SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
9FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH
10BSEG345Accounting Document Segment

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
6OJDT100Journal Entry
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8OVTG52Tax Definition
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

2ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OPCH268A/P Invoice
7JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
8OOCR9Loading Factors
9OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data
10OINM101Whse Journal
1Business One9.3OVTG622Tax DefinitionFinance
SQL:  selectupdate insert create

Use the column checkboxes to build your query. Header columns sets/unsets all columns

SELECT Code, Name, Rate, EffecDate, Category, Account, Locked, DataSource, UserSign, IsEC, Indicator, AcqstnRvrs, NonDedct, AcqsTax, GoddsShip, NonDedAcc, DeferrAcc, EquVatPr, ReportCode, FixdAssts, CalcMethod, TaxType, FixedAmnt, ExtCode, Correction, VatCrctn, RetVatCode, RepType, LogInstanc, UpdateDate, TaxCtgr, EquAccount, UserSign2, IsIGIC, ServSupply, Inactive, TaxCtgrBL, R349Code, VatRevAcc, CashDisAcc, DpmTaxOAcc, VatDedAcc, CstmExpAcc, CstmAlcAcc, TaxRegion, ExemReason, Agent, OpCode, Export, Section, SplitPaymt, SplitPayAc, TaxAgent, SectionLim, VatSubjCod, VatType, VatCategor, Parag44, ProrataDed, ExcFrmTaxS, CstmActing, CstmActOut FROM OVTG


ColumnFieldDescriptionSQL TypeLengthDecimalsRelationDefault ValueConstraintsSQL Create Statement
1CodeCodenvarchar80 Allow NULL? 
2NameNamenvarchar500 Allow NULL? 
3RateRate %num196 Allow NULL? 
4EffecDateEffective fromdate80
5CategoryCategorychar10OI=Input Tax, O=Output Tax Allow NULL? 
6AccountTax Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
7LockedLockedchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
8DataSourceData Sourcechar10NA=Doc. Generation Wizard, D=Restore Wizard, I=Interface, M=Import, N=Unknown, O=DI API, P=Partner Implementation, T=Year Transfer, U=Update Allow NULL? 
9UserSignUser Signatureint60OUSR Allow NULL? 
10IsECEUchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
11IndicatorTriangular Dealchar10OIND Allow NULL? 
12AcqstnRvrsAcquisition/Reversechar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
13NonDedctNon Deduct. %num196 Allow NULL? 
14AcqsTaxAcquisition Tax Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
15GoddsShipGoods Shipmentchar10OGSP Allow NULL? 
16NonDedAccNon Deduct. Acctnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
17DeferrAccDeferred Tax Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
18EquVatPrEqualization Tax %num196 Allow NULL? 
19ReportCodeGroup Descriptionnvarchar1000 Allow NULL? 
20FixdAsstsFixed Assets Flagchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
21CalcMethodCalculation Methodchar10RF=Fixed, R=Rate Allow NULL? 
22TaxTypeTax Type (VAT or Stamp)char10VS=Stamp, V=VAT Allow NULL? 
23FixedAmntFixed Amount (LC)num196 Allow NULL? 
24ExtCodeExternal Codenvarchar100 Allow NULL? 
25CorrectionCorrectionchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
26VatCrctnVAT Correctionnvarchar80OVTG Allow NULL? 
27RetVatCodeReturning VAT Codenvarchar80 Allow NULL? 
28RepTypeReport Typeint110OKRT Allow NULL? 
29LogInstancLog Instanceint1100 Allow NULL? 
30UpdateDateDate of Updatedate80
31TaxCtgrTax Type (Annual List)char10EA=Taxable - Article 162, B=Taxable - Article 173 point 5, C=Taxable - Construction, D=Taxable - Expected Confirmation, E=Excluded, F=Taxable - Gross, G=Gross Profit, H=Excluded Art. 15, I=Taxable - Import, J=Not Subject, K=Paid in other EU country, L=Taxable - Late Export, M=Taxable - Article 151 point 1, N=Not Taxable, O=Taxable - Not Con Allow NULL? 
32EquAccountEqualization Tax Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
33UserSign2Updating Userint60OUSR Allow NULL? 
34IsIGICIGICchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
35ServSupplyService Supplychar10OSSP Allow NULL? 
36InactiveInactivechar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
37TaxCtgrBLTax Type (Black List)char10EE=Excluded, N=Not Taxable, S=Non-Subject, T=Taxable, X=Exempt Allow NULL? 
38R349CodeReport 349 Codeint11000, 1=E, 2=A, 3=T, 4=S, 5=I, 6=M, 7=H Allow NULL? 
39VatRevAccVAT in Revenue Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
40CashDisAccCash Discount Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
41DpmTaxOAccDown Paymnt Tax Offset Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
42VatDedAccVAT Deductible Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
43CstmExpAccCustoms VAT Expense Accountnvarchar150 Allow NULL? 
44CstmAlcAccCustoms VAT Allocation Accountnvarchar150 Allow NULL? 
45TaxRegionTax Country Regionnvarchar50PTPT-AC=Azores Islands, PT-MA=Madeira Islands, PT=Continental Portugal Allow NULL? 
46ExemReasonTax Exemption Reasonnvarchar30M01=Article 16th No. 6 of CIVA, M02=Article 6th Law 198/90 June 19th, M03=Cash Liabilities, M04=Exempt Article 13th of CIVA, M05=Exempt Article 14th of CIVA, M06=Exempt Article 15th of CIVA, M07=Exempt Article 9th of CIVA, M08=VAT - Self-Liquidation, M09=VAT - Non-Deductible, M10=VAT - Exempted Company, M11=VAT - Exempted (Tobacco), M12=VA Allow NULL? 
47AgentAgentchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
48OpCodeTax Operation Codenvarchar70 Allow NULL? 
49ExportExportchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
50SectionVAT Sectionnvarchar30 Allow NULL? 
51SplitPaymtSplit Paymentchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
52SplitPayAcSplit Payment Accountnvarchar150OACT Allow NULL? 
53TaxAgentTax Agent (Section 3)char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
54SectionLimVAT Section (under limit)nvarchar30 Allow NULL? 
55VatSubjCodVAT Subject Codenvarchar100 Allow NULL? 
56VatTypeType of VATint110OBNI-1 Allow NULL? 
57VatCategorVAT Categoryint110OBNI-1 Allow NULL? 
58Parag44Paragraph 44char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
59ProrataDedPro-rata deductiblechar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
60ExcFrmTaxSExclude from Tax Summary Report Total A/R or A/P Net Amountschar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
61CstmActingCustomer Accountingchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
62CstmActOutCorresponding Tax Codenvarchar80 Allow NULL? 

