SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH
10BSEG345Accounting Document Segment

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
6OJDT100Journal Entry
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data
10OINM101Whse Journal
1Business One9.3ARCT1836Incoming Payment - HistoryBanking
SQL:  selectupdate insert create

Use the column checkboxes to build your query. Header columns sets/unsets all columns

SELECT DocEntry, DocNum, DocType, Canceled, Handwrtten, Printed, DocDate, DocDueDate, CardCode, CardName, Address, DdctPrcnt, DdctSum, DdctSumFC, CashAcct, CashSum, CashSumFC, CreditSum, CredSumFC, CheckAcct, CheckSum, CheckSumFC, TrsfrAcct, TrsfrSum, TrsfrSumFC, TrsfrDate, TrsfrRef, PayNoDoc, NoDocSum, NoDocSumFC, DocCurr, DiffCurr, DocRate, SysRate, DocTotal, DocTotalFC, Ref1, Ref2, CounterRef, Comments, JrnlMemo, TransId, DocTime, ShowAtCard, SpiltTrans, CreateTran, Flags, CntctCode, DdctSumSy, CashSumSy, CredSumSy, CheckSumSy, TrsfrSumSy, NoDocSumSy, DocTotalSy, ObjType, StornoRate, UpdateDate, CreateDate, ApplyVAT, TaxDate, Series, confirmed, ShowJDT, BankCode, BankAcct, DataSource, UserSign, LogInstanc, VatGroup, VatSum, VatSumFC, VatSumSy, FinncPriod, VatPrcnt, Dcount, DcntSum, DcntSumFC, DcntSumSy, SpltCredLn, PrjCode, PaymentRef, Submitted, Status, PayMth, BankCountr, FreightSum, FreigtFC, FreigtSC, BoeAcc, BoeNum, BoeSum, BoeSumFc, BoeSumSc, BoeAgent, BoeStatus, WtCode, WtSum, WtSumFrgn, WtSumSys, WtAccount, WtBaseAmnt, Proforma, BoeAbs, BpAct, BcgSum, BcgSumFC, BcgSumSy, PIndicator, PaPriority, PayToCode, IsPaytoBnk, PBnkCnt, PBnkCode, PBnkAccnt, PBnkBranch, WizDunBlck, WtBaseSum, WtBaseSumF, WtBaseSumS, UndOvDiff, UndOvDiffS, BankActKey, VersionNum, VatDate, TransCode, PaymType, TfrRealAmt, CancelDate, OpenBal, OpenBalFc, OpenBalSc, BcgTaxSum, BcgTaxSumF, BcgTaxSumS, TpwID, ChallanNo, ChallanBak, ChallanDat, WddStatus, BcgVatGrp, BcgVatPcnt, SeqCode, Serial, SeriesStr, SubStr, BSRCode, LocCode, WTOnhldPst, UserSign2, BuildDesc, ResidenNum, OperatCode, UndOvDiffF, MIEntry, FreeText1, FreeText2, FreeText3, ShowDocNo, TDSInterst, TDSCharges, CUP, CIG, MIType, SupplCode, BPLId, BPLName, VATRegNum, BPLCentPmt, DraftKey, TDSFee, MinHeadCL, SEPADate, OwnerCode, AgrNo, CreateTS, UpdateTS, TDSType, DrNo, PmntWTCert, EnPBnkAcct, EncryptIV, DPPStatus FROM ARCT


ColumnFieldDescriptionSQL TypeLengthDecimalsRelationDefault ValueConstraintsSQL Create Statement
1DocEntryInternal Numberint110 Allow NULL? 
2DocNumDocument Numberint110 Allow NULL? 
3DocTypeDocument Typechar10CA=Account, C=Customer, D=Yes, P=P.L.A, S=Vendor, T=TDS Allow NULL? 
4CanceledCanceledchar10NN=Yes, Y=No Allow NULL? 
5HandwrttenManual Numberingchar10NN=Copy, Y=No Allow NULL? 
6PrintedPrintedchar10NN=Yes, Y=Original Allow NULL? 
7DocDatePosting Datedate80
8DocDueDateDue Datedate80
9CardCodeBP Codenvarchar150 Allow NULL? 
10CardNameBP Namenvarchar1000 Allow NULL? 
11AddressAddressnvarchar2540 Allow NULL? 
12DdctPrcntDeduction %num196 Allow NULL? 
13DdctSumTotal Deductionsnum196 Allow NULL? 
14DdctSumFCTotal Deductions (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
15CashAcctCash Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
16CashSumCash Amountnum196 Allow NULL? 
17CashSumFCCash Amount (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
18CreditSumCredit Amountnum196 Allow NULL? 
19CredSumFCCredit Amount (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
20CheckAcctCash Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
21CheckSumCheck Amountnum196 Allow NULL? 
22CheckSumFCCheck Amount (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
23TrsfrAcctBank Transfer Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
24TrsfrSumBank Transfer Amountnum196 Allow NULL? 
25TrsfrSumFCBank Transfer Amount (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
26TrsfrDateBank Transfer Datedate80
27TrsfrRefIntended Purposenvarchar270 Allow NULL? 
28PayNoDocNon-Calculated Paymentchar10NN=No, Y=No Allow NULL? 
29NoDocSumNon-Calculated Amountnum196 Allow NULL? 
30NoDocSumFCNon-Calculated Amount (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
31DocCurrDocument Currencynvarchar30OCRN Allow NULL? 
32DiffCurrEntered in LCchar10NN=Yes, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
33DocRateDocument Ratenum196 Allow NULL? 
34SysRatePrice (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
35DocTotalTotal Documentnum196 Allow NULL? 
36DocTotalFCTotal Document (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
37Ref1Ref. 2nvarchar110 Allow NULL? 
38Ref2Ref. 3nvarchar80 Allow NULL? 
39CounterRefCounter Referencenvarchar80 Allow NULL? 
40CommentsRemarksnvarchar2540 Allow NULL? 
41JrnlMemoJournal Remarknvarchar500 Allow NULL? 
42TransIdTransaction Numberint110OJDT Allow NULL? 
43DocTimeCreation Timeint60 Allow NULL? 
44ShowAtCardDisplay Customer Ref. No.char10NN=Yes, Y=No Allow NULL? 
45SpiltTransSplit Journal Entrychar10NN=Yes, Y=No Allow NULL? 
46CreateTranCreate Journal Entrychar10YN=Yes, Y=No Allow NULL? 
47FlagsFlagsint1100 Allow NULL? 
48CntctCodeContact Personint110OCPR Allow NULL? 
49DdctSumSyDeduction Amount (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
50CashSumSyCash Amount in (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
51CredSumSyCredit Amount (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
52CheckSumSyCheck Amount (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
53TrsfrSumSyBank Transfer Amount (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
54NoDocSumSyNot Invoiced Amount (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
55DocTotalSyTotal Document (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
56ObjTypeObject Typenvarchar200ADP1 Allow NULL? 
57StornoRateCancellation Ratenum196 Allow NULL? 
58UpdateDateDate of Updatedate80
59CreateDateCreation Datedate80
60ApplyVATTax Definitionchar10NN=Yes, Y=No Allow NULL? 
61TaxDateDocument Datedate80
62SeriesSeriesint110NNM1 Allow NULL? 
63confirmedApprovedchar10NN=Yes, Y=No Allow NULL? 
64ShowJDTDisplay Journal Entrieschar10NN=Unknown, Y=No Allow NULL? 
65BankCodeBank Code for Bank Transfernvarchar300 Allow NULL? 
66BankAcctAccount for Bank Transfernvarchar500 Allow NULL? 
67DataSourceData Sourcechar10NA=Restore Wizard, B=BSP, D=Partner Implementation, I=Update, M=DI API, N=Interface, O=Doc. Generation Wizard, P=Year Transfer, T=Yes, U=Import Allow NULL? 
68UserSignUser Signatureint60OUSR Allow NULL? 
69LogInstancLog Instanceint1100 Allow NULL? 
70VatGroupTax Groupnvarchar80OVTG Allow NULL? 
71VatSumTax Amountnum196 Allow NULL? 
72VatSumFCTax Amount (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
73VatSumSyTax Amount (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
74FinncPriodPosting Periodint110OFPR Allow NULL? 
75VatPrcntTax %num196 Allow NULL? 
76DcountDiscountnum196 Allow NULL? 
77DcntSumDiscount Amountnum196 Allow NULL? 
78DcntSumFCDiscount Amount (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
79DcntSumSyDiscount Amount (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
80SpltCredLnSplit Credit Voucherchar10NN=Yes, Y=No Allow NULL? 
81PrjCodeProject Codenvarchar200OPRJ Allow NULL? 
82PaymentRefPayment Reference No.nvarchar270 Allow NULL? 
83SubmittedSubmittedchar10NN=Yes, Y=No Allow NULL? 
84StatusCreated by Payment Wizardchar10NC=Yes, N=BoE Canceled, Y=No Allow NULL? 
85PayMthPayment Methodnvarchar150OPYM Allow NULL? 
86BankCountrBank Countrynvarchar30OCRY Allow NULL? 
87FreightSumFreight Sumnum196 Allow NULL? 
88FreigtFCFreight Sum (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
89FreigtSCFreight Sum (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
90BoeAccBoe Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
91BoeNumBill of Exchange No.int110 Allow NULL? 
92BoeSumBill of Exchange Amountnum196 Allow NULL? 
93BoeSumFcBill of Exchange Amount (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
94BoeSumScBill of Exchange Amount (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
95BoeAgentBill of Exchange Agentnvarchar320OAGP Allow NULL? 
96BoeStatusBill of Exchange Statuschar10 Allow NULL? 
97WtCodeWTax Codenvarchar40OWHT Allow NULL? 
98WtSumWTax Amountnum196 Allow NULL? 
99WtSumFrgnWTax Amount (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
100WtSumSysWTax Amount (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
101WtAccountWTax Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
102WtBaseAmntWTax Taxable Amountnum196 Allow NULL? 
103ProformaProformachar10NN=No, Y=No Allow NULL? 
104BoeAbsBoe Keyint110OBOE Allow NULL? 
105BpActBP Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
106BcgSumBank Charges Amountnum196 Allow NULL? 
107BcgSumFCBank Charges Amount (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
108BcgSumSyBank Charges Amount (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
109PIndicatorPeriod Indicatornvarchar100OPID Allow NULL? 
110PaPriorityPayment Prioritychar1061, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Allow NULL? 
111PayToCodePay tonvarchar500 Allow NULL? 
112IsPaytoBnkIs Pay to Bankchar10NN=Yes, Y=No. Allow NULL? 
113PBnkCntPay to Bank Countrynvarchar30OCRY Allow NULL? 
114PBnkCodePay to Bank Codenvarchar300 Allow NULL? 
115PBnkAccntPay to Bank Account No.nvarchar500 Allow NULL? 
116PBnkBranchPay to Bank Branchnvarchar500 Allow NULL? 
117WizDunBlckWizard Dunning Blockchar10NN=YES, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
118WtBaseSumWTax Base Sumnum196 Allow NULL? 
119WtBaseSumFWTax Base Sum (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
120WtBaseSumSWTax Base Sum (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
121UndOvDiffUnder/Overpayment Differencenum196 Allow NULL? 
122UndOvDiffSUnder/Overpayment Diff. (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
123BankActKeyBank Account Internal IDint110DSC1 Allow NULL? 
124VersionNumVersion Numbernvarchar110 Allow NULL? 
125VatDateTax Datedate80
126TransCodeTransaction Codenvarchar40OTRC Allow NULL? 
127PaymTypePayment Typechar10NE=Mail, N, P=Telegraph, T=Express, X=Without Allow NULL? 
128TfrRealAmtTransfer Real Amountnum196 Allow NULL? 
129CancelDateCancelation Datedate80
130OpenBalOpen Balance Amountnum196 Allow NULL? 
131OpenBalFcOpen Balance Amount (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
132OpenBalScOpen Balance Amount (SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
133BcgTaxSumBank Charge Tax Amountnum196 Allow NULL? 
134BcgTaxSumFBank Charge Tax Amount(FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
135BcgTaxSumSBank Charge Tax Amount(SC)num196 Allow NULL? 
136TpwIDTax Payment Wizard IDint1100 Allow NULL? 
137ChallanNoChallan No.nvarchar320 Allow NULL? 
138ChallanBakChallan Bank Namenvarchar600 Allow NULL? 
139ChallanDatChallan Received Datedate80
140WddStatusAuthorization Statuschar10--=Pending, A=Canceled, C=Canceled, N=Generated, P=Generated by Authorizer, W=Approved, Y=Rejected Allow NULL? 
141BcgVatGrpBank Charge Tax Groupnvarchar80OVTG Allow NULL? 
142BcgVatPcntBank Charge Tax %num196 Allow NULL? 
143SeqCodeSequence Codeint60 Allow NULL? 
144SerialSerial Numberint110 Allow NULL? 
145SeriesStrSeries Stringnvarchar30 Allow NULL? 
146SubStrSubseries Stringnvarchar30 Allow NULL? 
147BSRCodeBSR Codenvarchar250 Allow NULL? 
148LocCodeLocation Codeint110OLCT Allow NULL? 
149WTOnhldPstWTax On Hold, Postednum196 Allow NULL? 
150UserSign2Updating Userint60OUSR Allow NULL? 
151BuildDescBuild Descriptornvarchar500 Allow NULL? 
152ResidenNumResidence Numberchar1011=Spanish Fiscal ID, 2=VAT Registration Number, 3=Passport, 4=Fiscal ID Issued by the Residence Country, 5=Certificate of Fiscal Residence, 6=Other Document Allow NULL? 
153OperatCodeOperation Codechar10A=Summary Invoices Entry, B=Summary Receipts Entry, C=Invoice with Several VAT Rates, D=Correction Invoice, E=Due VAT Pending Invoice Issuance, F=Expenses Incurred by Travel Agent for Customers, G=Special Regulation for VAT Group, H=Special Regulation for Gold Investment, I=Reverse Charge Procedure, J=Unsummarized Receipts, K=Identificatio Allow NULL? 
154UndOvDiffFUnder/Overpayment Diff. (FC)num196 Allow NULL? 
155MIEntryMI Entry Include this Paymentint1100 Allow NULL? 
156FreeText1Free Text 1nvarchar1000 Allow NULL? 
157FreeText2Free Text 2nvarchar1000 Allow NULL? 
158FreeText3Free Text 3nvarchar1000 Allow NULL? 
159ShowDocNoDisplay Document No.char10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
160TDSInterstTDS Interestnum1960 Allow NULL? 
161TDSChargesTDS Other Chargesnum1960 Allow NULL? 
162CUPUnique Code of Projectint110OCUP Allow NULL? 
163CIGContract Code Identificationint110OCIG Allow NULL? 
164MITypeMI Type Include this Paymentnvarchar200140000014=A/P Monthly Invoice, 270=A/R Monthly Invoice Allow NULL? 
165SupplCodeSupplementary Codenvarchar2540 Allow NULL? 
166BPLIdBranchint110OBPL Allow NULL? 
167BPLNameBranch Namenvarchar1000 Allow NULL? 
168VATRegNumVAT Reg. Numbernvarchar320 Allow NULL? 
169BPLCentPmtCentralized Paymentchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
170DraftKeyPayment Draft Internal IDint110OPDF Allow NULL? 
171TDSFeeTDS Feenum196 Allow NULL? 
172MinHeadCLMinor Head of Challanint110200=TDS Payable by Taxpayer, 400=TDS Regular Assessment (Raised by IT Dept) Allow NULL? 
173SEPADateRequested SEPA Pmt Datedate80
174OwnerCodePayment Ownerint110OHEM Allow NULL? 
175AgrNoAgreement No.int110OOAT Allow NULL? 
176CreateTSCreate Time - Incl. Secsint110 Allow NULL? 
177UpdateTSUpdate Full Timeint110 Allow NULL? 
178TDSTypeTDS Typechar10C=GST TCS, D=GST TDS, E=eTDS Allow NULL? 
179DrNoDr. No.nvarchar320 Allow NULL? 
180PmntWTCertPayment by WT Certificate Onlychar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
181EnPBnkAcctEncryption of Pay to Bank Accttext160
182EncryptIVEncrypt IVnvarchar1000 Allow NULL? 
183DPPStatusData Protection Statuschar10ND=Erased, N=None Allow NULL? 


PRIMARYNoYesDocEntry, LogInstanc, ObjType
NUMNoYesDocNum, LogInstanc, ObjType, PIndicator