SAP Tables - SAP Business One/ERP Table Definition reference

 Module:  Table: 

icon of database logic symbol SAP  TABLESv1Made in Britain - the webs number one JD Edwards Table Definition reference

ERP 6.0: Top 10 requests

1TJKWE15IS-M/SD: WBZ, Order Data for Inbound Processing
2RSADMINC96Customizing Table General BW
3BBP_PD_XML8Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
4/OTX/RM_TELIB24Enterprise Library Server Settings
5UMV_TR1259Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
6/ISDFPS/CHVW_E34External Batch Where-Used List
7FIQAC_PART8Reporting Parameters Text for Company Code ( Qatar)
8BSEG345Accounting Document Segment
9/1RA/0SD010MI170Items for Class SD01 - Raw Data
10FMARCPAR4Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH

B1 9.2: Top 10 requests

2OINV386A/R Invoice
3OCRD332Business Partner
4ORDR386Sales Order
5OJDT100Journal Entry
6INV1265A/R Invoice - Rows
7OPCH386A/P Invoice
8JDT1124Journal Entry - Rows
9OPOR386Purchase Order
10OVTG52Tax Definition

B1 8.8: Top 10 requests

1ORCT154Incoming Payment
3OINV268A/R Invoice
4OIVL77Whse Journal
5OVPM154Outgoing Payments
6OINM101Whse Journal
7OPCH268A/P Invoice
8JDT1110Journal Entry - Rows
9OOCR9Loading Factors
10OSRN20Serial Numbers Master Data
1Business One9.3OVTR782Tax ReportFinance
SQL:  selectupdate insert create

Use the column checkboxes to build your query. Header columns sets/unsets all columns

SELECT AbsEntry, ReportName, RptLayout, FirstPrint, FromDate, ToDate, TaxDate, RoundSum, Declration, FilterType, ExcludeWT, CustomerIn, VendorIn, Period, Quarter, Year, DocType, CreditMemo, DocTypeIn, FirstReg, AccountIn, DeferTaxIn, ApndxOOrP, DispOBCB, FromSeries, ToSeries, canceltn, HideNTrans, SeriesIn, UserCode, FromCardCo, ToCardCo, SizeOfStru, PostFrDate, PostToDate, DocFrDate, DocToDate, FromDoc1Nu, ToDoc1Nu, Serie1, Serie1CB, Doc1Type, FromDoc2Nu, ToDoc2Nu, Serie2, Serie2CB, Doc2Type, FromDoc3Nu, ToDoc3Nu, Serie3, Serie3CB, Doc3Type, FromDoc4Nu, ToDoc4Nu, Serie4, Serie4CB, Doc4Type, FromDoc5Nu, ToDoc5Nu, Serie5, Serie5CB, Doc5Type, DateRBtn, MarkDocsIn, ExRate, ExRateDate, TrsPerioTp, TrsPerioNu, TrsYear, TrsAdjtNum, DateType, IncServDoc, GrpBySCode, IncUnReDoc, DoYearSum, DefTaxOnly, ExcElDoc, QtrByMnt FROM OVTR


ColumnFieldDescriptionSQL TypeLengthDecimalsRelationDefault ValueConstraintsSQL Create Statement
1AbsEntryAbs Entry (Numerator)int110 Allow NULL? 
2ReportNameReport Namenvarchar500 Allow NULL? 
3RptLayoutReport Layoutchar10RA=VAT Annual List, B=Black List Country - Tax Declaration, D=Tax Declaration, E=Electronic Tax Declaration, F=Electronic Tax Declaration 2018, I=Annual Invoice Declaration 2011, L=Black List Country - Tax Declaration 2013, M=VAT Invoice Declaration 2017, N=Annual Invoice Declaration 2013, P=Declaration of Purchases from San Marino, R=Tax R Allow NULL? 
4FirstPrintFirst Printed No.int110 Allow NULL? 
5FromDateDate Fromdate80
6ToDateDate Todate80
7TaxDateDocument Datechar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
8RoundSumRound Amountschar10N=., N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
9DeclrationDeclaration Typechar10OC=Complementary, O=Original, S=Substitute Allow NULL? 
10FilterTypeSelection Criteria Typechar10NA=Annual Sales Report, B=Box Report, C=Input/Output VAT Report, E=349 Report, F=VAT Refund Report, N=None, O=Appendix O or P Selection, R=Reconciliation Report, S=Stamp Tax, T=Report 347, U=Sales Report, V=Tax Report, W=Withholding Tax Report Allow NULL? 
11ExcludeWTExclude Withholding Taxchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
12CustomerInInclude Customerschar10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
13VendorInInclude Vendorschar10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
14PeriodQuarter, Year or Monthchar10QM=Month, Q=Quarter, S=., Y=Year Allow NULL? 
15QuarterQuarterint110 Allow NULL? 
16YearYearint110 Allow NULL? 
17DocTypeA/P or A/Rchar10PP=Purchasing Documents, R=Sales Documents Allow NULL? 
18CreditMemoCredit Memoschar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
19DocTypeInInclude Document Typechar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
20FirstRegFirst Register Numberint110 Allow NULL? 
21AccountInInclude G/L Accountschar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
22DeferTaxInShow Pmts with Deferred Taxchar10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
23ApndxOOrPAppendix O or P Selectionchar10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
24DispOBCBOpening & Closing Balancechar10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
25FromSeriesFrom Tax Series Groupint110 Allow NULL? 
26ToSeriesTo Tax Series Groupint110 Allow NULL? 
27canceltnFor EU Sales Reportchar10N Allow NULL? 
28HideNTransHide Tax Codes with no Trans.char10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
29SeriesInInclude Series Filterchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
30UserCodeUser Codenvarchar250 Allow NULL? 
31FromCardCoBP Code Fromnvarchar150 Allow NULL? 
32ToCardCoBP Code Tonvarchar150 Allow NULL? 
33SizeOfStruSize of Structureint110 Allow NULL? 
34PostFrDatePosting Date Fromdate80
35PostToDatePosting Date Todate80
36DocFrDateDocument Date Fromdate80
37DocToDateDocument Date Todate80
38FromDoc1NuDocument 1 - Fromnvarchar110 Allow NULL? 
39ToDoc1NuDocument 1 - Tonvarchar110 Allow NULL? 
40Serie1Invoice Numbering Seriesnvarchar110YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
41Serie1CBInv. Numbering Series Filterchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
42Doc1TypeType of Document 1int110 Allow NULL? 
43FromDoc2NuDocument 2 - Fromnvarchar110 Allow NULL? 
44ToDoc2NuDocument 2 - Tonvarchar110 Allow NULL? 
45Serie2Credit Memo Numbering Seriesnvarchar110YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
46Serie2CBCorr. Inv. Rev. No. Serieschar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
47Doc2TypeType of Document 2int110 Allow NULL? 
48FromDoc3NuDocument 3 - Fromnvarchar110 Allow NULL? 
49ToDoc3NuDocument 3 - Tonvarchar110 Allow NULL? 
50Serie3Corr. Inv. Numbering Seriesnvarchar110YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
51Serie3CBCorr. Inv. Num. Series Filterchar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
52Doc3TypeType of Document 3int110 Allow NULL? 
53FromDoc4NuDocument 4 - Fromnvarchar110 Allow NULL? 
54ToDoc4NuDocument 4 - Tonvarchar110 Allow NULL? 
55Serie4Corr. Inv. Rev. No. Seriesnvarchar110YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
56Serie4CBCorr. Inv. Reversal No. Serieschar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
57Doc4TypeType of Document 4int110 Allow NULL? 
58FromDoc5NuDocument 5 - Fromnvarchar110 Allow NULL? 
59ToDoc5NuDocument 5 - Tonvarchar110 Allow NULL? 
60Serie5Down Payment Numbering Seriesnvarchar110YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
61Serie5CBDown Payment Numbering Serieschar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
62Doc5TypeType of Document 5int110 Allow NULL? 
63DateRBtnReport Periodchar10ID=Date, I=Interval Allow NULL? 
64MarkDocsInInclude Marketing Documentschar10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
65ExRateExchange Ratechar10PP=Posting, R=For Reports Allow NULL? 
66ExRateDateExchange Rate Datechar10PD=Document Date, P=Posting Date, V=VAT Date Allow NULL? 
67TrsPerioTpReport Period Typechar10M=Month, P=Period, Q=Quarter, Y=Year Allow NULL? 
68TrsPerioNuReport Period Numberint110 Allow NULL? 
69TrsYearReport Yearint60 Allow NULL? 
70TrsAdjtNumReport Adjustment Numberint60 Allow NULL? 
71DateTypeDate Typechar10PC=System Date, D=Document Date, P=Posting Date, V=VAT Date Allow NULL? 
72IncServDocInclude Service Documentschar10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
73GrpBySCodeGroup by Sales Codechar10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
74IncUnReDocInclude Unreconciled Documentschar10YN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
75DoYearSumYear Summarychar10N=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
76DefTaxOnlyOnly Include Deferred Tax Docschar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
77ExcElDocExclude Electronic Documentschar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 
78QtrByMntQuarter by Monthschar10NN=No, Y=Yes Allow NULL? 


NAMENoYesReportName, FilterType