SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OINM101Whse Journal
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data

2344 tablesERP 6.0 

Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities
1ERP EHP76.0EABLC781Temporary Meter Reading Document in AMI EnvironmentSAP Utilities
2ERP EHP76.0EABLGC81Temporary MR Reason of MR Document in AMI EnvironmentSAP Utilities
3ERP EHP76.0EADZ_QD91Quantity Determination ProcedureSAP Utilities
4ERP EHP76.0EAMI_DEVICE_STAT91AMI: Device StatusSAP Utilities
5ERP EHP76.0ECONCARD81Business Partner: Concession CardSAP Utilities
6ERP EHP76.0ECONCARDH61Business Partner - Concession Card: Time SliceSAP Utilities
7ERP EHP76.0ECONCPOST153Posting Details for ConcessionSAP Utilities
8ERP EHP76.0ECUST_DOC_IN111Store the reference of the documents provided by customerSAP Utilities
9ERP EHP76.0ECUST_DOC_TYP51Documents assigned to document categorySAP Utilities
10ERP EHP76.0ECUST_DOC_TYPTXT71Documents assigned to document categorySAP Utilities
11ERP EHP76.0ECUST_DOC_TYP_IN71Documents assigned to document categorySAP Utilities
12ERP EHP76.0ECUST_TYP_IN51Maintain documents based on customer typeSAP Utilities
13ERP EHP76.0ECUST_TYP_INTXT71Maintain Documents based on Customer typeSAP Utilities
14ERP EHP76.0EDOC_CATE_IN21Document category for NSCSAP Utilities
15ERP EHP76.0EDOC_CATE_INTXT41Text table for Document CategorySAP Utilities
16ERP EHP76.0EDOC_ID_IN21List of DocumentsSAP Utilities
17ERP EHP76.0EDOC_ID_INTXT41List of DocumentsSAP Utilities
18ERP EHP76.0EEXTSYNPROF62Conversion of External Synthetic Profile ID and ProfileSAP Utilities
19ERP EHP76.0EEXTSYNPROFT61Conversion of Ext. Synth. Prof. Description and Prof. (Txt)SAP Utilities
20ERP EHP76.0EFRANCHDATA_IN111India: Master data for FranchiseeSAP Utilities
21ERP EHP76.0EFRANCH_GRID_IN101Assign Franchisee to Grid for IndiaSAP Utilities
22ERP EHP76.0EIUBILLDOCS_PR81Profile used for the ISUBILLAG roleSAP Utilities
24ERP EHP76.0EIUPRINTDOCS_PR101Profile for Billing & ConsumptionSAP Utilities
25ERP EHP76.0EIUPRINTDOCS_T41Profile DescriptionSAP Utilities
26ERP EHP76.0ELPASS152Allocation of Load Profiles to any BOR ObjectsSAP Utilities
27ERP EHP76.0ELPPERMIS51Permissibility of Allocation of Load Profiles to BOR ObjectsSAP Utilities
28ERP EHP76.0ELPROF31Load Profile Header DataSAP Utilities
29ERP EHP76.0ELPROFT41Load Profile (Text)SAP Utilities
30ERP EHP76.0EMA_ENQ61Global Lock for Mass Activity for Mass RunSAP Utilities
31ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_WUI_CCAT21BPEM: Case Category Web UI CustomizingSAP Utilities
32ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_WUI_OBJ61BPEM: Objects for NavigationSAP Utilities
33ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_WUI_PROC141BPEM: Web UI Process CustomizingSAP Utilities
34ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_WUI_REP61BPEM: Navigation RepositorySAP Utilities
35ERP EHP76.0EMMAC_WUI_REPT41BPEM: Text Table for Navigation RepositorySAP Utilities
36ERP EHP76.0EPROFIL_SETL_PAR51Parameter for Settlement UnitsSAP Utilities
37ERP EHP76.0EPROF_DELV_IN141India : Proof of delivery for Bill DistributionSAP Utilities
38ERP EHP76.0EQDPROCERR51Define Incorrect Installations According to QD IndicatorSAP Utilities
39ERP EHP76.0EQDTRIGGER51Quantity Determination TriggerSAP Utilities
40ERP EHP76.0ESECODELIST61ISU Specific CodelistsSAP Utilities
41ERP EHP76.0ESECODELISTVAL42Codes of ISU Specific Codelists valuesSAP Utilities
42ERP EHP76.0ESECODELISTVALT51Text table: Codes and names of ISU Specific CodelistsSAP Utilities
43ERP EHP76.0ESMON_MARUNIDHDR161Monitoring Mass Run: Buffer for Header DataSAP Utilities
44ERP EHP76.0ESMON_MARUNIDINT231Monitoring Mass Run: Buffer for IntervalsSAP Utilities
45ERP EHP76.0ESMON_MARUNIDMSG101Monitoring Mass Run: Buffer for Messages (INDX)SAP Utilities
46ERP EHP76.0ESMON_MASS_ACT21Monitoring Mass Run: Supported Mass Activity Types =ObsoleteSAP Utilities
47ERP EHP76.0ESMON_MASS_ACT_A31Monitoring Mass Run: Activated Mass Activity TypesSAP Utilities
48ERP EHP76.0ESMON_MSGBO41Monitoring Mass Run: Business Objects in MessagesSAP Utilities
49ERP EHP76.0EUFASS151Allocation of Usage Factor to any BOR ObjectsSAP Utilities
50ERP EHP76.0EUFASS_HIST102Table of Usage Factor Applied to a Load Profile (History)SAP Utilities
51ERP EHP76.0EUTIL_CNT_CHK_IN31Country Check for IS-U India Ehp6 FunctionalitySAP Utilities
52ERP EHP76.0EVER_AUDIT31IS-U Audit Flags for ContractsSAP Utilities
53ERP EHP76.0ISUC_BOL_IMPL31Utilities BOL-Implementation ClassesSAP Utilities
54ERP EHP76.0ISUC_IL_OBJMET61Generic Interaction Layer: Object MethodsSAP Utilities
55ERP EHP76.0ISUC_IL_OBJPRO271Generic Interaction Layer: Object PropertiesSAP Utilities
56ERP EHP76.0ISUC_IL_RELDET141Generic Interaction Layer: Object RelationsSAP Utilities
57ERP EHP76.0ISU_BOBR_FAV62IS-U BOL Browser favoritesSAP Utilities
58ERP EHP76.0ISU_BOBR_FAVR61IS-U BOL Browser favorite relationsSAP Utilities
59ERP EHP76.0ISU_BOLTREE_HIER201Utilities BOL Tree: Define Tree HierarchySAP Utilities
60ERP EHP76.0ISU_BOLTREE_HIET51Utilities BOL Tree: Define Tree Hierarchy DescriptionSAP Utilities
61ERP EHP76.0ISU_BOLTREE_OCA71Utilities BOL Tree: One Click ActionsSAP Utilities
62ERP EHP76.0ISU_BOLTREE_OCAT71Utilities BOL Tree: One Click Actions (Texts)SAP Utilities
63ERP EHP76.0ISU_BOLTREE_PCOL51Utilities BOL Tree: Column DefinitionSAP Utilities
64ERP EHP76.0ISU_BOLTREE_PCOT51Utilities BOL Tree: Column TitlesSAP Utilities
65ERP EHP76.0ISU_BOLTREE_PRCO111Utilities BOL Tree: Column PresentationSAP Utilities
66ERP EHP76.0ISU_BOLTREE_PRES31Utilities BOL Tree: Tree Node PresentationSAP Utilities
67ERP EHP76.0ISU_BOLTREE_PRET41Utilities BOL Tree: Tree Node Presentation DescriptionSAP Utilities
68ERP EHP76.0ISU_BOLTREE_PROF61Utilities BOL Tree: Maintain ProfilesSAP Utilities
69ERP EHP76.0ISU_BOLTREE_PROT41Utilities BOL Tree: Profile TextsSAP Utilities
70ERP EHP76.0ISU_BOL_IMPL21Utilities BOL-Implementation ClassesSAP Utilities
71ERP EHP76.0ISU_CONTR_SERV21IS-U Audit: default contract statusSAP Utilities
72ERP EHP76.0ISU_IL_OBJMETH71IS-U: Object Methods in Generic Interaction LayerSAP Utilities
73ERP EHP76.0ISU_IL_OBJPROP281IS-U:Characteristics of Objects in Generic Interaction LayerSAP Utilities
74ERP EHP76.0ISU_IL_RELDET151IS-U: Relations in Generic Interaction LayerSAP Utilities
75ERP EHP76.0ISU_WUI_DOC_FLTR151Document filter criteria for userSAP Utilities
76ERP EHP76.0SASE_IN31Last Numerical Serial Number for Seal codeSAP Utilities
77ERP EHP76.0SCODET_IN41Description of seal codeSAP Utilities
78ERP EHP76.0SCODE_IN131Seal codeSAP Utilities
79ERP EHP76.0SEAL_CNCHK_IN31Check for Seal Management IndiaSAP Utilities
80ERP EHP76.0SEAL_IN223SealSAP Utilities
81ERP EHP76.0SSECLT_IN41Description of seal security levelSAP Utilities
82ERP EHP76.0SSECL_IN21Table for seal security levelSAP Utilities
83ERP EHP76.0STREASONT_IN41Description of reason for change of status of sealSAP Utilities
84ERP EHP76.0STREASON_IN51Reason code for status change for sealSAP Utilities
85ERP EHP76.0TAMLAYC31Default Layouts for TabsSAP Utilities
86ERP EHP76.0TE00031System Parameters for IS-USAP Utilities
87ERP EHP76.0TE014_COMP_IND151Components for LPC, PPI, InterestSAP Utilities
88ERP EHP76.0TE014_EXEM_IND71LPC ExemptionsSAP Utilities
89ERP EHP76.0TE014_TOL_IND81LPC/PPI limitsSAP Utilities
90ERP EHP76.0TE55021Activate/Deactivate ConcessionSAP Utilities
91ERP EHP76.0TE872_BASE_IND91Security Deposit Revision : Base No. of Months & Tol. AmtSAP Utilities
92ERP EHP76.0TE872_COMP_IND71Security Deposit Revisions : Relevant Billing ComponentsSAP Utilities
93ERP EHP76.0TE872_SDCTRL_IND51Activate Security Deposit Revision CalculationsSAP Utilities
94ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_AMCG51Advanced Meter Capability Group (AMCG)SAP Utilities
95ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_AMCGCAP31Capabilities of Advanced Meter of a Capability GroupSAP Utilities
96ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_AMCGCAPGR21Capability Group of Advanced MeterSAP Utilities
97ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_AMCGCAPGRT41Text Table f. Capability Group of Advanced MeterSAP Utilities
98ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_AMCGDGRP21Determination Group of Advanced Meter Capability GroupSAP Utilities
99ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_AMCGDGRPT41Text Table for AMCG Determination GroupSAP Utilities
100ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_AMS51Advanced Metering SystemSAP Utilities
101ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_AMSCAP31Capabilities of Advanced Metering SystemSAP Utilities
102ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_AMSCAPGRP21Capability Group of Advanced Metering SystemSAP Utilities
103ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_AMSCAPGRPT41Capability Group of Advanced Metering System (Text)SAP Utilities
104ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_AMSDGRP21Advanced Metering System Determination GroupSAP Utilities
105ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_AMSDGRPT41Text Table for Advanced Metering System Determination GroupSAP Utilities
106ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_AMST51Text Table for Advanced Metering SystemSAP Utilities
107ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_CAPA41AMI CapabilitiesSAP Utilities
108ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_CAPAT41AMI Capabilities (Text)SAP Utilities
109ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_DGRPAMS41Advanced Metering System of a Determination GroupSAP Utilities
110ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_DUNN_MTMPL41Assignment of AMI message templates to dunning activitySAP Utilities
111ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_LOG_DATA254Log for Service Communication in AMI EnvironmentSAP Utilities
112ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_LOG_MONSEL31Settings for Additional AMI-MONITORING SelectionsSAP Utilities
113ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_LOG_MSG71Messages for AMI Communication (TEAMI_LOG_DATA)SAP Utilities
114ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MDUS21Meter Data Unification & SynchronizationSAP Utilities
115ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MDUST41Meter Data Unification & Synchronization (Text)SAP Utilities
116ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG193MessagesSAP Utilities
117ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_ATTR61Message AttributeSAP Utilities
118ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_ATTRT51Message Attribute(Text)SAP Utilities
119ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_CAT21Message CategorySAP Utilities
120ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_CATT41Message Category(Text)SAP Utilities
121ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_DGRP21Message Attribute Determination GroupSAP Utilities
122ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_DGRPT41Message Attribute Determination Group(Text)SAP Utilities
123ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_PARA21Parameters for Message TemplateSAP Utilities
124ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_PARAT41Parameters for Message Template(Text)SAP Utilities
125ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_SRC21Message SourceSAP Utilities
126ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_SRCT41Message Source(Text)SAP Utilities
127ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_TEMPLA51Message TemplateSAP Utilities
128ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_TEMPLS41Message TemplateSAP Utilities
129ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_TEMPLT41Message TemplateSAP Utilities
130ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_TYPE21Message TypeSAP Utilities
131ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_TYPET41Message Type(Text)SAP Utilities
132ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_MSG_VALID31Validity for MessagesSAP Utilities
133ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_OBJ_TYPE21Message Object TypeSAP Utilities
134ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_OBJ_TYPET41Message Object Type(Text)SAP Utilities
135ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_OPSTATE111Operational State of Advanced MeterSAP Utilities
136ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_OPSTATET61Operational State of Advanced Meter (Text)SAP Utilities
137ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_OPSTATE_PR31Priority of Operational State Request of Advanced MeterSAP Utilities
138ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_OPSTATE_RQ92Table for Operational State RequestSAP Utilities
139ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_STAT_CODE21Status IDSAP Utilities
140ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_STAT_CODET41Status ID (Text)SAP Utilities
141ERP EHP76.0TECONCARDTYP21Type of Concession CardSAP Utilities
142ERP EHP76.0TECONCARDTYPT41Concession Card Type (Text)SAP Utilities
143ERP EHP76.0TECONDEREG41Concession DeregulationSAP Utilities
144ERP EHP76.0TECONISSUER21Issuer of Concession CardSAP Utilities
145ERP EHP76.0TECONISSUERT41Issuer of Concession Card (Text)SAP Utilities
146ERP EHP76.0TECONTYP151Concession TypeSAP Utilities
147ERP EHP76.0TECONTYPT41Concession Type (Text)SAP Utilities
148ERP EHP76.0TEQD_PROC51Quantity Determination ProcedureSAP Utilities
149ERP EHP76.0TESPT31Alloc. of Div. Cat. to Div.SAP Utilities
150ERP EHP76.0TETTFGRPGBOX41IS-U: Alloc. of Field Group (Tab) to Group Box (Tab Strip)SAP Utilities
151ERP EHP76.0TETTOBJGBOX31IS-U Tabl Config.: Allocation of Objects to Tab StripsSAP Utilities
152ERP EHP76.0TEWASERVICEBILL41Billing-Relevant Fields of Service FrequencySAP Utilities
153ERP EHP76.0TFK056_EXM_IND71Interest ExemptionsSAP Utilities
154ERP EHP76.0TFK056_SD_IND71SD IkeySAP Utilities
155ERP EHP76.0TFK056_SLB_IND61Interest SlabsSAP Utilities
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
156ERP EHP76.0EARJ_1A101191ARGENTINA: Legal rep.historical data for the daily reportsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
157ERP EHP76.0EBRCFOPCATEG41Determination of CFOP Category for UtilitiesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
158ERP EHP76.0EBRCFOPMATCATEG41Determination of CFOP Material CAtegory for UtilitiesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
159ERP EHP76.0EBRLIVICMS71Registro de Apuração do ICMS: List control additional acctContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
160ERP EHP76.0EK9A62Creditworthiness HistoryContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
161ERP EHP76.0EKLPCI131History of Charges for Installment Plan Items (LPC in USA)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
162ERP EHP76.0TE011BR71Quantity dependent Tax determination (Brazil)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
163ERP EHP76.0TE01251Tax Changes in External SystemContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
164ERP EHP76.0TE01661Characterization for Alternate PayeeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
165ERP EHP76.0TE045EF71IS-U Returns Correspondence FormContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
166ERP EHP76.0TE05271Terms of PaymentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
167ERP EHP76.0TE052T41Terms of PaymentContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
168ERP EHP76.0TE097A21Account Determ. IDsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
169ERP EHP76.0TE097AT41Account Determ. IDs - TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
170ERP EHP76.0TE305172Transactions for Company Code and DivisionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
171ERP EHP76.0TE305T91Transactions for Company Code and Division (Texts)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
172ERP EHP76.0TE503_TAX_BR51Steuerung Brasilianische Steuerermittlung in der Fakt.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
173ERP EHP76.0TE503_TXGROUP_BR31Brasilianische Steuerermittlung in Fakt.: SteuergruppierungContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
174ERP EHP76.0TE51021Settlement: Settlement Categories (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
175ERP EHP76.0TE510T41Settlement: Settlement Categories (Texts) (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
176ERP EHP76.0TE51141Settlement: Settlement Types, (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
177ERP EHP76.0TE511T41Settlement: Settlement Types (Texts) (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
178ERP EHP76.0TE51351Settlement: Allocate Settlement Variants (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
179ERP EHP76.0TE513P71Settlement: Specifications for Payment Usage (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
180ERP EHP76.0TE513PS61Settlmnt.: Amt./Sort Specs. for Incoming Payments (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
181ERP EHP76.0TE51481Invoicing: Item Selection for Account MaintenanceContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
182ERP EHP76.0TE515421Settlement: Settlement Step (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
183ERP EHP76.0TE515K21Settlement: Settlement Variant (Check Table) (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
184ERP EHP76.0TE515KT41Settlement: Settlement Variant (Texts) (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
185ERP EHP76.0TE515T51Settlement: Settlement Step (Texts) (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
186ERP EHP76.0TE51641Settlement: Grouping/Sorting Characteristics (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
187ERP EHP76.0TE516T41Settlement: Group./Sort. Characteristics (Texts) (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
188ERP EHP76.0TE51871Settlement: Group. and Rank. Order of Characteristics (Obs.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
189ERP EHP76.0TE518G71Settlement: Alt. Grouping Characteristic Values (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
190ERP EHP76.0TE518S61Settlement: Group. and Rank. Order of Characteristics (Obs.)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
191ERP EHP76.0TE519K31Settlement: Amount Check Group (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
192ERP EHP76.0TE519KT51Settlement: Amount Check Group (Texts) (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
193ERP EHP76.0TE76061CO-PA Characteristic Derivation from IS-U ObjectsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
194ERP EHP76.0TE76141Control CO-PA Posting by Consumption MonthsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
195ERP EHP76.0TE761_COKEY41Control CO-PA Posting Acc. to Consumption Months per COKEYContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
196ERP EHP76.0TE76261Unbilled Revenue Reporting: CO-PA Characteristic DerivationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
197ERP EHP76.0TEARGIPER71ARGENTINA: Revenue tax municipal rateContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
198ERP EHP76.0TEARGROUP21ARGENTINA: Legal report groupContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
199ERP EHP76.0TEARGROUPT41ARGENTINA: Legal report group descriptionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
200ERP EHP76.0TEARMACOF81ARGENTINA: Revenue tax municipal distribution coefficientContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
201ERP EHP76.0TEARREPCONTRT71ARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax control tableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
202ERP EHP76.0TEARREPCONTST71ARGENTINA: Legal report sales tax control tableContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
203ERP EHP76.0TEARREPTAXID21ARGENTINA: Legal report relevant TAXID per reportContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
204ERP EHP76.0TEARREVTAX_M71ARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax attributes at municipeContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
205ERP EHP76.0TEARREVTAX_P61ARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax attributes at provinceContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
206ERP EHP76.0TEARSALESTAX61ARGENTINA: Legal report sales tax parametersContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
207ERP EHP76.0TEARSORT21ARGENTINA: Legal report sorting for output and subtotalsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
208ERP EHP76.0TEARSORTDEF41ARGENTINA: Legal report sorting for output and subt. def.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
209ERP EHP76.0TEARSORTT41ARGENTINA: Legal report sorting for output and subt. desc.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
210ERP EHP76.0TEARTAXID51ARGENTINA: Legal report variant assignment to TAXIDContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
211ERP EHP76.0TEARTAXID141ARGENTINA: Legal report variant assignment to STRKZ_EEContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
212ERP EHP76.0TEARVARI21ARGENTINA: Legal report selection variantContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
213ERP EHP76.0TEARVARIDEF51ARGENTINA: Legal report selection variant definitionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
214ERP EHP76.0TEARVARIT41ARGENTINA: Legal report selection variant descriptionContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
215ERP EHP76.0TEBPV51Table for Tape Formats NO LONGER USED!!! WILL BE DELETED!!!Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
216ERP EHP76.0TECOD141IS-U: CO account assignment key / allocationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
217ERP EHP76.0TECOK21CO account assignment key IS-U contractContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
218ERP EHP76.0TECOKT41IS-U: CO account assignment key (name)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
219ERP EHP76.0TEEXTDOCASSIGNBR51Time dependend Nota Fiscal configurationContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
220ERP EHP76.0TEEXTDOCBR51Issuing branch (Nota Fiscal)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
221ERP EHP76.0TEIHVOR11IS-U Internal Transactions (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
222ERP EHP76.0TEIHVORT31IS-U Internal Transactions (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
223ERP EHP76.0TEIISVOR81Assignment of Internal Transactions to Collective Bill TransContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
224ERP EHP76.0TEIIVOR31Internal Transactions for Collective BillsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
225ERP EHP76.0TEIIVORT51Internal Transactions for Collective BillsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
226ERP EHP76.0TEISVOR31Internal Collective Bill TransactionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
227ERP EHP76.0TEISVORT51Collective Bill TransactionsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
228ERP EHP76.0TEITVOR51Internal Subtransactions (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
229ERP EHP76.0TEITVORT41Text Tables: Internal Subtransactions (Obsolete)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
230ERP EHP76.0TEIVV61(DON'T FILL/RE AD!!!Alloc. of Intern. Transacts to Trans.Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
231ERP EHP76.0TEK060A141Loan CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
232ERP EHP76.0TEK060T41Installment Plan and Loan CategoriesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
233ERP EHP76.0TFK_MAP_KOFIZ_SD41Fld Value Alloc. of Tax Features for Acct Determination IDsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
234ERP EHP76.0TFK_MAP_ZAHLKOND31Fld Val. Alloc.: Pymt Terms (mySAP CRM) to Pymt Terms (R/3)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
235ERP EHP76.0TRM001I91Account Balance: List Types for BillsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
236ERP EHP76.0TRM001J41Text Table for TRM001I (List Types for Bills)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
237ERP EHP76.0TRM001S51Account Balance: Superior List TypesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
238ERP EHP76.0TRM001T41Text Table for TRM001S (Superior List Types)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
239ERP EHP76.0TRM02161Account Balance: Line-Layout Variant for Display Level 1Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
240ERP EHP76.0TRM021T51Text Table for TRM021 (Acc Ovw Line Variants Level 1)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
241ERP EHP76.0TRM021V41Line Layout Variants for Acc. Ovw: TextsContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
242ERP EHP76.0TRM02261Account Balance: Line Layout Variant for Display Level 2Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
243ERP EHP76.0TRM022T51Text Table for TRM022 (Acc. Ovw Line Variants Level 2)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Contract Billing
244ERP EHP76.0BASDYPERASS31Basic categories of dynamic period controlContract Billing
245ERP EHP76.0BELEVAL31Temporary Table for Billing DocumentsContract Billing
246ERP EHP76.0BREBI_BILLP_T00161Error Code TableContract Billing
247ERP EHP76.0BREBI_BILLP_T00241Paramters for Filter FunctionsContract Billing
248ERP EHP76.0BREBI_BILLP_T00391Error Log TableContract Billing
249ERP EHP76.0BREBI_BILLP_T00581Auto-Patch ConfigurationContract Billing
250ERP EHP76.0BREBI_BILMS_T00391Error Log Table only for Master InstallationContract Billing
251ERP EHP76.0DBERCHR181Discnt for Bill.Line ItemContract Billing
252ERP EHP76.0DBERCHT61Texts for billing documentsContract Billing
253ERP EHP76.0DBERCHU91Conversion Steps per Billing Line ItemContract Billing
254ERP EHP76.0DBERCHV341Consumption HistoryContract Billing
255ERP EHP76.0DBERCHZ1831Individual Line ItemsContract Billing
256ERP EHP76.0DBERCHZ11051Individual line itemsContract Billing
257ERP EHP76.0DBERCHZ2361Individual line items (device data)Contract Billing
258ERP EHP76.0DBERCHZ3381Individual line items (amount and price data)Contract Billing
259ERP EHP76.0DBERCHZ4541Individual line items (rarely used fields)Contract Billing
260ERP EHP76.0DBERCHZ51051Individual line items (unimportant rows)Contract Billing
261ERP EHP76.0DBERCHZ6361Document line items (device data, unimportant rows)Contract Billing
262ERP EHP76.0DBERCHZ7381Document line items (amount/price data, unimportant rows)Contract Billing
263ERP EHP76.0DBERCHZ8541Document line items (rarely used fields, unimportant)Contract Billing
264ERP EHP76.0EAPPOBJ91Application ObjectsContract Billing
265ERP EHP76.0EAPPOBJT51Text: Application ObjectsContract Billing
266ERP EHP76.0EAPPOBJTHIS91Application ObjectsContract Billing
267ERP EHP76.0EASIMASSRCAT51Associated Rate CategoriesContract Billing
268ERP EHP76.0EASIMASSRTYPE51Associated Rate TypesContract Billing
269ERP EHP76.0EASIMLINEGROUP31Group of Simulation LinesContract Billing
270ERP EHP76.0EASIMLINEGROUPT41Group of Simulation LinesContract Billing
271ERP EHP76.0EASIMLINEGRPTYPE31Document Line Items for Simulation GroupContract Billing
272ERP EHP76.0EASIMRATECAT51Alternative Rate Categories for SimulationContract Billing
273ERP EHP76.0EASIMRCATAPPL41Alternative Rate Categs- for Simulation for an ApplicationContract Billing
274ERP EHP76.0EASIMRCATRTYPE71Consumption Transfer for Alternative Rate Categories in Sim.Contract Billing
275ERP EHP76.0EASIMSCEN111Simulation ScenariosContract Billing
276ERP EHP76.0EASIMSCENASSSERV41Associated Service TypesContract Billing
277ERP EHP76.0EASIMSCENCAT101Category of Simulation ScenariosContract Billing
278ERP EHP76.0EASIMSCENCATT31Simulation Scenarios (Text)Contract Billing
279ERP EHP76.0EASIMSCENEXT21External Simulation ScenariosContract Billing
280ERP EHP76.0EASIMSCENEXTT41External Simulation Scenarios (Text)Contract Billing
281ERP EHP76.0EASIMSCENGROUP31Simulation Groups for Simulation ScenarioContract Billing
282ERP EHP76.0EASIMSCENT41Simulation Scenarios (Text)Contract Billing
283ERP EHP76.0EBASL81Operation Type for Lighting UnitContract Billing
284ERP EHP76.0EBFC0151IS-U EBF: General SettingsContract Billing
285ERP EHP76.0EBFC0221IS-U EBF: Correction MethodsContract Billing
286ERP EHP76.0EBFC02T41IS-U EBF: Correction Methods - TextContract Billing
287ERP EHP76.0EBFC0351IS-U EBF: Correction Steps for MethodContract Billing
288ERP EHP76.0EBFC0431IS-U EBF: Preselection of Document Lines for MethodContract Billing
289ERP EHP76.0EBICO_TEST31Test TWContract Billing
290ERP EHP76.0EBISIM42Temporary selection data for billing mass simulationContract Billing
291ERP EHP76.0EBURNH51Burning Hour Calendar for Lighting UnitContract Billing
292ERP EHP76.0EBURNHMT31Type of Burning Hour MaintenanceContract Billing
293ERP EHP76.0ECHCTRL21Consumption History Control TableContract Billing
294ERP EHP76.0ECHDISP141Consumption History Display FormatContract Billing
295ERP EHP76.0ECHDISPT51Consumption History Display Format TextContract Billing
296ERP EHP76.0ECHEVG91Consumption History Evaluation GroupContract Billing
297ERP EHP76.0ECHEVG_BPSEG141Evaluation group: usage history for GP segmentationContract Billing
298ERP EHP76.0ECHEVG_BPSEGT41Evaluation group: Usage history for GP segmentation (text)Contract Billing
299ERP EHP76.0EDLTYP41Line Item Types Used in a VariantContract Billing
300ERP EHP76.0EDSC172Disc.Header DataContract Billing
301ERP EHP76.0EDSCH102Discount Historical DataContract Billing
302ERP EHP76.0EDSCHINDEXA41Discount: Historical Data - Index A for F4 HelpContract Billing
303ERP EHP76.0EDSCT42Disct Header Data (Txts)Contract Billing
304ERP EHP76.0EITRELEASE51Trigger table for release of outsorted billing documentsContract Billing
305ERP EHP76.0EJBP31Customizing Standard / Japan Billing PeriodContract Billing
306ERP EHP76.0EJBPFUNC11JBP: Function Modules for Meter Reading ResultsContract Billing
307ERP EHP76.0EJBP_CHECK_IN31Register for JapanContract Billing
308ERP EHP76.0EJES_CHECK_IN31Register for Japanese Estimation FeaturesContract Billing
309ERP EHP76.0EKDI162Rate FactsContract Billing
310ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDARCH31Control Table for ArchivingContract Billing
311ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDEXDAYGDT51Text Table for Exception Days for Exception GroupContract Billing
312ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDEXDAYGRP21Exception Group for TOU InterfaceContract Billing
313ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDEXDAYGRPD31Exception Days in Exception Group for TOU InterfaceContract Billing
314ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDEXDAYGRPT41Text for Exception Group for TOU InterfaceContract Billing
315ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDFORMGRP21Table of TOU Formula GroupsContract Billing
316ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDFORMGRPT41Text Table for MDUS Formula GroupContract Billing
317ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDFORMHEAD111Table of MDUS FormulasContract Billing
318ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDFORMHEADT41Text Table for MDUS FormulasContract Billing
319ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDFORMIN91Input Parameters of a FormulaContract Billing
320ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDFORMINT51Text Table for MDUS Formula Input ParametersContract Billing
321ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDFORMOUT51Output Parameters of a FormulaContract Billing
322ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDFORMOUTT51Text Table for MDUS Formula Output ParametersContract Billing
323ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDIFACEHEAD151Time-of-Use InterfaceContract Billing
324ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDIFACEHEADT41Text Table for TOU InterfaceContract Billing
325ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDIFASSIN81Formula Allocation for Input ParametersContract Billing
326ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDIFASSOUT51Formula Allocation for Output ParametersContract Billing
327ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDIFDAYGRP131Day Group of TOU InterfaceContract Billing
328ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDIFDAYGRPT61Text for Day Group of TOU InterfaceContract Billing
329ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDIFEXDAY31Exception Days of TOU InterfaceContract Billing
330ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDIFEXDAYT51Text Table for Exception Days of TOU InterfaceContract Billing
331ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDIFRES91Result Parameters of TOU InterfaceContract Billing
332ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDIFREST51Text Table for Result Parameters of TOU InterfaceContract Billing
333ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDIFTIMETAB91TOU Formulas of TOU InterfaceContract Billing
334ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDIFTIMETABT91Text Table for TOU PeriodsContract Billing
335ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDIFTOUTAB101TOU Periods of TOU InterfaceContract Billing
336ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDIFTOUTABT81Text for TOU PeriodContract Billing
337ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDRQEXCL81Exception Days for SubrequestContract Billing
338ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDRQHEAD141Table of MDUS Request DataContract Billing
339ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDRQINPUT111Input Parameters for SubrequestContract Billing
340ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDRQITEM281Subrequest for RequestContract Billing
341ERP EHP76.0EMDUSDRQRESULT131Results for SubrequestContract Billing
342ERP EHP76.0EMRACC131JBP: Shift Meter Reading Dates per Meter Reading ReasonContract Billing
343ERP EHP76.0EMRCLASS41Allocate Action Meter Reading + Technical Operations GroupContract Billing
344ERP EHP76.0EMRSHIFT121Test BIN DAI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Contract Billing
345ERP EHP76.0EOPGROUP41Operand GroupsContract Billing
346ERP EHP76.0EOPGROUPT41Operand Group (Text)Contract Billing
347ERP EHP76.0EOUTL_ACTION21Acitivities for Billing Outline AgreementsContract Billing
348ERP EHP76.0EOUTL_ACTIONT41Texts for Activities for Billing Outline AgreementsContract Billing
349ERP EHP76.0EOUTL_ACT_ASS31Assign Activities to a Rule GroupContract Billing
350ERP EHP76.0EOUTL_ASSIGN51Assigne Contracts to Outline AgreementContract Billing
351ERP EHP76.0EOUTL_CON51IS-U Outline AgreementContract Billing
352ERP EHP76.0EOUTL_FACTGR251Fact Groups for Defining Fixed ValuesContract Billing
353ERP EHP76.0EOUTL_FUNC_ASS41Assign Function Module to an ActivityContract Billing
354ERP EHP76.0EOUTL_RULEGR21Rule Groups in Cross-Contract BillingContract Billing
355ERP EHP76.0EOUTL_RULEGRT41Texts for Rule Groups in Cross-Contract BillingContract Billing
356ERP EHP76.0EOUTL_STATUS51Status of Outline ContractContract Billing
357ERP EHP76.0EPERDET51Periods to set up from DYPERCON and PBASCATContract Billing
358ERP EHP76.0EPOWERF41Power Factor for Japanese BillingContract Billing
359ERP EHP76.0EPPMDEBT261Table for Debts Adjustment Using Prepayment MeterContract Billing
360ERP EHP76.0EPPMDEBTOPBELNR121Documents Transferred to PPMContract Billing
361ERP EHP76.0EPPMHEADER152Header Table for Prepayment MeterContract Billing
362ERP EHP76.0EPPMINDEX81Index Table for Prepayment Meter EntriesContract Billing
363ERP EHP76.0EPPMRR141Repayment Amounts Saved in MeterContract Billing
364ERP EHP76.0EPPM_QS03101Request for Automated Meter ReadingContract Billing
365ERP EHP76.0EPPM_QS06101Request for quotationContract Billing
366ERP EHP76.0EPPM_QS07121Supplier ComplaintContract Billing
367ERP EHP76.0EPPM_QS08241Changes to Meter Rate DataContract Billing
368ERP EHP76.0EPPM_QS0991Reason for Meter RemovalContract Billing
369ERP EHP76.0EPREI341Mstr Pricing Table for All PricesContract Billing
370ERP EHP76.0EPREIH123History Table for All PricesContract Billing
371ERP EHP76.0EPREII121History Table for All Index PricesContract Billing
372ERP EHP76.0EPREIT62Mstr Pricing Table for All Prices (Texts)Contract Billing
373ERP EHP76.0EPRESCL101Price Adjustment Clause for All Price CategoriesContract Billing
374ERP EHP76.0EPRESCLH71History of Price Adjustment ClauseContract Billing
375ERP EHP76.0EPRESCLT41Description of Price Adjustment ClauseContract Billing
376ERP EHP76.0ERCH933Billing Doc. DataContract Billing
377ERP EHP76.0ERCHC152Invoicing/Reversal History: ERCHContract Billing
378ERP EHP76.0ERCHC_SHORT82Invoicing / Reversal History ERCH - Extract Data -Contract Billing
379ERP EHP76.0ERCHO101Outsorting Table for BillingContract Billing
380ERP EHP76.0ERCHP51Analysis periods for dynamic period controlContract Billing
381ERP EHP76.0ERCHV_GEN_PROT91Structure Log of Consumption HistoryContract Billing
382ERP EHP76.0ERCHZ_RIVA91Billing Document Individual Line Item Extract (RIVA)Contract Billing
383ERP EHP76.0ERCHZ_SHORT841Billing Document Individual Lines ExtractContract Billing
384ERP EHP76.0ERCH_DOC_EXTR71Billing Document Extract -Selection Requirements -Contract Billing
385ERP EHP76.0ERCH_RIVA171Header Data for Billing Document Extract (RIVA)Contract Billing
386ERP EHP76.0ERCH_SHORT411Header Data for Billing Document - ExtractContract Billing
387ERP EHP76.0ERDO131Outsorting Table for InvoicingContract Billing
388ERP EHP76.0ERESOL231Conflict Resolution for Different MetReadings on same DayContract Billing
389ERP EHP76.0ERESOL_CUST151Customer Table: Different Conflict Resolution Meter ReadingsContract Billing
390ERP EHP76.0ERTFND71Rate DeterminationContract Billing
391ERP EHP76.0ERTRANS_E0141ISU: For Customer-Spec. Tables to Be TransportedContract Billing
392ERP EHP76.0ERTRANS_EX0141ISU: For Customer-Spec. Tables to Be TransportedContract Billing
393ERP EHP76.0ESCH151Billing Schema (Header Data)Contract Billing
394ERP EHP76.0ESCHS511Billing Schema StepsContract Billing
395ERP EHP76.0ESCHST61Schema Step NotesContract Billing
396ERP EHP76.0ESCHT41Billing Schema (Texts)Contract Billing
397ERP EHP76.0ESOHZG91Special Agreemts for Heating InstalltnContract Billing
398ERP EHP76.0ESOL11Check Table for CSOL DomainContract Billing
399ERP EHP76.0ESOLEXEC161Execute: Conflict Res. Different MetReadings on Same DayContract Billing
400ERP EHP76.0ESOLT31Text Table for Check Table for CSOL DomainContract Billing
401ERP EHP76.0ETAXERCH41Index Table for Tax Storage/Billing DocumentsContract Billing
402ERP EHP76.0ETAXERCHKO41Extract Table for Tax Storage/Billing DocumentsContract Billing
403ERP EHP76.0ETFND61Rate Determ.Contract Billing
404ERP EHP76.0ETOUDCONSASSIGN31Assign Consumption Pattern to ProfileContract Billing
405ERP EHP76.0ETOUDCONSPAT41Consumption PatternContract Billing
406ERP EHP76.0ETOUDCONSPATT41Text Table for Consumption PatternContract Billing
407ERP EHP76.0ETRANSCONF31ISU: Configuration for Selective Rate TransportContract Billing
408ERP EHP76.0ETRANST21Table List for Rate TransportContract Billing
409ERP EHP76.0ETRF211Rate (Head. Data)Contract Billing
410ERP EHP76.0ETRFRTP41TOU Interfaces for RateContract Billing
411ERP EHP76.0ETRFT41Rate (Texts)Contract Billing
412ERP EHP76.0ETRFV401Rate StepsContract Billing
413ERP EHP76.0ETTA282General Rate Category (Header Data)Contract Billing
414ERP EHP76.0ETTAF172Rate Cat.FactsContract Billing
415ERP EHP76.0ETTAT41Rate Cat.(Texts)Contract Billing
416ERP EHP76.0ETTA_DEMO_PERM61Reference: Cust.-Defined Permissibility of Rate CategoriesContract Billing
417ERP EHP76.0ETTIF584Instln FactsContract Billing
418ERP EHP76.0ETTIFB519Installation Facts (Reference Values)Contract Billing
419ERP EHP76.0ETTIFN243Installation Facts (Normal)Contract Billing
420ERP EHP76.0EUPDLOG51ISU: Update Log for Upload from Selective Rate TransportContract Billing
421ERP EHP76.0EUPDLOGHD132ISU: Header Data of Update Log for Rate TransportContract Billing
422ERP EHP76.0EVAR2N371Changeover of Variants from R/2 to R/3Contract Billing
423ERP EHP76.0EVIND41Variant IndicatorsContract Billing
424ERP EHP76.0EVINDT71Variant Indicator (Texts)Contract Billing
425ERP EHP76.0INSTCAUSE111Error Causes for Extracts from Backlog SetsContract Billing
426ERP EHP76.0INSTEVAL31Temp. Table for Evaluation of Billing ExecutionContract Billing
427ERP EHP76.0INSTSET325Table of Error ExtractsContract Billing
428ERP EHP76.0ISU_ACTCAT11Check table: activityContract Billing
429ERP EHP76.0ISU_BACKLOGS161Definition of backlog setsContract Billing
430ERP EHP76.0ISU_BALHDR93Last Log as Starting Point for Extract GenerationContract Billing
431ERP EHP76.0ISU_BL_ACTCAT21Check table: Backlog activityContract Billing
432ERP EHP76.0ISU_BRE_LOGS83Logs for BRE RunsContract Billing
433ERP EHP76.0ISU_CAUSES41Check Table of Error CausesContract Billing
434ERP EHP76.0ISU_CAUSEST41Check Table of Error Causes (Texts)Contract Billing
435ERP EHP76.0ISU_DGEN_LOGS82Logs for BRE Extract Generation RunsContract Billing
436ERP EHP76.0ISU_ERREXTR_BI71Description of all Extracts for a Backlog SetContract Billing
437ERP EHP76.0ISU_ERREXTR_BILL61Description of all extracts of a setContract Billing
438ERP EHP76.0ISU_ERR_RESPONS41Persons responsible for processing error extractsContract Billing
439ERP EHP76.0ISU_EXPGRP41Allocate an Agent to an Agent GroupContract Billing
440ERP EHP76.0ISU_INSTA161Extracted incorrect installations for backlog processingContract Billing
441ERP EHP76.0ISU_PROC_BRE41Processed External Log Numbers per Parallel BRE RunContract Billing
442ERP EHP76.0ISU_PROC_LOG81Processed External Log Numbers per Extract GenerationContract Billing
443ERP EHP76.0ISU_SGEN_LOGS81Extract Generation Log for Statistical Backlog SetsContract Billing
444ERP EHP76.0ISU_SOLMODULES101Function Module for Solution MethodesContract Billing
445ERP EHP76.0ISU_SOLPATH81Solution Path for ErrorsContract Billing
446ERP EHP76.0ISU_SOLUTIONS41Check Table of SolutionsContract Billing
447ERP EHP76.0ISU_SOLUTIONST41Check Table of Solutions (Text)Contract Billing
448ERP EHP76.0ISU_WAR_ROOM71Register Agent for Manual CorrectionsContract Billing
449ERP EHP76.0ISU_WLIST_CAUSE61Different Agent for Certain Error CausesContract Billing
450ERP EHP76.0ISU_WORKLIST61Define Error Extracts for each Agent GroupContract Billing
451ERP EHP76.0KJCCSJ3DBI0141Rate Categories for ReestimationContract Billing
452ERP EHP76.0KJCCSJ3DBI0231Rate Types WITHOUT ReestimationContract Billing
453ERP EHP76.0KJCCSJ3DBI0321Naming Convention for Operands for Installed DemandContract Billing
454ERP EHP76.0KJCCSJ3DBI03T41Naming Convention for Operands for Installed DemandContract Billing
455ERP EHP76.0TADJRATIO41Adjustment Ratio for Power FactorContract Billing
456ERP EHP76.0TE00721Check List for BillingContract Billing
457ERP EHP76.0TE007T81Check List for Billing (Texts)Contract Billing
458ERP EHP76.0TE00821Check List for InvoicingContract Billing
459ERP EHP76.0TE008T81Check List for Invoicing (Texts)Contract Billing
460ERP EHP76.0TE01911Usage TypesContract Billing
461ERP EHP76.0TE02141Reas.for Blockg BillgContract Billing
462ERP EHP76.0TE021T41Reas.for Blocking Billg (Txts)Contract Billing
463ERP EHP76.0TE02321Rs.for Releas.Contract Billing
464ERP EHP76.0TE023T41Reas.for Releas.(Txts)Contract Billing
465ERP EHP76.0TE06721Fact GroupsContract Billing
466ERP EHP76.0TE067T41Rate Fact Groups (Texts)Contract Billing
467ERP EHP76.0TE069111Rate TypesContract Billing
468ERP EHP76.0TE069T41Rate Types (Texts)Contract Billing
469ERP EHP76.0TE09331Document TypesContract Billing
470ERP EHP76.0TE093T41Doc.Type (Texts)Contract Billing
471ERP EHP76.0TE11641Franchise Fee Procedure in Manual BillingContract Billing
472ERP EHP76.0TE12581Alloc. Data for GasContract Billing
473ERP EHP76.0TE12731Manual Bill Outsorting for BillingContract Billing
474ERP EHP76.0TE127T41Manual Bill Outsorting (Texts)Contract Billing
475ERP EHP76.0TE12851Manual Bill Outsorting for InvoicingContract Billing
476ERP EHP76.0TE128T41Manual Bill Outsorting (Texts)Contract Billing
477ERP EHP76.0TE18731Utility CompanyContract Billing
478ERP EHP76.0TE187T41Utility Company (Texts)Contract Billing
479ERP EHP76.0TE19121Outsorting Check Groups for BillingContract Billing
480ERP EHP76.0TE191T41Outsorting Check Groups for Billing (Texts)Contract Billing
481ERP EHP76.0TE19221Outsorting Check Groups for InvoicingContract Billing
482ERP EHP76.0TE192T41Outsorting Check Groups for Invoicing (Texts)Contract Billing
483ERP EHP76.0TE221411OperandsContract Billing
484ERP EHP76.0TE221T41Operands (Texts)Contract Billing
485ERP EHP76.0TE22241Consumption TypesContract Billing
486ERP EHP76.0TE222T41Consumption Type TextsContract Billing
487ERP EHP76.0TE224171Determination of Billing Lines for Consumpt. Hist. StructureContract Billing
488ERP EHP76.0TE22841Determination of Installation FactsContract Billing
489ERP EHP76.0TE24741Fixed Temp. ValuesContract Billing
490ERP EHP76.0TE27261Reasons for ReversalContract Billing
491ERP EHP76.0TE272T41Reasons for Reversal (Texts)Contract Billing
492ERP EHP76.0TE272_F441Help Table for F4 Help for Reversal ReasonsContract Billing
493ERP EHP76.0TE30131Backbilling GroupsContract Billing
494ERP EHP76.0TE301T41Backbilling Groups (Texts)Contract Billing
495ERP EHP76.0TE30351Pressure-Temperature Ratio for Joule-Thomson EffectContract Billing
496ERP EHP76.0TE30421Key: Pressure-Temperature Ratio Joule-Thomson EffectContract Billing
497ERP EHP76.0TE304T41Key: Pressure-Temperature Ratio Joule-Thomson EffectContract Billing
498ERP EHP76.0TE30721Temperature AreasContract Billing
499ERP EHP76.0TE307T41Temperature Area (Texts)Contract Billing
500ERP EHP76.0TE30931Air Press. AreaContract Billing
501ERP EHP76.0TE309T41Air Pressure Area (Txts)Contract Billing
502ERP EHP76.0TE31391Variant ProgramsContract Billing
503ERP EHP76.0TE327111Validations per Outsorting Check Group for BillingContract Billing
504ERP EHP76.0TE32891Validations per Outsorting Check Group for InvoicingContract Billing
505ERP EHP76.0TE33941Monthly Measured Air PressureContract Billing
506ERP EHP76.0TE34041Daily Air Pressure ValuesContract Billing
507ERP EHP76.0TE34151MsdPress.Contract Billing
508ERP EHP76.0TE34321Gas Press. AreasContract Billing
509ERP EHP76.0TE343T41Gas Pressure Areas (Texts)Contract Billing
510ERP EHP76.0TE34541Gas Press. Per Gas Pr. AreaContract Billing
511ERP EHP76.0TE34741Average Energy Feedings per Calorific Val. District ObsoleteContract Billing
512ERP EHP76.0TE34841Average Energy Feedings per Calorific Value DistrictContract Billing
513ERP EHP76.0TE36921Voltage LevelContract Billing
514ERP EHP76.0TE369T41Voltage Level (Texts)Contract Billing
515ERP EHP76.0TE375161Operand CategoriesContract Billing
516ERP EHP76.0TE375T31Operand Categories (Texts)Contract Billing
517ERP EHP76.0TE43131Price ClassesContract Billing
518ERP EHP76.0TE431T41Price Classes (Txts)Contract Billing
519ERP EHP76.0TE432111Table for Period ControlContract Billing
520ERP EHP76.0TE432T41Period Control (Texts)Contract Billing
521ERP EHP76.0TE43391Enhancement of Intervals for Monthly Calc. of Time PortionsContract Billing
522ERP EHP76.0TE43421Cat. of Enhanced Interval ProcedureContract Billing
523ERP EHP76.0TE434T41Category of Enhanced Interval Procedure (Text)Contract Billing
524ERP EHP76.0TE43521Type of Enhanced Interval ProcedureContract Billing
525ERP EHP76.0TE435T41Text for Type of Enhanced Interval ProcedureContract Billing
526ERP EHP76.0TE443161Control Bill CorrectionContract Billing
527ERP EHP76.0TE443_TEXT_H41Texts for Bill Correction TextsContract Billing
528ERP EHP76.0TE443_TEXT_Z161Text Lines for Bill CorrectionContract Billing
529ERP EHP76.0TE444161Control of Remote Bill CorrectionContract Billing
530ERP EHP76.0TE444TEST121Control of Remote Bill CorrectionContract Billing
531ERP EHP76.0TE44551Gas Law Deviation Factor per Pressure and TemperatureContract Billing
532ERP EHP76.0TE44671Daily Gas Law Deviation Factors per Calorfic Value DistrictContract Billing
533ERP EHP76.0TE44761Measured Gas Temperature (Monthly Values)Contract Billing
534ERP EHP76.0TE44841Daily Gas TemperaturesContract Billing
535ERP EHP76.0TE44951Cal. Vals per Cal.Val. District (Monthly Values)Contract Billing
536ERP EHP76.0TE45051Cal. Vals per Cal. Val. District (Daily Values)Contract Billing
537ERP EHP76.0TE45321Calorific Value DistrictsContract Billing
538ERP EHP76.0TE453T41Cal.Val.Districts (Txts)Contract Billing
539ERP EHP76.0TE47121Rental Price LevelsContract Billing
540ERP EHP76.0TE471T42Rental Price Levels (Texts)Contract Billing
541ERP EHP76.0TE47321Industry (Obsolete)Contract Billing
542ERP EHP76.0TE473T41Industry (Txts)Contract Billing
543ERP EHP76.0TE48021IS-U FunctionalityContract Billing
544ERP EHP76.0TE480T41Text Table for TE480Contract Billing
545ERP EHP76.0TE48121Action in IS-U FunctionalityContract Billing
546ERP EHP76.0TE481T41Text Table for TE481Contract Billing
547ERP EHP76.0TE493171Cal. Val. Proced.Contract Billing
548ERP EHP76.0TE493T41Cal. Val. Method (Texts)Contract Billing
549ERP EHP76.0TE497T41Operation Type for Lighting UnitContract Billing
550ERP EHP76.0TE535121Type of mass simulationContract Billing
551ERP EHP76.0TE535T41Type of mass simulation (texts)Contract Billing
552ERP EHP76.0TE53791Mass simulation periodsContract Billing
553ERP EHP76.0TE537T41Mass simulation periods (texts)Contract Billing
554ERP EHP76.0TE53831DataSources for Mass SimulationContract Billing
555ERP EHP76.0TE53931Information Structures of UIS for Mass SimulationContract Billing
556ERP EHP76.0TE54041Quantity Statistics GroupContract Billing
557ERP EHP76.0TE540C61Update Quantities to CO-PAContract Billing
558ERP EHP76.0TE540T41Texts for Quantity-Based Statistics GroupContract Billing
559ERP EHP76.0TE540U51Update Quantities to the UIS Communication StructureContract Billing
560ERP EHP76.0TE54131Amount Statistics GroupContract Billing
561ERP EHP76.0TE541C61Update Amounts to CO-PAContract Billing
562ERP EHP76.0TE541T41Texts for Amount-Based Statistics GroupContract Billing
563ERP EHP76.0TE541U51Update Amounts to the UIS Communication StructureContract Billing
564ERP EHP76.0TE54321Time slice generatorContract Billing
565ERP EHP76.0TE543T41Time slice generatorContract Billing
566ERP EHP76.0TE55131Fixed Temp.Contract Billing
567ERP EHP76.0TE551T41Fixed Temp. (Texts)Contract Billing
568ERP EHP76.0TE65421Dynamic period controlContract Billing
569ERP EHP76.0TE654T41Dynamic period controlContract Billing
570ERP EHP76.0TE65521Category of the current billing periodContract Billing
571ERP EHP76.0TE655T41Category of the current billing periodContract Billing
572ERP EHP76.0TE65621Period basic categories of the periods to set upContract Billing
573ERP EHP76.0TE656T41Period basic categories of the periods to set upContract Billing
574ERP EHP76.0TE65841Periods to set upContract Billing
575ERP EHP76.0TE658T41Periods to set upContract Billing
576ERP EHP76.0TE65931Dynamic backbilling groupsContract Billing
577ERP EHP76.0TE659T41Dynamic backbilling groupsContract Billing
578ERP EHP76.0TE66121Reasons for prorationContract Billing
579ERP EHP76.0TE661T41Reasons for proration (texts)Contract Billing
580ERP EHP76.0TE66731Doc.Type CatsContract Billing
581ERP EHP76.0TE667T41Doc.Type Cat.Contract Billing
582ERP EHP76.0TE669121Gas Proced.Contract Billing
583ERP EHP76.0TE669T41Gas Procedure (Txts)Contract Billing
584ERP EHP76.0TE67181Cal. Val. to be BilledContract Billing
585ERP EHP76.0TE67251Grouping Types of Installation GroupsContract Billing
586ERP EHP76.0TE672T41Names of Grouping TypesContract Billing
587ERP EHP76.0TE67321Installation Roles in an Installation GroupContract Billing
588ERP EHP76.0TE673T41Names of Installation RolesContract Billing
589ERP EHP76.0TE67481Installation Roles for Grouping TypeContract Billing
590ERP EHP76.0TE67521Distribution Types for Installation GroupsContract Billing
591ERP EHP76.0TE675T41Distribution Types for Installation GroupsContract Billing
592ERP EHP76.0TE67661Data Exchange: Secondary Installation to Primary Inst.Contract Billing
593ERP EHP76.0TE677T41Heating Inst. Descript. (Texts)Contract Billing
594ERP EHP76.0TE67851Data Exchange from Primary Installation to Secondary Inst.Contract Billing
595ERP EHP76.0TE679T41Charging Ctrl for Heating Inst. (Texts)Contract Billing
596ERP EHP76.0TE681T41Process. Status of Spec. Agreement for Heating Inst. (Texts)Contract Billing
597ERP EHP76.0TE685451Vol. Corr. Fac. Proc.Contract Billing
598ERP EHP76.0TE685T41Vol. Corr. Factor Proc.(Txts)Contract Billing
599ERP EHP76.0TE69541Gas Press. LevsContract Billing
600ERP EHP76.0TE695T61Gas Press. Levs (Texts)Contract Billing
601ERP EHP76.0TE69621Gas Pressure Level at Installation Level (Grid)Contract Billing
602ERP EHP76.0TE696T41Gas Pressure Level at Installation Level (Grid) (Texts)Contract Billing
603ERP EHP76.0TE69741Classification of EmployeesContract Billing
604ERP EHP76.0TE697T41Classification of Employees (Texts)Contract Billing
605ERP EHP76.0TE83541Line Item TypeContract Billing
606ERP EHP76.0TE835T41Line Item Type (Texts)Contract Billing
607ERP EHP76.0TE90741Annual Air PressureContract Billing
608ERP EHP76.0TE92151Energy Feeding Per Calorific Value DistrictContract Billing
609ERP EHP76.0TE923I91Input OperandsContract Billing
610ERP EHP76.0TE923O61Output OperandsContract Billing
611ERP EHP76.0TE92981Fixed Vol.Correct. FactorsContract Billing
612ERP EHP76.0TEOPERFIELD41Allocation Operand for Billing-Relevant FieldContract Billing
613ERP EHP76.0TEOPOU41Use of Outline Contract OperandsContract Billing
614ERP EHP76.0TEPREPAY551Customizing Settings for Prepayment MeterContract Billing
615ERP EHP76.0TEPREPAY_NATURE41Description of Complaint ReasonContract Billing
616ERP EHP76.0TLOSSPARAM111Parameters for Formula-Based Calc. of Power Transformer LossContract Billing
617ERP EHP76.0TLOSSZONES91Power Transformer Loss by Consumption ZonesContract Billing
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Customer Service
618ERP EHP76.0ECNCONF41IS-U Navigator: ConfigurationCustomer Service
619ERP EHP76.0ECNCONFT41IS-U Navigator: Text Table for ConfigurationsCustomer Service
620ERP EHP76.0ECNFIND61IS-U Navigator: Configuration DeterminationCustomer Service
621ERP EHP76.0ECNSTRUC362IS-U Navigator: StructuresCustomer Service
622ERP EHP76.0EDISCACT332DiscDoc.: ActivitiesCustomer Service
623ERP EHP76.0EDISCDOC162DiscDoc.: HeaderCustomer Service
624ERP EHP76.0EDISCOBJ144Disc. Doc.: Disconn. ObjectCustomer Service
625ERP EHP76.0EDISCOBJH101Disconn.Doc.: Disc.PeriodCustomer Service
626ERP EHP76.0EDISCORDSTATE71Confirmation Status for Disconnections and ReconnectionsCustomer Service
627ERP EHP76.0EDISCORDSTATET41Confirmation Status for Disconnections and ReconnectionsCustomer Service
628ERP EHP76.0EDISCPOS91Disc. Doc. Allocation of Disc. Objects to Disc. ActivitiesCustomer Service
629ERP EHP76.0EDISCREMOV132Disconnection Document: Device Removal PeriodsCustomer Service
630ERP EHP76.0EDISCTYPE21Disconnection TypeCustomer Service
631ERP EHP76.0EDISCTYPET41Disconnection TypeCustomer Service
632ERP EHP76.0EDISCVAR741Disconn.Doc.: Processing VariantCustomer Service
633ERP EHP76.0EDISCVART41Processing Variant for Disconnection/ReconnectionCustomer Service
634ERP EHP76.0EINIDATCR132Init. Data Cr. Doc.: Premise - Header DataCustomer Service
635ERP EHP76.0EINIDATCRI51Initial Data Creation Doc.: Premise - Installation DataCustomer Service
636ERP EHP76.0TE80931Parameter Groups for Mass Changes to MRUCustomer Service
637ERP EHP76.0TE81051Paramter group meter reading unitCustomer Service
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Device Management
638ERP EHP76.0EANAS111IS-U Device Checker: Current Processing Status of TestDevice Management
639ERP EHP76.0EANAT41IS-U Device Checker: Descriptive Texts for Indiv. AnalysesDevice Management
640ERP EHP76.0EANA_FUBA31IS-U Device Checker: Alloc. of Init. Table - Analysis FuMoDevice Management
641ERP EHP76.0EDEVCHECK_BACKUP41IS-U Device Checker: Test Data BackupDevice Management
642ERP EHP76.0EDEVGR91Master Data for Device GroupDevice Management
643ERP EHP76.0EDEVGR_CD51Change Document for Dev. Group: Table with Device DataDevice Management
644ERP EHP76.0EDTID81IS-U Device Checker: Allocation of Table Names - Table IDsDevice Management
645ERP EHP76.0EEAG121Input/Output GroupDevice Management
646ERP EHP76.0EFKLAS31IS-U Device Checker: Definition of Error ClassDevice Management
647ERP EHP76.0EFKLAST31IS-U Device Checker: Definition of Error Classes (Texts)Device Management
648ERP EHP76.0EFLOG132IS-U Device Checker: Log File for all Analyzed ErrorsDevice Management
649ERP EHP76.0EFQUEL31IS-U Device Checker: Definition of Cause of ErrorDevice Management
650ERP EHP76.0EGERE81Draw and Sampling Number of a DeviceDevice Management
651ERP EHP76.0EGERH296Historical Data of ISU Device Master RecordDevice Management
652ERP EHP76.0EGERR455Device data: Info record for point of delivery - historicalDevice Management
653ERP EHP76.0EGERS335IS-U Device Master DataDevice Management
654ERP EHP76.0EGLO51Devices per Sample LotDevice Management
655ERP EHP76.0EGTUR173Periodic Replacement ListDevice Management
656ERP EHP76.0EGTUR_HEAD71Creation Data for Periodic Repl. List EGTURDevice Management
657ERP EHP76.0EKOG102Command GroupDevice Management
658ERP EHP76.0EREP_FUBA21IS-U Device Checker: Allocation Initial Table - Repair FuMoDevice Management
659ERP EHP76.0ETKOMB41IS-U Device Checker: Definition of Test CombinationDevice Management
660ERP EHP76.0ETYP665Dev. Cat.: IS-U Additional Material DataDevice Management
661ERP EHP76.0EWIK191Winding GroupDevice Management
662ERP EHP76.0EZWG401Register GroupDevice Management
663ERP EHP76.0EZWG_HEAD101Register Group: Header DataDevice Management
664ERP EHP76.0TE025A91Sample Device DeterminationDevice Management
665ERP EHP76.0TE025B51Extension Periods for Official LotsDevice Management
666ERP EHP76.0TE025C71Sample Device DeterminationDevice Management
667ERP EHP76.0TE025D21Sample Algorithm DeterminationDevice Management
668ERP EHP76.0TE05531Function ClassesDevice Management
669ERP EHP76.0TE055T41Function Classes (text)Device Management
670ERP EHP76.0TE05741Basic DeviceCat.Device Management
671ERP EHP76.0TE057T41Basic Dev. Cats (Text)Device Management
672ERP EHP76.0TE05921Register Display TypesDevice Management
673ERP EHP76.0TE059T41Register Display Types (texts)Device Management
674ERP EHP76.0TE06321ManufacturerDevice Management
675ERP EHP76.0TE06531Register Identif.Device Management
676ERP EHP76.0TE065T51Register IDs (text)Device Management
677ERP EHP76.0TE06841Permissibility of Register Codes for Each Division CategoryDevice Management
678ERP EHP76.0TE100121Power Transformer: Loss Determination GroupDevice Management
679ERP EHP76.0TE1001T41Power Transformer: Loss Determination Group (Text)Device Management
680ERP EHP76.0TE100241Combination of Rating, Primary, and Secondary VoltageDevice Management
681ERP EHP76.0TE1002T61Combination of Rating, Primary, and Secondary Voltage (Text)Device Management
682ERP EHP76.0TE13121Movement Types for Lot Creation for CertificationDevice Management
683ERP EHP76.0TE23741Constr.ClsDevice Management
684ERP EHP76.0TE237T41Construction class (text)Device Management
685ERP EHP76.0TE263151Permiss. Combinations of Basic Dev. Cats per Division Cat.Device Management
686ERP EHP76.0TE269121Dev.Req. PlanningDevice Management
687ERP EHP76.0TE270171System Parameters for Sampling Proc./Cert. in IS-U DevMan.Device Management
688ERP EHP76.0TE270EGERR41System Parameters for Dev. Info Records (IS-U Device Mgmnt)Device Management
689ERP EHP76.0TE270EZWG_DIM41Units of Measurement for Register Categories of Reg. GroupDevice Management
690ERP EHP76.0TE270WG31System Parameters for Winding GroupDevice Management
691ERP EHP76.0TE271461Sample LotDevice Management
692ERP EHP76.0TE271E71Sample Lot - Canadian Sampling InspectionDevice Management
693ERP EHP76.0TE27521Search Term for Winding GrpDevice Management
694ERP EHP76.0TE275T41Search Term for Winding Group (Txt)Device Management
695ERP EHP76.0TE27621Nominal VoltageDevice Management
696ERP EHP76.0TE276T41Nominal Voltage (Text)Device Management
697ERP EHP76.0TE28521Accuracy ClassDevice Management
698ERP EHP76.0TE285T41Accuracy Class (Text)Device Management
699ERP EHP76.0TE35921Certificat. TypesDevice Management
700ERP EHP76.0TE359T41Certificat. Types (Texts)Device Management
701ERP EHP76.0TE37181Switching Times of a CommandDevice Management
702ERP EHP76.0TE37341Command/ProgrammingDevice Management
703ERP EHP76.0TE373T41Command/Programming (texts)Device Management
704ERP EHP76.0TE37921Winding DemandDevice Management
705ERP EHP76.0TE379T41Winding Demand (Text)Device Management
706ERP EHP76.0TE38131Winding TypesDevice Management
707ERP EHP76.0TE381T41Winding Types (text)Device Management
708ERP EHP76.0TE38321Input/Output Cat.Device Management
709ERP EHP76.0TE383T41Input/output category (text)Device Management
710ERP EHP76.0TE38521Function TypeDevice Management
711ERP EHP76.0TE385T41Function Type (Txt)Device Management
712ERP EHP76.0TE38721Input/Output ValuesDevice Management
713ERP EHP76.0TE387T41Input/Output Values (Text)Device Management
714ERP EHP76.0TE38921Input/Output ConnectionsDevice Management
715ERP EHP76.0TE389T41Input/Output Connections (Text)Device Management
716ERP EHP76.0TE52321Register TypesDevice Management
717ERP EHP76.0TE523T41Register Types (Text)Device Management
718ERP EHP76.0TE52531Search Term for Register GrpDevice Management
719ERP EHP76.0TE525T51Register Group Search Term (Text)Device Management
720ERP EHP76.0TE52731Search Term for I/O GrpDevice Management
721ERP EHP76.0TE527T51Search Term: I/O Group (Text)Device Management
722ERP EHP76.0TE55431Random No. Table acc. to DIN 5741Device Management
723ERP EHP76.0TE57171Sample Devs per Sample LotDevice Management
724ERP EHP76.0TE58721Search Term for Command GrpDevice Management
725ERP EHP76.0TE587T41Search Terms for Com. Groups (Txt)Device Management
726ERP EHP76.0TE59341Types of Device GroupDevice Management
727ERP EHP76.0TE593T41Types of Device Group (Text)Device Management
728ERP EHP76.0TE59531Allocation of Group Type to DivisionDevice Management
729ERP EHP76.0TE683211Periodic Repl. VariantsDevice Management
730ERP EHP76.0TE68471Control Parameter: Periodic Repl.Device Management
731ERP EHP76.0TE69051Control Parameters for Creation of Orders and NotificationsDevice Management
732ERP EHP76.0TE92721Parametr. for DeviceDevice Management
733ERP EHP76.0TE927T41Parametrzn for Device (Txt)Device Management
734ERP EHP76.0TE93741Seal Code for Sample LotDevice Management
735ERP EHP76.0TE937T41Seal Codes for Sample Lot (Text)Device Management
736ERP EHP76.0TE9XX151Help Table for Specifying Material/Equipment Ref.Device Management
737ERP EHP76.0TEAPPRVLNR41Alloc. of Manufacturer/Cat. Desc. to Inspection No. (B/NL)Device Management
738ERP EHP76.0TEDEVCLTYPE31Control Parameters for Linking Classif. System to Dev.Device Management
739ERP EHP76.0TEKEMAKZ31Seal Indicator (B/NL)Device Management
740ERP EHP76.0TEKENNZIFF41Register CodesDevice Management
741ERP EHP76.0TEKENNZIFFT51Register Code TextsDevice Management
742ERP EHP76.0TELOT_CRDEF81Specifications for Lot Compilation (B/NL)Device Management
743ERP EHP76.0TELOT_LOCKED41Blocked Devices During Lot Compilation (B/NL)Device Management
744ERP EHP76.0TELOT_RESULT111Results of Lot Allocation for Belgium/NetherlandsDevice Management
745ERP EHP76.0TELOT_RESULT_TOP91Header Table for Lot Allocation Results for B/NLDevice Management
746ERP EHP76.0TEMANUFCAT41Combination: Manufact./Manufact.Cat.Descr. and DevCat.(B/NL)Device Management
747ERP EHP76.0TEPPM21Prepayment MeterDevice Management
748ERP EHP76.0TEPPMT41Prepayment Meter TextsDevice Management
749ERP EHP76.0TEPRREL31Inspection Relevance of Devices: IndicatorDevice Management
750ERP EHP76.0TEPRRELT41Inspection Relevance of Devices: Indicator (Text)Device Management
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Energy Data Management
751ERP EHP76.0EAMI_AMS_ALLOC51Allocation of AMI to GridEnergy Data Management
752ERP EHP76.0EDAYTYPBLOCK21Day GroupEnergy Data Management
753ERP EHP76.0EDAYTYPBLOCKDEF41Defintion of Day GroupEnergy Data Management
754ERP EHP76.0EDAYTYPBLOCKT41Day Group (Text)Energy Data Management
755ERP EHP76.0EDAYTYPE51Day TypesEnergy Data Management
756ERP EHP76.0EDAYTYPET41Day Types (Text)Energy Data Management
757ERP EHP76.0EDEXBASICPROC121Basic Process for Data ExchangeEnergy Data Management
758ERP EHP76.0EDEXBASICPROCESA21eSOA Process Category for Data Exchange Basic ProcessesEnergy Data Management
759ERP EHP76.0EDEXBASICPROCFOR41Formats for Data Exchange ProcessEnergy Data Management
760ERP EHP76.0EDEXBASICPROCFOT41(Text) Formats for Data Exchange ProcessEnergy Data Management
761ERP EHP76.0EDEXBASICPROCPAR41Parameters for Data Exchange ProcessEnergy Data Management
762ERP EHP76.0EDEXBASICPROCPAT41(Text) Parameters for Data Exchange ProcessEnergy Data Management
763ERP EHP76.0EDEXBASICPROCREF31References for Data Exchange ProcessEnergy Data Management
764ERP EHP76.0EDEXBASICPROCSTA21Data Exchange Process StatusEnergy Data Management
765ERP EHP76.0EDEXBASICPROCT31(Text) Basic Process for Data ExchangeEnergy Data Management
766ERP EHP76.0EDEXCOMMFORM11Communication FormatEnergy Data Management
767ERP EHP76.0EDEXCOMMFORMALE31Communication Type - Application Link Enabling (ALE)Energy Data Management
768ERP EHP76.0EDEXCOMMFORMAT61Communication TypeEnergy Data Management
769ERP EHP76.0EDEXCOMMFORMATT41Communication Type (Text)Energy Data Management
770ERP EHP76.0EDEXCOMMFORMFTP71Communication Type - File Transfer Protocol (FTP)Energy Data Management
771ERP EHP76.0EDEXCOMMFORMINTR71Communication Type - InternetEnergy Data Management
772ERP EHP76.0EDEXCOMMFORMMAIL91Communication Type - E-MailEnergy Data Management
773ERP EHP76.0EDEXCOMMFORMPART41Communication Type - Business Partner AddressesEnergy Data Management
774ERP EHP76.0EDEXCOMMFORMT31Communication Format (Text)Energy Data Management
775ERP EHP76.0EDEXCOMMFORMVERS41Version of Communication TypeEnergy Data Management
776ERP EHP76.0EDEXCOMMFORMXML71Communication Format - XMLEnergy Data Management
777ERP EHP76.0EDEXCOMMMAILADDR41E-Mail Address for Data ExchangeEnergy Data Management
778ERP EHP76.0EDEXCONFSTATUS11Status of Confirmation MessagesEnergy Data Management
779ERP EHP76.0EDEXCONFSTATUST31Confirmation Message Statuses (Text)Energy Data Management
780ERP EHP76.0EDEXDEFSERVPROV112Data Exchange Definition for Service ProviderEnergy Data Management
781ERP EHP76.0EDEXDEFUI112Data Exchange Definition for Service ProviderEnergy Data Management
782ERP EHP76.0EDEXDUECONTR211Due Date ControlEnergy Data Management
783ERP EHP76.0EDEXDUECONTRT41Due Date Control (Text)Energy Data Management
784ERP EHP76.0EDEXIDOCSEND31Customizing: Definition of Sending Types for DE ProcessesEnergy Data Management
785ERP EHP76.0EDEXIDOCSENDT41Customizing: Def. of Sending Types for DE Processes - TEXTEnergy Data Management
786ERP EHP76.0EDEXPROC91Data Exchange ProcessEnergy Data Management
787ERP EHP76.0EDEXPROCPAR41Parameter Values for Data Exchange ProcessEnergy Data Management
788ERP EHP76.0EDEXPROCPODGEN41PoD Generation Info for Data ExchangeEnergy Data Management
789ERP EHP76.0EDEXPROCSPGEN51Service Provider Generation Info for Data ExchangeEnergy Data Management
790ERP EHP76.0EDEXPROCT41(Text) Data Exchange ProcessEnergy Data Management
791ERP EHP76.0EDEXPROCUI31Relevant Data Exchange Processes for Point of DeliveryEnergy Data Management
792ERP EHP76.0EDEXSTATUS11Process statusEnergy Data Management
793ERP EHP76.0EDEXSTATUST31(Text) Process StatusEnergy Data Management
794ERP EHP76.0EDEXTASK194Data Exchange taskEnergy Data Management
795ERP EHP76.0EDEXTASKASS32Allocation of Data Exchange TasksEnergy Data Management
796ERP EHP76.0EDEXTASKCONFERR71Data Exchange Task Confirmation Msssages LogEnergy Data Management
797ERP EHP76.0EDEXTASKERROR101Data Exchange Task ErrorEnergy Data Management
798ERP EHP76.0EDEXTASKESAMSG94Data Exchange Task Proxy Message ReferencesEnergy Data Management
799ERP EHP76.0EDEXTASKID32External Data Exchange Task IDEnergy Data Management
800ERP EHP76.0EDEXTASKIDOC63IDocs for Data Exchange TaskEnergy Data Management
801ERP EHP76.0EDEXTASKREF51Reference for a Data Exchange TaskEnergy Data Management
802ERP EHP76.0EDEXTASKWKFLOW51Work Items for Data Exchange TaskEnergy Data Management
803ERP EHP76.0EDIVDIM41Permitted Dimensions for Division Cat. and Profile Val. Cat.Energy Data Management
804ERP EHP76.0EEDMCONCHK31IS-U: EDM Consistency Checks for Profile ImportEnergy Data Management
805ERP EHP76.0EEDMCONCHKERR31IS-U EDM Consistency Checks for Error CodesEnergy Data Management
806ERP EHP76.0EEDMCONCHKERRT51IS-U EDM Consistency Checks: Texts for Error CodesEnergy Data Management
807ERP EHP76.0EEDMCONCHKT41IS-U: EDM Profile Import - Consistency Check TextsEnergy Data Management
808ERP EHP76.0EEDMCONGRP21IS-U EDM Consistency Check Group for Profile ImportEnergy Data Management
809ERP EHP76.0EEDMCONGRPCHK41IS-U EDM Allocation of Consistency Checks to Check GroupEnergy Data Management
810ERP EHP76.0EEDMCONGRPERR61IS-U EDM Error Actions per Consistency CheckEnergy Data Management
811ERP EHP76.0EEDMCONGRPT41IS-U EDM Consistency Check Group for Profile Import TextsEnergy Data Management
812ERP EHP76.0EEDMCONSLOGH_DB71IS-U EDM Profile Import Consistency Log: HeaderEnergy Data Management
813ERP EHP76.0EEDMCONSLOGP_DB51IS-U EDM: Profile Import Consistency Log - Attribute ValuesEnergy Data Management
814ERP EHP76.0EEDMDAYOFFSET41EDM Day OffsetEnergy Data Management
815ERP EHP76.0EEDMDAYOFFSETT51EDM Day OffsetEnergy Data Management
816ERP EHP76.0EEDMFORMDEFVAL41Default Value for EDM Formula CalculationEnergy Data Management
817ERP EHP76.0EEDMFORMDEFVALT41Default Value for Formula Calculation (Text)Energy Data Management
818ERP EHP76.0EEDMFORMDETVAR31Determination Method for EDM Formula VariableEnergy Data Management
819ERP EHP76.0EEDMFORMDETVART41Determination Method for EDM Formula Variable (Text)Energy Data Management
820ERP EHP76.0EEDMFORMGRP21EDM Formula GroupEnergy Data Management
821ERP EHP76.0EEDMFORMGRPT41EDM Formula Group (Text)Energy Data Management
822ERP EHP76.0EEDMFORMHEAD71Formula Header DataEnergy Data Management
823ERP EHP76.0EEDMFORMHEADT41Formula (Text)Energy Data Management
824ERP EHP76.0EEDMFORMMOD21Calculation Mode for Value in FormulasEnergy Data Management
825ERP EHP76.0EEDMFORMMODPAR61Calculation Mode Options per Formula ParameterEnergy Data Management
826ERP EHP76.0EEDMFORMMODT41Calculation Mode for Value in FormulasEnergy Data Management
827ERP EHP76.0EEDMFORMPAR121Formula ParametersEnergy Data Management
828ERP EHP76.0EEDMFORMPART61Formula ParametersEnergy Data Management
829ERP EHP76.0EEDMIMPORTLOG_DB304EDM Import Log: Database TableEnergy Data Management
830ERP EHP76.0EEDMPROFCONTEXT31Context for Profile AllocationEnergy Data Management
831ERP EHP76.0EEDMPROFCONTEXTT31Text for Context for Profile AllocationEnergy Data Management
832ERP EHP76.0EEDMPROFOPROLE31Operand - Profile Role AllocationEnergy Data Management
833ERP EHP76.0EEDMPROFROLESRS31Source Role for Profile Allocation and Usage Factor Calc.Energy Data Management
834ERP EHP76.0EEDMPROSEND145Recording of Sent ProfilesEnergy Data Management
835ERP EHP76.0EEDMREPGRPERR71IS-U-EDM: Actions for Errors for Each Replacement ProcedureEnergy Data Management
836ERP EHP76.0EEDMREPLACE151IS-U: EDM Replacement Value ProcedureEnergy Data Management
837ERP EHP76.0EEDMREPLACEASS71Allocation of Replacement Value ProcedureEnergy Data Management
838ERP EHP76.0EEDMREPLACEERR31IS-U-EDM: Replacement Value Procedure - Error CodesEnergy Data Management
839ERP EHP76.0EEDMREPLACEERRT51IS-U-EDM Replacement Value Procedure: Texts for Error CodesEnergy Data Management
840ERP EHP76.0EEDMREPLACEGRP51IS-U-EDM Replacement Value Procedure GroupEnergy Data Management
841ERP EHP76.0EEDMREPLACEGRPT41IS-U-EDM Replacement Value Group TextsEnergy Data Management
842ERP EHP76.0EEDMREPLACET41IS-U: EDM Replacement Value ProcedureEnergy Data Management
843ERP EHP76.0EEDMRESULT31Result Function for ProfileEnergy Data Management
844ERP EHP76.0EEDMRESULTT41Result Function for Profile (Text)Energy Data Management
845ERP EHP76.0EEDMSELTYPE21Selection Type for SettlementEnergy Data Management
846ERP EHP76.0EEDMSELTYPET41Selection Type for SettlementEnergy Data Management
847ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLCHKTY21Customizing: Define Check TypeEnergy Data Management
848ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLCHKTYT41Customizing: Define Description of Check TypeEnergy Data Management
849ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLDOC204Settlement Document (Header)Energy Data Management
850ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLDOCALER243Settlement Document (Alerts)Energy Data Management
851ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLDOCERR253Settlement Document (Errors)Energy Data Management
852ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLDOCLINE113Settlement Document (Lines)Energy Data Management
853ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLDOCPARV113Settlement Document (Persistent Value Parameters)Energy Data Management
854ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLDOCRUN172Settlement Document (Run)Energy Data Management
855ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLDOCSNDP142Settlement Document (Sent Profiles)Energy Data Management
856ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLDOCSNDS61Settlement Document (Sent Profiles) StatusEnergy Data Management
857ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLDOCUNIT32Settlement Document (Settlement Units Accounted for)Energy Data Management
858ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLDOCUPDP132Settlement Document (Updated Profiles)Energy Data Management
859ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLDOCVARH122Variants for Header Info of Settlement DocumentEnergy Data Management
860ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLDOCVARI91Variant on Settlement DocumentEnergy Data Management
861ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLDOCVART41Variant: Settlement Document TextEnergy Data Management
862ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLIN172Load Shapes Per Settlement RunEnergy Data Management
863ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPARAM61Settlement Parameter: Profiles and ValuesEnergy Data Management
864ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPARAMP61Settlement Paramter: Definition of Reference ProfilesEnergy Data Management
865ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPARAMT41Settlement Parameter: Profiles and Values (Paramter Texts)Energy Data Management
866ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPARAMV41Settlement Paramter: Definition of ValuesEnergy Data Management
867ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPODCONS71Generated Consumption per Point of DeliveryEnergy Data Management
868ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPODGEN71Check EEDMSETTLPODCONS GenerationEnergy Data Management
869ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPROC201Settlement Procedure (Header Data)Energy Data Management
870ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPROCPA51Settlement Procedure (Procedure Parameters)Energy Data Management
871ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPROCPAG71Settlement Procedure (Profiles as Procedure Parameters)Energy Data Management
872ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPROCPRO221Settlement Procedure (Log Display)Energy Data Management
873ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPROCPRT71Settlement Procedure (Log Display: Texts)Energy Data Management
874ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPROCRI51Settlement Procedure (Roles for Installation Allocation)Energy Data Management
875ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPROCRR51Settlement Procedure (Role for Register Allocation)Energy Data Management
876ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPROCRS31Settlement Procedure (Role for Profiles for Sending)Energy Data Management
877ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPROCSEL31Selections for Settlement ProcedureEnergy Data Management
878ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPROCSER51Settlement Procedure (Service Type for Procedure)Energy Data Management
879ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPROCSUC41Settlement Unit Category for SelectionEnergy Data Management
880ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLPROCT41Settlement Procedure (Text)Energy Data Management
881ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLSTEP81Settlement Steps (Header Data)Energy Data Management
882ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLSTEPPA61Settlement Steps (Parameters)Energy Data Management
883ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLSTEPT41Settlement Steps (Text)Energy Data Management
884ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLTABLE21Table for Updating Settlement ParametersEnergy Data Management
885ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLUF142Usage Factors per Settlement RunEnergy Data Management
886ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLUNIT203Settlement Unit (Header Data)Energy Data Management
887ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLUNITGEN91Settlement Unit: Generated FormEnergy Data Management
888ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLUNITH121Settlement Unit (Historical Data)Energy Data Management
889ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLUNITPOD71Allocation of Settlement Unit to Point of DeliveryEnergy Data Management
890ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLUNITT81Settlement Unit (Text)Energy Data Management
891ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLVIEW21Settlement ViewEnergy Data Management
892ERP EHP76.0EEDMSETTLVIEWT41Settlement View (Text)Energy Data Management
893ERP EHP76.0EEDMSTATUS_EXT21External Status for Profile ValuesEnergy Data Management
894ERP EHP76.0EEDMSTATUS_EXTT41External Status for Text of Profile ValuesEnergy Data Management
895ERP EHP76.0EEDMSTATUS_EX_IN61Conversion of External Status to Internal TransactionEnergy Data Management
896ERP EHP76.0EEDMSTATUS_IN_EX31Conversion of Internal Status to External StatusEnergy Data Management
897ERP EHP76.0EEDMSUNITCAT71Settlement Unit CategoryEnergy Data Management
898ERP EHP76.0EEDMSUNITCATT41Settlement Unit Category (Text)Energy Data Management
899ERP EHP76.0EEDMSUNITREASON21Reason for Allocating Higher-Level Settlement UnitEnergy Data Management
900ERP EHP76.0EEDMSUNITREASONT41Reason for Allocating Higher-Level Settlement Unit (Text)Energy Data Management
901ERP EHP76.0EEDMSYNPRFACTOR31Control Table of Function Modules for Dynamic Mod. FactorsEnergy Data Management
902ERP EHP76.0EEDMSYNPRFACTORT41Function Modules for Dynamic Modification Factors (Text)Energy Data Management
903ERP EHP76.0EEDMSYNPROF131Synthetic Profile: Additional DataEnergy Data Management
904ERP EHP76.0EEDMSYNPROFALLOC82Synthetic Profile: Allocation of ProfilesEnergy Data Management
905ERP EHP76.0EEDMSYNPROFCODE51Synthetic Profile: Internal Code for Individual LevelsEnergy Data Management
906ERP EHP76.0EEDMUISETTLUNIT123Allocation of Point of Delivery to Settlement UnitEnergy Data Management
907ERP EHP76.0EEXTCODELISTID21ID of External Code ListEnergy Data Management
908ERP EHP76.0EEXTCODELISTIDT41Text for ID of External Code ListEnergy Data Management
909ERP EHP76.0EFORMULAHIER213IS-U EDM Hierarchy Levels of Formula Instance (DB Table)Energy Data Management
910ERP EHP76.0EFORMULAINST72IS-U EDM Header Data of Formula Instance (DB Table)Energy Data Management
911ERP EHP76.0EFORMULAINSTCALC351ISU EDM Control Data for Calculation Run Number (DB Table)Energy Data Management
912ERP EHP76.0EFORMULAINSTLOCK21IS-U EDM Lock Table for Formula Instance CalculationEnergy Data Management
913ERP EHP76.0EFORMULAINSTPMI143ISU EDM Input Parameters for Formula Instance (DB Table)Energy Data Management
914ERP EHP76.0EFORMULAINSTPMO72ISU EDM Output Parameters for Formula Instance (DB Table)Energy Data Management
915ERP EHP76.0EFORMULAINTERVAL101ISU EDM Intervals of Hierarchy Level (DB table)Energy Data Management
916ERP EHP76.0EFORMULASTATGRP21Status Group of Formula InstanceEnergy Data Management
917ERP EHP76.0EFORMULASTATGRPT41Description of Status Group of Formula InstanceEnergy Data Management
918ERP EHP76.0EFORMULASTATUS51EDM Status for Status Group (DB Table)Energy Data Management
919ERP EHP76.0EFORMULATRIGKMP111ISU EDM Compressed Trigger File for Formula Inst. (DB Table)Energy Data Management
920ERP EHP76.0EFORMULATRIGTMP111ISU EDM Temporary Trigger File for Formula Inst. (DB Table)Energy Data Management
921ERP EHP76.0EINVOICECAT21Invoice categoriesEnergy Data Management
922ERP EHP76.0EINVOICECATT41Bill Categories (Text) for Service ProviderEnergy Data Management
923ERP EHP76.0EPAYFRQ_METHOD51Allocation of Paymt Procedure and Frequency f. Serv.ProviderEnergy Data Management
924ERP EHP76.0EPROFASS152Allocation of ProfilesEnergy Data Management
925ERP EHP76.0EPROFASSROLE141Roles for Profile AllocationEnergy Data Management
926ERP EHP76.0EPROFASSROLET41Roles for Profile AllocationEnergy Data Management
927ERP EHP76.0EPROFCATEGORY11Profile CategoriesEnergy Data Management
928ERP EHP76.0EPROFCATEGORYT31Profile Categories (Text)Energy Data Management
929ERP EHP76.0EPROFHEAD371Profile Header DataEnergy Data Management
930ERP EHP76.0EPROFHEADT41Profile Header Data (Text)Energy Data Management
931ERP EHP76.0EPROFHEADT_TMP41Header Data of Temporary Profile (Text)Energy Data Management
932ERP EHP76.0EPROFHEAD_TMP371Header Data of Temporary ProfileEnergy Data Management
933ERP EHP76.0EPROFINTSIZE141Interval LengthsEnergy Data Management
934ERP EHP76.0EPROFINTSIZET41Interval Lengths for Profiles (Text)Energy Data Management
935ERP EHP76.0EPROFINTTIME31Control Table with Interval Times for Profile ValuesEnergy Data Management
936ERP EHP76.0EPROFISPERM31Permissibility of Interval LengthEnergy Data Management
937ERP EHP76.0EPROFTYPE51Profile TypeEnergy Data Management
938ERP EHP76.0EPROFTYPET41Profile Type (Text)Energy Data Management
939ERP EHP76.0EPROFTYPE_VERS31Create Version of Profile Values According to Profile TypeEnergy Data Management
940ERP EHP76.0EPROFVAL05_11471Profile Values in 5 Minute Intervals - Part 1Energy Data Management
941ERP EHP76.0EPROFVAL05_1_TMP1471Temporary Profile Values in 5-Minute Intervals: Part 1Energy Data Management
942ERP EHP76.0EPROFVAL05_21471Profile Values in 5 Minute Intervals - Part 2Energy Data Management
943ERP EHP76.0EPROFVAL05_2_TMP1471Temporary Profile Values in 5-Minute Intervals: Part 2Energy Data Management
944ERP EHP76.0EPROFVAL101471Profile Values in 10 Minute IntervalsEnergy Data Management
945ERP EHP76.0EPROFVAL10_TMP1471Temporary Profile Values in 10-Minute IntervalsEnergy Data Management
946ERP EHP76.0EPROFVAL15991Profile Values in 15-Minute IntervalsEnergy Data Management
947ERP EHP76.0EPROFVAL15_TMP991Temporary Profile Values in 15-Minute IntervalsEnergy Data Management
948ERP EHP76.0EPROFVAL30511Profile Values in 30-Minute IntervalsEnergy Data Management
949ERP EHP76.0EPROFVAL30_TMP511Temporary Profile Values in 30-Minute IntervalsEnergy Data Management
950ERP EHP76.0EPROFVAL60271Profile Values in 60-Minute IntervalsEnergy Data Management
951ERP EHP76.0EPROFVAL60_TMP271Temporary Profile Values in 60-Minute IntervalsEnergy Data Management
952ERP EHP76.0EPROFVALCAT21Profile Value CategoryEnergy Data Management
953ERP EHP76.0EPROFVALCATT31Profile Value Category (Text)Energy Data Management
954ERP EHP76.0EPROFVALCSTATCST61Display for User Status of Profile ValuesEnergy Data Management
955ERP EHP76.0EPROFVALDT51Profile Values for Large Intervals (Days, Months, Years)Energy Data Management
956ERP EHP76.0EPROFVALDT_TMP51Temp. Profile Values for Large Intervals (Day, Month, Year)Energy Data Management
957ERP EHP76.0EPROFVALMONTH341Profile Values for One MonthEnergy Data Management
958ERP EHP76.0EPROFVALMONTHTMP341Temporary Profile Values for One MonthEnergy Data Management
959ERP EHP76.0EPROFVALSTAT91Profile Value StatusEnergy Data Management
960ERP EHP76.0EPROFVALSTATCUST61Display for System Status of Profile ValuesEnergy Data Management
961ERP EHP76.0EPROFVALSTATHIST151History of Profile Value StatusEnergy Data Management
962ERP EHP76.0EPROFVALSTAT_TMP91Status of Temporary Profile ValuesEnergy Data Management
963ERP EHP76.0EPROFVERSHEAD151Header Data for Profile VersionEnergy Data Management
964ERP EHP76.0EPROFVERSSTAT91Status of Profile Version of VersionEnergy Data Management
965ERP EHP76.0EPROFVERSVALUE51Values for Profile VersionEnergy Data Management
966ERP EHP76.0ERTPCOMP51RTP ComponentEnergy Data Management
967ERP EHP76.0ERTPCOMPCODE101Internal Code for Individual Levels of RTP ComponentEnergy Data Management
968ERP EHP76.0ERTPCOMPT41Component for RTP Interface (Text)Energy Data Management
969ERP EHP76.0ERTPDAYTYPEX111Allocate Exceptions to Day GroupsEnergy Data Management
970ERP EHP76.0ERTPDAYTYPEXID21Exception to Day TypeEnergy Data Management
971ERP EHP76.0ERTPDAYTYPEXIDT41Daytype Exception Code TextEnergy Data Management
972ERP EHP76.0ERTPEXDAY_TO_INS71Allocation of Exception Agreement for InstallationEnergy Data Management
973ERP EHP76.0ERTPFCOMPDATA71Data for Flexible RTP ComponentsEnergy Data Management
974ERP EHP76.0ERTPFCOMPHEAD51RTP ComponentEnergy Data Management
975ERP EHP76.0ERTPFCOMPHEADT41Component for RTP Interface (Text)Energy Data Management
976ERP EHP76.0ERTPIFACECOMP51Components for RTP InterfaceEnergy Data Management
977ERP EHP76.0ERTPIFACECOMPHIS81Components for RTP Interface (Historical Part)Energy Data Management
978ERP EHP76.0ERTPIFACEHIDDENC81Hidden Entries: RTP InterfaceEnergy Data Management
979ERP EHP76.0ERTPIFACEINP121Allocation of Input Parameters for RTP InterfaceEnergy Data Management
980ERP EHP76.0ERTPIFACEINST81Activation of RTP Components for Individual InstallationsEnergy Data Management
981ERP EHP76.0ERTPIFACEINSTPAR141Allocation of Parameters to RTP Interface for Indiv. InstsEnergy Data Management
982ERP EHP76.0ERTPIFACEOUT61Allocation of Output Parameters to RTP InterfaceEnergy Data Management
983ERP EHP76.0ERTPIFACERES81Result Parameters for RTP Interface (Text)Energy Data Management
984ERP EHP76.0ERTPIFACEREST51Result Parameter for RTP InterfaceEnergy Data Management
985ERP EHP76.0ERTPIFACETEMP61Allocation of Reference Parameter to RTP InterfaceEnergy Data Management
986ERP EHP76.0ERTPINFOTYPE21Information Types for RTP InterfaceEnergy Data Management
987ERP EHP76.0ERTPINFOTYPET41Information Types for RTP Interface (Text)Energy Data Management
988ERP EHP76.0ERTPINTERFACE61RTP Interface (Header Data)Energy Data Management
989ERP EHP76.0ERTPINTERFACET41RTP Interface (Header Data)Energy Data Management
990ERP EHP76.0ESEASON21Season DefinitionsEnergy Data Management
991ERP EHP76.0ESEASONBLOCK21Season GroupEnergy Data Management
992ERP EHP76.0ESEASONBLOCKDEF41Season Group DefinitionEnergy Data Management
993ERP EHP76.0ESEASONBLOCKT41Season Group (Text)Energy Data Management
994ERP EHP76.0ESEASONPER51Season PeriodsEnergy Data Management
995ERP EHP76.0ESEASONT41Season Definitions (Text)Energy Data Management
996ERP EHP76.0ESERVPROV151Service providerEnergy Data Management
997ERP EHP76.0ESERVPROVHIST72Service Provider (Historical Data)Energy Data Management
998ERP EHP76.0ESERVPROVKONT51G/L Accounts and Contract Accounts for Service ProviderEnergy Data Management
999ERP EHP76.0ESERVPROVP62Service provider/vendorEnergy Data Management
1000ERP EHP76.0ESERVPROVSERVICE71Non-Billable Services (Service Types) for Service ProviderEnergy Data Management
1001ERP EHP76.0ESERVPROVT41Service Provider (Text)Energy Data Management
1002ERP EHP76.0ESOURCE21Source of ObjectEnergy Data Management
1003ERP EHP76.0ESOURCEH81Source of Object (Historical Data)Energy Data Management
1004ERP EHP76.0ESPEXTIDTYPE31Category of External ID for Service ProviderEnergy Data Management
1005ERP EHP76.0ESPEXTIDTYPET41Category (Text) of External ID for Service ProviderEnergy Data Management
1006ERP EHP76.0ESRCSYSTEM51Source SystemEnergy Data Management
1007ERP EHP76.0ESRCSYSTEMT41Source System (Text)Energy Data Management
1008ERP EHP76.0ETOU21Definition of TOU PeriodEnergy Data Management
1009ERP EHP76.0ETOUBLOCK21Day GroupEnergy Data Management
1010ERP EHP76.0ETOUBLOCKDEF41Day Group DataEnergy Data Management
1011ERP EHP76.0ETOUBLOCKT41Day Group (Text)Energy Data Management
1012ERP EHP76.0ETOUPER51Periods for TOU PeriodEnergy Data Management
1013ERP EHP76.0ETOUT41Definition of TOU Period (Text)Energy Data Management
1014ERP EHP76.0EVERSREASON21Reason for Creating Profile VersionEnergy Data Management
1015ERP EHP76.0EVERSREASONT41Reason for Creating Profile Version (Text)Energy Data Management
1016ERP EHP76.0EZWGEPROFASS122Template for Creating and Allocating ProfilesEnergy Data Management
1017ERP EHP76.0TEDM_STAT_CONTR21Activate Change Documents for Status of EDM ProfilesEnergy Data Management
1018ERP EHP76.0TEDM_STAT_CUST21Allocate Profile Values to Status Profile for User StatusEnergy Data Management
1019ERP EHP76.0TEDM_STAT_CUST_131Priority for Value-Related Status for Longer Interval LngthsEnergy Data Management
1020ERP EHP76.0TEDM_STAT_CUST_231Priority for Cond.-Related Status for Longer Interval LngthsEnergy Data Management
1021ERP EHP76.0TEDM_STAT_CUST_331Priority for User Status for Longer Interval LengthsEnergy Data Management
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Enhanced Intercompany Data Exchange
1022ERP EHP76.0/ISIDEX/ECANCON111Cancellation ConditionsEnhanced Intercompany Data Exchange
1023ERP EHP76.0/ISIDEX/ECANCONT41Text Table for Cancellation ConditionsEnhanced Intercompany Data Exchange
1024ERP EHP76.0/ISIDEX/EIDPROC41Header Data of Process VariantEnhanced Intercompany Data Exchange
1025ERP EHP76.0/ISIDEX/EIDPROCC41Field Comparison Rules for IdentificationEnhanced Intercompany Data Exchange
1026ERP EHP76.0/ISIDEX/EIDPROCD51Definition of Use of Process VariantsEnhanced Intercompany Data Exchange
1027ERP EHP76.0/ISIDEX/EIDPROCF131Field Conversion Rules for Process VariantEnhanced Intercompany Data Exchange
1028ERP EHP76.0/ISIDEX/EIDPROCR51Replacement RulesEnhanced Intercompany Data Exchange
1029ERP EHP76.0/ISIDEX/EIDPROCS41Additional Configuration of Process VariantEnhanced Intercompany Data Exchange
1030ERP EHP76.0/ISIDEX/EIDPROCT41Description of Process Variant (Text Table)Enhanced Intercompany Data Exchange
1031ERP EHP76.0/ISIDEX/EMDCHK71Use of Field CheckEnhanced Intercompany Data Exchange
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Intercompany Data Exchange
1032ERP EHP76.0EADRCITYGRID51Allocation of Grid to CityIntercompany Data Exchange
1033ERP EHP76.0EADRCITYGRID_NEW61Allocation of Grid in Utilities Industry to Location (New)Intercompany Data Exchange
1034ERP EHP76.0EADRSTRTGRID101Allocation of Grid to StreetIntercompany Data Exchange
1035ERP EHP76.0EADRSTRTGRID_NEW111Allocation of Grid in Utilities Industry to Street (New)Intercompany Data Exchange
1036ERP EHP76.0ECERTIF81Deregulation: certificationIntercompany Data Exchange
1037ERP EHP76.0ECOMCONTR31IS-T Processing ControlIntercompany Data Exchange
1038ERP EHP76.0ECOMCONTROL71Communication Control Based on Service TypesIntercompany Data Exchange
1039ERP EHP76.0ECOMCONTROLEX61Communication Control: Exceptions at Point of Delivery LevelIntercompany Data Exchange
1040ERP EHP76.0ECOMCONTROLSP81Communication Control Based on Service ProvidersIntercompany Data Exchange
1041ERP EHP76.0ECOMEVENT31Communication EventsIntercompany Data Exchange
1042ERP EHP76.0ECOMEVENTA31Activate EventsIntercompany Data Exchange
1043ERP EHP76.0ECOMEVENTT31Communication Events (Texts)Intercompany Data Exchange
1044ERP EHP76.0ECOMEVENT_COMP11IS-U component for eventIntercompany Data Exchange
1045ERP EHP76.0ECOMPROC21Function Modules for Each Communication EventIntercompany Data Exchange
1046ERP EHP76.0ECOMPROCT41Function Modules for Each Communication Event (Texts)Intercompany Data Exchange
1047ERP EHP76.0ECONDTYPE21Condition TypesIntercompany Data Exchange
1048ERP EHP76.0ECONDTYPET41Comunication Control Condition Type TextIntercompany Data Exchange
1049ERP EHP76.0ECRC_ENR_DROP41Rate Categories for Supplier Change and DropIntercompany Data Exchange
1050ERP EHP76.0ECROSSREFNO155Reference Number for IDocIntercompany Data Exchange
1051ERP EHP76.0EDEREGANAFUNC41Analysis Function for DeregulationIntercompany Data Exchange
1052ERP EHP76.0EDEREGANAFUNCT31Analysis Function for Deregulation (Text)Intercompany Data Exchange
1053ERP EHP76.0EDEREGPARCONF32Parameter Configuration for Deregulation ProcessIntercompany Data Exchange
1054ERP EHP76.0EDEREGPARCONFT42(Text) Parameter Configuration for Deregulation ProcessIntercompany Data Exchange
1055ERP EHP76.0EDEREGPARVAL72Parameter Values for Deregulation ProcessIntercompany Data Exchange
1056ERP EHP76.0EDEREGPODGROUP61PoD GroupIntercompany Data Exchange
1057ERP EHP76.0EDEREGPODGROUPT41(Text) Point of Delivery GroupIntercompany Data Exchange
1058ERP EHP76.0EDEREGPROC71Deregulation ProcessIntercompany Data Exchange
1059ERP EHP76.0EDEREGPROCPAR121Parameters in Deregulation ProcessIntercompany Data Exchange
1060ERP EHP76.0EDEREGPROCPARDIS41Display Priority for Parameter in Deregulation ProcessIntercompany Data Exchange
1061ERP EHP76.0EDEREGPROCT31(Text) Deregulation ProcessIntercompany Data Exchange
1062ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSCENAGREE31Types of Service Proivder Agreements for Supply ScenarioIntercompany Data Exchange
1063ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSCENARIO71Supply ScenarioIntercompany Data Exchange
1064ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSCENARIOT41(Text) Supply ScenarioIntercompany Data Exchange
1065ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSCENCONTR101Contracts for Supply ScenarioIntercompany Data Exchange
1066ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSCENCONTRT51Contracts for Supply Scenario (Text)Intercompany Data Exchange
1067ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSCENDATEX31Data Exchange Processes for Supply ScenarioIntercompany Data Exchange
1068ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSCENSERV81Services for Supply ScenarioIntercompany Data Exchange
1069ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSCENSERVT51Services for Supply Scenario (Text)Intercompany Data Exchange
1070ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSPAGREE134Service Provider AgreementsIntercompany Data Exchange
1071ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSPMETHD41Determination Method for Service ProviderIntercompany Data Exchange
1072ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSPMETHDT31Determination Method for Service Provider (Text)Intercompany Data Exchange
1073ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSWITCH200571Deregulation Switch for ERP2005Intercompany Data Exchange
1074ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSWITCHDIAL41Deregulation Switch for Dialog ControlIntercompany Data Exchange
1075ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSWITCHPROC41Deregulation Switch for Process ControlIntercompany Data Exchange
1076ERP EHP76.0EDEREGSWITCHSYST71Create Specifications for Aggregated BillIntercompany Data Exchange
1077ERP EHP76.0EDEREG_INV_SUPPL21Basic Settings for Aggregated Posting of Incoming BillsIntercompany Data Exchange
1078ERP EHP76.0EDEREG_SERIDENT31Internal ID of ServiceIntercompany Data Exchange
1079ERP EHP76.0EDEREG_SERIDENTT41Internal ID of Service - TextIntercompany Data Exchange
1080ERP EHP76.0EDEREG_SIDPRO42External ID of ServiceIntercompany Data Exchange
1081ERP EHP76.0EDEREG_SIDPROINT62Interpretation of Internal IDIntercompany Data Exchange
1082ERP EHP76.0EDEREG_SIDPROT51External ID of ServiceIntercompany Data Exchange
1083ERP EHP76.0EDRGPODGRASSIGN71Allocation Criteria for PoD to PoD Group (Default)Intercompany Data Exchange
1084ERP EHP76.0EDRGSPAGRTYPE51Service Provider Agreement TypeIntercompany Data Exchange
1085ERP EHP76.0EDRGSPAGRTYPET41(Text) Service Provider Agreement TypeIntercompany Data Exchange
1086ERP EHP76.0EDR_CHKVAR71Deregulation: Check Variant for Data ConsistencyIntercompany Data Exchange
1087ERP EHP76.0EDR_CHKVART51Text for Check VariantIntercompany Data Exchange
1088ERP EHP76.0EDR_SUBCHKVAR51Deregulation: Sub-Check-Variants for Data ConsistencyIntercompany Data Exchange
1089ERP EHP76.0EDR_SUBCHKVART71Deregulation: Text for Sub-Check-VariantIntercompany Data Exchange
1090ERP EHP76.0EENRCALC81Determination of Process ControlIntercompany Data Exchange
1091ERP EHP76.0EENRNBSERV81Determination of Non-Billable ServicesIntercompany Data Exchange
1092ERP EHP76.0EENROTHER81Determination of Billable Services from Third PartiesIntercompany Data Exchange
1093ERP EHP76.0EENROWN81Determination of Own Billable ServicesIntercompany Data Exchange
1094ERP EHP76.0EENRRCSUPP41Allocation of Rate Categories to Service ProvidersIntercompany Data Exchange
1095ERP EHP76.0EENRTYPE21Enrollment TypeIntercompany Data Exchange
1096ERP EHP76.0EENRTYPEDET41Allocation of Enrollment Type to Contact ClassIntercompany Data Exchange
1097ERP EHP76.0EENRTYPET41Text Table for Enrollment TypeIntercompany Data Exchange
1098ERP EHP76.0EGRID73Grid in the Utilities IndustryIntercompany Data Exchange
1099ERP EHP76.0EGRIDH61Allocation of Distributor to GridIntercompany Data Exchange
1100ERP EHP76.0EGRIDL31Allocation of Grid Level to GridIntercompany Data Exchange
1101ERP EHP76.0EGRIDLT51Grid Level TypesIntercompany Data Exchange
1102ERP EHP76.0EGRIDLTT41Grid Level TypesIntercompany Data Exchange
1103ERP EHP76.0EGRIDPOD31Allocation of Point of Delivery to GridIntercompany Data Exchange
1104ERP EHP76.0EGRIDRATEDET102Rate Determination for GridIntercompany Data Exchange
1105ERP EHP76.0EGRIDSUPPDIST52Combination Table of Rate Determination for Grid/SupplyIntercompany Data Exchange
1106ERP EHP76.0EGRIDT41Grid in the Utilities Industry (Text Table)Intercompany Data Exchange
1107ERP EHP76.0EGRIDVL31Allocation of Voltage Level to GridIntercompany Data Exchange
1108ERP EHP76.0EIDEACTMSGASSIGN41Allocation of Switch Document Activities to BPEM MessagesIntercompany Data Exchange
1109ERP EHP76.0EIDEBUSSTAT11Business Status of IDE Workflow ProcessIntercompany Data Exchange
1110ERP EHP76.0EIDEBUSSTATT31Business status of IDE workflow process: textIntercompany Data Exchange
1111ERP EHP76.0EIDEMAPUNIT51Allocation of Units of MeasurementIntercompany Data Exchange
1112ERP EHP76.0EIDEMAPUNITT41IDE: text table for EIDEMAPUNITIntercompany Data Exchange
1113ERP EHP76.0EIDEMAPZWART41Allocation of Register TypeIntercompany Data Exchange
1114ERP EHP76.0EIDEMAPZWARTT41IDE: text tableIntercompany Data Exchange
1115ERP EHP76.0EIDEPROC72Transactions of IDE processIntercompany Data Exchange
1116ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTACTIVITY11Switch Activity for Change of Service and SupplierIntercompany Data Exchange
1117ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTACTIVITYT31Switch Activity for Change of Service and Supplier: TextIntercompany Data Exchange
1118ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTCATEGORY11Message Category for SwitchIntercompany Data Exchange
1119ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTCATEGORYT31(Text) Message Category for SwitchIntercompany Data Exchange
1120ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTCHECK51Change of Supplier CheckIntercompany Data Exchange
1121ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTCHECKEXC41Exceptions from the Change of Supplier CheckIntercompany Data Exchange
1122ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTCHECKEXCT51(Text) Exception in Supplier Change CheckIntercompany Data Exchange
1123ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTCHECKEXCV51Exception Handling for Switch ViewIntercompany Data Exchange
1124ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTCHECKPAR91Parameters for Change of Supplier CheckIntercompany Data Exchange
1125ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTCHECKT41(Text) Change of Supplier CheckIntercompany Data Exchange
1126ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTCHKMSGLOG81Log Table for Errors when Checking Switch Document (Temp.)Intercompany Data Exchange
1127ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTDOC317Switch Document HeaderIntercompany Data Exchange
1128ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTDOCATTR51Attribute for ActivityIntercompany Data Exchange
1129ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTDOCREF51Switch Document ReferenceIntercompany Data Exchange
1130ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTDOCSTEP61Switch Document StepIntercompany Data Exchange
1131ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTDOCTMP326Temporary Switch Document Header DataIntercompany Data Exchange
1132ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTMETMETH11Metering ProcedureIntercompany Data Exchange
1133ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTMETMETHT31(Text) Metering ProcedureIntercompany Data Exchange
1134ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTMSGDATA443Message Data for Switch DocumentIntercompany Data Exchange
1135ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTMSGDATACO61Comment in Message Data for Switch DocumentIntercompany Data Exchange
1136ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTMSGFIELD51Field Configuration for Message Data CheckIntercompany Data Exchange
1137ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTMSGFIELDH21Configuration for Checking Message DataIntercompany Data Exchange
1138ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTMSGFIELDT41(Text) Configuration for Message Data CheckIntercompany Data Exchange
1139ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTMSGTMP382Temporary Switch Document Message DataIntercompany Data Exchange
1140ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTMSTATUS11Answer StatusIntercompany Data Exchange
1141ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTMSTATUST31(Text) Answer StatusIntercompany Data Exchange
1142ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTPROCSTAT11Processing Status of MessageIntercompany Data Exchange
1143ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTPROCSTATT31(Text) Processing Status of MessageIntercompany Data Exchange
1144ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTSTATUS21Status for Change of Service/SupplierIntercompany Data Exchange
1145ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTSTATUST31Status for Change of Service/Supplier: TextIntercompany Data Exchange
1146ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTTIMEDEF101Definition of Period TypesIntercompany Data Exchange
1147ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTTIMETYPE21Period Types in Change of SupplierIntercompany Data Exchange
1148ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTTIMETYPET41(Text) Period Types in Change of SupplierIntercompany Data Exchange
1149ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTTRANSACT11Transaction ReasonIntercompany Data Exchange
1150ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTTRANSACTT31(Text) Transaction ReasonIntercompany Data Exchange
1151ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTTYPES11Switch TypesIntercompany Data Exchange
1152ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTTYPEST31(Text) Switch Types in Change of SupplierIntercompany Data Exchange
1153ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTVIEWS11Switch ViewsIntercompany Data Exchange
1154ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTVIEWST31(Text) Switch Views in Change of Supplier ProcessIntercompany Data Exchange
1155ERP EHP76.0EIDESWTVIEWTASKS51Workflow for Each Switch ViewIntercompany Data Exchange
1156ERP EHP76.0EIDETECSTAT11Technical Status of Workflow ProcessesIntercompany Data Exchange
1157ERP EHP76.0EIDETECSTATT31Technical status of IDE workflow process: textIntercompany Data Exchange
1158ERP EHP76.0EIDETRAN72Documents of IDE transactionIntercompany Data Exchange
1159ERP EHP76.0EIDE_CONTROL41Control ParametersIntercompany Data Exchange
1160ERP EHP76.0EIDE_CONTROL_S21System Table for IDE ControlsIntercompany Data Exchange
1161ERP EHP76.0EIDE_ERRORMSG11Error messagesIntercompany Data Exchange
1162ERP EHP76.0EINLITYPETRANS111Allocation of Document Line ItemsIntercompany Data Exchange
1163ERP EHP76.0EMRDETAIL162IDE: detailed information on MR results (ISU_USAGE_DATA)Intercompany Data Exchange
1164ERP EHP76.0EOPAREA21Operational areaIntercompany Data Exchange
1165ERP EHP76.0EOPAREADET31Allocate operational areaIntercompany Data Exchange
1166ERP EHP76.0EOPAREAT41Operational Area TextIntercompany Data Exchange
1167ERP EHP76.0EPAYTHP214IDE: transfer records for third party paymentsIntercompany Data Exchange
1168ERP EHP76.0EREFDISSUP141Reference Between Supplier and Distributor DocumentsIntercompany Data Exchange
1169ERP EHP76.0EREMADVCTRL_IDOC71IDE: control table - payment dataIntercompany Data Exchange
1170ERP EHP76.0ESENREC_FPP71Aggregated Outgoing Bill: Sender/Recipient CombinationsIntercompany Data Exchange
1171ERP EHP76.0ESERVICE223Point of delivery serviceIntercompany Data Exchange
1172ERP EHP76.0ESERVICEDET51Determination of Service TypesIntercompany Data Exchange
1173ERP EHP76.0ESERVPROV_PAY21Payment Class for Service ProviderIntercompany Data Exchange
1174ERP EHP76.0ESERVPROV_PAYT41Payment class for service provider- textIntercompany Data Exchange
1175ERP EHP76.0ESERV_C_BUKRS31Allocation of Auxilliary Company Code to Company CodeIntercompany Data Exchange
1176ERP EHP76.0ESERV_C_VGROUP31Grouping Characteristic of Aggregated Contract AccountIntercompany Data Exchange
1177ERP EHP76.0ESERV_C_VGROUPT41Grouping Characteristic of Aggregated Contract Acc. - TextIntercompany Data Exchange
1178ERP EHP76.0ESNRC_THP_FPP71Sender/Recipient Combinations for FPP Mass Activity ETHPIntercompany Data Exchange
1179ERP EHP76.0ETAXTINVDOC32Index Table for Tax Storage for Incoming Bill, DocumentsIntercompany Data Exchange
1180ERP EHP76.0ETAXTINVKO51Extract Table for Tax Storage for Incoming Bill, Extr. InfoIntercompany Data Exchange
1181ERP EHP76.0EUIPODGROUP82Point of Delivery Group at PoDIntercompany Data Exchange
1182ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTACINA21Interpretation of an Advice Note Item: Algorithm IDsIntercompany Data Exchange
1183ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTACINAT41Interpretation of Payment Advice Item: Algorythm IDs, TextsIntercompany Data Exchange
1184ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTACINB41Interpretation of an Advice Note Item: Search ObjectIntercompany Data Exchange
1185ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTACINBT51Interpretation of Payment Advice Item: Search Objects, TextsIntercompany Data Exchange
1186ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTACINC121Interp. of an Advice Note Item: Srch Strg. and Select. Cat.Intercompany Data Exchange
1187ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTACIND41Interpretation of Payment Advice Line: Ind. Search ModuleIntercompany Data Exchange
1188ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTACINE41Interpretation of an Advice Note Item: Default AlgorithmsIntercompany Data Exchange
1189ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTACPPV91Distribute Aggregated Payments: ParametersIntercompany Data Exchange
1190ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTACPPVT41Distribute Aggregated Payments: Distribution Cats. TextsIntercompany Data Exchange
1191ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTATADM151Distribute Aggregated Payments: Parameter/Status ManagementIntercompany Data Exchange
1192ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTATADM1111Distribute Aggr. Payments: Parameter Mgt: Sel. OptionsIntercompany Data Exchange
1193ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTATHEAD223Distribution Lot HeaderIntercompany Data Exchange
1194ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTATREF183Distr. Aggr. Payments: Ref. btwn MR and Distributed ObjectsIntercompany Data Exchange
1195ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTATREF1102Distr. Aggr. Payments: Ref. Between Pymt St. and Aggr. PymtIntercompany Data Exchange
1196ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTATREF242Distribution of Aggr. Payments: Special Distribution LotIntercompany Data Exchange
1197ERP EHP76.0IUEEDPPLOTATREF381Distribution of Aggr. Payments: Admission Amts for Dist. LotIntercompany Data Exchange
1198ERP EHP76.0TEAUTHCHCKSWITCH21IDEX: Deregulation Switch for Authorization ChecksIntercompany Data Exchange
1199ERP EHP76.0TEBUPINFOREL21Release Status for Business Partner DataIntercompany Data Exchange
1200ERP EHP76.0TEBUPINFORELT41Relese status for business partner data (text table)Intercompany Data Exchange
1201ERP EHP76.0TECDE71Service TypesIntercompany Data Exchange
1202ERP EHP76.0TECDET41Service type textIntercompany Data Exchange
1203ERP EHP76.0TEDEREGSTAT31Deregulation statusIntercompany Data Exchange
1204ERP EHP76.0TEDEREGSTATT41Deregulation statusIntercompany Data Exchange
1205ERP EHP76.0TEFKTVOS51Tax Table: Relevant Transactions in Convergent BillingIntercompany Data Exchange
1206ERP EHP76.0TEFKTVOSBILL31Contract A/R and A/P items to be transfered for IDoc billIntercompany Data Exchange
1207ERP EHP76.0TEFKTVOSBILLT51Text for contract A/R and A/P items in IDoc billIntercompany Data Exchange
1208ERP EHP76.0TEINFOREL21Release Status for InstallationsIntercompany Data Exchange
1209ERP EHP76.0TEINFORELT41Release status for installation data (text table)Intercompany Data Exchange
1210ERP EHP76.0TEK000BI21IS-U: Central Settings for BW ExtractionsIntercompany Data Exchange
1211ERP EHP76.0TELINSEL51Line item categories for communication processingIntercompany Data Exchange
1212ERP EHP76.0TEPFC71Payment frequencyIntercompany Data Exchange
1213ERP EHP76.0TEPFCS51Obsolete- do not use!Intercompany Data Exchange
1214ERP EHP76.0TEPFCT41Text for Payment FrequencyIntercompany Data Exchange
1215ERP EHP76.0TEPRV82Obsolete- do not use!Intercompany Data Exchange
1216ERP EHP76.0TEPRVT41Obsolete- do not use!Intercompany Data Exchange
1217ERP EHP76.0TINV_BW_TRIG_THI122Trigger for Delta Extraction of Transfer Recs f. Third PartyIntercompany Data Exchange
1218ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_ADJ_RSN21Modification ReasonsIntercompany Data Exchange
1219ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_ADJ_RSNT41Modification ReasonsIntercompany Data Exchange
1220ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_ARCHIVE41Retention Period for Bill DocumentIntercompany Data Exchange
1221ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_CHGRPA61Customizing: Definition of Check Groups AFTER TRANSFERIntercompany Data Exchange
1222ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_CHGRPB61Customizing: Definition of Check Groups BEFORE TRANSFERIntercompany Data Exchange
1223ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_CHGRPHDA41Customizing: Definition of Check Groups - Header TableIntercompany Data Exchange
1224ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_CHGRPHDAT41Customizing: Definition of Check Groups - Header TEXTIntercompany Data Exchange
1225ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_CHGRPHDB41Customizing: Definition of Check Goups: Header TableIntercompany Data Exchange
1226ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_CHGRPHDBT41Customizing: Definition of Check Groups: Header TEXTIntercompany Data Exchange
1227ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_CNCL_RSN21Reasons for reversalIntercompany Data Exchange
1228ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_CNCL_RSNT41Reasons for reversalIntercompany Data Exchange
1229ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_CPLGRP61Customizing: Definition of Complaint GroupsIntercompany Data Exchange
1230ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_CPLGRPHD41Customizing: Definition of Complaint Groups - Header TableIntercompany Data Exchange
1231ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_CPLGRPHDT41Customizing: Definition of Complaint Grp - Hdr Table - TEXTIntercompany Data Exchange
1232ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_CUSTACT31Customizing: Definition of Customer ActionsIntercompany Data Exchange
1233ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_CUSTACTT41Customizing: Definition of Customer Actions (Text)Intercompany Data Exchange
1234ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_DOCTLINET61Customizing: Permissability of Line Type per Bill TypeIntercompany Data Exchange
1235ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_DOCTYPE51Customizing: Definition of Permissable Document TypesIntercompany Data Exchange
1236ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_DOCTYPET41Customizing: Definition of Permissable Document Types - TEXTIntercompany Data Exchange
1237ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_DTGRP61Customizing: Definition of Transfer GroupsIntercompany Data Exchange
1238ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_DTGRPHD41Customizing: Definition of Transfer Groups - Header TableIntercompany Data Exchange
1239ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_DTGRPHDT41Customizing: Definition of Transfer Groups - Header Table TXIntercompany Data Exchange
1240ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_FM_ACTN51Customizing: Definition of Action ModulesIntercompany Data Exchange
1241ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_FM_ACTNT61Customizing: Definition of Action Modules - TEXTIntercompany Data Exchange
1242ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_FM_CHCKA51Customizing: Definition of Check Modules AFTER TRANSFERIntercompany Data Exchange
1243ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_FM_CHCKAT41Customizing: Definition of of Check Groups AFTER TRANSFER TXIntercompany Data Exchange
1244ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_FM_CHCKB51Customizing: Definition of Check Module BEFORE TRANSFERIntercompany Data Exchange
1245ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_FM_CHCKBT41CCustomizing: Definition of Check Modules BEFORE TRANSFER TXIntercompany Data Exchange
1246ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_FM_CMPL41Customizing: Definition of Complaint ModulesIntercompany Data Exchange
1247ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_FM_CMPLT41Customizing: Defintion of Complaint Modules - TEXTIntercompany Data Exchange
1248ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_FM_DATA61Customizing: Definition of Modules for Data TransferIntercompany Data Exchange
1249ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_FM_DATAT41Customizing: Definition of Modules for Data Transfer TEXTIntercompany Data Exchange
1250ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_FM_IDENT51Customizing: Definition of Identification ModulesIntercompany Data Exchange
1251ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_FM_IDENTT41Customizing: Definition of Identification Modules - TXTIntercompany Data Exchange
1252ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_FM_TRANS41Customizing: Definition of Data Transfer for FI-CA ModulesIntercompany Data Exchange
1253ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_FM_TRANST41Customizing: Definition of Data Transfer for FI-CA ModulesIntercompany Data Exchange
1254ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_INCHCK41Check Parameters for Bill and Payment Advice Note ReceiptIntercompany Data Exchange
1255ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_INCHCKA71Permitted Check Values for Bill/PAN ReceiptIntercompany Data Exchange
1256ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_INCHCKG51Combination of PoD Group, Bill/PAN Type, Document TypeIntercompany Data Exchange
1257ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_INCHCKP51Check Values for Bill/PAN ReceiptIntercompany Data Exchange
1258ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_INCHCKSID61Combination: PoD Group, Bill/PAN Type, Document Type, IDIntercompany Data Exchange
1259ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_INCHCKT41Text Tables for Check Parameters for Bill/PAN ReceiptIntercompany Data Exchange
1260ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_INCHCKTP21Type of Check for Check ParametersIntercompany Data Exchange
1261ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_INCHCKTPT41Text Table: Type of Check for Check ParametersIntercompany Data Exchange
1262ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_INCHCKU31Check Units for Each Check TypeIntercompany Data Exchange
1263ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_INCHCKUT51Text Table: Check Units for Each Check TypeIntercompany Data Exchange
1264ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_INVTYPE111Customizing: Bill TypeIntercompany Data Exchange
1265ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_INVTYPET101Customizing: Bill Type - TextIntercompany Data Exchange
1266ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_ITYPEDOCT71Customizing: Permissibility of Document Type per Bill TypeIntercompany Data Exchange
1267ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_LINETYPE41Customizing: Definition of Permitted Bill Line ItemsIntercompany Data Exchange
1268ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_LINETYPET41Customizing: Definition of Permitted Bill Line Items - TEXTIntercompany Data Exchange
1269ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_PROCCNTR61Customizing: Definition of Processes for Each BillIntercompany Data Exchange
1270ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_PROCCNTRA51Customizing: Definition of Permitted Processes per BillIntercompany Data Exchange
1271ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_PRODID21Customizing: ID TypeIntercompany Data Exchange
1272ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_PRODIDT41Customizing: ID Type TextIntercompany Data Exchange
1273ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_REFTYPE41Customizing: Type of Document ReferencesIntercompany Data Exchange
1274ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_REFTYPET41Customizing: Type of Document References - TextIntercompany Data Exchange
1275ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_REL_LVL21Customizing: Free EntryIntercompany Data Exchange
1276ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_REL_LVLT41Customizing: Free EntryIntercompany Data Exchange
1277ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_TRGRP61Customizing: Definition of Transfer GroupsIntercompany Data Exchange
1278ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_TRGRPHD41Customizing: Definition of Transfer Groups - Header TableIntercompany Data Exchange
1279ERP EHP76.0TINV_C_TRGRPHDT41Customizing: Definition of Transfer Groups: Hdr Table - TEXTIntercompany Data Exchange
1280ERP EHP76.0TINV_DOC_SHORT181Extract of Bill Receipt (Evaluation System): Bill DocumentIntercompany Data Exchange
1281ERP EHP76.0TINV_EXTR_HDR91Extract of Bill Receipt Document: Admin. Data (Eval. System)Intercompany Data Exchange
1282ERP EHP76.0TINV_HEAD_SHORT91Extract of Bill Receipt (Evaluation System): Bill HeaderIntercompany Data Exchange
1283ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_BANK103Bank Data for Bill or Payment Advice NoteIntercompany Data Exchange
1284ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_DOC327Billing Doc. DataIntercompany Data Exchange
1285ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_DOCPROC61Bill Document: Executed ProcessesIntercompany Data Exchange
1286ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_DOCREF62Bill Document: Reference Information - Header/DocumentIntercompany Data Exchange
1287ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_DOCREL111Release Information for Bill DocumentIntercompany Data Exchange
1288ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_EXTID143Bill Document: External Identification CharacteristicsIntercompany Data Exchange
1289ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_HEAD204Bill HeaderIntercompany Data Exchange
1290ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_LINE_A302Payment Advice LineIntercompany Data Exchange
1291ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_LINE_B371Bill Line with Posting InformationIntercompany Data Exchange
1292ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_LINE_I401Bill Line Item with Information (Not Relevant to Posting)Intercompany Data Exchange
1293ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_LOGHD153Log Table - HEAD - for Bill Receipt ProcessingIntercompany Data Exchange
1294ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_LOGLINE131Log Table ZEILE for Bill Receipt ProcessingIntercompany Data Exchange
1295ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_LOGPARM51Log Table - PARAMETER - for Bill Receipt ProcessingIntercompany Data Exchange
1296ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_PRCSUPP61Subprocesses of Suppressed DocumentsIntercompany Data Exchange
1297ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_STS72Sales Tax Statement - Control TableIntercompany Data Exchange
1298ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_TMPLT112Bill Document: TemplateIntercompany Data Exchange
1299ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_TMPLTT41Bill Document: Template - DescriptionIntercompany Data Exchange
1300ERP EHP76.0TINV_INV_TRANSF475Transfer Table for Bill Data to FI-CAIntercompany Data Exchange
1301ERP EHP76.0TINV_LINEB_SHORT311Extract of Bill Receipt (Evaluation System): Bill LinesIntercompany Data Exchange
1302ERP EHP76.0TINV_TRANSF_HST204Reversal: Historical TINV_INV_TRANSF EntriesIntercompany Data Exchange
1303ERP EHP76.0TINV_TRNSF_SHORT286Extract of Bill Receipt (Eval. System): FI-CA Transfer DataIntercompany Data Exchange
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Invoicing
1304ERP EHP76.0DBEOSB384IS-U On-Site BillingInvoicing
1305ERP EHP76.0DBERDL431Print Document Line ItemsInvoicing
1306ERP EHP76.0DBERDLB151Reference of a Print Doc. Line Item to a Bill.Doc. Line ItemInvoicing
1307ERP EHP76.0DBERDR181DB Table: Discount Lines - Print DocumentInvoicing
1308ERP EHP76.0DBERDTAX82Tax Indicator Information for a Print DocumentInvoicing
1309ERP EHP76.0DBERDU91Conversion Steps per Billing Line ItemInvoicing
1310ERP EHP76.0DBERDZ2091DB Table: Individ. Lines - Print DocumentInvoicing
1311ERP EHP76.0DEABP361Table: Customer Change Header Data for BB AmountsInvoicing
1312ERP EHP76.0DEABPS1081Customer change table: Logical view of BB amountsInvoicing
1313ERP EHP76.0EABP616Budget Billing PlanInvoicing
1314ERP EHP76.0EABPJVL_CORR291Correspondence Print: Bud. Bill. Plan Header and YAP Info.Invoicing
1315ERP EHP76.0EABPL381Sample Lines for Budget Billing PlanInvoicing
1316ERP EHP76.0EABPLREQ72Information on Request Documents for a Payment SchemeInvoicing
1317ERP EHP76.0EABPS_CORR551Sub Budget Billing Plan for Correspondence PrintInvoicing
1318ERP EHP76.0EBBPINDX61Auxiliary Table is Shared Buffer when Calling Budg.Bill.PlanInvoicing
1319ERP EHP76.0EBBPTEMP231Temporary Budget Billing DataInvoicing
1320ERP EHP76.0ECHANGE_SERVICE101Change Service DatabaseInvoicing
1321ERP EHP76.0EITCOPA71IS-U -> COPA: Temp. Index for Document SelectionInvoicing
1322ERP EHP76.0EITEDI81Temporary Index Selection in Invoicing -> EDI TransmissionInvoicing
1323ERP EHP76.0EITERDK162Temporary Data Selection: Invoicing -> Bill PrintoutInvoicing
1324ERP EHP76.0EITR254Temporary Selection Data for IS-U InvoicingInvoicing
1325ERP EHP76.0EJVL251Yearly Advance PaymentInvoicing
1326ERP EHP76.0EKLPCINV141History of Charges for Installment Plan Items (LPC in USA)Invoicing
1327ERP EHP76.0ERDB102Documents for Print Document (ERDK)Invoicing
1328ERP EHP76.0ERDBBPREQ74Pseudo Reversal/Request for Dereg. Stat. BB ItemInvoicing
1329ERP EHP76.0ERDB_SHORT102Documents for Print Document (ERDK) - ExtractionInvoicing
1330ERP EHP76.0ERDK649Print Document/Header DataInvoicing
1331ERP EHP76.0ERDK_SHORT291Header Data for Print Document - ExtractInvoicing
1332ERP EHP76.0ERDTS222Additional Charges and Taxes of a Print DocumentInvoicing
1333ERP EHP76.0ERDZ_SHORT281Internal Table for Individual Print Doc.Lines -Extract DataInvoicing
1334ERP EHP76.0ERD_DOC_EXTR71Print Document Extract - Selection Conditions -Invoicing
1335ERP EHP76.0ERPL91IS-U: Link of Mass Run Interval to Application LogInvoicing
1336ERP EHP76.0ETAXERDK41Index Table for Tax Storage/Print DocumentsInvoicing
1337ERP EHP76.0ETAXERDKKO31Extract Table for Tax Storage/Print DocumentsInvoicing
1338ERP EHP76.0FPP_IVAL_BIPR_O71Parallelization Object BIPR: EITERDK-OPBELInvoicing
1339ERP EHP76.0TE00341Document Number Assignment: Document TypeInvoicing
1340ERP EHP76.0TE003B41Document Number Assignment: Parallel Number RangeInvoicing
1341ERP EHP76.0TE003C41Document Number Assignment: Duplicate Key CheckInvoicing
1342ERP EHP76.0TE003D41Doc. No. Assignment: Parallel No. Range for Single PostingsInvoicing
1343ERP EHP76.0TE003E21Document Number Assignment: Number Range ObjectsInvoicing
1344ERP EHP76.0TE003T51Document TypesInvoicing
1345ERP EHP76.0TE00431Document Number Assignment for Budget Billing PlanInvoicing
1346ERP EHP76.0TE004E11Document Number Assignment: Number Range ObjectsInvoicing
1347ERP EHP76.0TE01471Regular Charge for Items in InvoicingInvoicing
1348ERP EHP76.0TE014T41Text for Charge for Items in Installment PlanInvoicing
1349ERP EHP76.0TE015101Payment plan type for category AMB/BBPInvoicing
1350ERP EHP76.0TE015T41Text for payment plan typeInvoicing
1351ERP EHP76.0TE020141Print Parameter for Payment PlanInvoicing
1352ERP EHP76.0TE057G41YAP Interest Calculation RuleInvoicing
1353ERP EHP76.0TE21171BB: Rounding ParameterInvoicing
1354ERP EHP76.0TE30631Budget Billing Procedures: Debit/Credit IndicatorsInvoicing
1355ERP EHP76.0TE44181Override Bill FormInvoicing
1356ERP EHP76.0TE44221Check Table for TE441 (ISUFUNC <-> FORMACTION)Invoicing
1357ERP EHP76.0TE500101System Settings: Invoicing/Online Bill PrintoutInvoicing
1358ERP EHP76.0TE50151Control of bill due dateInvoicing
1359ERP EHP76.0TE502121Central Control of Additional Invoicing FunctionsInvoicing
1360ERP EHP76.0TE503121Control: InvoicingInvoicing
1361ERP EHP76.0TE503_TAX41Deifne Tax Determination Procedure Per Company Code GroupInvoicing
1362ERP EHP76.0TE50451Rounding Limits for Rounding BalanceInvoicing
1363ERP EHP76.0TE505111Basic settings for invoice cancellationInvoicing
1364ERP EHP76.0TE505_IT61Settings for Bill Reversal in ItalyInvoicing
1365ERP EHP76.0TE50651IS-U Print Document: Allocate Document TypesInvoicing
1366ERP EHP76.0TE507121Standard Values for Document Types in InvoicingInvoicing
1367ERP EHP76.0TE507_01111Standard Values for Document Types in Consumption BillingInvoicing
1368ERP EHP76.0TE507_0371Standard Values for Document Types in Partial BillInvoicing
1369ERP EHP76.0TE507_0441Standard Values for Document Types in Reversed BillInvoicing
1370ERP EHP76.0TE507_0561Standard Values for Document Types in Collective BillInvoicing
1371ERP EHP76.0TE507_0691Standard Values for Doc. Types in Consumption/Partial BillsInvoicing
1372ERP EHP76.0TE50821Selection Criteria: Display Billing Key DateInvoicing
1373ERP EHP76.0TE50971Budget Billing Amount Control in InvoicingInvoicing
1374ERP EHP76.0TE519101Clearing: Amount Check Group (no longer used)Invoicing
1375ERP EHP76.0TE519T51Clearing: Amount Check Group (no longer used)Invoicing
1376ERP EHP76.0TE529141Item Selection for Bill DisplayInvoicing
1377ERP EHP76.0TE530111Sort Criteria for Bill PrintoutInvoicing
1378ERP EHP76.0TE530T41Long Text for Sort Criterion: Bill PrintoutInvoicing
1379ERP EHP76.0TE53151Payment Method for Cash PayerInvoicing
1380ERP EHP76.0TE54431Grouping Partial Bill Document Document Line ItemsInvoicing
1381ERP EHP76.0TE54551Criteria for Grouping Partial BillsInvoicing
1382ERP EHP76.0TE55241Classification Indicator for Billing LineInvoicing
1383ERP EHP76.0TE552T41Classification Indicator for Billing Line (Text)Invoicing
1384ERP EHP76.0TE55521On-Site Billing Billing GroupsInvoicing
1385ERP EHP76.0TE555T41On-Site Billing: Billing Groups (Texts)Invoicing
1386ERP EHP76.0TE556101On-Site Billing SettingsInvoicing
1387ERP EHP76.0TE55791Minimum Charge/Amount Limit for BBInvoicing
1388ERP EHP76.0TE558151Amount/Process Limits for Pay.Scheme Adjustment in InvoicingInvoicing
1389ERP EHP76.0TE560141Percentage Limits for Manual Payment Scheme ChangesInvoicing
1390ERP EHP76.0TE56131Deactivation Reason for Payment SchemeInvoicing
1391ERP EHP76.0TE56431Control Parameters for Bill PrintoutInvoicing
1392ERP EHP76.0TE63261PS Unmeasured Customers: General Settings for One YearInvoicing
1393ERP EHP76.0TE632A51PS Unmeasured Customer: Frequency-Specific Settings for YearInvoicing
1394ERP EHP76.0TE633351System Parameters for Budget Billing PlanInvoicing
1395ERP EHP76.0TE63421SAP Customizing Table for KAR_DATUM TestInvoicing
1396ERP EHP76.0TE63561Control Table: Yearly Advance PaymentInvoicing
1397ERP EHP76.0TE637181Control Parameter for Payment SchemeInvoicing
1398ERP EHP76.0TE638101Payment Scheme CategoryInvoicing
1399ERP EHP76.0TE639111Control Parameters for Express Transaction BB ChangeInvoicing
1400ERP EHP76.0TE64121Reasons for Change to Budget Billing AmountInvoicing
1401ERP EHP76.0TE641T41Reason for Change to Budget Billing Plan (Text)Invoicing
1402ERP EHP76.0TE64271IC Web Client: Control Parameters for Payment PlanInvoicing
1403ERP EHP76.0TE64461IC Web Client: Control Parameters for Payment SchemeInvoicing
1404ERP EHP76.0TE64751Dynamic Determination of BB CycleInvoicing
1405ERP EHP76.0TE75751General Amount Adjustment Factor for BB PlanInvoicing
1406ERP EHP76.0TEABSTVOR51Define Debit/Credit ID for BB Amount SubtransactionsInvoicing
1407ERP EHP76.0TEEMMA41IS-U: Additional Control for Message ManagementInvoicing
1408ERP EHP76.0TEPYPM71Contract history for generating payment scheduleInvoicing
1409ERP EHP76.0TEPYPM_TEMPLATE81Templates for contract history, payment plan generationInvoicing
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Master Data
1410ERP EHP76.0EAKLASSE21IS-U Billing ClassesMaster Data
1411ERP EHP76.0EAKLASSET41IS-U Billing Classes (Texts)Master Data
1412ERP EHP76.0EANL252InstallationMaster Data
1413ERP EHP76.0EANLH263Install.Time SliceMaster Data
1414ERP EHP76.0EBEVNTC171Business Event CategoryMaster Data
1415ERP EHP76.0EBEVNTCT41Business Event Category (Texts)Master Data
1416ERP EHP76.0EBP_ADDR_SERVICE217Search Index for Business Partner Service AddressesMaster Data
1417ERP EHP76.0ECRM_OBJ_MDTDV41Division Dependant MDTMaster Data
1418ERP EHP76.0ECRM_OBJ_TEMPL31Master Data Templates for CRM Technical ObjectsMaster Data
1419ERP EHP76.0ECRM_PROD_TEMPL31Master Data Template for CRM Products (Technical Objects)Master Data
1420ERP EHP76.0ECRM_TEMP_OBJ111CRM Integration: Clipboard for Technical ObjectsMaster Data
1421ERP EHP76.0EFISEL711Field Selection Control for Address DataMaster Data
1422ERP EHP76.0EGPLT31Device Location Details (Language Dependent)Master Data
1423ERP EHP76.0EGPLTX41Device Location Details (Language Dependent)Master Data
1424ERP EHP76.0EHAUISU72Connect. Obj.Master Data
1425ERP EHP76.0EKON251Franchise Contract MasterDataMaster Data
1426ERP EHP76.0EKONG161Franchise Contributions by Customer/Utility Co.Master Data
1427ERP EHP76.0EKONH91Max. Prices/QuantitiesMaster Data
1428ERP EHP76.0ELACC142Loyalty Account HeaderMaster Data
1429ERP EHP76.0ELACCTAB71Loyalty Account Display Control (Customizing)Master Data
1430ERP EHP76.0ELACCZ231Loyalty Account Line ItemMaster Data
1431ERP EHP76.0ELOYALPRG121Loyalty ProgramMaster Data
1432ERP EHP76.0ELOYALPRGT41Loyalty Program (Texts)Master Data
1433ERP EHP76.0ENOTE152Allocation of Object to Note for Field ServiceMaster Data
1434ERP EHP76.0ENOTET112Text Table for Field Service NotesMaster Data
1435ERP EHP76.0EPDCRMPRODADD93IS-U Master Data Generator for Integration of CRM ProductsMaster Data
1436ERP EHP76.0EPDCRMPRODPARAM61Table for Paramaters for Product Ident. of CRM ProductsMaster Data
1437ERP EHP76.0EPDCRMPRODPIPS72Contains the CRM Product-Identifying ParametersMaster Data
1438ERP EHP76.0EPDPROD322IS-U Master Data Generator: Master Data TemplateMaster Data
1439ERP EHP76.0EPDPRODA285IS-U Master Data Generator: AttributeMaster Data
1440ERP EHP76.0EPDPRODH134IS-U Master data Generator: Master Data Template HierarchyMaster Data
1441ERP EHP76.0EPDPRODHT71IS-U Master data Generator: Master Data Template HierarchyMaster Data
1442ERP EHP76.0EPDPRODIDSEL111MD Template: Selection Criteria for Environment AnalyzerMaster Data
1443ERP EHP76.0EPDPRODT51IS-U Master Data Generator: Master Data Template TextMaster Data
1444ERP EHP76.0EPDSETTINGS21MDG: General Settings for Master Data GeneratorMaster Data
1445ERP EHP76.0EPDTYPE161IS-U Master Data Generator: Master Data Template CategoryMaster Data
1446ERP EHP76.0EPDTYPEA181IS-U Master Data Generator: Master Data Template AttributesMaster Data
1447ERP EHP76.0EPDTYPEH81IS-U Master Data Generator: Hierarchy for MDT CategoryMaster Data
1448ERP EHP76.0EPDTYPEHT71IS-U Master Data Generator: Hierarchy for MDT CategoryMaster Data
1449ERP EHP76.0EPDTYPET51IS-U Master Data Generator: Text for MD Template CategoryMaster Data
1450ERP EHP76.0EPROP172Owner AllocationMaster Data
1451ERP EHP76.0EPROPC121General Settings for Owner AllocationMaster Data
1452ERP EHP76.0EPROPCA21Additional Activity for Automatic Owner Move-InMaster Data
1453ERP EHP76.0EPROPCAT41Additional Activity for Automatic Owner Move-InMaster Data
1454ERP EHP76.0EPROPH52Allocation of Inst. to OwnershipMaster Data
1455ERP EHP76.0ERDMCANC21Reason for CancellationMaster Data
1456ERP EHP76.0ERDMCANCT41Cancellation Reason (Texts)Master Data
1457ERP EHP76.0ERDMSTAT21Redemption StatusMaster Data
1458ERP EHP76.0ERDMSTATT41Redemption Status (Texts)Master Data
1459ERP EHP76.0EREDEMP233Redemption Document for Loyalty ProgramMaster Data
1460ERP EHP76.0EREWARD111Reward ItemMaster Data
1461ERP EHP76.0EREWARDT41Reward Item (Texts)Master Data
1462ERP EHP76.0ERWRDCAT21Reward CategoryMaster Data
1463ERP EHP76.0ERWRDCATT41Reward Category (Texts)Master Data
1464ERP EHP76.0ETINS32Technical information for the premiseMaster Data
1465ERP EHP76.0EVBS222PremiseMaster Data
1466ERP EHP76.0EVBST41Premise: Language-Dependent PartMaster Data
1467ERP EHP76.0EVER946IS-U Cont.Master Data
1468ERP EHP76.0EVERH286IS-U Contract HistoryMaster Data
1469ERP EHP76.0EVST82Alloc. of ARCR to Ref. Val.Master Data
1470ERP EHP76.0TE00141Alloc. of Co. Code - DivisionMaster Data
1471ERP EHP76.0TE06131Installer StatusMaster Data
1472ERP EHP76.0TE061T41Texts for Installer StatusMaster Data
1473ERP EHP76.0TE09741Account Determ. IDsMaster Data
1474ERP EHP76.0TE097T61Account Determ. IDs - TextsMaster Data
1475ERP EHP76.0TE10221Premise TypesMaster Data
1476ERP EHP76.0TE102T41Premise Types (Texts)Master Data
1477ERP EHP76.0TE13071IS-U: Struc. Ind. and Cat. of Functional Loc.Master Data
1478ERP EHP76.0TE13321LocationMaster Data
1479ERP EHP76.0TE133T41Texts for Loc.Master Data
1480ERP EHP76.0TE13V21Location of PremiseMaster Data
1481ERP EHP76.0TE13VT41Location of Premise (Texts)Master Data
1482ERP EHP76.0TE18321Co. TypesMaster Data
1483ERP EHP76.0TE183T41Text for Company TypesMaster Data
1484ERP EHP76.0TE18521Work Fields for InstallerMaster Data
1485ERP EHP76.0TE185T41Texts: Work Fields for InstallerMaster Data
1486ERP EHP76.0TE18921Installer License TypesMaster Data
1487ERP EHP76.0TE189T41Texts for Installer License TypesMaster Data
1488ERP EHP76.0TE24141Franchise Tax GroupsMaster Data
1489ERP EHP76.0TE241T41Franchise Fee Groups (Texts)Master Data
1490ERP EHP76.0TE49721Operation Type for Lighting UnitMaster Data
1491ERP EHP76.0TE64321Processing StatusMaster Data
1492ERP EHP76.0TE643T41Processing Status TextsMaster Data
1493ERP EHP76.0TE64521Contract Types for Franchise Contr.Master Data
1494ERP EHP76.0TE645T41Contract Types for Franchise Contr. (Texts)Master Data
1495ERP EHP76.0TE67721Heat.Inst. DescriptionMaster Data
1496ERP EHP76.0TE67941Charging Control of Heat. Inst.Master Data
1497ERP EHP76.0TE68131Processing Status of Heat. Inst. Special AgreementMaster Data
1498ERP EHP76.0TE68721Contract Cat. of Heat. Install.Master Data
1499ERP EHP76.0TE687T41Texts: Contract Cat. of Heat. InstallationMaster Data
1500ERP EHP76.0TE75921Reason for Supply GuaranteeMaster Data
1501ERP EHP76.0TE759T41Reason for Supply GuaranteeMaster Data
1502ERP EHP76.0TECAMIOVARAS31IS-U: Permitted Contract Model for ParkingMaster Data
1503ERP EHP76.0TECAMIOVARAST51IS-U: Permitted Contract Models (Text Table)Master Data
1504ERP EHP76.0TECHSTR121Changes to Street NamesMaster Data
1505ERP EHP76.0TECONTRACTCLASS21IS-U Contract ClassesMaster Data
1506ERP EHP76.0TECONTRACTCLASST41IS-U Account Cat.TextsMaster Data
1507ERP EHP76.0TETECHINST31Allocation of division and technical installationMaster Data
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Waste Management
1508ERP EHP76.0EEWA_BULK_DATA531Bulk refuse order dataWaste Management
1509ERP EHP76.0EEWA_CAPAB_HEAD171IS-U Waste: Capacity Planning - HeaderWaste Management
1510ERP EHP76.0EEWA_CAPAB_KEY52IS-U Waste: Capacity Planning - Key and Index TableWaste Management
1511ERP EHP76.0EEWA_CAPAB_ROUTE31IS-U Waste: Capacity Planning - RoutesWaste Management
1512ERP EHP76.0EEWA_CIC_FILTAB81IS-U CIC for Waste: Store Filter DataWaste Management
1513ERP EHP76.0EEWA_GUARANTOR173Guarantor ContractWaste Management
1514ERP EHP76.0EEWA_GUARANTORH111Guarantor Contract HistoryWaste Management
1515ERP EHP76.0EEWA_PROP172Allocation of Cleaning Objects to PropertyWaste Management
1516ERP EHP76.0EEWA_PROP_H132Header data of propertyWaste Management
1517ERP EHP76.0EEWA_ROB402Cleaning ObjectWaste Management
1518ERP EHP76.0EEWA_ROBT41IS-U Waste: Cleaning Object TextsWaste Management
1519ERP EHP76.0EEWA_SCALE_USER42Allocation of Users and Waste Disp. Facilities to WeighingWaste Management
1520ERP EHP76.0EEWA_SUBROB51Subordinate Cleaning ObjectsWaste Management
1521ERP EHP76.0EPROP_ADRFLD_SEL711Field Selection Control for Address Screen of PropertyWaste Management
1522ERP EHP76.0EROB_ADDRFLD_SEL711Field Selection Control for Add. Screen of Cleaning ObjectWaste Management
1523ERP EHP76.0EWACALENDER111Definition of General Non-WorkdaysWaste Management
1524ERP EHP76.0EWACONFPRED41Implicit Confirmation ModeWaste Management
1525ERP EHP76.0EWACUSTENV291IS-U Waste, Information Cluster Builder: ParametersWaste Management
1526ERP EHP76.0EWACUSTENVCLUB71Levels of Waste CIC Cluster BuilderWaste Management
1527ERP EHP76.0EWACUSTENVCLUBH41Hierarchy of Waste CIC Cluster BuilderWaste Management
1528ERP EHP76.0EWACUSTENVCLUBT41Levels of Waste CIC Cluster Builder (Text Table)Waste Management
1530ERP EHP76.0EWADCFL84Links Table for Waste Disposal OrdersWaste Management
1531ERP EHP76.0EWADEVSERV201Service Order for Container DeliveryWaste Management
1532ERP EHP76.0EWAEHSGP112Business Partner Integration Table EHS/ IS-WWaste Management
1533ERP EHP76.0EWAEHSGP_F41Business Partner Integration Table EHS/ IS-W: VehiclesWaste Management
1534ERP EHP76.0EWAELOCEO61Allocation Table: Waste Disp. Object to Container LocationWaste Management
1535ERP EHP76.0EWAELOCSD176Allocation Table: Container Loc.Data <-> Sales Document ItemWaste Management
1536ERP EHP76.0EWAELOCSD_INT201EWAELOCSD Dummy Table With Key Fields as CHARWaste Management
1537ERP EHP76.0EWAELOCSD_NEW195Allocation Table: Container Loc.Data <-> Sales Document ItemWaste Management
1538ERP EHP76.0EWAELOC_DIFFC61Allocation Table: Notes for Container LocationWaste Management
1539ERP EHP76.0EWAEMAOBJ51Allocation Clarification Case Category/Object CategoryWaste Management
1540ERP EHP76.0EWAEQUI361IS-U WA: Additional Data for Equipment MasterWaste Management
1541ERP EHP76.0EWAOBJ498Header Data for Service FrequencyWaste Management
1542ERP EHP76.0EWAOBJH484Service Frequency -> Services (History for EWAOBJ)Waste Management
1543ERP EHP76.0EWAOBJH_AAT61Waste Billing Categories for Service Frequency ServiceWaste Management
1544ERP EHP76.0EWAOBJH_AAT_HIST301History and Valution of WBCs for Service Freq. ServiceWaste Management
1545ERP EHP76.0EWAOBJH_DATES141Appendix table of changed data for service frequencyWaste Management
1546ERP EHP76.0EWAOBJH_DIFFCULT71Service Frequency NotesWaste Management
1547ERP EHP76.0EWAOBJH_SDSHARE81Subitems of Sales Document for Service TypeWaste Management
1548ERP EHP76.0EWAOBJH_SEQUENCE71Route Sequence per EWAOBJHWaste Management
1549ERP EHP76.0EWAOBJH_UPOS61Subitems of Sales Document for Service TypeWaste Management
1550ERP EHP76.0EWAPROPSD144Allocation Table: Property <-> Sales Document ItemWaste Management
1551ERP EHP76.0EWAROUTE744Header table of routeWaste Management
1552ERP EHP76.0EWATDEVLOC247Provisional Container/Container Location AllocationWaste Management
1553ERP EHP76.0EWA_ASSGN_EQNR51Alloc. of Equipment No. Area to Tare Weight Validity Cat.Waste Management
1554ERP EHP76.0EWA_ASSGN_EQTYP51Allocations of Equipment Category/Facility to Validity Cat.Waste Management
1555ERP EHP76.0EWA_BILL_RELEVNT371Valuation of Fields Relevant for Billing in Waste Bill.Cat.Waste Management
1556ERP EHP76.0EWA_CAL_DATES61Exception Data for Waste Management CalendarWaste Management
1557ERP EHP76.0EWA_CCOC_ASS_EQ201CO Assignment and VehicleWaste Management
1558ERP EHP76.0EWA_CCOC_ASS_IUP171Assign CO Data for WD Item and SD ItemWaste Management
1559ERP EHP76.0EWA_CCOC_ASS_IWP181Assign CO Data WD Item and Waste/Waste Disposal FacilityWaste Management
1560ERP EHP76.0EWA_CCOC_ASS_RE231Allocate CO and Container (Rent)Waste Management
1561ERP EHP76.0EWA_CCOC_ASS_RS191Assign CO Data to ResourcesWaste Management
1562ERP EHP76.0EWA_CCOC_ASS_WP181CO Assignment to Waste Disposal FacilityWaste Management
1563ERP EHP76.0EWA_CCOC_ASS_WPC181Allocation of CO Data for Weighing Transaction (Waste)Waste Management
1564ERP EHP76.0EWA_CCOC_COPAFLD91Map Confirmation Fields to CO-PA CharacteristicWaste Management
1565ERP EHP76.0EWA_CCOC_CSTM81Customizing for CCOCWaste Management
1566ERP EHP76.0EWA_CCOC_SERVTPT41Text Table for EWA_CCOC_SERVTYPWaste Management
1567ERP EHP76.0EWA_CCOC_SERVTYP21CO Activity TypesWaste Management
1568ERP EHP76.0EWA_CCOC_WP_COST61Allocation of Material/WD Facility to CO Service TypeWaste Management
1569ERP EHP76.0EWA_CHRCTRSTC41Characteristics for Def. of Tare Weight Validity CategoriesWaste Management
1570ERP EHP76.0EWA_EHSWABPCAT41ISW/EHS: Allocate Business Partner TypeWaste Management
1571ERP EHP76.0EWA_EHSWAV_100201EHSWAV_100 Local TableWaste Management
1572ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_DELVRYBAN133Delivery LockWaste Management
1573ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_SAMPLE164SampleWaste Management
1574ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_SAMPLEPAR41Parameters for SampleWaste Management
1575ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_SPRATEXT61Global Table for Language-Dependent TextsWaste Management
1576ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_WDPLANT271Waste Disposal FacilityWaste Management
1577ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_WDPLCST41Dummy Customer/Contract for WeighingWaste Management
1578ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_WDPLFEE41Weighing Fees at Waste Disposal FacilityWaste Management
1579ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_WDPPROC211Transaction Within FacilityWaste Management
1580ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_WDPPROCP181Transaction Within Facility (Items)Waste Management
1581ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_WDPPROGR101Transaction GroupWaste Management
1582ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_WDPPROGRT41Transaction Group TextsWaste Management
1583ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_WDPPROTE121Transaction TemplateWaste Management
1584ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_WDPPROTEP71Procedure Template (Items)Waste Management
1585ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_WDPPROTY161Procedure CategoryWaste Management
1586ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_WDPPROTYP71Transaction Category (Items)Waste Management
1587ERP EHP76.0EWA_EL_WDPPROTYT41Transaction Categories TextsWaste Management
1588ERP EHP76.0EWA_FAKTOR121Factors for Billing of Waste Management ServicesWaste Management
1589ERP EHP76.0EWA_IBASE_REF31Zuordnung IBASE und DEVGRPWaste Management
1590ERP EHP76.0EWA_OBJADDRESS152Object AddressWaste Management
1591ERP EHP76.0EWA_OBJADDRPROP61Allocation of Properties to Object AddressWaste Management
1592ERP EHP76.0EWA_ORDER_BULKY161Bulk Waste Objects for Item in Waste Disposal OrderWaste Management
1593ERP EHP76.0EWA_ORDER_HD_CO781Header Table for Waste Disposal Order (CO Data)Waste Management
1594ERP EHP76.0EWA_ORDER_HD_CP91Header Table for Waste Disposal Order (CO-PA Data)Waste Management
1595ERP EHP76.0EWA_ORDER_HEAD563Header Table for Waste Disposal OrderWaste Management
1596ERP EHP76.0EWA_ORDER_OBJECT12210Item Table for Waste Disposal OrderWaste Management
1597ERP EHP76.0EWA_ORDER_OBJ_CO791Item Table in Waste Disposal Order (CO Data)Waste Management
1598ERP EHP76.0EWA_ORDER_OBJ_CP101Item Table in Waste Disposal Order (CO-PA Data)Waste Management
1599ERP EHP76.0EWA_ORDER_OBJ_SD73SD Contracts for Waste Disposal Order ItemWaste Management
1600ERP EHP76.0EWA_ORDER_RESOBJ201Resource Table for Waste Disposal OrderWaste Management
1601ERP EHP76.0EWA_ORDER_WEIGH482Weighing Data for Waste Disposal OrderWaste Management
1602ERP EHP76.0EWA_ORDER_WGH_CO791Weighing Data Table for Waste Disposal Order (CO Data)Waste Management
1603ERP EHP76.0EWA_ORDER_WGH_CP101Weighing Data Table for Waste Disposal Order (CO-PA Data)Waste Management
1604ERP EHP76.0EWA_ROUTE_BULK51Bulk Refuse Objects for RouteWaste Management
1605ERP EHP76.0EWA_ROUTE_CAL61Maintenance of non-work days for routeWaste Management
1606ERP EHP76.0EWA_ROUTE_WDPLNT62Waste Disposal Facilities for RouteWaste Management
1607ERP EHP76.0EWA_SDCONTRSERV31Allocation Between SD Contract and Service AddressWaste Management
1608ERP EHP76.0EWA_SERVADDRCLOB62Allocation of Cleaning Objects to Service AddressWaste Management
1609ERP EHP76.0EWA_SERVADDRESS163Service AddressWaste Management
1610ERP EHP76.0EWA_TWVT21ID and Description for Tare Weight Validity CategoriesWaste Management
1611ERP EHP76.0EWA_TWVT_SPRAS41Language Table Descriptions of Tare Weight Validity Cat.Waste Management
1612ERP EHP76.0EWA_VALDEF61Value Set Threshold Values for Tare Weight Validity CategoryWaste Management
1613ERP EHP76.0EWA_VBS131Table Supplement for Premise with Historical DataWaste Management
1614ERP EHP76.0EWA_WA_PCKGDSPOS91General Cargo Entry ItemsWaste Management
1615ERP EHP76.0EWA_WA_PCKGDSREG301General Cargo EntryWaste Management
1616ERP EHP76.0EWA_WA_WEIGHCONT61Additional ContainerWaste Management
1617ERP EHP76.0EWA_WA_WEIGHFEE21Weighing FeesWaste Management
1618ERP EHP76.0EWA_WA_WEIGHOFFL931Offline WeighingWaste Management
1619ERP EHP76.0EWA_WA_WEIGHPROC1134Weighing TransactionWaste Management
1620ERP EHP76.0EWA_WA_WEIGHTARA51Additional Tare WeightWaste Management
1621ERP EHP76.0EWA_WA_WPROC_CO781Weighing Transaction (CO Data)Waste Management
1622ERP EHP76.0EWA_WA_WPROC_CP91Weighing Transaction (CO-PA - Data)Waste Management
1623ERP EHP76.0EWA_WEIGHINGSTEP41Definition of Posting/Revers. of Inc.Weigh.Proc. w Mat.SplitWaste Management
1624ERP EHP76.0EWA_WEIGH_FAVOR301Favorite Table of SuppliersWaste Management
1625ERP EHP76.0EWA_WEIGH_FAVORT41Text Table for EWA_WEIGH_FAVORWaste Management
1626ERP EHP76.0ISU2A_INDEX_GG31Index Table for Document Numbers for Guarantor ContractWaste Management
1627ERP EHP76.0TECLEANMETHOD21Cleaning MethodWaste Management
1628ERP EHP76.0TECLEANMETHODT41Texts for Cleaning MethodsWaste Management
1629ERP EHP76.0TEDIFFCULT42IS-U Waste: NotesWaste Management
1630ERP EHP76.0TEDIFFCULTAREA31Service Area of NoteWaste Management
1631ERP EHP76.0TEDIFFCULTT41Texts and Values for Service NotesWaste Management
1632ERP EHP76.0TEDIFFCULTVALUES71Evaluation of NotesWaste Management
1633ERP EHP76.0TEEWA_BULKY_CUST221Bulk Refuse Order TypesWaste Management
1634ERP EHP76.0TEEWA_BULK_CUSTT41Text Table for Bulk Refuse Order TypesWaste Management
1635ERP EHP76.0TEEWA_BULK_CUSTZ51Bulk Refuse Order TypesWaste Management
1636ERP EHP76.0TEROBFELD41Field Control for Cleaning ObjectWaste Management
1637ERP EHP76.0TEROBTYP51Customizing for Cleaning Object CategoryWaste Management
1638ERP EHP76.0TEROBTYPT41Text for Cleaning ObjectWaste Management
1639ERP EHP76.0TESERVICETYPE92Activity TypesWaste Management
1640ERP EHP76.0TESERVICETYPEAAT31Waste billing categories for service typeWaste Management
1641ERP EHP76.0TESERVICETYPET41Texts of service typesWaste Management
1642ERP EHP76.0TESERVICETYPEVAL41Valuation of service typesWaste Management
1643ERP EHP76.0TEWAACTIVATE_OA21Activation for Use of Object and Service AddressWaste Management
1644ERP EHP76.0TEWAADDTARA41Additional Tare Weight at WeighingWaste Management
1645ERP EHP76.0TEWAADDTARAT41Additional Tare Weight at WeighingWaste Management
1646ERP EHP76.0TEWABEHGRP31Allocation of Container Categories to Group TypesWaste Management
1647ERP EHP76.0TEWABEHGRPRCI31Allocation of Container Categories to Group TypesWaste Management
1648ERP EHP76.0TEWABEHGRPSD51Allocation of Group Types to Material TypesWaste Management
1649ERP EHP76.0TEWABEHWASTE41Permitted Container Categories for Waste FractionWaste Management
1650ERP EHP76.0TEWABILLREV51Control Adjustment Reversal for Billing-Relevant ProcessesWaste Management
1651ERP EHP76.0TEWABILLTYPE31IS-W: Waste Billing CategoryWaste Management
1652ERP EHP76.0TEWABILLTYPET41IS-W: Texts for Waste Billing CategoryWaste Management
1653ERP EHP76.0TEWABILLTYPEZ51IS-W: Field Allocation for Waste Billing CategoryWaste Management
1654ERP EHP76.0TEWACHECKEO41Definition of Check for Object Allocation to Cont. LocationWaste Management
1655ERP EHP76.0TEWACHECKSERVICE31Activate Timepoint for Incompleteness CheckWaste Management
1656ERP EHP76.0TEWACONFPRDCT51Confirmation Cat. Dependent on Service Type and Ser.ProviderWaste Management
1657ERP EHP76.0TEWACONFSTYPE41Service Type-to-Confirmation Category Allocation TableWaste Management
1658ERP EHP76.0TEWACONFTYPE51Confirmation noteWaste Management
1659ERP EHP76.0TEWACONFTYPET41Texts and values for confirmation notesWaste Management
1660ERP EHP76.0TEWACONFTYPEVAL51Evaluation of confirmation noteWaste Management
1661ERP EHP76.0TEWACONTCATCHAIN21Activation of Container Chain for Container TypesWaste Management
1662ERP EHP76.0TEWACONTTIM31Minimum Time Frame for Delivery/Removal OrderWaste Management
1663ERP EHP76.0TEWADIALOGPROC21Setting for Start of Single-Screen Transactions in SAP W&RWaste Management
1664ERP EHP76.0TEWADUEDATEDET252Parameter for Due Date Calculation of Charge NotificationWaste Management
1665ERP EHP76.0TEWADUEDATEDETT41Texts for Parameter Record FeesWaste Management
1666ERP EHP76.0TEWAFLEETAREA31Service area for vehicle typeWaste Management
1667ERP EHP76.0TEWAFLEETCONT31Container categories for vehicle typeWaste Management
1668ERP EHP76.0TEWAFLEETEMPTYP31Service type for vehicle typeWaste Management
1669ERP EHP76.0TEWAFOWEIGH41Allocate Front Office Process to Weighing ProcessesWaste Management
1670ERP EHP76.0TEWAFRACTION31Definition of Materials as Waste FractionsWaste Management
1671ERP EHP76.0TEWAFRACTIONBEH41Alln. of Container Cats. & Bulk Densities to Waste FractionWaste Management
1672ERP EHP76.0TEWAGROUPCOUNT31Definition of Minimum Number of Containers for a GroupWaste Management
1673ERP EHP76.0TEWAGUARANTOR31IS-W: GuarantorWaste Management
1674ERP EHP76.0TEWAGUARANTORAAT51Allocation of Waste Billing Categories to Guarantor ContractWaste Management
1675ERP EHP76.0TEWAGUARANTORT41IS-W: Texts on Guarantor CategoryWaste Management
1676ERP EHP76.0TEWAGUARANTORZ51IS-W: Allocation of Fields for Guantor CategoryWaste Management
1677ERP EHP76.0TEWAIBASESD51Allocation of IBASE Categories to Material TypesWaste Management
1678ERP EHP76.0TEWAPROPFIELDS41Field Control of Cleaning Object for PropertyWaste Management
1679ERP EHP76.0TEWAPRORATION31Waste-Specific Restriction DatesWaste Management
1680ERP EHP76.0TEWARESULT21IS-W: confirmation categoryWaste Management
1681ERP EHP76.0TEWARESULTS71IS-W: Allocation of fields to confirmation categoryWaste Management
1682ERP EHP76.0TEWARESULTT41IS-W: text for confirmation categoryWaste Management
1683ERP EHP76.0TEWARESULTZ141IS-W: Allocation of fields to confirmation categoryWaste Management
1684ERP EHP76.0TEWASERVGRPTMPL161Default Values for Service GroupingWaste Management
1685ERP EHP76.0TEWASERVICEGRP21Service GroupingWaste Management
1686ERP EHP76.0TEWASERVICEGRPT41Text Table for TEWASERVICEGRP (Service Grouping)Waste Management
1687ERP EHP76.0TEWASERVICETAXI91Mapping of Service Frequency Fields to CharacteristicsWaste Management
1688ERP EHP76.0TEWASERVICETMPL151Default Values for Service Type for Service ProductWaste Management
1689ERP EHP76.0TEWASERVICEUPOS91Subitems for Service Types / Service ProductsWaste Management
1690ERP EHP76.0TEWASERVWDOIPR41Control of Processing for Each Service Type/Service ProductWaste Management
1691ERP EHP76.0TEWASERVZUS21Table of Keys for Service Interval GroupingWaste Management
1692ERP EHP76.0TEWASERVZUST41Texts for Service Interval GroupingWaste Management
1693ERP EHP76.0TEWASHIFTS41IS-U Waste: ShiftsWaste Management
1694ERP EHP76.0TEWASHIFTST41Texts of service typesWaste Management
1695ERP EHP76.0TEWASLOCPARTNER21Partner Function for Contact Partner for Container LocationWaste Management
1696ERP EHP76.0TEWASTARTWEEK31Customizing Start Weeks per YearWaste Management
1697ERP EHP76.0TEWATIME71Period Control for Waste CallsWaste Management
1698ERP EHP76.0TEWAUPOSADMISBLE101Permissable Waste/Waste Fraction for SubitemWaste Management
1699ERP EHP76.0TEWAVHCLPARTNER21Partner Function for Business Partner for VehicleWaste Management
1700ERP EHP76.0TEWAWASDCHECK51Settings for Verifying Quantities in SD ContractWaste Management
1701ERP EHP76.0TEWAWASDCHECKD31Settings for Checking SD Contract DurationWaste Management
1702ERP EHP76.0TEWAWASTE21Definition of Material Groups as Waste FractionWaste Management
1703ERP EHP76.0TEWAWASTEFRACT31Allocation of Waste to Waste FractionsWaste Management
1704ERP EHP76.0TEWA_DATACHECK41Data Checking TableWaste Management
1705ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_00131Transaction Type for Waste Disposal InstallationsWaste Management
1706ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_001T41Texts for Procedure Type at Waste Disposal FacilitiesWaste Management
1707ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_00231Measurement ProcedureWaste Management
1708ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_002T41Texts on Measurement ProcedureWaste Management
1709ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_00371Sample parameter(s)Waste Management
1710ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_003T41Texts on Sample ParametersWaste Management
1711ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_00441Type of Waste Disposal FacilityWaste Management
1712ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_004T41Type of Waste Disposal FacilityWaste Management
1713ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_00531Allocation of PM Notification (Coding of Subject) to Op.LogWaste Management
1714ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_00621Allocation: Material Types --> WasteWaste Management
1715ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_007161Order Types for Waste Disposal InstallationsWaste Management
1716ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_007T41Order Types for Waste Disposal InstallationsWaste Management
1717ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_GEO91EEWA Additional Data for GenIL ObjectsWaste Management
1718ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_GEOR71EEWA Additional Data GenIL Object RelationWaste Management
1719ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_OBJTRA141Object Transaction Configuration (CL_EEWA_TRANSACTION)Waste Management
1720ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_OBJTRAM151Object Transaction Configuration (Overriding Clients)Waste Management
1721ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_OBJTRAT31Object Transaction - TextsWaste Management
1722ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_OBJTYPE81Definition of EEWA Object Type (Client-Specific)Waste Management
1723ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_OBJTYPEM81Client-Specific Maintenance of Object TypeWaste Management
1724ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_OBJTYPES51Client-Specific Maintenance of Spec. of Object Type/ReaderWaste Management
1725ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_OBJTYPET41EEWA Object Type TextsWaste Management
1726ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_OBJTYPMT51Text Table for Object TypeWaste Management
1727ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_ORB81EEWA Object Request Broker ConfigurationWaste Management
1728ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_ORBP41EEWA Object Request Broker Configuration ParametersWaste Management
1729ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_ORC91EEWA Object Request ConfigurationWaste Management
1730ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_ORCM31EEWA Object Request Configuration MethodsWaste Management
1731ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_ORCP41EEWA Object Request Configuration ParameterWaste Management
1732ERP EHP76.0TEWA_EL_ORMH51EEWA Object Request Method HandlerWaste Management
1733ERP EHP76.0TEWA_WA_001131Hardware Profile ConfigurationWaste Management
1734ERP EHP76.0TEWA_WA_00241Profile ControlWaste Management
1735ERP EHP76.0TEWA_WA_00381Profile GroupWaste Management
1736ERP EHP76.0TEWA_WA_003T41Profile GroupWaste Management
1737ERP EHP76.0TEWA_WA_00451Profile Group (Composition)Waste Management
1738ERP EHP76.0TEWEIGHINGTYPE61Weighing Data TypeWaste Management
1739ERP EHP76.0TEWEIGHINGTYPET41Text for Weighing Data TypeWaste Management
1740ERP EHP76.0TEWINTERSRV21Winter Maintenance LevelWaste Management
1741ERP EHP76.0TEWINTERSRVT41Texts for Winter Maintenance LevelWaste Management
1742ERP EHP76.0TLOAD21Service TypesWaste Management
1743ERP EHP76.0TLOADT41Service Types (Texts)Waste Management
1744ERP EHP76.0TPRDCTAREA21Service Area for IS-U Waste ManagementWaste Management
1745ERP EHP76.0TPRDCTAREAADD41Allocation table: service area to confirmation categoryWaste Management
1746ERP EHP76.0TPRDCTAREASTYPE31Assignment Table of Service Types to Service AreaWaste Management
1747ERP EHP76.0TPRDCTAREAT41Texts for service areaWaste Management
1748ERP EHP76.0TSERVHANDLE21Control for Maintenance of Service FrequencyWaste Management
1749ERP EHP76.0TSTATUS_CUST31IS-U WA: Customer Status IndicatorsWaste Management
1750ERP EHP76.0TSTATUS_CUSTT41IS-U WA: Customer Status Indicators - TextsWaste Management
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Basic Functions :: Portioning and scheduling
1751ERP EHP76.0TE416151Control Parameters for Dynamic SchedulingPortioning and scheduling
1752ERP EHP76.0TE417211Sched. Recs: PortionsPortioning and scheduling
1753ERP EHP76.0TE418282Schedule Records: MR UnitsPortioning and scheduling
1754ERP EHP76.0TE419321Parameter Records for SchedulingPortioning and scheduling
1755ERP EHP76.0TE420542Sch. Mast. Data: PortionPortioning and scheduling
1756ERP EHP76.0TE420AS41Billing Class/Division Category for PortionPortioning and scheduling
1757ERP EHP76.0TE42151Control Parameters for SchedulingPortioning and scheduling
1758ERP EHP76.0TE422603Schedule Master Data for Meter Reading UnitPortioning and scheduling
1759ERP EHP76.0TE422AS41Billing Class/Division Category for Meter Reading UnitPortioning and scheduling
1760ERP EHP76.0TE423141Budget Billing DatesPortioning and scheduling
1761ERP EHP76.0TE42481Portion: Definition of DatesPortioning and scheduling
1762ERP EHP76.0TE42591Meter Reading Dates for Meter Reading UnitsPortioning and scheduling
1763ERP EHP76.0TE42621Meter Reading CenterPortioning and scheduling
1764ERP EHP76.0TE426T41Meter Reading Center TextsPortioning and scheduling
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Basic Functions :: Regional structure
1765ERP EHP76.0ADRCITYCCS71Division-Dependent Data for CityRegional structure
1766ERP EHP76.0ADRCITYKON61Franch. Contracts for CityRegional structure
1767ERP EHP76.0ADRCITYMRU61MRUs for CityRegional structure
1768ERP EHP76.0ADRSTRTCCS121Division-Dependent Data for StreetRegional structure
1769ERP EHP76.0ADRSTRTISU181IS-U Applic. Data for StreetRegional structure
1770ERP EHP76.0ADRSTRTKON111Franchise Contracts for StreetRegional structure
1771ERP EHP76.0ADRSTRTMRU111MRUs for StreetRegional structure
1772ERP EHP76.0EADRCITYAMS61AMS for LocationsRegional structure
1773ERP EHP76.0EADRCITYROUTE41Routes for CityRegional structure
1774ERP EHP76.0EADRREGAREA31Role-Specific Area Grouping of the Regional StructureRegional structure
1775ERP EHP76.0EADRREGAREAA41Role-Spec. Allocation: Reg. Str. Area to Reg. Str. GroupRegional structure
1776ERP EHP76.0EADRREGAREAT51Role-Specific Area Group of the Regional Structure (Texts)Regional structure
1777ERP EHP76.0EADRSTRTAMS111AMS for StreetRegional structure
1778ERP EHP76.0EADRSTRTROUTE91Route Number for Street SectionRegional structure
1779ERP EHP76.0TE21731Water Press. AreasRegional structure
1780ERP EHP76.0TE217T41Water Press. Areas (Texts)Regional structure
1781ERP EHP76.0TE22561Hierarchy Levels of Political Regional StructureRegional structure
1782ERP EHP76.0TE225H41Hierarchy of Political Regional StructureRegional structure
1783ERP EHP76.0TE225T61Hierarchy Levels (Texts)Regional structure
1784ERP EHP76.0TE22751Elements of Political Regional StructureRegional structure
1785ERP EHP76.0TE227T51Elements of Political Regional Structure (Texts)Regional structure
1786ERP EHP76.0TE32131Water Hard. AreasRegional structure
1787ERP EHP76.0TE321T41Water Hard. Area (texts)Regional structure
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Customer Service :: Front Office
1788ERP EHP76.0EBDMARKCONF41CIC components BDD marking function configurationFront Office
1789ERP EHP76.0ECICACC31CIC Auto Activity ComponentFront Office
1790ERP EHP76.0ECICACCACT61CIC Auto Activity Component: ActivityFront Office
1791ERP EHP76.0ECICACCCOND111CIC Auto Activity Component: ConditionsFront Office
1792ERP EHP76.0ECICACCT41CIC Auto Activity Component: TextsFront Office
1793ERP EHP76.0ECICBPSD91Profile for IS-U Business Partner Component of CICFront Office
1794ERP EHP76.0ECVCONF301IS-U customer overview: configurationFront Office
1795ERP EHP76.0ECVCONFT51IS-U customer overview: configuration textsFront Office
1796ERP EHP76.0ECVFIELD41IS-U Customer Information: Configuration FieldsFront Office
1797ERP EHP76.0ECVFIELDH11IS-U Customer Inforamation: Header Table FieldsFront Office
1798ERP EHP76.0ECVFIELDT31IS-U Customer Inforamation: Header Table FieldsFront Office
1799ERP EHP76.0ECVHTML81IS-U customer overview: HTML pagesFront Office
1800ERP EHP76.0ECVHTMLT71IS-U customer overview: configuration textsFront Office
1801ERP EHP76.0ECVIMOD51IS-U Customer Information: Info Module AllocationFront Office
1802ERP EHP76.0ECVIMODH21IS-U Customer Information: Info ModuleFront Office
1803ERP EHP76.0ECVIMODT41IS-U Customer Information: Info Module TextFront Office
1804ERP EHP76.0ECVNODE61IS-U customer overview: tree nodesFront Office
1805ERP EHP76.0ECVNODET61IS-U customer overview: configuration textsFront Office
1806ERP EHP76.0EWAACT121Action Manager: ActionsFront Office
1807ERP EHP76.0EWAACTT61Action Manager: Action TextsFront Office
1808ERP EHP76.0EWAAGR31Action Manager: Action GroupsFront Office
1809ERP EHP76.0EWAAGRT41Action Manager: Action Group TextsFront Office
1810ERP EHP76.0EWAHEAD51Act. Manager: Header TableFront Office
1811ERP EHP76.0EWATRA131Action Manager: Parameter Def.Front Office
1812ERP EHP76.0EWBPARTX61Front Office Process ParametersFront Office
1813ERP EHP76.0EWBPARX121Front Office Process ParametersFront Office
1814ERP EHP76.0EWBSTEPTX61Front Office Process: Step DefinitionFront Office
1815ERP EHP76.0EWBSTEPX101Front Office Process: Step DefinitionFront Office
1816ERP EHP76.0EWBTRAX231Front Office Process: Step ParameterFront Office
1817ERP EHP76.0EWCUSTENV711IS-U Information Cluster Builder: ParameterFront Office
1818ERP EHP76.0EWCUSTENVCLUB71Levels of the IS-U CIC Cluster BuilderFront Office
1819ERP EHP76.0EWCUSTENVCLUBH41Hierarchy of the IS-U CIC Cluster BuilderFront Office
1820ERP EHP76.0EWCUSTENVCLUBT41Levels of the IS-U CIC Cluster Builder (Text Table)Front Office
1821ERP EHP76.0EWCUSTENVT51IS-U Information Cluster Builder: TextFront Office
1822ERP EHP76.0EWMOBJKEY102Internal Help Table for Creating Objects from KeysFront Office
1823ERP EHP76.0EWPDELEG31Tasks for Agent Determination (Delegation)Front Office
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Customer Service :: Integration Customer Relationship Management
1824ERP EHP76.0ECONSEG_DEF21Customer Consumption Default SegmentIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1825ERP EHP76.0ECONSEG_H61Customer Consumption Segment HeaderIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1826ERP EHP76.0ECONSEG_HT41Customer Consumption Segment TextIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1827ERP EHP76.0ECONSEG_H_PAR81Customer Consumption Segment ParameterIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1828ERP EHP76.0ECONSEG_I131Customer Customer Segment ItemIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1829ERP EHP76.0ECONSEG_IT61Customer Consumption Segment Item TextIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1830ERP EHP76.0ECONSEG_I_PAR162Customer Consumption Segment Item ParameterIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1831ERP EHP76.0ECONSEG_RISKCL131Segment Risk ClassIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1832ERP EHP76.0ECONTR_DL_PERSIS21Persistency table for contract download to CRMIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1833ERP EHP76.0ECRMCONTROL101Basic Settings for IS-U/CRM IntegrationIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1834ERP EHP76.0ECRMSALSERVDATA81Customizing Table for CRM Organization DataIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1835ERP EHP76.0ECRMSETTINGS41Basic Settings for IS-U/CRM IntegrationIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1836ERP EHP76.0ECRMTRANSACTTYPE31Customizing Table for CRM Transaction TypeIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1837ERP EHP76.0ECRM_FBREST21Function Module for Restart of MDGIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1838ERP EHP76.0ECRM_MAP_CONTR31Contract Item <-> Master Data Generator MappingIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1839ERP EHP76.0ECRM_PRICECAT21Price CategoriesIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1840ERP EHP76.0ECRM_PRICECATT41Description of Price CategoriesIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1841ERP EHP76.0ECRM_PRICE_MAP31Mapping of Price Key to Quotation Price CategoriesIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1842ERP EHP76.0ECRM_REPL_CD91Table for Change Documents FG EREPL_ERRORHANDLINGIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1843ERP EHP76.0ECRM_REPL_DLAY71Delayed Restart in IS-U Error MonitorIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1844ERP EHP76.0ECRM_REPL_DLAYT41Message Table for Delayed Restart in IS-U Error MonitorIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1845ERP EHP76.0ECRM_REPL_HD351Header Data for IS-U Sales Replication Error HandlingIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1846ERP EHP76.0ECRM_REPL_KEY81New Key Object for IS-U Sales Replication Error HandlingIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1847ERP EHP76.0ECRM_REPL_NOD51Done Node Table for IS-U Sales Replication Error HandlingIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1848ERP EHP76.0ECRM_REPL_PAR51Editable Params. for IS-U Sales Replication Error HandlingIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1849ERP EHP76.0ECRM_REPL_TAB61MDG Param. Table for IS-U Sales Replication Error HandlingIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1850ERP EHP76.0EDIVDIM_PRP31Permitted Dimensions for Division CategoryIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1851ERP EHP76.0EPDESC221IS-U MD template description: header entriesIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1852ERP EHP76.0EPDESCH51IS-U MD template description: hierachyIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1853ERP EHP76.0EPDESCPTR41IS-U MD template description: product category allocationIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1854ERP EHP76.0EPDESCPTRB231IS-U MD template description: product cat. allocations: dataIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1855ERP EHP76.0EPDESCT51IS-U MD template description: textIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1856ERP EHP76.0EPDESCTYP31IS-U MD template description: MDT categoryIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1857ERP EHP76.0EPDESCTYPI121IS-U MD template description: MDT category interfaceIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1858ERP EHP76.0EPDESCTYPT51IS-U MD template description: MDT category textIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1859ERP EHP76.0EPDESCV91IS-U MD template description: valuesIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1860ERP EHP76.0EPPSIMRESULT171Product Proposal Simulation ResultsIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1861ERP EHP76.0EPPSIMRESULTTX131Product Proposal Simulation Tax ResultsIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1862ERP EHP76.0ESALES_PRODAVAIL61Availability of a ProductIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1863ERP EHP76.0ESALES_PRODSALES241Profiles of the sales transactionIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1864ERP EHP76.0ESALES_PRODSALET41Maintain Text for SD Processing ProfilesIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1865ERP EHP76.0ESALES_PRODSTYPE41Allocation of Products to Set TypesIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1866ERP EHP76.0ESALES_PRODUCTT41Utility Product TextsIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1867ERP EHP76.0ESALES_PSFIELDS81Field Properties for Set Type Attributes for each ProductIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1868ERP EHP76.0ESALES_SALESAREA61Alternative Sales Areas for ProfileIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1869ERP EHP76.0ESALES_SETTYPE61Set typesIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1870ERP EHP76.0ESALES_SETTYPET41Set Type TextsIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1871ERP EHP76.0ESALES_SVOFFERS71Customizing for Maintenance of Quotation Calculation URLIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1872ERP EHP76.0ESALES_UTILPROD101Utility productsIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1873ERP EHP76.0ESIMCHAR91Simulation CharacteristicsIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1874ERP EHP76.0ESIMCHAR_191Simulation CharacteristicsIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1875ERP EHP76.0ESIMPCAT_H21Simulation Product CatalogIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1876ERP EHP76.0ESIMPCAT_HT41Simulation Product Catalog TextIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1877ERP EHP76.0ESIMPCAT_I41Simulation Product Catalog ItemIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1878ERP EHP76.0ESIMPRODUCTS61Admissible Simulation ProductsIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1879ERP EHP76.0ESIMPRODUCTST41Admissible Simulation Products TextIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1880ERP EHP76.0EVER_CRMQ904ISU Contract CRM-Entry QueueIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1881ERP EHP76.0EVER_CRMQ_CHEVNT41Contract Queue for Change Reference NumbersIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1882ERP EHP76.0EVER_CRMQ_CONF81Contract Queue ConfigurationIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1883ERP EHP76.0EVER_CRMQ_KEY81New Keys Tab from MDGIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1884ERP EHP76.0EVER_CRMQ_PLANED71ISU Contract CRM-Entry QueueIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1885ERP EHP76.0EVER_CRMQ_STATUS51Contract Queue ConfigurationIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1886ERP EHP76.0EVER_PC_CONTR41Table of Contracts for Mass Rate ChangeIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1887ERP EHP76.0EVER_PC_CONTRPAR41Mast.Data Generator: Attribute Table for Mass Product ChangeIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1888ERP EHP76.0EVER_PC_MAP61Mapping Table for Mass Product ChangeIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1889ERP EHP76.0EVER_PC_MAP_PAR51Mast.Data Generator: Attribute Table for Mass Product ChangeIntegration Customer Relationship Management
1890ERP EHP76.0TEWASALESREFCUST31Allocate Reference Customer to Sales AreaIntegration Customer Relationship Management
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Customer Service :: Internet Self-Services
1891ERP EHP76.0EIACUSR51Allocation Table - Public Sector / Utilities UserInternet Self-Services
1892ERP EHP76.0EIAC_COMMON41Internal services: cross-service control tableInternet Self-Services
1893ERP EHP76.0EIAC_CONSOLIDATR21Define bill consolidatorInternet Self-Services
1894ERP EHP76.0EIAC_CONSOLIDATT41Internet service bill consolidator: consolidator textInternet Self-Services
1895ERP EHP76.0EIAC_PAYMENT41Internet: incoming payment method - bank/credit cardInternet Self-Services
1896ERP EHP76.0EIAC_SERVICE71Control parameter: define internet self-servicesInternet Self-Services
1897ERP EHP76.0EIAC_SER_MOVE_IN31Define ISS move-inInternet Self-Services
1898ERP EHP76.0EIAC_WEBAPPLFORM31ISS bill display: define formsInternet Self-Services
1899ERP EHP76.0ISU_CUSTESERVICE41Control Parameter for Utility Customer E-ServicesInternet Self-Services
1900ERP EHP76.0ISU_EBPP_TFKAUTH11Processing Functs. with Authorization Protection (ISU_EBPP)Internet Self-Services
1901ERP EHP76.0ISU_EBP_TFKAUTHT31Processing Functs. with Authorization Protection (ISU_EBPP)Internet Self-Services
1902ERP EHP76.0UCESPRODCHANGE41UCES: Permitted Rate Category ChangeInternet Self-Services
1903ERP EHP76.0UCESPRODTEXT41UCES: Text for Rate CategoryInternet Self-Services
1904ERP EHP76.0UCES_CUST_ABBP121UCES: Customizing for Budget Billing Plan AdjustmentInternet Self-Services
1905ERP EHP76.0UCES_CUST_APP131UCES: Customizing for Payment Plan ChangeInternet Self-Services
1906ERP EHP76.0UCES_CUST_APS61UCES: Customizing Payment Scheme ChangeInternet Self-Services
1907ERP EHP76.0UCES_CUST_CO51uCES: Customizing for Contract OverviewInternet Self-Services
1908ERP EHP76.0UCES_CUST_IB151UCES: Customizing Table for Interim BillingInternet Self-Services
1909ERP EHP76.0UCES_CUST_MTR31UCES: Customizing for Anonymous Meter Reading EntryInternet Self-Services
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Customer Service :: Marketing
1910ERP EHP76.0ECRMMKT_BP51Business Partner for CampaignMarketing
1911ERP EHP76.0ECRMMKT_PR131Campaign: Header Data Trigger for Print Action RecordsMarketing
1912ERP EHP76.0EMKT_ESTM_CONS251Marketing: Extrapolated Consumption for Each ContractMarketing
1913ERP EHP76.0EMKT_ESTM_CONS_I51Marketing: Trigger for Consumption Extraction (Insert)Marketing
1914ERP EHP76.0EMKT_ESTM_CONS_P321Marketing: Extrapolation Index for Mass ActivityMarketing
1915ERP EHP76.0EMKT_ESTM_CONS_U51Marketing: Trigger for Consumption Extraction (Update)Marketing
1916ERP EHP76.0ERCHV_BW_PROT61Log of BW Extraction for ConsumptionsMarketing
1917ERP EHP76.0TECRMMKT_F41Flyers/Standard Texts for CampaignMarketing
1918ERP EHP76.0TEMKT_BPSEG21Standard values for business partner segmentationMarketing
1919ERP EHP76.0TEMKT_BPSEG_BW61Standard Values for Extracting Marketing-Relevant DataMarketing
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Device Management :: AMI Event Management
1920ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR00081FDT: Expression - Create ContactAMI Event Management
1921ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR000A81FDT: Expression - Create ContactAMI Event Management
1922ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR000S71FDT: Expression - Create ContactAMI Event Management
1923ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR000T71FDT: Expression - Create COntactAMI Event Management
1924ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR001101FDT: Expression - Compatible UnitAMI Event Management
1925ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR001A101FDT: Expression - Compatible UnitAMI Event Management
1926ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR001S91FDT: Expression - Compatible UnitAMI Event Management
1927ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR001T91FDT: Expression - Compatible unitAMI Event Management
1928ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR002201FDT: Expression - Notification OrderAMI Event Management
1929ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR002A201FDT: Expression - Create Notification OrderAMI Event Management
1930ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR002S191FDT: Expression - Create Notification OrderAMI Event Management
1931ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR002T191FDT: Expression - Create Notification OrderAMI Event Management
1932ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR003141FDT: Expression - Create Service OrderAMI Event Management
1933ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR003A141FDT: Expression - Create Service OrderAMI Event Management
1934ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR003S131FDT: Expression - Create Service OrderAMI Event Management
1935ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR003T131FDT: Expression - Create Service OrderAMI Event Management
1936ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR004111FDT: Expression - No ActionAMI Event Management
1937ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR004A111FDT: Expression - No ActionAMI Event Management
1938ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR004S101FDT: Expression - No ActionAMI Event Management
1939ERP EHP76.0EFDT_EXPR004T101FDT: Expression - No ActionAMI Event Management
1940ERP EHP76.0TEAMIC_EM_ATTR51Customizing Table for Event's AttributesAMI Event Management
1941ERP EHP76.0TEAMIC_EM_ATTRT41Customizing Table for Text of AttributeAMI Event Management
1942ERP EHP76.0TEAMIC_EM_DOCTYP41Customizing Table for Document TypeAMI Event Management
1943ERP EHP76.0TEAMIC_EM_DOCTYT41Customizing Table for Text of Document TypeAMI Event Management
1944ERP EHP76.0TEAMIC_EM_EVTATR41Customizing Table for the link btw. attribute and event typeAMI Event Management
1945ERP EHP76.0TEAMIC_EM_EVTCAT21Customizing Table for Event CategoryAMI Event Management
1946ERP EHP76.0TEAMIC_EM_EVTCTT41Customizing Table for Text of Event CategoryAMI Event Management
1947ERP EHP76.0TEAMIC_EM_EVTSRC21Customizing Table for the Source of the EventAMI Event Management
1948ERP EHP76.0TEAMIC_EM_EVTSRT41Customizing Table for Text of Event SourceAMI Event Management
1949ERP EHP76.0TEAMIC_EM_EVTTYP61Customizing Table for Event Type CodesAMI Event Management
1950ERP EHP76.0TEAMIC_EM_EVTYPT41Customizing Table for Text of Event Type CodeAMI Event Management
1951ERP EHP76.0TEAMIC_EM_SELCRI21Customizing Table for Selection CriteriaAMI Event Management
1952ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_EM_EVTATTR211IS-U Event Management Attributes for AMI EventsAMI Event Management
1953ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_EM_EVTINT31Smart Meter Event InterruptsAMI Event Management
1954ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_EM_EVTMSG121Messages for Smart Meter EventsAMI Event Management
1955ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_EM_EVTRES151Results for AMI EventsAMI Event Management
1956ERP EHP76.0TEAMI_EM_EVTS194IS-U AMI Event Management AMI EventsAMI Event Management
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Device Management :: Device installation
1957ERP EHP76.0EADZ141Multiple-Installation Billing Data: RegisterDevice installation
1958ERP EHP76.0EASTI82Register RelationshipsDevice installation
1959ERP EHP76.0EASTIH91Header Data for Register RelationshipsDevice installation
1960ERP EHP76.0EASTL142Billing data: Installation Structure at Device LevelDevice installation
1961ERP EHP76.0EASTS162Billing data: Installation Structure at Reg. LevelDevice installation
1962ERP EHP76.0ETDZ442Technical Data for Installed RegisterDevice installation
1963ERP EHP76.0EZUA51Types of Device AllocationDevice installation
1964ERP EHP76.0EZUAT51Types of Device Allocation - TextsDevice installation
1965ERP EHP76.0EZUG132Device Allocations for Device (Non-Metering Devices)Device installation
1966ERP EHP76.0EZUZ142Device Allocations for Register (Metering Devices)Device installation
1967ERP EHP76.0EZWGEASTI41Predefined Register RelationshipsDevice installation
1968ERP EHP76.0EZWGEASTIH122Header Data for Predefined Register RelationshipsDevice installation
1969ERP EHP76.0TE10021Controls for Device Installation/Removal/ReplacementDevice installation
1970ERP EHP76.0TE10141Default Logical Register AllocationDevice installation
1971ERP EHP76.0TE17961Permissibility of Installation Relevant to BillingDevice installation
1972ERP EHP76.0TE26141Control of Settlement Indicator for RegisterDevice installation
1973ERP EHP76.0TE40171Transact.RsnsDevice installation
1974ERP EHP76.0TE401T41Transact. Rsns (Text)Device installation
1975ERP EHP76.0TE40271Types of Regist. RelationshipsDevice installation
1976ERP EHP76.0TE402T41Types of Regist. Relationships (Texts)Device installation
1977ERP EHP76.0TE40431Permissible Reg. Relationships per Div. Cat.Device installation
1978ERP EHP76.0TE40521Operation Code Within a Register RelationshipDevice installation
1979ERP EHP76.0TE405T41Operation Code Within a Register Relationship (Texts)Device installation
1980ERP EHP76.0TE40661Operation Code per Reg. RelationshipDevice installation
1981ERP EHP76.0TE79121Mod.ReasonsDevice installation
1982ERP EHP76.0TE791T41Rec. Reasons (Txt)Device installation
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Device Management :: Meter Reading
1983ERP EHP76.0DBTAB_TEMPPC121database table for temporary Periodic consumptionMeter Reading
1984ERP EHP76.0EABL824MR DocumentMeter Reading
1985ERP EHP76.0EABLDEL822Deleted Meter Reading DocumentMeter Reading
1986ERP EHP76.0EABLG83MR Reasons in MR DocumentMeter Reading
1987ERP EHP76.0EABLGDEL81Meter Reading Reasons of Deleted Meter Reading DocumentMeter Reading
1988ERP EHP76.0EABLQDCONV91Conversion History for Quantity Det. During Meter ReadingMeter Reading
1989ERP EHP76.0EABLQDCONVDEL91Conversion History for QD During (Deleted) Meter ReadingMeter Reading
1990ERP EHP76.0EASTE91Register-related Period ConsumptionMeter Reading
1991ERP EHP76.0EBIAS181Table for Calculation of BIAS FactorMeter Reading
1992ERP EHP76.0EIKE161Index for Removed Device -> Removal Not Yet EnteredMeter Reading
1993ERP EHP76.0ELWEG52Street RouteMeter Reading
1994ERP EHP76.0ELWEG_LOG51Log Numbers for Street RoutesMeter Reading
1995ERP EHP76.0ETRG353Billing OrderMeter Reading
1996ERP EHP76.0ISU_AUNIT_MDATA61Unit Test: Table for Master DataMeter Reading
1997ERP EHP76.0TE01721Meter Reading GroupMeter Reading
1998ERP EHP76.0TE017T41MR Group (Text)Meter Reading
1999ERP EHP76.0TE01871Determination of Decimal Places per MR GroupMeter Reading
2000ERP EHP76.0TE10771Degree DaysMeter Reading
2001ERP EHP76.0TE10941Weighting SharesMeter Reading
2002ERP EHP76.0TE11561Meter ReaderMeter Reading
2003ERP EHP76.0TE115T41Mtr Rdr (Text)Meter Reading
2004ERP EHP76.0TE11921MR Block. ReasonsMeter Reading
2005ERP EHP76.0TE119T41Reason for MR Block (Txt)Meter Reading
2006ERP EHP76.0TE121141Tolerance Limits of Independent ValidationsMeter Reading
2007ERP EHP76.0TE21811Independent Validations (Value Table)Meter Reading
2008ERP EHP76.0TE218T31Independent Validations (Texts for Value Table)Meter Reading
2009ERP EHP76.0TE219131Independent Validations (Control Table)Meter Reading
2010ERP EHP76.0TE220131User-Defined Independent ValidationsMeter Reading
2011ERP EHP76.0TE25941Notes from Meter RdrMeter Reading
2012ERP EHP76.0TE259T41Notes from Meter Rdr (Text)Meter Reading
2013ERP EHP76.0TE26511Weighting ProceduresMeter Reading
2014ERP EHP76.0TE265T31Weighting Procedure (Text)Meter Reading
2015ERP EHP76.0TE26641User-Defined Weighting KeysMeter Reading
2016ERP EHP76.0TE266T41User-Defined Weighting Keys (Texts)Meter Reading
2017ERP EHP76.0TE40031Controls for Meter Reading Order Creation/EntryMeter Reading
2018ERP EHP76.0TE40351Table for Average Degree Day CoefficientsMeter Reading
2019ERP EHP76.0TE40821Check Classes of Independent ValidationsMeter Reading
2020ERP EHP76.0TE408T41Check Classes of Independent Validations (Texts)Meter Reading
2021ERP EHP76.0TE409141Parameters for Independent ValidationsMeter Reading
2022ERP EHP76.0TE410331Parameters for MR Data ProcessingMeter Reading
2023ERP EHP76.0TE410S221Performance Parameters for Meter Reading Data EntryMeter Reading
2024ERP EHP76.0TE41181Estimation Parameters: MR Data EntryMeter Reading
2025ERP EHP76.0TE41331Valdiation Groups for Dependent ValidationsMeter Reading
2026ERP EHP76.0TE413T41Validation Groups for Dependent Validations (Texts)Meter Reading
2027ERP EHP76.0TE414131Parameters for dependent validationsMeter Reading
2028ERP EHP76.0TE41551Energy Feeding per PeriodMeter Reading
2029ERP EHP76.0TE43641User-defined Meter Reading Type for EntryMeter Reading
2030ERP EHP76.0TE436T41User-defined Meter Reading Type for Entry (Texts)Meter Reading
2031ERP EHP76.0TE43731Params for Fixed Dev. Val. for Devices Without Inst. Alloc.Meter Reading
2032ERP EHP76.0TE43851Control of MR Type for which MR orders are createdMeter Reading
2033ERP EHP76.0TE438T41Meter Reading Control (Texts)Meter Reading
2034ERP EHP76.0TE43921Installation TypeMeter Reading
2035ERP EHP76.0TE439T41Instlltn Ty.(Txts)Meter Reading
2036ERP EHP76.0TE45431Parameters for Changing Meter Read. Results (Upload Process)Meter Reading
2037ERP EHP76.0TE45521Parameters for Change to MR Result (CRM Integration)Meter Reading
2038ERP EHP76.0TE491121Dependent Validation ParametersMeter Reading
2039ERP EHP76.0TE56721Est. ReasonsMeter Reading
2040ERP EHP76.0TE567T41Est. Reasons (Text)Meter Reading
2041ERP EHP76.0TE56951Average Monthly Energy FeedingMeter Reading
2042ERP EHP76.0TE580N61Dynamic Notes to Field ServiceMeter Reading
2043ERP EHP76.0TE580T41Dynamic Notes to Field Service (Texts)Meter Reading
2044ERP EHP76.0TE58241Static Notes to Field ServiceMeter Reading
2045ERP EHP76.0TE582T41Static Notes to Field Service (Texts)Meter Reading
2046ERP EHP76.0TE58451Form Group of Note to Field ServiceMeter Reading
2047ERP EHP76.0TE584T51Description of Form GroupMeter Reading
2048ERP EHP76.0TE60811MR Reasons (Values) for Which MR Results Can Be GeneratedMeter Reading
2049ERP EHP76.0TE608T31MR Reasons (Texts)Meter Reading
2050ERP EHP76.0TE60921MR Reasons (Values)Meter Reading
2051ERP EHP76.0TE609T31MR Reasons (Texts)Meter Reading
2052ERP EHP76.0TE61041Priority of MR Reasons for Interval ValidationMeter Reading
2053ERP EHP76.0TE61141Interpolation of MR ReasonsMeter Reading
2054ERP EHP76.0TE61351Priority of Meter Reading Reasons When Times Are the SameMeter Reading
2055ERP EHP76.0TE61421MR Types: Categorization of Meter Reading TypeMeter Reading
2056ERP EHP76.0TE614T41Meter Reading Categories (Texts)Meter Reading
2057ERP EHP76.0TE62021List of Customer-Specific Dependent ValidationsMeter Reading
2058ERP EHP76.0TE620T31Language-Dependent table: Customer-Specific Dep. Val. PointMeter Reading
2059ERP EHP76.0TE62131Allocation of Customer-Specific Validations to Val. GroupMeter Reading
2060ERP EHP76.0TE62211Customer-Specific Validation Points: Independent validationsMeter Reading
2061ERP EHP76.0TE622T31Independent Validations (Texts for Value Table)Meter Reading
2062ERP EHP76.0TE62521Multiple Register Validations (Value Tables)Meter Reading
2063ERP EHP76.0TE625T31Dependent Validations (Texts for Value Table)Meter Reading
2064ERP EHP76.0TE627111Multiple Register Validations (Control Table)Meter Reading
2065ERP EHP76.0TE629101Control of Variable Scheduled Meter Reading DatesMeter Reading
2066ERP EHP76.0TE630101Control of Meter Reading Proc.Meter Reading
2067ERP EHP76.0TE87151Validity period for PROFEST valuesMeter Reading
2068ERP EHP76.0TE90031Validations: Check Codes + Funct. Module NamesMeter Reading
2069ERP EHP76.0TE90131User-Defined ValidationsMeter Reading
2070ERP EHP76.0TE90231Function Modules for Pop Codes (Dependent Validations)Meter Reading
2071ERP EHP76.0TE90331User-Defined Dependent ValidationsMeter Reading
2072ERP EHP76.0TE935101Automatic Meter Reading MonitoringMeter Reading
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Information System :: Statistics
2073ERP EHP76.0BIW_TRANSF_UPD92BW Delta: Transfer Table for Bill Data to FI-CAStatistics
2074ERP EHP76.0DBESTA_BWPROT111Log Recordc for BW Sales Statistics UpdateStatistics
2075ERP EHP76.0DBESTA_BWPROTE81Single Document Log Record of BW Sales StatisticsStatistics
2076ERP EHP76.0DBESTA_BWPROTH221History Record for Extraction to BW Sales StatisticsStatistics
2077ERP EHP76.0DBESTA_UISPROT61Log Record for UIS Sales Statistics UpdateStatistics
2078ERP EHP76.0EITESTA72IS-U Sales Statistics: Temp. Index for Document SelectionStatistics
2079ERP EHP76.0EMDSTTSANL62Notes for Future Changes to Stock StatisticsStatistics
2080ERP EHP76.0EMDSTTSCON32Notes for Future Changes to Stock StatisticsStatistics
2081ERP EHP76.0EMDSTTSOP42Notes for Future Changes to Stock StatisticsStatistics
2082ERP EHP76.0EMDSTTSOPL52Notes for Future Changes to Stock StatisticsStatistics
2083ERP EHP76.0EMDSTTSREL32Notes for Future Changes to Stock StatisticsStatistics
2084ERP EHP76.0IESTA_UISPROT31Help Structure for Block ESTA_UISROT (UIS Update)Statistics
2085ERP EHP76.0S440191IS-U rate statisticsStatistics
2086ERP EHP76.0S440E172S440: Structure InformationStatistics
2087ERP EHP76.0S441211IS-U Industry StatisticsStatistics
2088ERP EHP76.0S441E192S441: Structure InformationStatistics
2089ERP EHP76.0TE77021Contract: Statistics GroupsStatistics
2090ERP EHP76.0TE770T41Contract: Statistics Groups - TextsStatistics
2091ERP EHP76.0TE77121Rate Category: Statistics GroupsStatistics
2092ERP EHP76.0TE771T41Rate Category: Statistics Groups - TextsStatistics
2093ERP EHP76.0TE77551Update Group DeterminationStatistics
2094ERP EHP76.0TE77641UIS: Alloc. of Billing Unit of Meas. -> Stat. Unit of Meas.Statistics
2095ERP EHP76.0TE777_BIW31BW: Specify Statistics CurrencyStatistics
2096ERP EHP76.0TE777_UIS31UIS: Specify Statistics CurrencyStatistics
2097ERP EHP76.0TE77891Reduce Data Quantity in Sales Statistics ExtractorStatistics
2098ERP EHP76.0TE78911Trans. Stats CategoriesStatistics
2099ERP EHP76.0TE789C41Control for Updating Transaction StatsStatistics
2100ERP EHP76.0TE789T31Texts for Transaction Statistics CategsStatistics
2101ERP EHP76.0TE79011Stock Statistics CategoriesStatistics
2102ERP EHP76.0TE790C41Control for Updating Transaction StatsStatistics
2103ERP EHP76.0TE790T31Texts for Transaction Statistics CategsStatistics
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Master Data :: Business Partner
2104ERP EHP76.0EKUN373IS-U-Specific Fields for Business PartnerBusiness Partner
2105ERP EHP76.0TE18121Classification of Business PartnerBusiness Partner
2106ERP EHP76.0TE181T41Text for Classification of Business PartnerBusiness Partner
2107ERP EHP76.0TEBP_ADR_ADD51Supplementary Table for TEBP_ADR_SHIP_TOBusiness Partner
2108ERP EHP76.0TEBP_ADR_SHIP_TO52Link Address Number of Business Partner to Ship-To PartyBusiness Partner
2109ERP EHP76.0TECLERK_ID21Agent IDs for Agent DeterminationBusiness Partner
2110ERP EHP76.0TECLERK_IDT41Agent IDs for Agent DeterminationBusiness Partner
2111ERP EHP76.0TECST21Account Groups for Ref. Customers in IS-UBusiness Partner
2112ERP EHP76.0TECVI21System Parameters for IS-UBusiness Partner
2113ERP EHP76.0TEKND91System Parameters for Standard Customers in IS-UBusiness Partner
2114ERP EHP76.0TUKTO31Account Groups Belonging to IS-UBusiness Partner
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Master Data :: Contract account
2115ERP EHP76.0KONTOKLASSE21IS-U Acc. ClassesContract account
2116ERP EHP76.0KONTOKLASSET41IS-U Account Cat.TextsContract account
2117ERP EHP76.0TE002A31IS-U Specific Attribute for Contract Account CategoriesContract account
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Master Data :: Point of delivery
2118ERP EHP76.0EUIGRID142Allocation of PoD to GridPoint of delivery
2119ERP EHP76.0EUIHEAD142PoD Header DataPoint of delivery
2120ERP EHP76.0EUIHEADT41PoD Header Data (Text)Point of delivery
2121ERP EHP76.0EUIINSTLN152Allocation of Installation to PoDPoint of delivery
2122ERP EHP76.0EUILNR132Allocation of Logical Device to PoDPoint of delivery
2123ERP EHP76.0EUILZW132Allocation of Logical Register to PoDPoint of delivery
2124ERP EHP76.0EUISTRUTYPE101PoD Structure CategoryPoint of delivery
2125ERP EHP76.0EUISTRUTYPECUST61PoD Structure Category: Screen SettingsPoint of delivery
2126ERP EHP76.0EUISTRUTYPET41Text for Point of Delivery StructurePoint of delivery
2127ERP EHP76.0EUITRANS142Transformation of Internal/External Point of Delivery No.Point of delivery
2128ERP EHP76.0EUITYPE31Type of Point of DeliveryPoint of delivery
2129ERP EHP76.0EUITYPET41Type of Point of Delivery (Text)Point of delivery
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Tools :: Archiving
2130ERP EHP76.0EABLARC41Internal index f. analyzing archivable meter reading resultsArchiving
2131ERP EHP76.0EABLARCHIVE31Index for archivable meter reading resultsArchiving
2132ERP EHP76.0EABPARCH31IS-U archiving: Help table archiving budget billing plansArchiving
2133ERP EHP76.0ERCHARC72Index for Archivable Billing DocumentsArchiving
2134ERP EHP76.0ERDK_ARCH71Reversal Data for Print Docs Reversed after ArchivingArchiving
2135ERP EHP76.0TE02621General Control of IS-U ArchivingArchiving
2136ERP EHP76.0TE026A31Customizing: IS-U Archiving Retention PeriodsArchiving
2137ERP EHP76.0TE026B41Customizing: IS-U Archiving Additional Retention PeriodsArchiving
2138ERP EHP76.0TE026BO11IS-U Archiving: Characterizing Objects AdditionallyArchiving
2139ERP EHP76.0TE026BT31Customizing: IS-U Archiving Texts for CharacterizationArchiving
2140ERP EHP76.0TE026C31Customizing: IS-U Archiving Date Field SelectionArchiving
2141ERP EHP76.0TE026CO11IS-U Archiving: Objects for Date Field SelectionArchiving
2142ERP EHP76.0TE026CT31IS-U Archiving: Text for Date Field SelectionArchiving
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Tools :: Migration
2143ERP EHP76.0TEJOBCO82Job Scheduler: Job InformationMigration
2144ERP EHP76.0TEJOB_APPL11Job Scheduler ApplicationsMigration
2145ERP EHP76.0TEJOB_APPLT31Application TextsMigration
2146ERP EHP76.0TEJOB_CONTR31Function Modules for ApplicationMigration
2147ERP EHP76.0TEJOB_CONTRT31Application TextsMigration
2148ERP EHP76.0TEMACT121IS-U migration: Activities for activity groupsMigration
2149ERP EHP76.0TEMACTGRP81IS-U migration: Activity groups for question catalogMigration
2150ERP EHP76.0TEMACTGRPT31IS-U migration: Text for activity groups in question catalogMigration
2151ERP EHP76.0TEMBDC111IS-U Migration: Recording for BDC ObjectsMigration
2152ERP EHP76.0TEMCAT121IS-U migration: Question catalogMigration
2153ERP EHP76.0TEMCATEGORY71IS-U migrationMigration
2154ERP EHP76.0TEMCATEGORYT31IS-U migration: Question categoryMigration
2155ERP EHP76.0TEMCATQ81IS-U migration: Activities in question catalogMigration
2156ERP EHP76.0TEMCATT41IS-U migration: Question catalog nameMigration
2157ERP EHP76.0TEMCHECK51IS-U migration: check tableMigration
2158ERP EHP76.0TEMCLASS31IS-U migration: migration classesMigration
2159ERP EHP76.0TEMCLASST31IS-U migration: migration class textsMigration
2160ERP EHP76.0TEMCNV191IS-U Mig: Conversion objectsMigration
2161ERP EHP76.0TEMCNVT31IS-U Mig: Conversion objects (text)Migration
2162ERP EHP76.0TEMCNVTAB31IS-U Mig: Conversion tableMigration
2163ERP EHP76.0TEMCOMPONENT71IS-U Mig: Restrict Mig.Objects for Determined ComponentsMigration
2164ERP EHP76.0TEMCONTROL31IS-U Migration: Control ParameterMigration
2165ERP EHP76.0TEMCONTROLC51IS-U Migration: Control Parameter Customer SettingsMigration
2166ERP EHP76.0TEMCONTROLT31IS-U Migration: Control Parameter (Texts)Migration
2167ERP EHP76.0TEMDB312IS-U Mig.: Structure of Automation DataMigration
2168ERP EHP76.0TEMDBT81IS-U Migration: Structure of Automation Data (Texts)Migration
2169ERP EHP76.0TEMERR91IS-U Migration: Clipboard for Error Data (INDX Tab)Migration
2170ERP EHP76.0TEMFE111IS-U Mig.: Fxd ValsMigration
2171ERP EHP76.0TEMFECODE31IS-U Migration: Table of Program Lines for Fixed ValueMigration
2172ERP EHP76.0TEMFET31IS-U Mig.: Descriptions for FVsMigration
2173ERP EHP76.0TEMFIKEY41IS-U Migration: Determine Reconciliation Key for Each UNAMEMigration
2174ERP EHP76.0TEMFIRMA151IS-U mig.: companyMigration
2175ERP EHP76.0TEMFIRMAT31IS-U mig.: company - descriptionMigration
2176ERP EHP76.0TEMFU51IS-U Mig.: Transfer Parameters for Service ModsMigration
2177ERP EHP76.0TEMGENCODE51IS-U migration: coding for report generationMigration
2178ERP EHP76.0TEMGENFORM81IS-U migration: report generation form parametersMigration
2179ERP EHP76.0TEMGENFUBA71IS-U migration: generate report FM parametersMigration
2180ERP EHP76.0TEMGENMAIN101IS-U migration: control report generationMigration
2181ERP EHP76.0TEMGENTIME21IS-U migration: events for report generationMigration
2182ERP EHP76.0TEMGROUP61IS-U Migration: Job GroupMigration
2183ERP EHP76.0TEMGROUPT41IS-U Migration: Job Group DescriptionsMigration
2184ERP EHP76.0TEMID21ID assignment for IS-U Migration WorkbenchMigration
2185ERP EHP76.0TEMJOB242IS-U Migration: Definition of Import JobMigration
2186ERP EHP76.0TEMKSV51IS Migration: Key and Status ManagementMigration
2187ERP EHP76.0TEMLOCK101IS-U Migration: Lock TableMigration
2188ERP EHP76.0TEMOB421IS-U Mig.: Migration ObjsMigration
2189ERP EHP76.0TEMOBS61IS-U migration: Blocking status of migration objectMigration
2190ERP EHP76.0TEMOBT41IS-U Mig.: Migration Objects (Txts)Migration
2191ERP EHP76.0TEMPA41IS-U Mig.: Current DirectoryMigration
2192ERP EHP76.0TEMQUES41IS-U migration: List of questionsMigration
2193ERP EHP76.0TEMRC81IS-U Mig: Conversion rule (conversion definitions)Migration
2194ERP EHP76.0TEMRE201IS-U Mig.: Conv. Rules (Fields)Migration
2195ERP EHP76.0TEMRECON141IS-U Migration, Customizing ReconciliationMigration
2196ERP EHP76.0TEMRF81IS-U Mig.: Conv. Rules (definition of fixed values)Migration
2197ERP EHP76.0TEMRT91IS-U Mig.: Conversion rules (definition of ABAP statements)Migration
2198ERP EHP76.0TEMRU161IS-U Mig.: Conversion rules (higher-level objects)Migration
2199ERP EHP76.0TEMRUN253Mass import: Header dataMigration
2200ERP EHP76.0TEMRUNDEFDIST101Mass Import Data for Distribution of Run (Defaults)Migration
2201ERP EHP76.0TEMRUNDIST51Mass import: Data for distributing the runMigration
2202ERP EHP76.0TEMRUNGROUP91Mass Import GroupMigration
2203ERP EHP76.0TEMRUNGROUPJOB71Mass Import GroupMigration
2204ERP EHP76.0TEMRUNGROUPM121Group Import - Run DataMigration
2205ERP EHP76.0TEMRUNJOBS52Mass import: Data on started import jobsMigration
2206ERP EHP76.0TEMRUNMASTER121Mass import: Data of master jobMigration
2207ERP EHP76.0TEMRUNVARIANT31Mass import: Number assignment for variant numbersMigration
2208ERP EHP76.0TEMSCHED191IS-U Migration: Import RunsMigration
2209ERP EHP76.0TEMSERKEY51IS-U Mig: Determine Container Serial Number via UNAMEMigration
2210ERP EHP76.0TEMSTATISTIK315IS-U migration: statistics on performed migrationsMigration
2211ERP EHP76.0TEMSTATISTIK_LOG91IS-U Migration: Migration Statistic for the Application LogMigration
2212ERP EHP76.0TEMUS341IS-U Mig.: ManagmntMigration
2213ERP EHP76.0TEMUS241IS-U Migration: Hidden Objects per UserMigration
2214ERP EHP76.0TEMUSERINFO111Messages for IS-U Migration Workbench UserMigration
2215ERP EHP76.0TEMUSERINFOREAD41Message Read from IS-U Migration Workbench UserMigration
2216ERP EHP76.0TEM_BBP_CB41IS-U Mig: Assgt of BB Due Date for Collective Document No.Migration
2217ERP EHP76.0TEM_BBP_CB_CNTRL21IS-U mig.: Processing control for table TEM_BBP_CBMigration
2218ERP EHP76.0TEM_BBP_DEREG71IS-U Mig.: Budget Billing Request in legacy system (dereg.)Migration
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Waste Management :: Master Data
2219ERP EHP76.0EWATINVMETHMASPC41Acc.Meth. - Material Explosion per Service Product ComponentMaster Data
2220ERP EHP76.0EWATINVMETHMAT31Allocation of Materials to Accounting MethodsMaster Data
2221ERP EHP76.0EWATINVOICEMETH21Accounting MethodsMaster Data
2222ERP EHP76.0EWATINVOICEMETHT51Text Table for Accounting MethodsMaster Data
2223ERP EHP76.0EWATSPCMPNTCONT31Service Product Container TypesMaster Data
2224ERP EHP76.0EWATSPCMPNTFVAL31Service Product Component - Fixed ValuesMaster Data
2225ERP EHP76.0EWATSPCMPNTFVALT61Text Table for Service Product Components-Fixed ValuesMaster Data
2226ERP EHP76.0EWATSPCMPNTSF221Service FrequencyMaster Data
2227ERP EHP76.0EWATSPCMPNTSFT61Text Table for Service FrequencyMaster Data
2228ERP EHP76.0EWATSPCMPNTWASTE71Service Product Component - WasteMaster Data
2229ERP EHP76.0EWATSPCOMPONENT41Service Product ComponentMaster Data
2230ERP EHP76.0EWATSPCOMPONENTT51Text Table for Service Product ComponentMaster Data
2231ERP EHP76.0EWATSRVPRDCMP42Service Product Component CombinationsMaster Data
2232ERP EHP76.0EWATSRVPRDCMPVAL41Component Values of a SP Component CombinationMaster Data
2233ERP EHP76.0EWATWASTESRVPROD151Service Products for Waste and RecyclingMaster Data
2234ERP EHP76.0EWATWSPCMPCOMB41Allocation SP Waste&Recycling - Applied SP Component Comb.Master Data
2235ERP EHP76.0EWATWSPPLANT31Plant Allocation to Service Product Waste and RecyclingMaster Data
2236ERP EHP76.0EWATWSPSRVPRDCMP41Service Prod. Comp. Allocation to SP Waste and RecyclingMaster Data
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Waste Management :: Processing
2237ERP EHP76.0EWATSUBCNTCNF81Configuration Subcontractor Processing (General)Processing
2238ERP EHP76.0EWATSUBCNTCNFWDI151Configuration Subcontractor Handling Waste Disp. Order ItemProcessing
2239ERP EHP76.0EWATSUBCNTCNFWDO151Configuration Subcontract. Handling for Waste Disposal OrderProcessing
2240ERP EHP76.0EWATSUBCNTCNFWDW151Configuration Subcontractor Processing for Weigh BillsProcessing
2241ERP EHP76.0EWA_WDOC_WAREA61Waste Disposal Order Cockpit: Work AreaProcessing
2242ERP EHP76.0EWA_WDOC_WAREAT41WDOC Work Area: Text TableProcessing
2243ERP EHP76.0EWA_WDOC_WA_BP31Selection Data from Work Area for Business PartnerProcessing
2244ERP EHP76.0EWA_WDOC_WA_JS41Selection Data from Work Area for StatusProcessing
2245ERP EHP76.0EWA_WDOC_WA_PA31Selection Data from Work Area for Service AreaProcessing
2246ERP EHP76.0EWA_WDOC_WA_PC71Selection Data from Work Area for Regional StructureProcessing
2247ERP EHP76.0EWA_WDOC_WA_RT31Selection Data from Work Area for RouteProcessing
2248ERP EHP76.0EWA_WDOC_WA_SL31Selection Data from Work Area for Container LocationProcessing
2249ERP EHP76.0EWA_WDOC_WA_ST31Selection Data from Work Area for Service TypeProcessing
2250ERP EHP76.0EWA_WDOC_WA_SV41Selection Data from Work Area for SD ContractProcessing
2251ERP EHP76.0EWA_WDOC_WA_WS31Selection Data from Work Area for Winter MaintenanceProcessing
2252ERP EHP76.0TEWA_WDOC_ACTIV41Activity for Waste Disposal Order CockpitProcessing
2253ERP EHP76.0TEWA_WDOC_ACTIVT41Activity Texts for Waste Disposal Order CockpitProcessing
2254ERP EHP76.0TEWA_WDOC_CSTM161Customizing for Waste Disposal Order CockpitProcessing
2255ERP EHP76.0EEWM_IDOC_FM41IS-U: Alloc. of Function Modules to IDoc Types (Outbound)Processing
2256ERP EHP76.0EWMCPINSP41Control Parameters for InspectionsProcessing
2257ERP EHP76.0EWMINSPDETAIL294Inspection List DetailProcessing
2258ERP EHP76.0EWMINSPHEAD91Inspection list headerProcessing
2259ERP EHP76.0EWMOBJINSP71Inspection date for equipment or functional locationProcessing
2260ERP EHP76.0EWMPERIODEQ71Periods for equipment inspectionsProcessing
2261ERP EHP76.0EWMPERIODTI71Periods for technical installation inspectionsProcessing
2262ERP EHP76.0EWMSPROF121Time Slot Profile: Header EntryProcessing
2263ERP EHP76.0EWMSPROF_SLOTS31Time Slot Profile: Start Times of Time SlotsProcessing
2264ERP EHP76.0EWMSPROF_WC41Allocation of Time Slot Profiles to Work CentersProcessing
2265ERP EHP76.0ISU_NETID_HIER31Hierarchy Information for Network IDProcessing
2266ERP EHP76.0TE69121Control Parameters Disaggregation SD/CSProcessing
2267ERP EHP76.0TEACTSCHEME81Activity SchemaProcessing
2268ERP EHP76.0TEN399A101Control: Automatic Creation of Maint./Serv. NotificationProcessing
2269ERP EHP76.0TENOCODE31Allocation of Notification Codes to Notification ProfilesProcessing
2270ERP EHP76.0TENOCODES21Notification CodesProcessing
2271ERP EHP76.0TENOCODEST41Notification Codes (Texts)Processing
2272ERP EHP76.0TENOCODET41Allocation of Notif. Codes to Notif. Profiles (Texts)Processing
2273ERP EHP76.0TEOBJRESP31Def. Partner Roles and Note for Persons Responsible for Obj.Processing
2274ERP EHP76.0TEPERMITMAP51IS-U: Allocation of Catalog, Code Group, Code to PermitProcessing
2275ERP EHP76.0TEREGPERMIT51IS-U: Alloc. of Permits to Service Obj. and Reg.Struc.AreaProcessing
2276ERP EHP76.0TEREGPLANT51Allocation of Plant to Service Object and Reg. Struc. AreaProcessing
2277ERP EHP76.0TEREGPLANTWC71Allocation of Workplace to Service Obj. and Regional GroupProcessing
2278ERP EHP76.0TEREGPLNOTIF41Alloc. of Planning Plant to Notif.Profile and Reg.Struc.AreaProcessing
2279ERP EHP76.0TESERVICE51Alloc. of Service Obj. to Division and Set LevelProcessing
2280ERP EHP76.0TEWOCODE41Alloc. of Message Codes to Order TextsProcessing
2281ERP EHP76.0TEWOCODES21Order CodesProcessing
2282ERP EHP76.0TEWOCODEST41Order Codes (Texts)Processing
2283ERP EHP76.0TEWOCODET41Allocation of Message Codes to Order Cats (Texts)Processing
2284ERP EHP76.0TSV_SETEBENE21Set Level for Service ObjectsProcessing
2285ERP EHP76.0TSV_SETEBENET41Set Level for Service Products (Texts)Processing
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Work Management :: Work Management Mobile Business
2286ERP EHP76.0EWMMAUEXPFLAG451MAU: Define Sections to ExpandWork Management Mobile Business
2287ERP EHP76.0EWMMAUMATFLAG21MAU: Define Device Numbers as UniqueWork Management Mobile Business
2288ERP EHP76.0EWMMAUMATS21MAU: Materials for Mobile ProcessingWork Management Mobile Business
2289ERP EHP76.0EWM_DEFAULTS81MAU: Define Default Values for Selection FieldsWork Management Mobile Business
2290ERP EHP76.0EWM_ELWEG_INDEX41Index Table for Street RouteWork Management Mobile Business
2291ERP EHP76.0EWM_MREAD_CUST41MAU: Meter Reading Customizing for UserWork Management Mobile Business
2292ERP EHP76.0EWM_MR_CUST_SD21MAU: Meter Reading Units for Replication in BackendWork Management Mobile Business
2293ERP EHP76.0EWM_MSAMMRCUST21MSAM: Meter Reading Units for Replication in BackendWork Management Mobile Business
2294ERP EHP76.0EWM_MSAM_MATS21MSAM: Materials for Mobile ProcessingWork Management Mobile Business
2295ERP EHP76.0EWM_MSAM_PAYMENT21Update Contract Account in MiddlewareWork Management Mobile Business
2296ERP EHP76.0EWM_PAYMENT_SD21Update Contract Account in MiddlewareWork Management Mobile Business
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Customer Service :: Process Execution :: Move-InOut
2297ERP EHP76.0EAUS363Move-out Doc. for Contract Acc.Move-InOut
2298ERP EHP76.0EAUSV264Move-out Doc. Contract LevelMove-InOut
2299ERP EHP76.0ECAMIOPRACC211IS-U: Pre-entry Document: Contract Account DataMove-InOut
2300ERP EHP76.0ECAMIOPRADDR341IS-U: Parked Document: Addresses (Business Partner)Move-InOut
2301ERP EHP76.0ECAMIOPRBANK101IS-U: Pre-entry Document: Bank DetailsMove-InOut
2302ERP EHP76.0ECAMIOPRBUPA371IS-U: Parked Document: Business Partner DataMove-InOut
2303ERP EHP76.0ECAMIOPRCI263IS-U: Parked Document: Contracts and InstallationsMove-InOut
2304ERP EHP76.0ECAMIOPRCONT51IS-U: Pre-entry Document: Contact DataMove-InOut
2305ERP EHP76.0ECAMIOPREMAIL91IS-U: Parked Document: E-Mail AddressesMove-InOut
2306ERP EHP76.0ECAMIOPRHEAD312IS-U: Parked Document: Header DataMove-InOut
2307ERP EHP76.0ECAMIOPRMDKEY63IS-U: Parked Document: Master Data KeyMove-InOut
2308ERP EHP76.0ECAMIOPRMIOLNK41IS-U: Pre-entry Document: Link to Move-in/Move-out DocumentMove-InOut
2309ERP EHP76.0ECAMIOPRMR122IS-U: Parked Document: MR Results and Period ConsumptionMove-InOut
2310ERP EHP76.0ECAMIOPRPC121IS-U Parking Document: Payment CardsMove-InOut
2311ERP EHP76.0ECAMIOPRTEL121IS-U: Pre-entry Document: Telephone NumbersMove-InOut
2312ERP EHP76.0EEIN394Move-in Doc. for ContAcc.Move-InOut
2313ERP EHP76.0EEINV274Move-in Doc. for Cont.Move-InOut
2314ERP EHP76.0EOHNEEINZ21IS-U Rsn for Move-Out W/O Move-InMove-InOut
2315ERP EHP76.0EOHNEEINZT41IS-U Texts: Reason for Move-Out W/O Move-InMove-InOut
2316ERP EHP76.0ESECWR21Move-in: Reason for Exemption from Security DepositMove-InOut
2317ERP EHP76.0ESECWRT41Reason for Exemption from Security Deposit (Texts)Move-InOut
2318ERP EHP76.0TE490A101Move-Out Control: Document LevelMove-InOut
2319ERP EHP76.0TE490AV111Move-Out Control: Contract LevelMove-InOut
2320ERP EHP76.0TE490E141Move-In Control: Document LevelMove-InOut
2321ERP EHP76.0TE490ES101General System Parameters for Move-In and Move-OutMove-InOut
2322ERP EHP76.0TE490EV91Move-In Control: Contract LevelMove-InOut
2323ERP EHP76.0TE95061Customizing special features logMove-InOut
2324ERP EHP76.0TE950B41Special features log (blocks)Move-InOut
2325ERP EHP76.0TE960111Reasons for Contract ChangeMove-InOut
2326ERP EHP76.0TE960T41Text for table TE90: reasons for contract changeMove-InOut
2327ERP EHP76.0TE97031Configuration for Move-In/Out (EC60)Move-InOut
2328ERP EHP76.0TE970A121General PRocessing Variants for Move-In/OutMove-InOut
2329ERP EHP76.0TE970AT41Text for Processing Variants for Move-In/Out (te970a)Move-InOut
2330ERP EHP76.0TE970B231Special Procesing Variants for Move-In/OutMove-InOut
2331ERP EHP76.0TE980A21Conversion Table EIAC_ENROLLMENT -> Product NamesMove-InOut
2332ERP EHP76.0TE99071Reason for customer changeMove-InOut
2333ERP EHP76.0TE990T41Reason for customer changeMove-InOut
2334ERP EHP76.0TECAMIOFLDVIS71IS-U: Pre-entry Variants / Field VisibilityMove-InOut
2335ERP EHP76.0TECAMIOVAR91IS-U: Pre-entry VariantsMove-InOut
2336ERP EHP76.0TECAMIOVARAM41IS-U: Pre-entry Variants / Permitted Master Data TemplatesMove-InOut
2337ERP EHP76.0TECAMIOVARAMT61IS-U: Permitted Master Data Templates (Text Tables)Move-InOut
2338ERP EHP76.0TECAMIOVARAP41IS-U: Pre-entry Variants / Permitted ProductsMove-InOut
2339ERP EHP76.0TECAMIOVARAPT61IS-U: Permitted Contract Models (Text Table)Move-InOut
2340ERP EHP76.0TECAMIOVARSP61IS-U: Pre-entry Variants: Division-dependent DataMove-InOut
2341ERP EHP76.0TECAMIOVART41IS-U: Pre-entry Variants (Text Table)Move-InOut
2342ERP EHP76.0TECAMIOVARU31IS-U: Pre-entry Groups / User GroupsMove-InOut
Industry Specific :: SAP Utilities :: Information System :: Statistics :: Process Statistics
2343ERP EHP76.0TEKPIC_MSG_SUC41Non-Error Messages for Process Statistics (Customer)Process Statistics
2344ERP EHP76.0TEKPI_MSG_SUC31Non-Error Messages for Process Statistics (SAP)Process Statistics