenue Accounting
86ERP EHP76.0OIUP_SYNCED_TABS21PDM - Synchronized Tables - Which Are GUARANTEED To Be EqualProduction and Revenue Accounting
87ERP EHP76.0OIUQ3141Formula Repository - Formula Group ItemProduction and Revenue Accounting
88ERP EHP76.0OIUQ6151Quotation group itemsProduction and Revenue Accounting
89ERP EHP76.0OIUQ9171Formula Condition Data - Formula group itemsProduction and Revenue Accounting
90ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ARCROYHIS332Archived Reported Royalty and Volume DataProduction and Revenue Accounting
91ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ARCVOLHIS192Archived Reported Volume Data by Reporting EntitiesProduction and Revenue Accounting
92ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_EMPBACKUP81Exemptions for skipped tax recordsProduction and Revenue Accounting
93ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ENTTY_LOG212Log table for master data entity changesProduction and Revenue Accounting
94ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MKTBACKUP71Marketing cost for skipped tax recordsProduction and Revenue Accounting
95ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_OWNER_LOG101Log for master Data Owner ChangesProduction and Revenue Accounting
96ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_PRFL_LOG111Log for master data profile changesProduction and Revenue Accounting
97ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROYHISTBK331Backup table for OIUREP_ROYHISTProduction and Revenue Accounting
98ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TAXBACKUP471Backup tax table for old tax reporting SOLProduction and Revenue Accounting
99ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TAX_SOL61Old tax reporting SOL configuration tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
100ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TIKBACKUP371Backup tik table for old tax reporting SOLProduction and Revenue Accounting
101ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VOLHISTBK191Backup table for OIUREP_VOLHISTProduction and Revenue Accounting
102ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ZERO_REJS41Rejection Criteria for Zero volume recordsProduction and Revenue Accounting
103ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_ACTIVE41Obsolete: Active objects for integrationProduction and Revenue Accounting
104ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_BA_TYPE_JV31Obsolete: Business Associate Types for JV IntegrationProduction and Revenue Accounting
105ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_BO_API81Obsolete: Business Object service functionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
106ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_CLUSTER151System table INDXProduction and Revenue Accounting
107ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_COMMANDS31Obsolete: CommandsProduction and Revenue Accounting
108ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_INTD111Obsolete: Ownership Interface DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
109ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_INTERFACE71Obsolete: Interface settingsProduction and Revenue Accounting
110ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_INTH132Obsolete: Ownership Interface HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
111ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_INT_FDN203Obsolete: Funds Delete Notification ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
112ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_INT_MESSG171Obsolete: Ownership Interface Messages (Application/Tech.)Production and Revenue Accounting
113ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_INT_TRACE101Obsolete: Ownership Interface Technical TraceProduction and Revenue Accounting
114ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_LOG_VIEWER51Obsolete: Error Viewer Application Tree ConfigurationProduction and Revenue Accounting
115ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_LOG_VIEWEX61Obsolete: Error Viewer Application Tree ConfigurationProduction and Revenue Accounting
116ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_OBJECTS11Obsolete: Possible objects for integrationProduction and Revenue Accounting
117ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_OBJECTS_T31Obsolete: Object textsProduction and Revenue Accounting
118ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_OWTEMPLATE82Obsolete: Ownership Cluster TemplateProduction and Revenue Accounting
119ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_PARMS21Obsolete: Parameters for object servicesProduction and Revenue Accounting
120ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_PARMS_T41Obsolete: Parameters for object servicesProduction and Revenue Accounting
121ERP EHP76.0OIUT2_PARM_VALS41Obsolete: Parameters for object servicesProduction and Revenue Accounting
122ERP EHP76.0OIUT3_CLUSTERS101Obsolete: Ownership Cluster TemplateProduction and Revenue Accounting
123ERP EHP76.0OIUT3_OBJ_KEYS61Obsolete: Ownership Cluster TemplateProduction and Revenue Accounting
124ERP EHP76.0OIUT3_OBJ_MAP51Obsolete: internal structure to comm. structure mappingProduction and Revenue Accounting
125ERP EHP76.0OIUT3_OBJ_MAP_TY41Obsolete: internal structure to comm. structure mappingProduction and Revenue Accounting
126ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ARCH_MKTH191Reporting history for marketing costs for reportingProduction and Revenue Accounting
127ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ARCH_TAXH392Tax transaction header for reportingProduction and Revenue Accounting
128ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ARCH_VOLH201Reported Volume Data by PUIDProduction and Revenue Accounting
129ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ARCH_XMPH191Reporting history for tax exemptionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
130ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_LOG191Tax reporting log table for rptProduction and Revenue Accounting
131ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_DOWNLOAD111Tax Reporting download tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
132ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_EXEC_STATD131Execution Statistics for Tax ReportingProduction and Revenue Accounting
133ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_LNK_LOG241Tax Reporting log table for the linkProduction and Revenue Accounting
134ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_PUIDLOG161Tax Reporting PUID logProduction and Revenue Accounting
135ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_PUID_MKTH191Reporting history for marketing costs for reportingProduction and Revenue Accounting
136ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_PUID_TAXH382Tax transaction header for reportingProduction and Revenue Accounting
137ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_PUID_XMPH181Reporting history for tax exemptionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
138ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_RE_LOG171Tax Reporting log table for the LogProduction and Revenue Accounting
139ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_RSG_LOG181Tax reporting log table for rptProduction and Revenue Accounting
140ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_BA_TYPE_JV31Business Associate Types for JV IntegrationProduction and Revenue Accounting
141ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_INTERFACE71XI Interface settingsProduction and Revenue Accounting
142ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_INTH112Ownership Interface HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
143ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_INT_FDN203Funds Delete Notification ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
144ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_INT_MESSG171Ownership Interface Messages (Application/Technical)Production and Revenue Accounting
145ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_PARMS21Parameters for object servicesProduction and Revenue Accounting
146ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_PARM_VALS41Parameters for object servicesProduction and Revenue Accounting
147ERP EHP76.0OIUXI_PPNH121XI: Prior Period Notification HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
148ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_DOWNLOAD111The intermediate table for downloadProduction and Revenue Accounting
149ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_EXEC_STATD131Execution Statistics for Royalty ReportingProduction and Revenue Accounting
150ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_TXDOWNLOAD111The intermediate table for Texas downloadProduction and Revenue Accounting
151ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_BATCHPRO61Function process for volume allocationProduction and Revenue Accounting
152ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_BRNCD21Brand Codes (TBLCS025)Production and Revenue Accounting
153ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_BRNCD_TX41Brand Code Text (TBLCS025)Production and Revenue Accounting
154ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_COMPC101PRA Company CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
155ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_COMPC_TX41PRA Company Code tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
156ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_CPDC32Combined Product Code/Major Product Code (TBLRV031)Production and Revenue Accounting
157ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_CPDC_TX51Combined Product Code/Major Product Code Text (TBLRV031)Production and Revenue Accounting
158ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_CTCAT11Contract CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
159ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_CTCAT_TX31Contract CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
160ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_CTTYP11Contract Type (TBLCS007)Production and Revenue Accounting
161ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_CTTYPGRP41Contract Type GroupProduction and Revenue Accounting
162ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_CTTYP_TX31Contract Type TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
163ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_DSK_CD21CONTRACT DESK CODES - TBLMK026Production and Revenue Accounting
164ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_DSK_CD_TX41CONTRACT DESK CODES - TBLMK026 - TEXTProduction and Revenue Accounting
165ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_EDIT31Configuration EditsProduction and Revenue Accounting
166ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_EDIT_TX41Configuration Edits DescriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
167ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_EIA_CD21Energy Information Agency Code Table - TBLCS037Production and Revenue Accounting
168ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_EIA_CD_TX41Energy Information Agency Code Table - TBLCS037 - TEXTProduction and Revenue Accounting
169ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_ENTCD11Entity CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
170ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_ENTCD_TX31Entity Type Codes - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
171ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_FUPRO61Function process for volume allocationProduction and Revenue Accounting
172ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_HIER_ENT104PRA Hierarchy Node EntityProduction and Revenue Accounting
173ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_HIER_EXP52PRA Entity group expand tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
174ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_INTCAT11Interest CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
175ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_INTCAT_TX31Interest CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
176ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_INTTYPGRP31Interest Type Group TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
177ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_LOCK_OBJ41Lock objects with business keyProduction and Revenue Accounting
178ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_LXPGL31Country and Primary Geo. Location XrefProduction and Revenue Accounting
179ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_LXPGL_TX51Description of Primary Geographical LocationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
180ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_LXSGL41Cross Reference Between Country and Secondary Geo. LocatioProduction and Revenue Accounting
181ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_LXSGL_TX61Description of Secondary Geographical LocationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
182ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MAT_PRCD42Material and Product Code (processing) XrefProduction and Revenue Accounting
183ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MKCT41Marketing Cost Type Codes -TBLRV039Production and Revenue Accounting
184ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MKCT_TX51Marketing Cost Type Codes - TBLRV039 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
185ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MPCAT11Measurement Point Type CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
186ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MPCAT_TX31Measurement Point Type CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
187ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MPTYPGRP31Measurement Point Type GroupProduction and Revenue Accounting
188ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PARAM101Common PRA ParameterProduction and Revenue Accounting
189ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PAYOUT11Payout Codes (code_payout_code)Production and Revenue Accounting
190ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PAYOUT_TX31Payout Codes Description (code_payout_code)Production and Revenue Accounting
191ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PDCD21Product Codes - Tblcm003Production and Revenue Accounting
192ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PDCD_TX41Product Codes - Tblcm003 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
193ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PINTTY21Participant Interest Type (TBLRV006 & TBLRV035)Production and Revenue Accounting
194ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PINTTY_TX31Participant Interest Type Description (TBLR006 & TBLR035)Production and Revenue Accounting
195ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PPARSN21Prior Period Adjustments - TBLCM028Production and Revenue Accounting
196ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PPARSN_TX41Prior Period Adjustment Reason Codes - TBLCM028 - TEXTProduction and Revenue Accounting
197ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PRES51Location to Pressure Base XrefProduction and Revenue Accounting
198ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PSTAR21Posting Area Codes (TBLCS015)Production and Revenue Accounting
199ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PSTAR_TX41Posting Area Text (TBLCS015)Production and Revenue Accounting
200ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PYMT21Payment Code - TBLCS023Production and Revenue Accounting
201ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_PYMT_TX41Payment Code TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
202ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_RCLS51Reclassification of Production CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
203ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_REJCD11Reject Reason Code Table - TBLRV027Production and Revenue Accounting
204ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_REJCD_TX31Reject Code Text - TBLRV027Production and Revenue Accounting
205ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_RVWD11Valuation Reserve Word (TBLRV006)Production and Revenue Accounting
206ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_RVWD_TX51Valuation Reserve Word Description (TBLRV006)Production and Revenue Accounting
207ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SCHDCD41School district codeProduction and Revenue Accounting
208ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SCHDCD_TX41School district code descriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
209ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SEVTGRP211Severance Type Group TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
210ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SEVTTY41Severance Tax Types - TBLRV014Production and Revenue Accounting
211ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SEVTTY_TX61Severance Tax Type Code Text Table (TBLRV014)Production and Revenue Accounting
212ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SN_NR101Number ranges by table namesProduction and Revenue Accounting
213ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SUSP21Suspense Reason Codes (TBLRV007)Production and Revenue Accounting
214ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_SUSP_TX41Suspense Reason Code Descriptions (TBLRV007)Production and Revenue Accounting
215ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_TAXCLS41Tax Class - TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
216ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_TAXCLS_TX61Tax Class - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
217ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_TFC11Tax Free Code (TBLRV018)Production and Revenue Accounting
218ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_TFC_TX31Tax Free Code Description (TBLRV018)Production and Revenue Accounting
219ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_TXN_CTL41Transaction control tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
220ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_UOM41PRA Units of measureProduction and Revenue Accounting
221ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_VLCAT21Volume CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
222ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_VLCAT_TX41Volume CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
223ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_VLRPT11Valuation Reporting - TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
224ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_VLRPT_TX31Valuation Reporting - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
225ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_VLTYPGRP41Volume Category Type GroupProduction and Revenue Accounting
226ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_VNAMST21PRA Venture Status Code table - (TBLRV047)Production and Revenue Accounting
227ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_VNAMST_TX41PRA Venture Status Description - (TBLRV047)Production and Revenue Accounting
228ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_BGUC122Bearer Group Use ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
229ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_BGUC_WK122Bearer Group Use ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
230ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_BR81Bearer TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
231ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_BR_WK81Bearer TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
232ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DI241Base Venture/DOI RelationshipProduction and Revenue Accounting
233ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DIDO111Division of Interest Information for Division Order PrintProduction and Revenue Accounting
234ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DO364Division of Interest OwnershipProduction and Revenue Accounting
235ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DODO81Owner Print Information tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
236ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DOEX61Owner State Tax ExemptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
237ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DOGRI111Division Order Gross Revenue InterestProduction and Revenue Accounting
238ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DOH354Ownership HistoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
239ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DO_WK363Division of Interest Ownership WorktableProduction and Revenue Accounting
240ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DP302DOI Accounting InformationProduction and Revenue Accounting
241ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DPIC161DOI Product Interest ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
242ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DPIC_WK161DOI Product Interest ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
243ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DPSEVT281DOI Accounting Severance Tax Types TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
244ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DPUC91DOI Product Use ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
245ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_DPUC_WK91DOI Product Use ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
246ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_JV272PRA venture extensionProduction and Revenue Accounting
247ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_MKEX101Marketing Cost Exemption TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
248ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_MUVL51Maintain Unit Venture VolumesProduction and Revenue Accounting
249ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_PUC122Property Unit Use ControlProduction and Revenue Accounting
250ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_TR112Tract InformationProduction and Revenue Accounting
251ERP EHP76.0OIU_DO_TRGRI141Tract Gross Revenue InterestProduction and Revenue Accounting
252ERP EHP76.0OIU_GRVDEF71Gravity scale default tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
253ERP EHP76.0OIU_IND_TER_CALC131Industry Terminology Vrs calculation rule mappingProduction and Revenue Accounting
254ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_CLASS31Measurement ClassProduction and Revenue Accounting
255ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_CLASS_TX41Measurement Class TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
256ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_CNTNR141General measurement containerProduction and Revenue Accounting
257ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_FPARM31Measurement calculation function parametersProduction and Revenue Accounting
258ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_FPARM_TX51Measurement calculation function parametersProduction and Revenue Accounting
259ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_FUNC21Measurement calculation functionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
260ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MCCAT41Measurement container categoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
261ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MCCAT_TX41Measurement container categoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
262ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MEDOC193Measurement document headerProduction and Revenue Accounting
263ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MEDOC_IT141Measurement document itemProduction and Revenue Accounting
264ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MEOBJ52Measurement objectProduction and Revenue Accounting
265ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MEOBJ_DT41Measurement object detailProduction and Revenue Accounting
266ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MEOBJ_US61Measurement object usageProduction and Revenue Accounting
267ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MREAD161Measurement Type ReadingProduction and Revenue Accounting
268ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MREAD_DV61Measurement Reading DerivationProduction and Revenue Accounting
269ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MREAD_GP41PRA Measurement reading groupsProduction and Revenue Accounting
270ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MREAD_GT61PRA Measurement reading group descriptionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
271ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MREAD_TX61Measurement Type Reading TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
272ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MTYPE31Measurement TypeProduction and Revenue Accounting
273ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MTYPE_AS61Measurement Type AssignmentProduction and Revenue Accounting
274ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MTYPE_CD81Measurement Type Calculation DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
275ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MTYPE_CL51Measurement Type CalculationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
276ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MTYPE_FT61Measurement Type Field TransportProduction and Revenue Accounting
277ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_MTYPE_TX61Measurement Type TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
278ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_RTYPE41Reading TypeProduction and Revenue Accounting
279ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_RTYPE_CH281Reading Type CharacteristicsProduction and Revenue Accounting
280ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_RTYPE_TX41Reading Type TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
281ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_SOURCE51Measurement SourceProduction and Revenue Accounting
282ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_SOURCE_TX41Measurement Source TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
283ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_TNK_USAGE51Tank usageProduction and Revenue Accounting
284ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_UOM_GR21PRA Measurement: Unit of Measurement GroupsProduction and Revenue Accounting
285ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_UOM_GR_AS41PRA Measurement: Unit of Measurement Group AssignmentProduction and Revenue Accounting
286ERP EHP76.0OIU_ME_UOM_GR_TX41PRA Measurement: Unit of Measurement Group TextsProduction and Revenue Accounting
287ERP EHP76.0OIU_PAR101ObsoleteProduction and Revenue Accounting
288ERP EHP76.0OIU_PM_MAP71Customizing table for PRA / PM Integration mappingProduction and Revenue Accounting
289ERP EHP76.0OIU_PM_XREF121Cross reference for PRA / PM entitiesProduction and Revenue Accounting
290ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHAC11Cmtchac - Chemical Analysis Compatibility Code TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
291ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHACD81Chemical Analysis Component DetailsProduction and Revenue Accounting
292ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHAC_TX31Cmtchac - Chemical Analysis Compatibility Code Tbl - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
293ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHAGPD171Chemical Analysis Gas Properties DetailsProduction and Revenue Accounting
294ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHAH223Chemical Analysis HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
295ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHALPD151Chemical Analysis Liquid Properties DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
296ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHAMTD81Chemical Analysis Measurement Type DeterminationProduction and Revenue Accounting
297ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHATD61Component Typification DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
298ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHATH102Component Typification HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
299ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHRT21Chart Type Common Table - Tblpr070Production and Revenue Accounting
300ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CHRT_TX41Chart Type Common Table - Tblpr070 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
301ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CMPND21Chemical CompoundsProduction and Revenue Accounting
302ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CMPND_TX31Chemical Compound DescriptionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
303ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CRTYP21CRUDE TYPES - TBLCM015Production and Revenue Accounting
304ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CRTYP_TX41CRUDE TYPES - TEXT - TBLCM015Production and Revenue Accounting
305ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CTPAMD61Contract to Gas Plant Allocation Method Xref DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
306ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CTPAMH72Contract to Gas Plant Allocation Method Xref HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
307ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CUSPAMD61Custom Plant Allocation Method DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
308ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CUSPAMH82Custom Plant Allocation Methods HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
309ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_CXREF61Component CrossreferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
310ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DN161Delivery NetworkProduction and Revenue Accounting
311ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DNAPD162Network Allocation Profile DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
312ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DNAPH82Network Allocation Profile HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
313ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DNSTD111Delivery Network Status DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
314ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DNSTH82Delivery Network Status HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
315ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DNTCM121Delivery Network Theoretical Calculation MethodProduction and Revenue Accounting
316ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DNVD301Delivery Network Variable DataProduction and Revenue Accounting
317ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DN_GRP41PRA: DN Group CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
318ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DN_GRP_TX41PRA: Delivery Network GroupProduction and Revenue Accounting
319ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DN_LINK104Delivery Network LinksProduction and Revenue Accounting
320ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DN_MGID51Delivery Network Measurement Group IDProduction and Revenue Accounting
321ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_DN_UOMG81Unit of Measure GroupProduction and Revenue Accounting
322ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_FIELD101FieldProduction and Revenue Accounting
323ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_FL_GRP41PRA: Field Group CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
324ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_FL_GRP_TX41PRA: Field Group TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
325ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_FNCFG41Production Configurable FunctionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
326ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_FRMD161Formula Rules Maintenance DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
327ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_FRMDW121Formular Rules DWProduction and Revenue Accounting
328ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_FRMH92Formula Rules Maintenance HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
329ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_HPPND111Volumetric Historical PPN DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
330ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_HPPNH132Volumetric Historical PPN HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
331ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_LIFEST21LIFE STAGE TABLE - TBLPR004Production and Revenue Accounting
332ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_LIFEST_TX41Life Stage - TBLPR004 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
333ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_LWGOR91Lease Wide Gas/Oil RatioProduction and Revenue Accounting
334ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MP201PRA Measurement PointsProduction and Revenue Accounting
335ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPALB121PRA: Measurement Point Allocation BaseProduction and Revenue Accounting
336ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPALF121MP Allocation FactorProduction and Revenue Accounting
337ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPAPD81Measure Point Allocation Profile DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
338ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPAPH92Measure Point Allocation Profile HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
339ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPFUSD61Measurement Point Liquid ThroughputProduction and Revenue Accounting
340ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPFUSH102Measure Point Fuel Use SpecificationProduction and Revenue Accounting
341ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPHV71Measurement Point Heating ValueProduction and Revenue Accounting
342ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPMSP151Measure Point Meter specificationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
343ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPMTD81Measurement point meas. type derivationProduction and Revenue Accounting
344ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPRMAT81Measurement Point Reproduced MaterialsProduction and Revenue Accounting
345ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPTRNH113PRA: Measurement Point Transporter XrefProduction and Revenue Accounting
346ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPTYP11Measurement Point Types - Tblpr002Production and Revenue Accounting
347ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPTYP_TX31Measurement Point Types - Tblpr002 - textProduction and Revenue Accounting
348ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPVD201PRA: Measurement Point Variable DataProduction and Revenue Accounting
349ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPVL475PRA: Measurement Point Volumetric DataProduction and Revenue Accounting
350ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MPVL_MR51Meas. point volume assignment to meas. readingsProduction and Revenue Accounting
351ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MP_GRP41PRA MP Group CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
352ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MP_GRP_TX41PRA: MP Group TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
353ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MP_MEAS81Measurement Point MeasurementProduction and Revenue Accounting
354ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MTRCLS21Meter Class - TBLPR061Production and Revenue Accounting
355ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MTRCLS_TX41Meter Class - TBLPR061 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
356ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_MV_CFG51Vollume Allocation Metered Volume ConfigurationProduction and Revenue Accounting
357ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_NGCA31Natural Gas Compound AliasProduction and Revenue Accounting
358ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_NGCA_TX31Natural Gas Compound Aliases TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
360ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_NODE_DN32Node on a delivery NetworkProduction and Revenue Accounting
361ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_NODE_MP32Delivery Network Node: Measurement PointProduction and Revenue Accounting
362ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_NODE_WC42Delivery Network Node: Well CompletionProduction and Revenue Accounting
363ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_NPSTS21Non-Producing Well Status - TBLPR082Production and Revenue Accounting
364ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PAM21Gas Plant Allocation Methods - TBLCS031Production and Revenue Accounting
365ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PAM_TX41Gas Plant Allocation Methods - TBLCS031 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
366ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PF211PRA: PlatformProduction and Revenue Accounting
367ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PFLOC21Platform locationProduction and Revenue Accounting
368ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PFLOC_TX41Platform locationProduction and Revenue Accounting
369ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PFTYP21PLATFORM TYPE - TBLPR009Production and Revenue Accounting
370ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PFTYP_TX41PLATFORM TYPE - TBLPR009 - TEXTProduction and Revenue Accounting
371ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PF_GRP41PRA: Platform Group CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
372ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PF_GRP_TX41PRA: Platform Group TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
373ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PMCD21Well Category/Producing Method Codes Table - Tblcm013Production and Revenue Accounting
374ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PMCD_TX41Well Category/Producing Method Codes Table - Tblcm013 - textProduction and Revenue Accounting
375ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PPCHC31Plant Product Cmpnt/Hydrocarbon Cmpnt Xref-TBLPR069,TBLOZ0Production and Revenue Accounting
376ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PPCHC_TX31Plant Product Cmpnt/Hydrocarbon Cmpnt Xref-TBLPR069,TBLOZ0Production and Revenue Accounting
377ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PPND111Production Prior Period Notification Delivery Ntwk Det. TProduction and Revenue Accounting
378ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_PPNH112Prior Period Notification HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
379ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_RESRV71PRA: ReservoirProduction and Revenue Accounting
380ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_RESZN61PRA: Reservoir Zone IdentificationProduction and Revenue Accounting
381ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_RRWC41Regulatory Reporting Reallocated Well CompletionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
382ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_RS_GRP41PRA: Reservoir Group CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
383ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_RS_GRP_TX41PRA: Reservoir Group TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
384ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_STRMT11Multiple Stream Types - Tblpr090Production and Revenue Accounting
385ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_STRMT_TX31Multiple Stream Types - Tblpr090 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
387ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_TCMRTO11TCM Ratio Codes - TBLPR081Production and Revenue Accounting
388ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_TCMRTO_TX31TCM Ratio Codes TBLPR081 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
390ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_TRMTH21Transportation Method - Tblpr020Production and Revenue Accounting
391ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_TRMTH_TX41Transportation Method - Tblpr020 - textProduction and Revenue Accounting
392ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_TWCDVH503Temporary Well Completion VolumesProduction and Revenue Accounting
393ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VLICD21Volume Indicator Types - Tblpr017Production and Revenue Accounting
394ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VLICD_TX41Volume Indicator Types - Tblpr017 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
395ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VLSRC21VOLUME SOURCE - TBLCM029Production and Revenue Accounting
396ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VLSRC_TX41VOLUME SOURCE - TBLCM029 - TEXTProduction and Revenue Accounting
397ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VLTCX21Volume Type Xref To Volume CategoryProduction and Revenue Accounting
398ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VLTYP11Volume Type Table - Tblcm010Production and Revenue Accounting
399ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VLTYP_TX31Volume Type Table - Tblcm010 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
400ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VTRCLS61Volume Type Gas Lift Gas ReclassificationProduction and Revenue Accounting
401ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_VTXRG31VOLUME TYPE XREF TO REPRODUCED GAS - TBLCM042Production and Revenue Accounting
402ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WC415PRA: Well CompletionProduction and Revenue Accounting
403ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCACD81PRA: Weighted Average Chemical Analysis Component DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
404ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCALB131PRA: Well Completion Allocation BaseProduction and Revenue Accounting
405ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCALF131WC Allocation FactorProduction and Revenue Accounting
406ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCDHD72Downhole Comingled Well Completion Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
407ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCDHH92Downhole Commingled Well CompletionProduction and Revenue Accounting
408ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCDT122PRA: Well Completion DowntimeProduction and Revenue Accounting
409ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCDTR51PRA: Well Completion Downtime ReasonProduction and Revenue Accounting
410ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCDVLH465Well Completion Disposition Volumes HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
411ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCDWN31WELL COMP DOWNTIME REASON CODES - TBLPR011Production and Revenue Accounting
413ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCHAH131PRA: Weighted Average Chemical Analysis HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
414ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCHV81Well Completion Heading ValueProduction and Revenue Accounting
415ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCOLD71PRA: Well Completion Offset LeaseProduction and Revenue Accounting
416ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCOLH82PRA: Well Completion Offset LeaseProduction and Revenue Accounting
417ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCRMAT91Well Completion Reproduced MaterialsProduction and Revenue Accounting
418ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCSSD91Well Completion Supply Source DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
419ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCSSH122Well Completion Supply Source Dated HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
420ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCTCM131PRA: Well Completion Theoretical Calculation MethodProduction and Revenue Accounting
421ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCTRNH111PRA: Well Completion Transporter XrefProduction and Revenue Accounting
422ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCTST362Well TestProduction and Revenue Accounting
423ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WCVD201Well Completion Variable DataProduction and Revenue Accounting
424ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WC_MEAS91Well Completion MeasurementProduction and Revenue Accounting
425ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WC_STS31Well completion statusProduction and Revenue Accounting
426ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WC_STS_TX41Well completion statusProduction and Revenue Accounting
427ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WELL312PRA: WellProduction and Revenue Accounting
428ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLCLS11Well Class Table - Tblpr014Production and Revenue Accounting
429ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLCLS_TX31Well Class Table - Tblpr014 - TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
430ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLDEV21Well DeviationProduction and Revenue Accounting
431ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLDEV_TX41Well DeviationProduction and Revenue Accounting
432ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLPROG21WELL COMP PROGRAM ID AND NAME - TBLCM016Production and Revenue Accounting
433ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLPROG_TX41WELL COMP PROGRAM ID AND NAME - TBLCM016 - TEXTProduction and Revenue Accounting
434ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLPUR21WELL PURPOSE CODES TABLE - TBLCM019Production and Revenue Accounting
435ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WLPUR_TX41WELL PURPOSE CODES TABLE - TBLPRCM019 - TEXTProduction and Revenue Accounting
436ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WL_GRP41PRA: Well Group CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
437ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WL_GRP_TX41PRA: Well Group TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
438ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WSWCX31Well Class/Well Status Xref - Tblpr056Production and Revenue Accounting
439ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WTMTD51Well Test Measurement Type DerivationProduction and Revenue Accounting
440ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_WVMTD41Well Completion Volumes Measurement Type DeterminationProduction and Revenue Accounting
441ERP EHP76.0OIU_QUAN71Additional quantities for PRA transactions in valuationProduction and Revenue Accounting
442ERP EHP76.0OIU_QUOGRP61Quotation group definitionProduction and Revenue Accounting
443ERP EHP76.0OIU_QUOGRPT41Quotation group descriptionProduction and Revenue Accounting
444ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CGPT282Contract General Price TermsProduction and Revenue Accounting
445ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CMCC112Contract Marketing Cost Control HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
446ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CMCD161Contract Marketing Cost DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
447ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CNDKY91Condition PPN field cross referenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
448ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CPTD101Contract Product Tax Reimbursement DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
449ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CPTR132Contract Product Tax Reimbursement HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
450ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CTTYPGRP31Contract type group table maintained by SAPProduction and Revenue Accounting
451ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CTX51PRA Contract Type Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
452ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_DMCH162Property/DOI Marketing Cost HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
453ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_FRML151Valuation Formula IdProduction and Revenue Accounting
454ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_FRMLAU122Valuation Formula Alternate UseProduction and Revenue Accounting
455ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_FRMLD471Valuation Formula DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
456ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_GRAVID21Gravity ID definitionProduction and Revenue Accounting
457ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_GRAVIDT41Gravity table textProduction and Revenue Accounting
458ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_GRDEF81Gravity table defintionProduction and Revenue Accounting
459ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_GRSCH101gravity scale header tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
460ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_GRSCI161gravity scale item tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
461ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_GRVD181Gravity Scale Adjustment DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
462ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_GRVH71Gravity Scale Adjustment HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
463ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_MRT111Marketing Rate TransactionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
464ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_MR_MP82Marketing Rate Header for MPProduction and Revenue Accounting
465ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_MR_WC92Marketing Rate Header for WCProduction and Revenue Accounting
466ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_MULT_DN133Multiple DN for same wellProduction and Revenue Accounting
467ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_NPC71Valuation Network Processing Control - TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
468ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_OICQP131Quotation Price Information TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
469ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_PBD131Price Bulletin Posting TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
470ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_PDXSS131Settlement Statements/Purchaser - DOI Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
471ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_PPCND52Posting / condition cross reference tableProduction and Revenue Accounting
472ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_RVT252Rejected Valuation TransactionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
473ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_RVWD191Valuation Reserve Word Control TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
474ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_TCLD182Tax ClassProduction and Revenue Accounting
475ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VCR223Valuation Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
476ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VCRNI111Valuation Cross Reference Non-Working Interest (SettlementProduction and Revenue Accounting
477ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VCRWI81Valuation Cross Reference Working InterestProduction and Revenue Accounting
478ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VCRWI_NEW91Valuation Cross Reference Working Interest - NewProduction and Revenue Accounting
479ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VLDP123Valuation Division Order Prior Period ProcessProduction and Revenue Accounting
480ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VLRPT271Valuation ReportingProduction and Revenue Accounting
481ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VLRPTH51Valuation Report Detail HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
482ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VLRVS151Valuation Reversal NotificatonProduction and Revenue Accounting
483ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VLTXNS322Valuation TransactionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
484ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VLXAS162Valuation Cross Reference AssociationProduction and Revenue Accounting
485ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VLXAS_NEW172Valuation Cross Reference Association - NewProduction and Revenue Accounting
486ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VPPN203Valuation Prior Period NotificationProduction and Revenue Accounting
487ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VPPNM203Manually Created Valuation Prior Period NotificationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
488ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VPPNU223Valuation Prior Period NotificationProduction and Revenue Accounting
489ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_VXDS223Valuation Cross Reference Date StampProduction and Revenue Accounting
490ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ACRD91Allocation Cross Reference DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
491ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ACRH111header table for the Allocation Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
492ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ACTMP272Actual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at MP'sProduction and Revenue Accounting
493ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ACTMP_T271Actual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at MP'sProduction and Revenue Accounting
494ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ACTWC284Actual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at WC'sProduction and Revenue Accounting
495ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ACTWC_T284Actual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at WC'sProduction and Revenue Accounting
496ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_AVD242Availability DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
497ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_AVEX101exception/error for availability pointProduction and Revenue Accounting
498ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_AVFLUX71Availability Point FluctuationsProduction and Revenue Accounting
499ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_AVH112Availability HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
500ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_AVMP51Availability to Measurement Point Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
501ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_AVWC71Availability Well CompletionProduction and Revenue Accounting
502ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_AVXREF52Availability to Capacity Point Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
503ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_BLRSN21Balancing Direct Input Transaction Reason CodesProduction and Revenue Accounting
504ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_BLRSN_TX41Balancing Direct Input Transaction Reason Codes TextsProduction and Revenue Accounting
505ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CAMPGD191Contract Volumes by Measurement Point - Gas DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
506ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CAMPH102Contract volumes by measurement point headerProduction and Revenue Accounting
507ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CAMPOD131Contract Volumes by Measurement Point - Oil DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
508ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CAP242Capacity HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
509ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CAPMP52Capacity Measurement PointProduction and Revenue Accounting
510ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CAPWC72Capacity Well CompletionProduction and Revenue Accounting
511ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CTRMP281Volumes for saleProduction and Revenue Accounting
512ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CTRMP_T281Volumes for saleProduction and Revenue Accounting
513ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CTROB191Observed ConditionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
514ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CTRWC291Volumes for saleProduction and Revenue Accounting
515ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_CTRWC_T291Volumes for saleProduction and Revenue Accounting
516ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_DLYAV92Daily AvailabilityProduction and Revenue Accounting
517ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_DOIMP122Cross-reference for MP and DOIProduction and Revenue Accounting
518ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_DOIWC132DOI/WC Cross ReferenceProduction and Revenue Accounting
519ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ENTMP252MP level owner entitlementsProduction and Revenue Accounting
520ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ENTMP_T262MP level owner entitlementsProduction and Revenue Accounting
521ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ENTWC261WC level owner entitlementsProduction and Revenue Accounting
522ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ENTWC_T275WC level owner entitlementsProduction and Revenue Accounting
523ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_FLUX81Gas Control Monthly Volume Fluctuations TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
524ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_MGDD152Marketing Group Determination DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
525ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_MGDH102Marketing Group Determination HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
526ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_MGKW81Marketing Group Keep WholeProduction and Revenue Accounting
527ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_MGOPMP171Marketing Group Owner Percent MPProduction and Revenue Accounting
528ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_MGOPMP_T171Marketing Group Owner Percent MPProduction and Revenue Accounting
529ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_MGOPWC181Marketing Group Owner Percent WCProduction and Revenue Accounting
530ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_MGOPWC_T181Marketing Group Owner Percent WCProduction and Revenue Accounting
531ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_NIMB241Marketing representative imbalance volumesProduction and Revenue Accounting
532ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_NMCHG51Original Daily Availability VolumesProduction and Revenue Accounting
533ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_NMHST71Daily Availability RevisionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
534ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_NSRSN21Not Selling ReasonProduction and Revenue Accounting
535ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_NSRSN_TX41Not Selling Reason Codes TextProduction and Revenue Accounting
536ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_OAD162Owner Availability DetailProduction and Revenue Accounting
537ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_OAH82Owner Availability HeaderProduction and Revenue Accounting
538ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_OAHMP52Owner Availability Header: Measurement PointsProduction and Revenue Accounting
539ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_OAHWC72Owner Availability Header: Well CompletionsProduction and Revenue Accounting
540ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_ONERUN71One Run per MonthProduction and Revenue Accounting
541ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_OZOPD192Outside operated residual contract detailProduction and Revenue Accounting
542ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_OZOPH73Outside operated residual contract headerProduction and Revenue Accounting
543ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_PBA131Product balancing agreementProduction and Revenue Accounting
544ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_PBMKUP61makeup percentages in the product balancing agreementProduction and Revenue Accounting
545ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RANK71Gas Balancing Ranking TableProduction and Revenue Accounting
546ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNAMP282Residue and NGL actual at a MP levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
547ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNAMP_T281Temporary Residue and NGL actual at a MP levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
548ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNAWC282Residue and NGL actual at a WC levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
549ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNAWC_T281Temporary Residue and NGL actual at a WC levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
550ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNEMP223Residue and NGL entitlements at a MP levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
551ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNEMP_T232Temporary Residue and NGL entitlements at a MP levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
552ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNEWC223Residue and NGL entitlements at a WC levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
553ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_RNEWC_T232Temporary Residue and NGL entitlements at a WC levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
554ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_SPEMP162Special owner entitlements at MP levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
555ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_SPEWC173Special owner entitlements at WC levelProduction and Revenue Accounting
556ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_SRC91Allocation PercentageProduction and Revenue Accounting
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Production
557ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_CACC41Chemical Analysis Compatibility Component XrefProduction
558ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_REG41Regulatory Reallocation ReportProduction
559ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_REG_TX41Regulatory Reallocation Report TextProduction
560ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SKFD_DRC41Drilling Days SKF Major Workover Downtime Reason TBLGR028Production
561ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SKFD_STS41Drilling Days SKF Major workover Status - TBLGR027Production
562ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SKFV61Volumetric SKFProduction
563ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SKFW_MW41Well Count SKF Downtime Minor Workover - TBLGR030Production
564ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SKFW_RR41Well Count SKF Downtime Reg Reasons - TBLGR029Production
565ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SKFW_ST41Well Count SKF Plug, Sold, Abandoned ST - TBLGR025Production
566ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SKFX61SKF Type To CO SKF Configuration XrefProduction
567ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SSD101Supply Source DetailProduction
568ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_SSH131Supply Source HeaderProduction
569ERP EHP76.0OIUPR_WCDPS131Well Completion Daily PressuresProduction
570ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_GP_CMPNT21Gas Plant Components / QCI Parameter NamesProduction
571ERP EHP76.0OIU_PR_HC_CMPNT21Hydrocarbon Components / QCI Parameter NamesProduction
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue
572ERP EHP76.0OIUAR_BAL_CAT91Accounts Receivable Balance CategorizationRevenue
573ERP EHP76.0OIUAR_BAL_TRFR221Accounts Receivable Balance TransferRevenue
574ERP EHP76.0OIUAR_COMMENT91Accounts Receivable CommentsRevenue
575ERP EHP76.0OIUAR_REC_BAL222Accounts Receivable BalanceRevenue
576ERP EHP76.0OIUAR_REC_BAL_H222Accounts Receivable Balance HistoryRevenue
577ERP EHP76.0OIUAR_RESPID91Accounts Receivable Responsibility IDRevenue
578ERP EHP76.0OIUAR_WO_CONFIG91Accounts Receivable Writeoff ConfigurationRevenue
579ERP EHP76.0OIUE1_BATCH_TYPE21LSSL Summary - Batch Types Which Require Higher Level LockRevenue
580ERP EHP76.0OIUE1_LSSL_SUM1344Legal Suspense SummaryRevenue
581ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_CFG41Proc 2.0 - Process ConfigRevenue
582ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_CFGT51Proc 2.0 - Process Config TextsRevenue
583ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_CW_REJECTS81Proc 2.0 - Check Write RejectsRevenue
584ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_ADDR51Proc 2.0 - Escheat - AddressesRevenue
585ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_BA241Proc 2.0 - Escheat - BARevenue
586ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_CFG41Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Minimum Age ConfigurationRevenue
587ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_DTL1381Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Owner DetailsRevenue
588ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_DTLH1382Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Owner Detail HistoryRevenue
589ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_GRPSX41Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Process Group / State XRefRevenue
590ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_HOLD421Proc 2.0 - Escheat - ASCII - Holder RecordRevenue
591ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_MDD451Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Mass Due Diligence Print InfoRevenue
592ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_RPDTH61Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Report Detail - HolderRevenue
593ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_RPDTP151Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Report Detail - PropertyRevenue
594ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_RPDTS71Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Report Detail - SummaryRevenue
595ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_SF31Proc 2.0 - Escheat - State Smart Form ConfigRevenue
596ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_SUM131Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Owner SummaryRevenue
597ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_SUMH132Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Owner Summary HistoryRevenue
598ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCH_SUS31Proc 2.0 - Escheat - Excluded Suspense Reason CodesRevenue
599ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCROWADDR51Proc 2.0 - WY Escrow - AddressesRevenue
600ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCROW_CR181Proc 2.0 - WY Escrow - Check Run InfoRevenue
601ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCROW_DTL1432Proc 2.0 - WY Escrow - Owner DetailsRevenue
602ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCROW_SUS21Proc 2.0 - WY Escrow - Excluded Suspense Reason CodesRevenue
603ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_ESCR_GRPCX51Proc 2.0 - WY Escrow - Process Group / Company XRefRevenue
604ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_JEINTF2251Proc 2.0 - JE Interface TableRevenue
605ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC41Proc 2.0 - ProcessesRevenue
606ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROCT41Proc 2.0 - Process TextsRevenue
607ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC_ENAB31Proc 2.0 - Process Enabled?Revenue
608ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC_GRP31Proc 2.0 - Process GroupsRevenue
609ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC_GRPT51Proc 2.0 - Process Group TextsRevenue
610ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC_STEP91Proc 2.0 - Process StepsRevenue
611ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC_STEPT51Proc 2.0 - Process Step TextsRevenue
612ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC_TYPE111Proc 2.0 - Process TypesRevenue
613ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_PROC_TYPET41Proc 2.0 - Process Type TextsRevenue
614ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_RUN_DTL191Proc 2.0 - Run DetailRevenue
615ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_RUN_HDR442Proc 2.0 - Run HeaderRevenue
616ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_RUN_JE71Proc 2.0 - Process Run JE Batch InfoRevenue
617ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_RV_CHD1011Proc 2.0 - Check DetailsRevenue
618ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_RV_CR251Proc 2.0 - Check RegisterRevenue
619ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_STEPX_ST51Proc 2.0 - Step Prerequisite StatusRevenue
620ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_TYPE_TAB51Proc 2.0 - Process Type TabsRevenue
621ERP EHP76.0OIUE2_TYPE_TABT51Proc 2.0 - Process Type Tab TextsRevenue
622ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_GRP11Group tableRevenue
623ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_GRP_TXT31Text table for OIUHS_GRPRevenue
624ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_JE_ACC_ID141PRA: Journal Entry Posting Rules per Account TypeRevenue
625ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_JE_ACC_TYP131PRA: Journal Entry Posting Rules per Account TypeRevenue
626ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_JE_ACR31PRA: Journal Entry Account CategoriesRevenue
627ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_JE_DBI51PRA: Destination Code for Posting RulesRevenue
628ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_JE_DPK41JE Rules - Destination Code/Posting-keyRevenue
629ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_SAP_SORT81PRA: Control Table for SAP SortRevenue
630ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_TAB41Table group controlRevenue
631ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_TAB_NAMES21Table names for PRA to RFRevenue
632ERP EHP76.0OIUHS_TAB_TXT41Text table for OIUHS_TABRevenue
633ERP EHP76.0OIUH_ACT_TAKEN21Action Taken Code (TBLRD023)Revenue
634ERP EHP76.0OIUH_ACT_TAKEN_T41Action Taken Code (TBLRD023)Revenue
635ERP EHP76.0OIUH_AR_BAL21AR Balance categories (TBLRD044)Revenue
636ERP EHP76.0OIUH_AR_BAL_TX41AR Balance categories - TBLRD044 - textRevenue
637ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CDEX_INTYP31Mapping Owner Interest type with CDEX Interest typeRevenue
638ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CDEX_PROD31Mapping Product code with CDEX Product CodeRevenue
639ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CHK_FLD11Check Layout field code -TBLCI014Revenue
640ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CHK_FLD_TX31Check Layout field code -TBLCI014 - textRevenue
641ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_BA632Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
642ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_BAB92Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
643ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_BATYP71Business Associate Type TableRevenue
644ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_CTTYP51Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
645ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_CY31Counties Per StateRevenue
646ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_EC72Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
647ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_EM72Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
648ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_INSTL201Revenue Installation ParametersRevenue
649ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_OR172Organization Level 1 TableRevenue
650ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_OR1_CC32Mapping of Organization level to Company CodeRevenue
651ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_OR282Organization Level 2 TableRevenue
652ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_OR392Organizational Level 3 TableRevenue
653ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_OR4112Organizational Level 4 TableRevenue
654ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_PDCD61Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
655ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_QBE381Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
656ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_SRBD82Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
657ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_SRBT82Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
658ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_SRDA82Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
659ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_SRDO72Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
660ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_STATE83State Codes TableRevenue
661ERP EHP76.0OIUH_CM_TT91Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
662ERP EHP76.0OIUH_DD_CONFIG151DD names per program with Open Mode (I/O) for QSAM filesRevenue
663ERP EHP76.0OIUH_JEPOST_CTL41JE Posting Process Control tableRevenue
664ERP EHP76.0OIUH_LEGEND21Legend Code - TBLRV064Revenue
665ERP EHP76.0OIUH_LEGEND_TX41Legend Code Description - TBLRV064Revenue
666ERP EHP76.0OIUH_LOADED_JE41Records loaded to JE by transation o3uh_loadjeRevenue
667ERP EHP76.0OIUH_NM_PDCD_XRF31New Mexico Product Code Cross Reference (TBLTR091)Revenue
668ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_DN384Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
669ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_DNND264Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
671ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_MMSBA102Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
672ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_MP211Measurement PointRevenue
673ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_MPVD273Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
674ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_PF192Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
675ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_RRST71Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
676ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_RRTX258Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
677ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_RRWY182Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
678ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_RWC83Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
679ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_SAND104Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
680ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_TX2BA71Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
681ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_TXBBA82Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
682ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_WC442Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
683ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_WCAP162Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
684ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PR_WL324Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
685ERP EHP76.0OIUH_PTR_REP_LOG251Production, Tax and Royalty Reporting Execution LogRevenue
686ERP EHP76.0OIUH_REP_HIST131Reporting History old RazorfishRevenue
687ERP EHP76.0OIUH_REP_PAR_SET51Reporting - Parameter Set per ReportRevenue
688ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_AC234Account ControlRevenue
689ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ACR191Account Category RequirementsRevenue
690ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_APSL241Journal Entry Accounts Payable Subledger TableRevenue
691ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_APSL_H241Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
692ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ARCMT102Account Receivable Comments TableRevenue
693ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ARINTF1831PRA Journal Entries to A/R interface tableRevenue
694ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ARSL313Journal Entry Accounts Receivable Subledger TableRevenue
695ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ARSL_H313Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
696ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ATDH204Obsolete (4.72) -keep for 1 minor release-WY Ad Valorem TaxRevenue
697ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ATDHQ81Obsolete (4.72) -keep for 1 minor release-WY Ad Valorem TaxRevenue
698ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_AWO101Approved Write Offs TableRevenue
699ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_BC302Batch ControlRevenue
700ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_BCMT71Balance Comment TableRevenue
701ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_BGUC142Bearer Group Use ControlRevenue
702ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_BR112BearerRevenue
703ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_BT81Balance Transfer TableRevenue
704ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CC241Obsolete (4.72) - keep for 1 minor release - Check ControlRevenue
705ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CCH132Obsolete (4.72)-keep for 1 minor release- Cdex Check HistoryRevenue
706ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CCR192Obsolete (4.72)-keep for 1 minor release- Check Copy ReverseRevenue
707ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CD801Obsolete (4.72) - keep for 1 minor release-Check Detail LineRevenue
708ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CDTRAN81Transaction Code Cross Reference With Deduction Type CodeRevenue
709ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CHD1013Check DetailRevenue
710ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CHDD194Check Deduction DetailRevenue
711ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CL124Check LayoutRevenue
712ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CLF123Check Layout FormatRevenue
713ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CLT581Contract -- Long TermRevenue
714ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CMCC144Contract Marketing Cost ControlRevenue
715ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CMCD231Contract Marketing Cost DetailRevenue
716ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CNL112Cdex New LeaseRevenue
717ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_COA181Chart of AccountsRevenue
718ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_COADV235Colorado Ad ValoremRevenue
719ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CPR151Check Process RuleRevenue
720ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CPRH122Check Process Rule HeaderRevenue
721ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CR245Check RegisterRevenue
722ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CT371ContractRevenue
723ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CW_BATCH131Checkwrite Parms for the batch execution processRevenue
724ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_CYC111Accounting Cycle Control TableRevenue
725ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DAVT121DOI Ad Valorem TaxRevenue
726ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DI231Division Of Interest BaseRevenue
727ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DO482DOI OwnerRevenue
728ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DOACC163DOI Owner Override Acct CodesRevenue
729ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DOEX71Owner State Tax ExemptionRevenue
730ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DOGRI121Division Order Calculated GRI Percentage TableRevenue
731ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DOH366DOI Owner HistoryRevenue
732ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DOIWC173DOI / WC Cross ReferenceRevenue
733ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DP542DOI ProductRevenue
734ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DPACC173DOI Override Acct CodesRevenue
735ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DPPC113DOI Product Processed ControlRevenue
736ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DPPN251Division Order Prior Period NotificationRevenue
737ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DPUC122DOI Product Use ControlRevenue
738ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_DTWK113Deduction/Tax Work TableRevenue
739ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ESCBA92Escheated Business AssociatesRevenue
740ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_EXSL391Journal Entry Expense Subledger TableRevenue
741ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_EXSL_H391Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
742ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_EXTD303RDI - Check Detail SubsetRevenue
743ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_FOT112Foreign Owner Tax RatesRevenue
744ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GCTA111Gross Check Tax AmountsRevenue
745ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GL423Journal Entry General Ledger TableRevenue
746ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GLCC61Cross Reference GL to Cost CenterRevenue
747ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GL_H429Oil and Gas GL History TableRevenue
748ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GRP223Group Number And DescriptionRevenue
749ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GTAX71Journal Entry Gross Tax Amounts TableRevenue
750ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GTAX_H71Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
751ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_GVLST51Gross Volume State TableRevenue
752ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ICSL271Journal Entry Intercompany Subledger TableRevenue
753ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ICSL_H271Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
754ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_INSL531Journal Entry Income Subledger TableRevenue
755ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_INSL_H531Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
756ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_IVS233Invoice SelectionRevenue
757ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_JE2663Journal EntryRevenue
758ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_JEINTF2261PRA Journal EntriesRevenue
759ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_LMDED164Louisiana Marketing DeductionRevenue
760ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_LSSL534Journal Entry Legal Suspense Subledger TableRevenue
761ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_LSSL_H534Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
762ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_LWDED174Louisiana Marketing DeductionRevenue
763ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MDOI165MP/DOI Cross ReferenceRevenue
764ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MGDD244Marketing Group / DOI Owner Xref DetailRevenue
765ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MGDH141Marketing Group/DOI Owner Xref HeaderRevenue
766ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MKEX111Marketing Cost Exemption TableRevenue
767ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MRC474Manual Royalty CheckRevenue
768ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MSSL821Journal Entry Miscellaneous Subledger TableRevenue
769ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MSSL_H821Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
770ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MTAD102Producers Mkting Tax Exemption Allowance DetailRevenue
771ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MTAH173Producers Mkting Tax Exemption Allowance HeaderRevenue
772ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_MVT195Manual Void Check TransactionsRevenue
773ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_NDH112North Dakota Oil Tax History HeaderRevenue
774ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_NDPRD191North Dakota Tax History Oil Detail For ProducersRevenue
775ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_NDPUR191North Dakota Tax History Oil Detail For PurchasersRevenue
776ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_NPSH212Negative Payable/Suspense Header TableRevenue
777ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_OCTA112Owner Check Tax AmountsRevenue
778ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ODED71Journal Entry Other Deductions TableRevenue
779ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ODED_H71Oil and Gas ODED History TableRevenue
780ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_OIC173Owner Interest CalculationsRevenue
781ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ONAB183Owners Negative Account BalanceRevenue
782ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_OPSL542Journal Entry Owner Payable Subledger TableRevenue
783ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_OPSL_H543Oil and Gas OPSL History TableRevenue
784ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_OSTA423Owners State Tax AdjustmentsRevenue
785ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_OTAX71Journal Entry Owner Tax Amounts TableRevenue
786ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_OTAX_H71Oil and Gas OTAX History TableRevenue
787ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PAC142Property Affiliated CompanyRevenue
788ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PDX4910Obsolete (4.72)-keep for 1 minor release-Purchaser DOI XrefRevenue
789ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PLX111Purchaser Layout Cross ReferenceRevenue
790ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PR531Property TableRevenue
791ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PRX243Purchaser Remitter Cross ReferenceRevenue
792ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PT112Purchaser TranslationRevenue
793ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PUC142Property Unit Use ControlRevenue
794ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_PWO61Pending Write Offs TableRevenue
795ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RB234Receivable Balances TableRevenue
796ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RBC81Receivable Balance Categories TableRevenue
797ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RBRE481Arbar Reject TableRevenue
798ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RDT293Royalty Detail For TexasRevenue
799ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RDTL466Royalty DetailsRevenue
800ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RDTSW61Texas Royalty Detail Sweet And Sour TableRevenue
801ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RJE2633Journal EntryRevenue
802ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ROYH374New Mexico Royalty HistoryRevenue
803ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RP1037MMS Royalty PendingRevenue
804ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RPAD111Royalty Processing Allowance DetailRevenue
805ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RPAH92Royalty Processing Allowance HeaderRevenue
806ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RPGH242Royalty Production Gas HistoryRevenue
807ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RPOH182Royalty Production Oil HistoryRevenue
808ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RPTDT71Report DateRevenue
809ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RTCH284RD DOI Transfer Change HeaderRevenue
810ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RTD253RD DOI Transferee DetailRevenue
811ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RTDE101Receivable Transactions Detail TableRevenue
812ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_RVH162Rpoyalty Reporting Value HistoryRevenue
813ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SCD914Obsolete (4.72)-keep for 1 minor release - Suspended CheckRevenue
814ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SEV503Severance Tax TransactionRevenue
815ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SEVCI123Severance Tax Transactions Miscellaneous (Check Input)Revenue
816ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SEVMP165Severance Tax Transactions By Measurement PointRevenue
817ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SEVWC165Severance Tax Transactions By Well, WCRevenue
818ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SID81State Interest DefaultsRevenue
819ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SS292Contract Spot SaleRevenue
820ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_STIKO92Severance Take In Kind OwnerRevenue
821ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_STR163Severence Tax RatesRevenue
822ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_STS652Severence Tax SubsidiaryRevenue
823ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_STSL502Journal Entry Statistical Subledger TableRevenue
824ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_STSL_H502Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
825ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_STXR132State Tax RatesRevenue
826ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SVTD71Severence Tax State Reporting NumberRevenue
827ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_SVTDH71Obsolete (4.72)-keep for 1 minor release-Sev Tax State Rep#Revenue
828ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TAXHA192New Mexico Tax History For Affiliated TxnsRevenue
829ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TAXHN192New Mexico Tax History For Non-Affiliated TxnsRevenue
830ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TCD492Tax Calc DataRevenue
831ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TCLD184Tax Class DataRevenue
832ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TD525Tax DetailRevenue
833ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TEP102Tax Extract ProfileRevenue
834ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_THDR252Tax HeaderRevenue
835ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TPPD51Tax PPA Company Master Detail TableRevenue
836ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TPPM82Tax PPA Company Master TableRevenue
837ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TPPN383Tr PPNRevenue
838ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TPSL171Journal Entry Taxes Payable Subledger TableRevenue
839ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TPSL_H171Oil and Gas appl tableRevenue
840ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TR133Tract InformationRevenue
841ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TRGRI151Division Order Calculated GRI Units TableRevenue
842ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_TRP112Tax And Royalty ProfileRevenue
843ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_VCHD284Void Check DetailRevenue
844ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_VCHDD162Void Check Deductions DetailRevenue
845ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_VCR366Caluation Cross Reference HeaderRevenue
846ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_WHHD391Table for withholding reportRevenue
847ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_WOJE61Write Off JE TableRevenue
848ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_WYTD161Wyoming Tax Detail TableRevenue
849ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_WYTH112Wyoming Tax Header TableRevenue
850ERP EHP76.0OIUH_RV_ZBR51Zero Balance Receivables TableRevenue
851ERP EHP76.0OIUH_SORT_PARAM81Oil & Gaz - Program Parameters by Jil StepsRevenue
852ERP EHP76.0OIUH_X_EP2RZ42Razorfish To PRA Cross ReferenceRevenue
853ERP EHP76.0OIURV01_RD_REP61RD Generic ReportRevenue
854ERP EHP76.0OIURV02_ADA_DT101Alternative Dual Accounting Multipliers HeaderRevenue
855ERP EHP76.0OIURV02_ADA_HD41Alternative Dual Accounting Multipliers HeaderRevenue
856ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_CONFIG51MP to Well Completion Split Out ConfigRevenue
857ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_DOCMPXRF191VL Doc to MP XRefRevenue
858ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_DTL_BK351Valuation Transactions Level 1 - VltxnsRevenue
859ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_DTL_ZE391Valuation Transactions Level 1 - Zero VolumeRevenue
860ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_FRMHDR391Valuation Transaction Level 3 - FormulaRevenue
861ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_FRMTAX141Valuation Transactions Level 3 - Formula Tax DetailRevenue
862ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_MPWC_XRF161MP to Well Completion Split Out XRefRevenue
863ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_TAXDTL341Valuation Tax Master DetailRevenue
864ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_TAXEMP121Valuation Tax Exempt DetailRevenue
865ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_TAXHDR121Valuation Tax HeaderRevenue
866ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_TAXMKT131Valuation Tax Marketing DetailRevenue
867ERP EHP76.0OIURV03_VOLDTL1151Valuation Transaction Level 2 -VolumeRevenue
868ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_BATCH_TX41Batch Job NameRevenue
869ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_CMKT481Check Detail Marketing DeductionsRevenue
870ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_MKTG441Journal Entry Marketing DetailRevenue
871ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_MKTG_H441Journal Entry Marketing DetailRevenue
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Energy Integration Architecture Upstream Graphics :: Upstream Graphics
872ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_BASECONFIG121Upstream Graphics Base ConfigurationUpstream Graphics
873ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_ICON61Upstream Graphics Icons and Reporting Flash FormsUpstream Graphics
874ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_INDX131Upstream Graphics INDX TableUpstream Graphics
875ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_LAYOUT111Upstream Graphics Graphics VariantsUpstream Graphics
876ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_LAYOUTT61Upstream Graphics Graphics Variant DescriptionsUpstream Graphics
877ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_LOG51Upstream Graphics Graphics LogUpstream Graphics
878ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_LOG_DETAIL41Upstream Graphics Graphics Log DetailsUpstream Graphics
879ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_NODE_CTG131Upstream Graphics Node CategoryUpstream Graphics
880ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_NODE_CTGT51Upstream Graphics Node Category DescriptionUpstream Graphics
881ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_NODE_XREF121Upstream Graphics Node Type Cross ReferenceUpstream Graphics
882ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_NODE_XREFT61Upstream Graphics Node Type Cross ReferenceUpstream Graphics
883ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_PR_EPG21DN functions used by Upstream GraphicsUpstream Graphics
884ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_PR_EPGT41DN functions used by Upstream GraphicsUpstream Graphics
885ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_PR_TCODES61Transactions used by Upstream GraphicsUpstream Graphics
886ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_TYPE191Upstream Graphics Graphical ViewUpstream Graphics
887ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_TYPECONFIG101Upstream Graphics Graphical View Configuration PortionUpstream Graphics
888ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_TYPET41Upstream Graphics Graphical View DescriptionUpstream Graphics
889ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_TYPE_POPUP61Upstream Graphics Graphical View Object Sensitive PopupUpstream Graphics
890ERP EHP76.0OIUGT_VALID_TYPE41Upstream Graphics Valid Node Type Per Node CategoryUpstream Graphics
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Reporting :: Royalty Reporting
891ERP EHP76.0OIUH_TEMP_GL421Journal Entry General Ledger TableRoyalty Reporting
892ERP EHP76.0OIUH_TEMP_OPSL521Journal Entry Owner Payable Subledger TableRoyalty Reporting
893ERP EHP76.0OIUREPP_LEASE191MMS-2014 - Lease PPARoyalty Reporting
894ERP EHP76.0OIUREPP_OWNER131MMS-2014 - Owner PPARoyalty Reporting
895ERP EHP76.0OIUREPP_PRPAYXRF141MMS-2014 - Property / Payor XRef PPARoyalty Reporting
896ERP EHP76.0OIUREPP_SALETYPE201MMS-2014 - Sales Type PPARoyalty Reporting
897ERP EHP76.0OIUREPP_WCPAYXRF131MMS-2014 - Well Completion / Payor XRef PPARoyalty Reporting
898ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_2014_CONF31MMS-2014: Configurable ItemsRoyalty Reporting
899ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_2014_INFO301MMS-2014 - Report Executions Start informationRoyalty Reporting
900ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_2014_REP531MMS-2014 - Supplemental Reports From Report ExecutionsRoyalty Reporting
901ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_2014_RUNS242MMS-2014 - Report ExecutionsRoyalty Reporting
902ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ACTIVATE71Reg./Tax and Royalty Reporting - report activationRoyalty Reporting
903ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADD_DATA91Regulatory Reporting Config for Additional Master DataRoyalty Reporting
904ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADJCD_XRF31MMS-2014 - Reversal Rsn to Adjustment Reason Code XREFRoyalty Reporting
905ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADJ_DTLA221MMS OGOR A Adjustment Detail RecordRoyalty Reporting
906ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADJ_DTLB211MMS OGOR B Adjustment Detail RecordRoyalty Reporting
907ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADJ_DTLC231MMS OGOR C Adjustment Detail RecordRoyalty Reporting
908ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADJ_HDR201Adjustment Header for MMS OGORRoyalty Reporting
909ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADJ_PASR191MMS PASR Adjustment Detail RecordRoyalty Reporting
910ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ADJ_PASRH221MMS PASR Adjustment Header RecordRoyalty Reporting
911ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGENCIES31Regulatory Reporting AgenciesRoyalty Reporting
912ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGENCYTX31Regulatory Reporting AgenciesRoyalty Reporting
913ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGY_LSE291Agency assigned LeasesRoyalty Reporting
914ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGY_LSETX51Text Table for Agency assigned LeasesRoyalty Reporting
915ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGY_PCDTX41Agency defined Product Code TextRoyalty Reporting
916ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGY_PDCD91Agency defined Product CodeRoyalty Reporting
917ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGY_VLTP41Agency defined Volume TypesRoyalty Reporting
918ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AGY_VTPTX41Text table for Agency defined Volume TypeRoyalty Reporting
919ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_AMND_STAT91Report Execution statistics for amended monthsRoyalty Reporting
920ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_BA_MASTER91Regulatory reporting: BA table to drive Partner reportingRoyalty Reporting
921ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CM_JIL31Activate JIL control tableRoyalty Reporting
922ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_CMLB71Regulatory Reporting Common Table List Box SetupRoyalty Reporting
923ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_COMA101Common table to convert SAP codes to Ag. codes Apl.TableRoyalty Reporting
924ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_COMN101Common table for converting SAP codes to Agency codesRoyalty Reporting
925ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_FLDS41Fields available for customizingRoyalty Reporting
926ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_FLDT61Descriptions for Code FieldsRoyalty Reporting
927ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_RDNG111Reg Reporting Rounding ConfigurationRoyalty Reporting
928ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_RPTC41Report Columns available for customizingRoyalty Reporting
929ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_RULE101Reg Reporting Rules for Column DataRoyalty Reporting
930ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_VALS51Code Values available for customizing Reg ReportingRoyalty Reporting
931ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_VLTX71Code Value TextsRoyalty Reporting
932ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_CODE_XREF191Reg Reporting Product/Volume Type to Report Code Cross RefRoyalty Reporting
933ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_COMN_KEYS61Reg.Reporting - Field description for COMN table keysRoyalty Reporting
934ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_DD_STRUCT61Master DD file structuresRoyalty Reporting
935ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_DN_XREF61Regulatory Reporting X-ref for Delivery NetworksRoyalty Reporting
936ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_EXEC_COMB171Possible Combinations of Royalty ExecutionsRoyalty Reporting
937ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_EXEC_STAT252Report Execution StatisticsRoyalty Reporting
938ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_EXT_COMP31External Company by State AgencyRoyalty Reporting
939ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_EXT_COMTX51Text Table for External Company CodeRoyalty Reporting
940ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_FEDINDIAN31MMS-2014 - Federal or Indian LeasesRoyalty Reporting
941ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_FIELDS151Regulatory Report Master Data set upRoyalty Reporting
942ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_FIELDSTX71Regulatory Report Master Data set upRoyalty Reporting
943ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_FIN_LEVEL81Regulatory Reporting Operator and Contact XrefRoyalty Reporting
944ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_GEN_DATA161Reg. Reporting - Generic Transactional dataRoyalty Reporting
945ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_HISTCNTRL71Regulatory Reporting History Control tableRoyalty Reporting
946ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_INDIAN_TR31MMS-2014 - Indian TribesRoyalty Reporting
947ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_KEY_XREFD71Regulatory Reporting SAP Key Cross Reference DetailRoyalty Reporting
948ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_KEY_XREFH71Regulatory Reporting SAP Key Cross Reference HeaderRoyalty Reporting
949ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_LEASE192MMS-2014 - LeaseRoyalty Reporting
950ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_LGL_RPTS261Legal Reports for Tax and Royalty ReportingRoyalty Reporting
951ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_LGL_RPTTX31Text Table for Legal Reports (Tax and Royalty)Royalty Reporting
952ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MASTER811Regulatory Reporting Master DataRoyalty Reporting
953ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MASTER_MP271Re.Reporting - MP related Reg IDRoyalty Reporting
954ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MASTER_OV41RegID Split table (e.g. MMS Override Group split)Royalty Reporting
955ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MASTER_PC41RegID Split table (e.g. LA Parish split)Royalty Reporting
956ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MMS_ACTN41MMS Well Status Reason Code/Action Code Combos (OGOR-A)Royalty Reporting
957ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MMS_DTEDT41MMS-2014 Edit Effective Date TableRoyalty Reporting
958ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MMS_REAS41MMS Well Status / Reason Code Combinations (OGOR-A)Royalty Reporting
959ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MMS_REJS951MMS-2014 - Extraction RejectsRoyalty Reporting
960ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MP_XREF81Regulatory Reporting X-ref - MP to State Assigned IDRoyalty Reporting
961ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MRT_CRED101MMS-2014: Credits Against Monthly ReportRoyalty Reporting
962ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MRT_HIST393MMS-2014 MMS Royalty Transaction Processed HistoryRoyalty Reporting
963ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_MRT_PEND392MMS-2014 MMS Royalty Transaction Processed - PendingRoyalty Reporting
964ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_OWNER131MMS-2014 - OwnerRoyalty Reporting
965ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_PAYOR41MMS-2014 - Payor / Company Code XRefRoyalty Reporting
966ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_PDCD_XREF61Cross Reference Between State Agency and PRA MaterialRoyalty Reporting
967ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_PRDCDXREF31MMS: Possible Material No/MMS Prod Cd CombinationsRoyalty Reporting
968ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_PROWNERS51MMS-2014 - Property w/ Multiple Owners?Royalty Reporting
969ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_PRPAYXREF142MMS-2014 - Property / Payor XRefRoyalty Reporting
970ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RECOUP101MMS-2014 - Recoupable BalanceRoyalty Reporting
971ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_REG_HIST131Reporting history (System table INDX)Royalty Reporting
972ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_REG_OPER121Regulatory Reporting Operator and Contact Xref EFF DatedRoyalty Reporting
973ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_REG_OPERA101Regulatory Reporting Operator and Contact XrefRoyalty Reporting
974ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_REG_OUT91Regulatory Reporting Output ControlRoyalty Reporting
975ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_REPORTS171Supported Regulatory reportsRoyalty Reporting
976ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_REPORTSTX41Supported Regulatory reportsRoyalty Reporting
977ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROYHIST332Reported Royalty and Volume Data by Reporting EntitiesRoyalty Reporting
978ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROY_AGY271Reporting Agencies for Tax and RoyaltyRoyalty Reporting
979ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROY_AGYTX31Regulatory Reporting AgenciesRoyalty Reporting
980ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROY_DATA374Reported Royalty and Volume Data by Reporting EntitiesRoyalty Reporting
981ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROY_FLDTX41Text Table for Report FieldsRoyalty Reporting
982ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROY_LOG131Changes to master data for reportingRoyalty Reporting
983ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROY_PRFL161Royalty Reporting ProfilesRoyalty Reporting
984ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_ROY_PRFLD101Field Values in the Royalty Reporting ProfilesRoyalty Reporting
985ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RPT_ENTTY192Entities for Royalty ReportingRoyalty Reporting
986ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RPT_OWNER81Owners for royalty reportingRoyalty Reporting
987ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RPT_PRFL91Report ProfileRoyalty Reporting
988ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RRST271Regulatory Reporting Status TableRoyalty Reporting
989ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RRST_DET81Regulatory Reporting Status TableRoyalty Reporting
990ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RRST_NEW281NEW Regulatory Reporting Status Table (with Version Number)Royalty Reporting
991ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RTPEND941MMS-2014 - Royalty Transaction PendingRoyalty Reporting
992ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RT_HIST942MMS-2014 - Royalty Transaction (Pending) HistoryRoyalty Reporting
993ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RUNGRPKEY21Reg.Reporting - Report Submission groupsRoyalty Reporting
994ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RUN_GROUP41Reg.Reporting - Report Submission groupingRoyalty Reporting
995ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RUN_REPNM21Reg.Reporting - Report run/submission namesRoyalty Reporting
996ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_RWC141WCs that have been changed since previous report runRoyalty Reporting
997ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_SALESTY21MMS-2014: Sales Type Control TableRoyalty Reporting
998ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_SALESTYPE201MMS-2014 - Sales TypeRoyalty Reporting
999ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_SALESTY_T41MMS-2014: Sales Type Control Table DescriptionRoyalty Reporting
1000ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_STAT_SPLT111Regulatory Reporting: Well Status Split tableRoyalty Reporting
1001ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_STRUC91Regulatory Reporting StructuresRoyalty Reporting
1002ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_STRUCTX61Regulatory Reporting StructuresRoyalty Reporting
1003ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_SUPL_REP51MMS-2014 - Supplemental ReportsRoyalty Reporting
1004ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_SUPL_REPT51MMS-2014 - Supplemental Reports DescriptionRoyalty Reporting
1005ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TAB_IND51Agency related fields for master data maintainenceRoyalty Reporting
1006ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TEXT_STDD61Regulatory Reporting Standard Texts DetailRoyalty Reporting
1007ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TEXT_STDH41Regulatory Reporting Valid Standard Texts HeaderRoyalty Reporting
1008ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TEXT_XREF101Regulatory Reporting Texts for Diff Reporting LevelsRoyalty Reporting
1009ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TRAN_ERR21Transaction code to error code xref for edits/valsRoyalty Reporting
1010ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_TRAN_FLDS31MMS-2014 - Transaction Code Field Requirement XREFRoyalty Reporting
1011ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_UOM71Regulatory Report Unit of MeasuresRoyalty Reporting
1012ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VALTABC51Reporting general value table - CustomizingRoyalty Reporting
1013ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VALTABCTX71Reporting general value table - CustomizingRoyalty Reporting
1014ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VALTABM61Reporting general value table - CustomizingRoyalty Reporting
1015ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VLTP_XREF41Cross reference between Agency defined & PRA volume typesRoyalty Reporting
1016ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VL_VOL211Gross Volume and Value after VL/RDRoyalty Reporting
1017ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VOLHIST192Reported Volume Data by Reporting EntitiesRoyalty Reporting
1018ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_VOL_DATA234Reported Volume Data by Reporting EntitiesRoyalty Reporting
1019ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_WCOWNERS41MMS-2014 - Well Completion w/ Multiple OwnersRoyalty Reporting
1020ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_WCPAYXREF132MMS-2014 - Well Completion / Payor XRefRoyalty Reporting
1021ERP EHP76.0OIUREP_XTRCT_ROY1461Extract Royaty Data for the current reporting periodRoyalty Reporting
1022ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_CAT_CD21Generic Category Code in New RoyaltyRoyalty Reporting
1023ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_CAT_CDTX41Descriptions for the categoriesRoyalty Reporting
1024ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_CAT_CD_VAL51Descriptions for the codesRoyalty Reporting
1025ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_GEN_CD_VAL81Maintain Code with Effective DatedRoyalty Reporting
1026ERP EHP76.0OIUY1_REP_HIST81Reported data historyRoyalty Reporting
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Reporting :: Tax Reporting
1027ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ADJ_MKTC161Tax adjustments marketing costs for reportingTax Reporting
1028ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ADJ_TAXDC382Tax adjustments detail for reportingTax Reporting
1029ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ADJ_TAXHC293Tax adjustments header for reportingTax Reporting
1030ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ADJ_TYP21Adjustment types for reportingTax Reporting
1031ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_ADJ_XMPC171Tax adjustment exemptions for reportingTax Reporting
1032ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_AGY_DEFN41Agency definitionTax Reporting
1033ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_AGY_TCDTX41Agency tax code text tableTax Reporting
1034ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_AGY_TXCD41Agency defined Tax CodesTax Reporting
1035ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_EXEC_COMB91Execution Combinations for Tax ReportingTax Reporting
1036ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_EXEC_STAT321Execution Statistics for Tax ReportingTax Reporting
1037ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_FLD_CAT71Field Catalogue for Tax ReportingTax Reporting
1038ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_FLD_VALB101Base table for field level dataTax Reporting
1039ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_FLD_VALL131Log for field level dataTax Reporting
1040ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_LNK_REPUB221PUID and reporting entities linkTax Reporting
1041ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_MAS_REB151Reporting entities base tableTax Reporting
1042ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_MIGR_CNTRL31Reporting migration control tableTax Reporting
1043ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_MIGR_CTLTX41Text table for Migration Control (PRA)Tax Reporting
1044ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PDCD_XREF61Cross Reference Between State Agency and PRA MaterialTax Reporting
1045ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PRD_UIDB141Base table for Production Units/LeasesTax Reporting
1046ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PRD_UNITTX51Text table for Production Units/LeasesTax Reporting
1047ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PROC_CNTRL61Reporting process control tableTax Reporting
1048ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PROD_UNIT111Production Units/LeasesTax Reporting
1049ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PUID_MKTH191Reporting history for marketing costs for reportingTax Reporting
1050ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PUID_TAXH392Tax transaction header for reportingTax Reporting
1051ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PUID_VOLH201Reported Volume Data by PUIDTax Reporting
1052ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_PUID_XMPH191Reporting history for tax exemptionsTax Reporting
1053ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_IDB151Legal report time dependent base tableTax Reporting
1054ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_MKTH132Reporting history for marketing costs for reportingTax Reporting
1055ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_MSTRL121Log for master data changesTax Reporting
1056ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_SGB151Report Submission Group base tableTax Reporting
1057ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_SGRP111Report Submission GroupTax Reporting
1058ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_SGRPTX41Text table for Report Submission GroupTax Reporting
1059ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_TAXH484Tax transaction header for reportingTax Reporting
1060ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_VOLH241Reported Volume Data by Reporting EntitiesTax Reporting
1061ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_RPT_XMPH132Reporting history for tax exemptionsTax Reporting
1062ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TAX_SUSP141Records for suspensionTax Reporting
1063ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_MKTC162Tax transaction marketing costs for reportingTax Reporting
1064ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_MKTL151Tax transaction marketing costs for reportingTax Reporting
1065ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_TAXDC382Tax transaction detail for reportingTax Reporting
1066ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_TAXDL361Tax transaction detail for reportingTax Reporting
1067ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_TAXHC263Tax transaction header for reportingTax Reporting
1068ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_TAXHL313Tax transaction header for reportingTax Reporting
1069ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_XMPC172Tax transaction exemptions for reportingTax Reporting
1070ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TRN_XMPL151Tax transaction exemptions for reportingTax Reporting
1071ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_TXCD_XREF91Cross reference between state tax codes and PRA entitiesTax Reporting
1072ERP EHP76.0OIUX1_VKEY_XREF51Table for variable key in Tax ReportingTax Reporting
1073ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_BA_LOG121Cross ref. betwn PRA prod/purchaser no. and its tax payerTax Reporting
1074ERP EHP76.0OIUX2_PUID_VOLH201Reported Volume Data by PUIDTax Reporting
1075ERP EHP76.0OIUX3Y_TX_BATXID81Tax Reporting - Texas BA Tax ID PPNTax Reporting
1076ERP EHP76.0OIUX3Y_TX_MASTER174Tax Reporting - Texas Master Data PPNTax Reporting
1077ERP EHP76.0OIUX3Y_TX_MSTOVR201Tax Reporting - Texas Master Data OverridesTax Reporting
1078ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_CONF31Tax Reporting - ConfigTax Reporting
1079ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_CONF_PP21Tax Reporting - Config Parallel ProcessingTax Reporting
1080ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_ITEM_ST51Tax Reporting - Migration Item Prerequisite StatusTax Reporting
1081ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_JEINTF551Tax Reporting - JE Interface TableTax Reporting
1082ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_CTRL441Tax Reporting - Migration ControlTax Reporting
1083ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_GRP21Tax Reporting - Migration GroupTax Reporting
1084ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_GRPRX31Tax Reporting - Migration Group Report XRefTax Reporting
1085ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_GRPT41Tax Reporting - Migration Group TextTax Reporting
1086ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_ITEM101Tax Reporting - Migration ItemTax Reporting
1087ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_ITEMT51Tax Reporting - Migration Item TextTax Reporting
1088ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_SA_DT31Tax Reporting - Migration Loaded Sales DatesTax Reporting
1089ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_MIG_VLDOC91Tax Reporting - Migration Loaded VL DocsTax Reporting
1090ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_PDCD11Tax Reporting - 3 Character Product CodeTax Reporting
1091ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_PDCD_TX31Tax Reporting - 3 Character Product Code TextTax Reporting
1092ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_PORTGRP121Tax Reporting - Node Group 1 Control TableTax Reporting
1093ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_PORTGRP1T41Tax Reporting - Node Group 1 Text TableTax Reporting
1094ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_PORTGRP231Tax Reporting - Node Group 2 Control TableTax Reporting
1095ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_PORTGRP2T51Tax Reporting - Node Group 2 Text TableTax Reporting
1096ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_PORT_TREE81Tax Reporting - Generic Portal Tree Control TableTax Reporting
1097ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT211Tax Reporting - ReportsTax Reporting
1098ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_COMP41Tax Reporting - Reporting CompanyTax Reporting
1099ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_COMPT51Tax Reporting - Reporting Company TextTax Reporting
1100ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_COMPX41Tax Reporting - Reporting Company XRefTax Reporting
1101ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_CONF41Tax Reporting - Report Specific ConfigurationTax Reporting
1102ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_CONFD41Tax Reporting - Report Specific Configuration (Dated)Tax Reporting
1103ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_GRP21Tax Reporting - Report GroupTax Reporting
1104ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_GRPPX31Tax Reporting - Report Group Product Code XRefTax Reporting
1105ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_GRPT41Tax Reporting - Report Group TextTax Reporting
1106ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_PROF251Tax Reporting - Reporting ProfileTax Reporting
1107ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_STEP51Tax Reporting - Reporting StepTax Reporting
1108ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_STEPT41Tax Reporting - Reporting Step TextTax Reporting
1109ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_STEPX71Tax Reporting - Reporting/Step XRefTax Reporting
1110ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RPT_TX41Tax Reporting - ReportsTax Reporting
1111ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RUN_DTL201Tax Reporting - Run DetailTax Reporting
1112ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RUN_HDR382Tax Reporting - Run HeaderTax Reporting
1113ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_RUN_JE71Tax Reporting - Report Run JE Batch InfoTax Reporting
1114ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_STEPX_ST51Tax Reporting - Step Prerequisite StatusTax Reporting
1115ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_ASU_DT121Tax Reporting - Auto Suspend DetailTax Reporting
1116ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_ASU_HD111Tax Reporting - Auto Suspend HeaderTax Reporting
1117ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_BATXID91Tax Reporting - Texas BA Tax IDTax Reporting
1118ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_CNTXRF31Tax Reporting - Texas County XRefTax Reporting
1119ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_COMXRF41Tax Reporting - Texas Commodity XRefTax Reporting
1120ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_EDITS261OBSOLETE - Tax 2.0 - Texas Report Field Edits #2Tax Reporting
1121ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_EDITS2T71OBSOLETE - Tax 2.0 - Texas Report Field Edits #2Tax Reporting
1122ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_EXEMPT31Tax Reporting - Texas Exemption TypeTax Reporting
1123ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_LEASE81Tax Reporting - Texas LeaseTax Reporting
1124ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_MASTER184Tax Reporting - Texas Master DataTax Reporting
1125ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_MSTOVR181Tax Reporting - Texas Master Data OverridesTax Reporting
1126ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_OOSHST532Tax Reporting - Texas Out Of Statute Transaction HistoryTax Reporting
1127ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_OOSTXN531Tax Reporting - Texas Out Of Statute TransactionsTax Reporting
1128ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_OOSWO71Tax Reporting - Texas Out Of Statute Write OffTax Reporting
1129ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_PRDTB541Tax Reporting - Texas PRA Detail Txns-Tier Tax BelowTax Reporting
1130ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_PRDTI541Tax Reporting - Texas PRA Detail Txns-Tier Tax IncrementalTax Reporting
1131ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_PRDTN542Tax Reporting - Texas PRA Detail Txns - No Tier TaxTax Reporting
1132ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_REJ21Tax Reporting - Texas Reject CodesTax Reporting
1133ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_REJT41Tax Reporting - Texas Reject Code TextTax Reporting
1134ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_REVSTG161Tax Reporting - Texas Tax Transaction Reversal StagingTax Reporting
1135ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_REVTXN141Tax Reporting - Texas Tax Transaction ReversalsTax Reporting
1136ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPGDT341Tax Reporting - Texas Gas Report DetailsTax Reporting
1137ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPGDTE241Tax Reporting - Texas Gas Report Details ErrorsTax Reporting
1138ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPGSM201Tax Reporting - Texas Gas Report SummaryTax Reporting
1139ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPGSME161Tax Reporting - Texas Gas Report Summary ErrorsTax Reporting
1140ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPODT311Tax Reporting - Texas Oil Report DetailsTax Reporting
1141ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPODTE221Tax Reporting - Texas Oil Report Details ErrorsTax Reporting
1142ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPOSM171Tax Reporting - Texas Oil Report SummaryTax Reporting
1143ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RPOSME161Tax Reporting - Texas Oil Report Summary ErrorsTax Reporting
1144ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RP_EDT1111OBSOLETE - Tax 2.0 - Texas Report Field Attribute EditsTax Reporting
1145ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_RP_EDT2111OBSOLETE - Tax 2.0 - Texas Report Field Edits #2Tax Reporting
1146ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_SOL101Tax Reporting - Statute of LimitationTax Reporting
1147ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_SOLEDT61Tax Reporting - Statute of Limitation Exception DetailTax Reporting
1148ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_SOLEHD71Tax Reporting - Statute of Limitation Exception HeaderTax Reporting
1149ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_TAXHST536Tax Reporting - Texas Tax History TransactionsTax Reporting
1150ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_TAXSTG571Tax Reporting - Texas Tax Transaction StagingTax Reporting
1151ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_TAXTXN551Tax Reporting - Texas Tax TransactionsTax Reporting
1152ERP EHP76.0OIUX3_TX_TXCLEX41Tax Reporting - Texas Tax Class Exemption Type XRefTax Reporting
1153ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_BALANCE201Taxes Payable BalanceTax Reporting
1154ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_BALANCE_H191Taxes Payable Balance HistoryTax Reporting
1155ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_BAL_CTG21Taxes Payable Balance CategoriesTax Reporting
1156ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_BAL_CTGTX41TP Balance Categories - Text tabeTax Reporting
1157ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_BAL_CTGZN141Taxes Payable Balance CategorizationTax Reporting
1158ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_COMMENTS141Taxes Payable CommentsTax Reporting
1159ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_RESP_ID91Taxes Payable Responsibility IDTax Reporting
1160ERP EHP76.0OIUX4_WO_SETUP51Taxes Payable Writeoff ConfigurationTax Reporting
1161ERP EHP76.0OIUX5Y_OK_BATXID81Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma BA Tax ID PPNTax Reporting
1162ERP EHP76.0OIUX5Y_OK_MASTER171Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Master Data PPNTax Reporting
1163ERP EHP76.0OIUX5Y_OK_MSTCNT131Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Master Data CountiesTax Reporting
1164ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_ASU_DT121Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Auto Suspend DetailTax Reporting
1165ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_ASU_HD101Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Auto Suspend HeaderTax Reporting
1166ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_BATXID91Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma BA Tax IDTax Reporting
1167ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_CONFIG21Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Exempt Decimal ConfigurationTax Reporting
1168ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_CONFL281Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Exempt Decimal ConflictTax Reporting
1169ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_EXEXRF41Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Exempt Code XrefTax Reporting
1170ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_MASTER184Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Master DataTax Reporting
1171ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_MSTCNT101Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Master Data Multiple CountiesTax Reporting
1172ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_OOSHST752Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Out Of Statute Transactions HistoryTax Reporting
1173ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_OOSTXN751Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Out Of Statute TransactionsTax Reporting
1174ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_PDCXRF41Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Product Code XrefTax Reporting
1175ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_PRDT772Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma PRA Detail Tax TransactionsTax Reporting
1176ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_PRDTC792Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma PRA Detail Tax Transactions Multi CountTax Reporting
1177ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_REJ21Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Reject CodesTax Reporting
1178ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_REJT41Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Reject Code TextTax Reporting
1179ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_REVSTG151Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Reversals StagingTax Reporting
1180ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_REVTXN151Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax ReversalsTax Reporting
1181ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_RPDT501Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Gross Prod Report DetailTax Reporting
1182ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_RPSM171Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Gross Prod Report SummaryTax Reporting
1183ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_SOL91Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Statute of LimitationTax Reporting
1184ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_SOLEDT61Tax 2.0 - Statute of Limitation Exception DetailTax Reporting
1185ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_SOLEHD61Tax 2.0 - Statute of Limitation Exception HeaderTax Reporting
1186ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_TAXHST756Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Transactions HistoryTax Reporting
1187ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_TAXHSTC772Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Transactions History Multi-CountiesTax Reporting
1188ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_TAXSTG771Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Transactions StagingTax Reporting
1189ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_TAXTXN771Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax TransactionsTax Reporting
1190ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_TAXTXNC791Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Transactions Multiple CountiesTax Reporting
1191ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_TAX_RT81Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax RatesTax Reporting
1192ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OK_ZVOL101Tax 2.0 - Oklahoma Zero Volume Reporting MasterTax Reporting
1193ERP EHP76.0OIUX5_OOSWO91Tax 2.0 - Out Of Statute Write OffTax Reporting
1194ERP EHP76.0OIUX6Y_WY_BAOPID81Tax 2.0 - Wyoming BA Operator ID PPNTax Reporting
1195ERP EHP76.0OIUX6Y_WY_MASTER214Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Master Data PPNTax Reporting
1196ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_ASU_DT121Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Auto Suspend DetailTax Reporting
1197ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_ASU_HD111Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Auto Suspend HeaderTax Reporting
1198ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_BAOPID91Tax 2.0 - Wyoming BA Operator IDTax Reporting
1199ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CAPRDT191Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation CA PRA Detail TransactionsTax Reporting
1200ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CASTG181Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation CA Transactions StagingTax Reporting
1201ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CATXN181Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation CA TransactionsTax Reporting
1202ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_COOSHST561Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Out Of Statute Conservation Trans HistTax Reporting
1203ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_COOSTXN561Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Out Of Statute Conservation TransactionsTax Reporting
1204ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CPRDT582Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax PRA Detail TransactionsTax Reporting
1205ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CREVSTG151Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Reversals StagingTax Reporting
1206ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CREVTXN151Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax ReversalsTax Reporting
1207ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CRPDT251Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Report DetailTax Reporting
1208ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CRPDTDT132Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Report Detail DetailTax Reporting
1209ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CTAXHST565Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Transactions HistoryTax Reporting
1210ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CTAXSTG581Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Transactions StagingTax Reporting
1211ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CTAXTXN581Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax TransactionsTax Reporting
1212ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CTAX_RT51Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax RatesTax Reporting
1213ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_CTXRATE21Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax RateTax Reporting
1214ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_FORM2111Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Summarized FORM 2 DataTax Reporting
1215ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_FRM2CFG31Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation FORM 2 Check ConfigurationTax Reporting
1216ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_GTAXSTG712Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Gross Prod Tax Transactions StagingTax Reporting
1217ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_GTAXTXN721Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Gross Prod Tax TransactionsTax Reporting
1218ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_LCDOVR121Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Lease Condensate OverrideTax Reporting
1219ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_MASTER234Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Master DataTax Reporting
1220ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_OOSWO71Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Out Of Statute Write OffTax Reporting
1221ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_RATE_CD61Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Rate CodesTax Reporting
1222ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_REJ21Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Reject CodesTax Reporting
1223ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_REJT41Tax Reporting - Texas Reject Code TextTax Reporting
1224ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_RRST41Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Processed FORM 2 ReportsTax Reporting
1225ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SOGXRF31Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Tax Oil/Gas Indicator XRefTax Reporting
1226ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SOL101Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Statute of LimitationTax Reporting
1227ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SOLEDT91Tax Reporting - Statute of Limitation Exception DetailTax Reporting
1228ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SOLEHD71Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Statute of Limitation Exception HeaderTax Reporting
1229ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SOOSHST691Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Out Of Statute Severance Trans HistoryTax Reporting
1230ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SOOSTXN691Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Out Of Statute Severance TransactionsTax Reporting
1231ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SPRDT713Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax PRA Detail TransactionsTax Reporting
1232ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SREVSTG151Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Reversals StagingTax Reporting
1233ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SREVTXN151Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax ReversalsTax Reporting
1234ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SRPDT151Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Report DetailTax Reporting
1235ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SRPDTDT161Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Report Detail DetailTax Reporting
1236ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_SRPDT_H151Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Report DetailTax Reporting
1237ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_STAXHST695Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Transactions HistoryTax Reporting
1238ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_STAXSTG711Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Transactions StagingTax Reporting
1239ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_STAXTXN712Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax TransactionsTax Reporting
1240ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_STAX_RT91Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Rate CodesTax Reporting
1241ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_TXCLRC31Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Tax Class Rate Code XRefTax Reporting
1242ERP EHP76.0OIUX6_WY_ZVOL81Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Zero Volume Reporting MasterTax Reporting
1243ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_CONFIG41Tax 2.0 - WYGP ConfigTax Reporting
1244ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_RUN_DTL201Tax 2.0 - WYGP Run DetailTax Reporting
1245ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_RUN_HDR352Tax 2.0 - WYGP Run HeaderTax Reporting
1246ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4101261Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4101Tax Reporting
1247ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4101HST231Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4101 Up To Date HistoryTax Reporting
1248ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4101_OP81Tax 2.0 WYGP - 4101 Op/Non-Op Switch InfoTax Reporting
1249ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4111141Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4111Tax Reporting
1250ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4111HST121Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4111 Up To Date HistoryTax Reporting
1251ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4121131Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4121Tax Reporting
1252ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4121HST121Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4121 Up To Date HistoryTax Reporting
1253ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4201301Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4201Tax Reporting
1254ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4201HST271Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4201 Up To Date HistoryTax Reporting
1255ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4211141Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4211Tax Reporting
1256ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4211HST121Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4211 Up To Date HistoryTax Reporting
1257ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4221131Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4221Tax Reporting
1258ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4221HST121Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4221 Up To Date HistoryTax Reporting
1259ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4231381Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4231Tax Reporting
1260ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_4231HST371Tax 2.0 - WYGP 4231 Up To Date HistoryTax Reporting
1261ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_DN_CON141Tax 2.0 - WYGP DN ConsistencyTax Reporting
1262ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GSALES251Tax 2.0 - WYGP SalesTax Reporting
1263ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GSALHST241Tax 2.0 - WYGP Sales HistoryTax Reporting
1264ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GSALTXN261Tax 2.0 - WYGP SalesTax Reporting
1265ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GTAX701Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Gross Prod Tax TransactionsTax Reporting
1266ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GTAXHST691Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Gross Prod Tax Transactions HistoryTax Reporting
1267ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GVOL151Tax 2.0 - WYGP VolumeTax Reporting
1268ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GVOLHST141Tax 2.0 - WYGP Volume HistoryTax Reporting
1269ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_GVOLTXN161Tax 2.0 - WYGP VolumesTax Reporting
1270ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_MKT21Tax 2.0 - WYGP Marketing TypesTax Reporting
1271ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_MKTOVR111Tax 2.0 - WYGP Marketing Type Xref OverrideTax Reporting
1272ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_MKTXRF41Tax 2.0 - WYGP Marketing Type XrefTax Reporting
1273ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_MKT_TX41Tax 2.0 - WYGP Marketing Type DescriptionsTax Reporting
1274ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_MPALLOC81Tax 2.0 - WYGP MP AllocationTax Reporting
1275ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_PDVLXRF41Tax 2.0 - WYGP Product Code/Volume Type/Product Type XrefTax Reporting
1276ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_REJ21Tax 2.0 - WYGP Reject CodesTax Reporting
1277ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_REJT41Tax 2.0 - WYGP Reject Code TextTax Reporting
1278ERP EHP76.0OIUX7_WY_VLXRF31Tax 2.0 - WYGP Volume Type XrefTax Reporting
1279ERP EHP76.0OIUXC_PP61Tax 2.0 - Parallel Processing ControlTax Reporting
1280ERP EHP76.0OIUXC_RPT_PP51Tax 2.0 - Report Specific Parallel Processing ConfigTax Reporting
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue :: Balancing
1281ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_ADJ272Balancing AdjustmentsBalancing
1282ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_ADJH271Balancing Adjustments HistoryBalancing
1283ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_COMMENT71Product balancing commentsBalancing
1284ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_CONFIG41Balancing ConfigurationBalancing
1285ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_DOH51Ownership History FlagsBalancing
1286ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PBA181Product Balancing AgreementBalancing
1287ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PBADOI151PBA DOIBalancing
1288ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PBAST141Production Balancing Agreement (PBA) StatusBalancing
1289ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PBAXREF94PBA to Well Completion/Measurement Point Cross-refBalancing
1290ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PBA_GRP21Balancing - PBA GroupBalancing
1291ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PBA_GRPT41Balancing - PBA Group TextBalancing
1292ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PRD_GRP21Ballancing Product GroupBalancing
1293ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PRD_GRPD42Ballancing Product Group Detail - Product code XrefBalancing
1294ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_PRD_GRPT41Ballancing Product GroupBalancing
1295ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_RPTPA151Balancing Permanent Report AdjustmentsBalancing
1296ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_RPTPD131Balancing Permanent Report DetailBalancing
1297ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_RPTPH151Balancing Permanent Report HeaderBalancing
1298ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_SFORMS31Valid PDF/Smartforms for Balancing StatementsBalancing
1299ERP EHP76.0OIUBL01_SFORMSTX41Valid Smartforms for Balancing StatementsBalancing
1300ERP EHP76.0OIUBL_IMBMP212Measurement Point ImbalanceBalancing
1301ERP EHP76.0OIUBL_IMBWC224Well Completion ImbalanceBalancing
1302ERP EHP76.0OIUBL_PBAMP82Cross reference for measurement point and PBABalancing
1303ERP EHP76.0OIUBL_PBAWC91Cross Reference for Well Completion and PBABalancing
1304ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_SPEMP_T161Special owner entitlements at MP levelBalancing
1305ERP EHP76.0OIU_SB_SPEWC_T171Special owner entitlements at WC levelBalancing
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue :: Check Input
1306ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_CDEXD241CDEX DetailCheck Input
1307ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_CDEXH211CDEX HeaderCheck Input
1308ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_CDEX_PRDX41CDEX Product XrefCheck Input
1309ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_CDEX_REMX61CDEX Remitter XrefCheck Input
1310ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_DETAIL401Incoming Check's Detail Line informationCheck Input
1311ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_DOCS111Incoming Checks - Generated/Booked DocumentsCheck Input
1312ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_DOC_CIREJ101Contains VL/RD rejects to be reported to Check InputCheck Input
1313ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_FIELDATTR161Check fields attributesCheck Input
1314ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_HEADER271Incoming Check Header informationCheck Input
1315ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_JE1841Incoming Check Journalized. Temporary holdCheck Input
1316ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_MESG131Contains warning, error message pertaining to a Line item(s)Check Input
1317ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_NOTES61Notes for Suspended Line item of Incoming CheckCheck Input
1318ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_PDX317Purchaser DOI Cross ReferenceCheck Input
1319ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_PDXLOCK111Incoming Check Usage of Property/DOI xref master dataCheck Input
1320ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_PTLOCK81Incoming Check Usage of Property/Product translation dataCheck Input
1321ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_RULESLOCK71Incoming Check Usage of Process RulesCheck Input
1322ERP EHP76.0OIUCI_SPC_DIST121Purchaser DOI Cross ReferenceCheck Input
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue :: Check Write
1323ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_BANK101Bank DetailsCheck Write
1324ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_BA_WH_EXMP91Business Associates exempt from State WithholdingCheck Write
1325ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_CHECKLOT61Check Lot Details for PaymentsCheck Write
1326ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_EN_WH_EXMP51Entity level Exemption for State WithholdingCheck Write
1327ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_EXTD271Extended Details from Payment RunCheck Write
1328ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_LOTCONTROL41Check Lot Control MasterCheck Write
1329ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_LOTDESC41Check Lot Control - DescriptionCheck Write
1330ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_NRIT_WH41States with Withholding requirementCheck Write
1331ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_OWNER_SEQ81Owner/Sequence List for Payment RunsCheck Write
1332ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_PAYMENT1411Payment Details from Payment RunCheck Write
1333ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_PROP_DOI51Property/DOI List for Payment RunCheck Write
1334ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_REJECTS71Payments Not Made in the RunCheck Write
1335ERP EHP76.0OIUCW_RUN_PARMS171User Input Parameters for the Payment RunCheck Write
1336ERP EHP76.0OIU_CW_SUM_PAY1331Summarized Payable Table for Check WriteCheck Write
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue :: Contractual Allocation
1337ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_CTMP82PRA: Transporter Contract Measurement Point XRefContractual Allocation
1338ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_CTWC91PRA: Transporter Contract Well Completion XRefContractual Allocation
1339ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_ENT_VT61CA Allocation Entitlement Volume TypesContractual Allocation
1340ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_MATSUM31Material Summary for Gas Plant Component AllocationContractual Allocation
1341ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_OSP161Termination Point Component Options for Selective Process.Contractual Allocation
1342ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_PRPD71Stores the percent returned to lease detail dataContractual Allocation
1343ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_PRPH101Stores the Percent Returned to Producer Header DataContractual Allocation
1344ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_PSP161Plant Component Options for Selective ProcessingContractual Allocation
1345ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SPFCM31SPF NGL Component Allocation BasisContractual Allocation
1346ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SPF_CME31SPF Wet Gas EquivalentContractual Allocation
1347ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSCP61Sliding scale component data for each level maintainedContractual Allocation
1348ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSDIM61Possible dimensions for sliding scale methodsContractual Allocation
1349ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSDIMMAT31Sliding Scale Methods - Dimension / MaterialsContractual Allocation
1350ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSDIM_TX41Texts for sliding scale dimensionsContractual Allocation
1351ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSMETH21Sliding scale method codesContractual Allocation
1352ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSMETH_LVL41Sliding scale method code and associated dimensionsContractual Allocation
1353ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSMETH_TX41Texts for sliding scale method codeContractual Allocation
1354ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSPD82Sliding Scale DetailContractual Allocation
1355ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSPH61Sliding Scale Percent HeaderContractual Allocation
1356ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_SSPM71Sliding scale pct material data for each level maintainedContractual Allocation
1357ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_TIKPC71Network Take-In-Kind Percent by MaterialContractual Allocation
1358ERP EHP76.0OIUCA_TIKPC_T71Network Take-In-Kind Percent by Material Temp TableContractual Allocation
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue :: Ownership
1359ERP EHP76.0OIUOW01_SCHA_F21Schedule 'A' reporting fieldsOwnership
1360ERP EHP76.0OIUOW01_SCHA_F_T31Schedule 'A' reporting fields descr.Ownership
1361ERP EHP76.0OIUOW01_SCHA_R21Schedule 'A' reportsOwnership
1362ERP EHP76.0OIUOW01_SCHA_VAL31Schedule 'A' report valuesOwnership
1363ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DLD151DOI Legal Description TableOwnership
1364ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DOACC141DOI Owner Override Account CodesOwnership
1365ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DOACC_WK141DOI Owner Override Account Codes WorktableOwnership
1366ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DOC_TYPE51Ownership Request Document TypesOwnership
1367ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DOC_TYPE_T41Document Type TextsOwnership
1368ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DODO_WK81Owner Print Information WorktableOwnership
1369ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DOEX_WK61Owner State Tax Exemption WorktableOwnership
1370ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DOH_WK352Ownership History WorkableOwnership
1371ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DORH381DO Owner Request HistoryOwnership
1372ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DTCH291DOI Transfer Change HeaderOwnership
1373ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DTCS111DOI Transfer Change SelectOwnership
1374ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_DTD361DOI Transfer Change DetailOwnership
1375ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_ESTDT121Escheated Transfer DateOwnership
1376ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_ESTDT_WK121Escheated Transfer Date WorktableOwnership
1377ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_INTOD101Interface Owner DetailOwnership
1378ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_INTOD_WK101Interface Owner Detail WorktableOwnership
1379ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_INTOH201Interface Owner HeaderOwnership
1380ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_INTOH_WK201Interface Owner Header WorktableOwnership
1381ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_LGL_FLD61Legal Description FieldsOwnership
1382ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_LGL_FLD_TX61Legal Description Fields TextOwnership
1383ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_LGL_TYP41Legal Description TypesOwnership
1384ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_LGL_TYP_TX61Legal Description Types TextOwnership
1385ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_LTYP_FLXRF101Legal Description Type Field XrefOwnership
1386ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_MKEX_WK101Marketing Cost Exemption WorktableOwnership
1387ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_ORP_TWB151ORP test workbench comparison historyOwnership
1388ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_OSS71Owner Sliding ScaleOwnership
1389ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_OSS_WK71Owner Sliding Scale WorktableOwnership
1390ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_POW81Owners on Pending RequestsOwnership
1391ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_PP121Ownership Production PaymentOwnership
1392ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_PUC_WK122Property Unit Use Control - work tableOwnership
1393ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_RETDT121Royalty Escrow Transfer DateOwnership
1394ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_RETDT_WK121Royalty Escrow Transfer DateOwnership
1395ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_RQST_DFLTS91Ownership request processing defaultsOwnership
1396ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_RTCH261RD DOI Transfer Change HeaderOwnership
1397ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_RTCH_WK261RD DOI Transfer Change Header WorktableOwnership
1398ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_RTD252RD DOI Transferee DetailOwnership
1399ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_RTD_WK252RD DOI Transferee Detail WorktableOwnership
1400ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_SSH91Sliding Scale HeaderOwnership
1401ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_SSH_WK92Sliding Scale Header WorktableOwnership
1402ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_TRSFER21Ownership Transfer Codes TBLRV013Ownership
1403ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_TRSFER_TX41Ownership Transfer Codes TBLRV013Ownership
1404ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_TR_WK111Tract Information - work tableOwnership
1405ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_UNIT_JV71Unit Venture InformationOwnership
1406ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_UNIT_JV_WK71Unit Venture Information Work tableOwnership
1407ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_VLD141Venture Legal DescriptionOwnership
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue :: Product Control
1408ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_AVGDMP52Stores the measurement point capacity pointsProduct Control
1409ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_AVGDWC62Stores the well completion capacity pointsProduct Control
1410ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_AVGHMP52Measurement point availability pointsProduct Control
1411ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_AVGHWC62Stores the well completion availability pointsProduct Control
1412ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_AVGRP71Availability Group HeaderProduct Control
1413ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_SPADJ101Sales Point AdjustmentsProduct Control
1414ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_SPCHG51Sales Point Adjustment ChangesProduct Control
1415ERP EHP76.0OIUPC_SPHST71Sales Point Adjustment HistoryProduct Control
Industry Specific :: Industry Solution Oil :: Production and Revenue Accounting :: Revenue :: Valuation
1416ERP EHP76.0OIUOW_LGL_FLD_AT271Legal Description Field AttributesValuation
1417ERP EHP76.0OIURV_CRH_HST1232Combined Run Header HistoryValuation
1418ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_BCN81Revenue Document Concept - Batch Control NumberValuation
1419ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_COT271VL Document Chain Of TitleValuation
1420ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_CRAD161Oil and Gas appl tableValuation
1421ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_CRH371Oil and Gas appl tableValuation
1422ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_CRMKT111Oil and Gas appl tableValuation
1423ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_CROD261Oil and Gas appl tableValuation
1424ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_CRTAX151Oil and Gas appl tableValuation
1425ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_DTL_BK412Valuation Transactions Level 1 - VltxnsValuation
1426ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_DTL_RV212Valuation Reversal NotificatonValuation
1427ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_DTL_ZE391Valuation Transactions Level 1 - Zero VolumeValuation
1428ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_FRMHDR391Valuation Transaction Level 3 - FormulaValuation
1429ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_FRMLAU151Valuation Formula Alternate UseValuation
1430ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_FRMMKT201Valuation Transactions Level 3 - Marketing DetailValuation
1431ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_FRMTAX161Valuation Transactions Level 3 - Formula Tax DetailValuation
1432ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_HDR192Valuation Document HeaderValuation
1433ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_JEINTF2281Revenue Document Concept - JEINTF temp tableValuation
1434ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_MMSPOP161Dual Accounting MMS/POPValuation
1435ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_OOBJE271Out Of Balance JEsValuation
1436ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_RDSUM3611RD summary(VL interface records to RD)Valuation
1437ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_RUNTKT211Valuation Transaction - Run TicketValuation
1438ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_TAXDTL381Valuation Tax Master DetailValuation
1439ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_TAXEMP121Valuation Tax Exempt DetailValuation
1440ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_TAXHDR121Valuation Tax HeaderValuation
1441ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_TAXMKT131Valuation Tax Marketing DetailValuation
1442ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_VOLDTL1171Valuation Transaction Level 2 -VolumeValuation
1443ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DOC_VOLUNT431Valuation Document Concept - Volume UnitValuation
1444ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DO_DPSEVT101DOI Accounting Severance Tax Types TableValuation
1445ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DUAL_COMP181Dual Accounting CompareValuation
1446ERP EHP76.0OIURV_DUAL_JEBR251Dual Accounting JE Backout / RebookValuation
1447ERP EHP76.0OIURV_GASSTMTH121Gas Statement HeaderValuation
1448ERP EHP76.0OIURV_PROC_LIMIT51Allowed concurrent and free dialog processes for VL/RDValuation
1449ERP EHP76.0OIURV_SSTD321Settlement statement detailValuation
1450ERP EHP76.0OIURV_SSTD_MKT101Settlement statement detailValuation
1451ERP EHP76.0OIURV_SSTD_TAX101Settlement statement detailValuation
1452ERP EHP76.0OIURV_STS221Severance tax statisticsValuation
1453ERP EHP76.0OIURV_STS_EMP71Severance Tax Statistics - ExemptValuation
1454ERP EHP76.0OIURV_STS_MKT61Severance Tax Statistics - MarketingValuation
1455ERP EHP76.0OIURV_TAXCONFD121State tax configuration detailValuation
1456ERP EHP76.0OIURV_TAXCONFH111State tax configuration headerValuation
1457ERP EHP76.0OIURV_TCD221Tax calculation dataValuation
1458ERP EHP76.0OIURV_TCD_EMP71Tax calculation dataValuation
1459ERP EHP76.0OIURV_TCD_MKT71Tax calculation dataValuation
1460ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_CM_STAT161PRA statement configurationValuation
1461ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_CUR_SEL51Valuation currect selectionValuation
1462ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_DD_FUPRO31Master DD listValuation
1463ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_DD_MASTER111Master DD listValuation
1464ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_DMCD51Venture/DOI marketing cost detailValuation
1465ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_GASDTL_CUR331Gas statement DetailValuation
1466ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_GASDTL_HST331Gas statement DetailValuation
1467ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_GASRPTD251Gas statement report detailValuation
1468ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_GASRPTH201Gas statement report headerValuation
1469ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_GASTAX_CUR111Gas Statement Tax MarketingValuation
1470ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_GASTAX_HST111Gas Statement Tax MarketingValuation
1471ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_GSP111Gas Statement ProfileValuation
1472ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_MTAD81Marketing Cost Tax Exemption - DetailValuation
1473ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_MTAH151Marketing Cost Tax Exemption - HeaderValuation
1474ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OILRPTD181Oil statement report detailValuation
1475ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OILRPTH161Oil statement report headerValuation
1476ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OILSTMTH121Oil Statement HeaderValuation
1477ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OILTAX_CUR91Oil Run Statement Tax MarketingValuation
1478ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OILTAX_HST91Oil Run Statement Tax MarketingValuation
1479ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OILTKT_CUR291Oil Ticket DetailValuation
1480ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OILTKT_HST291Oil Ticket CurrentValuation
1481ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_OSP111Oil Statement ProfileValuation
1482ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_PLTD61Weighted average plant reimbursement headerValuation
1483ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_PLTR71Weighted average plant reimbursement headerValuation
1484ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_PPN_REJSEL81PPN - Reject SelectionValuation
1485ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_RPAD81Royalty Processing Allowance DetailValuation
1486ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_RPAH91Royalty Processing Allowance HeaderValuation
1487ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_RPT91Valuation reporting headerValuation
1488ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_RPTD121Valuation report detailValuation
1489ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_SCAUDIT831Settlement statement batchValuation
1490ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_SCREJ81screjValuation
1491ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_SEV412Severance taxValuation
1492ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_SEVCI101Severance tax check inputValuation
1493ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_SEVMP122Severance tax measurement pointValuation
1494ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_SEVWC132Severance tax well completionValuation
1495ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_SSTH181Settlement statement headerValuation
1496ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_STIKO71Severance tax take in kindValuation
1497ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_STS621Severance tax statisticsValuation
1498ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_STTR211State Tax RatesValuation
1499ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TCJV131Tax Class - Venture DOI'sValuation
1500ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TCMP111Tax Class Measurement PointsValuation
1501ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TCWC121Tax Class - Well CompletionValuation
1502ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TPAD71Tax Processing Allowance DetailValuation
1503ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TPAH101Tax Processing AllowanceValuation
1504ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TTRD91Tax Tier Rate - DataValuation
1505ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TTRPD101Tax Tier Rate by Project - DataValuation
1506ERP EHP76.0OIUVL_TTVLTY51Tier tax volume typeValuation
1507ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MKT51Marketing types tableValuation
1508ERP EHP76.0OIU_CM_MKT_TX61Marketing type description tableValuation
1509ERP EHP76.0OIU_RV_MKTRAN71Transaction Code Cross Reference With MarketingType CodeValuation