Financials |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSYSTEM01 | 8 | 1 | Settings for Company on Accounting System | Financials |
2 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSYSTEM02 | 4 | 1 | Number Range Object for Accounting System and Company | Financials |
3 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSYSTEM03 | 9 | 1 | Derivations for Accounting System | Financials |
4 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSYSTEM0C | 7 | 1 | Accounting Systems | Financials |
5 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSYSTEM0T | 6 | 1 | Texts of Accounting Systems | Financials |
6 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINBSNDID0C | 5 | 1 | Identification for Sender System and Object Type | Financials |
7 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINBTATYPE0C | 1 | 1 | Business Transaction Categories | Financials |
8 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINBTATYPE0T | 5 | 1 | Business Transaction Categories | Financials |
9 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINCHOFACCT0C | 2 | 1 | Charts of Accounts | Financials |
10 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINCHOFACCT0T | 6 | 1 | Texts of Document Types | Financials |
11 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINCLOSESTEP0C | 1 | 1 | Closing Phases | Financials |
12 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINCLOSESTEP0T | 5 | 1 | Closing Phases | Financials |
13 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINCOMPEL0C | 2 | 1 | Composition Element | Financials |
14 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINCOMPEL0T | 6 | 1 | Composition Element | Financials |
15 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINCOMPELCASH0C | 2 | 1 | Composition Element Cash | Financials |
16 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINCOMPELCASH0T | 6 | 1 | Composition Element Cash | Financials |
17 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINCOMPELDUE0C | 2 | 1 | Composition Element AP/AR | Financials |
18 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINCOMPELDUE0T | 6 | 1 | Composition Element AP/AR | Financials |
19 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINCURRTYPE0C | 1 | 1 | Currency Type | Financials |
20 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINCURRTYPE0T | 5 | 1 | Text for Currency Type | Financials |
21 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINDOCTYPE0C | 3 | 1 | Document types | Financials |
22 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINDOCTYPE0T | 6 | 1 | Texts of Document Types | Financials |
23 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINDUEAGINGGRP0C | 2 | 1 | Aging Group | Financials |
24 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINDUEAGINGGRP0T | 6 | 1 | Aging Group | Financials |
25 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINDUEDATE | 7 | 1 | Data Storage for Invoice Information for Due Dates | Financials |
26 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINDUETYPE0C | 1 | 1 | Type of receivable/payable | Financials |
27 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINDUETYPE0T | 5 | 1 | Type of receivable/payable | Financials |
28 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINFUNCAREA0C | 2 | 1 | Functional Area | Financials |
29 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINFUNCAREA0T | 6 | 1 | Texts of Functional Areas | Financials |
30 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINGLACCT0C | 7 | 1 | G/L Account | Financials |
31 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINGLACCT0T | 7 | 1 | Texts for G/L Account | Financials |
32 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINGLACCTCOMP0C | 9 | 1 | G/L Account on Accounting System/Company Level | Financials |
33 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINGLACCTGRP0C | 6 | 1 | Account Group | Financials |
34 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINGLACCTGRP0T | 6 | 1 | Texts of Account Groups | Financials |
35 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINGLACCTMAP0C | 5 | 1 | Assignment of G/L Accounts: Operational for Local or Group | Financials |
36 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINGLTRATYPE0C | 3 | 1 | Transaction Types of General Ledger | Financials |
37 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINGLTRATYPE0T | 6 | 1 | Texts for Transaction Types of General Ledger | Financials |
38 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINJOURNAL0C | 2 | 1 | Journals | Financials |
39 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINJOURNAL0T | 6 | 1 | Texts for Journals | Financials |
40 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINNRSOBJ0C | 2 | 1 | Table for Number Range Objects | Financials |
41 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINORDITMTYPE0C | 1 | 1 | Order Item Category | Financials |
42 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINORDITMTYPE0T | 5 | 1 | Texts of Order Item Categories | Financials |
43 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINORDPUR01 | 26 | 1 | Data Storage for Purchase Order Information - Items | Financials |
44 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINORDPUR0C | 5 | 1 | Data Storage for Purchase Order Information - Header | Financials |
45 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINORDTYPE0C | 1 | 1 | Order Category | Financials |
46 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINORDTYPE0T | 5 | 1 | Texts for Order Categories | Financials |
47 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINORDUE0C | 21 | 2 | FIN Objects for Receivables/Payables | Financials |
48 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINORMNFRECID | 4 | 2 | Planned Receivers for Manufacturing Orders | Financials |
49 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINPAYTYPE0C | 1 | 1 | Payment type | Financials |
50 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINPAYTYPE0T | 5 | 1 | Payment type | Financials |
51 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINPOSTYPE0C | 1 | 1 | FS item categories | Financials |
52 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINPOSTYPE0T | 5 | 1 | Texts of Item Categories | Financials |
53 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINPRCTABDERIV | 7 | 1 | Assignment Table for Table Type of Prices | Financials |
54 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINPRCVARIANT0C | 2 | 1 | Price Variants | Financials |
55 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINPRCVARIANT0T | 6 | 1 | Price Variants | Financials |
56 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINPRICELABEL01 | 6 | 1 | Price Type Controls | Financials |
57 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINPRICELABEL0C | 6 | 1 | Master Data for Price Types | Financials |
58 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINPRICELABEL0T | 7 | 1 | Text Table for Price Types | Financials |
59 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINPVALADJKEY0C | 2 | 1 | Valuation Adjustment Key | Financials |
60 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINPVALADJKEY0T | 6 | 1 | Aging Group | Financials |
61 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINSTLAPP0C | 2 | 1 | Applications for Settlement | Financials |
62 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINSTLAPP0T | 3 | 1 | Applications for Settlement (Text Table) | Financials |
63 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINSTLRULER0C | 5 | 1 | Definition Settlement Rule Receiver | Financials |
64 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINSTLRULER0T | 5 | 1 | Definition Settlement Rule Receiver (Text Table) | Financials |
65 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINSTLRULES0C | 2 | 1 | Definition Settlement Rule Sender | Financials |
66 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINSTLRULES0T | 4 | 1 | Definition Settlement Rule Sender (Text Table) | Financials |
67 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINVALFUNC0C | 3 | 1 | Master Data for Strategy Functions | Financials |
68 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINVALFUNC0T | 5 | 1 | Texts for Strategy Functions | Financials |
69 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINVALLEVEL0C | 3 | 1 | Valuation Levels | Financials |
70 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINVALLEVEL0T | 6 | 1 | Texts for Valuation Levels | Financials |
71 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINVALMETHOD0C | 7 | 1 | Valuation Functions for Strategy Formulas | Financials |
72 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINVALMETHOD0T | 5 | 1 | Texts for Valuation Functions for Strategy Formulas | Financials |
73 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINVALSTRAT0C | 6 | 1 | Master Data for Valuation Strategy | Financials |
74 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINVALSTRAT0T | 5 | 1 | Texts for Valuation Strategies | Financials |
75 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINVALSTRATDERIV | 9 | 1 | Derivation Table: Valuation Strategy for Business Transactio | Financials |
76 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXBATCH0C | 2 | 1 | Local Values for FIN_BATCH (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
77 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXCASHLOC0C | 2 | 1 | Local Values for FIN_CASHLOC (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
78 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXCASHLOC0T | 6 | 1 | Local Texts for FIN_CASHLOC (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
79 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXCOMPANY0C | 4 | 1 | Local Values for FIN_COMPANY (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
80 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXCOMPANY0T | 6 | 1 | Local Texts for FIN_COMPANY (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
81 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXCONDTYPE0C | 2 | 1 | Local Values for FIN_CONDTYPE (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
82 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXCONDTYPE0T | 6 | 1 | Local Texts for FIN_CONDTYPE (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
83 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXCOSTCTR0C | 5 | 1 | Local Values for FIN_COSTCTR (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
84 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXLOCATION0C | 4 | 1 | Local Values for FIN_LOCATION (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
85 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXLREPUNIT0C | 3 | 1 | Local Values for FIN_PROFITCTR (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
86 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXPARTYID0C | 3 | 1 | Local Values for FIN_PARTYID (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
87 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXPARTYID0T | 6 | 1 | Local Texts for FIN_CASHLOC (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
88 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXPRODUCT01 | 5 | 1 | Local Values for FIN_PRODUCT (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
89 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXPRODUCT0C | 3 | 1 | Local Values for FIN_PRODUCT (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
90 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXPROFITCTR0C | 3 | 1 | Local Values for FIN_PROFITCTR (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
91 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINXPROFITCTR0T | 7 | 1 | Local Texts for FIN_PROFITCTR (Not Used in Live System) | Financials |
92 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINX_FINFO_01 | 4 | 1 | Overview of Semantic Model: Mapping to ERP Entities | Financials |
93 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINX_FINFO_02 | 2 | 1 | Overview of Semantic Model: Registration in ERP Environment | Financials |
94 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINX_FINFO_0C | 1 | 1 | Overview of Semantic Model: Field List | Financials |
95 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FIN_BBE_AMAP | 3 | 1 | Field Mapping for BusEnt: Attributes on Value Container | Financials |
96 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FIN_BBE_FMAP | 3 | 1 | Field Mapping for BusEnt: BE on Metadata Carrier | Financials |
Financials :: Business Accounting |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
97 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMM_BWINFO | 4 | 1 | BW System for Transaction Data | Business Accounting |
98 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMM_CHA | 5 | 1 | Characteristics of the Accounting Views | Business Accounting |
99 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMM_COMPON | 11 | 1 | Components with Data Retention | Business Accounting |
100 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMM_DIC | 5 | 1 | Dimension Assignment of the Characteristics of Accntng Views | Business Accounting |
101 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMM_DIM | 4 | 1 | Dimensions of the Accounting Views | Business Accounting |
102 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMM_DIMT | 6 | 1 | Test e for Dimensions of Accounting Views | Business Accounting |
103 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMM_KYF | 5 | 1 | Key Figures in the Accounting Views | Business Accounting |
104 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMM_QUEEX | 15 | 1 | Technical Info for Extraction | Business Accounting |
105 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMM_QUEUE | 11 | 1 | BW Objects in the Extraction Lines | Business Accounting |
106 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TCATA_USED | 4 | 1 | Data Basis: Catalogs Used | Business Accounting |
107 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TCOMPON | 4 | 1 | Components (Entity Table) | Business Accounting |
108 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TCOMPONT | 3 | 1 | Components: Texts | Business Accounting |
109 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TFOBUCALC | 4 | 1 | E-Accounting Formula Editor: Key Figure Schemes | Business Accounting |
110 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TFOBUCALCT | 5 | 1 | E-Accounting Formula Editor: Texts in Key Figure Schemes | Business Accounting |
111 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TRANS | 9 | 1 | Business Accounting: Metadata Transport | Business Accounting |
112 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAV0PRICE001 | 17 | 1 | Price Table with Period Dependency | Business Accounting |
113 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAV0PRICE001H | 22 | 1 | Price History Table with Period Dependency | Business Accounting |
114 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAV0PRICE002 | 17 | 1 | Price Table with Date Dependency | Business Accounting |
115 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAV0PRICE002H | 22 | 1 | Price History Table with Date Dependency | Business Accounting |
116 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAV0PRICE003 | 17 | 1 | Price Table with Period Dependency | Business Accounting |
117 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAV0PRICE003H | 22 | 1 | Price History Table with Period Dependency | Business Accounting |
118 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAV0PRICE004 | 17 | 1 | Price Table with Date Dependency | Business Accounting |
119 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAV0PRICE004H | 22 | 1 | Price History Table with Date Dependency | Business Accounting |
120 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAVADMIN | 4 | 1 | Flexible Control of Valuation | Business Accounting |
121 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URBWF | 4 | 1 | Realigner Connection to BW Field Properties | Business Accounting |
122 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URBWL | 12 | 1 | Realigner: DataSources | Business Accounting |
123 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URBWLF | 3 | 1 | Realigner: Fields in the DataSources | Business Accounting |
124 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URBWLG | 29 | 1 | Realigner: Status Information for DataSource | Business Accounting |
125 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URBWLOG | 11 | 1 | Activity Log Extractor for Realigner | Business Accounting |
126 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URBWLT | 5 | 1 | Realigner: DataSource Texts | Business Accounting |
127 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URBWLX | 4 | 1 | UR_BW: Debugging Transaction Data Extractor | Business Accounting |
128 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URBWLY | 15 | 1 | Realigner: Special Settings Read from DataSource | Business Accounting |
129 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URBWTS | 12 | 1 | Realigner: Processed Time Intervals | Business Accounting |
130 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URCHAR | 6 | 1 | Field Catalog: Characteristics | Business Accounting |
131 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URCORD01 | 9 | 1 | Selection Conditions in a Realignment Request | Business Accounting |
132 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URCORD02 | 6 | 1 | Conversion Rules in a Realignment Request | Business Accounting |
133 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URCORD0C | 12 | 1 | Realignment Requests | Business Accounting |
134 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URCRUN01 | 12 | 1 | Jobs in a Realignment Run | Business Accounting |
135 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URCRUN02 | 6 | 1 | Detail for Executing a Run | Business Accounting |
136 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URCRUN0C | 20 | 1 | Realignment Runs | Business Accounting |
137 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URENVID | 7 | 1 | Reassignment of Derivation Strategy <-> Realigner-ID | Business Accounting |
138 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UREXECFLOCO | 27 | 1 | Parallelized Process Control | Business Accounting |
139 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UREXECFLOCOX | 4 | 1 | Drag Temporarilly for Chunk Numbers | Business Accounting |
140 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UREXECTRC | 15 | 1 | Trace Option for Realignment Runs | Business Accounting |
141 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UREXECTRCI | 4 | 1 | Trace Option for Realignment Runs | Business Accounting |
142 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URKEY | 4 | 1 | Field Catalog: Document Key | Business Accounting |
143 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URKEYF | 4 | 1 | Field Catalog: Key Figure | Business Accounting |
144 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UROBJNR_NR_SUB | 3 | 1 | Subobjects of the Number Range for the Object Number | Business Accounting |
145 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UROPALLOW | 13 | 1 | Permitted Operations Dependent on Status | Business Accounting |
146 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URPARALLEL | 5 | 1 | Personalization for Parallelization of Realignments | Business Accounting |
147 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URREALIGNER | 12 | 1 | Realigner Entity Table | Business Accounting |
148 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | URREALIGNER01 | 7 | 1 | Attribute Realigner | Business Accounting |
Financials :: Business Analytics |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
149 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCOCOF4 | 4 | 1 | F4 Values for Customizing | Business Analytics |
150 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCOCOMAP | 7 | 1 | Mapping Fields: Remote <--> SEM | Business Analytics |
151 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCOCOMAP2 | 6 | 1 | Mapping Fields: Remote <--> SEM | Business Analytics |
152 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCOCOMAPTYPES | 5 | 1 | Mapping: Type Remote System <--> Object Type SEM | Business Analytics |
153 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCOCORFC | 6 | 3 | RFC Destinations for Concurrent Costing | Business Analytics |
154 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TIPPE_EDGEFIELDS | 11 | 1 | Import iPPE: Assignment Link Fields | Business Analytics |
155 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TIPPE_EDGES | 8 | 1 | Import iPPE: Assignment Links | Business Analytics |
156 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TIPPE_EDGES2 | 7 | 1 | Import iPPE: Assignment Links | Business Analytics |
157 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TIPPE_TYPEFIELD2 | 7 | 1 | Import iPPE: Assignment Type Fields | Business Analytics |
158 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TIPPE_TYPEFIELDS | 9 | 1 | Import iPPE: Assignment Type Fields | Business Analytics |
159 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TIPPE_TYPES | 7 | 1 | Import iPPE: Assignment Types | Business Analytics |
160 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TIPPE_TYPES2 | 5 | 1 | Import iPPE: Assignment Types | Business Analytics |
161 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TUAB_ANNOTATION | 3 | 1 | Annotation Costing | Business Analytics |
162 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TUAB_WF_TYPE | 1 | 1 | Workflow Type Costing | Business Analytics |
163 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TUAB_WF_TYPE_T | 3 | 1 | Workflow Type Costing - Texts | Business Analytics |
164 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TUBD_BW_GEN | 6 | 1 | BD Lib: Class Generation for BW Access | Business Analytics |
165 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TUBD_LIGHT | 4 | 1 | BDLib Light: Generated Methods | Business Analytics |
166 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TUBD_LIGHT_T | 7 | 1 | BDLib Light: Text for Generated Methods | Business Analytics |
167 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAACTIVATEDELCAL | 2 | 1 | Activate Delta Costing | Business Analytics |
168 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAAPPLTYPE | 3 | 1 | Application Types Costing | Business Analytics |
169 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAAPPLTYPET | 5 | 1 | Text Table for UAAPPLTYPE | Business Analytics |
170 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UABATIMPORTVAR | 74 | 1 | Variants for Batch Import, PDCE, EhP4 | Business Analytics |
171 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UABATIMPVARSEL | 8 | 1 | Selection Condits in Variants for Batch Import, PDCE, EhP4 | Business Analytics |
172 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UABATIMPVART | 4 | 1 | Text Table for Variants of Batch Import, PDCE, EhP4 | Business Analytics |
173 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UABSCEBATIMP | 17 | 1 | Table to store SCE variants, PDCE, Ehp4 | Business Analytics |
174 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UABSURINDX | 13 | 1 | System Table INDX | Business Analytics |
175 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UABWEDGCALCFLAT | 6 | 2 | BW Extraction: Extracted Replacement Links for Costing | Business Analytics |
176 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UABWMDEXT | 9 | 1 | BW Objects for Master Data Extraction | Business Analytics |
177 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UABWTDEXT | 7 | 1 | BW Objects for Transaction Data Extraction | Business Analytics |
178 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UABXMLBATIMP | 6 | 1 | table for XML, batch import, PDCE, Ehp4 | Business Analytics |
179 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_APPLICATION | 4 | 5 | Contains and Internal and External View of Application | Business Analytics |
180 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_ARCH_LOCK | 5 | 1 | Persistent Locking for Archived Objects | Business Analytics |
181 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_AUDIT_TRAIL | 10 | 2 | Table for Audit Trail Function | Business Analytics |
182 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_COMMAND_DESC | 4 | 1 | Description of a Command | Business Analytics |
183 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_ELMT_CAL_AMT | 3 | 2 | Trigger table to save elements to be costed in qty proc. | Business Analytics |
184 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_ELMT_CAL_QTY | 3 | 2 | Trigger table to save elements to be costed in qty proc. | Business Analytics |
185 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_FIELD_CAL | 10 | 1 | Memorize Fields of PDCE Join which Kind of Costing | Business Analytics |
186 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_FUNC_FIELD | 7 | 1 | Fields for Use in Formula Functions (PDCE) | Business Analytics |
187 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_PPE_SEL_F4 | 3 | 1 | UAB_PPE_SEL_F4 | Business Analytics |
188 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_TLNE_CAL_AMT | 4 | 2 | Trigger Table for Table Line to Calculate Amount in PDCE | Business Analytics |
189 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_TLNE_CAL_QTY | 4 | 2 | Trigger Table for Table Line to Calculate Amount in PDCE | Business Analytics |
190 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_XML_DATA | 11 | 2 | XML Data | Business Analytics |
191 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_XML_DATAT | 6 | 1 | Name of Object | Business Analytics |
192 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_XML_TRANSL | 9 | 1 | XML Translation | Business Analytics |
193 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACOSTCOMPGROUP | 6 | 1 | Cost Component Split | Business Analytics |
194 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACOSTCOMPGROUPT | 7 | 1 | Cost Component Split Element Groups: Texts | Business Analytics |
195 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACOSTCOMPONENT | 6 | 1 | Cost Component Split Elements | Business Analytics |
196 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACOSTCOMPONENTT | 7 | 1 | Cost Component Split Element Texts | Business Analytics |
197 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACOSTCOMPSPLIT | 5 | 1 | Cost Component Split | Business Analytics |
198 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACOSTCOMPSPLITT | 6 | 1 | Cost Component Split Texts | Business Analytics |
199 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACOSTVAR | 17 | 1 | Costing Variant | Business Analytics |
200 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACOSTVART | 4 | 1 | Text Table Costing Variant | Business Analytics |
201 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACRCOND | 10 | 1 | Costing Run: Condition Expression | Business Analytics |
202 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACRCRUN | 10 | 2 | Costing Run: Costing Run | Business Analytics |
203 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACRCRUNT | 5 | 1 | Costing Run: Costing Run/Texts | Business Analytics |
204 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACRCVAR | 6 | 1 | Costing Run: Costing Variant | Business Analytics |
205 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACRCVART | 5 | 1 | Costing Run: Costing Variant/Text | Business Analytics |
206 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACRENV | 7 | 1 | Costing Run: Environment | Business Analytics |
207 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UACRWORKLIST | 5 | 1 | Costing Run: Worklist | Business Analytics |
208 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UADYNVA | 11 | 1 | Store the Dynamic Variant for Batch Processing | Business Analytics |
209 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UADYNVAT | 5 | 1 | Dynamic Variant Text Table | Business Analytics |
210 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAGRPCOMPASSIGN | 7 | 1 | Cost Comp. Split Element Groups: Assignment Group-Element | Business Analytics |
211 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAGRPCOMPASSIGNT | 8 | 1 | CComp. Split Element Groups: Texts Assignmnt Groups-Elements | Business Analytics |
212 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UALAYOUT | 10 | 2 | Layout Table | Business Analytics |
213 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UALAYOUTT | 9 | 2 | Text Table for UALAYOUT | Business Analytics |
214 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UALCONEX | 10 | 1 | Conditional Expressions | Business Analytics |
215 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAMDF4CHE | 6 | 1 | Exception Table for Field Checks and F4 | Business Analytics |
216 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UANRGR | 3 | 1 | Number Range Groups Costing Platform | Business Analytics |
217 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAPRICETABLE | 6 | 1 | Price Tables Assignment | Business Analytics |
218 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAPROJECT | 12 | 3 | Transparent Table to Store Costing Projects | Business Analytics |
219 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAREP_CONFIG1 | 4 | 1 | Configuration for UA Reports | Business Analytics |
220 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UASTAVA | 7 | 1 | Store the Static Variant for Batch Processing | Business Analytics |
221 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UASTAVAT | 4 | 1 | Static Variant Text Table | Business Analytics |
222 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UASURCHTEMPLATES | 3 | 1 | Assignment Object Types Templates | Business Analytics |
223 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATPLMAP | 6 | 1 | Field Assignment during Template Call | Business Analytics |
224 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATPLTPL | 4 | 1 | Template Selection for Template Call | Business Analytics |
225 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATUBD_LIGHT | 5 | 1 | BDLib Light: Generated Methods (Data Basis-Dependent) | Business Analytics |
226 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAUPLCMD | 8 | 1 | Actions During Upload | Business Analytics |
227 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAUPLCMD_MISSKEY | 9 | 1 | Assignment of Object Type | Business Analytics |
228 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAUPLMAP | 8 | 1 | Field Assignment During Upload | Business Analytics |
229 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAUPLMAP_PRELIM | 6 | 1 | Field Name Assignment with Switch of Object Type | Business Analytics |
230 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAUPLSTRUCREMO | 1 | 1 | Value Table for Remote Structure Names of Costing Engine | Business Analytics |
231 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAUPLSTRUCREMOT | 3 | 1 | Value Table for Remote Structure Names of Costing Engine | Business Analytics |
232 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAUPLTYP | 2 | 1 | R/3 Upload Types | Business Analytics |
233 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAUPLTYPT | 4 | 1 | R/3 Upload Types | Business Analytics |
234 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAUPL_MISSINGKEY | 4 | 1 | Missing Key Field | Business Analytics |
235 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAUXS_DATA | 12 | 2 | XML Data | Business Analytics |
236 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAUXS_DATAT | 6 | 1 | Name of Object | Business Analytics |
237 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAWORKSET | 15 | 3 | Transparent Table to Store Working Environments of Costing | Business Analytics |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
238 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BNK_BATCH_HEADER | 31 | 3 | Batch Header | Financial Supply Chain Management |
239 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BNK_BATCH_ITEM | 19 | 3 | Batch Payment Items | Financial Supply Chain Management |
240 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BNK_BTCH_STPAYLD | 4 | 1 | Batch status payload | Financial Supply Chain Management |
241 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BNK_BTCH_STREF | 10 | 2 | Status reference | Financial Supply Chain Management |
242 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BNK_BTCH_TIMEOUT | 12 | 2 | Batch timeout | Financial Supply Chain Management |
243 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BNK_FILE_TYPE | 3 | 1 | Define types of files | Financial Supply Chain Management |
244 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BNK_LOG_LYR | 3 | 1 | Log layer maintenance | Financial Supply Chain Management |
245 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BNK_META_LOG | 3 | 1 | Meta Table: Logs for Signature Bank Communication | Financial Supply Chain Management |
246 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BNK_SIGN_USER | 9 | 1 | Users for signing the Batch approval log | Financial Supply Chain Management |
247 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BNK_STSRP_CNT | 5 | 1 | Control table | Financial Supply Chain Management |
248 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BNK_TIMEOUT | 7 | 1 | Timeout for Batch between two status | Financial Supply Chain Management |
249 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BNK_XSTAT_MSG | 10 | 1 | External Status Message | Financial Supply Chain Management |
250 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BNK_XSTAT_RSN | 6 | 1 | Status Reason Information | Financial Supply Chain Management |
251 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BNK_XSTAT_TX | 15 | 1 | Status: Transaction Information | Financial Supply Chain Management |
252 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EDX_BP_SP | 13 | 1 | EDX: Business Partner/Service Provider/Reporting Details | Financial Supply Chain Management |
253 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EDX_CONFIG_IN | 12 | 1 | EDX: Configuration for Incoming Messages | Financial Supply Chain Management |
254 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EDX_CONFIG_OUT | 6 | 1 | EDX: Configuration for Outgoing Messages | Financial Supply Chain Management |
255 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EDX_INBOUND | 21 | 2 | EDX: Inbound Messages (Processed Messages) | Financial Supply Chain Management |
256 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EDX_KEYPP_ENQ | 4 | 1 | Table Is Required for ENQUEUE Object EEDX_KEYPP | Financial Supply Chain Management |
257 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EDX_OUTBOUND | 17 | 2 | EDX: Outbound Messages (Messages Ready to Be Sent) | Financial Supply Chain Management |
258 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EDX_PARK | 18 | 2 | EDX: Inbound Messages (Messages Ready for Processing) | Financial Supply Chain Management |
259 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EDX_SETUP | 16 | 1 | EDX: Configuration (General) | Financial Supply Chain Management |
260 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EDX_SP_LP_NAME | 4 | 1 | EDX: Table: Service Provider, Logical Port | Financial Supply Chain Management |
261 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EDX_TRACE | 15 | 1 | EDX: Trace | Financial Supply Chain Management |
262 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EDX_TRANSF_IN | 6 | 1 | EDX: Configuration for Incoming Transformations | Financial Supply Chain Management |
263 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FSCMMAPRULES | 9 | 1 | FSCM: Mapping Rules for ESR Services | Financial Supply Chain Management |
264 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FSCMMAPSELOPT | 9 | 1 | FSCM: Mapping Rules for Search Service | Financial Supply Chain Management |
265 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_PI_INB_ACCTS | 8 | 1 | PI: Clearing Partner Details for Inbound IDOC | Financial Supply Chain Management |
266 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_PI_INB_PARMS | 8 | 1 | PI: Clearing Partner Posting Parameters | Financial Supply Chain Management |
267 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_PI_INB_PRN | 3 | 1 | PI: Clearing Partner for Inbound IDOC | Financial Supply Chain Management |
268 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_PI_INB_TARGT | 18 | 1 | PI: Payment Parameters for Inbound IDOC | Financial Supply Chain Management |
269 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TBNK_CUST_DEFALT | 5 | 1 | Basic settings | Financial Supply Chain Management |
270 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TBNK_MSG_TYP | 2 | 1 | Message type | Financial Supply Chain Management |
271 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TBNK_MSG_TYP_T | 4 | 1 | Message type | Financial Supply Chain Management |
272 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TBNK_PAYMED_OPT | 7 | 1 | Payment medium create options | Financial Supply Chain Management |
273 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TBNK_RULE | 11 | 1 | Rule definition table | Financial Supply Chain Management |
274 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TBNK_RULE_CURR | 2 | 1 | Rule currency | Financial Supply Chain Management |
275 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TBNK_RULE_SELOP | 18 | 1 | Rule select options | Financial Supply Chain Management |
276 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TBNK_RULE_T | 5 | 1 | Text table for Rule ID | Financial Supply Chain Management |
277 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TBNK_STAT_SET | 3 | 1 | Set status for payment items based on action | Financial Supply Chain Management |
278 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TBNK_XST_2_IST | 6 | 1 | Mapp external status to internal status | Financial Supply Chain Management |
Financials :: Financials Basis |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
279 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TCHAR_EACC | 6 | 1 | Obsolete | Financials Basis |
280 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TCHAR_OBLI | 8 | 1 | Obsolete | Financials Basis |
281 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TIOBJ_CAT | 3 | 1 | Obsolete | Financials Basis |
282 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TIOBJ_CUBE | 3 | 1 | Obsolete | Financials Basis |
283 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TIOBJ_EACC | 2 | 1 | Obsolete | Financials Basis |
284 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TIOBJ_OBLI | 4 | 1 | Obsolete | Financials Basis |
285 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TIOBJ_REGI | 3 | 1 | Obsolete | Financials Basis |
286 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TLEAD_BW | 4 | 1 | Obsolete | Financials Basis |
287 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TLEAD_ST | 6 | 1 | Obsolete | Financials Basis |
288 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TLI4000 | 8 | 1 | Context of Field Name, Info Object, D Elment, D Srce per D B | Financials Basis |
289 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCACCOUNT0C | 5 | 1 | G/L account | Financials Basis |
290 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCACCOUNT0S | 4 | 1 | SID G/L Account | Financials Basis |
291 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCACCOUNT0T | 7 | 1 | G/L account | Financials Basis |
292 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCACCOUNT11 | 6 | 1 | G/L account | Financials Basis |
293 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCACCOUNTEXIT | 2 | 1 | Callback exits for G/L account by acc. system configuration | Financials Basis |
294 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCACCTGROUP00 | 5 | 1 | Account Group | Financials Basis |
295 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCACCTGROUP0C | 5 | 1 | Account Group | Financials Basis |
296 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCACCTGROUP0T | 6 | 1 | Account Group | Financials Basis |
297 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCACCTLG01 | 2 | 1 | Length of G/L Account Number | Financials Basis |
298 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCAREAIDCOMP | 5 | 1 | Area ID of a Technical Component | Financials Basis |
299 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCASSTYPE00 | 5 | 1 | Account Assignment Category | Financials Basis |
300 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCASSTYPE0C | 3 | 1 | Account Assignment Category | Financials Basis |
301 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCASSTYPE0T | 7 | 1 | Account Assignment Category | Financials Basis |
302 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCBUSTRANS0C | 1 | 1 | Business Transaction Category | Financials Basis |
303 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCBUSTRANS0T | 5 | 1 | Texts for Business Transaction Types | Financials Basis |
304 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCFG01 | 2 | 1 | Component in Accounting Configuration | Financials Basis |
305 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCFG02 | 4 | 1 | Role Fixing in Accounting Configuration | Financials Basis |
306 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCFG0C | 2 | 1 | Accounting Configuration | Financials Basis |
307 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCFG0T | 5 | 1 | Texts for Accounting Configuration | Financials Basis |
308 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCHRTACCTS0C | 2 | 1 | Chart of Accounts | Financials Basis |
309 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCHRTACCTS0T | 6 | 1 | Chart of Accounts | Financials Basis |
310 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCLOSESTEP | 2 | 1 | Closing Phase | Financials Basis |
311 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCLOSESTEPT | 4 | 1 | Identifier for Closing Processes | Financials Basis |
312 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCLSSTEP_ASGN | 4 | 1 | Assignment of Period Rules for the Closing Phases | Financials Basis |
313 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCLSSTEP_GRP | 2 | 1 | Process Definition for Closing Phases | Financials Basis |
314 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCLSSTEP_GRPT | 4 | 1 | Name of Process Definition for Closing Phases | Financials Basis |
315 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCLSSTEP_RUL | 4 | 1 | Period Rules for the Closing Phases | Financials Basis |
316 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCLSSTPPER | 8 | 1 | Setting for Period Lock | Financials Basis |
317 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCLSSTPPERLE | 8 | 1 | Period Lock Setting Depending on Legal Unit | Financials Basis |
318 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCOMPUSAGE | 2 | 1 | Use of Technical Components | Financials Basis |
319 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCURTYPE0C | 8 | 1 | Currency ID | Financials Basis |
320 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCCURTYPE0T | 8 | 1 | Currency ID | Financials Basis |
321 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCDATACAT0C | 1 | 1 | Data Category | Financials Basis |
322 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCDATACAT0T | 3 | 1 | Data Category | Financials Basis |
323 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCDBS01 | 9 | 1 | Data Basis <-> Business Domain Assignment | Financials Basis |
324 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCDBS02 | 3 | 1 | Assignment Data Basis - Generated ALV Reference Structure | Financials Basis |
325 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCDBS0C | 4 | 1 | Data Basis | Financials Basis |
326 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCDBS0T | 6 | 1 | Data Basis Name | Financials Basis |
327 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCDOCTYPE0C | 5 | 1 | Document Type | Financials Basis |
328 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCDOCTYPE0T | 6 | 1 | Document Type | Financials Basis |
329 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCDOM01 | 3 | 1 | FI Global Entities: Business Domain <-> RFC Dest. Assignment | Financials Basis |
330 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCDOM02 | 4 | 1 | Business Domain <-> InfoObject Catalogs Assignment | Financials Basis |
331 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCDOM0C | 3 | 1 | FI Global Entities: Business Domain | Financials Basis |
332 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCDOM0T | 6 | 1 | Texts for Business Domain | Financials Basis |
333 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCENTCONF01 | 4 | 1 | Entities: Local Storage of Configuration | Financials Basis |
334 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCJOURNAL0C | 1 | 1 | Obsolete: Former: Journals in the Accounting Document | Financials Basis |
335 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCJOURNAL0T | 5 | 1 | Obsolete: Former Text Table for the Journals in the ACC Doc. | Financials Basis |
336 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCLEGENT0C | 5 | 1 | Legal Entity | Financials Basis |
337 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCLEGENT0S | 3 | 1 | SID Legal Entity | Financials Basis |
338 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCLEGENT0T | 6 | 1 | Texts for Legal Entities | Financials Basis |
339 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCLOGOBJCAT01 | 4 | 1 | Assignment of Attributes as Chars and Log. Obj. Category | Financials Basis |
340 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCLOGOBJCAT02 | 5 | 1 | Activation Status of a Logistical Object Type | Financials Basis |
341 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCLOGOBJCAT0C | 1 | 1 | Logistical Object Categories | Financials Basis |
342 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCLOGOBJCAT0T | 5 | 1 | Logistical Object Categories | Financials Basis |
343 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCLSYS01 | 3 | 1 | Assignment of RFC Destination to Logical System ID | Financials Basis |
344 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCLSYS0C | 3 | 1 | Logical System ID | Financials Basis |
345 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCLSYS0T | 6 | 1 | Texts for Logical System IDs | Financials Basis |
346 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCMP01 | 2 | 1 | Roles per Accounting Component | Financials Basis |
347 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCMP0C | 1 | 1 | Accounting Components | Financials Basis |
348 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCMP0T | 5 | 1 | Accounting Component Texts | Financials Basis |
349 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCPERSEL | 2 | 1 | Define Selection Conditions for the Period Lock | Financials Basis |
350 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCPERSEL2 | 4 | 1 | Specify Selction Conditions for the Period Lock | Financials Basis |
351 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCPERSELT | 4 | 1 | Name of Selection Conditions for the Period Lock | Financials Basis |
352 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCQNTTYPE0C | 5 | 1 | Data Elements of Quantity Type | Financials Basis |
353 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCROLE0C | 9 | 1 | Application Role | Financials Basis |
354 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCROLE0T | 3 | 1 | Application Role | Financials Basis |
355 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCROLE11 | 4 | 1 | Application Role Registration: Classes | Financials Basis |
356 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCROLE21 | 9 | 1 | Application Role Registration: FieldNames and FinObjectTypes | Financials Basis |
357 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSEL01 | 6 | 1 | Selection Condition: Characteristics | Financials Basis |
358 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSEL0C | 2 | 1 | Selection Condition | Financials Basis |
359 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSTRU0C | 5 | 1 | Structure IDs | Financials Basis |
360 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSTRU0T | 4 | 1 | Structure ID Texts | Financials Basis |
361 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSYS02 | 3 | 1 | Accounting System: Assignment to Selection Condition | Financials Basis |
362 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSYS04 | 6 | 1 | Customizing for Accounting System | Financials Basis |
363 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSYS05 | 5 | 1 | Setting for Currency Translation | Financials Basis |
364 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSYS06 | 6 | 1 | Settings for Reference Valuation | Financials Basis |
365 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSYS07 | 4 | 1 | Reference Accounting Systems | Financials Basis |
366 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSYS08 | 3 | 1 | Currency IDs per Accounting System | Financials Basis |
367 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSYS09 | 4 | 1 | Cust. of fiscal year variant per legal entity and acc system | Financials Basis |
368 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSYS0C | 4 | 1 | Accounting System | Financials Basis |
369 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCSYS0T | 6 | 1 | Name of Accounting System | Financials Basis |
370 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCTECCMP0C | 1 | 1 | Technical Components | Financials Basis |
371 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCTECCMP0T | 3 | 1 | Technical Component Text | Financials Basis |
372 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCTRANTYPE0C | 3 | 1 | Transaction Type | Financials Basis |
373 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACCTRANTYPE0T | 6 | 1 | Transaction Type | Financials Basis |
374 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACC_JOURNAL0C | 2 | 1 | Journals in the Acc Document | Financials Basis |
375 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACC_JOURNAL0T | 6 | 1 | Text Table for the Journals in the ACC Document | Financials Basis |
376 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ACC_TERMINATION | 3 | 1 | Classes to be called up when Acc. entities are deleted | Financials Basis |
377 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_ATTRIBUTES | 6 | 1 | Attributes of Field on Data Basis | Financials Basis |
378 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CONF_DISP0C | 1 | 1 | Configuration: Logical Names for FM Dispatcher | Financials Basis |
379 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_DEMO_TRANS | 9 | 1 | FINB Transport: Cluster Table for Transport | Financials Basis |
380 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_DMT_CHAR | 8 | 1 | Data Retention: Characteristics | Financials Basis |
381 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_DMT_CONFIG | 12 | 1 | Data Retention, Configuration Object of Totals Persistence | Financials Basis |
382 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_DMT_KEYF | 5 | 1 | Data Retention: Key Figures | Financials Basis |
383 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_DMT_NRANGE | 4 | 2 | Data Retention: Number Range Intervals | Financials Basis |
384 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_DMT_TINDEX | 6 | 1 | Data Retention: Indexes | Financials Basis |
385 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_FIELDS | 12 | 1 | Fields on the Data Basis | Financials Basis |
386 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_GN_TBP | 4 | 1 | Directory of Blue Prints | Financials Basis |
387 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_GN_TCONFIG | 10 | 1 | Configuration of the Generator | Financials Basis |
388 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_GN_TEXBP | 13 | 2 | Directory of Executed Blueprints | Financials Basis |
389 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_GN_TEXBP_X | 2 | 1 | Enhancement of the Configuration Key of a Blueprint | Financials Basis |
390 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_GN_TGOBJ | 17 | 2 | Catalog of Generated Objects | Financials Basis |
391 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_GN_TGOBJTS | 8 | 1 | Time Stamp of the Generated Objects | Financials Basis |
392 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_GN_TMODUS | 3 | 1 | Configuration of the Generator Mode | Financials Basis |
393 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_LG_TCAT | 4 | 1 | Language Activation: Objects | Financials Basis |
394 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_LG_TCATT | 4 | 1 | Language Activation: Objects | Financials Basis |
395 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TACCOMM | 4 | 1 | Obsolete !!! Accounting Community | Financials Basis |
396 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TACCOMMT | 5 | 1 | Obsolete !!! Accounting Community: Texts | Financials Basis |
397 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TACCOMM_MB | 4 | 1 | Obsolete !!! Members of an Accounting Community | Financials Basis |
398 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TACINST | 3 | 1 | Obsolete - to be deleted | Financials Basis |
399 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TACINSTT | 4 | 1 | Obsolete - to be deleted | Financials Basis |
400 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TACSYST | 9 | 1 | Obsolete !!! Valuation System | Financials Basis |
401 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TACSYSTT | 6 | 1 | Obsolete !!! Valuation System Texts | Financials Basis |
402 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TACSYST_DCR | 11 | 1 | Obsolete !!! Valuation System: Description in Form of Chars | Financials Basis |
403 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TACSYST_GR | 8 | 1 | Obsolete !!! Valuation System: Description Groups | Financials Basis |
404 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TACSYST_MFN | 14 | 1 | Obsolete !!! Valuation Systm: Meta Description - Field Names | Financials Basis |
405 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TAPIOBC_NM | 5 | 1 | Value Defaults for Info-Object Catalog Names per Application | Financials Basis |
406 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TCURTYP | 2 | 1 | Values for Currency Type | Financials Basis |
407 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TCURTYPT | 4 | 1 | Text Table Currrency Type | Financials Basis |
408 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TIOBC_NM | 2 | 1 | Value Defaults for Info-Object Catalog Names | Financials Basis |
409 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TIOBC_NMT | 5 | 1 | Texts for Value Proposals for Info Object Catalog Names | Financials Basis |
410 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TIOBJ_APPL | 2 | 1 | Info Objects for Potential Characteristics in Val. System | Financials Basis |
411 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TPRFL_A | 4 | 1 | Table for Result Elements (Amounts Only) | Financials Basis |
412 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TPRFL_Q | 4 | 1 | Table for Result Elements (Quantities Only) | Financials Basis |
413 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TPROFEL | 4 | 1 | Table for Result Elements | Financials Basis |
414 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_CC01 | 6 | 1 | Management of Table Names for Client Copy | Financials Basis |
415 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_CC02 | 6 | 1 | Management of Table Names for Client Copy - Runtime | Financials Basis |
416 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_CCH | 7 | 1 | Header Table: Tables Generated for Client Copy | Financials Basis |
417 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_CCM | 13 | 1 | Administration Client Copy | Financials Basis |
418 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_CCO | 7 | 1 | Client Copy: Object Status | Financials Basis |
419 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_DELIV | 5 | 1 | FINB TR: Bill of Material for Delivery | Financials Basis |
420 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_DERIVE | 9 | 1 | FINB-Transport: Table for Transporting the ABA Derivation | Financials Basis |
421 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_DEST | 2 | 1 | FINB TR: RFC Destinations for Transport Methods | Financials Basis |
422 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_E071 | 11 | 1 | Object List for Client Copy | Financials Basis |
423 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_E071K | 15 | 1 | Object List for Client Copy (Key) | Financials Basis |
424 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_TAPPL | 9 | 1 | FINB TR: Applications | Financials Basis |
425 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_TAPPLT | 3 | 1 | FINB TR: Application Texts | Financials Basis |
426 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_TCAT | 14 | 1 | FINB TR: Directory of Transport Objects | Financials Basis |
427 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_TCATA | 6 | 1 | FINB TR: Transport Properties of the Customizing Objects | Financials Basis |
428 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_TCATAL | 5 | 1 | FINB TR: Transport Properties of the Customizing Objects | Financials Basis |
429 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_TCATO | 14 | 1 | FINB TR: Attributes of Obsolete Transport Objects | Financials Basis |
430 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_TCATT | 4 | 1 | FINB TR: Text for the Transport Object | Financials Basis |
431 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_TRANS | 9 | 1 | FINB Transport: Cluster Table for Transport | Financials Basis |
432 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_TXT | 9 | 1 | FINB Transport: General Text Table | Financials Basis |
433 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_TXT_H | 7 | 1 | FINB TR: Header Table for Generic Texts | Financials Basis |
434 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TR_TXT_K | 5 | 1 | FINB TR: Key Table for Generic Texts | Financials Basis |
435 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOBJ_OBJ_W_POST | 4 | 1 | FIN Objects with Postings That Have Not Yet Been Processed | Financials Basis |
436 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAC_AUDIT_TRAIL | 10 | 3 | Table for Audit Trail Function | Financials Basis |
437 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_CL_BI | 13 | 1 | Batch Input Sessions (INDX-Structure) | Financials Basis |
438 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_CL_INV | 13 | 1 | Bill Data (INDX-Structure) | Financials Basis |
439 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_ACT | 8 | 1 | Account Assignment Fields for each Organizational Unit | Financials Basis |
440 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_ACTV | 4 | 1 | Values for Account Assignment Fields | Financials Basis |
441 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_BI | 9 | 1 | Batch Input Sessions | Financials Basis |
442 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_BIL | 7 | 1 | Biller for each Organizational Unit | Financials Basis |
443 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_BILDVAL | 5 | 1 | Account Assignment Default Values on Level of Biller | Financials Basis |
444 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_CE | 2 | 1 | Communication Data for Transfer to Service Billing | Financials Basis |
445 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_CEDATA | 23 | 1 | Cost Events | Financials Basis |
446 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_CESTYP | 7 | 1 | Cost Event Subtypes | Financials Basis |
447 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_CETYP | 1 | 1 | Cost Event Types | Financials Basis |
448 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_CUR | 5 | 1 | Max./Min. Amounts per User and Currency | Financials Basis |
449 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_GUID | 7 | 3 | GUID for USER, ORG. WI_ID | Financials Basis |
450 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_INVH | 27 | 2 | Bill (Header) | Financials Basis |
451 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_INVHACT | 5 | 1 | Account Assignments on Bill Header | Financials Basis |
452 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_INVHMES | 5 | 1 | Bill: Messages from Inbound Processing | Financials Basis |
453 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_INVP | 11 | 1 | Bill Item | Financials Basis |
454 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_INVPACT | 6 | 1 | Account Assignments on Level of Item | Financials Basis |
455 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_NOTES | 7 | 1 | Table for Notes | Financials Basis |
456 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_ORG | 4 | 1 | Organizational Units | Financials Basis |
457 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_ORGDVAL | 4 | 1 | Account Assignment Default Values on Level of Biller | Financials Basis |
458 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_RA | 4 | 1 | Permitted Bill Types for each Biller | Financials Basis |
459 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_RADVAL | 6 | 1 | Account Assignment Default Values on Level of Bill Type | Financials Basis |
460 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_REJ | 7 | 1 | Rejection Control | Financials Basis |
461 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_RPA | 4 | 1 | Permitted Bill Item Types for each Biller | Financials Basis |
462 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_RPADVAL | 6 | 1 | Account Assignment Default Values on Level of Bill Item Type | Financials Basis |
463 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_SAPFI | 8 | 1 | Field Assignments for Creating BI Sessions | Financials Basis |
464 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_SAPFI0 | 4 | 1 | Structure Assignment for Creation of BI Sessions | Financials Basis |
465 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_STRAT | 4 | 1 | Strategies for WF (Sequence of Processors) | Financials Basis |
466 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_STRATT | 5 | 1 | Strategy Texts | Financials Basis |
467 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_STRUSR | 5 | 1 | User Sequence | Financials Basis |
468 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_USR | 8 | 1 | User per Organizational Unit | Financials Basis |
469 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TB_WFML | 4 | 1 | Last Mail Transmission for each Org | Financials Basis |
470 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TT_ACT | 5 | 1 | Texts for Account Assignment Fields | Financials Basis |
471 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TT_ACTV | 6 | 1 | Texts for Values of Account Assignment Fields | Financials Basis |
472 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TT_CESTYP | 4 | 1 | Texts for Cost Event Subtypes | Financials Basis |
473 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TT_CETYP | 3 | 1 | Text for Cost Event Types | Financials Basis |
474 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TT_RA | 6 | 1 | Bill Types (Texts) | Financials Basis |
475 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UBC_TT_RPA | 6 | 1 | Bill Item Types (Texts) | Financials Basis |
476 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGCM0001 | 2 | 1 | Object Types of Change Objects | Financials Basis |
477 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGCM0001T | 4 | 1 | Object Types of Change Objects | Financials Basis |
478 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGCM0010 | 6 | 1 | FIN Change Management: Registered Applications | Financials Basis |
479 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGCM0020 | 4 | 1 | CM: Applications and Factory Objects | Financials Basis |
480 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGCM0021 | 4 | 1 | Local Attributes of Factory Objects | Financials Basis |
481 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGCM0022 | 2 | 1 | CM: Applications and Attributes | Financials Basis |
482 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGCM0100 | 7 | 1 | FIN Change Management: Parameterization of the Generator | Financials Basis |
483 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGCM0500 | 6 | 1 | FIN Change Management: Registered Properties | Financials Basis |
484 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGCM0501 | 5 | 1 | FIN Change Management: Texts for Registered Properties | Financials Basis |
485 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGCM0502 | 5 | 1 | FIN Change Management: Texts for Registered Properties | Financials Basis |
486 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGCMBACK | 11 | 1 | Data Model Synchronization: Backup for Conversion | Financials Basis |
487 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD0000 | 10 | 1 | FI Master Data: Applications | Financials Basis |
488 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD0001 | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Response to Message | Financials Basis |
489 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD0002 | 9 | 1 | FI Master Data: Default Classes | Financials Basis |
490 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD000T | 4 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Applications - Texts | Financials Basis |
491 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD0010 | 8 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Area IDs | Financials Basis |
492 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD0050 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Leading Fiscal Year Variant / Client | Financials Basis |
493 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1000 | 21 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Roles | Financials Basis |
494 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1001 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Roles Allowed in Applications | Financials Basis |
495 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1002 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Standard Roles for Infoobjects | Financials Basis |
496 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1003 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Tables of Predefined Fields | Financials Basis |
497 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1004 | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Attributes of Predefined Fields | Financials Basis |
498 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1005 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Template Structures for Tables to be Gen. | Financials Basis |
499 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1006 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Standard Roles for Remote Fields | Financials Basis |
500 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1007 | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Attributes of Roles | Financials Basis |
501 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1008 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Attributes Needed for Creating | Financials Basis |
502 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1009 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Roles Allocated Automatically | Financials Basis |
503 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1010 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Template for Attributes at Hierarchy Links | Financials Basis |
504 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1011 | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Attributes at Hierarchy Edges | Financials Basis |
505 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1015 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Template for Attributes at Network Edges | Financials Basis |
506 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1016 | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Attributes at Network Edges | Financials Basis |
507 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1020 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: GUID Characteristics | Financials Basis |
508 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1030 | 11 | 1 | FIN Master Data: SAP Restrictions on Hierarchies | Financials Basis |
509 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1035 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: External Roles in Hierarchies | Financials Basis |
510 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1040 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Special Fields for Authorization Check | Financials Basis |
511 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1041 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Special Tables for Authorization Check | Financials Basis |
512 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1042 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Gen. Templates for Authorization Check | Financials Basis |
513 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1045 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Special Enqueue Fields | Financials Basis |
514 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1100 | 3 | 1 | FIN Workbench: Settings for Transport Objects | Financials Basis |
515 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1110 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Fields with Special Transport Logic | Financials Basis |
516 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1111 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Fields with Special Transport Logic | Financials Basis |
517 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1180 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Default Mapping Role Attribute/Remote Attr. | Financials Basis |
518 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1200 | 8 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Role Sub-objects | Financials Basis |
519 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1201 | 11 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Role Sub-objects | Financials Basis |
520 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1210 | 6 | 1 | Role-Specific Special Logic | Financials Basis |
521 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1220 | 6 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Roles with Ranges | Financials Basis |
522 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD1230 | 3 | 1 | FIN MD: Role Assign, Where-Used List | Financials Basis |
523 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2000 | 9 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Defined Characteristics | Financials Basis |
524 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2001 | 11 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Validity of Characteristics in Areas | Financials Basis |
525 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2002 | 5 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Basis Characteristics | Financials Basis |
526 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2003 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Combination Field | Financials Basis |
527 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2004 | 4 | 1 | FI Master Data: Settings per Characteristic | Financials Basis |
528 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2005 | 32 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Field Properties | Financials Basis |
529 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2006 | 9 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Field Properties - Language-dep. Texts | Financials Basis |
530 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2007 | 6 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Field Compounds | Financials Basis |
531 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2008 | 6 | 2 | FI Master Data: Mapping ODS Object to Combination Fields | Financials Basis |
532 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD200S | 3 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Characteristics (Surrogate ID) | Financials Basis |
533 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2010 | 6 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Generated DDIC Structures | Financials Basis |
534 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2011 | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Generated Tables of Characteristics | Financials Basis |
535 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2020 | 4 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Assignment of RFC Destinations to AREAIDs | Financials Basis |
536 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2030 | 14 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Restrictions on Hierarchies | Financials Basis |
537 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2035 | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Last Time Stamp Master Data | Financials Basis |
538 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2040 | 38 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Definition of BW Info Objects | Financials Basis |
539 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2041 | 6 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Properties of Info Objects: Attributes | Financials Basis |
540 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2042 | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Properties of Info Objects: Compound | Financials Basis |
541 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2043 | 7 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Properties of Info Objects: Nav.Attributes | Financials Basis |
542 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2044 | 6 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Texts of BW InfoObjects | Financials Basis |
543 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2045 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Characteristics - BW InfoObjects | Financials Basis |
544 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2046 | 7 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Properties of Info Objects: Nav.Attributes | Financials Basis |
545 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2050 | 39 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Active Definition of BW Info Objects | Financials Basis |
546 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2051 | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Active Props of Info Objects: Attributes | Financials Basis |
547 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2052 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Active Props of Info Objects: Compound | Financials Basis |
548 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2053 | 6 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Active Props of Info Objects: NavAttributes | Financials Basis |
549 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2054 | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Texts of BW InfoObjects | Financials Basis |
550 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2055 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Characteristics - BW InfoObjects | Financials Basis |
551 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2056 | 6 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Active Props of Info Objects: NavAttributes | Financials Basis |
552 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2060 | 9 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Properties Valid During Generation | Financials Basis |
553 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2061 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Attributes That Existed During Generation | Financials Basis |
554 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2090 | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Assignment Org. Criteria to Characteristics | Financials Basis |
555 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2100 | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Generation: Object -> Logical Name | Financials Basis |
556 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2101 | 6 | 2 | FIN Master Data: List of Generated DDIC Elements | Financials Basis |
557 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2140 | 49 | 2 | FIN Master Data: (Role-independent) Definition of Fields | Financials Basis |
558 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2141 | 5 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Properties of Field Names: Attributes | Financials Basis |
559 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2142 | 5 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Properties of Field Names: Compounding | Financials Basis |
560 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2143 | 5 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Properties of Field Names: Nav. Attributes | Financials Basis |
561 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2144 | 7 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Texts of Field Names | Financials Basis |
562 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2145 | 4 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Field Prop.: Non-SAP Chars in Hierarchies | Financials Basis |
563 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2146 | 8 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Field Prop.: Texts of Nav. Attributes | Financials Basis |
564 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2150 | 50 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Active (Role-Indep.) Definition of Fields | Financials Basis |
565 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2151 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Active Properties of Fields: Attributes | Financials Basis |
566 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2152 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Active Properties of Fields: Compounding | Financials Basis |
567 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2153 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Active Properties of Fields: Nav.Attributes | Financials Basis |
568 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2154 | 6 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Active Texts of Field Names | Financials Basis |
569 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2155 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Active Prop.: Non-SAP Chars in Hierarchies | Financials Basis |
570 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2156 | 7 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Active Prop.: Texts of Nav. Attributes | Financials Basis |
571 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2157 | 6 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Explicit Heading Texts of Remote Fields | Financials Basis |
572 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2180 | 7 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Activated Attribute Mappings Role-Remote | Financials Basis |
573 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2181 | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Value Fixings for Attribute Mapping | Financials Basis |
574 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2200 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master: Special Field Allocations for Deep Operations | Financials Basis |
575 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2257 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Default Heading Texts of Remote Fields | Financials Basis |
576 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD2_BDT_CUST | 3 | 1 | Table for Comments to Customizing Transactions (BDT) | Financials Basis |
577 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD300C | 11 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Names | Financials Basis |
578 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD300S | 5 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Names | Financials Basis |
579 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD300T | 7 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Names | Financials Basis |
580 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD3011 | 7 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Restrictions on Hierarchies | Financials Basis |
581 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD301C | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Versions | Financials Basis |
582 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD301S | 3 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Versions | Financials Basis |
583 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD301T | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Versions | Financials Basis |
584 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD310C | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Text Node | Financials Basis |
585 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD310S | 5 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Text Node | Financials Basis |
586 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD310T | 8 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Text Node | Financials Basis |
587 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD9000 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Structures to be Generated | Financials Basis |
588 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD9900 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Backup of UGMD Tables | Financials Basis |
589 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDCLNT | 1 | 1 | Temporary Table | Financials Basis |
590 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDDEMO02C | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Demo | Financials Basis |
591 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDDEMO02S | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Demo, SID Table | Financials Basis |
592 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDDEMO02T | 6 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Demo, Text Table | Financials Basis |
593 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDDEMO03C | 5 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Demo | Financials Basis |
594 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDDEMO03S | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Demo, SID Table | Financials Basis |
595 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDDEMO03T | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Demo, Text Table | Financials Basis |
596 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDDEMO04C | 5 | 2 | Airline Carrier | Financials Basis |
597 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDENQOBJ | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Enqueue/Dequeue Table | Financials Basis |
598 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDENQSID | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Enqueue / Dequeue Table (SID) | Financials Basis |
599 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1000 | 22 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local Roles | Financials Basis |
600 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1001 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local Roles in Applications | Financials Basis |
601 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1003 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local: Tables of Predefined Fields | Financials Basis |
602 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1004 | 6 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local: Attributes of Predefined Fields | Financials Basis |
603 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1008 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local: Attributes Required for Creation | Financials Basis |
604 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1010 | 5 | 1 | Local Roles: Template for Attributes at Hierarchy Edges | Financials Basis |
605 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1011 | 6 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local Roles - Attributes at Hierarchy Edges | Financials Basis |
606 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1015 | 5 | 1 | Local Roles: Template for Attributes at Network Links | Financials Basis |
607 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1016 | 6 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local Roles - Attributes at Network Links | Financials Basis |
608 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1021 | 4 | 1 | Renaming of Field Names | Financials Basis |
609 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1030 | 12 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local: SAP Restrictions on Hierarchies | Financials Basis |
610 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1035 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local External Roles in Hierarchies | Financials Basis |
611 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1040 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local: Special Fields for Authority Check | Financials Basis |
612 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1041 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local: Special Tables for Authority Check | Financials Basis |
613 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1045 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local: Special Enqueue Fields | Financials Basis |
614 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1201 | 12 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local Roles, Subobjects | Financials Basis |
615 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1210 | 7 | 1 | Local Role-Specific Special Logics | Financials Basis |
616 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDL1230 | 4 | 1 | FIN MD: Role Assign, Where-Used List | Financials Basis |
617 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDSID | 2 | 1 | Dummy Table for Generic Foreign Key for F/V SID | Financials Basis |
618 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDTR00 | 5 | 1 | FinBasis Transport: Writing to BW During Import | Financials Basis |
619 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDTRANS | 9 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Cluster Table for Transport | Financials Basis |
620 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDTRTXT | 7 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Text Table for Content Translation | Financials Basis |
621 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDTRTXT2 | 9 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Text Table for Content Translation | Financials Basis |
622 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMDVDY01 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Validity Versions | Financials Basis |
623 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD_BACK | 8 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Cluster Table for Transport | Financials Basis |
624 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD_BACK01 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Time of Backup of UGMD Tables | Financials Basis |
625 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD_DYNNR_GUI | 3 | 1 | Assignment of BDT Containers <-> GUI Classes | Financials Basis |
626 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD_ENQ_HRYNODE | 6 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Enqueue/Dequeue Table for Hierarchy Nodes | Financials Basis |
627 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD_GEN_ENQUEUE | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Lock in Generation | Financials Basis |
628 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD_GUI_FLDG | 5 | 1 | Assignment of Field Groups to GUI Classes (n:m) | Financials Basis |
629 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD_MESG | 4 | 1 | FinBasis: Suppression of Repeated Message Displays | Financials Basis |
630 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGR31004 | 4 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Assign Field Names - DataSource Fields | Financials Basis |
631 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGR31005 | 6 | 1 | FIN Master Data: DataSource Functions | Financials Basis |
632 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGR31006 | 8 | 1 | FIN Master Data: DataSource Key Fields | Financials Basis |
633 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGR31007 | 8 | 1 | FIN Master Data: DataSource Attributes | Financials Basis |
634 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGR31008 | 27 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Dummy Field Names with Properties | Financials Basis |
635 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGR31019 | 3 | 2 | FIN Master Data: DataSource Field Time Stamp | Financials Basis |
636 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGR31021 | 19 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Buffer Table for DataSource Properties | Financials Basis |
637 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGR31022 | 25 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Buffer Table f.Fields of Extract Structures | Financials Basis |
638 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGR31023 | 6 | 2 | FIN Master Data: Buffer Table for Texts of DS Fields | Financials Basis |
639 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGSCDT001 | 2 | 1 | Customizing Comparison: Callback Classes | Financials Basis |
640 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGSCDT002 | 6 | 1 | Customizing Comparisons | Financials Basis |
641 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGSCDTDATA | 8 | 1 | Data for Customizing Comparison | Financials Basis |
Financials :: Strategic Enterprise Management |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
642 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRALETMP | 14 | 1 | HR: Storage of Future Master Data Changes | Strategic Enterprise Management |
643 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRPERSONEE | 3 | 2 | Linking Employee / Central Person | Strategic Enterprise Management |
644 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | PCLHR | 8 | 1 | Store of Temporary Data from HR | Strategic Enterprise Management |
645 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TB027HR | 3 | 1 | Conversion of Marital Status: HR - SAP-BP | Strategic Enterprise Management |
646 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TSAD3HR | 3 | 1 | Form of Address Conversion: HR Format - SAP Business Partner | Strategic Enterprise Management |
Financials :: Business Accounting :: Accounting Engine |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
647 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TBTPROCONF | 7 | 1 | Configurations in Component BTA Profit | Accounting Engine |
648 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TBTPROFLDS | 6 | 1 | Active Configuration in Component BTA Profit | Accounting Engine |
649 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/ACCRMETH0C | 5 | 1 | Configured Methods for Accrual | Accounting Engine |
650 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/ACCRMETH0T | 5 | 1 | Description of an Accrual Method | Accounting Engine |
651 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/AUNIT_MBEW | 4 | 1 | MVR Replacement for BTA Unit Test | Accounting Engine |
652 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/BT_ACTIV | 6 | 1 | Activate Configurations of the Business Transactions | Accounting Engine |
653 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/BT_CNF_A | 8 | 1 | All Configurations by the Business Transactions | Accounting Engine |
654 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/CHARNAMES | 5 | 1 | Characteristic Names for Fixed Fields | Accounting Engine |
655 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/COND_PR | 6 | 1 | Conditions for Generated Programs | Accounting Engine |
656 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/CONFIGS_LI | 17 | 1 | Configurations | Accounting Engine |
657 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/CONFIGS_PL | 25 | 1 | Configurations for Line Item Persistence | Accounting Engine |
658 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/CONF_DELEG | 7 | 1 | Delegation of Line Item Processing | Accounting Engine |
659 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DERIVCHARS | 7 | 1 | Target Characteristics in Derivation Steps | Accounting Engine |
660 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DERIV_COND | 10 | 1 | Conditions for Derivation Steps | Accounting Engine |
661 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DERIV_EXIT | 13 | 1 | Methods for Derviation Exits | Accounting Engine |
662 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMB_CHA | 3 | 1 | Characteristics of a DataSource and InfoSource | Accounting Engine |
663 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMB_DEBUG | 5 | 1 | Debugging Support Depending on DataSource | Accounting Engine |
664 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMB_DIM | 4 | 1 | Table of Field Name and Dimensions for InfoCube | Accounting Engine |
665 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMB_DIMT | 4 | 1 | Texts of Dimensions Generated in an InfoCube | Accounting Engine |
666 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMB_DSRCE | 4 | 1 | DataSources of Accounting Engine | Accounting Engine |
667 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMB_QUEUE | 4 | 1 | DataSource/InfoSource Link to InfoCube | Accounting Engine |
668 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMB_SOURCE | 6 | 1 | DataSource and InfoSource | Accounting Engine |
669 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMB_TARGET | 7 | 1 | InfoCube Information | Accounting Engine |
670 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMFC_REQUE | 11 | 1 | Data Retention - Flow Control: Requests | Accounting Engine |
671 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DMFC_SRMAX | 3 | 1 | Data Retention - Flow Control: Highest Serial No. of DataSrc | Accounting Engine |
672 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DM_COUNTER | 4 | 1 | Counter Readings in Tranche Management | Accounting Engine |
673 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DM_DTRANCH | 3 | 1 | Default Tranche | Accounting Engine |
674 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DM_FC_REQU | 14 | 1 | Data Retention - Flow Control: Requests | Accounting Engine |
675 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DM_SERIMAX | 6 | 1 | Data Retention - Flow Control: Highest Serial No. of DataSrc | Accounting Engine |
676 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DM_TMADMIN | 2 | 1 | Data Retention: Administratn Settings in Tranche Management | Accounting Engine |
677 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DM_TRNCH | 5 | 2 | Tranches | Accounting Engine |
678 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DOCU_FLDS | 3 | 1 | To Be Deleted | Accounting Engine |
679 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/DOC_PROGS | 8 | 1 | Generated Programs | Accounting Engine |
680 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/ENGINECHAR | 9 | 1 | Accounting Engine Characteristics | Accounting Engine |
681 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/FIELDS | 3 | 1 | Fixed Fields in the Accounting Engine | Accounting Engine |
682 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/FIXED_FLDS | 4 | 1 | Fixed Fields as Specification for Each Journal | Accounting Engine |
683 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/GEN_PROGS | 14 | 1 | Generated Programs | Accounting Engine |
684 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/HEAD_TBLS | 6 | 1 | List of Document Header Tables | Accounting Engine |
685 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/ITEMCAT0C | 1 | 1 | Item Types in the Accounting Engine | Accounting Engine |
686 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/ITEMCAT0T | 5 | 1 | Item Types in the Accounting Engine | Accounting Engine |
687 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/JOURNALS | 4 | 1 | Journals in E-Accounting | Accounting Engine |
688 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/JRNL_ACTIV | 12 | 2 | Active Journal Configurations | Accounting Engine |
689 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/JRNL_CNF_A | 8 | 1 | All Journal Configurations | Accounting Engine |
690 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/JRNL_CURTP | 5 | 1 | All Journal Configurations | Accounting Engine |
691 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/JRNL_DERIV | 9 | 2 | Derivation Configuration for the Journal | Accounting Engine |
692 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/JRNL_QNTTP | 5 | 1 | All Journal Configurations | Accounting Engine |
693 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/JRNL_TOTLS | 10 | 1 | Journal Totals | Accounting Engine |
694 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/JRNL_TRANS | 7 | 1 | Transported Master Objects | Accounting Engine |
695 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/JRNL_TRMAP | 8 | 1 | Import Mapping | Accounting Engine |
696 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/LASTPSTDAT | 5 | 1 | Lest Posting Date Posted to | Accounting Engine |
697 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/MPTAB0C | 4 | 1 | Title Element for the Entry Sheet Header | Accounting Engine |
698 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/MPTAB0T | 5 | 1 | Title Element for the Entry Sheet Header | Accounting Engine |
699 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/PLIMA_CONF | 7 | 1 | Configurations | Accounting Engine |
700 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/PLIMA_IND | 7 | 1 | Indexes | Accounting Engine |
701 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/PLIMA_INDX | 5 | 1 | Indexes | Accounting Engine |
702 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/PL_INDXNAM | 5 | 1 | Index Names | Accounting Engine |
703 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/PROGCOND | 6 | 1 | Conditions for Generated Programs | Accounting Engine |
704 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TACCOMP | 3 | 1 | Components of the Accounting Instance | Accounting Engine |
705 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TAR_OBJ | 4 | 1 | Archiving Objects | Accounting Engine |
706 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TAR_SEL | 4 | 1 | Selection Characteristics for Archiving | Accounting Engine |
707 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA1000 | 4 | 1 | Assignment of Business Transaction Types to Entry Channels | Accounting Engine |
708 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA1001 | 4 | 1 | Definition of Logistical Business Transactions | Accounting Engine |
709 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA1002 | 6 | 1 | Data Types per Interface, Optimization for Joins | Accounting Engine |
710 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA1003 | 8 | 1 | Assignment of Interface ID to Interface IDs | Accounting Engine |
711 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA1004 | 8 | 1 | Linking of Dependent Tables, e.g. Header, Event, Row | Accounting Engine |
712 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA1005 | 4 | 1 | Exceptions for Object Type with Statistical Structure Templ. | Accounting Engine |
713 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA1006 | 3 | 1 | Definition of Logistical Structure Names with Log Obj | Accounting Engine |
714 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA1007 | 3 | 1 | Mandatory Quantity Types per Business Transaction | Accounting Engine |
715 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA3000 | 7 | 1 | Characteristic Assignment Table Entry Data Temp 0001 | Accounting Engine |
716 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA3001 | 5 | 1 | Characteristics to Log. Structure Names w/o Log Obj. Refrnce | Accounting Engine |
717 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA3002 | 6 | 1 | Logical Process Steps for BTA Processing by Groups | Accounting Engine |
718 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA3003 | 5 | 1 | Transient Journal Characteristics for Generic BTA | Accounting Engine |
719 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA3004 | 12 | 1 | Characteristics to Display Simulated Documents | Accounting Engine |
720 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA4000 | 5 | 1 | Configuration Status of the Generic BTA per Data Basis | Accounting Engine |
721 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA4001 | 6 | 1 | Activation Status of Generated BTA w. Ref. to Assd BTA Cats | Accounting Engine |
722 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA4002 | 5 | 1 | Assignment of Generated Structures to Log. Object Types | Accounting Engine |
723 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA4003 | 10 | 1 | Information for Process Control of Derivations | Accounting Engine |
724 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA4004 | 7 | 1 | Source Characteristics for Filling Derivation Tables | Accounting Engine |
725 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TBTA4005 | 5 | 1 | Assignment of Generated Structures for Derivations | Accounting Engine |
726 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TDOCJRCONF | 6 | 1 | Configuration of the Document Journal Component | Accounting Engine |
727 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TDR_STEPS | 21 | 1 | Derivation Steps | Accounting Engine |
728 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TDR_STEPST | 5 | 1 | Derivation Steps - Texts | Accounting Engine |
729 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TMPDYNCOLS | 7 | 1 | Layout of the Entry Sheet Header Screen | Accounting Engine |
730 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TMPDYNFLDF | 4 | 1 | Fixed Fields in the Entry Items | Accounting Engine |
731 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TMPDYNFLDS | 9 | 1 | Position of the Screen Fields | Accounting Engine |
732 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TMPDYNHDRO | 4 | 1 | Fields with Required Entry in the Document Header | Accounting Engine |
733 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TMPDYNPROS | 6 | 1 | Subscreens for the Header of an Entry Transaction | Accounting Engine |
734 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TMPSTRUS | 5 | 1 | Structure for Entry Sheet Header, Lines and Transfer | Accounting Engine |
735 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TOT_DELEG | 7 | 1 | Delegation of Totals Administration | Accounting Engine |
736 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TREV_REAS | 4 | 1 | Reasons for Reversal | Accounting Engine |
737 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/TREV_REAST | 4 | 1 | Reasons for Reversal | Accounting Engine |
738 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/T_BTA | 4 | 2 | Registered Business Transactions | Accounting Engine |
739 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/T_BTA_NM | 1 | 1 | Name of Business Transaction | Accounting Engine |
740 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/T_BTA_NMT | 3 | 1 | Long Text Description of Business Transaction | Accounting Engine |
741 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/T_DCCHECK | 9 | 1 | Characteristics to Display Simulated Documents | Accounting Engine |
742 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/T_DCEXIT | 6 | 1 | System Table for Statistical Exits for Document Preparation | Accounting Engine |
743 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/T_DCSEQ | 7 | 1 | Process Step Sequences per Accounting System | Accounting Engine |
744 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/T_DEBUG | 7 | 1 | Table for Controlling Debugging Sessions | Accounting Engine |
745 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/T_MSG | 10 | 1 | Message Information for Message Contexts | Accounting Engine |
746 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/T_MSG_CTXT | 9 | 3 | Reduced Persistent View of Message Context Objects | Accounting Engine |
747 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/VIEWDCHARS | 8 | 1 | Source Characteristics in Derivation Steps | Accounting Engine |
748 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/VIEW_ACTIV | 8 | 1 | Active View Configurations | Accounting Engine |
749 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/VIEW_CNF_A | 8 | 1 | All View Configurations | Accounting Engine |
750 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/VIEW_CURTP | 6 | 1 | All View Configurations | Accounting Engine |
751 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/VIEW_DERIV | 14 | 2 | Derivation Configuration Requirements in a View | Accounting Engine |
752 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/VIEW_QNTTP | 6 | 1 | Quantity Types | Accounting Engine |
753 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/VIEW_TOT_A | 11 | 1 | All View Configurations | Accounting Engine |
754 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_COND | 9 | 1 | Derivation Steps Condition | Accounting Engine |
755 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_CUR | 4 | 1 | Currency Types | Accounting Engine |
756 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_CUR_SUB | 5 | 1 | Names of Views for Currency Types | Accounting Engine |
757 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_DERIV | 6 | 1 | Derivation Steps | Accounting Engine |
758 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_DER_NAME | 5 | 1 | Derivation Steps - Name | Accounting Engine |
759 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_HEAD_C | 3 | 1 | Header Data | Accounting Engine |
760 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_HEAD_N | 4 | 1 | Header Data - View Name | Accounting Engine |
761 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_JOURN_C | 5 | 1 | Journals | Accounting Engine |
762 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_JOURN_N | 5 | 1 | Journals | Accounting Engine |
763 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_QUANT_N | 5 | 1 | Quantity Types | Accounting Engine |
764 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_QUANT_T | 4 | 1 | Quantity Types | Accounting Engine |
765 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_TABLES_I | 5 | 1 | Journal Tables - Indexes | Accounting Engine |
766 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_TABLES_J | 3 | 1 | Journal Tables | Accounting Engine |
767 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_TABLES_T | 5 | 1 | Journal Tables - Tables | Accounting Engine |
768 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_TAB_I_I | 6 | 1 | Journal Tables - Indexes - Index | Accounting Engine |
769 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_TOTALS_F | 10 | 1 | Journal Totals - Field List | Accounting Engine |
770 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_TOTALS_I | 5 | 1 | Journal Totals - Database Indexes | Accounting Engine |
771 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_TOTALS_J | 6 | 1 | Journal Totals | Accounting Engine |
772 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_TOTALS_T | 6 | 1 | Journal Totals - Texts | Accounting Engine |
773 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_TOTAL_II | 7 | 1 | Journal Totals - Database Indexes - Index | Accounting Engine |
774 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACC/V_TOTAL_IT | 7 | 1 | Journal Totals - Database Indexes - Texts | Accounting Engine |
775 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINACHD | 37 | 3 | Accounting Document Header | Accounting Engine |
776 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINACITCASH | 47 | 2 | Line Items in the Cash Journal | Accounting Engine |
777 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINACITCRV | 54 | 2 | Line Items in Cost and Revenue Journal | Accounting Engine |
778 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINACITDUE | 49 | 1 | Line Items in the AP/AR Journal | Accounting Engine |
779 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINACITFXA | 42 | 2 | Line Item in Asset Journal | Accounting Engine |
780 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINACITGEN | 37 | 1 | Line Items in General Journal | Accounting Engine |
781 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINACITGRI | 49 | 2 | Line Items in the GR/IR Journal | Accounting Engine |
782 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINACITINV | 46 | 2 | Line Items in the Material Inventory Journal | Accounting Engine |
783 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINACITTAX | 36 | 1 | Line Items in the Tax Journal | Accounting Engine |
784 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINACITWIP | 51 | 2 | Line Items in the WIP Journal | Accounting Engine |
785 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TNOASS_NRO | 3 | 2 | Assignment of Accounting System to Number Range Object | Accounting Engine |
786 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINVT2000 | 14 | 1 | Characteristics of Inventory and WIP Views | Accounting Engine |
787 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINVT3020 | 7 | 1 | Aspect for Mapping Table New Accounting <-> R/3 Functions | Accounting Engine |
Financials :: Business Accounting :: General Ledger |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
788 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/GLCONFIG1 | 8 | 1 | GL Configuration: Active Subcomponents | General Ledger |
789 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/GL_DOCNR_S | 2 | 1 | Value Table for Number Range Subobject for GL Doc. Numbers | General Ledger |
790 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/GL_DOCNR_T | 4 | 1 | Inverse Value Table for GL Number Range Subobject | General Ledger |
791 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/GL_DOCNR_X | 2 | 1 | G/L Number Ranges: Counter for Generated Subobjects | General Ledger |
792 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLADET | 5 | 1 | Account Determination (Temporary Solution) | General Ledger |
793 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLBALREP | 3 | 1 | Configuration for G/L Balance Reporting | General Ledger |
794 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLBAS_B | 12 | 1 | Settings for Balance Tool | General Ledger |
795 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLBWINFO | 5 | 1 | Information for BW Objects | General Ledger |
796 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLCONFIG1 | 6 | 1 | Accounting Configurations for General Ledger | General Ledger |
797 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLCONTROL | 8 | 1 | Posting Logic Control for Account Determination Fields | General Ledger |
798 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLDYNCOLS | 7 | 1 | Layout of the Document Header Screen | General Ledger |
799 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLDYNFLDS | 9 | 1 | Position of the Screen Fields | General Ledger |
800 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLDYNPROS | 6 | 1 | Screen Numbers for Posting Transactions | General Ledger |
801 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLDYNTAB1 | 5 | 1 | Title Element for the Header of a Document | General Ledger |
802 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLDYNTABS | 5 | 1 | Title Element for the Header of a Document | General Ledger |
803 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLMPCONAS | 4 | 1 | Configuration of Manual Posting Transaction for Acc. System | General Ledger |
804 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLMPCONDB | 4 | 1 | Configuration of Manual Posting Transaction for Data Basis | General Ledger |
805 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLPRIMANC | 5 | 1 | Configuration Information for Source Document - PLIMA GUID | General Ledger |
806 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLPRIMANO | 16 | 1 | Configuration Information for the Source Document | General Ledger |
807 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLREADER | 4 | 1 | Administration of the GUIDs for the Reader Modules | General Ledger |
808 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLSYS01 | 4 | 1 | General Ledger Configuration in Accounting System | General Ledger |
809 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TGLTEMPLAT | 11 | 1 | Customizing Templates in the G/L | General Ledger |
Financials :: Business Accounting :: Inventory Accounting |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
810 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFICC0C | 11 | 2 | FIN Objects for Cost Centers | Inventory Accounting |
811 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFICR0C | 12 | 2 | FIN Objects for Cost Center/Resource Pool | Inventory Accounting |
812 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIFA0C | 12 | 2 | FIN Objects for Fixed Assets | Inventory Accounting |
813 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIOCONSI0C | 22 | 2 | FIN Objects for Consignment | Inventory Accounting |
814 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIOGMVMT0C | 25 | 3 | FIN Objects for Material Documents (GR-Based IV) | Inventory Accounting |
815 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIORGEN0C | 13 | 2 | FIN Objects for Internal Orders | Inventory Accounting |
816 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIORMNF0C | 14 | 2 | FIN Objects for Manufacturing Orders | Inventory Accounting |
817 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIORMNT0C | 13 | 2 | FIN Objects for Maintenance Orders | Inventory Accounting |
818 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIORNTA0C | 14 | 2 | FIN Objects for Network Items | Inventory Accounting |
819 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIORNTW0C | 13 | 2 | FIN Objects for Networks | Inventory Accounting |
820 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIORPURITM0C | 23 | 2 | FIN Objects for Purchase Order Items | Inventory Accounting |
821 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIORQMM0C | 13 | 2 | FIN Objects for QM Orders | Inventory Accounting |
822 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIORSRV0C | 13 | 2 | FIN Objects for Service Orders | Inventory Accounting |
823 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIORWBS0C | 13 | 2 | FIN Objects for WBS Elements | Inventory Accounting |
824 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIOSENTR0C | 24 | 3 | FIN Objects for Services | Inventory Accounting |
825 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIPVLOCPRD0C | 16 | 2 | Product Depending on Company/Location | Inventory Accounting |
826 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CFIPVLOCPRDBTC0C | 17 | 2 | Product Depending on Company/Location/Batch | Inventory Accounting |
827 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CONACCDATASOURCE | 2 | 1 | DataSources Inventory Accounting | Inventory Accounting |
828 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | CON_ACC_TACTIVE | 2 | 1 | Activate Inventory Accounting in Client | Inventory Accounting |
829 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV01 | 32 | 1 | Incoming/Outgoing Invoices | Inventory Accounting |
830 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV01C | 6 | 1 | Rule for Balance Sheet Valuation | Inventory Accounting |
831 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV01T | 5 | 1 | Texts for Rule | Inventory Accounting |
832 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV02 | 29 | 1 | Valuated Receipts | Inventory Accounting |
833 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV02C | 6 | 1 | Percentage Writedown: Weighting Factors | Inventory Accounting |
834 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV03 | 16 | 1 | Logistical Goods Movements | Inventory Accounting |
835 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV04C | 2 | 1 | Configuration: Percentage Write-Down Key | Inventory Accounting |
836 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV06C | 4 | 1 | Grouping by Rule (Balance Sheet Valuation) | Inventory Accounting |
837 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV07C | 5 | 1 | Rule: Input and Output Prices | Inventory Accounting |
838 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV08C | 7 | 1 | Rule - Special Parameters FIFO | Inventory Accounting |
839 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV09C | 13 | 1 | Rule: Special Parameters for Market Prices | Inventory Accounting |
840 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV10C | 8 | 1 | Rule - Special Parameters for Percentage Write-Down | Inventory Accounting |
841 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV11C | 6 | 1 | Configuration: Balance Sheet Valuation Procedure Attributes | Inventory Accounting |
842 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV11T | 4 | 1 | Configuration - Balance Sheet Val. Procedure Description | Inventory Accounting |
843 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV12C | 7 | 1 | Price Relationships | Inventory Accounting |
844 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV13C | 4 | 1 | Assignment of Valuation Procedures to Price Types | Inventory Accounting |
845 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV14C | 2 | 1 | Configuration: Application Class Market Prices | Inventory Accounting |
846 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV15C | 2 | 1 | Persistence Objects for Balance Sheet Valuation | Inventory Accounting |
847 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV16C | 4 | 1 | Price Type Assignment for Preliminary Market Prices | Inventory Accounting |
848 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV17C | 4 | 1 | Rule: Currency Types | Inventory Accounting |
849 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV18C | 4 | 1 | Writedown Percentages to Specific Key: Range of Coverage | Inventory Accounting |
850 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FAIBSV19C | 2 | 1 | Valuation Groups: Mapping of Field Names | Inventory Accounting |
851 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAIDETAILDATA | 13 | 1 | Trace Option for Realignment Runs | Inventory Accounting |
852 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINVAPPL | 4 | 1 | Application Specifics in Period-End Closing | Inventory Accounting |
853 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINVDEBCRH | 17 | 1 | Document for Revaluation Through Material Debit/Credit | Inventory Accounting |
854 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINVDEBCRI | 24 | 2 | Document Item for Revaluation Through Material Debit/Credit | Inventory Accounting |
855 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINVDEBUG | 6 | 1 | Debugging Support | Inventory Accounting |
856 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINVREVALH | 17 | 2 | Document for INV Price Change and Inventory Revaluation | Inventory Accounting |
857 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINVREVALI | 28 | 3 | Document Item for Inventory Price Change and Revaluation | Inventory Accounting |
858 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINVREVCOH | 21 | 3 | Header Table for Tracking the Revaluation Runs | Inventory Accounting |
859 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINVT4000 | 5 | 1 | Configuration Status of Inventory/WIP for Accounting Systems | Inventory Accounting |
860 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINVTMAPPING | 7 | 1 | Mapping Table New Accounting <-> R/3 Functions | Inventory Accounting |
861 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINVTSTLRULER | 10 | 2 | Settlement Rule Receiver | Inventory Accounting |
862 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINVTSTLRULES | 10 | 2 | Settlement Rule Sender | Inventory Accounting |
863 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINV_BTACOGSC | 3 | 1 | Additional Business Trans Categories for Revaluation of COS | Inventory Accounting |
864 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINV_CTRLCOGSC | 4 | 1 | Control Revaluation Cost of Sales | Inventory Accounting |
865 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINV_DERIVECO | 5 | 1 | Derivation for Revaluation CO-PA Structure | Inventory Accounting |
866 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINV_DYNRELACT | 4 | 1 | Activation of Dynamic Price Release | Inventory Accounting |
867 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAINV_DYNRELCUS | 5 | 1 | Customizing for Dynamic Price Release | Inventory Accounting |
868 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAIQSACT | 5 | 2 | Quantity Structure: Activity Node | Inventory Accounting |
869 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAIQSCCTR | 4 | 2 | Quantity Structure: Cost Center Node | Inventory Accounting |
870 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAIQSEDGETYPE | 4 | 2 | Quantity Structure: Edge Type (of Sender/Rec. Relationship) | Inventory Accounting |
871 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAIQSINV | 6 | 2 | Quantity Structure: Inventory Node | Inventory Accounting |
872 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAIQSITEMCTRL | 6 | 1 | Quantity Structure: Control Table Items | Inventory Accounting |
873 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAIQSPURORD | 9 | 2 | Quantity Structure: Purchasing Node | Inventory Accounting |
874 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAIQSTIME | 6 | 2 | Quantity Structure: Time Dimension | Inventory Accounting |
875 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAIQSVERSION | 4 | 2 | Quantity Structure: Version | Inventory Accounting |
876 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAIQSVERSIONT | 5 | 1 | Text for Quantity Structure Version | Inventory Accounting |
877 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAIQSWIP | 8 | 2 | Quantity Structure: WIP Node | Inventory Accounting |
878 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAIQS_BALANCE | 14 | 1 | Quantity Structure: Beginning/Ending Inventories and Values | Inventory Accounting |
879 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAIQS_SNDRCV | 17 | 2 | Quantity Structure: Valuated Quantity Structure | Inventory Accounting |
880 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAI_ABGRIR_ACTIV | 5 | 1 | Activation of Transaction-Based GR/IR Clearing | Inventory Accounting |
881 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAI_ABGRIR_BTA | 2 | 1 | Business Trans. Categories of Transactional GR/IR Clearing | Inventory Accounting |
882 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAI_ABGRIR_GUID | 2 | 1 | GUIDs for Transaction-Based GR/IR Clearing | Inventory Accounting |
Financials :: Business Accounting :: Profitability Analysis |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
883 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMACCSYS | 4 | 1 | Assignment of Accounting Systems | Profitability Analysis |
884 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMCGRP | 4 | 1 | PM: Characteristic Group | Profitability Analysis |
885 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMCGRP1 | 9 | 1 | PM Characteristics of a Characteristic Group | Profitability Analysis |
886 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMCGRPT | 6 | 1 | PM: Characteristic Group | Profitability Analysis |
887 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMCHARCND | 8 | 1 | SELECT-OPTION for a Profitability Analysis Characteristic | Profitability Analysis |
888 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMCHARFIX | 3 | 1 | Fixed Profitability Analysis Characteristics | Profitability Analysis |
889 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMCHARMAL | 2 | 1 | Chars that you do not want to appear in Prof. Analysis | Profitability Analysis |
890 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMCHARVAR | 9 | 1 | Characteristic List for Variant | Profitability Analysis |
891 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMCKYFT | 6 | 1 | Texts of the Calculated Key Figures for Variant | Profitability Analysis |
892 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMCKYFVAR | 8 | 1 | List of the Calculated Key Figures for Variant | Profitability Analysis |
893 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMCTMRVAL | 7 | 1 | Contribution Margin Scheme Line | Profitability Analysis |
894 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMCTRMARG | 5 | 1 | Contribution Margin Scheme | Profitability Analysis |
895 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMCUCHAR | 6 | 1 | Conditional Characteristic Use Profitability Analysis | Profitability Analysis |
896 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMDTST | 7 | 1 | Meta Data for Data Retention in Profitability Analysis | Profitability Analysis |
897 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMINSTANC | 6 | 1 | Profitability Analysis Instance | Profitability Analysis |
898 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMINSTT | 5 | 1 | Text Table for Profitability Analysis Instance | Profitability Analysis |
899 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMKEYFASS | 5 | 1 | Profitability Analysis Key Figure Assignment | Profitability Analysis |
900 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMKEYFVAR | 5 | 1 | Key Figure List for Variant | Profitability Analysis |
901 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMKGRP | 4 | 1 | PM: Key Figure Groups | Profitability Analysis |
902 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMKGRP1 | 8 | 1 | Key Figure Groups - Key Figures | Profitability Analysis |
903 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMKGRPT | 6 | 1 | Key Figure Groups - Texts | Profitability Analysis |
904 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMKYFACCT | 8 | 1 | Assignment of Accounts to Profitability Analysis Key Figures | Profitability Analysis |
905 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMLIDOC | 9 | 1 | Source Document PM Line Item | Profitability Analysis |
906 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMLIDOC1 | 5 | 1 | Source Document PM Line Items - Characteristics with Values | Profitability Analysis |
907 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMLIDOC2 | 6 | 1 | Source Document PM Line Items - Key Figures with Values | Profitability Analysis |
908 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMLIDOC3 | 6 | 1 | Source Document PM Line Item - Key Figures (Quantities) | Profitability Analysis |
909 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMLINR | 4 | 1 | Subnummer for Number Range Line Item Entry | Profitability Analysis |
910 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMMASDATA | 3 | 1 | Configuration of Profitability Analysis Master Data | Profitability Analysis |
911 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMNRSUBNR | 2 | 1 | Value Table for Number Range Subobject | Profitability Analysis |
912 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMPPR1 | 6 | 1 | Entry Variants for Line Items | Profitability Analysis |
913 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMPPR1T | 6 | 1 | Texts for Line Item Entry Variants | Profitability Analysis |
914 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMPROCESS | 3 | 1 | Configuration of Profitability Analysis Processes | Profitability Analysis |
915 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMQUERY | 3 | 1 | Configuration of Profitability Analysis Reports | Profitability Analysis |
916 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMSELCHCN | 4 | 1 | Profitability Analysis Selector List | Profitability Analysis |
917 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMSELECT | 3 | 1 | Profitability Analysis Selector List | Profitability Analysis |
918 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMSTRUCT | 5 | 1 | Structural Configuration for Profitability Analysis | Profitability Analysis |
919 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMTRANS | 9 | 1 | Cluster Table for Metadata Transport | Profitability Analysis |
920 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMVALELVA | 5 | 1 | List of Value-Bearing Fields for the Variant | Profitability Analysis |
921 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMVALFLOW | 3 | 1 | Configuration of Profitability Analysis Data Flow | Profitability Analysis |
922 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMVARI | 12 | 1 | Profitabiliy Analysis Variant | Profitability Analysis |
923 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMVARIASS | 6 | 1 | Variant: Assignments | Profitability Analysis |
924 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMVARIMET | 9 | 1 | Assignment of Meta Data Continers to Variant | Profitability Analysis |
925 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /EACA/TPMVARIT | 5 | 1 | Text Table for Variant | Profitability Analysis |
Financials :: Corporate Governance :: Management of Internal Controls |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
926 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCAGGREGCODE | 3 | 1 | MIC: Aggregation Code for Deficiency Analysis | Management of Internal Controls |
927 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCAIS | 5 | 1 | AIS Systems for MIC | Management of Internal Controls |
928 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCAISOU | 5 | 1 | Assignment of AIS Systems to the Org Units | Management of Internal Controls |
929 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCAISREPORT | 4 | 1 | AIS Reports for a Role (for MIC) | Management of Internal Controls |
930 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCAISREPORTT | 5 | 1 | AIS Reports for MIC (Text Table) | Management of Internal Controls |
931 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCAIST | 4 | 1 | AIS Systems for MIC (Text Table) | Management of Internal Controls |
932 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCATTR | 9 | 1 | MIC: Object Attributes | Management of Internal Controls |
933 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCATTRSUBVAL | 5 | 1 | MIC: Object Attributes | Management of Internal Controls |
934 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCATTRSUBVALT | 7 | 1 | MIC: Object Attributes - Text Table | Management of Internal Controls |
935 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCATTRT | 4 | 1 | MIC: Object Attributes - Text Table | Management of Internal Controls |
936 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCATTRVALUE | 5 | 1 | MIC: Object Attributes | Management of Internal Controls |
937 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCATTRVALUES | 3 | 1 | MIC: Object Attributes | Management of Internal Controls |
938 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCATTRVALUEST | 5 | 1 | MIC: Object Attributes - Text Table | Management of Internal Controls |
939 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCATTRVALUESV | 4 | 1 | MIC: Object Attributes | Management of Internal Controls |
940 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCATTRVALUET | 5 | 1 | MIC: Object Attributes - Text Table | Management of Internal Controls |
941 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCATTRVALUET2 | 5 | 1 | MIC: Object Attributes - Text Table | Management of Internal Controls |
942 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCASEAS | 20 | 1 | Assessment | Management of Internal Controls |
943 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCASECLONE | 6 | 1 | Case Copy Information | Management of Internal Controls |
944 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCASEIS | 13 | 1 | Issue | Management of Internal Controls |
945 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCASEPL | 14 | 1 | Remediation Plan | Management of Internal Controls |
946 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCASERELA | 4 | 2 | MIC: Relationship Between Cases | Management of Internal Controls |
947 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCASETE | 10 | 1 | Attributes: Testing | Management of Internal Controls |
948 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCASETL | 21 | 1 | Test log | Management of Internal Controls |
949 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCASETYPES | 3 | 1 | Used Case Type and Case Categories | Management of Internal Controls |
950 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCASEUPGRADE | 6 | 1 | MIC Case: Information of Upgrade | Management of Internal Controls |
951 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCHKF | 5 | 1 | FOPC:: File Name of Last Checkout | Management of Internal Controls |
952 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCHKO | 10 | 1 | FOPC:: Checkout Data for a Physical Information Object | Management of Internal Controls |
953 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCLOSING | 17 | 1 | Close | Management of Internal Controls |
954 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCLOSINGBG | 14 | 1 | Close: Background | Management of Internal Controls |
955 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCONT1 | 7 | 1 | FOPC (MIC): Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) | Management of Internal Controls |
956 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCORPORATE | 4 | 1 | MIC: Corporate Objects | Management of Internal Controls |
957 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCUSTOMIZING1 | 3 | 1 | Indicator | Management of Internal Controls |
958 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCUSTOMIZING2 | 3 | 1 | Rating Requiring Issue To Be Reported | Management of Internal Controls |
959 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCCUSTOMIZINGT | 4 | 1 | Texts: Indicator | Management of Internal Controls |
960 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCDEFICANA | 26 | 1 | MIC: Deficiency Analysis | Management of Internal Controls |
961 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCDEFICCUS | 3 | 1 | MIC: Customizing Table for Deficiency Analysis | Management of Internal Controls |
962 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCDEFICORG | 8 | 1 | MIC: Deficiency Analysis Status for Org Unit | Management of Internal Controls |
963 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCDEFICSEL | 20 | 1 | MIC: Selection Conditions for Deficiency Analysis | Management of Internal Controls |
964 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCDOCDOWNLCFG | 8 | 1 | Alternative Document Download | Management of Internal Controls |
965 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCDOCS | 4 | 1 | Documents Containing Additional Information on MIC | Management of Internal Controls |
966 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCGAPRATING | 3 | 1 | Maturity Gap and Rating of the Control | Management of Internal Controls |
967 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCHRLNKMIGRAT | 14 | 1 | Migration Runs from HR Links to KPro Links | Management of Internal Controls |
968 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCLASTRECIP | 2 | 1 | Last Recipients of the Tasks | Management of Internal Controls |
969 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCLOIO | 18 | 1 | FOPC:: Instances of Logical Information Objects | Management of Internal Controls |
970 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCLOIOT | 5 | 1 | FOPC:: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects | Management of Internal Controls |
971 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCLOPR | 7 | 2 | FOPC:: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects | Management of Internal Controls |
972 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCLORE | 10 | 3 | FOPC:: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects | Management of Internal Controls |
973 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCLORI | 11 | 3 | FOPC:: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects | Management of Internal Controls |
974 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCMTESTERASGN | 7 | 1 | Mass Tester Assignment | Management of Internal Controls |
975 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCMTESTERASGNS | 21 | 1 | Mass Tester Assignment - Settings | Management of Internal Controls |
976 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCOBJTYPE | 7 | 1 | MIC Object Type | Management of Internal Controls |
977 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCOBJTYPERESP | 3 | 1 | Responsible Roles for Persons | Management of Internal Controls |
978 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCOBJTYPET | 4 | 1 | MIC Object Type - Text Table | Management of Internal Controls |
979 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCPHF | 10 | 1 | FOPC:: Files for Physical Information Objects | Management of Internal Controls |
980 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCPHHR | 12 | 3 | FOPC:: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects | Management of Internal Controls |
981 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCPHIO | 25 | 2 | FOPC:: Instances of Physical Information Objects | Management of Internal Controls |
982 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCPHNM | 12 | 3 | FOPC:: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects | Management of Internal Controls |
983 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCPHPR | 7 | 2 | FOPC:: Attributes of Physical Information Objects | Management of Internal Controls |
984 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCPHRE | 11 | 3 | FOPC:: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Informatn Objects | Management of Internal Controls |
985 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCPHRI | 11 | 3 | FOPC:: Incoming Relationships of Physical Informatn Objects | Management of Internal Controls |
986 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCPRTUSERPARA | 14 | 1 | User Parameters for Print | Management of Internal Controls |
987 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCPRTUSRLAYOUT | 6 | 1 | User Layout Definition for Specified Type of Print | Management of Internal Controls |
988 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCRBFAGLUE | 7 | 1 | Reporting Buffer: Account Group - Fin. Statement Assertion | Management of Internal Controls |
989 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCRBFCASETEXTS | 10 | 1 | Report Buffer: Cases - Texts | Management of Internal Controls |
990 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCRBFIS | 22 | 1 | Reporting Buffer: Cases - Issues | Management of Internal Controls |
991 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCRBFLOG | 10 | 1 | Reporting Buffers: Central Log | Management of Internal Controls |
992 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCRBFMC | 23 | 1 | Reporting Buffer: Buffered Structures | Management of Internal Controls |
993 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCRBFPGLUE | 8 | 1 | Reporting Buffer: P-CO-R | Management of Internal Controls |
994 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCRBFPL | 22 | 1 | Reporting Buffer: Cases - Remediation Plans | Management of Internal Controls |
995 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCRBFSTR | 52 | 1 | Reporting Buffer: Buffered Structures | Management of Internal Controls |
996 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCRBFTL | 24 | 1 | Reporting Buffer: Cases - Test Logs | Management of Internal Controls |
997 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCRCUSTPARAM | 3 | 1 | Parameters for Report Buffering | Management of Internal Controls |
998 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCREPORT | 6 | 1 | List of Reports | Management of Internal Controls |
999 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCROLE | 4 | 1 | MIC Role | Management of Internal Controls |
1000 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCROLED | 4 | 1 | MIC Role - Description Table | Management of Internal Controls |
1001 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCROLET | 4 | 1 | MIC Role - Text Table | Management of Internal Controls |
1002 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCROLETASK | 3 | 1 | MIC Role - Task Assignments | Management of Internal Controls |
1003 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCRPLCINFO | 11 | 1 | Replacement Information | Management of Internal Controls |
1004 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCRPLCINFO2 | 12 | 1 | Replacement Information: Case | Management of Internal Controls |
1005 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCSHM | 10 | 1 | Setting for Shared Memory | Management of Internal Controls |
1006 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCSHM2 | 4 | 1 | Activate Shared Objects Memory | Management of Internal Controls |
1007 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCSIGNOFF | 14 | 2 | Sign-Off | Management of Internal Controls |
1008 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCSIGNOFF_ADD | 9 | 1 | Sign-Off: Additional Info | Management of Internal Controls |
1009 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCSIGNOFF_IS | 5 | 1 | Deactivate Issue Types for Sign-Off | Management of Internal Controls |
1010 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCSODCFG | 3 | 1 | MIC SOD Conflict Group | Management of Internal Controls |
1011 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCSODCFGT | 4 | 1 | MIC SOD Conflict Group - Text Table | Management of Internal Controls |
1012 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCSODTASK | 3 | 1 | MIC SOD Conflict Task | Management of Internal Controls |
1013 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCSTARTPAGE | 5 | 1 | Start Page Configuration | Management of Internal Controls |
1014 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCTASK | 11 | 1 | MIC Task | Management of Internal Controls |
1015 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCTASKFREQ | 5 | 1 | Frequency of the Tasks | Management of Internal Controls |
1016 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCTASKFREQ_TF | 11 | 1 | Timeframes of Tasks That Can Be Scheduled at Corporate Level | Management of Internal Controls |
1017 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCTASKFREQ_TFC | 6 | 1 | Controls for Timeframes of Tasks that Can Be Scheduled | Management of Internal Controls |
1018 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCTASKT | 5 | 1 | MIC Task - Text Table | Management of Internal Controls |
1019 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCTIMEFRAME | 12 | 1 | Timeframe | Management of Internal Controls |
1020 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCTIMEFRAMET | 6 | 1 | Timeframe | Management of Internal Controls |
1021 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCUSERDATA | 12 | 1 | User-Specific Settings | Management of Internal Controls |
1022 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCWFITEM | 11 | 1 | MIC: Workflow Items | Management of Internal Controls |
1023 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCWFNOTIFCFA | 7 | 1 | Details for Notification System per Work Item | Management of Internal Controls |
1024 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPCWFRECIP | 4 | 1 | MIC: Workflow Recipients | Management of Internal Controls |
1025 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_AU_MET | 8 | 2 | ABAP Unit Methods | Management of Internal Controls |
1026 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_AU_MET_PAR | 3 | 1 | ABAP Unit Methods - Parameter Values | Management of Internal Controls |
1027 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_AU_MET_RES | 3 | 1 | ABAP Unit Methods - Restrictions | Management of Internal Controls |
1028 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_AU_PAR | 5 | 1 | ABAP Unit Parameter Values | Management of Internal Controls |
1029 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_AU_RES | 2 | 1 | ABAP Unit Restrictions | Management of Internal Controls |
1030 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_AU_RES_COD | 2 | 1 | ABAP Unit Restrictions - Code | Management of Internal Controls |
1031 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_AU_RES_RES | 4 | 1 | ABAP Unit Restrictions - Restriction Code | Management of Internal Controls |
1032 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_AU_SCE | 3 | 1 | ABAP Unit Scenarios | Management of Internal Controls |
1033 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_AU_SCE_ENV | 4 | 1 | ABAP Unit Scenario Environment | Management of Internal Controls |
1034 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_BTC_REPORTS | 24 | 2 | Background Reports in System | Management of Internal Controls |
1035 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_BTC_REP_ADD | 5 | 1 | Background Reports in System - Additional Information | Management of Internal Controls |
1036 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_DOC_TICKETS | 11 | 5 | Permission to Download the Document | Management of Internal Controls |
1037 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_ENHANCE | 6 | 1 | MIC Enhancement for HR Infotypes | Management of Internal Controls |
1038 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_GETFORMS | 3 | 1 | Print Reports Using Own Smart Forms | Management of Internal Controls |
1039 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_HY_PATH | 3 | 1 | Evaluation Paths MIC | Management of Internal Controls |
1040 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_ORM_CUST | 5 | 1 | ORM Transfer: Customizing | Management of Internal Controls |
1041 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_ORM_PROT | 8 | 1 | ORM Transfer: Log | Management of Internal Controls |
1042 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_PERSON | 5 | 1 | Settings for the Person in MIC | Management of Internal Controls |
1043 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_REPORT | 7 | 1 | OBSOLETE - Do not use | Management of Internal Controls |
1044 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FOPC_SMARTFORMS | 3 | 1 | Obsolete: Marked for Deletion | Management of Internal Controls |
1045 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1800 | 18 | 2 | DB Table for InfoType 1800 | Management of Internal Controls |
1046 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1801 | 24 | 2 | DB Table for InfoType 1801 | Management of Internal Controls |
1047 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1802 | 18 | 2 | DB Table for InfoType 1802 | Management of Internal Controls |
1048 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1803 | 21 | 4 | DB Table for InfoType 1803 | Management of Internal Controls |
1049 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1804 | 30 | 2 | DB Table for InfoType 1804 | Management of Internal Controls |
1050 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1805 | 18 | 2 | DB Table for InfoType 1805 | Management of Internal Controls |
1051 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1806 | 21 | 3 | DB Table for InfoType 1806 | Management of Internal Controls |
1052 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1810 | 23 | 4 | Database Table for Infotype 1810 | Management of Internal Controls |
1053 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1811 | 23 | 2 | DB Table for Infotype 1811 | Management of Internal Controls |
1054 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1812 | 20 | 2 | DB Table for Infotype 1812 | Management of Internal Controls |
1055 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1813 | 20 | 2 | DB Table for Infotype 1813 | Management of Internal Controls |
1056 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1814 | 26 | 3 | DB Table for InfoType 1814 | Management of Internal Controls |
1057 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1815 | 19 | 2 | DB Table for Infotype 1815 | Management of Internal Controls |
1058 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1816 | 21 | 3 | DB Table for Infotype 1816 | Management of Internal Controls |
1059 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1817 | 18 | 2 | DB Table for Infotype 1817 | Management of Internal Controls |
1060 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1818 | 22 | 2 | DB Table for Infotype 1818 | Management of Internal Controls |
1061 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1819 | 18 | 2 | DB Table for Infotype 1819 | Management of Internal Controls |
1062 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1820 | 23 | 3 | DB Table for Infotype 1820 | Management of Internal Controls |
1063 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1821 | 18 | 2 | DB Table for Infotype 1821 | Management of Internal Controls |
1064 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1822 | 18 | 2 | DB Table for Infotype 1822 | Management of Internal Controls |
1065 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1823 | 21 | 3 | DB Table for Infotype 1823 | Management of Internal Controls |
1066 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRP1824 | 19 | 2 | DB Table for Infotype 1824 | Management of Internal Controls |
1067 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRT1800 | 4 | 1 | Table Section for InfoType 1800 | Management of Internal Controls |
1068 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRT1820 | 4 | 1 | Table Part Intotype 1820 | Management of Internal Controls |
1069 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | HRT1823 | 4 | 1 | Table Part Infotype 1823 | Management of Internal Controls |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: Collections Management |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1070 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMBPPROFILE | 5 | 1 | Collection Profile in Business Partner | Collections Management |
1071 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMBPSEGMENTS | 8 | 4 | Collection Segments in Business Partner | Collections Management |
1072 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMBPTEMPASSIGNM | 8 | 2 | Temporary Assignments in Business Partner | Collections Management |
1073 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMNEWCONTACTS | 13 | 1 | SAP Collections Management: New Contact Person (Temporary) | Collections Management |
1074 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMUSERSETTINGS | 5 | 1 | Personalization for Worklist | Collections Management |
1075 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_BASIS_RULE | 2 | 1 | Basic Rules | Collections Management |
1076 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_BASIS_RULET | 3 | 1 | Name of Basic Rules | Collections Management |
1077 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_B_RULE_SELOP | 6 | 1 | Attributes of Selection Options for Basic Rules | Collections Management |
1078 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_CCT_ATTR | 24 | 2 | Customer Contact | Collections Management |
1079 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_CCT_REL | 5 | 1 | Objects Created during Customer Contact | Collections Management |
1080 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_CCT_RESULT | 4 | 1 | Results of Customer Contact | Collections Management |
1081 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_CCT_RESULTT | 4 | 1 | Text Table for Results of Customer Contact | Collections Management |
1082 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_CCT_TYPE | 3 | 1 | Contact Types | Collections Management |
1083 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_CCT_TYPET | 4 | 1 | Text Table for Contact Types | Collections Management |
1084 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_BI_DEL | 4 | 1 | Deleted Collection Items (memorized for BI) | Collections Management |
1085 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_DELINFO | 3 | 1 | Company Codes for Which Data has been Deleted | Collections Management |
1086 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_DISTALG | 1 | 1 | Distribution of Worklist Items to Collection Specialists | Collections Management |
1087 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_DISTALT | 3 | 1 | Distribution of Worklist Items to Collection Specialists | Collections Management |
1088 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_GRP | 3 | 1 | Collection Group | Collections Management |
1089 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_GRPT | 4 | 1 | Name of Collection Group | Collections Management |
1090 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_ITEM | 23 | 3 | Open Items | Collections Management |
1091 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_ITEMCAS | 7 | 2 | Open Items with Dispute Case | Collections Management |
1092 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_KEYFIG | 7 | 2 | Business Partner Key Figures | Collections Management |
1093 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_LASTPAY | 6 | 1 | Last Payments of Business Partner | Collections Management |
1094 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_PRIO | 3 | 1 | Priority of Worklist Item | Collections Management |
1095 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_PRIOT | 4 | 1 | Priority of Worklist Item | Collections Management |
1096 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_PROF | 2 | 1 | Collection Profile | Collections Management |
1097 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_PROFT | 4 | 1 | Name of Collection Profile | Collections Management |
1098 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_SGMT | 3 | 1 | Collection Segment | Collections Management |
1099 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COLL_SGMTT | 4 | 1 | Name of Collection Segment | Collections Management |
1100 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COMPCODE_MAP | 3 | 1 | Assignment of FI Company Code to Collection Company Code | Collections Management |
1101 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_COMP_CODE | 2 | 1 | Company Codes in Collections Management | Collections Management |
1102 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_GRP_SPL | 3 | 1 | Assignment of Collection Specialist to Collection Group | Collections Management |
1103 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_GRP_SPL_ABS | 6 | 1 | Absence and Substitute of Collection Specialist | Collections Management |
1104 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_PROF_SGMT | 3 | 1 | Assignment of Collection Segment to Collection Profile | Collections Management |
1105 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_PR_HEAD | 9 | 1 | Parallel Program Runs | Collections Management |
1106 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_PR_INTV | 12 | 1 | Intervals for Parallel Processing of Program Runs | Collections Management |
1107 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_PR_JOBS | 6 | 1 | Jobs for Parallel Processing of Program Runs | Collections Management |
1108 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_PR_PROG | 4 | 1 | Programs with Parallel Processing | Collections Management |
1109 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_PR_PROGT | 3 | 1 | Programs with Parallel Processing | Collections Management |
1110 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_PR_SEGMENTS | 4 | 1 | Block Table for Segment | Collections Management |
1111 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_PR_SEL_OPT | 9 | 1 | Selection Options for Parallel Processing | Collections Management |
1112 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_RSM_ATTR | 16 | 2 | Resubmissions | Collections Management |
1113 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_RSM_REASON | 3 | 1 | Reasons for Resubmission | Collections Management |
1114 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_RSM_REASONT | 4 | 1 | Names of Resubmission Reasons | Collections Management |
1115 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_RULE | 2 | 1 | Rules | Collections Management |
1116 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_RULET | 4 | 1 | Name of Rules | Collections Management |
1117 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_RULE_B_RULE | 4 | 1 | Assignment of Basic Rules to Rules | Collections Management |
1118 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_SGMT_COMP | 3 | 1 | Assignment of Company Code in Collections Mgt - Segment | Collections Management |
1119 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_SGMT_CR | 3 | 1 | Assignment of Credit Segment to Collection Segment | Collections Management |
1120 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_SGMT_GRP | 4 | 1 | Assignment of Collection Group to Collection Segment | Collections Management |
1121 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_STRATEGY | 20 | 1 | Strategies | Collections Management |
1122 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_STRATEGYT | 4 | 1 | Name of Strategies | Collections Management |
1123 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_STRATEGYT_V | 9 | 1 | Name of Strategies | Collections Management |
1124 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_STRATEGY_RUN | 5 | 3 | Where-Used List of Strategies in Worklists | Collections Management |
1125 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_STRATEGY_V | 21 | 1 | Strategies | Collections Management |
1126 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_STR_RULE | 7 | 1 | Assignment of Rules to Strategies | Collections Management |
1127 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_STR_RULE_V | 8 | 1 | Assignment of Rules to Collection Strategies | Collections Management |
1128 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_STR_SELOP | 10 | 1 | Selection Options for Strategies | Collections Management |
1129 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_STR_SELOP_V | 11 | 1 | Selection Options of Collection Strategies | Collections Management |
1130 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_WL_ITEM | 68 | 5 | Worklist Item | Collections Management |
1131 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_WL_ITEM_D | 5 | 1 | Valuation Details for Worklist Items | Collections Management |
1132 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_WL_ITEM_DEL | 4 | 1 | Deleted Worklist Entries | Collections Management |
1133 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_WL_LAST_GRP | 4 | 1 | Last Grouping of Collection Groups | Collections Management |
1134 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_WL_LAST_ITEM | 4 | 1 | Collection Specialist's Items | Collections Management |
1135 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_WL_LAST_RUN | 4 | 2 | Collection Specialist's Runs | Collections Management |
1136 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_WL_RUN_ID | 6 | 2 | Collection Segments Released from Worklist | Collections Management |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: Direct Bank Communication |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1137 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | LWM_D_INV_ATTCHM | 2 | 1 | Financial Payment Approval - Pattern for Invoice File Names | Direct Bank Communication |
1138 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | LWM_D_USER_BADGE | 5 | 1 | Payment Approval App - User number of batches for the badge | Direct Bank Communication |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: FSCM In-House Cash |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1139 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_BCA_EXTPO | 6 | 1 | Process Parameter External BCA Payment Orders | FSCM In-House Cash |
1140 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CL_ACCTS | 9 | 1 | Account Determination for AMS Update | FSCM In-House Cash |
1141 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CL_AMS | 6 | 1 | IHC: Clearing Unit Data | FSCM In-House Cash |
1142 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CL_IDOC | 11 | 1 | IHC: Communication Data for Clearing Unit | FSCM In-House Cash |
1143 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CL_PRTNR | 4 | 1 | IHC: Clearing Partner | FSCM In-House Cash |
1144 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CL_PRTNRT | 4 | 1 | IHC: Text Table for Clearing Partner | FSCM In-House Cash |
1145 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CL_RATES | 10 | 1 | Currency Type for Foreign Currency Settlement | FSCM In-House Cash |
1146 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CL_TYPES | 9 | 1 | Technical Settings for AMS Update | FSCM In-House Cash |
1147 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CL_XBS | 7 | 1 | IHC Bank Statement: Determine Sender or Clearing Partner | FSCM In-House Cash |
1148 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CMGRP | 4 | 1 | Cash Management Groups | FSCM In-House Cash |
1149 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CMGRP1 | 4 | 1 | Cash Management Group: Account Assignment | FSCM In-House Cash |
1150 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CMGRP2 | 5 | 1 | Cash Management Group: Account Assignment | FSCM In-House Cash |
1151 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CMGRP_T | 5 | 1 | Text Table for Cash Management Groups | FSCM In-House Cash |
1152 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CMSTATUS | 4 | 1 | Cash Management: Status of Individual Items | FSCM In-House Cash |
1153 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CMVAR | 7 | 1 | Cash Management Variants | FSCM In-House Cash |
1154 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CMVAR1 | 3 | 1 | Cash Management Variants: Bank Area Assignment | FSCM In-House Cash |
1155 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_CMVAR_T | 4 | 1 | Text Table for Cash Management Variants | FSCM In-House Cash |
1156 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_DSP_TRAPO | 14 | 1 | Table Structure for displaying the Posted Item Detail | FSCM In-House Cash |
1157 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_ENQ_PN | 4 | 1 | Lock Table for Payment Order | FSCM In-House Cash |
1158 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_INB_ACCTS | 8 | 2 | Clearing Partner Details for PEXR2002 | FSCM In-House Cash |
1159 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_INB_PARMS | 8 | 1 | Clearing Partner for PEXR2002 | FSCM In-House Cash |
1160 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_INB_PRN | 3 | 1 | Clearing Partner for PEXR2002 | FSCM In-House Cash |
1161 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_INB_TARGT | 19 | 1 | Clearing Partner for PEXR2002 | FSCM In-House Cash |
1162 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_NEW_TRAPO | 9 | 1 | IHC: Customizing-Table for Posting Detail Report | FSCM In-House Cash |
1163 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_ORG | 4 | 1 | IHC AMS Organizational Units | FSCM In-House Cash |
1164 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_PAY_MAPP | 10 | 1 | IHC: Clearing Agreement | FSCM In-House Cash |
1165 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_PN | 128 | 2 | Source Document for Incoming Payment Orders | FSCM In-House Cash |
1166 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_PN_BP | 21 | 1 | IHC: Address Data of Bus. Partners Involved in Payment Order | FSCM In-House Cash |
1167 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_PN_ENQ | 4 | 1 | Lock Table for Payment Order | FSCM In-House Cash |
1168 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_PN_RINFO | 11 | 1 | Reference/Note to Payee Information | FSCM In-House Cash |
1169 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_PN_STATUS | 18 | 1 | IHC: Payment Order Status | FSCM In-House Cash |
1170 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_QUEUES | 3 | 1 | Queue Management for Parallel Processing | FSCM In-House Cash |
1171 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_ROUTE | 4 | 1 | IHC: Assignment of Route to a Clearing Unit | FSCM In-House Cash |
1172 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_ROUTE_T | 5 | 1 | IHC: Text Table for Route | FSCM In-House Cash |
1173 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_RT_NODE | 16 | 1 | IHC: Routing Node | FSCM In-House Cash |
1174 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_RT_TREE | 9 | 1 | IHC: Routing Tree | FSCM In-House Cash |
1175 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_RT_TREEEN | 2 | 1 | IHC: Block Table for Route Tree | FSCM In-House Cash |
1176 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_TOVR | 15 | 2 | Provisional Turnover (Based on Value Date, aft.Posting Date) | FSCM In-House Cash |
1177 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_TOVR_ENQ | 11 | 1 | Provisional Turnover (Based on Value Date, aft.Posting Date) | FSCM In-House Cash |
1178 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_DB_TRAPO | 10 | 1 | IHC: Customizing Table for Transfer Posting Report | FSCM In-House Cash |
1179 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_APM_TT | 11 | 1 | Automatic Payments: Determine IHC Transaction Type | FSCM In-House Cash |
1180 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_ARCH_IDX | 12 | 1 | IHC: Archive Index Table | FSCM In-House Cash |
1181 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_AUTH_GRP | 4 | 1 | IHC:Authorization Groups for Amount-Dependent Authorizations | FSCM In-House Cash |
1182 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_AUTH_MAP | 2 | 1 | IHC: Assign Internal to External Actions, Re. Authorizations | FSCM In-House Cash |
1183 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_DUAL_CTR | 7 | 1 | IHC: Principle of Dual Control | FSCM In-House Cash |
1184 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_DUCTR_BP | 6 | 1 | TO BE DELETED --- IHC: Principle of Dual Control | FSCM In-House Cash |
1185 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_GUI_ACT | 6 | 1 | IHC: Interface Actions | FSCM In-House Cash |
1186 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_GUI_ACTT | 3 | 1 | IHC: GUI Actions - Description | FSCM In-House Cash |
1187 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_GUI_CTRL | 5 | 1 | IHC: Field Control in GUI | FSCM In-House Cash |
1188 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_GUI_FLD | 9 | 1 | IHC: Container Field in GUI | FSCM In-House Cash |
1189 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_GUI_FS | 4 | 1 | IHC: Selectable Fields for Custom Selection | FSCM In-House Cash |
1190 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_GUI_MAP | 14 | 1 | IHC: Mapping Table for GUI | FSCM In-House Cash |
1191 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_GUI_ST | 3 | 1 | IHC: Status in Interface | FSCM In-House Cash |
1192 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_GUI_STAC | 2 | 1 | IHC: Change Actions in External Status | FSCM In-House Cash |
1193 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_GUI_TRNS | 4 | 1 | IHC: Transaction Type - Default Setting for Transactions | FSCM In-House Cash |
1194 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_GUI_WL | 11 | 1 | IHC: Setting for Browser Worklist | FSCM In-House Cash |
1195 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_INST | 4 | 1 | IHC: Instruction Codes | FSCM In-House Cash |
1196 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_INSTKEYT | 5 | 1 | IHC: Text table for Instruction Key | FSCM In-House Cash |
1197 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_INST_KEY | 7 | 1 | IHC: Instruction Key Definitions | FSCM In-House Cash |
1198 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_INST_TXT | 6 | 1 | IHC: Text Table for Instructions | FSCM In-House Cash |
1199 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_LOG_CTX | 4 | 1 | IHC: Contexts in Log | FSCM In-House Cash |
1200 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_LOG_FLD | 8 | 1 | IHC: Field Selection for Contexts in Log | FSCM In-House Cash |
1201 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_LOG_LYR | 4 | 1 | IHC: Assignment of Contexts to Layers | FSCM In-House Cash |
1202 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_LOG_REF | 2 | 1 | IHC: References in Log | FSCM In-House Cash |
1203 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_LOG_REFT | 3 | 1 | IHC: Reference Types in Log, Text Table | FSCM In-House Cash |
1204 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_LOG_STR | 3 | 1 | IHC: Generated Structures for Contexts in Log | FSCM In-House Cash |
1205 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_PN_CONT | 8 | 1 | IHC: Container Fields in Payment Order | FSCM In-House Cash |
1206 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_SELECT | 16 | 1 | IHC: Selections in Selection Variants | FSCM In-House Cash |
1207 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_STAT_MAP | 6 | 1 | IHC: Mapping Between External and Internal Status | FSCM In-House Cash |
1208 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_TRANS | 10 | 1 | IHC: Transaction Types | FSCM In-House Cash |
1209 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_TRANST | 4 | 1 | IHC: Transaction Type Names | FSCM In-House Cash |
1210 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_TRN_ATTR | 5 | 1 | IHC: Processing of Transaction Types in Bank Area | FSCM In-House Cash |
1211 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_VARIANT | 8 | 1 | IHC: Selection Variant | FSCM In-House Cash |
1212 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_WORKLIST | 8 | 1 | IHC: Saved Worklists | FSCM In-House Cash |
1213 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IHC_TAB_XBS_TT | 8 | 1 | IHC: Transaction Type External Inbound Payment | FSCM In-House Cash |
1214 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TBCA_ROUTE | 7 | 1 | Routing Definitions | FSCM In-House Cash |
1215 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TBCA_ROUTEDET | 7 | 1 | Route Determination | FSCM In-House Cash |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: Internal Collection Procedure |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1216 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UHCCASEATTR20 | 28 | 1 | Collection Case Attributes | Internal Collection Procedure |
1217 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UHC_CASE_ALIST | 11 | 2 | Actions in Collection Case | Internal Collection Procedure |
1218 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UHC_T001 | 6 | 1 | Actions - Definition of Actions | Internal Collection Procedure |
1219 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UHC_T001_A | 3 | 1 | Prerequisite Actions | Internal Collection Procedure |
1220 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UHC_T001_B | 4 | 1 | Do Not Execute Action - Prerequisite Case Status | Internal Collection Procedure |
1221 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UHC_T001_T | 4 | 1 | Actions - Definition of Actions (Texts) | Internal Collection Procedure |
1222 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UHC_T002 | 4 | 1 | Action List | Internal Collection Procedure |
1223 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UHC_T002_B | 4 | 1 | Actions in Action List | Internal Collection Procedure |
1224 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UHC_T002_T | 4 | 1 | Action List (Texts) | Internal Collection Procedure |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: Treasury and Risk Management |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1225 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FTVVT_KWG_MD | 7 | 1 | Master Data for KWG Relevant Business Partners | Treasury and Risk Management |
1226 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | INDEXZ | 3 | 1 | Allocations for datafeed | Treasury and Risk Management |
1227 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | REGTS_F_DISTRIB | 5 | 1 | F Distribution Table | Treasury and Risk Management |
1228 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | REGTS_T_DISTRIB | 4 | 1 | T Distribution Table | Treasury and Risk Management |
1229 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | REGT_DATA_POINTS | 9 | 1 | Data Points of Regression Calculation | Treasury and Risk Management |
1230 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | REGT_REGR_DATA | 43 | 1 | Parameters & Output Data of Regression Calculation | Treasury and Risk Management |
1231 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TREAC_CLEAR_OPT | 5 | 1 | Treasury: Cent.Clearing Option per Comp.Code/Prod.Tp/TransTp | Treasury and Risk Management |
1232 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TREAT_ASSIGNMENT | 12 | 3 | Treasury: TREA Assignment | Treasury and Risk Management |
1233 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TREAT_CLEAR_ACC | 14 | 1 | Treasury: Clearing Account Specific Data | Treasury and Risk Management |
1234 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TREAT_EXT_ACC | 30 | 2 | Treasury: External Account General Master Data | Treasury and Risk Management |
1235 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TREAT_EXT_ACC_PM | 20 | 1 | Treasury: External Account Payment Details | Treasury and Risk Management |
1236 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TREAT_FHA_DIFF | 5 | 2 | Treasury: TREA Differentiation for Deal Position | Treasury and Risk Management |
1237 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TREAT_FLOW | 45 | 4 | Treasury: TREA Flows | Treasury and Risk Management |
1238 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TREAT_POSITION | 7 | 2 | Treasury: TREA Position | Treasury and Risk Management |
1239 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TREAT_SUBTOTAL | 5 | 2 | TREA: Position Subtotal | Treasury and Risk Management |
1240 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TREAT_SUBTOTAL_C | 7 | 1 | TREA: Subtotal Components | Treasury and Risk Management |
1241 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TW17 | 2 | 1 | Blocking flag | Treasury and Risk Management |
1242 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TW17T | 5 | 1 | Text Table for TW17 | Treasury and Risk Management |
1243 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZCURC_EU | 3 | 1 | EMU Basket Currencies | Treasury and Risk Management |
1244 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZDEA | 3 | 1 | Trader register | Treasury and Risk Management |
1245 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZPLP | 8 | 1 | Financial Assets Management Plausibility Checks | Treasury and Risk Management |
1246 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZRPT | 4 | 1 | Valuation principle description | Treasury and Risk Management |
1247 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZRR0 | 4 | 1 | Treasury: Valuation Areas | Treasury and Risk Management |
1248 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZRR2 | 5 | 1 | Treasury: Valuation Areas at Company Code/Product Type Level | Treasury and Risk Management |
1249 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZWR0 | 5 | 1 | Valuation in cross-depot | Treasury and Risk Management |
1250 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TZWR1 | 7 | 1 | Valuation in sec.acct position | Treasury and Risk Management |
1251 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VDCSPREAD | 6 | 1 | Credit Spread per Loan | Treasury and Risk Management |
1252 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VVWKN1 | 5 | 1 | OBSOLETE - Fields as factors for secondary data | Treasury and Risk Management |
1253 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VVWKN2 | 8 | 1 | Allocation of values to value groups | Treasury and Risk Management |
1254 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VVWKN6 | 6 | 1 | Alloc. of to second.term via the invoice no. | Treasury and Risk Management |
1255 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VVWKN7 | 5 | 1 | - Secondary values alloc. (via the | Treasury and Risk Management |
1256 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VVWL7 | 11 | 1 | Context | Treasury and Risk Management |
1257 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VVWL8 | 8 | 1 | Output sequence | Treasury and Risk Management |
1258 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VVZSFELD | 7 | 1 | Internal transfer structure for VZSFELD | Treasury and Risk Management |
1259 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VZDFELD | 11 | 3 | Attributes for output fields | Treasury and Risk Management |
1260 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VZDTXT | 8 | 1 | Attributes for display fields: Country texts | Treasury and Risk Management |
1261 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VZSFELD | 11 | 3 | Sort field ID's: Version 2.0 | Treasury and Risk Management |
1262 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VZSTXT | 8 | 1 | Sort field names: Texts | Treasury and Risk Management |
1263 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VZWVA | 8 | 1 | Check table for deadline monitoring | Treasury and Risk Management |
1264 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VZZKOKO | 81 | 2 | Table condition header | Treasury and Risk Management |
1265 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ZTR_ASSIGN_PRACC | 4 | 1 | Assign Profit Center to Account for TR/FI postings | Treasury and Risk Management |
1266 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ZTR_EXPOINTEGRAT | 16 | 1 | Maintain attributes for Exposure from other modules | Treasury and Risk Management |
1267 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ZTR_EXPOTRANCONF | 12 | 1 | Maintain attributes for Exposure creation/change events | Treasury and Risk Management |
1268 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ZTR_FTREX12BUTTN | 4 | 1 | Define Extra Button Function in FTREX12 | Treasury and Risk Management |
Financials :: Financials Basis :: Accounting Entities |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1269 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_ST_VARGRPC | 6 | 1 | Variable Groups for Structured Types | Accounting Entities |
1270 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_ST_VARGRPT | 3 | 1 | Texts for Variable Groups for Structured Types | Accounting Entities |
Financials :: Financials Basis :: Business Warehouse Proxies |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1271 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGBW1001 | 2 | 1 | FI/BW Interface: Destination-Dependent Generated Classes | Business Warehouse Proxies |
1272 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGBW1002 | 3 | 1 | FI/BW Interface: Generated Classes (Dest. & InfoCube-Dep.) | Business Warehouse Proxies |
1273 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGBW4000 | 5 | 2 | FI/BW Interface: Mapping InfoObject Name to Field Name | Business Warehouse Proxies |
1274 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGBW4001 | 5 | 1 | FI/BW Interface: Destinations of InfoObjects | Business Warehouse Proxies |
1275 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGBW4002 | 4 | 2 | FI-BW Interface: Field Name for Navigation Attributes | Business Warehouse Proxies |
Financials :: Financials Basis :: Master Data Framework |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1276 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_MD_0000 | 9 | 1 | Registration: Attributes | Master Data Framework |
1277 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_MD_0010 | 5 | 1 | Registration: Generated Structures | Master Data Framework |
1278 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_MD_0100 | 9 | 1 | Registration: Data Elements | Master Data Framework |
1279 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_MD_0110 | 7 | 1 | Registration: Elements on Data Elements (Attr./Key) | Master Data Framework |
1280 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_MD_0200 | 5 | 1 | Registration: InfoObjects | Master Data Framework |
1281 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_MD_0210 | 4 | 1 | Registration: Attributes on Infoobjects | Master Data Framework |
1282 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD0009 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: General Settings | Master Data Framework |
1283 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD0020 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Attributes of RFC Destinations | Master Data Framework |
1284 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD0021 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: RFC Ping Settings | Master Data Framework |
1285 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD9100 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local Tables (Storage Only) | Master Data Framework |
1286 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD9101 | 2 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local Data Elements (Storage Only) | Master Data Framework |
1287 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD9102 | 3 | 1 | FIN Master Data: Local Domains (Only Folder) | Master Data Framework |
1288 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGMD_INDX | 8 | 1 | Cluster Table of cl_ug_fieldinfo_local Buffer | Master Data Framework |
Financials :: Financials Basis :: Services |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1289 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINBGSPRGTR0C | 4 | 2 | Generated Programs, whose Variants Can Be Transported | Services |
1290 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINBSCMIDRFC0C | 4 | 1 | RFC Data for Object Navigation | Services |
1291 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CCD_TIMESTP | 5 | 1 | Timestamp for Customizing Objects | Services |
1292 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CCD_TRCLS | 3 | 1 | Classes Registered for Dispatcher Call | Services |
1293 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_COMPKEYMAP | 4 | 2 | Mapping of Component Keys | Services |
1294 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_COMPKEY_VAL | 4 | 1 | Value of Keys of Configurable Components | Services |
1295 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_COMP_DEPS | 3 | 2 | Dependencies between Components | Services |
1296 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_COMP_KEYS | 3 | 1 | Component Key (Client-Specific) | Services |
1297 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CONDITIONS | 8 | 1 | Conditions | Services |
1298 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_COND_AREAID | 4 | 2 | Conditions per Area ID | Services |
1299 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CONFIG_ACT | 6 | 1 | Active Configurations | Services |
1300 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CONFIG_COMP | 4 | 1 | Configuration of Components | Services |
1301 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CONFIG_XMLS | 12 | 1 | Configuration of Components | Services |
1302 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CONF_COMPT | 3 | 1 | Components - Texts | Services |
1303 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CONTENT | 9 | 1 | Activated Content | Services |
1304 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CONTENT_HIS | 10 | 1 | History of Content Catalog | Services |
1305 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CONTENT_IDS | 1 | 1 | Content Catalog | Services |
1306 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CONTENT_IDT | 3 | 1 | Content Catalog | Services |
1307 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CONTENT_REP | 10 | 1 | Content Catalog | Services |
1308 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CONTENT_TXT | 13 | 1 | Content Texts | Services |
1309 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_CONT_TXTHSH | 5 | 1 | Hash Values of X Path and Node Key | Services |
1310 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_FUNCTIONS | 6 | 1 | Function Builder | Services |
1311 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_FUNCTIONS_T | 7 | 1 | Function Builder | Services |
1312 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_FUNC_TYPES | 1 | 1 | Types of Functions | Services |
1313 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_GEN_CONTENT | 8 | 1 | Generated Content | Services |
1314 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_KF_CHAR_KEY | 7 | 1 | Key Fields Generated Table Types | Services |
1315 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_KF_CHAR_STR | 7 | 2 | DDIC Structures According to Hash Values of their Components | Services |
1316 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_KF_CHAR_TBL | 8 | 2 | DDIC Table Types According to Hash Vals of their Components | Services |
1317 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_LOCAL_HIS | 10 | 1 | Content Catalog | Services |
1318 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_LOCAL_REP | 6 | 1 | Content Catalog | Services |
1319 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_PR_TCHILD | 9 | 1 | Child Persistence Objects in Hierarchy | Services |
1320 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_PR_TFIELDS | 12 | 1 | Fields of a Persistence Object | Services |
1321 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_PR_TIMPL | 4 | 1 | Implementations | Services |
1322 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_PR_TIND | 12 | 1 | Indexes | Services |
1323 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_PR_TIND_FDS | 11 | 1 | Index fields | Services |
1324 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_PR_TJOINS | 13 | 1 | Join conditions | Services |
1325 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_PR_TMAP | 10 | 1 | Field Assignment Read Structure - Persistence Object | Services |
1326 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_PR_TOBJS | 37 | 1 | Persistence Objects | Services |
1327 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_PR_TOBJST | 8 | 1 | Business Names in the Persistence Objects | Services |
1328 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_RP_CONFIG1 | 4 | 1 | Customizing by Report | Services |
1329 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_RP_CONFIG2 | 8 | 1 | Customizing for Fields in Reporting | Services |
1330 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_RP_CONFIG3 | 6 | 2 | Technical Structure Assignment <--> Long Text | Services |
1331 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_RT_TAB | 6 | 1 | Runtime Tables | Services |
1332 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_RT_TAB_FLD | 7 | 1 | Runtime Tables | Services |
1333 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_RT_TKEY | 10 | 1 | Key of Runtime Tables | Services |
1334 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_RT_TKEY_FLD | 9 | 1 | Key of Runtime Tables | Services |
1335 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_SCOPE | 2 | 1 | Content in Scope | Services |
1336 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_SIGNATURE | 6 | 1 | Function Builder | Services |
1337 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TABLETYPES | 5 | 1 | Table Types as Interface for Configuration | Services |
1338 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TMSGAPPL01 | 5 | 1 | Deviating Message Type (Required Error Weight) for Appl. | Services |
1339 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TMSGAPPL02 | 3 | 1 | Messages are collected from messaty type per appl. context | Services |
1340 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TMSGAPPL0C | 3 | 1 | Applications for Message Handler | Services |
1341 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TMSGAPPL0S | 4 | 1 | Message Type (Minimum Message Weight) per Application | Services |
1342 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TMSGAPPL0T | 3 | 1 | Texts of Message Handler Applications | Services |
1343 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_TMSGCONT0C | 4 | 1 | FINB Message Handling: Context Structure of an Application | Services |
1344 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_T_CXT_DEMO | 12 | 1 | Persistent Storage of a Simple MSG Context | Services |
1345 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_VCL_MAP | 3 | 1 | Map DDIC Field Names to Field Names of Configuration | Services |
1346 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_VCL_SUB | 4 | 1 | Lower-Level Views of a View Cluster | Services |
1347 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_VCL_SUPER | 5 | 1 | Higher-Level View of a View Cluster | Services |
1348 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_VIEW | 4 | 1 | Data for a View | Services |
1349 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FINB_VIEW_MAP | 3 | 1 | Map DDIC Field Names to Field Names of Configuration | Services |
1350 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_FTYPE_DIM | 7 | 1 | Dimension Table for Formula Types | Services |
1351 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_FUSAGE | 5 | 1 | User of a Fomula | Services |
1352 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_FXML | 10 | 3 | XML Data | Services |
1353 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAB_FXMLT | 6 | 1 | Name of Object | Services |
1354 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UAFORMULA_DOCU | 3 | 1 | User-Specific Docu Window Option | Services |
1355 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UASE16N_CD_DATA | 7 | 1 | Table Display: Change Documents - Data | Services |
1356 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UASE16N_CD_KEY | 7 | 1 | Table Display: Change Documents - Header | Services |
1357 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UASE16N_LT | 7 | 1 | SE16N: Initial Screen for Layouts, Basic Data (Table) | Services |
1358 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UASE16N_LTD | 8 | 1 | SE16N: Initial Screen for Layouts, Data | Services |
1359 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UASE16N_RF | 5 | 1 | UASE16N: Assigns Environment Transactions to a Table | Services |
1360 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSADD | 8 | 1 | Table Search: Tables for Additional Information | Services |
1361 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSAPPL | 1 | 1 | Table Search: Entity Table of Applications | Services |
1362 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSAPPLEX | 4 | 1 | Table Search: Possible Exit Times | Services |
1363 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSAPPLT | 3 | 1 | Table Search: Text Table of Applications | Services |
1364 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSDDICREF | 4 | 1 | Table Search: DDIC Reference of Transfer Values | Services |
1365 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSEXIT | 1 | 1 | Table Search: Possible Exit Times | Services |
1366 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSKEY | 3 | 1 | Table Search: Entity Table of Individual Search | Services |
1367 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSKEYT | 4 | 1 | Table Search: Text Table of Individual Search | Services |
1368 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSOUT | 5 | 1 | Table Search: Tables for Additional Information | Services |
1369 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSPRIM | 6 | 1 | Table Search: Fields for Access to Primary Table | Services |
1370 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSPRIMOBJ | 5 | 1 | Table Search: Encryption of Primary Table | Services |
1371 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSPRIMSEL | 6 | 1 | Table Search: Encryption of Primary Table | Services |
1372 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSSEK | 7 | 1 | Table Search: Secondary Table Access | Services |
1373 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSVARFB | 2 | 1 | Table Search: Possible Exit Times | Services |
1374 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSVARFBT | 4 | 1 | Table Search: Possible Exit Times | Services |
1375 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UATSVARI | 6 | 1 | Where-Used List: Table for Key Reassignments | Services |
Financials :: Financials Basis :: Workbench |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1376 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGWB0100 | 2 | 1 | Application-Specific URL Handler | Workbench |
1377 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGWB0200 | 4 | 1 | Possible Jump Targets for Report-Report Interface | Workbench |
1378 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGWB020T | 3 | 1 | Possible Jump Targets for Report-Report Interface | Workbench |
1379 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGWB1000 | 6 | 1 | Workbench Personalization: Size of Window | Workbench |
1380 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGWB1100 | 5 | 1 | FIN Workbench: Personalization - General Settings | Workbench |
1381 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGWB1101 | 5 | 1 | FIN Workbench: Personalization - General Settings | Workbench |
1382 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGWB1200 | 6 | 1 | FIN Workbench: Personalization - General Settings | Workbench |
1383 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGWB1201 | 6 | 1 | FIN Workbench: Personalization - General Settings | Workbench |
1384 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGWB2000 | 5 | 1 | FIN Workbench: Frozen Configuration Set | Workbench |
1385 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGWB2001 | 7 | 1 | FIN Workbench: Frozen Configuration Set | Workbench |
1386 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGWB200C | 5 | 1 | FIN Workbench: Frozen Configuration Set | Workbench |
1387 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGWB3000 | 5 | 1 | FIN Workbench: Columns in Detail Navigation | Workbench |
1388 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGWBGN00 | 4 | 1 | Programs Generated Per Field Name | Workbench |
Financials :: Financials Basis :: XBRL Reporting |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1389 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX0010 | 5 | 1 | Queries of a Data Basis | XBRL Reporting |
1390 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX001C | 4 | 1 | Database - Check Table | XBRL Reporting |
1391 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX001S | 3 | 2 | Data Basis - SIDs | XBRL Reporting |
1392 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX001T | 4 | 1 | Data Basis Text Table | XBRL Reporting |
1393 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX0020 | 5 | 1 | Taxonomy - Files | XBRL Reporting |
1394 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX002C | 4 | 1 | Taxonomy - Check Table | XBRL Reporting |
1395 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX002S | 3 | 2 | Taxonomy - SIDs | XBRL Reporting |
1396 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX002T | 4 | 1 | Taxonomy Text Table | XBRL Reporting |
1397 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX0030 | 4 | 1 | Report Category - Assignment Taxonomy Element <-> Selection | XBRL Reporting |
1398 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX0031 | 5 | 1 | Report Category - Assignment Tax.Element <-> Dimension Map. | XBRL Reporting |
1399 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX0032 | 5 | 1 | Reporty Category - Assignment Tax.Elem./TRole <-> Selection | XBRL Reporting |
1400 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX0035 | 4 | 1 | Report Category - Leading Characteristic for Tuple | XBRL Reporting |
1401 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX0036 | 5 | 1 | Report Category - Assignment Tuple Element <-> Selection | XBRL Reporting |
1402 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX003C | 6 | 1 | Report Category - Check Table | XBRL Reporting |
1403 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX003S | 3 | 2 | Report Category - SIDs | XBRL Reporting |
1404 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX003T | 4 | 1 | Report Category Text Table | XBRL Reporting |
1405 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX0040 | 9 | 1 | Value Selection - Characteristic Values | XBRL Reporting |
1406 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX0041 | 6 | 1 | Value Selection - Parent Characteristics | XBRL Reporting |
1407 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX004C | 5 | 1 | Value Selection - Check Table | XBRL Reporting |
1408 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX004S | 5 | 2 | Value Selection - SIDs | XBRL Reporting |
1409 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX004T | 6 | 1 | Value Selection Text Table | XBRL Reporting |
1410 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX0050 | 10 | 1 | Dimension Mapping: Value Mapping | XBRL Reporting |
1411 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX0051 | 8 | 1 | Dimension Mapping: Value Mapping Parent Fields | XBRL Reporting |
1412 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX005C | 10 | 1 | Dimension Mapping - Check Table | XBRL Reporting |
1413 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX005S | 5 | 2 | Dimension Mapping - SIDs | XBRL Reporting |
1414 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX005T | 6 | 1 | Dimension Mapping Text Table | XBRL Reporting |
1415 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX200G | 5 | 2 | Taxonomy Elements: GUIDs | XBRL Reporting |
1416 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX201G | 4 | 2 | Taxonomy Elements: GUIDs | XBRL Reporting |
1417 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX3000 | 6 | 1 | Selection Criteria: Characteristics | XBRL Reporting |
1418 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGX300G | 9 | 2 | Selection Criteria: Query and Key Figure | XBRL Reporting |
1419 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGXBUF0 | 7 | 2 | Shared buffer | XBRL Reporting |
1420 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGXV00C | 9 | 1 | Variant - Check Table | XBRL Reporting |
1421 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGXV00S | 4 | 2 | Variant - SIDs | XBRL Reporting |
1422 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGXV00T | 5 | 1 | Variant Text Table | XBRL Reporting |
1423 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGXV100 | 9 | 1 | Variant: BW Variables of Type Characteristic Value | XBRL Reporting |
1424 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGXV101 | 7 | 1 | Variant: BW Variables of Type Characteristic Value, Parent | XBRL Reporting |
1425 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGXV105 | 6 | 1 | Variant: BI Variables, Hierarchy Name, and Version | XBRL Reporting |
1426 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGXV106 | 7 | 1 | Variant: BI Variables, Hierarchy Nodes | XBRL Reporting |
1427 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGXV107 | 7 | 1 | Variant: BW Variables, Hierarchy Node, Parent F. | XBRL Reporting |
1428 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGXV108 | 6 | 1 | Variant: BW Variables, Hierarchy Name Parent F. | XBRL Reporting |
1429 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGXV110 | 7 | 1 | Variant: Time Contexts | XBRL Reporting |
1430 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGXV111 | 10 | 1 | Variant: Time Contexts, BW Variables | XBRL Reporting |
1431 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGXV112 | 8 | 1 | Variant: Time Contexts, Parent Fields | XBRL Reporting |
1432 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UGXV120 | 5 | 1 | Variant: Entity Context | XBRL Reporting |
Financials :: Strategic Enterprise Management :: Business Consolidation |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1433 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCD0000 | 6 | 1 | User-definable Data Types: Generated Programs | Business Consolidation |
1434 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCD000C | 2 | 1 | Custom Data Types | Business Consolidation |
1435 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCD_S_BUFFER | 7 | 1 | Shared buffer | Business Consolidation |
1436 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0000 | 5 | 1 | Appl.: Tech. Fields, Determine Field Category/Method Key | Business Consolidation |
1437 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0001 | 5 | 1 | Applications: Dynamic Key for Methods | Business Consolidation |
1438 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF000C | 2 | 1 | Applications | Business Consolidation |
1439 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF000T | 3 | 1 | Applications: Text | Business Consolidation |
1440 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0011 | 3 | 1 | Methods: Title Element | Business Consolidation |
1441 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0012 | 4 | 1 | Methods: Title Element Text | Business Consolidation |
1442 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF001C | 8 | 2 | Methods | Business Consolidation |
1443 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF001G | 9 | 1 | Methods: GUID | Business Consolidation |
1444 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF001T | 4 | 1 | Methods: Text | Business Consolidation |
1445 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0020 | 5 | 1 | Method Steps: Hierarchy | Business Consolidation |
1446 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0021 | 6 | 1 | Method Steps: Selection Condition | Business Consolidation |
1447 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0022 | 7 | 1 | Method Steps: Data of Subcomponents | Business Consolidation |
1448 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0023 | 8 | 1 | Method Steps: Inheritance Data and Substitution Data | Business Consolidation |
1449 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF002C | 3 | 1 | Method Steps | Business Consolidation |
1450 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF002T | 5 | 1 | Method Steps: Text | Business Consolidation |
1451 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0030 | 16 | 1 | Layouts: Components | Business Consolidation |
1452 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0031 | 4 | 1 | Layouts: Subcomponents | Business Consolidation |
1453 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0032 | 4 | 1 | Layouts: Use of Components | Business Consolidation |
1454 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF003C | 7 | 2 | Layouts | Business Consolidation |
1455 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF003G | 7 | 1 | Layouts: GUID | Business Consolidation |
1456 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF003T | 4 | 1 | Layouts: Text | Business Consolidation |
1457 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0040 | 5 | 1 | Layout Steps: Hierarchy | Business Consolidation |
1458 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0041 | 4 | 1 | Layout Steps: Definition of Type | Business Consolidation |
1459 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0042 | 5 | 1 | Layout Steps: Definition of Characteristics for Fast Entry | Business Consolidation |
1460 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF0043 | 5 | 1 | Layout Steps: Definition of Characteristics to be Assigned | Business Consolidation |
1461 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF004C | 4 | 1 | Layout Steps | Business Consolidation |
1462 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF004T | 5 | 1 | Layout Steps: Text | Business Consolidation |
1463 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF005C | 2 | 1 | Method Categories | Business Consolidation |
1464 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF005T | 3 | 1 | Method Categories: Texts | Business Consolidation |
1465 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF1000 | 9 | 1 | Allocation: Definitions per Step (Trigger/Allocation) | Business Consolidation |
1466 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF1001 | 5 | 1 | Allocation: Key Figures per Component and Step | Business Consolidation |
1467 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF1002 | 3 | 1 | Allocation: Definitions per Method | Business Consolidation |
1468 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF2000 | 5 | 1 | C/T: Presettings for Applications Used | Business Consolidation |
1469 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF2100 | 5 | 1 | C/T: Custom Exchange Rate Sources: Special Characteristics | Business Consolidation |
1470 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF210C | 5 | 1 | C/T: Custom Data Sources for Exchange Rates | Business Consolidation |
1471 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF210T | 6 | 1 | C/T: Custom Exchange Rate Sources: Texts | Business Consolidation |
1472 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF2110 | 8 | 1 | C/T: E/R Indicators: E/R Type Assignments | Business Consolidation |
1473 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF211C | 2 | 1 | C/T: E/R Indicators | Business Consolidation |
1474 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF211T | 4 | 1 | C/T: E/R Indicators: Texts | Business Consolidation |
1475 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF220C | 5 | 1 | C/T: Currency Translation Keys | Business Consolidation |
1476 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF220T | 5 | 1 | C/T: Currency Translation Keys: Texts | Business Consolidation |
1477 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF221C | 5 | 1 | C/T: Currency Translation Time Frames | Business Consolidation |
1478 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF221T | 5 | 1 | C/T: Translation Time Frames: Texts | Business Consolidation |
1479 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF222C | 2 | 1 | C/T: Translation Procedure | Business Consolidation |
1480 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF222T | 5 | 1 | C/T: Translation Procedure: Texts | Business Consolidation |
1481 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF223C | 6 | 1 | C/T: Times for Exchange Rate Determination | Business Consolidation |
1482 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF223T | 5 | 1 | C/T: Times for Exchange Rate Determination: Texts | Business Consolidation |
1483 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF224C | 5 | 1 | C/T: Procedure for Exchange Rate Determination | Business Consolidation |
1484 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF224T | 5 | 1 | C/T: Procedure for Exchange Rate Determination: Texts | Business Consolidation |
1485 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF2300 | 6 | 1 | C/T: Methods | Business Consolidation |
1486 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF2301 | 5 | 1 | C/T: Methods: Target Key Figures | Business Consolidation |
1487 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF2310 | 8 | 1 | C/T: Methods: Steps | Business Consolidation |
1488 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF2311 | 5 | 1 | C/T: Methods: Steps: Source Key Figures | Business Consolidation |
1489 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF2400 | 3 | 1 | C/T: Exchange Rate Type: Warning for Missing Exchange Rate | Business Consolidation |
1490 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF3000 | 3 | 1 | Rounding: Method: Key Figure to be Rounded | Business Consolidation |
1491 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF3001 | 3 | 1 | Rounding: Method: Key Figure to be Checked | Business Consolidation |
1492 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF3010 | 4 | 1 | Rounding: Method: Steps: Rounding Type | Business Consolidation |
1493 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF4000 | 13 | 1 | Reclassification: Definitions per Step | Business Consolidation |
1494 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF4001 | 5 | 1 | Reclassification: Key Figures per Component and Step | Business Consolidation |
1495 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF4002 | 5 | 1 | Reclassification: Type of Trigger Data - Selection | Business Consolidation |
1496 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF5000 | 6 | 1 | IUE: Methods | Business Consolidation |
1497 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF5001 | 4 | 1 | IUE: Methods: Limits per Currency | Business Consolidation |
1498 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF5002 | 4 | 1 | IUE: Methods: Limits per Unit of Measure | Business Consolidation |
1499 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF5010 | 6 | 1 | IUE: Methods: Steps | Business Consolidation |
1500 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF600C | 2 | 1 | Consolidation of Investments | Business Consolidation |
1501 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6010 | 41 | 1 | C/I: System Utilization | Business Consolidation |
1502 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6020 | 105 | 1 | C/I: Global Settings | Business Consolidation |
1503 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6030 | 7 | 1 | C/I: Global Settings: Threshold Values | Business Consolidation |
1504 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6040 | 7 | 1 | C/I: Document Types for Calculation Base | Business Consolidation |
1505 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6050 | 6 | 1 | C/I: Combined Entry / Goodwill in Divestitures | Business Consolidation |
1506 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6060 | 4 | 1 | Consolidation of Investments: Stepwise Equity Method | Business Consolidation |
1507 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6100 | 5 | 1 | C/I: Activities: Default Sequence | Business Consolidation |
1508 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF610C | 1 | 1 | Consolidation of Investments: Activities | Business Consolidation |
1509 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF610T | 3 | 1 | Consolidation of Investments: Activities | Business Consolidation |
1510 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6110 | 5 | 1 | C/I: Activities: Reported Investment Items | Business Consolidation |
1511 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6120 | 6 | 1 | C/I: Activities: Reported Equity Items | Business Consolidation |
1512 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6130 | 8 | 1 | C/I: Activities: Reported Items for Push-down Goodwill | Business Consolidation |
1513 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6140 | 7 | 1 | C/I: Activities: Statement of Stockholders Equity (Subitems) | Business Consolidation |
1514 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6150 | 6 | 1 | C/I: Activities: Posting Items for Push-down Goodwill | Business Consolidation |
1515 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6160 | 5 | 1 | C/I: Activities: Default Values for Investment Data Entry | Business Consolidation |
1516 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6170 | 5 | 1 | C/I: Activities: Default Values for Equity Data Entry | Business Consolidation |
1517 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6180 | 5 | 1 | C/I: Activities: Treatment of Goodwill | Business Consolidation |
1518 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6200 | 4 | 1 | C/I: Activities: Reported Items for Equity Holdings Adjustm. | Business Consolidation |
1519 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF620C | 2 | 1 | C/I: Activities - Equity Holdings Adjustments | Business Consolidation |
1520 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF620T | 4 | 1 | C/I: Activities - Equity Holdings Adjustments | Business Consolidation |
1521 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6210 | 10 | 1 | C/I: Activities: Posting Items for Equity Holdings Adjustm. | Business Consolidation |
1522 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6300 | 100 | 1 | C/I: Methods | Business Consolidation |
1523 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF6310 | 7 | 1 | C/I: Methods: Threshold Values | Business Consolidation |
1524 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF7000 | 2 | 1 | Flexible Upload: Method Categories | Business Consolidation |
1525 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF700C | 12 | 1 | Flexible Upload: Method Categories | Business Consolidation |
1526 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF700T | 3 | 1 | Upload Method Categories: Texts | Business Consolidation |
1527 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF7100 | 22 | 1 | Upload: Methods | Business Consolidation |
1528 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF7101 | 4 | 1 | Upload: Methods: Characteristic-dependent Settings | Business Consolidation |
1529 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF7102 | 4 | 1 | Upload: Methods: Blocking Fields | Business Consolidation |
1530 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF7110 | 6 | 1 | Upload: Methods: Field Catalogs | Business Consolidation |
1531 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF7210 | 1 | 1 | Check Table for BAdi Filter Values | Business Consolidation |
1532 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF721T | 3 | 1 | Text Table for BAdi Filter Values | Business Consolidation |
1533 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF7300 | 23 | 1 | Data Transfer: Load from Data Stream | Business Consolidation |
1534 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF7400 | 12 | 1 | Data Transfer Methods: Copy | Business Consolidation |
1535 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF7410 | 6 | 1 | Data Transfer: Methods Copy | Business Consolidation |
1536 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF7500 | 6 | 1 | Data Transfer: Deletion Methods | Business Consolidation |
1537 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF900C | 2 | 1 | Balance Carryforward | Business Consolidation |
1538 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF9010 | 10 | 1 | Balance Carryforward: Items to be Carried | Business Consolidation |
1539 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF9020 | 11 | 1 | Balance Carryforward: Document Type Assignment | Business Consolidation |
1540 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCF9030 | 10 | 1 | Balance Carryforward: Restatement Assignment | Business Consolidation |
1541 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFA00C | 2 | 1 | IPA Customizing | Business Consolidation |
1542 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFA010 | 7 | 1 | IPA Customizing: Legacy Data Transfer | Business Consolidation |
1543 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFA10C | 1 | 1 | Elim. of IU Profit/Loss in Transferred Assets: Activities | Business Consolidation |
1544 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFA10T | 3 | 1 | Elim. of IU Profit/Loss in Transferred Assets: Activities | Business Consolidation |
1545 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFC00C | 2 | 1 | Consolidation Group Change: Customizing | Business Consolidation |
1546 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFC010 | 17 | 1 | Consolidation Group Change: Document Type Assignment | Business Consolidation |
1547 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE01C | 4 | 2 | SAP Cons: Data Entry Group | Business Consolidation |
1548 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE01S | 4 | 2 | SAP Cons: SID Table for Data Entry Groups | Business Consolidation |
1549 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE01T | 5 | 1 | SAP Cons: Text Table for Data Entry Group | Business Consolidation |
1550 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE020 | 5 | 1 | SAP Cons: Assignment of Form to Data Entry Groups | Business Consolidation |
1551 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE02C | 4 | 2 | SAP Cons: Data Entry Layout | Business Consolidation |
1552 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE02S | 4 | 2 | SAP Cons: SID Table for Data Entry Layout | Business Consolidation |
1553 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE02T | 5 | 1 | SAP Cons: Text Table for Data Entry Layout | Business Consolidation |
1554 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE03C | 5 | 3 | SAP Cons: Forms for Online Data Entry | Business Consolidation |
1555 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE03G | 9 | 1 | SAP Cons: GUID Table for Forms of Online Data Entry | Business Consolidation |
1556 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE03S | 4 | 2 | SAP Cons: SID Table for Forms of Online Data Entry | Business Consolidation |
1557 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE03T | 4 | 1 | SAP Cons: Text Table for Forms of Online Data Entry | Business Consolidation |
1558 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE040 | 4 | 1 | SAP Cons: Assignment of Structure to Header | Business Consolidation |
1559 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE04C | 5 | 3 | SAP Cons: Header of Online Data Entry | Business Consolidation |
1560 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE04G | 5 | 1 | SAP Cons: GUID Table for Headers of Online Data Entry | Business Consolidation |
1561 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE04S | 4 | 2 | SAP Cons: SID Table for Headers of Online Data Entry | Business Consolidation |
1562 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE04T | 4 | 1 | SAP Cons: Text Table for Headers of Online Data Entry | Business Consolidation |
1563 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE050 | 5 | 1 | SAP Cons: Allocation of Row/Column Structure to Grid | Business Consolidation |
1564 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE05C | 5 | 3 | SAP Cons: Grid | Business Consolidation |
1565 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE05G | 4 | 1 | SAP Cons: GUID Table for Grid | Business Consolidation |
1566 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE05S | 4 | 2 | SAP Cons: SID Table for Grid | Business Consolidation |
1567 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE05T | 4 | 1 | SAP Cons: Text Table for Grid | Business Consolidation |
1568 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE060 | 4 | 1 | SAP Cons: Combined Structure | Business Consolidation |
1569 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE06C | 5 | 3 | SAP Cons: GUID Table for Structures | Business Consolidation |
1570 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE06G | 5 | 1 | SAP Cons: GUID Table for Structures | Business Consolidation |
1571 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE06S | 4 | 2 | SAP Cons: SID Table for Structures | Business Consolidation |
1572 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE06T | 4 | 1 | SAP Cons: Text Table for Structures | Business Consolidation |
1573 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE070 | 3 | 1 | SAP Cons: Properties of Data-Driven Structures | Business Consolidation |
1574 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE071 | 14 | 1 | SAP Cons: Properties of Data-Driven Structures | Business Consolidation |
1575 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE072 | 6 | 1 | Hierarchy Nodes to Display with Data-driven Structures | Business Consolidation |
1576 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE080 | 7 | 1 | SAP Cons: Properties of Predefined Structures | Business Consolidation |
1577 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFE081 | 5 | 1 | SAP Cons: Properties of Predefined Structures | Business Consolidation |
1578 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFI00C | 2 | 1 | IPI Customizing | Business Consolidation |
1579 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFI10C | 3 | 1 | IPI Customizing: Product Group (Check Table) | Business Consolidation |
1580 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFI10S | 3 | 1 | IPI Customizing: Product Group (SID Table) | Business Consolidation |
1581 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFI10T | 4 | 1 | IPI Customizing: Product Group (Text Table) | Business Consolidation |
1582 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFI200 | 8 | 1 | IPI Customizing: Inventory Items | Business Consolidation |
1583 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFI210 | 5 | 1 | IPI Customizing: Equity Posting Items | Business Consolidation |
1584 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFI220 | 10 | 1 | IPI Customizing: Location of Inventory Data | Business Consolidation |
1585 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFI230 | 5 | 1 | IPI Customizing: Location of Inventory Data | Business Consolidation |
1586 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFP00C | 2 | 1 | Period Initialization: Customizing | Business Consolidation |
1587 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFP010 | 5 | 1 | Period Initialization: Posting Item for Adj. of Def. Taxes | Business Consolidation |
1588 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFP020 | 8 | 1 | Period Initialization:Doc.Type Assignment for Tax Adjustment | Business Consolidation |
1589 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFT000 | 4 | 1 | Data Transfer: Data Transfer Method per Data Stream Type | Business Consolidation |
1590 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFT001 | 4 | 1 | Data Transfer: Manual Entry | Business Consolidation |
1591 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFT002 | 8 | 1 | Data Transfer: Flexible Upload | Business Consolidation |
1592 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFT003 | 6 | 1 | Data Transfer: Document Types | Business Consolidation |
1593 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFTL00 | 8 | 1 | Data Collection: Overview Screen | Business Consolidation |
1594 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFTL01 | 9 | 1 | Data Transfer Overview Screen: Methods | Business Consolidation |
1595 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFTL10 | 10 | 1 | Data Collection: Overview Screen | Business Consolidation |
1596 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFTL11 | 10 | 1 | Data Collection Overview Screen: Methods | Business Consolidation |
1597 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCFTL12 | 17 | 1 | Data Collection: Hidden Lines in Web Dynpro | Business Consolidation |
1598 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCI1101 | 6 | 1 | Data Basis, BW-specific Definition | Business Consolidation |
1599 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCI1102 | 17 | 2 | Data Stream, BW-specific Definition | Business Consolidation |
1600 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCI1201 | 8 | 1 | Date Entry Layout, BI-specific Definitions | Business Consolidation |
1601 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCI2100 | 6 | 1 | Upload of Rollup File: Nonstandard Subassignment Fields | Business Consolidation |
1602 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL0010 | 8 | 1 | Text Information for Domains | Business Consolidation |
1603 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL0100 | 4 | 1 | Personalization of List Processor in Web Dynpro | Business Consolidation |
1604 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL0200 | 8 | 1 | Table with Stored Logs | Business Consolidation |
1605 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL020C | 3 | 1 | Stored Logs | Business Consolidation |
1606 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL200C | 3 | 1 | Audit Trail Category | Business Consolidation |
1607 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL200T | 4 | 1 | Audit Trail Type: Text | Business Consolidation |
1608 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL2011 | 10 | 1 | Audit Trail: Characteristics | Business Consolidation |
1609 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL201G | 4 | 1 | Audit Trail: GUID | Business Consolidation |
1610 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL201T | 4 | 1 | Audit Trail: Text | Business Consolidation |
1611 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL202C | 7 | 1 | Log: Object Number | Business Consolidation |
1612 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL2030 | 6 | 1 | Change Log: Number of Modified Records | Business Consolidation |
1613 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL2031 | 8 | 1 | Change Log: Selections | Business Consolidation |
1614 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL203C | 8 | 1 | Change Log | Business Consolidation |
1615 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL2040 | 10 | 1 | Log: Stored Logs | Business Consolidation |
1616 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCL205C | 8 | 1 | Log: Object Number | Business Consolidation |
1617 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM0000 | 3 | 1 | Consolidation: General Settings | Business Consolidation |
1618 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM0001 | 5 | 1 | Consolidation: General Settings: Changes | Business Consolidation |
1619 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM0010 | 4 | 1 | Data Streams of the Data Basis | Business Consolidation |
1620 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM0011 | 3 | 1 | Data Basis: Subassignments, Fixed in Breakdown Category | Business Consolidation |
1621 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM0012 | 4 | 1 | Data Basis: Allocation Characteristics | Business Consolidation |
1622 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM0013 | 4 | 1 | Data Basis: Optional Fields, Contained in Data Stream | Business Consolidation |
1623 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM0014 | 6 | 1 | Data Basis: Display and Selection Attributes | Business Consolidation |
1624 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM0015 | 3 | 1 | Additional Data Streams of Data Basis | Business Consolidation |
1625 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM0016 | 3 | 1 | Data Basis: Source Data Bases | Business Consolidation |
1626 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM0017 | 3 | 1 | Data Basis: Restatement Characteristics | Business Consolidation |
1627 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM001C | 8 | 1 | Data Basis of Consolidation | Business Consolidation |
1628 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM001S | 3 | 1 | Data Basis of Consolidation: Surrogate ID | Business Consolidation |
1629 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM001T | 4 | 1 | Data Basis Name | Business Consolidation |
1630 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM002C | 4 | 1 | Data Stream of Consolidation | Business Consolidation |
1631 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM002S | 3 | 2 | Data Stream of Consolidation: Surrogate ID | Business Consolidation |
1632 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM002T | 4 | 1 | Data Stream Name | Business Consolidation |
1633 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM0030 | 4 | 1 | Consolidation Area: Characteristics and Key Figures | Business Consolidation |
1634 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM0031 | 5 | 1 | Consolidation Area: Permanent Parameters | Business Consolidation |
1635 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM0032 | 4 | 1 | Consolidation Area: Restrictions | Business Consolidation |
1636 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM0033 | 4 | 1 | Consolidation Area: Properties | Business Consolidation |
1637 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM003C | 5 | 1 | Consolidation Area | Business Consolidation |
1638 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM003T | 4 | 1 | Consolidation Area Name | Business Consolidation |
1639 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM1000 | 5 | 1 | Explicit Values: Field Catalog | Business Consolidation |
1640 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM1001 | 9 | 1 | Explicit Values: Values | Business Consolidation |
1641 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM100G | 6 | 1 | Explicit Values: GUID | Business Consolidation |
1642 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM100T | 4 | 1 | Explicit Values: Text | Business Consolidation |
1643 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM2000 | 5 | 1 | Default Values | Business Consolidation |
1644 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM2010 | 5 | 1 | Default Values | Business Consolidation |
1645 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM201C | 2 | 1 | Default Values | Business Consolidation |
1646 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM600C | 3 | 1 | Organizational Change Number | Business Consolidation |
1647 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM600T | 4 | 1 | Organizational Change Number | Business Consolidation |
1648 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM6010 | 4 | 1 | Organizational Change Number: Relevant Cons Unit | Business Consolidation |
1649 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM6011 | 9 | 1 | OC Number: Sender/Receiver Rel. | Business Consolidation |
1650 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM6100 | 10 | 1 | Organizational Change: Top Nodes | Business Consolidation |
1651 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM610C | 3 | 1 | Organizational Change: Top Nodes | Business Consolidation |
1652 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMA100 | 23 | 1 | Type of Assets/Liabilities: Posting Items | Business Consolidation |
1653 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMA101 | 8 | 1 | Type of Asset/Liability: Consolidation Frequency | Business Consolidation |
1654 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMA10C | 4 | 1 | Type of Assets/Liabilities | Business Consolidation |
1655 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMA10T | 4 | 1 | Type of Assets/Liabilities | Business Consolidation |
1656 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD00C | 1 | 1 | SEM-BCS: Posting Level | Business Consolidation |
1657 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD00T | 3 | 1 | SEM-BCS: Texts for Posting Level | Business Consolidation |
1658 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD01C | 1 | 1 | SEM-BCS: Translation Assignment | Business Consolidation |
1659 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD01T | 3 | 1 | SEM-BCS: Texts for Translation Assignment | Business Consolidation |
1660 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD02C | 1 | 1 | Automatic Line Item | Business Consolidation |
1661 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD02T | 3 | 1 | Automatic Posting Line Item (Text) | Business Consolidation |
1662 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD03C | 1 | 1 | C/I: Treatment of Goodwill | Business Consolidation |
1663 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD03T | 3 | 1 | C/I: Treatment of Goodwill (Text) | Business Consolidation |
1664 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD04C | 1 | 1 | Direction Indicator for Elimination of Investment Income | Business Consolidation |
1665 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD04T | 3 | 1 | Direction Indicator for Elim. of Investment Income: Text | Business Consolidation |
1666 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD05C | 1 | 1 | Document Category | Business Consolidation |
1667 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD05T | 3 | 1 | Document Category (Text) | Business Consolidation |
1668 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD06C | 1 | 1 | Workflow Status | Business Consolidation |
1669 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD06T | 3 | 1 | Workflow Status (Text) | Business Consolidation |
1670 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD07C | 1 | 1 | Change of Control | Business Consolidation |
1671 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMD07T | 3 | 1 | Change of Control: Text | Business Consolidation |
1672 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMI100 | 6 | 1 | Breakdown Categories: Breakdown Info per Subassignment | Business Consolidation |
1673 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMI10C | 5 | 1 | Breakdown Categories | Business Consolidation |
1674 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMI10T | 5 | 1 | Breakdown Categories: Name | Business Consolidation |
1675 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMI200 | 9 | 1 | Selected Items: Cross-Functional | Business Consolidation |
1676 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMI201 | 10 | 1 | Selected Items: Document Type-dependent | Business Consolidation |
1677 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMI20C | 1 | 1 | Selected Items: Check Table | Business Consolidation |
1678 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMI20T | 3 | 1 | Selected Items: Text Table | Business Consolidation |
1679 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMI210 | 11 | 1 | Selected Items: Consolidation of Investments | Business Consolidation |
1680 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMI220 | 10 | 1 | Selected Items: Elimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory | Business Consolidation |
1681 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMI300 | 8 | 1 | Deferred Tax Items | Business Consolidation |
1682 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMI30C | 4 | 1 | Deferred Tax Items | Business Consolidation |
1683 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMI30S | 4 | 1 | Deferred Tax Items | Business Consolidation |
1684 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMI30T | 5 | 1 | Deferred Tax Items | Business Consolidation |
1685 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCML000 | 24 | 1 | Monitor Layouts: Properties | Business Consolidation |
1686 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCML00C | 4 | 1 | Monitor Layouts | Business Consolidation |
1687 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCML00T | 6 | 1 | Monitor Layouts: Name | Business Consolidation |
1688 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCML010 | 8 | 1 | Monitor Layouts: Header Characteristics | Business Consolidation |
1689 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCML020 | 7 | 1 | Monitor Layouts: Row Characteristics | Business Consolidation |
1690 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCML021 | 9 | 1 | Monitor Layouts: Row Chars in SID Presentation | Business Consolidation |
1691 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCML030 | 8 | 1 | Monitor Layouts: Column Characteristics | Business Consolidation |
1692 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCML031 | 12 | 1 | Monitor Layouts: Column Chars in SID Presentation | Business Consolidation |
1693 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCML040 | 8 | 1 | Monitor Layouts: Task Sequence | Business Consolidation |
1694 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCML100 | 7 | 1 | Monitor: Hierarchy-dependent Status Display | Business Consolidation |
1695 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCML10C | 4 | 1 | Monitor: Hierarchy-dependent Status Display | Business Consolidation |
1696 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMP000 | 3 | 1 | Perm. Parameters: Current Cons Area | Business Consolidation |
1697 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMP010 | 5 | 1 | Parameter Set: Values | Business Consolidation |
1698 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMP01C | 3 | 1 | Check Table for Parameter Set | Business Consolidation |
1699 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMP01T | 5 | 1 | Text Table for Parameter Set | Business Consolidation |
1700 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMP020 | 5 | 1 | Perm. Parameters: Char.Values per Cons Area | Business Consolidation |
1701 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMP030 | 2 | 1 | Global Parameters: Users with Authorization Check | Business Consolidation |
1702 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMP040 | 2 | 1 | Global Parameters: Roles with Authorization Check | Business Consolidation |
1703 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMT00C | 2 | 1 | Period Category Group | Business Consolidation |
1704 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMT00T | 4 | 1 | Period Category Group: Name | Business Consolidation |
1705 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMT010 | 3 | 1 | Period Category: Periods | Business Consolidation |
1706 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMT01C | 3 | 1 | Period Category | Business Consolidation |
1707 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMT01T | 4 | 1 | Period Category: Name | Business Consolidation |
1708 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMT100 | 3 | 1 | Cons Frequency: Periods | Business Consolidation |
1709 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMT10C | 2 | 1 | Consolidation Frequency | Business Consolidation |
1710 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMT10T | 4 | 1 | Cons Frequency: Name | Business Consolidation |
1711 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMT200 | 4 | 1 | Consolidation Cycle | Business Consolidation |
1712 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMT20C | 2 | 1 | Consolidation Cycle | Business Consolidation |
1713 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMT20T | 4 | 1 | Consolidation Cycle | Business Consolidation |
1714 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMV01C | 4 | 1 | SEM-BCS: Special Versions | Business Consolidation |
1715 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMV01S | 4 | 1 | SEM-BCS: Special Versions: Surrogate ID | Business Consolidation |
1716 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCMV01T | 5 | 1 | SEM-BCS: Special Versions: Name | Business Consolidation |
1717 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCM_S_OC_BUFFER | 6 | 1 | OC: Buffer for Sender/Receiver Rels | Business Consolidation |
1718 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS000C | 2 | 1 | Task Categories | Business Consolidation |
1719 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS000T | 3 | 1 | Task Categories: Text | Business Consolidation |
1720 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0010 | 3 | 1 | Tasks: Time Stamp of Status-relevant Customizing Settings | Business Consolidation |
1721 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0100 | 9 | 1 | Tasks: Method | Business Consolidation |
1722 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0101 | 10 | 1 | Tasks: Document Type | Business Consolidation |
1723 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0102 | 4 | 1 | Tasks: CU-Dependency of Method Assignment | Business Consolidation |
1724 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0103 | 17 | 1 | Tasks: Elimination of IU P/L in Inventory | Business Consolidation |
1725 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0104 | 21 | 1 | Tasks: Validation | Business Consolidation |
1726 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0105 | 7 | 1 | Tasks: Cons Frequency | Business Consolidation |
1727 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0106 | 9 | 1 | Tasks: Posting Levels | Business Consolidation |
1728 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0107 | 7 | 1 | Tasks: Processing Type | Business Consolidation |
1729 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0108 | 4 | 1 | Tasks: Data Streams for Copy Task | Business Consolidation |
1730 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0109 | 4 | 1 | Tasks: Copy Task | Business Consolidation |
1731 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS010C | 7 | 1 | Tasks | Business Consolidation |
1732 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS010S | 4 | 2 | Tasks | Business Consolidation |
1733 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS010T | 6 | 1 | Tasks: Text | Business Consolidation |
1734 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0110 | 10 | 1 | Tasks: Preceding Tasks | Business Consolidation |
1735 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0120 | 10 | 1 | Tasks: Status-bearing Cons Groups | Business Consolidation |
1736 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS01A0 | 7 | 1 | Tasks: Settings for Log Display | Business Consolidation |
1737 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS01A1 | 4 | 1 | Tasks: Log Layout: Custom Layouts | Business Consolidation |
1738 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS01A2 | 12 | 1 | Tasks: Log Layout: Sequence, Active/Inactive | Business Consolidation |
1739 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS01A3 | 12 | 1 | Tasks: IPA or CVA | Business Consolidation |
1740 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS01A4 | 8 | 1 | Tasks: Cons Group Selection | Business Consolidation |
1741 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS01A5 | 9 | 1 | Tasks: Balance Carryforward Task | Business Consolidation |
1742 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS01A6 | 12 | 1 | Tasks: Workflow Variant | Business Consolidation |
1743 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS01A7 | 9 | 1 | Measures: Workflow_variant for Sign-Off Task | Business Consolidation |
1744 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS01A8 | 9 | 1 | Measures: Selection ID for repunit and repgroup | Business Consolidation |
1745 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS01A9 | 10 | 1 | Measures: Query | Business Consolidation |
1746 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS01AA | 9 | 1 | Tasks: Reclassification | Business Consolidation |
1747 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS01AB | 8 | 1 | Tasks: Consolidation Group Change | Business Consolidation |
1748 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS01L1 | 7 | 1 | Tasks: Suppress Messages in Logs | Business Consolidation |
1749 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS020C | 5 | 1 | Task Groups | Business Consolidation |
1750 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS020S | 4 | 2 | Task Groups | Business Consolidation |
1751 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS020T | 6 | 1 | Task Groups: Text | Business Consolidation |
1752 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0300 | 2 | 1 | Cycle: Consolidation Frequency | Business Consolidation |
1753 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0301 | 2 | 1 | Cycle: Version | Business Consolidation |
1754 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS030C | 2 | 1 | Cycle | Business Consolidation |
1755 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS030T | 4 | 1 | Cycle: Text | Business Consolidation |
1756 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCS0400 | 10 | 1 | Statusbearing Rep.Groups for Interunit Level 10 | Business Consolidation |
1757 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCSSCR00 | 4 | 1 | Assignments of Cons Area to Generated Report Programs | Business Consolidation |
1758 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCSSCR10 | 5 | 1 | Assignments of Cons Area + Task Category to Sel. Screen | Business Consolidation |
1759 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCSSCR15 | 8 | 1 | Assignments of Cons Area + Task Type to Sel. Screen | Business Consolidation |
1760 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCSSCR20 | 7 | 1 | Assignment of Cons Area to Generated Programs/Screens | Business Consolidation |
1761 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCSSCR25 | 6 | 1 | Assignment of Data Stream to Generated Screens (Source DBs) | Business Consolidation |
1762 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCSSCR30 | 7 | 1 | Screen Directory for Printing Master Data Characteristics | Business Consolidation |
1763 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCSSCR35 | 7 | 1 | Assignment of Data Basis to Generated Programs/Screens | Business Consolidation |
1764 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCSSCR40 | 6 | 1 | Asgt of Cons Area + Method Category and Program + Sel.Screen | Business Consolidation |
1765 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCST001 | 29 | 1 | SEM-BCS: Performance Statistics | Business Consolidation |
1766 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCSWDGCUST | 3 | 1 | Customizing - CL_UC_WATCHDOG | Business Consolidation |
1767 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT100G | 2 | 1 | Set: GUID | Business Consolidation |
1768 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT100T | 4 | 1 | Set: Text | Business Consolidation |
1769 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT101C | 7 | 1 | Set: Rows | Business Consolidation |
1770 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT101T | 5 | 1 | Set: Text for Rows | Business Consolidation |
1771 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT2001 | 4 | 1 | Single Field Sel.: Single Values for Independent Chars | Business Consolidation |
1772 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT200C | 5 | 1 | Single Field Selection: Check Table for Names for Reuse | Business Consolidation |
1773 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT200G | 6 | 1 | Single Field Selection: GUID | Business Consolidation |
1774 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT200T | 4 | 1 | Single Field Selection: Text | Business Consolidation |
1775 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT2010 | 7 | 1 | Single Field Selection: Range for Selection Characteristic | Business Consolidation |
1776 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT2011 | 6 | 1 | Single Field Selection: Range for Higher-Level Characterist. | Business Consolidation |
1777 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT2012 | 6 | 1 | Single Field Selection: Node Type and Value | Business Consolidation |
1778 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT2013 | 5 | 1 | Single Field Selection: Node Value, Higher-Level Character. | Business Consolidation |
1779 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT2014 | 5 | 1 | Single Field Sel.: Additional Hier. Info (e.g. Hier.Name) | Business Consolidation |
1780 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT2015 | 5 | 1 | Single Field Sel.: Additional Hier. Info, Independent Chars | Business Consolidation |
1781 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT2016 | 6 | 1 | Single Field Selection: Cross Characteristic | Business Consolidation |
1782 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT3000 | 7 | 1 | Selection Condition: Characteristics | Business Consolidation |
1783 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT300C | 4 | 2 | Selection Conditions | Business Consolidation |
1784 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT300G | 4 | 1 | Selection Condition: GUID | Business Consolidation |
1785 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT300T | 5 | 1 | Selection Conditions | Business Consolidation |
1786 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT4000 | 6 | 1 | Target Account Assignment: Characteristics | Business Consolidation |
1787 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT400C | 4 | 1 | Target Account Assignment: GUID | Business Consolidation |
1788 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT400G | 4 | 1 | Target Account Assignment: GUID | Business Consolidation |
1789 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT400T | 5 | 1 | Target Account Assignment: GUID | Business Consolidation |
1790 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT7000 | 5 | 1 | SAP Cons.: Fields and Attributes of a Field List | Business Consolidation |
1791 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT700G | 2 | 1 | SAP Cons: Field List | Business Consolidation |
1792 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT8000 | 3 | 1 | Assignment: Mapping - Mapping Rule | Business Consolidation |
1793 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT800G | 2 | 1 | Data Mapping Rule GUIDs | Business Consolidation |
1794 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT8010 | 4 | 1 | Mapping Rule: Row Content | Business Consolidation |
1795 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT8011 | 4 | 1 | Mapping Rule: Details of Condition | Business Consolidation |
1796 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT8012 | 6 | 1 | Mapping Rule: Details of Reassignment | Business Consolidation |
1797 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT8013 | 5 | 1 | Mapping Rule: Header Info MOVE Operator | Business Consolidation |
1798 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT8014 | 12 | 1 | Mapping Rule: Details of Move Operator | Business Consolidation |
1799 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT8015 | 4 | 1 | Mapping Rule: Details of Apply Operator | Business Consolidation |
1800 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT8016 | 8 | 1 | Mapping Rule: Substitute for Source Field | Business Consolidation |
1801 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT801C | 4 | 1 | Name of Mapping Rule | Business Consolidation |
1802 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT801G | 5 | 1 | Conversion Rule | Business Consolidation |
1803 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT801T | 4 | 1 | Text Table for Mapping Rule | Business Consolidation |
1804 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT9000 | 5 | 1 | Workflow Variant | Business Consolidation |
1805 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT900C | 7 | 1 | Workflow Variant | Business Consolidation |
1806 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT900T | 5 | 1 | Workflow Variant | Business Consolidation |
1807 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT9100 | 6 | 1 | Workflow Documents: Status | Business Consolidation |
1808 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT910C | 8 | 1 | Workflow Documents, Held Documents, Reference Documents | Business Consolidation |
1809 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT9110 | 13 | 1 | Workflow Documents: Approval Actions | Business Consolidation |
1810 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT9190 | 21 | 1 | Log for Methods Calling of BAdI UC_WFV_DOC | Business Consolidation |
1811 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT920G | 11 | 1 | Business Objects for Workflow in Status Changes | Business Consolidation |
1812 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT9210 | 11 | 1 | Workflow Documents: Approval Actions | Business Consolidation |
1813 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT9290 | 16 | 1 | Log for Methods Calling of BAdI UC_WFV_STAT | Business Consolidation |
1814 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCT9310 | 5 | 1 | Signoff Query | Business Consolidation |
1815 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCUM010 | 6 | 1 | Assignment of Cutoff Tasks to User | Business Consolidation |
1816 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCUM020 | 6 | 1 | Assignment of Cutoff Tasks to User Role | Business Consolidation |
1817 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCUM03C | 4 | 1 | Favorites in Web Dynpro Monitor | Business Consolidation |
1818 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCUM03T | 5 | 1 | Favorites in Web Dynpro Monitor | Business Consolidation |
1819 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCUM04C | 4 | 1 | Favorites in Web Dynpro Monitor | Business Consolidation |
1820 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCUM04T | 5 | 1 | Favorites in Web Dynpro Monitor | Business Consolidation |
1821 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCUM050 | 3 | 1 | Reports in Web Dynpro Monitor | Business Consolidation |
1822 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCUM060 | 3 | 1 | Reports in Web Dynpro Monitor | Business Consolidation |
1823 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCUW000 | 3 | 1 | SAP Cons.: Personalization Workbench: Object Lists | Business Consolidation |
1824 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCUW001 | 3 | 1 | SAP Cons.: Personalization Workbench: Object Lists | Business Consolidation |
1825 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCUW010 | 7 | 1 | SAP Cons.: Personalization Workbench: Object Lists | Business Consolidation |
1826 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UCUW011 | 7 | 1 | SAP Cons.: Personalization Workbench: Object Lists | Business Consolidation |
Financials :: Strategic Enterprise Management :: Business Information Collection |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1827 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSCHKF13 | 5 | 1 | BDS: File Name at Last Checkout | Business Information Collection |
1828 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSCHKO13 | 10 | 1 | BDS: Checkout Data for a Physical Information Object | Business Information Collection |
1829 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSCONT13 | 7 | 1 | BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) | Business Information Collection |
1830 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLOIO13 | 18 | 1 | BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1831 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLOIOT13 | 5 | 1 | BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1832 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLOPR13 | 7 | 2 | BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1833 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLORE13 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1834 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLORI13 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1835 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHF13 | 10 | 1 | BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1836 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHHR13 | 12 | 3 | BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects | Business Information Collection |
1837 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHIO13 | 25 | 2 | BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1838 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHNM13 | 12 | 3 | BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects | Business Information Collection |
1839 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHPR13 | 7 | 2 | BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1840 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHRE13 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1841 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHRI13 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1842 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSRE13 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Relationship Instances | Business Information Collection |
1843 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSREPR13 | 7 | 2 | BDS: Relationship Attributes | Business Information Collection |
1844 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDS_CONN23 | 7 | 3 | BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Classes | Business Information Collection |
1845 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BICCONTENT | 6 | 1 | SEM-BIC: Table for Document Contents | Business Information Collection |
1846 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIASSIGN | 2 | 1 | Assignment of User to Subsets of Characteristics | Business Information Collection |
1847 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIAUTH | 1 | 1 | Authentification Type of a Content Provider | Business Information Collection |
1848 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIAUTH_T | 3 | 1 | Authentification Type Content Provider | Business Information Collection |
1849 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCCHKF | 4 | 1 | UI Documents: File Name of Last Check Out | Business Information Collection |
1850 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCCHKO | 9 | 1 | UI Documents: Check Out Data on a Physical Information Objec | Business Information Collection |
1851 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCIDXSTA | 11 | 2 | UI Documents: Status Table for Indexing of Documents | Business Information Collection |
1852 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCLOIO | 17 | 1 | UI Documents: Instances of Logical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1853 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCLOIOT | 4 | 1 | UI Documents: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1854 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCLOPR | 6 | 2 | UI Documents: Attribute Values of Logical Information Object | Business Information Collection |
1855 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCLORE | 10 | 3 | UI Documents: Outgoing Relationships of Logical InfoObjects | Business Information Collection |
1856 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCLOREPR | 8 | 2 | UI Documents: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs | Business Information Collection |
1857 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCLORI | 10 | 3 | UI Documents: Incoming Relationships of Logical InfoObjects | Business Information Collection |
1858 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCLORIPR | 8 | 2 | UI Documents: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs | Business Information Collection |
1859 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCPHF | 9 | 1 | UI Documents: Files of Physical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1860 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCPHHR | 11 | 3 | UI Documents: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects | Business Information Collection |
1861 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCPHHRPR | 8 | 2 | UI Documents: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships | Business Information Collection |
1862 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCPHIO | 24 | 2 | UI Documents: Instances of Physical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1863 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCPHNM | 11 | 3 | UI Documents: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects | Business Information Collection |
1864 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCPHNMPR | 10 | 2 | UI Documents: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships | Business Information Collection |
1865 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCPHPR | 6 | 2 | UI Documents: Attributes of Physical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1866 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCPHRE | 10 | 3 | UI Documents: Outgoing Relationships of Physical InfoObjects | Business Information Collection |
1867 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCPHREPR | 8 | 2 | UI Documents: Attributes Outgoing Relationships of PHIOs | Business Information Collection |
1868 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCPHRI | 10 | 3 | UI Documents: Incoming Relationships of Physical InfoObjects | Business Information Collection |
1869 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDCPHRIPR | 8 | 2 | UI Documents: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of PHIOs | Business Information Collection |
1870 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDELIV | 1 | 1 | Delivery Type Research Request Results (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1871 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDELIV_T | 3 | 1 | Text Delivery Type Research Request (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1872 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDISTR | 1 | 1 | Distribution Type of a Content Provider | Business Information Collection |
1873 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDISTR_T | 3 | 1 | Text Distribution Type of a Content Provider | Business Information Collection |
1874 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIDOC | 4 | 1 | Results Document of a Research Run (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1875 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIFLLOIO | 17 | 1 | UI Folder: Instances of Logical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1876 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIFLLOIOT | 4 | 1 | UI Folder: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1877 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIFLLOPR | 6 | 2 | UI Folder: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects | Business Information Collection |
1878 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIFLLORE | 10 | 3 | UI Folder: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Obj | Business Information Collection |
1879 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIFLLOREPR | 8 | 2 | UI Folder: Attributes Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs | Business Information Collection |
1880 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIFLLORI | 10 | 3 | UI Folder: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Obj | Business Information Collection |
1881 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIFLLORIPR | 8 | 2 | UI Folder: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs | Business Information Collection |
1882 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIFREQ | 1 | 1 | Frequency of Research Run (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1883 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIFREQ_T | 3 | 1 | Text on Frequency of Research Run (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1884 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIIUSR | 3 | 1 | InfoUser (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1885 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIKW | 1 | 1 | Keyword (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1886 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIOP | 1 | 1 | Linking operator for key word query (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1887 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIOPAND | 2 | 1 | Syntax of AND Linking Operator | Business Information Collection |
1888 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIOPNOT | 2 | 1 | Syntax of NOT Linking Operator | Business Information Collection |
1889 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIOPOR | 2 | 1 | Syntax of OR Linking Operator | Business Information Collection |
1890 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIOP_T | 3 | 1 | Text on linking operator (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1891 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIORD | 8 | 1 | Research Request (SEM Business Information Collection) | Business Information Collection |
1892 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIORD_R_DELIV | 3 | 1 | Relation Research Request <-> Delivery Type (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1893 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIORD_R_FREQ | 6 | 1 | Relation Research Request <-> Frequency (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1894 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIORD_R_IUSR | 6 | 1 | Relation between Research Request and InfoUser (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1895 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIORD_R_KW | 5 | 1 | Relation Research Request <-> Keyword (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1896 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIORD_R_LANG | 3 | 1 | Relation Bet. Research Request and Result Langs (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1897 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIORD_R_SRC | 4 | 1 | Relation Between Research Request and Data Provider | Business Information Collection |
1898 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIORD_T | 4 | 1 | Text (Short Description) on Research Request (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1899 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIPRIO | 1 | 1 | Priority of a Research Request (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1900 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UIPRIO_T | 3 | 1 | Text Priority of Research Request (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1901 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISCORE | 1 | 1 | Valuation (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1902 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISCORE_T | 3 | 1 | Text on valuation (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1903 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISETTINGS | 3 | 1 | Table of User's Personal Settings | Business Information Collection |
1904 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISRCDESCR | 4 | 1 | Table Data Source Description | Business Information Collection |
1905 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISRCLOGON | 6 | 1 | Table Data Source Logon | Business Information Collection |
1906 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISRCTYP | 1 | 1 | Content Provider Type | Business Information Collection |
1907 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISRCTYP_T | 3 | 1 | Type of a Content Provider | Business Information Collection |
1908 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISRCURL | 21 | 1 | Content Provider | Business Information Collection |
1909 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISRC_R_KW | 5 | 1 | Relation Content Provider <-> Keyword (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1910 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISRC_R_LANG | 3 | 1 | Relation Content Provider <-> Content Language (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1911 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISRC_R_TYP | 3 | 1 | Rel. Content Provider <-> Content Provider Type (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1912 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISTAT | 1 | 1 | Processing Status of a Research Request (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1913 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISTAT_T | 3 | 1 | Text on Processing Status of a Research Request (SEM-BIC) | Business Information Collection |
1914 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISUBSET | 4 | 1 | Assignment to Evaluation Objects: Subset of Characteristics | Business Information Collection |
1915 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UISUBSETTXT | 3 | 1 | Text Table for Assignment Variants in SEM-BIC | Business Information Collection |
Financials :: Strategic Enterprise Management :: Business Planning and Simulation |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1916 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UPE_COUNT | 8 | 1 | Counter | Business Planning and Simulation |
1917 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UPE_MODEL | 6 | 1 | Planning Modeler: Table Models | Business Planning and Simulation |
1918 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UPE_MODELT | 4 | 1 | Planning Modeler: Text Table Models | Business Planning and Simulation |
1919 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UPE_PARAM | 9 | 1 | Planning: Parameterization (SD files) | Business Planning and Simulation |
1920 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UPE_PARAMT | 6 | 1 | Planning: Parameter Group Texts | Business Planning and Simulation |
1921 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UPE_PARAMT_ABC | 6 | 1 | Planning: Parameter Group Texts | Business Planning and Simulation |
1922 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UPE_PARAMT_DOC | 10 | 1 | Planning: Parameter Group Texts | Business Planning and Simulation |
1923 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UPE_PARAM_ABC | 8 | 1 | Planning: Parameterization (ABC files) | Business Planning and Simulation |
1924 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UPE_PARAM_DOC | 8 | 1 | Planning: Parameter Group (Documents) | Business Planning and Simulation |
1925 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UPE_ZAHL | 8 | 1 | Counter | Business Planning and Simulation |
Financials :: Strategic Enterprise Management :: Corporate Performance Monitor |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
1926 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSCHKF15 | 5 | 1 | BDS: File Name at Last Checkout | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1927 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSCHKF17 | 4 | 1 | BDS: File Name at Last Checkout | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1928 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSCHKO15 | 10 | 1 | BDS: Checkout Data for Physical Information Object | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1929 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSCHKO17 | 9 | 1 | BDS: Checkout Data for Physical Information Object | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1930 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSCONT15 | 7 | 1 | BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1931 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSCONT17 | 6 | 1 | BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1932 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLOIO15 | 18 | 1 | BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1933 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLOIO17 | 17 | 1 | BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1934 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLOIOT15 | 5 | 1 | BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1935 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLOIOT17 | 4 | 1 | BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1936 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLOPR15 | 7 | 2 | BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1937 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLOPR17 | 6 | 2 | BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1938 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLORE15 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1939 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLORE17 | 10 | 3 | BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1940 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLORI15 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1941 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLORI17 | 10 | 3 | BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1942 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHF15 | 10 | 1 | BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1943 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHF17 | 9 | 1 | BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1944 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHHR15 | 12 | 3 | BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1945 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHHR17 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1946 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHIO15 | 25 | 2 | BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1947 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHIO17 | 24 | 2 | BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1948 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHNM15 | 12 | 3 | BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1949 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHNM17 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1950 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHPR15 | 7 | 2 | BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1951 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHPR17 | 6 | 2 | BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1952 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHRE15 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1953 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHRE17 | 10 | 3 | BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1954 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHRI15 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1955 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHRI17 | 10 | 3 | BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1956 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSRE15 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Relationship Instances | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1957 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSRE17 | 10 | 3 | BDS: Relationship Instances | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1958 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSREPR15 | 7 | 2 | BDS: Relationship Attributes | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1959 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSREPR17 | 6 | 2 | BDS: Relationship Attributes | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1960 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDS_CONN15 | 7 | 3 | BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Class | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1961 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDS_CONN17 | 6 | 3 | BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Class | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1962 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_APPLET_XML | 8 | 1 | Runtime XML that Was Sent to Java Applets | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1963 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_CUST | 4 | 1 | General Settings | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1964 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_DFTRFC | 4 | 1 | CPM: Standard BW RFC Destination | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1965 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_FILE_CACHE | 7 | 2 | Cache for Generated Files | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1966 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_GR100 | 4 | 1 | Customizing for Standard Graphic | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1967 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_GS110 | 4 | 1 | Formula | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1968 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_GS110T | 4 | 1 | Formula: Texts | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1969 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_GS111 | 8 | 1 | Formula Detail | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1970 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_GS120 | 3 | 1 | Assignment of Formula Result | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1971 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_GS120T | 6 | 1 | Assignment of Formula Result: Texts | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1972 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_GS121 | 5 | 1 | Assignment of Formula Result | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1973 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_HTTP_PROXY | 3 | 1 | HTTP Proxy Options for SEM-CPM | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1974 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_LG100 | 7 | 1 | Log | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1975 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_LG101 | 5 | 1 | Log: Items | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1976 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_MEASSCALE | 6 | 1 | Texts for Scaling Factors | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1977 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_PC100 | 8 | 2 | Closing of Periods | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1978 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_RSTRCT | 7 | 1 | Restrictions | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1979 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_RU100 | 3 | 1 | Periodization | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1980 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_RU100T | 4 | 1 | Periodization: Texts | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1981 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_RU101 | 5 | 1 | Periodization: Subintervals | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1982 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_RU101T | 5 | 1 | Periodization: Subintervals - Texts | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1983 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_RUNTIME_XML | 10 | 2 | Runtime - XML Data and Graphics | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1984 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_SE100 | 4 | 1 | CPM : Application Settings | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1985 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_SERVER_GROUP | 6 | 1 | Server Group for Parallel Processing of the MDX Statement | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1986 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_STD_BLOBS | 13 | 1 | Standard - Graphic - BLOBs (Obsolete from SEM 3.5) | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1987 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_STD_XML | 4 | 1 | Standard - Graphic - Settings in XML Format | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1988 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_TD100 | 24 | 1 | Task List | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1989 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_TD102 | 5 | 1 | Taks List: Storage | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1990 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_TD110 | 5 | 1 | Task List: Message | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1991 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_TM100 | 10 | 1 | Time Variable | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1992 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_TM100T | 4 | 1 | Time Variable: Texts | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1993 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_UN100 | 15 | 1 | Notification | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1994 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMC_UN101 | 7 | 1 | Notification E-Mail Template | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1995 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_BMK001 | 3 | 1 | Master Data Mapping Profile | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1996 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_BMK001T | 3 | 1 | Profile Text Table | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1997 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_BMK002 | 4 | 1 | Master Data Mapping | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1998 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_BU100 | 14 | 1 | Total Float | Corporate Performance Monitor |
1999 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_BU101 | 7 | 1 | Total Float | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2000 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_BU102 | 2 | 1 | Buffer User | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2001 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_DFTRFC | 3 | 1 | Default BW Destination for Measure Builder | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2002 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB000 | 12 | 1 | Measure Catalog | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2003 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB000T | 4 | 1 | Measure Catalog Text Table | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2004 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB010 | 3 | 1 | Measure Group | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2005 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB010T | 4 | 1 | Text Table of Measure Node | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2006 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB020 | 7 | 1 | Measure Hierarchy | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2007 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB100 | 21 | 1 | Key Figures: Header Table | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2008 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB100T | 5 | 1 | Measures: Texts | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2009 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB110 | 3 | 1 | Industry Assignment | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2010 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB120 | 6 | 1 | Benchmark Data Source <-> Measure | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2011 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB130 | 9 | 1 | Measure Mapping & Sourcing: InfoProvider Key Figure | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2012 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB140 | 5 | 1 | URL Assignment | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2013 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB140T | 5 | 1 | Text Table for URL Assignment | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2014 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB150 | 5 | 1 | Company <-> Provider Measure | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2015 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB160 | 4 | 1 | Source for Measure | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2016 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB200 | 8 | 1 | Measure Formula | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2017 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB300 | 5 | 1 | Benchmark InfoCube Settings | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2018 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB400 | 4 | 1 | Benchmark Selections | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2019 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMK_MB_CONTREL | 2 | 1 | Measure Catalog Content Release | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2020 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_EX100 | 13 | 1 | RMS: Measure Deviations for Risks | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2021 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_EX110 | 11 | 1 | RMS: Measure Targets | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2022 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_EX120 | 10 | 1 | RMS: Measure Status & Risk Status | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2023 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RB_CONTREL | 2 | 1 | Risk Catalog Content Release | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2024 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RF100 | 18 | 1 | RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2025 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RF101 | 32 | 1 | RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields Selection Criteria | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2026 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RF102 | 9 | 1 | RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields BW Variable | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2027 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RF103 | 30 | 1 | RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields BW Variables | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2028 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI000 | 11 | 1 | Risk: Category | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2029 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI000T | 6 | 1 | Risk: Category Text Table | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2030 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI010 | 11 | 1 | Risk: Group | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2031 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI010T | 6 | 1 | Risk: Group Text Table | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2032 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI020 | 6 | 1 | Risk: Catalog Hierarchy | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2033 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI030 | 3 | 1 | Risk: Measure Assignment | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2034 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI040 | 6 | 1 | Risk URL Assignment | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2035 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI040T | 5 | 1 | Risk URL Assignment Text Table | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2036 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI100 | 13 | 1 | Risk: Master | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2037 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI100T | 6 | 1 | Risk: Text Table | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2038 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI102 | 2 | 1 | RMS: Global Settings | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2039 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI105 | 5 | 1 | RMS: Assignment of Value Fields for Deviations | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2040 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI110 | 8 | 1 | RMS: Assignment of Target Systems | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2041 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI111 | 5 | 1 | RMS: Assignment of TS-Specific Deviation Value Fields | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2042 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI112 | 8 | 1 | OBSOLETE RMS: Deviations per Thread Level for Measure | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2043 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI114 | 8 | 1 | RMS: Measure Selection and Attributes | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2044 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI115 | 8 | 1 | RMS: Measure Formula Argument Assignment | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2045 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI116 | 14 | 1 | RMS: Measure Weight Data Selection - NOT USED | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2046 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI117 | 29 | 1 | RMS: Measure Weight Data Selection - Selections - NOT USED | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2047 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI118 | 7 | 1 | RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields Read Only Flag | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2048 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI120 | 8 | 1 | RMS: Assignment of Risks | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2049 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI121 | 7 | 1 | RMS: Owner of Risk | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2050 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI124 | 13 | 1 | OBSOLETE RMS: Probability and Risk Intensity - Header | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2051 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI125 | 11 | 1 | OBSOLETE RMS: Probability and Risk Intensity Versions | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2052 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI125T | 11 | 1 | OBSOLETE RMS: Probability and Risk Intensity Versions Text T | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2053 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI126 | 14 | 1 | OBSOLETE RMS: Probability and Risk Intensity | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2054 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI128 | 18 | 1 | RMS: Measure Deviations for Risks | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2055 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI129 | 11 | 1 | RMS: Risk Status for Measure | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2056 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI130 | 13 | 1 | OBSOLETE RMS: Graphic - BLOBs | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2057 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI131 | 5 | 1 | Obsolete: RMS Graphic Settings | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2058 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI140 | 10 | 1 | RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities (Master) | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2059 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI140T | 8 | 1 | RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities (Text Table) | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2060 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI141 | 8 | 1 | RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities - Milestones | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2061 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI141T | 8 | 1 | RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities - Milestones - Text Table | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2062 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI142 | 14 | 1 | RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities - Team Members | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2063 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI150 | 5 | 1 | RMS: Assignment of Risk-Reducing Activities to Risk | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2064 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI160 | 12 | 1 | OBSOLETE RMS: Risk Score | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2065 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI200 | 12 | 2 | RMS: Assigned BW Queries | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2066 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI201 | 11 | 2 | RMS: BW Web Report | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2067 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI201T | 4 | 1 | RMS: BW Web Report | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2068 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI202 | 8 | 1 | RMS: URL | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2069 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_RI202T | 4 | 1 | RMS: URL | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2070 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_TL100 | 2 | 1 | Threat Level: Master | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2071 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_TL100T | 6 | 1 | Threat Level: Text Table | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2072 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMR_UP101 | 4 | 1 | User Settings | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2073 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_GS100 | 3 | 1 | Orientations of Value Driver Tree | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2074 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_HI100 | 5 | 1 | Value Driver Tree Hierarchy: Header Table | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2075 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_HI101 | 7 | 1 | Value Driver Tree Hierarchy: Text Table | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2076 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR100 | 19 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Header Table | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2077 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR101 | 7 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Text Table | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2078 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR102 | 20 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Selections of the CPM Variables | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2079 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR103 | 3 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Runtime Variables Used | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2080 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR104 | 20 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Value Combinations of Runtime Variables | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2081 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR105 | 5 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Assignment of BPS Characteristics | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2082 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR106 | 11 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Responsible Person | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2083 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR107 | 4 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Value Fields for Simulation | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2084 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR108 | 20 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Versions of Value Fields for Simulation | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2085 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR110 | 5 | 1 | Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: Used Value Drivers | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2086 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR111 | 4 | 1 | Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: Value Driver Dependencies | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2087 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR112 | 14 | 1 | Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: Value Fields of a Value Driver | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2088 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR113 | 29 | 1 | Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: Selections for the Value Fields | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2089 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR114 | 14 | 1 | Obsolete:Value Driver Tree: BIC Selections for Value Drivers | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2090 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR115 | 9 | 1 | Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:BW Queries and Workbooks of Drivers | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2091 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR116 | 6 | 1 | Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: BW Variables for Value Fields | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2092 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR117 | 25 | 1 | Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: BW Variables for Value Fields | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2093 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR120 | 9 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Graphics | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2094 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR121 | 9 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Assignment of Value Fields to Graphics | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2095 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR122 | 13 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Graphic - BLOBs (Obsolete from SEM 3.5) | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2096 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR123 | 10 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Graphics : Texts | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2097 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR124 | 6 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Graphic - Settings in XML Format | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2098 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR125 | 9 | 1 | Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2099 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR125T | 4 | 1 | Obsolete:Val. Driver Tree:Texts Assign. Web Reports to Value | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2100 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR126 | 6 | 1 | Obsolete: Frame: URL | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2101 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR126T | 4 | 1 | Obsolete: Frame: URL | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2102 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR127 | 6 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Graphic - Settings in XML Format | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2103 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR210 | 9 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Used Measures | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2104 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR211 | 7 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Measure Dependencies | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2105 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR212 | 15 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Value Fields or Measure | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2106 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR213 | 29 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Selections for the Value Fields | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2107 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR214 | 14 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: BIC Selections for Measures | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2108 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR215 | 9 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: BW Queries and Workbooks for Measures | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2109 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR216 | 6 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: BW Variables for Value Fields | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2110 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR217 | 25 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: BW Variables for Value Fields | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2111 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR218 | 6 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Assignment of BPS Functions to Measures | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2112 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR219 | 4 | 1 | Value Driver Tree - Measures: BPS Measure | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2113 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR225 | 9 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Assignment of web Reports to Measures | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2114 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR225T | 4 | 1 | Value Driver Tree:Text Assignment of Web Reports to Measures | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2115 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR226 | 6 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Assignment of URLs to Measures | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2116 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR226T | 4 | 1 | Value driver Tree: Text Assignment URLs to Measures | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2117 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR227 | 12 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Responsible Persons for Measures | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2118 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR230 | 6 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Assign Value Fields to Formula Arguments | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2119 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR231 | 12 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Status, Assessments and Comments | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2120 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR301 | 4 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: Default Values for Runtime Variables | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2121 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_TR302 | 10 | 1 | Value Driver Tree: User-Dependent Default Values | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2122 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_VD100 | 8 | 1 | Obsolete: Value Drivers: Header Table | Corporate Performance Monitor |
2123 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UMV_VD101 | 7 | 1 | Obsolete: Value Drivers: Text Tables | Corporate Performance Monitor |
Financials :: Strategic Enterprise Management :: Stakeholder Relationship Management |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
2124 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSCHKF28 | 5 | 1 | BDS: File Name at Last Checkout | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2125 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSCHKO28 | 10 | 1 | BDS: Checkout Data for Physical Information Object | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2126 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSCONT28 | 7 | 1 | BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2127 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLOIO28 | 18 | 1 | BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2128 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLOIOT28 | 5 | 1 | BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2129 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLOPR28 | 7 | 2 | BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2130 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLORE28 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2131 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSLORI28 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2132 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHF28 | 10 | 1 | BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2133 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHHR28 | 12 | 3 | BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2134 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHIO28 | 25 | 2 | BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2135 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHNM28 | 12 | 3 | BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2136 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHPR28 | 7 | 2 | BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2137 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHRE28 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2138 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSPHRI28 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2139 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSRE28 | 11 | 3 | BDS: Relationship Instances | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2140 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDSREPR28 | 7 | 2 | BDS: Relationship Attributes | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2141 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BDS_CON028 | 7 | 3 | BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Class | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2142 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SRMCONTENT | 6 | 1 | SEM-SRM: Table for Document Contents | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2143 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SRM_CNTCONTENT | 6 | 1 | SEM-SRM Contact: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2144 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCDLOIO | 17 | 1 | USC Documents: Instances of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2145 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCDLOIOT | 4 | 1 | USC Documents:: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2146 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCDLOPR | 6 | 2 | USC Dokumente:: Attribute Values of Logical Info Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2147 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCDLORE | 10 | 3 | USC Documents: Outbound Relationships of Logical Information | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2148 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCDLOREPR | 8 | 2 | USC Documents:: Outbound Relationship Attributes of LOIOs | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2149 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCDLORI | 10 | 3 | USC Dokumente:: Inbound Relationships of Logical Information | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2150 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCDLORIPR | 8 | 2 | USC Documents:: Inbound Relationship Attributes of LOIOs | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2151 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCMLOIO | 17 | 1 | USC Mails:: Instances of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2152 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCMLOIOT | 4 | 1 | USC Mails:: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2153 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCMLOPR | 6 | 2 | USC Mails:: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2154 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCMLORE | 10 | 3 | USC Mails:: Outbound Relationships of Logical InfoObjects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2155 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCMLOREPR | 8 | 2 | USC Mails:: Outbound Relationship Attributes of LOIOs | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2156 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCMLORI | 10 | 3 | USC Mails:: Inbound Relationships of Logical InfoObjects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2157 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCMLORIPR | 8 | 2 | USC Mails:: Inbound Relationship Attributes of LOIOs | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2158 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCNLOIO | 17 | 1 | USC Profile Documents:: Instances of Logical InfoObjects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2159 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCNLOIOT | 4 | 1 | USC Profile Documents:: Descriptions of Logical InfoObjects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2160 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCNLOPR | 6 | 2 | USC Profile Documents:: Attribute Values of Logical InfoObj | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2161 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCNLORE | 10 | 3 | USC Profile Documents:: Outbound Relationships of logical IO | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2162 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCNLOREPR | 8 | 2 | USC Profile Documents:: Outbound Relationship Attributes | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2163 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCNLORI | 10 | 3 | USC Profile Documents:: Inbound Relationships of logical IOs | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2164 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCNLORIPR | 8 | 2 | USC Profile Documents:: Attributes of Inbound Relationships | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2165 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCTLOIO | 17 | 1 | USC Document Templates:: Instances of Logical InfoObjects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2166 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCTLOIOT | 4 | 1 | USC Document Templates:: Descriptions of Logical InfoObjects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2167 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCTLOPR | 6 | 2 | USC Document Templates:: Attribute Values of Logical InfoObj | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2168 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCTLORE | 10 | 3 | USC Document Templates:: Outbound Relationships of LOIOs | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2169 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCTLOREPR | 8 | 2 | USC Document Templates:: Outbound Relationships Attributes | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2170 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCTLORI | 10 | 3 | USC Document Templates:: Inbound Relationships of Logical IO | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2171 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USCTLORIPR | 8 | 2 | USC Document Templates:: Inbound Relationship Attributes of | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2172 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_CHKF | 4 | 1 | USC Documents:: File Name of Last Check-Out | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2173 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_CHKO | 9 | 1 | USC Documents:: Check-Out Data of a Physical Information Obj | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2174 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_COMM_TYPES | 4 | 1 | Default Communication Types for Contact Categories | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2175 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_CONTACT | 19 | 1 | SRM Contact: Central Storage of Contacts | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2176 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_CONT_ADD | 15 | 1 | SRM Contact: Event Info | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2177 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_CONT_DOC | 13 | 1 | SRM Contact: Documents | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2178 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_CONT_KWD | 10 | 1 | SRM Contact: Keywords | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2179 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_CONT_KWT | 3 | 1 | SRM Contact: Keyword Catalog | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2180 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_CONT_PERSON | 3 | 1 | Customizing Contacts: Contact Person in IR Department | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2181 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_CONT_REL | 10 | 1 | SRM Contact: Related Contacts | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2182 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_CONT_STH | 16 | 1 | SRM Contact: Stakeholders | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2183 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_CONT_TXT | 5 | 1 | SRM Contacts: Texts | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2184 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_IDXSTA | 11 | 2 | USC Documents:: Status Table for Indexing of Documents | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2185 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_MAILPROVIDER | 3 | 1 | Contacts: Service Provider for Mass Mailing | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2186 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_PHF | 9 | 1 | USC Documents:: Files of Physical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2187 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_PHHR | 11 | 3 | USC Documents:: Outbound Hyperlinks from Physical Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2188 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_PHHRPR | 8 | 2 | USC Documents:: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2189 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_PHIO | 24 | 2 | USC Documents:: Instances of Physical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2190 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_PHNM | 11 | 3 | USC Documents:: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2191 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_PHNMPR | 10 | 2 | USC Documents:: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2192 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_PHPR | 6 | 2 | USC Documents:: Attributes of Physcial Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2193 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_PHRE | 10 | 3 | USC Documents:: Outbound Relationships of Physical InfoObj | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2194 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_PHREPR | 8 | 2 | USC Documents:: Outbound Relationship Attributes of PHIOs | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2195 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_PHRI | 10 | 3 | USC Documents:: Inbound Relationships of Physical InfoObject | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2196 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_PHRIPR | 8 | 2 | USC Documents:: Inbound Relationship Attributes of PHIOs | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2197 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USC_TEMPLATE | 4 | 1 | Forms / SmartForms by Communication Type | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2198 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDCHKF | 4 | 1 | USS Documents: File Name of Last Check-Out | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2199 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDCHKO | 9 | 1 | USS Documents: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2200 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDIDXSTA | 11 | 2 | USS Documents: Status Table for Indexing of Documents | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2201 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDLOIO | 17 | 1 | USS Documents: Instances of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2202 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDLOIOT | 4 | 1 | USS Documents: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2203 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDLOPR | 6 | 2 | USS Documents: Attribute Values of Logical Information Obj. | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2204 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDLORE | 10 | 3 | USS Documents: Outgoing Relationships of Logical InfoObjects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2205 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDLOREPR | 8 | 2 | USS Documents: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2206 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDLORI | 10 | 3 | USS Documents: Incoming Relationships of Logical InfoObjects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2207 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDLORIPR | 8 | 2 | US Documents: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2208 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDPHF | 9 | 1 | USS Documents: Files of Physical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2209 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDPHHR | 11 | 3 | USS Documents: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2210 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDPHHRPR | 8 | 2 | USS Documents: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2211 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDPHIO | 24 | 2 | USS Documents: Instances of Physical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2212 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDPHNM | 11 | 3 | USS Documents: Usage of Target Anchors in Physical Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2213 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDPHNMPR | 10 | 2 | USS Documents: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2214 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDPHPR | 6 | 2 | USS Documents: Attributes of Physical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2215 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDPHRE | 10 | 3 | USS Documents: Outgoing Relationships of Physical InfoObject | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2216 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDPHREPR | 8 | 2 | USS Documents: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of PHIOs | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2217 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDPHRI | 10 | 3 | USS Documents: Incoming Relationships of Physical InfoObject | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2218 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSDPHRIPR | 8 | 2 | USS Documents: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of PHIOs | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2219 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSFLOIO | 17 | 1 | USS Verzeichnis: Instances of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2220 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSFLOIOT | 4 | 1 | USS Folder:: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2221 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSFLOPR | 6 | 2 | USS Folder:: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2222 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSFLORE | 10 | 3 | USS Folder:: Outgoing Relationships of Logical InfoObjects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2223 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSFLOREPR | 8 | 2 | USS Folder:: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2224 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSFLORI | 10 | 3 | USS Folder:: Incoming Relationships of Logical InfoObjects | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2225 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USSFLORIPR | 8 | 2 | USS Folder:: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2226 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_BWKW_DOC_GRP | 3 | 1 | SRM: Transfer Table for DOC_GRP | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2227 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_BW_CONTACT | 3 | 1 | SRM: Transfer Table for CONTACT | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2228 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_BW_HIERARCHY | 6 | 1 | USTH0: BW Hierarchy | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2229 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_BW_INFREQ | 5 | 1 | SRM: Transfer Table for INFREQUEST | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2230 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_COMP_FIGS | 12 | 1 | Key Figures Related to Company | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2231 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_CONT_GRAF | 2 | 1 | Contact Categories for Graphic | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2232 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_COVERAGE | 2 | 1 | Coverage (Industries, Regions) | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2233 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_CUST_TABLE | 4 | 1 | SRM: Customizing Table | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2234 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_DENOM | 2 | 1 | Denomination of the Stock | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2235 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_EXP_TYPE | 2 | 1 | Expectations | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2236 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_FIG_CTYPE | 3 | 1 | Key Figures Related to Company | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2237 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_FIG_STYPE | 3 | 1 | Key Figure Related to Securities | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2238 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_FIN_CENTER | 2 | 1 | Financial Center | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2239 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_INFLUENCE | 2 | 1 | Stakeholder Influence | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2240 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_INFO_SOURCE | 2 | 1 | Information Sources | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2241 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_LANGU | 3 | 1 | Languages and Their Priority in SEM-SRM | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2242 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_NOT_ASSIGNED | 8 | 2 | Stakeholder that have no group and/or no influence | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2243 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_PARTNER_DEL | 2 | 1 | Stakeholders whose data is to be deleted | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2244 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_PORTFOLIO | 8 | 1 | Company Portfolio | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2245 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_PORTF_STAT | 2 | 1 | Portfolio: Status | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2246 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_RATINGS | 11 | 1 | Analyst Ratings | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2247 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_RAT_DOCS | 7 | 1 | Analyst Ratings: Documents | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2248 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_RECOMMEND | 3 | 1 | Analyst Recommendation | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2249 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_RFCDEST | 2 | 1 | SRM: RFC Destination for BW (Only 1 Entry per Client) | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2250 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_SEC_TYPE | 2 | 1 | Security Type | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2251 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_SHARE_ABS | 5 | 1 | SRM: Total Number of All Company Shares | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2252 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_SHARE_DIVID | 5 | 1 | Dividends per Security | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2253 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_SHARE_FIGS | 12 | 1 | Key Figure Related to Securities | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2254 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_SHARE_TICK | 4 | 1 | Ticker Symbols | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2255 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_SHARE_TYPE | 13 | 3 | SEM-SRM: Table for Shares | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2256 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_SHARE_VAL | 4 | 1 | SRM: Total Number of All Company Shares | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2257 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_SKWF_PKG | 4 | 1 | SRM: Special KW Packages with Attributes | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2258 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_SRM_POSIT | 2 | 1 | Position of a Stakeholder in the Company | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2259 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_STAKEHOLDER | 14 | 1 | SEM-SRM: Specific Master Data of Stakeholder | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2260 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_STH_CONT | 3 | 1 | SRM: Contact Dummy Table for Data Import | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2261 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_STH_CONT1 | 4 | 1 | SRM: Contact Dummy Table for Data Import | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2262 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_STH_COVER | 10 | 2 | SEM-SRM: Relationship Stakeholder and Coverage | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2263 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_STH_EXPECT | 20 | 3 | SEM-SRM: Expectations of Stakeholders | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2264 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_STH_GRP | 2 | 1 | Stakeholder Group | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2265 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_STH_INFL | 15 | 3 | SEM-SRM: Influence of Stakeholders | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2266 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_STH_SHARE | 14 | 2 | SEM-SRM: Shares of Stakeholders | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2267 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_STH_SHARE_PR | 8 | 1 | SRM: Shares of Investors in Company | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2268 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_STH_STH_GRP | 13 | 3 | SEM-SRM: Group of Stakeholders | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2269 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_STOCK_INDEX | 6 | 1 | Stock Indices | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2270 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TCOVERAGE | 5 | 1 | SRM: Coverage Text | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2271 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TDENOM | 5 | 1 | SRM: Text for Denomination of Stock | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2272 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TEXP_TYPE | 5 | 1 | SRM: Text for Type of Expectation | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2273 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TFIG_CTYPE | 5 | 1 | Text for Key Figures Related to Company | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2274 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TFIG_STYPE | 5 | 1 | Text for Key Figure Related to Securities | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2275 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TFIN_CENTER | 5 | 1 | Text for Financial Center | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2276 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TINFLUENCE | 5 | 1 | SRM: Text for Influence | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2277 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TINFO_SOURCE | 5 | 1 | SRM: Text for Information Sources | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2278 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TPORTF_STAT | 5 | 1 | Text for Portfolio: Status | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2279 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TRECOMMEND | 5 | 1 | Text for Analyst Recommendation | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2280 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TREE_DEFAULT | 6 | 1 | SRM: User-Specific Settings for Transactions usth0 and ucon0 | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2281 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TSEC_TYPE | 5 | 1 | SRM: Text for Security Type | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2282 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TSRM_POSIT | 5 | 1 | SRM: Text for Position | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2283 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TSTH_GRP | 5 | 1 | SRM: Text for Stakeholder Group | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2284 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_TSTOCK_INDEX | 5 | 1 | SRM: Text for Stock Indexes | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2285 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_UCON0_DATA07 | 6 | 1 | UCON0: Hierarchy 07, Data | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2286 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_UCON0_DATA08 | 6 | 1 | UCON0: Hierarchy 08, Data | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2287 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_UCON0_HIER05 | 6 | 1 | UCON0: Hierarchy 05 | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2288 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_USTH0_DATA04 | 6 | 1 | USTH0: Hierarchy 04, Data | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2289 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_USTH0_DATA06 | 6 | 1 | USTH0: Hierarchy 06, Data | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2290 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_USTH0_DATA07 | 6 | 1 | USTH0: Hierarchy 07, Data | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2291 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_USTH0_HIER03 | 3 | 1 | USTH0: Hierarchy 03 | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2292 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_USTH0_HIER04 | 6 | 1 | USTH0: Hierarchy 04 | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2293 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_USUR1_DATA | 6 | 1 | USUR1: Stakeholder to a Hierarchy | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
2294 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | USS_WEB_SURVEY | 6 | 1 | USUR0: Link Between Web Survey and Contact | Stakeholder Relationship Management |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: Biller Direct :: Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
2295 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | DEBPPEVENTLOG | 20 | 4 | Logged Event | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2296 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EBPPINT_DEBUG | 4 | 1 | Biller Direct: Debugging | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2297 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EBPPNO | 5 | 1 | The Counters for the Biller Direct Project are Saved Here | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2298 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EBPPPC | 6 | 1 | Biller Direct Data for the Payment Cards | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2299 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EBPP_AR_CONTACT | 11 | 1 | Index of the Comments Created in Biller Direct | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2300 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EBPP_KNB1 | 19 | 1 | FSCM Master Data Customer Enhancement (Company Code) | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2301 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EBPP_ORDER_HDR | 9 | 1 | Zahlungsanweisungen über EBPP: Kopfdaten | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2302 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EBPP_ORDER_ITM | 8 | 1 | Payment Orders via Biller Direct: Items | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2303 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EBPP_ORDER_PAY | 13 | 1 | Payment Orders via Biller Direct: Payment Data | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2304 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EBPP_T000 | 2 | 1 | Setting for Bill Release | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2305 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EBPP_T043G | 11 | 1 | Biller Direct: Settings for User Tolerances | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2306 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | EBPP_TTXID | 2 | 1 | Text IDs for Biller Direct complaint texts | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2307 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | T042ICC | 8 | 1 | Account Determination Payment Cards in Payment Program | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2308 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | T042ZEBPP | 4 | 1 | Biller Direct Payment Methods | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2309 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TACTT_EBPP | 3 | 1 | Processing Functions with Authorization Protection (BD) | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2310 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TACT_EBPP | 1 | 1 | Processing Functions with Authorization Protection (BD) | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2311 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPADDRESS | 6 | 1 | Contact Person Key for the Partner | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2312 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPCAT | 7 | 1 | Log Categories Control Part SAP | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2313 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPCATCOCD | 3 | 1 | Inactive Company Code for each Log Category | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2314 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPCATCUST | 7 | 1 | Log Categories Control Part Customer | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2315 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPCATCUSTT | 5 | 1 | Text Table for TEBPPCATCUST | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2316 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPCATT | 3 | 1 | Text Table for Log Entries | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2317 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPCOMMFLAG | 9 | 1 | Notification Methods for Communication Events | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2318 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPCOMMPRD | 3 | 1 | Assign Communication Event to a Time Period Group | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2319 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPEXTSTATUS | 3 | 1 | External description of the invoice | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2320 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPEXTSTATUST | 5 | 1 | Text table for TEBPPEXTSTATUS | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2321 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPINQUIRYRES | 2 | 1 | Reason code of the vendor inquiry | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2322 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPINQUIRYREST | 4 | 1 | Text table of TEBPPQINUIRYRES | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2323 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPINQUIRYSW | 2 | 1 | Switches to select vendor inquiry system | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2324 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPPERIOD | 2 | 1 | Biller Direct Notification Periods | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2325 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPPERIODT | 4 | 1 | Texts for Time Period Groups | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2326 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPPPMNTDESCR | 4 | 1 | SAPScript used for payment descrption per company | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2327 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPP_COMMEVENT | 1 | 1 | Communication Event in Biller Direct | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2328 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPP_COMMEVENTT | 3 | 1 | Texts for Communication Events in Biller Direct | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2329 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPP_REC_INV | 6 | 1 | SAP Biller Direct: Bill Receipt Processing | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2330 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPP_REC_INV_A | 9 | 1 | SAP Biller Direct: Bill Receipt Processing: Archive | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2331 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPP_REC_INV_C | 5 | 1 | Biller Direct: Set Bill Receipt Processing | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2332 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEBPP_REC_INV_I | 7 | 1 | SAP Biller Direct: Bill Receipt Processing: IDoc | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2333 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFSCM_ISR | 5 | 2 | FSCM: List of Open ISR Messages in the FSCM Area | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2334 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFSCM_PROFILES | 2 | 1 | Reference User for Biller Direct | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2335 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFSCM_PROFILEST | 4 | 1 | Reference User for Biller Direct | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2336 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_BW_INV_DELTA | 6 | 2 | Delta Queue for BI Invoice Extractor | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2337 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_BR_GPRS | 5 | 1 | Additional Business Partners, Enhancemnt to FDM_COLL_BR_HEAD | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2338 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_BR_HEAD | 5 | 2 | Branch/Head Office Relationship in Collections Management | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2339 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_CCOLOAD | 5 | 1 | Company Codes for which Initial Load Performed | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2340 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_LASTPAY | 9 | 1 | Last Payments of Business Partner | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2341 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_LTRIG | 4 | 1 | Missing Entries of Table FDM_COLL_STRIG | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2342 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_PAY_RS | 7 | 1 | Payments of a Business Partner (Customer Involved) | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2343 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_TROBJ | 12 | 2 | FSCM-COL: Trigger Table for Collections Management | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2344 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COMP_MIRROR | 8 | 4 | Company Code Assignment (Substitute <-> Original) | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2345 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_CONTACT_BUF | 8 | 1 | Personalization of Contact Person Data | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2346 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_CONT_ENQUEUE | 4 | 1 | Auxiliary Table for Lock Object EFDM_CONT_MIRROR | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2347 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_CONT_MIRROR | 5 | 3 | Contact Person Assignment (Substitute <-> Original) | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2348 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_CUSTB_MIRROR | 5 | 2 | Administration Information for Customer Master Data (B Seg.) | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2349 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_CUST_ENQUEUE | 4 | 1 | Auxiliary Table for Lock Object EFDM_CUST_MIRROR | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2350 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_CUST_MIRROR | 6 | 3 | Customer Assignment (Substitute <-> Original) | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2351 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_DOCLI_MIRROR | 5 | 1 | Information Regarding Data Transfer | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2352 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_DOC_MIRROR | 51 | 3 | Document Information (Raw Data in Substitute System) | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2353 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_ESYS_MIRROR | 5 | 3 | Original Systems (SAP or Non-SAP System) | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2354 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_ESYS_MIRRORT | 4 | 1 | Text Table for Table FDM_ESYS_MIRROR | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2355 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_INVOICE_ACT | 3 | 1 | Provision of Invoice Information: Active Procedure | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2356 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_INVOICE_MEM | 24 | 3 | Invoice Information Provided | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2357 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_INVOICE_METH | 3 | 1 | Procedure for Providing Invoice Information | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2358 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_INV_MEM_OBS | 6 | 1 | Invoice Information Provided Obsolete | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2359 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_LOAD_MIRROR | 1 | 1 | Procedure for Loading Master and Transaction Data | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2360 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_LOAD_MIRRORT | 3 | 1 | Text Table for Table FDM_LOAD_MIRROR | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2361 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_PERSONALIZE | 4 | 1 | Personalization of Collections Management | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2362 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_STAT_MIRROR | 4 | 1 | Activation status | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: Collections Management :: Basic Functions |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
2363 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_P2P_ATTR | 29 | 2 | Promise to Pay | Basic Functions |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: Credit Management :: Adaptor |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
2364 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKMCOMM_TYPES_PI | 1 | 1 | delete | Adaptor |
2365 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_COM_0C | 2 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Commitment Categories | Adaptor |
2366 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_COM_0T | 4 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Texts for Credit Exposure Categories | Adaptor |
2367 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_DCDOBJ | 8 | 2 | Credit Management Link to DCD Case | Adaptor |
2368 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_KKBER2SGM | 3 | 1 | Assignment of Credit Control Area to Credit Segment | Adaptor |
2369 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_PI_SGM0C | 2 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Segment Data | Adaptor |
2370 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_PI_SGM0T | 4 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Description | Adaptor |
2371 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_TRANSFER_AR | 15 | 1 | Data from AR for SAP Credit Management | Adaptor |
2372 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_TRANSFER_ARV | 16 | 1 | Data from AR for SAP Credit Management | Adaptor |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: Credit Management :: Basic Functions |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
2373 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKMATTRPROF | 3 | 1 | Attribute Profiles | Basic Functions |
2374 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKMATTRPROFA | 6 | 1 | Attributes for Profile | Basic Functions |
2375 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKMATTRPROFG | 3 | 1 | Attribute Groups for Profile | Basic Functions |
2376 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKMATTRPROFGT | 5 | 1 | Text Table for the Attribute Groups for Profile | Basic Functions |
2377 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKMATTRPROFT | 4 | 1 | Text Table for the Attribute Profiles | Basic Functions |
2378 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKMBP_CMS | 13 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Credit Master Data for Partner | Basic Functions |
2379 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKMBP_CMS_SGM | 20 | 2 | SAP Credit Management: Master Data for Credit Account | Basic Functions |
2380 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKMBP_VECTOR_IT | 38 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Credit Segment | Basic Functions |
2381 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKMCASEATTR00 | 13 | 2 | Attribute of Credit Case | Basic Functions |
2382 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKMCOMM_TYPES | 5 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Liability Categories | Basic Functions |
2383 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKMCOMM_TYPEST | 4 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Texts for Liability Categories | Basic Functions |
2384 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKMCRED_SGM0C | 7 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Segment Data | Basic Functions |
2385 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKMCRED_SGM0T | 4 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Texts for Segment Data | Basic Functions |
2386 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_ACT_EV_CTRL | 2 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Control Activity -> Event | Basic Functions |
2387 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_BL_REASON | 3 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Reason for Locks in Credit Management | Basic Functions |
2388 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_BL_REASON0T | 4 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Reason for Locks in Credit Management | Basic Functions |
2389 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_B_W_LIST | 3 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Simple Black and White Lists | Basic Functions |
2390 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_CHCKST_PARA | 3 | 1 | Parameters for Credit Check | Basic Functions |
2391 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_CHCK_CRSGM | 9 | 1 | Credit Segment-Dependent Checks | Basic Functions |
2392 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_CHCK_FIELD | 3 | 1 | Fields for Check Parameters | Basic Functions |
2393 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_CHCK_RULE | 5 | 1 | Rule for Credit Check | Basic Functions |
2394 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_CHCK_RULE0T | 4 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Name of Check Rule | Basic Functions |
2395 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_CHCK_SGMPAR | 3 | 1 | Assignment of Credit Segment Parameter to Individual Check | Basic Functions |
2396 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_CHCK_STEP | 11 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Assignment of Check Rule - Check | Basic Functions |
2397 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_CHECK_STEP0T | 3 | 1 | Text Table for UKM_CHECK_STEPS | Basic Functions |
2398 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_CHECK_STEPS | 1 | 1 | Value Table for Domain UKM_CHECK_STEP | Basic Functions |
2399 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_CRLT_RULE | 7 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Rule for Credit Limit Calculation | Basic Functions |
2400 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_CRLT_RULE0T | 4 | 1 | SAP Credit Mgt: Rule for Calculating Credit Limit (Texts) | Basic Functions |
2401 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_CUST_GRP | 2 | 1 | Customer Credit Groups | Basic Functions |
2402 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_CUST_GRP0T | 4 | 1 | Texts for Customer Credit Groups | Basic Functions |
2403 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_DCD_APPR_CAT | 5 | 1 | Define Approval Process (Doc. Credit Decision) | Basic Functions |
2404 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_DCD_ATTR | 28 | 2 | Attributes of a Documented Credit Decision | Basic Functions |
2405 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_DCD_AUTOSTAT | 3 | 1 | Automatic Status for Closing | Basic Functions |
2406 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_DCD_CASETYPE | 4 | 1 | Case Types for Documented Credit Decisions | Basic Functions |
2407 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_DCD_PDFFORM | 5 | 1 | PDF Forms for Documented Credit Decision | Basic Functions |
2408 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_EVENT_TYPES | 5 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Events | Basic Functions |
2409 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_EV_PR_CTRL | 2 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Control Event -> Follow-On Process | Basic Functions |
2410 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_EXT_GUID | 5 | 2 | Credit Management: Line Items | Basic Functions |
2411 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_FILE_EXT | 2 | 1 | FSCM-CM: Type for Attachments to Cr. Limit Requests (eSOA) | Basic Functions |
2412 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_FORMULAS | 4 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Formulas | Basic Functions |
2413 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_FORMULAS0T | 4 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Formula Texts | Basic Functions |
2414 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_INFOCAT | 2 | 1 | Info Categories | Basic Functions |
2415 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_INFOCAT0T | 4 | 1 | Texts for Info Category | Basic Functions |
2416 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_INFOTYP | 4 | 1 | Info Types | Basic Functions |
2417 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_INFOTYP0T | 5 | 1 | Texts for Info Types | Basic Functions |
2418 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_ITEM | 18 | 2 | Credit Management: Line Items | Basic Functions |
2419 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_ITEM_SEQIN | 22 | 1 | Credit Management Line Items Inbound | Basic Functions |
2420 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_LIMIT_RULE0T | 4 | 1 | SAP Credit Mgt: Rule for Calc. Score and Cr. Limit (Texts) | Basic Functions |
2421 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_LIMIT_RULES | 7 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Rules for Calc. Score and Credit Lim. | Basic Functions |
2422 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_PARAMETERS | 10 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Parameters and Functions | Basic Functions |
2423 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_PARAMETERS_T | 4 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Texts for UKM_PARAMETERS | Basic Functions |
2424 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_PM_BALANCE | 9 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Liability Totals | Basic Functions |
2425 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_PROCESSES | 3 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Processes | Basic Functions |
2426 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_PROV_RULE | 6 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: External Provider Assignment | Basic Functions |
2427 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_RICL_ASSIGN | 4 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Assignment of Risk Class to Score | Basic Functions |
2428 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_RISK_CL | 4 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Risk Class | Basic Functions |
2429 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_RISK_CL0T | 4 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Texts for Risk Class | Basic Functions |
2430 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_STATUS | 5 | 1 | FSCM-CR: Status to be Set for a Case Type | Basic Functions |
2431 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_SYGRP_LOG | 3 | 1 | Assignment of Logical System to System Group | Basic Functions |
2432 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_SYST_GRP | 2 | 1 | System Group | Basic Functions |
2433 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_SYST_GRP0T | 4 | 1 | Texts for System Group | Basic Functions |
2434 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UKM_TOTALS | 7 | 1 | SAP Credit Management: Liability Totals | Basic Functions |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: Dispute Management :: Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
2435 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_AR_MAPPING | 11 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Determination of Values of Source and Target Fields | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2436 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_AR_SOURCEFLD | 11 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Selection of Source Fields for Synchronization | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2437 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_AR_SYNC | 3 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Settings for Determination of Attribute Values | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2438 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_AR_TARGETFLD | 1 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Target Fields for Synchronization | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2439 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_AR_UMSKZ | 5 | 1 | FSCM: Integration of Special GL Indicator line items | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2440 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_AR_WRITEOFFS | 4 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Automatic Write-Offs Not Executed | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2441 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_BUFFER | 18 | 1 | Cluster for Decoupling in 1-System Scenario | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2442 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_CCM_CORR | 12 | 3 | Trigger Table for Manual Adjustments (Claims Management) | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2443 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_CDISCONFLICT | 7 | 3 | FSCM-DM: Conflicts in Automatic Assignment of Items to Cases | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2444 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_CDISPROPOSAL | 11 | 3 | FSCM-DM: Proposal for Assignment of OIs to Cust.-Init. Disp. | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2445 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_CFIELD | 4 | 1 | FSCM-COL: Relevant Fields for Document Changes (and so on) | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2446 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_COMPCOD | 5 | 1 | FSCM-COL: Active Company Codes of Collections Management | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2447 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_DUNNLEV | 4 | 1 | Harmonized Dunning Levels | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2448 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_FUNC | 4 | 1 | Additional Functions (Title Element 'Invoices') | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2449 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_FUNCDEA | 2 | 1 | Deactivate Additional Functions | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2450 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_FUNCT | 4 | 1 | Texts for Additional Functions (Title Element 'Invoices') | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2451 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_SFIELD | 3 | 1 | FSCM-COL: Relevant Fields for Document Changes (and so on) | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2452 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_COLL_STRIG | 7 | 1 | FSCM-COL: Control of Trigger Update in TROBJ | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2453 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_DCATTR | 8 | 1 | FSCM-DM Integration: Dispute Case Attributes | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2454 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_DCOBJ | 9 | 3 | FSCM-DM Integration: Disputed Objects | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2455 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_DCPROC | 23 | 2 | FSCM-DM Integration: Dispute Case Processes | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2456 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_INSTPLAN_TY | 8 | 1 | Installment Plan Type for Promise to Pay with Installments | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2457 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_INSTPLAN_TYI | 4 | 1 | Individual Installment Plan Type for Installment P2P | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2458 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_INSTPLAN_TYT | 4 | 1 | Name of Installment Plan Type | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2459 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_LDDB | 22 | 2 | FSCM-DM: Log And Delay Database | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2460 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_NOTE_TYPE | 2 | 1 | FDM Collections: Note Types | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2461 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_NOTE_TYPET | 4 | 1 | Note Types Text | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2462 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_P2P_ATTR | 8 | 1 | Attributes of Promise to Pay; Required for Process Integratn | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2463 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDM_P2P_INSTMNT | 5 | 1 | Installments in Promise to Pay with Installment | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2464 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_BDREASON | 4 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Default Values for Company Code | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2465 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_BDREASONT | 5 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Default Values for Company Code | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2466 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_CUSTDISP | 6 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Activation for Customer-Initiated Dispute Cases | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2467 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_DEFCC | 15 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Default Values for Company Code | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2468 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_DEFRC | 6 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Default Values for Company Code | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2469 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_DEFREF | 1 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Valid Fields for Reference Default Values | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2470 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_DEFREFT | 3 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Texts for Fields for Reference Default Values | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2471 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_GENERICTAB | 10 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Generic Table Values of Original and Target Fields | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2472 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_MAPPING | 10 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Generic Table Values of Original and Target Fields | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2473 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_P2PCC | 5 | 1 | Settings for Promise to Pay per Company Code | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2474 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_RSTGR | 3 | 1 | Reason Codes for CCM Process | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2475 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_SOURCEFIELD | 10 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Source Fields Synchronization of Attributes | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2476 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_TARGETFIELD | 1 | 1 | FDM_AR: Target Fields in Document | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2477 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_UMSKZ | 3 | 1 | Special G/L Indicator for CCM Process | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2478 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_WRITEOFF01 | 5 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Default Values for Writing Off Dispute Cases | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
2479 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TFDM_WRITEOFF02 | 6 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Default Values for Writing Off Dispute Cases | Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: Dispute Management :: Basic Functions |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
2480 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SCMG_LOC_FIELDS | 6 | 1 | Input Fields for Case Search | Basic Functions |
2481 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SCMG_LOC_PROFIL | 3 | 1 | Profile for Case Search | Basic Functions |
2482 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SCMG_LOC_PROFILT | 4 | 1 | Profile for Case Search | Basic Functions |
2483 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMATTRPROTECTED | 2 | 1 | Attributes That Must Not Be Changed by User | Basic Functions |
2484 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMATTRPUBLISH | 1 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Dispute Case Attributes to Be Published | Basic Functions |
2485 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMATTR_RCCODE | 3 | 1 | Case: Root Cause Code | Basic Functions |
2486 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMATTR_RCCODET | 5 | 1 | Root Cause Code | Basic Functions |
2487 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMCASEATTR00 | 29 | 3 | Dispute Case Attributes | Basic Functions |
2488 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMCASEATTR10 | 36 | 2 | Dispute Case Attribute for Account Balance (FI-CA) | Basic Functions |
2489 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMCASEATTR20 | 22 | 1 | Collection Case Attributes | Basic Functions |
2490 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMCASEATTRSYNC | 3 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Relevant Attributes for Synchronization | Basic Functions |
2491 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMCASEPROCESSOR | 3 | 1 | Regular Processor for Dispute Cases | Basic Functions |
2492 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMCHKF01 | 5 | 1 | Dispute Management: File Name of Last Checkout | Basic Functions |
2493 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMCHKF02 | 4 | 1 | Dispute Management: File Name of Last Checkout | Basic Functions |
2494 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMCHKO01 | 10 | 1 | Disp. Mgt: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information | Basic Functions |
2495 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMCHKO02 | 9 | 1 | Disp. Mgt: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information | Basic Functions |
2496 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMCONT01 | 7 | 1 | Dispute Management: Table for Doc. Content (Import/Export) | Basic Functions |
2497 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMCONT02 | 6 | 1 | Dispute Management: Table for Doc. Content (Import/Export) | Basic Functions |
2498 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMDOCL01 | 18 | 1 | Dispute Management: Instances of Logical Information Objects | Basic Functions |
2499 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMDOCL02 | 17 | 1 | Dispute Management: Instances of Logical Information Objects | Basic Functions |
2500 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMDOCP01 | 25 | 2 | Dispute Management: Instances of Physical Info. Objects | Basic Functions |
2501 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMDOCP02 | 24 | 2 | Dispute Management: Instances of Physical Info. Objects | Basic Functions |
2502 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMEVENT | 5 | 1 | Event | Basic Functions |
2503 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMEVENTT | 3 | 1 | Texts for Events | Basic Functions |
2504 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMEVENT_PARA | 7 | 1 | Define the Effect of Events on Dispute Cases | Basic Functions |
2505 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMEXTAPPL | 1 | 1 | External Application | Basic Functions |
2506 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMEXTAPPLT | 3 | 1 | External Application | Basic Functions |
2507 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMFILEEXT2 | 2 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Type for Attachments to Dispute Cases (eSOA) | Basic Functions |
2508 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMFILEEXTENSION | 2 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Type for Attachments from Biller Direct | Basic Functions |
2509 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMIDXST01 | 12 | 2 | Dispute Management: Status Table for Indexing Documents | Basic Functions |
2510 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMIDXST02 | 11 | 3 | Dispute Management: Status Table for Indexing Documents | Basic Functions |
2511 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMLOIOT01 | 5 | 1 | Dispute Management: Descriptions of Logical Info. Objects | Basic Functions |
2512 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMLOIOT02 | 4 | 1 | Dispute Management: Descriptions of Logical Info. Objects | Basic Functions |
2513 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMLOPR01 | 7 | 2 | Dispute Management: Attribute Values of Log. Info. Objects | Basic Functions |
2514 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMLOPR02 | 6 | 2 | Dispute Management: Attribute Values of Log. Info. Objects | Basic Functions |
2515 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMLORE01 | 11 | 3 | Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Relationships of Log. Info. Objects | Basic Functions |
2516 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMLORE02 | 10 | 3 | Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Relationships of Log. Info. Objects | Basic Functions |
2517 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMLORI01 | 11 | 3 | Disp. Mgt: Incoming Relationships of Log. Info. Objects | Basic Functions |
2518 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMLORI02 | 10 | 3 | Disp. Mgt: Incoming Relationships of Log. Info. Objects | Basic Functions |
2519 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMPHF01 | 10 | 1 | Dispute Management: Files for Physical Information Objects | Basic Functions |
2520 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMPHF02 | 9 | 1 | Dispute Management: Files for Physical Information Objects | Basic Functions |
2521 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMPHHR01 | 12 | 3 | Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects | Basic Functions |
2522 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMPHHR02 | 11 | 3 | Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects | Basic Functions |
2523 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMPHNM01 | 12 | 3 | Disp. Mgt: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Object | Basic Functions |
2524 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMPHNM02 | 11 | 3 | Disp. Mgt: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Object | Basic Functions |
2525 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMPHPR01 | 7 | 2 | Disp. Mgt: Attributes of Physical Information Objects | Basic Functions |
2526 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMPHPR02 | 6 | 2 | Disp. Mgt: Attributes of Physical Information Objects | Basic Functions |
2527 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMPHRE01 | 11 | 3 | Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Info. Objects | Basic Functions |
2528 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMPHRE02 | 10 | 3 | Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Info. Objects | Basic Functions |
2529 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMPHRI01 | 11 | 3 | Disp. Mgt: Incoming Relationships of Physical Info. Objects | Basic Functions |
2530 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMPHRI02 | 10 | 3 | Disp. Mgt: Incoming Relationships of Physical Info. Objects | Basic Functions |
2531 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDMPUBLISHPARA | 5 | 1 | Case: Parameters for the Transfer to External Applications | Basic Functions |
2532 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_AUTOSTAT_P2P | 4 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Automatic Status for Promise to Pay | Basic Functions |
2533 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_AUTO_STATUS | 5 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Automatic Status | Basic Functions |
2534 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_AUTO_TEXTID | 5 | 1 | Text ID Used to Include Notes | Basic Functions |
2535 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_CLASS_ADMIN | 3 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Mapping of Classification to Anchor and Relationshp | Basic Functions |
2536 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_FICA_REASON | 1 | 1 | Case: Internal Dispute Type | Basic Functions |
2537 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_FICA_REASONT | 3 | 1 | Case: Internal Dispute Type (Name) | Basic Functions |
2538 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_GUID_ADMIN | 3 | 2 | FSCM-DM: Mapping of Case GUID to External GUID | Basic Functions |
2539 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_LOC_FLDCHG | 3 | 1 | Attribute Modifiable via Case Search | Basic Functions |
2540 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_SPS_ADMIN | 4 | 1 | FSCM-DM Integration: Determination of Element Type | Basic Functions |
2541 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_T_CORRCONT | 7 | 1 | FSCM-DM: Container (Dialog Correspondence) | Basic Functions |
2542 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | UDM_T_PROC_STAT | 4 | 1 | Processing Status for Dispute Cases | Basic Functions |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: Treasury and Risk Management :: Analyzer |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
2543 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFO_CFUPD_SAVE | 8 | 1 | Administr. of Generated Payment Flows for Financial Objects | Analyzer |
2544 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFO_CF_UPDATE | 5 | 1 | FOs For Loans, For Which Payment Flows are Generated | Analyzer |
2545 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFO_FIELD_EXPT | 3 | 1 | Exception Handling for Characteristics for a Fin. Object | Analyzer |
2546 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFO_FOI_FAIL_ADM | 10 | 1 | FO Integration: Storage of Admin. Information for Error Logs | Analyzer |
2547 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFO_WORK_ADM | 5 | 1 | Administration Data for FO Worklists | Analyzer |
2548 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFO_WORK_ADMT | 4 | 1 | Administration Data for FO Worklists: Text Table | Analyzer |
2549 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFO_WORK_FO_FAIL | 3 | 1 | Financial Objects in Worklists | Analyzer |
2550 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_ASS | 7 | 1 | TRM: Assignment of Benchmarks to Portfolio per Variant | Analyzer |
2551 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_ASS_BMPH | 12 | 1 | TRM: Assignment of Benchmarks to Portfolio per Variant | Analyzer |
2552 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_ASS_T | 6 | 1 | TRM: Text Table for Assignment Variants | Analyzer |
2553 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_ASS_TREE | 4 | 1 | TRM: Assignment of Benchmark ID to PH Nodes per Variant | Analyzer |
2554 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_ATT_BM | 13 | 1 | TRM: Key Table for Benchmark Master Data(General Attributes) | Analyzer |
2555 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_ATT_BM_T | 4 | 1 | TRM: Text Tabel for Master Data for Benchmarks | Analyzer |
2556 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_BASIC | 24 | 1 | TRM: Additional Attributes of a Basic Benchmark | Analyzer |
2557 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_CALCADMIN | 6 | 1 | Administration of Calculation of Benchmark | Analyzer |
2558 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_CALC_PROT | 11 | 1 | Administration of Authorization for Benchmarks | Analyzer |
2559 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_CHVAL | 9 | 1 | TRM: Benchmark: Assignment of Characteristics and Values | Analyzer |
2560 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_COMP | 9 | 1 | TRM: Additional Attributes of a Composite Benchmark | Analyzer |
2561 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_COMP_REL | 5 | 1 | TRM: Relationships within a Composite Benchmark | Analyzer |
2562 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_DEL_ADM | 6 | 1 | Deleted Objects from PAEPBM as a Worklist | Analyzer |
2563 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_DEL_ADM_T | 4 | 1 | Deleted Objects from PAEPBM as a Worklist | Analyzer |
2564 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_DEL_OBJ | 6 | 1 | Deleted Objects from PAEPBM as a Worklist | Analyzer |
2565 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_PH_EVALP | 7 | 1 | TRM: Definition of Exception Handling for PH Variant | Analyzer |
2566 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWBM_REASON | 4 | 1 | TRM: Benchmark - Documentation for Changes | Analyzer |
2567 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWCH_BPCTL | 4 | 1 | BPMIG: Status Management for AFWCH-Specific Conversion | Analyzer |
2568 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWCH_CHARS_DBT | 3 | 1 | AFW: Selection of Character.for Segments (for Table Control) | Analyzer |
2569 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWCH_FCAT_SAMP | 50 | 1 | AFW: Sample Customizing Characteristics | Analyzer |
2570 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWCH_FDEP_SAMP | 3 | 1 | AFW: Sample Customizing Characteristic Dependencies | Analyzer |
2571 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWCH_FL | 17 | 1 | AFWCH: Filter List | Analyzer |
2572 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWCH_FLD | 10 | 1 | AFWCH: Filter Definition | Analyzer |
2573 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWCH_FLD_BK | 11 | 1 | Backup Filter Definition | Analyzer |
2574 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWCH_FLT | 4 | 1 | AFWCH: Filter Text Table | Analyzer |
2575 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWCH_FL_BK | 19 | 1 | AFWCH: Header Data for Filter History | Analyzer |
2576 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWCH_PHDEFALT | 8 | 1 | Alternative Portfolio Hierarchy Definition | Analyzer |
2577 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWCH_STR_SAMP | 27 | 1 | Sample Customizing | Analyzer |
2578 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_CALCADMIN | 12 | 1 | Management of Analysis Runs for Each Eval. Proc. 2 | Analyzer |
2579 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_CNTL_EP1 | 8 | 1 | Risk Analyzer: Analyzer Control Information | Analyzer |
2580 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_EPROCK | 11 | 1 | Evaluation Procedure: Key Figure Assignment Transport Table | Analyzer |
2581 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_EPROCK_H | 11 | 1 | Eval. Proc.: Key Fig. Assignment / Attribute Table Time-Dep. | Analyzer |
2582 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_EVALPROC1 | 10 | 1 | Evaluation Procedure for Single Records: Definition | Analyzer |
2583 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_EVALPROC1H | 5 | 1 | Evaluation Procedure for Single Records: Definition | Analyzer |
2584 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_EVALPROC1K | 3 | 1 | Obsolete: Eval.Proc. for Single Records: Key Figure Groups | Analyzer |
2585 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_EVALPROC1T | 4 | 1 | Analyzer Evaluation Procedure for Single Records: Text Table | Analyzer |
2586 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_EVALPROC2 | 8 | 1 | Evaluation Procedure Final Results Records: Definition | Analyzer |
2587 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_EVALPROC2H | 4 | 1 | Evaluation Procedure Final Results Records: Definition | Analyzer |
2588 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_EVALPROC2K | 3 | 1 | Obsolete: Eval. Proc. for Final Result Rcds: Key Fig. Assmt | Analyzer |
2589 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_EVALPROC2P | 3 | 1 | Evaluation Procedure Fin. Results Records: PH Assignment | Analyzer |
2590 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_EVALPROC2Q | 4 | 1 | Evaluation Procedure Fin. Results Records: PH Assignment | Analyzer |
2591 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_EVALPROC2T | 4 | 1 | Analyzer Evaluation Proc. Final Results: Text Table | Analyzer |
2592 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_FO_REWORK | 9 | 1 | Management of Financial Objects to be Postprocessed Per EP1 | Analyzer |
2593 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_LOADADMIN | 16 | 1 | Management of Single Records Procedures per Date | Analyzer |
2594 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_LOGHISTORY | 9 | 1 | History of Application Logs in Single Records Procedure | Analyzer |
2595 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWGO_MDATA_EP1 | 7 | 1 | Calculation Bases for Each Single Records Procedure | Analyzer |
2596 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFAA_AAPOS | 5 | 1 | Key Figures: Position in Position Currency | Analyzer |
2597 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFAA_AAPOSCC | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: Position in Evaluation Currency | Analyzer |
2598 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFAA_GENPOS | 5 | 1 | Key Figure: Generic Position Key Figure | Analyzer |
2599 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFAA_GENPOSCC | 5 | 1 | Key Figure: Generic Position Key Figure in Calculation Curre | Analyzer |
2600 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFAA_KEYFIG | 4 | 1 | Key Figure Types | Analyzer |
2601 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFAA_KEYFIG_T | 3 | 1 | AA Key Figure Types Text Table | Analyzer |
2602 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFAA_POSCOMP | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: Position Components for Genric Position Key fig | Analyzer |
2603 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_AAPOSCC_H | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: Position in Evaluation Currency | Analyzer |
2604 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_AAPOS_H | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: Position in Position Currency | Analyzer |
2605 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_CATE | 12 | 1 | Key Figure Category | Analyzer |
2606 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_CATET | 3 | 1 | Key Figure Category (Text Table) | Analyzer |
2607 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_CATE_MVAL | 3 | 1 | Multiple-Value Key Figure Categories | Analyzer |
2608 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_CATE_MVALT | 4 | 1 | Multiple-Value Key Figure Categories (Text Tables) | Analyzer |
2609 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_DEFIN | 9 | 1 | Key Figure Definition (General Part) | Analyzer |
2610 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_DEFINT | 4 | 1 | Key Figure Definition (Text Table) | Analyzer |
2611 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_GENPOSCC_H | 6 | 1 | Key Figure: Generic Position Key Figure History | Analyzer |
2612 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_GENPOS_H | 6 | 1 | Key Figure: Generic Position Key Figure History | Analyzer |
2613 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_KB0 | 4 | 1 | Key Figure Definition: Attribution of NPV Basis | Analyzer |
2614 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_KB0_H | 5 | 1 | Key Fig. Definition: Attributes for NPV Basis (Attrib.Table) | Analyzer |
2615 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_MAIN_SUBSC | 4 | 1 | Subscreens for Maintaining Key Figures and Procedures | Analyzer |
2616 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_POSCOMP_H | 5 | 1 | Key Figure: Position Component History | Analyzer |
2617 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFW_APPL | 1 | 1 | Analyzer Application | Analyzer |
2618 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFW_APPLT | 3 | 1 | Analyzer Application (Text Table) | Analyzer |
2619 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | I81NN | 2 | 1 | RM characteristics : & | Analyzer |
2620 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | I82NN | 5 | 1 | RM texts for characteristics: & | Analyzer |
2621 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRHISPHBAUMS | 24 | 1 | Tree Structure for Deactivated Portfolio Hierarchies | Analyzer |
2622 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRHISPHTEXT | 9 | 1 | RM: Portfolio Texts for Deactivated Portfolio Hierachy | Analyzer |
2623 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRHISPHZUORDN | 6 | 1 | RM Deactivated PH: Assign Base Portfolios to End Nodes | Analyzer |
2624 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBAA_REC_CCYPOS | 6 | 1 | "Generic" Single Record Items with Currency | Analyzer |
2625 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBAA_REC_HEADER | 15 | 1 | Single Record Header for Accounting Analyzer | Analyzer |
2626 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBAA_SUM_CURR | 13 | 1 | Final Results for Additive Key Figures in Currency: TRM-AA | Analyzer |
2627 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBAA_SUM_GEN | 12 | 1 | Final Results for Additive Generic Key Figures: TRM-AA | Analyzer |
2628 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_APPL | 12 | 1 | Analyzer Application: Settings for Results Database | Analyzer |
2629 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_FIENM_POS | 6 | 1 | Encryption of Key Figure ID in Field Name and Item No. | Analyzer |
2630 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_I9REC | 5 | 1 | RDB: Single Record Characteristics (Generation Template) | Analyzer |
2631 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_KFCAT | 8 | 1 | Key Figure Category: Settings for Non-Generic Key Figures | Analyzer |
2632 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_KFCREC_TEM | 4 | 1 | Single Record Item Table for Key Fig. Category (Template) | Analyzer |
2633 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_NSUM_CURR | 14 | 1 | Final Results for Non-Add. Key Figures in Crcy (Template) | Analyzer |
2634 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_NSUM_GEN | 13 | 1 | Final Results for Non-Add. Generic Key Figures (Template) | Analyzer |
2635 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_RECNR_SUB | 2 | 1 | RDB: Subobject for Number Ranges (Single Record Number) | Analyzer |
2636 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_REC_CHAR | 5 | 1 | RDB: Single Record Characteristics (Generation Template) | Analyzer |
2637 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_REC_CURRPOS | 15 | 1 | Currently Not Used | Analyzer |
2638 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_REC_CURRPOS1 | 8 | 1 | Single Record Items: Generic Key Figs with Crcy (Template) | Analyzer |
2639 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_REC_GENPOS | 14 | 1 | Currently Not Used | Analyzer |
2640 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_REC_GENPOS1 | 5 | 1 | Single Record Items: Generic Key Figs w/o Crcy (Template) | Analyzer |
2641 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_REC_HEADER | 15 | 1 | Single Record Header (Template) | Analyzer |
2642 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_REC_QUAN1 | 6 | 1 | Single Record Items: Quantity Generic Key Figs (Template) | Analyzer |
2643 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_SUM_CURR | 13 | 1 | Final Results: Additive Key Figures in Currency (Template) | Analyzer |
2644 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_SUM_GEN | 12 | 1 | Final Results: Additive Generic Key Figures (Template) | Analyzer |
2645 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDB_SUM_NSUM_TEM | 15 | 1 | Specific Final Results (Template) | Analyzer |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: Treasury and Risk Management :: Market Risk Analyzer |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
2646 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_BCK0 | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: Backtesting for Profit and Loss | Market Risk Analyzer |
2647 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_BCK0_H | 8 | 1 | Key Figures: Backtesting for Profit and Loss - History | Market Risk Analyzer |
2648 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_CAT | 5 | 1 | Key Figure Category: Control for Risk Analyzer | Market Risk Analyzer |
2649 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_FML | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: Formula Definition | Market Risk Analyzer |
2650 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_K00 | 3 | 1 | Key Figures: Direct Redefinition of Dual Interest Rate Shift | Market Risk Analyzer |
2651 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_K00_H | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: Direct Redefinition of Dual Interest Rate Shift | Market Risk Analyzer |
2652 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_K01 | 3 | 1 | Key Figures: Direct Redefinition of Int. Rate Sensitivities | Market Risk Analyzer |
2653 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_K01_H | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: Direct Redefinition of Int. Rate Sensitivities | Market Risk Analyzer |
2654 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KB0 | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: NPV with Currency | Market Risk Analyzer |
2655 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KB00 | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: NPV in transaction currency | Market Risk Analyzer |
2656 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KB00_H | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: NPV in transaction currency | Market Risk Analyzer |
2657 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KB0_H | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: NPV with Currency | Market Risk Analyzer |
2658 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KB2 | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: Net Present Value with Currency - VaR Basis | Market Risk Analyzer |
2659 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KB2_H | 5 | 1 | Key Figures: NPV with Currency - VaR Basis | Market Risk Analyzer |
2660 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KBB | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: Backtesting | Market Risk Analyzer |
2661 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KBE | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: Exposure | Market Risk Analyzer |
2662 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KBE_H | 5 | 1 | Key Figures: Exposure | Market Risk Analyzer |
2663 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KBF | 3 | 1 | Key Figures: Key Figure Formulas | Market Risk Analyzer |
2664 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KBX | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: NPV with Market Data Shift | Market Risk Analyzer |
2665 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KBX_H | 5 | 1 | Key Figures: NPV with Market Data Shift | Market Risk Analyzer |
2666 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KD0 | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: Positions in Risk Hierarchy | Market Risk Analyzer |
2667 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KD0_H | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: Items in the Risk Hierarchy | Market Risk Analyzer |
2668 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KG1 | 15 | 1 | Key Figures: P&L Delta/Gamma | Market Risk Analyzer |
2669 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KG1_H | 16 | 1 | Key Figures: P+L Delta/Gamma | Market Risk Analyzer |
2670 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KS0 | 3 | 1 | Key Figures: Direct Redefinition | Market Risk Analyzer |
2671 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KS0_H | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: Direct Redifinition | Market Risk Analyzer |
2672 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KS1 | 3 | 1 | Key Figure: Direct Redefinition of YTM | Market Risk Analyzer |
2673 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KS1_H | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: Direct Redefinition / AT (for YTM) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2674 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KS2 | 3 | 1 | Key Figures: Direct Redefinition (for Modified Duration) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2675 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KS2_H | 4 | 1 | Key Figure: Direct Redefinition / AT | Market Risk Analyzer |
2676 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KVK | 10 | 1 | Key Figures: Value at Risk with Parameters | Market Risk Analyzer |
2677 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KVK1 | 10 | 1 | Key Figures: Value at Risk with Parameters | Market Risk Analyzer |
2678 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KVK1_H | 11 | 1 | Key Figures: Value-at-Risk with Parameters | Market Risk Analyzer |
2679 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KVK2 | 10 | 1 | Key Figures: Marginal Value at Risk with Parameters | Market Risk Analyzer |
2680 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KVK2_H | 11 | 1 | Key Figures: Marginal Value-at-Risk with Parameters / AT | Market Risk Analyzer |
2681 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KVK_H | 11 | 1 | Key Figures: Value-at-Risk with Parameters | Market Risk Analyzer |
2682 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KVS | 5 | 1 | Key Figures: Value at Risk Simulated | Market Risk Analyzer |
2683 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KVS1 | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: Mean Excess Loss Simulated | Market Risk Analyzer |
2684 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KVS1_H | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: Mean Excess Loss Simulated / AT | Market Risk Analyzer |
2685 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_KVS_H | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: Value-at-Risk - Simulated | Market Risk Analyzer |
2686 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_QKF | 5 | 1 | Key Figures: Quantity Key Figure for commodity instruments | Market Risk Analyzer |
2687 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFRA_QKF_H | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: Commodity Key Figure for commodity instruments | Market Risk Analyzer |
2688 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATRF | 3 | 1 | Risk factor | Market Risk Analyzer |
2689 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATRFART | 6 | 1 | Risk factor type | Market Risk Analyzer |
2690 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATRFARTT | 4 | 1 | Risk factors - risk factor type texts | Market Risk Analyzer |
2691 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATRFBETA | 6 | 1 | Risk factor description beta factors | Market Risk Analyzer |
2692 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATRFKORR | 10 | 1 | Risk factor description correlations | Market Risk Analyzer |
2693 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATRFT | 4 | 1 | Risk Factors - Definition of Risk Factor Name | Market Risk Analyzer |
2694 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATRFVO | 6 | 1 | Risk factor volatilities | Market Risk Analyzer |
2695 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATRFVOLA | 5 | 1 | Descriptions of Risk Factors for Volatility Names | Market Risk Analyzer |
2696 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATVC1 | 1 | 1 | Calculation routines | Market Risk Analyzer |
2697 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATVMO | 19 | 1 | Calculation Methods Risk Management | Market Risk Analyzer |
2698 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATVO0T | 4 | 1 | Text Table for Name of Volatility | Market Risk Analyzer |
2699 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATVO61 | 3 | 1 | Volatilities - Mapping from Reference Interest Rates | Market Risk Analyzer |
2700 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATVO62 | 4 | 1 | Volatilities - Mapping from Currency Pairs | Market Risk Analyzer |
2701 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATVO63 | 3 | 1 | Volatilities - Mapping from Security ID Numbers | Market Risk Analyzer |
2702 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATVO64 | 3 | 1 | Volatilities - Mapping from Security Indexes | Market Risk Analyzer |
2703 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATVO65 | 4 | 1 | Volatility: Map Yield Curves to Hull-White Volatility | Market Risk Analyzer |
2704 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATVO66 | 3 | 1 | Volatilities - Mapping from Commodity IDs | Market Risk Analyzer |
2705 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATVOK | 2 | 1 | Rate types for OTC NPVs | Market Risk Analyzer |
2706 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATVOKT | 4 | 1 | Text tables for rate/NPV types for OTC transactions | Market Risk Analyzer |
2707 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATVST | 4 | 1 | Names of scenario types | Market Risk Analyzer |
2708 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATVSZ | 3 | 1 | Scenario types | Market Risk Analyzer |
2709 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FTBB_FTYPE_CFKZ | 4 | 1 | Assign Update Types to Securities Cash Flow Indicator | Market Risk Analyzer |
2710 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FTBB_MDG_VAR | 4 | 1 | Saving of Start Parameters for Risk Mgmt Mrkt Data Generator | Market Risk Analyzer |
2711 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FTBB_MDG_VAR_FX | 13 | 1 | Table for Saving Start Parameters for Foreign Currency | Market Risk Analyzer |
2712 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FTBB_MDG_VAR_IDX | 9 | 1 | Table for Saving Start Parameters for Indexes | Market Risk Analyzer |
2713 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FTBB_MDG_VAR_IR | 8 | 1 | Table for Saving Start Parameters for Reference Int Rates | Market Risk Analyzer |
2714 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FTBB_MDG_VAR_SEC | 11 | 1 | Table for Saving Start Parameters for Securities | Market Risk Analyzer |
2715 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRBFARTT | 5 | 1 | Beta factor type texts | Market Risk Analyzer |
2716 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBREVALT | 5 | 1 | Risk Management evaluation type - texts | Market Risk Analyzer |
2717 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRIDXG | 4 | 1 | Allocation Class - Index | Market Risk Analyzer |
2718 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRREGD | 5 | 1 | Rule Definition | Market Risk Analyzer |
2719 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRREGDT | 5 | 1 | Text Table Market Data Shift Definition | Market Risk Analyzer |
2720 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRREGW | 64 | 1 | Rules for multi-dimensional risk factor shift | Market Risk Analyzer |
2721 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRREGWT | 5 | 1 | Text table for risk factor shift | Market Risk Analyzer |
2722 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRH | 7 | 1 | Check Table for Risk Hierarchy | Market Risk Analyzer |
2723 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRHBAUM | 18 | 1 | Tree Structure of Risk Hierarchy | Market Risk Analyzer |
2724 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRHBAUMH | 19 | 1 | Tree Structure of Risk Hierarchy (History) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2725 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRHBAUMT | 6 | 1 | Texts for Tree Structure of Risk Hierarchy | Market Risk Analyzer |
2726 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRHBAUMTH | 7 | 1 | Text for Tree Structure of Risk Hierarchy (History) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2727 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRHBAUMT_BACK | 6 | 1 | Backup Table JBRRHBAUMT (Required for Transport Imports) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2728 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRHBAUM_BACK | 18 | 1 | Backup Table JBRRHBAUM (Required for Transport Imports) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2729 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRHBLATT | 34 | 1 | End Node Structure of a Risk Hierarchy | Market Risk Analyzer |
2730 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRHBLATTH | 35 | 1 | End-Node Structure of a Risk Hierarchy (History) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2731 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRHBLATT_BACK | 34 | 1 | Backup Table JBRRHBLATT (Required for Transport Imports) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2732 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRHH | 7 | 1 | Check Table for the Risk Hierarchy (History) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2733 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRHT | 5 | 1 | Texts for Risk Hierarchy Check Table | Market Risk Analyzer |
2734 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRHTH | 6 | 1 | Texts for Risk Hierarchy Check Table (History) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2735 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRHT_BACK | 5 | 1 | Backup Table JBRRHT (Required for Transport Imports) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2736 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | JBRRH_BACK | 7 | 1 | Backup Table JBRRH (Required for Transport Imports) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2737 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_NSUM_CURR | 14 | 1 | CFM-RA: Final Results for Non-Additive Key Figures in Crcy | Market Risk Analyzer |
2738 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_NSUM_GEN | 13 | 1 | CFM-RA: Final Results for Non-Additive Generic Key Figures | Market Risk Analyzer |
2739 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_NSUM_TBG | 24 | 1 | RA: Final Results for P&L Distributions | Market Risk Analyzer |
2740 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_NSUM_TBP | 15 | 1 | RA: Final Results Positions (Delta/Gamma) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2741 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_NSUM_TVK | 14 | 1 | RA: Final Results for Value at Risk | Market Risk Analyzer |
2742 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_REC_CURPOS | 6 | 1 | RA RDB: Single Record Position Table in Currency (Generic) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2743 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_REC_GENALT | 14 | 1 | RA RDB: Single Record Position Table (Generic) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2744 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_REC_GENPOS | 5 | 1 | RA RDB: Single Record Position Table (Generic) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2745 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_REC_HEADER | 15 | 3 | RA RDB: Single Record Header Table | Market Risk Analyzer |
2746 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_REC_QUAN | 6 | 1 | RA RDB: Single Record Position Table for Quantity (Generic) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2747 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_REC_TBE | 7 | 1 | RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category BE | Market Risk Analyzer |
2748 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_REC_TBG | 16 | 1 | RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category P&L | Market Risk Analyzer |
2749 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_REC_TBK | 6 | 1 | RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category BK0 | Market Risk Analyzer |
2750 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_REC_TBP | 7 | 1 | RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category Delta/Gamma | Market Risk Analyzer |
2751 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_SUM_CURR | 13 | 1 | CFM-RA: Final Results for Additive Key Figures in Currency | Market Risk Analyzer |
2752 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_SUM_GEN | 12 | 1 | CFM-RA: Final Results for Additive Generic Key Figures | Market Risk Analyzer |
2753 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_SUM_TBE | 14 | 1 | RA RDB: Final Results for Key Figure Category BE | Market Risk Analyzer |
2754 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBRA_TBG | 16 | 1 | RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category P&L | Market Risk Analyzer |
2755 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RMVALATTR | 4 | 1 | RM: Assignment of Field Name and Table Name for Pushbuttons | Market Risk Analyzer |
2756 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCCT_CCURVE_FUT | 11 | 1 | Commodity Curve Futures Style Master Data | Market Risk Analyzer |
2757 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCCT_CCURVE_MAST | 30 | 2 | Commodity Curve Master Data | Market Risk Analyzer |
2758 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TMDT_MDCRFACTORS | 8 | 2 | Risk factors assigned to a MDCR set | Market Risk Analyzer |
2759 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TMDT_MDCRHEADER | 2 | 1 | Header information on MDCR sets | Market Risk Analyzer |
2760 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TMDT_MDCRHEADERT | 5 | 1 | Header information on MDCR sets - Texts | Market Risk Analyzer |
2761 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TMDT_MDCRVALUES | 9 | 1 | MDCR Values | Market Risk Analyzer |
2762 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVBAR | 28 | 1 | NPVs of OTC transactions | Market Risk Analyzer |
2763 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVBEWZUMRM | 3 | 1 | Flows Relevant to Market Risk | Market Risk Analyzer |
2764 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVBFCF | 2 | 1 | Assignment of Calculation Categories FIMA to Cash Flow Ind. | Market Risk Analyzer |
2765 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVBKKBW | 3 | 1 | RM: Link BCA Product to Valuation Rule | Market Risk Analyzer |
2766 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVBKKBW02 | 3 | 1 | RM: Assignment of Valuation Rule to BCA Product (New) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2767 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVCLUST | 8 | 1 | Cluster for Distributed Data Use | Market Risk Analyzer |
2768 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVDEMORMXX | 1 | 1 | RM: Path Name for External Price Calculator Demonstration | Market Risk Analyzer |
2769 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVFG0FM | 5 | 1 | Risk Object: Field Modifications for TFORM | Market Risk Analyzer |
2770 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVFGKOGF | 2 | 1 | Permissible Forms of Transaction in IS-B Risk Management | Market Risk Analyzer |
2771 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVFGKOGFT | 4 | 1 | Text Table for Forms of Transaction in IS-B Risk Management | Market Risk Analyzer |
2772 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVFGKOGFX | 3 | 1 | Exclusive/Inclusive Transaction Forms for Online Maint. | Market Risk Analyzer |
2773 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVFGKOZU | 4 | 1 | Assignment TR Product Category Risk Management Indicator | Market Risk Analyzer |
2774 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVMTASK | 7 | 1 | RM: Parallel Processing Control | Market Risk Analyzer |
2775 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVMTSK | 4 | 1 | RM: Settings for Parallel Processing | Market Risk Analyzer |
2776 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVRAMAIN | 7 | 1 | Risk Analyzer: Analyzer Control Information | Market Risk Analyzer |
2777 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVRAPARAM | 6 | 1 | Risk Analyzer: Analyzer Control Information | Market Risk Analyzer |
2778 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVRMAWT | 1 | 1 | Risk Management: Evaluation Categories | Market Risk Analyzer |
2779 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVRMAWTT | 4 | 1 | Risk Management: Texts for Evaluation Category | Market Risk Analyzer |
2780 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVSVCARCX | 10 | 1 | RM: Data Cluster for Index per Set | Market Risk Analyzer |
2781 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVSZCR | 6 | 1 | Scenario Database: Exchange Rates | Market Risk Analyzer |
2782 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVSZCTV | 8 | 1 | Scenario Database: Commodity Volatilities | Market Risk Analyzer |
2783 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVSZCTY | 6 | 1 | Scenario Database: Commodity Prices (OBSOLETE) | Market Risk Analyzer |
2784 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVSZCTYP | 7 | 1 | Scenario Database: Commodity Prices | Market Risk Analyzer |
2785 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVSZIDX | 4 | 1 | Scenario Database: Stock Indices | Market Risk Analyzer |
2786 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVSZIDXVO | 6 | 1 | Scenario Database: Index Volatilities | Market Risk Analyzer |
2787 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVSZIN | 4 | 1 | Scenario Database: Interest | Market Risk Analyzer |
2788 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVSZIVO | 7 | 1 | Scenario database: interest volatilities | Market Risk Analyzer |
2789 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVSZVERL | 7 | 1 | Scenario Progression: List of Scenarios and Validity Dates | Market Risk Analyzer |
2790 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVSZVLKO | 3 | 1 | Scenario Progression Header | Market Risk Analyzer |
2791 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVSZWPKUR | 7 | 1 | Scenario Database: Security Prices | Market Risk Analyzer |
2792 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVSZWPKUV | 9 | 1 | Scenario Database: Security Price Volatilities | Market Risk Analyzer |
2793 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVTRBW | 3 | 1 | RM: Link TR Product Type to Valuation Rule | Market Risk Analyzer |
2794 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | VTVXCMRT | 6 | 1 | CM Data from Risk Objects Derived from Cash Management | Market Risk Analyzer |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: Treasury and Risk Management :: Portfolio Analyzer |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
2795 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_FLW | 3 | 1 | Key Figures: Flow in Transaction Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2796 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_FLWCC | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: Flow in Evaluation Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2797 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_INFO | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: Information Ratio | Portfolio Analyzer |
2798 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_JENSEN | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: Jensen's Alpha | Portfolio Analyzer |
2799 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_POS | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: Position in Position Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2800 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_POSCC | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: Position in Evaluation Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2801 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_PRDFLW | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: Flow for Period in Transaction Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2802 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_PRDFLWCC | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: Flow for Period in Evaluation Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2803 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_SHARPE | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: Sharpe Ratio | Portfolio Analyzer |
2804 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_SORTINO | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: Sortino Ratio | Portfolio Analyzer |
2805 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_TREYNOR | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: Treynor's Ratio | Portfolio Analyzer |
2806 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_VAL | 4 | 1 | Valuation Rules that Deviate from the Evaluation Type | Portfolio Analyzer |
2807 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_YLD | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: Yield Calculated from Transaction Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2808 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_YLDCC | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: Yield Calculated from Evaluation Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2809 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_YLDMTH | 1 | 1 | Key Figures: Yield Calculation Methods | Portfolio Analyzer |
2810 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_YLDMTHT | 3 | 1 | Key Figures: Yield Calculation Methods - Text Table | Portfolio Analyzer |
2811 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_YLDSNC | 6 | 1 | Key Figures: Yield from Transaction Currency Since CALCSINCE | Portfolio Analyzer |
2812 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKFPA_YLDSNCCC | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: Yield from Evaluation Currency Since CALCSINCE | Portfolio Analyzer |
2813 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_FLWCC_H | 5 | 1 | Key Figures: Flow in Evaluation Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2814 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_FLW_H | 4 | 1 | Key Figures: Flow in Transaction Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2815 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_INFO_H | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: Information Ratio | Portfolio Analyzer |
2816 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_JENSEN_H | 8 | 1 | Key Figures: Jensen's Alpha | Portfolio Analyzer |
2817 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_POSCC_H | 5 | 1 | Key Figures: Position in Evaluation Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2818 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_POS_H | 5 | 1 | Key Figures: Position in Position Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2819 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_PRDFLWCC_H | 5 | 1 | Key Figures: Flow for Period in Evaluation Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2820 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_PRDFLW_H | 5 | 1 | Key Figures: Flow for Period in Transaction Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2821 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_SHARPE_H | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: Sharpe Ratio | Portfolio Analyzer |
2822 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_SORTINO_H | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: Sortino Ratio | Portfolio Analyzer |
2823 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_TREYNOR_H | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: Treynor's Ratio | Portfolio Analyzer |
2824 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_YLDCC_H | 8 | 1 | Key Figures: Yield Calculated from Evaluation Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2825 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_YLDSNCCC_H | 8 | 1 | Key Figures: Yield from Evaluation Currency Since CALCSINCE | Portfolio Analyzer |
2826 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_YLDSNC_H | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: Yield from Transaction Currency Since CALCSINCE | Portfolio Analyzer |
2827 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFWKF_YLD_H | 7 | 1 | Key Figures: Yield Calculated from Transaction Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2828 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFW_RORT_POSCOMP | 2 | 1 | Key Figure Types | Portfolio Analyzer |
2829 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AFW_RORT_T | 3 | 1 | Rate of Return Types Text Table | Portfolio Analyzer |
2830 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BMA_BM | 10 | 1 | OLD CFM Benchmarking: BM Central Master Data | Portfolio Analyzer |
2831 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BMA_BMBM | 12 | 2 | OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Relationships | Portfolio Analyzer |
2832 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BMA_BMLAYER | 4 | 1 | OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Layer | Portfolio Analyzer |
2833 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BMA_BMLAYERDET | 6 | 1 | OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Layer | Portfolio Analyzer |
2834 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BMA_BMLAYERT | 6 | 1 | OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Layer (TEXTS) | Portfolio Analyzer |
2835 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BMA_BMM | 4 | 1 | OLD CFM Benchmarking: Master Data for Market Benchmark | Portfolio Analyzer |
2836 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BMA_BMT | 4 | 1 | OLD CFM Benchmarking: BM Central Master Data | Portfolio Analyzer |
2837 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BMA_CH | 6 | 1 | OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characteristics | Portfolio Analyzer |
2838 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BMA_CHT | 4 | 1 | OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characteristics (TEXTS) | Portfolio Analyzer |
2839 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BMA_CHVAL | 7 | 1 | OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characteristic Values | Portfolio Analyzer |
2840 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BMA_CHVALT | 5 | 1 | OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characateristic Values (TEXTS) | Portfolio Analyzer |
2841 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BMA_GUIDIDX | 3 | 1 | OLD <<Boundary>> CFM-BM: Assignment of BMGUID Index | Portfolio Analyzer |
2842 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BMA_GUIDRANL | 3 | 1 | OLD <<Boundary>> CFM-BM: Assignment of BMGUID-WPKN | Portfolio Analyzer |
2843 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | PFAIM_CF_FTMATCH | 7 | 1 | Assignment Cash flow type to PA flowtype | Portfolio Analyzer |
2844 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | PFAIM_FTYPEMATCH | 8 | 1 | Assignment of Flow Types to PA Flow Types | Portfolio Analyzer |
2845 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | PFAIM_MDATMANU | 7 | 1 | Master Data: Pos. Managed Externally and Entered Manually | Portfolio Analyzer |
2846 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | PFAIM_TR_UTMATCH | 7 | 1 | Assignment of Update Type to Flow Types in PA | Portfolio Analyzer |
2847 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | PFAIM_UMATCH_TRL | 8 | 1 | Assignment of Flow Types to PA Flow Types | Portfolio Analyzer |
2848 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | PFA_DINTERVALS | 5 | 1 | TRM-PA: Time Intervals for Period-Based Key Figures | Portfolio Analyzer |
2849 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | PFA_FLOWTYPES | 3 | 1 | TRM-PA Flow Types | Portfolio Analyzer |
2850 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | PFA_FLOWTYPEST | 4 | 1 | TRM-PA Flow Types: Text Table | Portfolio Analyzer |
2851 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBPA_NSUM_CURR | 14 | 1 | Final Results for Non-Additive Key Figures in Crcy: TRM-PA | Portfolio Analyzer |
2852 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBPA_NSUM_GEN | 13 | 1 | Final Results for Non-Additive Generic Key Figures: TRM-PA | Portfolio Analyzer |
2853 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBPA_NSUM_GEN_R | 15 | 1 | Final Results for Ratio BM Key Figures: TRM-PA | Portfolio Analyzer |
2854 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBPA_REC_CCYPOS | 6 | 1 | "Generic" Single Record Items with Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2855 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBPA_REC_FLW | 7 | 1 | Key Figure Values FLW: Single Record Items with Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2856 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBPA_REC_HEADER | 15 | 3 | Single Record Header | Portfolio Analyzer |
2857 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBPA_SUM_CURR | 13 | 1 | Final Results for Additive Key Figures in Currency: TRM-PA | Portfolio Analyzer |
2858 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBPA_SUM_FLW | 14 | 1 | Key Figure Values FLW: Totals Records with Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2859 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBPA_SUM_FLWCC | 13 | 1 | Key Figure Values FLW: Totals Records w/o Currency | Portfolio Analyzer |
2860 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDBPA_SUM_GEN | 12 | 1 | Final Results for Additive Generic Key Figures: TRM-PA | Portfolio Analyzer |
Financials :: Financial Supply Chain Management :: Treasury and Risk Management :: Transaction Manager |
| Product | Version | Table | Columns | Indexes | Description | Module |
2861 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /TRMKR/SEC_CUST | 6 | 1 | Customer Additional Data for Security Class | Transaction Manager |
2862 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /TRMKR/SEC_DATA | 15 | 1 | FWZZ Master Data Additional Fields | Transaction Manager |
2863 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /TRMKR/TAB_NAME | 3 | 1 | Tab Name for the Tab in FWZZ | Transaction Manager |
2864 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | /TRMKR/TB_NAME_T | 4 | 1 | Text Table for /TRMKR/TAB_NAME | Transaction Manager |
2865 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT02A | 6 | 1 | Transaction Code for Menu TIMN | Transaction Manager |
2866 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT03 | 2 | 1 | Diary Functions | Transaction Manager |
2867 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT03T | 3 | 1 | Diary Function: Description | Transaction Manager |
2868 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT05 | 3 | 1 | Processing Categories | Transaction Manager |
2869 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT05T | 5 | 1 | Name: Processing Category | Transaction Manager |
2870 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT06 | 8 | 1 | Allocation of Processing Categories to Activity Categories | Transaction Manager |
2871 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT07 | 5 | 1 | Category of Flows and Conditions | Transaction Manager |
2872 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT07T | 4 | 1 | Name of category for flows and conditions | Transaction Manager |
2873 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT08 | 3 | 1 | Allocation: Application to Category of Flows and Conditions | Transaction Manager |
2874 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT09 | 1 | 1 | Posting category | Transaction Manager |
2875 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT09T | 3 | 1 | Posting type: Name | Transaction Manager |
2876 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT10 | 58 | 1 | Transaction Types | Transaction Manager |
2877 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT10B | 15 | 1 | Treasury: Customizing for Valuation | Transaction Manager |
2878 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT10S | 4 | 1 | Securities | Transaction Manager |
2879 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT10T | 5 | 1 | Name of Transaction Type | Transaction Manager |
2880 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT10X | 14 | 1 | Forex Attributes for Transaction Types | Transaction Manager |
2881 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT11 | 6 | 1 | Allocation of Condition Types to Transaction Types | Transaction Manager |
2882 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT13 | 6 | 1 | Allocation of Flow Types to Transaction Types | Transaction Manager |
2883 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT13U | 14 | 1 | Flow types for transfer posting for activity transition | Transaction Manager |
2884 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT15B | 8 | 1 | Treasury: Forex Swap Rates (New) | Transaction Manager |
2885 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT16 | 9 | 1 | Treasury: Fixing Settings for Forex Transactions | Transaction Manager |
2886 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT16B | 10 | 1 | Treasury: Settings for mirror transaction types | Transaction Manager |
2887 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT18 | 1 | 1 | Treasury: Valid Formulas | Transaction Manager |
2888 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT185 | 9 | 1 | Treasury: Starting Values for Subsequent Screen Control | Transaction Manager |
2889 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT19 | 18 | 1 | Supplements to Flow Types | Transaction Manager |
2890 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT20 | 6 | 1 | Supplements to Condition Types | Transaction Manager |
2891 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT200 | 11 | 1 | Rules for Determining a Tax Indicator | Transaction Manager |
2892 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT21 | 13 | 1 | Generate derived flows | Transaction Manager |
2893 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT210 | 16 | 1 | Rules for Determining a Taxes for CFM postings | Transaction Manager |
2894 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT22 | 2 | 1 | Procedure to Generate Derived Flows | Transaction Manager |
2895 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT22T | 4 | 1 | Procedure to Generate Derived Flows: Name | Transaction Manager |
2896 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT23 | 2 | 1 | Procedure for Calculating Derived Flows | Transaction Manager |
2897 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT23T | 4 | 1 | Procedure for Calculating Derived Flow: Name | Transaction Manager |
2898 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT24 | 4 | 1 | Currency-Dependent Rules for Calculating Derived Flows | Transaction Manager |
2899 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT25 | 7 | 1 | Amount-Dependent Rules for Calculating Derived Flows | Transaction Manager |
2900 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT50 | 16 | 1 | Future/Option Groups | Transaction Manager |
2901 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT50T | 4 | 1 | Description of Options/Futures Groups | Transaction Manager |
2902 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT51 | 2 | 1 | Margin Types | Transaction Manager |
2903 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT51T | 4 | 1 | Text Table for Margin Types | Transaction Manager |
2904 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT52 | 3 | 1 | Expiry Date Type | Transaction Manager |
2905 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT52T | 4 | 1 | Name of expiration date types | Transaction Manager |
2906 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT70 | 10 | 1 | Hedging Relevance of Currencies | Transaction Manager |
2907 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT72 | 5 | 1 | Customizing: Unit Types | Transaction Manager |
2908 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT72T | 5 | 1 | Text for unit types | Transaction Manager |
2909 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT80 | 47 | 1 | Treasury: Correspondence Control MM, FX, DE, SE | Transaction Manager |
2910 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT80P | 2 | 1 | Replacement Table for Correspondence Printer | Transaction Manager |
2911 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT81 | 9 | 1 | Correspondence type | Transaction Manager |
2912 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT81T | 4 | 1 | Name of correspondence type | Transaction Manager |
2913 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT90 | 2 | 1 | Type of manual reversal of posted flows | Transaction Manager |
2914 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | AT90T | 4 | 1 | Name of manual reversal type for posted flows | Transaction Manager |
2915 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATCVC1 | 3 | 1 | CRM: Assign General Valuation Class to Product Type | Transaction Manager |
2916 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATCVC2 | 4 | 1 | CRM: Assign General Valuation Class to Product Type | Transaction Manager |
2917 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATDEALDFT | 6 | 1 | Update Types for Position Update | Transaction Manager |
2918 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATDR | 8 | 1 | Date Rule | Transaction Manager |
2919 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATDRT | 4 | 1 | Date Rule | Transaction Manager |
2920 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATFTA | 5 | 1 | CFM: Assign Transaction Flow Type to Update Type | Transaction Manager |
2921 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATFTA_MIGR | 5 | 2 | Migration: Assignment of Flow Type to Update Type | Transaction Manager |
2922 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATMA | 9 | 1 | Type of Master Agreement | Transaction Manager |
2923 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATMAT | 4 | 1 | Type of Master Agreement: Name | Transaction Manager |
2924 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATO1 | 1 | 1 | Check Table for Option Categories | Transaction Manager |
2925 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATO1T | 3 | 1 | Text Table for ATO1 | Transaction Manager |
2926 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATOR | 6 | 1 | Table of Limit Types | Transaction Manager |
2927 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATORT | 5 | 1 | Text Table for Limit Types | Transaction Manager |
2928 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATPA | 33 | 1 | Treasury: Product Type Supplements | Transaction Manager |
2929 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATQC | 4 | 1 | CFM: Assign Volume Change Category to Flow Category | Transaction Manager |
2930 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATR1 | 1 | 1 | Check table for reference categories | Transaction Manager |
2931 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATR1T | 4 | 1 | Text table for reference categories | Transaction Manager |
2932 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | ATVC2 | 3 | 1 | Descriptions of Calculation Routines | Transaction Manager |
2933 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKSLDT_FLOW | 14 | 1 | Backup: Subledger Distributor: Trans. Before Issue Currency | Transaction Manager |
2934 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKTCAT_FLOW | 17 | 1 | BACKUP: Flow Table of Capital Actions | Transaction Manager |
2935 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKTERT_FLOW | 20 | 1 | BACKUP: Flow Table for Executable Rights | Transaction Manager |
2936 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKTRDT_FLOW | 12 | 1 | Backup: Distributor Flows Before Issue Currency Changeover | Transaction Manager |
2937 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKVTBFHAPO | 13 | 2 | Backup: Transaction Flows | Transaction Manager |
2938 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKVWBEPI | 10 | 2 | Backup: Flow data - Position/Actual | Transaction Manager |
2939 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKVWBEPP | 13 | 2 | BACKUP: Flow data - Position/Planned | Transaction Manager |
2940 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKVWBWKM | 12 | 1 | BACKUP: Flow table for corporate actions | Transaction Manager |
2941 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKVWORDE | 13 | 2 | BACKUP: Order data | Transaction Manager |
2942 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKVWPAKTI | 6 | 1 | BACKUP: Stock, subscription rights, investment certificates | Transaction Manager |
2943 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKVWPANLA | 6 | 1 | BACKUP: Asset master | Transaction Manager |
2944 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKVWPANLE | 10 | 1 | BACKUP: Interest-bearing securities | Transaction Manager |
2945 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKVWPSHARECAP | 6 | 1 | Backup: BCKVWPSHARECAP | Transaction Manager |
2946 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKVWVORTR | 11 | 1 | BACKUP: Carryover totals - securities | Transaction Manager |
2947 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKVWZUORD | 8 | 2 | BACKUP: SEC assignment table for restraints on disposal | Transaction Manager |
2948 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKVZSKOKO | 5 | 1 | BACKUP: Condition header for stock, sub.rgt, invest., share. | Transaction Manager |
2949 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCKVZZKOPO | 16 | 2 | BACKUP: Condition Item Table | Transaction Manager |
2950 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | BCK_VTIFHAPO | 12 | 1 | Backup for Currency Changeover of Bond Underlying | Transaction Manager |
2951 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | DIFC_DIFFERENT | 2 | 1 | Differentiation as Entity | Transaction Manager |
2952 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | DIFC_DIFF_ASSIGN | 4 | 1 | Factors | Transaction Manager |
2953 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | DIFC_DIFF_TERM | 3 | 1 | Differentiation Term | Transaction Manager |
2954 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | DIFC_LOT_ASSIGN | 5 | 1 | Factors | Transaction Manager |
2955 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | DIFS_DIFF_ID | 2 | 1 | Differentiating Characteristics | Transaction Manager |
2956 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | DIFS_DIFF_ID_T | 3 | 1 | Text Table for Differentiation Terms | Transaction Manager |
2957 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | DIFT_POS_IDENT | 25 | 20 | Persistent Flow Selectors | Transaction Manager |
2958 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FDC1 | 19 | 3 | Cash Management Shadow table | Transaction Manager |
2959 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FTR_AVG_ASGN | 25 | 2 | Assign one flow to many adjustments for average | Transaction Manager |
2960 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | FTWRCONT | 10 | 1 | Control table securities interface --> external systems | Transaction Manager |
2961 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | GTHMEXINDX | 9 | 1 | THMEX cluster table | Transaction Manager |
2962 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFMBRSETX_HST | 30 | 1 | History table for taxation | Transaction Manager |
2963 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFMBRSE_PST | 33 | 1 | Customizing for creation of sales transactions for tax pmnts | Transaction Manager |
2964 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFMFLCALCRLA | 11 | 1 | Description of simplified flow calc.procedure (amounts) | Transaction Manager |
2965 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFMFLCALCRLN | 16 | 1 | Description of simplified flow calculation procedure (lines) | Transaction Manager |
2966 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFMFLCALCRLP | 9 | 1 | Description of simplified flow calc.procedure (percentages) | Transaction Manager |
2967 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFMFLOWCALC | 10 | 1 | Flow calculation using condition technique | Transaction Manager |
2968 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFMFLOWCALCIN | 14 | 1 | Flow calculation using conditions: map CFM data to KOMK/KOMP | Transaction Manager |
2969 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFMFLOWCALCOUT | 13 | 1 | Flow calc.using conditions:map KOMK/KOMP fields to flow data | Transaction Manager |
2970 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFMFLOWCALCRUL | 4 | 1 | Calculation rules for simplified flow calculation | Transaction Manager |
2971 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFMSETX_COMP | 6 | 1 | Compensating method for Funds (TRM) | Transaction Manager |
2972 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFMSETX_CUST | 7 | 1 | Cusotmizing for tax posting to FI for funds - Brazil | Transaction Manager |
2973 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFMSETX_RATE | 5 | 1 | Tax rates for tax reports TRM Brazil | Transaction Manager |
2974 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_BST_CFM | 9 | 1 | Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil | Transaction Manager |
2975 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_BST_CFMA | 10 | 1 | Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer with VA (obsolete) | Transaction Manager |
2976 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_BST_CFMAV | 20 | 1 | Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer with VA (obsolete) | Transaction Manager |
2977 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_BST_CFMIT | 18 | 1 | Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil (obsolete) | Transaction Manager |
2978 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_BST_CFMIT1 | 18 | 1 | Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil (obsolete) | Transaction Manager |
2979 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_BST_CUSA | 10 | 1 | Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil (obsolete) | Transaction Manager |
2980 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_BST_CUSAV | 20 | 1 | Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil (obsolete) | Transaction Manager |
2981 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_BST_CUST | 9 | 1 | Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil | Transaction Manager |
2982 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_BST_CUSTIT | 18 | 1 | Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil | Transaction Manager |
2983 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_BST_HIST | 22 | 2 | History table for balance sheet transfer for Brazil | Transaction Manager |
2984 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_DATA_SEC | 47 | 2 | Valuation-Area-Independent Data for Securities | Transaction Manager |
2985 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRAM_DICPT | 6 | 1 | Assign Product Types for Alternate Position Mngt. Procedure | Transaction Manager |
2986 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRAM_DICRI | 13 | 1 | Assignment of Alternative Position Management Procedure | Transaction Manager |
2987 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRCR_ACA | 2 | 1 | Capitalization Reserve - Account Check Activation | Transaction Manager |
2988 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRCR_CD | 4 | 1 | Capitalization Reserve - Accounting Code | Transaction Manager |
2989 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRCR_CDD | 3 | 1 | Capitalization Reserve - Differentiation Criteria | Transaction Manager |
2990 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRCR_DFT_B | 8 | 1 | Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category B | Transaction Manager |
2991 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRCR_DFT_M | 2 | 1 | CFM: Update Types for Manual Posting | Transaction Manager |
2992 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRCR_PD | 5 | 1 | Capitalization Reserve - Product Type | Transaction Manager |
2993 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRIM_CELMS | 8 | 1 | Data Elements for Selection Parameters - Impairment | Transaction Manager |
2994 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRIM_CSELP | 9 | 3 | Selection Parameters - Impairment | Transaction Manager |
2995 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRIM_CSELT | 7 | 1 | Selection Parameters - Impairment (Text) | Transaction Manager |
2996 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRIM_CSETS | 2 | 1 | Parameter Sets for Impairment | Transaction Manager |
2997 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRIM_CSETT | 4 | 1 | Parameter Sets for Impairment (Text) | Transaction Manager |
2998 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRIM_CTABS | 4 | 1 | Tab Pages for Selection Parameters - Impairment | Transaction Manager |
2999 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRIM_CTABT | 5 | 1 | Tab Pages for Selection Parameters - Impairment (Text) | Transaction Manager |
3000 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRIM_DATA | 110 | 2 | Impairment Main Data | Transaction Manager |
3001 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRIM_DEXP | 21 | 2 | Impairment: BAdI Example Values: Expected & Expert Values | Transaction Manager |
3002 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRIM_RUNS | 10 | 1 | Runs of Impairment Report | Transaction Manager |
3003 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRIM_SELPR | 13 | 1 | Selection Parameters for Impairment Report Run | Transaction Manager |
3004 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_FRREU_CUS | 4 | 1 | Treasury France: Topic Activation | Transaction Manager |
3005 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_ICLTXCALC | 5 | 1 | Intercompany Loan Tax Calculation Method | Transaction Manager |
3006 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_ICLTXCAT | 7 | 1 | Intercompany Loan Tax Calculation Category | Transaction Manager |
3007 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_ICLTXFLOWS | 5 | 1 | Intercompany loan tax flow types for different product type | Transaction Manager |
3008 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_RF_CCYES | 3 | 1 | Set Company Code: Active for the FIFO Reevaluation | Transaction Manager |
3009 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_RF_POMAP | 4 | 1 | Non-Regulated and Tax Porfolios Mapping | Transaction Manager |
3010 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_RF_POSEC | 4 | 1 | Tax Security Account | Transaction Manager |
3011 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | IDCFM_RF_SAVA | 3 | 1 | Separate Additional Valuation Area | Transaction Manager |
3012 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | MIGC_COM_VALCLS | 6 | 1 | Derive General Valuation Class for Migration to CFM 1.0 | Transaction Manager |
3013 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | MIGTS_CVCLS_FM | 2 | 1 | Function Modules for Conversion Customziing Gen. Val. Class | Transaction Manager |
3014 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | MIGT_EXCL1 | 3 | 1 | Transactions to be Excluded from Migration | Transaction Manager |
3015 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | OTC_CONV_AFINKO | 22 | 1 | Backup Table for Fin. Transaction Alternative Conditions | Transaction Manager |
3016 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | OTC_CONV_FHAPO | 176 | 1 | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Flows | Transaction Manager |
3017 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | OTC_CONV_FHAZU | 67 | 1 | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Activities | Transaction Manager |
3018 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | OTC_CONV_FINKO | 95 | 1 | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Conditions | Transaction Manager |
3019 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | OTC_CONV_IAFINKO | 21 | 1 | Backup Table for Transaction Underlying Old Conditions | Transaction Manager |
3020 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | OTC_CONV_IFHAPO | 76 | 1 | Backup Table for Underlying Transaction Flows | Transaction Manager |
3021 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | OTC_CONV_IFINKO | 94 | 1 | Backup Table for Financial Transaction Underlying Conditions | Transaction Manager |
3022 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | POGT_ARGUMENT | 7 | 2 | Additional Arguments | Transaction Manager |
3023 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | POGT_POS_GUARD | 39 | 2 | Lock Objects | Transaction Manager |
3024 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDPT_FACTOR2 | 4 | 1 | Treasury: Drawing Factor | Transaction Manager |
3025 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDPT_FACTOR_HDR2 | 3 | 1 | Treasury: Drawing Factors Header | Transaction Manager |
3026 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDPT_FILE_PATH | 5 | 1 | Save the File Path of the Transaction | Transaction Manager |
3027 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDPT_REDEMPTION | 17 | 2 | Redemption Records | Transaction Manager |
3028 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDPT_RED_BCKUP | 16 | 2 | Treasury: Backup for Converting Currency of Redemption Sch. | Transaction Manager |
3029 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDPT_SCHEDULE | 35 | 2 | Redemption Schedules for Bonds | Transaction Manager |
3030 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDPT_SET | 33 | 5 | Quantity of Redemption Schedules | Transaction Manager |
3031 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDPT_T_SET_NAME | 4 | 1 | Repayment Schedule Sets | Transaction Manager |
3032 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | RDPT_T_SET_TYPE | 3 | 1 | Class for Redemption Schedule Set | Transaction Manager |
3033 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | REFCC | 24 | 1 | References between CO object numbers, currency differences | Transaction Manager |
3034 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | REFH | 13 | 1 | References between CO object numbers, header table | Transaction Manager |
3035 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | REFON | 12 | 2 | References between object numbers (CO object no.) | Transaction Manager |
3036 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SLDC_DIST_ASYNC | 5 | 1 | Business Transactions for Asynchronous Distribution | Transaction Manager |
3037 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SLDS_POST_ASYNC | 5 | 1 | Business Transactions for Asynchronous Posting | Transaction Manager |
3038 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SLDT_EVENT | 4 | 1 | Subledger Distributor Events | Transaction Manager |
3039 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SLDT_FLOW | 87 | 2 | Subledger Distributor Transactions | Transaction Manager |
3040 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | SLDT_TRANSACTION | 25 | 4 | Subledger Distributor Business Transactions | Transaction Manager |
3041 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TBSK_SYSTEM_KEYS | 3 | 1 | Current System Key per Table | Transaction Manager |
3042 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCAC_FT_ASSGN | 4 | 1 | Assign Update Types for the Corporate Actions | Transaction Manager |
3043 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCAC_SORTING | 3 | 1 | Sort Rule for Corporate Actions | Transaction Manager |
3044 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCAT_FLOW | 22 | 1 | Flow Table of the Corporate Actions | Transaction Manager |
3045 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCAT_TRANSACTION | 29 | 3 | Business Transaction: Corporate Action | Transaction Manager |
3046 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORC_ALOWED_BPG | 9 | 1 | (Obsolete)Allowed BP Groups for Deal Corr.activities | Transaction Manager |
3047 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORC_ARCHIVE | 3 | 1 | Minimum retention period per company code for archiving | Transaction Manager |
3048 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORC_BUSGRP | 3 | 1 | Treasury correspondence: Business group definition | Transaction Manager |
3049 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORC_BUSGRP_T | 4 | 1 | Business partner group id - text table | Transaction Manager |
3050 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORC_BUS_ATTR | 18 | 1 | Business attributes | Transaction Manager |
3051 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORC_DEAL_ACTVT | 10 | 1 | Correspondence Deal's activity assignment | Transaction Manager |
3052 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORC_INB_FUNC | 4 | 1 | Inbound correspondence function | Transaction Manager |
3053 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORC_INT_REC | 2 | 1 | Internal Recipients | Transaction Manager |
3054 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORC_INT_REC_T | 4 | 1 | Text table for Internal Recepients | Transaction Manager |
3055 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORC_MATCH | 6 | 1 | Treasury Correspondence: Matching definition | Transaction Manager |
3056 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORC_MATCH_BU | 2 | 1 | Treasury Correspondence: Matching definition | Transaction Manager |
3057 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORC_SECAC_ALRT | 5 | 1 | Customizing Alert for CO of security account | Transaction Manager |
3058 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFC_CHN_ASG | 5 | 1 | Assignment of Channel to Profile and Service | Transaction Manager |
3059 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFC_CONFIG | 3 | 1 | Dynamic Configuration: Settings | Transaction Manager |
3060 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFC_FORMT_ASG | 6 | 1 | Format Assignment | Transaction Manager |
3061 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFC_FORM_ASG | 5 | 1 | (Obsolete) Format assignment to Service and Channel | Transaction Manager |
3062 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFC_FUNCTION | 2 | 1 | Correspondence Classes | Transaction Manager |
3063 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFC_FUNCTIONT | 4 | 1 | Correspondence Classes - Text table | Transaction Manager |
3064 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFC_META_ASG | 4 | 1 | Format Metatypes for Profiles and Channels | Transaction Manager |
3065 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFC_PART_BIC | 3 | 1 | (Obsolete) Recipient mapping for BIC8 codes | Transaction Manager |
3066 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFC_PROFILE | 4 | 1 | Communication Profiles | Transaction Manager |
3067 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFC_PROFILE_T | 4 | 1 | Correspondence Profiles - Text Table | Transaction Manager |
3068 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFC_RECTYP_T | 4 | 1 | Recipient Types - Text Table | Transaction Manager |
3069 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFC_REC_TYPE | 5 | 1 | Recipient Types | Transaction Manager |
3070 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_CHANNEL | 3 | 1 | Correspondence Channels | Transaction Manager |
3071 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_CHANNELT | 3 | 1 | Correspondence Channels - Text Table | Transaction Manager |
3072 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_CONFIG | 7 | 1 | Configuration Control | Transaction Manager |
3073 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_CONFIG_T | 3 | 1 | Configuration Control - Text table | Transaction Manager |
3074 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_FORMAT | 3 | 1 | Formats | Transaction Manager |
3075 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_FORMAT_T | 3 | 1 | Format Assignment to Service and Channel | Transaction Manager |
3076 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_MAP_COND | 8 | 1 | Mapping Condition | Transaction Manager |
3077 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_MAP_FLD | 2 | 1 | Field Groups in Mapping | Transaction Manager |
3078 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_MAP_OBJ | 5 | 1 | Mapping Objects | Transaction Manager |
3079 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_MAP_PRM | 5 | 1 | Parameter Groups in Mapping | Transaction Manager |
3080 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_MAP_RULE | 14 | 1 | Mapping Rules | Transaction Manager |
3081 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_MAP_TEXT | 3 | 1 | Mapping operations description | Transaction Manager |
3082 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_META | 1 | 1 | Format Metatypes | Transaction Manager |
3083 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_META_T | 3 | 1 | Format Metatypes - Text table | Transaction Manager |
3084 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_RECTYP_T | 3 | 1 | (Obsolete) Recipient Types - Text Table | Transaction Manager |
3085 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFTS_REC_TYPE | 2 | 1 | (Obsolete) Recipient Types | Transaction Manager |
3086 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFT_FRAGMENT | 6 | 1 | Parsed generic objects from fragments of inbound messages | Transaction Manager |
3087 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFT_HEADER | 5 | 1 | Header Information of Outgoing Messages | Transaction Manager |
3088 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORFT_MESSAGE | 7 | 1 | Correspondence Messaging Interface: Messages | Transaction Manager |
3089 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORIC_EMAIL | 21 | 1 | Treasury; Messaging Interface: Configuration of FAX | Transaction Manager |
3090 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORIC_EMAIL1 | 4 | 1 | Channel Dependent Attributes for Channel EMAIL | Transaction Manager |
3091 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORIC_FAX | 21 | 1 | Treasury; Messaging Interface: Configuration of FAX | Transaction Manager |
3092 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORIC_FILE | 10 | 1 | Treasury; Messaging Interface: Configuration of File Adapter | Transaction Manager |
3093 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORIC_FORM_ATTR | 6 | 1 | Form attributes for FAX,PRINT,EMAIL | Transaction Manager |
3094 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORIC_PRINT | 21 | 1 | Treasury; Messaging Interface: Configuration of PRINT | Transaction Manager |
3095 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORIC_SWIFT_FRM | 5 | 1 | Format-dependent attributes for SWIFT message types | Transaction Manager |
3096 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORITS_CHK_COND | 9 | 1 | Check Framework: Rule conditions | Transaction Manager |
3097 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORITS_CHK_FLD | 10 | 1 | Check Framework: Fields | Transaction Manager |
3098 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORITS_CHK_FLDT | 6 | 1 | Check Framework: Fields - Text table | Transaction Manager |
3099 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORITS_CHK_RULE | 6 | 1 | Check Framework: Validation rules | Transaction Manager |
3100 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORITS_CHK_SEQ | 8 | 1 | Check Framework: Sequences | Transaction Manager |
3101 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORITS_CHK_SEQT | 4 | 1 | Check Framework: Sequences - Text table | Transaction Manager |
3102 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORITS_MT_START | 5 | 1 | Treasury: Start field and code for MT messages | Transaction Manager |
3103 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORIT_FILES | 3 | 1 | Treasury: Uploaded files | Transaction Manager |
3104 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORIT_SWIFT_PG | 7 | 1 | SWIFT MT535 depot statement pages - fragment administration | Transaction Manager |
3105 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORIT_SWIFT_ST | 5 | 1 | SWIFT MT535 depot statements - fragment administration | Transaction Manager |
3106 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORTS_MATCH | 4 | 1 | (Obsolete) Treasury Correspondence: Matching definition | Transaction Manager |
3107 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_BP_ASSIGN | 5 | 1 | (Obsolete) TCOR: Assignment of Profile & BP Group to BP | Transaction Manager |
3108 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_BP_BIC | 7 | 1 | BIC Codes/ Account numbers for Business partners | Transaction Manager |
3109 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CO | 84 | 10 | Correspondence Administrative Data | Transaction Manager |
3110 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODCO | 75 | 2 | Deal: Conditions | Transaction Manager |
3111 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODCOFO | 22 | 2 | Deal: Condition's Formula | Transaction Manager |
3112 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODCPA | 22 | 2 | Deal: Commodity Price Adjustment | Transaction Manager |
3113 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODDP | 20 | 2 | Deal: Dividend Plan | Transaction Manager |
3114 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODFL | 63 | 2 | Deal: Flows | Transaction Manager |
3115 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODIA | 18 | 2 | Deal: Interest Rate Adjustment | Transaction Manager |
3116 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODMD | 166 | 1 | Deal: Main Data | Transaction Manager |
3117 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODOC | 9 | 1 | Treasury correspondence: Attached documents | Transaction Manager |
3118 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODPI | 30 | 2 | Deal: Payment Information | Transaction Manager |
3119 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODRP | 8 | 2 | Deal: Rollover Plan | Transaction Manager |
3120 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODSRA | 21 | 2 | Deal: Security Rate Adjustment | Transaction Manager |
3121 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODUL | 24 | 2 | Deal: Underlying | Transaction Manager |
3122 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODUL2 | 24 | 2 | Deal: 2nd Underlying | Transaction Manager |
3123 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODUL2FL | 34 | 2 | Deal: 2nd Underlying's Flows | Transaction Manager |
3124 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODULCO | 66 | 2 | Deal : Underlying's Conditions | Transaction Manager |
3125 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODULCOFO | 24 | 2 | Deal: Underlying's Formula | Transaction Manager |
3126 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CODULFL | 38 | 2 | Deal: Underlying Flows | Transaction Manager |
3127 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_CONOTES | 7 | 2 | Treasury correspondence object: Notes | Transaction Manager |
3128 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_COSA | 16 | 1 | Security Account Transfer: Main Data | Transaction Manager |
3129 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_COSAFL | 17 | 2 | Security Account Transfer: Flows | Transaction Manager |
3130 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_COSAPO | 10 | 2 | Security Account Transfer: Positions | Transaction Manager |
3131 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_COSI | 13 | 1 | Settlement Instructions | Transaction Manager |
3132 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_DISVARIANT | 2 | 1 | Display variants | Transaction Manager |
3133 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_DISVAR_T | 4 | 1 | Text table for display variant | Transaction Manager |
3134 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_EXT_ASSIGN | 16 | 1 | Assignments of Profiles & BP groups to external recipients | Transaction Manager |
3135 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_FUNCMAP | 3 | 1 | Mapping of buss transaction(Status) to CO functions(Monitor) | Transaction Manager |
3136 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_INB_ASSIGN | 9 | 1 | BP group assignment for Inbound Correspondence | Transaction Manager |
3137 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_INB_FUNC | 5 | 1 | Inbound CO function assignment | Transaction Manager |
3138 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_INT_ASSIGN | 19 | 1 | Assignments of Profiles & BP groups to internal recipients | Transaction Manager |
3139 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_SAT_ACTVT | 10 | 1 | Correspondence Security account transfer activity assignment | Transaction Manager |
3140 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_SAT_ALLBPG | 9 | 1 | (Obsolete) Allowed BP Groups for SAT Corresp. activities | Transaction Manager |
3141 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_SI_DERIVE | 16 | 1 | Settlement Instructions: Derivation table | Transaction Manager |
3142 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_TOLERANCE | 9 | 1 | Tolerance level for dividend payment | Transaction Manager |
3143 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_USER_VAR | 5 | 1 | User settings for display variant | Transaction Manager |
3144 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCORT_VAR_ASSGN | 4 | 1 | Assignment of ALV variants to Display variant | Transaction Manager |
3145 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TCURK | 3 | 1 | Currency Code Table Supplements | Transaction Manager |
3146 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMC_ATTRD_T | 6 | 1 | Texts for Attribute Fields | Transaction Manager |
3147 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMC_ATTRIBUTE | 3 | 1 | Value Table for Attribute Fields | Transaction Manager |
3148 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMC_ATTRIB_T | 5 | 1 | Texts For Attribute Values | Transaction Manager |
3149 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMC_PERIOD | 4 | 1 | Definition of Planning Periods | Transaction Manager |
3150 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMC_PERIOD_T | 4 | 1 | Text Table for Planning Periods | Transaction Manager |
3151 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMC_PROF_TYPE | 2 | 1 | Type of Exposure Planning Profile | Transaction Manager |
3152 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMC_PROF_TYPE_T | 4 | 1 | Text Table for Type of Exposure Planning Profile | Transaction Manager |
3153 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMC_RAWEXP_PROC | 2 | 1 | Global Setting for Handling Release of Raw Exposures | Transaction Manager |
3154 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMTS_ORIGIN | 1 | 1 | Exposure Origin | Transaction Manager |
3155 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMTS_ORIGIN_T | 3 | 1 | Texts for Exposure Origin | Transaction Manager |
3156 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMTS_PRCSTATE | 1 | 1 | Release Status of a Raw Exposure | Transaction Manager |
3157 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMTS_PRCSTATE_T | 3 | 1 | Release Status for Raw Exposures | Transaction Manager |
3158 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMT_FILTER | 7 | 1 | Filter Values for Planning Profile | Transaction Manager |
3159 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMT_POLICY | 24 | 1 | Hedging Policy | Transaction Manager |
3160 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMT_PROFILE | 22 | 1 | Planning profile | Transaction Manager |
3161 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMT_PROFILE_T | 4 | 1 | Text for Planning Profile | Transaction Manager |
3162 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMT_RAWEXPOS | 30 | 3 | Raw Exposure | Transaction Manager |
3163 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMT_VERSEXPOS | 45 | 3 | Versioned Exposure | Transaction Manager |
3164 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEMT_VERSION | 12 | 1 | Versions of a Planning Profile | Transaction Manager |
3165 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TERC_FT_ASSGN | 13 | 1 | Assign Update Types for the Rights Exercise | Transaction Manager |
3166 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TERTINERKO | 42 | 1 | Header Information for Executing Security Rights | Transaction Manager |
3167 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TERTVWBWER | 58 | 1 | TRTM-PM: Flow Table for Executable Rights | Transaction Manager |
3168 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TERTVWERKO | 30 | 3 | Executable Rights (Header) | Transaction Manager |
3169 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TERTVWERPO | 16 | 2 | Executable Rights (Items) | Transaction Manager |
3170 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TERT_FLOW | 47 | 1 | Flow Table for Rights that can be Exercised | Transaction Manager |
3171 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TERT_TRANSACTION | 59 | 3 | Business Transaction: Exercise of Rights | Transaction Manager |
3172 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_ATTRD_T | 6 | 1 | Description of free attributes | Transaction Manager |
3173 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_ATTR_L | 3 | 1 | Attribute values for Long attributes | Transaction Manager |
3174 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_ATTR_L_T | 5 | 1 | Texts for attribute values of short attributes | Transaction Manager |
3175 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_ATTR_M | 3 | 1 | Attribute values for short attributes | Transaction Manager |
3176 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_ATTR_M_T | 5 | 1 | Texts for attribute values of short attributes | Transaction Manager |
3177 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_ATTR_S | 3 | 1 | Attribute values for short attributes | Transaction Manager |
3178 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_ATTR_S_T | 5 | 1 | Texts for attribute values of short attributes | Transaction Manager |
3179 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_EXPC_SEQ | 2 | 1 | Exposure Category Sequence Type | Transaction Manager |
3180 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_EXPC_SEQ_A | 4 | 1 | Assignment of Exposure Category Sequence Type | Transaction Manager |
3181 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_EXPC_SEQ_D | 5 | 1 | Define Exposure Category Sequence | Transaction Manager |
3182 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_EXPC_SEQ_T | 4 | 1 | Description Exposure Category Sequence Type | Transaction Manager |
3183 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_EXPTYP_FLDS | 3 | 1 | Exposure Type Fields | Transaction Manager |
3184 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_EXP_ACT | 2 | 1 | Exposure Activity | Transaction Manager |
3185 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_EXP_ACT_T | 4 | 1 | Description Exposure Activity | Transaction Manager |
3186 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_EXP_CAT | 5 | 1 | Exposure Category | Transaction Manager |
3187 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_EXP_CAT_T | 4 | 1 | Description Exposure Category | Transaction Manager |
3188 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_EXP_FLW_TYP | 11 | 1 | Raw Exposure Activity Type | Transaction Manager |
3189 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_EXP_GLB_SET | 3 | 1 | Exposure Management NeXt Gen. Global Settings | Transaction Manager |
3190 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_EXP_TYPE | 8 | 1 | Exposure Position Type | Transaction Manager |
3191 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_EXP_TYPE_T | 4 | 1 | Exposure Position Type Text | Transaction Manager |
3192 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_EX_FL_TYP_T | 4 | 1 | Raw Exposure Activity Type Text | Transaction Manager |
3193 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_INT_MES | 4 | 1 | Handling of messages in the Treasury Exposure Notification | Transaction Manager |
3194 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXC_MAP_IN | 8 | 1 | Mapping for Incoming Raw Exposures | Transaction Manager |
3195 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXTC_ARCHIVE | 3 | 1 | Minimum retention period per company code for archiving | Transaction Manager |
3196 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXTS_ACTIVITY | 1 | 1 | Sub item / Sub raw exposure activity table | Transaction Manager |
3197 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXTS_ACTIVITY_T | 3 | 1 | Text table for activities | Transaction Manager |
3198 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXTS_ATTRSUF | 1 | 1 | Suffixes of free attributes | Transaction Manager |
3199 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXTS_ATTRSUF_T | 3 | 1 | Suffixes of free attributes | Transaction Manager |
3200 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXTS_FLOWCAT | 1 | 1 | Flow categories | Transaction Manager |
3201 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXTS_FLOWCAT_T | 3 | 1 | Flow category texts | Transaction Manager |
3202 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXTS_KEYFIG | 4 | 1 | Key Figures of Exposure Positions | Transaction Manager |
3203 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXTS_KEYFIG_T | 3 | 1 | Description of Key Figures | Transaction Manager |
3204 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXT_ARCH_CTRL | 7 | 1 | Control table for Exposure Archiving | Transaction Manager |
3205 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXT_ARCH_LOG | 10 | 1 | Archive trace log info | Transaction Manager |
3206 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXT_COMM_LOG | 8 | 1 | Communication log | Transaction Manager |
3207 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXT_CTY_SPLIT | 5 | 1 | Maintenance of Commodity Split Items | Transaction Manager |
3208 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXT_POSF_PRICES | 20 | 2 | Exposure Position Flow Pricing Data | Transaction Manager |
3209 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXT_POSITIONS | 62 | 4 | Exposure Positions | Transaction Manager |
3210 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXT_POS_FLOW | 61 | 2 | Exposure Position Flows | Transaction Manager |
3211 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXT_RAWEXPOS | 32 | 3 | Raw Exposure | Transaction Manager |
3212 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXT_REXP_DLY | 7 | 1 | Raw Exposure Item Delivery Data | Transaction Manager |
3213 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXT_REXP_ITEM | 48 | 1 | Raw Exposure Item | Transaction Manager |
3214 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXT_REXP_PRICES | 16 | 1 | Raw Exposure Item Pricing Data | Transaction Manager |
3215 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXT_REXP_SUBIT | 19 | 1 | Sub Raw Exposures (Split Items) | Transaction Manager |
3216 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | TEXT_TRANSACTION | 56 | 1 | Unmatched Exposure Business Transactions | Transaction Manager |
3217 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | THAC_HD_SETUP | 3 | 1 | Config for the (Implicit) hypothetical Derivative | Transaction Manager |
3218 | ERP EHP7 | 6.0 | THAC_HR_DOCU | 28 | 1 | E-HA: Documentation Control | Transaction Manager |
3219 | ERP EHP7 |